#Class struggle
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"Save the planet, eat a billionaire"
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f-identity · 2 years
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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radicalgraff · 11 months
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"The rich won't save us, no matter how much we cut their taxes"
Sticker seen in Chicago
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pixiedreamclub · 2 years
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Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine, 1997 [x]
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left-reminders · 1 year
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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mxjackparker · 3 months
If you're overwhelmed by the moral difficulties that come from wealth, you can choose to stop being wealthy at any time by giving away your money.
If you don't want to give away your money, doesn't sound like you're really that overwhelmed by the moral struggle... in which case it sounds like you're just complaining so the poor overhear you and feel bad for you and resent you less for the harm you cause.
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They're handing out patents for "inventions" that don't exist
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Today (Oct 16) I'm in Minneapolis, keynoting the 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Thursday (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. And on Friday (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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Patent trolls produce nothing except lawsuits. Unlike real capitalist enterprises, a patent troll does not “practice” the art in its patent portfolio — it seeks out productive enterprises that are making things that real people use, and then uses legal threats to extract rents from them.
One of the most prolific patent trolls of the twenty-first century is Landmark Technology, whose U.S. Patent №7,010,508 nominally covers virtually anything you might do in the course of operating an online business: having a homepage, letting a customer login to your site, or having pages where customers can view and order products.
Landmark shook down more than a thousand productive businesses for $65,000 license-fees it demanded on threat of a patent lawsuit.
But that reign of terror is almost certainly over. When Landmark tried to get $65,000 out of Binders.com, the victim’s owner, NAPCO, went to court to invalidate Landmark’s patent, which never should have issued.
A North Carolina court agreed, and killed Landmark’s patent. Landmark faces further punishments in Washington State, where the attorney general has sued the company for violating state consumer protection laws in a case that has been removed to federal court.
Landmark’s patent contains “means-plus-function” claims. These a rentier’s superweapon, in which a patent can lay a claim over an invention without inventing or describing it. These claims are almost entirely used in software patents, something that has been blessed by the Federal Circuit, America’s most authoritative patent court.
A means-plus-function patent lets an “inventor” patent something they don’t know how to do. If these patents applied to pharma, a company could get a patent on “an arrangement of atoms that cure cancer,” without specifying that arrangement of atoms. Anyone who actually did cure cancer would have to pay rent to the patent-holder.
-A Major Defeat For Technofeudalism: We euthanized some rentiers.
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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blackcat-brazil · 9 months
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Gerd Arntz, Factory Occupation, 1931.
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On April 22, 2024, hundreds of workers in Havana, on behalf of the Cuban working class, paid tribute to the leader of all workers of the world, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, on the occasion of the 154th anniversary of his birth.
The traditional ceremony, which takes place every year on Lenin Hill, in the Havana municipality of Regla, was attended by members of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, General Secretary of the Confederation of Cuban Workers Ulises Gilarte de Nacimiento, First Secretary of the Havana City Committee of the CPC Lebanon Izquierdo Alonso and Governor of Havana Yanet Hernandez Perez.
Via Communist World
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"International Working Women's Day"
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prole-log · 1 year
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radicalgraff · 3 months
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Anti-capitalist graffiti seen in Daylesford, Victoria
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will-pilled · 11 months
"Being poor is a choice, you can get out of it if you work hard."
I live with 4 people, one of which is a child. I work a full time job. So does another. And the third works two part times.
We have no heating. Our electric keeps getting shut off. We didn't have anything AT ALL to drink for 3 days.
You REALLY fucking think we choose to live like this? You think I want to fucking FREEZE right now as I type? FUCK all the out of touch lucky people saying this shit.
Is it possible to get out of a poor family? Yes. But the majority of the time your area of living is what predicts your wealth.
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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