#Chun Ho Chan
stylekorea · 2 years
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Chun Ho Chan for Dazed & Confused Korea January 2023. Photographed by Choi Jiwoong
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Author Appreciation/Study:
-Chan Ho-Kei
*This post is in regard to his only two books published in English ( The Borrowed and Second Sister). I will talk about them separately then his writing as whole*
The Borrowed:
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The Borrowed is a crime fiction novel set in Hong Kong. It consists of six cases (six short stories) in reverse chronological order following one detective. As an avid mystery fan I honestly didn’t expect much; The more I read more mystery novels the more likely they are to become less entertaining because formats and tropes are easier to see. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill police procedural to be honest but as I tasted the first story, that was more armchair detective-esque, I thought “Oh? You’re serious.”.
The plot/mystery in all six stories was rather well written besides maybe the last one. The last story still had a good but predictable reveal unfortunately everything leading up that felt a little boring. The characters were just okay but I do want to talk about our lead detective Kwan Chun-Dok. I rarely see a “genius detective” done well. They usually feel so disjointed by either jumping to conclusions in a foolhardy manner based on intuition or not seeing through things the reader can easily deduce. Kwan Chun-Dok is one of the best genius detectives I have seen in awhile. He is always one step ahead, pulling the strings, or completely aware and it is believable. 
The weaker parts were the setting and the overall message but the ladder was partially my fault. So let’s start with the former. Setting, this novel goes in reverse chronological order form 2013 to1967 and unfortunately if I wasn”t told this I hardly would have realized. Some of the events, like the Leftist Riots, were an important part of the story but some events, like the SARS epidemic, was mentioned only in passing and almost felt forced. Now for the overall message, I was expecting a more riveting tale of corruption and social power shifts especially because the reviews all over the cover ( I know, rookie mistake ) but I think the portrayal of a city’s shift through time was just average. 
Second Sister:
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Second Sister is a crime fiction novel set in Hong Kong. Nga-Yee who grew up in poverty finally loses everything when her younger sister commits suicide. Nga-Yee suspects her younger sister was coerced into taking her life so she enlists the help of an enigmatic detective/hacker to find the person responsible for her sister's death. The synopsis on the back of the book is a little misleading, it makes the book seem like it will cover a lot more ground than it actually does. 
The plot/mystery in this story was a little more flimsy but it is one against six. This was far less of a whodunnit type mystery and focused much more on getting to the heart of the matter and I think Chan Ho-Kei was able to do exactly that. I wasn’t sure of his character writing but now I am. I think just about every character in this book was well written, the main characters at least. Everyone’s heart and motives were exposed and he handled the topic of suicide with care and sympathy. 
The main weaker points in this were once again setting but also over explaining. There were plenty of tricks and traps used by the hacker coupled with Nga-Yee not being tech savvy which led to things being explained multiple times over which was tedious.
Although he doesn’t always paint a pretty picture or suck you into the setting, Chan Ho-Kei’s mystery writing and ability to misdirect is quite admirable. He seems to know the complexities of crime and the human heart. Knowing he was inspired by honkaku/shin-honkaku and shakai mysteries from Japan, I think he does a good job at blending the two and will be eagerly awaiting another translation.
