#pixelberry fanfiction
kristinamae093 · 8 months
Ghosted - Two Steps Back (Chapter Ten)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N 1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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After the Regatta
Penelope hobbled to her room on a sore foot and a painfully bruised ego. This wasn’t going as expected; advisors told her toward the beginning of the season she might stand a chance, but after only the first few events, they hastily changed their tone. Between Madeleine, Riley, and Olivia, they knew Penelope would not be the new king’s choice.  
Regardless, Penelope was enjoying her time away. The friends she’d made were irreplaceable; she and Kiara formed an everlasting bond. Even Riley was incredibly friendly, despite her commoner status. Penelope was rooting for Riley to win it all because she was genuinely a nice person, and Penelope was looking forward to what Cordonia could look like with her as queen. 
Penelope approached her door whilst humming to herself. The day was long, and she was relieved to be in the comfortable solace of her own space. She planned on calling her parents for their daily video chat, and to get some doggy face time to tide her over while away. Her anxiety was through the roof without having them close, but the friendships she’d made were a momentary distraction. She was glad the ladies were nice enough; otherwise, this experience would’ve been a nightmare. 
Penelope entered and made a bee-line for the bathroom. She did her business, washed her hands, and bounced her way over to the dresser to get more comfortable for the evening. Just as she opened the drawer, a stern knock sounded on her door. Penelope scrunched her face; she was expecting no visitors but thought perhaps Kiara wanted to hang out. 
As Penelope opened the structure, a thunderous force shoved through her and entered, slamming the door shut. Penelope stumbled backward but caught her footing. She could only stare at the person in front of her as panic flourished through her body. She didn't recognize them, but the death glare plastered on their face told her that notion was not applied on both ends. Her instinct told her to scream for help, but the visitor addressed her before she was given the chance.
They spoke in a low, raspy voice. “Have a seat, Lady Penelope. We have a lot to discuss.” 
“W–who are you?” 
“You need not worry about who I am, only what I know.” 
“What do you mean?” 
The person clasped their hands behind their back and stalked around Penelope; like a vulture circles its prey. “Everyone around you thinks you're the sweet, poodle-obsessed Penny, but I see otherwise. I know all about you… The things you’ve done… What your daddy tries his damndest to hide…” 
Penelope’s already increasing heart rate spiked. “I don’t understand.” 
“Of course you don’t. It’s alright, I wouldn’t want anyone to know, either.” They dismissively shrugged.
“Know what?” 
The person snickered at her attempts to deflect, but they could see the panic rising in her eyes. “It’s quite a common expression — young and dumb. But, when you’re in the nobility, there are no secrets unless you know the right people.” 
Penelope thickly swallowed. “I don’t – I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Really? So, then you’ve never been — joined in holy matrimony, right?”
Penelope’s eyes widened. “I–” 
“Enough with your attempts to feign confusion; that will only prolong this process and I am not in the mood to play games. I know of your estranged marriage; how your father pays plenty of hush money per month to keep his mouth shut. I imagine it would be fairly difficult to talk yourself out of that situation if the press were to catch wind; considering Portavira continuously requests the Crown’s compensation. And I do believe the monarch would not be happy to learn your family has developed a slush fund, either.” 
The intruder gave Penelope a wicked smile and added, “Not to mention the — fatality that was caught amid your poor life choices…”
Penelope visibly tensed. “That’s not – I didn’t–” she stammered before snapping her mouth closed; her flustered state prohibited her from forming an argument.
“It’s a matter of opinion, I suppose. Regardless, I attained the records from your procedure.” They waved a piece of paper in Penelope’s face, and recognition swept over her instantly. She released a shuddered breath as the document came to a stop, her tearful eyes centering on the text. 
Despite Penelope’s panicked state, the aggressor continued, “Tell me, do your parents know of your aborted fetus? I mean, I saw you on security cameras entering the clinic alone. It was smart of you to use a fake name, but unfortunately, that was not enough to cover up your mistakes.” 
Penelope never answered, but the assailant watched her swallow thickly with shame etched in her features. She couldn’t fathom how this stranger had found her deepest secrets that she was certain would never see the light of day. 
Penelope found out she was pregnant the day after her annulment was discreetly settled. Terrified wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how she felt, as she stared down at the positive test; she went to the clinic in disguise to find out about her options and decided abortion would be the best solution. Being only nineteen years old, Penelope was practically a child herself and didn’t believe she was at a point to care for a baby like they deserved. And she was alone; when she dreamt of this moment, it happened completely differently in her head. She longed for the fairytale love, where they would start a family together; not single and inevitably disgraced.
Her parents didn’t know, she was too afraid to tell them — especially after her father agreed to pay a continuous hefty fee for Guy’s silence. Penelope was always well-behaved; the perfect trophy daughter. The look of pure disappointment held in their eyes when they found out about her marriage haunted her; she never wanted to do anything out of line again. All Penelope desired was to move on from her mistake, but life had other plans.
Panicked and ashamed, Penelope made the impossible decision alone, not wanting anyone to know of the stupid decisions that led her there. Her fear and guilt only increased after the procedure, but she grieved what could have been and pushed it into the deepest pit of her mind.
She never told a soul – nobody knew – or so she thought.
“All it would take is a small whisper to the press and it would destroy not only you, but your fraudulent parents as well…” 
Penelope gasped as her tears freely flowed. “No! P–please, don’t!” 
The person laughed; the sound sending an involuntary chill down Penelope’s spine. They stalked forward until her back hit the wall and they breathed over her. Penelope squeezed her eyes closed, but felt them draw nearer. The tangy scent of alcohol mixed with cigar smoke filled her nostrils, as they whispered in her ear, “If you want my silence, you’re going to have to earn it.” 
Penelope’s eyes shot open as she frantically nodded her head. “Okay, j–just tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.” 
“I knew you’d see reason,” the unknown presence spoke while taking a small step away. They produced an envelope from their jacket and handed it to her. 
Penelope opened it and started skimming over the information; it was an email address with a set of instructions and a few other notes. She didn’t understand what it all meant; the main thing that stuck out was the location of where they wanted the photographer to be. 
“Why are they going to be outside Riley’s room?” 
“The less you know, the better.” They once again reached into their jacket, this time pulling out a small vial and handing it to her. “You need to give this to her beforehand. I do not care how it happens, just make sure it gets in her system; the earlier, the better.” 
“W–what is this? Is this a drug?” Penelope stammered as she stared down at the bottle in her trembling hands. 
The person smiled; a dark, wicked smile. “You don’t need to worry about that; just make sure she ingests it at an early enough hour.”
Tears once again streamed down Penelope’s cheeks as she frantically shook her head and tried to hand the items back. “N–no. I can’t do that, and I won’t. I would rather disgrace myself than–”
“You’re going to do it.”  
Penelope stood a little taller and yelled, “No, I won’t! I–”
Penelope received a sudden, sharp backhand to her cheek. She fell to the floor cradling her face but was soon flipped over onto her back, her aggressor pinning her to the ground. She opened her mouth to scream, but quickly closed it as she saw the gleam of a blade in the light right in front of her face. 
“Make a sound and I’ll kill you right here, right now.” The attacker moved the knife to hover over Penelope’s throat, applying just enough pressure to keep her subdued. “You have two options — you either comply and do as you’re told, or this is where your life will end. If you refuse to cooperate, you already know too much, and I will ensure you don’t live to tell the tale personally. But I won’t stop there, no – I’ll ruin your parents as well; the entire world will know what a fraud you and your family are.” 
“No… P–please. I – I can’t – I –” Penelope frantically stammered, trying to develop a coherent sentence. 
“You can, and you will. Otherwise,” they leaned forward, close enough to touch noses with Penelope. “I’ll dig your grave myself and throw those mangy mutts in with you after. Perhaps we can make it a family affair and shove your parents inside, too. After all, being exposed to the world and losing their only disappointment of a child would leave them with nothing left to live for; especially once they know of your treacherous sins.” They sat back with a vile chortle, letting the words linger.
Penelope cried harder, her breathing rapid and erratic as her panic boiled over. She opened her mouth to shout for help despite the blade at her throat, but a firm hand abruptly pressed against her lips. “I think I’m being very understanding, actually. I could just end you and move on to the next useless suitor, but I’m allowing you to make the correct choice; to answer the call of service for your country. That commoner has no business being here; you know it, I know it, everyone knows it! We have to deal with her!” 
After a tense moment of silence, her intruder grew restless. They rolled their eyes and huffed, “You’re running out of time. I’ll gift you ten seconds; agree, or...” The blade on Penelope’s throat suddenly held more force; hard enough she could feel her skin being lightly pierced. “I don’t think I really need to finish that sentence, do I?”
Penelope subtly nodded her head, afraid to move too much. Although she didn’t want to betray Riley in that way, she saw no other way out. Not only was her own life being threatened, but her parents as well; she was not willing to let them die because of her secrets they knew nothing about.
Her attacker soon chortled and sat up. “I had a feeling you would see it my way.” They patted her cheek, hard, before they stood and adjusted their clothing.
The intruder walked to the door and turned back around to address a whimpering Penelope. “As a reward for your service, I will make you a lady-in-waiting for the soon-to-be queen. I’d suggest you take the position and use discretion whenever necessary from here on out. If you do anything to compromise this operation, you will be sorry. Am I clear?“
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The following afternoon, Olivia met with Liam, Leo, and Ray as they discussed the events of the night prior. The court just arrived in Portavira, although there was a break in events until the polo match in a few days. They gathered in Olivia’s room, as that’s where Ray set up his equipment and continuously ensured the area remained free of compromises. 
Olivia told them about Penelope’s involvement, and Liam was certain Olivia was lying or playing some kind of sick joke. However, after seeing the proof himself, he knew it had to be true. He wasn’t close with Penelope by any means, but still felt betrayed. Riley was kind and warm to those around her, not a malicious bone in her body; what made Penelope want to get rid of her?
“We have to question her. I can’t be sure, but she might know we’re onto her. The look in her eyes –” Olivia shook her head with a heavy sigh. ”– I can’t explain it, but I don’t like it.”  
“I agree,” Leo interjected. “We need to know why she did it, man, because this makes absolutely no sense. I mean, Penelope – of all people? Did she accidentally eat some dog food or something, and it made her go kookoo?” 
Despite his overflowing anxiety, Liam laughed. “I really don't know. But we’re not all going to question her. I think it’s best if myself and Leo did this, so we don’t overwhelm her.” He spoke to the entire group. 
“Are you… okay to do that?” Leo tentatively asked. “I can take Olivia — or hell, even Maxwell or Drake, if you don’t think you can keep your cool. We can’t really risk her shutting down and withholding anything important...” 
Liam remained silent for a long moment. Honestly, he didn’t know if he could control himself. The selfish side of him wanted to confront Penelope face-to-face and demand answers. However, he knew he was teetering on a dangerous ledge, and her confession could provoke several different reactions. 
He didn’t remember the last time he’d slept or ate a full meal. Days were molding together, and he had no sense of time unless it pertained to the tour. Liam was simply muttering through, doing the dutiful checklist a monarch should on the daily and trying his hardest to stay afloat; even though in all reality, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. No amount of training could prepare him for something like this; he was simply in limbo until one of the many open ends finally led them to something of importance. As the King he held mighty authority; yet, he’d never felt so powerless. Every second of not knowing something was torture; he just wanted to see Riley with his own two eyes. 
“I… don’t think I can, actually. If you wouldn’t mind questioning her, I would very much appreciate it, Leo.” 
Leo patted Liam on the back with a reassuring smile. “No problem. Care to accompany me, Livvie?” 
“I suppose if we want some kind of answer, I’ll have to, won’t I?” Olivia smirked. 
“Are we doing this now, or?” 
“Yes. The sooner, the better.” 
“And we’re certain she’s here?” Liam asked. 
“She was out earlier with her dogs,” Olivia answered with an eye roll. 
Liam nodded as he rubbed his palms together. “This is a decent plan. I have a good feeling about this, guys.” 
For the first time since he opened his eyes to the truth about the narrative against Riley, Liam felt like this could take them somewhere relevant. This was a solid lead and although he knew it probably wouldn’t provide him with all the answers he was seeking, it was a damn good start. 
Liam spoke again, “Any other updates?” 
“I received the diagnostic report on Lady Riley’s dress on the way here." Ray explained. "The blood was mostly Riley’s, but traces from Tariq were present as well. There were a few hairs and skin cells noted, but the DNA only registers those two.”
“Oh… okay…” Liam quietly responded. He hoped deep down the mess was from someone else, but immediately felt foolish to let himself believe such a thing. Hearing it confirmed out loud made his stomach burn with anxiety; this is what he blinded himself to, this is what he ignored. The overwhelming guilt Liam was fighting momentarily took his breath away. 
“Otherwise, there are no new leads.” Ray briefly met eyes with Olivia, the both of them having a silent conversation; unbeknownst to Liam. It wasn’t technically a lie, but not the entire truth. Ray found something — interesting, but Olivia decided now was not the time to bring it up to Liam, at least until after they learned what exactly Penelope knew. “Where Tariq is concerned, I’ve hit a complete brick wall; there’s absolutely nothing.” 
Ray shook his head. “Not a trace. His accounts show no transactions, and his family has not heard from him in months. I’ve checked every mode of transportation available to leave the country and he wasn’t on any of their databases.” 
“How is that even possible? There has to be something, somewhere. Seriously – Tariq has the IQ of a fucking peanut.” Leo interjected. 
“It could be a collection of reasons,” Ray answered. He suddenly stopped typing on his keyboard and took in everyone’s curious expressions. “Either he’s just incredibly clever and has an immaculate ability to cover his tracks, has hired someone to do that for him, or…” 
“He’s dead…” Liam quietly inserted, just above a whisper. His palms started trembling in his lap, and the only thing he could feel was his heart erratically thumping.
The deeper this web went, the further Liam felt himself slipping from reality. All he wanted was a sign, a concrete clue, anything to put him one step closer to finding Riley. The longer that time passed, the more he believed there was a grim reason they couldn’t find them. Just when the light at the end shined brighter, Liam was suddenly drug further down into the abyss of questions, making him doubt everything. 
“We can’t confirm that right now, Your Majesty. I’ve searched hospital records and there are no reports of him checking in at any of them and nothing solid to point to that conclusion. There are a lot of open ends regarding his whereabouts, but I have a couple more places to look before we should start truly discussing that possibility.” 
“Right…” Liam quietly responded as his mind raced. If Tariq’s DNA was on her dress, does that mean he’s the one who injured her? They already knew he was close to Riley; the pictures obviously showcased them together, but was Tariq responsible for attacking her, too? Those thoughts created a storm of rage he’d never felt before; just when he thought the fire had sizzled out, another splash of gasoline was poured onto the diminishing coals. Liam may not have felt a lot of hope, but he sure as hell felt the rage consuming his entire being. 
Leo noticed Liam's forelorn expression and reassuringly gripped his shoulder. “Don’t worry, man. We’re going to get an answer — soon.”
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A short while later, Olivia, Leo, and ‘Harold’ walked the halls of the Portavirian estate, searching for Penelope’s room. Liam opted to have a drink with Drake instead of being alone, as his already overflowing anxiety seemed to increase with every passing second. 
They rounded the corner and Olivia tapped on Penelope’s door, but received near silence; muffled barks rang out beyond the structure, although seemingly at a distance. After a few moments, she stepped forward and repeated the process, but again, no answer. Leo knocked a few times a little louder, but heard nothing — aside from the dogs. He reached for the handle and tried to turn it, just to see, only to find it locked.
“What should we do?” Leo asked Olivia. 
Olivia tapped her index finger against her chin. “I don’t know…” She furrowed her brow and stared at the door in front of her. “The poodles are inside, so she shouldn’t be far… Maybe we search around and see if we spot her anywhere? It’s still relatively early; she could have stepped out for a moment.” 
Leo and Ray both agreed, and the trio began their trek. They started outside by the pool and checked the lounge area, but Penelope wasn't located anywhere. They searched nearly every floor, even the roof, but found no signs of her. Everyone else was already in their room for the night, the estate nearly deserted as they scoured the abandoned hallways. After a while, everyone agreed to take their chances and return to Penelope’s door, as a good hour passed since they last attempted. 
A voice called out to them as they made their way up the grand staircase. They turned around to see Landon making his way to them with a grin on his face. “Good evening, Your Majesty, Duchess, a pleasure to see you both. Are the two of you just strolling, or have you been out on the town?” He chuckled with a playful side eye directed at Leo. 
“You know me,” Leo smirked, “but actually, we’ve been looking for your daughter.” 
Landon’s smile faded, instead replaced with a perplexed expression. “What do you need from Penelope?”
Leo and Olivia shared a hesitant look. “Actually, it’s confidential… Do you know where she is?” 
“She said she was retiring to her room earlier.” 
Olivia spoke next. “We checked there. We checked everywhere and we have no clue where she’s at.” 
“Perhaps she’s already in slumber; she is quite the heavy sleeper. How about I come with you? I was headed there anyway, as she was acting fairly strange earlier.” 
“Strange how?” Leo asked. 
“She kept hugging her mother and me, and told us how much she loved us. She just seemed — sad, as if she would burst into tears at any moment. And she asked me to ensure Merlin and Morgana get plenty of treats.” Landon furrowed his brows and shook his head. “I asked her what she meant, and she just gave me another hug. Emmaline thinks she’s getting ready for her time of the month, which is why I came prepared.” He held up a wad of chocolate bars and laughed.
“I take it Merlin and Morgana are the poodles?”
“Oh, yes. They’re practically her children. It’s been hard on her to leave them at home, but she’s done fairly well. The unexpected route changes actually ended up being very beneficial to her, since she gets to be with them for a few days. I’m certain she’s going to have a hard time leaving again, but I know she appreciates getting to see them. When it was time to leave for the engagement tour, she was practically inconsolable; she didn’t want to leave, to the point we weren’t sure she would attend at all.” 
“So, she didn’t want to return, then?” Olivia inquired, hanging on his every word. 
Landon sighed and looked away. “I don’t believe so, no. But we made sure she knew how much of a tremendous opportunity this was for her. She was incredibly reluctant, but finally agreed. In all honesty, I think most of her reservations were regarding the fact that she was going so far away. Penelope is a very timid girl; she doesn’t particularly enjoy the crowds or being away from home. I’m confident staying in Cordonia where things are a little more familiar will turn things around for her; perhaps she will enjoy herself a bit.” 
“Right…” Olivia trailed off, as her mind swirled around these new little bits of information. She questioned if Penelope's reluctance to come back had to do with Riley's disappearance. The haunting look in Penelope’s eyes as that cab drove away told Olivia she could be correct. 
“Lead the way, then,” Leo inserted with a forced smile, as uneasiness crept into the pit of his stomach. The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood at attention, an involuntary shudder traveling through his body; he shook it off and politely smiled at Landon, who returned the gesture before starting the journey.
Everyone strolled through the halls together and within a short time, they were nearing Penelope’s room once again. Leo and Landon made small talk along the way, but Olivia didn’t listen most of the time. A bad feeling rapidly grew as they walked; why, she wasn’t sure, but it was becoming impossible to ignore. As they got closer, the air suddenly felt cold, raising goosebumps on her skin and sending a shiver down her spine. The hallway had an eerie aura to it that was beyond explanation; judging from the cautious expressions of everyone around, Olivia knew her feelings were not in her head. Landon appeared to be the only one who didn’t notice the atmosphere shift, although he hadn’t stopped talking long enough to take in the environment. 
Just as they were about to arrive, they heard muffled voices speaking not far away. Olivia furrowed her brows and started walking faster, practically running, with Ray and Leo not far behind. 
She came to an abrupt stop as she saw a litter of guards standing outside of Penelope’s room; dressed in full riot gear with what she assumed to be loaded assault rifles, all appearing to be awaiting instructions. Standing toward the back of the mass of people was Liam, who was speaking with Bastien in hushed tones. She could tell even from afar he was talking sternly; his angry demeanor instantly drew Olivia to him. Drake lingered close-by, wearing an expression of pure confusion.
Olivia approached them and inquired, “What’s going on?” 
“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you,” Liam replied. “Did you question Penelope?”
“We were looking for her, that’s why we’re here, now.”
“But you didn’t find her?” Liam snapped, not even trying to hide the annoyance in his tone. 
“Not yet…” Leo answered as he took in Liam’s tense shoulders and ticking jaw. “Liam, what is going on?” 
Before Liam could respond, Landon interjected himself. “What is the meaning of this?!” 
Liam took a deep breath to calm himself and spoke in a calm, yet authoritative voice. “Duke Landon, I understand this may be hard for you to hear, but we have to take Penelope into custody.”
“Custody?! On what grounds?!” Landon hollered. 
