#Christmas Number 1
sodelafo · 7 months
Christmas #1!
What’ll be at the coveted #1 slot this Christmas? Will it be, Last Christmas by Wham? Wizard’s I wish it could be Christmas every day? Or, my personal favourite, Go Tell the Bees, by David Milligan-Croft? Wait, what? That’s not a song. No, it’s a fantastic, moving and heartfelt new collection of poetry by David Milligan-Croft. Think of them as lyrics for the modern age. You can sing them if…
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buglaur · 7 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 1,785 notes - Jul 10 2023
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volatilemask · 1 year
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you cannot imagine the holiday cheer you'll face here
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5 times Merlin got Arthur a good Christmas present and 1 time Arthur got Merlin the best Christmas present
Contains: temporary angst, banter, merthur, banter, mentioned argwen (not end game),banter, no smut, banter, Christmas Carol levels of effort applied to the happy ending, banter
ao3: 5 times Merlin got Arthur a good Christmas present and 1 time Arthur got Merlin the best Christmas present
The Start of a tradition
Merlin sighs at the clear sign of an unavoidable list of chores or ribbing he's about to get.
"Yes, sire." He turns to see Arthur peeking out from behind the changing curtain, shirtless, of course, before he steps out and starts strutting over. He grabs Merlin by the shoulder and says as he drags him behind the curtain, "What is this?"
"Ah, that." Merlin notes.
"I know your brain is the size of a pickled egg, Merlin, but surely there was enough room to store an adequate amount of vocabulary to describe all the unusual things you get up to for when you get caught doing them."
The unusual thing in this particular instance was the pile of assorted items wrapped in some of Arthur's old shirts.
"Well," Merlin replied, "you know that holiday Christmas?"
"I've heard of it," Arthur replies with raised eyebrows, awaiting what he's sure will be an entertaining explanation if not an original one.
"Well, it is a tradition to give gifts to people on this holiday, and there are a number of kind, hardworking people I know who I thought might enjoy a little festive token of my appreciation for them."
"And you decided to hide them in my chambers?"
"Well, Gaius has a habit of popping into my room unannounced and you've been in council meetings all day, so I figured this was a good place to wrap and store them for a bit until I could find an effective way of sneaking them into a good hiding spot."
"Mmhm. And the shirts?"
"Well, it's a shame to waste good paper when there's more reusable and decorative material at hand."
"I see. Well, ignoring your complete disregard for whose chambers these are and whose shirts those are, I suppose it is a rather thoughtful thing to do for the recipients of those gifts."
If Merlin, wasn't mistaken, Arthur may have just complimented him. How peculiar. "Thank you, sire."
"Especially since you typically have no thoughts at all."
"Of course, sire," Merlin said with minimum sincerity (which, in this case, is less than none).
"And in the case of the surprise being spoilt for me already, you can go ahead and give me my present now."
Arthur had that look on his face like he had set up Merlin to get in trouble, not that Merlin ever needed help getting into trouble.
"Your present?"
Arthur pouted comedically. "Don't tell me you forgot to get me one."
"Well, to be fair, I did say I only got gifts for kind and hardworking people."
Arthur then had his most shocked trying-not-to-smile-face break free. That was one of Merlin's favorites.
"But as a matter of fact, I did get you something."
Arthur suddenly looked skeptical. "Really?"
"Yes." He walks over to the laundry basket he had brought up earlier with Arthur's freshly cleaned clothes, and dug around for two socks, which he proceded to ball up haphazardly and place in Arthur's hands before stepping away with an exaggerated bow.
Arthur quirked his lips and squinted his eyes the way he does when Merlin calls him a word he doesn't know. Another one of Merlin's favorite looks that Arthur does. "Gee, thanks."
"You're welcome," Merlin says gleefully. "Shall I finish getting you ready for bed, sire?"
Arthur sighs and rolls his eyes fondly as he walks over to where Merlin has started turning down the sheets.
