#Chemical Science Thermodynamics Class Notes
manasastuff-blog · 8 months
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to the world of the Indian Coast Guard! If you are aspiring to join this prestigious organization and embark on a thrilling career in the defense sector, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will explore the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD syllabus and how Manasa Defence Academy provides the best training to the students. So gear up and let's dive right in!
Indian Coast Guard Syllabus: A Stepping Stone to Success
The Indian Coast Guard Navik General Duty (GD) exam is a gateway to a rewarding career in safeguarding the nation's maritime interests. To crack this exam, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus. Let's break it down:
Mathematics forms an integral part of the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD syllabus. It covers topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Solving practice questions and understanding important formulas is crucial to excel in this section. At Manasa Defence Academy, we provide expert guidance and ample practice material to ensure our students are well-prepared to tackle complex mathematical problems.
A sound knowledge of physics is vital for aspiring Coast Guard recruits. The physics section in the Navik GD syllabus focuses on topics like mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Understanding the fundamental principles and their practical applications is key to scoring well in this section. Our experienced faculty at Manasa Defence Academy use interactive teaching methods, real-life examples, and practical demonstrations to make physics enjoyable and easy to comprehend.
The chemistry section in the syllabus aims to test candidates' knowledge of basic concepts, including chemical reactions, the periodic table, and organic chemistry. At Manasa Defence Academy, we adopt a practical and interactive approach to teaching chemistry. Our well-equipped labs provide hands-on experience to our students, helping them grasp complex concepts with ease. We also organize regular workshops and guest lectures by renowned chemists to broaden our students' understanding of the subject.
English proficiency is a crucial skill for effective communication in the Coast Guard. The English section in the syllabus tests candidates' grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. To enhance our students' language abilities, Manasa Defence Academy conducts regular English language classes, focusing on grammar rules, vocabulary building exercises, and practice sessions for essay and letter writing. We also encourage our students to engage in group discussions, debates, and mock interviews to boost their confidence.
General Knowledge
General knowledge is the backbone of any defense exam, including the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD. This section evaluates candidates' awareness of current affairs, history, geography, politics, science, and sports. To keep our students abreast of the latest developments, we provide regular updates through quizzes, newspaper reading sessions, and interactive discussions. Our faculty members also conduct special sessions on Indian Coast Guard-related topics to ensure comprehensive preparation.
Manasa Defence Academy: Shaping Future Guardians
Manasa Defence Academy takes immense pride in providing the best training to aspiring Coast Guard recruits. Our comprehensive approach and top-notch faculty make us the go-to institute for those aiming to crack the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD exam. Here's why students choose us:
Experienced Faculty: We have a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who possess in-depth knowledge of the Indian Coast Guard syllabus. They provide individual attention, mentorship, and guidance to each student, ensuring a conducive learning environment.
Comprehensive Study Material: Our study material is meticulously curated, keeping the latest exam trends and syllabus in mind. We provide detailed notes, practice exercises, and previous year question papers to help students gain a thorough understanding of the topics.
Mock Tests and Performance Analysis: We believe in the power of practice. Our institute offers regular mock tests for each subject, closely resembling the actual exam pattern. Detailed performance analysis is provided to students, highlighting their strengths and areas that need improvement.
Physical Fitness Training: Along with the academic curriculum, we also focus on physical fitness training. We organize regular workout sessions, sports activities, and endurance training to ensure our students are in the best shape to meet the demands of the Coast Guard.
Embarking on a career in the Indian Coast Guard Navik GD requires determination, hard work, and thorough preparation. Understanding the syllabus and receiving proper guidance are essential factors in ensuring success. With the comprehensive syllabus coverage and top-notch training provided by Manasa Defence Academy, you can be confident in your preparation and increase your chances of cracking the exam. So enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a proud guardian of our Indian coastline!
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educomiq-com · 3 years
Chemical Science Thermodynamics Class Notes with Assignment by Career Endeavor Spiral Bound Photocopy Materials for UGC NET CSIR is very useful for general study purposes.
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inzenjerstudies · 4 years
Studyblr Introduction
Hi everyone! I have decided to start a studyblr myself. I have followed the community for some time now. It has been a great source of inspiration and I have admired the content so much, just wasn't sure If I could do that too. With the switching to online classes, and summer semester of 2020 ending, I have so much work to do before the next semester starts, that I decided an extra kick of motivation is exactly what I need! I’m so exited about joining the community!  
About  me:
My name is Marija ( Ma:ri:ja: / m-ah-R-EE-y-ah )
Pronouns: She/ her, They/them
I’m 21
This fall I will be starting my second year studying environmental engineering
I love dancing. It is my favorite form of expression and brings me so much joy. My favorite forms of dancing is Slavic folk dancing and Cuban salsa. I was looking into joining new dance troupes/classes for folk dancing, but am currently not sure whether its safe to do so, due to COVID.
 Another old passion of mine is photography.  Over the last few years I feel like I have put this aside. I am so exited to get back into this and explore this in a more academic level. I want to get photography theory, and composition books.
I have recently started taking a lot of walks. So i might post pictures I take on my walks. 
I take most of my notes in Cyrilic (and cursive Cyrillic) 
I studied environmental science with the focus on ecology for a year before deciding to switch my major (also changed schools) to environmental engineering.  
Classes start in October for me. Usually its October 1st, but it might be pushed back due to to some end of year exam changes because of COVID.
I will be taking Differential equations, Thermodynamics, Organic chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Economics is engineering, and one more subject on which I still haven't decided yet. (It will be ether Introduction to chemical engineering or Functioning of biological systems).
My classes will be mostly held online, but we will go in person for labs in small groups. I’m just hoping this semester will be organized better, because the last one was in shambles.
I am currently taking all of my exams in person at the school building.
What I am currently working on:
I am taking most of my exams from the last two semesters until the end of September. In the state I live in it was illegal to conduct exams online, so all of our exams, and evaluations were postponed until the summer. They have since changed the law in an expedited process, but many schools do not practice it because the infrastructure is not there. 
Making the space I live in more comfortable and inviting.
Studyblrs that insipre me:
@moonshinestudies  / @noodledesk / @chazza-studies-alevels / @heyrosiebee / @bentostudy  / @studyingfilms  / @inginieur /  @sonderstudy @studying-in-yellow /  @studyingatsunrise / @ecostudier /
My main blog is @marijastriving, and I follow from there. Please be patient with me while I figure this whole tumblr side blog thing.
Again, I’m super exited to join the community! 
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 154
Causality in Science and Religion
One of the most appealing questions in the history of science is if science and religion can be reconciled. Since religion and science both present cognitive perspectives about existence, this is a problem waiting to be solved instead of a question to be answered. The heart of this problem stems from the religious and materialist perspectives of causality. Religious causality includes the “creation purpose” as a cause, whereas the materialist view of causality denies the absoluteness of this purpose.
Indeed, attaching a purpose to everything non-systematically is subjective and seems not to be compatible with the current scientific methodology. For this reason, some people tend to deny religious sources of knowledge, whereas other people tend to accept a dualist viewpoint where they separate the domains of religion and science. Such dualism pushes religion out of people’s lives and restrains it only to particular instances and environments, reframing religion with surrealist subjects.
The path to reviving religious spirituality in daily life, on the same objective domain with science, requires many approaches. One of them is to answer the following question: is it possible to find a systematic way of understanding the purpose of the phenomena that has been observed and discovered by scientific methodology?
Although scientific methodology has evolved throughout history, the common motive that fits all stages is exploring the causal relationship among phenomena and expressing causality with some set of laws and principles. If we traced back to the origins of the scientific approach, we would encounter Aristotle’s definitions. He stated in his book “Metaphysics” that there are four types of causes (Fine, G., 1987):
Material cause – i.e. the materials that something is composed of. For example, water, sunshine, soil etc. are necessary to plant a tree. Therefore, these are material causes for the tree that was planted.
Formal cause – in his original words, “the form or pattern; that is, the essential formula and the classes which contain it.” For instance, a drug can only be useful if its constituent chemicals are mixed in a certain ratio. Hence the specific ratio is the formal cause of the drug.
Efficient (or motive) cause – the prior conditions that lead to the resulting situation. This is what is usually considered as “the cause” in science, especially in physics. An example is the source of new cells, which was unknown until the 19th century. It was François Raspail (1794–1878) who first stated Omnis cellula e cellula, meaning that every cell is derived from another cell which tells the efficient cause of cell (re)production. (http://www.ohio.edu/chastain/rz/raspail.htm)
Final cause – i.e. the purpose or the goal of something. This is also known as telos. In our daily language, we often mean the final cause or telos, when we talk about “whys.” For example, the telos for a seed to germinate is to become a tree.
Considering these different types of causes, which all together become a complete explanation, we can see that the current understanding of science is diverged from this point. These four categories of cause survived in science until the 17th century. But then, by constraining science on the matter and its motion, as Francis Bacon stated in his Advancement of Learning (1605), only the material and efficient causes are taken into account as the major two subjects of science (Bacon 1605). During those days, Spinoza and Descartes deliberately rejected the final (teleological) cause and claimed that the efficient causes are necessary and sufficient to explain the universe. Thence, Newtonian physics was developed on the basis of the efficient cause. For example, the cause of acceleration is thought of as the force, in a sense that when a force F is applied to a mass m, the acceleration becomes a = F/m.
Causality in science is therefore reduced to the “efficient cause” and effect relationship. However, as we discussed, religions emphasize the purpose of events and accept God as the cause of causes. Therefore, religions use a different language, especially by underlining the telos, in terms of explaining phenomena. For instance, one of the amazing properties of water is that its least absorbing spectrum corresponds to the optical regime (Gedik, N. 2005). To explain this phenomenon, science asserts the efficient cause and searches for the relationship between the absorption spectrum and the natural oscillation frequency of the water molecule. However, disregarding the temporal order, this purpose-based approach says that because it is crucial and vital for living beings to receive sufficient light, and since the atmosphere largely consists of H2O molecules, then water had to be transparent to the optical frequencies of light to allow creatures that have eyes and photosynthesis systems to get enough light.
We should admit that the latter explanation does not sound strong enough to be generalized and be formulated. Therefore, we usually avoid using the adjective “scientific” for such explanations. But when our subjects or phenomena are chosen in the bio-world, we observe that the “standard” efficient causality does not give a satisfactory explanation, and the teleological causality is necessary. For example, the adaptation concept is teleological, which makes the usage of “final cause” indispensable in biology. Furthermore, in the early 19th century, in his book The Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin deliberately employed the term “final cause,” as it was noticed by James Lennox (Lennox 1993). Although some people claim the opposite, by carefully investigating Darwin’s works, Asa Gray and James Lennox appreciate Darwin by stating that he is the first scientist who reconciled morphology and teleology. Simply put, every species are equipped with specialized organs so that they can maximally benefit from, or maximally defend against, their environment. The same idea is also valid from the religious point of view and does not necessarily deny natural selection.
We can find more examples of teleological causality in systems biology, which studies biological concepts in a holistic way and therefore utilizes a teleological language. For instance, during mitotic cell division, chromosomes are replicated only once and then separated into two new cells. But note that something, indeed a checkpoint, prevents the cell from replicating its DNA more than once. This situation appeals for attention and can be explained in two ways. First is the teleological, or what biologists sometimes call the “biological explanation.” DNA is replicated once because otherwise it is severely defective or even lethal for the cells. Such a teleological explanation is perfectly compatible with the mechanistic explanation (efficient cause) based on the chemical interactions of some related proteins, which can be modeled by thermodynamic equations. As the system is complex, it is often hard to fully fit into a model using thermodynamic formulations. However, system biology offers another way that mixes the language of teleological and efficient causes by considering the system as a signaling network, on which the signal (or information, as in the information theory) is carried out via specific protein phosphorylations or reactions. If we were to analyze the spectrum of the words used in systems biology, such as commitment, robustness, checkpoint, decision etc., we would see that its language is more similar to our purpose-based daily language. For such irreducibly complex systems, the employment of teleological concepts does not arise as metaphorical; rather, it is indispensable as the whole cannot be purely explained by its parts.
