#Chocolate Flavors Market Size
mohankunmars · 2 years
Chocolate Flavors Market
View more @ https://4jvb.short.gy/Gls8r2
The Chocolate Flavors Market size is estimated to reach $527.5 million by 2027. Furthermore, it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 5.40% over the forecast period of 2022-2027.
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360iris · 2 years
For me, the vibe drastically shifts when I think of the moon knight system individually—
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Like there’s Steven, who’s very sweet and accommodating. He’s easy going but just the right amount of snarky that never fails to make you snort with laughter.
He’s the kind of person I’d want to go to Starbucks with and order a large refresher only to walk around Target for a good two hours like it’s the mall or a farmer’s market.
Steven is Tuesday nights spent sprawled out on a modest sized couch, the two of you wrapped under a large blanket and trying to be respectful of each other’s space as you’re both self conscious of how much space you’re taking up.
But eventually, your calves are touching and ankles are interlocked as you’re leaning over him to get something off the end table.
It’s him standing at the bathroom sink, brushing his teeth and intently listening as you rambunctiously complain about obnoxious coworkers and customers over the noise of the shower running, shampoo being massaged into your scalp and rinsed from your hair.
He’s the partner you spent your adolescence daydreaming about.
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And then there’s reserved, calculated and partially measured Marc. He’s quiet in an attentive sort of way, the type of big, semi-permanently grumpy guy who’ll take mental notes of literally everything that has to concern with you.
For example, he’ll pinpoint the exact pieces in your wardrobe you’re more inclined to pull out and wear before anything else in your closet— and he’ll always be sure to have washed, folded and returned them to their drawers so that they’re ready for you to pull on again at the end of the day.
It’s the kind of act of service that’s so subtle, you don’t realize he’s been doing it for months.
This man will fully memorize your go-to restaurant orders and act like it’s simply a coincidence when the waiter arrives and he’s just finished flawlessly reciting what you want, for you.
He knows what things you tend to somehow always forget to pack in your purse for work and will neatly line them up on the kitchen bar so that you couldn’t possibly miss them (you still forget to take them though… and after a while, he just starts packing your work bag for you. It doesn’t take long and he finds it’s nice that it gives him something to do.)
Marc is Sunday mornings spent baking cupcakes, lining the counters with different flavored box mixes, eggs and large ceramic bowls. Splashes of vanilla extract, tins smeared with butter and coated in flour for easy removal. The smell of sweet chocolate icing filling the air.
The two of you taking turns alternating from dish duty to prep. Pressing indulgent kisses in between his shoulder blades as he whisks eggs into oil and water like the yellowy yolks owe him money.
The way you serenely clean up behind him— a little spilt cake mix here, or broken eggshells there— doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. The small gestures really go miles for him.
Marc wordlessly gives out tender pecks, against your temple or at the nape of your neck just because. He’s comfortable silences and fingers warmly intertwined.
He’s the man you find yourself stealing glances at when you think he’s not looking, wondering how you got so lucky.
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And last, but never least, there’s Jake who’s hardy, spartan and disciplined. A true product of his environment and circumstances. Someone who learned from their oppressors and surpassed them in their capacity for brutality. The thing about Jake however, is that he has a great proclivity for gentleness as well.
Jake is Wednesday nights, the two of you undressing layer by layer, garments piling into a neat stack to later be placed into the laundry hamper. Jake resting his chin over your right shoulder, his arms wrapped around your middle as you fold your pants and his shirt.
He’s knelt alongside the white garden tub, his hand under the running water from the facet, adjusting the temperature as needed. Eucalyptus scented suds and bubbles fill the space around you as your back rests against his chest.
With his hands brought around your front, he peels one of the set of three clementines you’d brought from the kitchen. Hand feeding you segmented pieces to be lazily gnawed at, soft sloshes and splashes sounding at your feet as you wiggle your toes in the comfortable silence. The two of you exchanging hushed mumbles.
He’s cold nights with chill air slashing your cheeks, a steady chocolate stare he fixes you with as you shuffle in place in front of him. His neck craning as he leans forward, a gloved hand encasing your hands clasped at your mouth and moving them aside— his lips pressing against yours wordlessly.
He’s the protector you only ever heard about in passing stories.
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desertdollranch · 1 year
When American Girl first announced their partnership with Jeni’s Ice Cream to make some cute playsets and products, I had never heard of Jeni’s. I assumed that it was a brand that was local to the Wisconsin area, where AG’s headquarters are located.
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I was so enchanted by these cute things that I wanted to reproduce some of the products for my own dolls, without spending very much. So I dug in a little deeper on reading about Jeni’s. It turns out I was mostly wrong about them. Jeni’s Ice Cream does have shops in large cities across the United States (none in my state), but you can also buy it in pints at Whole Foods Market! I don’t recall AG ever actually mentioning that. Maybe assume that all their customers are upper-class and are familiar already with where to obtain premium and luxury brands? 
If you haven’t checked out their full line of product collaborations, go look now. There’s an ice cream truck, an outfit, a waffle cone maker, a cafe table, and some itty bitty bowls of ice cream that are scented. All of it is super cute, but in typical AG fashion, quite expensive.
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I swung by Whole Foods the last time I went into the city, and Grace (my little foodie friend) and I gave it a try. There are around a dozen varieties and a few are even dairy free. It was hard to choose which ones to get. Since it’s begun to feel like summer, I picked out Sweet Cream Biscuits & Peach Jam, and Wildberry Lavender. Both remind me of Grace’s collection: sweet, summery, and pastel-colored. 
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Grace and I agree.... the peach was excellent, but the lavender was outstanding. It does indeed taste as expensive as it is, at around $8 a pint, so it’s not something we’ll have more than once or twice a year. 
Grace wasn’t too happy about being told that this won’t be a weekly treat. So she got the idea to make and serve ice cream in her and her family’s pastry shop, La Grande Patisserie! 
I was happy to help her out. 
For the first step, we tracked down some doll-sized ice cream containers. 
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I didn’t have to go to Whole Foods Market to find these. They were in my local grocery store. Perfectly small, and proportional to 18 inch dolls! From the left they are Häagen-Dazs chocolate, Häagen-Dazs coffee, and Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough. We got 4 total containers of cookie dough, so that I could try out a half dozen different methods of making the doll ice cream.