"You know, gifts are usually something one does not already own," he says as he lays part of the way down.
"Well, I thought it would be a nice reminder to appreciate what you already have, sire." Merlin said with a cheeky smirk as they stared into each others eyes, closer than they really ought to be. Merlin breaks eye-contact first and gives the covers a last pat before extinguishing all the candles except the one immediately by Arthur's bedside, which Arthur will blow out when he's ready.
"Good night, Arthur. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Merlin." Arthur says with an exasperated sigh. Merlin shuts the door on his way out and Arthur lays his head down to feel something hard underneath his pillow.
"Ow! What the?!" He shoots up and yanks the pillow away, to find a small box.
He picked it up and saw there was a note that said "For the best dollophead one could ever have the misfourtune of working for." Arthur huffed out a laugh. He opened the box to find it was an assortment of Arthur's favorite sweets. Some of them he hadn't had since he was a child. He remembers telling Merlin about it to prove him wrong when he complained about Arthur having no concept of what makes a sweet actually good.
Arthur smiled to himself. He put the box on his bedside table, tucked the note safely in the bottom of the drawer, and blew out the candle.
2. Penny for your thoughts?
Arthur sat at his desk and pressed his hands to his face, letting out the most exhausted breath of air he'd held all day. He still had three speeches to write for various holiday events in the coming week and a plan for food rations to draw up and later present to the council. He'd already had a long morning of training. It seemed he was now in for a long afternoon.
Suddenly a tray with three scrolls on it was plopped down in front of him with a loud clatter. He looks up into a familiar smiling face. "Hello Merlin."
"Your royal highness."
"What are these?" He asks as Merlin turns to get started on dusting, if you could call his version of it that.
"Drafts for your speeches this week. I'm sure you'll find them quite well-written."
Arthur did his best to contain his surprise. "Oh, you didn't trust that I could write them myself, then?"
"I just had a feeling you were going to ask me to write them, like you always do. Besides, I couldn't bare to let all those people die from boredom by letting you be in charge of what'd come out of your mouth."
"I resent that," albeit halfheartedly, Arthur notes to himself.
Suddenly, a paperweight fell off his desk. Strange, his arm wasn't anywhere near it. He bent over and picked it up. As he did, he heard the sound of something being open and shut. He looked up, but nothing seemed out of place.
"Did you hear that?" Arthur asked.
"Hear what?" Merlin asked back.
"That sound. I could've sworn I heard something."
Merlin gave him a look that told Arthur he didn't believe him. One of his least favorite looks from his manservant. "I think you're just tired, sire. Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to help Gaius with some potions and you have speeches to look over. I'll be back later."
And then Merlin was gone. Arthur looked at the scrolls before him and decided to get things over with. He opened one up and it didn't take long before he found one of the 'jokes' Merlin likes to throw in that would never be appropriate to say as a drunk in the local tavern, let alone as a future king addressing his subjects. Most of the speech was fine, but he certainly wasn't going to refer to himself as "His royal highness, Prince Cabbage Head," nor speak the plans he apparently has to give his manservant a year off.
He can't help but smile to himself as he opened a drawer to retrieve a quill for adding in the things he'd actually say in these places, which he always has to do. He never crosses out Merlin's jokes, though.
He opens the drawer and notices there's something in it that wasn't there before. It was wrapped in one of his old shirts. He picks it up, takes the shirt off of it and sees it's a journal. Nothing anywhere near as extravagant as he's used to. On the first page, is an inscription that reads
"With the face of a toad,
and the voice of a donkey,
here's a place to come up with better jokes,
Because yours are a bit wonky.
Merry Christmas Dollop-head."
He turns another page to find a somewhat poor drawing of a donkey with the face of a toad.
He thinks of the nights when he and Merlin would be sat by a fire on a trip. The calm of the night and the way the firelight cast everything from the tree branches to Merlin's cheekbones in warm shadows would often move him to write a few words of poetry on a scrap of paper.
