#Chrollo Lucilfer x OC
Hi, I’m working on a few fanfics with OCs of mine, it would really help me to stay motivated to write them if I knew what people wanted to read!
✨All fics contain/will contain smut✨
So, tell me what I should post first!! Here’s the list of stories I’m working on.
Star Wars-
(two different fics)
Kylo Ren x OC (with some Hux x OC elements)
Hunter x Hunter-
Chrollo Lucilfer x OC
Chainsaw Man-
Aki Hayakawa x OC
And if you have any requests please send them to me!!
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empressgetou · 3 months
chrollo x zoldyck reader
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being born as a girl zoldyck is not a fancy fairytale story or rainbows and unicorns. it is a hundred times more darker and gruesome if you ask y/n. in her younger years, whenever she was tasked to do things outside the kukuroo mountain, she would finished her tasked first and foremost then wander into places in her spare time.
specifically, in yorknew city since most of her jobs are around these parts. that is where she met him. chrollo lucilfer, her boyfriend, and the phantom troupe's leader.
she about not older than 9 years old, when she happen to wander around the city after finishing her job and chrollo who was 11 years old at that time, who happens to be doing the same, spying and observing people around. his attention was caught by her straight-long silver colored hair that complemented her body and pale skin, making him thought she was interesting and decided to follow her discreetly or so he thought.
y/n felt a pair of eyes trying to burn in the back of her head, sensing a great amount of nen she swiftly tried to get away without him suspecting. but before she could turn to the other corner of the alley he jumped in front of her. confused how he managed to caught up with her speed and from a crowded place.
"you're not gonna kill me are you?"
"not, if you're going to tell me why'd you try running away from me?"
"you have a strong nen in you, i assumed you were targeting me that's why."
"ohh! so you know about nen! i just learned them recently."
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a day just before y/n turns 16, she's currently still in york new city, who had just finished her job. she is on her way to the airport going back home and unexpectedly received another call.
"happy birthday." greeted by a gentle voice on the other side of the phone.
"i dunno if you forgot that tomorrow is my birthday or you're just teasing." her lips slowly forming a smile.
his audible laugh can be heard from the other side, "the latter... why don't you turn around so you can have your early present."
as soon as she shifted her gaze, there, she saw chrollo approaching her way who has his right hand in his ear holding the phone and his left hiding in the back.
he stopped in front of her and handed her a small bag. she opened it without hesitation and sees a gold necklace with a small open heart and a cross similar to his tattoo hanging, that have every bit of diamonds embedded into it.
"you didn't steal this right?" she joked causing them to both laughed.
"absolutely not. i had them customized for you."
his statement made her heart weak and hugged him as if the world depends on it. he was taken back a bit and hugged her back.
"happy birthday, angel. wish i could celebrate it with you tomorrow but oh well maybe next time." his voice was ever gentle holding her body close to his.
"you know my family, they say it's important to be together in this special occasion ." she replied that made her cringe.
"though i hoped you didn't threaten the jeweller to make these." he laughed again and shook his head saying a no.
"thank you, i love it."
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y/n now age of 24. she managed to hide his relationship with chrollo all throughout these years from his family, and from her father especially. though she did thought that illumi who was close to her may have a hint about this relationship but not that she minded. years and years of training, she became much stronger of her abilities. if grandpa zeno were to ask, he'd definitely say that y/n could be on par or much much more skillful than illumi if she wishes to be.
i mean she is trained by the most infamous family of assassins and together with that she was also trained by the leader of the phantom troupe, a world-famous gang of thieves and a criminal organization, though she would sulk from time to time since chrollo would not give her a special treatment just because they are lovers.
she was taking a break in her training outside at the back of their manor when a butler came and brought news that killua had already come home to god knows where he had been. she and killua have a very close relationship together with her younger siblings, and she doesn't deny that she each love all of them differently and yes that includes milluki.
a few days later, she came home late because apparently she was too busy strolling around their hometown, she then heard from her mother's call that killua's friends came to get him out of this hellhole of a place. well, if she were in killua's place, she would've gone with them. she tried to run away for years, but she keeps coming back because her poor younger siblings would face the wrath of illumi and their father would constantly gaslight her into punishing them badly if she were to run away for good. she know how her old man works his way through them and how everyone in the household is manipulated by him and of course illumi learned how to effectively use it on them too.
she loves her family, she treasures them but she hates how they are being treated like toys and disposable objects if you were to fail them. but for the sake of everyone's peaceful life especially her younger siblings. y/n made the sacrifice to not leave kukuroo mountain and made a deal with his father to leave her siblings alone and she'll be working in the family business and after she finishes her work they'd let her be outside their home because they know eventually she'll just come back.
if she was born a male, her father would've made her the successor of the family considering she inherited the zoldyck genes and power but alas killua was born, a more suited heir and a prodigy. she was the first prodigy before killua, and if her wishes were to be granted, she is willing to follow whatever her father's wishes to if it means protecting the younger ones who wants a normal life. but they all know that their life wouldn't be normal because of their family's reputation and history.
she went straight into the butler's quarters knowing killua's friends were waiting for him. she then saw a few butlers waiting outside. as soon as they saw the lady, panic in their eyes risen and tried to convince the lady to wait for killua.
"what's the big deal, i just wanna meet his friends."
"well... uhmm but the lady would be furious if we were to–"
"i don't care what she says, i'm harmless see? now lemme through or my hands are gonna go through your head." that made every last one of them gulped into fear.
"nee-chan no need to be so violent, let's go meet them together." killua's voice was heard from the door thinking killua may have gotten here first, that made her stop approaching the butlers.
"hmp they wouldn't let me through, m'not gonna eat your friends you know." killua giggled her sister's childish remarks and held her hand to his.
"teehee i know, now let's go meet them." snickering while his cat face evidently showing.
y/n having a strong sense of hearing can hear the clanking of metals and eventually stopped, she looked at his brother to see if he also heard it.
"you think they're tryna kill your friends?" she joked.
"nahhh they wouldn't dare." true since he was already free to go with them according to their father.
"well im glad that he let's you do that. i hope you enjoy every bit of time with your friends." she smiled ever so sweetly.
killua looked at her again, "what about you neechan? aren't you gonna leave here? you don't wanna stay in this place."
"no, neechan has to do a lot of things back here. but you'll definitely see me around if i do work outside, if your'e lucky." she winked at him.
as killua opened the door he dashed near his friend near his age, he calls him gon, and the blond male named kurapika and a bit older teen with glasses named leorio. she quietly the entered and the others sensed another presence behind the door.
gotoh was the first one to greet, seeing their lady unexpectedly showing to the guests, "m'lady, you have arrived. this is killua-sama's friends. they came to get him" explaining as he bowed.
"yes, i've heard." roaming her eyes into each of them. studying their appearances and this one particular glasses man was staring at her intently making her eyebrows raised.
"well it seems you have good friends, don't you kill?" killua nodded and grabbed gon's hand pulling him in front of the woman.
"this is gon, he's my best friend. he's my age too, neechan! and that blonde is kurapika and the old guy is leorio."
"i'm not old! i'm only nineteen!" leorio butted in.
"maybe it's the suit and glasses that's making you look old." y/n slightly smirked looking at him that made the guy a blushing madly.
"but don't worry, everybody has their own style. don't they?" she asked him and leorio nodded aggressively.
"this is my sister, y/n. and will you quit simping for him old man? she may not look like it but you're way too young for her and she's good at seducing people so don't let her fool you." killua said with a bit of teasing her sister making y/n laugh.
she then thought of an idea that made her smirk, "alright, that's enough. i don't want you revealing my secrets to your friends or that wouldn't be too good for you, would it?"
killua sweated making him regret what he just said, "aheheh gomen. that wasn't really my intention, neechan."
"i can see you enjoy their company kill, i'll take my leave first, i wouldn't wanna be on your way much longer. i'm pretty sure you all have come a long way." while taking a last look at his companions.
she grabbed his hand and hugged him ever so tight that made his friends surprised, the butler's however did not react a bit, for they have known that the zoldyck's daughter is more transparent to her feelings especially when it comes to her siblings.
"m'gonna miss you again kill. be safe alright, and no more trouble, okay?— don't worry, neechan will be there when you need her. i'm always close by." with that she left as soon as he kissed his forehead.
truly her sentence was a bit odd for killua's friends but killua understood what she said since she was always traveling a lot and not actually staying home all the time.
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5 months have passed and y/n and killua are in contact with each other of his whereabouts. she had heard that they were in heavens arena in the past few months and unsurprisingly a specific clown was also back there and then the remaining months he went to whale island with his friend gon.
she is, as usual traveling again and is currently in zaban city. her phone beeped signaling an email, fished her phone out and stared and the text indicated.
"meet me at *location*."
eager to see her lover again, she dashed her way to his whereabouts. as soon as she got there, there he was standing and waiting and once again with a gift in the table that she assumes is theirs and this time a bouquet of white cleome hassleriana with a few of rose lillies, and forget-me nots in them.
"i missed you."
"missed you too, lover."
he went to get her seat and settled her, y/n thanking him and she was already opening the gift bag that says dior and chanel.
"i thought that this day should be special so i went all out and got these for you."
seeing inside the bags that he bought contained some make up products, perfumes, and a few clothing and made her so excited like a child. he handed the bouquet that is already making her eyes almost tear up.
"aww you're making me cry, you're so sweet. i love thesee! thank youuu."
she went and dipped her head as she kissed him softly while also getting the bouquet in his hands.
"i really like these flowers and you got my favorite too! you're really in love with me aren't you?" she teased still admiring the flowers.
"of course, all the best ones for you, my dear." he smiled so softly as if he was not the most wanted criminal around the world.
