#Cloud trucking software
fleetdrive360 · 6 months
Driver Qualification File Management Software
Drowning in Driver Qualification Files?  Driver Qualitification File Management Software saves you time and frustration.  Organize driver records electronically, track certifications, and automate alerts.  Ensure compliance with DOT regulations and keep your drivers on the road.  Request a free demo and see the difference!
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cyberpunkonline · 2 months
The Internet: From Nuclear-Resistant to Vendor-Dependent Dumbassery
Back in the day, when the Internet was just a glint in DARPA's eye, it was designed with one crucial concept in mind: survival. Picture this—it's the Cold War, the threat of nuclear Armageddon looms large, and the military bigwigs are sweating bullets about communication breakdowns. They needed a network that could withstand a nuke dropping on a major hub and still keep the flow of information alive. Enter the ARPANET, the badass granddaddy of the modern Internet, built to have no single point of failure. If one part got nuked, the rest would carry on like nothing happened. Resilient as hell.
Fast forward to today, and what do we have? A digital house of cards. The once mighty and decentralized Internet has become a fragile mess where a single vendor bug can knock out entire swathes of the web. How did we go from a network that could shrug off nuclear bombs to one that craps its pants over a software glitch? Let's dive into this clusterfuck.
The Glory Days of Decentralization
The original ARPANET was all about redundancy and resilience. The network was designed so that if any one part failed—be it from a technical issue or a catastrophic event—data could still find another route. It was a web of interconnected nodes, a spider's web that kept spinning even if you tore a chunk out. It was pure genius.
This approach made perfect sense. The whole point was to ensure that critical military communications could continue even in the aftermath of a disaster. The Internet Protocol (IP), the backbone of how data travels on the Internet, was conceived to route around damage and keep on trucking. No single point of failure meant no single point of catastrophic breakdown. Brilliant, right?
The Rise of Centralized Stupidity
Then came the tech giants. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft built empires that depended on centralization. Cloud computing took off, and suddenly, everyone and their grandma was storing their data on a handful of massive servers owned by these big players. It was convenient, it was efficient, but it was also the beginning of the end for the Internet’s robust decentralization.
Today, we've got massive data centers dotted around the globe, each housing thousands of servers. These centers are like Fort Knox for data, but unlike Fort Knox, they’re not immune to problems. A single screw-up—a bug in a software update, a misconfiguration, or even a physical hardware failure—can take down huge chunks of the web. Remember that time when AWS went down and half the Internet went dark? Yeah, that was fun. Or more recently, Cloudstrike do something retarded and every single Windows machine running their shitware gets bricked. Fantastic.
The Single Vendor Blues
It gets worse. The consolidation of Internet services means that many critical applications and websites rely on the same vendors for infrastructure. If one of these vendors messes up, it's not just their services that go down—it's everyone who depends on them too. It’s like having a whole city’s power grid depending on one dodgy generator. One hiccup, and the lights go out for everyone.
Consider the infamous BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacks and leaks. BGP is how routers figure out the best path for data to travel across the Internet. It's crucial, and it's also vulnerable. A single misconfiguration or malicious attack can reroute traffic, causing widespread outages and security breaches. And because so much of the Internet is funneled through a few major ISPs (Internet Service Providers), the impact can be catastrophic.
Why This Is So Fucking Stupid
So, why is it that we’ve allowed the Internet to become this fragile? It boils down to a mix of convenience, cost-cutting, and plain old shortsightedness. Centralized services are easier to manage and cheaper to run. But this efficiency comes at the cost of resilience. We’ve traded the robustness of a decentralized network for the convenience of cloud services and single-vendor solutions.
The result? A network that can be crippled by a single point of failure. This isn’t just stupid—it’s dangerous. It leaves us vulnerable to attacks, outages, and other disruptions that could have far-reaching consequences. It’s a stark reminder that in our quest for efficiency, we’ve neglected one of the core principles that the Internet was founded on: resilience.
The Way Forward
What’s the solution? We need to get back to basics. Decentralization should be a priority. More diversity in service providers, more redundancy in infrastructure, and more focus on designing systems that can withstand failures. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be cheap, but if we want an Internet that can survive the challenges of the future, it’s absolutely necessary.
So next time you hear about a massive outage caused by a single vendor’s screw-up, remember: it didn’t have to be this way. We built an Internet that could survive a nuclear war, and then we broke it because it was cheaper and easier. It’s time to fix that before the next big failure hits.
There you have it, folks. From invincible to idiotic, the Internet’s journey has been a wild ride. Let’s hope we can steer it back on course before it’s too late. - Raz.
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 4 months
Whirlwind Awareness
**trigger warning for those who have been pregnant**
Characters: Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
Lyn's Writing Event 2024 - Week 4 - Day 25
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May 25th: Week 4: Tornado
Characters: Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
*** Trigger warning for those who have been pregnant ***
*** Suicidal shock – please if you are easily triggered by this human experience, do not read***
Fandom: Richard Armitage/Sarah Wayne Callies – Into the Storm (AU continuation of ship)
The characters of Gary Fuller and Allison Stone were created by Steven Quale & John Swetnam
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Tornados, trauma, geriatric (over 35) pregnancy, pseudocyesis, presumed miscarriage, anxiety, depression, rescue, suicidal tendencies.
