qbwr · 8 months
I was more of a Joe/Ja’marr girlie but the angst in Buffalo is way more compelling to me rn
joe'marr is compelling in it's own right but there's something about josh and stef.... it's so.....
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peachy-wolfhard · 3 months
dating toge inumaki II
warnings: cuteness, erm plushie incest, toge gets cucked in Stardew Valley, “pretty princess” is used once
word count: 861
These are hopefully sweeter than Part 1
I have way too many thoughts about this freak
Sleepovers are a must and Toge is the number one sleepover planner even if the sleepovers are last minute
Facemasks! Movie night! Mario Kart! EVERYTHING!!!
Absolutely WILL try and sabotage your Mario Kart win. He likes to push, bite, hiss… anything a younger sibling would do
He likes to play the VS races so he can continuously blue-shell you
Toge loves doing every cute couple's tiktok trends. His favorite so far is the matching nail polish to your eyes
“Honey! Honey! Salted salmon cod roe!” as Toge runs up to you pointing and grinning.
“Hold on! Stop jumping!” you giggle taking the phone from his hand. Watching the TikTok he was too excited to show you, it's a couple showing their eyes next to nail polish their partner picked out. Looking up from his phone, Toge frantically points back and forth between the two of you, practically buzzing.
“You wanna do this wi-” “SALMON SALMON SALMON!” the curse speech user cuts you off all while jumping up and down, holding your shoulders
Another trend he likes is painting your partner, he takes all the couple challenges seriously but ESPECIALLY this one
“Ugh, I hate how all these guys never try on these” Toge types and rests on your hip to read.
“Never try on what?” you reply resting your chin atop his head, stroking his hair. Toge swipes to a TikTok of a couple that painted each other and skips to the end, the man shows his painting of his s/o as her face falls, it looks more like an unflattering caricature. 
“Let's do this! Need to paint my pretty princess :3 need the love of my life immortalized in a painting” Toge types giggling into your neck
Speaking of cute couple things! He definitely makes you a highlight on Instagram. Its wither named something like “(your initial) <3333” or “my wet cat :3”
Half of the posts are .5’s of you eating or the most gorgeous images ever taken by a human
FACETIMING!!!! He might not be able to speak BUT Facetime is still fun. He likes it when you give him a haul of all the stuff you bought
Jokingly gets jealous over the fictional characters you like (getting meta here woah)
“The things I'd let that man do should be illegal,” giggling as Toge pouts, arms crossed over his chest like a child.
“Absolutely devious and heinous things,” Toge groans then pretends to cry, throwing his head in between his knees. Ignoring your dramatic boyfriend, you continue the movie.
A flurry of messages comes through, all with the overarching theme of “I'll never be him”
“I mean we could dye your hair”
Toge likes to sneak into your dorm after long missions just because. You feel the bed move under his weight. Toge proceeded to wiggle his way closer to you, lifting your waist gently to place his arm under, pulling you somehow even closer. Resting his chin on your shoulder, “Hi”
Toge likes to keep his collar zipped up and mumble so you have to lean closer to him to hear him then pull it down and quickly kiss you
Play fighting is his all-time favorite pastime. Play fighting either means just wrestling around or picking you up and slamming you on any soft surface
Mystery box addict over here. Toge loves all mystery boxes but ESPECIALLY those Tokidoki ponies and the Sanrio ones
100% makes you guys open them together and record it
“Hi chat. We got blind boxes again,” you say holding up one of the many blind boxes you and Toge had purchased that day
“We bought so much today I don't think we have enough for groceries,” “Salmon”
“Which one do you want? I want the onion or corn pony,” Toge leans over and looks at the back of your box, and taps frantically on the pony that looks like a potato. Unfortunately for you two, you both get radish.
Plushie. Demon. Toge either glares at your plushies or makes them kiss and makes them hump each other
Dinner nights with the rest of your friends are quite common. Most of the time Toge makes dinner and invites your friends
Dinner also (most of the time) morphs into an unexpected sleepover (you guys forgot how late it was and now can't leave the dorm without being seen)
Toge loves playing video games with you. Even if you don’t play the kind of games he plays
“Grrrr,” Toge grows like a dog at your Stardew Valley character.
“Be quiet freak I'm talking to my husband. Go to the mines we need coal,”
“I'm being cucked in my own save file,” Toge texts you before running to the mines
Matching phone charms, headbands, sleep masks, PLUSHIES!!! Literally everything that can match you guys have it
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florencetypemaniacs · 6 months
The RO reactions to being walked in on by their kid (and MC's kid) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅
💛 Marcel
Marcel covered you the best he could with his body, his eyes going wide for only a second. 
The child rubbed their eyes. "Daddy? What are you and [other parent] doing?" They were confused. 
Marcel's calming down just a little bit gave your child an innocent smile that would even fool you if you weren't part of his naughty misdeeds. 
"We can talk about it tomorrow." He quickly put on his robe and walked over to the child, carrying them to bed. "How about a story?" He said to distract the child until they could have a proper conversation tomorrow. 
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would yell in surprise, falling off the bed, leaving you laughing a little. 
"Mom, are you okay?" Margaret puts a hand out to stop the child from coming any closer. "Stay there! I'm fine! Totally completely fine!" 
Margaret sat on the floor with a red blush on your face, your child just looking more and more confused as you took charge, while Margaret wished the floor would swallow her whole. 
❤️ Owen
Owen would curse. "Bloody hell!" Feeling bad when he scared the poor child out of the room, leaving you glaring at him.
"Ugh…bugger." Owen ran a hand down his face. "I didn't mean to-they just surprised me is all-ill go talk to them."
The redhead got up and went to apologize to the kid, coming back after about an hour, not leaving until the child fell asleep.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would cover herself, practically forgetting about you, leaving you free from the covers until she widened in surprise, putting the covers over your most needed spots. 
"Mama... [other parent]... what are you doing?" The child yawned, eyes closed, as they looked tired. 
Rosemary would give you a look and a head nudge to take the child back to bed, which you did, the adrenaline kicking in as you escorted the kid back to their room. 
Rosemary laid her head back on the pillow with a deep sigh before laughing a little, waiting for you to get back. 
🩵 Tai
Horrified. Tai would think anyone walking in on him and you would make him pass out but his child?! Giving a child the birds and the bees talk was one thing but this was too much. He would push you off the bed, making you yelp in surprise.
Tai got up, covering himself with his robe as he scolded your shared child, his voice a little high-pitched.
"Why didn't you knock?" He asked, leading the child out of the room.
"I know I raised you with manners, [Kid's Name]"
"I did!" Your child's stubbornness was showing, definitely getting it from Tai. "What were you and [other parent] doing anyway?"
Tai blushed a bright red. "We will talk later! Now go to your room! And no dessert for at least a week!"
You sighed as you heard your child and your husband continue to yell at each other
💚 Zane
Zane hissed under his breath as he turned to curse anyone he dared to disturb him, but seeing it was your guy's kid, he stopped.
While Zane isn't at all a strict parent, he loves that kid more than life itself, and if it weren't for wanting alone time with the MC, he would spend all day playing with his little buddy.
"Papa, what are you doing to [the other parent]?"
Before Zane could even speak, you gave him a glare that made him pout. "Wrestling and we were having fun…uh…wrestling…what about you go back to sleep, kiddo, and leave us to our game?"
Your child frowned. "What do I get?"
Zane laughed putting his robe on and leaving you in bed. "How about a nice bowl of ice cream."
"With sprinkles!"
"I'll race you!" Zane said as the child took off, Zane turned back to you. "You stay here and keep getting warmed up…" He said with a sly look.
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chompsky · 2 years
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Obituaries can't be for their subject (they're gone, and despite his name, Chompsky couldn't even read) so I guess that means they're for us. I'm trying to capture some sense of what this wonderful beast was like, trying to share both the best and worst parts of him so they can live on a little longer in all of us, and it's impossible. Can't be done! That's why we cry when people die instead of bustin' out their obits and saying "Look, it's just as good!"
That said, he was great, and I want to try.
So how about this:
He didn't have a name, and we were at least his third home.
On their website of adoptable dogs, Toronto Animal Services called him something like "Dog A315391". When we went in to meet him, they told us all they knew about him was that someone had come in wanting to surrender him earlier that month. Toronto Animal Services isn't the Humane Society and they don't do surrenders - they're more the "government agency you call to handle wild animals or dogs at large" people - but another member of the public was there looking for a dog, and the two of them made a deal for him right there in the parking lot.
It must not have worked out, because a week later Toronto Animal Services picked him up as a stray. 
We took him home, and we named him Chompsky.
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"Separation anxiety" is when a dog is afraid of being alone, and for a dog on his third family, in retrospect it wasn't surprising that Chompsky suffered greatly from it. He followed us from room to room, and he'd only stop crying that first night if I was touching him, so I slept on the floor, my hand on his paw until morning.
He didn't leave our sides for the next six weeks. 
Jenn had to go to work during the day, but one of the perks of being a cartoonist was I could be with him 24/7 to help him work on his problem. Initially it was so bad that I'd have to give him a marrow bone - the highest-value treat I had - just to have a shower: he'd be done with it in three minutes, but if I was fast, I could be finished showering by then too. 
After tons of exercises and practice, we got to the point where Chompsky was ready for his greatest test: being left alone for three hours. (Our trainer told us that anything three hours and up is just "a long time" for a dog, so if you can hit three, you're golden.) That first time we gave him a bone, but shortly afterwards we began giving him a meat stick instead: a special treat that he only got when we were going to be apart for a little while, our way of telling him it was fine to go snooze for a bit, because we were promising to return.  In any case, we left, and when we came back three hours later, Chompsky got up from his mat sleepy-eyed, yawned and stretched, and came over to say hello. He'd never fully conquer his fear of being abandoned, but he'd learned to manage it. 
In the end that touch of separation anxiety was a benefit: it meant he was never a dog who'd run away at the dog park - a whistle or calling his name was usually enough to get him to come bounding back.  And on the occasions where he didn't want to leave, where he'd hold back, keeping us in eyesight but wanting to stay and play for as long as possible - I took it as a compliment, as proof of how far he'd come. Our little guy.
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He was the belle of the ball at the dog park, because he was a dog who'd play with anyone, scaling his play down for little dogs a quarter of his size and up for larger dogs.  He was just endlessly happy to be there every day, to run around and chase and herd and wrestle.  His best friend at the park was Miles, and whenever they were both there at the same time, they would wrestle for so long that they'd both end up exhausted, lying beside each other, trying to invent new ways to wrestle while lying on their backs.
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He loved people, and if you loved him back, it was just an endless loop of the two of you being excited to see each other.  And he was obviously super subtle about his affection:
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Here's the only trick Chompsky came with: sit.
Here's some of the tricks we taught Chompsky: stay, lie down, chill, stand up, dance, come, backup, leave it, release, drop it, pick it up, sit pretty, left, right, shake, high five, high ten, go pee, spin, play dead, roll over, fetch, touch, on your mat, bow, up top, crawl, find it, catch, in the car, go see Jenn, and go see Ryan. 
Here's some of the tricks Chompsky taught himself:
the apparently-distinctive way I'd say "okay, let's go" before getting up to leave the house which was thus a secret harbinger of walks
how to go for walks in such a way that his photo ends up in The Guardian
how to be an alarm clock for overnight guests
how to befriend local ice fishers in order to steal their fish when they weren't looking
then he did it a second time, oh my god 
after that we stopped letting him go off-leash around Ontario's overly-trusting fisherfolk
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Like most dogs who spend time outdoors in Ontario, he had a few run-ins with skunks and porcupines.  The skunk encounter only happened once (thankfully, since it meant we both had to sleep in the garage), but he got slapped by his spikey friends several times. The first few times it happened I thought "oh wow he really got lucky!" because it was only ever just his nose. Then I realized it was his shagginess that was keeping him safe! Quills couldn't get through all his that fur, so it was just his nose (and sometimes between his toes) where he could get hit.  Anyway he never learned his lesson and enjoyed getting treats while we pulled them out, and also the porcupines never learned anything either. Nobody learned anything and everyone had a great time except for me and Jenn, the end
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When we got him he loved to countersurf, getting up on those hind legs and see if there was anything he could grab from the counter.  We did what we could to train it out of him with positive reinforcement, and that - along with keeping our counters clean - helped!  He wouldn't do it when we were in the room, but if we were in someone else's house - and especially if we were out of the room in someone else's house - he could spot an opportunity and go for it.  One time he pulled a whole Thanksgiving turkey off my parent's kitchen counter (he only got one chomp mark in the leg before we stopped him and then ate it anyway, it was still good), another time he ate so many peanuts from a tin he stole off the counter that his poops the next day were, and it brings me no joy to say this, exactly like what you see in your mind's eye when I say the phrase "Snickers: Oops, All Peanuts", and once he ate an entire pound of butter which actually gave his coat a delightful sheen but we still didn't let him do it again.
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Two weeks before he passed, I brought him to a dog park, hoping he'd poop.  It was a few days before the vet would tell us he had a very aggressive melanoma in his bowels, which was blocking him up and causing him pain - at first we just thought he was constipated and were changing his diet to softer, wetter foods. On this visit to the park, he tried several times to poop without success, but even in all that, and as uncomfortable as he was, he still picked out a complete stranger and sat down beside her. She gave him some pets, he leaned into it, and within a minute she'd crouched down and the two of them were like this:
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That was just who Chompsky was, making friends wherever he went. (After his diagnosis, he would finally poop on my birthday, and that bowel movement - and the laxatives he was on to make his stool soft so he wouldn't get backed up again - gave us our last perfect week together, where he didn't have to suffer. In other words, yes, a week's worth of hot-off-the-presses dog poop was my favourite birthday present this year.)
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This last one is sad.
Last week, we brought him to a cottage, and spent all our time together.  We went on big hikes, he ran and played and got special food and his own steak dinner and breakfast and everything else he wanted.  The vet was coming Wednesday at 2pm.
Wednesday morning was perfect.  October can get cold, but it was an unseasonably warm day - perfect weather for Chompskys.  We got up early, and walked out to the lake, where the sun was taking its time burning off the fog, and things were just were effortlessly spectacular.  He fetched sticks in the lake and played tug with us on the shore, and then we all walked home.
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We hung out and did what we could to keep it together ourselves so that Chompsky wouldn't worry about us.  Time moved slowly and quickly and not at all. 
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He passed away outdoors, in the afternoon sun.  While he was falling asleep, we petted him and told him he was a good dog, a good boy, and we gave him treats - including meat sticks.  It was the treat he only ever got when we left him home alone, our way of telling him "we're going to be apart for a little while, Chompsky, but we promise it won't be forever."
A few minutes later, he was gone.
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Noam Chompsky, 2010-2022.
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gotenandtrunkz · 2 years
- Goten & Trunks guys being dudes etc. This doesnt make sense if you’re just dropping in but it makes sense if youve been living it. And I loathe to make a post like this I really do. But you’re just gonna have to go with it. Goten gets it in his head that a great way to annoy Trunks and to get attention and to do something new/interesting is to try to convince him to “do it in the butt” with him.
- Trunks is like “No” and Goten is like “Please” and Trunks is like “No” and Goten tries to make his argument (it’s something new, it’s not a big deal, they can say that theyve done everything together if they do this, it’s a way to pass the time, neither of them have a GF at the moment so it’s a practical means of getting by, it’s funny, etc), Trunks keeps saying “No” and the conversation dies off.
- Much later, they’re chilling, hanging out, it’s quiet, in Trunks’s room, Trunks is reading a book on his mattress. He’s lying on his stomach and reading a book. Goten is kind of bored and the silence is boring him and usually when Trunks pulls out the “for geniuses” books Goten leaves and he should probably leave. He’s thinking about leaving. But he sees Trunks lying on the mattress with his ass to the world and Goten remembers the conversation that they had earlier and he figures that there’s one (1) more thing he could try to do to get some god damn entertainment around here before leaving. 
- See it’s like this. You can’t be proud of cheap shots, yeah? We all like to try to get a rise out of our buddies, but if someone, say, fires a loaded gun into the sky, and then laughs becasue everybody flinched - well they’re kind of an asshole, yknow? Because of course everyone flinched. That was an unprecedented noise. It was a cheap shot and they’re kind of an asshole. You know what’s much more rewarding? When you EARN someone’s response, flinch, cringe, giving-up, etc. Playing the devil’s advocate and going back and forth until they finally run out of ideas and concede. Wrestling with someone and using silly moves and giving them many outs before finally winning, rather than just, like, hitting them in the head with a board to start. You gotta BUILD UP to it, yknow? Especially in the context of Goten & Trunks. They have been BFFs for forever and so the bar is very high when it comes to messing with each other. They’ve seen it all so the attempts have to keep getting more delicate and convoluted. What’s more, they’re martial artists, and KNOW the ignominy of a cheap shot. They would never let the other one forget or come back from a cheap shot.
- So I’ll tell you what Goten cannot do. He cannot go over there and grab Trunks’s ass and rip it off. It’s shock value and it’s a cheap shot. He cannot go over there and start beating on it like a bongo drum, even though he really wants to. It’s overdone, and as a prank relying on Trunks’s reflexive flinching, so, it’s a cheap shot. If Goten is gonna have a win, he’s gotta be careful about this. He’s gonna have to really work it.
- Goten goes over there and, to just, like, test the waters, just sits on him a bit. Not even a straddle, he just sits on him like one would on a cement ledge. At this point there’s a 50% chance that Trunks will tell him to get off, in which case no one wins, because a situation that could be won has not even been allowed to develop yet; and there’s a 50% chance that Trunks says nothing, because he is sensing the silent honor of the budding scenario and he wishes to maintain his dignity. 
- Trunks says nothing. And he isn’t going to say anything. He’s not gonna let Goten win, yknow? He’s not gonna let him have this. He’s gonna ignore him so expertly. He just keeps reading his book.
- Goten just starts shifting around trying to find ways to bug him. He rubs his back and shoulders & straddles him for a bit & then he starts rubbing his legs and nothing is working. Then he just, like, lowers himself onto him, all careful and soft-like, like how a pigeon hunkers down on a clutch of eggs. Carefully aligning himself so that they’re perfectly parallel. And he really thinks that this is gonna be the winner right here. But Trunks still doesnt respond at all and Goten is just lying on him and his head falls over Trunks’s shoulder and TBH it’s pretty comfortable and Goten might just fall asleep like a cat in a sunbeam but NO. He’s gotta stay awake. He’s on a mission. 
- Goten is feeling sleepy and bored again so he kisses Trunks on the ear and Trunks DOES give him a response to this - he lets his hands fall away from the book and he sighs like an exasperated parent. He looks forward at nothing as if looking into the camera, and while Goten scrambles to regain his balance to lift himself up slightly, Trunks has already returned to his calm reading. Like it had never happened. He had expressed some annoyance but it was buried in the sands of time now and Goten has had no win at all. What’s more, it wasnt genuine annoyance, it was the Sigh of an Exasperated Parent; Trunks is clearly playing him and is in the lead right now. And now he’s unbothered in his book again.
- Goten has half a mind to forgo his efforts right now and to start beating on Trunks like a monkey, but he shows restraint. He crawls off of him and thinks what to do.
- He decides that he’s bored & wants to go home anyway & he might as well just get this ball rolling. If Trunks thinks that it’s unfair + a cheap shot then so be it. Goten, very gently, tries to shimmy Trunks’s pants OFF of his ass. To reiterate it is dead silent in the room right now. Goten is being so careful and so self-aware that it’s brazen. This may be the funniest gambit to ever appear on the big screen. He tries to pull Trunks’s pants down.
- SURELY this will garner a reaction. Trunks is not just gonna let Goten do this, right? It’s not that they havent yanked each others pants down before as pranks, or havent bathed together, or havent drawn on each other’s butts with markers, but it’s just - given the context of their previous conversation, the one where Goten was trying to convince to “do it in the butt” with him .. what’s ironic and what’s not at this point? Is Trunks going to let this stand?
- Nah man, it doesnt matter. Trunks is cool reading his book right now. Negative perspiration baby. Goten starts to sweat nervously, just a bit, because he’s starting to doubt that he can win this after all. It’s hard to pull down someone’s pants when they’re actively lying down, pinning the fabric against some surface. Goten is in dire straits. And Trunks is winning so hard right now, you know what he does? This is like the tortoise and the hare, when the hare has so much lead on the tortoise that he doubles back and takes a nap. Trunks has so much confidence to spare right now that he sort of ... shuffles, a bit, in a way - What he does is he turns a page and CLEARS HIS THROAT like an OLD MAN and in the process shuffles a bit and in that manner, lifts at the waist just a smidge, for just a moment, thus giving Goten a bit more clearance to accomplish what he’s trying to do. 
- This is charity work! This is humiliating! Trunks is winning so hard right now that it’s like he’s passing Goten while on his final Mario Kart lap, while Goten is only on his 2nd, and he tosses him a mushroom. Goten considers going home and killing himself. But he’s come too far to quit. He’s made his bed and now he has to eat it.
- So where are we? Trunks’s pants are out of the way enough. Underwear isnt hard to just, like, scrunch down, so that’s not an issue. Where are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going? 
- Goten thinks what to do. Then a moment of peace and clarity falls upon him. He remembers that he’s bored & wants to go home & he really doesnt care what happens & this is really at no cost to him. He might as well. What’s it gonna take to get Trunks to buckle? This is absurd. It’s embarrassing that Trunks would have this much pride really. It’s at no cost to Goten.
- Goten puts his finger in Trunks’s butt. Trunks turns his head and coughs.
- OK so this is crunch time now this is rush hour this is the final lap this is final destination this is the final stage this is, you have 6 exams the next day and you didnt study, this is high stakes this is everything. This is personal. Goten can’t go home like this. He leaves Trunks’s ass exposed as he gets up and paces the room, planning his next move. 
- Ok, ok, ok, this is fine, see, Trunks is actually set up for failure this time, because, he cant ignore Goten forever, he just can’t. No one can. There’s no way he’s gonna win this battle and Goten is gonna make sure of it. Oh yeah. It’s all gonna be fine. Goten can handle this, he’s just gotta keep moving forward. No time for mercy. This isn’t mercy time. Goten considers mercy. He looks at Trunks. Trunks keeps idly turning pages. The sick bastard. No time for mercy. No room to back out. Doomed if you stay, doomed if you go. Ah hell. Goten was the one who brought it up first. He’s not afraid of Trunks’s shitty pale ass. Upturned like the moon reflecting on the ocean. It’s cool. Goten is fine. He’s more than fine. He’s invincible. And he doesnt even care. It’s at no cost to him.
- Goten sort of sways on his feet, acting natural. Trunks itches his nose and turns a page. Goten starts whistling a bit, looking around, and he drops his own pants as quietly as he can. 
- All of this competitive stress has got him flying at half-mast right now, but that’s not enough to carry through to victory. That’s like bringing a butter knife to a sword fight. That’s bullshit. That’s bullshit and we don’t have time for bullshit right now.
- Goten looks down at his exposed and pitiful self, and thinks of what would be the fastest way to full-vitality right now, and at this vulnerable and sensitive time, Trunks turns his head and looks at him. 
- “Dude,” Trunks looks him in the eye. “I’m not going to let you fuck my ass. Put that away.” Then he returns to his book.
- Goten goes limp immediately. Weak with embarrassment, he lifts his own pants back up, and then much like a dog with its tail between its legs, does Trunks the courtesy of wrestling his back on too. He leaves the room & finds a bathroom & gets in the shower & he stands there with his hand on the wall and head hanging for 45 minutes. 