"thank you, really. i love you 'rollo"
"i love you too." as soon as he finished his sentence their food came in and the cake's candle was already lit ready for her to blow off.
"ohh and cake?? you're too much" she giggled that made him smile even more.
"happy birthday, my dear."
"i'll be expecting you at yorknew city next month?"
"hmm yes, i've seen a couple jewelries that interest me this year and a few weapons too maybe i could use 'em."
"the troupe would be excited to see you."
"hihi i can't even wait much longer. i wanna tell them so bad and just wanna ruin the surprise, specially the girls haven't seen them in a while."
"don't, it's more fun this way." he smirked.
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yorknew city, a place that holds various annual auctions from september 1st to 10th, including the world's largest auction, the southernpiece auction, in which the world's rarest and most valuable items are sold.
by the gordeau dessert, some troupe are on their way to meet their boss in the said hide out. machi, nobunaga, feitan, and franklin. and the other spiders came from the other side are also on their way to yorknew city.
on the other side of the continent of republic of padokea, y/n still haven't woken up from her slumber and was already late for her daily routine. her mother, kikyo worries for her daughter all the time, and with that he ordered gotoh to check up on her on the other wing of the mansion.
as soon as gotoh managed to wake her up, she was already in panic saying that she was already late for her schedule to meet with the troupe which was supposed to be around 7 in the evening, exhausted from her training last night she haven't heard the alarm go off this morning and slept until afternoon came, which was very irresponsible as what her mother used to say. she was able to get ready in less than an hour and went to the airport for her flight and now she just gotta wait for the aircraft to land in the united states of saherta and meet with the spiders.
it was already past 12 in the night when she managed to get to the exact location, the boss was about to converse with the others when he felt another presence just came in and the spiders were a little too occupied to notice.
"gomen minna. i was supposed to come by earlier but i lost track of time." a gentle voice was heard and everyone whipped their head at the back.
"ohhh omoshiroi! y/n! long time no see!"
many reactions came from the spiders and the founding members huddled near y/n and she just laughed while holding the back of her head embarrassed for the attention given to her. she missed them so much. she found friends within them all throughout the years, her family.
"danchou, you never mentioned y/n was coming here! is she doing missions with us too?" asked uvo to which chrollo only responded with a slight nod.
"okay, boss everyone's here!" shalnark announced.
"well, boss? what are we stealing this time?"
"we will take the treasures of the underground auction."
"which treasures do you want?"
"ancient text, maybe? the boss does like books." machi suggested.
"no. maybe games, there will be many copies of most expensive games ever." feitan said in his broken japanese.
"wouldn't it be more logical to take precious metals and gemstone?" nobunaga butted in.
"all of it." chrollo finished and stepped in to the light so his face was seen by them and it made y/n smile.
"we'll be taking everything that's up for the auction."
"hold on, boss. are you sure? the underground auction is operated by gang from all over the world. just think about it!" excitement can be heard from uvo.
"if we do that, we're gonna make enemies out of every last one of 'em." he continued.
"are you scared, uvogin?" the boss questioned.
"no way! i'm ecstatic! i can't stop shaking! come on! give us the order boss!" uvo's voice is now getting louder at this point that made everyone smirk in excitement.
"i give you permission to kill them all. anyone who dares to get in our way." and with that uvo roared so loud that his voice reach outside of the building.
it's been a few hours after everyone had arrived and y/n and the founding members gathered close to each other and talk to catch up. they asked each other on their whereabouts for the past few years, some of them met each other by accident in some places and some met others because it was planned just like y/n and the girls would meet up from time to time whenever they have their free time. usually it's just near heavens arena because machi usually goes there for whatever reason, y/n didn't really asked. while talking to each other, y/n failing to notice a certain neon pink-haired eyeing their direction. he had seen y/n a few times more than one because of her brother and to think she was connected to the spiders made him excited. chrollo sensing hisoka's bloodlust from afar he decided to get down from his place and went near the spiders that's close to y/n.
"danchou, is there anything you need?" pakunoda asked and everyone stopped their conversation and faced him.
flashing a hint of smile on his lips, "why dont you ladies have your breakfast outside? it's already dawn, i heard there's this café i think you all would like."
y/n's eyebrows raised as she knows chrollo would usually offer it but this time he made it sound like he was sending them out of the hide out.
"oh yes, i've researced that there are many sweets to choose from. y/n, we should try it before we go off on our mission tonight." shizuku suggested that made the woman nod at her.
"should we get something for you boys?" the silver-haired asked.
chrollo flashing her a smile and said,"anything's fine," that made y/n nod her head again.
night time came and whoever was tasked to go outside for the evening are already in motion. y/n to her dismay stayed behind making her pout. currently sitting beside her lover making complaints.
"oh come on, why can't i got with them? it'd be faster with me helping ya'know?" she quietly whispers to which chrollo ignores her and continues to read his book.
not a moment later, his phone ringed. fishing it out and uvo's name on the screen. his muffled voice can be heard beside y/n saying that there was no sign of the items at the auction and the others concluded that the mafia might have hinted them that some bandits will try to steal or someone about being a traitor among the spiders, making chrollo decide to get the attention of the mafia and let the shadow beast follow them to locate the items.
hisoka, to his delight is thinking to himself on how the woman is a bit too close with the boss and it seems to tolerate her actions toward him. being to close with him, touching him here and their, talking to him nonstop and even lying her head on his lap, surely he thinks they're not just friends that's for sure.
an hour or so another call came in from machi, saying that uvo has been captured by a different individual and everyone decided to come back to the hide out. they then decided to track uvo and able to locate him captured by the nostrade family.
dawn had already came and still no sign of uvo, the boss decided to change their plans and is now currently on the hunt for the one's who kidnapped him and possibly who killed him.
y/n went off to search for her own clues and separated with the others in the meantime, afternoon then has set and she went to a house that shalnark managed to rob with chrollo. she sees chrollo already on his white buttoned-shirt and black pants.
he's so fine, she thought that made chrollo chuckle at his lover's stare.
she cleared her throat and told him the news. "my father and grandpa were hired at the auction to stop the troupe from interfering, they heard i was here and decided to call me in. sooo i guess, that's me against u huh?" she laughed.
"i'll just have to make sure your brother finishes his job before your family finishes me." he smiled softly as if he wasn't even planning a murder.
"no fun, but hey, if you manage to impress my father or grandfather, who knows maybe he might let you be with me. if he already knows about us i mean."
wearing her white silk above the ankle dress that matches her hair color and a silver heels, she was already sprinting towards where the meeting was supposed to hold with other assassins. nobody knows of an additional person in the job, only the two men inside that had just got in too.
knocking the big doors, everyone stopped talking and eyes went to the door. silva seeing his daughter already here, he then explained their own plan.
"she will be with us, you don't need to pay her, she'll be our responsibility."
while some assassins are amazed by a figure that just got inside, some were already complaining.
"a girl in an assassination mission? is she even capable of defeating a troupe member?" some smirked and snickered by his sentence, y/n trying her hardest not to get provoke.
kurapika eyed her for a second while y/n failed to notice his brother's friend due to her closed eyes stopping herself killing the others in the room.
after the meeting and everyone seems to be intimidated by the zoldyck family, truly living up to their name and fame as to what others had thought, they let the family be. the zoldyck's exchanged a few words and went to there separate ways to inspect the whole building.
"nevermind them, you yourself know better than those punks." his grandfather whispered before walking his way. y/n thinks that his grandfather may have thought she was offended by what they said, well honestly, she wasn't, she was more of pissed because she knows she's far more skillful than those amateurs and she was trying her best to stop herself from killing them there.
chrollo now was inside the building and at the topmost floor. an assassin seems to have followed him and y/n happens to spot him and decided to just tail him as well. and to her delight, she finally found where chrollo was.
"why am i alive? what's happening?" said the assassin on the side.
"this is an indoor fish. you can't die unless the nen fish disappears."
the assassin spotted y/n walking her way to the leader, while y/n's eyes glued to the assassin.
"kill him!" the assassin shouted at y/n making her smirk.
"why would i?" she smirked as chrollo had already sensed her presence, making him turned around and walked towards her.
y/n stretched both her hands out reaching for chrollo's shoulder blades, inching her upper body close, hands dangling to his side and leaned in for a kiss which chrollo returned.
"we wouldn't wanna get violent with each other, won't we, lover?" her sentence just made chrollo chuckle. y/n then stepped to the side as chrollo began his requiem for uvo.
on the other side of the building, the elder zoldyck's are still roaming around trying to locate the phantom's boss without knowing he was already waiting in a specific room. y/n being sneaky as she is decided to play out as if she doesn't know anything and went to his father's side helping them.
the two elders now standing in double doors sensing a great amount of nen inside waiting. the three of them went inside and there awaits chrollo standing firm.
"we meet again." he spoke.
"you remember me?" asked the father.
"how could i forget? you killed one of my comrades."
the two zoldyck's went forward and as chrollo went near them as well, y/n stayed in her position while watching the men closely. the battle soon began and the zoldyck's wasted no time trying to get to the boss. a little moment after, a burst of aura coming out of the three, using each of their special abilities and with that a blinding light has struck their eyes and heavy shockwave was felt and soon after, the battle ended.
as soon as y/n recovered her eyesight, she instinctively went to the broken concretes and trying to look for her boyfriend while hearing the sounds of a phone call in the background, hearing her father talk to illumi.