Liam swallowed down the ball of anger and agitation lodged in his throat and spoke in a flat voice. “She is the prime suspect in the murder of Rhonda Floros.” Everyone’s eyes widened as their jaws hit the floor. “We will investigate further, but she has to be detained until we can–” 
“I – what?! You have no proof! This – this is an injustice!” Landon yelled as he frantically paced in front of Penelope’s door. 
Leo hesitantly spoke in a hushed manner. “Li, all we knew about was the photographer. How can you jump to that conclusion?” 
“The forensics came back and Penelope’s prints were all over the murder weapon. Her DNA was on everything else as well, but I’m focused on that knife.”
“Impossible! There has to be some kind of mistake!” Landon pleaded. 
“I’m sorry Landon, but the forensics does not lie,” Liam replied with a sad smile. “Trust me, I don’t want to believe she could have done something like this and I intend to figure it out, but we have to locate her first!"
Landon quickly stepped toward Penelope’s room and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. “She is in here — I know she is; she’s sleeping. I’ll wake her up and we can figure out this mess together, because I know for certain she is innocent.” He spoke as he unlocked the door and turned the handle. He entered and flipped the switch on the wall, the area becoming illuminated. 
Liam motioned for the guards to stay outside and followed closely behind. Olivia entered next, followed by Ray. However, a stern hand on Ray’s chest halted him in the doorway. 
“You are unauthorized personnel,” Bastien snapped.  
Liam quickly intervened. “No, he’s not.” 
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I entered his credentials myself. I know for a fact what clearances he has and doesn’t.” 
Liam stepped up to Bastien with narrowed eyes. “Poof.” He snapped his fingers. “I just gave him access. Now, step aside.” He growled through clenched teeth, the vein in his neck profusely popping out.  
To be honest, Liam was stalling until he found Ray and Olivia; the three of them were going to question Penelope together. His earlier worries about keeping his cool were well out the window; now he was simply confused. Why did she hire the photographer? Did she really kill that maid? Did Penelope know they had spoken to her? Every piece of random evidence found had Penelope’s DNA – and only hers – on it in some fashion. Although the legitimacy of the scene was still in question, her fingerprints on the murder weapon were more than enough to detain her for questioning. 
Bastien never once took his eyes off Ray during the entire interaction. Ray observed Bastien's face crack slightly and saw him swallow and clench his jaw when Liam commanded him to stop. He finally moved his hand to allow Ray entrance, but held his intent gaze for just a moment too long. Olivia watched and noted how she wasn’t stopped, nor Drake or Leo — only Ray. She couldn’t help but wonder why Bastien didn’t want him specifically there. 
Liam glanced around as he entered and saw no signs of Penelope and nothing raising any kind of alarm. He’d never been inside this room before, but to the naked eye, not a thing was out of place. However, Liam couldn’t deny the sudden chill he felt as he stepped over the threshold. His skin instantly clammed up, and his heart rate increased substantially with every tense second that passed. 
Everyone else followed behind and did the same, but Landon circled the room while frantically calling Penelope’s name, only to get no response. He ducked into the bathroom to check there, but saw no traces of his daughter. Everything appeared just as it was earlier that morning when he personally prepared everything for Penelope’s arrival.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Landon huffed as he reemerged. “She said she was coming to bed. Where else would she go? Should we contact Lady Kiara? They had grown quite close.”
Liam sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Bastien, send someone to Lady Kiara’s room to check.” His patience with this situation was dissipating. An answer was right there dangling in front of his face; he could practically taste it. Even if he had to turn the entire continent upside down, Liam was going to find Penelope and make her answer for her part in this mess — whatever that could have been. 
“Yes, sir.”
Olivia glanced at the dresser and saw a jewelry box. Something on top of it quickly caught her attention; it was a piece of paper neatly folded with the words read me written on it in red ink. Her breaths immediately stopped as she stared at it for a long moment. Goosebumps raised on her skin as she realized the penmanship was strikingly familiar.  
She slowly reached out and brought it closer; Ray noticed and came to stand beside her to see what she had found. Liam and Landon continued to speak on the other side of the room, completely unaware of their discovery. Olivia carefully unfolded the sheet and quickly scanned over the contents. As she started reading, the color suddenly drained from her face, her hands trembling, and even tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. Her mind instantly started spiraling, trying to decipher what this meant.
Olivia and Ray stood gawking at the paper in a trance for an unidentified amount of time. The sound of Landon’s thunderous voice suddenly brought both out of their dazes. “This is absurd! She did nothing wrong!” 
“I understand your frustrations but as I said before, the forensics does not lie,” Liam answered in the calmest tone he could muster. “I have questions about all of this, Landon! But one way or another her DNA was littered–”
“Bullshit! Run the tests again! Something is going on here!” 
Liam winced at Landon’s volume, but shook it off and stood to his full height. “Duke Ebrim, you’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to and watch your tone. While I understand why you’re upset, I’m only here to figure this out. If you want to clear her name, help us find her so we can speak to her!” 
Landon frantically looked throughout the room, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening. At that moment, they heard a bark, followed by another softer cry; everyone suddenly stilled and an eerie silence took over, as they glanced at one another with furrowed brows. It sounded undeniably close, but there were obviously no dogs in the area. The silence in the air was deafening, but then it happened again and Landon finally pinpointed the location — the closet. It would make sense; Penelope heard the commotion and retreated in there with her poodles to hide because she was afraid. 
Landon made a bee-line for the door and wildly swung it open. He took a step back and two fluffy dogs slowly came out with their heads down, causing Landon to take a few steps back; they laid at Landon’s feet and whimpered. 
“What is it, Merlie?” Landon asked as he rubbed one of the dogs’ heads, their howls intensifying. 
The room’s air suddenly felt incredibly thick at the interaction. Liam felt physically sick to his stomach as recognition swept over him from head to toe — something was waiting for them in that closet. His hands shook at his sides, his breathing shaky and uneven as he stared into the dark, open doorway. 
Landon stepped over the poodles, who went and lay on the bed, but continued whining. As he entered, he ran a hand along the wall until he found the switch. The small area came to light, and his worst nightmare suddenly became reality right in front of his face. 
“NO!” Landon wailed at an ear-piercing volume as he dropped to his knees near the doorway. 
“What’s wrong?” Liam sought, but Landon broke into a fit of sobs and crumpled to the floor. 
Liam swallowed thickly and took a couple of cautious steps forward. Olivia suddenly appeared and tried to redirect him, but Liam was steadfast; whatever it was, he needed to see it for himself. As he got closer, he could see a chair lying on its side. His eyesight started on the floor and slowly traveled upward. He hadn’t made it very far before the color drained from his face with sweat immediately beading his brow at seeing a pair of dainty feet dangling in the air; one heel on, the other nowhere to be seen. 
Liam looked away but with a shuddered breath followed the body back up to the face, and sure enough, it was Penelope.
Landon suddenly shoved Liam out of the way. “MOVE!” He rushed over and held Penelope’s lifeless form, lifting her easily with one hand; the other quickly moving to remove the belt from around her severely bruised neck. Her limp body dropped into his arms and he cradled her to his chest as he rocked back and forth, making cries that would haunt Liam until the day he died. 
Liam regained his footing but remained cemented in place. This was it; this was their big break, but they only received more unanswered questions. Hopelessness flourished, as he saw no other solutions in sight. He felt like a mouse, mindlessly running through a maze just trying to reach the end for the reward. Penelope's testimony was that reward, but instead of finding the end of the maze, he encountered a sudden, abrupt wall.
Regardless of their actions, they faced a grim reality where a devastating setback countered every advance they made; one step forward, only to be met with two deadly steps back.
Liam suddenly couldn’t breathe; his lungs felt like fire with every rapid, hollow breath. The room started spinning, his vision hazing at a rapid rate. His heart pounded mercilessly, the sound overpowering Landon’s continuous wails filling the room. His hands flew to his chest and he stumbled backward, Leo and Drake quickly moving to catch him before he hit the floor. 
They lowered him to the ground and sat over him as Liam’s vision slowly faded out, their faces disintegrating into a pixelated, blurry image. He blinked his eyes a few times to regain himself, but found the rapidly spinning room made him nauseous. He felt Leo lightly tapping his cheeks, but when he tried to open his mouth, only an anguished cry escaped. 
Liam stared at the ceiling until the bright lights suddenly dimmed. His eyelids grew incredibly heavy until he succumbed to the weight of the world forcing them down. Darkness consumed him as he slipped into unconsciousness, a still silence overcoming his being. 
"Goddamn it," Leo grumbled to himself, as he watched Liam’s body relax. "Get a fucking ambulance! Now!" He hollered over his shoulder before his teary vision centered on his brother again. "Cummon, Li..."
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@lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @the0afnan @nestledonthaveone @gabesmommie1130
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alwaysmychoices · 3 months
Every Night
Synopsis: Now that Charlie and Ethan are back together, they spend the first night of their new lives together -- and Ethan has a question to ask.
Chapter 44 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 2.9k
Rating: General Audience
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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There was something so peaceful about Ethan’s apartment tonight. Had this apartment always been peaceful? No, it couldn’t have been. Only last night, it was a mausoleum dedicated to the loss of true love.
But tonight, it was impossible to imagine these halls echoing anything but affection and contentment. The air tasted sweeter, the space felt warmer, the laughs were louder. One night of Charlie’s presence exorcised the ghosts that haunted Ethan in the middle of the night.
The change was subtle, but Ethan felt it with every step he took.
She’s here, he thought as he towel-dried his hair. She’s here, he thought as he stepped into his pajamas. She’s here, he thought as he savored the smell of her shampoo lingering in the damp air. She’s here, he thought as he padded to the living room.
Boston stared back at him through the windows – all the tallest buildings winking their congratulations.
The dim-lit space left evidence of Charlie’s presence in every corner – her shoes by the door, the crumbled pillow by her favorite chair, and the assortment of hair ties that followed her every step. Ethan was greedy for more of it, his usual tidiness be damned.
Ethan poured himself a glass of water and tapped the keypad of his laptop, waking it so he could check the time. With Charlie, time seemed to stop, but just as he suspected, it had continued for the rest of the world. It was late, so late that they should have been in bed hours ago if Charlie wanted to be well-rested for work tomorrow. But Ethan didn’t regret a moment of their night, nor was he eager to go to sleep now.
Stifling a yawn, Ethan curiously opened his notifications, and he was startled by the staggering amount.
At the top of the screen were the expected messages. HR paperwork for his new position with the hospital. Confirmation emails for cancelled movers. Pleas from a devastated recruiter trying to convince him to leave Boston anyway.
Then, there were the text messages reacting to the news. The Edenbrook rumor mill worked quickly, and by the time Ethan picked up Charlie from work, there were already whispers about their illicit affair.
Harper’s message came first. She was happy to hear that Charlie and Ethan were together, but she chastised Ethan for keeping the secret in the first place, though she insisted she’d sensed it long ago. She demanded dinner with the two of them as an apology, and Ethan typed back his assent, apologizing for lying to his friend and promising to make dinner reservations as soon as possible.
When Ethan sent his reply, he was surprised to realize that he was looking forward to dinner with Charlie and Harper. It wasn’t the first time that the trio spent time together, but it would be the first dinner where Charlie and Ethan didn’t have to perform, stifling themselves to avoid drawing attention to their relationship. Ethan liked the idea of integrating Charlie fully into his life – acknowledging the long-held truth that she was the most important part of it.
Above Harper’s gracious congratulations, Tobias Carrick sent a string of texts. It was clear that he hadn’t paced himself or censored a single thought, resulting in a string of consciousness as Tobias unraveled the revelations.
TOBIAS: I KNEW IT! I can’t believe you got caught MAKING OUT with a RESIDENT before you told me!
TOBIAS: Though Charlie is wonderful.
TOBIAS: So why does she like you then? She knows you enough to know better. How did you convince her to date you?
TOBIAS: Someone just told me you’ve been dating for a year. That better be a lie.
TOBIAS: No, it’s not. You’ve been evasive all year. That’s why, isn’t it?
TOBIAS: Then again, you’re always evasive and awkward.
TOBIAS: My office is next to yours, and I swear I heard noises today.
TOBIAS: Just heard the news that you’re leaving. Don’t fret. I’ll be the leader the Diagnostics Team has always needed.
The last message came a few hours later, when Tobias had clearly processed the news and felt it necessary to give a more cohesive and gracious response.
TOBIAS: Seriously though, congratulations. I’m proud of you.
TOBIAS: But don’t screw it up.
Ethan didn’t really consider Tobias a friend – not after their antagonistic history and current conflicts. But this string of texts tugged on some part of Ethan’s heart that had once considered Tobias his best friend. Perhaps it was worth trying again, even if this was just evidence that Tobias was as insufferable as ever.
ETHAN: Thank you.
There wasn’t much else to say, so Ethan didn’t bother trying. And frankly, for him, it was quite a lot.
After Tobias’s messages, there were a few more. Some of Charlie’s friends reached out to say they were happy for them. Sienna tentatively endorsed the relationship, though she reserved the right to murder Ethan if he messed up again. Jackie’s threats against Ethan were far less veiled, and Bryce sent at least a dozen excited emojis.  Naveen wrote with glee, boasting that their reunion had all gone to plan. When Ethan questioned Naveen’s direct defiance, Naveen ignored the question and offered the happy couple a weekend at his lake house to celebrate. Gracious for the offer (and Naveen’s interference), Ethan didn’t push it.
Nor did he need to push it.
Because there she was – his darling, wonderful Charlotte.
With Jenner close on her heels, Charlie wandered into the kitchen. The familiar scent of coconut and vanilla followed her, enveloping Ethan’s senses long before she looped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into him.
“There you are,” Charlie murmured, resting her cheek on his bare back. His skin was warm and scented with the mixture of their respective body washes – each still sitting in Ethan’s shower as if no time had passed.
In some ways, that made Charlie sad. She didn’t like to picture Ethan ending each night, staring at her half-empty bodywash and refusing to throw it away, even when he’d lost hope of her ever coming home. But the grief for their lost time was only a momentary interruption. In its wake, gratitude emerged. Because she had come home, and the bodywash was still waiting for her.
 Ethan smiled softly, abandoning his laptop and twisting his body so that they were face-to-face.  He leaned down to kiss the crown of her head, and Charlie shifted, leaning further into his embrace.
“What are you up to?” Charlie asked, her voice still in a daze.
The day had been so perfect – their reunion, their afternoon, their time at home. They’d spent most of the evening tangled in Ethan’s sheets, but not a moment of it had been quiet. They’d consumed each other in every way possible, from touch to speech. No time had passed, yet there was so much to catch up on.
“Missing you,” Ethan confessed.
Charlie laughed, “It’s been ten minutes since I kicked you out of the shower so I could actually wash my hair without you distracting me.”
“Way too long.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Charlie rolled her eyes, but it was the blush creeping up her cheeks that made Ethan smile. He kissed the flush as it spread up her skin, and he smiled against her cheek as she laughed.
Had anyone else ever been so happy?
“But really,” Charlie playfully swatted Ethan’s shoulder, “What are you doing? If it’s work, I’ll be obligated to make fun of you.”
Ethan shook his head, shifting so they could both face the laptop, “You’ll enjoy this.”
With a few clicks, Ethan brought up Tobias’s text thread. Somehow, the messages were even funnier from Charlie’s perspective. He lit up as he watched her read the messages, laughing at things he hadn’t even noticed before. Then, he showed her the other congratulatory messages. He thought she would like to see the well-wishes, but really, it was a silent effort to show he embraced the promises he’d made to her. He wanted her to know that he wasn’t hiding her anymore.
And Charlie appreciated every bit of it.
She reveled in the idea of dinners with friends. She wanted to be Ethan’s “plus one” to every event, even she’d have to throw her own party to get the opportunity. She liked how easily they talked about it, how Ethan actively participated in their planning without any pressure.
It was night and day from the man she’d once stormed out on.
Her chest ached with pride.
When Ethan reached Naveen’s message, he almost seemed nervous. As if suggesting a weekend away might break their fragile perfection.
“What do you think?” Ethan asked, when Charlie had sufficient time to read the exchange, “A weekend at the lake?”
Ethan had a whole pitch planned out. He was ready to remind Charlie that spring had just reached the city, the sunshine melting the ice and promising new beginnings. They could get out of the city and reconnect in the place where they’d first fallen in love. It felt like the right place to start their new chapter.
But a pitch wasn’t necessary.
“Yeah,” Charlie smiled softly, “A weekend with Dr. Ramsey. Sounds perfect.”
“A weekend with Dr. Greene,” Ethan echoed, mirroring her soft smile as he rubbed a gentle pattern on her back.
Charlie leaned into Ethan’s side, exhaustion peaking through their blinding happiness. Both of them were tempted to evade sleep altogether and stay awake all night, trading their wasted hours of rest with the promise of tender whispers and sacred promises. But relaxation had already seeped into their bones and lowered their defenses. They were both fighting to stay awake.
It was Ethan who declared the first move.
Pressing a tender kiss to Charlie’s forehead, Ethan suggested, “We should go to bed.”
“No, no,” Charlie shook her head, “It’s too early.”
“You have to be at work in a few hours,” Ethan reminded her, though he lacked conviction. He was just as willing to stay up all night as she was, if not more so since he didn’t have a morning shift.
“I’m a resident. I can handle a sleepless night.”
“Come on,” Ethan nudged her gently, “You’re being stubborn.”
“So are you.”
Ethan shrugged, Fair point.
Charlie eyed him warily – ready for battle. Ready for their opposing wills to dominate their minds until they were forced to pick a winner. Ready to draw blood before admitting defeat.
But then a moment passed, and it was all silly.
Charlie was tired, and Ethan would still be here in the morning. He would be there the night after, and the day after, and every day they were willing to share.
So, Charlie said, “Fine. Let’s go to bed.”
Ethan appreciated the magnanimous resolution, and he peppered her cheeks with quiet praise. Though, admittedly, he was inclined to think that everything Charlotte did was perfect. After kissing Jenner goodnight, the pair went to Ethan’s bedroom, ignoring the alarm clock on Ethan’s bedside table that would surely ruin their morning.
It wasn’t Charlie’s first time in Ethan’s bed tonight, but when she climbed into her usual place on the right side of the bed, it felt monumental.
The rose-colored glasses of their reunion lifted, and the gravity of the situation forced them back to earth. Instead of feeling silly for their reverence, they felt absurd for not having more.
War is over. The end of days never came. Insurmountable grief faded away. All the terrible things didn’t matter anymore. The past was in black and white, and the future was painted in vivid color and neon welcome signs.
Charlie is home. Charlie is in our bed. Everything is right, Ethan thought.
Charlie and Ethan tried to act casual as they settled into the sheets, but they couldn’t help but stare at the other. Their eyes were wide with meaning, communicating what neither had the bravery to say. When Charlie’s eyes began to water, Ethan quietly stroked her cheek.
After what felt like a lifetime, Ethan whispered, “I really did miss you.”
As if something like that needed to be said. As if it didn’t carry through every conversation. As if it wasn’t part of his DNA. As if she didn’t feel it with every adoring kiss and smile.
“I missed you, too,” Charlie met his honesty with her own, though her voice lacked his strength. At the slightest hint of a crack, Ethan tucked Charlie into his embrace, and Charlie took the opportunity to breath him in.
Sandalwood. Cedar. Vanilla. A hint of mint.
The smell of home, she thought.
Nestled safely in Ethan’s arms, Charlie’s eyelids grew heavy. Weeks of sleepless nights caught up with her in an instant, rendering her half-asleep in mere moments. As Ethan peered down at her, his chest squeezed with affection.
And suddenly, he knew.
He knew with absolute certainty that Charlotte Greene was his future.
He was overcome with an urge to propose right then and there. It didn’t matter that he didn’t have a ring or a plan or even ambience. Ethan just wanted to marry her. Hell, given the option, he would have run to City Hall right then and there to seal the deal.
Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but something stopped him.
We need time, he realized. The wounds were too fresh and the peace too fragile. He didn’t want to rush into anything that would endanger their precious newfound happiness, nor did he need to rush.
So, despite his overwhelming urge to the contrary, Ethan decided to wait – and it was just waiting. Not refusing or dismissing the idea. He knew they would make it, and he was sure that she would say yes when it was time.
But stopping himself from proposing didn’t eradicate all Ethan’s impulses.
No, he wasn’t out of grand gestures or over-eager requests.
“Move in with me,” Ethan blurted out.
Charlie stirred, wiping at her eyes as she sleepily asked, “What?”
“Move in with me,” Ethan repeated, less confident this time.
“You’re serious?” Charlie’s eyes widened.
“I am,” Ethan nodded, though he didn’t seem very sure. Despite his obvious commitment to the idea she move in, he didn’t have his argument ready – a rarity in itself. Ethan had never made any big life decision without a reasoned argument.