His work will pair best with most black or dark teas :)
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wqp88888 · 2 years
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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goalhofer · 28 days
2024 olympics Hong Kong roster
Felix Diu
Yiu Lee
Jordan Man
Happy Yan
Lianne Ting
Lam Yeung
Suet Tse
Vincent Yau
Ceci Wing
Hang Ho
Edgar Ka-Long
Vivian Wai
Daphne Chan
Hung Shek
Lee Wong
Chun Chiu
Ching Ma
Yin Cheng
Sakai Akira
Russell Alysworth
Nicholas Halliday
Ian Ho (Blacksburg, Virginia)
Cindy Cheung
Siobhán Haughey
Lam Tam
Camille Lily-Mei
Stephanie Hoi-Shun
Natalie Kan
Table tennis
Chun-Ting Wong
Kem Doo
Chengzhu Zhou (Houyangzhu, China)
Ching Lee
Fung Lo
Jason Long
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Ip Man’s peaceful life in Foshan changes after Gong Yutian seeks an heir for his family in Southern China. Ip Man then meets Gong Er who challenges him for the sake of regaining her family’s honor. After the Second Sino-Japanese War, Ip Man moves to Hong Kong and struggles to provide for his family. In the mean time, Gong Er chooses the path of vengeance after her father was killed by Ma San. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Ip Man: Tony Leung Chiu-wai Gong Er: Zhang Ziyi Razor: Chang Chen Ding Lianshan: Zhao Benshan San Jiang Shui: Xiao Shenyang Zhang Yongcheng: Song Hye-kyo Master Gong Yutian: Wang Qingxiang Ma San: Jin Zhang Jiang: Shang Tielong Gong Er Di Zi: Song Tao Uncle Deng: Lo Hoi-pang Iron Shoes: Cung Le Gong Clan Elder: King Shih-Chieh Chan Wah-shun: Yuen Woo-ping Master Yong: Lau Ga-Yung Master Rui: Shun Lau Primo: Julian Cheung Sister San: Zhou Xiaofei Brother Sau: Berg Ng Dark Spirit: Lo Meng Gong Er Stand-in: Fang Chengcheng Women of the Gold Pavilion: Jeana Ho Young Gong Er: Wu Yixuan Gong Clan Elder: George Wang Mr. Hung: Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong Master Ba: Wang Man-Cheng Cho Man: Cho Man-Keung Brother Ping: Siu Ping-lam Foshan Martial Artist: Tony Ling Chi-Wah Peking Opera Singer: Li Jing Brother Shui: Water Hung Funeral Procession Leader: Tong Han Ma San’s Disciple: Ni Haifeng Gold Pavilion Client: Yuen Cheung-Yan Razor’s Disciple: Yin Chunxiong Zhang Yongcheng (voice): Charlie Yeung …: Benz Kong To-Hoi Film Crew: Screenplay: Wong Kar-wai Director of Photography: Philippe Le Sourd Original Music Composer: Shigeru Umebayashi Producer: Jacky Pang Music: Nathaniel Méchaly Compositors: Erik Classen Screenplay: Xu Haofeng Executive Producer: Dai Song Executive Producer: Chan Ye-cheng Martial Arts Choreographer: Yuen Woo-ping Executive Producer: Megan Ellison Co-Producer: Cheung Hong-Tat Co-Producer: Ng See-Yuen Story Consultant: Ip Chun Co-Producer: Ren Yue Music Consultant: Steve Macklam Co-Producer: Michael J. Werner Screenplay: Zou Jingzhi Makeup Artist: Kwan Lee-na Associate Producer: Johnnie Kong Art Direction: William Chang Suk-Ping Art Direction: Alfred Yau Wai-Ming Costume Design: Shandy Lui Fung-Shan Movie Reviews: CinemaSerf: I’m a fan of Wong Kar-Wai’s films but I reckon that I still prefer Wilson Yip’s 2008 version of the Ip Man story. Set amidst the turbulent times in China that saw the end of the rule of Manchu dynasty, the embryonic republic established and then the Japanese invasion, we meet a man (Tony Leung) who lives peacefully in the small town of Foshan until he meets Wing Chun grand master Gong Yutian (Qingxiang Wang) who is looking for a successor. That is the beginning of a journey that will see him become a grand master of the martial art himself, whilst meeting, marrying and surviving! It’s a superb looking film but for me just a little too over-stylised. The combat scenes are creatively choreographed but the use of the slowed-down visual effects didn’t always work. Leung and the director are clearly on the same wavelength, and the story itself is a fascinating look at the rise of one culture through the wreckage of an ancient one. It’s also clear that women too had their place in this society – and it wasn’t always where stereotype might assume. A strong contribution from the adept and nimble Ziyi Zhang (Gong Er) demonstrates that well as battle lines between the old and new, the powerful and the aspirational are drawn and a good old dose of ancient tribal warfare sets up a proud story of heritage, loyalty and skill. Though a little soporifically scored at times, this is an enjoyable mix of history with touch of romance and plenty of action, and is well worth a couple of hours.