Merlin is the only person he'd ever admitted to about his hobby. Or rather, the only person who'd found out despite Arthur's best efforts. And he always ribs him about it. Yet, Merlin is the only person Arthur trusts to read his poems without being genuinely unkind about their quality...or even just their existence. Granted there are some poems he wouldn't let anyone read, including Merlin. Especially Merlin.
This notebook would hereafter come with Arthur on trips as often as Merlin would.
3. Two Turtle Doves And a Little Wooden Bird
Arthur was currently preparing to face his worse nightmare. Dancing. In public, no less.
Every year, the five kingdoms held a winter ball to celebrate another year of peace and prosperity as well as to show that they would be ready and willing to aid and provide for one another in times of need, such as in the winter when food is scarce and travel is difficult.
This year, Camelot was hosting, which Merlin loved because it meant they didn't have to trek through the snow for days on end. He also loved it because part of this sacred tradition was for the hosts to start the ball with a dance.
Therefore, Merlin was getting the wonderful opportunity to watch Arthur prance around in frilly clothes. Finally, he gets payback for that stupid hat.
However, he enters Arthur's chambers to find him nervously practicing the steps, looking like he's going to throw up.
Okay, maybe payback is going to have to wait.
"You alright, Arthur?"
Arthur snaps his eyes to Merlin like he's just had an epiphany.
"Yes, that is my name. Woah!"
Merlin suddenly found himself getting dragged to the center of the room, Arthur circling him like he's checking the quality of a horse. This is strange, even by Merlin's standards. "Arthur?"
Arthur suddenly stops, his hands gesturing pointedly and his face looking like he's about to make Merlin do one of his least favorite chores. "I need you to help me practice for the First Dance. I only have a few days left to practice it and you're feminine enough to make a half-decent dance partner."
Merlin was certain he heard that wrong. "Come again?"
Arthur huffs annoyedly. "I need you to dance with me so that I don't make a fool out of myself in front of all the five kingdoms during the first Winter Ball where I'll be presenting myself as king."
"Ah." Merlin should've known. Every "first" Arthur has gone through as king so far has led to him being a huge ball of nervous energy. Merlin couldn't blame him. He knows perfectly well how much the weight of the land can take a toll on one's shoulders. And he's known Arthur long enough to understand the toll it's taken on him, in particular.
"Arthur, I'm sure you'll do fine. Besides, you have days to perfect the dance and you'll have Gwen to help keep you in time with the music."
"Or to be humiliated by her oaf of a husband. I've already shoveled so much responsibility on her by making her queen; a queen half the council disapproves of solely for the circumstances of her birth. I can't ask her to make up for all my short-comings on top of everything else. I need to be as much someone for her to rely on as she is someone I rely on."
To say it's rare for Arthur to be emotionally vulnerable is an understatement of great and prophetic proportions. This is always where Merlin needs to tread carefully.
"Gwen knew what she was getting into when she married you. She knew you were a leader of one of the greatest kingdoms in the world. She knew you are constantly having to talk your way into the minds and hearts of your fellow leaders, the council members with dated views on what is good and just, and even your own people, many of whom are used to your father's way of doing things, if not supportive of them.
Arthur settles a bit, though still with a tightness to his shoulders and stress in his eyes.
"She knew she would gain an immense amount of responsibility and have her honor and capabilities picked at viciously. She knew she would have to get used to protocols and traditions of which there are thousands to learn about and keep in mind at all times.
"She also knew she'd have you at her side. She knows you love her and would do anything to ensure her happiness and well-being. She knows if there is anything she can't handle, which you and I both know is not a very long list,"
He got a small smile and hum of agreement out of Arthur for that.
"She knows she can come to you for anything. She does rely on you, Arthur. As much as you rely on her, and you know why?"
Arthur's eyes light up with hopeful curiousity.