“You’re always here anyway,” Ethan softened, eagerness belying every justification, “and I want you here. All the time. I want to come home to you and share our closet, and I want to add your books to our bookshelves. We’re living in the ‘in between’ – with you sometimes living here and sometimes not. I’m tired of that. I want to be with you fully. In every way I can. This isn’t home without you.”
Charlie hesitated.
She was startled to realize that she already knew the answer. Before he even started talking, she wanted to say yes. And there was no good reason to say no.
It seemed rushed, but was it really? They’d been together for over a year, and she’d spent more nights here than anywhere else. Did time apart fundamentally change that? Did they feel so fragile that sudden changes would shatter them? Or had it been the status quo that drove them apart in the first place?
And did any of it fucking matter?
Would waiting really make things better? Would a slow approach save them from future disaster? Hiding hadn’t done them any favors, nor had abundant caution kept them from starting their relationship in the first place.
Charlie wanted to come home to Ethan. She wanted to put a name to all the things they’d silently endorsed for months, including her continued presence in this apartment. She wanted to cover the space with evidence of their relationship until it was little more than a shrine.
So, perhaps she didn’t give the offer the careful consideration it deserved. Or maybe she gave it too much consideration when the answer would always be the same.
“Yes,” Charlie blurted out.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Charlie nodded, realization creeping across her features, “My answer is yes. I want to move in with you.”
Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, happily covering her face with kisses. Between excited kisses, he assured her that she could always keep her old apartment, and he would understand if she changed her mind.
Charlie stopped him, “You don’t need to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Try to form a back-up plan,” Charlie settled her gaze on his, “I’m confident we’ll work out.”
“You are?” Ethan repeated breathlessly. It was one thing for Ethan to be blind in love, but it was quite another to realize she was just as high off this feeling.
“Yeah,” Charlie rested her hand on his chest, feeling the jackhammer of his heart, “Aren’t you?”
And amazingly, he was.
Nodding his head, Ethan whispered, “Yeah, I am.”
“Good,” Charlie leaned her head against his chest, “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too, Charlotte.”
That was how they fell asleep – holding onto each other with persistent desperation and adoring reverence. Like they were so lucky to even get the opportunity to fall asleep together. Like it was a gift from the universe that they were here with each other. But it was better than fate – it was deliberate choice. It was an active effort to stay.
And it was the beginning of everything.
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aesthetictanuki · 9 months
I'm legitemately becoming obsessed over the idea of Immortal Desires characters being in a polyam. relationship, with the dynamic and all. And I am aware it's not everyone's cup of tea, but like, picture this:
Cas, Gabe and MC sleeping together in a bed, MC's bedroom let's say. A vampire swoops in, wanting to take one of them to the Nexus because of some important stuff.
Vamp: Gabe, I know you're in-
Cas, waking up: ...
Vamp: ... oh... wait, but I could've sworn... Adalhard was supposed to be here, they have to-
Cas: *without a word, they simply turn on the other side, visibly looking for something. Ramaging through a bedside table, looking over the floor, under the bed. They pick up a book, quite heavy-looking. They stare at it for a minute, thinking it over, then nodding to themselves. Before the vamp can register what tf is going on, Cas slams it right on Gabe's head, making them shout in pain and wake up*
Cas: *points at the vamp, still standing there with a blank stare, then simply closes their eyes again, snuggling back to MC's body*
Gabe: *standing up, searching for their clothes. Absolutely no emotion about the situation, this is a normal occurance. Quickly glances to make sure MC haven't been woken up* Could've shoved me or something, asshole.
They gather their stuff, kissing MC's forehead. A middle finger can be seen from where Cas is sleeping, because they can't say bye like a normal person. But Gabe doesn't mind, this is all a part of this relationship they got themselves in and they wouldn't change a thing.
The vamp still has no idea what the fuck just happened and to be honest, they don't want to know.
Screaming, shouting, jumping up, down, horizontally, going insane and into a spiral, because I thought I'd just kill time while waiting for BOLAS 2 chapters, yet here I am
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Also, if they take away this possibility of all three of them being together like this from me in Immortal Desires 2 and instead give me the usual "you had your fun, but it's time to choose one person, because only monogamous relationships slap haha" bs, I'm going into berserk mode.
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rosepetals1 · 6 months
Holiday Shopping
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: Hayden Young x F!MC (Arielle Park)
Word Count: ~690
Rating: General
Tagging: @choicesholidays: "I'm so thankful for you." @choicesflashfics Holiday Prompts: "Look, there's mistletoe. We have to kiss, it's the law." @choicesficwriterscreations: Holiday Event
Summary: Arielle & Hayden go shopping for Christmas décor as they get ready to celebrate their first holiday together.
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Arielle stood in the aisle, squinting at the snowglobe she was holding in her hands, turning it around and inspecting it as if it were an otherworldly object.
"Hmm, not sure about this one. Hey, Hayden, what do you think?"
She turned to the man beside her and held up the snowglobe to offer him a view. Hayden put down the nutcracker he was looking at, and took the snowglobe from Arielle, chuckling as he did so.
"I'm pretty sure this is the seventh snowglobe you've shown me since we came in here. Have you even looked at anything else?"
Arielle crossed her arms defensively. "Of course I have!"
"Like…" she paused, finding herself at a loss.
"A lot of things, okay? You just didn't see. Now, please tell me if you think this snowglobe is cute enough to be in our living room or not."
Hayden shook his head in amusement, then gently plucked it from her hands, and placed it into their shopping cart.
"I think it's perfect. Now, come on, let's move on from the snowglobes before you give yourself an aneurysm, alright?" He teased, lightly bumping her shoulder with his.
She sighed, "Alright. Fine. I just… want everything to look splendid, you know? After all, this will be our first official Christmas together."
"And I am very much looking forward to it," he leaned over and planted a loving kiss to her lips. "You have nothing to worry about, believe me. With all the goodies we got already, our place is gonna look like the very definition of Christmas!"
Hayden suddenly paused, a thoughtful look gracing his features. "Although, I guess technically this is going to be my first Christmas in general, considering…" He trailed off, his expression slightly falling.
Arielle immediately knew what he was talking about.
"Honey, come on, let's try not to think about that. The important thing is that I'm going to be with you, we're going to be together, and so will all of our friends too. That's what really matters."
Hayden was silent for a moment, then he nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for being such a downer. The most important thing is the here and now."
Arielle nodded. "Exactly. So, right now, let's continue looking for that giant nutcracker you kept pestering me about. Even though I still think it's going to look weird next to the Christmas tree."
"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm the master decorator! I know what I'm doing, thank you very much."
She laughed. "I'm sure you do. Now, come on, let's keep looking."
As they walked throughout the store,  they picked up various decorations along the way, slowly filling their cart to the brim with Christmas adornments. They continued searching the aisles until they finally found the aforementioned nutcracker, which Hayden effortlessly picked up and placed onto their cart.
"..And, that should be all! I think we've gotten everything on the list." Hayden grinned as he looked down at the nearly bursting cart.
"You sure about that, honey? Because I think we're missing something very important." Arielle purred, suddenly holding up a mistletoe.
Hayden raised a brow. "Oh, yeah? I wasn't aware that was on the list. Not that I'm complaining."
She simply smiled at him, then raised it above her head, and feigned a look of surprise. "Look, there’s mistletoe! We have to kiss, it’s the law."
He laughed. "Oh, it's the law now, is it?"
"Yes, it is. Now, come over here, handsome." She beckoned him with a finger.
"As you wish, my lady."
He wiggled his eyebrows as he walked towards her, grabbing her by the hips, and pulling her close. Their lips crashed together passionately as soon as their bodies collided.
Arielle responded immediately, wrapping her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss. Once they broke apart, they pressed their foreheads together and softly gazed into each other's eyes.
Hayden smiled, "I'm so thankful for you."
She smiled back at him, and gave him one last kiss. "I feel the same way. I love you, Hayden."
"And I love you, Arielle. More than anything."
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 6 months
Halloween (chapter 1)
Book: Open Heart
Chapter: 1/7
Pairing: Multi (Bryce Lahela x Jensen Valentine (MC), Jensen Valentine x Original Characters)
Characters: Jensen Valentine, Bryce Lahela, Aliyah (OC), Aurora Emery
Rating: Teen
Words: 1266
Summary: A collection of moments throughout Jensen's life, focused on his struggles and accomplishments because of and, more importantly, despite the one relationship he can't seem to let go of. Inspired by Halloween by Noah Kahan.
A/N: This is the most future-based part of the fic, and it actually addresses some hcs I haven't mentioned publicly yet. As I post more chapters, they will go in reverse chronological order, and the relationship in reference will become more clear
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in
And the bridges have long since been burnt
The ash of the home that I started the fire in
It starts to return to the Earth.
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The snow pummeled into the ground, large clusters of snowflakes settling on his shoulders and hair. Jensen tucked one of his gloved hands into his pocket as he hurried inside. 
He caught the door with his elbow, greeted by the familiar smell of alcohol disinfectant and lemon cleaner. Patients and doctors milled about the lobby as he headed for the elevators. After a few floors, the doors slid open, the floor relatively empty save for a few nurses chatting around the small station just off from the elevators. 
“Aw, Valentine, d’you get us something?” one of them—Samara—asked with a grin. He glanced down to the takeout bag in his hand she was referencing. 
Continuing down the hall, he replied, “Nope, sorry. Just Bryce and I today.”
“Wow, favoritism, I see how it is,” she said with a sarcastic eye roll, Jensen giving her a quick smile before continuing towards the diagnostics office. 
The lights flickered on to a steady, fluorescent glow, Jensen dropping his pile of things onto the center table. The others had coats, bags, and charts spread out here and there, most with patients or out for lunch themselves.
Checking his watch proved that Bryce was five minutes late. He gave him until he pulled their food out of the bag, spreading the takeout boxes across two adjacent seats before pulling his phone out of his pocket. In the time it took him to type out something and press send, the door gently creaked behind him. 
“Hey, sorry,” Bryce said, giving his waist a quick squeeze before unceremoniously flopping into one of the chairs, the force sending it back enough that Jensen had to pull him closer.
“You’re lucky I didn’t lock you out and eat it for you,” Jensen said with a quick wave to the food in front of him, taking a seat in his own chair. “M’fucking starving.” He was already shoveling crab rangoon into his mouth, ignoring the steam coming off of it.
“I can tell,” Bryce offered with an exaggeratedly judgemental look. Jensen kicked his chair, sending him rolling away once again. Laughing, Bryce scooted himself back to the table.
He got a grand total of three bites in before he was telling Jensen about his surgery from that morning. Jensen was happy to see him excited about it, especially knowing how slow it had been with mostly post-op check-ins and consults for the last couple days. 
By the time they were both nearly done, Jensen had his feet propped on Bryce’s lap, head resting on his arm over the back of the chair as he listened to Bryce talk about his schedule for the next couple weeks. He happily nodded and offered input where necessary, but, as per usual, he was content just listening to Bryce talk, turning off his brain for the first time all day.
The only thing that stopped Bryce was his pager going off, Jensen giving him a sigh and a look as if it was his fault. Bryce smiled and started to clean up just as the door opened again.
“I think my face is still frozen,” Des said as they approached, wrapped up in winter gear from head to toe. 
“Not quite Florida, is it?” Jensen asked, receiving a glare in return. Des had only moved up a few months ago, but they were settling into the team just fine. Maybe not the weather, but definitely the team.
“Okay, I’m not saying this on record, by the way,” Bryce said, stopping at the large glass wall of windows, “But honestly it is pretty with the snow.”
Jensen shook his head as he walked over next to him, tossing the empty containers in the trash. “Wow, really? It’s almost like I’ve been telling you that since we were in Boston,” he replied, entirely deadpan.
Bryce gave him a mocking expression, Jensen smiling as he followed his gaze out to the icy Lake Michigan, snow piled up along the edge of the water. Chicago winter could keep even the most dedicated runners inside, a notable lack of movement outside. The trees and ground were white, but the walkway along the water was twinkling with festive lights, entirely lit when night fell.
Bryce gave him a quick smile before scooting past, giving Des a wave before heading off.
“Oh, Tara told me to invite you guys to the Tavern tonight, by the way. We’re going pretty late, but if you get time you should stop over for a drink,” Des said as they arranged their things at their seat.
“We’ve got plans tonight, thanks though.”
“Shit, you literally said you had dinner plans, right? I forgot.”
Jensen nodded and waved it off before grabbing a few charts from the desk, thumbing past a few pages. He collected the necessary things before heading off to grab some results for their most recent case.
The midwestern-based diagnostics division had been his most dedicated project for the past four years. Doing split time for the first two was hell, so many flights and so many nights away from home, one he nor Bryce really enjoyed. But, now, he was content. They were content. Him, Bryce, Barry, and Corn all comfortably settled into a downtown apartment, able to enjoy the bustling city nightlife, events, and opportunities.
Jensen met Bryce at home later that night, Aliyah already comfortably settled in the kitchen awaiting his arrival. Corn didn’t even bother to greet him, too worried about the potential of a chip falling off the counter from the bowl Liyah and Bryce were both picking at.
Bryce greeted him with a smile and a quick kiss to the cheek, Jensen giving Corn a look. “At least someone missed me,” he said. 
“She just likes me more,” Liyah said with a smile, Jensen rolling his eyes and shedding his many winter layers on the way to the bedroom. 
On his way back, he scooped Barry out from under the bed, holding him up in the air as he meowed in protest. Bryce was happy to give Barry shit for nothing in particular with him, Jensen finally dropping him into his arms, carrying him like a baby towards the living room.
Their couch was dark green, adjacent to their tête-à-tête sofa. The room was doused in cool yet natural colors, light boxes keeping it bright despite the early winter darkness. Their Christmas tree in the corner brought some warmth to the room with yellow lights and a messy mix of ornament types. Out the main windows was the familiar sight of a glittering Chicago night, lights scattered throughout the surrounding apartment buildings and shimmering against the falling snow. 
Jensen set Barry onto the cat tower overlooking the street, watching him settle in before returning to the kitchen.
The door opened before he could get there, Aurora and her partner, Z, both entering with dishes of food. Jensen was quick to help them, setting out the food along the dining room table with the dish Aliyah had brought, as well as the filler he and Bryce covered.
It was part of their monthly routine, one dinner where they get together and all make something different. The rest of the night was spent talking and drinking and lounging around in the living room after dessert. And they could do it comfortably. With nice furniture, and with plenty of space for everyone, and no worry of cost or rent or food or just fucking surviving. He was comfortable, with the people he cared the most about, and doing what he loved. And that was all that mattered.
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tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @choicesficwriterscreations
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sfb123 · 1 year
I love how you iron out the creases in PB's narrative of TRR. Can you rewrite the first chapter of book 2? I remember Liam sent a message to meet him. When I was playing that chapter I was so angry, I (MC) refused to meet him and then finally he comes down to meet the MC.
How do you think their first meeting should be? After all MC has been through or may be even Liam has been through.
I am making it my personal writing resolution, to try to clear out some of the asks in my inbox this year. I have some really great ones that I'm excited about. This one from @twinkleallnight is a great example of that. Thank you for sending it!
My inbox is always open! I can't promise a particularly timely response, but I promise, anything that has been sent is still there, and I've got them all in the back of my mind.
Never Really Over
Book: The Royal Romance Book 2
Pairing: Liam x Riley (past) Liam x Madeleine
All characters, and some of the dialogue, belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: It's the first night of Liam and Madeleine's engagement tour, and Riley receives a late night visitor.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,335
A/N: I am participating in @choicesflashfics, using the prompt “Nothing about any moment I’ve spent with you will ever be a regret.” it will be in bold below.
A/N 2: Thank you always to @txemrn for pre-reading, and all your super sweet and supportive feedback.
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As soon as Riley crossed the threshold to her room, she kicked off her shoes, leaving them where they landed. She had used up all of her energy at dinner, pretending she didn’t notice everyone staring and whispering as she passed by. Acting as if she was happy for the newly engaged king as he paraded around with Madeleine on his arm, even though she could feel her heart crumbling every time her eyes traveled in their direction. 
She fell back on the bed, trying to convince herself to take her makeup off before she started crying. Despite her intentions, she remained rooted in place. Her self-loathing was interrupted by a knock at the door. She groaned before begrudgingly standing from the bed and answering it. 
Maxwell greeted her with a wide smile and a bouquet of two dozen roses. “Special delivery! Housekeeping sent over a new centerpiece for your end table.”
Riley took the flowers from him, leaning in to smell them. When she got closer, she noticed a piece of paper wrapped around one of the stems. She brought the flowers over to the table, setting them down and unwrapping the paper. 
I wouldn’t blame you if you’re furious with me, but please meet me so I can at least explain. I’ll be on the balcony outside my room in twenty minutes.
“That’s Liam’s handwriting!” Maxwell exclaimed as he read over her shoulder. 
Riley’s heart began to speed up. “He wants me to meet him? But why?” 
Maxwell wrapped his arm around Riley’s shoulder, pulling her close. “Because he loves you. He probably wants to explain why he picked Madeleine, and how he’s made a terrible, horrible mistake.” 
“Or he wants to tell me off for hurting him and making him look like a fool on the biggest night of his life.” She went to her dresser, pulling out a pair of pajamas and stepping into the bathroom. 
“Riley, you have to go!” Maxwell called through the door. “You don’t really believe that he thinks that, do you?” 
Riley opened the bathroom door and walked back to the sink. “What other reason could there be?” She began wiping the makeup off of her face. “He told me he loved me, we… you know. And then twenty minutes later, he was engaged to Madeleine, and I was being dragged out of the palace.” 
“All I’m saying,” Maxwell approached her, meeting her gaze through the mirror as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Is that you should at least hear him out.”
“He had three weeks, Max.” 
“But Riley -”
“I’m not doing it. It’s going to be hard enough seeing him at all these events. I’m not about to start looking for an extracurricular heartbreak.” She exited the bathroom going to her bed and turning it down. “I’ll see you in the morning, Maxwell.”
Maxwell’s expression fell as he came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to win this fight. He said goodnight to Riley and headed to his room.
Riley sank between the sheets, trying to calm her mind so that she could get some sleep. Her thoughts were racing, replaying the events of the evening, and now wondering what Liam wanted to see her about. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious about what he had wanted to say to her. She pictured him standing on the balcony waiting for her. Would he be hurt that she didn’t come? 
She lost track of how long it took, but eventually she did drift off to sleep. Which was cut short with a firm, yet soft knock on her door. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she slowly rolled out of bed. Reaching for her robe, she slipped it on and tied it as she approached the door. 
Her breath caught in her throat when she locked onto the blue eyes that were waiting for her on the other side. She quickly fixed her face, hiding her surprise, and her sadness. “Your majesty.” She dipped into a formal curtsy unsure of how she should address him, as this was the first time she had been alone with him since he became king. 
Liam examined Riley for a moment. She looked so beautiful, but he could see the pain in her eyes, despite her attempts to hide it. It broke his heart to see her like this. “Lady Riley,” he nodded, “may I?” 
Riley stepped aside, allowing Liam to enter, closing the door behind him. They stood in silence for a moment, looking in each other's eyes, trying to figure out what the other was thinking.
“Did you get my note?” Liam broke the silence. He was hoping she simply didn’t notice it when she received the flowers. Riley nodded, and his heart sank. 
“Forgive me, your majesty,” Liam winced slightly, this was the second time she had used his title. He missed the way his name sounded when it fell from her lips. “Dinner was more tiring than I anticipated. I decided to stay in this evening.” 
“Riley, you know there is no need for formalities when we’re alone.” He stepped forward, reaching out for her hand, but she stepped out of his grasp.
“You’re engaged now, I’d assume it’s frowned upon for you to be alone with the court whore.” 
“What? That’s why you’re here, right? To tell me off, to tell me how much I hurt you? How you regret everything you said to me that night?” She turned her back to Liam, wiping away the tears that had escaped. 
His eyes went wide at her outburst. This whole time, he thought she was avoiding him because she was angry with him for the Coronation, he never expected her to think that he believed the pictures. “Riley, I know you didn’t do anything. You were set up.” 
“You… you do?” Her head slowly turned, and Liam saw the tears streaming down her face. 
“Of course,” he stepped up to her as she turned fully. He tentatively lifted a hand to wipe her tears. “Riley, I meant every single thing I said to you at my Coronation. I still mean them. Nothing about any moment I’ve spent with you will ever be a regret. The only regret I have is choosing Madeleine over you.”
“Then why did you?” Her pain was quickly replaced with anger and confusion as she backed away from him again.
“Can we sit?” He asked, tilting his head toward the bench at the foot of her bed. 