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444namesplus · 2 months
aba abe abh abi abo abu acha ache achi acho achu ada ade adh adi ado adu afa afe afh afi afo afu aga age agh agi ago agu aha ahe ahi aho ahu aja aje aji ajo aju aka ake akh aki ako aku al ala ale alh ali alo alu am ama ame ami amo amu an ana ane ani ano anu apa ape aph api apo apu ar ara are arh ari aro aru asa ase ash asi aso asu ata ate ath ati ato atu ava ave avi avo avu az aza aze azh azi azo azu ba bal bam ban bar baz be bel bem ben ber bez bha bhe bhi bho bhu bi bil bim bin bir biz bo bol bom bon bor boz bu bul bum bun bur buz cha chal cham chan char chaz che chel chem chen cher chez chi chil chim chin chir chiz cho chol chom chon chor choz chu chul chum chun chur chuz da dal dam dan dar daz de del dem den der dez dha dhe dhi dho dhu di dil dim din dir diz do dol dom don dor doz du dul dum dun dur duz eba ebe ebh ebi ebo ebu echa eche echi echo echu eda ede edh edi edo edu efa efe efh efi efo efu ega ege egh egi ego egu eha ehe ehi eho ehu eja eje eji ejo eju eka eke ekh eki eko eku el ela ele elh eli elo elu em ema eme emi emo emu en ena ene eni eno enu epa epe eph epi epo epu er era ere erh eri ero eru esa ese esh esi eso esu eta ete eth eti eto etu eva eve evi evo evu ez eza eze ezh ezi ezo ezu fa fal fam fan far faz fe fel fem fen fer fez fha fhe fhi fho fhu fi fil fim fin fir fiz fo fol fom fon for foz fu ful fum fun fur fuz ga gal gam gan gar gaz ge gel gem gen ger gez gha ghe ghi gho ghu gi gil gim gin gir giz go gol gom gon gor goz gu gul gum gun gur guz ha hal ham han har haz he hel hem hen her hez hi hil him hin hir hiz ho hol hom hon hor hoz hu hul hum hun hur huz
iba ibe ibh ibi ibo ibu icha iche ichi icho ichu ida ide idh idi ido idu ifa ife ifh ifi ifo ifu iga ige igh igi igo igu iha ihe ihi iho ihu ija ije iji ijo iju ika ike ikh iki iko iku il ila ile ilh ili ilo ilu im ima ime imi imo imu in ina ine ini ino inu ipa ipe iph ipi ipo ipu ir ira ire irh iri iro iru isa ise ish isi iso isu ita ite ith iti ito itu iva ive ivi ivo ivu iz iza ize izh izi izo izu ja jal jam jan jar jaz je jel jem jen jer jez ji jil jim jin jir jiz jo jol jom jon jor joz ju jul jum jun jur juz ka kal kam kan kar kaz ke kel kem ken ker kez kha khe khi kho khu ki kil kim kin kir kiz ko kol kom kon kor koz ku kul kum kun kur kuz la lal lam lan lar laz le lel lem len ler lez lha lhe lhi lho lhu li lil lim lin lir liz lo lol lom lon lor loz lu lul lum lun lur luz ma mal mam man mar maz me mel mem men mer mez mi mil mim min mir miz mo mol mom mon mor moz mu mul mum mun mur muz na nal nam nan nar naz ne nel nem nen ner nez ni nil nim nin nir niz no nol nom non nor noz nu nul num nun nur nuz oba obe obh obi obo obu ocha oche ochi ocho ochu oda ode odh odi odo odu ofa ofe ofh ofi ofo ofu oga oge ogh ogi ogo ogu oha ohe ohi oho ohu oja oje oji ojo oju oka oke okh oki oko oku ol ola ole olh oli olo olu om oma ome omi omo omu on ona one oni ono onu opa ope oph opi opo opu or ora ore orh ori oro oru osa ose osh osi oso osu ota ote oth oti oto otu ova ove ovi ovo ovu oz oza oze ozh ozi ozo ozu pa pal pam pan par paz pe pel pem pen per pez pha phe phi pho phu pi pil pim pin pir piz po pol pom pon por poz pu pul pum pun pur puz ra ral ram ran rar raz re rel rem ren rer rez rha rhe rhi rho rhu ri ril rim rin rir riz ro rol rom ron ror roz ru rul rum run rur ruz sa sal sam san sar saz se sel sem sen ser sez sha she shi sho shu si sil sim sin sir siz so sol som son sor soz su sul sum sun sur suz ta tal tam tan tar taz te tel tem ten ter tez tha the thi tho thu ti til tim tin tir tiz to tol tom ton tor toz tu tul tum tun tur tuz uba ube ubh ubi ubo ubu ucha uche uchi ucho uchu uda ude udh udi udo udu ufa ufe ufh ufi ufo ufu uga uge ugh ugi ugo ugu uha uhe uhi uho uhu uja uje uji ujo uju uka uke ukh uki uko uku ul ula ule ulh uli ulo ulu um uma ume umi umo umu un una une uni uno unu upa upe uph upi upo upu ur ura ure urh uri uro uru usa use ush usi uso usu uta ute uth uti uto utu uva uve uvi uvo uvu uz uza uze uzh uzi uzo uzu va val vam van var vaz ve vel vem ven ver vez vi vil vim vin vir viz vo vol vom von vor voz vu vul vum vun vur vuz za zal zam zan zar zaz ze zel zem zen zer zez zha zhe zhi zho zhu zi zil zim zin zir ziz zo zol zom zon zor zoz zu zul zum zun zur zuz
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months
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🎬 “HAPPY TOGETHER” [Chun gwong cha sit]
🔎 Género: Romance / Drama / Homosexualidad / Amistad / Película de Culto
⏰ Duración: 98 minutos
✍️ Guión: Wong Kar-Wai
🎼 Música: Danny Chung
📷 Fotografía: Christopher Doyle
🗯 Argumento: Lai Yiu-Kai y Ho Po-Wing viven una apasionada relación. Viajan desde Hong Kong a Argentina, pero la llegada al nuevo país parece transformar las cosas y Ho, de repente, abandona a Lai. Éste comienza a trabajar como portero de un bar, con el único afán de reunir el dinero suficiente para volver a su país. Un día Ho reaparece, pero las cosas ya no son iguales.
