#Cherished Friends {Promo}
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You were my new dream.
And you were mine.
Rapunzel & Eugene Fitzherbert
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stickxrfacx · 3 years
Tag dump~!
he’s beauty he’s grace he’ll trip and fall on his face { flower speaks } just another shift { ic } of stickers and eyebags { visage } a fun little game { memes } out and about { open starter } knowledge of myself { headcanons } questions for the drop off desk { asks } faceless friend (or foe) { anonymous } art projects { submission } take my joints; take them for points { musings } coffee break { mobile } friends new and old { promos } please don’t mind me! { to be deleted } listen up everyone! { important psa } there’s a smALL eNEMy SpIDEr! { crack } days fade into a watercolor blur { aesthetic } a treasure i shall cherish forever { save } talk of the town { dash commentary } paperwork for later { queue } fun at the fazcade { dash games } hopes and dreams { wishlist }
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trumpkinhotboy · 3 years
The amazing @theevetoyouradam is just about to reach an incredible milestone for her blog!!
She is the sweetest person on earth and she’s basically an angel🤷‍♀️
She is an amazing and very creative writer, if you ever want to check her page out and maybe give her a follow i promise you will not be disappointed
She’s pretty hilarious on top of it, and gets amazing content out for many different fandoms!! 🌟
👉 @theevetoyouradam 👈
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silentfellchild · 3 years
Tag dump~!
he’s beauty he’s grace he’ll trip and fall on his face { flower speaks } silence speaks louder than words { ic } of ribbons and curls { visage } you wanna play a game? { memes } out and about { open starter } knowledge of myself { headcanons } one sided conversations { asks } faceless friend (or foe) { anonymous } nervously accepted gifts { submission } syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup { musings } out playing { mobile } friends new and old { promos } please don’t mind me! { to be deleted } listen up everyone! { important psa } actually three kittens in a trenchcoat { crack } so i’ll fill the bath with bubbles { aesthetic } a treasure i shall cherish forever { save } talk of the town { dash commentary } nap time { queue } calm down little one { stims } i could go on forever…! { special interest } isn’t this fun?! { dash games }
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huntsworn · 5 years
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just a tag drop; nothing's changed, i'm going to be recycling my old tags !     part 1
#me ? lazy ? yeah guess so !#`  i.   shall these hands prove humanity ; that no longer resides within ?   /   ISMS.#`  ii.   life offers her beauty ; death cherishes with averted eyes .   /   AES.#`  iv.   sleep is for the weak ; prove me wrong .   /   OOC.#`  v.   grace me with your smile once more darling ; so that i may forget the pain of cruelty's sinking fangs .   /   SHIPS.#`  vi.   become enlightened to the truth of yourself !   /   IC.#`  vii.   answered .   /   ASK.#`  viii.   through tragedy and catastrophe we live ; you are my brother . my reason to die .   /   DEAN.#`  ix.   mirror's reflection ; embrace yourself .   /   VISAGE.#`  x.   bathe in the serenity of the storm's eye .   /   MEMES.#`  xi.   silence's worth beyond words ; surfeit of stories behind her sneers .   /   DRABBLE.#`  xii.   callused skin shields battered heart ; lustful heat burns brightly from within .   /   DESIRES.#`  xiii.   melodic tunes ease a restless mind ; lull piteous thing to deep slumber .   /   AUDIO.#`  xiv.   plaid shirts worn with pride and confidence ; cloth desires him .   /   WARDROBE.#`  xv.   pointless belongings ? send to the trash .   /   TBD.#`  xvi.   there lied he ; a monster for all to see .   /   HEADCANON.#`  xviii.   aiding enemy or friend a necessity in dire times .   /   PROMO.#`  xvii.   fingers coil around treasured memory ; held close to withered heart that found warmth .   /   SAVED.#`  xix.   deafening silence at the heart of the beast ; time's grasp only becomes more vigorous .   /   QUEUE.
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noxian-crybaby · 2 years
tag dump~!
he's beauty he's grace he'll trip and fall on his face { flower speaks } they call me crybaby { ic } baby of the du couteaus { visage } care for a bit of fun? { memes } out and about { open starter } knowledge of myself { headcanons } letters opened and read { asks } faceless friend (or foe) { anonymous } nervously accepted gifts { submission } you take things so hard but then you fall apart { musings } on the move { mobile } friends new and old { promos } please don’t mind me! { to be deleted } listen up everyone! { important psa } actually 5 kittens in a trench coat { crack } soft as a petal floating in the air { aesthetic } a treasure i shall cherish forever { save } talk of the town { dash commentary } a soldier must rest sometimes { queue } a fun little game { dash games } sing with me a song of silence and blood { music } hopes and dreams { wishlist } of silk and swords { closet } listen up everyone! { important psa } the past has been written { cora's backstory }
0 notes
wwtneosay-archived · 2 years
For You? pt.1
series masterlist lies here
The pairing is Mark x Y/n x Haechan but literally all of 127 is mentioned, I was feeling a little bit obnoxious… No Sungchan mailman feature tho, if you guys are good maybe he’ll make an appearance next time ;)
Synopsis: childhood bffs turned superstars, within their years of success the bond of friendship has never been broken, outings to let loose are vital in order to withstand the pressures of being a celebrity. What will happen when you unintentionally push your body’s limits on a night out?
Word Count: 11.5K
The story has got it all; love triangle, eventual smut like… yeah , fluff, angst, heavy dialogue can be expected, also its multi-pov! I feel the need to mention that this story does not pass the Bechdel test..Oops! Mark’s residing in simp city and Haechan is, well, himself… but maybe you like that mix? Read below the cut to find out!
Authors Note: My first ever series haha… Had a lot of fun writing this ngl, like fully cracking up at some parts… yeahhhh I kinda love build up so there’s definitely a bit of background before you get to the dirty stuff, what can i say? I like to paint a pretty picture. But seriously , let me know what you thought :)
Here’s a small excerpt to coax you into reading it lmao <3 :
He retracts his head from the side of your body to take a look at your pretty face. The pleasure he gets from watching you snap out of his trance in real time scratches his ego in just the right spot, he tilts his head slightly as a cheeky grin envelopes his features, “You were so bold in the car, why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
You know, you wish you could say something, anything, to convince him his actions were not having an effect on you, but the alcohol has definitely dulled your wits. You go for the option that first comes to mind, playing it off… Yeah, that’ll do it..
Whatever is left of his spell wears off because you’re finally able to look him in the eyes again, “Oh please, I’m an entertainer! I had an audience to please”, you scoff, waving him off.
Yeah that should buy me enough time to build my defenses back up, you think.
You clearly miss the glint in his eyes before he leans into you once more,
“I’m your audience now, so how about you please me?”
Markly [10:45]: yoo u got five minutes, we’re on our way now.
The boy’s always had a handful to deal with whenever promotion season came up, to be completely honest you tried your best to avoid them this time around, the prospect of possibly adding more stress onto them doesn’t sit right with you, instead you preferred to cheer them on from the sidelines, sending coffee trucks or meals whenever an important date came up. It was your personal way of being there, offering that little dose of encouragement that everyone requires.
Luckily for you, promos don’t last forever, in this case they had ended about a week ago, no more appearances or hours of grueling practice, your friends would finally be back in your grasp.
You’re happy for them, that no one could deny, but it still hurts keeping a distance from the people you cherish the most. God, good thing this ends tonight, you’d been needing to blow off some steam.
Your ears prick up at the sound of tires rubbing over the gravel, you quickly finish up any last moment touch ups and Mark's text serves as your final queue to make your way outside.
Markly [10:50]: outside :)
Man, you would've never thought that seeing a pair of silver vans outside your house would bring you so much joy. You briskly make your way to one of the tinted vehicles, the door automatically opens and you are greeted with roars of cheers, if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed their favorite sports team just scored a goal, you don't mind it at all, in fact, you think they could be louder. You echo their enthusiasm, taking in each of their smiling faces before shimmying into your seat, you appreciate that they always left the seat closest to the door empty for you, makes things a whole lot easier, you know?
Their chauffeur (manager lmao) makes sure that everyone’s buckled up before pulling out of your place.
Questions immediately begin to bounce off the walls of the small van, “hey how’ve you been!? I feel like I haven't seen you in a minute..” Mark ponders, a warm smile gracing his features.
Haechan quickly chimes in without missing a beat, “She always disappears during promotions, have you guys just noticed?”
The members look back at him all at once, their faces show that they’re calculating the math, then they turn to look at you. The sudden attention kind of catches you off guard, damn, busted..
Before anyone has a chance to question, you rely on your wits to help you change the subject , “Awww Haechan… I didn't know you kept tabs on me, do you really like me that much?”, a smug grin is plastered across your face. Yeah, this should do it..
You’ve never seen Haechan’s eyes widen like that, his lips pucker into a small “o” as his gaze remained fixed on you. The members waste no time to point out his expression, you let out a cackle as you soak in his flustered face.
He attempts to summon his composure, when that fails he rolls his eyes instead, scoffing at your seemingly ridiculous statement, “Pffft, in your dreams.”
You mentally applaud yourself for not being on the receiving end of Haechan’s playful taunts for once, you can't deny that your ego is soaring right now. So this is why he behaves the way he does..
You lower your eyes, glaring at him as the left side of your lips curl into a smile, “Yeah, ok, sure.. I’ll pretend to believe you..” He lets out a breathy, almost silent chuckle as his tongue pokes against his cheek, it seems as if he can’t bear to hold eye contact with you any longer because he turns to face the window.
Haechan, giving up? Huh…
This sudden dominance, or whatever it is you have over him is quite amusing to say the least…
You take his silent surrender as a queue to move on.
Laughter and jokes continue to resonate in the van as you all fill each other in on any random moments that have accumulated in the past couple of months, nothing is off limits. It's nice to hear their voices again, you always appreciated that no matter how long you spent time apart from them, you were able to pick things up like it was nothing, it’s one of the luxuries of having long standing childhood friends that you often relished in.
A couple of minutes of catching up go by, you begin to notice the familiar billboards so you take it upon yourself to ask if everyone’s ready for tonight, and their faces light up in response, Johnny is the first to speak, “Hell yeah man, it's been so long.”
He was right, they've been busy for a consecutive couple of months now, they deserve to let loose.
Your eyes scan the streets to gauge the liveliness of the night, before you know it you’ve finally made it to your destination, an exclusive club in Hongdae. Security and confidentiality was what made the place so appealing to celebrities. Here, they were able to fully experience their 20’s without having to worry about public scrutiny.