She nodded, and they sat down next to each other. Riley kept as much distance as possible between her and Liam. 
“Riley, someone is determined to prevent you from becoming queen. They were willing to go to great lengths to set you up. To put you in a compromising position, to invade your privacy. I know about the lock on your door. Whoever this was was willing to put your safety at risk, and they have considerable resources and access to court.” He took a deep breath, reaching over and resting a hand on her knee. “If I had stood up there and chosen you, from then on, you’d be in danger.” 
“But I would have had you to protect me. I know you wouldn’t let anything happen to me. And you have guards and all that,” Riley said, still not understanding how he could pick someone else, after everything they had shared. 
“Yes, but I’ve already failed to protect you once.” Liam’s gaze dropped to his feet, internally chastising himself again for not being there for her that night. “And after what happened at Applewood, the guards can’t be trusted either. The only way to truly keep you safe was to act as if I believed the pictures.”
There was a brief silence in the room, both of them letting the gravity of their current situation sink in.
“Do you remember the night of the masquerade? When I told you about my mother?” Liam finally spoke up. 
Riley looked at him curiously. “Yeah, you said you lost her when you were a kid.”
“Yes, but I didn’t tell you how.” His eyes locked on hers, and she could see the tears trying to break free. “She was poisoned.” 
“Oh my god, Liam. I’m so sorry.” She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
Liam cleared his throat and stood from his seat. “Yes, well that’s exactly why I couldn’t choose you. She was the queen, yet there was someone that wanted her out of the way, and they had the means to make it happen.” He walked back over to her, kneeling in front of her and taking her hands. “If I had lost you, Riley…”
Riley studied Liam’s expression. She saw the pain and fear in his eyes and understood that he truly believed this to be the right decision, even if she didn’t agree with it. “So what does this mean for us?” 
“Madeleine and I have… an understanding,” he sighed, “she knows that I’m not in love with her.” 
“Okay, but you’re engaged to her.” 
“Because I needed to make a choice. On paper, she was the best option.” Riley’s gaze dropped, but Liam placed his finger under her chin lifting it to look her in the eyes. “But she offered me an arrangement the night before the Coronation.” 
“What kind of arrangement?” RIley asked with a slight sniffle. 
Liam wiped another stray tear from Riley’s cheek before taking her hands in his. “She told me it was obvious that I was in love with you. But regardless of my feelings, she would be the best Queen for Cordonia. If I were to choose her, she would allow us to continue our relationship.” 
Riley stood abruptly, pulling her hands from his and rolling her eyes. “How incredibly generous of her.” She started moving towards the door. 
“Riley,” Liam rushed after her, placing his hand on top of hers when she reached for the doorknob. “All I could think about in that moment was finding a way to keep you in my life.” 
“So your solution to all of this is to be the good little king, marry Madeleine, and make me your mistress?” She backed away, placing her hands on her hips. “What kind of life is that?” 
“A temporary one,” he assured her. “I have no intentions of marrying her. It was simply a play to buy us time. Her hope is that nothing changes, and I simply end up marrying her.” He took a step closer to Riley, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. “But my hope is that we’re able to uncover the traitor plotting against you, and then…” He lifts her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. 
“Happily ever after?” Riley sighed, getting lost in the feel of her hand in his, the brush of his lips against her skin. 
Liam smiled as he used their still joined hands to tug her closer, wrapping his free arm around her waist. “Precisely.” He paused for a moment, relishing in the closeness he had been so desperate for over the last few weeks. “But we need to be careful… very careful.” 
Riley kept her eyes locked on his as his expression shifted to concern. “For your safety, it must still appear that we’re no longer involved.” 
His words snapped her out of her daze, and reminded her of their current situation. She instantly pulled away, stepping out of his embrace. “That shouldn't be a problem. We aren’t involved anymore, Liam.” 
“But Riley, I -”
“No,” she cut him off. “I understand that you and Madeleine have an arrangement. But it’s an arrangement that I have not agreed to.” Liam looked at her in confusion as she, again, moved toward the door. “I am here to clear my name. If I’m successful in that, then we can have a conversation about what that means for us. But for now, you’re engaged. It may be political, and there may not be feelings involved, but I’m not getting in the middle of it. I’m trying to stop the rumors, not give them more things to use against me.” 
Liam dropped his gaze to the ground as tears began to well in his eyes. “I understand,” he replied quietly. 
“Hey,” she said, her voice softening, his glistening eyes lifted to meet hers. “I still mean everything I said that night too. But I sat alone for three weeks without so much as a word from you. I spent all that time in my head, playing out scenarios, worrying about seeing you again, wondering if I would see you again. A lot has happened since the garden maze; I can’t just act like it didn’t.” 
“You’re right.” Liam nodded as he stepped toward the door, clearing his throat to try to compose himself. “My availability will be limited during the tour, but if there is anything I can do to help you clear your name, I will.” He lifted her hand one more time, his lips lingering on the back of it, not wanting to break contact. 
“Thank you,” Riley replied. 
Liam reluctantly let go of her hand and opened the door, turning once more to look at her over his shoulder. “Goodnight, Lady Riley.” 
“Goodnight, your majesty,” she curtsied. As she stood, her eyes stayed trained on the floor, not wanting to watch him leave. 
He exited her room, closing the door behind him. Riley quickly locked it, and returned to her bed, collapsing onto the plush mattress.  As difficult as this evening was, things had been so much easier when she thought Liam hated her. Now he wanted to continue their relationship, secretly, while he was engaged to Madeleine. Sure, she had held her ground tonight, but it was going to be a long engagement tour. Would her resolve be strong enough to stick to her principals? More importantly, would any of this even be worth it in the end?
@3pawandme @busywoman @cariantha @charlotteg234 @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @gryffindordaughterofathena @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @i-am-only-here-for-sims-cc @imashybish @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @nikirennie87 @princessleac1 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn 
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @ofpixelsandscribbles @the0afnan @tinkie1973
@amandablink @cordonianprincess @custaroonie @jared2612 @xpandass420x @yourmajesty09 @zaffrenotes
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sincerelyella · 1 year
Last Minute Plans
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella)
Characters belong to Pixelberry: Ella Brooks belongs to me.
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and notes are welcome and much appreciated.
Summary: An AU based on the show New Girl (my favorite can you tell??) Just a collection of one-shots and shenanigans that allude to the show. This will NOT be canon, that means this won’t be in Cordonia and Liam isn’t a King. If you have watched the show before, you know they are in Los Angeles, California. Catch up on The Loft here
A/N: Finally posting something for @choicesflashfics​ this week and it’s my favorite AU that I’ve written so far. Prompt will be in bold. 
A/N 2: It’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything - mostly because work has been crazy and studying related to work has also taken up a lot of my time. My taglist is very old so feel free to ignore should you not want to read this mess lol
Thank you @deb-1106 for reading through this a bit, I love you!
Ratings/Warnings: M - mature content; adult language; sexual innuendos; some overall inappropriateness because it’s the Loft 🤷🏽‍♀️
Words: 1215
Liam paced back and forth as Drake, Max and Leo followed him, all of their heads going right to left and right to left, and back again.
Leo broke the silence. “Bro, what’s wrong with you?”
Liam stopped and gave his friends and brother a confused look. “When did you guys get here?”
“Are you serious right now?” Drake stood and walked towards his best friend. “Li, why are you pacing the floor?”
“Oh, I …” he looked at the floor and then back up at Drake. “I want to propose to Ella.”
Everyone gasped, while Leo and Max stood from the couch.
Maxwell clapped his hands in excitement. “You are?!”
“How? Where’s the ring? When is this happening?!” Leo yelled as he hopped up and down.
“Relax, relax,” Drake hollered over everyone’s voices as he turned to his best friend. “Do you need help with anything?”
“I got her a ring already,” Liam pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket and opened it. “I’m just not sure when or how to do it. Maybe tomorrow?”
Leo snatched the box out of his brother’s hand. “Whoaaaa, this thing is fat!”
“Real helpful, Leo,” Drake mumbled. “You know Ella is crazy about you. Any way you ask her she’s going to cry.”
Liam ran his hands through his thick blonde hair nervously. “You think?”
“Good tears!” Max interrupted.
Drake nodded. “Really good tears.”
“Remember when we didn’t even think this whole Liam and Ella thing was going to happen?” Leo elbowed Max’s side.
“Yeah, we had our doubts.”
“Wait, what?” Liam’s eyes narrowed.
“You guys just kept breaking up and getting back together!” Max shrugged and looked to Leo for backup.
“I mean, there was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre-”
“No, no,” Max shook his head. “I think it was the Comic-con Dump-A-Thon.”
“You have names for our breakups?” Liam retorted in annoyance.
Leo nodded. “It would really all blur together if we didn’t.”
A year and a half earlier
“You are so annoying in those little sexy shorts you wear! Just shut up!”
Ella’s hands were on his hips yanking him close to her. “You shut up!”
They began to kiss again, tongues tangling and curling together for a few moments until Liam pulled away. “Shut up and take off your clothes,” he pointed at her. “I mean it, Ella, shut up and take off your clothes right now,” he demanded as he pulled his own shirt off, kicked off his shoes and unbuckled his belt.
She huffed and began to pull off her jacket in purposeful motions. “Why are you so ridiculous and chaotic? You can’t even tell me how you feel!”
Liam’s eyes darkened with desire. “I’ll tell you how I feel right now. I want you,” his mouth collided with hers as he swallowed her moans. “I’ve wanted you from the moment you walked into this loft. Now take off your clothes, Ella.”
Max strolled down the hall eating a banana and stopped short when he saw Liam and Ella getting lost in each other in the living room. Drake, who was walking right behind him, bumped into his back and dropped his phone onto the floor with a clang. “Beaumont!”
“Shhh!” Max flailed his arms and pushed his friend back, shushing him as he went.
“I want my bagel, Beaumont! It just popped up from the toaster and if I wait too long it gets too hard,” Drake whined.
“Drake! It’s 10 at night and you’re eating a bagel?” Max shook his head and pushed him into his bedroom. “Don’t answer that,” he huffed and stuck his ear against the door. “Did you see Liam and Ella?! They were finally getting it on!”
Drake smacked Maxwell in the back of the head. “You’re listening to them fucking? And why are they fucking in our living room?!”
Present day
“Okay, we did not have sex in the living room!”
Drake rolled his eyes. “Well we didn’t know that, Li!”
“You two just went back and forth, kissing and then yelling at each other,” Max casually walked into the kitchen to grab an apple. “Like the time we all went to that speed dating event.”
A year ago
“Why did you bring me here?” Drake hissed as his eyes darted around the room. “I knew this was shady as fuck!”
“Shut up, Walker, all we said was there would be good whiskey and you got in the car,” Leo snickered.
“I need new friends,” Drake mumbled as he wandered off in search of said whiskey.
Max surveyed the room. “Where are Ella and Hana?”
Leo shrugged. “No idea but that blonde over there has me written all over her.”
“That’s not how speed dating works, Leo!” Max grabbed his friend’s arm to keep him in place. “Where did Liam and Ella go?”
Leo turned his head and jutted his chin out. “They’re over there bickering by the entrance.”
Maxwell’s eyes widened. “Shit. If looks could kill-”
“They’d both be dead,” Leo finished as they both made their way to the doors to hear better.
Liam and Ella stood with their arms crossed as they faced each other.
“El, you liked kissing me. It’s totally fine to say that,” Liam whisper yelled. “I’m not on my knees asking you to marry me for God’s sake! It was a nice kiss.”
Ella’s eyes were like daggers as she stared at him. ”You were like a dog and my mouth was full of dog … milk. Don’t start with me William!”
The fact that she said his full name made him snap and forget about the people around them. “It was like a damn fairy tale okay?!” He bellowed. “It was the best kiss of your life! You have to take some responsibility, tarting around in those short shorts!”
Leo and Max snorted.
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Liam’s nostrils flares. “I am a man, Ella! Short shorts are my catnip.”
Present day
“You heard that?” Liam asked with wide eyes. “So much for privacy,” he grumbled. “It was a frustrating time for me okay?”
“It really doesn’t matter,” Leo waved his hand in the air. “You guys have been strong together and now you want to marry her,” he slapped his hands over his heart. “The real question is … who is going to be your best man?”
“That would be me,” Drake slid his eyes to Liam for confirmation.
“Well I-“
Leo cleared his throat loudly. “Excuse me, but I think it would be me, Walker Whiny Pants. I’m his brother.”
Drake’s face turned slightly red in aggravation at the nickname. “You’re out of your fucking mind, Rys Potato Chips!”
“What’s with the nicknames?” Max piped up from his seat on the couch.
Liam waved his arms in the air. “We have digressed so far down the rabbit hole. I just want to plan how I’m going to propose! Can any of you buffoons help me with that without arguing?”
“Alright, alright,” Leo yanked a large whiteboard out from behind the tv along with a stand and dry erase markers.
Drake’s eyes widened. “Have those been back there the whole time?”
“My room was full,” Leo explained with a large grin. “Let’s plan this shit!”
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Celebrating Open Heart
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It's been two years since the Open Heart series concluded, but we're still not over it. So, we're celebrating all things OH & Edenbrook during Open Heart Appreciation Week, taking place from March 20-27, 2023.
All fanworks are welcome (old and new) for any day of this event — fics, series, masterlists, edits, text fics, moodboards, headcanons, fanart, comics, playlists, confessions...and on and on.
EDIT: MC is used as a generic term below to represent any character that's the focus/main character of a fanwork. Read this post for clarification.
Day 1 - Monday, March 20: Your MC Tell us about your MC, their personality, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams.
Day 2 - Tuesday, March 21: Resident Life Share perspectives about your MC's friends, fellow residents/co-workers, support system, mentors, mentees/interns, LIs and more.
Day 3 - Wednesday, March 22: Family Found Does your MC have a family, found family or are they on their own? Siblings, relatives and/or cousins?
Day 4 - Thursday, March 23: Relationship Meter Tell us about relationships--platonic, romantic or otherwise--in your OH fanficverse.
Day 5 - Friday, March 24: Alternate Universe Got an AU to share? Show us how OH characters and dynamics change (or not) in other realities.
Day 6 - Saturday, March 25: Future Endeavors We never got to see our MC as an attending. Tell us how your MC and other characters navigate the future.
Day 7 - Sunday, March 26: Free Day Share anything you like to show appreciation for Open Heart and its characters.
March 27: Event Masterlist
Tag @openheartappreciationweek on new posts and reblogs of previously posted content.
If your work has mature or NSFW content, please label it as such and use appropriate warnings.
Please add a ‘read more’ page break to avoid long posts and hide sensitive content below the line. This prevents exposing other fans to triggering/disturbing or mature content.
Participate as many times as you like. There's no limit to celebrating your favorite book and characters.
You can combine submissions for this event with others such as @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesflashfics, @choicesmonthlychallenge and more.
All works will be reblogged within 24-48 hours and compiled in an event masterlist.
EDIT: Late submissions accepted until March 31.
Can't wait to celebrate everything Open Heart with you!
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Love Again
Book : Open Heart (Book 2)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose) || Feat. Tobias Carrick
Category : Angsty Fluff
Summary : He is watching his best friend fall in love for the second time and desperately praying that it doesn't lead to disastrous consequences like the first time. (Aka Open Heart Book 2 told from Tobias Carrick's point of view)
Warnings : Mentions of the maitotoxin attack
Rating : General
Word Count : 1569
Trope : Third person POV, People find out about them, Traumatic Event
A/N : This is my submission for @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week Day 3 : OH 2 and @aprilchallenge : Love is in the air. Some of the quotes have been taken directly from Pixelberry's Open Heart Book 2. Hope you guys enjoy it, happy reading! ❤️
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Chapter 6
Tobias Carrick didn’t expect to meet his long lost friend turned foe today, certainly not under the humongous roof of the third richest man in America, competing against him for the sake of saving his hospital. Yet, here he was, staring at Ethan Ramsey in flesh and blood. He looks like he hasn’t aged a day, though the beard and glasses make him look more matured than he acts to be.
Hirata and Mirani following Ramsey like puppies as usual. He recognises the other doctor, from their encounter at the deli a few days back. He did not learn her name, but was shocked to see her as a part of one of the most prestigious diagnostic team in the country. A resident in her second year missing out trivial diagnosis like cyanosis, did Edenbrook and Ethan Ramsey forget how to teach?
He was enjoying this little arrangement that Bloom came up with, never missing out on a chance to one-up Ethan Ramsey. But when his “friend” stormed out the heavy wooden doors he was not surprised but disappointed. He was rather shocked when his protege followed him without thinking twice.
Before following Mr. Bloom inside he could see Ramsey and Bose in a heated argument through the glass panels. He was surprised further because in all the years he had known Ethan Ramsey he had never seen an attending talk to him that way, much less a resident, had his “friend” changed that much? His surprise continued when Ramsey came back for a chance to crack this case, but he didn’t let his face show. Does this mere resident have special persuasion powers? He decided to put his head in the game instead, because he was playing to see his “friend” lose.
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Chapter 8
The sun shone brightly, the smell of hot dogs and beers engulfing the atmosphere this was one day in a year, Tobias pretends he followed his childhood dream of playing softball professionally. The doctors from both the hospitals mingled about, he had so many people to greet but in the sea of known and unknown people he certainly didn’t expect Ethan Ramsey to be there.
He has been going against Edenbrook for almost half a decade and never in all those years had he ever seen or ever expected the infamous Dr. Ramsey to grace them with his presence. What changed? He thought and almost immediately saw Meera Bose beside Ethan.
She was a decent player he thought, throwing the first pitch and being responsible for Tobias Carrick’s out was enough proof of that. But he couldn’t ignore the small smile at the corner of his “friend’s” lips whenever Bose threw a perfect pitch.
Old habit’s die hard and Tobias thought rubbing the case of Stephanie Hill while grabbing a water was the perfect plan. He raised an eyebrow when the young resident said “paitent care isn’t a game.” Good to know Ramsey passed down his virtues to his residents. But the fire he saw in Bose’s eyes on mentioning her friend’s betrayal mirrored the fire he had witnessed in his own “friend’s” eyes more than ten years ago due to a different betrayal.
The fight had grown heated but when Ethan took a protective stance in front of Meera giving Terrance a death threat Tobias was astounded. He had known this man for a very long time, was Ramsey falling for her? Because he hadn’t seen him this defensive since… before he could finish that thought, chaos broke free.
The final innings could have gone better, but one thing that always set Carrick apart from Ramsey was the ability to accept defeat. He watched as Bose ran towards the Edenbrook clan, her friends and colleague wrapping her up. As he turned to leave he watched Ethan join the crowd his eyes soft on Meera’s browns a playful smile on his lips, hands brushing lightly. Tobias’s earlier suspicion returned and as a diagnostician he thought he had an answer, but as one of Ethan Ramsey’s oldest “friend” he could do with some more evidence.
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Chapter 9
Logging into his tablet, Tobias looked suspiciously at the recent activity. Ethan Ramsey, at Kenmore? He didn’t have any ongoing research projects and Ethan is not the type of man who likes to take an afternoon walk around the neighborhood.
“Doctor, the patient is ready for you,” the nurse called. Tobias nodded, opening his new patient chart and getting to work, making a mental note of catching up with Ramsey before he leaves the premises.
Tobias stopped Dr. Simpson in the middle of his presentation, was that Meera Bose? He rushed out of the patient room following her still not believing his eyes. But when he saw Mirani with her he knew something was up. Three members of the Edenbrook diagnostic team cannot be behind enemy lines at the same time co-inccidently. Calling security Tobias makes a run for it.
The two doctors make a narrow escape and he comes out just in time to see his “friend” zoom away from under his nose.
“Well played Ramsey, we’ll get you next time.”
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Chapter 11
The news of Senator Ed and and his aide had spread like wildfire. Transfer patients from Edenbrook kept Tobias fairly busy, but he didn’t know why his thoughts drifted back to Meera.
“How was she doing?”
“Did they have any answers at all?”
“Is she not going to make it?”
“How was… how was Ethan doing?”
Tobias found himself choking on his own breath. In need of fresh air, he put down his tablet and took shelter in a supply closet. He doesn’t remember when was the last time he was here. More unpleasant thoughts circled his brain, Tobias punched the door out of frustration and helplessness. The door opened, and Aurora came in, the frustration and helplessness reflected on her face made Tobias decide that it was time to set aside all the age-old differences between him and Ethan and their respective hospitals.
Nothing less than a crowd was formed in front of the patient room. All of Meera’s friends, family and well-wishers stood by her side. All of them dejected and crestfallen. Ethan Ramsey stood at the forefront his heart burdened with melancholy, but too stubborn to show it in his face. Tobias had known his “friend” long enough to see right through the facade.