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👥 Reparto: Tony Leung (Lai Yiu-fai), Leslie Cheung (Ho Po-Wing), Chang Chen (Chang),
Chan Ye-cheng (The Exhibitor), Shirley Kwan (Fai's Girlfriend), Gregory Dayton (Lover), Ho Chi-Moon y Shu-Kei Law.
📢 Dirección: Wong Kar-Wai
© Productoras: Block 2 Pictures, Jet Tone Production, Prénom H Co, Seowoo & Film Company
🌎 País: Hong Kong
📅 Año: 1997
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 21 de Mayo
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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styledbyanton · 4 months
Styled by @kelliecocotte @antonnmak
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sounds-right · 7 months
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Candide (Candido) in scena al  XV Premio Internazionale Il Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro @ Spazio Teatro No'hma - Milano il 28 & 29 febbraio 2024
Prosegue con grande successo di pubblico la XV Edizione del Premio Internazionale intitolato al Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro. Tutto questo allo Spazio Teatro No'hma di Milano 
Dopo il tutto esaurito per i cinque spettacoli che hanno visto in scena artisti provenienti da Argentina, Danimarca, Venezuela, Slovenia e Francia, per il sesto appuntamento della stagione 2023/ 2024 arriva allo Spazio Teatro No'hma la compagnia Ima Collab proveniente da Hong Kong, Cina.
Lo spettacolo si intitola Candide ed è una rivisitazione del celebre Candido, il racconto filosofico e allo stesso tempo romanzo di viaggio e formazione scritto dal filosofo, drammaturgo, romanziere e poeta francese Voltaire nel 1759; quel Candido, giovane ingenuo che crede alle parole del suo precettore Pangloss, il quale sostiene che tutto va "nel migliore dei modi possibili nel migliore dei mondi possibili". 
Adattato e creato dalla compagnia Ima Collab con il pluripremiato regista Chan Chu-hei – che allo Spazio Tearo No'hma ha gia diretto l'applaudito Lu-Ting. Il tritone nel 2021 -  Candide è caratterizzato da personaggi stravaganti, narrazioni poetiche, danze, canti e musica dal vivo.
Lo spettacolo si ispira anche a una antica poesia cinese intitolata "Ritorno ai campi", scritta da Tao Yuanming (346-427 d.c.) considerato l'iniziatore della lirica di paesaggio. 
Candide è stato presentato in anteprima al Festival Fringe di Edimburgo 2023 ed è stato premiato con il secondo posto all'Asian Arts Awars per la migliore regia.
La compagnia Ima Collab è stata fondata nel 2022 da Chan Chu-hei. E' in realtà una sorta di piattaforma artistica che letteralmente significa "creazione di immagini". Il suo obiettivo è la formazione di una nuova generazione di artisti attraverso la collaborazione tra i "veterani" e gli aspiranti professionisti del teatro. 
Ima Collab ha debuttato con "Théâtre sans animaux" (Ribes) al French May Arts Festival 2022. 
"Ci ha colpito la rivisitazione originale, divertente e allo stesso tempo poetica di un classico della letteratura e del teatro.  Questo adattamento offre al pubblico una analisi fantasiosa e stimolante della condizione umana proponendo così una insolita opportunità di riflessione sui tempi in cui viviamo" – spiega Livia Pomodoro, Presidente dello Spazio Teatro No'hma Teresa Pomodoro.
