amandacanwrite · 4 months
WIP Excerpt — Meeting an Incubus
Hello! I thought I would share a bit of my WIP called Foxes and Follies. Its about a young woman who unknowingly steals from a member of the Unseelie Court and is taken there to do the bidding of an intimidating dark fae called the Duskeeper.
This scene is when the protagonist meets one of his lackeys and… well it’s not the best first impression on either side.
CW|| some light sexual themes. Nothing too explicit. Also a bit of forced proximity in which the protagonist is uncomfortable. Again, nothing too bad just proceed with that information in mind.
“W-what...what are you?” I blurted.
He turned his attention to his book, flipping to the next page, his nails filed to deadly points that mirrored his nails and horns. “You’re terrible with introductions.”
I pursed my lips, feeling a flare of irritation. “You’re a man with green hair and horns, I have more immediate concerns.”
“Nothing is more important than good manners, Little Fox,” he said.
The way he said that term of endearment, the unique lilt and rhythm of it, made me think of The Magpie.
Have you forgotten how to introduce yourself? Shall I demonstrate how?
“You first,” I said.
“Excuse me?” he asked, his brow furrowing. My demand had clearly been an affront. Good.
“I’m your guest. It is only polite for the host to start with introductions, is it not?” I said. “After all, I’m under the care of your hospitality.”
“Hospitality that has been more than sufficient,” he retorted as he shifted in his seat, dropping his foot from where it was hooked on his knee and leaning forward to rest his elbow there instead. “Without the help of my whisps, you’d still have a festering wound on your leg and a fever burning through your body.”
So, they were will’o’the’whisps.
“I’m very appreciative of that,” I said. “But I’m not in the habit of just following the instructions of strange men I’ve never met.”
His amused expression faded and he caught the corner of his own lip with one of his pointed teeth. He closed his book with a loud snap and tossed it onto the cushion. He stood to his full, impressive height and strode on long, pinstripe-clad legs over to me.
I expected him to stop at the edge of the bed, but he didn’t. Instead he climbed onto it with me, giving me no recourse but to yelp and scramble backward until I collided with the headboard. His whisps flitted away with hushed tittering as the stranger continued his pursuit.
He bracketed me in against the bed with those long legs. His hands smoothed up the silky bed linens as he poised his body over mine like a comfortable lover; like he had me under his body plenty of times before. Like he was comfortable with it.
I looked pointedly away as his shirt billowed around his suspenders, revealing the statuesque planes of his chest and abdomen beneath. I shut my eyes, feeling my face warm. He didn’t let up, unbothered by my discomfort.
He grasped my chin between his thumb and forefinger, the point of his nail pressing against the swell of my lower lip. He jerked my head back toward him.
“Look at me,” he commanded.
I kept my eyes stubbornly shut for a few moments longer.
He grasped my whole jaw with his large hand. “Now.”
I bit the inside of my lip painfully before blinking my eyes open. When I did, I found him staring down at me. His lashes rested low, yet his gaze was almost oppressive, trapping me within it.
I swallowed tightly as I realized the off-putting nature of that gaze. There glowed an opalescent reflection in his pupils, like the kind you’d see looking into the eyes of an alley cat late at night during a smoke break.
I swallowed once more and forced myself to say, “I’m not telling you.”
“Oh?” he asked, his voice a velvety purr that curled warm up the length of my spine. “I could always make you.”
My heart raced in my chest. My eyes danced around his face. “Y-you could try,” I challenged.
I hated the stammer in my voice. I hated that even I could hear the front I was putting on for him. His lips parted to reveal a beautiful blade of a smile. I couldn’t tell if it was one of amusement or if some darker urge inspired the expression.
“Focus,” he commanded, those glinting eyes seizing mine. “Keep those lovely eyes focused on mine, my sweet little pest. Be a good girl for me.”
I stilled, my body going slack against my own wishes. I struggled to grasp onto my agency, but it slipped through my fingers like fine, satin ribbon. I lost myself in those opal pools, flitting my focus between each of them. I couldn’t decide which of them more beautiful. I lost myself in that thought, trying and failing to determine which of his eyes I should drown in.
“My, my. It turns out you can be a very good girl,” he said, the sound of his satisfaction so pretty as it tickled through my psyche. He released his grasp on my jaw and positioned his hand more gently, cupping the curve of my face.
