#Child dependent visa
lexlawuk · 7 months
Family Reunions: UK Child Dependant Visa Guidance
Are you considering bringing your child to the UK? The Child Dependant Visa is your key to a smooth family reunion, and DJF Solicitors, a leading immigration law firm in London, is here to provide expert guidance. Our approach is tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring a successful application process that stands out in its precision and effectiveness. Understanding the Child Dependant…
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infopanelb2b · 21 days
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immigrationz · 11 months
Dependent Visitor Visa in New Zealand
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Choose the Dependent Child Visitor Visa in New Zealand and receive valuable tips on obtaining a Dependent Children's Visit Visa.
know more: https://tinyurl.com/ap6xffsu
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martian-astro · 1 month
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 5
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Moon in 1st house gives a spouse who is emotionally expressive, they can also be very moody. If you're attracted to men, then this can also mean that your husband might be a huge mama's boy, so marry someone whose mom likes you. With this placement, if you manage to maintain a good bond with your MIL then you'll have almost no problems in your married life. Your spouse can be prone to jealousy as well.
Sun in the 5th house gives you an extroverted spouse, I feel like this works the best when the person who has it, has a really high self esteem, because if not, you can be jealous of the attention that your spouse gets. You can also feel as if you're not good enough for them.
Mercury in the 4th House can mean that your spouse will be working as an advisor. They may also come from a family where education is given a lot of importance (I know a few people with this placement and their spouse's family was super adamant about them completing their master's before marriage, this is true for both men and women). If you're an academically intelligent person then your in-laws would be more than happy to help you establish your own business, I have noticed this to be true in a lot of cases.
Venus in the 5th house.....can give you a spouse who may be a little too obsessed with themselves. I used to think this was a good placement but then I met a lot of people who have this and their spouses always downplay their achievements and play the victim in social situations. I know a couple where both of them have this and they constantly talk about things that the other has done wrong and it's like a competition of who is sadder, it makes me soooo uncomfortable. One good thing is that, your children are gonna be SUPER creative.
Mars in the 11th House is great in regards to finances, your spouse knows how to earn AND save money, and even though they may like to live a luxurious life, they're well aware of the limitations. They may also have friends in high places and be good at climbing the social ladder. One negative of this is, that they can be TOO focused on earning money, but if Jupiter and Venus are well placed then you have nothing to worry about.
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Jupiter in the 3rd house can give you a jolly spouse, they can also be the youngest in their family. They may be really close to their family and after marriage, they would like to live close to them. Your family will treat your spouse as their own child. You know those couples where a person's family ends up becoming closer to their spouse than them, yeah, this is what happens when you have Jupiter in 3rd. You guys may also travel a lot together. I think this placement is really cute.
Saturn in the 2nd house gives you an ambitious spouse, very hard working and tough love type person. They may earn a lot of money but refuse to spend it, OR they refuse to spend money on themselves but have no problem spending it on you. It depends on other factors. ( I know a woman with this, and her husband is so fucking rich but doesn't get new clothes for her, and doesn't buy anything for her, I feel so bad ��, Its giving "ballerina farm") BUT you can also get a spouse who is like "here's my credit card, buy whatever you want"
Rahu in 4th is a strong indicator of moving abroad after marriage, I know people who were unable to get a student visa, work visa and then they got married and were able to settle abroad. This also shows that your MIL may be very involved in your married life, whether for good or bad depends on several other factors.
Ketu in the 5th house gives a spouse who won't be that interested in raising kids. They may also be a little emotionally detached, and can believe in traditional gender roles.
I was thinking of not putting this observation, but then.... precaution is better than cure, so...90% of the female celebrities who have been cheated on by their husbands have Jupiter in Gemini/ Aquarius in d9. So if you have this, be very very picky about who you marry, this is for everyone, but especially for those who have this.
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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vetted-gaza-funds · 1 month
hey i'm not sure who to go to for this, but do you have resources on vetting a specific gofundme? most of the "vetted" ones i see on here just link to a tumblr post as "proof." my friend is trying to convince me to donate thousands to a gofundme that has a "deadline" of overnight, to me it seems scammy. i thought people in gaza can't access money immediately? can't find any other info about the fund online.
tl;dr below
Re: how to check up on a specific fundraiser, a lot of organizations running verification efforts will keep a spreadsheet of fundraisers that you can search by name, campaign title, social media handles, etc. That’s what I do when checking campaigns that are new on tumblr, since sometimes they were verified by OOB or another org before making a blog here. You can check my pinned post for some links. You can also find websites and/or social media accounts for some of the verification efforts that will explain who they are and how they verify people.
