#Chemical Science Thermodynamics Note
heartcravings · 2 years
universe by exo — just a long rambling
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universe is an extremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing mv, in an all beige and brown palette, showing us the exo members both in solo shots and all together in a cafe-like room with loads of coffee!!
below i go a little in depth in my own interpretation of the mv, lyrics and supporting myself with [what a shocker!] science!! so grab your ☕️ and let's go ^^
first let's get the science part out of the way:
. colour palette: cosmic latte — cosmic latte is actually the average colour of the universe as seen from the earth through very potent telescopes [1]. it's sort of a warm beige, almost white, and this is also the colour exo chose for the exo-l fandom. it was very smart of exo, since their concept is "guardian aliens from exoplanet", to chose a colour for their fandom based on the actual scientific colour of the universe. since they are "searching the universe" in this song, they kept it all within the same colour palette. #aesthetickings
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. "the universe in a cup of coffee" — several researchers have used the cup of coffee (essential in any lab, research facility, university or conference ^^) as a good example to study almost all physical phenomena as well as chemical reactions necessary to describe the universe we live in. the science is the same, wether you are talking about galaxy vortexes or a coffee-milk swirl [2]. neat isn't it? ^^ *warning* skip this paragraph if you only want to know more about exo's universe theory & not the science within a cup of coffee xD a few of the different processes we can study in a single cup of coffee include: 1) the roasting of coffee beans, which occurs through several chemical reactions, contributing with thousands of different types of molecules that give it the characteristic flavour and aroma; 2) the vapour from a hot cup of coffee, from which one can study fluid dynamics, and in particular brownian movement, which is the random movement of particles in a fluid and one of einstein's most note worthy theories. the fact that you can describe the movement of the steam with brownian movement means the steam and the air are made of tiny particles, the atoms. which as we all know are the building blocks of the universe. 3) the mixing of cold milk with hot coffee, which creates those pretty patterns of up moving milk and down moving coffee, is again a good example of fluid dynamics and convection, where the diffusion of two fluids with different temperatures and densities are mixing together. this is the same process that is responsible for the granulated patterns we see in the sun's surface for example. 4) even if the added milk and coffee were both at the same temperature, density and viscosity, the two would eventually mix into a single fluid at the same temperature, which is basically the second law of thermodynamics: the entropy (or disorder) is always increasing. the coffee and milk go from two ordered states into a more disordered/chaotic state, the latte! this is also what is occurring in our universe: after the big bang, as time went by, the universe expanded which lead to it's temperature to get lower. so what once was a very ordered state where all particles and forces were the same, as the temperature dropped it went through symmetry breaks that lead to different particles and forces. eventually that resulted in atoms and molecules and stars and galaxies and us!! *end of the science in a cup of coffee* now for the fun part — exo's universe mv theory:
. in the mv for exo's 'universe' there's a frame where there is just coffee and the tiny bubbles that form on the surface. now tell me they don't resemble the images of stars and galaxies in our night sky?
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almost negative images of each other, right? i don't know for sure, of course, but to me this mv is not about coffee: coffee here is the wholeness of everything, it's the universe itself.
. when they show us the members alone they usually are associated with one of the elements necessary to make a coffee: sehun is always shown with a dark almost black background which i associate with the rich deepness of a black coffee. junmyeon is shown with a white sheet flowing around his feet, almost like he is in the milk or is the milk? then they show kyungsoo with fog around him like the steam of a hot coffee? and there's baekhyun alone in a beige floor, and later also jongin, which can be kind of a hint to the cosmic latte that will result from mixing milk and coffee, no?
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. there's also images of coffee and milk being blended together, which basically will give the warm beige tone of cosmic latte.
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the whole process of making a cup coffee, from the bean grounding to the mixing of milk, sugar or foam in the dark coffee is also shown with all the members involved in one step or the other.
. i think the exos are part of the universe and are apart from this "you" they are searching for in the universe. from the lyrics (the english translation i followed is [here]), i think searching for "you" can mean they are separated from each other and/or from someone else that they are searching for. (exo-ls perhaps??)
. the lyrics basically say that they are flawed individuals and that they recognise they hurt this "you" they are searching for. i think the knots, and the ropes represent that: they are tied up, mangled and can't figure out how to move, how to untie themselves from those dark parts of themselves or those mistakes they made. there's a certain chaos associated with the mangled knots, the pile of chairs, the yellow thread sehun is trying to untie, the scribbles jongdae is doing, the messy jumbled lines on the painting on the wall, the ropes holding jongin down! the exos are always shown alone in these moments, mostly tense and kind of stuck in that physical or metaphysical state.
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. there's also black and white moments: an empty exo coffee cup; a pile of ropes; a closing knot on a rope; falling coffee beans; chanyeol taking his sweater off; the jongdae, baekhyun, jongin pile. these are also mostly stuck in place kind of moments, there's a tense energy to them, almost void of hope.
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. from the lyrics again, they have happy memories together with this "you" they search, which they cherish and they won't let go of, and those are what they use as fuel to continue searching the whole universe for this "you".
. the mv shows us jongin running and then surrounded by coffee cups, which (besides the irony of him hating coffee xD) is almost like he is tired of searching all these different universes (aka coffees) for this "you" he can't find! at some point the exo's are shown all together but they are stressed, sad and frustrated. they try to make different coffee combinations, with and without milk, sugar, foam, etc... all these coffees/universes, and they can't find what they were searching for!
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. eventually they start to recognise everything is tied together: << laughter and tears, scars and healing / questions and answers are all inside of you / you own my world, you're my small universe >>. they show this with those lovely images of them holding hands like they are tied together; baekhyun, jongin and jongdae all leaning on each other; them sharing a coffee and being happy together.
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. eventually the tone of the music changes, someone mixed the right amount of milk in the coffee, found the right universe. the song finishes with << i'll search the universe / until I can find you again / i won't even let the smallest memories go / the memories engraved in the seasons / will come back at last, so I will find you / because that is love / because it's love >> which ties beautifully with exo's official slogan "we are one, exo, let's love!" this is the cosmic latte that is the answer to finding this "you" they keep searching for. they know the answer now, the ropes/threads and even the line on the art piece are untied and the exo's are shown together looking at us at last <3
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before i finish this overly long post about coffee, exo and the universe, let me just point that i found it very cute that minseok is the one actually making the coffee for them with the coffee machine! ^^
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tombuckreviews · 9 months
The Judo Argument book review
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Debates about whether God exists have raged for ages and probably always will. Such arguments typically play out in philosophy and theology. However, some reason from a scientific perspective - employing findings about the natural world to argue for divine origins. These "judo arguments” attempt to beat science at its own game, citing laws and evidence to make a faith-based case. While novel, they universally come up short when scrutinized scientifically.
A common argument notes that complex life could not have evolved randomly, as entropy dictates decay toward disorder. Thus, intentional intelligent design must be involved. However, Earth isn’t a closed system – the Sun provides ample energy for local organizing processes to emerge so long as net universal entropy increases. Another argues that amino acids forming the first proteins randomly would be astronomically unlikely. However, while a precise protein repeating by chance is unlikely, some self-replicating molecule arising eventually becomes probable - and selection could amplify it.
The Ontological Argument: Defining God Into Being One of the earliest scientific arguments for God's existence is the "ontological argument" put forward by St. Anselm in 1078. His reasoning goes that the very concept of a perfect being implies its existence since non-existence would be an imperfection. This argument attempts to define God into existence through logic, without the need for evidence. While inventive for its time, modern philosophers largely reject it as unsupported semantic trickery. As sci-fi author Asimov notes with humor in his essay titled “The Judo Argument,” conceiving even a “perfect gas” does not necessitate its physical existence in reality.