I leaned into his hand, needing the tenderness; needing him. I felt something pluck at my lips. Like pulling thread through the eye of a needle, the corners of my mouth curved up. I felt ease, I felt contentment. But something about it was wrong.
His nail dragged my lower lip just slightly and I felt my eyelids droop. There was something this man had done to make me angry; to make me frightened… but I couldn’t recall what it was.
“That’s it,” he said. “You’re so much prettier when you obey, aren’t you my sweet Little Fox?”
“Mhmn,” I felt myself say.
“So, why don’t you give me that name of yours like a good girl?” he said.
“My name...” I sighed. “My name?”
“That’s right. It would be so easy,” he said. “All you have to do is tell me what to call you, sweet girl.”
There was a low tightening in my belly; the hum and heat of arousal. My eyes fluttered shut as the sensation flooded me.
Memories flickered like flower petals. These were not the ones I’d fought so hard to remember only a few moments before. These were memories that my body had recorded. The feverish feeling of my breasts being touched for the first time. The feeling of Eian’s callused hands on the sensitive skin of my thigh. The feeling of lips, slick and sweet against the side of my neck. The boy at the docks who had me pressed against the wall before he thought to ask if he could.
My name.
My name.
I opened my eyes, rage consuming me like fire. I didn’t know what he’d done to conjure those visceral, private thoughts, but whatever it was, it was none of his business. I was too close to rear up enough force to headbutt him. But I’d lived a long time on The Strid.
I pulled back my feet from between his legs and used all the strength I could conjure in my legs, placing my feet on his gut and sending him backward.
That said, he didn’t go far.
He tumbled clumsily back, his brows quirking high, those opalescent pupils constricting. He looked almost affronted, like I’d taken a piece of fine china and shattered it while he watched.
“You. First,” I insisted.
It was silent for a long time. The only sound in the room the hushed sound of the sheer curtains hissing in the breeze beside the bed. He seemed to take me in newly, looking at me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It felt uncomfortable to be looked at like that—like he was trying to peel the outer layers off and peer at the clockwork inside of me.
“What are you?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Barley audible. “I’ve never...a human has never--”
I set my jaw again, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes, sitting and crossing his legs, leaning back on his hands, but not moving any further away. He seemed to have accepted his failure at…at whatever he’d been doing to me.
“My name is Leif,” he said finally. “I’m an incubus.”
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tonictransistor · 7 years
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askadrh-blog · 5 years
Lantas aku apa? Cillean Filleta? Makhluk yang tidak memerlukan pasangan untuk bereproduksi selama hidupnya? Makhluk yang ditakdirkan jomblo sepanjang usianya? Hiks!
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kritikycz · 4 years
Drákula: Neznámá legenda - Studio Universal se pustilo do vlastní velkolepé série filmem, který rozhodně nepatří ani k průměru.
Když se objevily zmínky o tom, že se do kin chystá nový „Dracula“, navíc v produkci Universalu, dalo se očekávat, že by to mohlo být alespoň trochu zajímavé, že zde bude snaha navázat na klasické filmy z 30. let. Samozřejmě, že takové myšlenky byly celkem naivní, protože k ničemu takovému nedošlo. Universal spolu s Legendary se rozhodli, že si podle vzoru…- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/drakula-neznama-legenda-studio-universal-se-pustilo-do-vlastni-velkolepe-serie-filmem-ktery-rozhodne-nepatri-ani-k-prumeru/
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ayaelkhumairah-blog · 5 years
Bagaimana Bisa?
Bagaimana bisa dengan penuh percaya diri kau bertanya perihal cinta padaku, sedang yang ada di otakku hanya definisi-definisi muram yang memaksa isi lambungku naik ke tenggorokan.
Cerita kelam yang dibangun di kantor KUA lalu berakhir di meja sidang, Anak-anak berserakan di bawah reruntuhan istananya, penyakit menjijikkan ulah barter pasangan, hubungan sesama jenis kelamin yang mengatasnamakan hak kebebasan, kepercayaan yang dihancurkan perasaan yang tumbuh di ladang lain, hingga kecupan yang meninggalkan uang berserakan di ranjang.
Hanya itu yang ku tahu tentang cinta.