"you okay?" she walked passed the crumbled concretes on her way and knelt in front of him holding his shoulder. chrollo nodded and put his hand on top her hand reassuring he was fine, that did not go unnoticed to both the zoldyck men.
after a very intense conversation, the zoldyck's were now finished and trying to walk out of the room. while her grandpa zeno did not react to whatever they saw a few moments ago and walked out smoothly, her father silva, was raging with anger and was giving chrollo his death glare, to which the latter was doing the same. for silva to see his daughter seem to be close with the thief's boss is atrocious, she is in a family of assassins who's name was built out of respect and with dignity and to think she was fooling around with his enemy made him mad, or maybe he just couldn't accept the fact that the only girl in the family was comfortable with another man other than the members of his family. he will talk to her once she gets back on the mountains and give her a good word but for now he will let her off the hook in the meantime.
a few minutes later, the troupe was now walking inside the room that chrollo fought with the zoldyck's and they all proceeded to the auction room.
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"he's lying chrollo." the silver-haired woman exclaimed as she was glaring in hisoka's direction.
"he wants to keep all of us here, that's why."
"but according to his fortune, he seems to be telling the truth." shizuku explained while peeking at the paper.
"he could've put his nen to it and changed it."
fei snatched the paper and examined it,"don't see nen here."
what? i know i did, it was only for a moment but i did! she thought, and having heightened senses she saw a glimpse of his nen transferred to the paper.
"i know what i saw." she turned to chrollo and begged for him. "please we have to get out of here, or else there will be more trouble."
he looked at her and said,"let me see your paper. "
he read the first few lines and it was the same with the others mourning for uvo. but what caught his eyes were in the next poems.
seeing the truth was burden, you wished to have known better, as you saw a shadow of your own character.
a challenge between blood and water will clash, a spider so dear, if not careful shall pass.
as you mourn for the passed moons, you shall not overcome, losing your light to the darkness you will be succumb.
and true to her words, she seems to be telling the truth, but chrollo could not risk any more of the spiders to get killed. his family. not again. he had no choice but to keep them here. hisoka might endanger them all, including her. it's best to keep them where he can keep an eye of his family.
"so what's it gonna be, danchou?" shalnark broke the silence.
and another muted moment before he finally had decided. "we're staying." as soon as he declared to stay, hisoka's lust almost exposed and he will be a goner if he weren't too careful. y/n never believing what she just heard, turned her back as she walked to the door.
"i said we are staying y/n."
"and i'm not. i can't stand someone in the same room as that stupid clown. since you like to believe him anyway i might as well just leave on my own." she was being petty, she admits that. but something just tells her she shouldn't stay in there any longer, she knew what she saw and she'll have to get to the chain user first before any of the spiders do and finish him off once and for all.
paku walking to the same direction where y/n was a few seconds ago, when chrollo stopped her.
"she's going out to cool off. she'll be back."
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and she did, she found herself inside a café and ordered herself a hot choco to cool herself off. sitting in the window side, she can see traffic, traffic and traffic on the streets and rain pouring outside. a beep then from the phone was heard and saw chrollo was trying reach out to her which she ignored.
a little while after commotion from the people walking beside the streets were whispering something was running on the building itself. she saw a fading figure of feitan and grew curious.
the spiders now standing by at the hotels lounge while they wait for the others, chrollo currently still trying to reach her. but little did he knew she decided to follow them a little while after. she read his messages briefly and went to the exact location.
barely wet from the pouring rain outside, y/n paved her way in the hotel and sees a very very familiar colored hair, the two boys are being held by machi with her nen and the others are by the other side.
her eyes open wide as chrollo approached her carefully all while her eyes meeting another pair of cerulean blue ones.
"why are these kids here?"
"they want to catch a spider they said, for the bounty."
“you have to let them go. we can’t risk anymore trouble if we are to take them.”
not hearing any replies from their leader, y/n then looked back at the two boys who’s also looking at her nervously.
she imaginatively palmed her face as she is thinking of what are her plans next now that his own brother just got himself in trouble with the troupe.
she can’t tell him about it all just yet. she groaned to herself knowing she might have made a mistake of not telling his nosy of a brother sooner than ever. and that is not to get in contact with them.
“don’t think about it too much, we’ll get uvo soon, y/n” nobunaga talked at the back when he heard her murmuring stuff that caught his attention thinking that she might be just worried of their friend.
y/n knows his brother too well like the back of her hand, she knows the two of them really wanted just the bounty but it’s way too stupid for them to go after the troupe all by themselves.
what was he thinking? she thought all while glaring at a scared killua, that made chrollo curious.
“something wrong?”
and just when she was about to answer him, the lights went off.
she heard a few shuffling in front of her that’s when she knew killua made his move in which she immediately grab his clothes and not let him get away.
by the time the lights are back, they are all still in one piece. well, except that their leader is already missing and there’s a letter attached to an arrow planted in the walls.
killua still could not read everything thoroughly of what is exactly happening and why his sister is with the troupe, he has no idea and is afloat as of that moment.
y/n immediately looked at the children blaming them for their sneaky little stunt they pulled in front of her.
she then thought, if they wanted the bounty for them to have money for their useless gaming consoles then they should’ve just brought every one of them, but why just their leader? is chrollo alone already enough to buy such treasure? or was there more to it that just the bounty?
all the questions came running through y/n’s head but unfortunately, her questions were all answered when a ringing sound the building signaling a call.
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y/n somehow already figured the whole plot of why killua and gon had been chasing the troupe. apparently it wasn’t just for the money but they know who the chain user all along and is after a troupe member or well specifically, the chain user is after their leader. so they captured uvo to get the leader moving and make himself appear in front of him or her, y/n has no clue how to identify him because honestly she has not seen this chain user they speak of.
and this made her even more frustrated. she doesn’t mind if one of the troupe is in danger, they can get out of trouble all by themselves or with the help of others. what’s bothering her is the safety of the two children, who probably never had a moment to think all this thing through. putting themselves in danger by facing a thief organization all by themselves is insane. adding the fact that his boyfriend is now captured by the chain user who plans to kill him if they are not to hand over the kids over by midnight. certainly this was way harder than the tortures she endured from her father, she’d rather have those.
after a few arguments along the way from the call and back to the hideout, everyone had already agreed they would trust pakunoda to ensure the safety of their danchou by letting her hand over the kids alone in a specific place. as much as half of the troupe would disagree to save the danchou all by themselves, the other half wanted to agree with the chain user’s deal. they wanted to play this safe. they still want him back. they still need their leader with them. and that is what paku thinks as well.
before she left the hideout, she had to look intently at y/n to which she understood what she was already doing for. whatever the result may be, she is doing all these for them, for her leader, for her family.
y/n not able to contain herself as she was already overwhelmed by the turn of events, she instantly grabbed killua’s hands and met him in the eye.
“whatever this is, you take him back to us.— please, bring him back to us. to me.” holding the silver-haired boy as she whispered the last words ever so lightly so that they wouldn’t hear her.
y/n could not puzzle what pakunoda said after that, she just felt her shoulders were pushed to the side and seeing pakunoda with the boys walking away while nobunaga had run to catch her falling body. one last thing she knew was reaching out to her little brother, her head feeling a little too light and went black out.
just as pakunoda and the kids finally arrived at their destination, she was instructed to switch both killua and gon with their leader at the same time. with a condition that chrollo, could never make contact with the spiders again nor even talk to them or else he would die due to a nen that was connected to his heart connected to the chain user’s ability, if broken he dies immediately. pakunoda thought that if the clown was here with them, he probably wanted to battle the leader, but no luck to him since chrollo can’t fulfill his wishes because he cannot use his nen.
the switch of hostages already made and the aircrafts are now high up in the air, pakunoda deeply burdened of what should she do best for the troupe and for the leader. looking below, she can see that indeed the clown’s intention was to get to the leader to face him alone. and with the last glimpse of the scene, staring blankly, she could only wish she knew what to do by then the time when she comes back to their hideout.
a frustrated hisoka was all chrollo got to deal with when he explained his circumstances. after the clown left, he could only think of one solution and that is to head where he was supposed to, to take out what’s in his heart, to take out that nen stuck to him. as he was in deep thought, a sudden image came into view. his love. his most important treasure of all.
what would she think. he thought.
would she wait for him until the time comes that they can finally reunite together?
would she try to find a way for them to meet whatever it takes?
would she just leave the relationship and the troupe instead of looking for him?
words and words came through chrollo’s head, their relationship was more concerning since they had a fight not just long ago and they have not talked about it yet.
he may not look like it, but y/n can testify how his lover takes good care of their relationship. how he takes care of her. how he takes care of his family in his own ways.
it was indeed the most impossible thing that has ever happened between them yet, but one thing chrollo is sure of. he plans of going to the east to dissolve the nen in him. he will come back to them, he will come back for his family, he will come home to her.
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but, he never came back.
…or did he?
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comment for part 2?
not proofread; may contain grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
side note: ik it has literally been a year since i last posted, school sucks since i’ve gotta lot of work to do. so here’s another au for yall coz i missed being here :33 xoxo
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emotionalmessss · 5 months
Hiii! Can I request yandere Chrollo when reader tries to escape? Hc? Fic? If you want 🥰
A/N: I feel like I haven't written anything in so long (school is going to be the death of me I swear). I'm trying to be more active with my writing now that I've officially graduated, I'm sorry for ghosting! Anyways, enjoy Yan!Chrollo :)
Warnings: yandere themes, unhealthy/forced relationship, implied kidnapping, slight mention of violence and non-consensual touching, and psychological abuse. Chrollo is basically a warning himself lol.
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Chrollo is always one step ahead. After all, he is the head of the Spider, so if you think you can escape from him--good fucking luck. He is cunning, meticulous, and devoted to having you back where you belong--in his arms. But that doesn't stop you from trying, does it?