The ones linking to tumblr posts as proof are doing so because certain users are known to be Palestinian Arabic speakers who are personally vetting fundraisers. el-shab-hussein, nabulsi, or 90-ghost vouching for a fundraiser means that they have spoken personally to the organizer, seen ID documents, cross checked socials/phone numbers, sometimes even called them on the phone in real time and heard the war planes overhead. Hussein and Nairuz keep a spreadsheet as well that is also linked in my pinned post. It’s the source for most verifications on this blog.
All I can say is that you’ll just have to read what you can about the person or organization who did the vetting and use your own judgment. That’s all the vetters are asking folks to do. If this is a fundraiser where you can’t seem to find a verification source at all, dm me at palms-upturned and I’ll try to see what I can find quickly since the deadline is so urgent.
Re: the deadline, off the top of my head I don’t know of a fund with an overnight/today deadline, but I have seen a lot of funds with multiple deadlines. Needing to raise x amount of money to evacuate a member of the family who is in most urgent need, needing to raise a certain amount by a certain day in order to ensure that an evacuating child can be accompanied by an adult family member, needing to meet the goal by a certain day to make sure that the whole family isn’t separated, or in Bilal’s case recently, because he was raising funds from Germany on a visa which was not renewed simply because he is Palestinian, and needed to meet the goal before potentially being deported to Palestine, where he would no longer be able to raise funds. It’s not necessarily unusual for people to set a very sudden deadline or even multiple ones. Emergencies are constantly happening and the banks and travel agencies are also trying to squeeze as much money out of people as possible.
When people set these deadlines and goal amounts, they are also trying to take into account things like how long it will take to access the funds and how much of a cut will be taken by all the third parties down the line. Honestly, if there’s something that needs clarifying, you can usually just talk to people. Ask the organizer or one of the users who have been keeping in touch with them and promoting the fundraiser with updates. These folks are trying to be as transparent as possible and stay connected with anyone who can help them. They’re not going to dodge your questions. And they can explain best what sort of time/money constraints apply to them specifically. It differs depending on the banking situation, number/age of family members, offers and/or ultimatums from the travel agency, etc.
But the truth is that you and me both don’t have the know-how to verify this sort of thing ourselves any more than we could verify whether or not someone has cancer or is living on the streets or any number of reasons people launch fundraisers. Any time you donate to a cause like this, you’re putting some amount of trust in the organizer, the platform, and the people promoting the fund. But never in my life have I donated to a crowdfund that has been put through such intense scrutiny and as many layers of verification as Gaza fundraisers right now. Platforms like GFM are requiring constant updates about every penny spent of raised funds, and it still doesn’t guarantee that people’s verified fundraisers won’t be nuked and refunded without any real explanation to anyone involved. I’ve had I think five or six donations to various fundraisers refunded back to me at this point when I didn’t even want a refund. Zionists are mass reporting Gaza funds and smearing both the families and the people who are verifying and promoting them. Scammers pretending to be Gazan are not going to have a remotely easy time of it. Things are engineered to be as difficult as possible for people actually in Gaza.
tl;dr— if you need help with finding an actual source of verification, since this seems to be an emergency, dm me at palms-upturned for assistance. Obviously can’t say if this campaign is legit without knowing which one it is. Otherwise, you can check my pinned post for a list of orgs/spreadsheets/master lists of verified campaigns that you can cross reference. If you need more info on who’s doing the vetting and how, find the website and/or socmed page for the person or organization. You can also usually ask organizers/the people helping promote their campaigns directly for clarification on anything that’s confusing. But considering the harsh discrimination against Palestinians on crowdfunding platforms like GFM and PayPal, and the extra scrutiny their fundraisers are subjected to, you’re at a pretty low risk of being scammed most of the time. Sudden deadlines aren’t uncommon because emergencies are happening every day and the banks and travel agencies are squeezing as much money as possible out of people.
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merakiui · 2 months
Breeding visa with Diasomnia plz 🥺
:O I think that could work really well with Malleus!!! Maybe you’re queen of a country in decline as it struggles to recover from the effects of war. Birth rate is low, food and clean water are scarce, and nothing seems to be looking better. Your people are in low spirits and constantly hope for some sort of miracle.