Thermodynamics and the Improbability of Order A more common judo argument invokes the second law of thermodynamics, which holds that entropy or disorder universally tends to increase in closed systems. The case goes that evolution's drive towards greater order and complexity over billions of years appears to violate this. Thus, intentional intelligent design must be involved to circumvent random decay. However, Asimov adeptly counters that Earth isn’t a closed system – the Sun provides ample incoming energy to facilitate local organizing processes so long as net entropy increases in the larger solar system. Just as a refrigerator can stay cold inside by releasing more heat to its surroundings, life can self-organize additional order so long as there is an external energy gradient to exploit.
Probability Calculations and the Origins of Life In his 1947 book "Human Destiny," French biophysicist Pierre Lecomte du Noüy calculates the absurdly low probability that the amino acid chains forming the first proteins could have been linked by pure chance random interactions within the lifetime of Earth. He presents this tiny probability as persuasive evidence for intentional divine design seeding life. Asimov admits the odds of randomly hitting on an exact known protein are infinitesimal. However, his rebuttal shows that while likely amino acid combinations are still insufficient to spark replication, some variability remains probable. Thus, once any self-copying molecule like RNA eventually forms by chance, mutation, and selection can take over to bridge the gap from chemistry to evolutionary biology. This incremental bootstrapping pathway is now supported by decades of origin of life experiments, rather than necessitating one impossibly unlikely jackpot molecule.
Order Emerging Spontaneously from Chaos While Asimov stops short of any definitive statements on God’s existence either way, his systematic take-downs of such arguments rooted in shaky logic demonstrate the awesome power of emergent order possible from chaotic physical and chemical laws alone. Contrary to Creationist doctrine, complexity does not imply an intelligent Creator. In Asimov’s model grounded by evidence, life proliferates not despite, but precisely because of, the organizational trends intrinsic to dynamic non-equilibrium thermodynamic systems with sufficient energy flows. Those seeking an honest assessment of how far science can go in engaging with faith will find “The Judo Argument” a thought-provoking and enlightening read. More broadly, it highlights the wonder, chance, and self-organization built into nature that allowed humankind to eventually emerge and ponder such eternal questions - no deities required.
The March of Science Towards Natural Explanations Over the centuries, phenomena once cited definitively as proof of divine influence - from lightning to human origins to disease treatment - have consistently yielded to natural scientific explanations rather than legitimizing supernatural ones. While gaps remain in our knowledge, the march towards material and empirical causes continues unabated. Those hoping science will reach its limits and endorse intentional explanations are invariably disappointed. Today mysteries like consciousness, dark matter, and the spark of life draw those seeking transcendence for what science has yet to explain. But theories are already emerging of these grounded in complex feedback loops, exotic particles, and energetic chemistry alone, without any need for external souls, creators, or vital energies.
Can Science and Religion Ever Be Reconciled? While judo arguments fail to leverage science to demonstrate the intent behind life’s emergence, the impasse between scientific and spiritual worldviews persists. They operate in separate spheres concerning very different kinds of questions - the mechanical how versus the numinous why. Asimov gives reason for optimism by engaging deeply with the science cited rather than dismissing it outright, respecting religious conviction even while disputing faulty logic. In that spirit of mutual respect for evidence and belief, the relationship between science and philosophy might finally leave behind centuries of tension. Just as interdisciplinary research unifies micro and macro fields, more grace-filled profound dialogues between leading thinkers pursuing different facets of truth may continue to relieve friction and enlighten humankind.
The Judo Argument: Wrestling with Science and Faith In his thought-provoking book "The Judo Argument," author Shoaib Rahman examines several longstanding attempts to use science to definitively prove the existence of God. He dubbed these "judo arguments" - when believers try to flip science's logic against itself to argue for supernatural explanations from a rational perspective.
Order Emerging from Chaos
Many such arguments hinge on the claim that complex structures like the human eye could not have evolved randomly or that the spark of life itself beating the odds is too improbable without guidance. However, as Rahman points out, the second law of thermodynamics only probabilistically favors increased entropy rather than strictly mandating it. With ample external energy sources like the Sun, locally reversing entropy through organizing processes that ultimately enable life is not unlikely over billions of years.
Probability Statistics Misapplied
In perhaps the book's most compelling chapter, Rahman unpacks the fallacies in prominent creationist probability calculations. While authorities cite the infinitesimal chances of proteins or DNA chains forming exactly as they exist today spontaneously, he notes this is the wrong comparison. The first self-replicating molecules would likely be far simpler, adapting later by evolutionary processes. Moreover, while any given outcome is very unlikely, some outcome proving viable is still probable - especially with chemical building blocks already extant.
When Statistics Fail Philosophy
Yet at its heart, Rahmansympathetically explains these arguments stem from cognitive gaps left unsatisfied by reductionist science. Statistical improbabilities argued as necessitating guidance disguise deeper existential grappling. But just as dividing accident from intent may provide comfort, 'God' often inserts higher questions rather than answers. Neither statistics nor semantics can capture the whole of reality. By revealing judo arguments' overreliance on these tools, Rahman shows how they fail philosophy before even reaching faulty science.
A Reasonable Path Forward
While cataloging gaps in past efforts, Rahman notably stops short of conclusively disproving God, remaining open to new evidence. He simply shows the folly of attempting proof, either way, advocating humility. Within those wise constraints, his dismantling of shaky logic sympathetic to the motivations provides a blueprint for more constructive dialogues between science and faith. For non-believers, it unpacks assumptions reflecting existential angst. For believers, it respects faith's convictions while avoiding easily falsifiable scientific extrapolations in tension with theology's teachings.
By showcasing judo arguments' inadequacies with both evidence and meaning, Rahman's "The Judo Argument" charts a reasonable path forward for reconciling the compatibility questions haunting science and religion’s conflicted past. Perhaps their interplay can yet offer mutual illumination of both immanent and transcendent mysteries. But crudely wielding each against the other proves nothing, clarifies little, misses the point entirely, and impoverishes all parties. This book provides helpful guideposts to move that stalled conversation into more enlightened territory.
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theengedge · 1 year
What education is needed to become an engineer? 
Firstly, it is important to note that there are several types of engineering disciplines, including mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering, among others. Each field has its own unique requirements, but there are some common educational requirements that are necessary for all engineering fields.
A bachelor's degree in engineering is typically the minimum requirement for most engineering jobs. This degree program typically takes four years to complete and provides students with a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. Coursework may include topics such as thermodynamics, mechanics, materials science, and electronics.
In addition to a bachelor's degree, some engineering jobs may require a master's degree. A master's degree can provide students with more specialized knowledge in a specific area of engineering, such as renewable energy or structural engineering. It can also open up more advanced job opportunities, such as research and development positions.
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shraddhamatre · 1 month
Thorough Guide for the RRB JE Mechanical Test
Thousands of candidates take the very demanding Junior Engineer (JE) test offered by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) every year. The purpose of this test is to find applicants for the role of Junior Engineer in a number of fields, including mechanical engineering. Engineering graduates can get into the Indian Railways and hold a coveted career by passing the RRB JE Mechanical test. We will go into great detail about the RRB JE Mechanical exam in this blog, including the curriculum, preparation techniques, test format, and crucial success advice.
Exam Pattern The RRB JE exam is conducted in two stages: Computer-Based Test (CBT) 1: Duration: 90 minutes Number of Questions: 100 Subjects: Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science. Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark, with a negative marking of 1/3 for every incorrect answer. Computer-Based Test (CBT) 2: Duration: 120 minutes Number of Questions: 150 Subjects: General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control, and Technical Abilities specific to the discipline (Mechanical Engineering).
Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark, with a negative marking of 1/3 for every incorrect answer. Syllabus The syllabus for the RRB JE Mechanical exam is extensive and requires thorough preparation. Here is a breakdown of the key topics:
Mathematics: Algebra Trigonometry Calculus Statistics and Probability Mensuration Coordinate Geometry General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analogies Coding-Decoding Mathematical Operations Syllogism Venn Diagrams Data Sufficiency General Awareness: Current Affairs (National and International) Indian Economy Indian Geography History and Culture of India Indian Polity Environmental Issues General Science: Physics (Laws of Motion, Thermodynamics, Optics) Chemistry (Chemical Reactions, Periodic Table, Acids and Bases) Biology (Human Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Genetics) Technical Abilities (Mechanical Engineering): Strength of Materials Theory of Machines Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamics Production Technology Machine Design Manufacturing Processes Engineering Mechanics
Strategies for Preparation It takes a methodical and disciplined strategy to prepare for the RRB JE Mechanical test. The following tactics will assist you in succeeding: 1) Recognize the Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Start by familiarizing yourself with the material and exam format in detail. Make a list of everything you need to learn, then allot time to each topic according to your areas of strength and weakness.
2) Study Materials: Select appropriate study materials, such as internet resources, regular textbooks, and reference books. A few works that are suggested reading include "Fluid Mechanics" by R.K. Bansal, "Theory of Machines" by S.S. Rattan, and "Strength of Materials" by R.K. Bansal.
3) Make a Study Plan: For efficient preparation, a well-organized study plan is essential. Split up your study time into short, doable periods and make sure you finish all the material in the allotted time. Take regular pauses to prevent burnout. 4) Solve prior Year Papers: Exam format and difficulty level may be best understood by working through prior year papers. It will also assist you in recognizing the kinds of questions that are commonly posed throughout the test.
5) Mock Tests: Take practice exams frequently to gauge your level of readiness. You may increase your confidence and sharpen your time management abilities by taking mock exams.
6) Revise Frequently: Maintaining your learning requires revision. Important formulae, ideas, and subjects should be briefly noted down, and they should be reviewed frequently. 7) Keep Up to Date with Current Events: For the General Awareness component, read periodicals, newspapers, and internet portals to remain current on events. Pay attention to subjects pertaining to science, technology, and environmental concerns.
8) Join Study Groups: Participating in online forums or study groups might be helpful.
You can keep motivated by talking about challenging subjects and exchanging study materials. Crucial Success Advice Time management: Throughout the exam, make good use of your time. Depending on how comfortable you are, give each segment a certain amount of time, and aim to finish the simpler questions first. Focus on precision in order to prevent receiving a poor grade. It is preferable to skip the question rather than guess and lose marks if you are unsure about the answer.
Remain Calm and Concentrated: On test day, maintain your composure. Take your time going over the questions and don't hurry through the paper. The RRB JE Mechanical test is a difficult but attainable objective with the appropriate planning and attitude. You may improve your chances of succeeding and getting hired by the Indian Railways as a junior engineer by paying attention to these tactics and advice. Wishing you luck!
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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ycenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Nature interpretation through Science
Nature interpretation through science is using scientific principles and methods to understand and explain nature’s diversity and complexity. Nature provides us humans endless opportunities to explore as there are so many mysteries waiting to be unraveled. I believe that the understanding and knowledge we earn also increase our appreciation towards nature for its wonders. 
As a biological science student, I have the opportunity to explore nature through the lens of science. From studying the structures of cells to understanding the interaction between species and the environment, I have gained a newfound respect for the intricate way nature works. One of the biggest realizations I have is that everything in nature is interconnected and that also means aspects in science are interconnected. Scientists will apply principles of physics, chemistry, biology, and other disciplines in hopes of gaining insights into the way nature works. These principles can be applied separately or together depending on what we are looking at. Physics provides the fundamental principles of natural phenomena such as light waves, thermodynamics, etc. Chemistry provides knowledge on the structure and interactions of matters which explains chemical reactions. Biology explores the anatomy, physiology, genetics, and ecology of living organisms. 
An example that showcases how nature and science are interconnected would be climate change. Climate change is the long-term shift in weather patterns, the biggest contributor is the burning of fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas which traps heat from the sun causing temperature to rise on Earth’s surface (NASA, 2023). Important note, climate change is mainly caused by human activities (NASA, 2023). To better understand the causes and consequences of climate change, scientists study the physics of greenhouse gases, the chemistry of the atmosphere, and the biology of ecosystems. 
Nature interpretation through science is also crucial in promoting environmental awareness and conservation. There are numerous studies done when it comes to the environment and a lot surrounds the topic mentioned earlier, climate change. These scientific findings help inspire people to value and protect the natural world as it is educating the public on what is happening and why it matters along with actual data and facts as proof. Science has the power to inspire actions and positive change from individuals. Through my studies, I have learned that science is not just about facts and theories but also a tool for understanding and appreciating nature.
In conclusion, nature interpretation through science offers a unique perspective on the wonders of nature. By applying scientific principles and methods, we can understand and learn about the diversity and complexity of the way nature functions. Understanding the interconnectedness between nature and science is essential for preserving biodiversity, ecosystem health and resilience, and sustainable management of natural resources. I believe that it is our responsibility to use the knowledge we acquire to protect and preserve our nature. Thank you.
NASA. (2023, September 27). What is climate change?. NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/what-is-climate-change/ 
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manasastuff-blog · 8 months
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to the world of the Indian Coast Guard! If you are aspiring to join this prestigious organization and embark on a thrilling career in the defense sector, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will explore the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD syllabus and how Manasa Defence Academy provides the best training to the students. So gear up and let's dive right in!
Indian Coast Guard Syllabus: A Stepping Stone to Success
The Indian Coast Guard Navik General Duty (GD) exam is a gateway to a rewarding career in safeguarding the nation's maritime interests. To crack this exam, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus. Let's break it down:
Mathematics forms an integral part of the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD syllabus. It covers topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Solving practice questions and understanding important formulas is crucial to excel in this section. At Manasa Defence Academy, we provide expert guidance and ample practice material to ensure our students are well-prepared to tackle complex mathematical problems.
A sound knowledge of physics is vital for aspiring Coast Guard recruits. The physics section in the Navik GD syllabus focuses on topics like mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Understanding the fundamental principles and their practical applications is key to scoring well in this section. Our experienced faculty at Manasa Defence Academy use interactive teaching methods, real-life examples, and practical demonstrations to make physics enjoyable and easy to comprehend.
The chemistry section in the syllabus aims to test candidates' knowledge of basic concepts, including chemical reactions, the periodic table, and organic chemistry. At Manasa Defence Academy, we adopt a practical and interactive approach to teaching chemistry. Our well-equipped labs provide hands-on experience to our students, helping them grasp complex concepts with ease. We also organize regular workshops and guest lectures by renowned chemists to broaden our students' understanding of the subject.
English proficiency is a crucial skill for effective communication in the Coast Guard. The English section in the syllabus tests candidates' grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. To enhance our students' language abilities, Manasa Defence Academy conducts regular English language classes, focusing on grammar rules, vocabulary building exercises, and practice sessions for essay and letter writing. We also encourage our students to engage in group discussions, debates, and mock interviews to boost their confidence.
General Knowledge
General knowledge is the backbone of any defense exam, including the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD. This section evaluates candidates' awareness of current affairs, history, geography, politics, science, and sports. To keep our students abreast of the latest developments, we provide regular updates through quizzes, newspaper reading sessions, and interactive discussions. Our faculty members also conduct special sessions on Indian Coast Guard-related topics to ensure comprehensive preparation.
Manasa Defence Academy: Shaping Future Guardians
Manasa Defence Academy takes immense pride in providing the best training to aspiring Coast Guard recruits. Our comprehensive approach and top-notch faculty make us the go-to institute for those aiming to crack the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD exam. Here's why students choose us:
Experienced Faculty: We have a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who possess in-depth knowledge of the Indian Coast Guard syllabus. They provide individual attention, mentorship, and guidance to each student, ensuring a conducive learning environment.
Comprehensive Study Material: Our study material is meticulously curated, keeping the latest exam trends and syllabus in mind. We provide detailed notes, practice exercises, and previous year question papers to help students gain a thorough understanding of the topics.