- While Goten is in the shower, let’s revisit Trunks for a moment. OBVIOUSLY that was a serve like no other, obviously he won the royale. Obviously Goten has been destroyed and Trunks has the honor of signing his name with a cattle prod onto Goten’s ass. But TBH? Just to get a glimpse into the mind of a victor? He was getting a little scared at the end there. He wasn’t sure what was gonna happen. I’ll tell you, he won that battle for two reasons: One, he never lost confidence; and Two, he always maintained control. Now control is a tricky thing. Just the illusion of it will suffice, as it’s determined by who believes what. Goten wasn’t really confident, because he’s always been player 2 to Trunks, and Trunks has won so many times and in such effective ways that sometimes Goten gets nervous and starts slipping on his own sweat. But there’s no need for that. See, it’s not always clear, because Trunks is really good at keeping his mouth shut, but there have been times where Goten has really filleted him. And it’s always because Goten doesnt give a shit and is a wild wild man, while Trunks often times cares about things to some degree. If Goten had really committed to the fratboy hazing he was attempting, he would have been victorious. But he got cold feet & maybe wasn’t being completely honest with himself on the way that he thinks that sex is kind of a sensual thing & he wasnt really comfortable employing it ironically to bother his buddy & ESPECIALLY when Trunks was just ignoring him and making him feel unwelcome. So really, Goten was doomed to fail from the start. And really, Trunks could have very easily lost that one.
- Trunks is good at keeping his cool and usually things are funny so there’s no harm, no foul, but this one was a battle that he won’t soon forget. He was determined to stay above it, but, man, there’s a point where false confidence will be rectified, yknow? He honestly wasn’t even really reading the book by the end of it. Even to start he was only comprehending like 50-70% of it. He just remembered to turn the page every now and then to make it look real. By the end of it he was understanding maybe 5-10% of it because it was hard to focus when his bare ass was exposed to the dangers of the world. But I mean, he’s cool. He’s cool with it. You know? He’s good at calming down and feigning confidence. It’s one of his strengths. It’s necessary for him. 
- And, yknow, fear isn’t really a conducive emotion, YKNOW? By nature and by nurture, he’s long since trained fear into fight. As a saiyan, a competition excites him. Context is key, maybe, but what was the context, just Goten again trying to parade around like a rooster, or really more like the turkey second-most in the pecking order, and never really getting to be the leader, but routinely trying it anyway. But, really, it was more like the invincible and senseless pranks of a free-spirited monkey, and if Goten hadn’t gotten too self-aware, he would have won that for sure. But Trunks won with his impeccable disgruntled-old-father-impersonation with the sighs and the coughs and he successfully made Goten feel so ignored that it rendered him powerless. 
And, yknow, much in the manner of their broship, Trunks was definitely feeling a little daring too. Part of him wanted Goten to just do it. To just do it. To just do it. Just go on ahead and do it. Let’s see it. I’m dying to see it. Do it. DO IT. DO IT ALREADY, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? HUH? JUST DO IT MAN! COME ON, ARE YOU A COWARD? DO IT, YOU DICK! YOU BASTARD! I’LL EAT YOU! JUST DO IT, ASSHOLE, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, man. For a minute there, Trunks wasn’t sure how he was gonna get out of this one alive. An adroit eye would read Trunks’s final words not as a KO but as the insecure flailing that they were - he truly was out of ideas and he just had to defend himself somehow.
But, it’s over now, and Trunks is formally the winner, and his status is secure, and Goten never has to know about the cold sweat that broke out on the back of Trunks’s neck near the end there. He’ll be perceived as coolly disinterested as always.
Stay gorgeous everypony 
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mitchtheficus · 3 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
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Even though Kota couldn’t speak English and Kenny had yet to learn Japanese, the Golden Lovers had no trouble communicating. Their friend Michael Nakazawa was able to serve as translator, but by August 22, 2008 he felt his services had already become unnecessary. A few people who knew them at that time describe them being able to communicate with just a look, or Kota speaking in Japanese and Kenny speaking in English and somehow the Golden Lovers were just able to understand each other. Kenny once joked that they communicated telepathically
Kenny comes back to Japan just a few months after their first meeting and in their very FIRST EVER 2-man tag match (January 24, 2009 - LINK) the Golden Lovers win DDT’s tag team championships
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[ID: GIF from the end of the match, the ref is trying to hand the GLs their titles but Kenny pulls Kota into his arms and hugs him tightly. End ID]
They seem a little awkward with each other at the beginning of the match (Kota keeps glancing at Kenny while they wait for the ref to stop futsing with the belts) but they’ve clearly been practicing together, preparing for this moment because they already have their team moves down pat
their tandem move set (especially Golden Shower) is athletically impressive sure, but it’s also kind of magical when you think about what it means
"Somehow our jump height was the same, our spin speed was the same, and we would have the exact same timing of impact. It was really like twins were flying through the air." [Kenny speaking in The Golden Comeback documentary LINK]
not only did the GLs share one brain, their wrestling had naturally developed to be in perfect unison. more proof that this was destiny
In this match they get their first ever hot tag with Kenny bleeding and the GLs desperately reaching for each other, Kota lets out this yell when he can finally, finally get Kenny to safety and do some damage of his own
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[ID: gif from the match, Kenny is crawling towards Kota across the mat before making a final jump, hitting Kota’s hand and tagging him in. Kota lets out a yell while getting into the ring. End ID]
they end it with their very first Golden Shower (the complete silence of the audience while they set this up is so so cool)
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[ID: gif from the match, the GLs perform their finisher Golden Shower, twin firebird splash from on top of the turn buckle onto their prone opponent. End ID]
At the end, holding their new titles they shout “Safety first!” along with the audience in japanese as kenny bleeds all over his face
A few months later (May 4, 2009 - LINK) they have their first encounter with the s/ex doll legend Yoshihiko. anything involving the GLs and Yoshihiko is worth watching imo because it’s always so creative and insanely athletic and funny
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[ID: two gifs, in the first the puppeteer for the doll Yoshihiko twirls the doll like it’s doing cartwheels across the ring, then in the second gif he stops and just THROWS the doll at Kenny and Kota as hard as he can. They both sell it like they got hit with a real person. End ID]
(at this point it’s probably necessary to give you a general content warning for DDT matches. Lots of dick jokes, lots of butts just out, frequently literally not safe to watch at work. Additionally the GLs often fight a wrestler named Danshoku Dino, who plays a homophobic predatory gay caricature and frequently uses sexual harassment and assault as a funny haha wrestling gag. Viewer discretion etc).
Just the next day (May 5, 2009) Kota wrestles on a njpw show, a tag match against Tanahashi (for new fans: njpw is another wrestling company in japan, all you need to know rn is that njpw is bigger and more prestigious than ddt) and asks to be allowed to participate in NJPW’s super juniors tournament 
At this time both of the GLs were working for DDT, but DDT and NJPW sometimes collabed which meant letting ddt guys on njpw shows and vise versa. In spring of 2009 kota got his wish and competed in njpw’s super juniors tournament for the first time, losing to Prince Devitt (now Finn Balor in WWE) in the semi-finals. (LINK)
Almost a year to the day that the GLs had their first match (August 8, 2009 - I can’t find this match anywhere!) they return to the Beer Garden (the location of their first match) this time as a team
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[ID: picture of Kenny and Kota standing on top of the vending machine that Kota phoenix splashed off of in their first ever match. End ID]
DDT lets wrestlers produce the shows for this several-day event and this day is produced by Kenny. This match is a little bit of a love letter to how they met. One of their opponents is Mike Angels, the guy from Kenny’s cabin video. It’s a falls count anywhere match. And one of the spots is a re-enactment of the move that won Kota’s first fall against Kenny, a phoenix splash from on top of the vending machine, but this time they do it together
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[ID: a gif from the match, Kenny and Kota do their Golden Shower finisher from on top of the vending machine mentioned earlier onto their opponent who is laying on a table. End ID]
After this match Kenny tells the crowd that a year ago he had almost lost his love for wrestling and that he had felt really alone “not just in wrestling but as a person.” (machine translation) but he has since found Kota and the DDT fans, and he feels really lucky
Kenny does a Q&A (August 2009) where he’s asked if his love for Kota is “real” (he says yes). he also says that his dreams for tag team success can only be realized with Kota as his partner
(DDT does a Samurai photoshoot and the GLs are involved, this is unrelated to anything, i just think you should know that you can see them cosplaying as samurais if you want)
The GLs end their first year as a tag team with a fatal four way match with Dino and Nakazawa (Dec 30, 2009 - [can’t find the full match anywhere but here is the end: LINK]). Despite technically being opponents, they refuse to fight each other. At the end of the match Dino forces the lovers to kiss and they get soooo distracted kissing that they don’t notice when Dino pins Nakazawa, causing them both to lose the match
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[ID: Dino piledrives Nakazawa while Kenny and Kota kiss in the background. Kenny has his arms around Kota and is holding his head in place, and the end Kota kind of sags to the floor. End ID]
they’re soooo smiley afterwards, it’s v cute
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[ID: Kota smiles at Kenny and looks away and touches his mouth. End ID]
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[ID: Kenny smiles at Kota and touches his mouth too. End ID]
After losing they kiss again.
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[ID: Kenny leans forward and Kota meets him for a little peck and Kenny squeezes his eyes shut and nods after it. The expression on Kenny’s face is complicated. End ID]
it’s uh a little fraught
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[ID: Kenny is looking at Kota after their second kiss and his face is so complicated idk how to describe it, Kota is smiling though. End ID]
(the second kiss is something Kenny is still proud of to this day)
In the new year they’re pitted against each other again (Jan 24, 2010 - [this is probably my favorite ddt non-singles match of theirs] LINK) this time in a tag match and they’re so completely smitten for each other it pisses their tag partners off
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[ID: Kenny and Kota go to shake hands before their match but they end up just holding hands and smiling at each other until Kota’s tag partner shoves them apart. In the background Kenny’s tag partner complains about this show of affection to the ref. End ID]
Kenny and Kota are completely unable to hurt each other
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[ID: Kenny holds Kota’s arm so his tag partner can jump on it, but right as he jumps Kenny let’s go of Kota, abruptly jumping back like he just couldn’t make himself hold Kota there. His partner hits the ground and holds his face. Kota seems completely unsurprised by Kenny’s action. End ID]
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[ID: Kota goes to kick Kenny in the back, Kenny braced for the hit, but he can’t seem to do it so instead he awkwardly walks up to Kenny and kneels down, putting Kenny in the gentlest headlock ever. It just looks like a backhug. End ID]
(at least at first)
and they can’t even bear to let their tag partner hurt their lover either
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[ID: Kota’s partner is kicked kenny in the back, suddenly Kota runs by the camera, bounces off the ropes and uses the momentum to kick his own partner in the chest. Kota follows it up with a hard slap to his face. End ID]
the GLs briefly team up against their own partners, then Kenny tries to pin Kota (istg kenny) and the match becomes more serious
After the match there are no hard feelings. Kota checks on Kenny first before  remembering his tag partner for this match still exists
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[ID: Kota checking in with Kenny, their hands on each others shoulders. End ID]
Later in the year (July 25, 2010 - LINK) Kota gets injured and as a result Kenny has to wrestle a match against Naomichi Marufuji in his stead. even tho Kenny loses, Kota comforts him and takes care of him after the match
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[ID: two gifs, the first is Kenny lying on his back after the match. Kota kneels next to him, his hand on the back of Kenny’s neck, looking down at him. In the second one, the GLs stand by the ropes about to leave the ring, Marufuji says something to Kota and then gently pushes him towards Kenny. Kota reaches for Kenny briefly putting a hand on his waist. End ID]
Kota competes in the super juniors again (Spring 2010), this time losing to Prince Devitt in the finals. This match doesn’t seem to be in njpw’s archives but based on the pre-match video for their later WK match, it looks like Kenny and Michael Nakazawa went with Kota to the ring
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Even tho Kota loses, all is not lost bc you see in the semi-finals kota pinned Taguchi, Devitt’s tag team partner, and as Devitt and Taguchi hold the njpw junior tag belts, this earns Kota (and a partner of his choice) a title shot
In the lead up to their tag match Kenny has a title match against Devitt with Kota and Taguchi seconding (Sept, 2010 [LINK]) and loses.
Alright so njpw is about to become a big part of the GLs story. for those who may be unfamiliar with the company, their content is very different from DDT’s, focusing on pared down matches (not much in the way of stipulations) and uniquely long-form wrestling stories. We’re talking years and decades here, like a wrestler trying to literally physically destroy a title belt in 2018 because of something that happened in 2013 kind of shit.
Most importantly: Kota has big dreams that involve njpw
and NJPW has an interest in Kota Ibushi
The GLs get their NJPW title shot on Oct 11, 2010 [this match is great, won Tokyo Sports’ match of the year for 2010 - LINK]. they’re clearly v much the underdogs, and there’s a few whiffs on the GL’s part where one of their opponents moves at the last moment and Kota just fully fckin kicks Kenny in the face. But around midway through the match they hit their groove, start pulling out their tandem offense and suddenly, working perfectly together, they have a chance.
(their friend Michael Nakazawa is there ringside and he gets fckin NAILED by every one of their out-of-ring moves. irl he’s helping them land safely and not get injured but within kayfabe it just looks like this poor random young lion is having the worst luck of his entire fckin life)
And against all odds the Golden Lovers win the belts!!!! 
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[ID: two gifs from right after the end of the match. in the first Kenny and Kota look at each other for the first time since the victory bell rang and Kenny throws his hands up, Kota points at him, they start to crawl towards each other. In the second they reach each other and hug while still kneeling. Kenny always hugs Kota so tightly. End ID]
crucially Kota is the one who gets the pin on Devitt to win the tag titles. This means that, bc Devitt is the iwgp junior champion
kota now has a shot at his first ever singles title in njpw
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s1st3r · 3 years
Soo... how would the Bad Batch react to a S/O that has a very snarky/dry sense of humor? Just always cracking jokes and finding humor in everything? (Love ur content btw <3)
Thank you for your request!!! And THANK YOU IM GLAD U LIKEY!!!!
Ok I have seen this but knew it would take me hours to write so I was waiting for the write moment! (get it? write = right? teehee) talk about a terribly dry sense of humour my goodness.
How Would The Bad Batch React to a Snarky/Witty/Dry Sense of Humour Significant Other (s/o)
Factz: Not even kidding, I feel like the boys would kill for a hella sassy partner in crime.
Oh my gosh they are literally best friends!!! They speak in a very similar style to each other.
Hunter expects a little bit of snark from Cross, sarcasm from Echo, and quips from Tech, but when his s/o just dishes his dry humour right back at him the first time they meet, he's like "Why was that so... hot???"
So from then on, most of the dialogue exchanged between the two of them are like super sassy comments and witty replies, until it unintentionally gradually morphs into really heavy flirting. They get so into teasing each other, the whole batch can feel the tension in the air.
Of course both are oblivious of this for the longest time.
But when eventually they do figure it out and get together, the whole batch sigh in relief thinking "finally this intense pining is over"... But it actually just gets worse?
So now during missions, the two of you verbally dance around each other like you're in some comeback war.
In the middle of a serious mission:
Hunter: "I need you here now!"
S/O: "wow wow Hunter. babe. cool your jets. i know we haven't really done it in a while but we're in the middle of a mission and-"
Hunter: "As much as I love how you think mesh'la, I think you're misreading the situation."
His s/o also keeps ruining his *tough guy* persona. During briefs, his s/o keeps making him crack his skillfully honed poker face.
The teasing through dry humour is just a really fun and goofy way to connect to each other and is their common ground of affection.
We all know Tech is a witty boi, and man do we love him for it!
Tech finds his s/o's attitude quite entertaining.
He does like it when they use their snarkiness to defend him from people that give him a hard time, but he like his s/o's humour best when it's just the two of them having fun.
I feel like Tech would find it 10x funnier if his s/o was also really smart and able to understand his technical language, because they just pass these really witty/funny quips back and forth to each other that are actually hilarious but no one understands. It's like their own hidden language.
Now we've seen Tech smile and m a y b e chuckle a little before?? But so far, we've yet to see Tech actually laugh and I headcanon that Tech snorts when he laughs. (Has anybody seen the live action TMNT?? Kinda like how Donnie laughs in those). So ohmiGOSH it's so WhOlEsOmE when his s/o makes Tech laugh!! He's so CUTE!
The rest of the batch will be out getting supplies while Echo works of the exterior hull of the ship and Tech and his s/o fix up the systems inside.
Tech laying under a panel: "Hm, this wire seems to be adhered to a far less efficient arrangement." Tech's s/o wordlessly shuffles over from their panel to analyse the problem. Their shoulders touch as they lie side by side.
S/o: "Mm, I think you're right, but see here? It looks like it's been manually transfigured. Probably by Echo in one of our many quick fixes. It looks like he's done it so he can easily access and program the flight module."
Tech: "I'm going to rewire it to-"
S/o: "To that one right?" His s/o says, suppressing a smile as they point to clearly the wrong wiring. Tech's eyes narrow and his brow furrows.
Tech: "Of course not! That would compromise the-" He catches a glimpse of his s/o's cheeky grin, "oh you're joking." His s/o bursts out laughing and he can't help the smile that stretches over his face as he shakes his head.
By the end of the repairs, the batch come back to find you both practically rolling on the ground in snorting fits of laughter.
Their humour paired with their competence makes them super attractive to him.
Wrecker finds his s/o's dry humour the funniest thing in the galaxy. He is one of those blessings that will always laugh at your jokes.
Which is a relief cuz I have dry humour and almost no one ever laughs at my jokes rip.
I mean, you guys saw how he reacted in ep 1 when Omega DeStRoYeD those regs in the mess hall. He was so proud and supportive of her.
So yeah he's pretty much his s/o's hype man.
He loves that his s/o's humour means that they quite enjoy playful competition and games. So they're always playing random games together, even going so far as to arm wrestle (S/o: "But we both already know who's going to win... Me. Obviously.")
And sometimes he will let his s/o win, just because he thinks it's so cute when they start flexing their arms and boasting about how strong and amazing they are.
He knows they're joking. He knows they know he let them win. But even though they've never really beaten him, he still thinks they're strong and amazing.
There is always friendly banter between the two but what Wrecker loves the most is how easy his s/o makes things for him.
He's not a natural at romance, and often finds himself making mistakes or he might do something a little awkwardly. But instead of being mad, disappointed, or judgmental, his s/o just smiles or laughs it off and walks him through things.
He feels like he can always be himself around his s/o.
Again, it's canon and fanon that Cross is a bit of a grumpy pants so he obviously finds his s/o's wit irritating at first. Which his s/o finds annoying, so his s/o just does it more just to get under his skin.
Totally enemies to lovers trope. I see it no other way. FiGhT me.
His s/o would make jokes all the time but I see that one day, his s/o makes a dry joke and he gives them crap for it, and they've just had enough and so they absolutely *slam* him with snark, sass, and wit that cannot be rivalled by Crosshair himself. They get right up into his face; tension as thick as s o u p.
And then he just grabs their face and makes out with them.
His s/o's like "ok" and totally rolls with it.
The Bad Batch wonder why they don't fight as much anymore (not that they're complaining).
Now they both use their sass to bully the regs.
They kinda become this unbeatable pair of unrivalled attitude. Unlike Hunter and his s/o who use it to tease each other, while Cross and his s/o do that a little too, they mostly direct their humour and sarcasm outward. Cross's s/o is a little more good natured than him though and will pull him in when he goes a bit too far.
He generally finds his s/o's humour quite funny now (though he'll never admit it), and the fact that he smiles a little more doesn't go unnoticed by his brothers.
Ok while Hunter is master of the dry humour, Echo is KING of sarcasm.
Having said that, I feel like Echo would actually far more appreciate light humour over sass/snark/wit/etc.
I think after being through the crap he's been through, echo baby just needs a light hearted, positive beam of sunshine in his life and his s/o is it.
He loves that his s/o always has a way of making others laugh and smile, even on really hard missions and in rough times.
I think his s/o having a lighter humour also makes him feel safer. Like there's no chance of miscommunication whereby this s/o accidently hits a sensitive topic. His s/o sticks to surface level humour which makes it easy to digest.
They are also absolutely fantastic at telling funny stories which is a real treat when his s/o will retell stories about some of the missions the Bad Batch has done and they just execute the story perfectly.
Echo is in love with his s/o's laugh and thinks it's so cute when they giggle at their own jokes.
He'll never say it, but his s/o's humour sometimes reminds Echo of Fives and Cutup, which is a bit bittersweet for him.
They say that "a joyful heart is good medicine" and for Echo that couldn't be more true. His s/o's joyful heart and nature revive and heal him. He is so much happier because of them and will tell them so in between little kisses as his s/o giggles playfully at his gentle yet eager ministrations.
~ Sister
Tag list: @damerondala @imalovernotahater
@kaorikoizumi @xlittlemissydjx @in-the-crosshairs @dionysuskid21
175 notes · View notes
lipstickstainz · 4 years
true lies - s. r. (8/15)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Series Summary: Spencer is furious, when you rejoin the team after a year and after you left him, when he got arrested. Little does he know, that you leaving him was the only option to ever get him out of prison.
Chapter Summary: You and Spencer meet at your favorite coffee shop - and he asks you to spend some time with him.
Warnings: some minor talk about injuries, mostly fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: hello friends! here’s part 8! I hope you like it. gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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previous part
As you enter the bullpen through the glass door, you are immediately stopped. "What are you doing here?", Emily asks, confused. She's standing at JJ's desk, both of them holding a coffee cup, looking at you in amazement. "I told you to stay home."
As you set your bag down on your desk, you wince briefly. "It's boring at home. Besides, it's just a minor bruise, Emily. And sitting at a desk doesn't require much physical exertion. I can handle it."
JJ presses her lips together. "I thought the doctor put you on bed rest because you narrowly escaped a broken rib." You give her a meaningful look. "Sorry, Y/N. You should take that seriously."
"You don't have to stab me in the back, though", you say playfully, and the three of you grin. "Desk duty?" Your eyes shift to Emily. She shakes her head and you sigh.
"We're on a case, Y/N. So no desk duty, and like JJ said, the doctor put you on bed rest."
You cross your arms in front of your chest, carefully, because the skin underneath is stained dark blue. You took quite a beating on your last case. The unsub kicked you in the torso with all his might as you tried to wrestle him down. And even though the pain shot through your whole body like a lightning bolt, you managed to do it.The result is a bruised rib that hurts a lot, but isn't so bad that you can't go on a mission.
Only Emily disagrees. "Go home, Y/N. Get some rest. If we need your help, we'll get back to you." You want to say something else, but she beats you to it. "That's an order."
Reluctantly, you shoulder your bag and try not to let the pain in your torso show. "You promise to call me if you need anything, though?"
Both women paint a cross over their chests where the heart is located. "Word of honor."
You don't feel like going home, because there's absolutely nothing waiting for you there. You could clean - which is against the bed rest, which you wouldn't stick to anyway - or cook something sensible, because your stomach has only had to experience ready-made meals and fast food lately, but you don't feel like it. Although it would be just the thing for you. A bit of everyday life would do you good, maybe take your mind off Spencer for a bit, and honestly, your life needs to get back on track.
So before you head to your local supermarket, you step into your favorite coffee shop. The smell of coffee wafts into your nose and the atmosphere alone warms you up, even though it's not particularly cold outside. You stand at the end of the queue, examining the pastries displayed in a small window. After ordering, you wait patiently for your drink and the muffin you couldn't pass without your mouth watering. The barista wishes you a nice day as she hands you the cup and you make your way towards the exit.
Your gaze lingers on Spencer, who is sitting at one of the small tables.  In front of him are several loose sheets of paper that take up the entire table and an empty coffee cup. You bite your lower lip. It's been several weeks since you've seen each other, as Spencer's one hundred days of work has expired and he's now teaching some students. As he smiles at you, you realize how much you've missed him these past few days.
"Hi, Spencer", you smile at him as you stand in front of his table. Your fingers curl around the back of the empty chair in front of you. "How are you?"
He reaches for the slips of paper in front of him and folds them before putting them in his pocket. "I'm fine, thanks." He closes his bag before placing it on the table. "What are you doing here? Don't you have a case to solve?"
"Emily gave me the day off. I took a kick and bruised up on our last case, so I'm not allowed to go out on case", you explain, shrugging. Spencer looks you up and down. He's probably trying to figure out where the injury is. "She sent me home again this morning."
Spencer gets up from his chair, shoulders his bag, and walks with you toward the exit. "So what are you planning to do today?"
"I was thinking about cooking myself something delicious and doing a little cleaning at home. To bring a bit of everyday life into my life," you answer and your tone tells him that you don't feel like it at all. "I'm not so sure about the cooking yet, though. After all, I don't want to risk food poisoning."