As queen, it’s your duty to help your people. They’re all depending on you. So who are you to object when royal retainers from Briar Valley travel to your kingdom to request a meeting between you and their ruler? Malleus has heard of the dreadful situation and only wishes to extend his help, thus creating an alliance between both kingdoms. While you accept his goodwill, you make it known that you are a solitary queen who has no interest in arranged marriages.
But you can’t really argue when a place more powerful than you and your little country combined already has a plan for you. >_< and you can’t protest against a breeding visa, especially when your country so desperately needs to be repopulated. And as far as queenly duty goes, you need to produce an heir to the throne if you intend to continue your legacy.
Malleus isn’t terrible. Rather, he’s gentle and patient. He has moments where he just doesn’t understand you or your stubborn streaks. Humans are quite perplexing, but Lilia is there to assure him and keep his temper at bay. Malleus will come to find everything about you endearing the more he gets to know you (and the more nights he spends breeding you hehe).
Of course Sebek is the only one in objection. For his lord to wed a human! And now he must serve and protect this human at Lord Malleus’s orders… oh, he is conflicted, even more so because he finds the sight of you rounded with child to be so beautiful. orz and Silver is there to comfort you when it seems like no one else will. Accompanying you for tea when Malleus is unable to. He really is the sweetest. Even the birds and other critters that crowd around him have taken a liking to you!
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Saturn 🪐Transit in Aquarius 2023- What you should be careful with?
Saturn moved to sidereal Aquarius on 17th Jan 2023 bringing changes for each one of us. Here is what each rising/Moon sign should be careful with.
Aries : Existing friendships may get severed. Relations with elder siblings and close friends may be strained. Health needs to be watched out for. Investments and speculation need care.
Taurus: Relations with boss may be tested. Travels to foreign countries could be delayed. Your employer could change. Partner could be under some work stress. You may not get much reward for your efforts now.
Gemini: Relations with father could be strained. Your luck could come slowly now. Travel to foreign countries or other states may prove challenging or challenges arise during travel. Visa renewal issues could arise. Relations with siblings are difficult. Your co workers may not be very supportive now.
Cancer : Relations with spouse and spouse's family could be under stress now. Not the time for making entry into stock markets as Saturn hits both 8th and 5th house. Conceiving children could be delayed and relations with children could be burdensome. Your partner's income could be restricted.
Leo: Relations with spouse , father and family could be strained. Spouse could have some stress (with their job or health). Legal issues could drag on and divorce cases may prolong. Your own health needs attention with Saturn aspecting ascendant.
Virgo: Relations with co workers will be tested. You could change your employer now. You may have to carry out other's work too. Your health could be in focus now. Relations with in laws and father in law is strained now. Journeys to foreign countries will be delayed. Some block in your regular exercise or gym could arise.
Libra: Relations with children can be strained. Your love life can be seriously blocked now and any advances made will tend to get rejected. Not a time for dating but persons older in age could approach you. Delay could be there in conceiving child. Investments and speculation may give losses.
Scorpio: Relations with family and mother could be strained. Mother's health needs care and attention. If you are in school, studies could be affected. There is possibility of change in residences. Your own health needs care and attention. Relatives may be cold now.
Sagittarius: Relations with younger siblings could be strained or they may physically move to faraway places. Your love life could be blocked. Plans to conceive children would be met with delays. If you are in school/college your studies could get affected. You may take some short term courses if you are employed.
Capricorn: Money matters will be tested. Personal finances could be under strain. You may not have money to spend. Relations with family could turn sour. Your own plans to start your family will be delayed. Relation with in laws, your income and partner's income could be restricted. Tough time for cash flow.
Aquarius: Your health will be tested as Saturn is on your ascendant. Relations with team mates and younger siblings could be difficult. You may change your employer now or you may be unhappy with your workplace.
Pisces: Your sleep cycle would get affected. You may have to wander in foreign countries. Your work is restricted now and your income could be under strain. Your relations with elder siblings or friends could become distant. You may move away from your family.
Results depend on your individual time periods and scores of Saturn. For complete Saturn Transit Reading- DM
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carrickbender · 6 months
It's been a wild ride of a week.
On Monday night, I took Henry to urgent care because he still had a really bad cough after a week of antibiotics. They read his O2, which was hanging around 90, and hurried us over to the ER. Dr listened to his chest, ordered chest grays, and told me depending on the outcome he would probably be going up to children's hospital in Tacoma. I called H, who was driven up to the hospital by my mom, in time for Henry to be finishing a big breathing treatment and the doc telling us he was going to need to stay home and rest for a few days, and take prednisone, but he was going to be ok.