Le date di mercoledì 28 e giovedì 29 febbraio saranno trasmesse in streaming sui canali del teatro.
L'ingresso è gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria.
Per informazioni consultare il sito www.nohma.org o scrivere a [email protected].
Spazio Teatro No'hma
Stagione 2023/2024 – In Viaggio
XV Edizione Premio Internazionale Il Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro
Ima Collab
Hong Kong Cina
Un adattamento del Candido di Voltaire 
Regia e adattamento: Chan Chu-hei
Drammaturgia e adattamento: Eugene Chan, Tsang Hoi-yu, Chan Sau-ming
Musiche originali: Julia Mok
Coreografie: Julia Mok, Yuen Fai
Luci: Au Yeung Hon-ki
Con: But Sau-in, Chan Chung-yan Emma, Eugene Chan, Chan Pui-sze Dolphin, Ho Chun-long, Lai Chai-ming, Lam Leung-kit, Tang Ho-wai Sam, Tsang Hoi-yu,
Tsang Tsz-ying Noelle
Compagnia: Ima Collab
*Nella performance è presente la poesia cinese Ritorno ai campi di Tao Yuanming (346-427 d.C.)
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stylekorea · 2 years
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Chun Ho Chan for Dazed & Confused Korea January 2023. Photographed by Choi Jiwoong
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tarditardi · 7 months
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Candide (Candido) in scena al  XV Premio Internazionale Il Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro @ Spazio Teatro No'hma - Milano il 28 & 29 febbraio 2024
Prosegue con grande successo di pubblico la XV Edizione del Premio Internazionale intitolato al Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro. Tutto questo allo Spazio Teatro No'hma di Milano 
Dopo il tutto esaurito per i cinque spettacoli che hanno visto in scena artisti provenienti da Argentina, Danimarca, Venezuela, Slovenia e Francia, per il sesto appuntamento della stagione 2023/ 2024 arriva allo Spazio Teatro No'hma la compagnia Ima Collab proveniente da Hong Kong, Cina.
Lo spettacolo si intitola Candide ed è una rivisitazione del celebre Candido, il racconto filosofico e allo stesso tempo romanzo di viaggio e formazione scritto dal filosofo, drammaturgo, romanziere e poeta francese Voltaire nel 1759; quel Candido, giovane ingenuo che crede alle parole del suo precettore Pangloss, il quale sostiene che tutto va "nel migliore dei modi possibili nel migliore dei mondi possibili". 
Adattato e creato dalla compagnia Ima Collab con il pluripremiato regista Chan Chu-hei – che allo Spazio Tearo No'hma ha gia diretto l'applaudito Lu-Ting. Il tritone nel 2021 -  Candide è caratterizzato da personaggi stravaganti, narrazioni poetiche, danze, canti e musica dal vivo.
Lo spettacolo si ispira anche a una antica poesia cinese intitolata "Ritorno ai campi", scritta da Tao Yuanming (346-427 d.c.) considerato l'iniziatore della lirica di paesaggio. 
Candide è stato presentato in anteprima al Festival Fringe di Edimburgo 2023 ed è stato premiato con il secondo posto all'Asian Arts Awars per la migliore regia.
La compagnia Ima Collab è stata fondata nel 2022 da Chan Chu-hei. E' in realtà una sorta di piattaforma artistica che letteralmente significa "creazione di immagini". Il suo obiettivo è la formazione di una nuova generazione di artisti attraverso la collaborazione tra i "veterani" e gli aspiranti professionisti del teatro. 
Ima Collab ha debuttato con "Théâtre sans animaux" (Ribes) al French May Arts Festival 2022. 
"Ci ha colpito la rivisitazione originale, divertente e allo stesso tempo poetica di un classico della letteratura e del teatro.  Questo adattamento offre al pubblico una analisi fantasiosa e stimolante della condizione umana proponendo così una insolita opportunità di riflessione sui tempi in cui viviamo" – spiega Livia Pomodoro, Presidente dello Spazio Teatro No'hma Teresa Pomodoro.
Le date di mercoledì 28 e giovedì 29 febbraio saranno trasmesse in streaming sui canali del teatro.
L'ingresso è gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria.
Per informazioni consultare il sito www.nohma.org o scrivere a [email protected].