Spencer has to smile in response. "I can remember that. Everyday life isn't quite your thing."
You nod and pucker your mouth. "Right. But  I have to do something. And just sitting around at home waiting for the day to be over isn't an option."
Together, you walk a short distance, chatting about his students until you arrive at your car. You push the button on your key and hear the central locking system open. You open the driver's door. "See you around, Spencer," you say goodbye and are about to get in, but Spencer stops you.
"You could come with me", he suggests, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah. I'm about to teach another class, and you're welcome to join me." Blush rises to his face, and you're not quite sure if he's serious and really wants you there. But when he lifts his gaze from his shoes and looks you in the eye, your doubts evaporate. "So?"
"I'm actually Emily's phone joker“, you give out, because really, you're not sure spending the day with Spencer is the right thing to do, even if you'd only be sitting in the back of the lecture hall. "She wants to call me if they need help." You see Spencer's expression darken. Apparently he was excited to have you on board today, and your cancellation actually seems to hit him a bit. You take a deep breath. "But I'll still be happy to come along. If Emily does call, it could be very interesting for your students."
A smile spreads across his face, reaching up to his eyes. "Well then, let's go. Class starts in twenty minutes."
There's something comforting about sitting in the back of the lecture hall and listening to Spencer explain things to his students. It reminds you of the time you sat on your couch in the evenings, eating delivery dinners and watching documentaries. The TV sound was always on mute because Spencer's knowledge was so vast that his versions of the documentaries were much more exciting than the original versions. Those evenings had been perfect. Listening to him now, with a passion that seems all too familiar, the way he explains things and the looks he casts around the room, some sticking to you, come pretty close to those perfect evenings.
The ringing of your phone snaps you out of your thoughts. The students in front of you turn around in annoyance and you apologize as you get up from your seat. Spencer looks at you questioningly, but you just press your lips together into a thin line as you look at him and leave the lecture hall.
"What's up, Emily?", you ask her as you answer the call.
"The unsub always leaves puzzles at the crime scene", she begins without greeting you. You don't blame her. "And always different puzzles. Self-created crossword puzzles, number sequences, picture puzzles and symbol series, for example. Maybe you can take a look at them sometime." Emily emails you the puzzles, and before you can ask how the case is going, the line goes silent. Typical Emily.
You open the emails and are inundated with images. Emily definitely didn't overstate. As you head back into the lecture hall, you give Spencer a meaningful look.
"Excuse me for a moment", he says to his students and is with you in just a few steps. "Does Emily have something for us?"
Us. As he says the word, you warm to it. While he doesn't mean it the way you'd like, you're incredibly glad that he considers you friends. Although, really, you don't deserve it, because it's all based on a lie. You push the thought aside. Spencer is standing so close to you that you can breathe in his perfume and feel the warmth of his body. You have to pull yourself together not to inhale his scent deeply.
"The unsub leaves puzzles at the scene", you describe the situation, handing him your phone so he can take a look. You can practically see his brain start to rattle and before you can do anything, Spencer walks forward again.
"So, guys. This", he turns back to his students and gestures for you to join him with a wave. Tense and a little nervous, you stand next to him and raise your hand. "Is my colleague and friend SSA Y/N Y/L/N. Since she sustained some injuries on her last case, she is assisting me today." He hands your phone back to you. "Can you project the pictures on the wall somehow?" he whispers to you and you have to grin. The guy has several PhDs, but can't manage to connect a cell phone to a projector. You tap the screen a few times, playing it safe to make sure the projector on the ceiling is actually turned on, and moments later the puzzles appear on the wall behind you. Spencer smiles at you.
"Today you have the honor of working on a real and, more importantly, current case", Spencer speaks to the students again, curiosity spreading across their faces. They all sit up straight and listen intently as he paces. "Unit Chief Prentiss and our team are in the field right now and have found these puzzles at the crime scenes. Please take a look and let us know your thoughts. Maybe you can give us an important clue."
Immediately, the students start talking to each other, sharing theories and jotting down their thoughts on paper. Spencer and you lean against his desk at the time, watching the scene. You keep noticing how some of the female students give him ogling looks, but as soon as they meet your gaze, awkwardly turn back to the task at hand.
"How many people audit in your class?", you ask him quietly, Spencer shrugs. "Because I think the girls in the first two rows are just here to stare at you." You nudge him with your shoulder and stifle a grin.
"You and your imaginations", he replies, but he has to grin, too. He opens his mouth, about to say something else, but a student beats him to it.
"Professor, agent, I think we've found something."
And indeed. Together you are able to crack the puzzles, which takes the rest of the day, but neither you two nor the students complain about it. After you update Emily on your progress and send the students home, they actually thank you and ask if you'll keep coming to class.
As Spencer packs up his things and the last people leave the lecture hall, you wait patiently for him at the exit. The day has been pretty exhausting, but you're glad you got to spend it with Spencer. You're sure that today is a very good start for a friendship. And that alone makes your heart beat a little faster.
A young woman suddenly stops in front of you, and you avert your eyes from Spencer. You recognize her. She was sitting in the front row until just now, and she was one of the girls staring at Spencer throughout.
"Agent Y/L/N?" She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and chews on her bottom lip. She's visibly nervous. "Can I ask you something?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Sure."
"Are you ... I mean ... are you and Professor Reid a couple?", she stammers. "I know it's a pretty personal question. But I've noticed the way they look at each other and -"
"We're colleagues and friends", you interrupt her immediately. You don't sound harsh, but your tone doesn't leave room for another question either, so she turns away with a quick nod of her head and disappears from the lecture hall. You look after her.
How did you look at each other? The way friends do, right? Maybe there was some longing in your looks, after all, you love Spencer, but you're pretty sure that wasn't the case with him. When Spencer walks up to you and puts a hand on your arm, you flinch briefly in shock. "Are you okay?"
You nod at him. "Uh, yeah." Together, you leave the room. Should you tell him about the question? Or would that be weird in light of the fact that you had actually been a couple once? "She had another question." Spencer looks at you, a sign that you should keep talking. "She asked if we were a couple." At your answer, he stops and looks at you curiously. "She was one of the ones eyeing you. She said we looked at each other in a special way, or something. But I think she just wanted to know if you were available." The situation is so weird that you can't stop talking. Luckily, Spencer eventually interjects.
"And what did you say to her?" He sounds unsure.
"What would you like me to have said to her, Spencer? We're colleagues and friends." You adjust the bag on your shoulder and smile slightly at him before turning and continuing towards the exit. You want to escape this moment and are relieved when the wind outside hits your face and cools your heated skin. Finally, you can take a breath.
You don't see Spencer's expression twist and his voice is just a whisper that you don't notice. "Right ... friends."
next part
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lizbotw · 4 years
hi! could u pls write how kuroo,bokuto,semi and oikawa would react to going to the beach with their gf and teammates and getting jealous when everyone’s staring at her in bikini?💖
Kuroo, Bokuto, Semi, and Oikawa When Their Teammates are Staring at Their S/O on the Beach
hey!!! i hope you enjoy these ♡ even though you said girlfriend, all of them ended up being gender neutral!
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Kuroo Tetsurou
He's used to people admiring you from afar, and actually he takes pride in the fact that he managed to snag someone who's just all around perfect in his eyes, so he’s never outright confronted just anyone he sees looking at you (that is, as long as they don’t appear to want to harm you in any way because you’re still his precious baby, no matter what)—at most putting a protective arm around you and pulling you to his chest, or giving you a kiss while staring at the other person dead in the eye until they look away, a playful smirk on his lips.
Sort of a “they can look but can’t touch sort of deal”—although that's mainly because he knows the second anyone looks at you funny you're the one ready to tell them off, not him.
He's had to stop you his fair share of times from starting something in public because you thought someone was scrutinizing you too closely. However, even for all the times Kuroo knows you can look out for yourself, he can't help but turn up his protectiveness in certain situations.
A beach day to boost team morale (read as: an excuse to skip out on practice on yet another hot, sticky summer day)—that was the official description of the situation you now found yourself in.
After dealing with quite a few whines of "Babe, come on, it'll be fun," from Kuroo, you eventually caved, bidding farewell to your wonderfully air conditioned bedroom for the day.
As the team had arrived, Lev and Yaku went straight to work getting a volleyball game set up (beach volleyball? yes); Kenma found himself sitting on the towel he had spread under a beach umbrella, game in hand; and everyone else was focused on their own activities, getting everything ready for the day of fun.
That left you and Kuroo standing next to each other, surveying the work of the others.
You felt a tug on the end of your shirt and looked down at the hand that had grabbed the fabric, following the curve of the toned arm upwards with your eyes until your sight landed on Kuroo's grinning face. "Come on, you're not going to keep this on all day, are you?" He gave it another small tug for emphasis and then released it. "You know, overheating can cause your body to-"
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, Tets.” You already knew he was about to go off on one of his science tangents again—how he could still think about that sort of thing even in this heat was a miracle in and of itself.
Now that he had mentioned it, you realized you were hot. Acutely aware of the unconformable sticking off your clothing to your skin, you quickly moved to shed the extra layers, shimmying out of them and revealing the bathing suit you had worn underneath.
At the same time, Lev came over to ask Kuroo a question about setting up the volleyball net. "Hey, can you help with the poles? Yaku won't let me near them, but between you and me, I don't think he's strong enough to push them down into the sand himself. I swear that thing is about to blow over and-"
Of course at that moment you had been pulling your shirt over your head, leaving you in only your bathing suit. The sound of Lev talking had been muffled when the shirt passed over your ears so you weren't sure who it was at first, but now that you were free of the clingy clothing, you noticed him and gave him a small smile.
You were confused though because it seemed as soon as you were able to hear properly again, he had stop speaking—and that was because he had, sentence caught in his throat because he hadn't been expecting you to do that. He hadn't even noticed you standing next Kuroo at first so it was a bit of a shock to now be suddenly facing you like this.
You looked up at Kuroo, curious about why he wasn't saying anything either, and found him staring at Lev intently.
It seemed that Kuroo had decided the other boy's gaze had lingered a second too long, even though only a short moment had passed and Lev was more so giving you a surprised glance than a leering stare.
Kuroo crossed his arms. "Lev?"
“Yeah?” Lev seemed to straighten up at the mention of his name and quickly tore his eyes away from you to give Kuroo his full attention once again.
Watching the exchange, you could see Kuroo lips curl up into a smirk. "Remember what I said about you needing to do more receiving practice?"
Lev's expression fell instantly, eyes widening. "Wait-"
Kuroo glanced over Lev's shoulder towards where Yaku was still trying to set up the volleyball net and called out to him. "Yo, Yaku! I have something I need you to do."
Once Yaku dropped the poles he had been wrestling with into the sand and came jogging over to the three of you, you were pretty sure you saw Lev's spirit leave his body.
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Bokuto Koutarou
King of getting-distracted-because-Kuroo-challenged-him-to-a-sand-wrestling-match-(whatever that means)-and-Akaashi-and Kenma-were-betting-on-them-(using seashells as currency because the rules of the real world don’t apply on the beach).
It was meant to be a Fukurodani beach day but somewhere along the way Nekoma had caught wind of the invitation and now here they were (everyone knew it was Bokuto who had revealed the plan to Kuroo but they were too scared to confront him, lest he get depressed at being called out and go running off somewhere on the beach, wanting to be alone—no one could handle organizing a search party for the giant expanse of the beach to look for him right now so they just let him be).
You were used to Bokuto’s overexcited nature though and couldn’t help but grin at seeing him run off with his friends, him giving you a kiss on your forehead (that was more so a peck with how fast it was) with a quick, “I’ll be back soon, babe!” before he was off.
Dating Bokuto meant you were well acquainted with his “best bro’s” team and you easily took up hanging out with a few of the Nekoma and Fukurodani members, Yukie and Kaori at your side.
At some point Yukie and Kaori seemed to have grown bored being on land and watching the boys splashing around in the water without them, so they asked if you’d like to join them for a dip in the ocean.
You agreed easily, wanting to cool off yourself off—the shade of the giant umbrella you were sitting under hadn't done much to fight off the heat that hung thick in the air, and laying down on the blanket you had spread was definitely less than comfortable than being able to lounge on your bed at home.
You followed Yukie’s and Kaori’s lead when they stood up to shrug off their cover-ups. You did the same, untying the thin wrap you had been wearing and leaving you only in your swimsuit.
The sight of Yukie, Kaori, and you walking together towards the water definitely had heads turning, but Bokuto, with his back to the action, barely noticed until Kuroo pointed it out to him.
Once the three of you got closer to the shoreline, some of the boys who had been splashing around before came out of the water to meet you halfway and you fell into conversation with them—that is, until you were suddenly shoved out of the way.
Stumbling a bit, you regained your footing after a moment and found yourself facing none other that Bokuto's back—he had pushed you behind him and now had his hands on his hips in a protective stance in a face-off against the guys you had been talking to.
He had a whole protective spiel he gave them while trying to be your knight in shining armor, but of course the other guys gave up pretty easily because, honestly, the goal here was to just keep Bokuto from falling into a depressive state (once again, beach rescue missions were not on the agenda for today). Bokuto seemed pretty satisfied with their response though and once he had gestured for them to go away because he was here to protect you now, you had to make sure to hide your smile behind your hand when he whirled around to face you. Instead, you provided him with his well deserved praise.
"Woo! The ace strikes again!" He did a fist pump and then grabbed your arm, taking off in a sprint.
"Wait, Bokuto-" You were struggling to keep up with him as he ran ahead and once you realized he was heading towards the ocean, you unsuccessfully tried to pry your arm from his grip.
"Swimming time!"
You two splashed into the water with one final tug from him and you stumbled on the shifty sand, softened by the water, shivering at the sudden feeling of the tide as it raised around your legs as you moved deeper. Yukie and Kaori had already gotten into the water on their own and now they snuck up on you and started splashing you with water.
The rest of the day was definition of fun, and Bokuto continuously switched between sticking to your and loudly going around proclaiming how much he loved you. It seems like the "incident" from before was a much needed confidence booster for him and the others let him have this victory for now because as a result he had also spontaneously volunteered to treat everyone out to ice cream once you all were winding down for the day—sun low in the sky as each person started to pack up—so really everyone was a winner here.
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Semi Eita
It was Tendou's idea that the team should take a trip to the beach and Ushijima agreed, but only because he wanted to play beach volleyball. Ushijima’s approval obviously got Goshiki on board and one by one the rest of the team slowly gave in, and of course that meant you were coming too.
Everyone started setting up their own towels, umbrellas, and beach chairs, so Eita wasn't at your side for the first few minutes of the get-together aside from when he had greeted you earlier with a kiss to the forehead.
He was rummaging around in his bag for sunscreen when Shirabu came up to him.
"Hm?" Semi was confused to see the shadow that was cast over him while he was kneeling on his blanket and turned to see what it was that was blocking the sun, finding his teammate standing there. "Oh, what do you need?" Semi stood from his crouched position, crossing his arms as he listened to Shirabu speak.
While he was doing that, you had already finished laying out your things and stood up with a content sigh, hands on your hips as you looked proudly upon your work. Now all that was left was to actually go have some fun on the beach. First order of business was to kick off your casual clothes and tuck them away safely into your bag so sand didn't get on them.
By the time you had done that, only taking a few minutes, Semi was still talking with Shirabu and you bounced over to the two, slipping your hand into Semi's. "Ready to go?" you asked him, impatient with how long they were taking.
The sight of you instantly had him beaming and he squeezed your hand in reply. "Yeah, just a sec."
You playfully rolled your eyes and released his hand, telling him to catch up to you whenever he was done, and went over to talk with Goshiki while he set up Tendou's umbrella for him (no doubt the redhead had told him it would make him a better ace and who was Goshiki to question his upperclassmen).
Semi watched you go, his gaze lingering on you, before he crossed his arms again and turned back to finish off his conversation with Shirabu. However, he found the other boy still looking over at you. Semi felt his eyebrow twitch. "Earth to Shirabu, hellooo?" He hit him on the upside of his head and Shirabu went reeling back, rubbing at the sore spot.
"Hey! What was that for?"
Rather than say anything, Semi just tilted his head in your direction as an indication.
"What? Oh-" Shirabu followed Semi's gaze to you and shook his head in disbelief. "Don't tell me you thought I was..." His sentence trailed off in the middle because one look at Semi had confirmed that he had, in fact, thought that Shirabu was checking you out. "Oh, come on, Semi. Have a little bit more faith in me?"
Semi cocked an eyebrow. "Then what were you looking at?"
"Well, Goshiki seems to be really struggling with that umbrella, are you sure he's going to be okay?"
A look back at said first year confirmed that he was, in fact, struggling. Semi squinted, trying to make out the scene in front of him. "Wait, is that Tendou's extra large beach umbrella? Didn't I tell him not to bring that anymore?" You were trying to help Goshiki wrestle the umbrella into place—a difficult feat with the wind blowing and with the pure size of the umbrella.
As if to top everything off, a pair of seagulls could be spotted circling overhead and when one of them moved to dive towards Goshiki, Semi tensed up and then took off running towards you two, Shirabu in tow.
"Will someone, please just call Ushijima over already?"
Goshiki’s screams were already racketing through the air as he crouched low to the sand, hands thrown up around his head as the seagulls pecked at him. "Leave me alone! The tuna sandwich in my pocket is mine!"
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Oikawa Tooru
As soon as you get to the beach, he’s showing you off and teasing the rest of the team about how he's dating someone so cute while most of the others can barley look at an attractive person without getting flustered (Kindaichi), but at the same time hiding you from their view because he doesn’t think they deserve to see you looking like that??? Getting mixed signals here, Tooru.
You manage to shake him off at some point and he’s pouting as you run away from him, just wanting to get some peace and quiet so you can eat ice cream and build sandcastles, until Iwaizumi steps in and drags Oikawa away.
“Don’t worry about him, I’ll take care of it,” Iwaizumi says over his shoulder, not even bothering to take his eyes off of the the direction he's heading in. You had sought refuge by hiding behind Makki and Mattsun when Oikawa was chasing you around, and now the three of you fell into a fit of laughter at Oikawa's expense at the sight of the scene in front of you.
It's still grinning that Mattsun invites you to spend the rest of the day with him and Makki instead, citing the fact that you deserve a much needed break form your clingy boyfriend. You agree and they decide as the first order of business that you three should build a sandcastle. A singular collective sandcastle eventually turns into a sandcastle competition with the three of you each building your own (somehow you manage to rope Kunimi into judging with the promise that you'll stop bothering him after that), which then turns into burying Makki under the sand.
You're putting the final touches on the sand mermaid tale you had given Makki (per his request of course), when Mattsun suggests you two go take a dip in the ocean and leave Makki for high tide.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!" Makki is nodding his head along with you two until he remembers that he's buried under a mountain of sand and the meaning of the words sinks into his mind. "Wait-"
While Makki wallows in distress over that statement and you two ignore his futile struggles as he squirms under the sand and tries to get out (Mattsun had packed the sand tightly around him so you might as well give up while you're ahead Makki—there's no escape), you consider the proposition, eyeing the sand that's sticking to you all over your arms, hands, and legs from kneeling down and building with it.
It seems like a good idea because you've been playing in the sand the whole time, so this would be the perfect opportunity to wash all of that off. Also, what good is a little time at the beach without a dip in the ocean?
And with that in mind, you nod to Mattsun and bid Makki farewell, leaving him to his fate. Just as you're about to walk off and follow Mattsun, his long strides taking him ahead of you in only a matter of seconds, you remember that you still have your beach wrap on.
"Oh, Makki, here. Watch this for me, will you?" You undid the wrap and moved to drape it over a nearby rock so it wouldn't be left in the sand.
"Uh, sure."
You thought his tone sounded pretty weird and when you turned to him, you found that he wasn't looking at you, but rather at Mattsun, the two sharing a collective glance that definitely looked like they were planning something.
"I give it at least three minutes."
"Three? Two minutes tops."
You were about to open your mouth to ask them what in the world they were talking about when you were cut off by a high pitched yelp.
"(Y/N)!!!" You could recognize that whiny voice anywhere and the familiar arms that wrapped around you confirmed your suspicions. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone, who knows what would have happened if I haven't come in time."
"Tooru- mfph- Tooru, let me go-," you attempted to get out, voice muffled and your face being squished into his chest.
"Woah, that wasn't even a minute."
"A new personal record."
You could hear Makki and Mattsun exchanging remarks of surprise at your boyfriend's quick appearance and you realized what this was about.
You groaned. "Tooru, I'm fine." You squirmed out of his grasp enough that you could peek your head out and craned your neck, spotting Kunimi laying on a towel under an umbrella with sunglasses on, having ran off to there after he had finished judging the sandcastle competition, and Iwaizumi next to him, reclining on a beach chair in the shade and snoozing away—so that's how Oikawa managed to escape.
It took a while to pry Oikawa off of you with how jealous he was being with others seeing you like that, but you managed to do it—Mattusn and Makki placed bets on how long they thought it would take (Makki ended up winning—as his prize, he forced Mattsun to dig him out of the sand because he was still scared of you guys leaving him for high tide).
Tooru was overall extra clingy for the rest of the day, which was saying a lot for him, and was especially so when Mattsun bought you ice cream later (in retaliation, Oikawa bought you two more, despite your protests that there was no way you could possibly finish all of them).
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
I wrote something self-indulgent for myself ~
Note: "(Y/n)" has her/she pronouns. And sorry if the translator changed any pronoun, I re-read it already but if something's left I'll correct it later!
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At NRC, there weren't many opportunities for an entire course to come together in one class, but this was one of those days when it did. Professor Vargas had told all his students something about how observing other people, apart from classmates, could awaken in each one a feeling of improvement and rivalry that would make them try harder everyday. And having said that, he gathered all the first-year classes in the schoolyard, so that each of the students could do the sport that they most wanted.
Ace, Deuce and (Y/n) –who was carring Grim– walked around looking sideways in search of their friends, and after a few seconds they saw Jack's hand, calling for them above all the student heads around. The four of them made room to pass netween their classmates, and found Jack and Epel there.
"Hey ~" Ace greeted, raising his hand. Deuce and Epel bumpled their fists, and Jack smiled. "Well, I'll be brief: Basketball"
"You're making up your own mind, Ace" Grim said reluctantly.
"You know, there are two people here from the athletic club, if we were to pick something by majority we would win" Deuce commented casually, glancing at Jack.
Ace mockingly mimicked him, then put his arms behind his head.
"What do you want to play then?"
"Anything, I only want to start moving NOW" said Epel, who had already begun to stretch.
"Same here" Jack said, folding his arms. "I just want something to keep me going."
"Well, then it's decided!" Ace turned away, before Deuce could say anything to him. "I'm going for a ba—!"
"I THINK that what Professor Vargas wants is for us to try new experiences."
"UWAH!" Ace was startled to see someone cutting him off, which he almost bumped in. "SEBEK!? Since WHEN were you there!?"
Sebek arched an eyebrow, not changing his expression too much.
"I have listened to your conversation from the very beginning, human. If that's what you mean."
"... Well, now that we are 7 at least we can play 3 VS 3."
"... Huh? But if we were 6 before, right?";(Y/n) said, counting.
"Ah— did you count Grim? 'Cause I didn't"
"HEY, ACE! I'M GONNA TO HIT YOU, YOU SEE!" Grim yelled at him angrily as Ace held up his tongue.
"AS I WAS SAYING," Sebek began, walking a few more steps to the other boys, "I think trying something that no one practices on a regular basis would be a much more enriching experience for everyone."
Ace narrowed his eyes at him, though Sebek didn't seem to have noticed him. Deuce put a hand to his chin thoughtfully.
"Sounds like a good option to me, actually" he said, glancing at (Y/n) and Grim, who nodded. Jack seemed to be listening intently, and Epel's eyes were fixed on Sebek, since he wanted to get started as soon as possible. "Do you have any suggestions, Sebek?"
"Hmpf. Of course I do" he said, smiling, and then headed straight for a bench.
They all looked at each other without understanding anything, and followed him. Sebek ended up sitting up and putting his elbow on the table, and when everyone saw him smile proudly they knew what it was about.