After Grace and I emptied the containers over the course of about a week, I used air-dry clay to reproduce the ice cream in a non-perishable form. 
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Chocolate and coffee are in the middle, while the outer four corners are cookie dough flavor. 
Most of the time I shape my objects before I paint them, but in this case I mixed acrylic paint with the clay, using varying amounts of paint. Then while it was still soft, I dragged a small serrated knife across the clay to give it the right texture. 
Now to create the scoops.
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I found these clear plastic bowls at Dollar Tree. Also perfectly doll-sized. 
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And here are the scoops! I formed small clay spheres and then roughed up the surface with the same knife. Then I used a toothpick to dot on the chocolate chips.
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Grace gave it two spoons up. 
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These were a practice run. Next, we’re going to figure out how to make Jeni’s ice cream, specifically, and the containers, so we have more colors and flavors to work with. Grace wants to send some of these first drafts to my mom’s dolls, and maybe we’ll even sell the ones that turned out the best. 
We also intend to come up with an easy, efficient way to make plastic spoons, and then we’ll come back to this post for part 2!
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may-be-rae · 1 year
The Arcana Headcanons
M6 and Foods
(If I take a while to do these, it’s because work is kicking my ass 🥲)
Asra is a flavor fiend. He does not like bland cooking. There are bottles and bottles of seasonings fighting for space on your shelves.
Asra loves perusing the market for new spices. Each time a ship pulls into harbor, you’re sure to find him at the market the following morning searching for new additions to his collection.
To Asra, this is a way for him to connect to the places he’s traveled to. He misses the places and people he’s met. Sometimes a simple meal with aromas to bring back memories is enough to satiate his longing for them again.
As for favorites, Asra likes spicy foods. He prefers spices found in Middle Eastern cooking, but a close second are those in used in Asian dishes. His favorite dish is an oxtail stew. It has a broth similar to pho, served with cucumbers, herbs, and sliced chili peppers to highlight flavors in the broth. Inside, there are oxtail, grains, and a vegetable that resembles bitter melon.
Asra is also a fan of pastries. He will hunt down Selasi’s baklava and fruit tarts. He very much enjoys the taste of marzipan, but isn’t too crazy about chocolate, except for when you make chocolate pie. You’ve perfected a recipe that uses a darker chocolate mouse with an almond crust. On top, you’ll heap a pile of fresh whipped cream, candied orange peels, and pomegranate seeds.
Nadia was raised in a land and family full of color and zest, but ironically… our Countess is not particular to bolder flavors.
Nadia likes dishes done simple but well. She most certainly doesn’t like bland food, but she just prefers things with less complexity.
Her favorite dish is like an ochazuke. It uses a Prakran fish that has a very clean, light taste. With the fish, there’s bitter greens and rice, and an earthy tea is poured over it to make a soup.
Sometimes, Nadia makes a sweeter version of this dish that contains apples, pomegranate, and milk jelly with the tea.
Julian has traveled the world and experienced all types of cuisine. He’s always game to try something new and is not at all a picky eater. But admittedly, when it comes to his favorites, his tastes are simple. He enjoys dishes that bring back fond memories of his childhood.
Julian is a broth baby. 💕 Growing up, soup and stews we’re inexpensive and easy to make and especially good for Nevivon’s colder climate. As an adult, he still enjoys anything with a good broth.
His favorite is a beef stew with potatoes and snow peas. He enjoys it with bread or crackers and sometimes puts a dollop of yogurt on top.
One thing Julian does not like is sweets. For desserts, he’s leans towards fresh fruit. If he eats a pastry, it tends to be more of a tea cake type dessert. His does enjoy a pistachio biscotti paired with black coffee.
Portia was the type of child that needed supervision at the dinner table. She was a picky eater, who preferred sweets over meals. She was notorious for hiding her dinner to get away with an early dessert.
As an adult, she’s much less picky and no longer requires the supervision (sometimes…). However, she still has her sweet tooth.
Her favorite is chocolate croissants. They pair well with any drink, hot or cold, but she mostly enjoys them with cocoa.
Like her brother, Portia is also very fond of stews. As an adult, she finds the meal so versatile and fun to make. She likes finding new combinations of flavors and new ingredients to add to the pot. Plus, it’s a great way to use up aging produce from her garden.
Muriel loves earthy flavors and flavors that are considered harsher to the pallet. Also, for a man his size, he surprisingly stays away from meat.
Killing an animal is too heartbreaking for him. It reminds him of his days in the coliseum. He does his best to supplement his diet with eggs, legumes, and nuts. But he finds his appetite insatiable by these alone. He prefers to buy meat from a butcher in town, but again, going into town isn’t easy for him either.
When he does buy meat, he’ll get a turkey carcass. If an animal is to be killed, he’d rather use up the scraps that are often tossed away than have the food go to waste. He’ll boil it and make jook (type of congee; rice porridge basically). He’ll also buy tripe and make a curry with spices Asra has gifted him.
As for sweets, Muriel prefers fruits, but even then, he’s more of a vegetable eater. He likes mushrooms with gravy, alfalfa sprouts in sandwiches, and snow peas as a snack.
Is a picky eater.
It’s not that he refuses to only eat refined foods, but there’s just not a lot of foods that he likes. Thankfully, years on a battlefield taught him to not complain or fuss (too much) over meals, so it’s not difficult to get him to eat something for health rather than pleasure. Still… he’ll give you a generous dose of pouting.
He’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Beef and potatoes in stew, ham and mashed potatoes, turkey and roast potatoes… he’s just painting the same picture with different colored paints .
If he eats vegetables, he prefers them cooked. And if he eats fruits, he prefers them fresh with sugar. A fruit that he does enjoy quite a lot are figs.
Of course. He likes sweets, any sweet (more so than Portia) and will eat them for dinner if no one stops him.
His favorites are cakes, pies, and cookies, as it’s not something he got often as a child. He very much enjoys frosting and is known to stick his finger in the cake to swipe a lick while no one is watching.
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yellobb · 1 year
Okay, genuinely irritated by companies marketing a product that’s the same size and cost as the old product, but you get so much less.