Spazio Teatro No'hma
Stagione 2023/2024 – In Viaggio
XV Edizione Premio Internazionale Il Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro
Ima Collab
Hong Kong Cina
Un adattamento del Candido di Voltaire 
Regia e adattamento: Chan Chu-hei
Drammaturgia e adattamento: Eugene Chan, Tsang Hoi-yu, Chan Sau-ming
Musiche originali: Julia Mok
Coreografie: Julia Mok, Yuen Fai
Luci: Au Yeung Hon-ki
Con: But Sau-in, Chan Chung-yan Emma, Eugene Chan, Chan Pui-sze Dolphin, Ho Chun-long, Lai Chai-ming, Lam Leung-kit, Tang Ho-wai Sam, Tsang Hoi-yu,
Tsang Tsz-ying Noelle
Compagnia: Ima Collab
*Nella performance è presente la poesia cinese Ritorno ai campi di Tao Yuanming (346-427 d.C.)
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korelist · 8 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,3 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: Link: Eat, Love, Kill
Hangul: 링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게
Director: Hong Jong-Chan
Writer: Kwon Ki-Young
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Yeo Jin-Goo, Mun Ka-Young,  Kim Ji-Young, Ye Soo-Jung, Lee Suk-Hyeong, Lee Bom, Song Duk-Ho, Lee Bom Sori
Diziye klasik bir romantik komedi sanarak başladım. Çok yanılmışım. Hiç düşündüğüm gibi çıkmadı. Tabi ki bu benim dizilere konusunu okumadan başlamamdan da kaynaklanıyor. Yeo Jin-Goo’i ilk Hotel Del Luna dizisinde izlemiştim. Diziyi çok beğensem de oyuncuya bir türlü ısınamamıştım. Ya kendini güzel geliştirmiş ya da ben o dizide kendisine uyum sağlayamamışım. Zira bu dizide çok beğendim.
Eun Gye-Hoon(Yeo Jin-Goo), başarılı bir şeftir. Bir gün hiçbir şey yokken rastgele duygular yaşamaya başlar. Bir anda gülme krizine giriyor, bir anda ağlamaya başlıyordur. Neden sinirlendiğini bilmeden sinirleniyor ya da mutlu oluyordur. Bu şekilde başkasının duygusunu hissetmesi çok küçükken yalnızca ikiz kız kardeşi ile yaşadığı bir şeydir. Tekrar bu duyguları hatırlayan Gye-Hoon işinden istifa edip kız kardeşinin 20 yıl önce kaybolduğu kasabaya geri döner be burada bir restoran açar. Bütün bu duygulara restoranın tam karşısındaki evde oturan No Da-Hyun(Mun Ka-Young) neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada fantastik ögeler barındıran gizem dolu bir dramaya giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz.
Yeo Jin-Goo ve Mun Ka-Young’un beraber oynadıkları ilk dizi bu değilmiş. İkili daha önce başka yapımlarda da ( “Ja Myung Go” ve “The Reputable Family” ) bir araya geldikleri için aralarındaki uyum diziye de yansımış görünüyor. Dizideki “şef” teması çok zayıftı. Dizinin bu yönünü hiç beğenmedim. Başrol karakteri bir şef ve bir restoran açıyor ama dizi boyunca ne restoran kullanıma açılıyor ne de şefimizi doğru düzgün bir yemek yaparken görüyoruz. En başında şef olduğunu anlayalım diye gösterdikleri sahnede ne gördüysek o. Görüp görebileceğiniz budur demişler. Beni de şaşırtan bir çok duyguyu barındırması bakımındansa ilgi çekiciydi. Gizemliydi, romantikti, biraz polisiye biraz fantastikti. Beklentilerinize ters köşe yapmayı seviyor gibiydi. Biraz uzattıkları konu ise başrollerin arasındaki bu fantastik bağın kaynağı oldu. Dizi boyunca merak edilip, bence çok da mantıklı bir şekilde bağlamadılar.
Yan roller ise, bence çok renkli ve keyifliydi. No Da-Hyun’un annesi Hong Bok-Hee(Kim Ji-Young) ve büyük annesi Na Chun-Ok(Ye Soo-Jung) özellikle müthiş tiplerdi. Büyükanne ekstra ekstra reprenkli bir kişilikti. Deli deli bakışları, her an katil olabilecek tavırları ve acaba birini öldürmüş olabilir mi şüphesini sürekli destekliyor.
