#Cheap Holidays to Ibiza
wileys-russo · 19 days
body slammer II a.russo
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body slammer II a.russo
alessia was dancing like a mad woman beside ella in the poolside beach club, her carefree good mood fueled by many cocktails and the company of some of her best friends in the off season during a well earned little vacation.
it felt like years since she had been able to take a proper break and go on holiday, and to do it with the girls she hardly ever got to see all together from multiple aspects of her life only made it all the more enjoyable and easy for her to let loose knowing everyone was actually gettin along.
“less i’m gonna grab another one! you good?” ella yelled to her, cupping her hand around her ear due to deafening house music pumping around them.
“yeah i’m still goin!” alessia confirmed, yelling back and holding up her drink she’d only taken a few sips out of, the shorter girl beside her sending her a toothy grin and thumbs up before melting away into the crowd.
looking around and spotting the rest of their group not too far away alessia started to make her way over there, mumbling apologies as she elbowed her way through the throng of drunken party goers.
she had almost made it to her friends when she felt someone slam into her back, sending her hurtling forward and meaning her own body smacked into someone else’s, her drink going all over them as alessias eyes widened.
she opened her mouth to immediately ramble out a hasty apology but as the girl she’d just accidentally swilled turned around alessia seemingly went mute, apology drying up on her tongue before she could make it.
the girl was gorgeous, and it had alessia feeling light headed in a way she knew wasn’t just the alcohol currently pumping through her.
“i am so so sorry!” the blonde finally managed to spit out, the mystery girl simply grinning at her. “don’t be. i’d never wear anything here i didn’t expect to be covered in some sort of liquid, its like a zoo in there!” she laughed nodding behind alessia to the thickening crowd of sweaty bodies building behind her.
“you’re telling me, though i think whoever just rammed me might have actually realigned my spine?” alessia joked, stomach fluttering as she was rewarded with a loud bout of laughter from the girl in front of her.
“sounds like you should go thank them! chiropractors don’t come cheap you know.” the girl teased, her nose scrunching up as she grinned and alessia once more swooned.
“can i buy you another drink?” the blonde moved a little closer due to the noise and offered sincerely. “you’re offering to get me a drink when you just spilled yours?” you asked with an amused smile, alessia’s cheeks flushing red with embarrassment as she nodded none the less.
“you’re cute. i should go find my friends before one of them disappears in there, once calvin harris starts later i fear i may not ever be able to get them back.” you’d grinned, and before alessia could even say another word you’d pressed a kiss to her cheek and you were gone, leaving the blonde tenderly touching her face which burned where your lips had just been.
with a deflated huff she dumped her now empty cup onto a nearby table and continued on her way to find her friends, throwing herself down onto a sun lounge.
“woah now! we’re in ibiza baby, why the long face?” katie asked as she sat down beside the blonde. “i bumped into a cute girl, spilled my drink all over her and didn’t even get her name before she dissapeared!” alessia groaned, dragging her hands down her face before flicking her sunglasses off the top of her head and sliding them onto the bridge of her nose.
“i’ll say it again we’re in ibiza russo there’s loads of fit girls around, go find someone else to dance and flirt with!” katie shouted, handing the blonde her drink to finish off and running away after vic who snatched her sunglasses off her head.
sculling the last few mouthfuls of the lukewarm tequila alessia winced at the alcohol burning it’s way down her throat before deciding to heed anna’s words.
she grabbed ella’s hand as her friend returned, dragging them both back onto the dance floor.
but hard as she tried to dance and drink the afternoon away to forget you, you were a thought that consistently lingered in the back of alessia’s mind.
which is why when she heard someone call out her name and quickly turned, knocking into someone who stood a lot closer than she had bargained, alessias hands quickly steadying them as they slipped, a smile tugged at her lips seeing she had once again bumped into you, literally.
“i’m beginning to think you’re doing this on purpose now!” you teased, alessia instantly noticing you’d ditched the top she’d spilled her drink all over last time and your top half was now only just covered by a bright green bikini. it took all of her willpower to focus her eyes on you and not your partially exposed chest.
“no i think this time’s on you!” alessia grinned, her left hand resting on your waist where she’d grabbed at you to stop you from falling over. “alessia.” the blonde removed her hand from your side and held it out with a beaming white toothed smile as she introduced herself.
“then consider us even!” you winked, cheekily snatching her drink from her right hand and once again melting away into the crowd.
“hey! you pinch my drink and i don’t even get to know your name?” alessia didn’t let you get away so easily this time, shouldering her way over to you and slinging an arm lazily around your waist to stop you from running away again.
“i believe in fate alessia, so let’s see if this happens again then and maybe you can get my name if you’re lucky.” you shamelessly flirted, sending her one more wink and again kissing her cheek before charging off after your friends into the crowd.
“unbelievable.” alessia threw her head back with a groan before hands fell to her shoulders and her friends surrounded her, dragging her away with them as the sun began to set, bathing the cluster of drunken sweaty bodies below in a golden orange glow.
deciding that it clearly wasn’t meant to be, alessia didn’t even know your name let alone if you were into girls, she forced you once again to the back of her mind, throwing down shots and cheering loudly as they announced calvin harris.
“let’s go!” hands intertwined with hers as her group pushed in closer toward the stage, alessia almost tripping over her own feet she was tugged aggressively into the crowd, though she waved it off with a tipsy laugh as she hugged her friends and whooped loudly as the familiar bass started to boom beneath their feet.
the set was halfway through when alessia once again spotted you, huddled a few feet away inbetween a group of girls and throwing your head back with a laugh as one of them poked at you, twirling you around and forcing alessia ignored the weird jealous clenching of her stomach at the sight.
she heard her friends yell out for her as she began to break away from them, fueled by tequila shots and liquid confidence she shrugged off their hands and made a beeline toward you.
unbeknownst to alessia you’d already spotted her a few moments earlier, yelling in your friends ear that the girl you’d been flirting with before had indeed found you again like you hoped.
which was why it came as no surprise to you when your best friend twirled you around, “accidentally” shoving you backwards and sending your body hurtling into alessia’s whose hands again grabbed protectively at your hips to stop you from taking the two of you down onto the ground.
“we simply have to stop meeting like this.” you grinned, your friend winking at you from behind the blonde and holding her drink up in a silent cheers before turning away back to your group.
“third time seems the charm then, i’m alessia.” the taller girl wasted no time introducing herself again, knowing it meant you would need to finally reveal your own name.
“so you already said.” you teased, purposefully not giving in to what you knew she was after and watching the girl in front of you shake her head with a knowing smirk.
“it’s not nice to lie, i believe you said if this happened again i’d finally get your name.” alessias body pressed in closer to yours, her hand moving to sit at the small of your back as your own stomach now fluttered.
“I said if you were lucky!”
“well i’m certainly feeling lucky. if i do get your name then maybe you’ll be forgiven for stealing two drinks from me.”
“stealing two drinks? i think you’ll find i’m the one whose still owed an apology body slammer!”
“give me your name and maybe you’ll get a third drink and an apology.” alessia bargained, tilting her head with a sly grin as you shook your own in amusement.
“y/n.” you finally revealed, someone knocking into you from behind meaning you were thrust even closer into alessia, both of you now chest to chest as you both shared a smile, clearly not minding.