Mock Tests and Performance Analysis: We believe in the power of practice. Our institute offers regular mock tests for each subject, closely resembling the actual exam pattern. Detailed performance analysis is provided to students, highlighting their strengths and areas that need improvement.
Physical Fitness Training: Along with the academic curriculum, we also focus on physical fitness training. We organize regular workout sessions, sports activities, and endurance training to ensure our students are in the best shape to meet the demands of the Coast Guard.
Embarking on a career in the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD requires determination, hard work, and thorough preparation. Understanding the syllabus and receiving proper guidance are essential factors in ensuring success. With the comprehensive syllabus coverage and top-notch training provided by Manasa Defence Academy, you can be confident in your preparation and increase your chances of cracking the exam. So enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a proud guardian of our Indian coastline!
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxL2HoqLbyA || One of the most important, yet least understood, concepts in all of physics. Head to https://ift.tt/YpZQVdA to start your free 30-day trial, and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription. If you're looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms - a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically: https://snatoms.com ▀▀▀ A huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, and Dr. Misha Titov. ▀▀▀ References: Carnot, S. (1824). Reflections on the motive power of heat: and on machines fitted to develop that power. - https://ift.tt/PL18msI Harnessing The True Power Of Atoms | Order And Disorder Documentaries, Spark via YouTube - https://ift.tt/LWQn4tD A better description of entropy, Steve Mould via YouTube - https://ift.tt/wbLRz3G Dugdale, J. S. (1996). Entropy and its physical meaning. CRC Press. - https://ift.tt/Lo0rJyi Schroeder, D. V. (1999). An introduction to thermal physics. - https://ift.tt/j3NPqgX Fowler, M. Heat Engines: the Carnot Cycle, University of Virginia. - https://ift.tt/sjaGDf1 Chandler, D.L. (2010). Explained: The Carnot Limit, MIT News - https://ift.tt/92Fctxv Entropy, Wikipedia - https://ift.tt/nAl3rRY Clausius, R. (1867). The mechanical theory of heat. Van Voorst. - https://ift.tt/mxwn6Is What is entropy? TED-Ed via YouTube - https://ift.tt/7roF5lg Thijssen, J. (2018) Lecture Notes Statistical Physics, TU Delft. Schneider, E. D., & Kay, J. J. (1994). Life as a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics. Mathematical and computer modelling, 19(6-8), 25-48. - https://ift.tt/B2H3aSk Lineweaver, C. H., & Egan, C. A. (2008). Life, gravity and the second law of thermodynamics. Physics of Life Reviews, 5(4), 225-242. - https://ift.tt/2FfMCLX Michaelian, K. (2012). HESS Opinions" Biological catalysis of the hydrological cycle: life's thermodynamic function". Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(8), 2629-2645. - https://ift.tt/WPv5c3z England, J. L. (2013). Statistical physics of self-replication. The Journal of chemical physics, 139(12), 09B623_1. - https://ift.tt/nRtKjsI England, J. L. (2015). Dissipative adaptation in driven self-assembly. Nature nanotechnology, 10(11), 919-923. - https://ift.tt/GkOohNM Wolchover, N. (2014). A New Physics Theory of Life, Quantamagazine - https://ift.tt/aUZxyEV Lineweaver, C. H. (2013). The entropy of the universe and the maximum entropy production principle. In Beyond the Second Law: Entropy Production and Non-equilibrium Systems (pp. 415-427). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - https://ift.tt/cQAa6ur Bekenstein, J.D. (1972). Black holes and the second law. Lett. Nuovo Cimento 4, 737–740. - https://ift.tt/w9Bs4OW Carroll, S.M. (2022). The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: Space, Time, and Motion. Penguin Publishing Group. - https://ift.tt/QAodeJE Black hole thermodynamics, Wikipedia - https://ift.tt/YDadyIz Cosmology and the arrow of time: Sean Carroll at TEDxCaltech, TEDx Talks via YouTube - https://ift.tt/kPdrb1h Carroll, S. M. (2008). The cosmic origins of time’s arrow. Scientific American, 298(6), 48-57. - https://ift.tt/j7aZHRO The Passage of Time and the Meaning of Life | Sean Carroll (Talk + Q&A), Long Now Foundation via YouTube - https://ift.tt/bm7eTFx ▀▀▀ Special thanks to our Patreon supporters: Emil Abu Milad, Tj Steyn, meg noah, Bernard McGee, KeyWestr, Amadeo Bee, TTST, Balkrishna Heroor, John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Anton Ragin, Diffbot, Gnare, Dave Kircher, Burt Humburg, Blake Byers, Evgeny Skvortsov, Meekay, Bill Linder, Paul Peijzel, Josh Hibschman, Mac Malkawi, Juan Benet, Ubiquity Ventures, Richard Sundvall, Lee Redden, Stephen Wilcox, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Michael Krugman, Sam Lutfi. ▀▀▀ Written by Casper Mebius & Derek Muller Edited by Trenton Oliver & Jamie MacLeod Animated by Mike Radjabov, Ivy Tello, Fabio Albertelli and Jakub Misiek Filmed by Derek Muller, Albert Leung & Raquel Nuno Molecular collisions video by CSIRO's Data61 via YouTube: Simulation of air Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images, Pond5 and by courtesy of NASA, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Goddard Flight Lab/ CI Lab, NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, HMI, and WMAP science teams. As well as the Advanced Visualization Laboratory at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, B. Robertson, L. Hernquist Music from Epidemic Sound & Jonny Hyman Produced by Derek Muller, Petr Lebedev, Emily Zhang, & Casper Mebius
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ieisia · 2 years
Henry Louis Le Chatelier
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Henry Louis Le Chatelier[1] (French pronunciation: ​[ɑ̃ʁi lwi lə ʃɑtlje]; 8 October 1850 – 17 September 1936) was a French chemist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He devised Le Chatelier's principle, used by chemists and chemical engineers to predict the effect a changing condition has on a system in chemical equilibrium.
In chemistry, Le Chatelier is best known for his work on his principle of chemical equilibrium, Le Chatelier's principle, and on varying solubility of salts in an ideal solution. He published no fewer than thirty papers on these topics between 1884 and 1914. His results on chemical equilibrium were presented in 1884 at the Académie des sciences in Paris.
Le Chatelier also carried out extensive research on metallurgy and was one of the founders of the technical newspaper La revue de métallurgie(Metallurgy Review).
Part of Le Chatelier's work was devoted to industry. For example, he was a consulting engineer for a cement company, the Société des chaux et ciments Pavin de Lafarge, today known as Lafarge Cement. His 1887 doctoral thesis was dedicated to the subject of mortars: Recherches expérimentales sur la constitution des mortiers hydrauliques (Experimental Research on the Composition of Hydraulic Mortars).
On the advice of a paper of Le Chatelier that the combustion of a mixture of oxygen and acetylenein equal parts rendered a flame of more than 3000 celsius, in 1899 Charles Picard (1872-1957) started to investigate this phenomenon but failed because of soot deposits. In 1901 the latter consulted with Edmond Fouché and together they obtain a perfectly stable flame and the oxyacetylene industry was born. In 1902 Fouché invented a gas welder tool with French patent number 325,403 and in 1910 Picard developed the needle valve.
Le Chatelier in 1901 attempted the direct combination of the two gases nitrogen and hydrogen at a pressure of 200 atm and 600 °C in the presence of metallic iron. An air compressor forced the mixture of gases into a steel Berthelot bomb, where a platinum spiral heated them and the reduced iron catalyst.  A terrific explosion occurred which nearly killed an assistant. Le Chatelier found that the explosion was due to the presence of air in the apparatus used. And thus it was left for Fritz Haber to succeed where several noted French chemists, including Thenard, Sainte Claire Deville and even Berthelot had failed. Less than five years later, Haber and Claude were successful in producing ammonia on a commercial scale, acknowledging that the account of Le Chatelier's failed attempt had accelerated their research. Near the end of his life, Le Chatelier wrote, "I let the discovery of the ammonia synthesis slip through my hands. It was the greatest blunder of my scientific career
Le Chatelier's Principle states that a system always acts to oppose changes in chemical equilibrium; to restore equilibrium, the system will favor a chemical pathway to reduce or eliminate the disturbance so as to restabilize at thermodynamic equilibrium. Put another way,
This qualitative law enables one to envision the displacement of equilibrium of a chemical reaction.