Congratulations for managing to slip through his fingers, but it won't stay that way for long. There is nowhere in the world for you to hide from Chrollo, he will hunt you down using whatever means that will ensure his success. So, enjoy the freedom while it lasts, because it won't last very long.
Sure, Chrollo might be slightly ruffled at the fact that you actually managed to escape. But will he let that affect his calm composure? No, definitely not. Chrollo plays the long game, and he does it best. And who's to say that he didn't intentionally let you escape? To give you that brief, sweet taste of freedom, only to rip it away at the last second?
Chrollo’s expression remains impassive as he lounges on the plush couch in the middle of his expansive living room. Reclining comfortably into the cushions, he folds one leg over the other while using one hand to flip through the book in his lap. He is perfectly aware of your absence from the apartment--how could he not notice when the air lacks the usual animosity that only you can bring? 
Despite the apartment lacking its usual vibrancy, Chrollo remains calm and composed, a trait that has always irked you. His composure never slips, even now. He finds it pitifully endearing that you thought you could outsmart him--have you learned nothing? Chrollo doesn’t know if he wants to praise you for your bravery or laugh at your naivety. 
Sighing, he stretches his legs out across the coffee table, idly smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles on his dress shirt. You thought escape was an option? How quaint. His lips curl into a faint, knowing smirk; his predictions had been correct--like always. While Chrollo can’t deny that he finds your actions mildly irritating, they are more entertaining than anything else--not that he’d ever show it.
“It’s intriguing, really, how you thought you could just slip away from me,” Chrollo mutters to himself, his voice measured and almost serene. His big, gray eyes finally look up from the antique book in his lap, drifting towards the large window that offers a view of Yorknew City’s skyline. Somewhere out there, you’re hiding, and he can clearly picture the mixture of relief, fear, and paranoia etched on your pretty face. 
He taps his fingers on the armrest of the couch--the only sign that his mind is working in overdrive. Clicking his tongue thoughtfully, Chrollo tilts his head back down to the book resting on his thighs. Running a hand through his raven locks, he lets out a hollow chuckle, quickly followed by a deep sigh. For now, he’d let you play your little game, but in the end, you would not win.
Just like everything else, Chrollo's response will be chilling and methodical. As the head of the Spider, he'll use all the resources he has to get his love back. But for the time being, he will let you enjoy your little game. He's more than confident you'll be back where you belong. Make sure to keep looking over your shoulder every so often, he won't be far behind.
Chrollo will have you back in his grasp, no matter how much you kick, cry, and scream. He will remain unflinchingly composed, acting as though you were merely a small animal that needed to be handled with gentle care. The entire time, he'll have that small, almost invisible smile tugging at his lips--that smile that you've come to hate and suggests bad things for you.
Once he finds you--if he hasn't already been watching you the entire time--he'll strike when the time is right, and when the circumstances align in his favour. He won't be openly aggressive, definitely not towards you. Chrollo will take a different route, one that involves planning, scheming, and manipulation.
Consequences? Oh, there has to be some consequences for your disobedience. But, Chrollo would never lay a violent hand on you. No, that's not his style. He could never physically hurt his love. He can hurt you in other ways, though. Friends and family? That's a whole other story. Chrollo being Chrollo, will do whatever it takes to ensure you comply. Only if he's pushed to that point.
In Chrollo's twisted mind, he is protecting you from the dangers of the world--like a good lover should. He firmly believes that the only place for you to be happy and safe is by his side. He'll manipulate you into believing that you need him, and that even the thought of escaping is utterly impossible.
You’ve been sprinting through the empty streets of Yorknew City for hours, and no matter how far you run, you can’t seem to shake the terror that threatens to swallow you whole. At this point, your feet sting, your lungs burn, and your mind is a jumbled fucking mess--is this what insanity feels like or has Chrollo corrupted you so much? Neither of those reasonings are favourable, but you’d probably choose insanity over Chrollo. 
Frantically, you examine your surroundings as you come to a stop, panting and keeling over. You sluggishly move towards the corner of a large building, slumping back against the bricks and wipe the glistening sweat from your forehead. This is Hell, isn’t it? Clutching your chest, your mind races with a slew of possibilities; different escape routes, places to hide, and potential consequences should you get caught. 
What would the reincarnation of the Devil himself do to you if he were to catch you? Would he hurt you? The odds of Chrollo physically hurting you are slim, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t harm you in other ways. Despite spending an unwilling amount of time with him, you could never fully understand the bastard. You weren’t entirely sure if that was a blessing or a curse. 
“Get it together, fuck.” Your voice comes out strained and raspy as you forcefully compose yourself, shoving off from the wall to round the corner of the building. Every detail about that man pisses you off--his calculated mannerisms, his unflinching composure, his studying eyes that make you feel like he’s staring into your soul, and that god-awful smile that never looked genuine. 
Just when you soothe your chaotic mind and turn the corner of the building, he appears before you. Your heart plummets, and your feet drag across the pavement as you abruptly halt, completely paralyzed under his scrutinizing gaze. You watch him like a cornered animal, prepared to flee at the slightest sign of malice. But, of course, there is none--perfectly expected from a man like Chrollo. 
“My dear,” Chrollo begins, using the endearing nickname you’ve come to loathe. His voice completely devoid of aggression, showing no hint of the manipulative thoughts that are definitely running through his mind. “Wandering the streets alone at this hour isn’t wise,” he chides gently, his tone tinged with condescension. “Come now, let’s get you back home.” His hand extends towards you, as if he’s giving you a choice. 
You muster up a sliver of self-control, refraining from cussing him out. Instead, you take a cautious step backwards--away from the beast. Noticing this, Chrollo’s lips pull into a slight smile, and his hand returns to his side. He doesn’t move an inch, letting out a resigned sigh that suggests he had anticipated this outcome. His gray eyes never leave yours as the sound of approaching footsteps begins fill the silent street. 
“Please, let’s not make this more difficult than it needs to be,” Chrollo continues, his attention focused on you, purposely feigning ignorance of his loyal Spiders who are slowly encircling both of you. He remains the epitome of calm, acting as if your escape attempt was just a minor inconvenience. You stand still, and the Spiders close in, strategically blocking off all paths except for the one leading to Chrollo. 
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chrollogy · 10 days
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“i am an unforgivable creature. but darling, i will love you. i will love you through all my disgusting performances.”
© comm by the lovely Puri24A on twt! (don’t repost/save)
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AAAAAAHHHHH and look at this cute lil gift puri surprised me with >< chibi chroyue! i’m sobbing look at us !! the rose too, oh we’re so in love🥹❤️ she’s the sweetest ever & please do consider commissioning her if you’re looking for an artist !! :3
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0asisbliss · 2 months
Can I request ovulation week with Yandere Chrollo and kidnapped reader? Or just regular Chrollo if you don’t do Yandere?
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Parings:Yan!Chrollo x Fem!reader
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It was hard to explain. Though not as hard as you think. You read the date on your phone. It was the week before your period. Which means it would be your first period with Chrollo. Not as just in a relationship but as him keeping you being captive in his apartment.
It’s not until you start leaving little hints that your period is coming up. You drop questions on him at random times.
“Chrollo do you have pads, or tampons?”
“You might wanna stock up on sweet stuff for this week.”
It’s not that you were embarrassed to tell him about your period you just didn’t know how he was gonna react.
Honestly it made you feel weird. Maybe he would react differently because of the circumstances you’re in?
On the first day of your period you notice the blood in the toliet when you go to the restroom.
After you get done using the bathroom you go knock on Chrollo’s door. He sees you in the door frame and sets down his book.
“Is there a problem sweetheart?”
“My uhm- period is on.”
Chrollo chuckles at your hesitation to tell him. He wondered why you were asking him such questions. Though he already had things prepared for you. Snacks, pads, tampons, etc.
“C’mon honey I’ll bathe you.”
“It’s not as bad as it seems.” You thought.
You followed him to the bathroom where he put your favorite soaps aside to wash you with.
It felt oddly good to be taken care of like this.
You sat down in the warm water and breathed in.
That still doesn’t hide the fact that you’re being held here against your will. You need to be sure to keep your guard or even if your captor is handsomely sweet.
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whatevermakesyoubreak · 7 months
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> sic infit
> pairing: Illumi x OFC
> ft. past hisoillu and chrollo x ofc
- ❤️‍🔥 Upon returning from a job, Illumi Zoldyck makes the most impulsive decision of his life, and arrives at his home with an eerie, mysterious, and money-motivated woman in tow— a partner, a colleague, and, if his mother had it her way— a fiancée.
Fellow contract-killer Lira Vesuvian is charismatic, beautiful, and flirtatious— almost unnervingly so— possessing a dangerous vice, obsessive nature, and troubling background of her own. Deceptive, disingenuous, and shallow, one might wonder what originally drew Illumi to her in the first place. She merely hopes that she can figure it out herself— as well as gain unmoderated access to Illumi’s bank accounts— before her carefully crafted and chemically altered persona begins to crack.
But, then again— Illumi has nothing, if not ulterior motives of his own, and, if you were to ask Hisoka, he’d tell you that the assassin’s generosity has always come at a price.
this fic includes, but is not limited to:
lust at first sight
powerful male character x powerful female character
bisexual male character(s)
obsessive, parasitic love from both parties
perpetuating generational trauma
two characters matching each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous for the safety of others
doomed siblings
sibling rivalries
mommy issues galore
two hot, emotionally deficient, rich assassins making morally questionable choices
illumi zoldyck meeting someone just as creepy and unsettling as he is and proceeding to simp
substance abuse
dark themes in basically everything, but their relationship is as healthy as it can be given the circumstances
this will have a HEA. somehow. just trust me.
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kurorosbetrothed · 6 months
𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖘.
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𝑨 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚.