"Because you've already proven to her that she can. You continue to prove it every day."
It's true. Merlin has seen how a touch of his hand calms Gwen when the crowds or the sternness of the council gets too overwhelming. He's seen how one shared look from either of them can change the other's scared expression to battle-ready. They were both born to be leaders. Putting them together only made them each more powerful and the kingdom more secure.
"She also married you knowing you couldn't dance for the life of you, so I really wouldn't worry about disappointing her there. I'm sure her expectations aren't that high."
A laugh burst out of Arthur at that. He'd barely had stopped laughing by the time he said "Thank you Merlin."
Merlin smiled back at him, then looked away as though considering something. "You know...Here." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small wooden carving of a bird, similar looking to the bird that is engraved on his mother's sigil. Very similar, indeed.
"I have a carving of a dragon, one of the few things I ever received from my father. Whenever, I hold it, I feel protected. Hopeful. Like I am more... capable and strong than I sometimes... feel I am."
Merlin takes a moment to swallow and gather the words he'll say next. Being emotionally vulnerable isn't all too easy for him either.
"It's also just something of a good luck charm. I just sort of figured, if you ever felt like you needed an extra bit of luck, it might be nice to have something to remind you of your own strengths. The things that make you a good king, a good husband, a good son. A good friend."
He looks Arthur in the eyes when he says this.
"You truly are destined for great things Arthur. You have everything you need within yourself to continue being a great king. And you don't have to do everything on your own. You have people who care about you. People who trust you and who will never judge you for whatever missteps you may make because they know you're only human. And that you're true-hearted enough to set things right when you need to. The people who matter will never abandon you for something as small as not satisfying the impossible standards of stuffy old farts."
"You know, you really shouldn't insult them like that," Arthur comments.
"Fine, I'll insult them even more creatively, then."
Arthur rolls his eyes. They land on the steadfast gaze of Merlin's, as strong in hue as they are in character.
Merlin holds out the small wooden bird. Arthur takes it and observes it. The detail on the wings. The familiarity of the shape. The smooth texture. He quickly glances up at Merlin before saying "You made this yourself?"
"I did." he answers softly.
"So wood-carving is one of those hidden talents you're always going on about, huh."
They smirk at one another, knowingly.
"One among many."
"I'm sure."
They're silent for a moment longer before there's a knock on the door and a guard reminds them of a meeting Arthur is being summoned for.
A few days later, the ball would take place and Arthur would actually have fun dancing with Gwen. He also, would only trip once, totally on purpose, to make Gwen smile amusedly, which she does. After a few dances, however, he's had enough. Gwen had too, and she goes to make charming conversation with their guests for a while, occasionally taking a break to converse with her ladies in waiting, many of whom, she's been friends with since before she was queen.
Arthur makes pleasant small talk with everyone as much as he can, but it is exhausting. He tries to get away so that he can banter with Merlin and just breathe, just to calm down a bit. He can't though. Everyone wants to talk to him and the room is so full of people dancing and milling about that he can't even see where Merlin is. He reaches a hand casually into his pocket and takes hold of the wooden token Merlin had given him. He thinks of what Merlin said. About his father, about their friends, about hope and strength.
Arthur will never tell Merlin this, but he truly must be a genius, because that little bird really did end up making him feel better.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
Arthur holds Excalibur in his hands. It truly is a magnificent sword. If ever there was a blade to convince you a legend was real, it was this one.
Still, Arthur has a hard time believing Merlin was being entirely truthful about the whole thing. He watches as Merlin speaks with some of the villagers. There really was a lot to do. Still, there was something he wanted to do that he didn't want to risk losing the chance to do.
Merlin immediately looks his way, excuses himself from the people he was talking to, and walks over.
Arthur reaches into his pocket and before Merlin can get a word out, shoves his old sword into his hands, much to Merlin's annoyance.
"Is polishing your sword really a priority right now, Arthur? I thought we-"
"That's not my sword."