For example: a change in concentration of a reaction in equilibrium for the following equation:N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
If one increases the pressure of the reactants, the reaction will tend to move towards the products to decrease the pressure of the reaction.
However consider another example: in the contact process for the production of sulfuric acid, the second stage is a reversible reaction:2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
The forward reaction is exothermic and the reverse reaction is endothermic. Viewed by Le Chatelier's principle a larger amount of thermal energy in the system would favor the endothermic reverse reaction, as this would absorb the increased energy; in other words the equilibrium would shift to the reactants in order to remove the stress of added heat. For similar reasons, lower temperatures would favor the exothermic forward reaction, and produce more products. This works in this case, since due to loss of entropy the reaction becomes less exothermic as temperature increases; however reactions that become more exothermic as temperature increases would seem to violate this principle.
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dpathshala · 2 years
How to Build a Bright Future in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
Mechanical engineering and Automobile Engineering is an evergreen field of engineering that has produced several inventions. It's also one of engineering's oldest subfields. The mechanical and automobile engineering distance learning courses cover ideas related to fluids, thermodynamics, mechanics, entropy, and structural analysis.
 Designing machinery such as windmills, automobiles, airplanes, and has many more benefits from understanding the concept of Mechanical and Automobile engineering. Additionally, mechanical engineers work on the creation of complicated machinery, power tools, and engines.
Continue reading if you are a person interested in building a future in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering:
 What is mechanical engineering?
 Mechanical engineering is concerned with the development of mechanical systems, which are employed in almost every sector of industry. The diversity of the field and the range of employment opportunities influence students to pursue mechanical engineering.
You can work in a variety of sectors, including energy, robotics, the automobile industry, and construction. In general, you can anticipate taking courses in engineering service and statistics, engineering economy, materials science, technical writing, design, and automation.
What is Automobile Engineering?
It is a sub field of vehicle engineering. It applies principles from mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering. These principles are used for the creation, production, and use of motorcycles, cars, and trucks, as well as the technical subsystems.
Modifications to automobiles are also included in it. The creation and assembly of an automobile's component pieces fall under the manufacturing realm.
Automotive engineering is the study of designing, developing, making, and testing cars or vehicle components from concept to production. In automobile engineering distance learning courses, students will learn about production, development, and manufacturing.
The Industries with the best prospects for Mechanical Engineers and Automobile Engineers
As soon as you obtain the necessary qualifications, you can work in almost any place where innovation takes place. Sectors include aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, chemical, construction, defence, electronics, marine, minerals and metals, pharmaceuticals, rail, and utilities.
The following are the top employers for students who completed b.tech. automobile engineering distance education and Mechanical Engineering as per a recent survey:
Manufacturing of machinery - 13%
Scientific research and development – 7%
Manufacturing of transportation equipment - 12%.
Services in architecture, engineering, and allied fields - 22%
Manufacturing of computers and electronic devices - 7%
Essential skills to build a bright future in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
Strong theoretical concepts knowledge
 The most important qualification a mechanical engineer and Automobile Engineer should have is an in-depth theoretical understanding. Each and every practical application is built on theoretical ideas. If you intend to construct a career on top of it, the foundation must be solid.
 Knowledge of tools
 An Automobile Engineer should have an understanding of the resources available in the application of theoretical knowledge to practical uses. With automobile engineering online courses, you need to be aware of the tools specific to your area of interest.
 Problem-solving and Logical thinking
 Knowing your fundamentals will be helpful to you once you leave the classroom and enter the working world. An understanding of these fundamentals, theoretical concepts, and software tools will aid you in finding a solution each time you get into a new issue.
 Students need to improve your capacity for logical thinking. Every issue must be approached by first understanding the desired outcome. Then make a note of the knowledge and apply your understanding to come up with a solution.
 Job Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering
 The following categories provide a general overview of the job possibilities available to Mechanical Engineers:
 You would be given the duty of using computers, software, and other instruments to draft the sketches.
 You will provide advice and direct the creation of tools and parts. Additionally, you will oversee the methods and processes used in production.
 Testing and Analysis
 You will be involved in examining, identifying, and repairing defects as well as testing machine parts, apparatus, and systems.
 Installation & Maintenance
 Machine parts will be installed in the factory and industrial setting. In accordance with the guidelines, you will also help with the maintenance of the machinery and its individual parts.
 This is a fantastic career opportunity in mechanical engineering. You will do thorough research and use cutting-edge technologies to include the most recent results in the creation of your products.
 BE Automobile Engineering Distance Education employment areas
 Students who completed automobile engineering correspondence course can get job opportunities in:
Application Engineering
Product Engineering
Automobile Workshops
Maintenance Workshops & Automobile Garage
Automobile Companies
Colleges & Universities
Defence Establishments & Services
Automobile Manufacturing Industry
Automobile Design Engineering
Production Unit Engineering 
Maintenance and Service Stations
Private Transport Companies
Final Thoughts
 The Distance Pathshala online portal aims to provide comprehensive, unbiased information to students on all facets of online and distance education. Students have the ability to find the top universities offering online and distance education with Distance Pathshala.
 Students can compare online automobile courses and distance education courses according to a variety of factors like the E-learning system, EMI, and faculty. 
automobile engineering automobile engineering online courses
Location: India
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homework1online · 2 years
Do You Want The Best Physics Assignment Help? It Is Here For You!
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Everything that belongs to the physical part of our existence is called Physics. It is an integral branch of science that deals with subjects like electromagnetism, thermodynamics and even quantum Mechanics. Physics assignment help can allow you to know more about this in
detail when needed.
Physics has many subfields in it. Chemical Physics, Biophysics and even Astrophysics are a part of this. Other subfields include Geophysics, Materials Science and Engineering Physics. When you seek help with Physics homework, tutors may help you learn more about other subfields of Physics.
Today, studying Physics can fetch you innumerable benefits in the long run. It not only helps you sort your daily life but also allows you to tackle a lot of problems on your own. Here are some main benefits of Physics you should know.
Main Benefits of Physics
If you are in a university or are studying in a high school, it only makes sense to study Physics as a subject. This is because there are numerous good reasons to study Physics. These reasons are stated below for your reference. You may
also, refer to Physics assignment help when in
need more detail.
1. It Allows you to expose yourself to new challenges.
 2. A plethora of choices in diverse career opportunities. 
 3. Helps analyse why the world operates the way it does.
 4. Helps you to work overseas and crack your dream job. 
 5. Allows you to solve diverse problems quickly.
Qualifications Required To Study Physics
 1. A degree in Computer Science 
 2. A Medical Physics degree. 
 3. A Chemical Physics degree. 
 4. An Engineering degree 
 5. A Chemistry degree. 
 6. A degree in Mathematics
Why Else Choose Physics As A Career Option?
 1. Physics gives you an opportunity to make the most of Mathematics and improve
your skill sets in this subject. 
 2. Physics is highly interesting and is bound to keep students engaged. 
 3. It will help improve your problem-solving capabilities quickly. 
 4. It also largely contributes to the invention of numerous technologies. So, if you are tech-savvy, it’s all you need!
 5. The subject also allows you to create a perspective and own it.
Why Choose Us?
At Homework1.com, we are a group of expert and certified online tutors in the field of Physics. We provide homework help, Physics assignment help, PPT presentations, research papers and even hand-written notes. All the content we provide to students is error-free, deadline-driven and plagiarism-free. So, connect with us now for more.