My mom’s gotten my siblings and I a Russell Stovers chocolate box for Valentine’s Day every year since I can remember. Now, the past three years I didn’t get one since it was too hard to get to me at school, so I don’t know when the change occurred, but this is what I opened:
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(Sorry for the photo quality, I didn’t get a picture before I ate one lol)
Now, I thought I was going insane. I don’t know if y’all have ever gotten these things pre-2020, but I could have sworn that the boxes this size had way more chocolate in them. Plus, I know for a fact that this doesn’t have all the old flavors.
So I looked up pictures of Russell Stovers chocolate boxes and found this:
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I know it might not look it, but that box is the same size and cost as the one they sell now, but look how much different the amount of chocolate is!
Now, this isn’t me complaining about the gift, this is very much a complaint against companies that do this shit. It’s becoming more and more common for companies to just reduce the amount of product and sell it at the same price (known as shrinkflation), and it’s so frustrating because they fully get away with it. I looked this specific case up and found one article about it, nothing else.
This is relatively minor in isolation, but it is something endemic of capitalism that I think a lot of people are just complacent in. What’s keeping companies like this one (who might I add, is a well-known company, not just some bargain brand) from filling their packaging with empty space? It’s more profitable that way, after all, and you can’t tell how much is in there until you actually buy the thing since it’s wrapped.
Our current system motivates companies to quite literally rip people off, and it’s not stopping at little things like this. They’ll continue to price gouge and shrink the actual product because those are the only ways to continue growing, and capitalism demands growth.
Anyway, I know this specific instance is just a minor convenience and definitely not the end of the world, but it is a good opportunity for a PSA: fuck capitalism
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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Wolf Wild Rescue
The rescue will be accepting donations at their stall all week, offering a variety of merchandise that would make a great holiday gift for anyone in need of a warm hoodie made for Colorado winter days or a mug for that holiday hot chocolate. Don’t be scared off by two of the oldest and laziest rescues lounging at the feet of employees in the booth! They’re content to snooze for a few hours and help demonstrations of irresponsible crossbreeding before returning home for the night.
Farm to Fork
If you smell something delicious, it’s almost guaranteed to come from the large kettles brewing melt-in-your-mouth ham and bean soup and a warm vegetable medley lining the tent beside Farm to Fork’s booth. Other than soup, they also have plenty of organically sourced jerky and fruit and vegetable leathers to browse through as well as other foods that are bound to make your mouth water.
The Midnight Club
Need a little pick-me-up during your late night holiday shopping? Never fear! The Midnight Club will be offering their darkest of brews guaranteed to keep you up for the of the season! Top it off with their Krampus triple dark chocolate cookies if you’re really feeling the spirit.
The Open Range
Have a dog or two or three? The Open Range dog park will be selling oodles of gourmet dog treats for you to spoil them with! Don’t have a dog? No worries! They’ll also be selling cat treats, toys, and treats for a variety of animals including those outdoor birds that may swoop by your windows. All proceeds go to the improvement and upkeep of the dog park located in University Heights.
The Sugar Shack
Stop by the booth that smells the sweetest to fill your stockings hung by the fireplace quickly. The Sugar Shack will be offering everything from bags of mixed candies to holday-themed toy candies that are sure to wow even the most picky child. You can also find handpulled candy canes in a variety of flavors and chocolates in every shape and size to fulfill any of your holiday needs and hosting gift orders!
Blooming Dale’s
A kind old man who could be mistaken for Jolly St. Nick himself, the owner of Blooming Dale’s will have a variety of handpicked in-seasons flower bouquets and potted poinsettas. In a pinch for a holiday tree or have a small space to fill? Blooming Dale’s has partnered with Jack’s Tree Farm to offer the residents of the city a rent-a-potted-tree program. Pick up the tree from the holiday market and return it to either location after the season is over for it to be planted back on the farm.
Frontier Foods
The grocery store will be accepting donations of unopened pantry items to contribute to the local food bank and families in need and will be at their booth for the entire week. Be sure to stop by and see where you can help out!
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year
Sol Fertilis: Food Brands
As I mentioned in this post, Sol Fertilis is a mixed economy where Alphas control the entirety of the private economy (capitalism). This also involves food products. Most companies had to create five packaging sizes, one for each rank. Here are some examples.
Tea Brands
Warm Dew
Tea Enigma
Misty Gold
Diary brands
Mother’s Heaven
Blessed Clouds- It is popular in the foreign market, especially for chocolate milk.
Dairy Delight
Cow Moon
Chocolate/Candy brands- These are the surnames of the founders as well.
Hummel- It is popular among Omegas due to the infusion with other flavors and the rich ruby chocolate flavor.
Breakfast cereal brands
Bowl of Plenty
Little Crackles
Soda Brands
Fury Pop
Brilliant Double
Fast Bubble
Juice Brands
Punica’s Orchard
Amazon Splash
Rose Petal Wonder
Silent Duchess
Mocha Lion
Perfect Silk Sip
Fancy Java
Beautiful Wink
Snack Brands
The Muffin Man- Along with Baker’s Dozen, The Muffin Man is the most popular snack brand in Sol Fertilis. Households and Centers would stock up on this to give to pups for good behavior. The most popular item is the “Pawpaws”.
Baker’s Dozen- Along with The Muffin Man, Baker’s Dozen is the most popular snack brand in Sol Fertilis. Households and Centers would stock up on this to give to pups for good behavior. The most popular item is the “Coco Pie”.
Little Alice
Baked Ursa
Condiment Brands
Queen’s Honey
Angel Courgette
Misty Gold
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Blessed Clouds
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Little Crackles
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Fast Bubble
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Amazon Splash
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Fancy Java
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Baker’s Dozen; Coco Pie
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Muffin Man’s Pawpaws
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Queen’s Honey
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Chocolate Chip Day
We might not know which came first — the chicken, or the egg — but when it comes to chocolate chips and their namesake cookie, the history is well-documented, and it might not be what you think. Chocolate chips actually came after the chocolate chip cookie, and despite their ubiquity, are likely younger than your grandmother (they were first marketed in 1940!). Legend has it that the chocolate chip cookie was a happy accident, born when baker ran out of baker’s chocolate and opted for semi-sweet instead.
The recipe spread like wildfire, and after a few years of selling their semi-sweet chocolate bars with a chopping tool (for easy chunking of the bar), Nestlé went one step further by introducing chocolate “morsels” to the world. With such a history, and with so much mass appeal, it’s no surprise that this kitchen delight deserves celebration, and that’s why, on May 15, we’ve got National Chocolate Chip Day.
