sweet-fae-dreams · 2 years
thinking about being a cilone/sea angel
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greciaroma · 2 months
Ad Atene, legislatori, come Solone (inizio VI sec. a.C.), responsabili dell'arbitrato dei conflitti, redigono leggi scritte, d'ora in poi applicabili a tutti (nomoi). Un passo fondamentale nello sviluppo dello Stato dell'antichità. Ma l'insufficienza di queste riforme diede vita ad una nuova formula politica, tutta transitoria: ad un tiranno fu affidata ogni autorità sulla polis. Questi regimi dispotici consentono spesso come a Pisistrato che governa da "buon cittadino", di riportare il gruppo sociale al suo equilibrio. Ma non sempre resistono ai problemi di successione, né alle resistenze dell'aristocrazia e soprattutto alla volontà dei cittadini di assumersi finalmente le proprie responsabilità politiche. Per cui saranno necessarie riforme più radicali come la rivoluzione di Clistene nel 510 a.C ...
continua a leggere su https://www.greciaroma.com/atene
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year
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My friend @shyyren recently commented that it'd be nice to have a coat like Makkea's in Animal Crossing, so I decided to try my hand at making it! ...And made a few more along the way, hehe
In order, it's Quokka, Makkea, Belphe, Cilone, aaand Rubele!
I haven't posted them to the design portal yet, but if anyone else would want any of these just let me know and I'll make a post with their info!
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untitledswanna · 1 year
A word of thanks
Greetings, I am Cilon, I have taken over my wife's blog for a bit while she gets some much needed sleep. Our son is doing well, all things considered, and there is hope that he will be back home within the next few weeks.
I thank you truly and deeply for your thoughts, prayers, and adorable Absol pictures you have sent to my son as well as the encouragement you have sent my wife. This has hit her hard and it is nice to know that there are those out there willing to help cheer up a stranger.
Whilst I am holding vigil feel free to ask me questions. My wife has told me that you all seem to quite enjoy that.
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rejectclone · 2 years
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Clione Deviltchi wishes you all a happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🥧🍗
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otiksimr · 7 months
Why are animals just cooler underwater.
Like??? Southern white whale dolphins??
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Look at them. They're amazing. Beautiful.
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Cilones just being the embodiment of grace.
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Who made you and why did they let you be that extra. You're entire body practically being made up of only water? That's amazing, glorious even.
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This guy casually being one of THE deepest diving fish??? This little goofer? This silly little man?? I love it. The silliness. The peer goofery of this little fella
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Look at them, not a single braincell in there. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
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cardiacass · 8 months
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Getting real sick of your tsundere shtick here man like u just started living for yourself maybe learn to party?
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Look at him struggle.
Anw imagine him just learning to let go of the constant need for control. Like the Strawhats kinda bullied him into that already but it would be so funny seeing it reflected when he’s with the hearts. Bonus headcanon being: all of his crew are older than him (minus Bepo), and are basically waiting for the prime opportunity to mother him.
Law asking Penguin Bepo and Sachi to look after the crew during wano celebrations. Law seeing it as a logical step because he’s still recovering from the battle, he can’t keep an eye out for everyone. Them taking it as an absolute sign of trust because it means Law might actually get drunk and let himself go (in the presence of everyone else) for once.
Jean Bart, once a Captain himself, egging Law on to make a celebratory speech. Like yknow, they really made it this far and everyones alive (especially post-dressrosa-suicide-mission Law). Law not knowing how to express verbal gratitude in any degree and becoming wild eyed and flustered, looking back at Jean Bart for…direction? Assistance? He suddenly looks 16 again.
Ikkaku finally finally challenging her younger brother to a drinking match- Law abiding partly because of guilt (they almost lost him forever) and partly because he really needs some alcohol in his system. She lets him win, and gets rewarded with a rare cheeky smile.