"What?" Merlin blinked at him.
"That's not my sword. This is," he says, grasping the hilt of Excalibur.
Merlin looked delightfully flabbergasted.
"That's your sword." he continues.
"Arthur, you know I'm rubbish with sword-fighting. What am I supposed to do with this?"
"You're supposed to hit people with it. Preferably enemies. Consider it your Christmas present this year."
Merlin was flailing his mouth open and closed like a dying fish. Arthur told him as such.
"Arthur," Merlin called as he followed Arthur, who was resolutely walking away. He stammers for words. "Why your sword?"
"Practice makes perfect. Or, in your case, it ought to at least make you able to fight something bigger than an ant without getting knocked on your bottom. Besides, It's a practical gift. Don't I always get you practical gifts?"
"Yes, warm clothes and books, things I use regularly. But I hardly use a sword on a regular basis. It's not that I'm not grateful, don't get me wrong, but I just want to understand, why the change in routine?"
Arthur stops and looks at Merlin, then at the sword that he's had for quite some time. It was one of his favorites. Well-balanced, easy to wield, and not too flashy. Excalibur was clearly symbolic enough to justify the gold inlay and engravings, making it quite clear that this was not just a king's sword, but the king's sword. Arthur could feel that this sword was meant to be in his hands. Nonetheless, "That sword has served me well, Merlin. Even if your skillsets are lacking, and I worry for the safety of yourself and those around you when you have any sort of weapon in your hands, we're going to need all the help we can get now. And I trust that sword to be the most helpful to you in battle. So just take it."
He looks at Merlin intensely, making it clear that he won't back down.
Merlin sees this, and gives in with a nod. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
Later, after they get back home and finally have time to rest, Arthur will find a new journal wrapped up for him; He had filled the last one and, evidently, Merlin had noticed, which wasn't very surprising.
This time, the inscription reads,
"Even if my skillsets are lacking,
Yes, I remember that slight.
Stop telling me I'm slacking,
I can still beat you with words if not in a sword fight.
Merry Christmas Clot-pole."
5. I'm Sorry
It was the first Christmas without Arthur. Merlin did as he often did these days, and visited the lake. He kneels by the edge, feeling the cold mud soak through the knees of his trousers, which he found vaguely comforting.
"It's that time of year again," He speaks aloud. "I've had the hardest time thinking of what to give you."
"When you gave me your sword, you told me you trusted it to be the most helpful to me in battle. I had given you a sword that I had hoped would be most helpful to you in battle. In the end we probably would've been better off if we'd have swapped, I think."
"I went through your journals the other day. I found...some poems, that sort of explained why you were always hesitant to let me so much as glance at the damn things, when I'd already seen a number of your other poems. I must admit, I feel like a fool for...well, for a lot of things. For my part in turning Morgana into a monster. For pushing Mordred to her. For not telling you about my magic sooner..."
"For not telling you-" He's near sobbing now, his tears falling to wet the ground even further.
"For not telling you everything. For all the mistakes I made. For not being able to save you."
"I'm sure, if you were here, you'd be underwhelmed at my choice of gift for you, but I truly think it's the best I can do."
"...I'm sorry, Arthur. That's my gift to you. I'm just sorry, for telling you 'there could be no place for magic in Camelot.' I'm sorry for the lies and the secrets. I'm sorry for letting you go anywhere near that battlefield. I'm sorry."
"I'm so sorry."
+1. All I Want For Christmas Is You
Merlin would visit the lakeside every year, sometimes for a very long while, sometimes for just a few moments. Eventually, he'd barely find the strength to stop by at all.
Several hundred years after that, he'd get a job as a mail carrier, with a route that goes right by the lake. He walks that route now, in the winter cold and pauses for a breath. He doesn't look. He knows it's there. He knows he's not there. Not yet. Possibly not ever, at this point.
