#Chinese Song
fouryearsofshades · 8 months
年锦, 2024 CCTV New Year's Gala
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marilearnsmandarin · 8 months
Today I rewatched a few episodes of Meet Yourself, got the title song stuck in my head and spent the last couple of hours copying the lyrics and translating them to Portuguese with the help of Pleco.
Who knew 鱼肚白 ("fish-belly white", which in most English translations of the song appears as "the belly of the white fish" or something similar) refers to the color of the light at dawn?
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It's a sweet, feel-good song from a sweet, feel-good drama that really makes me want to travel to Yunnan.
The line 等有风的时候把帆扬起 makes me emotional for some reason.
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linghxr · 2 years
Learning Chinese with Lyrics: 陈文非 - 孤独颂歌
I recently started watching China’s version of The Voice, 《中国好声音》. I watched the 2022 season, which just ended, and also the 2021 season. One of my favorite contestants was 陈文非 (Chen Wenfei). She has a pretty unique voice and experimented with several different styles of songs, both of which I appreciated. This song of hers is so catchy—it’s been stuck in my head for weeks!
陈文非 - 孤独颂歌
大本钟早已响起 午夜的消息 高跟鞋配上暴雨 难过又美丽 灯光在扑朔迷离 危险的气息 沉睡在纸醉金迷 消失的彻底
大本钟 dàběnzhōng - Big Ben 暴雨 bàoyǔ - torrential rain / rainstorm 扑朔迷离 pūshuòmílí - impossible to unravel / confusing 气息 qìxī - breath / smell / odor / flavor 沉睡 chénshuì to be fast asleep / to lie dormant / to lie undiscovered 纸醉金迷 zhǐzuìjīnmí - indulging in a life of luxury (lit. dazzling with paper and gold)
诶呀诶呀 怎么忘了我是其中的一个 在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色 诶呀诶呀 怎么忘了付出爱情的代价 你别再问了 想要答案 就去看看吧
扮演 bànyǎn - to play the role of / to act 上天 shàngtiān - Heaven / Providence / God
那些孤独的人啊 夜晚是否还回家 那些灵魂早已 无处安放 流浪到天涯 那些无声的回答 眼泪一滴滴落下 谁能给我安慰 抚平伤悲 就带我走吧
安放 ānfàng - to lay / to place / to put in a certain place 天涯 tiānyá - the other end of the world / a faraway place   抚平 fǔpíng - to flatten / to smooth down / to unwrinkle / to soothe (emotional wounds) / to heal (scars)
歌厅里忽然响起Bossa的舞步 没有人还能记起白日的痛楚 昏暗的灯光配上Whiskey的度数 打碎了人们清醒设下的意图
歌厅 gētīng - karaoke hall / singing hall 舞步 wǔbù - dance steps 痛楚 tòngchǔ - pain / anguish / suffering 昏暗 hūn’àn - dusky 度数 dùshu - number of degrees / reading (on a meter) / strength (alcohol, lenses, etc.) 意图 yìtú - intent / intention / to intend
诶呀诶呀 怎么忘了我是其中的一个 在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色 诶呀诶呀 怎么忘了付出爱情的代价 你别再问了 想要答案 就去看看吧
那些孤独的人啊 夜晚是否还回家 那些灵魂早已 无处安放 流浪到天涯 那些无声的回答 眼泪一滴滴落下 谁能给我安慰 抚平伤悲 就带我走吧
那些孤独的人啊 夜晚是否还回家 那些灵魂早已 无处安放 流浪到天涯 那些无声的回答 眼泪一滴滴落下 谁能给我安慰 抚平伤悲 就带我走吧 就带我走吧
Also, 《乘风破浪》 (Sisters Who Make Waves) had a great cover of this song earlier this year. It has a Broadway musical vibe that works so well!