"Arm wrestling? Like, seriously?" Ace asked, looking bored. He sought support from the others, looking at them, but he was surprised to see everyone really wanting to get started.
"Do you think you can beat me?" Jack asked confidently. "I was competing against Leona-senpai some days ago."
"Impressive, but yes: I think I can win. Do not underestimate the bodyguard of the great Malleus Draconia."
Jack smiled and sat down at the table, and they both put their hands together for a second after they started. They were both too strong, so they just smiled while straining.
Epel was looking at them with super bright eyes, and then he turned to Deuce, clenching his fists tightly.
"DEUCE! We are next! I'm not losing to you!"
Deuce looked at him in surprise, but then his grimace changed to a crooked smile as he collided with one of his fists against his other hand.
"I'm going to do everything I can to win you over, huh?" He said, and Epel was quick to nod and sit up to go against him.
They both put their elbows on the table and clasped their hands, and on the count of three they started. From the start Deuce seemed to have the upper hand, but Epel didn't give up on the first try, keeping his arm up for a long time. Deuce knew that if he used as much force as in his past days, he could win, but he was no longer like that, so he gave his all without going to extremes that were not going to be good for him or for his opponent. But still, he was struggling. And that made him feel proud of his friend, who seemed to be getting stronger every day through training and perseverance.
"Epel, your training seems to be paying off" Deuce said, smiling, though his tone darkened a bit afterward. "But I'm not going to let you beat me."
"HA!" said Epel, cocky. "We both train very hard, but there is something that I have and you don't ~"
Deuce arched an eyebrow not knowing what his opponent was planning on him... until he fixed his eyes on him: Epel was looking at him with the brightest and most adorable eyes he'd ever seen.
"Huuum, Deuce-kun, you're too strong ... I'm not going to be able to beat you ... ~"
Deuce shuddered when he heard that high-pitched tone of voice suddenly, which made Epel suddenly use more force and knock down Deuce's arm, thus winning the game. Epel stood up with a jump, returning to his normal voice again.
Deuce blinked a few times, unaware of what had just happened. But as he recovered, he snapped his eyes open and pointed at Epel, embarrassed.
"What's not fair?" Epel asked, pretending to be oblivious, but without losing his smile.
"Deuce... You have to lose that irrational fear you have of women... Or well, of everything just a little femenine, ya know" Ace said, sighing.
"It's not irrational! EPEL! I DEMAND ANOTHER MATCH!"
Ace, Grim and (Y/n) stood watching them argue a bit, not saying anything ... until Ace and (Y/n) ended up looking sideways. And Ace then showed a mocking smile.
"... Weeeell, (Y/n)... Do you want me to crush you?~"
"You speak very confidently for being the weaklest guy in the basketball club, Ace" Grim said quickly, to which (Y/n) gave a small laugh.
"WEAKL...! All right, Grim, you against me! But if you end up crying don't blame me, huh"
"Whatever, I'm gonna win you over."
Ace sat down at the table and Grim jumped on top of it. They both put their arms in position and on the count of three, they started the match... which ended just as quickly.
"... Wait, WHAT!?" That scream sounded so loud that other students turned to look his way. "THAT'S NOT FAIR! (Y/N)! WHY HAVE YOU HELPED HIM!?"
"Hum? What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked innocently, whose hand was on Grim's paw, and both of them had managed to knock Ace down in no time.
"Tch, tch, tch ... Ace, my minion and I are one student. If you are looking for a fight with me, you are looking for it with her. This is how things are ~"
Meanwhile, Sebek and Jack continued to compete. Neither of them seemed to want to give in and be the last loser of the day.
"Aren't you tired yet, Sebek?"
"Not at all. I am totally focused on our match."
"Heh. I supposed it. Although it seems that the others have already finished. We should finish soon.”
"HA! That those humans and that magic monster are not as good as us is none of our business."
"... You're right, I just have to beat you."
That made everyone turn their heads towards the two of them, especially Ace and Deuce, the losers from the previous rounds. The two of them frowned at being treated like that, looked at each other, and ended up reading each other's minds. Epel, Grim and (Y/n) could feel how they weren't planning anything good... even though they couldn't say anything about it. Ace and Deuce took a breath then, and...
And then, Sebek and Jack reacted at the same time, getting up from the place very upright, turning to see their superiors ...
... Only to realize that they were nowhere to be found.
"WOW, Sebek, looks like you've lost, huh? ~"
"Now we're in the same boat, Jack ~"
The two of them were stunned to realize that they had given up at the same time, and thus, they had both lost.
"Good work, Deuce-kun ~
"Same there, Ace-kun ~
Ace and Deuce bumpled fists, grinning. When they weren't arguing, the truth was that they made a great team. Although...
"... Uh... You two... I don't think it's time to celebrate."
They both turned to Grim and could see Sebek and Jack getting dangerously close to them, stretching their arms and clenching their fists.
"Time to show them who the losers are"
"I was going to say the exact same thing"
Epel, Grim, and (Y/n) stood, watching the chase live... until Epel finally said something.
"Well... do you want to take one more?"
"Of course! This is the one to see who wins!" Grim said, jumping back onto the table.
"No cheating this time, okay? We will play as it should from the beginning" (Y/n) said him, laughing, and placing her hand on Grim's paw.
Epel smiled and joined them, getting ready.
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luffles424 · 4 years
Theory into Practice
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☼ Pairing: Yoonji x reader x Jungkook
☼ Genre: fluff, smut, pwp (with some plot), teeny bit of angst, f2l, college au (technically more so grad school au)
☼ Count: 10.2K
☼ Warnings: 18+, drug use (pot), mentions of alcohol use, threesome, dom!Yoonji, dom!reader, sub!Jungkook, big dick!Jungkook, teasing, dirty talk, one thigh smack, thigh riding, fingering, hair pulling, breast play, oral (f & m receiving), face sitting, unprotected (pls stay safe), aftercare
☼ Summary: A normal night in with Yoonji leads to some interesting revelations with her and surprisingly, Jungkook.
☼ a/n: lmao it’s been a while. Hope you enjoy the Yoonji thirst, my girl doesn’t have enough fics out there. Let me know what you think! My ask box is always open ~
“Who of our friends do you think is the subbiest?”
You blink. It’s really a testament to how much you and Yoonji have smoked tonight that your immediate reaction isn’t to splutter at her question. Instead, you just blink slowly, the question slowly making its way through your synapses before you can articulate a response. You take another hit, using it to buy yourself a little more time. Holding the joint back out to her, you let the smoke slowly seep from your lips. 
“Who says I’ve thought about it?” 
You know exactly who you want to be subbiest. But you’re not going to reveal that. Maybe not yet. You might be high, but you still have enough of your wits to keep from spilling things you want to keep hidden. You’ve had good practice at that, smoking often with her and never divulging your crush, even when the topic of partners has come up. Which does come up fairly often as you both attempt to navigate dating while in grad school.
There’s a snort from the other end of the couch and Yoonji’s head lulls against the back of it so she can fix you with hazy, unimpressed eyes, though there’s a smirk just barely tugging at her lips. “I didn’t. But we’re talking about it now.”
Pursing your lips, you think of how to respond. In truth, you’ve thought about it a little, but not particularly in relation to your whole group of friends. Maybe just a person or two who you were particularly interested in that are in said friend group. Most notably, the women sitting on the other end of the couch from you currently. 
Yoonji laughs, foot kicking out to nudge you, and you grin at the flood of happiness that always accompanies hearing her laugh. “Damn, it’s not that deep. Why are you thinking so hard?”
Catching her foot, you dig your thumb into the sole of her foot, causing you both to dissolve into giggles. “We have a lot of friends,” you shoot back. An excuse and you both know it. 
You and Yoonji have been friends for too long for you to really be able to avoid answering a direct query. It’s only been luck that has kept your crush hidden from her. You’ve been friends since you met in 2nd year of undergrad, paired randomly as roommates and then continuing to remain roommates until even now when you live off campus in an apartment together. And many of your friends have come together and you both now share a common friend group.
Once Yoonji wrestles her foot free of your tickling grasp, she shifts in her seat, face far more serious than the topic at hand should really call for. “Fine, fine. I’ll accept your excuse,” she gives you a look that’s hard to interpret, though you mostly just don’t want to think too hard about the calculating look she’s giving you. It leaves you feeling exposed, like she can read your thoughts and knows all of your deepest secrets. Which is partially true, you and Yoonji share everything, save your feelings for her. “Which way do you think Jimin goes?”
She’s really going to make you do this? Well, you might as well give some actual thought to this. “With his praise kink? Definitely more sub leaning?”
Yoonji raises an eyebrow. “Leaning?”
“Well yeah. He’s definitely a switch. You’ve seen how he is when he’s focused. But he also likes helping others. Plus,” you pause, mostly just to be dramatic as you smirk knowingly, Yoonji leaning closer as she waits for what you’re going to say next, “Siyeon said he’s as good a dom as he is a sub.”
Scoffing, Yoonji reaches over to give you a little shove. “That’s cheating!”
You giggle, catching her hand before she pushes again. “It’s not!”
“It is! That’s insider information! This is supposed to be our opinion.”
Waving her off, you settle back onto the couch. “I gave my opinion. I would’ve had that before Siyeon told me. All she did was confirm.” You pause thoughtfully for a moment. You don’t want this to be all you, so you pose the next friend to her instead. “What about Seokjin?”
Yoonji drums her fingers on her bare thigh and you have to fight the urge to get lost in staring at the vast expanse of smooth, exposed skin she’s subjecting you to tonight while you’re impaired like this. You want to know if they’re as soft as they look. You know her hands aren’t, not anymore since she started learning guitar, finger’s growing rough and calloused. The first time she had held your hand after had startled you, now you love feeling the slight roughness brush against your skin. Dragging your gaze from her fingers to her face, you watch as she starts to speak, trying to remain focused on her words and not the way her pretty pink lips form them. 
“As much as I’d love to say sub because he would be just absolutely gorgeous all tied up and begging. I think he’s a bit more dom-ish.”
Mulling it over for a moment, you nod. He likes caring for all your friends, you can certainly see that transferring over into the bedroom. You add, “Yeah… But like, a soft one, ya know? He’d be so gentle and caring about it. I bet his aftercare game is amazing.”
Shifting, Yoonji stretches her legs out and echoes your thoughts. “Definitely. You’ve seen the way he cares for all of us, but definitely the younger guys. He’d be so amazing at that. What about Taehyung?”
“Hm, a dom. Maybe a little less gentle than Seokjin, but still a soft-ish dom. Namjoon?”
“Dom leaning switch. Sometimes he just really needs to get out of his head and let go of control. Hoseok?”
“Straight up switch. I think he probably doms more often but he’s all too happy to go with whatever his partner is in the mood for. Jungkook?”
Yoonji’s face lights up. “Oh,” she coos. “The sweetest sub ever.”
You stare at the way her eyes seem to glaze over with her words and something like jealousy swirls with heat in your belly. You can’t tell if the spike of jealousy is about the way she sighed her answer so sweetly, like she’s thought a lot about this. Or if it’s because you have the same thoughts and some part of you feels possessive over Jungkook. “Why’s that?”
She shoots you a coy smile that leaves you feeling slightly uneasy. “He’s just such a sweet boy and always so eager to please.”
You can’t deny that you’ve also thought that, dreamed that were true. You’ve heard rumors of how Jungkook is in bed. Domineering, cocky, rough. But it doesn’t stop you from imagining him beneath you, whimpering and begging. Yoonji nudges you and you blink at her, realizing that you must’ve zoned out for a moment. She purses her lips, barely hiding her knowing smile. 
“One more,” she declares. 
Frowning, you think through your shared friends, but can’t imagine who she might be referring to. “Who?”
Her answering smirk has your heart stuttering in your chest, equal parts dreading what’s about to come out of her mouth and anticipating. “Me.”
You swallow. She’s really going to make you answer that to her face? While you’re both high? You chew your lip, looking her over slowly. You know exactly how she leans, the benefit and downside to living together for so long. The words stick in your throat though, not quite able to bring yourself to voice your knowledge. To give yourself away like that, to show just how much you’ve paid attention. Yoonji says nothing though, looking at you expectantly as she waits for your answer. 
Taking a deep breath, you rationalize that this is just a game. You’re just giving opinions. It doesn’t have to be incriminating to anything deeper. You just won’t give reasons, just an answer which way she leans. “Dom.”
She grins, looking pleased with your answer. “You too.”
“What?” you blink at her, confused by what she means. 
“I think you’re a dom too.”
Your breath catches. You hadn’t thought about the fact that if you knew her preferences then she likely knew yours well. You’ve both talked about your sex lives with each other, but you’ve never delved deeply into what happens when you’re in your room with others. Staring at each other, your mind races. How much has she heard? How much does she truly know? Her gaze drops to your lips for a moment.
But before the conversation can go any further, there’s a knock at the door. The tension that built between the two of you suddenly breaks as Yoonji crows happily, jumping from her seat to go retrieve the food you’d ordered. Burying your face in your hands, you take a few deep breaths, trying to get your thoughts under control. You really can’t be sitting here, high and horny and thinking about Yoonji and Jungkook. Especially not while one of those people is sitting here with you.
By the time she’s back with food, you’ve got your tangled thoughts mostly controlled and the previous conversation isn’t brought up again. Yoonji complains about something Namjoon did while they were studying earlier in the day and then you’re both complaining about school and theses and classes and thoughts on doms and subs is forgotten about entirely. And you’re all too happy to just forget it happened at all. 
At least for the most part. You can’t help it if in the late hours of night, when exhaustion reigns and sleep eludes you, if you let your thoughts slip to less pure things as you hand slips into your panties. If when you’re alone, you think of you and Yoonji knelt over Jungkook as his big, shiny eyes shine brighter with overwhelmed tears and begs his noonas to let him cum. You don’t let it leave those times though, left in the dark and forgotten in the daylight hours. You ignore the thoughts when you go to lunch with Jungkook, have dinner with all your friends, go grocery shopping with Yoonji, let yourself act as if that conversation never happened.
You assume Yoonji has forgotten it too. Or at least chosen to leave that conversation with that night. 
Until you come home from buying snacks one night for the weekly smoking session to find Jungkook there too. Which in and of itself isn’t too strange. While you and Yoonji are the primary partakers of this night, all of your friends rotate in and out when the mood strikes. Most of the others usually go out drinking. Or study. And everyone rotates between the three activities with whatever strikes their mood (or is required by their grades). 
But Jungkook had said earlier in the day that he was going out with Tae and Jimin. He’s not even dressed for it, like he was just stopping by for a moment and then going to meet up with the others. Instead dressed comfortably in loose gray sweats and a matching sweatshirt, his blond hair still slightly damp from a shower under the hood he still has pulled up. 
You give him a smile as you set the snacks on the coffee table and move to sit on the couch. “I thought you were going out to drink?”
Jungkook shuffles from foot to foot nervously, glancing from you to Yoonji, who’s sat on the other side of the couch. “I uh… changed my mind?”
You frown, unsure of his odd behavior. He’s acting as if he’s never been to your apartment before, despite the fact that besides the two of you, he’s here the most. But Yoonji simply beckons him to sit, which he does so after a moment of hesitation, nervously tugging his hood off his head. Once he sits, you expect Yoonji to pull out a blunt and get the night started, but the silence stretches and she makes no moves to do so. You reach out to nudge her, head tilted questioningly. 
She gives you a quick glance before looking at Jungkook. “I have a proposition. For you both.” Brows furrowing, you’re about to question her when she continues. “Your noonas have a little theory they’d like to test.”
Your heart stops. There’s only one possible thing she could be talking about that would involve both a proposition and a theory that you both had. Is she just planning to ask him? But that wouldn’t involve a proposition…
She’s planning to ask him to let you both dom him. Stomach knotting uncomfortably, you worry that this could ruin the friendship the three of you share. That it could ruin the entire friendship dynamic of the whole group. You could lose a roommate, friends. But even with the bad scenarios running through your mind, you can’t deny the bolt of heat that sears straight to your core at even the barest hint of possibility of getting the pretty boy before you underneath you instead. 
Jungkook swallows, gaze darting from Yoonji to you and back. You wonder what Yoonji said to him to get him to come tonight. “What… What’s the theory?”
She gives a soft smile, but there's a predatory edge to it. You’ve seen it on her when you’ve gone to bars and clubs, wielded against unsuspecting people that she wants to spend the night with. You’ve seen the effects of that look on people and Jungkook is no different, already looking like he’s hooked on her every word, even if there’s still a touch of nerves in the tense line of his shoulders. She gestures for Jungkook to move from the chair to sit between you both on the couch. He hesitates before shuffling the short distance to sit where directed. You can’t help but note that he’s good at following instructions. It makes something hot twist in your belly. 
Yoonji shifts, kneeling on the cushion so she can press closer to Jungkook, close enough to whisper in his ear, though her tone is loud enough for you to hear too. “Your noonas have a theory that you are just the sweetest little sub ever.”
Jungkook tenses up at the words, and though it’s hard to tell if it’s from discomfort or just shock at Yoonji’s bold statement, you slide closer to be a reassuring hand to counterpoint Yoonji’s boldness.  
“If anything makes you uncomfortable, Jungkook, just tell us. We don’t want to cause you any discomfort, okay?” you murmur soothingly, hand rubbing gentle circles on his back. Yoonji peaks around to give you a grateful smile, although you’re unsure if it’s because you are joining her in her proposition or if it’s because you know enough to ensure that Jungkook’s comfort is the most important thing here.
Thinking for a moment, Jungkook gives a small nod and Yoonji takes that as her sign to continue. “Would you let your noonas find out if they’re right?”
“B-both of you?” he swallows, gaze darting between the two of you.
Leaning closer, you let your lips brush his ear, relishing the shiver you feel run through him. “Your noonas have seen the way you look at them when we dance together on nights out.” 
He stiffens beneath you and you pull back just enough to see the flush starting to color his cheeks. In truth, you know he’s not the only one that does. Jimin and Taehyung fairly regularly comment on how you both steal the show. And you and Yoonji aren’t blind, you know the way you both captivate an audience when you’re together, dressed up and putting on a show just for the thrill. But you’ve definitely caught Jungkook staring the most. Eyes hooded and lips parted like you and Yoonji are there solely for his entertainment. The way you’ve seen him have to restrain himself from approaching the both of you. It’s even more thrilling than the eyes of strangers on you. 
Yoonji coos. “Do you like watching your noonas together, baby?”
She doesn’t allow him a chance to answer though because as soon as the question has been asked, she’s nudging him back so he’s more reclined, leaving the two of you staring at each other over his chest. A moment passes, where you just stare at each other, as Jungkook looks between you both. 
There’s a wry twist to her lips and then she’s reaching out to pull you in for a kiss. The sudden press of her soft lips to yours has your brain short circuiting. All thought and reason leaving you, focus narrowed entirely down to the pressure of her mouth on yours. She tastes like strawberry and the sudden, lightest brush of her tongue across your lip has your brain kick starting again just as she starts to pull away. That simply won’t do. Hand tangling in her hair, you keep her close, keep the kiss going as you deepen it and you relish the slick slide of her tongue against yours.
You’ve imagined kissing her so much, but it’s nothing compared to reality. Yoonji is demanding, just as demanding as you are, and there are moments where the kiss turns a little rougher as one of you tries for the upper hand. It’s addicting, the feel of her, the rush, that you get lost in the kiss. So much so, that you entirely forget about Jungkook beneath you until he lets out a soft whimper. Pulling away from Yoonji, you both glance down at him and you nearly coo at the sight. He looks much like he does on nights that you’ve caught him watching you dance. But up close like this, you can see the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the way his tongue darts out occasionally to lick at his pink, bitten lips, how blown his eyes are already and he hasn’t even been touched yet. 
Disentangling yourself from Yoonji, you run an affectionate hand through Jungkook’s hair. “Do you want this, baby?” When he starts to nod again, you tighten your hand in his hair, halting his movement. “We need your words, Jungkook.”
His mouth opens, but no sound comes out. He clears his throat, eyes darting down in embarrassment before trying again. “Yes, noona. Want this… Want you both…”
Pleased, you let your hand drift down, cupping his cheek and thumbing gently along his cheekbone. “Yeah? Have you thought about this a lot? Have you thought about your noonas often?”
Swallowing, his gaze darts between the two of you nervously. And oh, you had just been teasing. But the nervous flit of his gaze, the way he won’t focus on either of you for longer than a moment. He has thought about the two of you. You wonder what he’s thought about, for how long. Has he touched himself while thinking about one of you? Both of you? Yoonji seems to pick up on the implication of his nonanswer too, because her lips are curling into a teasing smirk.
“Have you, baby? What a naughty boy. Thinking about your noonas like that.” Jungkook squirms, mouth open like he’s about to protest the statement, but Yoonji continues speaking. “Noona has too. Thought about how pretty you’d look and how good you’d be.”
Jungkook falters, blinking big eyes up at Yoonji with wonder. Like he never imagined that either of you would think of him the way he thinks of you. A breath shudders out of him as his eyes squeeze closed. You make the decision to move this from the couch if you’re going to go through with it.
Shifting, you push yourself to your feet, glancing at Yoonji to see that she follows your actions with a questioning furrow to her brows. Jungkook blinks his eyes open at the movement, blinking up at you both. You hold your hand out and after a moment, he takes it. Pulling him to his feet, Yoonji grabs his other hand and takes charge in leading Jungkook down the hall to her bedroom. 
The air in Yoonji’s room feels thick with heat. She flips a light on, letting soft, purple light fill the room and leaving it cast in subdued shades. You both release Jungkook’s hands, moving in near perfect synchronicity despite the fact that you’ve never done this before. There’s something unspoken that moves you both together. Standing side by side, you both face Jungkook, gazes slowly trailing over the younger man. He shuffles on his feet under the scrutiny, hands clasping in front of him like he’s a child about to be scolded. 
Yoonji’s head tilts, finger coming up to tap her chin in thought. “Something seems wrong here, doesn’t it?”
Humming, you nod in agreeance. “Yes, yes it does. Jungkook,” the boy starts at the call of his name, head jerking up to stare at you, like a deer caught in the headlights. 
Yoonji snaps her fingers. “You’re right. Jungkook, baby, strip for your noonas.”
“N-now?” His fingers twitch where they’re clasped before him. 
It’s cute how shy he has become. You’ve seen him shamelessly strip his shirt off at parties to do body shots, confidently pick up women at bars, boldly barge into rooms and capture everyone’s attention. You’ve only seen him this shy once, and that was when you all had first met him, before he had come out of his shell and grown close to you all. 
When he makes no move to start undressing, you speak up. “Jungkook,” you wait until he’s looking at you. “Do you know the stoplight system?” He thinks for a moment before nodding, face clouded with confusion. “Color?”
Gaze darting from you to Yoonji and back again, his tongue peaks for a moment. “Green.”
Yoonji grins proudly at the answer. “Aw, are you just shy then, baby? Nervous about being naked in front of your noonas for the first time?”
Ducking his head, Jungkook gives you both a quick nod that you just want to coo over, however inappropriate that reaction may be right now be damned. Instead, you shoot for comforting. “How about we start slow then? Just your shirt. You can do that, can’t you, baby? We’ve seen you shirtless plenty of times before.”
Jungkook fidgets for another moment before his fingers grip the edge of his baggy sweater. Eyes squeezing shut, there’s only only a second more of hesitation before the sweater is being pulled up and off. He clings to it, the fabric hanging in his hands in front of his chest, but doing very little to hide anything. He peaks an eye open and sees the way Yoonji quirks an eyebrow at him and the sweater drops from his hands to the floor. 
You’ve seen Jungkook shirtless plenty of times. Your entire friend group has. There was a period of a few months back towards the beginning of your friendship after he had gotten comfortable with you all that you would’ve sworn that he was allergic to shirts with how often you saw him shirtless. You know how toned he is, have been subjected to his ridiculous workouts on occasion, how diligently he works out simply for the fun of it. Muscles that shift under golden skin that you’ve seen at parties and on beach trips, that you’ve allowed yourself to glance out, appreciate and take in, but never to stare for too long and get caught. 