“come on then body slammer.” you grabbed her hand tugging her with you as alessia laughed at her apparent new nickname, the music getting louder and louder as pushed deeper into the crowd.
alessia tensed in surprise as you stopped and grabbed her hands, placing them on you as you started to dance, purposefully pressing yourself into her.
recovering from the brief shock the blonde wasted no time in pulling your body tightly into hers, the two of you grinding against one another to the beat, surrounded by hundreds of drunken party goers all doing the same.
by the third song you’d turned so the two of you were now dancing face to face and alessia couldn’t help but find her eyes flickering down to your lips every few seconds, a habit which didn’t go unnoticed to you as your arms wrapped around the back of her neck.
the two of you now locked eyes and you nodded reassuringly as the taller girl leant down but paused briefly, craning your neck to meet her halfway, both of your stomachs doing backflips as your lips met.
neither one of you sober it didn’t take long until the kiss became a little sloppy, alessia ramming her tongue down your throat as you held back a moan and forced yourself to pull away.
over her shoulder you noticed one of your friends frantically waving toward you, struggling to hold up your best friend who had clearly had too much to drink, signalling they were leaving.
leaning in again you shouted your phone number into the blondes ear, removing her hands from where they’d wandered dangerously low down your body and striding off toward your friends without another word, leaving the striker positively dumbstruck behind you.
“i better get a message body slammer, you still owe me that third drink, and an apology!” you turned to call out teasingly toward her, alessias once defeated expression quickly brightening as she scrambled to pull her phone out of her bag.
and it was safe to say you most certainly did get a message, and it was far from the last you saw of the blonde.
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
Frequently Asked Questions
This post answers the following questions:
Who are the Catalans? Where are you?
Which are the Catalan Countries? (each Catalan country)
Where can I learn the Catalan language? (free online resources and where to find classes)
What social media accounts can I follow that post in Catalan?
If your question isn't answered here, you're more than welcome to send me an ask!
1. Who are the Catalans? Where are they?
Catalan people are a cultural group who come from the area known as the Catalan Countries. We speak the Catalan language (a language that descends from Latin) and have a distinct culture (cuisine, traditions, holidays, dances, music, literature, etc) and history since the Middle Ages.
Our nation is the Catalan Countries, located in the coast of the Mediterranean sea, in South-Western Europe.
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As a result of past wars and invasions, most of the Catalan Countries are under Spanish rule and a part of it is under French rule (+1 city in Italy). In fact, Spain and France have harshly persecuted, illegalized and tried to exterminate the Catalan language and culture for a long time, well into the 20th century. But Catalan people have survived the ethnocide and we still exist, even though we continue to face discrimination and there are some settings where it's still not legal to speak Catalan (for example, public schools in the French-controlled part, or European Union ambits, among some others).
There is also Catalan diaspora around the world.
We are not a closed culture, we are very open to foreigners learning our language and culture, and the Catalan diaspora often organizes celebrations for our holidays or groups to do traditional activities (most famously the castellers, aka human towers) that everyone can join.
2. Which are the Catalan Countries?
We say the Catalan Countries in plural because it's made of different areas for historical reasons. The Catalan Countries are all the areas where Catalan is the native language, which have historically been part of a whole, and which share a common culture (with local variants, of course). Here they are:
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From North to South:
Northern Catalonia. Capital city: Perpinyà. It's under French administration (part of the region Occitanie in the new French regions system, used to be Languedoc-Roussillon in the old one).
Andorra. Capital city: Andorra la Vella. It's an independent microstate.
Catalonia. Capital city: Barcelona. It's under Spanish administration (it's the Catalonia region in the Spanish regions system).
Eastern Strip, also called Aragon Strip. It's under Spanish administration (it's part of the region of Aragon in the Spanish regions system).
Balearic Islands, including Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa (in English also known as Ibiza) and Formentera. Capital city: Palma. Under Spanish administration (Balearics region in the Spanish regions system).
Valencian Country. Capital city: València. Under Spanish administration (called Valencian Community in the Spanish regions system).
El Carxe. Tiny rural area. Under Spanish administration (part of the Region of Murcia in the Spanish regions system).
L'Alguer. One city in the island of Sardinia. Under Italian administration (part of the region of Sardinia in the Italian regions system).
3. Where can I learn the Catalan language?
We are thrilled that you want to learn our language. Catalan people love it when others learn our language. Here I'll link you to classes and free online resources.
If you want face-to-face classes outside of the Catalan Countries, you can check this website to find if there's a university that offers Catalan classes near you. There are 101 around Europe, 25 in North America and Cuba, 5 in Asia, and 4 in South America. Students from these courses can also participate in language stays and internships in the Catalan Countries.
If you're already in the Catalan Countries, you will easily find courses for foreigners which the government offers for free or for a cheap price (depending on the level and each person's economic situation). Check out your local CPNL (Consorci per la Normalització Lingüística).
If you want to learn independently on the internet, there are two resources I recommend the most, both are available online for free.
One is the book "Life in Catalonia. Learn Catalan from..." that you can find in various languages. Here I add the link to the official government page where you can legally download the PDFs for free, you only have to scroll down and click under where it says "text complet". You can find the book Learn Catalan from English, from Spanish, from Arabic, from Tamazight, from French, from Hindi, from Urdu, from Punjabi, from Romanian, from Russian, and from Chinese.
The other resource I recommend the most is the online course Parla.cat. It has different levels for beginners or advanced learners. You have to create an account (it asks for an official document number, don't worry about it, it's not a sketchy site, it's because it's an official course paid by the government of Catalonia and if you immigrated to Catalonia having taken this course would officially count as a language course and can give you some benefits). You can either use it for free (all the learning material is available in the free version) or you can use the paying version. In the paid version, you will get assigned a language teacher from Catalonia who can help you and correct you.
There are many more resources. You can find more free resources in this post, this post, or in this link.
Here you have some recommendations to start practising. And remember that you can watch Catalonia's public TV streaming service 3Cat for free from anywhere in the world!
4. I want to follow social media accounts that post in Catalan. Can you tell me some?
Of course! According to the WWW Consortium, Catalan is the 35th most used language on the Internet, out of the more than 7,000 languages in the world.
Here's some lists with recommendations by topic:
Anime and manga
Travel accounts
Fashion and lifestyle
More lists will be coming soon
If your question wasn't answered, you can send me a question clicking here. 🙂 You can also browse this blog by topics here.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 5 months
Welcome back ange sorry about the horrors lol
So because Ewan is visiting my beloved Mexico:
Ewanverse characters ft vacation spots
The horrors that you, personally, have caused 😉 thank you! 💕
I am so jealous that he is getting to visit all of the places I want to; first São Paulo, the home of my beloved caipirinha. Now, Mexico, the country that has some of the best food in the world.
This is a fun one!
Abraham - doesn’t go abroad. Has a long weekend in one of the holiday parks in the New Forest; both beaches and woodland to explore, free roaming ponies, and lots of old man pubs to drink ale in.
Aemond - Bergen in Norway. Lots of dark history and mountains to climb. Endless photos of him posing in front of stave churches.
Billy Taylor - a trip to Brighton beach. Visits the fun fair on the pier and brings back a stick of rock.
Billy Washington - goes to Ibiza or Magaluf because it’s where all of his mates tend to go. Eats only English food the entire time he’s there, gets radioactive looking sunburn and wakes up every day with a hangover. Returns home feeling worse than before he left.
Ettore - would probably want to do one of those guided tours of Pripyat to visit the Chernobyl reactor.
Genyen - Thailand, duh.
Michael - Geneva, to learn more about the Hadron Collider. Wears socks and sandals the entire time.
Osferth - enjoys a break in the British countryside. Would enjoy a long weekend in the Peak District or the Cotswolds.
Tom - Prague! Cheap booze and the stag party culture would suit him perfectly.