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lacunasbalustrade · 2 years
Just my local Rouga Aragami playlist, feel free to listen. I know nothing about Spotify besides how to listen and make a playlist 🐱
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orientalismx · 2 years
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我喜歡你的眼睛 你的睫毛 你的冷傲 Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de yǎnjīng nǐ de jiémáo nǐ de lěng'ào 我喜歡你的酒窩 你的嘴角 你的微笑 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de jiǔwō nǐ de zuǐjiǎo nǐ de wéixiào 我喜歡你全世界都知道 嘲笑 別鬧 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ quán shìjiè dōu zhīdào cháoxiào bié nào 我會繼續 請你準備好 wǒ huì jìxù qǐng nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo 我喜歡你的襯衫 你的手指 你的味道 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de chènshān nǐ de shǒuzhǐ nǐ de wèidào 我想做你的棉襖 你的手套 你的心跳 wǒ xiǎng zuò nǐ de mián'ǎo nǐ de shǒutào nǐ de xīntiào 我喜歡你全世界都明了 煎熬 彆氣惱 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ quán shìjiè dōu míngliǎo jiān'áo biè qìnǎo 我多耐心 請你等著瞧 wǒ duō nàixīn qǐng nǐ děngzhe qiáo 喜歡你在每一刻 每一秒 xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yīkè měi yī miǎo 喜歡你在每一處 每一角 xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yī chù měi yījiǎo 喜歡你已變成習慣難以戒掉 xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xíguàn nányǐ jiè diào 我多喜歡你 我不知道 wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ wǒ bù zhīdào 喜歡你讓下雨天 放晴了 xǐhuān nǐ ràng xià yǔtiān fàngqíngle 喜歡你讓下雪天 溫暖了 xǐhuān nǐ ràng xià xuě tiān wēnnuǎnle 喜歡你已變成信仰難以放掉 xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xìnyǎng nányǐ fàng diào 我多喜歡你 你會知道 wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào
我喜歡你打籃球 每個瞬間 都很閃耀 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ dǎ lánqiú měi gè shùnjiān dōu hěn shǎnyào 我喜歡你彈鋼琴 每個音符 都很美妙 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ dàn gāngqín měi gè yīnfú dōu hěn měimiào 我喜歡你陪我看書 分心看我 偷笑 wǒ xǐhuān nǐ péi wǒ kànshū fēn xīn kàn wǒ tōu xiào 翻頁遊戲 我配合你導 fān yè yóuxì wǒ pèihé nǐ dǎo 偶爾心情 感冒發燒 ǒu'ěr xīnqíng gǎnmào fāshāo 你是甜的藥 nǐ shì tián di yào 就算down到爆 jiùsuàn down dào bào 有你煩惱全消 yǒu nǐ fánnǎo quán xiāo 喜歡你在每一刻 每一秒 xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yīkè měi yī miǎo 喜歡你在每一處 每一角 xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yī chù měi yījiǎo 喜歡你已變成習慣難以戒掉 xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xíguàn nányǐ jiè diào 我多喜歡你 我不知道 wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ wǒ bù zhīdào 喜歡你讓英文書 有趣了 xǐhuān nǐ ràng yīngwén shū yǒuqùle 喜歡你讓數學題 簡單了 xǐhuān nǐ ràng shùxué tí jiǎndānle 喜歡你已變成信仰難以放掉 xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biàn chéng xìnyǎng nányǐ fàng diào 我多喜歡你 你會知道 wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào 我多喜歡你 你會知道 wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào
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lovebesblog · 1 year
【ENG SUB 纯享】肖战那英复古演绎《恼人的秋风》,那战队燃爆全场,带大家去到不一样的disco舞厅|《我们的歌S1》Chinese ido...
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (8)-Nine Spikes Out
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is for chapter 71-81 in the book, a lot of sorrow and memories....I usually just pick one of the chapter titles as my video title, and this time "shattered" really includes a lot: what is shattered? The love-and-hate past between TTJ and YXW, the magic bracelet for both confinement and protection, Ye Xiwu's body after jumping off the towel...Out of story-telling purpose I didn't put Ye Bingchang's ending into this video, also because it's too bloody: her arms and legs were cut off... Also, Tantai Jin's hairs were supposed to turn white after Ye Xiwu's death, but I don't have enough skills to do that cool effect LOL. Also, Yue Fuya is a guy, not a girl as the drama changed his gender, so I used Huhan's clips for this character LOL. I need encouragement! Since after this episode the drama almost deviates 90% off the book...It becomes super hard to continue this series...
Other Links
If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here I use one song to conclude one episode. The song for this episode is Come Here for You. Li Susu came to 500 years ago for Tantai Jin, and Tantai Jin also comes to Li Susu's place 500 years later. The lyrics are also translated in the video.
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mostro-rotto · 2 years
If there's a specific reason for love. It's fake. Love is a feeling.
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21--trbl · 2 years
Hyukoh - Tian Mi Mi 甜蜜蜜 (Teresa Teng Cover)
One of my favorite covers to listen to. It gives me nostalgic vibes because my mom would play Teresa Teng songs so much around the house when I was growing up.
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hkctvdramas · 2 years
More than a week ago, strange things been going on inside and outside my home. From seeing orbs to a bunch of birds spotted in my backyard. I saw my dogs playing with the orbs and I even spotted a green orb on my camera.
But the strangest thing happened today. I received an alert from my camera at around 5AM of sound detection. Mind you, my husband and my dogs were sleeping in the bedroom. The music appears to come from the living room. It started off playing a sentence and then paused. After a few seconds, it skipped to another line.
I can't quite make out the words but I do know that it is a Chinese song. If any of you know what the song is, let me know. If not, please repost this so more people can help.
Thank you
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suthewater · 12 days
ngl quite proud of this one😭 if anyone is interested in chinese songs, they can check out this playlist!!!
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marilearnsmandarin · 2 years
I didn't learn that hand dance for nothing! Lol
(beginning of the school year event at the local Confucius Institute)
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i-mlosingyourmemory · 26 days
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lacunasbalustrade · 2 years
Just your local Sofia Sakharov playlist- I'll reblog this on my sideblog for her.
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perlinas-stuff · 30 days
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