Next day, I called out to go in but I worked from home, and had to trounce all over hells half acre trying to find a nebulizer. "Well, depending on how fast your Dr gets the chart notes to us, we can get it to you in a week"... no. Finally, the charge nurse helped me find what was probably the last one down here, but the insurance wanted them to bill it as a durable medical good, and they didn't do that, so it would have to be cash. How much? Fine, thanks visa. Came home, was told there were no productions today(a lie, but that's another post, probably), learned some new work stuff, got the kiddo squared away.
Today was spent being sick myself, but here's the fun part: I don't have insurance right now. At all. I was dropped from one, and I'm waiting on my new job to pick up. And here's the thing: my old one didn't tell me, I'm still sick, my lungs are killing me...just...
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The worst part of this is nobody prepares you for this stuff when you have a child. I took Henry swimming for the first time on saturday- think I would have done that if I would have known he was this sick? Nope. And that feeling, that pit of helplessness that I felt when he was sitting in a hospital bed, taking a breathing treatment- being so brave while I'm just useless there...nobody prepares you for that. And I'm sure, he's going to be fine, but this really made and makes me hold on a little bit tighter.
Thanks for listening, much love yall- tomorrow could be a doozy.
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bouquetface · 2 months
Hi, I’d love to participate in your new Astro game, I don’t have a specific question, just pls mention whatever you feel called to, intuitively. Thank you so much 💗💗
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You are a better problem solver and communicator when you have had time to isolate. When you are put on the spot, you can feel a sense of dread or you may miscommunicate what you really want to say.
As a child you could have struggles with being shy. You may have isolated yourself in some way. You could have been secretive in a way. Your room or home may be a very special place to you. It is where you go to isolate and find clarity.
You could have been the kind of kid that hated class presentations. You may have always found it difficult to fit in with other kids even your siblings. You may have grown up independent and emotionally isolated. A parent may have not been the most reliable, they could have been emotionally or physically distant. Or you felt you did not want to burden them with raising you, thus you become highly independent.
Hidden intellect. You know more than you let on.
You may tend to be critical of yourself and others. You may have perfectionist tendencies. Makeup may be a hobby for you. You are always interested in ways to improve.
It is possible you will meet spouse in foreign lands. Jupiter in 12th in vedic indicates meeting the spouse in an isolated place or time in life. Or you want to keep the relationship secret for a bit. You may be in a long distance relationship. There will be separation from the spouse maybe even after marriage, they may be obligated to leave for a while. (Reason could be work, visa, family matters, etc).
Your 7th ruler is in 11th, in Vedic this is a good sign of a fun marriage. Your spouse would be very romantic. They are joyful person when with you. Adventurous and childlike spirit. Never boring.
You will encounter a problem in communicating with their family. This may be due to many reasons. For example, maybe they don’t fluently speak the language you speak. Worst case scenario they develop a problem with you or the spouse - refusing to or dislike speaking with you.
Another possible problem is you and the spouse could have miscommunications or disagreements on joint money and possessions. One of you will take on the financial responsibility. The other may grow to dislike this. For ex: One of you want to buy an expensive car. The other person feels this is a bad financial choice and refuses to allow this.
Regardless of what you do for work, your spouse is likely to very supportive. For instance, you want to open up a business or switch industries, they will encourage you. Always 100% on your side.
As I said before it is highly likely you date people from other regions, ethnicities or nationalities.
Rahu in the 5th does often indicate someone who later in life decides to have many children. This can be raising biological children or adoption. Either way they often end up with a lot children. How many children is “a lot” varies depending on person. To some 3 is a lot, to others 4-5 is a lot.
For you, Saturn is in 9th aspecting 12th. This can indicate delays in travels and education. This may be due to money issues (can’t afford it or debt) or you do not feel the desire to until later in life. It may manifest as choosing a career where a higher education is required. Saturn will test your dedication and patience in higher education.
You could become someone who has a very high education. Your education gives your good social standing.
In Vedic, 12th H can be losses, Jupiter your 2nd H ruler is in 12th. This indicates you should be cautious with your finances. Sometimes people with this tend to have too much faith that things will be fine - “the money will find me again” mindset. This can lead to debt. On the bright side, this may manifest as being a generous and charitable person.