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influencermagazineuk · 4 months
easyJet Rolls Out Flights to France and Spain Holiday Destinations
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UK tourists looking to visit Spain or France have just gotten an easier path to their next holiday. British airline group easyJet has added new flight packages to Sitges and Corsica. Travelers can start their journey from Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, and Newcastle and head to their holiday of choice.  Sitges is a popular beach and clubbing hotspot in Spain, perfect for holidaymakers seeking out the culture and sunshine of the Spanish peninsula. It is also one of the biggest hubs for LGBTQ+-friendly sites and activities. For those wanting a relaxing vacation beneath the greenery of pine forests and stunning mountain views, the French island of Corsica is the package on offer.  Flying with easyJet These new holiday spots add more destinations to an already robust selection of locations within easyJet’s packages. The carrier earned its reputation as a low-cost option, providing cheap flights and hotel packages to customers across Europe and beyond for a fraction of the price other transport options provide. Spain and France also had other fantastic travel spots within easyJet’s system before adding travel itineraries to these two new islands, such as the famous and culturally rich destinations of Lyon and Ibiza.  Online booking has been the primary driver for easyJet’s growth, with flyers using the Low Fare Finder on their website to compare various flight prices for any selected destination. This function also shows the best dates and times to fly based on a customer’s budget. Whether going for one-way or round-trip flights, the platform automatically stores information that can be accessed via the app. Last-minute bookings during peak season see higher prices than their usual offers, but this is generally still more affordable than its contemporaries. Last-minute deals are also categorised separately and can be booked on the same day if the flight hasn’t been sold out yet.  The new rollout is part of the carrier’s effort to expand its services and add value to the easyJet Plus Membership. Membership comes with seat selection, year-long benefits, a large cabin bag for every flight, and discounts on in-flight purchases. Of course, those who do not take on the membership still have access to flight deals and hotel packages. These potentially include luggage allocation of 23kg, airport transfers, and accommodation.  Variety also adds to the appeal of flying with the carrier, as destinations and packages are not limited to one theme. Different holidays to match varying tastes and interests are available, from the iconic and vibrant city of Amsterdam to the sleepy hills and awe-inspiring architecture of North Macedonia. This makes the platform great for navigating whether you are planning a vacation with children or a trip a 96-year-old can fly. These flights are certified safe for senior citizens as long as, by regulation standards, the passenger is determined to be mentally and physically able to comply with safety instructions and emergency guidelines.  Holiday Buzz for France and Spain  easyJet’s introduction of new France and Spain flights comes at a crucial time when there is much demand for travel to these locations. The upcoming Paris Olympics 2024 is drawing tons of attention, with flight bookings up 125% compared to the previous year. On top of this, France retains its position as the most popular holiday destination in Europe.  Spain’s popularity has also increased, leading to a surge in prices. All-inclusive packages from other industry sources have jumped quite a bit, with the average package price going up by 15%. Data from TravelSupermarket has even found that a week in hugely favoured areas like Majorca is 21% more expensive than it was in 2022.  In combination with the general price increase, travel has become more of an investment for most travellers. With that, easyJet’s rollout comes right in time and marks a promising turn for those who want to travel on a budget.  Read the full article
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earaercircular · 2 years
Mallorca's mass tourism should go green
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In the last year before the 2019 pandemic, 29.7 million passengers and 217,218 take-offs and landings were registered in Mallorca.
In terms of numbers of visitors, Mallorca and the Balearic Islands have been at the top for years, and now the Spanish archipelago in the Mediterranean also wants to be at the forefront when it comes to environmental protection.
In the last year before the 2019 pandemic, around 11.8 million tourists came to the Mediterranean island with the infamous Ballermann[1]. The Balearic Islands[2], which in addition to Mallorca also include Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera, even welcomed 16.5 million visitors. And this year there could be even more people relaxing on the sunny beaches or going hiking in Mallorca's Tramuntana mountains.
Many would be willing to pay more
Even some of the approximately 912,000 locals on Mallorca, whose prosperity depends on tourism[3], are beginning to feel uncanny. "I walk through the city centre of my childhood and don't know anyone anymore, just tourists, somehow strangers," complains a woman from Palma. She can no longer live there because the rents are too high due to the demand from foreigners.
The strongest argument for a change of course, however, are the increasingly dramatic effects of climate change. The summer was extremely hot, there was no rain and even in autumn the temperatures were still above 30 degrees. The Balearic Islands therefore want to limit tourism and become exemplary in environmental protection.
The archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, that belongs to Spain, is to become the first holiday region in the world with sustainable mass tourism and a circular economy. This benefits the environment, locals, employees and holidaymakers, says the regional government. And of course this will attract holidaymakers, who are increasingly worried about the climate, to Mallorca. A street survey of German vacationers shows that many would be willing to pay more for it.
"Of course, environmental protection, sustainability, circular economy, of course everyone likes that. But nobody has the faintest idea how to organise a relinquishment without everything collapsing," complains Julian Ferrer, who runs a chain of restaurants and who is co-initiator of the quality offensive Palma Beach against drinking tourism at the Ballermann. After all, tourism contributes around 35 percent to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Balearic Islands.
Distribute visitors better over the year
Despite the criticism, the island government is convinced that it has taken the right direction with a new tourism law[4]. "The new law initially prescribes a moratorium on the number of tourist beds, currently 630,000 for the Balearic Islands," said the regional Minister for Tourism and Economy, Iago Negueruela, of the German Press Agency. "Most months of the year we don't have a problem with too many tourists, only in the summer months. That's why we need to better spread the visitors over the year."
In the long term, however, the number of overnight accommodations should then be slowly reduced. "We are thinking of a mechanism whereby any hotel owner wishing to offer a new accommodation option for a holidaymaker would have to buy up two existing hotel bed licenses at another property," explains the socialist. In addition, the state is just starting to buy up old, cheap hotels and then shut them down without replacement.
At the same time, the hotels, restaurants and other parts of the tourism industry on the islands are to be gradually forced to operate in a more environmentally friendly manner. To do this, they first have to present annual reports on how much energy and water they use, what waste they produce and where they get their food from. In five-year plans, they then have to commit to specific steps to reduce energy and water consumption as well as the amount of waste and to buy groceries as locally as possible.
Climate-friendly building technology is promoted
On many country estates that offer rooms, this already works. In the Finca Sa Maniga near Bunyola[5] you can help with the almond harvest, pick lemons or grapes and there are typical dishes of the island for an opulent breakfast. "But we just don't know where to set up solar panels, because they're not allowed on the roof here," says Antonia Llado, who is the second generation to run the historic house in the Tramuntana with her parents Teresa and Miguel. So the oil heater will continue to run for the time being.
The public sector wants to support the development towards more environmental protection with subsidies of 60 million euros. It is about the installation of photovoltaic systems, better insulation of the houses, more economical use of water, the use of exhaust air heat, the switch to electrical devices such as in kitchens and for water heating or electric cars.
But it is also about the health of the staff. The hotels should buy height-adjustable beds to make the work of the women who prepare the rooms easier and to save them back problems. Ferrer is skeptical. "These beds cost eight times as much as a normal bed, are technically fragile, and it's not clear whether that's easy on the backs of the staff," he complains.
Mallorca is too small for today's tourism
Environmentalists are also critical of the island government's legislative initiative, but for different reasons. "We welcome the goals of the law, but they shouldn't be financed with public money. The tourism industry has enough money itself," says Margalida Ramis from the environmental group GOB[6] on Mallorca. In addition, the industry is given too much time for environmental measures. Today's level of tourism is just too big for the island. There is neither enough agricultural land nor enough space for solar systems and wind farms to provide food, water and green energy for millions of holidaymakers and locals.