Toparlayacak olursak, yemek ile alakası olmayan bir şef, konu ile alakası olmayan bir genç kız, aralarında neden olduğu bilinmeyen bir bağ ve her şeyden bağımsız bir ceset bütün diziyi özetliyor. Ben kendi adıma bu gizemi başlarda sevdim. Ama uzadıkça uzamaya başlayınca bir süre sonra aman istemiyorum öğrenmek demeye başladım. Ve sonuçta bu muydu olarak bitti. Onun dışında Yeo Jin-Goo ve Mun Ka-Young ikisi de güzel oyunculuklar ortaya koydular. İkisi içinde bakış açım ve fikrim değişti diyebilirim.
Şiddetle tavsiye etmem ama ilginç bir dizi olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Kim Ki Won - Connect
Janet Suhh - Unknown World
Raven Melus
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sblue6116 · 1 year
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
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sky-blue99 · 1 year
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
A mysterious woman, known as Madame M, kidnaps forty pre-teen girls and transports them to a remote island to train them as the most deadly assassins. CIA operative Jack Chen follows the case for 6 years with no leads, but when a series of assassinations begin to occur, Jack suspects that Madame M is back in business. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Katherine: Anya Charlene Ching: Maggie Q Jack Chen: Daniel Wu Jing: Jewel Lee Faye Ching: Cheng Pei-pei Madam M: Almen Wong Pui-Ha Ryuichi: Andrew Lin Student murdered in Cage: Monica Lo Tattooed Yakuza boss: Benny Lai Chun Mr. Chan: Dennis Chan Kwok-San Drillmaster: Augustin Aguerreberry Little Jing: Chia-Li Mo Young Charlene Ching: Renee Nichole Rommeswinkel Little Katherine: Karine Kwok Fiona Birch: Marit Thoresen Crime Boss (uncredited): Mark Aldred CIA Agent (uncredited): Brian Banowetz CIA Agent (uncredited): Michael Clements Yakuza boss’s bodyguard: Marc Redmond VIP assasinated at Dragon Boat Rac: Johnnie Guy VIP Bodyguard #1: Matthew Sturgess VIP Bodyguard #2: David John Saunders VIP Bodyguard #3: Carl Ng VIP Bodyguard: Ho Chung-Wai VIP Bodyguard: Eddie Che Wai-Yin VIP Bodyguard: Vincent Chi Mo-Chun Fighter (uncredited): Jude Poyer Crime Boss (uncredited): Tullio Antiga Film Crew: Editor: Angie Lam Original Music Composer: Comfort Chan Kwong-Wing Fight Choreographer: Tony Ching Siu-Tung Costume Designer: Lee Pik-Kwan Executive Producer: John Chong Original Music Composer: Ken Chan Ka-Yip Director of Photography: Choi Sung-Fai Writer: Wong Jing Martial Arts Choreographer: Lau Chi-Ho Movie Reviews:
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444namesplus · 1 year
a aa aach aaf aah aak aam aan aap aar aas aash aat aath ach ae aech aef aeh aek aem aen aep aer aes aesh aet aeth af ah аi aich aif aih aik aim ain aip air ais aish ait aith ak am an ao aoch aof aoh aok aom aon aop aor aos aosh aot aoth ap ar as ash at ath au auch auf auh auk aum aun aup aur aus aush aut auth cha chach chaf chah chak cham chan chap char chas chash chat chath che chech chef cheh chek chem chen chep cher ches chesh chet cheth chi chich chif chih chik chim chin chip chir chis chish chit chith cho choch chof choh chok chom chon chop chor chos chosh chot choth chu chuch chuf chuh chuk chum chun chup chur chus chush chut chuth e ea each eaf eah eak eam ean eap ear eas eash eat eath ech ee eech eef eeh eek eem een eep eer ees eesh eet eeth ef eh ei eich eif eih eik eim ein eip eir eis eish eit eith ek em en eo eoch eof eoh eok eom eon eop eor eos eosh eot eoth ep er es esh et eth eu euch euf euh euk eum eun eup eur eus eush eut euth fa fach faf fah fak fam fan fap far fas fash fat fath fe fech fef feh fek fem fen fep fer fes fesh fet feth fi fich fif fih fik fim fin fip fir fis fish fit fith fo foch fof foh fok fom fon fop for fos fosh fot foth fu fuch fuf fuh fuk fum fun fup fur fus fush fut futh