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jyotidp · 2 years
How to Build a Bright Future in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
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Mechanical engineering and Automobile Engineering is an evergreen field of engineering that has produced several inventions. It's also one of engineering's oldest subfields. The mechanical and automobile engineering distance learning courses cover ideas related to fluids, thermodynamics, mechanics, entropy, and structural analysis.
Designing machinery such as windmills, automobiles, airplanes, and has many more benefits from understanding the concept of Mechanical and Automobile engineering. Additionally, mechanical engineers work on the creation of complicated machinery, power tools, and engines.
Continue reading if you are a person interested in building a future in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering:
What is mechanical engineering?
Mechanical engineering is concerned with the development of mechanical systems, which are employed in almost every sector of industry. The diversity of the field and the range of employment opportunities influence students to pursue mechanical engineering.
You can work in a variety of sectors, including energy, robotics, the automobile industry, and construction. In general, you can anticipate taking courses in engineering service and statistics, engineering economy, materials science, technical writing, design, and automation.
What is Automobile Engineering?
It is a subfield of vehicle engineering. It applies principles from mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering. These principles are used for the creation, production, and use of motorcycles, cars, and trucks, as well as the technical subsystems.
Modifications to automobiles are also included in it. The creation and assembly of an automobile's component pieces fall under the manufacturing realm.
Automotive engineering is the study of designing, developing, making, and testing cars or vehicle components from concept to production. In Automobile Engineering Distance Learning Courses, students will learn about production, development, and manufacturing.
The Industries with the best prospects for Mechanical Engineers and Automobile Engineers
As soon as you obtain the necessary qualifications, you can work in almost any place where innovation takes place. Sectors include aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, chemical, construction, defence, electronics, marine, minerals and metals, pharmaceuticals, rail, and utilities.
The following are the top employers for students who completed b.tech. automobile engineering distance education and Mechanical Engineering as per a recent survey:
Manufacturing of machinery - 13%
Scientific research and development – 7%
Manufacturing of transportation equipment - 12%.
Services in architecture, engineering, and allied fields - 22%
Manufacturing of computers and electronic devices - 7%
Essential skills to build a bright future in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
Strong theoretical concepts knowledge
The most important qualification a mechanical engineer and Automobile Engineer should have is an in-depth theoretical understanding. Each and every practical application is built on theoretical ideas. If you intend to construct a career on top of it, the foundation must be solid.
Knowledge of tools
An Automobile Engineer should have an understanding of the resources available in the application of theoretical knowledge to practical uses. With automobile engineering online courses, you need to be aware of the tools specific to your area of interest.
Problem-solving and Logical thinking
Knowing your fundamentals will be helpful to you once you leave the classroom and enter the working world. An understanding of these fundamentals, theoretical concepts, and software tools will aid you in finding a solution each time you get into a new issue.
Students need to improve your capacity for logical thinking. Every issue must be approached by first understanding the desired outcome. Then make a note of the knowledge and apply your understanding to come up with a solution.
Job Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering
The following categories provide a general overview of the job possibilities available to Mechanical Engineers:
You would be given the duty of using computers, software, and other instruments to draft the sketches.
You will provide advice and direct the creation of tools and parts. Additionally, you will oversee the methods and processes used in production.
Testing and Analysis
You will be involved in examining, identifying, and repairing defects as well as testing machine parts, apparatus, and systems.
Installation & Maintenance
Machine parts will be installed in the factory and industrial setting. In accordance with the guidelines, you will also help with the maintenance of the machinery and its individual parts.
This is a fantastic career opportunity in mechanical engineering. You will do thorough research and use cutting-edge technologies to include the most recent results in the creation of your products.
BE Automobile Engineering Distance Education employment areas
Students who completed Automobile Engineering Correspondence Course can get job opportunities in:
Application Engineering
Product Engineering
Automobile Workshops
Maintenance Workshops & Automobile Garage
Automobile Companies
Colleges & Universities
Defence Establishments & Services
Automobile Manufacturing Industry
Automobile Design Engineering
Production Unit Engineering 
Maintenance and Service Stations
Private Transport Companies
Final Thoughts
The Distance Pathshala online portal aims to provide comprehensive, unbiased information to students on all facets of online and distance education. Students have the ability to find the top universities offering online and distance education with Distance Pathshala.
Students can compare online automobile courses and distance education courses according to a variety of factors like the E-learning system, EMI, and faculty. 
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educomiq-com · 3 years
Chemical Science Thermodynamics Class Notes with Assignment by Career Endeavor Spiral Bound Photocopy Materials for UGC NET CSIR is very useful for general study purposes.
We at EducomiQ are committed to providing quality notes at affordable prices. For Queries:- Call or What's app @7827422314 For ordering visit our site EducomIQ
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pigstepping · 3 years
Some fuck o clock am worldbuilding notes for keres
The term "ghost" is a layman's term that describes a pretty broad category of occult phenomena that vary in source, sentience, benevolence/malice, and capacity for harm
Accordingly, the term "ghost hunter" is a misnomer because 99 times out of 100, the best solution to a haunting is not to destroy the spirit. Ethical practitioners like Techno will try to find ways to intervene without killing an entity that often ends up being an alternate lifeform
The three categories of "ghost" are 1) remnants, basically non-sentient byproducts of human emotion; 2) shades, the literal lingering "souls" of the dead; and 3) spirits, non-human supernatural entities. There are subcategories for each of these depending an entity's origin and behavior-- a keres is a type of spirit known for its malevolence and its... unique preferred method of killing its victims.
I came up with some hand-wavy physics to explain how entities and other occult phenomena actually work, but in-universe this branch of science is very poorly understood, even by the experts. The bullshit-ish explanation is that theurgical energy is highly sensitive to observer effects because human cognition is a manifestation of the same energy, making experiments almost impossible to reproduce. We spit in the face of the scientific method <3
A snippet of the physics: theurgical energy, like any other kind of energy, can be transformed into other types (think chemical energy -> heat + light via combustion). Perception is a transformation reaction that converts the chemical/electrical energy of neurons firing into the theurgical energy of qualia + free will + subjective emotion
Another physics snippet: unlike other forms of energy, theurgical energy violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics by being self-renewing, thereby decreasing the overall entropy in a system. For example, emotion is both an expression and an infinite source of theurgical energy, which can then be transformed into other types of energy, etc. (For an irl example of something that ~evades~ the 2nd law of thermodynamics, see time crystals which sound incredibly fake but were successfully synthesized in a lab in 2016)
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pestriddencarnivore · 4 years
Headcanon: Chisaki’s parents and earliest childhood
Name: Harahoshi Ishi 原星    偉志  Kanji: Original(Nuclear) Star | Greatness Ambition 
Profession: Astrophysicist
Quirk: Molecular Manipulation
Status: Deceased
Notes:  - strongly career oriented, it’s either straight As or death - would have been an astronaut but being in a spacecraft sounds terrifying for so many reasons... - has a major sweet tooth and literary cannot travel to a new place without trying out all the regional treats - knows the rules of several iterations of dnd by heart but can’t DM for the life of her because she becomes way too mathematical, can’t perform the NPCs well and coming up with a fun story is just... a skill in itself she does not have. Great player though 10/10
Name: Kohaku Ishi 虎白    偉志 Kanji: Tiger White | Greatness Ambition
Profession: Chemical Engineer
Quirk: Quirkless
Status: Alive, Living on Hokkaidō
Notes:  - the type who excels at a few things in life but otherwise just struggles with being an adult - he’s used lab equipment for cooking food plenty of times and also once took a course of “Culinary Thermodynamics”. He’s actually a pretty decent cook, though masterful at baking ( Yes, he bewitched his wife with pastries. ) - he enjoys making science jokes almost no one understands. But don’t worry, he will laugh for you. - lowkey ready to fight 24/7 and almost got his drunken ass kicked more than once at a uni party 
Further Note: After a conversation about their kid growing up Kai’s parents had a little competition going on over whose scientific field Kai would favour. They’d frequently give him related toys and take him to work to show that obviously he’d favour their own. It was all in good fun of course.