Leaning on the railing with your head propped up by your arm you stared at the undeniably charming man beside you.
With a cigarette held between his fingers, wisps of smoke curled upward.
With no shirt, you could see his muscles rippling with every subtle movement and with his hair slicked back you had a clear view of his face that never failed to make your heart speed up.
Sensing your ogling he turned his head and met your eyes that flickered with adoration. 
“Careful love, you're drooling.” 
To meet your eye level he mimicked your position and set his eyes on yours.
You touched the corner of your lips and as you suspected he was teasing you.
“Am I that charming, my love?” 
“Charming? I was just wondering how such an ugly brute exists.”
Laughter slipped out and unknowing to him the sound warmed your heart. 
“Is that so?” Chuckling he put his cigarette down, crushing it with a light force and took out another, lighting it up.
Just as he raised the cigarette to his lips you swiftly stole it from his grasp and brought it to your lips. You inhaled deeply, savouring the familiar taste that flooded your senses with a wave of nostalgia.
“Now now love, stealing is rude.” Tch. How ironic. 
“Says the infamous leader of a group of thieves,” you scoffed, “though you should teach me your ways of stealing. I'm quite interested.” 
“I'm afraid it is too late for you to be asking that. You've already mastered the art of stealing.” He grinned.
“How so?” you asked inhaling again but before you could release a sudden fit of coughing seized you.
“You've already stolen the heart of this infamous leader of thieves. What else could you hope to steal, love?” 
Your eyes widened and you smacked your hand against your chest.
He couldn't tell if you were coughing or laughing but still made an effort to stop your coughing by gently patting your back.
You wiped your nonexistent tears as you took deep breaths in hopes of calming down.
“You..you.. bastard.”
Punching him on the arm you shook your head. 
Before you could take your arm back he pulled you towards him making you land on his firm chest.
With one arm wrapped around your lower back and the other around your shoulders, you were caged in his embrace. 
Your eyes widened at the sudden assault and you turned to push him off but the feeling of his warm breath fanning your neck made you stop in your tracks.
He nuzzled his head into your shoulder mumbling something into the side of your neck. 
“Whatever you wish to make yours I will steal it for you.”
Just like his embrace, his words were also comforting. 
As if his hold on you wasn't already strong enough, his hold on your heart that was once entrapped within unbreakable barriers had become even stronger. 
You responded by embracing him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he held you tighter.
It was a moment of comfort and solace, and his grip conveyed a sense of warmth and safety.
You felt overwhelmed by the rush of emotions.
His warmth, scent, and his voice, all made you go crazy.
“I don't wish to let you go..” 
“Then don't.” 
He smiled at your blunt tone, but was glad to hear that you felt the same.
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Heaven Can Wait.
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Yan (College AU) Juno x GN Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, descriptions of violence, implications of dub-con sex (not with the reader), Chrollo is the worst, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Can be considered to be an honorary part of Hier Encore. (Or as a standalone for a soft yandere hot woman)
You could have chosen a better place to eat. Everything was less than half the usual price compared to the more expensive places, yes. But the customer service was ghastly though, the food was near inedible, and everything smelled of cigarettes. Cracked white bowls and filthy cups littered every table, including the one you two are sitting at.
Well, Juno thought, at least I can smoke here.
That would ruin the mood though, perhaps. She wants you to only have the best opinion of her after all. She wants it so bad that she has dressed up to the nines for a simple late-night fast-food run. Like a single cloud hovering in a bright blue sky, she stands out like a sore thumb.
It’s half past midnight now, much later than she usually stays up on her days off. Not that she had many off days, to begin with. It’s a prison of her design honestly; always wanting to know more and do more sometimes gets her nowhere.
But most of the time it gets her somewhere.
It was easy enough to befriend you, having moments not too intimate but not too distant either.
Yes. Yes… you remind her of him, in some ways.
You tell her sweet words and your touch is as soft as the pillows she sleeps on. Those were not the only traits Sebaste had Juno sees in you, though.
You’re not the most aloof person she knows, that easily goes to Camus, but you still don’t know how to control your facial expressions much. You like the beach, but not necessarily like the ocean’s water. 
“How can you just eat all of that?”
You point. Juno looks down at the many empty plates on her side of the table, all piled high on one another and all having a thin layer of red sauce inside them. There must have been at least five, she thinks. She was too zoned out to feel the spice of the food most likely. 
Your bowl, on the other hand, was more than half full. Your side of the table was also covered in little splotches of hot sauce, while hers remained mostly clean. You were avoiding the vegetables maybe, or maybe you didn’t have as high of a spice tolerance as she did. Juno is undecided on which one would be more likely.
…Has… she really eaten this many bowls while her imagination roamed free?
She has dealt with far worse pain. Though around forests in the middle of the night only to be threatened with a taser was on the much lower end of the spectrum of unfortunate situations she has been in, the spiciness was somehow even lower. The device was set to the lowest setting, but her skin still felt like it was about to jump out of her body and run away. Being held with an ax right below her neck while another hand held her up by her hair was another one only slightly above the last two. She only had a slight cut just above her collarbone when the grip loosened and she was able to leave.
But she cannot tell you all of that; she wouldn’t want you in more danger than she has already made you be in.
“I’ve simply dealt with far worse… ‘dishes’, [First].”
You look confused at her answer but decide not to pry – another trait she loves about you, your ability to not invade others’ privacy – and decide to instead delve into the now cold cup of admittedly diluted green tea you ordered mere minutes ago.
When Juno locks the door behind her, she notices the tall lamp by her desk is on. It’s no mere coincidence, she knows it, but somewhere deep down she hopes that tonight it will be. Hell has to take a break sometimes, right? 
Juno has to remind herself that though the demons may have today to do whatever they please, Lucifer himself does no such thing. He enjoys making life for others unbearable – he lives for it.
She can’t make out Chrollo’s face because of the book he covers over it.
“The Collector, huh?” Juno sets her purse on the coat rack along with her cardigan. Her high heels come off soon after, though they do make a blunt thump when she puts them by her dorm’s entrance. Chrollo just turns a page, almost as if he is ignoring you entirely, almost as if this is his home and not yours. “I recommended that one to you, did I not? I thought that perhaps you could metamorphose into a better person if you see the damage you could potentially do to your crush.”
Her teeth push against each other as she says the last word.
“Is that how my lovely girlfriend greets me after cheating on me in the middle of the night?” He looks down at his watch – one of the many he wears on the regular, though she can swear that this one was the most expensive from the little diamonds around the outer rim of the clock. “At such a cheap place too.”
“A crush is all I am.”
“Are you now?”
Chrollo doesn’t even look at you as he stands up, the book still covering his face as he steps towards you. His posture is upright like it normally is, but his suit is without a tie and the button-up is a third way undone. He must have been in quite a rush to break in here – she hopes he did.
“Then what are they to you, huh? A crush as well?”
She shakes her head, and somehow he sees it because he nods in response.
“Then what are they?”
“Something you are not.”
“Are they really, Juno?”
Slowly but surely the book falls to Chrollo’s side – a blood-red curtain that does nearly nothing to hide the scene about to be revealed to the audience. The actors are not there and neither are the special effects done by the stagehands, but the props stay where they were placed.
It’s horrifying.
She struggles to come up with a coherent answer to the question despite her expecting it. It is like Chrollo used his damn book without even opening it – her painted lips feel dry and her freshly washed hair feels like it is about to fall off from stress. It is like a diabolical curse has been put over her like she will become a haggard old woman with a humpback in mere seconds. If that did happen, Chrollo would have her beg for months on end until he is satisfied.
She doesn’t want that.
She doesn’t want that any more than she wants you to get hurt because of her.
She doesn’t want you to see her hideous real face, nevertheless Chrollo’s.
You’ll stay with her, won’t you? You’ll stay until her flesh rots and your flesh rots and Chrollo’s flesh rots. If you allow her, she won’t let go of you even when she is long dead. Her pretty nails will dig into your skin and refuse to leave. You’ll stay – because you are all she has left in this cold, uncaring world. 
“Don’t hurt them.” Her fingertips hold onto her skirt like they are flies and it is a spider’s web.
He points – a clear order, a clear demand.
“Get on the bed then, dearest.”
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kurapixel · 1 year
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raisinripe · 8 months
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сommission for echosapphire on instagram ♡
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limelise · 4 months
the father, the son, the holy spirit 📕⛓️🪽
YEARBOOK PICT ft. quwrof | lysel | curarpikt
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r0semaryt3a · 4 months
Domestic Facade
Chrollo x (f) OC
A/N: so I started this as a little break from revision and to mess around with writing tropes I hate, but now I’m really into the idea and need feedback on the initial extract. I was going to post this directly onto Ao3 but want to increase my changes of writing more by having a few characters under my belt.
Feeback would be appreciated <3
CW: non applicable
Word count: 1,193
- Content bellow read on -
The early hours of morning began to arrive, sun trickling through open windows, seemingly drawn by the sizzling of eggs. Days like this were nice. Curtains drifting slowly in the breeze, everything at peace. The thought of work -as pleasant as she found it- not weighing heavy on Nirami’s back.
One of her few days off.
Nirami stood beside her kitchen counter, watching as steam billowed from her soon to be breakfast. She loved cooking. Always had, it was so fascinating watching atoms at work.
Sat, ogling, at the way her egg whites puffed up.
The things swayed in her pan with every small movement, don’t play with your food, a familiar voice rang in the back of her head. Her father always did hate this habit of her’s. Counted it a waste of food as stubby legs would dangle idly from her chair, fork prodding at the food she’d left to go cold with a pout. ‘I don’t want it.’ she’d whine, only for a firm voice to barter with her, holding the prospect of desert like a carrot on a stick. Inevitably causing her to cave. At the time, she’d looked at him as if he was the worst person in the world. However, now, standing in a kitchen of her own, she began to appreciate that he placated to her antics.