Good news, 9th ruler is in 2nd. This indicates being generally lucky with finances. Any financial problem that occurs, there is a good chance you are able to find a way out.
You will travel to foreign land. These experiences will be very eye-opening. You will learn new perspectives through these travels. It is possible these experiences bring you closer to religion/spirituality. As a result you become less materialistic later in life. You can seek out more spiritual and emotional fulfilling experiences & goals instead.
You would do well in a leadership position. You career will allow you to utilize your managerial traits. You are good at picking up on the smallest details, analyzing and creating solutions. You would do well as a lawyer, researcher, professor.
You may be inclined to open your own business. Virgo Venus + Leo 10th H. You could do well in business that involves feminine products.
Please leave feedback. Thanks.
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nyxwordsmithwrites · 9 months
Chemically Imbalanced Chapter 40
Trigger warnings: violence, unplanned pregnancy, immigration problems, abuse, spousal abuse,
Jose couldn't believe that his son was sitting in front of him. Years had passed since he last saw him and he'd all but lost hope for a reunion. But here they were. Roman, his son, had become an adult in the time that passed. The reunion was bittersweet to Jose as it reminded him of just how much of his son's life he missed. Remus and Roman chatted as though no time had passed which only made the guilt he felt sting more. 
Virgil shifted in his seat and moved a cup of tea towards Jose, "You look like you might need it just as much as me." He offered, trying to lighten the mood when he'd noticed that Jose held his tension in the same places as Roman. 
The older gentleman sighed and rolled his shoulders attempting to release some of the tension, "I--thanks." He replied, taking the hot ceramic cup and letting the heat ground him. The next time he looked up he saw Roman looking at him, "Roman." He offered quietly, "I don't even know where to start or how to explain." He said quietly, looking back down at his tea not daring to look at Roman for fear of seeing resentment or hate. 
"Just like in the Sound of Music, the beginning is a very good place to start. " Roman offered with a smile, watching his dad and taking him in. Even though it had been years there was something so familiar about him, that familiarity brought safety.
Jose let out a wet chuckle, "Alright then. The beginning it is." 
There was no denying that it had been love at first sight. Jose had been studying abroad for a semester when he met Natalie. The whirlwind romance was one for the ages. They quickly went from strangers to never seeing one without the other. 
Their friends had said something about how they were too dependent on each other however both of them brushed it off. Those comments only made the two of them seek each other out even more. 
When the semester came to an end Jose tried to convince Natalie to come back home with him but was met with resistance. 
"I don't want to move. What if it upsets the baby?" Natalie worried, resting her hand over her nonexistent bump. 
Jose nearly fainted right there as he took in his beautiful Natalie, she stood near the window with the setting sun behind her casting a bright halo around her making her look angelic,  "You're pregnant?" He asked, leaning heavily against the bench for support. 
Natalie turned towards her boyfriend with a bright smile and nodded, "I am." 
With those two words, Jose's fate was sealed. He would do anything to be there for his child. Natalie had never looked as beautiful as she did at that moment. He quickly moved towards her and spun her in circles, quietly whispering near her ear in his native language about how happy he was and how he couldn't wait to be a father. 
Jose did his best to provide for them but unfortunately, immigration policies that had been put in place did not work in his favor. Eventually, Natalie stated that the visa process and the money were a waste of time when they could just get married. With their marriage came the ability to earn more money with better-paying jobs due to his visa.  
But the marriage had been more out of necessity or obligation than love. For years Jose had tried to get a visa through the legal channels and had poured so much money into the process. He had his second thoughts about the marriage especially when they were really struggling and he'd picked up any overtime that was offered. The reason for the overtime was two-fold. One was because they needed the money as Natalie insisted on being a stay-at-home mom. Two he dreaded going home every night. If he didn't work overtime Natalie yelled that he was good for nothing and tried to starve their son to death. On the other hand, if he worked overtime Natalie became suspicious and accused him of cheating on her. Of course, neither of these were true but after hearing them so often it felt like maybe she was right.  
With a better-paying job and more manageable hours, Jose finally felt like he was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. All that changed after Remus was born. 
There was something different about Natalie after Remus. She looked at the child like she feared he might spontaneously combust or perhaps she was wishing he would. She had never looked at Roman that way. Jose thought maybe he was just seeing things since her behavior towards Roman hadn't changed. 
After a long shift, Jose came home and found Natalie barricading herself in the kitchen with a knife pointed at Remus. She was shrieking and crying as she watched her son. It was impossible to understand what she was saying and honestly, Jose wasn't sure he wanted to know. 