The head of purchasing at the luxury hotel Son Vida in Palma, Francisco Balcázar, sees the new law positively. "We are pioneers in some areas when it comes to sustainability and the circular economy," says the manager, who is also responsible for all environmental issues in the company.
And Balcázar has a lot to show for it. The Son Vida and two other Majorca hotels belonging to the German Schörghuber Group[7] are already equipped with solar systems and water-saving technology. The conversion to electrical devices is also underway. "Because we only get electricity from renewable sources, that's the way to stop releasing carbon dioxide," he says. The Sheraton Mallorca Arabella Golf Hotel, which also belongs to the group, has been fully electrified since the summer and is therefore no longer releasing any carbon dioxide.
Natural capital and the flight problem
Farmers on the island who replace artificial fertilisers with compost made from the organic waste from the hotel's kitchen and gardens are paid a higher price for their produce. And the guests can then use a QR code at the breakfast buffet to find out which chicken laid the breakfast egg and which farmer harvested the tomato on the plate, how much biogas was produced and how much carbon dioxide was saved through local and ecological production. All environmental investments are not just about how quickly they pay for themselves. "We are aware that Mallorca's environment is our natural capital. Holidaymakers only come to the Baleares because of this nature," says the manager.
The element the Balearic Islands, politicians and committed tourism managers like Balcázar, have no influence on are the flights that holidaymakers take to the island, that are very harmful to the climate. According to the airport operator Aena[8], 29.7 million passengers and 217,218 take-offs and landings were registered in Mallorca in the last year before the 2019 pandemic. This year there should be about as many.
dpa-infocom, Mallorcas Massentourismus soll grün werden, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 9-11-2022, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/reise/tourismus-und-klimawandel-mallorcas-massentourismus-soll-gruen-werden-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-221109-99-446915
[1] Ballermann is a typical German expression that you only hear and see in Mallorca. Ballermann is the name for the beach bar in S'Arenal and is located at Balneario number 6. Ballermann by extension has become the name for the entire area on the Balneario, a long road of more than 4 km long where about 15 beach bars have been built, all with their own theme and the motto drink a lot and party more.
[2] The Balearic Islands (Catalan: Illes Balears; Spanish: Islas Baleares) are an archipelago in the Balearic Sea, near the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. The archipelago is an autonomous community and a province of Spain; its capital is Palma. The official languages of the Balearic Islands are Catalan and Spanish. Its four largest islands are Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, and Formentera. Many of its minor islands and islets are close to the larger islands, including Cabrera, Dragonera, and S'Espalmador.
[3] Tourism is booming worldwide - fantastic beaches and inexpensive city trips attract millions of tourists to the most beautiful places in the world every year. But in addition to the many glossy brochures, tourism also has its downsides: Overcrowded holiday resorts and the sometimes unrestrained construction of hotel complexes and infrastructure cause environmental pollution in many places and burden the population. On the other hand, if tourists stay away, this can drive a holiday region into financial ruin.
[4] On Tuesday 31-5-2022 the Balearic Parliament has approved a new Tourism Law, that is committed to circularity and sustainability. The law will allow the expansion in volume of hotels by 15% in exchange for a 5% reduction in the number of beds and even authorises the change of use of establishments so that they can be converted into homes. The new Law includes also a series of measures that will allow a more inclusive and sustainable economic growth, an improvement in coexistence between workers, residents and tourists, a more efficient use of resources, and a new boost to public-private collaboration, such as establishes the management of European funds. https://www.hosteltur.com/151768_el-parlament-aprueba-la-nueva-ley-de-turismo-de-baleares.html#:~:text=La%20ley%20permitir%C3%A1%20la%20ampliaci%C3%B3n,que%20puedan%20reconvertirse%20en%20viviendas.
[5] Bunyola is a municipality of the island of Mallorca, Spain, located in the spurs of the Serra de Tramuntana, at a distance of 14 km from Palma. The municipality has an area of 84.6 km2 and a population of 6,636 inhabitants, and the Ferrocarril de Sóller passes through it on the way to Palma.
[6] One of the main actors in the preservation of biodiversity in the Balearic Islands has been the Grup Balear d'Ornitologia (GOB, the Balearic Ornithological and Nature Conservation Group). The GOB was created in 1973 and it is the main local conservation NGO and one of the strongest within Spain. https://www.gobmallorca.com/gob/about-us#:~:text=The%20Balearic%20Ornithological%20Group%2C%20GOB,-Since%20the%20mid&text=One%20of%20the%20main%20actors,of%20the%20strongest%20within%20Spain
[7] Schörghuber Unternehmensgruppe (SUG) is a company owned by Schörghuber Stiftung & Co. Holding KG (SHKG). It operates nationally and internationally in the fields of beverages, hotels, salmon farming and processing, construction and real estate.
[8] Aena Aeropuertos SA, commonly abbreviated to AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea), is a Spanish company in charge of the management and development of airports in Spain. It also has interests in airports in Latin America and Great Britain. It also controlled air traffic control in Spanish airspace, but this has been spun off and comes under Enaire, a state-owned company that also controls the Spanish government's equity stake in AENA.
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jamieangel21-blog · 6 years
Holidays to Ibiza provides the perfect atmosphere to experience Beach holidays the way you want. For great Beach Break and exciting offers dial +44 203 598 9823.
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haringtonads-blog · 5 years
Ibiza Holidays | Holidays in Ibiza – Book It Now
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Explore the historical side of Ibiza at Dalt Vila town on Holidays in Ibiza. Find the best deals with Book It Now and get great discounts on Ibiza Holidays. To know more call us at +44 203 883 2847.
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brownalbertuk-blog · 5 years
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Ibiza Holidays | Cheap Holidays in Ibiza – Super Escapes
Enjoy the rhythms of fusion music and Caribbean calypso with Island hopping on Ibiza Holidays. Choose Super Escapes and grab the best deals on Cheap Holidays to Ibiza. Call our experts for more information at +44 203 883 1785.
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So he didn’t put the unforgettable island of Ibiza on his bucket list during the Jubilee bank holiday?as some people said 😅
Ibiza is famous for decades for its "night spree" It has quite a few famous nightclubs and bar areas and "spree" of all kinds. From the cheap booze touring of San Antonio's West End to the posh "Capital" to the gay-friendly Old City within the walls, the older affluent touring areas of Santa Eulalia and a long etcetera.
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... but he chose Amsterdam 😳😂
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Perhaps remembering his time as a bartender, they say the bartenders are amazing in that efficient and impeccable way at Freddy's bar 😅 Located in De L'Europe Amsterdam or would he like to place his booze 🥃 in the Netherlands? 🇳🇱 😂
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Or maybe 🤔 he booked a room in a Posh 19th-century hotel De L'Europe Amsterdam.
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Oooh, I have a question I need help with.
For people in North America, Mexico is the cheap vacation destination since it's relatively close (less expensive flights I guess?) and all-inclusive resorts mean that the full cost is known in advance.
Where would French people go for a similar type of vacation?
(Asking in the context of what a production company might choose for a reality tv show. Asking on anon because it relates to my big bang fic.)
French people like to go on vacation especially during the summer! One of the main destination is... France, mostly in the South where french people can enjoy the sun. We see a lot of tourism between regions and people like to go camping, or stay in a hotel. Corsica is also a very popular touristic destination. France itself is a touristic destination for other countries, mainly Paris because of its many attractions.