Slumping the eggs onto a plate, Nirami moved to check on her hashbrowns (an equally as interesting phenomenon to watch as her eggs.), she’d have to pay him a visit, get something to replace the flowers she’d given last time. He always liked Chrysanthemums, it wouldn’t hurt to pick some next time she went out.
A single churn of her salt shaker signaled the dinner bell; she sat down to eat. Tearing her food apart with an almost abnormally meticulous care.
Through her chewing, Nirami turned her attention to the flurry of plants climbing up her walls. A colleague had once suggested the idea of a simple houseplant, to keep her occupied during her parents' passing, a few years ago. A part of her had scoffed at the idea. And now here she was, all sorts of flora scattered around her apartment.
Nirami wouldn’t particularly say it had elevated her grief, but it was certainly a pleasant development. A particularly burnt piece of potato cut through her idle thoughts, maybe she should’ve focused a little more on ensuring her food was edible…The food itself was nice, it always was, for all her slip ups Nirami was a good cook. Eggs oozed; she eagerly wiped up their contents and around fifteen minutes passed before she’d finished. Raising to put her plates in for the wash. A sigh left Nirami as she went about her daily drivel, it was always like this, just as she liked it. The routine had brought solace in times of distress and kept her grounded for her line of work. Never changing, forever trudging along.
Life was simple like this.
Life was good like this.
Life was–
The light of her phone flooded the room, its artificial hue reminded her of work. Placing her plate back into soapy water, her eyes scanned the screen’s surface. Unfortunately for her, it had already faded. Forcing Nirami to dry her hands and wander to the side, picking up her mobile, a smile split through her lips. Perhaps changes in her routine were good every once in a while, he was proof of that. Chrollo.
The two had met at her place of work, he’d been dressed to the nines. At the time, she’d taken his attire and assumed he was there to grieve a loved one, offering her condolences. Once he’d revealed he was simply there for an appointment, she’d found herself stumbling over her words. He was kind and quite the charmer, winning her over with ease (and a little coffee).
Since then the two had grown quite close, Chrollo had slotted himself neatly into Nirami’s schedule. Quite the feat indeed. He wasn't around much anymore, had to head back off to work, he’d told her. And so, anytime his name popped up on her phone, it filled her with nothing but euphoria.
The text was simple enough, morning love, yet she still found it hard to respond.
He always did have that effect on her.
Chrollo was far more composed than Nirami. Every word he ever said was picked with poise. She settled for an equally simple response (one most would’ve considered second nature.) morning. The words ‘delivered’ looked back up at her. No doubt he’d take a while to respond, he usually did…
With a sigh, Nirami set back off to do: something. A pleasant hum leaving her as she did. Her apartment was fairly small yet held a large range of activities. She settled for reading.
Plucking one of the many books from its neat place upon her shelf, she didn't particularly know what it was she’d picked. Nor did she care. Everybook in that apartment had been picked apart more times than she could count. Most of them were gifts. Small reminders of Chrollo’s many stays. He’d often send them over, classics and historical pieces, far beyond the ages. A few of them had been in languages Nirami had never even heard of, forcing her hand in learning all sorts of new tongues.
She’d taken to her sofa, swinging her legs onto its surface and brushing her fingers against the pages. Turning to the cover she was finally met by its title: Wuthering Heights. She was familiar with this one, had been when Chrollo had bought her this particular copy. The conversation of that ordeal lay sweet on her tongue.
“Ah, this one’s a particular favorite of mine.” A chuckle rang out as fingers grasped a hard worn cover, moving with almost criminal precision. Finally holding it in view Nirami’s eyes were alight with curiosity before her eyes met the title. “Fitting, a man of nuance, attracted to the definition of it.” A slight look of surprise overtook Chrollo’s features, the act so minute Nirami missed it by a mile. “You’ve read it?” The question wasn’t raised in a way of shock, more admiration, “mhm, a few times over actually. My father used to give me all his mother’s old books.” The conversation spanned for what felt like hours, every answer Nirami gave seemed to give way only for another question. All perfectly eloquent and all perfectly crafted to garner the exact responses he seemed to crave.
It had been like watching a thief at work, the thought was almost enough to elicit a small laugh from Nirami. Her Chrollo, a man who’d shown her nothing but compassion, a thief? Such juxtaposition was a thing of Shakespeare. The idea in itself seemed laughable…With all the ruckus in her life, Chrollo had come as a pleasant break, thoughts of him often flooded her head nowadays. Though she tried her best to filter them at work, he always loomed in some deep recess of her mind. In a way, Nirami guessed he was a thief: he’d stolen her attention in such little time.
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bwabysart · 5 months
If you have time you, can you do the boyos? Literally any pose or how you want to interpret them 💜💜
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AHH here they are! Wanted to draw chrollo being a bit clingy and affectionate :3 I’ve never drawn chrollo before so my apologies if he looks a bit off 😭❤️
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0asisbliss · 3 months
Darling why run?
Parings: Yandere!Chrollo x Cubby fem!Reader
TW: Kidnap, mentions of torture, other dark shit.
A/N: Sorry for any spelling errors. Pt.3 since you guys asked for this first.
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You sat there in silence trying to concentrate on the door. Waiting for it to open. You needed to get out. The rusted old chains on your leg felt itchy, and you could no longer feel the weight of them because of how tight they were. The beating image of your friend still stuck in your head. It was horrifying. Your face still hasn’t changed. That same nonchalant expression that you had when she was asking you to put her out of her misery.
You play her screams over and over again in your head. Your head. It’s beginning to hurt. Though you try to ignore the pain. The door still hasn’t opened. You estimate it’s been two days since Chrollo left you to rot in the of the home you once loved so much. Chrollo had it all why would he throw it away like that? To ruin your life? Traumatize you? Did he no longer love you? Maybe, just maybe this all a little sick game to Chrollo. He probably found joy in your suffering.
You stopped looking at the door and stared at your legs. Could you still even walk? You were in pain, and you were really hungry.
You heard a creaking sound come from the door. It must have opened. Chrollo came into room with a plate of food and a glass of water.
The fucking nerve.
“Get. The. Hell. Out.” You muttered quietly, but harsh enough for him to hear. You were tired of being quiet you hated being down here, you hated being chained, and you even hated him.
“Darling, maybe you should eat hm?”
Chrollo sat the plate beside your hand. Even in your hungry state you refused the food from him to demonstrate your hatred and sorrow. You looked at it, and threw it on the ground. The glass plate shattering, and food plastering the floor.
Tears started to well at your eyes as you began to cry. Your sobs turned into screams. Chrollo sat beside you and rubbed circles on your lower back.
“There, there my darling it’ll be okay.”
You started to punch at his chest and you even slapped him. This was just your first week in this confinement so Chrollo didn’t get too mad at your behavior.
“Fuck you. I hate you, you crazy motherfuc-.”
Chrollo cut you off by slamming into your lips you didn’t kiss him back instead you bit into his bottom lip hard.
Chrollo didn’t hesitate to push you off of him when he pulled away blood dripped down from his lip as he looked at you in shock. Why the hell would you bite him? You didn’t do this before.
Chrollo backed away, and got off the bed.
“Alright since you failed to eat dinner how about I come back at a later time. Maybe when you have finally got yourself together.
You finally had enough two fucking whole days of bullshit, and pure torture, and he gives you this smart mouth bullshit?
“Y’know what Chrollo fuck you. I’ve been stuck in this filthy fucking basement for two fucking days. And you have the nerve to come and act like you’ve done nothing to me? Rot in hell.”
Chrollo stared at you with no emotion in his expression. Almost like he was starting you down, sizing you up. Why did he find delight in your present state? This is the most emotion you given to him in days. He wants more of it. He could even sense aura coming from you. It was sharp almost like the pressure of the air got lower, and the atmosphere got heavy. Then all of a sudden it stops. Maybe you were no longer angry?
He needs to feel this sensation again. Hell if he has to bring another one of your friends in here for Feitan to torture just for him to see this happen again he will. Maybe he’ll go deeper next time and bring your mother? He never liked that hag anyway.
“Darling be careful what you wish for, and for what you wish on people. For it could double fall back on you.” Chrollo shut the door behind him.
You watched him walk out the door and you huddled back into a ball on your bed and sobbed silently to yourself.
In your once shared bedroom Chrollo was planning. You showed such a strong emotion. He felt your aura without you even trying to show it off. Who knew you could bring your ability to life without even hesitating. He had to get you to feel that emotion again. He needed to feel your aura on his skin again. Though he didn’t show it he wanted to take you right there when you were yelling and crying at him. It made him feel close to being utterly happy?
You didn’t know a thing. All you felt was rage in that moment know all you can feel if restraint. You acknowledged that Chrollo showed no fear to you and that you wouldn’t win against him or even have him give you your freedom.
It was like all of a sudden the world outside was some fantasy realm you wanted to escape too. Maybe to escape your reality. There was no hiding from it, but maybe you could run if you were fast enough. It would take guts and an extra set of balls to even test Chrollo’s patience.
Though he had a lot. Everyone had their limits maybe you could used that to you advantage, and stretch his patience. Although the consequences might be hectic you had no other choice. You didn’t want to rot in this basement for the rest of your life. You had to get out. No matter what it took. No matter who dies. You needed to get away from him.
Chrollo knew your mindset more than you think so you had to be swift. Chrollo was already imagining the things you would probably do to escape. He was mentally and physically prepared. There was only one way out in his case. That was death. Even though that won’t happen to you anytime soon.