He continues along his route, as he has done over and over again, and will continue to do so over and over again until something forces him to change his habits as things do over and over again.
Until then, he keeps walking.
On this particular day, however, he must have been due for something to change again because something catches his eyes and ears. He hears the splash of water. He sees a glint of something shiny rising out of the lake. His heart stops. He drops his bag. He runs. His joints ache. He de-ages himself as he runs, so he can get to the lake faster. He gets there. He gets there and sees a fully armored, soaking wet, King Arthur of Camelot standing before him. They lock eyes. Arthur says his name and Merlin barely keeps from knocking him back into the water as he hugs him. Arthur hugs him back just as fiercely.
One year later, Arthur and Merlin will stand together in their house that stands somewhere close enough to the city that they can easily visit many of their reincarnated friends, who'd found wonderful lives for themselves in this new modern world(including Gwen and Lance, who had already been married for two years by the time everyone's memories came back), but far enough out that they can be left alone when they wish it.
It turns out that everyone aside from Arthur had been born into this new time and had new lives. When Arthur came back, they all regained their memories, and were all happy to see one another (mostly). Morgana and Mordred would each have a number of very long discussions with everyone. Over time apologies from all parties would be accepted.
In the meantime, Arthur and Merlin would be together, talking with each other, healing together, loving one another. Soon enough another Christmas is right around the corner and Arthur says, "I may need help finding a gift for you. I truly can't fathom how one can buy things with that same small card over and over and over. Not to mention the fact that your money is basically invisible now. It's ridiculous."
Merlin chuckles as he lays his head against Arthur's shoulder, the two of them sitting on the couch together as Merlin introduces him to the masterpiece that is "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
After a moment of thought, he responds "Honestly, I don't think you need to get me anything ever again. You came back. That's all I've wanted for the longest time."
Arthur hugs him more tightly at that. Then he says "You're not getting out of me getting you a gift, by being all sappy."
"And you're not getting out of learning about modern currency by being cute."
"But you admit I'm cute."
"I didn't say that."
"Yes, you did."
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did!"
"No, I didn't!"
They quickly end up wrestling each other until they've fully rolled off the couch and soon, it turns into a giggling mess of kisses and holding onto each other for dear life.
Even though he tried his best, Arthur has never been the best at picking out gifts for people. But in Merlin's book, nobody could ever beat the gift he got him that year. Nothing would ever top reuniting with the love of his life and finally living happily ever after.
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bogkeep · 6 months
honestly i forgot that i'm a Picky Eater... after moving out and being in full control of my own dinners + rooming with someone with far more limiting food preferences + hanging out with majority vegan/vegetarian friends... it's like wow, my parents were wrong!! i'm not as picky as they think!!! it's super normal for everyone to have different food preferences and accomodate for each other!! but the moment i visit family again it's like AH NEVERMIND THERE IT IS
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devskindawritingblog · 6 months
Family Christmas
Taissa turner x reader
AN: I love this one so much. I thought of this idea when I came out of the shower. This originally was about making cookies with her siblings but I decided to change it a little. I still love it so much. I love the idea of older sister taissa. I made her siblings twins named Tegan and Tyler. Taissa’s text is in red. Tegan’s is in purple. And Tyler’s is in green.
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You and Taissa have been dating for a little bit now, but you haven't gone over to her house while her whole family was home. You met her parents at one of the Yellowjackets games. But that was pretty much it. Taissa often talks about her little siblings. You would obviously love to meet them. Even though you hear about all their fights, you know Taissa loves them.
You planned on showing up at her house on Christmas to give the twins a little gift and to meet them. You spent Christmas day with your family. After you finished having dinner with your family, you went over to the phone and dialed Taissa’s number. She picks up the phone, and you can hear yelling in the background.
“Stop it! Someone is on the phone.” Taissa yells at her siblings as you hear screaming and giggling in the background.