His eyes went to Remus who was sitting up and looking at his mom, reaching his hands out for her but by the look in Natalie's eyes she didn't even recognize the child as her. The first thing he noticed about Remus was the blood around him that was coming from his hand. 
Jose picked up Remus and took him and Roman to the bathroom so he could patch up his son. He would likely never know how Remus got injured as that day Remus stopped talking to anyone but Roman. 
This was the first time Jose considered that maybe Natalie needed help. He did his best to keep Remus away from her and ensure that he had everything he needed. Jose also tried to urge Natalie to seek professional help but if anything that only made things worse. Even when he suggested Roman and Remus go to therapy he was met with resistance by Natalie. 
When Jose had brought up seeking help Natalie had screamed and cried for hours about how she was trying her best and maybe if he did more this wouldn't be happening
Without Natalie's knowledge, he did manage to take both of his sons to therapy. Jose couldn't care less what Natalie's reaction would be if she ever found out. This was in the best interest of his children.  
At this point, Jose was half convinced that this was normal behavior. There were times after the fact that Jose went over all of the days leading up to the end that he tried to pinpoint if he'd missed a sign but everything seemed normal. 
One day he came home from work with Remus on his hip to find the house trashed. There was a letter amongst the wreck from Natalie that said she was taking Roman and leaving. That Jose was no longer the man she married and she couldn't take it anymore. Upon reading that letter Jose knew he should've felt sad or ashamed but he couldn't help but feel relief. That Remus was safe, he was safe. The only thing he was worried about was Roman. How he'd ever find his son or ensure that he was okay. There was no telling what Natalie would be capable of. Thankfully, she hadn't shown any aggression towards Roman but Jose knew that it wasn't safe for Natalie to have him. 
After Natalie left Jose never stopped looking for Roman. However, there were very few people who wanted to assist an immigrant in finding his child. He'd told his story many times and found that most people just stared at him and came to the conclusion that his wife was abused and running for a reason. During his search child protective services had been called on him multiple times as anyone who listened to his story assumed that Remus was also in danger. Thankfully these assumptions were unfounded and he was able to take care of Remus on his own. 
Years had passed and Jose had stopped telling people his story. This didn't mean he'd stopped looking for Roman but he mostly used the internet or prayed that somehow they would make it back to each other. 
The day has been like any other day when he received a text from an unknown number claiming to be Roman. Jose was hesitant to believe it at first as it seemed so impossible but upon further investigation he realized it was actually Roman. 
It took everything in him to be patient to schedule a meet up. This was his son they were talking about. A son he never thought he would be allowed to see again. With the reconnection came the hard part of trying to explain to his grown son what had happened. But it felt like all he had were excuses. That he hadn't tried hard enough or been a good enough father. 
Once he'd said his part Jose hazard a glance at Roman and saw that his son had tears streaming down his face, "I'm so sorry." He pleaded, needing his son to understand.
Roman shook his head, "Dad no." He whispered, wiping at his face and feeling Virgil's hand on his thigh rubbing small circles, "you did so much for both of us." He added, "She--she always told me you left."
"I promise you I didn't. I have spent all of my free time looking for you." Jose assured, setting his hand on the table near Roman and instantly relaxing when he grasped his hand. 
The teen choked on a sob, "I believe you." He whispered, squeezing his hand. 
Those three words broke all of Jose's resolve. Roman believed him. His son didn't blame him. He didn't hate him. Jose swallowed hard, "Roman. Can I have another hug?" He asked gently, trying to let his son set the pace. 
Roman immediately got up and wrapped his arms around his father, not even allowing him to get out of his seat, "please stay." 
Jose whimpered and leaned into Roman any attempt at trying to pull himself together shattered by his son's request to have him stay. 
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lexlawuk · 1 year
Success Story: Entry Clearance As Dependant Children
Our Immigration Team has recently been successful in securing Family Visas for our clients (two minor boys) as child dependants (“The Applicants”). The basis on which we assisted the brothers in their visa application was for entry clearance as child dependants of a parent who has permission to be in the UK as a partner. For the purposes of sponsorship, the step-father of the Applicants was the…
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infopanelb2b · 1 month
A Journey to Reunite: The Story of a Child Dependent Visa
Sarah had always dreamed of the day when she could bring her young son, Alex, to live with her in the UK. As a British citizen, she had built a life in London, but every day apart from Alex felt like a piece of her heart was missing.