He has to train your brain, and get you to feel something again for him to conjure your nen out of the depths of your soul, so he can take it. It would be perfect, amazing almost. You’re giving him what he needs to be even more successful in his “career” that is enough to show him you love him.
And after all of that you can finally settle down and bear his children. Maybe two? A boy and a girl, or a pair of twins should do. Just the slightest smile appeared on Chrollo’s face thinking about it. Y’know what? That reminds him he needs a journal to write all of this stuff down. He couldn’t wait to feel your aura, and see the expression on your face when he finally gets to explain all of this to you.
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emotionalmessss · 2 years
Dead End Pt 3
A/N: I didn't think that I would be expanding on this anymore, but I got a few requests to, so here you go. :) (really quickly edited, sorry for any mistakes)
Synopsis: chrollo comes back for his ex-girlfriend who managed to escape his grasp. Non-canon. No spoilers.
Warnings: implied violence, implied murder, yandere, obsession, manipulation, chrollo is a piece of shit, reader is at her wits end, kidnapping, forced relationship, isolation. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 4.1K
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It had been nearly three days since Chrollo and I were reunited. If you can even qualify kidnapping as being reunited. Three fucking days of being stuck in a singular hotel room with nothing to do. Luckily, Chrollo spent most of his time away from me, dealing with whatever business he wiggled himself into. While he was away, he granted me the privilege of being allowed to use the television. He even went as far as to bring me some books to occupy myself from his absence. 
But nothing could fill the void of emptiness that grew inside of me. The feeling only magnified when I would roll over from the soft sheets and see that there was a note on his side of the nightstand. 
I’ll be back by dinner. Make sure to eat. Enjoy and behave. 
Love. It was a funny word to me now. I knew that this treatment was far from the act of being loved. The thought of It made the insides of my stomach knot up, clawing their way to the back of my throat. I couldn’t even fathom ever loving a man like Chrollo. I believe that in his own twisted way he does love me, but the feeling was not returned.
Everything that he did was just him attempting to prove that he had control over me. That was it .   
Even when he wasn’t here, he was always trying to show the power he held over me. Even in the most subtle of ways. I was brought food once a day by room service when he was absent, knowing that this was a show of it. He knew that I wouldn’t even think about trying to escape or ask for help, because he would kill every single person in this hotel if I tried. Chrollo knew that I would never put the lives of others in danger for my own. 
As much as I yearned for the freedom I had worked so hard for, I wasn’t ready to take that kind of leap. Yet . 
I rolled over slightly, tossing the note onto the ground after crumpling it. I often found myself doing petty things like this. Sometimes I wouldn’t even eat the food that Chrollo sent to our room, just to piss him off. He didn’t really seem to care, but it has only been a few times. That only pissed me off more. His stupid calm expression, that tiny smile that pulled at his lips whenever I would scream at him - I hated everything about him. 
The only times that I could escape him briefly were in my dreams. For those few short hours, I was at peace. I often found myself back at home. My real home. Surrounded by my friends and my family. I woke up crying, missing those small moments with my friends and family and dreading the present. I would give anything to go back to those times and re-write my future. I would have walked in the other direction as soon as I saw that raven haired monster, his real self concealed by a gentleman act. 
It would be a lie if I said I didn’t enjoy the beginning of our relationship. Chrollo showered me with affection and anything that I have ever desired. He made me feel safe, and protected. He brought security into my life when I had none. And he tore it all away from me all the same. 
There wasn’t much to do in here and I had gotten bored of reading and watching the TV after a few hours. 
I would kill to have my phone back in my possession, even only for a moment. I had managed to make a very few select friends during my time away from Chrollo. With my sudden and unexplained absence - they were probably worried about me, because I told them nothing about my past. It was better to say nothing than to try and explain the situation. It would only put them at risk. It would be nice to at least tell them that I was okay and not to worry. 
I sighed, checking the time on the analogue alarm clock next to me. 
It was only a matter of time before Chrollo came back and I hadn’t even moved a muscle, nor did I really want to. My body was weighed down heavily with mental fatigue. My bones felt like they were filled with lead, making me want to stay curled up in bed all day. I knew that I was starting to feel depressed, but I didn’t want to admit it. My thoughts needed to be clear if I ever wanted to escape. 
Just as my thoughts had predicted, I heard the front door opening and closing soon after.   
I shifted over in the direction of the sound, pulling the blankets down slightly as I watched Chrollo step inside. He was still wearing his suit and bandana, but he was carrying some bags alongside him. His eyes met mine for a moment before shifting towards the table in the corner. 
I moved my gaze away from him, flipping over and facing the wall instead. 
“You haven’t touched any of the food I’ve ordered for you.” He hummed in thought. “Why is that?” 
“No appetite.” I grumbled back, not really wanting to talk to him. I curled up further into the soft blankets, caccooning myself from his stare. 
“You need to eat, darling. Would you prefer I order you something else? I know that-” I cut him off before he could finish what he was saying. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard and I couldn’t handle it anymore. 
“I’m not fucking hungry. That’s usually what happens when you’re trapped in a fucking room with no human interaction for days.” I gritted, pushing myself up from my laying down position. 
Chrollo watched me from the end of the bed, his expression stoic and unnerving. His hands were still holding on the white bags that had tissue paper sticking out of it. His eyes were scanning over me, calculating his next moves carefully. 
“I see.” He said. “You’ll be happy to know that I have made plans for us tonight, so you won’t be trapped in this fucking room for much longer.” Chrollo shifted slightly, moving towards me as he placed the bag onto the edge of the bed. 
I glanced down at it. I could tell just by looking at the bag that whatever was inside of it was expensive and well beyond anything that I could ever dream to afford. This isn’t a surprise to me, as Chrollo often bought things that were way out of what I would ever think of purchasing for myself. I stopped asking why by the third time he spoiled me with a purse or piece of clothing that costed three times my rent. 
I wouldn’t lie, it did feel nice at first. 
“What plans?” I asked, genuinely curious at his proposition. 
“I booked us a reservation at the restaurant downstairs. You’ll feel much better after you eat.” His lips pulled into a small smile that never reached his eyes. 
Ignoring his last sentence, which clearly wasn’t true in the slightest, I adjusted myself against the headboard. “What if I don’t want to go?” 
Chrollo’s head tilted ever so slightly, like he was challenging my words silently. “You were just complaining about being stuck in this room, and now that you have the opportunity to go out, you don’t want to?” 
I clenched my teeth at him. “That wasn’t what I meant and you know that.” 
Chrollo pushed the bag towards me slowly. “No matter. We’re going. Tonight is a special night.” 
I gave him a quizzical look, my brows pulling together as I watched him go towards the sofa. He pulled up his dress pants slightly before he sat down, adjusting himself accordingly. 
Before I could ask what he meant by that, he was speaking up again. “Your clothes are in the bag. We don’t have much time.” He didn’t even glance up from his book that was now opened, instead he focused on the contents that looked to be in some different language. 
I found myself grabbing the bag and storming off towards the bathroom, grumbling to myself and slamming the door shut. I made sure that the door was locked before showering and doing everything that I needed to do. I put on a little bit of makeup and fixed my hair, which took me longer than I would’ve liked since I hadn’t done it in awhile. I couldn’t remember the last time that I had gotten all dressed up. 
My hands reached out for the bag, pulling out the tissue paper and dropping it onto the counter. I pulled out the dress, my eyes taking in every detail as I scoffed. It was beautiful. Of course it was fucking beautiful. I slipped on the smooth satin dress, looping my arms through the thin spaghetti straps. 
The fabric was incredibly soft, hugging the sides of my torso before flaring out slightly by my hips. There was a slit traveling half way up my left thigh, showing off my legs. If I moved too quickly I surely would flash somebody. The material left very little to the imagination as it hugged my figure tightly.  
“Bastard.” I hissed.
I pushed open the bathroom door, walking back over to where Chrollo sat. He must’ve heard my soft footsteps on the carpet because he finally looked up from his book. His eyes met mine for a moment before he slowly scanned over my body. I heard the soft snap of his book closing before he pushed himself off the couch. 
Something other than lack of interest crossed his features for once, his eyes narrowing on my body as he took a step forward. 
“I knew this would look great on you.” He reached out for my hand, bringing it up to his lips before placing a soft kiss on my pale skin. “You look stunning.” 
I pulled my hand away, not too fast, but quick enough to let him know that I didn’t want him touching me. 
“Thank you.” I looked away from his unrelenting stare, instead focusing on the ground. 
“We’re leaving now, I don’t want to be late.” Chrollo stepped closer to me again, his arm wrapping around my waist as he guided me towards the front door. 
I followed him closely, the rough material of his suit brushing up against my arms. His arm was tucked into the crook of my waist, pulling me along slowly. I carefully balanced on my feet, scared that I would fall on these ridiculously tall heels. Whether Chrollo picked these out because he thought they were nice, or because I wouldn’t be able to run in them - I had no idea. 
“I want you to behave tonight. No running. No screaming. No asking for help.” Chrollo broke the silence that floated in the air as we descended in the elevator. 
I rested my ass against the railing, giving my feet a small break from standing straight. I fiddled with my nails, choosing to ignore his words. Did he really think that I’d try running away from him while surrounded by hundreds of innocents? Obviously not. He was smarter than that. He wanted me to know that I couldn’t do anything. That I would have to be on my best behavior tonight for the safety of others.
“You’ve been good lately, let’s keep it that way.” His tone was firm and warning, his body turning slightly towards me. 
I held back a snarky remark at his words, reminding myself that this was not the time. 
“You don’t have to remind me.” I said, pushing myself off the rail as the doors opened. 
“Good girl.” He cooed, his arm finding my waist once again. 