The decision of having a child was a battle between wanting to further pursue their careers and the wish to have a family. In the end they had to settle on a middle ground, and when Kai was born his parents couldn’t have been happier. It indeed had made their life a full time struggle but to them it was worth all the little moments and the life ahead. They loved their child and cared for him with all they had.
That was until the incident. It happened when the boy was about 20 months old, and his quirk had started showing. 
All it had taken was a single touch. Kai didn’t directly kill his mother. Instead with his still undeveloped powers he broke her body irreparably. She spent months in hospital in a coma, with multiple attempts to heal her until finally the decision was made to let her die.
It was not long after Harahoshi’s hospitalisation, that an organisation called the “ National Union of Early Developmental Quirk Education “ contacted Kai’s father. They first introduced themselves to help him and his situation, then gradually applied more and more pressure to convince him to give up his child completely, often saying things like: 
“ You can’t raise the boy on your own. You don’t have the time or any experience with quirks. “ “ You wouldn’t want the child to grow up with the knowledge that he killed his mother. “ “ We know what is best for him. We have done it many times before. “
In between work, worrying about his sick wife, the child and his own worsening mental state Kohaku wound up giving in to the pressure and completely signed the boy off to them. 
Only a few weeks after his wife had died did the scope of his mistake truly dawn on him and he tried for years to get Kai back. However, all his struggles were in vain for he never found out where they kept his son or if he even still was with the people who originally took him. 
Eventually all he had left was to give up and move on.
It happened when Kai Chisaki rose to become the boss of the Shie Hassaikai, that his father found out about him. At the time he couldn’t tell for sure if it was his son, in fact he still doubts it to this day. However that didn’t stop him from digging up everything he could find out about that man, and regularly keeping up to date with news on the organisation.
Kohaku has never made an attempt to seek out Chisaki, convinced that even if it was his child he perhaps wouldn’t even want to meet him. And since likewise Kai never made an attempt to search for his real parents they never saw each other again. 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter
an: we really getting into now hehe 
The military cemetery thirty minutes outside Orynth was cold and bleak, fitting for the day.
Everyone in attendance was staring at the empty casket being lowered into the hole dug into the frozen ground of early January. Weylan shuffled his notes, clearing his throat before speaking, “Our space program was lucky to have an astronaut like Aelin Galathynius. She gave her life to this program and will be sorely missed. Her sacrifice in the furthering of science itself will not be in vain and the men and women here at TNSB will notice her absence every second of every hour, ensuring that her death means something. Anneith bless her and Hellas save her,” he said, making the sign of protection and prayer, a three fingered claw-like shape and pushing it from his heart.
The attendees repeated the gesture while Manon and Asterin whispered their own prayers, holding hands tightly, designating the highest Ironteeth honour on the fallen woman.
Gavriel was already in Weylan’s office as he walked in with Asterin, the two locked in a hushed argument. Upon spying the mission director, they paused and Weylan nodded towards the folder in his hand, “What’s that there?”
“I need you to sign off on the plans for the-“
Gavriel pressed harder, “I know I can get parliament to fund it-“
“Gavriel, that’s not why I said no and you know it.” Weylan sighed and walked past him to sit behind his desk, Asterin taking a seat beside Gavriel. “We’re a public organization, everything we do has to be transparent.”
Weylan and Asterin shared a look before the director responded, speaking slowly, “The moment the satellites point to the hab, we broadcast Aelin Galathynius’ body to the world.”
Gavriel scoffed, “You’re afraid of a PR scandal?”
Asterin rose a brow, “Of course we are. We have a dead astronaut on Farnor and we still need funding for The Crone.”
“So then what do we do?” he asked, tapping his finger on the folder, “She’s not going to decompose, her body will be up there forever.”
The director shrugged, “Meteorology reports that she’ll be covered by sand in less than a year.”
Gavriel threw his hands up, nearly hitting Asterin in the process, “We can’t wait a year! We have work to do and are we not going to discuss retrieving her body?”
“And what? Waste money and time for a corpse?”
Both Asterin and Gavriel flinched, the former hiding her adverse reaction better than Gavriel did. He was at a loss for words, thankfully Asterin spoke up, “Weylan, think about it. The Crone can bring the body back. Sympathy for her family-“
“What family? She’s an orphan and unmarried.”
It took conscious effort to anger Gavriel and he clamped down on the red-hot emotion, gritting his teeth as Asterin spoke again, “The Crone can bring back her body. We don’t make the mission about that, but we make it clear that that’s part of it. I can spin it if we do this now, Weylan. We can’t wait a year – people won’t care in a year.”
The pain had lessened, if barely, as Aelin came to, not sure how’d long it had been since she’d passed out. There was no new blood and she sighed in relief, reaching for the pills again and taking one. Aelin stood up, pushing herself up carefully until she was standing.
She groaned but was able to breathe past the ache and hobble her way to the bunks, dragging out her box and getting warmer clothes.
Putting them on took energy, too much of it, and she was panting as she sat on the floor, her back against her bed. Her stomach panged in hunger and she would have to find something to eat soon, but first, she grabbed her laptop and moved to the kitchen, sitting down and opening the computer up.
After a few taps and a bit of fiddling, she clicked on the video journaling and the camera started rolling. “Fuck, I don’t know how to do this,” she muttered, glancing at herself on the screen before squaring her shoulders and taking deep breath. “Uh, hi. This is Aelin Galathynius, recording from the hab. It’s currently,” she looked at the timestamp next to the recording time, “sixteen-hundred hours and surprise, I lived!” She laughed shakily, dragging her hand through her hair. “Obviously.” 
“I’m assuming this is a surprise to the crew and TNSB, if not, I’m going to kick some asses, but… I did not die on day eighteen. If I’m piecing this all together correctly, this,” she held up the antennae, “lovely little thing here damaged my bio-monitor and the team… had to leave before someone else got hurt.” Tears filled her eyes and she wiped them away, “Stupid painkillers, making me cry. But I… if I don’t make it out of here, which is highly likely, I just want to tell my crew that I don’t blame you, ok?”
She let out a shaky breath and continued, “I know that you broody humans are going to blame yourselves, especially you, Commander, but it was a tough situation and I would’ve made the same call. It’s just my bad luck, you know?”
Aelin shook her head, “Alright, now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way, I need to do some science.” She grabbed a nearby pen and her mission file, “There’s no way to contact TNSB because the satellite broke and I was impaled by the antennae. The next manned mission is in four years and I have to survive on a desolate planet for that long, right? Oh, and get to the Mistward crater where a prepositioned FAV is just waiting.”
She chewed on the pen, brows furrowing as she thought, “It’s a thirty-one-day expedition which means we have provisions for seventy, as a precaution.” She scribbled some numbers down, her mind whirling, “Now, it’s just me here which means it’ll last for…” she trailed off, “three-hundred days. With rationing, I can stretch it to four hundred. Which means I don’t have enough provisions to make it.”
With a sly grin, she looked up at the camera, “Thankfully, I know a thing or two about botany and soil.”
Aelin pushed herself in the wheeled chair to the pantry, opening every drawer and carefully counting every packet they had, separating them into different piles.
One, marked with red letters, Do not open until Beltane caught her eye and she grabbed it, “Oh, thank fuck the only thing Terrasen can grow is potatoes.” She looked at the camera by the microwave, “I’m about to science the shit out of this. It’s not gonna be pretty, I need to reclaim our waste and make fertilizer, but… it’ll keep me alive.” For now.
It had been a week since the storm and Aelin had completed converted the kitchen into a greenhouse, Farnor soil on the floor, fertilized with the crew’s own human waste, with neat rows of spuds by moving all the chairs and tables outside, dumping them on the ground next to the rover station. That was another thing. To get to the next drop-site, it was a two-thousand-kilometre drive and the rover went a total of fifty.