Now though, you drink your fill of the sight before you. Jungkook is tall, and when he’s shirtless he exudes a cockiness born from the hungry looks of others; his posture always making him seem taller, take up more space. But now, now his shoulders are hunched, like he’s trying to make himself smaller, seem less big even though his muscles make that nearly impossible. 
He glances up at you both through the curtain of blonde bangs and you can see the way the flush from his cheeks starts to spread down his neck and chest. It makes you itch to mark the pretty skin up, stake a claim on the sweet, shy boy before you. 
There’s a pleased hum from beside you. “Such a good boy, Jungkookie. You’re so good for your noonas, aren’t you?”
He nods quickly, eyes positively shining at the praise. Well, you both certainly pegged that one right. Oh, now there’s an idea. That might have to wait though. You don’t want to completely overwhelm him right at the start. 
“Now the pants, baby,” you grin, watching the way he swallows at the command.
Hands trembling slightly as he reaches for the waistband of his sweats, his nerves seem to grow now that he’s about to be fully exposed before you both. He takes a deep breath and then shoves his sweats and underwear down his legs. Your breath catches in your throat and you know Yoonji must be having a similar reaction given the sharp inhale you hear from her. 
Jungkook is absolutely stunning naked. You’ve known that his thighs were thick and just as toned as the rest of him, catching glimpses of the thick, corded muscles whenever he ditched sweats and his baggier clothing for jeans that looked like they’d been painted onto him. His hands immediately come together again in an attempt to cover his cock, already hard and leaking. But his hands do little to cover his long, thick cock, but it’s endearingly adorable that he tries. 
“So pretty,” you murmur, eyes tracing over every inch of skin. You don’t know what you want to do first to him, so many ideas flash through your mind as you stare at him.  
“So good, too. Can you lay down on the bed for us now, baby?”
Shyness seemingly forgotten for a moment, Jungkook nearly launches himself onto the bed, landing with a little bounce before he’s shuffling around so he’s stretched out in the middle of Yoonji’s bed. His eagerness is a good sign, showing that even if he’s nervous, that he very much wants to be here. The dark bedspread makes his skin seem to glow more and he looks absolutely gorgeous spread out for you. 
Yoonji moves closer to the bed and you move to follow suit and stand beside her at the foot, both of you just taking a moment to look at Jungkook. His cock twitches where it rests against his belly and heat pools in your belly at the knowledge that it’s yours to touch. At least for tonight. 
She turns to you then, hands landing on your hips to pull you closer. Chewing her lip for a moment, there’s an emotion that briefly flits across her face but before you can pin down what exactly it is she’s leaning in to press her lips to yours once again. Not letting yourself dwell on her expression, at least not now when there’s a very eager boy spread out for you both and Yoonji’s tongue slipping into your mouth. You can overthink later. Right now, you should just let yourself fall into the feel of her.
Her fingers dig into your hips and you let her get away with it only because you take the opportunity to slip your hands beneath her shirt, gripping her waist just as tightly for a moment before you’re tugging her shirt up and off. Kiss momentarily broken, you take the brief pause to look her over. Her bra is black and lacy, pushing her breasts up in a way that makes you want to get your mouth on them . You also know for a fact that it’s her ‘getting laid’ bra. Meaning she must have been pretty confident that the two of you would agree to this. You’re a little mad that she didn’t give you any sort of heads up to let you wear something better than just a comfy, colorful bra you use for daily wear. At least it’s cute. 
Leaning in, you nip harshly at her bottom lip in retaliation and you know by her giggle that she knows exactly what it was for. What a cruel tease, you’re definitely going to get her back in the future. You don’t know how just yet, but you will. You sooth the bite with your tongue, but you don’t get a chance for another proper kiss because Yoonji takes the opportunity to tug your shirt off as well. She pulls away after dropping your shirt to the floor, hungrily eyeing you up as her tongue wets her lips. You feel a heady rush at being able to pull such a look from the typically collected Yoonji. 
A moan pulls your attention back to the bed, where Jungkook has taken it upon himself to start lazily stroking himself, muscles shifting as his hips flex up into his grip. Exchanging glances, you and Yoonji quickly rid yourselves of your bottoms before climbing onto the bed on either side of Jungkook. This behavior simply won’t do. 
Sitting on your knees beside his thigh, you're quick to let your hand smack against the skin there. The sound echoes in the quiet room and Jungkook jerks, though you don’t know if it’s more from the sudden sound or the heat that blooms across his thigh even if the smack you gave him was fairly mild in terms of punishment. But it has the desired effect, his hand halting on his cock, though he doesn’t remove his hand from himself. His expression morphs into a mix of betrayal and confusion.
“Oh, sweet boy,” Yoonji coos, hand wrapping around his wrist. “Have you ever done this before?”
Swallowing, he looks nervous again, gaze darting around the room, but never landing on either of you before he minutely shakes his head. Yoonji gently pulls his hand from his cock, letting it slap wetly against his belly. 
“Aw, you poor thing. Have you always had to be the one in charge, huh? Do those girls see your big, pretty muscles and tattoos and just assume that you’re going to be domineering too? No one’s ever taken care of you like you deserve?” Yoonji murmurs, eyes burning as she speaks. 
Jungkook’s breath hitches as he blinks up at Yoonji. He shakes his head slightly and you can see how deeply he wants this. Wants to try, to let go and have someone else take control for once. Letting your fingers trail up his thigh, you trace a single fingertip up his cock with a featherlight touch, drawing a delightful gasp from him. He’s so sensitive to touch, it’s going to make this so much more fun. 
“Lesson number one, baby. No touching without permission. That includes your pretty little cock. Bad boys get punished.”
“And punishment can get much worse than a little slap on the thigh, sweetheart.”
His eyes widen. “I-I’m sorry! I d-didn’t know!”
Shushing him, you rub soothingly at the red mark you left on his thigh. It’s light and fairly small, a testament to how tame the smack was, but it makes you want to leave more, make them darker. Marks that remain for days, that remind Jungkook of your hands on him. “It’s okay, baby. You’re still learning. You won’t be punished.” You smirk teasingly. “This time at least.”
Licking his lips, he looks between you both. You can tell he’s thinking about something, but you can’t tell if the thought of punishment might actually be enticing to him or if he’s trying to figure out the rules without being told. Always the overachiever. 
Yoonji releases his hand, letting it fall to rest against the bed once more. “We’ll go easy on you, baby, don’t worry. You’ll be a good boy for us, won’t you?” Jungkook nods quickly, hands clenching at the bedspread. “What do you want, baby?”
“Want…” he licks his lips, seems to think slowly over his wants in this moment. “Wanna see you kiss again.”
You giggle. “Aw, sweet thing,” you glance over at Yoonji, “doesn’t even want a kiss for himself.”
Yoonji tsks, wide grin matching yours. “Someone must really enjoy watching.”
Planting a hand high on Jungkook’s thigh, Yoonji mirrors your actions as you both lean closer to meet over Jungkook once more. This kiss is slow, you take your time and enjoy the feel of her soft mouth against yours. You could easily get lost in the kiss again, it would be so easy. Jungkook’s thigh twitches beneath your hand and you give him a small squeeze, acknowledge that you haven’t forgotten about him and it draws a soft moan from him. 
The sound seems to spark something in Yoonji, as she surges closer, deepening the kiss. Her free hand comes up to rest on the side of your neck, thumb brushing along your jaw. Not wanting to be outdone, you reach out and let your fingers trace her collarbone before following her sternum down until you can palm at one of her covered breasts. That draws a soft gasp from her that you greedily swallow down. 
Her hand tightens on your neck, pulling like it’s possible to pull you closer and her other hand abandons Jungkook’s thigh to grope at your breast. You both get greedy for the feel of each other. Your hand quickly leaves Jungkook’s thigh as well, slipping behind Yoonji to undo her bra. It falls slack on her shoulders, hindered from coming off by her hands on you. Bumping her hands off for a moment, you tug the offending article free from her and toss it off the bed. Yoonji wastes no time in getting her hands back on you once you’ve removed the bra and you’re now free to palm her tits in your hands. 
Jungkook whimpers below you both, his hand bumps your thigh before it’s being jerked away. “N-noona…”
Parting with a gasp, you both look down at Jungkook, his hands fisted at his sides, knuckles nearly white. Your hands fall from each other as you give the prone man your attention. You’re impressed with his restraint, you hadn’t expected him to be so well behaved the very first time. But that’s actually pretty typical of Jungkook, excelling at anything he tries. 
His pupils are blown with lust and he swallows his nerves as he speaks. “C-can… Can I touch too?”
“You wanna touch your noonas while they kiss, baby?” Yoonji asks. He nods, eyes wide and Yoonji’s answering smirk is bordering on mean. “Why?”
“Why do you want to touch your noonas while they kiss, baby? I thought you just wanted us to kiss and touch each other?”
He looks to you, seemingly lost by the question. But you simply raise an eyebrow and wait for an answer. He squirms a little, cock twitching. “Um… I… I…”
“Have you thought about touching us before?” you murmur, reaching out to cup Yoonji’s breast, thumbing at the nipple and drawing a sigh from her. “Have you thought about noona’s pretty tits and how they’d feel in your hands?”
Whining, Jungkook nods his assent eagerly, eyes fixed firmly on where your hand plays with Yoonji. Yoonji presses a quick kiss to your lips, casting a teasing look to Jungkook before she’s reaching up to unclasp your bra and tug it off of you to toss it behind her. Yoonji raises herself up onto her knees, pulling you with, and she leans you both together until your breasts press together. They’re just as soft against you as they were in your hands. If you weren’t focused on teasing Jungkook, you’d pin her down and get your mouth on them.
She glances to the side to look at Jungkook. “How do you wanna touch, baby?”
His eyes drag down your bodies slowly, gaze darting so quickly like there’s so much he wants to touch and he doesn’t know where to even begin. “Noona…” he whines. 
You chuckle. “Aw, baby. Do you need your noonas to help you?”
“Put your hands on our hips.”
He’s eager and quick to comply, hands coming up to rest hot and heavy against the curve of your hip. His fingers flex against you, like he wants to move his hand to touch more but they remain in place. Yoonji leans in to kiss you again and you think you could kiss her forever. After a moment, you break the kiss, trailing your lips along her jaw and down her neck. Laving your tongue over her pulse point, you relish the shiver that runs through her. You’re overcome with the urge to mark her and so you let your teeth sink into her skin before soothing it with your tongue and sucking kisses. Yoonji groans in the back of her throat and you move down her neck to suck another dark mark and draw more noises from her. 
You know logically that she’s been as affected by all this as you, but hearing the proof is intoxicating. It goes straight to your pussy and the longer you go on, the more you feel drip from you to soak your panties.
“What do you want next, baby?” Yoonji pants, hand reaching to cover the hand on your hip. His gaze drops to where your breasts are pressed together, but he doesn’t say anything. “Do you wanna touch noonas’ tits? Greedy boy,” she chuckles breathlessly, ending in a gasp when you nip at her collarbone. 
His hands twitch against you like he is fighting the urge to just do what he wants, to do what he’s always done with women. But he remains diligent and keeps his hands where he was told too. Pressing one last kiss to Yoonji’s neck, you pull away, staring at the darkening marks while a possessive heat curls in your belly. You shift then, nudging Jungkook’s thighs slightly apart and then you’re throwing a leg over to straddle his thigh, dropping down to press your clothed pussy against the corded muscle. The damp material drags deliciously against your pussy and any other time, you would ride his thigh until he was begging you to touch him or let him touch.
Gasping, Jungkook’s hand tightens enough to bruise and you grin down at him. “Can you feel how wet noona is for you, baby?”
He nods a little dazedly, looking down where you’re pressed against his thigh like he can’t believe what he’s feeling or seeing. Giving a little grind, you feel a rush of desire run through you at the breath that rushes from Jungkook’s lips. 
“Baby,” you purr, “didn’t you want to touch noona’s tits?”
“Go ahead, baby.”
His hand quickly abandons your hip once he’s given permission; big, warm palm cupping one of your breasts like it’s the most precious thing he’s ever touched. You have to fight down the urge to giggle at the unexpected tenderness. Yoonji moves beside you, straddling Jungkook’s other thigh and she takes the opportunity to move Jungkook’s other hand for him, placing it over one of her breasts. 
Gaze darting from one hand to the other, his hands remain frozen for a long moment before he’s tentatively squeezing. Then he quickly grows more confident, seemingly more familiar with at least this part as his fingers tease at your nipple. Leaning slightly to the side, you press a kiss to Yoonji’s shoulder until you have her attention and then you’re pressing your lips to hers once more. Letting your hand slip into her hair, you tilt her head, deepening the kiss. Her hand lands on your waist, fingers tracing a burning path down until they can grope at your ass. 
Your hips jerk, clit dragging across Jungkook’s thigh and a moment later, you feel his muscles shift as he flexes. Breaking the kiss with a gasp, you glance down at him with a smirk. Jungkook looks perfectly debauched beneath you both. The flush dusting his cheeks stretches down his chest, his bright eyes burn with want as his hands work on both you and Yoonji. His cock rests heavy against his belly, tip dark with neglect, but he seems wholly oblivious to it even as your attention zeroes in on it.
“What a good boy you’re being. Giving noona something to grind against?”
His dick twitches at that and you let a finger brush gently down the length. A loud gasp leaves his lips, hips straining upward but he can’t get very far with the combined weight of you and Yoonji pinning his legs down. You give a deliberate grind down, Jungkook’s eyes quickly zeroing in on where your clothed pussy meets his bare thigh. Hands falling still on your breast, he licks his lips before his hand is slowly sliding down to timidly tug at the waistband of your panties.
“Can… Can these come off?”
Yoonji hums. “Wanna see noona’s bare pussy, baby?”
Nodding quickly, he looks up at you both with wide eyes. “Yes, please. Wanna see.”
The hand on your ass slides around to rest just on the waistband of your panties. “You wanna see just how wet our pretty baby boy has made us?”
Breath shuddering, he nods again, eyes trained on Yoonji’s hand as it finally slips into your panties. You groan as her fingers slip between your folds, fingertips teasing across your clit before dipping lower to gather your wetness. Before she can do much more than leave a few teasing touches, she’s pulling her hand from your panties and holding her hand up for you all to see. Jungkook’s gaze bores into the glistening digits, licking his lips slowly. 
“Open,” she commands and his mouth falls obediently open, hope shining in his eyes when her fingers inch closer to his lips. “Do you want to taste noona?”
“Yes,” he breaths out, tongue extending like it’ll get Yoonji’s fingers to his mouth faster. 
She stops just before she reaches his tongue and when he strains closer in an attempt to touch, she pulls her fingers away, keeping them teasingly just out of his reach. “Answer noona’s question first, baby. Good boy’s always answer when asked a question. And you wouldn’t want to be bad, now would you?”
Blonde hair flies as he quickly shakes his head no. “No! I’m good! I promise! Please, I wanna taste noona!”
Yoonji’s smile softens. “What a good boy.” 
With that, her fingers press against his tongue. Moaning, Jungkook’s lips close around the digits as he sucks enthusiastically. You wonder if he’s as enthusiastic when he’s eating someone out and your pussy clenches at the thought. A few moments later, she pulls her fingers free and Jungkook’s lips purse in a pout, drawing a laugh from both of you. You shift, finally tugging your panties down to discard over the edge of the bed. Jungkook’s eyes are drawn back to your pussy, now bared for him to see. 
His hand twitches where it rests against your hip, but it doesn’t move and there’s a rush of heat that accompanies the fact that he’s doing so well already. Turning to Yoonji, you begin to tug at her panties, earning a laugh from her as she moves to help you get them off of her. 
As much as you want to take in Jungkook’s reaction to you both being naked before him, you can’t stop the greedy part of you that reaches out to slip your hand between her legs to touch. A soft sigh leaves her lips and you can’t help but lean in to smother the sound with a kiss. Your fingers find her just as wet as you are yourself and you relish in the moment to tease your fingers along her pussy. 
Whining, Jungkook squirms beneath you both, thigh inadvertently bumping your hand harder against Yoonji and further smearing her wetness across your palm. You pull your hand away and Jungkook follows the movement with laser focus. 
“Want to taste your other noona, baby?” you tease. 
“Yes, please,” he murmurs.
Biting your lip on a smile, you move your hand slowly closer to his open mouth, watching the way his eyes light up with excitement. But before you reach his lips, you stop, drawing a pretty pout from the boy. Then you wink and you quickly bring your fingers to your own mouth instead. Twin gasps greet the action as you slip two fingers into your mouth and moan at the taste of Yoonji on your tongue. Your eyes slip closed as you suck your fingers clean and when you pull your fingers free and glance down to Jungkook, you’re met with a look that is equal parts jealous and hungry. 
Hand dropping to the bed beside him, his eyes widen as you lean over him. “Still want a taste, baby?”
His gaze darts to your lips as he nods. You seal your mouth over his, taking advantage of the surprised part to his lips to slip your tongue in. He whimpers, hands coming up to rest on your hips as he chases the taste of Yoonji on your lips. 
Kissing Jungkook is nothing like kissing Yoonji. He’s like putty beneath you, following your lead where Yoonji fought you for control, kept you on your toes. Not necessarily aggressive, but Yoonji kisses you with a consuming hunger, burning you from the inside out. Jungkook is like a breath of fresh air, he’s soft and needy, making these quiet little huffs with each brush of your tongue. You wonder if he realizes that he’s moved his hands, that he’s touching you when he’s not supposed to be, but you decide to let it slide just this once. You’re much more interested in drawing out more of those sweet, little sounds from him.  
A moment later though, his hands are being pulled away and Yoonji is tutting him as she leans against you to pin his hands to the bed. “Naughty boy, what did we say about touching?”
With a whine, he pulls away from your mouth. “‘M sorry... “
You snicker. “Is noona so good at kissing that you forgot the rules, sweet thing?”
Jungkook lets out a low whine again. “Noona.”
Yoonji shifts against you, hands adjusting her grip on Jungkook’s wrists and you’re momentarily distracted by the press of her breasts against your back. Pressing again, she forces you to drop fully against Jungkook as she hooks her chin over your shoulder. 
“I’ll just have to hold you while noona kisses you, hm?”
He squirms beneath you and you see him strain feebly against Yoonji’s hands. You all know that he could easily break her hold; that the strain he shows is feigned and exaggerated. But his acquiescence to her grip, to you both taking control, is the most telling thing to his desires. He wants this, just as much as you both. Even if he’s new and inexperienced in this aspect, he wants. 
His lips part with small huffs and you can’t help yourself when you dip back down to kiss him. He squirms again before melting entirely into the kiss, letting Yoonji hold him still while you lick into his mouth. A heady rush fills you at his pliancy, you always imagined him submitting, but it was nothing like this. Jungkook behaves like he’s been subbing for you both for ages, like he knows the routine, that the momentary lapses in following the rules is nothing more than being a little bratty to provoke a reaction. 
The kiss stretches, you don’t know for how long, getting lost in the feeling of Jungkook beneath you and the softness of Yoonji’s breasts pressing into your back. Jungkook’s hips twitch, his cock brushing wetly against your side and you finally decide to have some mercy on him. Lifting slightly, Yoonji gets the hint and sits up fully, allowing you to do the same. You smile at the way Jungkook is laid out, eyes lidded, lips kiss swollen and flush sitting high on his cheeks. He looks fucked out already and barely anything has happened yet. 
Taking Yoonji’s hand in yours, you lift it to your lips to press a soft kiss to the palm. “I think it’s time to reward our baby, hm? He’s been so good for his first time.”
Her fingers brush your cheek as she smiles. “He does.” She turns her attention back to Jungkook. “How do you want your noonas, baby?”
Swallowing, his gaze flicks back and forth between the two of you. He takes a long time to answer, seemingly nervous. “I… I don’t know… I’m s-sorry…”
“Aw sweetheart, there’s no need to be sorry. You’re just overwhelmed, huh?” He nods, lips pursed in a pout, and you continue. “Do you want your noonas to pick something for your reward for you?”
“Yes, please… There’s too many things… I can’t pick…”
You pat his side affectionately. “It’s okay, baby. Noonas will take good care of you.”
His eyes shine at your praise as he nods eagerly. You and Yoonji exchange looks and seem to be thinking the same thing as you move off Jungkook’s thigh to move further up the bed and Yoonji shifts to fully straddle his hips. 
Yoonji grins as she sees the way Jungkook follows your movement. “Ever had someone sit on your face, baby?”
Eyes widening, his gaze darts to Yoonji before turning back to you and you raise an eyebrow when he doesn’t answer. “N-no…”
“Pinch my thigh if you need to stop for any reason, okay, baby?” You wait for him to murmur a quiet ‘okay’ before moving to throw your leg over his head.
You feel his breath hot against your wet folds and when you glance up at Yoonji, you see her focus is trained where you sit just above Jungkook’s mouth. With a lick of your lips, you lower yourself until your pussy presses to Jungkook’s mouth, which instantly falls open, tongue darting out to lap at your slit. Groaning, you grind against his tongue, giving yourself a few seconds to enjoy the pleasure sizzling in your belly. 
Then you’re reaching up for Yoonji, grabbing her hips to tug her until she’s hovering over Jungkook’s cock. One hand slides from her hips and you let your fingers trace lightly along her slit, knuckles brushing his cock as you do. 
You hold Yoonji’s gaze as you begin speaking, fingers dipping between her folds to tease at her clit. “Gotta get noona ready for you, baby. Get her nice and stretched for your big, pretty cock.” 
Jungkook whines against you and Yoonji lets out a low moan as you slip a finger into her. Yoonji is warm and wet and tight around your finger and your breath stutters as she clenches around the digit. Letting your finger curl, you rub against her walls, searching for that spongy bundle of nerves. 
It takes a few seconds, your attention being pulled by Jungkook’s tongue as he enthusiastically eats you out. But you find it quick enough, signaled by the sharp gasp that leaves her lips when you finally brush against it. Grinning victoriously, you tease at the bundle until her thighs begin to quiver, pleased to have wrung such a reaction from her.
Her hand darts out suddenly, gripping your wrist tightly. Her gaze is dark when it meets yours and she arches an eyebrow at you. “I think you’re enjoying yourself more than getting me ready for our baby,” she teases.
Your body heats. She’s not wrong, you maybe did forget what you were doing a little bit. Grinning, you slide your finger out until just the tip remains before thrusting back in with two. “Guilty.”
She opens her mouth to speak again but you let your thumb brush her clit and it effectively silences her retort. She glares for only a moment before letting her head fall back with a groan and letting herself enjoy the slow pumps of your fingers. 
Slipping a third finger in, Yoonji’s hips start to move, little grinds that push your hand against Jungkook’s cock. You lift your hips slightly, giving Jungkook a moment to breath. 
“Are you ready for noona to ride you, baby?” you ask as you pull your fingers from Yoonji. 
All you get in response is a whimper as you grasp his cock with your wet fingers, other hand settling on Yoonji’s hip and you guide him to her entrance. You give her hip a squeeze and she lets herself drop, pulling your hand away so her hips can settle flush to his. You can feel Jungkook’s breath panting hot against your pussy, his hands squeezing tightly at the sheets.
“How does noona’s pussy feel, baby?” you murmur. He whines and you give his nipple a pinch, making his hips jerk. “When noona asks a question, she expects an answer.”
“‘M sorry… Noona feels good…”
You let your free hand settle on Yoonji’s other hip. “How’s he feel?”
“Fuck… so good. He’s such a good boy.” 
Jungkook’s hands suddenly wrap around your thighs. You jerk in surprise, ready to reprimand him, but before you can say anything, he’s pulling you back down onto his mouth. Yoonji laughs breathlessly, hands coming to rest on his belly as she starts to lift her hips. 
“How’s his mouth?”
Giving her a groan in response, you grind against his tongue, toes curling as his fingers tighten against your thighs. Both of you fall quiet, save for pants and moans, letting yourselves be consumed with chasing your own pleasure for a moment. Heat simmers in your belly, building with each swipe of Jungkook’s tongue and teasing suck to your clit. Jungkook’s efforts combined with the view of Yoonji riding his cock has your orgasm building until one harsh suck pushes you over the edge. 