We slowly made our way through the lobby, which was almost empty at this time. There were a few people hovering around the front desk, more than likely checking into their rooms. Another group of people occupied the couches near the front doors. I noticed a woman resting against the back of the couch, holding onto her child, rocking back and forth while cooing softly in his ear. She smiled as she swayed, kissing the top of his head. She must’ve felt me staring as we passed because she looked up for a moment. Her soft eyes found mine and she smiled, which I returned before glancing back forward. 
I moved my eyes up to glance at Chrollo’s expression, which hadn’t changed. His eyes were directed forward while his lips smiled slightly. I didn’t want him thinking that I was trying to signal for help, which I clearly wasn’t. 
We approached the entrance for the restaurant, it was located in the far left side of the lobby, near the sliding front doors. The lighting was dim, which was a complete difference between the brightness of the lobby. It took my eyes a few moments to adjust as we stepped inside, blinking my eyes rapidly to see better in the sudden darkness. 
I felt Chrollo’s hand drop from my waist as he approached the podium, leaning over and whispering something at the host. The man nodded and grabbed two menus, waiting for us to follow suit. 
My legs moved before my brain had time to process, planting myself back at Chrollo’s side as we made our way to our table. The restaurant wasn’t overly busy, but most of the patrons never glanced up from their tables as we crossed paths. I teetered on my heels slightly as Chrollo pulled out the small chair for me, his lips cracked with a genuine smile. 
The host passed us both menus before letting us know that our waiter would be with us soon. 
I perched myself awkwardly on the chair, not wanting to accidentally ride my dress up further than it already had. The ambience of the restaurant was perfect and I felt very out of place by being here. Luckily it was pretty dim in here, and nobody would be able to tell just how uncomfortable I looked from where we sat.  
Shifting my butt against the chair, I looked up at Chrollo, who was staring at me. He looked like he was admiring me, in his own sick way, but I couldn’t be sure. 
“It’s a shame that you haven’t been out in such a long time, darling. Someone as beautiful as you doesn’t deserve to be living the way you were.” Chrollo mused, opening his menu and flipping through the pages casually. 
My mouth parted slightly at his condescending words, feeling them sting at my heart slightly. He’s kidding, right? He is the reason I had to jump from place to place, living at the bare minimum for months on end. My face attempted to mask the irritability that etched across it. 
“It’s funny that you would say that, Chrollo.” I started, pushing myself closer to the table. “If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve been just fine.” I opened up my menu, distracting myself with the options of overpriced dishes. 
I heard Chrollo sigh slightly,  his eyes moved away from his menu and back up to mine as soon as the last sentence left my lips. I could tell that he was irritated just by the slightest shift in his eyes, but he easily masked the annoyance with another grin. 
“On the contrary darling, I’ve provided you with everything that you could ever want.” Chrollo grinned more, his annoyance hidden within his dark eyes. I could feel a small linger of hurt in his aura, but it was miniscule. Almost as if he was pricked by a small pin, causing nothing more than a pinch. 
He went to continue, only to be stopped by our waiter approaching our table. He smiled warmly at the two of us before speaking up, “Can I get you guys started with anything to drink?” 
Chrollo ordered a bottle of some fancy red that I wasn’t particularly interested in drinking, but it would help me get through his company. He also decided that he would order for both of us, more than enough appetizers and entrees for two people. His menu snapped closed and I felt mine disappear from my grip. Snapping out of my daze, Chrollo was smiling softly at me as the waiter disappeared towards the back with a thanks. 
“What if I didn’t want the steak?” I asked, deadpanned. 
Chrollo placed the small napkin across his lap and smiled. “You love steak.” 
“Maybe I don’t anymore.” I replied, childishly. 
“Don’t be so stubborn and ruin a special evening, darling.” There was a hint of annoyance in his voice. 
My eyes locked onto his and furrowed my brows. “You said that earlier. Why is tonight special?” 
Chrollo hummed, not giving me an answer. This annoyed me. There could be any explanation on why tonight was so special , and not knowing made me anxious. I remember him briefly mentioning that Feitan was in the city and helping him, but he said nothing more. I tried my best to avoid knowing about his business with the Troupe, mostly because I didn’t want to be involved in the sick things that they did. 
I pulled myself closer to the table and leaned down closer to him. “Chrollo.”
“Feitan and I finished our work here, so tomorrow we can go back home. I know you’ve been feeling isolated lately.” He smiled up at me, but I could tell that he wasn’t giving me the full truth. 
There was that hint of glimmer in his eyes that I had recognized months ago, that look of pleasure that only crossed his face in very few circumstances, and most of them were from unspeakable things. This was the second time that I had noticed it since our reunion. The first was in my apartment, when he caged me in. He knew that I had nowhere to go, and then there it was, that sick twisted expression morphing in place to mock me. My body clammed up at the thought and my mind started to reel. 
“That’s it?” I asked, tilting my head to the side as I tried to extract the missing information. “You know that I don’t want to go back there with you, I have my own home now.” Repeating myself for the hundredth time. 
“Oh yes, there's something else I forgot to mention.” Chrollo hummed. I watched as he turned slightly, pulling out a small box from the inside of his jacket pocket. “I picked this up earlier for you.” He carefully placed the box onto the table top in front of me. 
I glanced down at it, unsure of what to make of it. Cautiously, I reached for it, holding onto the small box between my shaky fingers. I stared at it for a few moments, debating on if I really did want to know what was inside. 
“Go on.” Chrollo edged, that same shit eating grin on his face. 
My lungs expanded as I breathed in deeply, pulling at the ribbon on the top of the box. The wrapping paper fell apart in my hands and I pulled open the box, closing my eyes for a moment. Light flooded back into my vision as my eyes dropped to the contents of the box. 
A phone? 
I looked back up to Chrollo in confusion. “It’s a phone? Why?” It was the same phone I had previously, but looked slightly different. I knew this was too good to be true and didn’t make much sense. 
“It’s the same one you had before, but this one is newer.” Chrollo explained softly, his voice lined with a small bit of amusement. 
I clicked open the phone, scanning through it quickly. Everything looked normal. Maybe he was being generous? My gut instincts told me otherwise, he would never be kind without some hidden motives behind his actions. I scrolled through, clicking on every app that was there in search of some hidden deception. 
“I managed to back up a few of your photos from your previous phone.” Chrollo and I made eye contact for a brief moment, noticing that he was smiling genuinely this time, I found my fingers navigating towards the camera roll. “I know how attached you are to your personal memories.” 
My jack slacked open as the app loaded up, revealing immediately new pictures that I did not recognize. My vision swam as my eyes tried to focus on the series of photos that appeared on that tiny screen that I held in my trembling fingers. The curiosity I felt moments ago replaced itself with utter disgust and fear as soon as I saw the pictures of the mutilated bodies. 
The phone slipped from my grip and my hand covered my mouth before a sound could escape. 
My… Friends. He…Killed them all. I shook my head, hand still over my lips as I leaned back against the chair. Tears stung at my eyes, my head swam with fear, making it hard to see straight. 
“What’s wrong, darling? You don’t like your present?” Chrollo cooed. “Maybe next time you should be more grateful for everything I’ve done for you, hm?” He taunted, making me squeak and shake my head faster. 
This is all my fault. He killed them because of me. Every single precaution that I took for them was in vain. I kept them sheltered, hidden from the truth, but it proved to be fruitless. Chrollo inevitably found them and killed them, because he could. This was his payback for me running away. My short lived escape dug me into an even deeper hole than I could have ever imagined. 
I choked back a sob, glancing around the restaurant. No one knew what was happening here, they were all too busy enjoying their food or deep into their conversations - while I sat, crying, shaking, furious. This is why Feitan was in town. His torture methods. He helped Chrollo. I gritted my teeth together so hard that I thought they’d shatter. 
“You- you- you fucking monster.” I hissed, my red eyes meeting his gaze. 
My fists clenched beneath the table, chest rising and falling in anger. “You fucking-” 
“My apologies for the wait.” The waiter interrupted me before I could spew out a slurry of curses at Chrollo. 
He set down the wine glasses, filling them up with the red liquid. I gagged slightly and tore my eyes away from the crimson liquid that looked a little bit too much like blood right now. My face flushed and I looked anywhere but at Chrollo, fearing that I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back. 
“Your food should be out soon, is there anything else I can get you both?” I refused to look up at the nice man, knowing that my expression would certainly have him concerned for my well being.   
“No, that should be good for now, thank you.” Chrollo nodded, smiling cheerfully. 
I remained glued to my seat, fighting the urge to run away, knowing that it would probably do no good. But I couldn’t fight off the strong desires my brain sent to my nerves to flee and never return. 
“Aren’t you going to have any wine? It might calm your nerves.” He spoke, his voice hidden with a small sense of faux concern. 
Tears flowed down my face as I looked back up at him. “You are a disgusting human, if you even qualify as human.” I seethed, teeth gritted together. “You’re sick in the head if you think I’ll ever be with yo-” 
“Enough.” Chrollo snapped, hushing my next words as he brought the glass of wine up to his lips. “You don’t want to make a scene, it would be a shame to have to kill an entire restaurant, but I’m not against it.” He warned, placing the glass down. 
My mouth hung open. “I’m also not opposed to killing a mother and an infant.” He continued, referring to the couple that I had smiled at in the lobby. 
A soft gasp left my lips and more tears of hate blurred my vision. I felt my entire body begin to tremble again, whether it was from the hate boiling up in my stomach or fear, I had no idea. 
“Now, be a good girl for me and let’s not spoil the rest of this evening.” My eyes once again met his. His hair loosely framed his dark eyes which seemed to read into my mind. 
There was no escaping him.
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I'll do it... I'll look.
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