National Chocolate Chip Day timeline
1938 Creation of Chocolate Chips
Ruth Graves Wakefield creates the chocolate-chip cookie by accident.
1963 Going Commercial
Chips Ahoy! hits the shelves in U.S. supermarkets.
1991 A Sensation Like No Other
Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream creates waves of excitement around the globe.
1997 Official State Cookie
The chocolate-chip cookie is named and recognized as the official state cookie of Massachusetts.
National Chocolate Chip Day Activities
Hack The Kitchen: Chocolate For Dinner
How Big Can You Bake It?
Art You Can Eat
Most chefs know how to use tried-and-true flavor combinations to great effect, but the best chefs create new combinations altogether. Try using chocolate chips in a dinner recipe for a real challenge. If you’re looking for a place to start, you might consider trying the mole recipe in the section below!
You probably won’t approach the world record, but National Chocolate Chip Day is the perfect occasion to try your hand at baking the biggest chocolate chip cookie possible.
With a mix of chocolate chips, M&Ms, and some other similarly-sized chocolate candies, you’re well on your way to a kid-friendly edible art project! This can get messy, though, so it’s probably a project best suited for the kitchen!
Why We Love National Chocolate Chip Day
Chocolate Chips Are Everywhere!
The Choices … oh, so many choices!
Big Or Small — We'll Eat Them All!
They might have been created with one purpose in mind, but chocolate chips have branched out since their early days as cookie-fillers. Nowadays, it’s hard to think up a confection that hasn’t donned a chocolate chip cap, whether they be pancakes, muffins, or ice cream sundaes.
The chocolate chips that eventually found their way into the classic chocolate chip cookie are made of semi-sweet chocolate, but in keeping with the times, they now come in a plethora of options — ranging from white chocolate, to dark chocolate, and all the way to caramel — ensuring that, no matter what you’re baking, there’s a place for a chip!
Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, no matter the size. They could be small (so long as there’s enough to have more than one!), or they could be massive, as in the case of Immaculate Baking’s 40,000 pound Guinness Record breaker, but regardless of size, they’re sure to draw a crowd. The fact that chocolate chips were used to break the record of world’s largest cookie is only a testament to their universality, and it’s safe to say that they’ll always have a space on the shelf of any baker.
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ninjafoodtours · 2 years
5 Famous Foods to Try in Kyoto
Traditional culinary culture has flourished in Kyoto, and you may get a taste of history with Japanese course meals prepared as part of a traditional tea ceremony and vegetarian cuisine influenced by Chinese Buddhism.
The town's local cuisine (Kyo-ryori) is colorful and visually appealing, thanks to the expertise of Japanese chefs. Everyone should have the opportunity to sample traditional Japanese cuisine in the stately setting of Kyoto at least once in their lives. Of course, fantastic food at reasonable costs is available.
We've compiled a list of some of the top local cuisines and budget-friendly treats that Kyoto residents enjoy daily.
Yudof (Boiled tofu): 
Perhaps no food represents Kyoto more than you. It contains only tofu, water, kelp, and a dipping sauce. The kelp is put in the bottom of a stewpot, filled with tofu and water, and simmered. Tofu is scooped up and served with a dipping sauce, typically a ponzu soy sauce-based vinaigrette.
Hamo (Conger eel) 
The spikey-toothed hamo (conger eel) is a difficult adversary to deal with. Small bones span the length of its slim body. Chefs make half-cuts into the filleted meat to make it tasty - 24 cuts within each three-centimeter span. Hamo can be boiled, grilled, deeply fried, and even used in shabu-shabu or nabe stew. Cold, boiled ham served with a tart ume (plum) sauce is especially popular in the summer.
Tsukemono (Japanese pickles) 
Before the refrigerator, Japan kept its vegetables by pickling them in salt. When Kyoto was chosen as the nation's capital in 794, a slew of items from Japan began to arrive in Kyoto and at the imperial court. Local artisans attempted to refine these products, resulting in a varied range of Kyoto crafts, including tsukemono.
Kyoto's top tsukemono are three types of pickles: shibazuke, senmaizuke, and sugizuke. Shibazuke is a sour and crunchy pickled mixture of sliced cucumber and eggplant with scarlet shiso (perilla or beefsteak plant). Shiso turns the ingredients pink.
Kyoto is a beautiful place to explore matcha because it is the birthplace of the tea ceremony. You may get frothy green tea at many tea shops on temple grounds or in popular tourist places, with or without the ceremony. In Japan, matcha is the most acceptable type of green tea. To improve its color, flavor, fragrance, and nutritional value, it is made from tea leaves cultivated under certain circumstances, dried, and ground in a similar environment. Everything here adds to the sensory experience of drinking matcha.
Matcha is also delightful in its various modern guises, like soft-serve ice cream, cake, biscuits, and crackers, which can be found around Kyoto.
Yatsuhashi is the most famous Kyoto souvenir sweet. It's created of rice flour, sugar, and Nikki, a type of Japanese cinnamon. Warming the dough before shaping it into a thin, half-pipe form and baking it results in crisp, slightly challenging cookies that resemble little brown roof tiles. Since 1689, this type of yatsuhashi has been around.
Matcha and sesame tastes, as well as more recent additions like chocolate and banana, are available in addition to the traditional cinnamon flavor.
Do you want to find the best fish market in Tokyo? If so, Ninja Food Tours are for you. Our team members are natives who are motivated by the thriving culinary scene. Let us take you on a delectable journey filled with cuisine, laughter, and history. On Osaka food tours, you'll uncover Kyoto's hidden gems and sample authentic Japanese dishes you've probably never eaten. The tour price includes full-size meal samples as well as the guiding charge. The night trips also include two glasses of alcoholic beverages of your choosing.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Organic Coffee Market - Forecast (2022-2027)
Organic Coffee Market size is estimated to reach $13.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and the coffee bean is the second most traded commodity after petrol on the worldwide market. In more than 50 nations, more than 25 million farmers are involved in the production of coffee. Organic coffee is a popular beverage made without synthetic chemicals, pesticides, organic fertilizers, antibiotics, or growth hormones. Chlorogenic acid, fatty acids, flavanols, and catechins are amidst the numerous antioxidants discovered in them. The coffee beans utilized in the manufacturing of organic coffee are non-genetically modified organisms. Sustainability, renewable resources, and safeguarding the quality of the land, groundwater, and air are all priorities for the producers. Organic coffee has exploded in popularity in recent years, thanks to a shift in consumer preferences toward natural foods and sustainable lifestyles. One of the primary reasons driving market expansion is growing awareness of the advantages of organic foods and drinks throughout the world. Organic coffee has been shown to lessen cancer risk, lower cholesterol levels, increase immunity, aid weight reduction, and protect against neurological illnesses. It is also known to prevent large-scale cellular death by stabilizing damaging free radicals discovered in the human body. 