Lalu bagaimana bisa kau memaksaku menelan cerita cinderella, putri salju, dan dongeng-dongeng palsu yang tak ku tahu siapa pengarangnya.
Ah...saat ini aku hanya ingin menjadi Cillean Filleta dan berhenti memikirkan definisi cinta.
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the-beautiful-posts · 7 years
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Ya, cinta tak sesederhana bebatuan. Itu kenapa jangan kamu, sembarang memungut dan membuang saya. Mungkin saya, hanya punya cinta Zooplankton. Kamu tahu Zooplankton? Meski pun Zooplankton itu tergolong hewan, mereka tidak pernah memangsa makhluk hidup lainnya. Mereka satu-satunya hewan di dunia yang tidak membunuh makhluk lain untuk mengisi perut, bahkan rumput laut pun tidak. Zooplankton sempurna makan dari hasil fotosintesis matahari. Kemudian memasrahkan diri dimakan ikan-ikan kecil. Zooplankton selalu setia sampai kapan pun menjadi rantai terbawah dalam piramida makanan. Setidaknya saya bukan Cillean Filleta, makhluk yang tidak memerlukan pasangan untuk bereproduksi selama hidupnya. Hahaha😂😂😂. Saya tetap butuh kamu, ya, kamu. Yang mencintai saya, tanpa ukuran relatif lebih baik atau lebih buruk :) Saya tahu kamu ada di situ. Kamu yang di hatinya selalu ada Tuhan. Kamu yang pasti datang tepat waktu. Jadi berhenti mengatakan cinta dengan begitu mudah. Dan menjadikannya terdengar murah! PS : tulisan ini sepenuhnya terinspirasi dari buku kumcer "Berjuta Rasanya" Tere Liye📖😍 #tereliye #berjutarasanya
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
Tens but...Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @mjparkerwriting
Rules: List your OCs as “tens but” to give us a not-at-all comprehensive scope of their characters
Okay I'm going to give you all of the MC's and beloved i got besties.
Pirate Book:
Cordelia: She's a ten, but the classism is coming from inside the house.
Edric: He's a ten, but he's going to ask you to stitch him up if he gets gutshot.
Finnlay: He's a ten, but he's already in love with the captain.
Tolene: They're a ten, but they know it and probably won't sleep with you.
Of Foxes and Follies:
Rheannon: She's a ten but she's definitely going to steal from you.
Cillean: He's a ten, but he expects you to give him all of your free time.
Eian: He's a ten, but he believes the friend zone exists.
A Dawn Without Ashes:
Atlas: He's a ten, but all of his hours are sad boy hours.
Claret: She's a ten, but she's self-effacing to a fault.
Renard: He's a ten, but he's serving more c*nt than you.
The Hallowed WIlds:
Aurelia: She's a ten, but she's got mommy issues.
Ezra: He's a ten, but has no sense of self-preservation.
With Love, Juniper:
Juniper: She's a ten, but she won't stop hiding in her greenhouse.
Oleander: He's a ten, but he's already obsessed with someone else (it's Juniper)
Dante: He's a ten. He's just a ten.
Theo: He's a ten, but a raging control freak.
And...I think that's it. That's all the books.
Gonna go ahead and tag: @sm-writes-chaos @michael-thepoet @a-had-matter and open tag for anyone who wants to play!
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
ooh tell me if you so please what "FoxesandFollies" is!
Foxes and Follies is my Peaky Blinders meets ACOTAR.
It centers around main characters Cillean Fletcher and Rheannon Todd in a fictional version of Scotland called Dimloch.
Rheannon is a witty, charming thief who is trying to pay off a debt to the half-blind barber, a gangster she borrowed money from in an attempt to save her mother from a strange illness. Unfortunately, her mother wound up passing away, leaving her with the debt and the grief of her failure.
Work doesn't pay well for women in Dimloch, so she starts to play dress up, sneaking into ritzy parties and stealing the necklaces and pocket watches off of the well to do in hopes of selling them and using the money to pay off the debt.
She finally sets her sights on a party hosted by an infamous gangster known as The Magpie, known for his love of shiny things and his penchant for cruelty. Rheannon steals his pocket watch during a clandestine kiss in his ballroom and disappears into the night before he realizes it.
Only after he steals her away to the Unseelie court does she realize the error she's made. huhuhu.
I actually have the first act of this one mostly done if you wanna read it!
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