Other sciences also provide teleological examples. Beginning in the early 20th century, quantum physics emerged, bringing along some very unintuitive experiments. For example, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen offered a paradox called EPR. This states that measurements on two spatially separate but entangled particles can demonstrate correlations that cannot be simply explained by efficient causes. Later on, this phenomenon, called quantum entanglement, was empirically validated and can be explained by the final causes, introducing a retrocausal relationship.
Theoretical physicist Ken Wharton argues that the process known as frustrated spontaneous emission is naturally explained by such teleological causality. A light-emitting atom stops emitting light when the surrounding atoms are no longer able to absorb light. The decision of the atom whether to decay or not depends on the other atoms’ absorption, which has not happened yet. The idea that “the atom is probing the future” is not only counter intuitive, but also difficult to accept on the basis of the efficient causality, as Wharton states. (G. Musser, 2014).
Although teleological explanations are not always indispensable and can always be accompanied by efficient causality, the urge for the simplest explanation usually brings teleological language to science. Because science has been facing complex systems in various fields, teleological (purpose based) causality has become necessary since the beginning of the 20th century. As a purpose-orientated understanding of existence is fundamental for almost all religions, it would not be strange to observe the engagement of science and religion in the near future.
Returning back to the initial question, of whether the purpose-oriented view can be reconciled with scientific research, we see that this is already widely evident in the scientific community. But there are still some people who think religions oppose science, owing to their purpose-oriented view. The judgment is left to the reader.
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addierose444 · 4 years
AP Experience
If you’re a high school student, you may have just wrapped up your AP exams. And yes, I know that this year's APs were a totally different format. You may be wondering if they were worth it. Here is my experience thus far.
In high school, I took all of the AP courses that my school offered (with the exception of AP Spanish). Taking these challenging courses made high school a lot more fun and prepared me well for the classes here at Smith. While it is important to challenge yourself, it is by no means necessary to take all of the AP courses offered (especially if there are a lot of them). Also know that admissions officers understand that not all schools offer APs or the IB program. 
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I earned 4s on the Chemistry and Physics C Mechanics exams. This allowed me to earn credit for Chemistry I (CHM 111) and Physics I (PHY 117), both required courses for the engineering major. Back in high school, I almost didn't take the physics exam since I assumed that I would retake physics regardless. In hindsight, I am really glad that I did take (and pass) these exams as doing so enabled me to place out of the introductory classes. This significantly freed up my schedule for non-STEM courses and enabled me to jump straight into the more challenging STEM courses. (Check out the classes I have taken at Smith here). Before officially deciding to skip the introductory courses, I consulted other engineering students as well as my advisor. 
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As I am not interested in chemical engineering, my two years of high school chemistry should be ample preparation. Chemistry is a prerequisite for thermodynamics (EGR 290), which is a core engineering course. Therefore, it is still to be seen if testing out of CHM 111 was a good idea. It is worth noting that there is an accelerated general chemistry class (CHM 118) that covers the material in CHM 111 and CHM 224. This is a great chemistry course for students who took AP in high school but perhaps only scored a 3 the exam or just want the review. In terms of physics, I took PHY 118 this past semester and was well prepared. In fact, my high school physics class had already covered topics such as oscillations and waves. The first week I was a bit worried about my preparedness, but quickly found that PHY 118 was definitely the right class to be in. It also proved to be my favorite class of the spring semester. For students that took both AP Physics C courses, it may be worthwhile to take PHY 119 for review of mechanics and electricity and magnetism. It is worth noting that while PHY 119 can (with adequate preparation) be taken instead of PHY 117 and PHY 118, it doesn’t cover all of the topics.  
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I also earned 5s on the Biology, Statistics, and Computer Science A exams. On my transcript, I earned credit for BIO 1XX and SDS 201. While the engineering major usually requires SDS 220, my score on the statistics exam allows me to take a higher-level statistics course like SDS 290 or SDS 291. Note that this is different than the above examples of chemistry and physics where the credit can be applied directly to my major. Having this course flexibility is fantastic because I am hoping to take statistics abroad and finding an exact substitute for SDS 220 would be very difficult. While Smith doesn’t award AP credit for computer science, my prior experience allowed me to pass a placement test to test out of CSC 111. To read more about how I prepared for the placement test, click here. In terms of biology, I can apply the credit towards the 64-credits outside of my computer science major. At the beginning of high school I planned on only taking AP Chemistry and AP Physics. While biology is my least favorite of the main sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology) taking AP Biology was one of the best decisions I made. For starters, it was a fun class and / because I had a fantastic teacher. But the real reason is that I will probably never take another biology class, so having taken AP Biology in high school makes it all the more worthwhile. In summary, taking classes that are applicable to your projected major is definitely helpful but other courses are far from useless. 
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In general, Smith accepts AP exam scores of 4 or 5. For AP course equivalencies, click here. Engineers can also reference the below table. Up to 16 credits of AP and other pre-matriculation credit can be applied to a Smith degree. You can also read about the specific rules here. Outside of AP exams, Smith also awards credit for most high-level  IB exams (5s, 6s, and 7s) and A-Levels (As and Bs). In terms of placement (but not credit), some departments offer their own placement tests. For instance, it is highly recommended to take language placement tests even if you already took the AP. 
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devdd12-blog · 4 years
CBSE Class 11 Courses Module
Class 11 is the first step in the career. It is generally considered more difficult than class 12. The reason for this is, the study of class 11 is way different from that which students studied till class 10. So, several times it happens that students are unable to cope up with all the subjects together. Hereby, Edubull presents 11 different subjects for students to study according to their interests and stream. The following are the subjects available.
Maths - consist of Sequence and Series, Complex Numbers, Basic Arithmetic and Algebra, Transformation of Equations, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Circle, Hyperbola, Limits, Differentiability.
Maths Resources-I - Contains Sets, Relations and Functions, Trignometry, Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers, Linear Inequalities, Permutation & Combination, and Binomial Theorem.
Maths Resources-II - Includes Sequence Series, Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Three Dimensional Geometry, Limits and Derivatives, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, and Probability.
Maths resources-III - Illustrates the concept in a very interesting manner which helps the student to understand the concept instead of mugging up formulas.
Maths resources-IV - Focus on more and more practice of sums and give easy ways to solve complicated questions.
Maths resources-V - Provides students the animated videos to learn with even more interest.
Maths resources-VI - Solves the questions in a manner that motivates the students to practice more.
Pre-Algebra - Provides more knowledge about whole number, number concepts, and integers for a better understanding of concepts.
Probability Resources - Is customized only for probability and covers the whole probability concept of class 11.
Arithmetic Maths Resources - Help the students who want to learn about Math 20 - Arithmetic Review.
Algebra Resources - Is customized for algebra lovers and provides a vast knowledge of algebra.
8 Modules to Learn
Every student either faces problems in organic or in inorganic chemistry. Edubull has divided chemistry into 8 modules to make all the branches of chemistry easy for the students.
Chemistry-I - Includes Atomic Structure Part - I, Atomic Structure Part - II, States of Matter, Chemical Bonding, Nuclear Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Structure of atom.
Chemistry-II - Provides students with complex chemistry concepts like Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding, and Molecular Structure, States of Matter in a simplified manner and provides suitable notes of the same.
Chemistry Resources-I - Explains all the concept of class 11 chemistry with several examples and make it way more interesting.
Chemistry Resources-II - Provides an explanation of concepts through animations which makes it interesting for the students to gain the knowledge as well as to learn.
Organic Chemistry Resources-I - Covers 3 chapters of organic chemistry, that are- some basic principles and techniques, hydrocarbons, and environmental chemistry.
Organic Chemistry Resources-II - Covers several topics to provide specialized knowledge for each of the topics i.e. Chirality, Newman Projections, Organic Chemistry Naming Examples, Sn Reactions, E Reactions, Comparing E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 Reactions, Alcohols, Amine Naming Introduction, and Carboxylic Acid Introduction.
Chem Physical - Enhances the knowledge of students in physical chemistry in several topics which include Some Basic Concept of Chemistry, Atomic Structure, States of Matter, Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, and Redox Reaction.
Chemistry Inorganic Resources - Makes the inorganic chemistry easy for students by explaining Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity, Hydrogen & Water, S Block Elements, and P Block Elements.
8 Modules to Explore Physics with a Wider Point of View
Physics is a weakness of many students. But the key to study physics is understanding each concept properly. Edubull teaches physics to the students in 8 modules.
Physics - Covers all the basic concepts of class 11 physics including Dimensional and Error Analysis, Introduction to Kinematics, Projectile Motion, Kinematics of Circular Motion, Particle Dynamics, Newton’s Law, Wave Motion, and Physical Properties of Waves.
Physics Resources-II - Gives various teaching aids, notes, and practice sessions of various topics which include Gravitation, General Properties of Matter, Thermal Properties of Material, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Oscillations, and Waves.
Physics Resources-III - Helps the students to build interest in physics by explaining different concepts with several examples and practical.
Physics-IV - Clarifies the concepts of topics covered in Physics of ICSE Standard with a lot of examples.
Physics Resources-V - This course is for those who want to learn the concepts of physics in an even more detailed manner.
Science - Clarifies the basic concepts of Theory and makes it more interesting for students in order to motivate students to study even more.
Thermodynamic and kinetic resources -This course is specialized for concepts of thermodynamic and kinetic physics.
Physics Animation - As the name suggests, explains the concepts through animations to make it more interesting. It includes introduction to nuclear reactor and introduction to magnetic field and magnetic field lines of force.
4 Modules to Make Biology more Interesting
However, biology is not that difficult to learn but for those who can’t just mug up and want to understand each and every concept with propper detail, edubull brings up biology in 4 modules.
Biology-I - Helps students to get an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts of topics of the biology of class 11.
Biology resources-II - Displays animated videos that grab the attention of the students who have no interest in the subject and have left it. It is also intended to help clarify the basic concepts of topics through illustrative interactive lectures and practical in a very interesting manner.
Biology resources-III - Illustrates different concepts through interactive lectures and enhance the student’s interest in the subject.
Biology resources-IV - Clarifies the most basic topics of biology.
4 Modules to get the Strategy for Accountancy
Every student gets frustrated when the entries at the last in the accounts answer does not match. Edubull provides you a platform where you can learn accounts in 4 modules and then you’ll easily be able to find your own mistake.
Accounts Resources (double entry book keeping part-1) - Explains several chapters in an easy way which include Introduction to Accounting, Basic Accounting Terms, Theory Base of Accounting, Bases of Accounting, Accounting Equation, Accounting Procedures, Origin of Transaction, Journal and Ledger, Special Purpose Books, Bank Reconciliation Statement, and Trial Balance.
Accounts Resources (double entry book keeping part-2) - Continues part-1 by including topics like Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves, Accounting for Bills of Exchange, Rectification of Errors, Adjustments in Preparation of Financial Statements, Accounts from Incomplete Records, and Computerised Accounting.
Accountancy - Explains the basic chapters of accounts of class 11 which include Accounting Equations, Journal Entries, Final Accounts, and Ledger Posting and Trial Balance.
Introduction to Financial Statement - Is specialized to learn the basic concepts of financial statements.
2 modules to Increase English Proficiency .
For English, edubull has made 2 modules, one of which explains in English and the other in Hindi.