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The health benefits of organic coffee including antioxidants and the growing trend of on-the-go coffee drinking are set to drive the Organic Coffee Market. The surging promotional operations on social media platforms and other platforms, like the internet, television, and newspapers, distributing knowledge about the benefits of organic food are set to propel the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027. This represents the Organic Coffee Industry Outlook.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Organic Coffee Market Forecast (2022-2027)", by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Organic Coffee Market.By Origin – Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora.
By Product Type – Fair Trade Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, Espresso Coffee, Coffee Pods and Others.By Roast – Light, Medium and Dark.
By Flavors - Chocolate And Caramel, Citrus And Floral, Almond, Amaretto, French Vanilla, Cinnamon and Others.By Packaging Type - Stand-Up Pouches, Jars & Bottles, and Others.
By Application - Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic And Personal Care and Others.By Distribution Channel - Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels and Others.
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Rest of South America), and Rest Of The World (Middle East, Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America (Organic Coffee Market) accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027 owing to the heightening processing and packaging in building the market for any brand and the soaring demand of specific coffee brands like Kona Coffee from the large island of Hawaii in the North American region.
Organic Coffee Market growth is being driven by the surging inclination of consumers towards organic beverages and the proliferating application of organic coffee in vegan baking, confectionery items, and personal care products. However, the heightening prices of organic food and beverages, soaring cost of production and operations, and shorter shelf life are some of the major factors hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Market Detailed Analysis on the Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Organic Coffee Market report.
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Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Application
The Organic Coffee Market based on the application can be further segmented into Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Personal Care, and Others. The Food And Beverages Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the extensive application of organic coffee including antioxidants for confectionery and bakery products, direct intake, dairy products, smoothies, and shakes. With the quick adoption of western culture and expanding awareness of personal health, specifically among the younger generation in emerging countries, consumers are inclining more towards organic coffee including antioxidants. The kickoff of new organic coffee and coffee-associated assortments like cold coffee, cafe latte, and cappuccino appealing to an extensive audience is further propelling the growth of the Food And Beverages segment.
Furthermore, the Cosmetic And Personal Care segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the proliferating demand for organic flavored coffee in developed economies, the soaring development of cosmetic products including organic coffee with antioxidants and the surging awareness of the advantages of using coffee topically, like how it may help soothe, revitalize, cleanse, and smooth the skin.
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Distribution Channel
The Organic Coffee Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels, and Others. The Hypermarkets/Supermarkets Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the supermarkets and hypermarkets being big retail shops that typically provide an assortment of retail product categories under one roof. In order to be accessible to clients, supermarkets are frequently placed near a residential neighborhoods. However, owing to a shortage of property near residential areas, the majority of supermarkets and hypermarket companies are expanding outside of the city. Walmart, Tesco, Aldi, Kroger, Carrefour, Whole Foods Market, and other major retailers have a substantial presence in the distribution of organic coffee. The shifting consumer tastes for low-calorie and sugar-free products have prompted many businesses to keep a surplus of organic coffee including antioxidants on hand which is further propelling the growth of this segment. 
Furthermore, the Departmental And Convenience Stores segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 10.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to their low-volume purchase from manufacturers or suppliers, and smaller discounts typically offered by convenience stores when compared to hypermarkets, supermarkets, and internet businesses. 
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
The Organic Coffee Market based on geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America (Organic Coffee Market) held the largest share with 36% of the overall market in 2021. The growth of this region is owing to the rising demand for organic products, alterations in the dietary patterns, and growth of organic farming methods to cater to the demand for organic food attributed to the alarming rate of diseases in the North American region. The rising consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with the consumption of organic coffee including antioxidants over conventional coffee and Mexico, being one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, according to the National Coffee Association, U.S., are further propelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the North American region.
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Organic Coffee Market Drivers
Rise In The Consumption Of Healthy And Organic Foods Is Driving The Market Growth
The expansion of the organic coffee market is anticipated to be driven by an increase in the consumption of healthy and organic foods involving organic coffee including antioxidants, owing to the many advantages associated with these products. Synthetic and dangerous fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, genetic engineering, artificial preservatives, flavors, and colors are not used in organic coffee manufacturing. The utilization of the USDA Organic seal signifies a product is at least 95 percent organic unless 100% organic is particularized. Coffee is a single-constituent product. Therefore, a bag of organic coffee is 100 percent organic beans. Organic drinks, according to Café Altura, an organic coffee business in the U.S., lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure, lower cholesterol, cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and boost the body's immunity. The rise in the consumption of healthy and organic foods is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Soaring Recognition Of Cafes Across The World Is Fuelling The Market Growth
Café culture and the habit of socializing at cafés has grown in popularity among urban youngsters. The rise in the number of food service outlets is being fuelled by an increase in the number of people moving to cities and a significant white-collar demographic. Various coffee shops, specialty coffee shops, and quick-service restaurants (QSRs) have sprung up to cater to various tastes and preferences for various varieties of fresh coffee. Coffee makers will have various branding options as the number of coffee-themed eateries grows. Consumers seek out premium coffee foods including antioxidants at coffee-themed eateries, prompting them to seek them out at retail outlets. Leading coffeehouse chains like Starbucks, Costa, and Barista are expanding into new markets. As per Coffee Shop Industry Statistics And Trends on brandongaille.com, the international business for these chains provide growth opportunities like Starbucks owning 5,500 international coffee shop locations. The increased recognition of malls and shopping centers has prompted players to make significant investments in coffee distribution through these venues. The soaring recognition of cafes across the world is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Organic Coffee Market Challenges
Prices Of The Raw Materials Are High Enough To Limit The Market Growth
The high cost of organic coffee is predicted to stifle the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the forthcoming future. Organic coffee is typically 20% more expensive than ordinary coffee. Organic coffee is grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides, which raises the overall cost of production. Furthermore, the procedure of acquiring organic certification and inspection is expensive, resulting in an additional cost of roughly 10-15% higher than regular coffee. The expenses of certification and inspection are difficult to estimate since they are dependent on the kind and intensity of conventional farming techniques prior to conversion to organic agriculture. As a result, the high cost of manufacturing and certification raises the cost of organic coffee. These issues are hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Organic Coffee Market. The Organic Coffee top 10 companies are:
Complete Coffee Limited
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. (Keurig Dr Pepper)
F S Gourmet Private Limited
Java Trading Co. LLC
Jim's Organic Coffee
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
Nestle S.A.