One cold afternoon, Sarah sat down at her kitchen table with a cup of tea, determined to find a way to reunite with her son. She knew about the Child Dependent Visa (CDV) but had heard that the application process could be complex. However, the thought of finally having Alex with her in the UK gave her the strength to tackle the paperwork.
Sarah began her journey by researching the different types of visas available for dependent children. She discovered that the CDV would allow Alex to join her in the UK without any initial time limits on how long he could stay. This was perfect because all she wanted was to create a stable and loving home for him in London.
She learned that the CDV application process was divided into two main categories, depending on the age of the child. Since Alex was only 12, Sarah needed to apply under the category for children under 18. Thankfully, she met the requirements—she was over 18, and Alex was financially supported by her, without needing any public funds.
As Sarah gathered the necessary documents, she reflected on the challenges they had faced living apart. She was relieved to know that the UK immigration system recognized the importance of family unity and would not refuse Alex's entry just because he didn’t need financial support.
There was, however, a moment of concern when Sarah realized that if she didn’t meet the required financial criteria, she might have to apply under a different section of the immigration rules. This would mean providing detailed proof of her income and savings. But Sarah was determined; she knew she could provide a stable life for Alex in the UK.
Sarah’s journey didn’t end with submitting the application. It was a process filled with hope, anxiety, and the unwavering love of a mother determined to be reunited with her son.
As she waited for the decision, Sarah would often imagine the day Alex would arrive in London. She pictured them walking through the parks, visiting museums, and enjoying the everyday moments they had missed out on for so long. The thought of seeing Alex's face light up at the sight of Big Ben or hearing his laughter echo in their cozy London flat kept her going.
Months passed, and one morning, as Sarah was making breakfast, the letter arrived. With trembling hands, she opened it and tears filled her eyes—Alex's visa had been approved. He would finally be coming home.
The journey to bring Alex to the UK had been challenging, but it was worth every effort. As Sarah stood at the airport, waiting for her son to come through the arrival gate, she knew that their lives were about to change forever. They were finally going to be together, and the story of their reunion was just beginning.
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immigrationz · 1 year
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Surrogacy agreements are not enforceable by UK law, even if you have a signed document with your surrogate and have paid their expenses. You cannot pay a surrogate in the UK, except for their reasonable expenses.
Surrogacy is legal in the UK, but if you make a surrogacy agreement it cannot be enforced by the law.
If you use a surrogate, they will be the child’s legal parent at birth.
If the surrogate is married or in a civil partnership, their spouse or civil partner will be the child’s second parent at birth, unless they did not give their permission.
Legal parenthood can be transferred by parental order or adoption after the child is born.
If there is disagreement about who the child’s legal parents should be, the courts will make a decision based on the best interests of the child.
You must apply for a parental order or adoption if you want to become the legal parent of the child.
You can apply for a parental order with a partner or on your own. One of you must be genetically related to the child - in other words, be the egg or sperm donor. You must be one of the following:
civil partners
living as partners
have the child living with you
reside permanently in either the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man
You must apply within 6 months of the child’s birth. In the case of Archie this would by November 2019 and Lili by December 2021
It is a criminal offence to advertise that you are looking for a surrogate or willing to act as a surrogate.
It is a criminal offence for third parties (that is, not the surrogate or IP(s)) to advertise that they facilitate surrogacy, although there are some exemptions for not-for-profit organisations.
It is a criminal offence for third parties to negotiate the terms of a surrogacy agreement for any payment (for example a solicitor cannot represent IP(s) or surrogates in agreeing the terms).
The surrogate (and, if she is married or in a civil partnership, her consenting spouse or civil partner) will be the legal parent(s) of the child at birth.
Following the birth, there is a legal process – the parental order process – to transfer legal parenthood from the surrogate to the IP(s).
In order to apply for a parental order and transfer legal parenthood, at least one of the IPs or the IP, in the case of an individual applicant, must be genetically related to the baby.
You must fill in a ‘C51 application form for a parental order’ and take or send it to a family court. You do not have to use your local family court, but you’ll need to explain why if you do not.
You’ll need to provide the child’s full birth certificate and will also be charged a court fee of £232.
The court will then set a date for the hearing and issue you with a ‘C52 acknowledgement form’ that you must give to the child’s legal parent, in other words, your surrogate.
The surrogate and anyone else who’s a parent of the child must agree to the parental order by filling in form A101A.