Hornbill - Explains all the chapters of the textbook hornbill in a very interesting manner. The chapters include The Portrait of a Lady, A Photograph, We're Not Afraid to Die, The Voice of the Rain, Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues, Landscape of the Soul, The Browning Version, Childhood, and Father to Son.
Hornbill (Hindi) - Explains all of these in Hindi.
3 modules to Enhance the Skills in Informatics Practices.
For the IP lovers, edubull has made 3 modules to learn and practice.
How to build a computer - Provides students the basic knowledge of Computers and its parts, its importance, and various other basic information about computers so that the learner who is new to computers must learn about building a computer from the beginning.
SQL for beginners - Explains the basics and details of structured query language in both - Hindi and English.
Computer networks - As the name suggests, give knowledge to students about different computer networks.
8 Modules to Enhance the Skills in Computer Science
All the students you want to enrich their skills in the field of computer science have the option here to learn and practice according to their interests.
Introduction to programming - Guides the students in Hindi language about how to do programming and then the tasks are given to students for practice.
Computer science resources - Enrich the students with the basics of the computer that helps the students to start with small programming tasks.
MS Word 2016 (Hindi) - Explains the vast MS Word 2016 in Hindi by dividing it into topics like Beginning, Basic Editing, Formatting, Copying and Moving Text and Objects, Editing Features, Paragraph Formatting, Tables, Page Formatting, Graphics & Pictures, Footnote & Endnote, and Advanced Tools.
Notepad (Hindi) - Explains all the features debate in Hindi.
Windows 10 operating system (Hindi) - Explains windows 10 in detail in Hindi. It’s very useful for those who stay updated with the latest technologies.
MS PowerPoint 2016(Hindi) - This is a module in which PowerPoint is taught within the subheadings like The Fundamentals, Slides, Editing, Formatting, Images, Multimedia, and Objects, and Transitions and Animation Effects.
MS excel 2016 - This is also divided into subtopics to be specific and the topics are The Excel Window, Editing, Formatting, Formulas, Hlookup Vlookup, Pivot, Chart, Short Cuts, and Practice Sheets.
MS excel 2016 (Hindi) - Explains the same in Hindi with somewhat different topics which include The Excel Screen, Formatting, Formulas, Hlookup Vlookup, Pivot, Chart, and Practice Sheets.
3 Modules to learn Business Studies in an Interesting Manner
Business studies is beautifully divided in 3 modules by edubull according to its topics.
Business study resources (foundation of business part-1) - Explains almost all topics of textbook of business studies of class 11, which are Nature and Forms of Business, Forms of Business Organisation, Private, Public and Global Enterprises, Business Services, Emerging Modes of Business, Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics.
Business study resources (finance and trade part -2) - This is divided into 2 topics, that are sources of business finance and small business.
Business finance - This is personalized for those who want to startup with a new business.
7 Modules to understand the importance of Physical Education.
However, yoga is a vast practice, still, edubull has tried to collect the most of it within 7 modules.
Yoga postures by Shilpa - is a module that makes the students learn about various yoga postures and get motivated to stay healthy.
Face Yoga - is very useful for the students who stay up till late because it puts a great effect on how the face looks.
Diet and nutrition - teaches the students about how can one stay fit with a balanced diet.
Healthy eating tips - is somewhat similar to diet and nutrition, yet a lot different from it. You’ll know the difference, once you’ll attend the lectures.
Get healthy, get happy - is a module in which students are counseled to stay happy in order to be fit physically.
Yoga for Kids - brings out wonderful yoga postures specialized for kids which are highly effective on a child’s growth and development.
Yoga in office - Yoga in office’ is based on stretching which should be done while prolong sitting.
1 module to enrich your interest in Political Science
Since it just has 1 module ‘political science’, it is divided into several chapters in order to gain the most. The chapters are Constitution Why and How?, Rights in Indian Constitution, Election and Representation, Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Federalism, Local Governments, Constitution as a Living Document, and The Philosophy of the Constitution.
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chaoticgoodmermaid · 6 years
Lights Out - Part One
Hey guys! Here’s part one of my Venom fanfic! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Hailey is a normal seventeen-year-old, just trying to pass her classes so she can get out of Queens. But, when mysterious killings begin happening around town, things go from normal to anything but.
The day before my life turned into a total shit-show started normal enough. I woke up in the same bed, in the same apartment, on a normal Tuesday. I took a shower, got dressed in my normal t-shirt and jeans, and ate a normal breakfast. It was all perfectly fucking normal.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s back things up a bit. My name is Hailey Elena Rodriguez. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Queens with my mother who’s almost never around. It’s not her fault, though. She has two jobs that keep her pretty busy so I can go to a fancy school. Well, as fancy as a public school can get. I go to Midtown School of Science and Technology. Long ass name, right? It’s not as cool as it sounds. The only good thing about going there is that it’ll look good on a college application.
I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair was, thankfully, under control this morning since my mother had just put it in cornrows a couple days ago. I actually liked my hair, unlike most hispanic girls at my school. They all get it chemically straightened and shit. My mother would kill me if I did that. She was a God-loving, proud Puerto Rican woman who expected me to be one too. Which meant loving the head of curls I was given and not ruining them with chemicals and dyes. So, I wore them braided a lot. And with a quick layer of mascara, I was ready for school. Mama had already left for work at the diner down the street. She always worked the early morning shift there, and wouldn’t get back for another hour or so. I had to learn how to get myself up and ready at a young age.
I don’t mind, though. I grabbed my keys off the table and swung my backpack over my shoulder to leave. There was a knock at the door, and I had a feeling I knew who it was.
“Hey! I was starting to think you were dead.” Peter smiled as I opened the door. He had another new backpack over his shoulder. I was starting to wonder what had happened this time.
“Are you stalking me now, Peter?” I rolled my eyes and stepped into the hallway, shutting and locking the door behind me.
“Obviously,” Peter retorted. “No, I texted you last night about our project, but you didn’t answer.”
Shit. Peter and I were assigned physics partners this year, and our midterm was due in a couple weeks. I wouldn’t say Peter Parker and I are friends per say, more like friendly acquaintances. We really only know each other from physics class and because we live in the same building.
“Sorry, I got busy,” I gave my lame-ass excuse, when in reality I’d been watching Netflix and avoiding him.
“Uh huh. Sure,” Peter muttered. “Whatever. We need to work on it tonight. Can you come over, or are you working?”
I wish I was working tonight. I did a few shifts a week at the same diner Mama worked at. And the last thing I wanted to do was work on this stupid project. How could anyone find thermodynamics interesting? Still, I really didn’t want to fail this class.
“Yeah, I can come over.” I sighed a bit and headed down the hall towards the elevator. Peter caught up to me, messing with his hair as I pressed the button. “You do realize that MJ doesn’t see you like that, right?” I glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow.
“What? I don’t like MJ. What are you even talking about?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. As if he thinks I don’t notice. He was so bad at hiding things.
“Oh, please. Since when do you care about your hair?” I asked snarkily, stepping into the elevator as it opened and pushing some of my braids over my shoulder.
“I don’t care about it. It was in my face.” Peter followed me in, shrugging unconvincingly. I swear I saw a blush form on his cheeks.
“Oookay, Parker.” I smirked at him. He pressed the button to bring us to the front door of the building. The rest of our walk to school was pretty quiet, as it usually is. I guess we don’t have much in common, so there’s not much to talk about. When we got to school, Ned was waiting for Peter, so I went on my way. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I reached my locker.
Hails. You alive? MJ. Apparently, everyone assumes I’m dead when I don’t answer my phone. I sighed and typed up a response. She was probably already here, she liked getting to school early.
Nope. This is zombie Hailey. I hope you don’t mind your brain getting eaten. She didn’t waste any time texting back.
Hilarious. I grabbed my textbooks out of my locker and shoved them into my backpack. I found MJ in our usual meeting spot, in the library. She was sitting at a table near the M-Z biography section. She was my best and quite possibly my only friend, since we’d gotten close over the summer before junior year. Now we were a couple months into senior year, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.
“Hey, girl.” I nudged her with my bag before sitting down across from her. She looked up from her book and smiled.
“Hey! Ready for another shitty day at Midtown High?” MJ asked sarcastically, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. She always looked so good without even trying. What a goddess.
“You know it,” I replied unenthusiastically. I couldn’t wait to get out of this place. The bell for first period rang and I stood, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “See you in third period. I’m off to fall asleep in physics.”
“Don’t worry, Peter will keep you awake by staring at you.” MJ grinned up at me. Peter? What the hell was she talking about?
“Um, no. I’m pretty sure he only stares at you.” I rolled my eyes. “He likes you.”
“Ew, seriously?” MJ shook her head. Oh, please. As if she didn’t know.
“Bullshit. You know he does. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye!” I waved to her before walking to my class. And lo and behold, there was Peter, waiting at our table. Great. I sighed and sat down next to him, dropping my bag on the floor.
“Long time, no see,” Peter mumbled, not looking up from his notes. Oh, God. Do we have a test today? “Did you even study for the quiz?” Shit.
“What do you think?” I quickly pulled my notes from my bag. Why do I always do this? As I was studying them, our principal walked in. He cleared his throat, causing everyone to look up.
“You can all put your notes away. Due to an... unexpected turn of events, Mrs. Harrison will be out for an indefinite amount of time.” He seemed to be holding back information. “Your quiz is canceled for the day, and since we have no substitute currently, I’ll be sitting in. Consider this a free study hall.” He sat down at Mrs. Harrison’s desk and pulled out his laptop, typing quickly. An email, I assumed. I looked at Peter, who seemed concerned.
“You don’t think this has anything to do with those attacks on the news, do you?” I asked quietly. There had been multiple reports of something attacking people on the streets. They said it looked like the claws of an animal. Nothing that had ever been seen before in New York.
“I don’t know,” Peter answered, his voice low. Not knowing made it so much worse.
The class went by uneventfully, as did the rest of the day. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Mrs. Harrison. She never called out sick or took personal days. When she broke her leg two years ago, she came in on crutches and continued to teach her class. That woman is a badass. So, you can imagine why I was so curious. When the final bell rang, I left English class hurriedly. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe I could get out of working on that project after all. I didn’t look for MJ or Peter when I left school. I didn’t really feel like talking.
The sun went down so much earlier now that it was November. It was already starting to get colder, too, so I wanted to get home as quickly as possible. A few buildings down from mine, I heard a strange noise in the alley. I stopped in my tracks, thinking it was a stray dog or something. Of course, even though I’ve seen as many horror movies as I have, I went into the alley. It was quiet for a few moments before I heard the noise again. It sounded animalistic, and I was starting to regret my decision to investigate. Before I could decide to leave or not, I heard something speak.
“We must find a new host. We are dying.” I was a deep, beastly voice. It almost sounded like there was more than one of them.
“A-Are you okay?” I asked, glued to the spot, even though everything in my body was screaming to run. There was silence, and within a split second, I was pinned to the side of the building. Before me was a huge beast, oily black with what seemed like a hundred sharp teeth. It stared down at me with its white triangular eyes, saliva dripping from its mouth.
“You will do. For now.” It growled and seemingly melted in front of me, revealing a man who fell to the ground immediately. I looked down, frozen in fear. The black sludge that was once this creature inched it’s way over my sneakers and up my legs. I started to panic, my chest heaving as my breaths became more shallow.
“What the f-” I started before the sludge took over me completely. I no longer had control over what I said or did. I felt a deep chuckle radiate through me, though I didn’t know why.
“We can make this work.”
Thanks for reading! Part two will be linked here when it’s done!
@leahnicole1219 @lumberjackofthelumberwoods
Let me know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters!
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acatex · 5 years
Hey Snarklings!