“I’ll tell mom and dad.” she yells again as you smile to yourself. “Sorry about that. My parents went to a Christmas party and left me alone with the twins.” Taissa says as she sighs.
“It’s alright, Tai. I was wondering if you wanted a visitor. I kind of maybe got them a little gift.” You say as you can hear the kids quiet down a bit in the background.
“You didn’t have to do that. They got enough presents today.” Taissa says, and you can hear the twins rush over to her as she says the word present.
“It’s just a little something, okay? Winning over your parents was easy. Now I just have to impress the little ones.” You say, smiling to yourself, excited to meet her siblings. 
Taissa laughs and turns the phone away to tell her siblings that someone is coming over in a few minutes.
You both hang up the phone and gather your things. Making your way over to your car and driving over to her house. You arrive at her house. By now, it's a few hours after dinner, and the sun is starting to set. It's a little chilly outside, and it's lightly snowing-the perfect Christmas day. You approach, knocking on the door as you wait for someone to answer. 
You hear a little distant yelling, and suddenly the door swings open. You look down at Taissa’s little sister. 
“Oh,hi there, Tegan, right?” You say, smiling at the little girl. Her hair is tied back in two little buns with Christmas coloured ribbons.
“Yes” she says, looking you up and down and noticing the presents in your hand.
“I love your hair, who did it.”
“My mom, we had a Christmas party today.” She says smiling clearly loving her hair style. You hear footsteps, and Taissa walks up to the door, her brother trailing behind her.
“Hi, come in; we just finished eating dinner.” Taissa says as she drags you inside, shutting the door to keep the cold out.
You take off your jacket and shoes, and all four of you make your way into her living room. Taissa sits down on the couch, turning to her siblings.
“Ok, so this is y/n their my partner.” Taissa says not wanting to lie to the little kids but trying to help them understand. They both look over at you and nod. The kids care more about those gifts you brought through the front door.
“And this is my sister Tegan and my brother Tyler.” Taissa says pointing to both of them separately. 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. Taissa talks about you guys all the time.” You say smiling at the twins.They both seem to like that and smile back at you. 
“So I know it’s Christmas, so I asked your sister what you guys like to do, and I got a little gift.” You say pulling out each of them.
Both of their eyes light up, and they reach forward, grabbing their respective gift, trying not to be too excited. 
Taissa mentioned Tegan really liked art and crafts, so you got her a etch a sketch, and a little lite bright
For Tyler, Taissa always talked about how much energy he has, so you got him a super soaker and a slinky. You might have to apologize to her about that water gun, but that’s a summer problem.
The twins are so excited and rush off after thanking you to go try out their new toys.
“See now, your whole family loves me.” You smile, scooting closer to her, and she gives you a playful poke.
“You bribed my 8 year old siblings, actually.” She shoots back, smirking.
“No bribery, only Christmas cheer.” You smile, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. 
“Got you something too.” You say reaching and passing her a gift box with a green bow.
“Better not be a water gun.” She says with a stern look. “Just open it.” You say scooting as close as you can so you can watch her open it. 
Taissa unwraps her gift, and it’s a heart locket with both of your initials on it. She opens it up and it’s a cute photo of you and Taissa when you started dating.
“Awwww, this is so sweet. I love it.” She smiles, pulling you close and peppering your face with kisses as you laugh. “I wanted to get you something that you can wear any day.” Taissa smiles again, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulls you closer. She is just about to give you a kiss, but Tyler runs over happily, showing off what he can do with his slinky. “Tai! Look how cool!” Tyler beams as he runs into the living room. Tegan runs up as well showing how she spelled her name on the etch a sketch.
You shift your body so you're next to Taissa, and her arm is wrapped around your shoulder. Both of her siblings come into the living room and sit down on the couch.
“Tai Tai, we wanna watch Home Alone.” Tegan says, sitting next to Taissa. Your heart melts a little at the cute nickname. You will definitely be using it on her later.
“Momma said it's on at 6:00, please” Tyler adds as he also sits next to her.