The car comes to a stop and a symphony of clicks are heard as the members move to open the doors. Their faces are quickly met with the brisk air slamming into their cheeks. As everyone makes their way out of the car you take your time to admire the way the tips of everyone’s noses have slightly pinkened thanks to the cold. You’re snapped out of it as you hear your name being called, you whip your head to the other van and see the rest of the members. You’re greeted by Taeil first, “Hey y/n! It’s been a while, huh? Glad you’re back.”, you immediately smile and reach out for a big hug, partially because you missed him and partially to get rid of the cold that was beginning to envelop your body.
Taeyong decides to skip out on these types of outings since he’s not much of a drinker, and Doyoung would much rather spend his time surrounded by peace and quiet, so naturally Johnny steps in as today’s leader. He gathers everyone just outside the doors of the van, making sure to get a headcount before you make your way into the club. You take your time to greet the members that had been in the other van, making sure to congratulate them on their steady success with the recent album and their stages.
Once Johnny makes sure everyone is accounted for, you all head towards the entrance. Today the club was bustling, you could tell by the amount of people drifting on the sidewalk, some crouching down puking, others having a smoke break, believe it or not, they all seem to be enjoying themselves.
As you approach the main entrance, the two bouncers share a look and immediately unhook the velvet ropes. Jungwoo laughs as one of the bulky men breaks his stoic expression, “Y/N?? I haven’t seen you all in a while!! Have a round on me, I'll let the bartender know, Have fun tonight, ok?” He says with a wink. The boys cheer as you lean closer to him to give your thanks “Heeey, thanks Manny I’ll have to make it up to you some other time!”. How cool of him...
You obviously weren’t going to take him up on his offer, I mean if it was one drink sure, but a round of shots for 8 people? That's pushing it honestly.. Instead, you make sure to let the bartender know to put whatever he got tonight on your tab, yeah that's fair, he’s always been so nice to you and the boys anyways, so why not?
As you make it past the main entrance you can immediately feel the bass reverberating off the walls. Once you all reach the end of the dimly lit hallway, you can feel the anticipation beginning to rise, Johnny turns around to take a look at all of you “Lady and Gentlemen, let the fun begin…” He says as he pushes open the thick steel door.
Colorful lights splash against every surface, no matter where you look, something seems to be going on. Your vantage point offers a view of the entire club. You’re greeted by a pool of bodies floating around the dance floor, you place your hands on the balcony rails as you soak in your surroundings. You feel a hand being set down on your own, your eyes scan the limb upwards to find that it’s Yuta, he doesn’t say anything but just raises his eyebrows and gives his signature smile, you mimic his expressions and begin to follow him as he leads you to the section, the rest of the boys followed suit.
They’re greeted with every step they take, “Congratulations!” and “Long time no see’s” are being spewed at them left and right. You slowly begin to loosen your grasp on Yuta’s hand as you notice the way people have immediately flocked to them. He gives you a light squeeze, nodding a small “no” to indicate refusal of your actions. You return the squeeze, leaning into his ear to try to overcome the thumping music, “It’s okay! I’ll go set up the drinks, meet us at the table when you’re done!!” He concedes, letting go of your hand watching you make your way through the crowd to your guys’ section. When he notices that Mark trails you he allows himself to take his eyes off of you.
You successfully make your way into the section, pleased to see that your request had been fulfilled, 8 shots were placed in a semi circle on the glass table, ready to be gulped down. You took the time to call beforehand to make sure the bar had all the members favorite liquor in stock, and they even took the time to prep them like this, huh, you can see why you guys keep coming back. There was no need for labels on the shot glasses, each member had their specific tastes so it was easy to differentiate them. Don Julio, Fireball, Jose Cuervo, Jack, Jameson, etc… Some were questionable to say the least, but hey, it’s what they like…
As you’re looking down at the table, you hear a sudden “BOO!” accompanied by fingers nudging into your shoulders. You know, after all these years you’d think Mark would’ve given up on his attempts to scare you but that doesn’t seem to be the case, he still tries his hardest even though he’s met with failure Every. Single. Time. But hey, that’s Mark’s charm.
Dang, you really missed his little antics.
You bring your hands to your heart, dramatically feigning your recovery from the so-called “scare”. Once he giggles at your reaction you offer him a snack, ones graciously provided by the club. He scans the small basket, it's like watching a kid raid their candy bag after a night out trick-or-treating. You notice the way his eyes glimmer as he identifies the watermelon sour patch kids, and you can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
He shoves a few in his mouth before he notices he didn’t offer you any so he extends his hand out, shaking the bag to signal you to get some. You place your palm out and he dumps a few into your hand. The small action momentarily fills you with nostalgia, they taste like the past, you mean that in the best way possible.
You two take the time to catch up while snacking on the candy, your brain absorbs every little detail that spills past his lips. Talking to someone is one thing, but talking to Mark has always been a breath of fresh air, you can't explain it, he gives every word such importance, you can't help but be captivated.
After minutes filled with laughter and him filling you in on his recent activities, you begin to feel a bit thirsty, so you ask if he’s down for a lil pregame shot while you two wait on the other members to make their ways to the section, he happily indulges you, moving towards the bar cart thats a few steps away, “Your favorite, right?”
He doesn’t waste time waiting for you to answer because he already knows what your response is gonna be. One of the things you had in common was your love for sweet liquor, because why would anyone willingly subject their throat to that burn..
A golden colored liquid makes its way into two empty shot glasses, its saccharine scent could be smelt from steps away. Once he fills the glasses, he hands one off to you, you decide on dedicating this first round to him, looking him in the eyes as you begin to speak, “To your hard work and efforts on the new album, just know that it never goes unnoticed, and please know that you can always count on me to be there for you whenever you need me to be, I'm proud of you dude.”
It's funny, he meets your eyes then dodges your gaze mid toast, it seems he found comfort in looking at the floor instead. You decide on not questioning it, his expression is one of content after all. You find it more amusing to tease him a bit (still living off the high from Haechan earlier..) “Oh my god don’t tell me you’re blushing right now”, you say in a sing-songy voice as your pointer finger nudges his shoulder. “Are you that touched?”, you gently bring your hands up on top of your heart to emphasize the sentiment…It only takes Mark a few seconds before he’s able to hold eye contact once again, shaking his head at you as his goofy smile makes its way onto his features. He decides to ignore your previous statements, raising his glass to simply state, “To us! I’m really glad you’re here, let's have fun tonight.” You nod, clicking your glasses before you two down the shot. You miss the way his gaze stays fixed on you, he can't hide a content smile as you close your eyes, sighing in content, relishing in the fact that you didn’t have to worry about any bitter aftertaste.
You’re both startled by a playful lilt coming from behind, “What are you two doiingg?”. A quick “Nothing!” leaves your lips in unison and when you both turn to face each other, you can't help but burst out into laughter. Johnny finds it amusing, the way you two act like a couple of teenagers who just got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to.
He makes his way to your side, “If you guys are going to pregame, at least serve me one too!”He pouts, but only for a second before he bares his teeth at you. That’s your queue to present the chrome salver that held the pre-poured shots so nicely.
Johnny doesn’t hesitate to pick up his drink, knowing instantly which one belonged to him. He quirks a brow at you as he eyes the shot glass, “Damn you really love us, huh?”
You tilt your head as you suck in a small breath “Nah, I wouldn’t say all that… Maybe just a little..”
The two boys chuckle at your response. Before Johnny has the chance to gulp down his drink he hears his name being called out in the sea of people. It's kind of amazing how he managed to locate the source of the call. He raises the glass up at you, quickly swallows it, and sets it down on the table before sparing you and Mark one last glance, “Don’t have too much fun without me, yeah?”, with a playful wink, he disappears within the crowd.
Eventually the rest of the members make it to the table, each downing their designated drinks, laughing, and socializing in and out of the section. After the 4th round of shots you begin to feel the effects of the alcohol setting in, nothing anyone wouldn’t be able to handle though, you make a mental note to hydrate before the next rounds just to stay on top of your toes.
The boys seem to be having fun, each in their own little worlds, you can't suppress the smile that creeps onto your face as you take in their expressions. It's been so long since you’ve all had a night out together, you’re elated to see that everyone appears to be enjoying it. You take it upon yourself to mingle within the confines of the club, occasionally coming back to the section whenever anyone would order a round. It's becoming harder to keep tabs of how many shots you’ve taken, so after a certain point you decide to stop keeping track.
The alcohol has fully made its way into your bloodstream, the realization hits when you’re stumbling into the women’s bathroom struggling to lock the stall door. Damn when did these things get so difficult? Eventually you manage to shut it before continuing to handle your business. Luckily, unlocking the stall door is a much easier task.
You make your way to the sink because you’ll be damned if you become one of those girlies who don't wash their hands after using it, even though you’re tipsy your sense of hygiene is still intact.
The suds begin to envelop your hands, you sway a bit to the music before deciding an appropriate amount of time was spent lathering your hands. After you finish rinsing the last of the soap off, you take a quick glance in the mirror, taking the time to fix any stray hairs. You blow yourself a kiss before heading out.
You decide to settle on the dance floor, the music is directing your movements at this point. You look around the crowd to see if any of the members are near you, you make eye contact with a few that are, waving at them as you grin ear to ear. You have yet to spot the youngests of the group though, so you look in the next logical place, your beloved section.
That’s where you spot them, Jungwoo, Haechan, and Mark, each with a glass in their hand. You motion towards them in an attempt to get their attention, the crowd was looking a bit sparse, you figured more people wouldn’t hurt.
Jungwoo is the first to notice you and he lifts his glass in return. Unfortunately his simple acknowledgment wasn’t enough for you right now, so what’s the next best thing? Ah yeah… genius, you think.
You mimicked throwing a lasso in his direction, because if anyone were to go along with the bit, it was gonna be Jungwoo.
You begin to tug on the imaginary lasso and he lifts up, adding the exaggerated theatrics you sought out. At first Mark and Haechan look at him confused, but as you continue pulling, they connect the dots.
Jungwoo has made his way to your side, and you two let the music carry you. You spare the sitting younger boys a glance and motion for them to join you, Haechan shares a look with Mark, the left side of his lips tilt into a smile, “Should we join her or what?”. Mark keeps his eyes glued to you as he answers him, “I’m good watching, you should go though, have fun.”.
Haechan shrugs him off and sets his glass down, “Yeah, I’m planning on it…”. Mark is a couple shots in himself so doesn’t really pay Haechan’s statement any mind.
You notice Haechan get up but instead of coming towards you, he waltzes over to the DJ booth.