Rogers Family Company
Starbucks Corporation 
For more Food and Beverage Market reports, please click here
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ikaikaaaron · 2 years
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Tonight’s selection
AJ Fernandez
Enclave broadleaf
Gordo 6 x 60 (exclusively for Atlantic cigars)
Now I understand why this cigar in this ring gauge is not produced for the mass market. The larger ring size does something to the flavor of this cigar. It’s to much. The toro (6.5 x 54)is the largest ring size available usually and in that size makes this the perfect smoke. The toro size has a mineral finish that reminds me of standing on a beach next to the Pacific and breathing in that wonderful salt air, which this cigar is lacking . There also other flavors which seem to be not present as well chocolate, vanilla.Which brings to mind the statement “more is not always better”. At least for me.
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shanusrisrimal · 2 days
Top 10 Cakes Loved by Indians: Delicious Flavors You Must Try!
When it comes to celebrating special occasions, cakes are an integral part of Indian culture. From birthdays and anniversaries to festivals and weddings, a delicious cake can make any event memorable. Here’s a list of the top 10 cakes that are highly popular in India. Whether you’re looking to satisfy your sweet tooth or planning a grand celebration, these cakes are sure to delight you and your guests.
1. Black Forest Cake
The Black Forest cake is a classic favorite in India. Known for its rich chocolate layers, whipped cream, and cherry topping, this cake is perfect for any celebration. The combination of sweet and slightly tart flavors makes it a hit among all age groups.
2. Pineapple Cake
Pineapple cake is a refreshing and light dessert that’s widely loved in India. The moist sponge layers filled with pineapple chunks and whipped cream make it a popular choice for summer celebrations and birthday parties.
3. Butterscotch Cake
Butterscotch cake is known for its creamy texture and caramel flavor. This cake, with its crunchy butterscotch pieces and smooth cream, is often chosen for anniversaries and special occasions.
4. Red Velvet Cake
Red Velvet cake has gained immense popularity in recent years. Its vibrant red color, paired with a rich cream cheese frosting, makes it a visually stunning and delicious choice for weddings and romantic celebrations.
5. Chocolate Truffle Cake
For chocolate lovers, Chocolate Truffle cake is a dream come true. The dense, moist chocolate cake with layers of dark chocolate ganache is indulgent and perfect for any grand celebration.
6. Fruit Cake
Fruit cake, loaded with a variety of fresh fruits and nuts, is a healthy yet tasty option. This cake is often preferred during festive seasons like Christmas and Diwali.
7. Vanilla Cake
Vanilla cake, with its simple yet elegant flavor, is a versatile choice for any occasion. Its light and fluffy texture makes it a favorite among kids and adults alike.
8. Rasmalai Cake
Combining the best of traditional Indian sweets and Western cakes, Rasmalai cake has become a trending choice. This cake features layers soaked in saffron-flavored milk and topped with rasmalai pieces, offering a unique and delightful taste.
9. Coffee Cake
Coffee cake, with its rich coffee flavor and creamy frosting, is perfect for coffee lovers. This cake is often chosen for sophisticated gatherings and office parties.
10. Ferrero Rocher Cake
Inspired by the famous Ferrero Rocher chocolates, this cake is a luxurious treat. The combination of hazelnut, chocolate, and creamy layers makes it an irresistible choice for any special occasion.
Why Cakes are an Integral Part of Indian Celebrations
In India, cakes are more than just desserts; they are symbols of joy and togetherness. From birthdays to weddings, no celebration is complete without a cake-cutting ceremony. The growing influence of Western culture has made cakes a staple in Indian festivities, blending beautifully with traditional sweets.
Statistics on Cake Preferences in India
According to recent market research, the cake industry in India is growing at a rapid pace. The demand for customized and designer cakes has increased by 30% over the past year. Black Forest and Pineapple cakes remain the top choices, followed closely by Butterscotch and Chocolate Truffle cakes.
FAQs About Cakes in India
Q: What are the most popular cake flavors in India?
A: Black Forest, Pineapple, Butterscotch, and Red Velvet are among the most popular cake flavors in India.
Q: Can I order customized cakes in India?
A: Yes, many bakeries offer customized cakes tailored to your preferences and occasions.
Q: Are eggless cakes available in India?
A: Yes, most bakeries in India offer eggless versions of popular cakes to cater to vegetarians.
Q: What is the average cost of a cake in India?
A: The cost of a cake in India varies depending on the size, flavor, and customization. On average, it ranges from INR 500 to INR 2000.
Q: Which cake is best for a wedding?
A: Red Velvet, Chocolate Truffle, and Ferrero Rocher cakes are popular choices for weddings due to their rich flavors and elegant appearance.
Cakes are an essential part of celebrations in India, adding sweetness and joy to every occasion. Whether you prefer the classic Black Forest or the trendy Rasmalai cake, there’s a perfect cake for everyone. So, the next time you have a special event, make sure to indulge in one of these top 10 cakes loved by Indians.
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vijay1225 · 3 days
Cold Brew Coffee Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Cold brew coffee is coffee steeped in water for several hours at either a cold or room temperature. Unlike hot brewing, this slow and low-temperature process creates a distinct flavor profile for the same type of coffee beans. Cold brew exhibits gentle hints of chocolate and a smooth, less acidic, fruity taste.
Sizing and Forecast The cold brew coffee market size has grown exponentially in recent years. It will grow from $1.14 billion in 2023 to $1.38 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.8%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to changing consumer preferences, rise in coffee culture and specialty coffee shops, marketing and branding initiatives, health and wellness trends, convenience and ready-to-drink formats..