Taissa agrees to the twins' delight. All of you go and get a drink and pop some popcorn on the stove. You all go sit on the couch and Taissa next to each other, with one of the twins on either side of you.
You all have a fun time watching Home Alone with all of them. The kids laugh at all the pranks. As the movie comes to an end, they get more and more sleepy. You and Taissa’s little sister we're sharing some popcorn, and she fell asleep on your shoulder. 
“Tai, look how cute.” You whisper as you look over at Taissa; her little brother is asleep, head laying in her lap.
“Can you help me bring them to bed?” Taissa says as she slowly scoops up her brother. You slowly slip out from under Tegan and pick her up as well. The twins were very tired from a long day of opening presents and having fun. They stir a little, but they quickly go back to sleep as they realize where they are.
You both carry the twins into their room and tuck them into their beds. You both quietly sneak out and back to the living room. You sit down on the couch next to Taissa cuddling with her. 
“You're so good with them.” She says smiling at you as she pulls you into the kiss she never got earlier.
“I’m so glad I got to meet them. You think they like me?” You say asking hopefully.
“Your kidding? Next time you come over, they are going to be all over you,” She says, laughing a little at the thought.
“I’m glad. Me and your brother are gonna be good friends in the summer. I’m totally helping him get you with that water gun.” You tease playfully.
“You watch it; I’ll send him after you too.” She teases back as both of you relax on her couch together
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mysticaleyeliner · 6 months
TFW you forgot the baby butter for the baby scones
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qbwr · 5 months
I was more of a Joe/Ja’marr girlie but the angst in Buffalo is way more compelling to me rn
joe'marr is compelling in it's own right but there's something about josh and stef.... it's so.....
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merwynsartblog · 6 months
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shhhhh let the gay friends gossip
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aimeedaisies · 8 months
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blissfali · 11 months
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hey guys. wasnt able to be on tumblr because ivr been busy building this he-man castle grayskull mega construct (knock off lego) set for the past 36 hours. doesnt it look awesome
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yourevilselfishere · 5 months
Hear me out-
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Beds made, I'm eatting three meals a day, drink water, clean my room, aNYTHING HE WANTS
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It's number 3 on the singe charts after less than a day
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socialbunny · 6 months
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guys look at this ask i got yesterday
anyways have u guys ever heard this shit? give it a listen song of the summer fr
#chat#omg putting this at the top of the tags but i dont ppl coming to myyyyyy defense i guess like this is one of the stupidest asks ive ever#in my life LOL. one of the stupidest asks ever directed at me i mean.#there was a midtown concert yesterday in nj#just using it to talk abt mid fucking town#AND I WASNT THERE#i was reallllyyyyyy thinking abt going (that shit is like a day away from me and i dont have the money for shit like that)#was thinking abt having my own early 2010s family trip movie where wacky shit happens and i have a panic attack and almost die or something#but i couldnt fit it into my schedule 😞#POSTING MIDTOWN REMINDS ME. i bought three cheers for sweet revenge record the other day 😁😁😁😁#and my midtown living well is the best revenge record finally shipped after i emailed the seller abt it. and that shits not coming#until after christmas. whatever. midtown and mcr albums that are making out#SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT both midtown vinyls lwitbr and stwltg at the same time#but the shipping that 1 and one shirt took pissed me off bc i literally ordered the stuff one month ago exactly 😭😭😭#and didnt get a tracking number until i asked.#whatever. thinking of buying that one hot mess vinyl bc they dont have any pressings of#any other cobra albums. unless im not looking good enough. sneefle sneefle#thinking of other albums to buy. im not an album person really i have to really like something or like the general vibe of something to#buy it idk. like the mcr album LOL#Spotify
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pernillecfcw · 6 months
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The best kind of Christmas number 1 🎉💙
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sunshineandviolets · 6 months
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lmaooo get her neglectful ass m!!
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