#Chikage utsuki
taruchikas · 2 days
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marchingspace · 2 months
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Hug and kisses
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citrus-c0la · 8 months
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👓🕶 swap 🥬♣ I hope you guys know i'm also really into a3
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electroboo · 9 months
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yakeisoda · 4 months
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a3 gummies!
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stunnedsasa · 2 months
Ensembukubu stars x A3! Sticker edits!! Can use/repost w credits :3
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rainbow223posts · 8 months
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"It felt so real..."
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stellabyystarlight · 5 months
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happy birthday chikage !! 🌕
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 3 - One Step Up
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*Door opens*
Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re home.
Taichi: I’m starving~.
Tenma: Looks like Omi-san’s in charge of dinner tonight.
Tsuzuru: Smells like it’s something with a demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be ready soon.
Kumon: Woo~! I was hoping to eat some meat~!
Kazunari: The Yosei Uni Gang’s really building up their forces~.
Muku: Kyu-chan’s the only new one, though.
Yuki: But he’s got the presence of about two or three people.
Tsumugi: How’s college life been going, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: It’s super interesting! Unlike with my classes in high school, I actually feel motivated to study on my own.
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Kumon: Plus I get to be with Nii-chan!
Banri: I figured you had had that planned from the start, but you actually didn’t decide on where you were gonna go for school until much later, right?
Kumon: Hey, I thought about it a lot, y’know.
Kumon: And I didn’t just think about Nii-chan, I also made sure to think about the best college for me to go to.
Azami: The growth of someone with a brother complex.
Yuki: They still ended up at the same college, though.
Kumon: That’s ‘cause Nii-chan and Tenma-san seemed like they really liked it there!
Tenma: Well, you are right about that.
Juza: Glad ya got accepted in.
Taichi: You’ve been doing great with writing essays and doing job interview prep~.
Kumon: Hehe. That’s thanks to you, Nii-chan, and Tenma-san for teaching me so much!
Chikage: It’s so touching to see Tenma becoming the tutor.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Yawn~…
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Tsuzuru: You seem tired, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had a deadline for some urgent work yesterday. Hardly got any sleep~.
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: You suddenly seem like much more of an adult, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: What I do is kinda just an extension of what I did in college, but once that label of “student” is gone, it makes you a little more conscious of it.
Omi: It’s a lot of work and responsibility, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You’ll get what we’re talking about in a year, Tsuzurun~.
Izumi: Omi-kun’s right, your impression of things changes once you graduate from college.
Azuma: I enjoy seeing these changes every year once spring comes.
Homare: Yes, however, there are still some of us that haven’t changed much at all.
Azuma: It’s thanks to everyone that spring is nice like this.
Tasuku: Well, even though some of us haven’t been through any major changes, I’m sure we’re all busy with something, right?
Guy: It appears that you’ve been getting more and more requests to do guest appearances, Takato.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I’m about to get an offer to perform on a slightly bigger stage too--.
Tsumugi: Really? That’s great.
Tasuku: That’s probably the result of steadily building up your experience. Shows how much you’ve become recognized as an actor.
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Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Citron: I have started getting pressured to do arts and culture-related work from all over the place~.
Itaru: And I’m still annoyed that I’m stuck being treated like some mid-level NPC…
Chikage: That’s normal for having worked there for five years.
Guy: Speaking of that, I’ve been entrusting Mikage with more work, too.
Hisoka: I know how to make a few appetizers now…
Tasuku: What, like toasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Well, yeah, but there’s other stuff too.
Homare: To be dabbling in dishes other than ones with marshmallows… that’s quite remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan just had a litter of kitties~.
Muku: Congratulations!
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Yuki: Why are you congratulating the Trianglien for it?
Izumi: Seems like everything’s going smoothly for the company while each of you is moving forward and changing in your own ways.
Izumi: That reminds me, the kid we met today also said he was going to be a new high school student starting in the spring.
Kumon: Huh~, what was he like?
Tsuzuru: He was an interesting one, for sure.
Masumi: He wasn’t interesting, he was annoying.
Itaru: He was an avid Masumi fan.
Izumi: He said he used to live in a rural area and that he’s been supporting us for quite some time via our streams.
Sakyo: Is that the power of MIZUNO Enterprises…?
Sakyo: We’ll have to keep up our efforts to reach an even wider audience.
Izumi: He said he was really looking forward to seeing one of our performances live.
Tasuku: There is just something different about seeing a play in person.
Sakuya: There really is. He was really looking forward to seeing it, so we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, right! The idea came to me when we were talking to that kid, but--.
Izumi: How does a workshop aimed at beginners sound for the upcoming event?
Izumi: When I realized that people were interested in theater because of MANKAI Company’s performances, I thought that maybe promoting theater as a concept could be necessary too.
Izumi: And I think it’d be a good experience for us to share the joy of plays with them more directly and to have fun together.
Sakuya: That’s true, that could be a really good idea!
Citron: It sounds very fun!
Chikage: But wouldn’t people who have more experience with theater, like Tenma, Tasuku, or Tsumugi, be more suitable for teaching people than us Spring Troupe members?
Tsuzuru: He’s got a point, most of us are still pretty inexperienced actors. I mean, almost all of us were complete amateurs until a few years ago.
Masumi: I can do it.
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Itaru: You’re probably the least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s the point. You all still feel like amateurs and remember how you felt when you first stepped on stage just a few years ago.
Izumi: I’m confident that you guys will be able to convey theater from a perspective that’s closer to a beginner’s.
Izumi: It’s not a workshop for actors, and it’s definitely not just for teaching like Yuzo-san’s workshops…
Izumi: I think it should be about just trying to enjoy theater together, just like if you were reminiscing about your old selves. That’s the best we can do, I think.
Izumi: And it could be an opportunity to expand our fan base too…
Izumi: I think it’s only because of how everyone is now that we can try to make people more aware of theater.
Sakuya: Yeah… I get it. Up until now, we’ve just been doing our best in regards to ourselves, but now…
Itaru: Exactly. Maybe we’ll be able to have some fun together.
Chikage: We could be our own motivation.
Tsuzuru: Maybe I’ll even be able to get a hint for our next play.
Citron: I will take on any challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once the date is decided on, can you take care of the flier design, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: You betcha!
Izumi: I’ll take care of the printing and distributing myself then.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We’ll also need an announcement on our social media, right? Leave it to me.
Chikage: It’d be a good idea to also put something on the theater noticeboard, right?
Izumi: Alright, I’ll leave all the announcement-related stuff to you two, and then… Sakuya-kun and Citron-kun, can I leave outlining the workshop to you guys?
Sakuya: Roger that!
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Citron: We will think of an eggciting workshop that will eggcite everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyo~ne, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: We gotta turn on the TV!
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bakersgrief · 3 months
I didn't set the first one long enough so I'm redoing it + adding suggested options
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taruchikas · 3 months
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i am never drawing these damn outfits again
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marchingspace · 4 months
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This year's spring bd illustrations!
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feltcreature · 6 months
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r u ready……………………………
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purpldawne · 4 months
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mankai rookies
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i love A3! characters' reactions to committing crime
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rakuen-oasis · 6 months
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been too long since i’ve made a3 memes. i hope you enjoy
(update: part 2 is up!)
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