  Are you surprised that I’m still alive? I know I am (lols am I even relevant anymore?) Before I get into my whole MCAT prep strategy, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for leaving you guys in the dust. I have been very stressed lately and I just felt like I was letting you guys down which was why I made a really hard (but spontaneous) decision on my academic career. Of course I cannot comment right now on what I did/planning to do, but an upcoming blog post would be up in the next couple of days to explain the whole grey area that I was stuck in. Okay, it’s time to put away the tissue boxes and dive into every pre-meds worse nightmare: The Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
Disclaimer: This is my method and it may or may not work for you, so please take it with a grain of salt because, the way that I learn may be different from you, but it is a good idea to see how others approach this scary test.
What is the MCAT?
In short, the MCAT is a standardized test taken on a computer program to measure a prospective medical student’s potential to succeed medical school. Think of it as foreshadow of one’s ability to do well on painstakingly long exams that are cut up into blocks: Since most of medical schools in the US and Canada require doctors in training to take many board exams that can be 8-9 hours long.
Another reason why the MCAT is administered is to see whether the applicant can use background knowledge of the subject (biochemistry, biology, chemistry, psychology/sociology, physics, critical reasoning skills, etc) and integrate with other sciences to synthesize and draw an objective answer to a novel/unknown situation. This makes the MCAT different from others standardized tests such as SAT or ACT since these tests are more on memory recall and regurgitation, while the MCAT is more on integration and application to unknown situations. Think of it like this, when a doctor walks into a patient’s room, they know some things (the knowledge they’ve been taught in med school) and there’s probably things that they don’t know about a patient’s health, but when a doctor integrates what he/she knows and connect it to the unknown they can solve problems.
  What is the MCAT tested on?
Since, one of the reasons why the MCAT is administered is to test your endurance on future medical school board exams such as: USMLE step 1, step 2 CK, step 2 CS, Step 3  if you are in the United States or the MCCEE, NAC, MCCQE part 1, MCCQE part 2 in (Canadian boards), and Comlex Level 1, Level 2CE, Level 2PE, Level 3 (Osteopathic med schools/DO). They do this by testing you on undergraduate courses and are broken down into 4 sections/blocks
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behaviour
  Prior to Taking the MCAT
I highly recommend taking the required courses before taking the MCAT. The AAMC recommends to take the following pre-med classes:
Introductory (first year) Biology (2 semesters/1 year)
Introductory/General Chemistry (2 semesters/1 year)
Organic chemistry (2 semesters/1 year)
Biochemistry (1 semester)
Introductory Physics (2 semesters/1 year)
Psychology (1 semester)
Sociology (1 semester)
Now I never took a sociology class and I am planning on taking physics in my upcoming (and last) school year of uni. But that doesn’t really matter since you can just self study for it.
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So MCAT prep cannot be MCAT prep without a good set of MCAT books for you to review on. Now, there are many MCAT companies out there and a lot of people are confused on which one they would get to the point that everyone keeps on asking the same question: What books are YOU using? Hey, are those books good? Listen, your success on the MCAT does not depend on what company that you choose to get your books from. Why? Because it is you and how well you reviewed and practice those questions on a DAILY BASIS. I know people who got into med school by using Kaplan, I know people who got rejected who used Kaplan, and the same goes for other prep companies such as The Princeton Review, Examkrackers, The Berkely Review, etc. It doesn’t matter. Just pick one and stick with one. Do not. I repeat. DO NOT BUY TWO BOOKS OF THE SAME SUBJECT BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT ONE COMPANY DOES A BETTER “JOB.’ Again, It is you who will determine your own success, not a book.
Now, for me, I was about to buy the Kaplan MCAT series but, my mother surpised me on my 21st birthday with the NextStep MCAT Content Review and Practice Passages. At first, I was bummed out but as I went along, I realized that the books are doing its job: Helping me review what I learned in undergrad (wipes tears away; literally every time I turn a page I get flashbacks). And the best part is: It was free since it was my birthday gift so I did not have to spend a dime.
When I found something that I did not fully understand or the book did not give me a detailed answer I usually used Khan Academy videos (There’s a whole section just for the MCAT with practice problems). Other videos/channels worth mentioning:
AK Lectures for biochemistry and general chemistry (his explanations for thermodynamics is so straight to the point, they’re super clutch)
The Organic Chemistry Tutor: MCAT Test Prep General Chemistry Review Study Guide Part 1 and MCAT General Chemistry Lectures Review Prep Part 2 – Equations & Practice Questions
Leah4SciMCAT for doing MCAT Math Without a Calculator and Amino Acids for MCAT/Biochem students. I also looked at Fischer Projections for MCAT Orgo and Biochemistry which helped so much since she sues fun mnemonics and straight to the point concepts that just makes the learning fun and easy.
Bozeman science for their anatomy and physiology sections for every organ system mentioned in the biology MCAT book. I also looked at a video or two from the AP chemistry, AP biology, and AP physics (which I remembered fondly back in high school and so I’m familiar with them thus, I didn’t look at every video but just ones that I had trouble with, ex: transcription vs translation.)
  My method for studying: I tend to study in rotations or two chapters of the same subject a day until completion. The image below is how that looks like in my mini day planner:
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Since I do not have a job nor am I in school during the summer I was able to study for 8 hours a day and found myself going through rotations quicker than I expected. Before I go to bed I reviewed what I learned and anything that I do not finished I would have to finish in the morning before starting a new rotation.
  Active Learning
So when I start a new chapter I use my metacognitive abilities: What do I know vs what do I don’t know.
Let’s take the endocrine system as an example. I know that the endocrine is invovled in hormone secretion and regulation of the metabolic oathways that maintains homeostasis. I know an example of this would be aldosterone (a steroid hormone) and vasopressin (a peptide) hormone helps regulate homeostasis by repsonding to low fluid levels and by increasing fluid retention. But what I do not know is how exactly they achieve this: thus when I’m studying that’s my goal or my purpose. I am learning to apply and find answers to my questions.
Every time a paragraph says something about a hormone I would turn it into a question and write the answer in my own words. Here’s an example on tropic versus non tropic hormones:
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In orange I wrote the section of the chapter: Regulation
I wrote a capital Q for question and A for answer.
And sometimes I write a little flow chart for easy summary of what I learned
The reason why I used this system was for 3 reasons: (1) By writing out the section in a different colour, it acts as a study guide (you know with all the topics/questions pertaining to one part of the chapter for a test). (2) Turning the info in a paragraph into a question and answers makes it interactive and makes you think about what you are learning; sort of like flashcards. I would cover the answer portion with another piece of paper and just talk/aggressively whisper out the answer (the answer doesn’t have to be word by word but just similar to what it is). (3) When it is time for revision: Your notes are in a Q/A format or like test which is better than writing a bunch of notes and just passively looking over.
Here’s another one on the hypothalamus-anterior pituitary-adrenal cortex axis (HPA)
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As you can see I love flow charts for sequential pathways and showing the cause and effects of each step (what increases or decreases, which hormone is involved, etc)
I will write a more detailed post on what I put into my MCAT notebooks and what I look for when reading or extracting information from the review books. So just hold on and be patient.
  Practice, Practice, Practice
Knowledge is power but practice makes perfect. Remember that the MCAT will not really test your ability to recall facts straight from the book; this is not a trivia show. It is your ability to apply known information (your MCAT content review) and integrate them with other information in an unknown situation (the MCAT passages). That’s why I like that my MCAT books have practice passages at the end of each chapter. I also bought extra practice passages from NextStep because they really do help me understand the content and the timing. If you do not have practice passages right now, go to the Khan academy MCAT section and there’s loads of them (but they are really easy though).
Also, I really enjoyed watching videos on YouTube on how to approach passages and seeing what other people’s strategies and methods are. I tend to integrate what others do with my own method, but everyone is different so just take it with a grain of salt. Here are a couple of my favorite Youtubers, one of which is actually my best friend.
Amanda and Rich Show: MCAT Biology Passage Breakdown
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 Biochemistry Tutorial 1 (Amino Acids) – CurveSetter Tutoring
CurveSetter: MCAT Biology/Biochemistry Passage Analysis (Acetylcholine) – CurveSetter MCAT Prep
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 Chemistry Tutorial 3 (Titration Passage) – CurveSetter Tutoring
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 Chemistry/Physics Selected MC 1 – CurveSetter Tutoring
CurveSetter: Electricity and Magnetism MCAT Physics Passage – CurveSetter MCAT Prep
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 Biology Tutorial 1 (Neuron Passage) – CurveSetter Tutoring
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 CARS Tutorial 1 (Passage) – CurveSetter Tutoring
CurveSetter: MCAT 2015 CARS Tutorial 1 (Questions) – CurveSetter Tutoring
SecondChance MCAT: MCAT Science Passage Breakdown #1
SecondChance MCAT: Full MCAT CARS Passage Breakdown (98% CARS Scorer)
Bless her Health: CARS WORKSHOP 08/24
Bless her Health: CARS WORKSHOP 08/28
  After going through a few passages or so, review your mistakes! Then again look up your Q/A notes and see where you went wrong. When you do this, you’re allocating your attention areas that need it. This really helped me retain information whilst, practicing applying concepts with other concepts. Another reason why, is that the questions on the MCAT are really different from your college classes. Again, you’re not regurgitating facts out, you’re applying what you know with what you don’t know by looking at superficial similarities and coming up with the best answer. Since this is a new skill, the only way to learn it is through practice.
I am planning on making a post about how I breakdown science and CARS passages as well so stay tuned.
Spaced Repetition Is Key
One of the keys to success for the MCAT is repetition for retention. If you do not review, you will forget it. That’s why I always made sure that after a section of a chapter I would look over what I had so far and really try to understand what I just learned and see how it relates to other chapters or to the other subjects in one way or another to get the BIG PICTURE. Then, before I go to sleep I will look over at the chapter again as a whole and annotate anything that I think needs more detail. Then the next day before starting a new chapter, I quickly look at all the previous chapters by talking aloud (or aggressively whispering if you’re around people, sorry to the girl at Starbucks who has to put up with my) and just make connections to it. Over time, I looked at all the previous chapters so much that I can recall many concepts.
Review while making your Q/A notes
review after making your Q/A notes
Look at your Q/A notes before you go to bed
Before starting a new chapter, look at all the previous Q/A notes to refresh your memory
1 day later look at your old Q/A notes then maybe 3 days later do it again
Congratulations, all the info you’ve mastered are now stored in your long term memory. It is permanent until you die (unless if you get amnesia).
  I hope this helps make up for my absence and don’t worry, I will post more on MCAT prep. So ciao for now, and stay flossy everyone.
  How I Prepare for the MCAT Part 1 Hey Snarklings! Are you surprised that I'm still alive? I know I am (lols am I even relevant anymore?) Before I get into my whole MCAT prep strategy, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for leaving you guys in the dust.
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janenguyenstudies · 6 years
Semester I Finals Recap
Task 1: Make a list of important points (note down) in the paragraph
Space exploration benefits
Then write a summary passage (150 words)
Task 2: Choose one:
1: Should English be a second language in Vietnam? Agree or Disagree? (list opposing arguments, then rebuttals, then your supporting evidence)
2: Copyright topic
Given 3 recordings:
1st: recording about Gifted children and their learning strategies
2nd: fill in the blanks, manuscript is the same as in https://www.theguardian.com/science/grrlscientist/2014/may/21/wild-mice-exercise-wheels-behaviour-stereotypy-neurosis
3rd: Fill in the blanks
This test will not be too difficult. I suppose I would have scored higher if I had memorized the slides from the lecturer (Mr.Phong) instead of finding online resources to study. Some difficult questions include details in the slides that can be easily overlooked.