Tobias straightened his face, “and you won’t be alone.”
Ramsey’s face shifts from shock to thankful in a mili second and Tobias stops him right there. Everyone says their goodbye one by one and follows Baz and June into the lab. Tobias notices his “friend” not making a move.
“Shouldn’t we call Dr. Ramsey?” one of the doctors suggest.
“No. He should be there with her,” Tobias smiled. “This is where he will do the most good. Besides, I know what I am doing.” He flashes his signature smile only to receive an eye roll from Hirata.
Tobias monitored the sodium-potassium level, no this won’t work, he shaked his head. Facing another dead end, he decided its better to take a small break before getting back to work. He exited the lab and walked towards Meera’s room. The corridor lights had been dimmed, he felt like a ghost wandering the halls. He stopped in front of the window, only to see Ethan all suited up, holding Meera as close as he humanly could with the plastic barrier in between them.
He needed no more confirmations. He was sure his “friend” had fallen head over heels for Meera. It had been a long time since he had been this candid with someone, it had been so long since someone had broken all of his walls and reached for his heart and it had been so long since Ethan’s heart had shattered. Tobias was immature back then and partly responsible for what had happened but today he was not going to let that happen a second time. With renewed determination Tobias walked back towards the lab.
Just like Tobias had guessed, Ethan was still there in his hazmat suit helping Meera vomit into a basin when they returned the next morning. The child-like grin on his face on hearing about the antidote was unlike him. Tobias explained the chemistry behind their discovery, expecting atleast a couple questions from Ethan but the absence of that made him realize that he was a changed man. The sheer delight on Ethan Ramsey’s face as he administered the serum was one of a kind. He and Meera locked eyes, a silent understanding between them.
The waiting part was the worst, but once the latest lab results showed no trace of toxin in Bose’s bloodstream the entire team gathered around the patient room. Ethan sprinted through the doors, and Meera flew into his arms, tears breaking free. Ethan looked outside holding Tobias’ gaze for a little longer than necessary, while Tobias returned his signature smirk.
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Chapter 17
The rumor mill had a field day with the news that the great Ethan Ramsey had kissed a resident, Meera Bose in an atrium full of people. While the betting pool regarding how long they were dating and whether Meera slept her way to the top were the hottest topic in and around the hospital, Tobias Carrick was just content that his diagnostic skills remained undefeated and he still knew his "friend" through and through.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
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Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @choicesficwriterscreations , @openheartfanfics , @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week & @aprilchallenge
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khoicesbyk · 1 month
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 8,600 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Sorry this is wayyyyy late! I thought I had uploaded it last month. Oh well! 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
Chapter 5.) Joy Of Winter.
It's December in Cordonia. And many in the kingdom were abuzz for the annual Cordonia Winter Festival. It has become somewhat of a national pride and many were ready to celebrate. None more than Marquise. He loves the event and the fact that it has become his wife's newest pastime brings him joy. 
December wasn't just the month of the Winter Festival. It was also the month of his graduation. He was to finally graduate with a Doctorate in Psychology. He was excited and couldn't wait to go to Boston. But first, before he could celebrate he had business to attend to. 
It was a few weeks removed since his mother-in-law had gotten into a physical altercation with Countess Alicia. With many of the nobles beginning to take Lady Alicia's side and wanting Shantel to be removed from her post. But Marquise knew better. And after the security footage of the fight was released, he had both ladies meet him in his office to discuss and remedy the issue. 
"Good morning to you both. Thank you for joining me. Please have a seat." he said to them both. 
"Thank you for having us, Your Majesty," Shantel replied. 
"Yes. Thank you." Alicia agreed. 
"You're both very welcome. Now that you both are here, we can get down to business. Apparently, you two have an issue that needs to be resolved. Now."
Alicia huffed. 
"There wouldn't be an issue, Your Majesty, if someone here had remembered her place." 
Shantel rolled her eyes. 
"If by 'remembered her place' you mean that I should've remembered that I am a Duchess and you're not, then yes you're right I should have, and by doing so I should've had you thrown out of the palace."
"You have no authority there!" Alicia sneered. 
"No, I don't. But my husband, perhaps you know him, his name is Prince Damien Miller, he does. And so does my daughter. The Queen. After all, it is HER palace. Not yours. And certainly not your step-sister's." Shantel shot back. 
"Your husband is a coward and idiot!" Alicia seethed. 
"If by that you mean he chose better and by that I mean he chose me and not a bottom feeder like you. Then yeah you're so right he is."
Alicia's face contorted with disgust. 
"Why you no good god awful Jezebel!" Alicia snapped at Shantel. 
"You're still mad that he didn't want you then and still doesn't want you now!" Shantel spat back at her. 
"Why you–" Alicia started to say before Marquise cut her off, "That is enough! Have some decorum! You're both grandmothers for God's sake."
Shantel raised an eyebrow. 
"You know what? You're right, Your Majesty. We should know better. Especially me. After all, my sweet granddaughter is the Crown Heir. I have an example to set for her. I wouldn't want her to see me act like this." 
Alicia scoffed. 
"This is why you are not and never will be worthy of your so-called title and station as Duchess. You think because you slept with Damien that you belong among us. You are nothing but a commoner. A low-brow American commoner at that."
"Correction: you slept with him. And according to him, you were never really that good. Unlike you, I married him. I love him. Something you have always been incapable of doing."
"Ladies!" Marquise warned. 
"I don't even know why I'm even here. We both know you'll do nothing but side with this sad excuse of a noble." Alicia said to Marquise. 
Marquise took a deep breath and straightened his spine. 
"You're here because whether you like Shantel or not, whether you like the fact she is married to Damien or not, she is still an active member of The Royal Family. And you decided to put your hands on her. Knowing that it's against the law to do so." Marquise said to Alicia. 
"She started it!" Alicia protested. 
Shantel rolled her eyes. 
"Countess, with all due respect, I have seen the security footage and heard the accompanying audio as well. You antagonized her after she, my father-in-law, and Commander Devereaux were situated and settled into their rooms and when she snapped at you for your rudeness during dinner, you threw a drink in her face. Which ended quite badly for you." 
Alicia rolled her eyes and Marquise raised an eyebrow at her. 
"Did you just roll your eyes at me, Countess?" he asked. 
"Of course not. I'm not a heathen. Unlike some people." she replied while gesturing to Shantel. 
"I'm not so sure your actual husband, Earl Amos, would agree." Shantel shot back at her. 
"Ladies! Last. Chance." Marquise warned. 
The two women glared at each other but said nothing. 
"Now this issue between you two needs to be put to rest permanently. You are both nobles of very high society, given you both have close proximity to King Dominic and Shantel has close proximity to myself and my wife."
"So just what are you proposing, Your Majesty?" Alicia asked. 
"After speaking with both of your husbands I let them decide what the best course of action is to take," Marquise replies. 
"And what did they decide?" Shantel asks. 
"Your husbands decided that you two are going to work together."  Marquise replies. 
They were stunned. 
"What?!" Shantel asks. 
"Excuse me?!" Alicia asked. 
"Allow me to explain, because Shantel is the Education Minister, she needs a second in command. That's where you come in Alicia. Because as of this moment, per your husband's request, you are no longer Head Of Staff at the palace in Cloutier."
Alicia blinked. 
"What do you mean by his request?!" Alicia asks. 
"What I mean is Earl Amos requested you be fired from your position as Head Of Staff for embarrassing and potentially jeopardizing his house, social standing, and name. And I will honor his request. Effective immediately. Instead, you will serve as Shantel's second in command. Consider it fair and well...karmic punishment."
Their jaws dropped. 
"So you're saying that I have to work for that?!" Alicia asked, gesturing at Shantel who rolled her eyes. 
"Yes. This was the solution both men came up with and as King, I signed off on it." Marquise replied. 
"Unbelievable. I can not believe that no good coward would turn on me!"
Shantel shook her head. 
"Next time pick on someone who can't fight. You know, like your step-sister?" Shantel quipped. 
Marquise turned his attention to his mother-in-law. 
"As for you madam, you said it best. Your granddaughter is the Crown Heir. And it is up to you to set the greatest example for her. And as her father and your King, I expect you to act like it. Now as far as Alicia working for you is concerned, I expect you to be a fair leader. Is that clear?" Marquise asks. 
"Of course. She's not the first combative person I've dealt with in a workplace and she won't be the last."
Alicia scoffed. 
"This is humiliating! I shouldn't have to work with her!" 
"Not work with her Countess. Work under her. She is officially your boss. But as she has just assured me, she will be fair. And I expect that you will be compliant."
"And if I'm not? What then? You forget I'm protected by my brother-in-law." Alicia asked. 
"First of all, his detail does not extend to you. And hasn't extended to you since he lost power. And secondly, I could just forgo the solution and go with Damien's original idea," Marquise replies. 
"What idea?" Alicia asks. 
"That I strip you of your title and lands. That was Damien's original idea. The only reason he didn't push harder for it is because of your grandchildren. He as well as your husband didn't think it would be fair for them to have to lose what's rightfully theirs because you want to be a 60-going-5-year-old." Marquise replied. 
Shantel snickered quietly.
"It's no wonder why many of the nobles don't respect you, Your Majesty. You let worms like her get away with murder, while you punish their betters for no reason." Alicia sneered at him. 
"Oh, I definitely have a reason. It's called I'm the King and this is my kingdom! Now if you're that unhappy with how I rule and run things, you are free to live anywhere you'd like. Just know that it won't be here in Cordonia."
Alicia huffed. 
"Are we done?" Alicia asked. 
"Get out of my office!" Marquise hissed at her. 
Alicia got up and stormed out. Slamming his office door. 
"Well, that was fun," Shantel said. 
Marquise raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to shake her head. 
"I'll be fine, son."
"I know. But I meant it when I told her that you would be fair. Do not make me look like a liar."
"I would never do that to you. You know this. I know how hard you work to balance everything." 
"You know she's going to run and tell the first noble she comes across that you have been unfair to her right?" Shantel asked. 
"I'm betting on it. But I've been in power long enough to know how to deal with these wealthy idiots." he replies. 
"What if she tries to gather enough support to oust you and my daughter?" she asks. 
"Unless she can somehow convince the 5 heads of the Great Houses of Cordonia to support her cause, I doubt it. Also, Countess Madeleine, Duchess Kiara, Duke Bertrand, Duchess Olivia, and Duke Landon pledged their support to the crown when Khari was born and reaffirmed that pledge when my boys were born."
"Madeleine took over for her mother?" Shantel asks. 
"Mmhmm. Duchess Adelaide has kidney cancer on top of having Cirrhosis." Marquise replied. 
"Oh my God!" Shantel said with a gasp. 
"Her health struggles haven't been made public yet, but due to her rapidly declining health, she quietly passed the duties as Head Of House over to her daughter when the boys were six months old." 
"Is it terminal?" Shantel asks. 
"That I don't know. I do know that Adelaide is on the donor list. I also don't know how high up the list she is." Marquise replies. 
"Does my daughter know?" 
"Yes. We went to see the Duchess a few weeks ago."
"How can Madeleine be Head Of House if her mother is still a Duchess?"
"Her health. If a Head Of House ever falls gravely ill, they can pass their duties on to their heir. Maddy won't officially be Duchess of Fydelia until her mother officially passes."
Shantel nodded. 
Just then there was a loud commotion outside of Marquise's office door. 
"What in the world?" Shantel asks. 
That's when Earl Amos Barbaroux came in with Countess Alicia hot on his heels. 
"May I help you?" Marquise asked. 
"Yes, yes you can. You can tell my so-called husband that the deal he made with Damien is off!" 
The Earl rolled his eyes. 
"Please my King, I apologize for intruding into your office. But my wife is being unreasonable."
Alicia whirled around on him. 
"Unreasonable?! You are trying to dehumanize me by forcing me to work for someone who is way beneath my station!" Alicia yelled at her husband. 
"You don't have a station!" he yelled back at her. "I have a station!"
Shantel and Marquise looked at each other as Earl Amos took a deep breath. 
"If it wasn't for me, you'd still be the same noble whore, that your parents passed around, family to family, until they found mine, specifically they found my father, and begged him to match us together!" 
This left the King and his mother-in-law speechless. 
"You—" Alicia started to say before her husband cut her off, "I have had to put up with you and your constant disrespect and condescendence for decades. And now is when I put my foot down!" 
"Enough! Whatever the issue is or issues are between you two, will not and can not be solved by you two having a shouting match in my office. So if you two don't mind." Marquise said to both of them while gesturing to his office door, "Thank you."
Earl Amos nodded. 
"Yes, you're right Your Majesty. I apologize for my behavior towards you and Duchess Shantel." he replied to Marquise before addressing Shantel, " and speaking of you Duchess, I would also like to extend my sincerest apologies for my wife and her unbecoming and unscrupulous behavior towards you all these years. I have never been more ashamed or embarrassed."
Shantel nodded. 
"Thank you for your apology, Sir."
Earl Amos gave her a small smile and nod before turning his attention back to his wife. 
"His Majesty asked us both to leave his office. So let's go," he said calmly to her. 
Alicia crossed her arms as she glared at him. 
"I am not going anywhere with you! You no good traitor!" Alicia sneered at her husband. 
"Well, you're certainly not going to be staying in my office all day so you and Earl Amos can both take your leave."
Alica scoffed at Marquise. 
"Countess, I will NOT repeat myself," Marquise warned her. 
Alicia huffed and began to turn on her heel. But not before saying one last thing to her husband. 
"I should've had Edward kill you when I had the chance!"
The Earl scoffed.
"Well, now you can't. And until our youngest three children have finished their studies and are off to university, I am stuck living with a shrew of a wife better known as you."
Alicia stood there with her mouth open as she watched her husband walk out. Then followed behind him not too long after. 
"Well that was certainly eventful," Shantel said to Marquise. 
Marquise only shook his head. 
"Too eventful."
"What happened to them?" Shantel asks, "From all I ever heard he's been nothing but good to her." 
"He has. But she's never been any good to him."
"But why? What has he done that she hates him so much?"
Marquise looked at his door for a moment.
"Off the record? The three youngest children he mentioned...aren't biologically his."
"What?!" Shantel asked. 
"Their biological father was a man Alicia had been having an affair with for years. He worked on her and Amos's estate staff. And rather than risk the scandal of divorce, he's raised them as his own." Marquise replies. 
"Do you think their children know he's not their biological father?" Shantel asked. 
"I doubt it. I don't think he wants them to know."
Shantel nodded. 
"I can understand why. It would break his heart. Where is their biological father?"
Marquise exhaled slowly. 
"You don't know this but your brother-in-law had him executed when the man threatened to go public about his and Alicia's affair."
"You're joking!"
Marquise shook his head no. 
"Nope. And Edward made sure to have this man erased from all public records. And he even told Amos that he was to raise the children as his own until they became of age."
"Edward, had every trace of him erased?"
"Yes. You forget he had A LOT of unchecked power then. No one would have been stupid enough to question him. It took me a while but I did find the man's name."
"What was it?"
"His name was Yohan. But that's all I have been able to recover about him."
"Surely the man had a family."
Marquise exhaled slowly. 
"If he did, they were silenced by either execution or exile."
Shantel shook her head. 
"So is that all nobles do? Cheat on each other and drink themselves to death?" she asked. 
"No. They also brag about their insane wealth and power while thinking it rivals mine."
"And we both know your power is unmatched."
"Exactly. So now that all that ugliness is over, how about I treat you to lunch?" Marquise asked.
"I would love to have lunch with you son-in-love." 
Later that night Marquise had caught Shanelle up on his very colorful morning. 
"Alicia was cheating on Earl Amos?" 
"Yes. For years. And she was able to get away with it."
"She knew he could never challenge her because all she had to do was run to either Edward or Genevieve and she'd be safe. So he knew it was safer to keep quiet."
Shanelle took a sip of her wine. 
"Now are you sure this Alicia woman working under my mom is a good idea?" 
"Absolutely. I trust your mother, I especially trust in her judgment. I also trust that Alicia will remember that she has more to lose than gain if she defies the decision that was reached."
Shanelle nodded. 
"Now onto more exciting things. Like your graduation next week."
Marquise snickered. 
"I am so excited. I can't wait."
"Same! We've been waiting for it and now it's here. How do you really feel?" she asked. 
"Honestly, I'm relieved. It's been a long journey. But it's been worth it. And now by this time next week, I will have my degree in my hands. And then we and the kingdom will celebrate our favorite kingdom pastime."
"I know I'm so excited. I love seeing the palace and the orchard all decorated. And it'll be the first Winter Festival that the boys will be able to participate in."
"They were at the one last year."
"They were with Nina all day. She kidnapped our boys."
"Not that you minded my Queen."
"But you're right. They will have a blast."
"And of course, there's my favorite: the annual snowball fight."
Marquise raised an eyebrow at his wife. 
"What do you have planned for this year, my love?"
"Battle of the sexes!" 
"You mean I get to throw a snowball at you?"
"No. It means you will finally be dethroned as the defending snowball fight champion."
Marquise snickered. 
"May the best team win my Goddess."
"I know I will."
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly. 
Over the next few days, the couple spent time together before His Majesty had to get ready for his solo trip to the States. While he was excited to go, his children weren't. They had never been away from their dad for that long. So the Princess came up with a great idea for her and her brothers. They would go with him without him knowing. She pulled out one of her Daddy's biggest suitcases and did her checklist. 
"Okay, boys! We have our snacks, our juice, and our chocolate milk! Now do you have your blankies?" Khari asked her brothers. Both boys held up their blankies. 
"And you have your touchdown bears?"
The boys held up their bears. 
"Alright! Let's hop in!"
All three climbed into the suitcase and shut it. 
"Okay, boys! We gotta be quiet so Daddy doesn't know! So shhh!" she whispered to her giggling brothers. Who tried their hardest to quiet down so they wouldn't get caught. Sadly they were caught when their parents couldn't find them and looked all over the palace for them. But they discovered the suitcase they were hiding in. 
"Babe?" Shanelle asked over her shoulder. 
"Yeah?" Marquise replied. 
"Is this one of your suitcases?" 
Marquise looked at it.
"Yeah, but I never packed this one." 
"Then why is it closed?"
Marquise went to open it when he heard familiar giggling. He shook his head and started to chuckle. 
"What's so funny?"  Shanelle asked. 
"I just figured out why we haven't been able to find the children."
"What do you mean?"
"Take a listen."
Shanelle leaned in and heard the same giggling. 
"No, they didn't."
"Yes, they did."
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
"Let's play along."
Shanelle nodded. 
"There's my suitcase! I've been looking all over for it!"
"Good, I'm glad you found it. Now you and my dad can go on your trip."
"Yup now let me just zip it up."
The giggling intensified when he zipped up the suitcase. 
"Say, my love, have you seen the children?" he asks. 
"No, I can't say that I have," she replied.
"Oh well! I'm sure we'll see them before I leave."
Marquise picked up the suitcase and carried it down with the children giggling inside and him and Shanelle snickering the whole time. When they got to the main hall where Shanelle's parents were waiting they heard the giggling. 
"What in the world is going on?" Damien asks. 
Shanelle told them and asked them to play along. 
"Well, Your Highness. I believe we're ready to leave." Marquise said to Damien. 
"Yes, my King. It seems that we are ready. It's just I haven't seen the kids. Shantel and I looked everywhere for them."
"Y'know that's funny! Their mother and I were just saying the same thing." 
"Where could those kids be?" Shantel asked. 
Shanelle just shook her head laughing softly. That's when Margo walked up. 
"Are you ready to leave my King?" she asked Marquise. 
"Yes. We will be leaving shortly. Do me a favor. Take a listen to the suitcase."
Margo took a listen and heard her grandchildren giggling. 
"Why are they in the suitcase?" Margo asked. 
"Because apparently, they think they're going with me. So we're playing along." Marquise whispered. 
Margo nodded. 
"Mama, since you're here have you seen the children?" Marquise asked. 
"No, I haven't. I thought they were with you and their mother." Margo replies. 
"No. No one has seen them. Damien and I can't leave without saying goodbye to them. Oh well! Let me take my suitcase and Damien and I can take our leave." 
"That's an unusually large suitcase, my son. What do you have in it?" Margo asked. 
"You know I don't remember what I packed in it. Let me check." 
Marquise opened the suitcase and there were his children and their giggling. 
"There you are! What are the three of you doing in my suitcase?" Marquise asks. 
"We don't want you to leave so we're going with you Daddy," Khari replied. 
His heart exploded as he helped them out of the suitcase and sat down with them. 
"My love you know you and your brothers can't go with me."
"But!" Khari pouted.
Marquise put a gentle finger to her lips. 
"My love. I love you and I love Zyon and I love Kylo. But you three are too young to go with me."