Booooo, if anyone would be down to dance it’d be Haechan? Maybe he just wasn’t in the mood tonight…
You peel your eyes off of him and decide to see if you can maybe persuade Mark once more, when the lasso trick fails, a gloomy expression resides on your face, you pantomime wiping the non-existent tears from your eyes. He laughs it off, and although he’s well out of earshot, you could’ve sworn you heard his laughter from across the floor, you can't help but giggle in response. Once you see that your efforts are fruitless, you decide to redirect your attention to Jungwoo. He takes your hand and twirls you around a couple of times, he might’ve snorted a bit when you stumble after the third spin.
When you pause to recover from the dizziness you see Haechan sauntering towards you two, an excited smile makes its way to your features.
“Couldn’t resist the fun, could you?” You beam up at him.
“How could I ever?”, he throws you a mischievous grin but you’re a bit too far gone to even notice.
As you envelop him in a hug the lights of the club suddenly begin to dim, turning a deep red. You look around you to see if it was just part of your imagination, but the roars in response to the shift in mood are what make you realize you’re not dreaming.
The mid tempo song that now echoed throughout the club called for slow movements, the groovy baseline paired with the ambiance set in place by club directors clearly portrayed their intentions for this particular moment. All at once, people make their way to the dance floor. In the rapid movement, Jungwoo had been swallowed into another section of the floor, so that left you and Haechan alone. Your eyes widen as sweaty bodies continue to force you two closer and closer by the second. Haechan doesn’t seem to mind so you decide you wouldn’t either.
The fact that you were still locked in the hug from earlier gave Haechan easy access to your body. His left hand reached for your face, his touches were feathery as he caressed your cheek, he chuckles a bit when you lean into his hand. Hmm how responsive…
Your response to his touch only encourages him to keep going. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear before he lets his fingers glide along your jawline, they find refuge beneath your chin, resting there a bit before he decides to tilt your head upwards, allowing his eyes to come into contact with yours.
Low eyes study your features as a conceited smile creeps onto his face, you could’ve sworn you felt his irises searing into your flesh. He maintains steady eye contact before shifting his attention down to your lips, the quietest snicker leaves him as he inches closer towards your face, you can only flutter your eyes shut in response. Your senses prick up when you feel his plump lips graze against your ear, he lets out a small exhale before dropping his voice a couple octaves to whisper,
“You should probably close your mouth.”
You knew you had been a bit far gone but damn… How long had it been open?
He retracts his head from the side of your body to take a look at your pretty face. The pleasure he gets from watching you snap out of his trance in real time scratches his ego in just the right spot, he tilts his head slightly as a cheeky grin envelopes his features, “You were so bold in the car, why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
You know, you wish you could say something, anything, to convince him his actions were not having an effect on you, but the alcohol has definitely dulled your wits. You go for the option that first comes to mind, playing it off… Yeah that should work..
Whatever is left of his spell wears off because you’re finally able to look him in the eyes again, “Oh please, I’m an entertainer! I had an audience to please,” you scoff, waving him off.
Yeah that should buy me enough time to build my defenses back up, you think.
You clearly miss the glint in his eyes before he leans into you once more,
“I’m your audience now, so how about you please me?”
Hmm, that definitely sobered you up a bit…
You feel a small fire light up in your stomach, but you’ll be damned if you let him win again, he’s already gotten to you once tonight and that was enough for your taste, so you decide to stand your ground, lifting an index finger to his face, “ONE dance, since you want it so bad.” Ha, now it was his turn to scoff.
You turn around so your back faces him, the fact that he wouldn’t be able to get a read on your face was the main reason for this action, but you’re not going to complain about how close it brought you two.
The movements were set by Haechan, slow and drawn out to match the tempo of the song resounding throughout the club. He doesn’t waste time letting his curious hands roam your body. Each gentle drag across your exposed skin only stokes the flame that sits at the pit of your stomach, with each second that passes you begin to feel what once was a small pile of embers grow into a blistering heat.
Sweaty bodies surrounded your perimeter so unsolicited contact wasn’t unexpected, but Haechan’s grazes were different. You could’ve sworn he was riddling your skin with scorch marks, your eyes followed his fingers each time they came in contact with you just to make sure you were indeed imagining it.
At this point your ass was flush against his pelvis, the heat radiating off of him was beginning to become unbearable. You may have pushed deeper into him as he controlled your movements, not that he was complaining, his grip on your waist becoming tighter was quite the indicator. The song is beginning to reach its final couple of seconds, with that, your shared movements naturally begin to die down.
Before fully disconnecting from each other Haechan takes the opportunity to snake his hand upwards to the nape of your neck, he decides to continue a bit more into your scalp, taking a fistful of your hair, delicately tugging at the strands to turn your head to face him, your glossy eyes make contact with his.
God, did you always look like that, or was this expression only something you’ve shared with me?, he thought to himself.
The red lights compliment his features, if it were up to you, you’d look up at him until your neck cramped up, but you’ve unconsciously relinquished any authority over your body at the moment.
He chuckles at you before gently tilting your head to the side a bit, granting him access to your neck. The way you openly let him control your movements had his head spinning,
“What else would you be willing to let me do to you?”
His lips nip at your collarbone, traveling upwards, making sure to graze your jugular, because if you weren’t going to comment on how you were feeling, your body would do it for you.
A small huff is all you feel against your skin after he confirms his effects on you, but your senses are far too overstimulated for you to even realize he’s caught onto you. The journey of exploring your neck concludes when he comes to a halt at the shell of your ear, his lips graze it ever so slightly before he opens his mouth,
“Consider me fully pleased.”, his gravelly voice resonates in your eardrums.
He places what could possibly be one of the most delicate kisses onto your neck, before releasing his grip on your hair. You slowly turn to fully face him now, almost as if your body is just now processing all that it’s experienced in the past couple of minutes. His eyes don't focus on yours immediately, instead he concentrates on smoothing your hair back to its original state.
Before the final seconds of the instrumental fades into nothing his hand extends towards yours, pupils finally meeting your own. He simply brings your hand up to his lips, placing a small kiss on it, not once even daring to break eye contact. And with that, the song seals the moment you’ve shared perfectly. As the crowd woos the Dj’s choice in music taste, Haechan gives you a genuine smile paired with a wink before he makes his way back to your shared section.
You’re left completely bewildered, motionless in the crowd as you maintain focus on the back of his head. It takes Jungwoo rushing into your side for your senses to slowly make their return. “Wow that was amazing, did you see all the pretty lights?”, he asks with actual genuine curiosity. He decides to wave his hand in front of your face after not getting a response, “Helloo?”.
You feel your feet beginning to plant themselves back onto earth, that’s when you’re able to coherently form a sentence again. You beam upwards towards him, “It was mind blowing Jungwoo…”. He lets out a cackle before engulfing your entire upper body in the tightest hug, nuzzling his sweaty forehead against yours, “Haha, how cute, let's get something to drink, yeah?”, I mean, you've known Jungwoo for years now but it still amazes you how much he was into skinship, even in these conditions. Before you can answer he’s already tugging you towards your shared section. With your free hand you wipe away the sheen of perspiration that had built up on your forehead while dancing with Haechan.
The two of you finally arrive at your designated space. You see Johnny and Jaehyun have taken the liberty of inviting a few girls over, these two were like magnets, everywhere they went people just seemed to flock towards them, it was a sight to see truly, but you had more important things to focus on, your feet were begging for a break so you scan the section to find the next available seating. You spot a little booth off to the side, Mark and Yuta are already sitting there, perfect, you were in need of some familiarity after all you had gone through in the last 5 minutes.
You make a beeline to the booth and greet the boys, while Yuta immediately returns your smile, Mark doesn’t even bother to look in your direction, eyes deciding to focus anywhere but where you are standing. Hmmm, that's strange.. maybe he just wasn’t feeling the club anymore? He seemed fine a couple minutes ago? Maybe he just didn’t hear me? But that’s impossible because Yuta—
Your internal dialogue is cut off by Yuta signaling you to sit next to him, you plop beside him, “Having fun tonight?”, he asks. Phew, that's one way to put it. You resort to gestures to provide him with an answer, offering a mellowed out thumbs up. He chuckles as his hand reaches up to ruffle your hair.
“What about you?”, you ask, genuinely curious about what he’d say. Before he’s able to give you an answer he hears his name being called. Without a second thought you raise yourself up, urging him to see what’s up with his friend, he apologizes before leaving, “I promise to answer you when I get back!”He flashes a smile before tailing his friend, leaving you and Mark at the booth.
You position yourself in front of Mark, he wouldn’t be able to ignore what was right in front of him… right? You prop your elbows onto the table, “So how about you, mark?”, not even a second goes by before he answers you, “Never been better.” His voice was monotonous, devoid of any emotion, and he still has yet to spare you a single glance. Something’s definitely wrong, it's clear as day now. You knew Mark could be a bit hot headed sometimes, but it's never been anything like this?
You quickly scan your memories of what’s happened tonight to see if you could’ve said something to tick him off, but to your recollection, everything with him was going great up until now? Whatever it was you weren’t in the mood to handle his passive aggressiveness, not when everyone’s supposed to be having a good time. So you immediately cut to the chase, the alcohol in your system unconsciously dissolving any sort of brain to mouth filter you’d usually uphold, “Sooo, are you gonna act like a child, or are you going to use your words and say what’s wrong?”
His eyes finally look into yours, but the feeling is different. He’s never looked at you like this before and it’s driving you mad that you can’t pinpoint why.
A bitter expression dawns his features, he takes a combative tone. “I’m fine, and you seem to be having a blast too, so what exactly is the problem?”
Your brows knit together, still unsure of where all this hostility is coming from, and why the hell it's even being directed at you. You immediately become defensive, “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Why are you acting like this? Did I say something to make you upset?”, your sentences were laced with exasperation.
Mark opens his mouth to speak but before words are able to leave his lips, he’s interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Everything alright over here?”Haechan questions, he doesn’t ask for permission before he settles next to you in the booth. He offers you a smile before his eyes land on Mark, “Hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
Mark scoffs, “I was just leaving.”
He gives Haechan a once over before he plants his palms on the table to force himself up, storming off into the crowd.
Your eyes follow Mark's figure as it makes its way to the club’s exit. When you lose him in the sea of people, you redirect towards Haechan, “What’s up with him?”, you sigh before you prop an elbow on the table, letting your face rest in your palm, “Dude I wish I knew...”
The last thing Mark sees before exiting the club is Haechan’s hand placed on your back, rubbing small circles into your flesh. He mentally curses at himself for even deciding to look back at you.
Mark successfully makes it out of the club, the cool wind that smacks him in the face causes him to lose his balance momentarily, after a few steps he eventually decides to settle on an empty part of the curb.