Adding in the fact that she would have to spend the nights inside the rover as well, with outside temperatures reaching negative seventy-three in Celsius, she would need to turn on the heater, which would drain the battery.
She’d long since gone through everyone’s things, finding the holy grail, a rover manual in Lorcan’s box. Aelin had never been more thankful for mechanical engineering in her life.
It was slow and hard work to modify the two rovers they had. After fifty kilometres, the batteries would need to be recharged, at the hab.
Left with no other options, Aelin had been forced to dig up the old radioisotope thermoelectric generator, powered by none other than plutonium itself. The list of dangers was lengthy, however, Aelin wasn’t too worried.
She talked to the camera in the rover, “Now, I do remember that one of our lessons was ‘Don’t Go Digging Up The Big Box Of Plutonium,’ but it’s either cancer due to exposure or slowly dying due to the laws of thermodynamics. Honestly, at this point, getting cancer due to exposure to a toxic chemical would be heaven compared to being alone on a desolate planet, but them’s the breaks, I guess.”
The lone astronaut was sitting before the computer, wearing the hoodie Rowan had left. It was the only thing that brought her comfort, other than the motherload she’d found on Nesryn’s computer – all of the Twilight movies and, of course, the computer geek’s favourite manga, Anatolia Story. It was surprisingly interesting and after she’d binge read seven out of twenty-eight volumes, Aelin forced herself to stop, telling herself she’d only read one volume a week. So far, she’d kept to her promise, but she’d been so busy with figuring out how to stay alive, she hardly had any free time.
She did find enough time to laugh herself silly over the fact that Fenrys’ had every Disney princess movie available, even her favourite: Mulan.
Elide had been her saviour with PDFs of Harry Potter, and Lorcan with Marvel movies. Even grouchy Rowan had Grey’s Anatomy, which was quite a shock to find out, given how much the doctor looked down on the show. Sometimes, Aelin imagined his voice as he ranted about how dramatic and unrealistic it was, especially with how many of the doctors slept with their co-workers.
But now was not the time to think of such things, Aelin had work to do.
Last night, she had recorded, yet again, her random thought pattern, focusing on how she would water her crops, after having planting the spuds for Beltane. “Thank the gods that Elide was always a fucking weirdo and learned how to fabricate water at much too young, but hey, foster parents don’t pay that much attention. Well,” she chuckled, “they paid enough attention to stop her from ordering The Anarchist’s Cookbook, which is a good thing because that was a time when we were in one of our little spats,” which were really anything but little. “She was able to put together this handy-dandy thing.” She indicated the packet on the table, of various simple reactions including one very, very important one.
Aelin toyed with Elide’s evil eye symbol, “The thing is, to make water, we need fire, which seems a bit strange, why would one need fire for water? But anyway, TNSB is against fire because of the whole ‘fire in space makes everyone die’ thing. So, everything is fire-retardant. Everything,” she held up the evil eye, which happened to be made of wood, “except for El’s personal items.”
There was a small knife on the table and she picked it up, shaving off pieces of her sister’s carving, “Ellie, if you see this, I’m assuming you don’t mind that I went through your personal boxes – all of yours actually. Commander, and I mean this with no offence, but all you listen to is punk. I have nothing against punk, but after a while, it all sounds the same, you know? One guy yells, ‘one two three four’ and then the guitars and drumming starts!”
Eventually, she had a nice pile of wood shavings and she carefully carried them over to the middle of the room. She remembered to put on her mask before passing through the plastic tarp, where Aelin had set up a very rudimentary stove-esque set up.  The normally risky experiment was even more dangerous and she wasn’t going to blow herself up by forgetting to account for the oxygen she was exhaling.
“Ok,” she breathed out, putting the wood shavings on the sieve that covered the empty can of beans. Her eyes were wide, missing nothing. So many things could go wrong and Elide’s voice filled her head, There’s a reason people without chemistry degrees don’t make water. “I know that,” she bit out, her brows lowering as she carefully poured a few drops of rocket fuel – hydrazine – which was conveniently made of two sodium atoms bonded with four hydrogen atoms.
Carefully, so carefully, she struck the torch, wincing as the wood caught on fire, the flames fluttering happily. When nothing bad happened, she cheered and smiled beneath her mask, keeping one eye on the set-up and another on her spuds as she backed up into the kitchen, a slightly mad smile on her face as she sat down heavily on the chair and looked into the camera, “Don’t worry, guys, no explosions or fire, other than the very controlled experiment.”
Aelin was hunched over a map, Iron Man: 3 playing idly on the laptop beside her. She was planning her route to the drop-site, which was in the Mistward crater. She breathed out and wiped the sweat from her brow.
Hardly daring to move, she turned to look at the plastic tarp of her greenhouse, seeing the drops of moisture on it. With a half-crazed laugh, she stood up and entered the closed off space, running her hand over the tarp, her fingertips coming away wet. “Water,” she breathed, buzzing with joy, “water! I have water!”
She raced to her bunk and threw on her suit and helmet, bouncing on her toes as she waited for the airlock tunnel to depressurize and then she raced to the water reclaimer, as fast as one could while wearing a spacesuit.
The sun beat down on her but she barely paid the heat any mind as she opened the water reclaimer, a dry sob tearing from her throat as she found it to be filled to the brim with the crystal clear liquid. 
For the first time since she’d woken up, Aelin felt hope, bright and beautiful hope. 
It was past midnight in Perranth and Nox Owens yawned into his mug of tea, blinking hard to stay awake.
He settled back into his chair in Satellite Control, pulling up the aerial images of the hab for his boss. They took a while to load and he might have dozed off, jolting and nearly spilling his tea as the computer beeped, indicating the images were ready. With a slight sigh, he carefully put his mug down and pushed his glasses up after they had slipped down to the end on his nose yet again.
Blinking the sleepiness from his startlingly grey eyes, he clicked through the batch, making sure everything was normal before sending them up to his superiors. Something had him shifting in his wheelie-chair and narrowing his angular eyes, “What the fu…”
No. It couldn’t be. How in Hellas’ realm was the rover moving? The solar panels?
This didn’t make any sense…
Logically, the satellite planner knew that there was only one answer for this, he just couldn’t believe it.
Maybe he’d seen it wrong or these were old pictures, but the timestamp in the corner of the screen told him that what he was seeing was correct.
And that meant that… Aelin Galathynius was alive. And they’d left her on Farnor, alone.
It took him a few tries to grab the phone and he couldn’t tear his eyes away as the operator picked up.
“This is Nox Owens from SatCon, I need to speak with Gavriel Aryeh. The Farnor Mission Director, yes. It’s an emergency.”
“Emergency, really?”
Nox hissed into the receiver, “Yes, it’s an emergency.”
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rokith2003 · 3 years
Thermodynamics By Sintu Kumari -July 10, 2021
Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with heat, work, and temperature and their relation to energy, radiation, and physical properties of matter. The behavior of these quantities is governed by the four law of thermodynamics which convey a quantitative description using measurable macroscopic physical quantity and but may be explained in terms of microscopic constituents by statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, especially physical chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering, but also in other complex fields such as meteorology. Laws of Thermodynamics: 0th Law of Thermodynamics 1st Law of Thermodynamics. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics. Description of laws: 0th Law: The Zeroth Law states that if two systems are in equilibrium with a third system, the two original systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 1st Law: The First Law states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances. 2nd Law: The Second Law states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative. 3rd Law: The 3rd law will essentially allow us to quantify the absolute amplitude of entropies. It says that when we are considering a totally perfect (100% pure) crystalline structure, at absolute zero (0 Kelvin), it will have no entropy (S). Note that if the structure in question were not totally crystalline, then although it would only have an extremely small disorder (entropy) in space, we could not precisely say it had no entropy.
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