Examples: compare atmospheric pressure on rainy days vs sunny days, compare real gas vs ideal gas (P and T), calculate Gibbs free energy, enthalpy H, entropy S, elementary reactions (power the coefficient) , calculate Kc, decide the net ionic equation for given reaction, compare acid strength (HCN, HF, HClO), change Gibbs to Kc values, whether reaction is spontaneous (depends on G, S) . The written section had me scratching my head: decide the direction of equilibrium after changing volume, pressure, temperature...
Contents include Chapter 8-15 (in syllabus)
- > Gases and their properties, solutions, solids types, chemical reactions, rates of reactions, equilibrium, acid-base, thermodynamics.
I did a lot of exercises in section Acid-base equilibria, which include: calculate pH, Ka, Kc and in Solutions (calculate molarity, molality, vapor pressure,..) and even calculate the atom radius in crystalline structures. Turned out they were not tested as closely as Rate law, Equilibrium and Reaction order.
Calculus I
I only did half the exam correctly literally (sigh). Integrals are definitely not my strength. However, I have never scored higher than 60% on any math test ever. The integrals are strange to my untrained mind. I saved my miserable grades with assignments and watching basic integral technique videos (there is a whole youtube list). I suggest anyone not excelling in math not to be disheartened by the news. In fact, if you go over all the taught materials, write your notes neatly (a 2 sided A4 note is permitted), you will be able to answer 50% of the quiz, then ¾ of the written section (a cost optimization question, find the revenue function f(x), then differentiate f(x) to f’(x), let f’(x)=0 , find the highest value; a Simpson rule question; an area of a line and a parabola question).
My assignments
https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_VXU1D6VKuCT-JxfeYEJy9G8BIZ3ymb/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BkFCo8FO4kJZyg0ZE3uSnsux4eAAjx_C/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/10P6nCXdFsG2tv-Gnl5OO39bxYbrB2_IA/view?usp=sharing
My Video list  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLRwiQSPlAn_hiEM2yWIwg
My Intro Bio teacher was very nice, so I went out of my way to prepare for this exam. I even spent a whole week prior to the exam to do my last research assignment (4-page-paper about causes and effects of increasing temperatures). As usual, I missed a lot of questions that could have been answered by learning the slides by heart. (I will not make the same mistake the next semester).
Examples: what is annelid (segmented worm), what is dorsal (opposite of upper), name all the parts of a flower (anther, stigma, filament, node, internode), lichen is mutualistic relationship, explain why antibody makes bacteria resistant is wrong, compare primary and secondary succession, does coelom form digestive tract?, poly-para- monophyletic branch, the largest unit of gene flow (species), define cryptic coloration, does humidity lead to increase in transcription, DNA cutting involve heating DNA strands.
I had no trouble doing ⅗ of the test questions. They are actually similar to the sample problems in the textbook Fundamentals of Physics by Hallidays.
Q1: Use conservation of energy. E(mec2) = E(mec1) - E thermal (by friction)
Q2: Potential energy involving a spring force.
Q3: 2-direction inelastic collision (you have to calculate to decide whether it is elastic or not)
Q4: Rolling of a rigid body has kinetic energy of translation and rotation.
Q5: Quite hard though. But it was in the slides and I did not study it.
As for Physics, I advise against missing classes and falling behind, which guarantees failure in the final exam. My foolproof plan (guarantees at least ⅗ questions done) will be: Read textbook explanations of the topic before every class, then the night before lectures, read Mr.Hoi’s problems; after lectures, redo the sample problems, and if you have time, do the problems in the textbook. Before finals and midterms, make sure you have memorized the sample problems in textbook and slides. Then do the past exams posted by your TAs. Mr.Hoi’s extra problems can be done if you have extra time. ⅗ of the test covers the exact same problems every year (only applying the formulas, no extra thinking). So make sure you can identify which formulas to use.
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educomiq-com · 3 years
Chemical sciences Study material is complete handwritten class notes by one of the best coaching for NET CSIR IIT-JAM possesses the following 15 thick booklets
1. Chemical bonding 2. Chemical Kinetics 3. Coordination Chemistry 4. Electrochemistry 5. Group solid aromacity 6. Oraganic Synthesis 7. Organometallic Chemistry 8. Pericyclic Reaction 9. Quantum Chemistry 10. Reaction Mechanism 11. Reagents 12. Spectroscopy 13. Sterochemistry 14. Thermodynamics
Total No of pages 3400 Above are according to the syllabus of NET CSIR and notes are legible and spiral bound one.
0 notes
fightingfishball · 7 years
chem reference books masterlist + what to expect in the subjects (UPLB)
Listed here are the books that are usually used as references of different chemistry courses that I’ve taken in my university (University of the Philippines Los Baños). I’m taking up chemical engineering so my subjects are more math and science-y. So, if you’re an incoming BS ChE freshman or upperclassman at UPLB, BS CHEM or any other degree program that’s going to take the courses in this list the next semester, you can search and download the reference textbooks I’ve mentioned here to get ahead and prep yourself for it.
I’ve also included my experiences with these subjects so you can read up on what to expect on the course you’re gonna take soon.
CHEM 16.0/CHEM 16.1 (General Chemistry I; General Chemistry I-Laboratory)
Reference book: Chemistry, 11th Edition: Chang and Goldsby
Any General Chemistry book would do, but Chang’s is the most used reference book in any General Chemistry subject. 
This subject is just a recap of your high school chemistry, which is supposed to be easy for you. If you’re not that good with it, it’s okay, but then, you have to brush up your skills on balancing equations, basic thermodynamics, drawing lewis and resonance structures of molecules, and all other chemistry stuff you’ve learned in high school.
CHEM 17.0/CHEM 17.1 (General Chemistry II; General Chemistry II-Laboratory)
Reference book: Chemistry, 11th Edition: Chang and Goldsby
Chang’s Chemistry textbook is also the reference for this one though the course tackles more about reaction kinetics and equilibrium itself rather than the basic ones.
Note that General Chemistry II is where chemistry becomes more ‘college-like’ as you’re not going to deal with balancing equations, drawing structures, and any of the stuff you’ve learned in CHEM 16.0 and CHEM 16.1 anymore. Honestly, this is not a difficult subject; you just have to give just enough time for studying this subject in order to pass it with flying colors.
As mentioned, you’re gonna be looking more into reaction equilibrium and kinetics. For this subject, it’s better that you invest in a calculator that has linear regression function (e.g. Casio FX-991ES and Casio FX-991ES Plus) because you’re gonna be plotting lots of points and getting the slope of lots of data points in this subject, both in lecture and laboratory classes.
CHEM 32.0/CHEM 32.1 (Quantitative Inorganic Analysis; Quantitative Inorganic Analysis- Laboratory)
Reference book: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Edition: Skoog, West, Holler, and Crouch
This is honestly one of my favorite Chemistry subjects of all time but it sure is challenging. Personally, I like a chemistry subject that has a lot of calculations and this subject is exactly that. With CHEM 32.0 and 32.1, you’re going to use the linear regression and stat function of your calculator though the real challenging part of the subject is understanding the calculation problems since the exam and quizzes are gonna be so full of it. 
The real key to passing this subject is by practicing lots and lots of problems, familiarizing yourself with techniques on how the problem is solved and keywords used in the problems, and asking a lot of questions. 
**for real though, don’t be shy when asking a question; I always tell myself that it’s okay to look stupid before the exam than during the exam itself**
CHEM 40.0/40.1 (Basic Organic Chemistry; Basic Organic Chemistry- Laboratory)
Reference book: Any organic chemistry textbook would work
At first, I didn’t like Organic Chemistry that much because it involves a lot of memorization; I would honestly take a calculation heavy subject rather than a memorization heavy subject BUT my instructor was great that I got more interested in it and honestly it’s one of the most practical subjects I’ve ever taken. 
However, I’m not kidding with the memorization because you really have to remember a lot of molecules, reagents, reactants, catalysts, products, and the--most important of them all--reactions.
CHEM 111.0 (Physical Chemistry I)
Reference book: Physical Chemistry: Atkins (any edition)
This is a challenging subject but, as I’ve said before, I love calculations in chemistry, I learned to love this subject as well. Although, it really really is difficult, it is one of those subjects that has a high mortality rate (in our university, mortality rate is a slang for failing rate, opposite of a passing rate). Even though, I got a fairly low grade here, I’m quite happy that I got to pass this subject because the exams in this subject are really difficult. 
The course tackles in-depth discussion of thermodynamic concepts, including but not limited to enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs’ free energy. It is also handy if you know the different values of the gas constants.
Like CHEM 32.0, you have to practice and familiarize yourself with the concepts in order to pass. There are lots of sample problems/problem sets available online so it wouldn’t be really difficult to find study materials for this subject.
CHEM 160.0 (Introductory Biochemistry)
Reference book: Any biochemistry book but it’s really advisable that you get a copy of the Biochemistry handbook made by the Institute of Chemistry
Same with CHEM 40.0, this subject really needs you to memorize stuff, like the 20 common amino acids and its structures, different cycles, etc., BUT you’ll surely learn a lot when you take this up. 
In my opinion, my interest in the subject depends on how well the instructor teaches the subject and fortunately, she did well! I was able to soak up the information she taught and through enough study time, I was able to pass the subject! The secret is to just study the cycles in advance or at least try to get a picture of what’s going on in it.
ALSO, for General Chemistry subjects (CHEM 15,16,17), you can check up on the website of the Institute of Chemistry (UPLB) for additional handouts and problem sets.
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yeswesaythings · 8 years
(Poe + Chemis)try
I: The best place to start is the beginning, so tell me, when did you start writing poetry?
D: I started writing junior year. I had a couple assignments to do for my Brit Lit class and my teacher was like, “Wow, this is really good! You should keep writing,” and so I kind of did.
I: Who are your influences?
D: Well, I don’t really know writing-wise. Definitely my teacher, Mr. Lancaster, Randy. Randy Lancaster. Everything that I write goes into a folder in my Google Docs called Lancaster, and then there are subfolders in that. But he’s the one that makes me keep writing and everything. In terms of people that I read, poetry-wise, Shakespeare and e e cummings are my two favorite, so they have some influence. I kind of write whatever comes to my head.
I: I know e e cummings, his big thing is taking the typography of the words and using it as part of the artistic work of the poem. Is that something that you do at all?
D: Sometimes. It just depends on what I’m writing. Most of the time, when I write, it’s just- I can’t think straight and so to think straight, I have to organize it into a poem, and so it’s just a flood of emotion and so sometimes, when I’m freethinking, like I’m looking out at the sky and a thought popped into my head, I’ll actually try to type up something and I’ll use the typography there.
I: So, this Shakespeare fellow…what is it about him that just grips you and says, “This guy, this guy’s on to something.”
D: His puns. He has so many puns in his writing, and unless you know the context of when he wrote and what he wrote, you don’t really get it. Like in Hamlet, he uses a sun/son pun constantly, the uncle says to Hamlet, “Oh, you need to spend more time in the sun,” or whatever, because he looks ill, and Hamlet says, “No, I’m too much in the son.” And so son is also a form for king, and he’s like, “No, I don’t like it, you’re stupid.”
I: So, of all his works, which would you say is your favorite one?
D: Merchant of Venice. Or at least of the ones that I’ve read.
I: Why? Take your time.
D: That’s a hard question. I like the deeper meaning to it and I just love the character Portia, the character development of Portia.
I: What is the deeper meaning, in your words?
D: Okay, so basically, in the book, Portia has a bunch of suitors who come and they have to- There are three different chests: Gold, silver and lead. And they have to pick one and whichever one holds her picture, if they pick that one, then they get to marry her. And her father set it up. I like the way that her father set it up because, spoiler alert-
I: I’ve read it, don’t worry.