"But we don't want you to go Daddy."
"I know you don't. I won't be gone long."
He hated seeing the looks on their little faces. 
"I'll see you three Thursday."
"It's not the same Daddy," Khari said, shaking her head sadly. 
"Dada..." Zyon whined. 
Marquise took a deep breath. 
"If it's one thing you three know how to do perfectly, it's tugging at Daddy's heartstrings."
He gathered the three of him in his arms.
"I love you. I love each of you. I don't like to leave you but sometimes Daddy has to. But I promise I  will never ever be gone for very long."
Marquise looked at his children and smiled before clearing his throat and singing softly. 
"Come now my sweet babies please don't cry. Let's wipe those tears from your eyes. Let's see those smiles so they brighten up the day. Always remember no matter what, Daddy is never too far away."
He held his children close before Kylo looked up at him then went and grabbed his blankie. 
"Blankie!" he said as he held it up to his father. 
"You want me to take it with me?" Marquise asked. 
Kylo's only answer was a smile. 
"Thank you, my love. I will take great care of it."
Zyon followed suit by giving his father his touchdown bear. 
"My! I'm being spoiled today. Thank you."
He held his two boys close to his chest. 
"My two sweet loves. I love you both more than I could ever tell you. I will see you both soon. I won't be gone for long."
He kissed them both on their foreheads before sending them to their mother and turning his attention to his daughter. 
"Come here, my love."
Khari stood in front of her father with a sad look on her face. 
"Are you mad at me Daddy?" she asked. 
"Never. You are allowed to feel whatever it is you feel. I could never fault you for that." he replied. 
"So I'm not in trouble?" 
"No. You and your brothers kinda gave yourselves away when you first started giggling. We couldn't help but play along." 
"You knew that we were in the suitcase the whole time?"
"Yes, my sweet one. We did. Your mother and I couldn't help but play along."
"Oh..." Khari said dejectedly. 
Marquise tilted his head before gently tilting her chin up. 
"You have no idea how much I adore you. I adore the way you love your little brothers. I know why you feel the way you do. I used to feel that way whenever my mother had to leave for a short period."
"Really?" she asked. 
"Yes. When I was 8 years old, Mother had to go on a leaders fellowship to Namibia for three months and I missed her terribly. Every day I would ask everyone on her staff when she was coming back." 
"You did?" Khari asks. 
"Ohh yes. Every single day until your grandmother returned." Margo replied. 
Khari giggled. 
"My point is I know what it feels like. I know you don't want me to go but I have to. It will only be for a few days."
Khari looked down at the ground. He pulled her close to him. 
"Do you know what happens next Saturday?" he asked her. 
"Your graduation?" she replies. 
"Yes. Do you know why I'm excited about it?"
"Because you worked really hard for it?" 
"Yes. But that's not why I'm excited about it."
"Then why Daddy?"
"Because you and your brothers will be walking across the stage with me when I get my degree."
Khari perked up.
"We will?" 
"Yes. I asked if it would be okay and the committee I spoke to agreed." 
Khari nodded. 
"Look at me, my love."
Khari looked up at her dad.
"I will only be gone for a few days. I know you're sad but we'll be together again on Thursday."
"You promise Daddy?"
"I swear it on my heart, my life, and my soul. I will never be away from your side for too long." 
Khari chewed her bottom lip and then nodded. 
Marquise wrapped his daughter in a loving hug as he stood up. 
"I love you, I adore you. My sweet beautiful Princess."
Khari gave him a big kiss on the cheek. 
"I love you too Daddy. I'm sorry we tried to trick you."
"No need to apologize, my love. Now go to your mother. Okay?"
Khari nodded. 
"I will call you and your brothers tonight okay?"
"Pinky promise?" she asked, holding up her pinky. 
"Pinky promise," he replied, hooking his pinky to hers.
With a soft kiss on her forehead from her father Khari was at her mother's side. Marquise stood up and looked to his father-in-law.
"Your Highness, NOW we can leave."
"Of course," Damien replied with a small chuckle. 
With final goodbyes to their loved ones. Marquise and Damien were soon on their way to the airstrip. Once in the air Marquise silently became curious about his children's plan to go with him. 
"Something on your mind son?" Damien asked. 
"Just wondering where Khari got the idea to pack herself and the boys in a suitcase," Marquise replies. 
Damien chuckled. 
"From me. It's an old story that I told her when she asked me if her mother had ever gotten into big trouble as a child."
"What do you mean?" Marquise asked. 
"Shanelle was 4 years old when she didn't want me to leave on a trip home. So she packed herself into my suitcase and fell asleep." 
Marquise snorted. 
"And I nearly missed my flight because Shantel and I couldn't find her." Damien replied. 
Marquise nodded with a smile. 
"I guess she thought she'd succeed where her mother failed." Damien quipped. 
"She would have if she and the boys weren't giggling so much."
Damien simply nodded with a smile. 
His Majesty and Prince Damien's US trip began when they touched down in Tennessee. There they were taken across the state line into Kentucky, where they visited His Majesty's Bourbon Distillery. They toured the facility and even got to taste the special holiday blend. As well as touring the four adjacent horse farms. That's where His Majesty got the idea for the name of the distillery. Terre de Chevaux. Which means Land Of Horses.  
That night he called to check in with his children. 
"Hello, my little ones! I miss you so much."
"We miss you too Daddy. How is your trip?" Khari asked while holding the phone so her brothers could see. 
"It's been fun. I toured the distillery and the horse farms around it and do you know what I found out?" Marquise replied. 
Khari shook her head no.
"I met some of the horses. And I learned their names."
"What are their names?" 
"One is named Esther after my grandmother. Another is named Victor after my uncle. And the last one is named Ellie."
"Like Grandmother?"
"Exactly my love."
"Wow! Will we get to meet them, Daddy?"
"I hope so."
"Where do you go next Daddy?"
"I will go to the capitol in Washington D.C. tomorrow, where I will get to speak to Congress, and then your grandfather and I will be in Boston. Where I will see you three Thursday."
"We can't wait! Right boys?" Khari asked her brothers who were trying to take the phone from her. 
"It's time for bed my loves."
"Okay, Daddy. We'll talk to you tomorrow."
"I love you all. So much."
"We love you too! Right boys?"
Later after putting their children to bed, Shanelle had a quiet conversation with her husband. 
"Finally! They're all down for the count."
Marquise snickered. 
"I miss you. You know that right?"
"Yeah, I know. I miss you too, handsome. But like you told the kids we'll see each other Thursday."
"Indeed we will. It's amazing that we've been to Boston twice in one year."
"I know you should go play the numbers while you're in the States." 
Marquise snorted. 
"Yeah sure I will."
Shanelle let out a small yawn that she failed to hide. 
"Go to bed, my Queen. I'll text you in the morning."
"Alright. Goodnight Handsome."
"Goodnight my Goddess."
"I love you."
"I love you too Shanelle."
After blowing her husband a small kiss, Shanelle went to bed. The next morning, His Majesty touched down in Washington D.C. to re-sign the Cordon-America Act of 1985. After signing the act Marquise got the chance to speak to Congress. Something he only ever dreamed about. 
"Good Morning everyone! My what a dream come true this is for me. I actually get to speak to Congress as a whole. If only my Poli Sci professor could see me now."
In his nearly 45-minute speech, Marquise highlighted the importance of the act and the continuation of the shared goal between his kingdom and America. A free, safe, and fair world for all to live in. After his speech, he and Damien toured The Library Of Congress, where he saw the original Declaration of Independence. Once the tour ended, they traveled to the Maryland National Cemetery so Damien could lay flowers at his in-law's graves. 
"I haven't been here in a few years. It's good to see them." Damien said as he laid the flowers on each grave. 
"Thank you for bringing me here. Shanelle talks about them all the time. Especially your former mother-in-law."
Damien snickered. 
"Yes. Mom is where Shanelle gets her personality from. That Jamaican fire runs through my daughter's veins."
"And mine," Marquise added. 
The two shared a chuckle. After a short flight that evening, His Majesty found himself back home in Boston and getting ready for his graduation. The next day, his wife, children, mother, and mother-in-law arrived from Cordonia. And he couldn't wait to hold his babies again. 
"I've missed you three so much," he said as he hugged them. 
"We've missed you too Daddy! How has your trip been?" Khari asks. 
"It's been good but it's better now that you three are here. And just like I promised you, we're together again. And you and your brothers can explore the house." Marquise replied as he led his family into the living room. "But before that, I believe I have a few items to return."
He pulled out Kylo's blanket and Zyon's bear. 
"I believe that these belong to the two of you."
Later that night after a big dinner and getting his children off to sleep. His Majesty went to check on his mother who was just settling into her bed. 
"Are you alright Mama?"
"Yes, my love. I'm fine. I am perfectly happy."
"Happy eh?"
"Yes of course my son. By this time Saturday, you'll have your Doctorate in hand. And will be able to display it in your office back home."
Marquise chuckled. 
"It means the world that you're here with me."
"It means the world to be here. To represent our kingdom and our family."
"It's funny. I look around this room and I can't help but miss Papa. I wish he could be here."
Margo took his hands in hers and looked at him with a warm smile. 
"I know you do, my son. The last time I was here was with him when you earned your bachelor's degree. He would be thrilled to see you earn your Ph.D. As a matter of fact, the whole flight he would've had the children in stitches and excited about your graduation. But it's just Papa that you miss is it?"
Marquise took a deep breath. 
"No. My heart aches for her. I miss her. I wish she could be here as well."
"She is here my love. She's so incredibly proud of the man you have become. She would be filled with such pride at all you have accomplished in your life. And so would Papa. They look down from heaven with smiles as bright as the sun and as wide as a Cheshire Cat."
Marquise shook his head with a smile before kissing her forehead softly. 
"Thank you, Mama. You always know what I need."
She kissed his cheek. 
"I'm your mother. I will always know what you need."
"Get your rest, Mama. I'll see you in the morning."
Margo smiled at him as he left the room and returned to the master bedroom where his wife was. He climbed into bed with her and wrapped himself around her. 
"My big ass baby."
"I've missed you."
"I've missed you too but you are way too heavy. Now get off of me."
Tried as she might, but Shanelle could not get him off of her. 
"Marquise...I...can't...breathe! Get off me!"
He finally let her go.
"Big ass creep!" she said as she caught her breath. 
"Your big ass creep. Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah." 
She snuggled into him. 
"How are you feeling?" she asks. 
"Relieved. It'll all be over soon. All the hours of study and presentation and research will have all paid off."
"Mmmhmm. And soon you will officially be a Doctor and a King."
Marquise snorted. 
"Very funny."
"You love me."
"Indeed I do. I will say I can't wait to see our children walk the stage with me."
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
"Their little cap and gowns came the day after you left. So Khari has been teaching the boys how to walk the stage."
"Please tell me you got it on video."
Shanelle handed him her phone. 
"See for yourself, Your Majesty."
Marquise watched as his daughter tried to teach her brothers how to walk a graduation stage in hilarious fashion. 
"Well...she tried."
"Yup. They are cute though."
"Very," he said with a small smile. 
As he lay in bed with his wife, Marquise became contemplative. 
"Penny for your thoughts?" she asks. 
"My thoughts are worth more than all the literal gold in our vault. But since it's you, sure," he replied. 
"What's really on your mind? Is it your mother?" she asks. 
Marquise sighed. 
"Yes. I can't help but wish she was here. I can't help but want her to be here. I want to see her celebrate with you, Margo, and your parents. And I want to see her standing behind our children. Cheering them on." he paused to clear his throat, "You would think that after 26 years my heart would have healed itself by now. But it hasn't. That void in my heart is still there. That need to see her, to be around her, to be able to hold her hand or hug her is still there. I just hope to God that I've made her proud."
"I know it is. And I know in my heart that you have made her proud. Everything that you've accomplished in and with your life has made her proud. This is just another accolade to add to the list of things that she's proud of you for." 
He kissed her forehead softly. 
"Thank you, my love."
"It's what I'm here for."
He smiled at her as he held her close. 
That Saturday was the big day for His Majesty. After getting dressed himself, he hilariously got his children dressed in their caps and gowns. With both boys being so enamored with their caps. Once everyone was ready it was time to head to the university. Once they arrived Marquise took a very deep breath for this was it. Everything he'd worked for had led up to this very moment. And it was a moment that didn't disappoint.
He finally got to do the one thing he had been dying to do. Walk the graduation stage. But what made it even more special was his children walking with him. He was proud as they stole the show. Afterward, he found himself in his mother's arms. 
"I am so proud of you, my love. So proud! You've done it, my boy! You've really done it!" Margo said proudly. 
"Thank you. I'm still in shock but I am so thankful to have you here. By my side, to celebrate with me."
"My love, there is nowhere on this earth that I'd rather be. I got to watch you achieve yet another one of your dreams."
Marquise closed his eyes and laid his forehead against hers. 
"Look at me, son."
He looked at her. 
"I wholeheartedly believe that Eleanor is jumping for joy right now. She is elated that her son is not only a King but he's also now a Doctor. You are her greatest dream come true. Her smile is as bright as the sky and as wide as a canyon. And so is Papa. You know he is in heaven just bragging about his boy doing it yet again. Telling every angel he comes across that his son has become a Doctor."
He pulled her close. 
"Thank you. For every single thing. I would not be where I am, I would not be the man I am, without you. Please don't ever forget that."
"I never have and I never will my son. Now go celebrate my love. Go on."
Later that night after hours of celebrating with his family. He spent time with the one he loves most, his wife. They were nestled together on the couch in the living room. 
"I'm so proud of you. You know that right?" she asks. 
He placed a sweet kiss on the palm of her left hand. 
"I know. You've been one of my biggest cheerleaders throughout all of this. When I wanted to stop or give up you told me to keep going. Or else you'd slug me." he replies. 
Shanelle snorted. 
"Mission accomplished." 
Shanelle took a look around the room. 
"Our story began right here. In this house. On this couch because someone's big ass pulled his hamstring racing a bunch of teenagers."
He punched her. 
"That's what you get!"
"Jerk!" she hissed. 
"Chicken, shrimp, or goat?" he asked.  
"You're lucky I love you."
"I really am. Because at the time we got engaged, there was a part of me that feared you would've turned me down."
Shanelle took a deep breath. 
"Please don't hate me for this."
"For what?" he asked. 
"There was a part of me that wanted to tell you no. A HUGE part. I wanted to run away from you and not look back." she replied. 
"Why didn't you?" he asks. 
"Because I love you. That's why. I couldn't let you go even when my brain was screaming for me to do so. You showed me what true love is. You made a promise that you have never broken. You promised to love, protect, and nurture my heart and my love. And you have constantly and consistently kept that promise." she replies. 
"And I always will. If you don't believe anything else from me, you can believe that."
Shanelle smiled at him as they continued to enjoy a quiet moment together. Once back in Cordonia, planning for the Winter Festival kicked into high gear. Crews worked overtime making sure every detail was perfect and to Shanelle's exact specifications. All the while Marquise had plans of his own. 
With the palace being as big as it is, there is a lot of unused and mostly dead space on certain floors. So he decided to have three floors converted. One into a personal bowling alley. Another into a massive indoor ball pit and playground for his children. The final floor is the one he's most excited about, that floor will be an indoor laser tag arena. And it has to be tested out to make sure it's safe and ready for the barrage of kids and adults who will want to play. Because it will be open to his family and the staff and their families. 
That Friday before the Winter Festival, Their Majesties hosted their family, both immediate and extended at the palace residence. While the children were having a time running around playing, Marquise pulled Logan aside. 
"Come with me," Marquise said to Logan. 
"Where we going?" he asks. 
"It's a surprise. Trust me you'll like it." Marquise replied. 
"Nope! You know I don't like surprises unless I'm in on them. So where are we going?" Logan asks. 
"I'll show you when we get there," Marquise replied through clenched teeth. 
"Ohhhh...okay Uncle Scar."
"Shut up and move Simba."
Marquise led Logan to an elevator and used a keycard to enter. 
"Well, this is spooky..." 
"Get in the elevator Logan."
Logan shot him a suspicious look before he and Marquise got into the elevator. 
"Okay. I'm in the elevator. Now what?" Logan asks. 
"Now we go down to the basement," Marquise replied. 
"To your dungeon?" Logan asks. 
"No. That's on the other side of the palace. And you'd have no access to that. But this is something else." Marquise replies. 
They rode the elevator down and got off when it dinged. Once out of the elevator, they walked down a hall to a door with a keypad. 
"What's behind the door?" Logan asks. 
Rather than answer, Marquise smirked and then slid his keycard to open the door. When the door opened, Logan's jaw dropped. 
"Welcome to my newest toy."
"What is it?" Logan asked. 
"This is my brand new laser tag arena," Marquise replied. 
"That's what I said."
"Dude! When the hell did you have time to do all of this?" Logan asks. 
"Construction started back in May. And was completed after the boy's birthday. But it's still not quite ready yet." Marquise replies. 
"What do you mean?" Logan asked. 
"It hasn't been tested...yet," Marquise replies. 
That's when Logan's grin widened. 
"And who's going to be brave enough to test it out, sire?"
"Why we are, my good man!" 
"Man! Let's go!"
The two suited up and spent a few hours laughing and having a good time in the arena. When they left both were buzzing. 
"That was amazing. Thank you for sharing it with me. Even though you cheated half the time."
Marquise snorted. 
"You're welcome. And thank you for coming. I'm glad you had a good time."
"I can't wait to tell my wife about it."
"As long as you don't tell the children. I want it to be a surprise for them."
"My lips are sealed, Your Highness."
When they got to the common area, their wives were enjoying a glass of wine.
"And just where have you two been the past few hours?" Shanelle asked them. 
"Out." They both reply. 
The wives looked at each other. 
"Uh-huh. You two went to check out Marquise's laser tag arena, didn't you?" Bronwyn asks. 
The men's jaws dropped. 
"How do you know?!" they asked. 
Bronwyn answered by pointing to Shanelle. 
"How do YOU know?!" they asked. 
Shanelle shrugged. 
"I might've accidentally stumbled upon the construction site one day."
"You mean you were being nosy?" Marquise asks. 
"It is my job to be," Shanelle replied. 
Marquise groaned. 
"Relax. Your kid doesn't know. I haven't told her."
Marquise visibly relaxed. 
"I can't keep nothing from you, can I?" Marquise asked. 
"Nope. Now move it, you two. We have a Winter Festival to get ready for tomorrow." Shanelle replied. 
The next day was the day of the Cordonian Winter Festival. All of Shanelle's hard work and planning had finally come to fruition. Many enjoyed a plethora of winter activities. Including snowmobiles. Which Marquise, Logan, Branden, and Brayden took full advantage of. 
"Alright, Brayden. We got a big job."
"What's that?" he asked. 
"We gotta beat your dad and brother in the race," Marquise replied. 
"Yeah yeah! Go super fast!"
"And do you know what we win when we win?" Marquise asked his nephew. 
"What uncle?" 
"Bragging rights my boy! Bragging rights!"
"So ready...set..."
"And we're off!" 
While the dads and the boys enjoyed the snowmobiles, Shanelle took the girls ice skating out on the frozen pond. 
After riding around on snowmobiles it was time for the main event, the annual snowball fight. That both royals were determined to win. 
"Any last words before I take your title, Your Majesty?" Shanelle asked her husband. 
"Keep dreaming woman!" Marquise replied with a smirk. 
"I am so going to enjoy this!"
"You enjoy losing?...how very odd."
Once the trash talk was done, the whistle was blown and the fight was on. It was a battle of giggling proportions. With trying to take out one another. 
"Will you hold still?!" Shanelle shouted at her husband. 
"Why? So you can hit me?!" he replied. 
The snowball fight was epic and ended in a draw. Which was a delight to all who participated, watched, and cheered. Before the event was over His Majesty decided to try his hand at axe throwing with Sam and a very animatedly drunk Logan. 
"Uh, Logan?" Sam asks. 
"Yeah?" Logan replied. 
"How many of those have you had?" Marquise asked, pointing to the pint in Logan's hand. 
"Including this one?" he replied before downing the rest of the pint, "eight."
Sam and Marquise looked at each other. 
"You've had eight pints of Skullcracker Ale? Are you nuts? That stuff is powerful!" Marquise asked. 
"Yeah, I know. Who knew you Europeans could make a strong ale?" Logan replied before grabbing an ax, "Now let's really have some fun!" 
"Oh Dear God..." Marquise groaned.
"If he hits either one of us..." Sam warned. 
Sam and Marquise stood way back and watched Logan toss the axe and wildly miss his first target. 
"Missed it by an inch. Let me try again."
Logan tried again with Sam and Marquise looking on. 
"How long are you going to let this go on?" Sam asks. 