Apart from France, we mostly go to the closest European countries, since staying in the EU makes travelling easier (mostly because we can go by car and the currency is the same). Spain, Italy and Portugal are the main choices because it's sunny, the beach is nearby and the cost of living is not that expensive. But we also go to other close countries such as Belgium, Germany or the UK.
Regarding reality TV shows, it mostly depends on the type of show you're looking for. Popular TV shows such as Les Marseillais, Les Anges or Les Ch'tis like to show idyllic destinations : Ibiza, Dubai, Rio and Miami come to mind. The goal is to put all the participants in the same villa in famous places around the world, changing every season. But if the production doesn't have the budget, they'll likely choose cheaper destinations, as long as it feels like a holiday trip : Spanish islands would be great. Now some different types of shows choose different destinations. For example Koh Lanta (adapted from another show, Survivor) first took place in Thailand, then in various places around the world. Since the goal is to survive in the wild of an island, the landscapes are very different from an usual reality TV show.
It really depends on the type of show you're looking for!
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astralfire-xiv · 3 years
Zero shipping headcanons
Had this draft saved on my phone for the longest time and im just gonna dump it here zzzz
Will add more ""ships"" later but for now I'm only putting main ship here. They're not really ships but more... what ifs. I guess?
- Def both bisexuals.
- Actually like to go to big parties from time to time. We’re talking big ass parties and festivals on Ibiza and St. Tropez here.
- A retail worker’s worst fear and a server’s biggest dream.
- Like to spend hours at a cafe/terrace on off days. Tip generously, as long as the server doesn’t bother them. They’ll ask if they need something.
- Probably own a wine cellar even though Zero knows little to nothing about wine. She just trusts Chamber’s expertise.
- Riding a vespa together while on holiday is actually pretty romantic who would have thought. Also Zero is, for once, not complaining and nitpicking about Chamber’s (perfectly fine) driving skills.
- Would live either in the middle of nowhere in the Provence/Ardennes in a renovated château or in a large expensive penthouse in Monaco.
- Chamber likes it when Zero wears lipstick but Zero thinks it makes her look even more pale than she already is.
- if they’re attending the same business party, others will often refer to Chamber as the man with the gold tattoos and Zero as the woman with the silver piercings.
- Sometimes they will just get cheap takeout to eat at the hotel because fancy dinners get boring after a while. Would Netflix a reality series together while eating cheap Chinese takeout.
- Zero would give up her ‘exciting’ life to live with him somewhere under the radar and she’s offered it once but has never gotten a decent answer from him so she just left it at that.
- They mostly buy ‘prank’ gifts for each other because it’s hard to buy something for someone who can just buy whatever they like. When they do finally find a present that’s unique and unexpected, it’s saved for a special occasion.
- Playing board games with these two is living hell because that’s where their competitiveness and pettiness really shines. Never let either of them be the bank in Monopoly.
- Zero is the dedicated driver purely bc Chamber gets tired of her backseat driving when he’s at the wheel. The fact that she even lets Chamber drive is an impressive feat by itself, though.
- Zero likes to sleep on Chamber’s hard ass chest. Probably because she normally sleeps on a singular flat pillow. Idk I don’t think Chamber is very muscular. He’s fit but he doesn’t have dem tiddies or extremely defined packs. Like judging from his skinny legs, he can’t be that broad tbfh.
- Zero hogs the sheets like it’s an olympic sport
- Zero would give Mirror Chamber a try and I’m pretty sure the same goes for Chamber and Mirror Zero.
- Zero treats her own mirror like she’d treat herself but if she and Chamber were an actual thing, I’m pretty sure she’d prioritize him over even her own mirror.
- Chamber likes to poke fun at Zero’s accent but he actually thinks it’s cute and attractive. Zero is very vindictive about it.
- Zero sometimes just feels like dressing the part. Sometimes you need to put emphasis on the power in power couple.
- That said, Zero likes trying on Chamber’s suits even if they’re too big on her. Zero is too skinny for suits anyway so she needs everything not just tailored but fully custom made if she ever gets one. Zero doesn’t like the style and shape of most typically female suits. Zero likes the prettiness of dresses but wouldn’t wear them to work because they’re super impractical.
- Zero tried to introduce Chamber to natural make up only to find out he already knew the tricks and she was very impressed by how open he was about it. But then she realized how vain he is and she just shrugged it off.
- Zero hates it when Chamber uses her silver shampoo but he likes it because it smells nice and because he’s too lazy to grab a new bottle when he’s already in the shower. He might be vain in more ways than one but he can be a bit lazy, too. He’s also very aware of the fact that Zero’s stuff is somewhere in the same price range as his own so it’s probably as good for his hair as his own stuff.
- It’s tradition to try to shoot something with the champagne cork. Bonus points if it breaks.
- Say they don’t smoke but smoke all the time on terraces
- Chamber is the wine drinker while Zero prefers beers and hard liquor. They always have to trade drinks at bars bc their order gets messed up or confused. Only good bartenders will remember it.
- Lunchtime is probably more important than dinner for these two. They’d skip a nice dinner but they’ll never pass on a good brunch/lunch.
- Both coffee drinkers/connaisseurs and will judge your decaf soy double espresso with whipped cream, three pumps of cinnamon syrup and chocolate chips.
- Zero and Chamber would 10/10 compete for frags so they’re rarely on missions together unless Zero is tech support.
- Chamber’s tattoos stop at an awkward place on his back and Zero stuffs her bra but they agreed to never talk about it ever in public.
- Romantically, Zero would never agree to a third party in their relationship. She’s way too possessive. When they’re together, all attention is on her and her alone and in return, she has all her attention on him.
- Chamber is much more easy going and much more likely to get involved with people (bc he wants something from them, wants to toy with them, etc). Zero knows this and agreed to it but simply doesn’t want to hear about his endeavors. He should do as he pleases but he doesn’t have to try to get Zero to care. To Zero, everyone else Chamber is getting on with is insignificant. Only her relationship matters and shouldn’t be influenced by a third party. She also doesn’t bother him with her private affairs. They respect each other enough to keep it to themselves.
- Zero is the one that likes expensive cars and barbecues and Chamber likes reality series and goes to the store to get a pack of milk and some eggs and comes home with the Last Supper.
- Zero’s philosophy when it comes to Chamber’s shenanigans is somewhat along the lines of “At the end of the world, I’ll be waiting for you. And whether that is as a lover, a friend or an enemy, that’s up to you.”
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tootyfrootycasbooty · 5 years
help a bubba out! trying to brainstorm fun holiday destinations that are a) cheap, b) lively nightlife but not Big Club Destinations like ibiza/napa/zante bc i am nearly 24 and not trying to drink €20 mixers or catch chlamydia from an 18 yr old, c) maybe a beach? or not?? im just stuck for ideas tbh please recommend
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travelcenter-uk · 4 years
A Getaway to The Best Beaches in Europe
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When we think about beach vacations, the first thing that pops in to our heads is far-flung exotic beaches with, inviting tropical atmospheres, and we tend to forget that some of the most beautiful beaches in the world are just a few hours away from home. Many places in Europe are scattered with some of the best coastlines in the world, with endless stretches of golden sand, secluded bays, the serene turquoise waters of the vast Mediterranean Sea, and it’s brawling waves. Exceeding the seashores, you will find everything else that should couple with an extreme beach holiday. Surf joints, family-friendly beaches and more! Are you looking for a dreamy beach vacation? Read on to find out about our best selection of the best beaches in Europe.