His eyes close as he pushes out a deep sigh, nimble fingers fumble in his pockets to find the vape Johnny asked him to hold onto before they left the dorms. He oggles the small contraption with curiosity before bringing it up to his mouth. I’m pretty sure this is how Johnny does it…
He takes in a long drag and before he knows it, his lungs reach their limit, now I just let it sit there right…? He attempts to hold in the smoke but his lungs aren't having it. He enters a coughing fit, small clouds of smoke leave his pinched lips with each puffed exhale, he comes to the realization that it may be better to stop resisting it, so he lets out all the smoke in one blow. Great. Now he was pissed off and his throat stings, wonderful.
As he brings his hands up to his throat in an attempt to soothe himself, he can’t help but replay what happened earlier. Why would he shamelessly caress you like that for the world to see? Seeing you pressed up against Haechan only filled him with rage, which only increased by tenfold when the little shit was daring enough to hold eye contact with him, knowing the way his actions were affecting him. He’d pull you in closer each second Mark observed you two, sending him a wink when your body was flush against his.
Each time his hands laid themselves on your body he couldn’t help but wonder; Were you actually enjoying the way he was touching you, is that what you liked? How would you react if it was his hands on you instead? Would you be just as welcoming, maybe even a bit more?
Envy coursed through his entire being each time you two closed the gap between each other, what was he saying into your ear so sweetly that made you look at him like that? Did you have a thing for him?—
Mark shakes away the image of you two, finally letting an ounce of rationality seep into his system. He stares blankly ahead as he lets out a low groan. It finally hits him just how immaturely he handled the situation, I mean, you never belonged to him? You were well within your right to dance with whoever you wanted. How were you supposed to know how he felt? It's not like he’s ever told you anything?
His face finds refuge in his palms as he exhales. After sitting with his thoughts for a couple of minutes, he reaches into his pocket for his phone. He fumbles with it a bit before getting it right-side up. The bright screen lights up to reveal a picture Doyoung had taken of the both of you. Even drunk he’s able to recall what the two of you were doing, and the exact words that left his mouth, making you laugh the way you did. He smiles at the screen for a few seconds before paying attention to the time; 2:08AM. Dang it's pretty late… He determines that his night has come to an end, the thought of having to look Haechan in the face leaves a sour taste in his mouth, and he doesn’t want to put a damper on anyone’s (your) night more than he possibly has already.
With a few clicks he reaches his managers contact page,
Mark [2:10] : hey, yoiclose ??
Manager hyung [2:11] : Gonna be honest I didn’t expect you to be done so early, I’ll come to the front, we can meet there.
Mark [2:13] : csn we stip for food. ?
Mark slumps against his manager as he raises himself up, “Ah hyung, you always take care of me, thank you.” His words are slurred but his manager understands the sentiment. He helps Mark stumble his way to the car, making sure he’s buckled up before slipping into the driver's seat.
They’re a couple stops away from Mark’s favorite noodle shop before he asks him “What dish are you feeling tonight?”. When he doesn’t receive a response he adjusts his rear-view mirror to get a look at Mark, who has drifted into what seems like a peaceful sleep. He chuckles a bit at the boy’s figure, luckily the redirection wouldn’t take long, the place was near the dorms after all.
Pain. Throbbing pain settled on the left side of your head. That’s all you feel as you find the courage to open your eyes. You’re dazzled by the sunshine bouncing off the walls of the room, so you immediately pinch them shut. You know you’re at the dorms, the question is, who's?
Since sight is faltering at the moment, you decide to rely on your other senses for an answer. A small hum of a computer fan is what registers first, and you can only assume you’re in one of three rooms. It becomes clearer where you reside after taking in a deep breath, a familiar citrusy scent makes its way to your nostrils. Yup, this is Haechan’s room.
After what seems like a few minutes, you gradually begin to open up your eyes, allowing them to expand from a squint until they’re fully open. You slowly bring yourself up so that your back rests against the headboard. The shared room is pretty neat, it looks like they’ve got an air purifier running, oh so it wasn’t a computer...
Your eyes look over to scan Johnny’s bed and see that besides a small ruffle on the edge, it's fully made. He must’ve slept in the living room or something… hmm, that's pretty strange, he's never minded sleeping in the presence of others, much less you. Damn, could it be possible that he didn’t even make it upstairs?—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Doyoung’s muffled voice that can be heard through the walls. “Set up the table and go wake her up, she should eat something.”. A small groan is all you hear in response, followed by metal utensils clattering as someone springs a drawer open.
A small smile registers onto your face at the command. As you let out a deep breath your eyes peer down to the small bedside table, it holds a neatly setup cup of water and 2 extra strength Tylenols. When your hand reaches towards the cup you notice it has a sticky note on it, “please enjoy deliciously ;)” the little sun drawn on the corner lets you know this was Haechan’s doing. You let out a laugh but immediately stop, as it causes your head to pulse even harder.
Once you take the two pills you bring your body to the edge of the bed, slowly encouraging your brain to allow you to stand on your two feet. Your legs hover a bit before coming into contact with the floor and before you know it you’re standing, completely still but hey, you’re up.
You’re mid-stretch as you hear heavy footsteps making their way towards the room, and suddenly Haechan bursts through the door. You wince at the sound of the door slamming back into the wall. “My god, do you have to be that lou—“, you’re cut off by arms wrapping around you, flinging you onto the mattress. Haechan lands on top of you, legs cradling your sides. He soaks in your fatigued state, bringing a hand to your face to gently stroke your cheek, “All tired out from last night, huh?”
Your heart stops. You’re unable to produce a sentence as you attempt to recall last night's events, only to be met with splotchy blurbs of memories instead of full stories.
Haechan notices the panic in your face, and to be completely frank he revels in it a bit before revealing the truth to you. “I’ll save you the hassle, we didn’t sleep together.”
Relief washes over your features, and you shut your eyes, “Oh thank go—“
Once again you’re cut off, sleep still coats Haechan’s voice as he leans into your ear, “Although I will say, it was very hard to turn down your begging, you looked so pretty when you were—”, You pinch the underside of his arm to get him to shut up, and you’re glad it works, you shove him off of you, bringing yourself to stand up. He writhes around on the bed, exaggerating his pain, letting out dramatically loud wails. Seeing him like that made you almost forget how shit you were feeling, almost…
“Ok, alright, relax you little princess.”, you murmur.
He immediately freezes to make eye contact with you, “You think I’m pretty enough to be a princess?”
An amused scoff is all you can let out before deciding to change the subject, “If we didn’t sleep together, where did you sleep?”
His brows furrow at first, but he soon realizes what you mean, “Oh no— we slept together, we just didn’t sleep together, you know?”
Me and Haechan… In the same bed?
He can see the gears turning in your head at this newfound information, you fail to register the glint in his eyes before he continues, “ So you're telling me that you don't remember clinging to me all night, whining nonstop to get me to hug you back?”
You pinch your eyes shut, both hands instinctively make their way to your temple, lightly massaging the throbbing flesh.
“Of course I caved, I’ve never seen you act like that, plus Doyoung was getting sick of your noises, he came to check on us because you were that loud.”
Great, not only had you embarrassed yourself in front of Haechan but out of all the members on the 5th floor, DOYOUNG was the one to witness it? What kind of sick joke was this?
Your mortification is cut short by a knock on the door, you turn your head to see Johnny’s rangy frame leaning against the door. He eyes you up and down before his attention darts to Haechan then back to you, he does this twice and his face is awfully smug prior to opening his mouth, “Come on, you two dont want to make mom mad.” His voice is still gruff and you find pleasure that, by the looks of it, you weren’t the only one that had a rough night. As he pulls the knob to shut the door, he gives you one last grin, then he’s off with a shake of his head.
You slowly turn to focus your attention back to Haechan, pointing your thumb towards the door, “What was that all about?”
He feigns an unknowing shrug as a smile paints across his face, “Idk let's go eat, you already pissed off Doyoung earlier, don't wanna make it worse for yourself.”
As you mentally seek the courage to be able to look Doyoung in the eyes, Haechan climbs out of his bed and drapes an arm around your shoulder, leading you both to their shared kitchen.
When you step foot into the kitchen you’re greeted with groans and a couple of surveying looks instead of actual hellos. What could they possibly be looking at, this isn’t the first time they've seen me hungover? You decide to ignore their prying eyes, too tired to question their behavior.
So far, it's only the members of the 5th floor that reside in the kitchen, but you know it won’t be long until the rest of them make their way downstairs.
Doyoung’s parked in front of the stove. He always makes food for everyone after a night out, it's basically routine at this point. You know, even though he nags throughout the entire cooking process, you always notice the way he tries to hide his smile when he sees everyone digging in. You'll always be grateful that you have the privilege of calling him your friend, his presence is absolutely vital.
The only semblance of liveliness can be felt radiating off of Taeyong. You’re fascinated, staring at him with admiration as you watch him prep the plates of food, making sure to garnish each dish till he's satisfied with their presentation.
You decide to settle next to Johnny who leans his head on your shoulder when you’ve fully sat down. Bringing a hand to his head, you begin stroking his hair, “Have fun, at least?”, you ask, voice still a bit groggy.
“Of course… Not as much as you tho,” he says in between chuckles.
You freeze when the rest of the members chortle in unison to show that they second his statement.
I couldn’t have been that bad right? … Right…?
Hmmm maybe it's better to address the situation before continuing on…
You lift yourself up from your seat, gathering the attention of everyone in the room, making sure to meet eyes with each and everyone of them, “I’m gonna be completely honest, I don’t remember everything that happened, but I’m really sorry for whatever I might’ve done yesterday, and Doyoung, I apologize if I might’ve bothered you last night, that wasn’t my intention...”
The silence that filled the room was deafening, all that could be heard was the sizzling of whatever Doyoung was frying on the stove. Guilt washes over your entire being, gaze instinctively dropping to the table. Damn, what the fuck did I do?
Suddenly, a roaring laughter erupts, it's enough to startle you out of your remorseful state. Your head Immediately shoots up when Doyoung is the first to speak, “Why are you the one apologizing, Haechan was the one I could hear the most?”. A flurry of agreements echo within the room.
Your eyes widen at the sudden revelation of truth, they seek out Haechan who immediately feels the daggers you’re shooting at him. Punk ass liar…
Phew, I mean, at least now you know you weren’t the one being a complete nuisance. Still, this leaves a lot of questions unanswered, and it's becoming a bit tiresome to try to mentally fill in the blanks, so you settle on asking what happened instead.