"Until either he runs out of steam or they run out of axes," Marquise replied. 
"Which one is more likely to happen?" Sam asks. 
"They run out of axes," Marquise replies. 
"So we're gonna be here a while?" Sam asks. 
"Yup so settle in my friend," Marquise replies. 
Later that night after the Winter Festival had concluded, His Majesty told his wife what had happened at the ax throwing booth.
"Logan had how many pints?" Shanelle asks.
"You heard me. He had eight pints of Skullcracker Ale." Marquise replied. 
"How did you let him drink that many pints?" 
"First of all, I didn't let him do anything. He was already halfway through his eighth one when I got there. And second, saying you're great friends with the King will get you anything in this kingdom. Including eight pints of Skullcracker Ale. Especially when the limit is four pints." 
Shanelle groaned. 
"That hangover is about to be epic."
"Oh yeah. He's gonna be feeling it for days. But thank goodness there's a hangover cure."
"I can only handle three pints of Skullcracker Ale. I don't know how Logan managed to drink eight of them."
"Because he has an iron liver?" 
Shanelle snorted. 
"That's for sure."
"And how are you, my love? What was the final tally?" he asks. 
"I'm good. I'm exhausted. Today was so much fun. And the money raised during the silent auction was enough to fund the Children's Fund. All in all, it was a great day. People had fun and that's all I care about. It's why I do this every year."
"I know and you do a brilliant job at this if I do say so myself."
"Careful Your Majesty. Your personal bias is showing."
"So? I'm allowed to brag about and celebrate my beautiful wife's accomplishments all I like. Thank you very much." 
"Fine. Just one question."
"What are we doing for Christmas?" she asks. 
"How about somewhere tropical?" he replies. 
"Works for me!" 
"I shall make our Christmas arrangements post haste." 
Just then there was an urgent knock at their bedroom door. 
"Who in the world is that?" she asks. 
"I'll go find out," he replied. 
When he got up and answered the door, there was an attendant on the other side. 
"Yes?" he asked as he stepped outside. 
"Apologies for the disturbance this late Your Majesty but there is news out of Earl Amos's house." the attendant replies. 
"What is it?" he asked. 
"Earl Amos Barbaroux is dead." the attendant replied. 
"He was stabbed to death in his office." 
"What?! By who?" 
"Lady Alicia, sire. From what I have been told they got into an argument and she stabbed him in the chest with a letter opener. Repeatedly." 
"Where is she now?"
"An arrest warrant was issued for her but she's taken refuge at the old palace but that's all I know at the moment."
Marquise groaned. 
"Great...thank you for informing me. Please keep me informed of any further details."
"At once sire."
When Marquise entered the bedroom, he had an annoyed look on his face. 
"What's that look for?" Shanelle asks. 
"Earl Amos is dead," he replied. 
"Lady Alicia's husband?" 
"Yes. She stabbed him to death."
"What?! Why?" 
"I don't know yet. But I will find out. Just not right now."
"What happens to his estate in the meantime?"
"It goes to their oldest daughter." 
"Do you know where she is now?"
"Hiding out at your palace to avoid arrest but that's as far as I've gotten." 
"She won't be there for long. I'll put the call in to have her removed from the property. I will NOT be sheltering her."
"You're not. Her step-sister is."
"I don't care about her step-sister. Genevieve can kiss my whole ass. Alicia's gone as early as tomorrow morning."
Marquise smirked. 
"So says the Queen." 
"So shall it be."
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georgiesgirl1223 · 8 months
Peeping Damien
Perfect Match. Damien and mc have been dating for a while. What happens when she want to tease him while he's working?
Warnings: NSFW, smut, masterbation (both), Dom Damien, fingering, teasing
Word Count: 1458
It’s been a couple of months since Becky and Damien had started their relationship. They were just starting off getting to know each other on a more physical level and learning what each of them enjoyed. They were in that new part of the relationship where they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and wanted to try new things, discovering what kinks they share, and opening themselves to experience the other’s kinks. One night upon teasing him as he worked in bed, Becky found out that Damien loves watching her pleasure herself.
One Saturday, Becky awoke in the early afternoon, having been out late the night before helping Damien during a stakeout. She got out of bed to stretch and walked over to her bedroom window to open the curtains to let the sunlight shine through. As she clenched onto the sides of the curtains to spread them open, she noticed a figure standing on the rooftop of the building across from hers. Becky knew instantly who it was. Damien often used that spot during his investigations, he also liked it because he could also keep a watchful eye on Becky. He knew her job could be dangerous at times, receiving threats goes along with the territory of being an investigative journalist, which gave Damien all the more reason to keep a watch over her. 
A playful smirk crossed Becky’s face when she saw that dark figure standing there, she could just picture him watching her and she wondered what he was thinking. A naughty thought popped into her head as she stepped back from the window. She stood there in the middle of her bedroom and ran her fingers down her sides and hooked them at the bottom hem of her tank top and gradually lifted it up over her head and tossed it to the ground. Becky then turned around, her back to the window and curved her thumbs at the top of her sleep shorts and slowly slipped them off, rolling her hips as the fabric slid over her ass. The shorts fell to her feet, and she kicked them off, landing them in a pile with her tank. She then reached her arms back and unhooked her bra. As Becky turned back to face the window, she skimmed the bra straps across each shoulder before guiding them down her arms. She held out the bra to tease him and dropped it to the floor. She stood there in front of the window nearly naked, only the small thong covering a tiny amount of her body. Becky turned to the bed, kneeling on the edge and crawling towards the pillows like a cat, making sure to sway her hips. She flopped to her back, her head hitting the pillows. She lifted her legs, so her body was at a ninety-degree angle and slid the thong off up her legs and tossed the fabric to the side. 
It was true that Damien liked to look after her when he had time or while he was in the area working on a certain case. That particular afternoon he was lurking around working on a case for a man who believed his wife was cheating on him. Lucky for Damien the man she is suspected cheating on her husband with lives in the same building as Becky. While waiting to catch the wife and her lover in a compromising position, he had spotted Becky open her bedroom curtains and he knew she spotted him. From where he was standing, Damien had a perfect view into her bedroom, and her bed. He had watched her as she removed all her clothes and seductively climbed onto the bed. He could feel himself start to harden against his pants and he had to readjust himself. He watched as she took off her panties and laid there naked, displaying her gorgeously naked body just for him. He peered through her window as she spread her legs to show off her beautiful, shaved pussy. Her hands moved down her chest and she massaged her breasts and pulled at her nipples, tweaking them into hard peaks. Damien had to grip onto the railing as he watched her hands move down to rub circles on her clit as she arched her back letting out a moan. He grabbed his hardness through his pants and wished he could hear her moans of pleasure. Damien about lost it when we saw her move one of her hands to her breast, cupping it she tilted her head up and started suckling at her hard nipple, all while still rubbing her clit. Damien let out a low guttural growl as he reached in his jacket pocket to retrieve his phone. He fumbled with his phone before it started ringing her number.
Becky paused when she heard her phone vibrating and she reached to answer it, knowing very well who was on the other end. She answered the call and put it on speaker phone, setting it next to her on the bed.
“Hello?” She asked as if she didn’t know it was him.
Damien let out a deep groan.
“What’s wrong D?” She asked him coyly.
Damien growled “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about baby” she replied innocently as she continued rubbing her sensitive clit and letting out a whimper. “Is your thick dick hard yet?”
“Oh, fuck baby.”
“Take it out for me Damien.”
“Anything for you baby. You look so fucking sexy sprawled out like that, all for me.”
Becky heard him unzip his pants and he let out a small moan as he clutched onto his hardness.
“Is that pussy wet for me baby?”
“Okay baby I want you to stick one finger in that wet slit and keep rubbing that clit.”
Becky let out a loud moan which he heard through the phone and Damien started pumping his hard, thick dick.
“Taste yourself for me Becky. I want you to lick your finger clean for me.”
Becky pulled out her finger from her wet slit and slowly licked up her finger and took it all her mouth sucking on it. “Mmmm.”
“Do you taste good sweetheart?”
“I’d rather taste it on your tongue.”
“God Becky! What are you trying to do to me!”
“Teasing you” she said frankly as she continued to finger her wet pussy.
“You’re being a bad girl, am I going to have to punish you sweetheart?”
“Please Damien!”
He let out a loud guttural growl. “That’s it baby. Now I want you to turn around and get on your knees and show me that ass too.”
Becky did as she was told. She got on her knees, her face pressed against one of her pillows, her back arched as she thrust her ass up.
“Mmmm. That’s my good girl. Now shove two fingers into that wet pussy and don’t forget about that clit.”
“Ohhhh! Fuck yes. Oooo yes!”
Hearing her moans nearly sent him over the edge. Damien’s grip on his dick got tighter as his strokes became more frantic. “God, I want to bury my dick deep in your tight pussy.”
“Oh, Damien I need to feel you inside me” she panted. “Please!”
“Fuck! Baby! I love when you beg for it. Now be a good girl and stick a third finger in there for me and stretch that tight hole.”
Becky did as she was told and as she thrust three fingers deep inside her and she screamed out his name.
“That’s my good girl. Now say my name again baby.” His breath becoming more ragged as he pumped himself closer to the edge.
“Ohhh fuck DAMIEN!! I-I’m so close.”
“Cum all over those fingers baby. Fuck, Becky! I’m going to cum down the side of this building.” Damien threw back his head as he let out a groan and cried her name as he came hard.
After a few slow pumps from his hand, he returned his stare to her window watching her body writhe uncontrollably. “Come on Becky, cum for me baby. I want to watch you cum just for me.” His grip on his phone was so tight his knuckles were turning white.
Becky squirmed and wriggled her hips against her fingers, while rapidly rubbing circles over her clit, sending her over the edge. “Ohh Damien. DAMIEN! DAMIEN!” Becky yelled out his name as she came, falling back on the bed breathing heavily after she rode out her intense orgasm. Her chest was heaving up and down as she breathed heavily through the phone.
“Yeah baby?”
“I need you to get over here right now!”
“I’m already half-way across the street sweaetheart.”
13 notes · View notes
choicesjunechallenge · 11 months
Event Masterlist
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Weekly Masterlists
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Fanwork Types
Social Media Edits
Text Fics
Fanworks by Book/Series
Blades of Light and Shadow
Crimes of Passion
Immortal Desires
It Lives Within
Open Heart
Red Carpet Diaries
The Royal Romance
Wake The Dead
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Choices June Challenge 2023:
@aallotarenunelma, @angelasscribbles, @cariantha, @choicesfanaf, @inlocusmads, @jerzwriter, @karahalloway, @kingliam2019, @kristinamae093, @liaromancewriter, @mariemarieohcontrary, @potionsprefect, @storyofmychoices, @tessa-liam, @theartoflovingthomashunt, @twinkleallnight
Check out @choicesmonthlychallenge for other fandom events.
21 notes · View notes
alwaysmychoices · 5 months
Making a Run For it
Synopsis: Today's the day that Ethan makes a run for it. He's leaving Edenbrook and moving to California before Charlie can ruin her career by running away first. When Charlie discovers his plan, she has to ask herself whether she really wants to lose him -- and when she realizes she wants him back, she has to find a way to convince him to stay.
Chapter 41 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 5.1k (sorry but also you're welcome)
Rating: Teen (language)
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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It was hardly noon, but Charlie was already nursing her third cup of coffee. After texting with Ethan a few nights earlier, she’d barely slept. She was too aware of the absence in the other side of her bed, and no amount of coffee could make up for the sleepless nights she’d spent vacillating between making a run for it and showing up half-naked on his doorstep, begging for an ill-advised ceasefire.
Charlie thought it would help to focus on her new life waiting for her when she left Edenbrook and escaped this vicious back-and-forth. She searched for new apartments, scheduled flights, and sought someone to sublet her current place while she was away. But nothing could drive Ethan from her mind, nor could any amount of self-restraint stop her from drunk-purchasing new lingerie in Ethan’s favorite color just in case.
The longer she stood there, the more she lamented the lonely corner she’d backed herself into. But life crisis or not, Charlie had charts and paperwork to finish, and that required all the attention she could muster.
Charlie rubbed at her eyes, trying to focus on her charting, but the idea of a power nap in the call room was increasingly appealing. Just when Charlie was ready to cave, she was startled by a nervous-looking intern barreling towards her.
"Dr. Greene?” the intern – Amanda Stevens – called out to her, like she was afraid Charlie would escape before giving her advice. Admittedly, Charlie wished she had.
“Yeah?” Charlie raised her eyebrows, releasing the dream of a nap.
“I was wondering what I should do with the newest test results for the patient in Room 255.”
“255?” Charlie repeated. That was Ethan’s patient, and it said so on the chart. Charlie should know – she’d asked to be taken off the case last week to avoid any unnecessary interactions with Ethan.
Charlie was surprised to hear Stevens ask such an easy question. It was nearly the end of her first year of residency, and Stevens was known to be capable. Why was she still asking questions about where to send test results this late in the game?
Still, Charlie remembered how it felt to be a terrified first-year, so she tried to avoid sounding dismissive as she replied, “Dr. Ramsey’s the attending. Just send it his way if you’re unsure.”
“I know,” Dr. Stevens blushed, “I normally wouldn’t ask, but the system says Dr. Ramsey isn’t here for the next few days and to direct his patients to another doctor. But he was here this morning, and he didn’t say anything about leaving. Dr. Ramsey never goes anywhere. For the last few months, he’s spent more time here than at home. I was wondering if it was a glitch.”
Charlie frowned. It stung to be reminded that, since their breakup, Ethan had become a hermit in his office, but it wasn’t untrue. And anyways, Ethan never left without leaving detailed instructions on what to do in his absence. It was almost insulting how detailed his instructions would be – like he trusted no one but himself to care for his patients.
He wasn’t the type to leave without warning.
Or at least, leave without warning his coworkers. It wouldn’t be the first time he left without telling Charlie.
“Since you know him so well, I thought you might know what’s going on,” Stevens added, as if this would ease her odd request.
It didn’t.
Charlie didn’t know how to respond to that, so she didn’t. Instead, she pulled up the patient file to check for herself, and she saw the same notice – informing any reader that Dr. Ramsey was on vacation and to direct his patient materials to Dr. Carrick until he returned.
Vacation? Charlie’s face twisted. Ethan didn’t go on vacations.
“Give the results to Dr. Carrick and be prepared to present if necessary. If it’s a glitch, Carrick should be able to tell you,” Charlie stammered out, still staring at the screen.
Satisfied, Dr. Stevens hurried off to Dr. Carrick’s office, leaving a confused Charlie in her wake.
What the fuck is going on? Charlie thought. She knew Ethan was here – she saw him this morning doing rounds with the interns. Would he really go on vacation without telling her? Could he stomach leaving work without providing nauseatingly detailed instructions to the interns?
The mystery was too enticing to ignore. She knew it was dangerous to go to Ethan’s office – there was a 50/50 shot of having sex on his desk or screaming at him so loud the whole hospital heard. And they hadn’t been able to interact without exchanging longing glances in days. But Charlie had to know what was going on.
Closing out her paperwork, Charlie went to his office and knocked on the door. There was no way he’d already left. Even if he was going somewhere, he was probably just hiding out in his office. Yet no one answered the door.
She tried again – no response.
Charlie got out her phone and instinctively opened his contact, but she lost her nerve and texted Harper instead.
Charlie: Do you know where Ethan is? The system says he’s on vacation.
Harper: Did he not tell you?
Charlie: Tell me what?
The text turned to “read,” but instead of receiving a typically prompt reply, Harper hesitated. Three dots indicated she was typing, but they stopped without any message from Harper. Charlie’s stomach lurched, wondering what on earth could make Harper delay when she was famous for responding immediately.
“Charlie! Just who I was hoping to find,” Naveen interrupted Charlie’s anxious thoughts. He looked casual, but his gait was anything but. He was practically running towards her, carrying a small envelope with an unusually tight grip.
“Oh? Everything okay?” Charlie asked, trying to match his friendly demeanor. They were both faking it – and doing so poorly. The entire time, Charlie eyed her cell phone screen, frowning as Harper apparently started and abandoned a dozen text messages. What could be so bad that she didn’t want to tell her?
“Of course,” Naveen smiled warmly, but there was something strange about his expression. Unease. Concern. Panic, maybe?
Had something horrible happened to Ethan?
“I am under strict orders to give you this letter at 2 pm. Unfortunately, my afternoon is booked, so I’ll just have to defy orders and give you the letter now,” Naveen explained.
Technically, it wasn’t a lie. He did have a meeting at 2 pm – he quickly scheduled one as soon as Ethan walked into his office this morning and told him the plan. Naveen wanted to make sure he had a perfect alibi for defying his friend’s wishes. He loved Ethan, but this was undoubtedly the stupidest thing he’d ever done.
Naveen held out a small envelope for Charlie, and immediately, she recognized the impatient yet rigid handwriting on the front. It was Ethan’s handwriting, and the letter was addressed to her.
She accepted it, tracing her fingers over the imprint of her name. Charlie was desperate to open it, hoping it had some explanation for all the strangeness around her, but she was too embarrassed to tear it open when Naveen had just informed her of the intended delivery. If she wasn’t supposed to receive this letter for another two hours, was it fair to open it now?
Naveen watched expectantly, hoping she would tear that letter to shreds and stop the melodramatic catastrophe ahead. He frowned when she hesitated.
Finally, he pointedly said, “I’ll give you privacy so you can read your letter. I’ll be in my office when you have questions.”
“When I have questions?” Charlie repeated, but Naveen had already started walking away – eager to have that enveloped opened.
Charlie’s eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the small envelop once more. None of this made sense. Ethan was a creature of habit – but everything about this went against his usual behavior. He’d left work without warning. He’d written her a letter, which he’d never done before, and then cryptically given it to Naveen for delivery. Something was happening, and she didn’t like it.
Curiosity got the better of her, and within moments of being alone, she ripped the envelop to shreds, too curious to protect the paper. Her eyes flew over the words, too stunned to speak as she processed the contents.
“My darling Charlotte,
I don’t know if this letter is a relief or a betrayal. I don’t even know which I’d prefer.
I’m leaving Boston. By the time you read this letter, I will be on a flight to San Diego for an interview. If all goes according to plan, you’ll never have to see me again. I don’t trust myself to come back before starting the new job. I’m already so close to abandoning this grand gesture and selfishly demanding your forgiveness when I know you should never forgive me.
Charlie, you deserve Boston. You deserve Edenbrook. You deserve the illustrious career I know you’ll have. You deserve the dream I ruined.
I can’t stop you from leaving, but I can take away your reason for going. If you’re running away from me, there’s no need. I’m already gone.
Please stay. Be the amazing doctor I know you were meant to be. I’ll read every paper you ever publish. I’ll be proud of every discovery you make. And I’ll rest easy knowing that you needed to be free of me to achieve it all.
 Don’t let me be the reason you upend your life and career. I’m not worth it. But you, my brilliant Charlotte, are worth everything.
I love you, Rookie. Make me proud.
Charlie read the letter over and over again – as if repetition could cure the incurable and explain the unexplainable.
Anger and despair roared with each new word, resulting in shaking hands and a tear-stained page.
This… This… This asshole.
This self-important, self-sabotaging asshole! He had to get his way. He was so insufferably stubborn – almost as infuriating a match to her own tenacity. Somehow, Ethan managed to be the worst of them both, indulging in all of Charlie’s worst faults and adding more of his own. To do something like this – Charlie raged and mourned in equal measure.
He left before she could. And then he didn’t even tell her!
Because of him, the last time she’d be able to see him was this morning in the halls.
She hadn’t appreciated it. She hadn’t catalogued all the lines on his face or savored the scent of his cologne. Now that she tried to remember, she didn’t even know what color his tie was. Had he been wearing a tie?
She deserved a better memory. And fuck, the last time she saw him couldn’t be today. She was tired and disheveled. She wasn’t even sure if she’d remembered to put in deodorant this morning, and this was her final viewing?
There was so much she still needed to do. She needed to yell and scream at him. She needed to hold him and smell him and remember all the little details. She needed more time.
He didn’t get to leave like this.
Not without saying goodbye. Or giving her this ridiculous, infuriating, and heartfelt letter instead.
What a pathetic, ridiculous trade. She’d spent two years loving him and one year sharing his bed, and now she didn’t even get a proper goodbye.
It wasn’t even the first time he’d done this to her. He’d abruptly abandoned her in the name of self-sacrifice before, and she’d done the same to him. But it was different now. She knew how he liked his coffee. She knew the laundry detergent he preferred. She knew … him.
Charlie nursed her anger like a neglected seedling, hoping that fury could erase the deep sense of loss in her chest. But her wrath failed to take root. Every time she told herself she hated Ethan Ramsey, she remembered the last lines of the letter.