Head falling back, you moan as your orgasm spreads through your veins, igniting like fire and leaving you shuddering as Jungkook seems to get even more enthusiastic below you. You vaguely hear Yoonji swear under her breath, but you don’t have it in you to look at her as Jungkook draws your orgasm out. 
Finally you lift your hips, overstimulation beginning to creep in, and you and Jungkook pant together as your high slowly ebbs away and you come back to yourself. Blinking your eyes open, you see Yoonji’s have slipped closed as she moves and you find your gaze glued to the way her tits bounce with each movement. 
Seeing an opportunity, you reach forward, letting your fingers find her clit and her eyes shoot open with a gasp at your touch. You grin, shifting so you’re knelt beside the pair. “Baby,” you coo, “look how pretty noona looks sitting on your dick.”
It takes him a moment, but Jungkook’s head lifts and your pussy clenches at the sheen of your slick covering the lower half of his face. His lips are parted as he makes sweet, little noises, soft moans and whines, and his hazy eyes trail over you both like he doesn’t truly know where to look. You swirl your fingers, drawing a wheezed gasp from Jungkook and you can’t help the teasing grin that forms. 
“Aw, baby. Did noona tighten up? Is she close? Are you gonna be good and let her cum on your cock?”
Jungkook’s nodding before you even finish speaking, hips twitching in small little thrusts and you pick up the pace on her clit. Leaning forward, you take one of her nipples in your mouth, teeth teasing the bud before you sooth it with your tongue.
“Fuck… gonna-” She cuts off, moving faster until her hips slam down as she starts to cum. 
You keep your fingers going, gradually slowing down as her orgasm shudders through her. Jungkook whines and squirms beneath her, but remains more still that others would. She tugs your hand away finally as she continues to shiver with aftershocks. You bring your fingers to your mouth with a teasing glance and lick them clean as she watches through hooded eyes. 
Jungkook whimpers, drawing both of attention to him and Yoonji lifts herself off his cock, drawing an even louder whine from him. 
You pat his side soothingly. “Don’t worry, baby. We’re gonna take care of you. Want your noona’s mouth?”
He blinks wet eyes at you both, cock twitching where it lays against his belly and Yoonji laughs. “I think that’s a yes.”
She takes him in her hand and his hips strain up into her grip. He’s so desperate already and you have barely even teased him or drawn this out. He’s definitely going to be fun in the future. Leaning down, you let your tongue swirl around the tip, licking up the taste of Yoonji and Jungkook together. They taste wonderfully divine. His hips strain upwards again and you and Yoonji each use a hand to hold his hips down as you continue your slow, teasing licks. Once you’ve licked all traces of Yoonji from him, you take him into your mouth, humming in content at the way he stretches your lips.
“‘M g-gonna… please… please can I?”
“Aw, you’re asking permission? You’re such a good boy. Of course you can cum, baby. You’ve been so good to your noonas.”
It takes only a couple bobs of your head for his back to bow as the first spurt of salty fluid hits your tongue. He cries out, body strung tight as he cums down your throat. You let your tongue rub at his frenulum as you and Yoonji work to draw out his orgasm as long as possible. When he begins to tremble and whimper, you finally pull away, licking your lips clean as you do. 
Jungkook’s eyes are shut tight, shuddering through the last aftershocks and he looks beautifully debauched. Glancing at Yoonji, you see the same fond look on her face that you know to be on yours. Leaning down, you pepper a few kisses to his lips and cheeks before stretching out beside him and cuddling up to his side. 
“You did such a good job, baby. You were so good for us,” you murmur, letting your hand rub his belly. 
Yoonji mirrors you and after a moment, halts your rubbing by interlacing your fingers with her. The look on her face is hard to read, but she gives you a reassuring squeeze. 
“The best baby,” she agrees, turning to Jungkook and giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
Jungkook gets a goofy grin, seeming to melt between the both of you at the praise. At the rate he’s going, he might have a bigger praise kink than Jimin. You all fall silent, breath evening out and simply enjoy the afterglow. You assume Jungkook at the very least has fallen asleep as your mind begins to swirl with the implications of what just happened. 
Leave it to your overthinking to ruin a nice postcoital cuddle. But you can’t help but wonder where this leaves the three of you. Was this just a one time thing? Does it mean anything deeper? You want so badly for it to mean more, but you also know that getting your hopes up leads to more hurt in the end. 
Jungkook surprises you by breaking the silence, voice rough like he’s fighting sleep. “What does this mean?” 
He sounds so small when he says it, it makes your heart ache a little. You’re not sure how to answer him though, because you also don’t really know what this means. You know what it means for you, but you can’t speak for Yoonji, or even Jungkook. 
Yoonji pushes up onto her elbow so she can look at you both and you see that same fond look in her eyes again. It makes something warm and content twist in your belly. “I thought I had made my intentions clear, but I guess not. I like you.” Before the hurt you feel can stretch too far, she looks at you. “Both of you. I had intended to get that done first tonight. But, uh, well things got a little carried away.”
Jungkook snorts. “Only a little?”
She pulls her hand from yours, giving him a quick pinch. “Hey! Don’t go getting mouthy now.”
Grinning in response, he wraps his arms around you both, tugging you somehow closer. “I like you both too… I have for a really long time…” he pauses, seeming to think for a moment before continuing. “And I really liked tonight… What we did… I’d like to explore more of that…”
They both look at you and you can’t help the giddy grin that spreads across your face. You push yourself up just enough to lean across to give Yoonji a kiss and then turn to give Jungkook one too. “Of course I like you both. God, who couldn’t? You both are so wonderful.”
Jungkook giggles happily and then in the blink, he’s managed to get you and Yoonji pushed together as he hovers over you both. He gives you each a kiss to the forehead. “So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriends?” Laughing, you give him a nod and he glows with happiness. “I have the prettiest girlfriends.”
You and Yoonji both reach up, each cupping one of his cheeks. Warm floods you, feeling happy and content with them both. 
“And we have the prettiest boyfriend.”
384 notes · View notes
*Request* Okay. Thanks! Could the reader be in to wrestling and her and barley are best friends? And something happened and they find out they’re falling for each other? And Ian is always teasing the reader? And a kiss at the end? Sorry if it’s a bit confusing.. again thanks!
 Okay I’m not sure how to do this… and I’m not into wrestling… And i’m really bad at this getting things done thing… sooo… I’m sorry, I know this has been in my asks for 100 years. But excuses… And i’m tired of this being in my drafts sooo… However, Hopefully it's decent enough. 
Fandom: Onward
Pairings: Barley x Reader (mention of grandchildren once but nothing that indicates gender... I think...) 
Warnings: Bad writing, Quick Mention of drunk idiots harassing reader, I don’t know a thing about Wrestling, Fluff, very bouncy thoughts... a tiny little bit of almost angst. 
❀✦ Master List✦❀
You met Barley at a wrestling match when a few drunk idiots decided to hassle you. As they tend to do… 
You ran into the first, seemingly safe person you saw. You looked at him with puppy eyes and were grateful he understood your silent plea. 
Barley smiled warmly and put his arm around you. He pretended to be your boyfriend until the guys lost interest in you and left. He made some jokes to lighten the mood and struck up a casual conversation with you, as if you really did know each other. You found yourself amazed and feeling better, it seemed this elf boy radiated security and gentleness.  
Then, with a simple thank you, you’d parted ways; only to run into each other again at the local diner after the match. It was there you had sat and talked well into the early hours of the morning. 
You learned he was interested in many things you were, and you just felt… content around him. By the time you had to part, numbers were exchanged, and he’d texted you before noon that day. 
You began hanging out shortly after that. You were nearly always at each other’s house, and quickly became close with his family. His mother adored you and his brother felt comfortable enough to joke around with you. 
All in all you and Barley were quite close.
But not as close as your family's seemed to think you were… or maybe hope would be more appropriate…  
The weekend had finally arrived and you made your way to Barley’s house, as planned, after work.
There was a big wrestling event in the evening and you and Barley had plans to hang out and watch it together. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you to spend a lot of time at the Lightfoot house so no one batted an eye when you showed up a little early. 
Ms. Lightfoot welcomed you and let you know that Barley had called saying he'd be a little late, and she was going out with friends. As she was leaving she turned to wink at you telling you, with a knowing look, to have fun. 
You thanked her as you felt your cheeks flush with warmth and made your way to the familiar living room. You didn't mind waiting for Barley, in fact, you'd be willing to wait all night if it meant spending time with him. Not that you would tell him that...
Lost in your thoughts about how dumb and sappy that sounded even in your mind, and the implications therein, you hadn't noticed Barley's brother come in.
You had spent a fair amount of time with both brothers since you’d first met Barley. So by this time Ian was pretty comfortable around you, sometimes even coming to you for help or advice. Especially when it entailed something he might have been too embarrassed about to ask his mother or brother about.  
 Ian had decided to take a break from homework, and get a snack when he found you lost in thought on his couch. When he came back from the kitchen only to find you with the same dazed expression several minutes later he decided to tease you a little. 
"Barley late for date night?" Ian asks, his tone even, leaning against the wall an apple in hand. 
"Yea- wait no! Why would you say that?" You blink taken off guard by the sudden question. 
Ian raises an eyebrow in a ‘really?’ expression. 
“Shut up” you try and fail to keep the blush from your voice. "We're just… eh… hanging out!" You defend a little too enthusiastically. 
“Interesting that’s the part you chose to respond to…” Ian chuckles, before heading back upstairs. If you weren't ready to admit your feelings, who was he to do it for you… besides, this was  far more amusing.
It wasn't much longer until Barley arrived home, a little disheveled. The match wasn't due to start for another hour, maybe more depending on how things went, and yet it looked like the elf boy had rushed home. 
The only thought that continued to creep into your mind was you… he rushed home to see you. The idea of It warmed your heart, and filled you with a longing. A longing for a potential life where Barley was coming home after work each day to see you. 
He'd find you cooking… reading… working on some project… and kiss you. 
You'd ask him about his day… and he yours. 
You'd share a pleasant dinner and end the night cuddled on the couch… 
You’d be happy… 
Ian's words run on loop in your mind and you don’t notice the way Barley’s face lights up upon seeing you. 
Did Barley think you were dating? That this was a date? 
Did he want it to be? 
Did you? 
You hadn't noticed you were staring until Barley brought attention to it. 
"What?" You jump. 
"I asked why you were looking at me like that?" he gives you his charming little half smile as he repeats, what you assume was, his earlier question. 
"Oh, um… nothing… no reason" you blush and desperately avoid looking at him. 
Barley watches you for a moment, clearly not believing your answer, but gives in with a shrug. 
"I'm just gonna go put my stuff down and get something to drink… you want something?" He asks. 
"Okay, um… no thanks" you try to sound casual all the while you're incredibly aware of your quickening heartbeat. 
Barley nods before leaving you, calling to you from the kitchen. He asks about your day. You give a non answer in response and ask him about his. 
He goes on to tell you about some funny thing his boss said in response to an irate customer, and soon returns to the living room. He hands you your drink before flopping down next to you. 
You scold him as you nearly spill. Not really realizing he brought you something even though you told him you didn’t need him to… not only that, but it was definitely your favorite… why would he… how… 
"Sorry my love" he smirks, clearly not sorry. 
You roll your eyes giving him a little shove in response to the nickname. He often called you sweet things. Things you previously attributed to his personality or teasing but now they had you wondering.
When he called you those things, sweetheart, darling, dear… was he actually hinting at what he really felt? 
You look at him out of the corner of your eye and quickly squeak noticing he was watching you with an indescribable emotion.
"W-what?" You try to act casual. 
"What's wrong with you?" He asks, blunt and to the point. 
"What do you mean?" You try and play it off, as if your mind wasn’t playing that little game with the levers and ball… and see you can’t even remember what it’s called… and it’s your analogy… 
PINBALL! Your brain was playing pinball… the dinging buzzing things the ball hits against being the sudden and many thoughts… which makes you the ball? Or was the ball the thoughts… bouncing around… there goes the analogy again…  
"You're being all quiet and…” he indicates you vaguely,  “did my mom say something to you? She's been teasing me about grandchildren lately, she didn't say something like that too you did she?" 
Your eyes widen and you suspect Barley didn't mean to let that slip out by the blush now coloring his ears. 
"No… but um… what-what do you tell her when she asks about that kind of stuff?" Yeah super subtle… 
Barley scratches the back of his neck, “I tell her we haven't discussed that…" 
"Why would we… Um Barley?" You push away your insecurities, fear that you’d read the situation wrong, and decide to just jump in with both feet. 
Or tip over the machine? Does it work now? The analogy? 
He 'hmms'. 
"Do you think we're dating?" You try to phrase it gently but cringe when you hear yourself. You don’t want to come across rude, like you’re making fun of him… but also don’t wanna let on how much you’re starting to suspect you want him to say yes… 
Barley looks away from you, practically purple at this point. 
"Uh… no of course not…" It sounded small, nervous but... hopeful? 
"Do… do you want to?" you manage to force out, slightly proud of your mostly even tone.
Do you?
You’re still not sure at this point yourself, you’d only just realized the way you feel about the elf boy that was your best friend. Did you want to risk that? What happens if this was just a little puppy attraction, lust thing… and whatever relationship you begin quickly sizzles out? 
Barley is looking at his hands as he nervously fiddles with the zipper of his vest. He bites his lip and tries to avoid your gaze. 
You soften, “It’s okay if you do… I mean… wanna… um…” Now you can’t find the words, which becomes more difficult when Barley looks up at you, hope shining in his eyes. 
“What are you saying?” he prompts, heart pounding in his chest. He hopes you can’t hear it. 
You shift, turning towards him slightly. “Well… if you wanted to maybe go on a date or something…” 
“I’d probably be okay with that… I mean… if you want to” you add the last part, now desperately hoping this wasn’t some awful joke. 
Barley smiles, reaching forward to brush a piece of hair from your face. “Do you wanna go on a date with me?” He asks softly, apparently having gained some confidence back. 
You nod, leaning into his touch before you realize you’re doing it. 
“Tomorrow night?” he suggests. 
Again, you nod, not trusting your voice. 
Barley smiles, his attention turning back to the tv. The match was starting soon, the announcers already talking about what they expect to happen. He leans back, his arm resting behind you on the top of the couch. Not an uncommon thing for the elf boy. What was uncommon, however, was you relaxing against his side and how right it felt.
Without a word, perhaps because he wasn’t sure he could trust his voice either, Barley brings his arm down around you, holding you against him. 
If you had the courage yourself to look up at him, you would have seen the flushing upon his cheeks. But either way this was comfortable and you weren’t in a hurry to end it any time soon. 
A few hours later Barley's mom returns home. Maaaybe a little drunk which results in her cooing loudly when she finds you and Barley asleep and cuddling on the couch. 
This, and her half stumbling up the stairs, manages to rouse you and Barley from your comfortable nap.
Barley yawns, and slowly gets to his feet. 
"Come on, I'll drive you home" he offers another yawn soon follows.
"Don't worry, I can drive myself" you stretch, not really pleased with the idea of making the trip home yourself.
"You're too tired- not safe" Barley half murmurs. 
"You're too tired" you retort. 
"You should stay here… on the couch… or I can take the couch" he stumbles over his words. 
You nod in agreement flopping back on the couch. When Barley doesn't leave you raise a brow in question. 
"I was just thinking…" he shuffles from one foot to the other.
You watch him with patient eyes, now a little more alert. You'd let him say what he needed, when he needed not wanting to rush him. 
"I mean… if I don't drive you home I can't kiss you goodbye…" 
His ears were a dark maroon by now and you can't keep the smile from your eyes. His sweetness, his bashfulness, just how God damn cute he was. And most of all… how much you wanted to kiss his pink tinted face. 
So you did. 
You stood, quicker than he could react, grabbed his face on either side, and brought his lips to yours. After a moment of shock Barley’s arms come around you, keeping you too him. 
You can't say for sure if the head rush you felt was from the kiss or standing too suddenly, but you chose to think it was the kiss as you give him several more little pecks before eventually breaking apart with a yawn. 
"Better?" You ask, your head falling forward to lean against his shoulder. 
Barley nods before pulling back, calling a good night to you, and hurrying to his room. 
You chuckle softly before flopping once again on the couch… there'd be time tomorrow to deal with all this… but for now… sleep was calling and the old couch was far too inviting… 
*And that’s all folks*
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
SK8 the Infinity Sentence Starters #11-20
A collection of the SK8 the Infinity sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
11) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“Somehow we need to persuade him to let you have that skateboard for an hour or so,” Langa murmured, watching Miya as he hung out in the shop, looking bored, skateboard tucked under his arm. He’d come in to “pick them up” and take them to see one of his skating matches in person, but as soon as he’d entered the shop and Reki had seen his board, he knew it was in no condition to be used in a competition. One of the wheels was about ready to pop off, which was a hazard to say the least.
Reki had tried to convince him to let him fix it, but Miya was insistent that it was fine. The redhead hummed, considering a moment before nodding to himself. “I got this.” He shuffled around one of the tables and walked up to the younger skater. “Yo, Miya.”
“Are you ready to go now, slime?” Miya asked by way of reply, looking up at Reki. “I’m not going to wait all day for you, you know.”
“I need to fix your board, Miya. It’s dangerous to ride on it right now. Surely a professional like you can see that.”
Miya pressed his lips together, clutching his board tighter. “It’s fine.”
“Let me fix it. It’ll only take a little bit, I promise.”
Reki sighed and cracked his knuckles. “All right. I didn’t want to have to do this, but as your friend, I can’t let you go to a competition on that board.”
“What are you talking abo-OUT?! Gahk! R-Reheheheki, nohohoho!” Miya doubled over in giggles when Reki latched onto his sides, tickling gently but firmly. “Stohohohohohop! I’m not a kihihihihid anymore!”
“Doesn’t mean tickling won’t work on you,” Reki laughed along with him. “Come on. Let me fix it.”
“That’s cool. I can do this all day if you want me to.”
“Reheheheheheki!” Miya squealed, finally dropping his skateboard to use both hands to grab onto the redhead’s wrists, trying and failing to pull him away. “Plehehehehehease, stohohohohop! You can fihihihix my bohohohohoard!”
Reki ceased his tickling attack, smiling at the younger skater. “Great! I’ll get right on it. You’ll thank me later, trust me.”
Miya shoved him away, cheeks pink. “Just go, slime,” he muttered, but he was still smiling.
12) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“I’m gonna get you!” Reki teased playfully as he chased Miya around the park, fingers wiggling teasingly.
“Back off, slime!” Miya shot back, launching himself up the tiny set of stairs leading to the playground. “You’re too big to fit up here!”
“Oh, am I?” Reki quickly proved him wrong by climbing up after him, then ducking under some low-hanging play pieces on his way to the smaller boy.
Miya yelped and practically threw himself down the nearest slide, taking off at a sprint toward Langa, who was sitting on a park bench nearby, eating a sandwich and watching them nonchalantly. “Langa, make your stupid boyfriend leave me alone!”
Langa just took another bite and waited as Miya took refuge behind him and Reki hurried to catch up, still wiggling his fingers.
“You know, Miya, you’re just making the tickle monster even more excited to play with you~”
Miya’s cheeks flushed bright pink. “Shut up! I’m not a kid anymore!”
“Doesn’t mean the tickle monster isn’t going to eat you up when he catches you~”
Reki vaulted over the bench, taking Miya off-guard just long enough to finally catch up to him. He tackled the smaller boy into the grass, surprised and amused to hear that he was already giggling hysterically. “Nohohoho, nohohoho! Dohohohohon’t!”
“Whaaaat? I warned you what would happen if you ran.” Reki smirked, gently skittering his fingers along Miya’s sides. “Now the tickle monster has you alllll to himself to play with~ Isn’t that lovely?”
Miya squealed, giggling harder and kicking his legs. “Lehehehehehet me gohohoho! I’m not a tohohohohohoy!”
Reki chuckled, grabbing into his ribs and vibrating, making him burst into laughter. “Hmm…the tickle monster thinks otherwise, little Miya~”
13) Switches Reki and Langa
The pillow hit Langa square in the face, and Reki burst into laughter. “Gotcha!”
Langa grinned, grabbed his own pillow, and chucked it at the redhead, who dodged it expertly and then picked it up himself, brandishing both in the air like trophies.
“You’re ridiculous.” Langa beamed, climbing onto his friend’s bed to try and wrestle one of the pillows from his grip. “Give me that.”
“Never!” Reki declared, trying to push Langa away with his bare foot. The blue-haired boy struggled for only a moment before finally deciding to switch tactics, grabbing his ankle and scribbling his fingers over his exposed sole. The redhead shrieked and flopped back onto his mattress, giggling hysterically. “Nohohohoho, dohohohohon’t do thahahahat!”
“Oh?” Langa gripped his foot tighter and kept it up, smirking. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Ahahahahaha! I’m g-gohohohonna—!” Reki suddenly wrenched his ankle free and shoved Langa back harder than intended so his friend was half-dangling off the side of the bed, his hair brushing the floor while his legs scrambled for purchase on the mattress. The redhead quickly sat on him to keep him from falling, reaching forward to squeeze his hips and sides rapidly. “My turn! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Nahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohoho!” Langa pleaded, his cheeks turning a beautiful shade of pink as he laughed helplessly, unable to sit himself up to fight back. “Plehehehehehease!”
“Aw, can’t get away now, can you? Tough luck for you~”
Langa blindly reached for Reki’s knee, succeeding in giving it a hard squeeze, making Reki squeal and fall off the bed as well. Soon both boys were on the ground, wrestling each other for dominance, grabbing any ticklish spot they could reach.
“Gihihihive it up!” Reki giggled, drilling into Langa’s ribs. “You’re mohohohore tihihicklish than me!”
“Thahahahahat’s a complete lihihihihie!” Langa shot back, shoving his hand under Reki’s shirt to scribble at his tummy. “You lohohohose every tihihihihime we have tihihickle fights!”
“Nohohohohot thihihihihis time!”
“Oh yeheheheheah? Prohohohove it!”
Reki and Langa continued to tickle each other until they were totally worn out and surrendered at the same time.
14) Lee Langa, Ler Reki
Reki had to hand it to Langa – the guy was really good at remaining calm.
During a sleepover that had inadvertently become boring after they had to remain quiet for Reki’s younger sisters, the redhead challenged Langa to a “don’t laugh” competition. The catch? Tickling was allowed, and actually, tickling was the only thing they could use against each other to make each other laugh.
So far Reki had grinned, yelped, jerked aside, and generally reacted every single time when Langa poked or squeezed or scribbled over one of his many, many ticklish spots. But Langa had done exceedingly well in remaining as stoic as possible. He may have jumped once or twice, but so far Reki had yet to get even a twitch of a smile from him.
Well, that was about to change.
Langa reached forward and lifted his shirt slowly, teasingly, wiggling a single finger in front of his face. That was another rule that Reki had long since regretted adding – you couldn’t resist or fight back until the tickling actually started. So he had to sit there and watch as his best friend lowered that wiggling finger towards – and eventually into – his navel.
Reki giggled, pulling away upon contact.
Langa smirked at him. “You laughed.”
“I didn’t laugh!” Reki replied indignantly. “I giggled. There’s a difference.”
“All right, your turn.”
Langa wiped the smirk from his face and held perfectly still as Reki finally went for the sweet spot that he knew would work. He lifted the blue-haired boy’s arm and scribbled into the exposed armpit with a vengeance.
“Nahahaha – okay, okahahahay!” Langa giggled, then laughed in a panic when Reki refused to let him go, following him as he struggled and began to topple over. “Reheheheheki! You wihihihihin!”
“I know,” Reki replied with a giant smile, drilling both hands into both of Langa’s underarms, forcing him to burst into laughter and lose the challenge even harder. “Now I’m claiming my reward!”
15) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“Hold still – you’ll get paint everywhere.”
“I cahahahahan’t help ihihihit!” Reki protested, clutching the throw pillow to his chest with everything he had, doing his best to stay still and make Langa’s job easier. “It tihihihihihihickles so bahahahahad!”
Langa smiled, gently brushing the paint-covered brush up and down Reki’s bare soles, taking care to cover every inch. “It’ll only take a minute.”