“We had a blast at the club, but the real fun began when we came home.” Johnny grins, he notices the way your eyes are pleading him to continue, so he does,
“You couldn’t make it up the stairs so I had to carry you, but honestly listening to you going off on Mark was personally the highlight of my night,” Contemplation riddles his features before he resumes, “You know what, scratch that, it was actually when you threw up on yourself… and Haechan.” He cackles as he recalls your actions, meanwhile you can only duck your head and inhale a sharp breath in response.
The boys laugh as they replay the memory, you giggle a bit yourself as you bring your head up to look at Haechan, “…I may not be able to recall everything that happened last night, but I really feel that deep, deep down… you might’ve deserved that.”, you beam at him from across the table.
He raises his pitch a bit in an attempt to mimic your voice “ Wehh, i think you deserved it meh bleh blah— I can't believe this is how you treat someone who literally took care of you all night..”
Johnny interjects before you’re able to counter, “Hmmm I wouldn’t necessarily say that. I mean yeah, you did clean her up and all but you literally wouldn’t let her out of your grasp after that, I had to sleep in the living room because you were being so obnoxious.”
Leave it to Johnny to spare the bullshit lol, it's part of his charm that you often commend.
Doyoung relishes in the fact that he finally got an answer to his unvoiced question, “Oh so that’s why you’re wearing his clothes.”
A stream of “Ahhh’s” and nods of realization follow Doyoung’s statement.
You look down to see Haechan’s garments covering your body, top to bottom.
You're at a loss for words at first, then your eyes widen at the sound of alarms going off in your head, “YOU STRIPPED ME?!?”
All heads turn to Haechan, who remains unphased at the sudden attention, “I mean yeah, I wasn’t going to let you sleep on my bed after you puked all over us? Would you have preferred if I left you sitting in your pile of vomit?”
The gazes shift in your direction now. Damnit, you hate it when he made sense… Silence fills the room, but it's quickly shortened,
“Your panties were super cute by the way, I always did love Wall-e.”
The members attempt to stifle their laughter, but they inevitably fail, quite miserably in fact…
A deep warmth rushes to your face, you fight through your embarrassment though, forcing yourself to meet Haechan’s observant eyes, “Yeah I’m gonna need you to erase that image of me from your memory, IMMEDIATELY..”
“Sorry, already seared into my memory. I might need it for when i get a littl—“
“OHKAYYY, food’s ready!! Who’s hungry?” Taeyong jumps in to save you from further embarrassment, he sets a couple of bowls on the table before sitting himself down.
Haechan snickers at you before shoving a spoonful of rice in his mouth, he makes a conscious effort to chew extra loudly before blowing you a kiss.
“Gross.”, You sneer.
“You know you love it.”
You roll your eyes as you bring a spoonful of warm broth near your mouth, you let the smell fill your nostrils before digging in. Damn, Doyoung’s meals really never miss.
You can feel your stomach unknotting with each spoonful you take in. A comfortable silence fills the kitchen as you all savor the food, the cacophony of quiet slurps and metal brushing against porcelain dies down slightly when you hear the front door opening.
Yuta and Taeil are the first to make their appearance, compared to the rest of the group, they seem to be walking on water. Congratulations, sooo happy for them... They greet everyone with warm smiles before taking whatever seats are left at the table. Doyoung had already set up bowls for everyone, so all there was left to do was dig in.
As Taeil swallows his first bite of food his eyes land on your figure, he notices your attire and it strikes a thought, “Hey, Haechan has a shirt just like that!”
“It’s his.”
The way everyone in the room felt the need to respond to his observation in unison has you choking on a spoonful of rice.
Taeil and Yuta look at you wide eyed, before their attention shifts to Haechan, who does nothing but wiggle his eyebrows at them.
Yuta turns to look at you once more with what seems like a concerned look etched across his features, “ Wait… So you two.. Slept together?”
You enter a coughing fit at this point.
Johnny offers you a glass of water along with a pat on the back, once your breaths are under control you clear your throat to give Yuta an answer, “Absolutely not. I may or may not have thrown up on myself.. And Haechan… Point is, I ruined my clothes so that's why I’m wearing this..”
Taeil just chuckles as he plays out the image in his head, but your ears are able to pick up the soft sigh of relief that leaves Yuta’s lips, and to be honest you’re not entirely sure why that's his immediate response.
You swallow a gulp of water and attempt to steer the conversation in another direction, “Enough of me though, how was yesterday for you guys?”
The two boys continue on to discuss the highlights of their nights, you’re glad they were able to enjoy themselves and come out of it looking the way they did, they genuinely looked like they had a blast.
As Yuta gives a reenactment of one of his stories he mentions Mark. You politely let him finish before letting your curiosity get the best of you, “Hey so what happened to him last night, did he get home safe— Is he up yet?”. Haechan’s eyes peek up at your displayed interest in Mark’s night, as Yuta parts his lips to reply, he’s quickly cut off, “ Why do you even care, he didn’t even have the decency to say bye to us before bailing last night.”
All eyes are on Haechan now, and that's when he realizes that he verbalized his thoughts instead of keeping them contained.
Johnny shoots him a questioning look, “Woah woah woah, what's with all the hostility all of a sudden?”
He’s stunned, but only for a split second before he formulates a response, “No hostility, just stating what happened.” He drops his spoon in his empty bowl before lifting himself from the table.
Your eyes trail him as he places his dish in the sink and trampes off to his room, all without sparing anyone a single glance.
What the fuck was that?
You raise an eyebrow at his behavior, “ Alright… You were saying Yuta?”
“Oh yeah, He’s asleep for now, Jungwoo promised to wait for him so they can come down together.”
“Perfect!” You immediately raise up off your seat, discarding your used dishes into the dishwasher before briskly making your way to the door.
As you squat down towards the floor to slip on a pair of shoes Taeyong shouts, “Where are you going!?” You peek your head into the kitchen, breath a little short when you reply, “He seemed angry about something yesterday, so I was gonna stop by our favorite spot and get us something so we could talk about it. It's past 9 so it should be open by now, do you guys want anything?” The members shout out a couple of menu items and you make sure to jot them down on a piece of paper so you’ll be set for when you call in the order.
As you slide on some sandals, Johnny makes his way to the door, “Want me to come with?.” You flash him a smile, “It’ll be right back, it shouldn’t take me more than 20 minutes bc it’s a pickup.”
He throws his hands up in the air in a false defeat, “Okie dokie, walk safely then, If you need anything text me, we’ll be here.”
“Bet”, You wave a goodbye at him as you sprint down the hall.
As you arrive at the shop you can see your order sitting on the counter off to the side. When you get ready to make your payment you notice a dessert tray sitting behind the glass window to your left. The pretty white plate holds about six bear shaped cookies, how cute. Hmmmm… Since Haechan didn’t come out to request anything you figured you’d take him some, I mean, you never did thank him for taking care of you after all …
“Hey! I knew it was you, there were a couple extra meals than usual, having some friends over for breakfast?”
The owner is an older woman, she’s taken a liking to you and Mark, every time you two visit she offers something on the house. You always accept it of course so as to not come off as ungrateful, always leaving a sizable tip in return because damn this woman can COOK, you can taste the love she puts into her meals, truly. You silently ponder if this is how Doyoung’s cooking will evolve…
You explain to her how you’ve spent the night with friends and just wanted to provide a meal in return. She smiles wide at your explanation, “They’re very lucky to have you.” The comment has you blushing a bit, she giggles at your slightly flustered figure.
“Would this be all for you then, dear?”
“Oh, and can I also get two of the bear cookies please?”
“Yes of course!”
She packs the cookies in a small brown bag and hands it off to you before continuing to process your payment.
When you grab the order off the table she walks towards the door to hold it open for you, as you approach the threshold, you thank her and she gives one last remark before you make your way back to the dorms, “Make sure to bring your boyfriend next time, he’s a keeper that Mark.”
She places her hands over her mouth before speaking again, “Oh my, don't tell me you two broke up? It wasn’t my intention to bring up any bad memories.”
You chuckle at her worried expression, “Oh no don’t worry, it's nothing like that. Mark and I are just friends, that's all.”
“…Just Friends?” She looks at you as if you had broken out in foreign language.
There’s a small silence before she speaks again, “Are you sure we're talking about the same person, I mean the scrawny one who wears the round glasses. The one you always come in with!” Yup that's Mark alright..
You let out a genuine laugh, one where if anyone were walking by they'd think you just heard the joke of the century.
She just looks at you in amusement as you attempt to regulate your breathing. Once you’re able to catch your breath you give her one last thank you for the meal and head back in the direction of the dorms.
Me and Mark? That’s a new one, you smile to yourself.
She stays at the door observing your walking figure, she titters a bit as she shakes her head, speaking aloud to herself, “Pfft, she can lie to herself all she wants, I see the way they look at each other.”
You return to the 5th floor to deliver the orders, as you step in you celebrate slightly when you notice Jungwoo and Mark still haven’t made it down yet. Echoes of thank yous can be heard as you pass them their food, they look at the meals starry-eyed like they didn’t just eat less than half an hour ago lmao.
Once you ensure everyone’s gotten their food, a quick “You’re welcome!” leaves your lips as you practically glide towards Haechan’s room.
You don't bother knocking, that would take too much time.
He jolts on the bed at your sudden intrusion but he doesn’t bother taking his eyes off of his phone, “What’s this?”
“FOR YOU!!!!!” You yell, crashing next to him on the bed.
He’s still failing to acknowledge your presence, so you decide to get closer, batting your eyes as you shove your face between his eyes and this phone screen. When he breaks out into laughter you explain to him,
“You seemed off earlier plus I mean… I never said thanks, you did take care of me last night.. So like, two birds, you know?”
As he pulls out the cookies, he attempts to hide his enthusiasm, but you’re able to see right through him, “Bears, how original.”
“Oh please, you love it”
“Only a small amount…” He flashes you a smile, the kind that makes its way to his eyes.
After he takes a bite, he brings the cookie up to your mouth, motioning for you to take a bite yourself. When you lean in closer, you open your mouth to welcome the cookie, only for him to shove it up your nose.
You quickly expel the crumbs from your nostril, guffawing at his action, but if you were being honest you kind of wanted to taste it, so you squeeze his arm to hold it still. Even though you tremble a bit to keep it steady, you do manage to get a bite and wow, as expected, the owner has yet to disappoint…
“Hmmm so good~”
He chuckles at your satisfied face, “I know, where did you get it from?”
“Its this one spot Mark and I are always going to, this lady, Haechan, she makes the be—“
He cuts your sentence short, a hint of annoyance laced his words, “Oh yeah, Mark never shuts up about it.”