D: The picture winds up being in the lead casket. And so not many people would pick that one. They’re like, “Oh, it’s probably in the gold or the silver,” because there’s inscriptions on each. I don’t remember what they are.
I: Isn’t one of them the line, “All that glitters is not gold”?
D: No, that’s in the note inside the gold casket.
I: Okay, I’m mixing things up then.
D: But I like it because it shows that not everything is on the outside and the more humble you are… I’m trying to remember, I haven’t read it in so long. There was a way Randy described it that I just really like and I don’t remember what he said. But, basically, the people with deeper meaning, deeper thought processes- The one who thinks, he’s more humble, he’s like, “I’m not worth that much.” But he’s also one that has higher thought process and thinks more and spends more time looking at the world from his perspective and figuring out what that is. So basically, just being yourself and using your mind rewards you in the end.
I: I’ve talked with someone that didn’t agree that Shakespeare in classes, high school, even at the college level. Do you agree or is there any value still to be gained today?
D: There’s a lot of value to be gained from Shakespeare. However, you’re not going to get any value if you don’t want to read it. And that’s the big problem, is that it’s written in Old English, so not many teenagers are able to fully appreciate what he wrote.
I: So, the No Fear Shakespeare and the Shakespeare translated into emoji?
D: That’s a great idea, I love that. It really helps, because you get the story along. And you miss some of the puns along the way because there is some stuff inherent in the writing, but if you get the storyline, his themes and his plot and everything still comes across very strongly if it’s done correct.
I: Is that something worth doing with all literature? Because Shakespeare’s only one author that wrote in that style, and you have authors that wrote even as recently as the 1800s that some people find completely impenetrable. Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example.
D: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s spends one chapter talking about a door, but once you get into the book, it’s pretty good. So, yeah, I think that would be a good idea for any sort of classic literature that everybody needs to read. Because a majority of the time, we determine a classic based on the story and the theme. And you do lose a lot with the writing, but once you read the story and you get the story down, if you like it, then you’re more likely to go back and read the original text.
I: So, it’s simplification with the hopes that people will go and read the real thing later on?
D: Yes.
I: Do you think writing has become too simplified nowadays?
D: What do you mean by that?
I: Well, so for example, you have works like Shakespeare and other authors that you really have to sit down and try to work out what they’re saying. But then you look at the great authors of today, and maybe it’s too soon to say who the great authors are of the 21st century or the 20th century, but would you say that the writing has, not been dumbed down, but it does not take as much effort to read?
D: That’s also because in today’s world, our vocabulary is a lot smaller. Back in Shakespeare’s time, everybody used, I think it was 16,000 to 20,000 different words a day. Nowadays, we use 5,000 to 8,000, depending on who we are. And the 16,000 was the common people. They were very well educated, they had a much wider vocabulary. They didn’t have all this science and technology, but they were aware of what they were saying and the differences between words and what those differences mean. And today, a lot of people don’t even know the difference between homophones, where it sounds the same but it’s a different word. So, I think the writing reflects the society.
I: How do you go about fixing something like that? Let’s say, tomorrow, we have elected ----- as education grandmaster. How do you go about fixing it?
D: Well, the easiest way, if we’re talking strictly about vocabulary and English, the easiest way to gain a wider vocabulary is to read. So just get people to start reading what they like, and once you get them reading what they like, then they’ll read more and more. And they’ll have a wider vocabulary, they’ll be able to use big words like lackadaisical or zealous, and even though those aren’t actually big words, they’ll know what they mean. They’ll use them in casual conversation more. And if you can get them reading, then the writers who read more and who read at a higher level will eventually have higher levels of writing.
I: Okay, so now tell me about chemistry.
D: Do you really want to know about chemistry?
I: I want to know everything about chemistry.
D: Well, where do you want me to start?
I: Your favorite aspect of chemistry.
D: My favorite aspect of chemistry? That’s a hard one. Well, okay, you’ve got the basic trinity, the trinity of chemistry. There’s thermodynamics, equilibrium and kinetics. And within those, equilibrium is the hardest, with buffers, even though buffers aren’t a hard concept. But for some reason, the math always makes it a lot harder than it needs to be. Thermodynamics is nice and easy, the first thing you teach people in Gen Chem 2, just something to ease them into it. Kinetics isn’t that bad, either.
I: It’s all easy!
D: There are hard aspects to most of it, but thermodynamics is definitely the easiest. That’s why they teach it first. And that’s just all about the heat and the entropy, which is the disorder, and why reactions happen and what makes them spontaneous, what makes them happen at certain temperatures just automatically. And then you get into equilibrium and it’s how far the reaction will go, will you have ingredients left over that you started with, and all that. And kinetics is how fast a reaction happens, which is actually really interesting because some happen instantaneously and so you have to go in and set in intermediary reactions so that you can see the reaction happen.
I: So, you’re a chemical engineering major. So, what do you want to do with it? What is your dream job?
D: Okay, well, I’ve got a biomolecular concentration, so there’s actually two ways that I want to go. I either, probably first, and then later- But first, I want to go into research and development of pharmaceuticals. And I want to go into finding a cure for viral infections.
I: So you’re at your bachelor’s degree now. So, is it master’s, doctorate as your path?
D: I don’t know. It depends on jobs. So I’m going to co-op while I’m in undergrad, and if I find a company that wants to hire me right out of undergrad and then pay me to get my master’s later, I’ll do that. Otherwise, I’ll go straight into master’s, because I just like school, which is weird, but I like it. And I don’t want to take a year off because I don’t know that I’ll go back.
I: Would you ever consider being a chemistry teacher of sorts?
D: That was my second thing. I don’t have the patience to do elementary or middle school. And then once I get to high school, it’s just too basic of chemistry. I don’t know, I like the harder stuff. I could do an AP chemistry course, but I’d want to be a college professor.
I: So, if you could design, let’s say, the curricula for a standard, elementary beginner’s chemistry, what would it look like?
D: A beginner’s chemistry?
I: Not even for people that want to go into chemistry, but an, “Introduction to Chemistry for People That Aren’t STEM Majors, But Who Want to Understand the Concepts of Chemistry.” What would you put in there? What would be the most important facets for them to learn?
D: Well, first thing they need to learn is they need to learn that units are important. So, the different types of units, the SI system-
I: Why are units important?
D: Units are- They- See, I don’t even know why units wouldn’t be important. But units are important because different systems- Like, you have a gram and you have a kilogram. Those are both the same weight, but it could be one kilogram is a thousand grams. So it’s going to mess up your math if you don’t have the right units. But you need units. And then, based off of units, you need stoichiometry.
I: What is that?
D: That’s just conversions, basic conversions. So, usually it’s based off of the chemical equation. And you’ll have, like, I believe it’s two hydrogen plus oxygen makes two water. Alright? So you have that, and so you take everything- Let’s say you have two grams of hydrogen, two grams of oxygen. That sounds nice, right? Alright, you’re going to have a little bit of oxygen left over, but that’s fine. Oxygen is good.
I: I breathe that stuff in.
D: So you have the grams, you have the mass. But then you have to get it into moles, because mass is relative based on- Mass is a relative, it doesn’t compute all the way through for each element because each element has a different molar mass and everything. So you have to get it to moles, and that’s the basic amount of how many you have. So moles can be broken down into molecules, into atoms. And that’s by a constant. 6.02 times 10 to the 23rd.
I: That number!
D: That’s Avogadro’s number, also known as “avocado”, “guacamole”- No, I’m sorry, “guaca-mole”, “free shavacadu”.
I: We should stop now, these are only getting worse.
D: I know…
I: What’s next?
D: So, you get everything to moles and then you can just convert based on the ratio of the equation. So you’ve got two hydrogen for one oxygen. So it’s a two to one ratio. And then you figure out which one goes on the bottom, which one goes on top, based on what you have already and make the units cancel. And then you just do that, you do the math out and you’re like, “Hey, I’m going to have, like, two moles of water,” or if you want grams, that’d be, like, 32 grams of water. Yes, I know that! 18.02 is the molar mass of water. I know a lot of molar masses.
I: Wow, that’s so impressive. So, anything else or are those the main points?
D: Well, I don’t know, because you have to get stoichiometry in there, but there’s a lot of basic concepts that I’ve learned, and I remember learning and I remember that it was difficult at the time, but now it’s so basic to me, based on everything else that I’ve built on it, that I just don’t even know what it is that was basic. It’s like, I’m in Calc 3, and I know that I had to learn addition and subtraction, I know that was hard and I know that it was important, but I forget that people still need to learn that.
I: Why is chemistry important? Why is it even something worth learning?
D: Why is chemistry important? It makes up everything, and you hear that a lot. Like, chemistry makes up everything. But when you break it down, you get to see- I like chemistry because physics tells you how the world works, right? That’s cool, that’s interesting. I like physics. But chemistry breaks it down on a molecular level, on a level that we can’t even see. And so, for me, it’s interesting to know what goes on that I can’t see, I can’t experience. But it’s important because we use it in everything. We use chemistry in medicine. We use it in makeup. Makeup is one of the biggest fields of chemical engineers and I refuse to go into it. It’s just used in everything, it’s in the air we breathe, it’s in photosynthesis, it’s in respiration. It’s just a part of everything. So if you want to know anything about the world, we have to know chemistry.
I: So, what made you decide chemical engineering instead of just chemistry by itself?
D: Oh, I love math.
I: There’s not much actual math in chemistry by itself?
D: There’s some calculations, but it’s not math. It’s not thinking.
I: What is it exactly that chemical engineers do?
D: Chemical engineering is such a broad field, so it just depends what you go into. So, like me, with a biomolecular concentration, I’m doing chemistry, physics and biology. And math. So I take all of that and I apply it to real life. So, the major field for that is pharmaceuticals, like going in and figuring out different ways to make medicine, different ways to manipulate human biology with their chemistry and use chemicals to go in- Manipulate it so that we can get rid of diseases, we can get rid of viruses. I was on a roll there, and then it just stopped.
I: There might be someone who is interested in chemistry but then at the same time, they might say, “What is biology but just applying the things I’ve done in chemistry?”
D: So, a lot of scientists like to make fun of biologists because they think that it’s not a real science. They’re like, “It’s half a science,” is pretty much what you hear. And it’s all in good fun and we know that we need biology and everything. It’s like the way all engineers make fun of civ-E’s, civil engineers.
I: You’re so mean.
D: You have to make fun of someone. Who do math majors make fun of?
I: Applied mathematicians.
D: See?
I: Alright, fair enough.
D: But biology is the application of chemistry, but there’s also so much more that doesn’t deal directly with the chemicals. It focuses more on the cellular aspect, whereas we focus on the atoms that make up the cells. So if you’re looking at it microscopically, we look at the smallest possible unit of life. No, not of life. Smallest possible unit of matter. They look at the smallest possible unit of life. And so they focus more on the life aspect, we focus more on matter and what makes up everything, animate and inanimate.
I: So, if you weren’t anything related to chemistry, or math- I already know where that answer would go- what would you be?
D: Nothing chemistry and nothing math?
I: Right.
D: I would be an English major.
I: Oh, okay, it’s not the answer I was expecting. I guess that wraps back around to poetry again, let’s see if-
I Run
Power flows through my veins
As my muscles carry me further and further
Breaths are short- but quick
 I fly.
 I fly without even leaving the ground.
Faster and faster
I’ve passed the point where I couldn’t keep going.
 Now I fly forever.
 As I fly, I feel
The power of my muscles,
The strength of my legs,
The obedience of my feet
 I laugh.
 I laugh out of sheer exhilaration
I’m power
I’m strength
I’m obedience
I’m pure determination.
 I run.
 My Rainy Day
Shall I compare thee to a rainy day?
Thou do makest me more melancholy.