Cilone and Hakugan start a game of poker with the other crews. Law coming in to scold them about “being too chummy with the enemies” but getting roped in anyway. He ends up losing and gives away one of his rare commemorative coins. (Its worth a lot if you find the right collectors! He swears!) Cue sulky drunk Law. Cilone drags him away to grab some water which Law stubbornly rejects in a fit of “Imnotdrunk’nstopbabyingme…” Cilone spikes his next drink with water.
Drunk Law being more affectionate + irresponsible with his powers. Queue Law teleporting alcohol away from crew he thinks are “getting in over their heads”. Uni becomes a victim and tries to manhandle the drink back. After an entanglement of limbs and Uni yelling “you have no right to take that from me! We almost lost you again!” a flustered Law hands him back his drink while mumbling “M sorry…I..” and letting Uni hug him.
Penguin finding them and laughing at an exasperated Law. Penguin joining the hug because when else can he be stupidly affectionate with him? Law squacks in protest but doesn’t move away.
Sachi finding them and going “heyyyyy no fair!!” and trying to join. Law becoming overstimulated and teleporting away. He finds Bepo, of course, and starts pouring his heart out. How he feels undeserving of all this, how he doesn’t know how to repay them, how he wishes he can tell them how much he loves them in kind. Bepo lets him ramble while steadying him with a soft but sturdy hug. He lets Law even out his breathing and tells him “I don’t think love can be traded like money captain, we just love you a lot?”
Law hears echos of Sengoku’s words and starts sniffling into the bears fur. Sachi eventually finds them to get his fair share of celebratory cuddling. In the comfort of his closest crew, Law finally cries.
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blondthndrninja · 2 years
“Oh…it’s missing again.” Law said as he felt around his pocket for his wallet, “Nami-ya must have it.”
Both Shachi and Penguin looked at each other and then at their Captain. “Again? You mean that’s not the first time she’s done this?” Penguin asked.
“No, and it’s not likely to be the last.” Their Captain said as he glanced over to see Nami chatting amicably with Usopp and Chopper across the beach holding his wallet in her hand, “Room.”
The wallet appeared back in his hand, and he watched as Nami yelped in surprise and turned towards Law with a glare and pout on her face. Law only smirked back at her, and she turned back around and huffed in annoyance before handing the wrapped caramels in her hand to Chopper.
“How many times has she done this?” Shachi asked as Law opened up his wallet to look through it.
“A few.” Law answered before closing up his wallet and putting it back in his pocket, “But she didn’t take as many bills this time.”
Penguin started at Shachi. Shachi stared at Penguin. Both looked at Law.
“What is it?” Law asked.
“N-Nothing!” both answered before going towards the rest of their crew who had all watched the whole event unfold.
“I think being with the Strawhats made him stupid.” Uni quipped, “Usually he’d cut off a hand by now.”
“Maybe he’s just keeping his best behavior for the sake of the alliance.” Cilone noted.
“Perhaps you’re right Cilone , but you have to admit, seeing the Captain crushing over someone like a little school-boy is adorable.” Ikkaku giggled.
“Crush?!!” Then they all looked towards Law who was still looking at the navigator of the Strawhats as if she was the only person on the beach.
Hakugan crossed his arms, “Wow, I guess the Captain truly is a man after all.”
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carrie-tate · 2 years
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I selectively watch different episodes of black and white(am I saying right? after all, episodes in unova and kalos refer to pokemon black and white ??) right now. And god, I'm going to scatter you with Cilon screenshots.
This guy deserves more attention!!
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maxwaspace · 5 months
I had another noteworthy dream
There was this PAW Patrol base management mobile game where you had to manage a sea vessel while exploring the depths of the ocean. There appeared to be multiple "seasons" with the latest one featuring pokemon mermaids while the previous one featured the Pale King and his experiments. Throughout the game there were a series of vessel enemies that look like sea creatures mixed with skeletons that opened up like a cilone to unleash various attacks (there was also "footage" of a vessel enemy in the air but I am 50% sure that was someone breaking the game), there was even a vessel mimicking species. Dream me tried to find the game's name near the end and it seemed to be "PAW Patrol: Not Wise"
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(//@untitledswanna) been found, help. Hard to breathe. I don't want to go back I can't go back please don't make me go back
Oh, Leinwen, I'm really sorry. I know the exact feeling. It's horrible. Feeling so powerless because you're looking back on what was.