“I should take you, it's super close! We can go after your schedules one day if you want?”
He pictures it in his head, you, in that one dress he likes, sitting to grab a bite to eat, getting to listen to you go on about whatever interests you in that moment…
He’s looking off into the distance completely silent so you backtrack a bit, “Or not, no pressure…”
When he snaps out of his daydream he looks into your eyes, his face is unreadable and it’s throwing you off. You shift side to side on his bed, fidgeting with the hem of his tee that drapes your body.
He only blinks at you twice before leaning into you, softly placing his hands on each side of your cheeks, his eyes dart back and forth between yours then down to your lips, almost as if he was searching for any sign of resistance on your end. When he finds none, he brings his thumb up to your lips, gently running the digit against them. You let out a soft sigh of relief at the contact, as if the greatest weight had just been lifted off your shoulders, and when your eyes flutter shut he takes it as his queue to close the little remaining distance between you, pressing his plump lips against your own.
A spark of electricity travels through up your spine, causing your brain to momentarily short circuit. Fried neurons send the signal to tilt your head, deepening the kiss. Your lips part slightly to allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth. When his wet muscle comes into contact with your own, you can't help but wonder how it would feel gliding across your body.
Your heart is slamming against your chest as each second goes by and you’re curious if he can hear it. You realize that your brain can't help but crave more of him, because before you know it, you instinctively leap to straddle his lap. The newfound heat of your body on his has him groaning into your mouth. Fuck, it should be illegal for him to sound this pretty…
He slips his hands up your his shirt, raking his fingers up and down your back. Although you made your way onto his lap, he finds that you’re not close enough for his liking, so he decides to slightly dig his fingernails into your soft flesh. The action causes you to arch into him, causing you to let out an absurdly loud moan when you feel his dick come into contact with your core.
Your noise causes him to bring his actions to a halt, as he pulls away from your lips to get a good look at your face, you begin to feel the sting of embarrassment course through your veins.
When his blown out pupils look into yours for what felt like eons without saying a word, you promptly remove yourself from on top of him.
He eyes observe your now standing figure in awe. He doesn’t know how to process your reaction, it's so uncharacteristic of you, or was it? He’s never seen you in this state before. His head becomes overloaded with sinful thoughts. If that’s what you sounded like with barely any effort, what would happen if I actually tried a bit more? He feels lightheaded just thinking about it.
You stare at his heaving figure from a safe distance, before letting out a small chuckle,
I really just made out with Haechan right now..
You tuck your hair behind your ear as you prepare to speak, your voice wavers before breathlessly pushing out your next words, “I uh.. hah— I really should go upstairs.” You rapidly head for the door, not daring to look in the boy’s direction.
As your hand reaches for the door knob you feel his hand on your wrist, it's followed by a low voice, a foreign seriousness coats his next words, “It's not in my head, I can't be the only one who felt something at the club last night, you know what I’m talking about, and you can say whatever you want, but this—”, he motions at your flustered state, “confirms that for me.”
How dare he? I mean he’s absolutely correct but still, how brazen of him..
A small glimmer makes its way to your eye, you let a confused expression bloom onto your features before turning to face him,
“Last night… at the club?”, you furrow your brows as you tilt your head to the side to really sell your faux confusion.
He’s completely taken aback, dumbfounded, it takes him a minute as he chooses his next words carefully, “Yeah— I mean… Wait a second, you’re telling me you don’t even remember the club? What exactly is it that you DO remember?” You can feel his hand becoming clammy as he continues to hold his grip onto your wrist.
It's getting harder to hold back your amusement, but you manage to put on an excellent performance.
You stare at him blankly before raising an eyebrow, “Dude I literally blacked out? Did you forget the part where I asked everyone at breakfast to fill me in on our night?”
He freezes, demonstrating the telltale signs of someone who’s buffering in real time, Oh fuck, tell me that did not just happen right now…
You let your facade drop after a few seconds of silence, letting a smug aura emanate from your body, “But please, don't stop, what was it exactly that you felt last night?”
He quickly loses his grip on you, turning around to make his way back onto the bed, “Weren’t you in a hurry to leave or something?”
A puff of air leaves your nostrils as you observe him sliding under the covers, “Yeah I’m just gonna go up to the 10th floor” As you’re opening the door you turn to face him, “I’ll be back later though, try not to miss me too much”. He lets out a scoff at your remark, “I think I’ll survive.”
How does this man have an answer for everything? Hmmmm, how could I possibly get a reaction out of him?
As you pull the door to shut, you make sure to leave just enough space for you to peek your face through, getting in one final quip, “Oh— and if you decide to feel anything else, be sure to share it with me this time, you have my number.” You shoot him an exaggerated wink before slamming the door shut.
He sinks into the mattress as he hears your fading footsteps, wishing it would swallow him whole.
This is gonna be even more fun than you thought..
That’s a wrap on chapter 1!
part two can be found in this masterlist
What could possibly happen next?
Any feedback is appreciated haha :)
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@melnchly always knows how to go right for the heartstrings, and I LOVE it.
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lots-o-doodles · 2 years
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Time for some shameless self promo woooooo!!!! I made these charms mostly for myself and some friends but I have some leftovers. One’s a Vash and Wolfwood and the other’s a Meryl and Millie because we love and cherish the Insurance Gals in this house. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1298678668/trigun-double-sided-acrylic-charms?click_key=7db523d6ab9f0ca301d102f450f0f7ac288a329e%3A1298678668&click_sum=9f3aa5bd&ref=shop_home_active_3 Thanks a bunch for your time! Sorry for the trouble!
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neondiamond · 2 years
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🌿 Recently Read Fics - March 2022 🌿
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💚
🌿 stay hydrated! by @thestylinsons (637, NR)
Where Louis drinks too much water during a show and is grateful he has a break during Fearless.
🌿 Pay Attention (To Me) by @onlyforbravest (689, G)
“You know when you’re so tired and exhausted, but your mind is too hyper and restless to calm down and thereby let your body relax, but you’re too tired to do anything about it? Yeah, me too.”
(Louis is both exhausted and hyper, and all he wants is some attention and rest. Mostly rest. And some complaining maybe.)
🌿 Cherished by @neondiamond (1k, G, yes this one is mine, but we love a bit of self-promo in this house)
When Harry’s very pregnant and uncomfortable, Louis finds a way to make him feel loved and cherished.
🌿 two bananas for a pound (three bananas for a euro) by @hershelsue (1k, G)
Harry loves bananas. Except now, with the pregnancy, everything with them makes him sick. Louis fixes it.
🌿 breathe me in by @dehydratedpool (2k, T)
It's the end of the world. Louis confesses to Harry.
🌿 got my heart beating fast (it’s cardiac arrest) by @bottomhaztoplou (2k, E)
Harry's in preheat and Louis just wants to take care of him until they bond.
🌿 let’s run all the red lights by @quelsentiment t (3k, G)
Sometimes—like right now—Harry was starstruck by Louis. What was he even still doing in their small boring town? He was destined for greater things, Harry was sure of it. So, until the day came where Louis would inevitably go away, Harry was holding on to each one of their moments together like it was a pearl on a precious necklace that he couldn’t afford to lose.
Or: Harry has always been in love with Louis, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
🌿 (knew that we would be alright) from the first time by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (4k, T)
Ten years into the relationship, Louis Tomlinson tells his children all about how he met and fell in love with their father.
🌿 Spring Fever by @kingsofeverything (4k, E)
Harry’s finally out of the first trimester. He and Louis celebrate.
🌿 All I Need by @tommokat (4k, T)
Harry’s been dating Louis for a magical three months, but before they can go any further, he has a big secret to reveal.
🌿 Sunny Pleasure by @jaerie (4k, E)
They've been hiding their accidental bond since Harry was 16 and Louis was 18. Now they're pregnant and it's almost time to break the news so they don't have to keep hiding anymore. They take some soft time to themselves first.
🌿 Love So Soft by @lululawrence (4k, NR)
The one where Harry and Louis have been friends since they were kids, but when Louis' heat comes early, that balance that always existed between them suddenly changes.
🌿 A Hand to Hold and a Hand Held by @londonfoginacup (5k, NR)
When Harry goes to the One Direction concert one year with his sister, he doesn't expect to go home with the amazing Louis Tomlinson himself.
But then, he really doesn't expect that night to have an impact on the rest of his life either.
🌿 Naturally by @neondiamond (5k, E, more shameless self-promo)
When PE teacher Louis first gets assigned to be a chaperone on a weekend long camping trip with a bunch of high school seniors, he’s not too excited about it. That changes when he finds out his fellow Music teacher Harry, who Louis happens to have a massive crush on, is also coming.
🌿 next to candle light (your smile is the brightest) by @onlyfor-thegays (7k, E)
Louis leaned in brushing his lips to Harry’s ear, sniffing at his hair.
“Used my shampoo again, love?” Louis asked, curiously.
Harry nodded, gripping Louis tighter.
“Wanted to be closer to you,” Harry replied, sincerely.
In truth, they had been separated for maybe an hour or so. Louis found his alpha stupidly endearing anyways.
strong omega louis takes cares of soft alpha harry (pre rut/ rut fic)
🌿 A Christmas Kiss by @parmahamlarrie (8k, T)
Harry never expected to spend Christmas in the Emergency Room, but it might just be the (second) best thing to ever happen to him, after the birth of his son, of course. Because while in that hospital waiting for his son to be discharged, he met the most beautiful pediatric nurse he’s ever seen.
Or the one where Harry is a single dad, Louis is a pediatric nurse, and Arlo needs to stop eating hazelnuts.
🌿 14 Days of Valentine’s by @stylesthebrave (9k, E)
Harry’s birthday and Valentine’s Day are exactly two weeks apart. Louis wants to give Harry everything he wants — and more.
🌿 Save Some Luck For Me by @jaerie (10k, E)
Louis arrives at the 2018 Winter Olympics to make history as the first omega to win a gold medal at the games. Harry, his oiled up crush from the Summer Olympics, just happens to show up to sabotage him, but maybe helps him win in the end.
🌿 a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface (10k, NR)
“Listen, my alpha and I broke up and it turns out that all of our friends were really his friends and I need someone to help me through–”
“No,” Harry practically shouts, the word bursting out of him unbidden. He cringes when he sees the shock on Niall’s face, his pale skin flushing lightly. “I’m sorry, but my answer has to be no. I don’t help omegas through heats. I’m really sorry, Liam knows that, so I don’t know why he would give you the idea–”
“It’s not heat, Harry,” Niall interrupts. “It’s depri.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Touch deprivation makes a lot of sense now that Harry thinks about it. Niall seems generally unwell; he appears to be weak, his skin is pallid and his lips look chapped, and his breathing is ragged. He’s wearing a cozy-looking sweatshirt, but even over FaceTime, he kind of seems cold, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his body. Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact.