The best beaches in Italy
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Have you ever visited Italy and become enamoured with its coastlines? Well, you would be surprised by what other coastal beauties Italy has to offer! Miles of stunning coastlines sprinkled with some of the best beaches in Europe. Powder white sand, rugged cliffs, and the clearest waters.
Scala dei Turchi, Sicily
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The seashores of Scala dei Turchi is a stunning coast near Realmonte by a rocky cliff with a striking uniqueness. Its glowing brown sands and the sharp blue seas stands as a stunning contrast against the rough limestone cliffs behind. The area is one of the most popular natural beauties in Sicily.
Atrani, Campania
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Atrani is a small village situated along the Amalfi Coast, is less crowded but very famous in Italy. With its vivid cliffside roost, beautiful churches, and elegant piazzas, the unspoiled beach flows toward the Tyrrhenian Sea, makes it one of the best beaches in Europe.
Isola di Spargi, Sardinia
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Ideally located in the Maddalena Archipelago amidst Corsica and Sardinia, will have you confused with the tropical beach of Tahiti, they are studded in palm trees and dense islands. This beach is one of the best beaches in Europe, with turquoise shoal waters perfect for snorkelling, and the shimmering sand-beds for sunbathing.
Spiaggia di Sansone, Elba Island
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Elba Island in Tuscany is home to many beautiful beaches, with immaculate shores, with a blend of smooth stones and white sand that guides you through shallow tranquillizing waters. A favourite amongst families and snorkelers.
The best beaches in Greece
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Greece takes a top spot on the list of best beaches in Europe, possessing the Mediterranean’s most extensive coastline with diverse beaches of peacock blue waters encircled by volcanic rock formations, bronze sand or smooth seashell shores. There are numerous exotic, sumptuous beaches on the mainland or on a beautiful island that will surely impress you and blow your mind away!
Ornos, Mykonos
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Ornos is a vibrant yet quaint family-friendly beach in the Cyclades isle Mykonos with sandy beaches, warm waters, and every convenience you could wish for on a wonderful beach vacation. A perfect place for the smaller kids to swim in waters that increase with the tides. Sarakiniko.
Glyfada, Corfu
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Corfu, is one of the most adored beaches in the Ionian, is overflowing with beautiful beaches fringed by pine and fir woodlands. Glyfada is one of the liveliest beaches on the island. A family-friendly beach fringed with sunbeds and umbrellas, water sports, and restaurants. A popular beach party hotspot, which draws in an energetic crowd.
Elafonisi, Crete
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Pink tinted sandy beaches because of the tiny seashells, Elafonisi Beach is an unmissable place when visiting Crete, the largest island in Greece. This island is separated by a shoal lagoon and a sandbar—a preserved nature reservation where unique plants flourish.
Navagio, Zakynthos
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Navagio, also known as Shipwreck Beach, is an Instagram famous coast. Situated on the Ionian island of Zakynthos, is considered one of the best beaches in Europe and the world! Teal-blue waters lap the grainy shores where a corroded shipwreck lays immersed in the sand, towered by cliffs.
The best beaches in Spain
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Spain is not only famous for tapas, the flamenco, impressive architecture, and the diverse culture but also popular for some of the best beaches in Europe. With some of the most beautiful islands like Gran Canaria, Mallorca, Ibiza, and Cabrera, Spain hosts captivating beaches that decorate the vast coastlines of the country.
Barceloneta, Barcelona
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Positioned in a traditional fishing town, along the Costa Brava coast, this is one of the oldest and one of the best in Europe. Barceloneta, in Barcelona, is a famous region by the sea, Popular among foodies for seafood tapas.
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Ibiza delights many tourists with its charm and its party vibe. The beaches are diversely beautiful, and many are some of the best beaches in Europe. Secluded coves, legendary beaches, spectacular bays. The best beaches in Ibiza include Calla Bassa, Las Salinas, Aguas Blancas, Cala Llenya, and Cala Moli.
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With some of the best beaches in Europe where tourists flock to sunbathe, swim, or dine on great seafood. The ruggedly beautiful shores and soft sand can be found on the north coast of Mallorca, on beaches like Cala Torta.
Canary Islands
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There is something special about the beaches in the Canary Islands, so many beautiful beaches to choose from. Tenerife, with its vibrant hacienda in La Laguna. Similarly, pristine is the north coast of Lanzarote with its warm waters and golden beaches of Famara beach popular with surfers. Gran Canaria, where the dunes overlook the south while the cold turquoise of the sea shimmers like a bright fantasy.
The best beaches in Portugal
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Bronze sands, set wide across the coasts; and the striking blue Atlantic Ocean; Boho beach vibes, popular surf spots. Some of the best beaches in Europe rests in Portugal, making it the ideal beach vacation.
The Algarve
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The Algarve is a perpetual family favourite, a place renowned for its hot atmosphere, stunning beaches and the legendary sunsets. The most striking beaches include the Ilha da Fuseta and Praia do Carvalho, which are famous for the sea caves.
Portugal’s west-coast beaches & holiday islands
There are many secluded beaches that are yet to be discovered. An alluring scene has been gradually escalating in Comporta, in the south of Lisbon; and further up in the south Costa Vicentina has developed into a popular surf district. The Portuguese archipelagos of the Azores and, in the distant south, Cape Verde, has unbelievable atmospheres and sunshine all year-round, and tranquil places and best beaches in Europe to relax.
The best beaches in Croatia
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Reveal the best beaches in Europe, in Croatia! In classic coastal towns of Dubrovnik, Zadar, and Split have remarkable beaches that are the key points to the secret islands of Croatia. With secluded sandy shores at Kupari, and Sunj beach on Lopud island. Also, the panoramic Stiniva beach was recently named the best beach in Europe.
So, if you’re interested in booking a relaxing getaway to one of the best beaches in Europe, feel free to reach out to us at Travel Center. From promotional offers and other cheap flights, there’s no lack of what we can do to make your trip better.
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/a-getaway-to-the-best-beaches-in-europe/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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theculturedmarxist · 5 years
A black and white portrait of Che Guevara casts a watchful eye over a room adorned with socialist memorabilia from all over the world. A sculpture of two giant marble fists bound by a broken metal chain inscribed with the name “Marinaleda” has pride of place on a grand wooden desk. Behind it sits a small, bearded man wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf and a multicoloured shirt. His name is Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of the last communist town in Spain.
“Capitalism is like King Midas,” he tells me, “everything it touches turns to gold, commodity, trade and death. I think the capitalist system is necrophilous.”
The 70-year-old has run Marinaleda, near Seville, for almost 40 years, having spent decades fighting the system to create his “utopian” village. Many are starting to question whether this “paradise” will last much longer, after the Socialist PSOE failed to gain an absolute majority in Andalusia’s regional elections in December – for the first time in history. For four decades, Marinaleda has been granted free rein under the Socialists but that would not be guaranteed under a right-wing coalition, which could soon be formed between the Partido Popular, Ciudadanos and far-right party Vox.
Perhaps surprisingly, some 44 people in the town voted for the extreme right party, which won its first ever seats in parliament. But it will probably take more than Vox’s 12 seats to topple Europe’s last communist outpost, which has been a unique success story for decades.
As unemployment stands at 22.9 per cent in Andalusia, only 4 per cent of Marinaleda’s 3,000 citizens are out of work and that is mostly “their choice”. Every civilian is offered a job with the same salary and a house with a mortgage of just €15 (£13.50) a month, while the total cost is deducted if the occupant helps towards building and upkeep.