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The cold brew coffee market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2.87 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.0%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to innovative flavor variations, retail and e-commerce expansion, collaborations and partnerships, rising demand for non-dairy options, integration into culinary creations.. Major trends in the forecast period include innovative packaging solutions, cold brew infused with functional ingredients, celebrity and artisanal collaborations, influence of cold brew in culinary creations..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The cold brew coffee market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Product: Arabica-Based Cold Brew Coffee, Robusta-based Cold Brew Coffee, Liberica-Based Cold Brew Coffee 2) By Category: Traditional, Decaf 3) By Distribution Channel: Company-owned outlets, Convenience Stores, Online, Supermarket and Hypermarket
North America was the largest region in the cold brew coffee market in 2023. The regions covered in the cold brew coffee market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rise in government initiatives toward promoting coffee production is likely to contribute to the growth of the cold brew coffee market during the forecast period. Government initiative refers to any measure done or to be implemented by any relevant administration, government entity, supervisor, or authority with jurisdiction. Government initiatives in coffee production involve a partnership between roasters and dealers on one side and coffee-growing communities on the other. For instance, in May 2022, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) established the Saudi Coffee Company, a government-backed organization tasked with increasing the Kingdom’s coffee production. According to statistics, coffee consumption in Saudi Arabia increased by about 4% each year between 2016 and 2021 and is anticipated to increase by another 5% per year until 2026, reaching an annual consumption of 28,700 metric tons. The Saudi Arabian government and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) initiated an initiative to promote coffee production by launching the Saudi Coffee Company as part of a SAR 1.2 billion ($320 million) investment to improve the country’s coffee sector and increase production from 300 to 2,500 metric tons per year. Therefore, the rise in government initiatives towards promoting coffee production is driving the cold-brew coffee market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the cold brew coffee market report are Nestle S.A., The Coca-Cola Company, Starbucks Corporation, Heartland Food Products Group, Red Thread Coffee Co., Califia Farms LLC, La Colombe Coffee Roasters, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Verve Coffee Roasters, UCC Ueshima Coffee Co. Ltd., Stone Creek Coffee Roasters, The New Orleans Coffee Co., Kohana Coffee LLC, High Brew Coffee, The J.M. Smucker Company, Chameleon Cold-Brew, Toddy LLC, Venice Cold Brew LLC, Slingshot Coffee Co., Cove Coffee Co., Dope Coffee Roasters, Gambino Coffee, Lucky Jack LLC, RISE Brewing Co., Seaworth Coffee Co, Station Cold Brew Coffee Co., Sunup Green Coffee LLC, ZoZozial Coffee Roasters ApS., Grady’s Cold Brew, Wandering Bear Coffee
The cold brew coffee market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Cold Brew Coffee Market Characteristics 3. Cold Brew Coffee Market Trends And Strategies 4. Cold Brew Coffee Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Cold Brew Coffee Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Cold Brew Coffee Market Other Major And Innovative Companies 32. Global Cold Brew Coffee Market Competitive Benchmarking 33. Global Cold Brew Coffee Market Competitive Dashboard 34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Cold Brew Coffee Market 35. Cold Brew Coffee Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
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mannandcobake · 6 days
Everything about the Benefits of Customized Cakes
Custom cakes have many benefits. These cakes are less expensive than other options, and they can be made with a variety of flavors and fillings. Custom Wedding Cakes differ in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of choosing a custom cake from a local bakery:
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Delicious Meal for Your Guests:
Whether you're inviting employees, customers, or prospects, customize cakes are the perfect way to present a delicious treat for your guests to enjoy as they attend your event. Custom cakes can be made in any flavor, size or design you can think of. So you can be sure that the cake will be in line with the theme of the event or decorated with your brand. Meanwhile, give yourself a delicious snack that you know will be fun.
Add Personality To Your Work:
What better way to showcase your brand's unique personality than with a custom cake? From logos and brand colors to slogans for product launches or marketing campaigns. You can decorate your custom cake in the way you choose. It gives you a platform to showcase what truly sets your brand apart. It adds a personal touch that your guests will remember, which is exactly what you want from any job.
Can Be Used For Every Occasion:
The beauty of custom cakes, whether you choose a large cake to share or individual cupcakes, is that they can adapt to your work. You might hold an event to thank employees for their hard work throughout the year. You may have a new product you are launching and want a cake to promote the product's name or look. Your business may be celebrating an anniversary, or someone in the company might get promoted or retire, and the options are endless.
Various Flavors and Fillings:
There are many flavors and fillings you can choose from. The same goes for gluten-free or vegan cakes. To get the perfect and delicious dessert as you see. You are guaranteed to create a dessert table that everyone will love. From classic flavors like vanilla and chocolate to something more unusual, like a marble cake Sticky Toffee or a colorful rainbow cake.
A Worthwhile Marketing Tool:
Custom Wedding Cakes can cost more than boxed cakes available on the market. But it will definitely be an inexpensive form of advertising that people will definitely remember while the guests eat. They will be reminded of your brand, logo, and products you're promoting, and you can easily send your message or promote your business in a way that is sure to catch everyone's attention. Moreover, you will have complete control over the look and taste of your cake. So you know those cakes are definitely perfect for that day.
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Customized cakes are becoming an increasingly popular option because various businesses are aware of the benefits they offer. From promoting your business, products and services in unique ways to showing your employees and customers how much they are appreciated and making any work Even more special. Custom cakes are the perfect way to elevate your event and celebrate the milestones that make your business successful.
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downtoearthmarkets · 10 days
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It’s time to think about all things dad as we celebrate and honor the important father figures in our lives this Sunday, June 16th. When Father’s Day was still in its infancy in the early 1900s, the holiday held a tradition of daughters handing red roses to their fathers during a church service. To this day, the rose remains the official flower of Father's Day, with red ones symbolizing a still-living father and white ones for the deceased. By all means, bring dad a bouquet of flowers, but the farmers market offers a cornucopia of edible gift ideas that are also sure to delight and make the shop for pop a breeze this weekend:
Cheesy Dad You know the kind of dad we’re talking about. The one that likes to crack silly dad jokes at every opportunity he’s given and hasn’t met a cheeseboard he doesn’t relish. Well, game on, because your Down to Earth farmers market is the perfect place to shop for all your cheeseboard essentials! Dad will be wowed when you present him with his ready-to-eat, farm-to-table cheeseboard that’s been carefully curated to suit his personal tastes. Here are the basic components to include using a variety of fresh, seasonal ingredients from our vendors:
Cheese: Look to feature at least three different types of farmers market cheese with different flavors and textures – creamy, firm, aged and soft. Depending on the type of cheese, you can include the entire piece or cut it up into smaller cubes or slices to make it easier to serve.