ha hach haf hah hak ham han hap har has hash hat hath he hech hef heh hek hem hen hep her hes hesh het heth hi hich hif hih hik him hin hip hir his hish hit hith ho hoch hof hoh hok hom hon hop hor hos hosh hot hoth hu huch huf huh huk hum hun hup hur hus hush hut huth i ia iach iaf iah iak iam ian iap iar ias iash iat iath ich ie iech ief ieh iek iem ien iep ier ies iesh iet ieth if ih ii iich iif iih iik iim iin iip iir iis iish iit iith ik im in io ioch iof ioh iok iom ion iop ior ios iosh iot ioth ip ir is ish it ith iu iuch iuf iuh iuk ium iun iup iur ius iush iut iuth
ka kach kaf kah kak kam kan kap kar kas kash kat kath ke kech kef keh kek kem ken kep ker kes kesh ket keth ki kich kif kih kik kim kin kip kir kis kish kit kith ko koch kof koh kok kom kon kop kor kos kosh kot koth ku kuch kuf kuh kuk kum kun kup kur kus kush kut kuth ma mach maf mah mak mam man map mar mas mash mat math me mech mef meh mek mem men mep mer mes mesh met meth mi mich mif mih mik mim min mip mir mis mish mit mith mo moch mof moh mok mom mon mop mor mos mosh mot moth mu much muf muh muk mum mun mup mur mus mush mut muth na nach naf nah nak nam nan nap nar nas nash nat nath ne nech nef neh nek nem nen nep ner nes nesh net neth ni nich nif nih nik nim nin nip nir nis nish nit nith no noch nof noh nok nom non nop nor nos nosh not noth nu nuch nuf nuh nuk num nun nup nur nus nush nut nuth o oa oach oaf oah oak oam oan oap oar oas oash oat oath och oe oech oef oeh oek oem oen oep oer oes oesh oet oeth of oh oi oich oif oih oik oim oin oip oir ois oish oit oith ok om on oo ooch oof ooh ook oom oon oop oor oos oosh oot ooth op or os osh ot oth ou ouch ouf ouh ouk oum oun oup our ous oush out outh pa pach paf pah pak pam pan pap par pas pash pat path pe pech pef peh pek pem pen pep per pes pesh pet peth pi pich pif pih pik pim pin pip pir pis pish pit pith po poch pof poh pok pom pon pop por pos posh pot poth pu puch puf puh puk pum pun pup pur pus push put puth ra rach raf rah rak ram ran rap rar ras rash rat rath re rech ref reh rek rem ren rep rer res resh ret reth ri rich rif rih rik rim rin rip rir ris rish rit rith ro roch rof roh rok rom ron rop ror ros rosh rot roth ru ruch ruf ruh ruk rum run rup rur rus rush rut ruth sa sach saf sah sak sam san sap sar sas sash sat sath se sech sef seh sek sem sen sep ser ses sesh set seth sha shach shaf shah shak sham shan shap shar shas shash shat shath she shech shef sheh shek shem shen shep sher shes shesh shet sheth shi shich shif shih shik shim shin ship shir shis shish shit shith sho shoch shof shoh shok shom shon shop shor shos shosh shot shoth shu shuch shuf shuh shuk shum shun shup shur shus shush shut shuth si sich sif sih sik sim sin sip sir sis sish sit sith so soch sof soh sok som son sop sor sos sosh sot soth su such suf suh suk sum sun sup sur sus sush sut suth ta tach taf tah tak tam tan tap tar tas tash tat tath te tech tef teh tek tem ten tep ter tes tesh tet teth tha thach thaf thah thak tham than thap thar thas thash that thath the thech thef theh thek them then thep ther thes thesh thet theth thi thich thif thih thik thim thin thip thir this thish thit thith tho thoch thof thoh thok thom thon thop thor thos thosh thot thoth thu thuch thuf thuh thuk thum thun thup thur thus thush thut thuth ti tich tif tih tik tim tin tip tir tis tish tit tith to toch tof toh tok tom ton top tor tos tosh tot toth tu tuch tuf tuh tuk tum tun tup tur tus tush tut tuth u ua uach uaf uah uak uam uan uap uar uas uash uat uath uch ue uech uef ueh uek uem uen uep uer ues uesh uet ueth uf uh ui uich uif uih uik uim uin uip uir uis uish uit uith uk um un uo uoch uof uoh uok uom uon uop uor uos uosh uot uoth up ur us ush ut uth uu uuch uuf uuh uuk uum uun uup uur uus uush uut uuth
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