The town’s success lies in a cooperative where villagers work in the fields or factory to earn €47 for a six-and-a-half-hour working day, bringing in €1,200 a month. Even the unemployed receive €400 from Andalusia’s regional government each month. Although large companies and chains are not permitted, the mayor insists he does not stand in the way of small businesses.
As well as 352 hectares of olive groves, Marinaleda also cultivates broccoli, artichokes, broad beans and peppers, which are jarred at the factory and distributed across the country, creating a year-round harvest.
“The more vegetables we cultivate, the more work we create,” says Sánchez Gordillo. “The money from sales is reinvested into the town to improve the community. It is never for anyone’s personal profit. The land is for anyone who wants it.“
Marinaleda’s journey to utopia began after years of deep repression under General Franco’s harsh fascist regime, when Sánchez Gordillo saw “hunger reach the stomachs of many labourer families” with an unemployment rate of 80 per cent.
Four decades later, El Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (The Union of Farm Workers) was born, leading to the first democratic elections held in Spain – in 1979 – since the collapse of the Republican government. The workers’ collective CUT (Colectivo de Unidad de los Trabajadores) gained an absolute majority in Marinaleda and at the age of 30, Sánchez Gordillo was elected mayor – a position he has upheld ever since. 
But “La Lucha” (the fight) would plague the town for another decade as the CUT attempted to take political control over Marinaleda, by staging a 700-strong “hunger strike against hunger”. For more than 90 days Marinaleda villagers occupied the Cortijo de los Humosos, a farmhouse owned by a wealthy duke who left its vast fields uncultivated while families starved. Daily, the Guardia Civil violently expelled them, and daily they returned.
Finally, seven years later, the Andalusian government granted them the land and Marinaleda has never looked back. Now the rustic farmhouse bears the proud words: “This land belongs to all the unemployed labourers of Marinaleda.”
“After all this, we know there is nothing you can’t achieve. Even your wildest dream can become a reality,” says Sánchez Gordillo as we gaze up at a decaying wall painting reading “Tierra Utopia”.
And it is not just local Andalusians who have looked for paradise in this small corner of Spain. Christopher Burke is one of the six British residents living in Marinaleda. The 70-year-old Liverpudlian moved to the town eight years ago with his wife after falling in love with the community spirit during a holiday.
“This place grabs your heart, people are so kind and it’s not about money here,” he says. “It’s great to be part of something that has a different outlook on society and see whether this system is actually achievable. I would say it definitely is.”
He smiles as he tells me how locals regularly pop over with freshly baked bread and recounts stories of the town’s festivals, where even the mayor waits on tables. If it were not for Brexit, Burke says he would never go back to the UK. “If we lose healthcare in Spain I’m absolutely done for because I have glaucoma. It’s a big problem,” he says.
And it seems the town’s folk are also content. As the sweltering sun beats down on us in the lush green fields, young farmer, Alba Martin tells me she has no plans to leave after experiencing life in the outside world.
“The work here is fairer than in other places in Spain,” says the 24-year-old Marinaleda native, speaking from bad experience in Mallorca where she was crippled by her €600-a-month income. “Life is relaxing here, you live well, you’re paid well and above all, things are cheap. The workers are really looked after here.”
Picking broad beans beside her is 42-year-old Antonio Casares, who returned to his native town six years ago after working in construction in Barcelona, Ibiza and others parts of Andalusia. He too worked for a “miserable” salary of €600.
“You can’t live on that,” says Casares, whose wife and teenage daughter work alongside him in the fields. “I had to come back at the beginning of the economic crisis when everything became so expensive. The working days are a lot shorter and life is better here, you feel protected.”
Casares believes in Marinaleda’s model as it has provided almost everyone with a job and he says it’s all thanks to the mayor, who is voted in with an overwhelming majority every year. “If it weren’t for him, we would not have this,” he says gesturing towards Sánchez Gordillo, who is quietly eating freshly picked beans across the field.
It is clear the town’s folk greatly respect the mayor, who was allegedly the subject of multiple assassination attempts by the Guardia Civil for his political protests. He makes time for everyone he bumps into on the street, as they gossip and ask for advice like a close friend. Time, it seems, is not an issue in Marinaleda.
A history teacher until four years ago, Sánchez Gordillo lives on a modest street of small terraced houses. It is well known he has never taken a mayor’s salary and earns the same as everyone else.
“I don’t think anyone is more important than others,” he tells me after asking to be called by his first name as he finds it more “comfortable”.
During the throws of the recession, the revolutionary made international headlines after leading his union to raid supermarkets to provide food for the hungry. Many called him a “Robin Hood”, others a robbing troublemaker.
“The true thief is capitalism,” he insists. “It is a thief of human rights. Europe is the biggest food importer in the world, yet it is throwing its farmers and labourers into bankruptcy.”
And what would he say to people who call him a rebel? “Well I am a rebel,” he responds with a mischievous smile. “Rules are made to be broken.”
Yet when rules are broken in police-free Marinaleda, civilians face nothing more than a stern word from the mayor. “We do not punish anyone. Education is better than repression,” he insists.
However, Burke is concerned some take advantage of the lenient laws of the village.
“Sometimes there’s too much licence for people to do whatever they please,” he says. “Because it has a reputation of having no police, it can attract people buying and selling drugs from other places – like a mini drug market.” 
Although Marinaleda is dubbed communist, the mayor describes it as a melting pot of ideologies – socialism, communism and humanism. He draws inspiration from the likes of Gandhi, Lenin, Marx and, of course, Che Guevara. Unlike strict communist models, he believes this watered-down version can work anywhere in the modern world.
“The main objective should be to conserve public property, such as land, housing and energy,” he explains. “There needs to be a direct exchange between the producer and the consumer, with no private business in the middle. If we continue to be ruled by money and by the selfishness and criminality of the global market, we will be on our way to the Third World War.
“The global system right now is just a new type of fascism,” he adds, while admitting that his “utopian” model is difficult to achieve as many don’t like sharing their wealth or possessions.
As the threat of the right looms like a dark cloud over Marinaleda and with elderly Sánchez Gordillo facing recent severe health problems, there is one question many do not want to confront: what will happen when he is no longer there?
“It’s the $64,000 question,” says Burke. “People want it to carry on but he is the central pillar. There’s no obvious successor.”
And it is too early to know if the mayor’s only son, aged seven, will continue his legacy.
Only Sánchez Gordillo is not worried.
“This is a collective effort,” he says simply. “I’m not sure what will happen but I would like the project to be continued for a future of solidarity. And I have faith it will.”
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ojamies · 5 years
European Itinerary Tips by Rick Steves
Transportation inside Europe (i.e. traveling from city to metropolis) can make up a large percentage of your journey price range, but additionally it is very exhausting to predict how much you’ll spend. There are so many elements that go into how a lot every type of transportation (practice, aircraft, bus, car, and so on.) will price that I can’t actually give a super correct estimate. However, I may give you some general tips and point you to more in-depth articles. There are loads of cheap (and crappy) hotels all throughout Europe — just don’t anticipate much at the finances traveler’s worth range.
But typically price shouldn’t be the only figuring out factor in your trip. If you wish to expertise the sights and sounds of the area people and eat and drink because the locals do, going with a non-all-inclusive possibility is a greater bet.
Two a long time ago, you’d piece collectively a visit based mostly on which cities could be related by helpful train journeys (or, at most, in a single day trains). But today, it’s comparatively low cost and simple to mix, say, Portugal, Poland, and Palermo on a single itinerary. Turning a want list right into a day-by-day itinerary in your European trip isn’t simply smart, it’s enjoyable. Filling in the blanks between the flight out and the flight home is among the extra pleasurable elements of trip planning. It’s armchair travel that turns into actual journey.