Something Sweet: Fresh fruit such as hulled strawberries from the farmstalls, squares of slowcocoa's craft chocolate, and SOVA Farms drizzled honey will add just enough contrast to the savory and salty flavor profile you’re building.
Something Savory: Small touches of savory items can include cornichons, olives, roasted peppers, as well as tapenades and spicy condiments. Dr. Pickle’s jars of stuffed green olives come in Bloody Mary, Bleu Cheese & Almond, Garlic & Jalapeno and Cream Cheese Jalapeno.
Crackers and Bread: The goodies on dad’s tasty cheeseboard need a delivery mechanism in the form of sliced Wave Hill Breads baguette, crackers, toasty slices of Badass Bagels or crispy pita chips—select at least two.
Charcuterie: Make dad’s cheeseboard meatier with slices of charcuterie from Goode and Local By Don Rodrigo. Choose from salami, pate, mortadella, hot coppa, iberico persunto, mangalitsa jamon and more.
Crudité: Throw in raw crudité to add refreshing color and crunch and counterbalance the heavier, sodium-forward meats and cheeses. Radishes, carrots, celery, peppers, broccoli florets or anything cut into bite sized pieces will work perfectly.
Pie Guy If dad loves dessert, we’ve got his ticket!
Pick up a pie from the farmstalls made with fresh fruit and other seasonal delights. Don’t forget to pick up containers of sweet berries from Caradonna Farms, Great Joy Family Farm and Norwich Meadows Farm as strawberries are in peak season currently, while raspberries and blueberries are now starting to trickle into the market. 
Babka Paradise makes Babka, Challah, Knishes, Kugel, Halva, Blintzes and other homestyle kosher foods and baked goods that are sure to indulge dad’s sweet tooth. 
Wave Hill Breads treats include cookies, muffins, scones, pastries and monkey bread.
Pasta Papa When dad gets hungry, nothing hits the spot like a hearty bowl of tasty pasta. Gift him some handsome boxes of fresh pasta and jars of sauce from That Pasta Club along with a bottle of his favorite wine. That Pasta Club is an artisan producer of fresh pasta made using local grains and seasonal flavorings. They specialize in handmade stuffed pasta, bronze die extruded pasta and small batch sauces. Their pasta menu rotates on a weekly basis in line with the seasonal, balanced and delicious ingredients they use in their dishes.
Of course, the farmers market offers many more gift options for every kind of dad, whatever his tastes may be. No matter what direction you decide to go in, you simply can’t go wrong with something locally produced, seasonally grown and uniquely yummy that will make both his heart and belly full this weekend. We wish you a wonderful Father’s Day and look forward to seeing you in the market.
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coffeeroasters · 13 days
Sip on Perfection: Discovering Your Ideal Personalised Coffee Blend
Coffee, a beloved elixir for many, is more than just a morning pick-me-up; it's a ritual, a culture, and an art form. Just like a skilled painter blends colours to create a masterpiece or a chef combines ingredients to concoct a delectable dish, crafting the perfect cup of coffee requires finesse and attention to detail.
It's not just about tossing some beans into a grinder and hitting brew; it's about understanding the nuances of flavour, aroma, and body to create a blend that tantalises the taste buds and soothes the soul.
Tailoring Your Tastes
One of the most beautiful aspects of coffee is its versatility. With countless varieties of beans sourced from different regions around the globe, each with its own unique flavour profile, the possibilities are endless.
From the bold, earthy notes of a Sumatran roast to the bright, citrusy tones of a Kenyan blend, there's something to suit every palate. But why settle for a one-size-fits-all approach when you can tailor your coffee experience to your exact preferences?
Enter the world of Personalised Coffee Blend. Just imagine having a coffee that is uniquely yours, crafted to perfection based on your individual taste preferences. Whether you prefer your coffee smooth and mellow or robust and full-bodied, the power to create your ideal blend lies in your hands.
The Science of Flavor
Creating a personalised coffee blend is part art, part science. It's about understanding how different factors, such as bean origin, roast level, and brewing method, interact to produce specific flavour profiles.
For example, beans grown at higher altitudes tend to have a more complex flavour profile, while those roasted to a darker hue often exhibit richer, more intense flavours.
Experimentation is key to finding your perfect blend. Start by sampling different types of beans and noting their flavour profiles. Do you prefer the bright acidity of a Central American bean or the chocolatey undertones of an Indonesian roast?
Once you've identified your preferred flavour characteristics, you can start fine-tuning your blend by adjusting the ratios of different beans and experimenting with various roast levels until you achieve the perfect balance.
A Blend as Unique as You Are
Your personalised coffee blend is more than just a beverage; it's a reflection of your individuality. Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two coffee blends will ever be identical.
Your blend may be smooth and creamy with hints of caramel and hazelnut or bold and intense with notes of dark chocolate and cherry. Whatever flavour profile you prefer, your personalised blend is sure to be as unique and distinctive as you are.
But the journey doesn't end once you've created your perfect blend. As your palate evolves and your taste preferences change, so too can your coffee blend. That's the beauty of customisation; it allows you to adapt and refine your blend over time, ensuring that every cup is a perfect reflection of your ever-evolving tastes.
Elevating Your Coffee Experience
In a world where mass-produced, one-size-fits-all products dominate the market, there's something truly special about indulging in a personalised coffee blend. It's a luxury that elevates the everyday into the extraordinary, transforming your morning cup of coffee into a ritualistic experience to be savoured and enjoyed.
So why settle for mediocrity when you can sip on perfection? Discovering your ideal personalised coffee blend is not just about finding the perfect combination of beans and flavours; it's about embracing the journey of exploration and self-discovery.
So go ahead, embark on your coffee crafting adventure, and unlock a world of flavour that's uniquely yours. After all, life is too short to drink mediocre coffee.
Source - https://wholesalecoffeebean.food.blog/2024/06/12/sip-on-perfection-discovering-your-ideal-personalised-coffee-blend/
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