“Why cohohohohohouldn’t I just stihihihihick my feheheheheet in the bucket?!” Reki tossed his head back and shrieked. “Gahahahahahaha not the tohohohohohoes! Lahahahahahanga!”
Langa chuckled, amused by Reki’s struggle. He gripped his friend’s ankles tighter when he tried to jerk his feet away. “Hold still, I said.”
“Plehehehehease, I cahahahahan’t! Hurry uhuhuhuhuhup!”
Langa dipped the brush in the paint bucket, giving his friend a brief respite before swiping it down his arch carefully, holding him firmly in place despite the squirming and loud cackling Reki was letting free at this point. The redhead started pounding his fists into the pillow, tears springing to his eyes from the strain of trying to hold still for this stupid art project.
“I cahahahahan’t, I cahahahan’t! Plehehehehease, Langa! I cahahahan’t do it!”
“Come on, I’m almost done. Just a couple more swipes.” Langa smirked. Truthfully, he’d been done painting Reki’s feet a few minutes ago. He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make his friend laugh helplessly like this when he thought he couldn’t fight back. He dipped the brush again, then swirled it in tiny circles over the heel of his opposite foot. “There’s a small spot right here that needs a little more.”
Reki brought the pillow up to his face and screamed into it, laughing hysterically, his pleading muffled against the cushion. “Plehehehehease, stohohohop, Langa! Plehehehehehease! No mohohohore!”
“Just a little more.” Langa dragged the bristles under Reki’s toes. “You’ve got this. Just hang in there.”
Reki pulled the pillow back down, revealing a his pink, tear-streaked cheeks and uncontrollable smile, and Langa beamed, loving every bit of it. He made sure to take his time covering every inch of Reki’s feet with the paint. The redhead could surely handle just a little bit more.
16) Lee Miya, Lers Reki and Langa
“Give it back!” Reki cried.
“No!” Miya curled in on himself, cradling the package of cookies to his chest. “They’re mine!”
“They’re meant for everyone,” Joe said calmly, chuckling at the scene. “Be nice and share, Miya.”
“You’re not my dad,” Miya spat, wrenching away from Reki’s hold on him. “Let me go!”
Reki growled, lunging for him again. “Don’t make me tickle you, Miya. I’ll do it!”
Miya yelped, darting around both Reki and Joe to try and get to the door, but suddenly Langa was there, standing still as a tree even as the smaller boy plowed into him at full force. He barely even stumbled. “Share, Miya.”
Reki grabbed him from behind, startling a loud squeal out of the smaller skater, followed by rounds of helpless giggles as the redhead tickled his sides. “Gotcha! Give them here, Miya. Don’t make me tickle them back from you.”
“Nohohohoho! They’re mihihihihihihine!” Miya snickered, still clutching the package even as he wiggled and squirmed.
Reki sighed dramatically. “Langa?”
Langa tried prying Miya’s arms away from the cookies while Reki continued to tickle, but when that didn’t work, he started helping his friend instead.
“Aieeehehehehehehehe! Nahahahahahahaha!” Miya was practically crushing the prize they were all after at this point, giggles turning to laughter as Langa joined in on the fun. “Stohohohohohop! No fahahahahahahair!”
Joe chuckled, finally joining the fray by coming up behind Miya and unwrapping his arms easily. Langa reached out to grab the falling package before it hit the ground.
“Ah! Okahahahahay, you’ve gohohohot your cohohohohookies! Let me gohohohoho!” Miya squealed. He struggled in Joe’s hold but went nowhere fast, and Reki just kept tickling him, smirking at his newfound helpless state.
Joe shrugged, holding Miya’s arms above his head with ease. “Sorry, kid. You asked for it.”
Langa blinked, considered for a moment, then set the cookies aside and went back to work helping Reki tickle Miya silly. All three of them enjoyed the sound of his laughter for the next several minutes, and Miya would be lying if he said he wasn’t having fun with this ticklish game, too.
17) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“You’re not going anywhere,” Langa chuckled, grabbing Reki by his ankle and pulling him closer, quickly moving to straddle the already giggling redhead.
“No, please – Langa, plehehehehease! No!” Reki shot his hands down to grab at his friend’s wrists, but he couldn’t stop the fingers that were suddenly wiggling into his belly, squishing and tickling the pudge beneath his t-shirt. “Stohohohohohop!”
“What’s the matter, Reki? A little ticklish?” Langa beamed down at his friend, enjoying the pink blush and panicked giggles and wide eyes staring back at him with glee. “That’s just too bad, isn’t it?”
Reki squirmed and kicked, going absolutely nowhere and loving every second. Langa rarely got playful with him like this, so when he did it was always more exciting than if it were anyone else. Still, he arched his back with a shriek when Langa found his belly button and wiggled into it. “Ahahahahaha Lahahahahahanga!”
“Oh? Did I find your tickle button?”
“Dohohohohohon’t cahahahahahall it thahahahahahat!” Reki protested, his giggles morphing into laughter the longer his blue-haired friend stayed in that spot. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“You’re so ticklish, Reki.”
“I knohohohohow! Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup!”
“I like making you laugh, you know.” Langa was speaking so casually, it was only making this tickle so much worse. “I especially like that I only have to poke this tickle button to get you giggling.”
“Agh – shut uhuhuhup, I sahahahahahaid!”
“Don’t want to.”
“Lahahahahahanga!” Reki pleaded, the steady tickling really driving him insane now. He shook his head as laughter poured from him in uncontrollable bursts. “Plehehehehease, stahahahahahap!”
“Why should I?”
“It tihihihihihihickles so bahahahahahad!”
Langa only smirked and kept it up in a slow, steady, relentless rhythm of gentle tickle torture. “I know it does~”
18) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“This is childish!” Reki cried, trying to bite back his laughter as he struggled against Langa. “And I’m not a child anymore!”
Langa kept up with him relentlessly, finally managing to snatch a wrist to keep at least that hand from punching him as he drilled into his friend’s side. “What’s childish is that you stole my juice box. My juice box, Reki? Really?”
“I w-wahahas thirsty, and y-yohohohou weheheren’t drinking it anywahahay!” Reki’s voice turned pleading the longer Langa tickled him. “Stohohohohop!”
“I wasn’t drinking it yet,” Langa corrected him, though his smile was playful. “Jerk. I was looking forward to that apple juice.”
“Okahahay, look, I’m sohohohohorry! Lehehehet me go!”
“Hmm…nah.” Langa suddenly dove right for the sweet spot – Reki’s tummy. In an instant the redhead had toppled onto the floor from the force of his laughter, squirming and kicking desperately, especially once his friend slipped his hands under his hoodie to scribble at his bare skin.
“GAH!! NONONO LAHAHAHAHAHANGA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Reki tried to grab Langa’s arms desperately but only managed to weakly tap against him, his own laughter working against him, sapping his strength. “I’M SORRY, I’M SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! I’LL BUY YOU ANOHOHOHOHOTHER ONE!! PLEASE!!”
Langa laughed with him, shoving his hoodie up so he could find his navel easier, dipping a finger inside and wiggling mercilessly. He enjoyed Reki’s screaming laughter and pleas for mercy for several seconds before finishing off his attack with the loudest, longest raspberry he could manage right above his belly button, forcing the redhead into silent hysterics.
At last the blue-haired boy had enough, and he sat up, releasing his friend with a smile and a quick ruffling of his hair. “There. I think that’s about one juice box’s worth of tickle torture, don’t you?”
Reki shoved him away playfully, trying to hide his smile and blush. “I hate you.”
“I’m sure you do.”
19) Lee Langa, Ler Reki
“I don’t think you understand how much this means to me,” Reki said, swinging a leg over to straddle Langa, who looked back up at him with a confused smile.
“It’s just tickling, right?” His friend inquired. “How meaningful can it be?”
“Oh, where do I begin?” Reki cracked his knuckles and reached down to wiggle his fingers against Langa’s ribs, making him sputter out his first giggles. “Tickling is fun, but it’s also a total loss of control. The fact that you’re willing to let me be in control and make you laugh is so awesome. It means a lot to me, you know?” He danced up and down his sides. “I like hearing you laugh. Really laugh.”
“You’re ohohohohonly kind of in controhohohohol,” Langa pointed out through his snickering. “You’ll stohohohohohop when I ahahahask you to…rihihihihight?”
“Right,” Reki affirmed immediately, smiling. “I suppose you have a point. We’re both in control, aren’t we?” The redhead began walking up towards his underarms, then suddenly shot up and drilled into them, making Langa shriek and explode with cackling mirth. Reki beamed. “I still feel really good being the one to make you laugh like this, though.”
“AGH!! REHEHEHEHEHEHEKI!!” Langa screeched, his laughter bright and happy and louder than either of them had thought possible from a soft-spoken person like him. “EHEHEHEHEHEASY!! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES – AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Reki grinned. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
“You know, that pink blush of yours really goes with your hair.”
“Nah~” Reki chuckled, deciding to give him a slight break by going back down to his hips and belly instead. “I think you like it just as much as I do.”
20) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“I hate you,” Miya giggled, staring up at Reki with wide eyes and a huge smile he couldn’t contain no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the wiggling fingers approaching his belly. “I hate you – I h-hahahahahate you!”
“Aww, really? That makes me sad.” Reki smiled playfully, slowly reaching under Miya’s hoodie to gently trace his fingers along the skin of his stomach. “You were practically begging for this, and now you hate me?”
Miya flushed bright pink. “I – I was not! You just…you tricked me!”
“Tricked you? How?”
“By…” Miya scrambled to find an answer. He knew as well as Reki did that he had been asking for this, just not in as many words. Still, he wouldn’t give the slime the satisfaction of knowing how badly he wanted to be tickled. “By…um…”
“Better think fast,” Reki teased, beginning to scribble. “Soon you won’t be able to speak at all~”
“W-Wahahahahait! Wait, no – Reheheheheheki!”
“Tick-tock, Miya~”
The younger skater was blushing completely now, twisting his face to hide in his arms which were pinned above his head. “Ehehehehehehe! Nohohohohoho!”
“Time’s up!” Reki suddenly dug in firmly but gently, sending Miya into fits of sputtering giggles and cackles, enjoying how his face lit up with a bright, happy smile even as his body instinctively tried to squirm away from his fingers. “Uh-oh! Looks like someone’s a little tickle, tickle, ticklish!”
“I hahahahahahahate you!” Miya screamed again, dissolving into helpless hysterics the longer the redhead teased him and tickled his sweet spot like that. “Reheheheheheki! You jeheheheheherk – I hahahahahahahate you!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Reki smirked, slipping a finger inside Miya’s belly button, making him throw his head back and explode with laughter. “I think the tickle monster can convince you otherwise~”
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sakurology · 4 years
I just came across you nsfw with Osamu and I really enjoyed it I was wondering if You could do one for Kita?
Hi love! This is for u 💕 and all the kita fuckers worldwide- myself included bc I’m in love with him now 🥺
NSFW Alphabet - Kita Shinsuke
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Nsfw below da cut g
gn!reader focus in this hoe
A/n: ty @honey-makki for being my partner in degeneracy and my wife ilysm bc she can read when I can’t
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Will feed you a full meal. His way of making sure you’re cared for is keeping you well fed. He will cuddle you and spoon feed you himself if he has to, as long as you eat every single bite. He has a routine for everything, aftercare is no exception. He runs you a bath, then, while you soak, he cooks. Will make sure to throw a hoodie in the dryer before heading to the kitchen so it'll be warm for you post shower. Then he feeds you and holds you, playing with your hair or your hands until you fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
You already know what the fuck is going onnnn! Kita is honestly so well sculpted that it really doesn’t matter but let’s talk about his back/shoulders. He’s so mf broad and it's very sexc of him. He’s also very fond of when you cling onto and scratch it up…. delicious
He loves your hands. He loves to hold them, especially when he’s looking straight into your eyes as he drills the hell out of you- he’ll lift one up and kiss it bc ✨romance✨
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Oh he’s going to fill you so full of cum that it pours out of your ears. He has a big breeding kink, and huge loads to match. But he’s also very healthy and takes good care of himself so his cum isn’t bad on your tongue on the off chance he hasn’t already cum inside you 600 times prior to finally doing so in your mouth. And he’s going to kiss you after- very sexc of him.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
Lost his virginity in a barn. Got a tick on his ass of all places. The barn isn’t the secret tho... the tick is.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
When you got together- he was definitely a virgin. Had only gone as far as MAYBE second base. But you used that to your advantage, because you’ve essentially built him up and trained him to be PERFECT for you. You also helped him find out what he likes and what makes him feel good too. Sure there was a lil’ corruption involved, but in the end you’re both very happy with your sex life.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full on mf wrestling mating press. He’s going to have his cock so deep inside of you that if he even pushed a bit more his body is gonna go in too. Then he’ll just live there. He’s fine with that.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Unintentionally so. Every once in a while, you’ll both giggle or laugh because you have to reposition when you start to cramp up or you accidentally hit him in the face when tying to pull him closer or something. But he’s a firm believer in the whole “if you can’t laugh with the person you’re having sex with you shouldn’t have sex with them” addage, so he’s very grateful for those light moments.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
It could definitely be neater. He isn’t abysmal, but he is hairy and could stand to trim a tiiiny bit more often. He’s just very low maintenance down there. As long as it’s clean he's good, which is both true and a decent place to start but pls tell him to get a little off the top of you know what I mean.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈y
He’s! So! Loving! He’s always going to go the extra mile to make you feel special. He likes to keep things on the softer side I’d say 8/10 times. He prefers to make love instead of just fucking it out- but if you get into an argument or he’s frustrated, he will happily go hard… but still with candles and a massage. Also I said it already but he’s gonna hold your hands while he demolishes you- interlaced fingers and all that cute shit even tho you’re getting railed.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
His grandma is one of those old ladies that’s like “don’t do that you’ll go blind,” so poor baby was a lil pent up before he got older. Now, he still doesn't do it often, but he does it once a month or so as part of his routine. He uses coconut oil because he likes the smell and that it melts easily.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Breeding, listen it’s just embedded in country boys to fuck and fill. He is no exception.
Spanking, moreso as a way to direct you. Moving too much? slap to stay still. Changing positions? Slap to get you moving. Just wants to see you jiggle? Yeah that too. Motivational slaps also come into play when he wants you to know you’re doing a good job.
Auralism, He LOVES to hear you. The sound of your breath, your moans, the way you chant his name when you’re close… he eats that shit up. It feeds his ego and boosts his pride. He also makes a lot of noise himself, mostly really deep moans but there’s a sprinkling of praise throughout too.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He needs privacy. So he’s definitely one to want to keep it at home or at least somewhere secluded and away, where he knows only you and him are there and will know about it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He doesn’t care how he does it, but his number one priority, is making sure that you cum. Kita is a giver. And he will make sure to give you whatever you want from him.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He’s not into SUPER rough stuff. He’s not vanilla, but he is the kind of guy that sees sex as “lovemaking” so he’s not gonna punch you in the face or throw you around like a ragdoll. It’s just not his style. Of course if it's what you want, he will… but never expect him to ever bring it up or do so on his own.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Ok so- he's… teachable. I’m not gonna lie, he would start off as absolute trash. But the good thing about him is how adaptable he is, and how willing he is to learn. You’d have to have him work at it a lot but once he gets good he’s great. He’ll love the feeling of accomplishment he gets from you getting off with only his mouth- it does wonders for his pride.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
It’s very even- until he starts to get close. When he’s close he’s going to speed up so much that you have to brace yourself against anything that’ll hold you. He is definitely a headboard grabber too.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He likes to take his time with you. For that reason, he isn’t a huge fan. You would really have to convince him that it's worth it. He doesn’t see the point in instant gratification, and thinks you should be patient. Good things come to those who wait and all that Kita stop being so stoic and rail me at the farmers market challenge
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Lmfao you think this mans is really gonna go for a public or semi-public scene? Think again. Now, he’s into sex outdoors sure, but only in your fenced in, enclosed backyard. He’s not letting anyone see you point blank periodt, you’re for his eyes only.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Excellent self control. He can hold off on cumming for as long as you need him to. Usually he’ll tap out himself after you’ve gotten through at least 3 of your own highs- but his record is 6. Has a super long refractory period tho- so he does things this way to make sure you get everything you need in one go.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually likes using toys on you. He has a bunch of different plugs and vibes that he uses to suit the situation. He prefers to use a hitachi wand on you while he’s fucking you, but all the others he uses for foreplay- or after to keep you full to the brim of his cum.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
You both tease each other absentmindedly. He doesn’t know why he gets so turned on by you scrubbing the floor on all fours (that’s why), but he does. He also doesn’t understand why you think its hot when he cuts firewood in winter or wipes his forehead with his shirt during the summer. He thinks he’s gross and sweaty- but you can only think of a million other ways to make him sweatier.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Listen we stan. He’s not quiet in bed by any means, but he’s not overly loud either. He’s the type who takes deep breaths and then on the exhale let’s out a moan from deep in his chest- you know the one. And he does that shit on purpose. Not really, but he does think of it as his way of letting you know that he feels as good as you feel. Will also 100% hit you with the “is that it baby? Is that the spot?” While you’re practically turning into jello underneath him bc he absolutely knows that’s the spot he just likes to make you say it.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Wants to recreate the sex scene from tthe notebook with you. He can’t explain why, he just has an unexplainable urge to suck your face off in the rain and then proceed to raw you after peeling all the damp clothes from your body. Please oblige him.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
He’s got the thickness. Not coke Can thickness but like… you remember the Alaskan bull worm from ep of SpongeBob? Well he’s the whole worm, not just the tongue. I’m going to hell for that reference but ya he has a nice dick. The perfect thickness and and I’ll say a pretty good 5.5-6 inches worth. It’s also very veiny on the underside which- yes I love that.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
Normal sex drive, since you tend to do it at least 2 times a week. He only seems to get a little needier when you CAN’T have sex regularly- ie, one of you is sick or you’re away from each other. When that happens, he’s a little edgier than usual, can snap sometimes but not often.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s the type to get a second wind after. He’ll only go to sleep after he makes sure all your aftercare needs are met, and even then, he’s only going to power-nap it for maybe 10mins. He’ll stay still and cuddle you while you sleep, but he’ll most likely watch tv or scroll through his phone while you enjoy his warmth. Every once in awhile he’ll give you a kiss while you stir.
Taglist Starseeds (check ur privacy settings if your url is in bold): @honey-makki @crushzone @yumekosgamblingroom @boujiesav @onesingleravioli @ushijimasfarmhat @trouvelle @nekoma-hoe @right-shoe-jpg @atsumusc0ck @nivky0-0 @animoozies @charmarsmith @tsumue @disasteren @hoe4abbacchio @sillykittt @ukaisbaby
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script-nef · 4 years
An actual break | Gojou Satoru
Category: fluff
2.6k words; Beach date [4/6]
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You haven’t been to the beach in months. So a car trip for hours, where you can blank out and peer out of the window to enjoy the wonderful and ever-changing scenery is amazing. Dipping your feet in the water or eating from food vendors or enjoying the warm summer sun on your skin. Perhaps getting a tan if the weather is perfect. This would all be perfectly enjoyable and possible.
If it wasn’t for work.
“[Surname]-san, why are you coming with us? You said you can’t fight.” Itadori calls from the backseat, nestled not-so-comfortably between Fushiguro and Kugisaki. 
Wouldn’t it be better if Kugisaki is in the middle since she’s the smallest and the skinniest? The thought drifts into your head but you soon understand why. As soon as the words leave his mouth it’s met with a firm and resounding slap on the arm. Itadori’s yelp of pain is silenced under her hiss of “God, you’re so tactless! Now move over, it’s getting cramped with all of the bags.” Ah, she didn’t want to sit in the middle. And what bags? I didn’t bring any.
They keep their banter up and a quick glance to both Gojou and Fushiguro indicates that they have no intention of stopping it. Gojou is actually humming through the bickering. Why do I have to be the adult? He’s like, 5 years older than me. That’s literally what he said as the reason to drive instead of you. 
“It’s fine, Kugisaki-san. I’m coming along because there’s been a lot of cursed spirit activity around here and I need to see if something abnormal is happening. I’m not going to get in the way of the fight so you don’t need to worry.” You send Itadori a smile through the back mirror which he responds with a quick nod, then a confused look.
“Isn’t that Gojou-sensei’s responsibilities?” The mentioned adult laughs and smoothly makes a right turn. You want to slap him.
“Normally, yes, but he insists on being insufferable.” You turn to face them, leaning onto the seat with a scowl. “The report he made was nearly illegible and last time something like this happened, and I had to sit down with him for 3 hours to complete it. Even then, he was going off topic half the time and trying to distract me. Itadori-kun, Kugisaki-san, listen to me. If he doesn’t do his work, you have to practically force him.”
“Doesn’t work.” Fushiguro comments while looking out the window. Gojou has the audacity to laugh again.
“We had a great time! You were laughing your head off by the time we were done.” A light tug on your shirt makes you sit back properly. The scowl stays in place.
“I missed dinner! And I missed the last episode of Haikyuu thanks to that!”
“Fine, fine. I’ll take it up by buying you dinner, okay?” He must be kidding if that makes up for missing your favourite anime. Kuroo came and went thanks to him. The car comes to an abrupt stop just as you’re about to complain again. “We have arrived!”
Salt wafts in the air as the sea twinkles underneath the afternoon sun. It’s hot today, and humid enough to make your clothes stick to your skin, which is gross. Sunny and warm means a swim will be ideal, but you have to take care of the whole recurring curses thing first. Previous reports have said that they were all mid-level, so hopefully Gojou’s students won’t have that much of a problem taking care of them. That also means they, including you as well, might have the opportunity to relax for the rest of the day. 
The actual spot is somewhere in the nearby forest, filled thick with trees and so large that even if someone went missing it would take ages to search. An ideal hunting place since a lot of people visit there. Numbers dropped quite a bit after the fifth person “went missing”. 
The first task is to cover the place with a curtain. Since the place is so large and not encompassing the entire place was deemed too risky, large amounts of cursed energy is required. Hence Gojou’s efforts right now.
“[Name]-san.” Kugisaki calls you. “Are you coming in with us?” Her voice is tentative, like she doesn’t want to offend you. It’s kind of funny because she shows more respect for you than her actual teacher for some reason. Gojou complained about it before. She doesn’t know the extent, or more accurately the lack of, your powers and has a right to be worried. All she knows is that you can’t fight. 
“Ah, I am coming in, but I’ll stay far away from the fight. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“And I’ll be right by her side!” Gojou snaps into thin air, linking his arm with yours.  “Your personal bodyguard! But I’m sure you guys can handle this one.” Still humming a tune, he sends them along their way with a reassuring smile. You smile at Kugisaki and wish her good luck. Shooting Gojou a suspicious glare, she runs ahead to the two boys and starts whispering. They look back at the two of you and get into what seems to be an argument. A bad thing to do right before a possibly life-threatening mission.
You watch the group disappear deeper into the woods, fear gripping at your heart. This is actually the first time in the field after years of being tucked away in an office. Ken-chan specifically requested it due to your unique cursed energy situation. Apparently that was the first time he asked for a favour to the principle and he never asked for anything again. They can handle themselves, you’re sure, but Itadori already had a close call.
“Worried?” Gojou, on the other hand, sounds like he has no concerns in the world. Maybe that’s a testament to how much he trusts his students. It doesn’t alleviate your agitation. “It’s fine, we can just take a break here and if trouble comes, they can take care of it themselves.” You stare at him incredulously. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! I’ll step in if something goes wrong. You’re all in safe hands.”
There is no one better than him in terms of fighting with cursed energy. How on earth someone like this gets imbued with endless power, you’ll never know. Sighing, you take a seat on a fallen log. The moss on them tickles your fingers. It feels nice, something to distract you from your brain being its usual bastard and thinking the worst case scenario. Gojou plops himself down right next to you. 
“We can go see them if you’re that worried, mother hen.” Nudging his leg shuts him up. Closing your eyes, you concentrate on reaching out for their cursed energy. Eight signals flicker from where they went, three blazing stronger than the others. One of them is nearly blinding. Sukuna is on a completely different level. If there’s that much of a difference in energy, they’ll finish soon and come back to have fun for the rest of the day. God knows they need it.