To be trustworthy, outside of the capital, there are fairly a number of of the most cost effective cities in Europe which might be based mostly in the Czech Republic. Just make sure to do your homework and go to extra regional cities. Airfare, after all, is dependent upon your origin, destination, and season of journey.
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Ibiza has now discovered a stunning steadiness for those looking to dance til daybreak and households on the lookout for a calming out summer season break. The big superclubs in Ibiza Old Town and San Antonio like Amnesia and Pacha are huge attracts for the youthful crowd. Or search for packages to Playa d’En Bossa for some nice beaches and bars. For households, attempt the waterpark Aguamar or hire some bikes from San Antonio if you want a break from the beach. If you wish to get away from it all, take a day journey by Ferry from Ibiza Town to tiny Formentera.
There might be resort charges, local taxes, or administrative prices, as well as costs for using a secure in your room or choosing premium liquor. Some resorts even carry an added insurance value for unescorted visitors younger than a sure age. You’ll want all those particulars hammered out earlier than booking.
Turning a wish listing into a day-by-day itinerary for your European vacation isn’t just sensible, it’s fun.
State Department travel advisories, and at present has none (that means a trip here is technically safer than visiting France as of 2019).
If you want parties, hit as many festivals, national holidays, and arts seasons as you can (or, when you hate crowds, learn the dates to keep away from).
The good news is that there are times of the yr—and even days of the week—when flying costs much less. Take advantage of online tools and apps which let you browse locations, map itineraries, and even get recommendation from friends or fellow travelers. Be certain crucial sights are open the day you’ll be in town. Remember that most cities shut a lot of their main vacationer points of interest for one day in the course of the week (normally Monday). It could be a shame to be in Paris only on a Tuesday, when the Louvre is fermé.
Days in Europe: 10 Amazing Itineraries
They can be extremely reasonably priced in many cities. My go-to web site for locating rental flats is Airbnb. Rental flats are an particularly good worth if you’re traveling with a number of individuals. There is a wide range of lodging options in Europe — from tremendous low-cost to tremendous expensive.
Hotel Riu Palace Mexico, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Circle your destinations on a map, then work out a logical geographical order and size for your trip. Pin down any places that you have to be on a sure date (and ask yourself if it’s actually value stifling your flexibility). Once you’ve settled on a list, be happy along with your environment friendly plan, and focus any more research and preparation solely on locations that fall along your proposed route.
We do have a guide to finding cheap flights to Europethat will help you get the most effective deal attainable. Most folks select to convey a backpack to Europe. We’ve compiled a listing of our favourite travel backpacksand created a guide on how to choose the right backpack. If you’re on a budget, ask your folks if they've an old backpack or consider buying used.
How do I plan a cheap vacation?
The Holiday Plan are a rock band from Hackney and Islington, London that split up in May 2005, but reformed in June 2006 (performing under a host of different names) Consisting of a bassist/vocalist Matt Rider, as well as two guitarists (Gary Jenkins and Blue Quinn) and drummer (Daniel Bodie), The Holiday Plan play
As you’ve probably realized, hurricanes are a menace here, so think about the time of yr that you simply’re planning on visiting for climate-related considerations. Don’t schedule your self too tightly (a typical tendency). Everyday chores, small business matters, transportation problems, constipation, and planning errors deserve about at some point of slack per week in your itinerary. If your journey is a protracted one, schedule a “trip from your vacation” in the middle of it.
Most journey agents are paid a commission from resorts, airlines or tour operators after they guide a client with them. Some resorts or tour operators pay more fee than others.
The north east is peaceful, with classic sleepy locations like Agni and Agios Stefanos. If you’re eager to get together in your summer season trip then in fact there’s the southern get together city of Kavos.
Of course, train the conventional precautions you'd when touring anywhere, though you’ll probably have no issues here. If you’re in search of a trip that’s free of the devastating potential of hurricanes, is extremely person friendly, and safe, look no additional than Aruba. It additionally has broad enchantment, drawing solo traveler, couples, households, and retirees.
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ernestsinclairs · 6 years
Fun Together - Beckett Harrington
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Beckett Harrington x MC (Bela)
“The holidays are coming up. Winter break. Why don’t you come to the estate?”
“You’ve never been to Ibiza?”
Bela scoffed, accidentally knocking a lit candle off the study table as she reached over to smack his shoulder. The surprised look instantly slid off his face as he reached to catch it. 
“I’m just saying, those are very common travel destinations,” Beckett went on. “Paris, Aspen, Singapore, Dubai-”
“Well, I’m broke, Beckett,” Bela retorted playfully. “Not everyone is as rich as you.”
She narrowed her eyes looking him over. Perfectly styled hair, smart looking blazer with an embroidered crest, a Chopard watch on his left wrist. 
“Tell me, Beckett Harrington,” Bela went on. “Are you one of those people with a private jet? Have a butler named Alfred?”
“His name is Henry, but yes.”
“You see, Beckett,” Bela teased. “We mortals don’t have that. We had economy seats on airplanes and cheap microwave food in college. Not personal helicopters and eggs Benedict every morning.”
“It’s not all like that, you know,” he protested. “We do some of our own stuff too. I had to prep my own ski equipment once.”
“And how did that turn out?”
Beckett’s ears blushed pink in a telltale sign.
“Not well.”
“Exactly,” Bela said. “Look at that, I predicted it. Maybe that’s my third Attunement.”
“Some psychic you are,” Beckett scoffed. “If you couldn’t even see this one coming.”
“What coming?”
Beckett opened his mouth, then closed it again without any sound coming out. His smooth facade was gone in that moment, replaced by that sweet, awkward boy Bela had grown to know and love. He finally regained his composure and opened his mouth to speak again.
“Travel. You’ve never been. Why don’t you?’
Bela tilted her head, trying to make sense of her words.
“Beckett . . . what are you trying to tell me?”
“The holidays are coming up. Winter break. Why don’t you come to the estate?”
“Your home?” Bela asked surprisedly. He’d never talked about his home much, except those late night talks about his sister and father, and the pedestal of his family name bearing down on him. Never good memories. Never any funny stories. This had reared out of the blue, and it would be an understatement to say she was caught off guard.
“No, not my home,” Beckett clarified. “My other one. Our estate in Wiltshire. Or the vineyard in Tuscany. Although there’s not much to do there this time of year.”
There was a moment of silence in the air, and he immediately launched into a defense.
“It’s perfectly all right if you don’t want to come. I know, it’s overbearing - and it’s a little hard - we replaced the head of staff last summer, and she’s-”
She silenced him with a kiss. Pushing past a stray history book, Bela pressed her lips to his, an action he delicately returned. Faint wisps of his cologne wreathed the air around them, and he softly touched her side as if debating whether or not to pull her close.
“I’d love to come, Harrington,” Bela said teasingly, running a finger down his jawline. “I think we’d have a lot of fun together.”
Beckett turned rose red, and she threw her head back in a laugh. A few other students in the adjacent study rooms picked up on it, but said nothing, turning back to their work. 
“I’ll see you at four, Beckett,” Bela said, sweeping up her things into her bookbag and bidding him goodbye. “You have the conference with Professor Kontos in ten minutes? Don’t you remember?”
“I think he can wait,” he said, the awkwardness gone for a moment, and grabbing her hand, spinning her back to the table.
“Like you said, we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”
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