But trust me, you have so many people who care for you and who'd protect you tooth and nail if need be. Cael and Cilon wouldn't let you go anywhere. And you're quite capable yourself. Nobody is taking you back. Not on our watch, okay?
If I may... try and stabilize what breath you can draw. In four, hold four, out four, pause four. It might help at least a little. And it gives another thing to focus on.
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Cilon: Babe, what do you want to do?
Leinwen internal: Strike fear into the hearts of Men!
Leinwen: Fletchflix?
Leinwen internal: NO!
Leinwen: Definitely Fletchflix.
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untitledducklett · 1 year
I do not like this. The nurses will not allow me to be at Cael's side. Do they not understand that he needs me? They allow my sister in but not I. Cilon has told me that it is because I am too large and I could cause damage to the machines.
I..I am scared. I do not want him to go.
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dreamsfr0myesterday · 24 hours
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cinsnaiiil · 2 months
Useless Character Information:
Cinnol's outfit!
Head: Bandages (Got them from being chased by Miss circle Had to dodge a lot of Ms. Circle's attacks and lockers. It was worse when it happened but it healed It was like very critical when they found her she was absent for like i dunno 2 weeks? still she was hospitalized lol)
top: Red Korean cardigan with Collar sticking out (She got it from the dumpster) She ironed on Star elbow pads because the cardigan had holes on the elbow area. Also because Comfort :D
She buttons it up because she has lots of injuries (Old St*b wounds by Miss Circle's box cutter hand. She stabbed her lots of times SHE SOMEHOW SURVIVED?!?!?!)  💪😑
Pants: baggy cargo cream pants (Not folded up.) also has like 2 zipepr pockets on each leg :D she either keeps her lunch money, or random paper or just nothing in general. Oh yeah one time she stuffed it with Googly eyes to pull a prank on Oliver but she forgot. (that happened before she was chased half to death.)
Shoes: Black CYONVERSE!!!!1!1!1 (She has trouble tiying her shoes. she usually trips alot. lol)
Legs: Theres bandages on the ankle and Base of her feet because she ran was running too fast, like (stomping running) to get away she almost shattered her feet. Also on her kneecaps they were wrapped with bandages too since it could've easily dislocated because yknow she had to keep taking sharp turns around the corners risking her legs to Snap. (She's fragile :[)
Story of how she escaped:
She got chased by Miss Circle because yonow Failing grades. She ran around the whole school for like 3 hours her feet were very very painful. she's sure they're about to give up on her and she'll fall down and get pierced by Miss Circle's box cutter arm, thingy...
And thats exactly what happened. Miss Circle threw a locker at her direction (STABBING IT WITH HER HAND OBVIOUSLY) and she ran into the locker, (her legs were too tired to jump :<) landing on her kneecaps, scrapping and possibly spraining them, but also Tripping on the locker and faceplanting to the floor (yeowch) Miss Circle then repeatedly stabbed her torso but luckily she moved alot (she's a squirmy kid) So she avoided her vital organs.
She got the opportunity to kick Miss Cirlce off of her (not too hard because she loves the teaches she doesn't want anything bad to happen to them :[) She took a sharp turn into a vacant classroom running inside and immediately hiding behind the door, away from the window. Ms. Cirlce fell for it. And now She's free. And She swees to get good grades. she doesn't ant to be chased ever again. Ms. Cirlce is proud of her newly found focus (she's finally treating her studies seriously because she used to have like 18 missed works cuz she didn't wanna do it lolol)
(Pretty convincing amirite?)
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