Thou art the clouds that scud across the sky,
Except your gloom brings me far more dismay.
When memories of thee tickle my brain,
Thorns prick my heart, and I fall to my knees.
Thou art cruel and mean to leave me be.
Thou came; Thou loved, and thou went away.
 Yet, I love thee still to this very hour.
Your death was debilitating, a plague.
The loss of thee is a scourge upon my heart.
I long for your love; ‘twas a heady power.
But now, alone, I waste away in this vague
Life. Indistinct and bitter, Life is hard.
 The Pickle
There once was a pickle
Who was very, very fickle.
You see he wanted to do
Things the wrong way ‘round.
He wanted to take
The train back into
Good ol’ Cucumber Town.
Now we all know
That a pickle is evil
And cucumbers are good.
So why would we want a pickle to be
Changed back into
A cucumber?
Well, this pickle was set.
He was going to change.
He was on the way to good everlasting.
But then one day, the children came
And ate the pickle.
He never got the chance
To redeem himself
Because he waited too long.
So, the moral of the story
Is to be ready when the children come.
Well, there once was a man
Named Mr. Pickle.
He was very, very fickle.
You see he wanted to do
Things the wrong way ‘round.
He was on the crazy train
And headed down.
Now we all know
That to be mean is bad
And to be good is great.
So why would we want
Mr. Pickle to walk away
From Heaven’s gates?
So, I told the tale
Of the fickle pickle to
Cranky ol’ Mr. Pickle.
Well, he didn’t listen,
So he wasn’t ready
The day the Good Lord came.
What is a Word?
What is a word?
A word is nothing more
Than a series of letters
That we have denoted a certain meaning to.
 What is a letter?
A letter is nothing more
Than a combination of markings
That we have associated a specific sound with.
 So what is a word?
A word is nothing more
Than a series of [combinations of markings
That we have associated a specific sound with]
That we have denoted a certain meaning to.
 But why?
We give meaning to specific sounds
So that we can communicate ideas
To share in and ameliorate the lives of those around us.
 What is a word?
A word is nothing more
Than a series of combinations of markings
That we have associated a specific sound with
That we have denoted a certain meaning to
[So that we can communicate ideas
To share in and ameliorate the lives of those around us].
 If a word is meant to express an idea, a concept, an opinion
If a word is meant to help us share in the lives of those around us
If a word is meant to ameliorate lives
 What are we doing?
 We spout gibberish about garbage and call it communication.
We say words we don’t mean.
We say more words to those across the world than in our own homes.
We use words to destroy and build up.
We stop people from using the words they want
Because we are scared of their power.
 Words are not power.
Power is a word.
Words are not passion and anger and love.
Passion and anger and love are words.
Words are not wisdom and knowledge and advice.
Wisdom and knowledge and advice are words.
Words are tools.
They are neither construction nor destruction.
 It is not the words that we should be scared of.
It is not the sounds that we need to parole.
 Because what is a word?
A word is nothing more
Than a series of combinations of markings
That we have associated a specific sound with
That we have denoted a certain meaning to
So that we can communicate ideas
To share in and ameliorate the lives of those around us.
 Words are useless without their meanings
Use words
Choose them well
But be wary of the meaning that they denote
For that is where the power lies.
0 notes
school-of-pe · 5 years
Prepare for the FE Chemical Exam the Right Way
To become a professional licensed engineer (PE), your first priority is to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. The FE Chemical exam is for recent graduates as well as students who are nearing completion of their engineering degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited program. The computer-based FE exam is administered all year round at NCEES- approved Pearson VUE test centers.
School of PE, a division of EduMind, offers extensive study support to help you ace the FE Chemical exam. Our all-inclusive FE Chemical review course is a 72-hour comprehensive course that covers all the topics for the FE Chemical exam. We incorporate Subject Matter Experts who will prepare you with subject-matter specific materials and workshop sessions. Our practice materials use the NCEES FE Reference Handbook version 9.5 that will give you the confidence to pass the FE Chemical exam. The FE Chemical exam review course consists of refresher classes along with workshop sessions.
Candidates who wish to have professional careers in Chemical Engineering take this exam. Bureau of Labor Statistics declares that chemical engineers “Apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math to solve problems that involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products. They design processes and equipment for large-scale manufacturing, plan and test production methods and byproducts treatment, and direct facility operations.”
Statistics reveal that the national pass rate for the FE Chemical exam between January and June 2018 is 80%. The performance of our students is much higher than the nationwide average.
How should you prepare to take the FE Chemical Exam?
The FE Chemical review course that we offer is available to you anytime and anywhere. We offer the course in two flexible options, the Live Online and the On Demand. Both the courses cover topics related to the FE Chemical exam and are formats that you can choose based on your convenience. Let us see what the two formats are all about:
Live Online: This format enables students to take part in live, scheduled class settings. This method allows students to take part in discussions, problem-solving, and interactions with their fellow classmates and faculty, just like a regular class. The only difference is that the class is conducted online. This popular format has workshop sessions, downloadable study materials and lectures. The primary necessity for this format is a good internet connection and you can begin your class from just about anywhere.
Ondemand: If you think that a regular class session may not work for you and you need flexible study options, the School of PE also has a flexible study format for those with a busy schedule. Students can learn at their own pace as it correlates to their daily lives. The Ondemand option gives you immediate access to pre-recorded lecture videos, practice portals, and workshop problems so that you can jump into your preparation right from the moment you enroll. The Ondemand access comes to you as a monthly subscription or in sets of four, six, and eight months.
What are the FE Chemical exam topics that our review course covers?
Material/Energy Balances
Probability and Statistics
Heat Transfer
Engineering Sciences
Mass Transfer and Separation
Computational Tools
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Materials Science
Process Design and Economics
Process Control
Fluid Mechanics/Dynamics
Safety, Health, and Environment
Ethics and Professional Practice
 Overview of the FE Chemical Exam review course
FE Chemical Exam Prep course from School of PE is a cutting-edge learning management method that will help you pass the exam right the first time. The course is professionally mapped out in compliance with the guidelines of the NCEES. Our prep course is geared to prepare our students towards the path of success immediately.
The course comes to you in two segments:
Refresher Classes: Gives you immediate access to wide-ranging lectures that are subject-specific and prepares you for the FE Chemical Exam.
Workshop Session: Work your way through even the toughest of FE Chemical practice problems.
Regardless of the study format you decide to take, we ensure that our students are provided with extensive refresher notes, problem-solving sessions, video archives, and access to discussion forums. We ensure our student’s complete potential is unleashed by constantly advocating simulated exams, time management, and problem-solving.
Sign up for our FE Chemical Exam prep course today and get started on your way to success. The School of PE has a wide range of discounts that include Early Registration Discounts and Undergraduate Student Discounts.
For more information, visit https://www.schoolofpe.com/fechemical/
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amlanmallick · 5 years
BITSAT –Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test 2020 is a computer-based online test which provides admission to Integrated First Degree programs offered at BITS Pilani campuses in Pilani, Goa, and Hyderabad.
BITSAT 2020 Application Form has been released from 5th January 2020. Birla Institute of Technology & Science Admission Test (BITSAT 2020) is a university-level exam organized by the BITS, Pilani. It is a computer-based exam conducted for providing admission in various degree courses offered by Pilani campus, K.K. Birla Goa campus and Hyderabad campus of BITS. It is mandatory to qualify the BITSAT 2020 exam to get admission in various courses for the academic year 2020-21. Through BITSAT exam, students will get admission in BE, B.Pharma&M.Sc courses in various specializations.
BITSAT  Exam Schedule:
Tentative Dates
Application form release - 4th January 2020
Last date to submit the application - 20th March 2020
Application editing window - 22nd – 25th March 2020
Allotment of exam center - 27th March 2020
Slot booking by candidates - 28th March to 8th April 2020
The release of hall ticket - 12th April to 13th May 2020
Exam date-16th – 26th May 2020
Apply for admission (the basis of 12th marks) -16th May to 18th June 2020
Admit list and wait for list release - 20th June 2020
BITSAT 2020 Application Form:
Students can fill the BITSAT Application form through online mode.
Only one application form is accepted by each candidate.
Upload the scanned images of photograph and signature in JPG/JPEG format.
Size of the photograph must be between 4 KB to 50 KB and signature size should be 1 KB to 30 KB.
Candidates also have to submit three preferences for exam centers.
The university will provide a one-time correction facility to the candidates.
There is no need to send the printed application form to the university.
BITSAT Application Fee:
For Indian exam centres, the application fee will be Rs. 3150/- for male candidates and Rs. 2650/- for female candidates.
For Dubai exam center, candidates have to pay Rs. 5600/- (US$80).
The application fee is non-refundable.
Payment can be done through debit/credit card and net banking.
Students can also pay by cash payment through generated Pay-in-Slip.
BITSAT Eligibility Criteria:
Qualifying Exam: Candidates should have passed 12th exams of 10+2 system in the year 2019 from any recognized board.
Subjects: Candidates must have PCM subjects (PCB subjects for B.Pharma) with adequate proficiency in English. However, students with PCM subjects can also apply for pharmacy.
Minimum Marks: In the qualifying exam candidates have obtained 75% in PCM/PCB and also have scored minimum 60% marks in each subject.
Appearing Candidates: Students appearing in the 12th exams in the year 2020 are eligible to apply.
1.If students have taken more than one attempt in the 12th class then the latest performance will be considered.
2. Candidates who are presently studying in BITS and any of its campuses are not eligible to apply.
BITSAT Admit Card 2020:
The admit card will be provided from 12th April to 13th May 2020( tentatively). Students will be able to download the BITSAT Admit card through online.
Before downloading the hall ticket, candidates have to book their slot for the exam. Candidates will be able to book their slot between 28th March to 8th April 2020.
Students will not be allowed to write the exam without holding a valid admit card. BITSAT admit card will contain the candidate's name and roll number, exam center, etc.
BITSAT Exam Pattern 2020:
Candidates can check here the exam pattern of BITSAT 2019 exam:
Exam Duration: 3 hours.
Mode of Exam:  online mode (CBT).
Type of Questions:  objective type (multiple choice questions)
Sections: four sections, i.e. physics, chemistry, English proficiency & logical reasoning and Mathematics or Biology.
Marking Scheme: Three marks will be provided for each correct answer.
Negative Marking: One mark will be deducted for the wrong answer. No marks will be given for un-attempted questions.
No. of Questions
English Proficiency
Logical Reasoning
Mathematics/Biology (for B.Pharm)
BITSAT 2020 Syllabus:
The syllabus comprises of various topics like Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency and Logical reasoning, and Mathematics/Biology. It is based on current NCERT syllabus.
Units & Measurement, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Work and Energy, Kinematics, Impulse and Momentum, Rotational Motion, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Gravitation, Waves, Oscillations, Electrostatics, Heat, and Thermodynamics, etc.
States of Matter, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Atomic Structure, Physical and Chemical Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Hydrogen and s-block elements, Surface Chemistry, etc.
English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning:
Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Composition, Verbal Reasoning, Nonverbal Reasoning, Detecting  Missing  Links, Following Directions, Classifying Words, etc.
Algebra, Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Differential calculus, Trigonometry, Three-dimensional Coordinate Geometry, Integral calculus, Probability, Ordinary Differential Equations, Statistics, Vectors, Mathematical modeling, and Linear Programming.
Diversity in Living World, Genetics and Evolution, Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function, Structure and Function –Animals & Plants, Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants, Ecology and Environment, Reproduction and Development in Humans, Biotechnology and its Applications, Biology and Human Welfare.
BITSAT Result 2020:
After the completion of the BITSAT exam, the result will be announced. Candidates will be able to check their result on the next day of the exam date.