“I love you, Rookie.”
Ethan loved her.
Charlie loved him.
The rest of it was a petty race to see who could fuck up first.
The fights seemed so stupid now. The issues looked resolvable. She could spend the rest of her life with this man if they’d both just let the other stay.
And suddenly, it was so simple that Charlie felt ridiculous for not seeing it before. Charlie loved Ethan more than she loved her reasons keeping them apart, and she deserved the right to say that to his face.
She had to stop him. He hadn’t left yet – she had time.
The realization spurred Charlie to movement, and before she knew it, she was sprinting through the halls to Naveen’s office. She needed to find out which airport he’d gone to. She could track down the flight from there, and if she left quickly, she might make it in time. But she’d need to tell someone before she left. She couldn’t just abandon her patients without approval.
Everyone moved out of her way – some with confused expressions, others with a knowing sense of relief. Later, she would wonder how much her coworkers knew about Ethan’s secret plan to leave, but hopefully, she’d be safely tucked in Ethan’s arms by the time those thoughts reached her.
Naveen’s assistant wordlessly motioned Charlie into his office, despite the meetings Naveen said would consume his entire afternoon.
Breathlessly, Charlie heaved at the door and sputtered out a series of questions, “Where is he? When’s his flight? I need to go, I’m so sorry, but someone needs to cover my patients because-“
Naveen cut her off. Luckily, he’d prepared for all of those requests. Otherwise, he would have had to rely on her labored speech, and that would have been too time-consuming to decipher. How fast had she been running?
“Dr. Carrick has taken over your patients for the next hour, and Dr. Trinh offered to take the hour after that, if you need it. The list goes on, as you can imagine,” Naveen calmly shuffled through his papers, “Ethan is flying out of Logan Airport on a Delta flight scheduled for 1:55. The monitors will tell you his gate number. If you leave now, you’ll make it there before he gets through security, but just in case, I bought you a ticket.”
Naveen held out a piece of paper – an airline ticket to Nevada leaving at midnight. It was the cheapest same-day flight he could find.
“But how…?” Charlie trailed off, accepting the paper. It was too grand of a gesture, but she also couldn’t fathom giving it back.
“People who aren’t in love don’t have to run thousands of miles away to stay away from each other,” Naveen smiled softly, “I always knew you two would find your way back to each other. I just wished you hadn’t been so dramatic in getting there.”
“Naveen,” Charlie choked, rubbing her thumb along the ticket barcode. Charlie knew she’d never step foot in Nevada, but it was still the greatest gift she’d ever received, “Thank you so much. I can’t begin to tell you how much this means –“Charlie wiped at her eyes, momentarily forgetting the rush as she tried not to cry.
“Sweet Charlotte, you are one of my dearest friends. But you need to leave right now and stop Ethan from making a huge mistake.”
“Right, oh my God,” Charlie felt the anxiety creep back into her bones, making her practically bounce in place with the effort to stay still, “Thank you! I need to get a cab, fuck,” Charlie covered her mouth, offering an apology for her language as she rushed out of the office.
 Naveen smiled softly with relief.
One day, he would tell them that watching them fall in love was one of the most stressful experiences of his life, but today, he was satisfied that they were still in love.
Charlie bolted though Edenbrook with less care than should have been reserved for such a delicate place of healing. She weaved and ran through the halls, apologizing when necessary and promising to make up for the inconvenience. But she didn’t stop running.
Not even when she got out her phone to secure the fastest ride to the airport she could find, even if the cost made her wince.
Ethan was wrong. He was worth it. He was worth everything. Even an outrageous cab fare.
She imagined his face when she found him at the airport. What would she say? How would she convince him to stay? Would he even listen to her? For the first time, Charlie was thankful for the luxury of a long cab ride to compose her thoughts.
But then she didn’t need to imagine his face.
Because, when she reached the front door of Edenbrook, there he was.
He was standing outside, still putting his suitcase in the backseat of the cab. She didn’t need to race to the airport – he was still here.
Charlie couldn’t believe it, staring at him with a mix of awe and disbelief.
“You’re here,” Charlie breathed, amazed he heard her over the bustling city behind them. But of course, he did. It was Charlie. He always noticed her.
But she wasn’t supposed to be here.
“I am,” Ethan froze.
I almost didn’t go, he thought. His car was originally scheduled for 11:30 sharp. He’d technically been off the clock for an hour now, but he’d pushed back his car so many times that a bad stretch of traffic could ruin his entire itinerary. He’d lingered in his office for so long, finding every reason to procrastinate his exit. It was as if he’d hoped she’d sensed the danger and come running. When she didn’t magically come to stop him, he’d forced himself out of the hospital – only to wander the block for a while before finally getting in his cab.
He'd wanted to see her one last time. He wasn’t sure if he could leave without a proper send-off. But he also knew that seeing her would ruin his whole plan. There would never be enough “lasts” with Charlie. He would always want one more look, one more conversation, one more kiss. He’d spend his whole life chasing the perfect memory with her, and by then, it would be too late. He had to go before his mistakes were too engrained in her life to be undone.
But there she was – his beautiful Charlotte. He felt his resolve break before he could even admit it to himself. He’d always find a reason to stay for her.
And Charlie’s resolve broke a little bit too – just for different reasons. Her simple realization was muddied with hard truths and stinging betrayals – the most daunting of all was how much she loved him. She was so angry and hurt, but she was still so foolishly in love. She was his to hold and his to break, and they were both very good at breaking things.
It took a very large dose of courage to finally start talking.
And she began terribly.
“You are stubborn. And you think you’re always right. You’re so fucking afraid of ruining things that you try to ruin it. You should have let me make my own decisions, and you were wrong to try to fix everything because you disagreed with me,” Charlie puffed out. Her cheeks flushed with the effort of running after him and the frustration flowing through her words.
“Charlotte I’m so-“
“I’m not done,” Charlie cut him off. “You were an asshole to leave without saying goodbye – when you went to the Amazon and now.”
“How did you know I-?” Ethan began, but she silenced him with a look.
It wasn’t two yet. She wasn’t supposed to have the letter.
“But I did the same thing to you. We’re both…” Charlie paused, trying to find the perfect way to describe their cosmically misaligned faults. But all she could come up with was “Assholes. But I love you, and I’m not letting you get on that plane.”
Ethan’s hands itched to take hers – to abandon his grand gesture and run up to her. To hold her. To feel the warmth of her skin and feel the thump of her heartbeat. To promise to spend the rest of his life making up for his mistakes.
But at his core, Ethan didn’t believe he deserved her. He was too damaged. Too insecure and irrational. To self-righteous and overbearing. He’d done too much wrong to ever deserve something so right.
“I’ll ruin your life,” Ethan managed, despite the lump in his throat and the crippling sorrow that he’d never be enough for the woman he loved. He said it like a warning, like he was begging her to believe him. Even in protesting, he knew he couldn’t resist running back to her.
“No, you won’t,” Charlie said firmly. She didn’t know where she found such resolve when, in all likelihood, he would ruin her life. She’d never be the same after him. One misstep and she’d be destroyed. But she gave him the trust she wanted them both to earn.
Ethan shook his head, but he was already walking toward her. She was like a magnet, pulling him closer and closer to danger. He was close enough to smell her shampoo – coconut and vanilla – and it almost broke him. Tears welling in his eyes, Ethan’s fingertips grazed her cheek. When she leaned into his hand, he instinctively cupped her face, pushing a stray curl out of her eyes.
When he looked at her, it was with desperation.
Desperation that she believed him – that she understood the profound risk associated with loving him.
And desperation that she wouldn’t care. That he could hold her until they were nothing but bone and old memories.
“I couldn’t even tell anyone you were mine. Just like you said – I was so afraid of fucking everything up that I actually fucked it up,” Ethan was pleading with her to appreciate how horrible he’d been, “You deserve better.”
He didn’t even realize that, since approaching her, he’d bent his knees to even out their height difference. He didn’t feel the way he bent to her, still desperately concerned with being close to her. Something about that made her smile.
“Would you do that now?” she asked, hoping she already knew the answer.
He should have lied.
That would be the right thing to do.
But the idea of hiding her now was so outrageous that Ethan laughed. A weak, tear-stained, breathless laugh – but a laugh all the same.
“No,” he shook his head, “I’d scream it from the atrium. I’d be obnoxious about it. Probably even marry you and force you to take my last name like some asshole.”
Dr. Charlotte Ramsey.
It wasn’t terrible to either of their ears.
“I wouldn’t change my name,” Charlie countered, the smile still lingering on her lips.
“Good,” Ethan was laughing again. He traced the curve of her cheek, swallowing back a sob as he asked himself what the fuck he was doing.
He was supposed to be running away right now. Why was he holding her?
“I know we keep messing it up,” Charlie chewed on her lower lip, and it took every ounce of Ethan’s resolve not to free it, “But I love you. I don’t want to live without you, and I genuinely believe we can make it work. We just… need to be less dramatic, maybe. Talk it out instead of threatening to move to different states.”
That was funny, Ethan thought to himself, but he was too panic-stricken to laugh.
“What if I hurt you?” Ethan asked with such raw pain and fear that it took Charlie aback.
“You will,” she said quickly – too quickly to phrase it as delicately as the conversation deserved.
Of course, he would. Reminded of his ultimate mission, Ethan started to pull away – intent on getting the hell out of Massachusetts before he could harm her. Charlie stopped him, clamping her hands on his wrist desperately.
“I’m going to hurt you, too. That’s just what happens, Ethan. But I still love you, and if being in love with you means that we’re going to hurt each other sometimes, I still want you,” Charlie confessed, “I trust you, Ethan. Even if you don’t trust yourself.”
By now, they’d amassed a curious crowd of onlookers, but Ethan would have rather died than let her go and pretend like he didn’t love her for the sake of some strangers. Sensing them, too, Charlie started to untangle herself from their complicated embrace, but Ethan stopped her.
I don’t care if they see, he quietly implored. Her eyes widened, and to her own surprise, she did trust him.
“Stay with me in Boston,” Charlie begged.
“What if I ruin your career?”
“I don’t care.”
“What if I hurt you and we don’t work it out – and all of it could have been avoided if I’d just left today?”
“I’d still want you to stay.”
She’d want me to stay, Ethan mulled over that phrase until it was part of his soul.
This brilliant, wonderful, kind, and thoughtful woman. She’s everything he ever wanted but never thought he’d deserve. And she trusted him. She wanted him.
Maybe he just had to trust her, too.
His plans crumbled in his hands – self-sacrifice be damned. All he ever wanted was Charlie, and oh my God, he was actually going to let himself have it.
“I’m going to stay,” Ethan said, eyes dazed. Like he hadn’t really processed what that meant.
But Charlie had. She was grinning ear-to-ear, and in his stunned state, Ethan thought she looked the most beautiful she’d ever looked.
I’m staying, he thought, I’m going to live the rest of my life loving Charlotte Greene.
How the hell did he get so lucky?
Eyes still brimming with tears, Ethan’s face split into a smile, and he scooped her in his arms, forgetting about their height difference as he lifted her off the ground to hold her close. His darling, wonderful Charlotte.
“I love you so much I can’t sleep without you,” the words flowed out of his mouth so quickly that Charlie could hardly process them. Every compliment and moment of affection he’d held back poured from his lips, intermixed with kisses across her skin. “I love you,” he kissed her nose. “I love you, Rookie.” He kissed her cheek.
He would have carried on like that forever – finding some new way to say he loved her as he kissed every inch of her face.
But Charlie interrupted him, looping her arms around his neck and kissing his lips the way she’d wanted to for months. It was raw and unrefined, blending pure adoration with desperation and unbridled need. It was spliced with flowing tears and face-splitting smiles, and it was the best kiss she’d ever had.
“I love you, Ethan Ramsey,” Charlie breathed against him, so mind-numbingly happy that she momentarily forgot every sadness she’d ever felt.
“I love you, Charlotte Greene,” Ethan replied, matching her smile. Passively, he wondered how long he’d have to wait until he could tack on a ‘Ramsey’ to that last name. Given how he felt right now, he’d last an hour before he was on his knees begging her.
Then again, doing that would require releasing her from his arms – and he had no interest in doing that.
Charlie jumped, breaking apart just enough that Ethan could mourn the absence of her warmth, and he carefully put her down. They both looked to find the cab driver impatiently waiting for them. Admittedly, he’d been interested in their grand reunion, but he didn’t have all day to wait on a pair of lovebirds kissing on a sidewalk.
“Are we going to the airport or not?” he demanded.
“We are not,” Ethan grinned, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. He pulled out two hundred dollar bills and offered them in conciliation for the wasted time. He looked back to Charlie, “We could still do a local fare. I have the rest of the day off.”
He hoped she’d suggest they just went home. He was eager to spend the entire day reclaiming every inch of that apartment with affection for Charlie, rather than the ghosts of her devastating absence. It was only a bonus if that day was mostly spent in bed.
But before she could say yes, her pager buzzed, informing her of an urgent patient update. Wasn’t Tobias supposed to take her calls?
“Shit, I need to check on this,” she frowned down at the device, cursing it and whoever sent the message, “But don’t go! I’ll find you right after. Just wait here.”
Charlie couldn’t fathom the idea of letting him go off in that car alone. She wasn’t convinced he wouldn’t still go to that stupid airport, so she lingered nervously.
“I promise I’m staying – in Boston and here while you check on the patient.” There was nothing that would take Ethan away now.
Charlie looked back at her pager, wondering how bad it would be if she just ignored it. But when confronted with all the horrific possibilities, beginning with a harmed patient and ending with the loss of her medical license, she immediately tucked the pager back in her pocket and rushed towards Ethan, giving him a quick kiss, “I’ll see you soon.”
“I know,” he kissed the tip of her nose.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now go.”
Ethan watched Charlie rush back into the hospital, despite looking over her shoulder at least a dozen times. When she was out of sight, Ethan gave the cab driver another fifty-dollar bill just to celebrate his good mood, and he took his suitcase out of the back, allowing the man to get about his day.
When Ethan started walking into the hospital, he got a better look at their witnesses, and he recognized a few faces. They looked nervous, like witnessing Charlie and Ethan was too personal to be the hospital gossip they’d hoped for.
Ethan waved politely, unbothered by their presence.
“We won’t tell, Dr. Ramsey,” one of them spoke up – a nurse on the third floor who Ethan recognized as being particularly kind to the residents when she helped clean up their mistakes. It was fitting that she would try to clean this up, too. Even if she didn’t know the full extent of Bloom’s threat, she knew that professing his love for a resident would be a huge scandal for Dr. Ramsey.
“No need,” Ethan shook his head, “But thank you.”
The nurse eyed him, silently offering him another chance to save himself, but Ethan didn’t take it.
Ethan picked Charlie. Despite all the danger of heartbreak and personal ruin, he’d promised to stay. And he knew that he couldn’t do that if he maintained the secrecy that drove them apart in the first place. Something had to change, and that meant being open about who he loved and how much he loved her.
So, Ethan knew exactly what he needed to do – beginning with meeting with Leland Bloom.
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monaownsmyass · 5 months
Are any Mona lovers still alive here?👀 I’m writing a lil snippet of how I’d picture RoD2 to go down, more specifically, Mona and MC meeting again for the first time. I think I’ll be posting the fic soon so keep an eye out and lmk if you wanna be tagged 😙
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rosepetals1 · 6 months
🎄 Christmas Tree Dilemma 🎄
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: M!Hayden Young x Arielle Park (F!MC)
Other Characters: Sloane Washington
Word Count: ~598
Rating: General
Tagging: @choicesholidays; @choicesflashfics Holiday Prompt: "Are you even tall enough to put the star on the tree?" @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday Event: "I told you the tree was too big!"
Summary: Hayden and Arielle try to place the star on top of their huge tree, but after failing multiple times to do so, they decide to call on a third party for assistance.
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"I told you the tree was too big!"
Arielle watched as Hayden stood with his heels raised, desperately trying to place the star on top of the tree for the umpteenth time, but to no avail.
"It's not too big! It's just slightly taller than your average tree." He replied, still trying to reach the top.
"Are you even tall enough to put the star on the tree?”
"Of course I am!" Hayden huffed.
But as he continued to struggle, it was clear that he wasn't.
She shook her head at his feeble attempt. "Look, we clearly need help at this point. This 'slightly taller than your average tree' is almost touching the ceiling. I've called Sloane, she said she'll be right over soon."
"Oh great!" He said, nearly losing his balance. "We could certainly use it."
Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Arielle walked over to the door and opened it, and there stood a slightly panting Sloane in her winter clothes.
"What happened? I was told that this was a matter of life and death, so I dropped everything and came as fast as I could."
She added sheepishly, "I also may or may not have nearly gotten into a car crash while I was on my way. But that's okay, the most important thing is that I'm here now!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sloane! I didn't mean to make you rush like that. I was just over exaggerating when I said it was a matter of life and death." Arielle admitted.
Hayden laughed. "Tell me about it."
"...Oh. So what was it that you needed my help with, then?" Sloane asked as she entered their apartment.
Arielle pointed to the freakishly large tree in the center of their living room. "With that."
Sloane pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the Christmas tree.
"Oh my..."
"Oh my, indeed. It was Hayden's idea, by the way."
Hayden rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Guilty as charged. At first glance, I didn't think it was tall enough to the point that it would touch the ceiling but it seems I was wrong."
"You see, we want to get the star on top, but we have no idea how." Arielle explained.
"Have you guys tried using a chair?"
The couple slowly glanced at each other. Then suddenly, Hayden rushed to grab a nearby chair and placed it in front of the Christmas tree.
"I'm guessing that's a no." Sloane laughed.
Arielle shook her head in amazement. "Oh my god, I can't believe it. The solution was so obvious and we were over here having a crisis about it."
"Seems like we got a little drunk off the eggnog from earlier, hm?" Hayden quipped as he carefully attached the star to the very top of the tree.
Once Hayden stepped down from the chair, they all gathered around to admire the final result.
"Finally! We did it." Arielle grinned up at the tree as Hayden wrapped an arm around her.
"It's gorgeous. You guys did such an amazing job!" Sloane marveled.
Dipper walked over to the tree and sniffed it curiously, her tail wagging as she inspected it.
"Do you like the tree, Dipper?" Arielle asked.
Dipper barked excitedly in reply.
"That's a yes. This tree officially has the Dipper Stamp of Approval!" Hayden chuckled.
Together, they all stood side by side, admiring the Christmas tree in all its glory, and basking in the spirit of the holidays with each other.
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a-crepusculo · 2 years
When It Rains (Ethan x MC)
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Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x Dr. Marchia Ramsey (F!MC) Premise: A little dance underneath the gentle drizzle. Rating / Category: General / Fluff Warning(s): None Word Count: 384 words Artist: @/artbyainna on Instagram
A plateau of dull grey sat above them, large clouds huddled together as they walked down the narrow streets of Paris. It was quiet down there, with only the discordant rumbling of thunder as their companion, getting louder and louder. As the fresh scent of earthiness galloped with the winds, they are reminded again about the oncoming rain that was about to fall.
The couple quickened their pace, hoping to seek refuge as soon as possible. Warm lights guided them to their next destination—a place that was merely a few meters ahead, couple minutes away.
Yet, they were too late.
Marchia looked up, the dark sky drumming with the anticipation of release. Soon enough, droplets of water poured on to the pavements, singing an enchanting serenade to those who are willing to listen. A harmonic, gentle tune that soothes the mind, mends the soul.
And all of the sudden, she halted.
Her right hand, locked in with his, pulled Ethan’s body to an abrupt stop. He turned to face his wife, thoroughly confused and intrigued to find the reason behind this act.
What he saw, however, took his breath away.
Her rose cheeks gleamed, lips casting a smile that would turn his stomach upside down. Pearls of water run through her gold dusky hair, slowly trickling downwards to reach her dress. The white chiffon material became lightly soaked under the drizzle, translucent, outlining the perfect symmetry of her sylphlike figure.
Surrounded by an ethereal glow, Ethan was blessed with the glorious view of his Queen, the ruler of his heart.
He moved closer, placing one hand on her hips, and another on the nape of her neck. Glued together, his thunderous ocean eyes locked with Marchia, letting himself drown in the depths of her emerald forest—feasting in the irrefutable existence of her beauty.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
Without any preamble, he granted her simple yet tantalizing wish. His grip around her tightened, then in one swift movement, he swirled her petite body. A short squeal escaped her, followed by her signature giggles. As cliché and cheesy as it sounds, Ethan could not wait to capture her lips and taste her once more.
Because he was all hers, until the end of time.
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A/N: Yes, I’m still seriously in love with this art that Ainna made, and I can’t stop looking at it. No amount of words in the dictionary could describe how freaking obsessed I am with this!!! 🤍😭
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