Your eyes flit open and come face to face with Gojou’s blindfold. It causes you to fall backwards and you brace for impact with a little yelp. But Gojou’s arm surrounds your abdomen, lifting you into the air and onto your feet. Heartbeats thud in your ears thanks to the sudden adrenaline boost.
“Did I scare you?” His laugh is cheeky. “I’m bored… Wanna play 20 questions?” As usual, his train of thought is impossible to even attempt to follow. A window of hundreds of tabs wrestling to be the first all the time is probably what the inside of his mind looks like.
“Sure, why not.”
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Fushiguro, Itadori and Kugisaki all perk up when they receive the news of a day off to enjoy the beach. Since it’s closed off to the civilians, it’ll be like a private party. Something to keep their mind off of another mission that’s bound to come soon.
While they run off to the beach, you go to talk to the park rangers for the paperwork. Gojou asks if you want company but someone needs to supervise the children. The process takes barely 10 minutes anyway.
When you come back to the beach, the trio is screaming in the sea while trying to fight each other. Even Fushiguro is laughing. Childlike innocence is beautiful and long overdue. Two huge parasols and towels are laid out nearby where they’re playing. Gojou is out of his usual attire and in a swimming trunk. His blindfold is still on. Is this what was in the bags?
Now that you look more closely at the students, they’re all in swimwear as well. Looks like you’re the only one that didn’t get a memo. 
“Heya! Done?”  
“No thanks to you, Mr The-Whole-Reason-I’m-Here-In-The-First-Place.” He laughs at the nickname. 
“You should change.”
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit. Nobody told me and I was just thinking of dipping my feet.”
“Nobara brought you one. It’s in the bag labelled ‘If you look inside I’m going to kill you.’” Laughter comes out at the absurdity.
“Why did Kugisaki—”
“Because she wants you to relax. Now come on! Let’s have fun!” he pushes you excitedly towards the car. It’s really weird how someone your senior has more energy than you and his three students combined. Sighing, you trek back and find the bag. It really is labelled that, in caps. Kugisaki is a good kid. 
There’s a bathroom nearby for you to change in. The wind is still pretty strong when you walk out but you’re saved thanks to the school jacket. There’s also a pair of flip-flops. Ken-chan must have helped since they all fit perfectly. 
Itadori is being half-drowned when you come back. Fushiguro and Kugisaki are merciless when it comes to fighting. Gojou smiles as you walk into his line of sight. Scooting over to let you into the shade, he lies back onto the towel and stretches his legs out into the sun with a slight groan. You stay sitting up, watching the three children absentmindedly. 
Sunlight tickles your feet. The sea breeze stops it from being too hot but it’s slowly getting stuffier under the jacket. Quickly discarding it, Gojou catches your eyes while you fold it up.
It’s impossible to tell if he’s awake or sleeping thanks to his signature blindfold, but this is the most relaxed you’ve seen him in years; hands folded behind his head and muscles completely loose. Small scars dot his body, probably gained from fights which he deemed insignificant enough to bother Shouko with or heal himself. In a way, it’s a reminder for all the battles he’s survived. Pretty easily too, you’re guessing. There’s a deep one on his stomach and your hand moves towards it for some reason.
Long fingers intercept your hand just before it touches the scratched skin, entwining themselves to you. One end of Gojou’s lips quirks up. 
“I’m going to be embarrassed if you keep looking at my body, you know.” You immediately attempt to rip your hand back but he’s got you locked tight. He’s not even using Infinity. Heat threatens to explode your face because he’s been awake all this time and you’re going to die from shame. “If you wanted to touch me then you could have just asked.” Your fingers graze against the skin on his stomach for a split second but he loosens his grip and you will be damned if you don’t take that chance. 
Gojou cackles, enjoying your flustered state, and he’s halfway to suffocation because he’s laughing too much. His instincts still allow him to move out of the way for your punch. Doesn’t stop him from laughing though. Even his students, who were screaming and playing like they didn’t have a care in the world, are looking at the two of you. God, where’s a hole for me to die in right now?
Eventually, his laughter dies off. He’s still chuckling though. His teeth glint in the light as he gives you a wide smile. A sense of foreboding washes over you. 
“Up we go!”
“What?” Two arms hook under your knees and back, lifting you effortlessly into the air. Your body bounces in his arms every time he takes a step closer to the sea.
“Wait Gojou, wait wait wait wait!” 
“Gojou-sensei wai—” 
The water is freezing. 
“Gojou Satoru, I’m going to kill you!”
“That’s admirable! I’m sure you can do it!” Fushiguro snickers as you swipe an arm at Gojou, who moves away effortlessly again. Hair is plastered to your face and this rage is not going to subside unless you rip the blindfold off his smirking face and dunk his head into the water. But he keeps dodging you, just barely, as if to taunt you further.
Exhaustion sets in quickly since moving around in water is a lot harder and anger eats away at your stamina. Just as you’re about to give up, Gojou’s face is slapped with a wave of water. Everyone looks to Kugisaki. She has the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Pfft.” Fushiguro’s laughter breaks the silence. Itadori snickers at Gojou’s drooping hair. Soon everyone’s laughing. Then Gojou whips water that hits all three of them straight in the chest with a resounding smack. They immediately retaliate with a wave that you get caught up in. 
It somehow turns into a students vs adults fight. Delighted laughter echoes in the air as everyone yells and shrieks when assaulted with icy water. There’s an unspoken rule to not use cursed energy, which is why your side is being pushed back. There’s no beating three excited kids when they’re on a holiday high. 
Backtracking a bit to get away from the constant surges of water, you don’t realise you’re going deeper and deeper into the sea. A rock shifts underneath your feet and you’re plunged into the cold grips of the sea, not even given enough time to call for help. Panic overtakes your senses as you squeeze your eyes shut, hands scrambling for something to hold onto. 
“[Name]!” Warmth engulfs you as Gojou lifts you out of the murky depth, worry and dread weaved into his voice. You blink rapidly as he gently brushes the hair off your face, and you see his eyes without the blindfolds for the first time. “Look at me, are you alright?”
They’re… indescribably beautiful. It’s the purest and translucent blue you’ve seen in your life, able to beat the colour of the ocean or the sky on its clearest days. It could compete with even the most exquisite sapphire locked up in a vault underground. And they’re clouded with concern and fear because of you.
“[Surname]-san!” Bringing yourself up by hugging Gojou’s neck, you see the trio wading through the water to you, dread clear on their faces. Itadori reaches you and rapidly asks if you’re fine and that he can’t possibly describe how sorry he is. It looks like he’ll dig his head into the ocean floor if you ask him to do it. Like he’s waiting for you to reprimand him.
But all that comes out is laughter, bright and childlike. They all look at you like you’re crazy. You have no idea why you’re laughing either. Maybe you’ve finally gone insane.
But being in Gojou’s arms, seeing his and Itadori’s face relax, brings you so much happiness. Tightening your arms around Gojou’s neck, you rest your head on top of his as he calms them down. 
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from nearly drowning, maybe it’s something else, but your heart thumps rapidly into your ribcage, probably loud enough for him to feel.
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Gold Strings & Red Picks- PT 1
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Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him.
Summary: The Weasley's invented a band! Having a band, means you need a band manager; someone to help find venues, gigs and sponsors. After finding one, Ron seems to be hopeless drawn toward them.
Warnings: flirting, swearing, bickering, sexual tension??, Punk Pining Ron but also Smug Ron, naming a guitar ‘Cherry Popper’, dm me if I missed any.
Notes: I plan on having some chapters kinda spicy. I made an entire gif for this and yes it is Rupert playing 👀 and god is this self indulgent. Hope you guys like it!
It was a Friday morning when you quit the Static Dragons and posted the news on every piece of social media you had. It didn’t take long for you to edit your bios to state you were looking for a new band, and it managed to catch someone's eye just as quickly. It was Monday evening when you got a dm on Instagram from a user called ddchrmrs-official. The user basically sent you a paragraph about how he was the lead singer of a band he and his siblings threw together and they were looking for a new manager. You agreed to meet with them and talk about the potential of the band and he agreed, using more than a few explanation marks after his reply. He even sent you a few of their songs once he deemed you worthy enough.
So, you found a dining hall, an equal distance from your house and theirs, and with the lead singer's approval, Fred, you booked it for Tuesday afternoon. Fred even made a post explaining the good news- why he was acting like one of the Weird Sisters followed him back, you weren’t sure. You couldn’t help but be excited too. The songs were good- more punk-rock than you assumed from the band's name. Something about the name Daydream Charmers gave off a softer, boyband type.
The day of the band meeting couldn’t have gone much worse. You missed your morning alarm, you couldn’t find your laptop charger and the clothes you picked out the night before ended up covered in stains from breakfast. GPS even gave you the fastest route and you still managed to be 10 minutes late, but you managed to find the right hall. It was a bit different compared to the pristine image shown on the website.
The roof looked like it was caving under an invisible weight and the actual size of the hall looked like a small barn. The walls were made of red and black bricks, most of which seemed to be chipped, broken or bending, like it was being crushed. The door frame was slanting, the door’s white paint was chipping, the sidewalk was splitting at almost every corner. You were desperately hoping the building was enchanted so it was bigger (and nicer looking) on the inside.
You parked your car on the pebble covered asphalt, right next to an equally old and rusty blue car. You had no idea how four people, a sound system, a bass, an electric guitar and a full drum set fit inside of the small wagon, but figured they managed to spell the inside bigger. You weren’t bothered by it- how could you be? You felt your wand hit your laptop inside the bag as you threw it over your shoulder after climbing out of the car. Shutting the door, you hurried up the broken concrete, shoving your keys in your pocket.
You chewed on your lip, adjusting the collar of your shirt as you approached the door. A smile pulled at your lips at the refreshing sound of genuine laughter and bickering. You had an internal battle of whether you should knock or just barge in. It sounded like they were having their fun and you didn’t want to interrupt anything. Soon enough, the laughter was dying down and someone was strumming a bass quietly, practicing a few chords from one of the songs Fred gave you. You raised a fist to knock on the door and the silence that followed was close to defining. Soft footsteps followed the silence and you swore you could hear soft breathing behind the door before it was yanked open.
“Hey! You made it! We were worried you got lost on your way here.”
You weren’t expecting to be face to chest with an individual. Their band's logo was printed across the front, red letters with a gold outline that clashed drastically with the bright orange fabric of the tight shirt. You tilted your head up, meeting cocoa brown eyes and a crisp white smile. His ginger hair was spread across his shoulders, his ear lobes were pierced with two shiny black flat stud earrings and the little white nostril piercing on the left side of his nose was reflecting the sunlight.
“Fred?” You asked, matching his smile. You could tell he had fun, you could sense it. His arm raised, inadvertently showing off his muscles, and rested against the door frame. 
“The one and only.” He grinned, clearly just joking. Before he could say anything else, he was rudely interrupted by a foreign voice behind him. Fred’s smile dropped into a frown like he was suddenly slapped across the face.
“Is it the pizza guy?” The voice asked from somewhere behind him, excitement clearer than crystal. Fred looked over his shoulder to respond.
“No, Ron. That’s not for another twelve minutes.” He rolled his eyes after looking back at you and letting out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry about him. His appetite is larger than Big Ben and it literally never stops. Anyway, I hope you like pizza! I tried to message you about it.” He pulled his phone out of his front pocket, unlocking it and scrolling through his messages and swiping right on notifications he didn’t care for.
“I was using my phone for GPS. Must’ve missed the messages.” Your hands slid into your front pockets, your weight shifting between your feet as embarrassment began to settle in. Maybe this wasn’t the best first impression. Before you could think about it too long, a low whistle was resonating from beside Fred.
Without warning, Fred was being nudged aside by a slightly shorter ginger, his piercing blue eyes staring into yours. They didn’t stay there very long though. They slowly dragged down your body, taking in your form, and his head tilted in appreciation.
“Oh.. I’m not gonna complain about the pizza when Merlin delivered us a cutie.” He gave you a dizzying side smile. “What’s your name, sweetheart? Surely, it’s something as handsome as you are.” Just as quickly as he appeared, Fred was pushing him back, faking a gag while driving the unnamed individual back with Fred’s hand against his forehead. 
“Ew! Ron, down! Seriously? Keep your yap shut! He’s our new band manager and I’d actually like to keep this one, thank you.” Fred groaned, a sneer pulling at his lips. He blocked the smaller ginger from the door with his body before turning back to you with a sigh. “I’m sorry. He’s usually not like this. Usually he’s moping about his ex-” You could see Ron jumping behind Fred to get another look at you. The reaction had you snorting into your hands.
“Fred. Fred, move, mate. I wanna see ‘im again!” The ginger whined, tugging at his older brother's t-shirt. He was dodging around Fred’s constant moving hands to get one more peek at you.
Fred let out a groan, his head falling backwards in agony before letting out a loud “George, please help!”
“Wait! Wait, wait!” Ron’s voice matched the panicked hand trying to hold onto the door frame before it was hilariously slapped off the wood and was dragged into the mystery hidden behind the lead singer. His begs and pleas began to echo and soften which you thought caused you to giggle a bit. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll put a muzzle on him or something. Come on in, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Fred shifted out of the door way, allowing you to enter the hall. It was bigger on the inside than the outside, that much had you relieved. Fred shut the door behind you with a satisfying click and let you soak the place in while he sat himself down on a velvet red coach. It was dimly lit, about half the lights were on, and the walls were painted a light tan, which easily could’ve been mistaken for white, if white wasn’t used for the tiling. 
Next to Fred on the couch, was a girl with long, slightly darker, ginger hair. Her hair went well past her shoulders, and a bright orange base sat on top of her crossed legs. She had gone back to laying a few chords once you entered, just relaxing as her two brothers basically wrestled each other.
“Ginny, this is (Y/n).” Fred spoke up, pointing from his sister to you, then back to her. (Y/n), this is the youngest Weasley in the family, Ginevra.” Fred smirked, but it turned into a pained expression when she landed a hard slap to his chest.
“Except if you call me that, I will break your legs. It’s Gin or Ginny, nothing else. It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/n). Fred hasn’t shut up about you.” She smiled at you, reaching a tattoo covered hand out to shake yours. 
“Really?” You couldn’t help but grin. You shook her hand proudly, knowing it was probably your reputation that kept the oldest Weasley in the band chatting up a storm. “It’s nice to meet you too, Gin.” You gave her a cheeky grin before turning to the other side of the hall, noting another Fred standing in front of Ron, who was sitting in a chair quiet grumpily. 
The double picked up a deep red guitar covered in stickers and shoved it into Ron��s lap, causing the younger to gasp out a wheeze. It was obvious he had chewed Ron out for his behavior, but nevertheless, he gave his unplugged electric guitar a few strums, which seemed to satisfy Fred 2 because soon enough he was storming back to the couch, shaking his head the entire walk there.
He sat himself down on the arm of the couch, right next to his doppelganger. His arms crossed back over his chest once again. Fred 2 had the same length hair, different piercings though. He only had one set of black earrings, but had an industrial across his left ear. He had a straight line of freckles across his cheek bones and right across his nose. The spots went down his neck and across his forehead. 
“He’s bloody useless.” He grumbled out, his snake bite moving to the right as his tongue ran across it. “Oh, hi!” Fred 2 scooted over to the edge of the arm rest, reaching his hand out to shake yours. “You must be the band manager! I’m George, Fred’s twin bro-”
“Younger twin. I’m the oldest.” Fred interrupted, smirking again as he pointed a thumb to himself. His smirk dropped when he was smacked in the chest again- by both George and Ginny. 
“I’m his twin brother. Ignore him, he has a God complex.” George rolled his eyes, smiling at you while he shook your hand. He pulled his hand away before scooting back to rest his back against the back of the couch. You could tell he wasn’t comfortable, but  he seemed dedicated to the spot. “I’m sorry you had to meet Ron the way you did. Usually he’s tamer than that.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, your gaze turned down to your shoes. Your cheeks were beginning to heat up as his flirting rebounded through your head again.
“Nah, he wasn’t that bad.”
“I wasn’t?” Ron’s sudden voice behind you had nearly jumped out of your skin. You spun around, your backpack strings nearly catching on one of Ginny’s bass strings. You swallowed down a squeak. “Georgie was trying to convince me I was being inconsiderate and rude and that mum would smack me if she saw.” He was still holding the guitar by the neck, and that was when you noticed the bright gold strings with a red pick trapped between them.
“Well, it’s not like you were asking about my shoe size… “ Your eyes landed on the hands holding the black neck of the instrument and you couldn’t help but gawk at them. Rings covered his finger knuckles, veins popped out from beneath his skin. “Wow.” You didn’t mean to verbally gawk over the hands, so you had to force your gaze down to the instrument and ignore the urge to stare at the pale, freckle covered skin that was making your mouth dry. 
You shook your head, looking at the shiny strings. You had you stop yourself from reaching out and caressing the polished neck, the textures strings and hidden pick. It was clearly loved and carefully taken care of.
“Beauty, isn't she?” Ron grinned, showing off the red body drowning in decals- most of which were bright orange Quidditch themed or terrible chess puns. You almost forgot to check if they were a muggle band, but this told you enough. “My best friend got it for me, he’s a blessing. Mum didn’t approve, of course, said we all had better purposes, but dad said rock on.” 
“She really is. I’m guessing you named her?” The second the question fell from your lips, the three sharing a spot on the couch groaned in agony, but Ron was grinning in pride.
“Of course I have! Her name is Cherry Popper and she’s the love of my life. Unless,” Ron was taking a step closer to you, a twinkle in his eyes as he continued speaking, “you plan on cha-” His flirting was cut off suddenly.
“And that’s enough of that! Please sit down and, for the love of Merlin’s beard, rename the damn thing!” Ginny cried out, almost knocking her own instrument straight into the tiled floor. She ran a hand through her hair, her free hand holding the bass hard enough to make her knuckles pure white.
“I mean, come on! Name it something classic like ‘Bertha’ or ‘Jasmine’, or, and here’s my personal favorite, don’t name it at all!” Fred waved his hands while he spoke, counting the names on his fingers before doing jazz hands at ‘don’t name it at all’.
“Fred, that’s hypocritical. You named your mic.” George spoke up, pulling two white marble drumsticks from his jeans pockets and began to spin one between his fingers. 
“That was a joke.” Fred stuck his tongue out at his twin. “At least I don’t do it seriously. And leave Echo out of this.” Fred ripped the non spinning drumstick from George’s hand, holding it out of his twins reach.
“Shut up and give me Crystal back!”
“No, if you wanna talk about terrible names, we can talk about the band's name! Merlin, Fred, were you sky high when you made it?” Ron shot back, his arms crossing over his chest, one still holding the guitar.
Knowing this kind of fight could go for a good while, you slipped past him, patting Ron on the shoulder while you walked past while a pained gasp rented the silence that flooded the hall. You set your backpack on the white table, opening the zipper and pulling out your laptop. You sat down, pulling the laptop onto your lap before opening the notepad application.
“I made the name! And dammit, I think it was clever! It even has a unique backstory! At our school, we had a um- small business and it was quite successful. By ‘we’, I mean George and I and by successful, I mean we run an online joke shop. I thought it fit the shop pretty well.” Fred held a look of pride- a smirk was, once again, drawn across his lips as his eyes twinkled.
“Mate, it’s horrible.” Ginny spoke up, not even bothering to throw the truth as a curve-ball causing two of her older brothers to nod in agreement. She copied Fred’s movement by yanking the drumstick from his hand, but handed it to George, smiling at him. 
“Why couldn’t it have been something cool? You named your shop something cool. Why’d you give the band something’ shitty?” Ron rolled his eyes, leaning his back against the door, the guitar balancing on his sneakers and leaning against his ripped jean covered legs. His attention didn’t stay with his siblings for long. Soon it was shifting over to you, like he was naturally drawn toward you. He grinned at you, sticking his tongue out. The little gold ball stamped into the middle of his tongue had your full attention.
You swallowed thickly. The ball and his guitar strings were the exact same color and reflected the same light. You felt butterflies fill your stomach from the simple action and noticed, almost suddenly, the ginger was actually quite attractive and funny. You sucked on your tongue, hoping the blush across your cheeks didn’t give too much away. Ron looked back at his brothers, his side grin screaming he basically saw your body temperature rise.
“I was led to believe you all loved the name, but no! I’m starting to think you guys are just trying to embarrass me in front of the (Y/n), but since you think it’s so easy, come up with a new one.” Fred cried out, crossing his arms over the printed long sleeve t-shirt, and was pouting like a child now, sinking lower into the couch.
“It makes us sound like a cheesy boy-band going after 12 year olds.” Ginny scoffed, propping her bass up against the couch. She looked over at her slightly older brother, nodding her head in Fred’s direction.
“It does. We could’ve been Fire Wicks.” Ron pointed at Ginny and the teaming up began. “Or like Solar Skips.”
“Or The Red Bloods.” Gin nodded, pointing back at Ron while her other hand pulled out her phone. The game was ‘Who-Cares-If-It’s-Bad-Let’s-Prove-Fred-Wrong’ and you could tell it was for shits and giggles. You were going to pitch in an idea, but someone beat you to it.
“Or FireBolt Bitters.” Spoke up George, who was now gazing up at the ceiling, shaking his head in mock shame, but you could see the edges of his smile growing at the corners.
“Ooh, I love that one!” Ron leaned over, stretching his arm as far as it could to give  George a high five, before turning to look at you. He grinned at your confused expression. “Are you writing these down?” He pointed at your computer before giving you a wink. The butterflies came back, doubled in strength, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You shook your head no, laughing louder when he waved his hands in a panicked manner. “Write them down, mate!”
You rolled your eyes, typing random shit down just to please the younger one. Your eyes trailed across the dumplings, noting three quarters of them were smiling. Fred’s crabby expression made it was clear he didn’t get picked on very often.
“Charlie texted saying ‘The Copper Horntails’ would’ve been better.” Ginny said, looking up from her phone. She dropped the phone onto her lap, wincing a tad when the device collided with the instrument on her lap. She quickly forgot the pain and leaned back, enjoying her brother's pain.
“You asked Charlie?!” Fred squealed loudly, his hands holding his head. Right beside Fred, George had begun to tap his sticks together, improvising a beat to go with the arguing.
“You know what? That’s a great idea! Let’s ask Percy next-” yelled Ron over Ginny’s laughter and Fred’s agonizing scream. His smirk only grew when Fred tossed his head back. 
“Ok, damn! I get it! But I already made t-shirts so deal with it.”
“Fred, we have magic. We can always change the print.” George piped up, tapping the white wooden sticks against his thighs in some random pattern, his head nodding to a beat. He shrugged his shoulders, not focusing on his words all that much,
“George!” This time it was Fred’s turn to smack George in his chest. He glared at him before leaning over to whisper in his twin's ear. It was something you couldn’t make out, but you figured they were debating over your status. You rolled your eyes, reaching behind you.
With a clear of your throat, you gained their attention before pulling out your wand from your backpack. While waving it, you locked eyes with Ron, playfully chewing on your lip to try to hide your smile.
“But-” Fred scrambled to grab his phone. You knew he was going to pull up one of your profiles to show none of them mentioned magic or wizarding or anything.
“The quidditch stickers were a dead give away.” You pointed to Ron’s guitar with the tip of your wand before putting it back in your bag. “That, and the tiny blue car that somehow carried four band members, and all of their equipment even though, that should’ve been impossible. I do enjoy Firebolt Bitters, though.”
Your own smile grew when the siblings broke out into loud snorts and sniggers, save for Fred’s. Ron walked over to you, and you were sure his cheeks were hurting from how hard he was smiling. He laid his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he faced his band members.
“I like this one.”
A smile stretches across your face as your cheeks get warmer. Out of everything to come out of today, this was something even the strongest and most willed seer’s couldn’t have predicted. It wasn’t even half past noon and you’d already started to develop a crush on a punk guitarist who shares a band with his siblings. You were clueless on how you were going to do your managing and keep it strictly platonic when he grinned at you like you were everything he wanted.
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