BITSAT Results will contain the total secured marks along with the number of total correct answers and wrong answers. Candidates will not be permitted to repeat the test for the same year.
BITSAT Admission 2020:
Candidates who will appear in the BITSAT exam are required to submit an admission application with 12th marks and preferences. The application can be submitted between 16th May to 18th June 2020. BITSAT 2020 Admissions will be done through online mode.
Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks scored in the entrance exam. It will be prepared separately for various courses. Admission list will be released on 20th June 2020
Seats will be allotted to candidates on the basis of marks scored in the entrance exam, category, filled preferences and availability of seats. After the seat allotment, candidates have to report to the allotted campus for further admission process.
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NEET preparation tips not just empower the likelihood to plan a practical technique
Best NEET coaching institute in Dehradun Best IIT coaching institute in dehradun
NEET preparation tips not just empower the likelihood to plan a practical technique to prepare for the test yet moreover help them score high checks. The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) is a significantly forceful therapeutic choice test. Up-and-comers who passed class twelfth with half-complete stamps in Physics, Chemistry, Biology are simply able to apply for the test. Reliably more than 10 lac understudies apply for NEET and devour the 12 PM oil to break the test. Due to the outrageous test, candidates applying for the test need to lock in for Best NEET Coaching Institute in Dehradun for preparation. The test has three zones thus as to break the test in the chief undertaking, candidates need to put proportional vitality in arranging of all subjects solicited in NEET.
About NEET
Started s All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT), the restorative situation test transformed into the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) in 2012. By and by, this is the principle national level arrangement test in India for the assertion in therapeutic colleges for MBBS and BDS courses. Candidates who need to get admission to open and private helpful colleges in India need to fill NEET application structure and appear for the test that is driven in May every year. Up-and-comers who meet NEET capability criteria of passing class twelfth with least half checks in PCB can apply for the test. Up-and-comers who meet NEET cut-off and achieve top AIR positions simply get arranges in all India government remedial and dental colleges under 15% spared share.
Change in NEET Conducting Body and Exam Format
The test used to be coordinated by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), but at this point the as of late encircled National Testing Agency (NTA) will lead the test. NTA will lead NEET, 2019 onwards to empower understudies to get affirmation in tops open and tuition-based schools offering MBBS and BDS courses across over India.
No ifs, ands or buts, NEET is one of the hardest situation tests in India, yet by following the benefit NEET course of action tips and tricks, you can break it viably. Check the blog, to find some obliging NEET 2019 course of action tips:
How To Prepare For NEET?
NEET is one of the hardest arrangement tests to clear which understudies need to try hard. They need to get every chance to master the test with top positions and secure a seat in a remedial school of their choice. From going to top instructional courses to implying recorded video talks and other assessment material, understudies research each likelihood to get high position in the therapeutic determination test. In any case, with this tireless work, candidates in like manner need to have an undeniable NEET preparation system. Here are some NEET 2019 arranging tips to empower you to start your voyage towards the achievement of your dream about transforming into an expert.
1. Grasp NEET Exam Pattern
First and the most noteworthy arranging tip for NEET is to have a sensible cognizance of the test plan. NEET test model empowers you get an idea of the sort of request represented, the outright term of the test, subjects verified, checking plan and other critical nuances reliant on which you can structure your NEET course of action plan.
NEET Exam Pattern
S. No.
Mode of Examination
CBT (Computer Based Test)
Exam Duration
3 hours
English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, Kannada and Urdu
Type of Questions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Physics – 45 Questions
Chemistry – 45 Questions
Biology – 90 Questions
Total Number of Questions
180 Questions
Total Marks
720 Marks
Marking Scheme
4 marks for each correct answer 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer
2. Check NEET plan
Next NEET game plan tip to get high scores in the test is to encounter the all out outline. From the subjects to the focuses covered in them, you should intentionally check the complete NEET plan. NEET timetable is enormous and to complete it in a confined time, you need to make a practical arranging plan. Having a thorough perception of NEET calendar won't just empower you to make a practical assessment plan yet will similarly empower you to save important time on subjects that can be verified quickly and adequately. In light of the subjects covered in the test and your request on them, you can pick the regions that need more practice than others and can commit greater chance to them.
NEET Syllabus 2019
Material science – Mechanics, Optics, Thermodynamics and Nuclear Physics
Science – Mole Concept, General Organic Chemistry, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Coordination Chemistry
Science – Ecology and Environment, Genetics, Cell Biology; Morphology, Reproduction, and Physiology of Plants and Animals; Basics of Biotechnology
3. Make a sensible report plan
Directly when you think about NEET test model and timetable, this is a perfect chance to make a convincing and result-arranged examination plan. When making an examination course of action for NEET arranging, guarantee that you utilize your time commendably and make a suitable timetable. Set your destinations, figure the outright time open with you for NEET 2019 availability, check the advantages and a while later make a schedule to consider. Plan your weeks early by observing down the areas who need to cover.
4. Pick the best NEET study material
Assurance of the right assessment material is the best approach to achievement in the restorative position test. Despite how dedicatedly you prepare for the test, in case you don't approach the right assessment material, you can't achieve your target. Be it printed study material, accounts, advanced books or test plan, guarantee you get it from a strong training foundation. Consider taking help of your teachers or aides when implying additional examination material than given by your preparation foundation.
Luckily, in the present digitized world you don't need to depend just on NCERT books to complete NEET plan. To give indications of progress request on the thoughts and to understand them quickly, you can go to live natural classes or can in like manner watch recorded video addresses. With a blend of visuals, graphs, and blueprints, accounts make it less complex for the understudies to get and hold the information.
Despite the NCERT books and recorded video addresses, you can in like manner suggest the underneath offered books to cover NEET plan 2019.
Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations – R. C. Mukherjee
Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips for NEET
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I & Vol. II
Organic Chemistry – MConcise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Leeorrison and Boyd
M.S. Chauhan
Books by T.L Rayar
Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma
Physical Chemistry for Medical Entrance by OP Tandon
Trueman’s Elementary Biology Volume – I and Volume – II
5. Clear your thoughts
Presumably, the principle inspiration driving frustration in NEET test is dim thoughts. Understudies as a general rule skirt the topics when they are not prepared to get their inquiries cleared. This looks like tolerating a titanic peril as nobody can tell which territory or subject will have what number of requests.
In case you have a question in any region, guarantee you experience the subject again and again until you expert it. If you imagine that it's difficult to appreciate it by basically getting it, take the help of your educators. Understudies, who feel shy to represent the request in the examination lobby can download NRT India iTutor application and can pose their inquiries direct from the practiced NRTIndia faculty in 'Ask an Expert' territory.
6. Change NEET Syllabus reliably
Despite how savvy someone is, reviewing the monstrous plan of Best NEET coaching institute in Dehradun is basically immeasurable without standard adjustment. You should typically refresh the outline you spread. You can make seven days by week, fortnightly or month to month change mean to perceive how well you are going with your examination plan for NEET 2019 course of action.
Furthermore check: NEET 2019 Revision Strategies for 3 Months
7. Handle NEET Test Series
Essentially pressing the thoughts and encountering the calendar again and again won't take you wherever until you check your headway reliably. Likewise, maybe the best ways to deal with check the sum you have instructed is to clarify NEET test plan. In case you feel that the test course of action given by your preparation foundation isn't adequate, you can buy NEET consistently practice tests or fake tests online to reliably quantify your show. It will moreover empower you to grasp your worry zones subject to which you can take off required upgrades in your NEET arranging plan.
As NEET will be right now an online test, you also need to plan for the changed model and this is possible exactly when you practice enough online tests. Understand indistinguishable number of online tests from you can to appreciate the methodology of CBT and make your frameworks for the test day. It will in like manner empower you to support your assurance.
8. Make notes
Encountering all out books each time presumably won't be doable for each understudy. Besides, this isn't required when you have recently encountered the outline and saw all of the subjects. Or on the other hand perhaps, you can make short notes to improve your memory capacities. You can note down the huge centers, formula, and theories in an alternate scratch cushion, which you can encounter each earlier day resting. It will empower you to recall the things for additional.
9. Work on progressively delicate districts
Standard tests by the educating foundation help you grasp the domains that need more practice and alteration. Sometimes understudies consider their delicate locales, yet simultaneously, copy through a huge amount of time on reevaluating the strong territories as they find them captivating. Acknowledge it as a noteworthy NEET 2019 arranging tip and assurance that you put enough vitality in the slight areas to change over them into your characteristics. You can watch chronicles, take help of your educators or can discuss the thoughts with the companions to understand the problematic fragments.
10. Fathom Mock tests and prior year's NEET papers
Time is one of the best fundamental concentrations with respect to NEET. Understudies need to utilize every minute commendably to attempt 180 request in 180 minutes. Brilliantly, you get just a single minute for each question and to ensure that you attempt the best number of request in the given time, you really need to lock in on your speed. Venturing through phony tests is maybe the best ways to deal with help your speed.
You should handle NEET phony tests and prior year papers. Beside improving your speed, this moreover causes you understand the certifiable state of the appraisal hall, question paper plan, prior year's examples and the kind of request presented in the test. In light of your display in the bogus tests, you can plan your frameworks to commendably try request in the certified test. To expand most noteworthy benefit by NEET prior year papers and phony tests, make veritable evaluation hall like condition at your home, set a clock and clarify the request.
When you are done with the test, check your introduction and separate it fittingly with the help of the reports given by the establishment. You can in like manner speak with your teacher to get their info and work on the proposition given by them.
11. Avoid essential misunderstandings
To a great extent understudies disregard to break NEET in light of some essential slip-ups. Thinking about the normal slip-ups made by NEET understudies causes you improve your chances of scoring top situation in the test. Here are the slip-ups you need to keep up a key good ways from to ensure your accomplishment in NEET 2019:
             Not following the timetable
             Not making handy goals
             Referring to more than required examination material
             Skipping subjects
             Not venturing through enough false tests
             Ignoring prosperity
12. Focus on your prosperity
Clearing the NEET test in one undertaking is to be sure the dream of every candidate anyway not to the detriment of your prosperity. You will have the alternative to perform well in the test exactly when you are strong. Make a timetable that consolidates enough breaks and loosening up time. You should in like manner focus on your eating routine and eat well sustenance. Get all out rest as it makes you feel fresh and energetic just as it causes you improve your obsession control. Guarantee you give your cerebrum adequate chance to loosen up, which is possible just by taking brief breaks and following a typical rest cycle.
13.         Subject Wise NEET Preparation Tips
             NEET Preparation Tips for Physics
Appreciate the central thoughts given in the NCERT books in any case NEET plan for Physics. It won't just empower you to prepare for your board tests yet will moreover empower you to fortify your central thoughts. When you are done with the NCERT books, you can insinuate various books or accounts for forefront subjects covered in the plan of NEET.
             NEET Preparation Tips for Chemistry
Science is continuously about speculative thoughts, substance conditions, and issues, which you should prepare by encountering NCERT books and other examination material made by the experienced workforce. Thusly, make sure to make notes of different conditions to change them reliably. You can in like manner watch recorded video addresses on Inorganic, Organic and Physical science.
             NEET Preparation Tips for Biology
This is the most critical subject for the up-and-comers attempting to take admission to MBBS and BDS courses. Further, Biology is given more weight in NEET question paper than Chemistry and Physics. From now on, you ought to be clear with different requests to attempt requests in the test. Additionally, this is possible just with a standard update of the subject with preparing tests.
These are some valuable and easy to-seek after NEET preparation tips every wannabe envisioning to clear restorative situation test must seek after. These game plan tips for NEET 2019 will empower you to score a better than average All India Rank (AIR) to get admission to one of the top remedial schools in India.
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Editor’s Notes
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