🌿 All I Want Is You by @polaroidlouis (13k, E)
“It’s been ages,” Harry whispers. The curls tickling the top of Louis’ ear, though a bit higher than he remembers, are familiar enough that any potential awkwardness between them dissolves.
“I know,” Louis chuckles. Although if he closes his eyes - and he does - he can almost pretend it hasn’t been that long.
Until there’s a small, high pitched voice pulling Harry apart.
🌿 Like it was at the start by @quelsentiment (14k, T)
Louis and Liam have been best friends since they were kids. When they get their soulmate marks at 15 and discover that they're bonded by something supposedly stronger than friendship, they have a hard time adjusting to this new reality.
A platonic soulmates AU set in Lake Louise, Canada.
🌿 Lost Our Focus by @wabadabadaba (20k, M)
Would he say yes if Niall were to propose again? After everything they’ve been through—their shitty first apartment with the bug problem, their first fight, Niall’s hockey career, Harry’s stress over his job, the move, the abortion. Would Harry say yes to another lifetime with Niall? He wanted the answer to be easy, he wanted to be able to say yes without missing a beat like the first time he answered.
or the one where the marriage between Harry and Niall is falling apart and Harry thinks his hope for change will be the end of them.
🌿 Enchanted by @brightgolden (25k, E)
Where Louis finally meets his neighbour. After a few conversations, he begins to realise he is too weak to resist the charms of the new mother and his six month old daughter.
🌿 there now, steady love (so few come and don’t go) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (42k, M)
It becomes just another fact of life. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Louis sees when people are about to die.
🌿 Blood Pomegranate by @hershelsue (48k, M)
Louis Zinchenko is an orphan. Like many others, he ends up being kidnapped by the heads of the Silver Man project, a scheme run by the USSR government to create genetically enhanced soldiers. After he manages to escape, he is taken in by the Russian mafia, where he finds a home. His artificially baneful organism serves the organisation well and his status as public enemy quickly rises. A titanium body, a staggering amount of money and immoral glory seem to indulge him abundantly. During a mission, however, Louis’ particular universe shifts when he stumbles across Dr Harry Styles, an English geneticist who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
🌿 Call It True by @a-brighter-yellow (48k, E)
With dreams of being a successful novelist, Harry’s been working so hard that he almost doesn’t notice the smoothie shop that just opened down the street. But he can’t miss the mysterious, irresistible boy who works there, nor the strange but entirely positive effect his drinks seem to have. Harry needs to know what’s going on and he wants to get close to Louis, though not necessarily in that order.
🌿 thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by @absoloutenonsense (52k, E)
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
🌿 What I Have With You (I don’t want with anyone else) by @lululawrence (73k, NR)
Louis is an asexual alpha, Harry is his aromantic alpha friend and possible roommate, and faking a relationship might be exactly what they need to get their families and friends off their backs.
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aueua · 3 years
oh I love the thought of cloth's little dots being bells... imagine the little ringing plus her cute cicada noises when she sleeps
yeah ! i think it was the promo art that made me think they were bells?
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i know i mentioned it in the tags of the other post when this ask was sent (i've already removed it bwuajghah) but. i like to think there's a scenario out there where they're all friends together that travel together (in this case they're checking out greenpath, discover cloth's sleeping tendencies, and proceed to write a song solely based on said tendency where later cloth gently removes a bell to allow myla to shake it in or. something).
and i know you didn't ask but (: have a bonus sudden writing from me because !! hrmm... i don't know really ! i think i wanted a bit of comfort for myself.
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length: ~800
it starts with setting up a tent, all three of them working in tandem to pitch it to the song of their own laughter. one-two, a quilt thrown over the grass, three-one, pegs hammered in. another beat to hoist up the poles fashioned from sculpted stone and braided vine ropes. an interlude—after the leaves are plastered on as a cover—to eye each other, see who will dare throw themselves into the comfort cage first.
(it's myla, and she does so happily without a care to the recovering world.)
bretta drops her satchel off to the side. cloth rests her club alongside the worn pick inclined against the corner. it's bright, warm, and there's the distant sound of running acid accompanying a light, cool air. it's not a large tent. but it's theirs. it fits them and then some and it was all their own work.
the secret crystals embedded into the pegs they'd brought for myla, though she always argues that she didn't need them. not anymore. not when she had found wealth in the other two, a kind of bond she could not have even with her long gone sisters. (it flusters them every time. even the miner herself, albeit she takes it in stride since it's fact. it's as true as the truth that they were here—alive, under her touch.)
the love woven into every seam of the quilt that bretta tries to insist was not much at all, but they know well enough that such a skill came with its due passion. a very passion that when looking closer (ah, don't look—!), it's all three of them hidden in the fabric. secret messages just for the curious them, and a subtle sheen that seems to reveal their journey together so far. (she couldn't help it, or so she always murmurs into a soft laugh. they were her muses, now. companions that she cherishes dear.)
the clumsy handiwork of cloth, who's gotten better mind you, at setting everything together with her own strength. being able to lift the others up when they can't quite reach something due to the differences in their stature. it's their own score, their own pride. she herself has admitted it, once. well. perhaps not just once, but how the other two have changed her—for the better.
(how nola would have loved to meet them. how nola would be happy, to see her living at the least, for them if not herself. she always finds sudden arms around her when she's lost in these musings, but those are the times she's especially glad for her larger stature. glad, to be able to hold them both and embrace them at the same time.)
eventually, they agree to rest for the day. cloth is more than happy to take up the offer and is the first one whose head drops to rest. myla and bretta shuffle close. the beetle unscrews a paintbrush from its container and gets to writing onto a tablet. the other's eyes curve into smiling upturned crescents as she begins to sing gently, her claws rested over her chest. gentle and aimless came the tune. for her, for them, for herself. it's a lilt, there aren't any words—not yet.
and they hear it. feel it.
the rumbling purr they've learned to recognize as cloth being asleep. myla can't help but giggle in between verses, and bretta has to draw her brush away at times so she doesn't smear the words from how infectious it is.
because they're so close, they know now that there's a delicate ring that comes from her shawl. bells that she never quite confesses why she has, but she at least tells them it's from her nola and that she could never bring herself to part with them regardless of how disadvantageous it may seem.
and, well. they've always said that rather than disadvantageous, it has its own charm. a reminder that nola is always with her.
cloth supposes they're right.
(not supposes. knows.)
and that's how it goes. myla'll eventually fall asleep with herself leaning against the cicada, and bretta'll take a pause at some point in her musing to let the tablet dry. she'll look over, and she'll wonder. wonder how a maiden like herself ever managed to befriend them. (she never questions if she deserves them anymore. the two always remind her that she's enough to them and to them and them alone, well, she supposes that's more than fine.)
so she'll pull aside tablets that she's never shown them (not yet, perhaps later when she feels more confident) and write her appreciation. write these moments. record the entries, this time with assurance that none of it was a dream. it was their moment to share, and eventually, she herself will rest on the opposite shoulder.
and they're happy.
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kamabrahr · 3 years
Hi! Could you do hc’s of what dating 90’s HBK would include? If you’re busy then ignore this!! xoxo
I was, and now I'm not!
I'm lying, I have a bunch of paperwork to do but let's break myself back into writing habits with this one! I do apologize for the long wait, darling!
GN!Reader Dating '90s HBK Headcanons
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Some funsies with our favorite Boy Toy under the cut!
It started with being friends, good friends. Shawn was...a bit of a mess, and you can't help but help him out in any way you can. People actually don't quite believe it when you're hanging out with each other and say you're close friends.
His dating life was one of his many little messes, and you were there to either fend for him or call him out for his idiocy; you weren't biased, always fair and just. Shawn likes that about you. You're a sweet person, but you never sugarcoat things.
He's always been hands-on; hugs and kisses were expected whenever you're in his reach, and you've grown accustomed to it, he did this to everyone, after all. You start to notice, though, that he starts to linger on them, heartbeats matching in each embrace, the heat of his lips leaving your body light and weak, and you hoped that he felt the same...
...Bad idea, you thought, fearing that you'd just be a name on his long list, that you'd lose him if you gave into it. So you remained stoic as you can be, you had to be the good friend, you had to, Shawn needs a friend, not another one on his bed.
Watching him work out way after you're finished is one of your favorite things, you'd comment on his shape or form or help him count (he always keeps going and doesn't stop), or just chat to keep him company as the gym became emptier, sometimes it was just the two of you.
That was the case that night, and you were a bit curious to see he was blowing steam. Really blowing steam. To the point you're scared he'd burst a vessel and told him to calm down, take a breath, before he breaks the chains on the punching bag. You asked him what's wrong, what made him so angry, and chuckled when he said he was pissed because some people were making sexual comments about you. You shrug it off, you've heard it, it's harsh but it's part of the business. You thank Shawn anyway and tell him not to worry, but that only got him angrier.
"I hate it when they said they'd do all those things to you, like an object, you're not, I don't even want to go that far with you because I'm scared I'll make a mistake and do the same like I do with everyone -"
So he did feel the same way, and, like water and fire, steam was created, like steam from him being so angry, like him blowing off steam now with you...
He was an even greater lover than you'd ever dream in your deepest, darkest fantasies. As he'd fear, he keeps himself clear-headed as he can, he's always aware of what he's doing, making sure every moment was cherished, remembered, Shawn constantly asked if it was okay, and all you could manage to say other than his name was yes. Yes.
He's extremely public with declaring himself dating you and being as affectionate as he can in public.
Neck kisses and having his hands on your thighs were particularly his favorites. He was never rough with it, he only goes rough when you say yes when he asks, after all, but it still makes your temperature rise to the roof whenever he slides over you and claims you with all these eyes witnessing it.
At first, you assume it was his way of marking territory since there were those comments made about you that got the both of you here in the first place.
But no, he's actually proud he's your boyfriend, and even without you he'd gush about how lovely and precious you are to other people - co-workers, friends, family, interviews...
You asked if it was a good idea for him to do promos mentioning you, would he lose fans? All those swooning over him...
"If they can't handle me hitting the jackpot with the best they'd never have, too bad for them," he commented, face buried in your chest as he snuggled close to you.
He always thinks so highly of you, and you had to remind him that this is an equal relationship, please, stop buying all these expensive gifts, it's his love and dedication and most of all, company you care about the most.