If your surrogate gives birth abroad, you can only apply for a parental order if you and your partner are living in the UK.
If the child is not a UK or EU national, they will need a visa to enter the UK during this process.
Using a surrogate abroad can be complicated because different countries have different rules.
Some hospital trusts will allow the surrogate and baby to be discharged separately, but this may be different depending on individual hospital policy. It is important before the birth, to be clear about what the hospital policy is in the event that the baby needs to stay in hospital longer than the surrogate. Would the hospital allow the surrogate to be discharged with the IP(s) taking over the care?
Discharge from hospital should be mutually agreed between healthcare staff and the surrogate and IP(s), recognising that it will be the IP(s) who will be the main caregivers to the child.
There is no reason why the ‘hand over’ of the baby to the IP(s) should take place outside hospital premises and hospital staff should not suggest this.
In the absence of other concerns or factors, there is also no need for a referral to be made to social services simply because the child is being handed over to the IP(s) as part of a surrogacy arrangement.
Parental orders transfer the legal parenthood for children born through surrogacy, and are considered the optimum legal and psychological solution for a child born through surrogacy.
Without a parental order IP(s) may not be the child’s legal parent in the UK unless parenthood is obtained through adoption. This means that the IP(s) may:
not have the authority to make decisions about their child’s education and medical care
not be able to travel abroad with the child
face legal complications should they separate or divorce
face difficulties with issues of inheritance and pensions
need to find and involve the surrogate in future decisions involving their child
Thank you for all of this. What if all the arrangement were made outside of the UK though? Say the Canada or US where the laws are very different. Remember how Harry let it slip in the Archie photo call how much babies can change in two weeks? What if Archie was born outside the UK, it took two weeks to complete the paperwork and to obtain a passport for travel.
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Rant about autism. TW: Talks a lot about the downsides of getting a diagnosis, including but not limited to medical discrimination, blocking of visas, and guardianships/conservatorships.
As someone who was diagnosed with autism at a young age, I am often terrified by the way the laws effect me differently than my non-autistic peers.
There was nothing I could've done to not be diagnosed. I was seven and even if I masked the absolute shit out of not being autistic to doctors, the extensive tests they put me through would've broken through the act eventually.
Now unfortunately for me, I can be taken off the organ donor list, denied employment (although they will never say it was the autism), denied visas, and more. I just found out that sometimes Autistic peoples medical equipment are rationed because other ("more productive") people need it more. I found out that sometimes autistic people are put on do not resuscitate lists without their consent. Say what you want about non-discrimination laws, but in this day and age its like arresting people for jay-walking. Too common and more than likely will end with no penalty. Canada didn't even want us until 2018 and that was barely.
Then there's fucking guardianship and conservatorship shit that can be forced upon me without my consent. Like wtf. I don't even want to go into that shit because every time I look at it I am filled with fear and paranoia. Can't even trust the ones you love to have your best interests at heart. (I love my mom and trust her, but jeez. That's way too much power for anyone over my life.)
I'm a successful college student with an above average IQ majoring in an engineering field and I can be denied basic shit on because of sheet of paper I was handed when I was seven. They assume that because I am autistic, I am less productive than the average member of society.
It doesn't even get me any good accommodations! All my accommodations are geared towards my ADHD, so I literally gained nothing. The shitty ABA therapy I got for autism socially crippled me by isolating me from my peers and preventing me from forming natural friendships. I had to dedicate so much to a program I didn't ask to be in, didn't benefit from, and actively harmed any progress I was making by actively trying to make me dependent to them like I was some sort of cash pig.
For fuck's sake, when autistic people said a puzzle piece was offensive, people's initial reaction was not "We'll make an effort to use the correct symbol in the future." but "Not all autistic people are offended. My five year old son isn't." If I flip off your five year old son, would he be offended or would he be confused and start copying me like the impressionable child he is.
Sorry for the rant.
I'm just so tired. I don't wish to offend anyone or make it seem like I'm ungrateful for what I do have, but its terrifying knowing that in the next two years I'll have to make the decision to either limit my job potential by applying for disability, or do nothing and no longer be insured as a dependant. I have no savings because I was too busy with shitty ABA therapy and taking on two associates degrees (because of parental pressure) in high school to get a job. My mom has no problem with taking me in, but I want to have my own life like everyone else. Instead, I'm treated like a burden and blocked off from being my own individual. I'm scared.
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