That always brings a goofy grin to his face. And somehow you both end up naked together somewhere soon after; how much stamina does he have? Will you be able to keep up?
The cutest and also, simultaneously, the most embarrassing thing you see him have and show off is a whole photo album of you and him that he always keeps with him while he travels. Not even counting the photos in his wallet, or the one in the multiple lockets he has...
If you're not there with him where he is, he'll call you immediately when he's free. "You don't know how much just your voice can do to me". Well, the same goes for him to you.
Whenever he's back, he'll immediately jump for you and pull you into the biggest hug, reminiscent of your time as just friends, but much sweeter, and you wish you could just stay there forever.
You yourself find kissing his hands, how strong yet careful they are, and running your hands through his hair some of the most intimate moments, even beyond the actual intimate moments. Shawn is comfortable and relaxed with you, and often would fall asleep in your lap minutes after you treat him so sweetly. It were moments like these that you appreciate how far the both of you had gotten.
The fact that he flusters and blushes when anyone mentions the both of you tying the knot has you feeling all kinds of ways. Maybe it's the fact that he never gets flustered any other times. Maybe it's the fact that his hand immediately goes to the chunky watch you gave him, that he adjusts to be to your time if he's travelling far. Maybe it's how he clutches his other wrist, one where you have your own bracelet, sparkling metallic chains, as if he misses it, misses you.
Or maybe, it's the prospect of him finally saying it, a ring in his hands. For now, though...this was enough. You both loved each other to death, and, maybe, again, it'll fade away, and someday you'll just be a ghost of a memory to him...
...But for now, this love was enough.
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flosxxfilia · 5 years
tag dump
he’s beauty he’s grace he’ll trip and fall on his face { flower speaks } silence speaks louder than words { ic } curious reflections { visage } you wanna play a game? { memes } out and about { open starter } knowledge of myself { headcanons } one sided conversations { asks } faceless friend (or foe) { anonymous } nervously accepted gifts { submission } syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup { musings } out playing { mobile } friends new and old { promos } please don’t mind me! { to be deleted } listen up everyone! { important psa } actually 2.5 kittens in a trenchcoat { crack } so i’ll fill the bath with bubbles { aesthetic } a treasure i shall cherish forever { save } talk of the town { dash commentary } nap time { queue } soft and warm { stims } this is fun!! { dash games } hopes and dreams { wishlist } music box lullabies { music } isn’t this exciting?! { special interest }
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Hello, hello, hello! I’m all for self-love (and shameless self promo). I have five babies:
All the pretty things that we could be (Klaine, G, ~70K)
Aka the time I shoe-horned all kinds of Klaine AUs in one big story and then accidentally (sorta) added an entire overarching story. This fic was supposed to be “24 separate ficlets”, but my mind went “uh, nope!” and as a result, this fic got bigger than I expected it to be.
Myosotis sylvatica (Klaine, T, ~73K)
I usually want to post the entire Myosotis verse as an answer, but for this ask I decided to kill my darlings and pick favourites, and yeah, in Myosotis the main story (aka sylvatica) is clearly my favourite. It’s my twist on the amnesia trope, which is a trope I don’t always like. What if the memories don’t come back?
Mendacious (Klaine, T, ~27K)
Another trope that made me go “hmmm... what to do with this”, and it’s catfishing! I liked Mendacious because it gave me a reason to write Kurt like the more petty and manipulative fucker he was in season 1. And it was sort of a plea for inclusivity in the queer space, but shhhhh, that’s supposed to be an implicit thing.
I’d cry a river just for you (Klaine, T, ~30K)
Klaine, Klaine, Klaine galore! What did I like about this fic? Reunion trope! Queer time! Shameless promotion of the Netherlands! The usage of two different timelines and respective POVs! The OCs! The playlist that I formed the chapters around! What I didn’t like about this fic? Confronting my failed friendship with my former best friend! But hey, I got a pretty great fic out of it.
e pare stella che tramuti loco (Snowbaz, T, ~29K)
Of fucking course, there’s some Paradiso on this list. Just like the Myosotis series, it’s kill your darlings time, and I actually think I like Paradiso 3 the most out of the series. Paradiso 1 is the first-born who’s very ambitious and I’m proud of them, Paradiso 2 is the awkward middle child who’s just vibing and I am vibing along, and then Paradiso 3 is the accidental last-born who I cherish a lot since it was so unexpected and therefore it made me deal with shit I didn’t think I would have to deal with. And for that, e pare stella is on the list.
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Thank you! Have some kitties!
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Bruh I can already see the simping for the Orange haired boy the gray haired boy the red haired boy and the yellow haired girl from Tribe Nine respectively. Lol. (I’m bad with names)
I'm sure it'll happen for most of them. For my own part, I've been referring to them by some nicknames I made up just based on their visual appearances. :P
But right now I'm gonna dig into these people right now and find out who they actually are!
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The guy who is the centerpiece of the promo art is Shun Kamiya, a.k.a. "Not Komaeda." He's described as the charismatic leader of the tribe, and he's top-notch in both hitting and batting. He gives his friends inexplicable nicknames, and drinking coffee gives him a hangover.
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Orange-haired boy is Hull Shirokane, a.k.a. "Baseball Fujisaki." He is a small, timid boy who has often been bullied. He felt like he couldn't do anything to stand up for himself, but through his good eyesight and agility, he discovered his inner strength and joined the tribe.
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Up next is Taiga, a.k.a. "Leon's Descendant." He boldly came to Neo Tokyo with the intention of defeating the strongest player known — Shun Kamiya! However, he winds up joining Shun's tribe instead. He's a beginner at Extreme Baseball and has a hard time grasping the rules, but he displays incredible throwing/pitching power. Has talent, but is also overly cocky and kind of an idiot. Definitely takes after Leon, then.
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Saori Arisugawa — a.k.a. "Future Nakajima" — is the deputy leader of the tribe and the team's catcher. (And also seemingly the only female member of the team???) She cherishes her friendships with the other tribe members, but she is a stickler for the rules and her own morality. Anyone who breaks the rules or violates her moral code winds up on the business end of her airsoft gun. ( ...I'm disappointed that she's not actually armed with a machine gun... )
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gimbapchefs · 3 years
hi this will be a sappy post but bear with me...today (5/16) marks 7 years i've had this blog (lucky 7 wowow) and i just want to take this day to appreciate all of y'all who have found my blog and sent me love 💖
i started this sideblog when i was 13 because i had just started getting into kpop and didn't want to clog up my main blog with a bunch of snsd and exo posts. in 2015 i found bts and since then my blog and tumblr has become a safe spot that i can come to when i need happiness and warmth. ngl i was one of those lurkers that would see so many posts but didn't reblog or like for whatever reason so i apologize on behalf of 14-16 y/o me 😬. i never thought that i'd still have this blog 7 years later and be so active.
i didn't start posting gifs until the end of last year because i remembered i got ps with my dummy high college tuition (at least something was included for "free"😂) and it really was this post that blew up one night that made me want to keep making gifs. at that time i felt so much love seeing your reactions through your reblog tags, and i still do. i read every set of tags y'all write in your reblogs and will continue to because they bring me so much joy. i know my gifsets aren't the most amazing out there (some of you on this platform have the most pristine quality and coloring and i admire you so much 😣), but i'm still happy that i am making some of y'all's days even just a smidge bit brighter.
thank you to every single one of you whether you just leave likes or you reblog and leave me a boatload of tags to enjoy (no rly keep writing paragraphs in your tags i love it). thank you to those who leave me little messages in my ask box, my heart actually leaps when i read them 💓💗. thank you to all my amazing mutuals that i've made mainly over the last few months - i haven't gotten to talk to you all individually (my messages are open tho 👀), but you all are a reason why i keep coming to tumblr at every hour of the day 🌼❤️.
i'm so so so happy i've found a community where i can have a mental breakdown about bts and y'all will join me at any point of the day...but seriously y'all are great and i look forward to making more memories with you and more gifsets for you this year 🤗🥰.
i'll end this post by linking some of my favorite gifsets i've made (i really do still like mostly all of the gifsets i've made so this was hard why did i do this to myself...)
🌹jin just being jin /🐥jikook's lifetime long argument /🧈butter's promo 2 years early /🥺this one just melts me /🍌jin losing his bananas /🙈BABY
with much much much love and the fullest heart,
💜nat :)
ok i lied i'm not done 🤩as a bonus here's my favorite video of jimin because it has made me smile when i was in the darkest of times and also you deserve it if you made it to the bottom of this mess 😉
(under the cut is me sapping over my mutuals if you want to read that lol)
ok i was done but i lied again i want to shoutout a few-maybe-more-than-a-few of my mutuals who have meant the most to me :) (this was hard to breakdown to a short-ish list and i really do i appreciate every single one of you)
🌼@userjiminie rafa, my jikook buddy, we've only just started talking but i love our conversations, especially the ones in all caps and i also really look up to you as a creator :)
🌼@rosebowl sHARIKA omg you're like the sweetest person ever?? i love how we've become friends these past few weeks and cherish it (and i will fight off anyone who hurts u)
🌼@yoongisbengaliwife t!! you were one of the first mutuals i actually talked to and you were so kind and warm to me (and still are!!) our talks range from finding sweaty bts clips to career goals and i love that variety
🌼@taemaknae nic if angels were real i think you'd be one, you have the brightest and sweetest energy and i'm happy to call you my foodie soulmate hehehe
🌼@kithtaehyung ryennn/maybe my soulmate haha we've just started chatting but i can tell we will become friends hehe you deserve all the compliments so pls take them :3
🌼@taechnological saeee thank u for tagging me in the most thirst/heart palpitating posts i truly love screaming with you and will continue to scream with you
+ all my other mutuals that i cherish 💖🥺many of you have left asks in my inbox and it makes my heart so warm when you do so thank u for being sparks in my life 🤩💗
@jimindelune @gukreum @taegiseok @knjspjm @lovetrivia @btsaudge @jinjagi @yoongistics @duckjinnie @intokook @r-m @bibillyhillsbaby @blondesuga @bangtanger @kimtaehyunq @bisexualhobi @cherryjk @solivoire @taehyungq @floraljimin @artsyjoons @yoobijin @lilacjin @taemeout @suga-ssi @rookiehobi @hazeltae @mintvae @hobeah @candynamu @yoonglet @ggukminii @jinbestboy @pinkjjoon @blueandtaes @calicooky
OK i think this is all my mutuals??? i could very much be missing someone and i am sososososo sorry if i am pls let me know. i already said this but i'll say it again, i love every single one of you and joining this community was the best decision i ever made so thank u soso much and here i go on my 8th year with this blog :) 💜
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