              Ally smiled as she felt a heartbeat in her abdomen and rubbed her belly through her soft cotton shirt. She prayed for a smooth transition into motherhood again. Grace was her miracle already, what would this new child bring into her life. Gary doted on her when she told him. Since the boys were off to college now, starting a new family, felt like a natural step forward for their relationship. It was Spring now, and storms were starting to come fast and often. Gary had told her not to go “chasing” once she hit the third trimester and she had agreed it would be unsafe. But right now, she was 12 weeks in and feeling fine.
Several storms were reported near home and she took the rig and her assistant and headed out. She was a little nauseous but was used to it by now. And often the excitement of the chase made her stomach a little nervous. When they headed out, her back started to hurt, but she didn’t think anything of it, these rough roads during flooding were, well, rough by anyone’s standards. She gripped the bar on the inside of the passenger seat of the truck and held on. Daryl apologized for the roads and Ally chuckled.
“Why? You didn’t pour them,” she smirked, and then a wave of nausea hit her, and her abdomen seized in a cramp. Ally let out a gasp and grimaced. Daryl smirked, “Ok, now your just making fun of me.” Laughing.
Ally momentarily paled and sweat broke out on her face and her neck. Ally shuddered visibly, as Daryl slowed down to a spot on the road.
“Ally? You ok?” Daryl asked. Ally looked to him, “Yeah, yeah” her color returning, “That was weird, but I think I am ok.” Daryl looked up and saw the clouds darkening as rain pelted the truck. Ally slowly crawled between the seats to her command center of monitors.
“I’m punching it up now, looks like we got two good ones coming up on our right”, Ally pointed out the window of the truck’s side door. Daryl pitched his head against the windshield looking for a sign of a small cyclone. A nearby siren echoed through the corn fields, that were green, but mostly bare looking, planted only a few weeks before.
“Nothing yet, but its ripe, did you feel that temp drop”, Daryl asked.
Ally nodded, “Yeah, I did”, she gripped her belly again and gritted her teeth. Daryl looked back at her, “Are you sure you are alright, I know Gary told me to,” he trailed off.
Ally looked at him sternly, “How long you known me, I don’t fade easily”,
Daryl sighed, “Yeah but you don’t look too good”, he spun back to face the windshield.
“Noted, thank you”, and she managed a smile. Daryl shouted mumbles excitedly and pointed out the window. Ally looked up at her screen and caught the red zone.
“Gotcha” she said, indicating the cyclone, starting up her tracking software, and filtering the data. The cyclone swirled and captured fencing and some other loose farm equipment, swirling it around inside itself, before dissipating quickly. A tractor crashed to the ground about 200 yards away from them.
Daryl chortled, “Well that was underwhelming,”
Ally giggled, “Yeah, tell that to the tractor”. Another cramp hit her and she missed the next cell indicator. A cyclone emerged right in front of them about 50 yards and Daryl put the truck in reverse and backed up, turning around. Ally held on to the monitors, taking a steady breath.
“I am not doing this again, you want to track them fine, but I need to live today.” Daryl warned.
Ally sat back up in her seat, “Fair. Maybe we should head back to town, the cell is clear there, for now.” Daryl headed back to Silverton. Ally stayed in the rear cabin and pulled out her cell phone, it was 155 pm, so Gary was still at the school.
His voice calmed her nerves, “hey, how are you?” Ally could hear Gary’s smile over the phone.
“I’m ok. We are calling it early I think, there’s some strong cells coming in, and I’m,” she paused,
“Yes, I understand. Can you come see me then?” Gary asked, hopeful. Ally looked at the time, and their general trajectory.
She nodded over the phone, “Yeah, I should be able to,” smiled audibly, “It will be nice to get a”
Ally grabbed her belly and breathed out harshly.
Gary immediately was talking as the phone slid off her cheek, “Babe? What’s wrong, Ally, hun are you ok?”
Ally sucked in a breath, “Yeah. I just, its just cramping.” She responded.
Gary made a face on his end of the line, “Look just get here, I will take care of you. Love you.”
Ally returned a ‘uhuh, love you too’ breathily and hung up the cell.
Daryl looked back in the rearview mirror, “So, am I dropping you at the high school then?”
Ally nodded and gave him a thumbs up. She broke out in another sweat and took a sip of cool water from a bottle nearby. She did her breathing exercises she had remembered, and it calmed her down a bit. Daryl pulled up to the entrance, and Gary was waiting outside for Ally.
Daryl got out and opened the side door, revealing Ally crouched on the floor of the van, lightly clutching her belly. Gary got right to her, “come on, come on”, he picked her up, and carried her into the school entrance, Daryl right at his heels, opening doors. Gary set Ally down on a cushioned chair in the front office. He scanned her with his eyes, and put his hand on her hand on her belly.
“Is it the baby? Is everything alright?” Gary asked.
Ally looked at him, he was crouched in front of her, “I don’t know, I thought we were out of the woods”, smirked sadly. Gary looked firmly at her, “lets go see the doctor then ok?” Ally nodded. And Gary helped her up to her feet. The wave had subsided and she could stand again. Gary’s arm was melting into her back in support and care, she leaned into his side as he walked her out. The administrator waved him off when he looked to say something. Gary smiled at her and kept walking Ally out. Daryl was at the truck waiting. The side door was still wide open, and Ally could see the monitor blaring a warning. She rolled her eyes, as she stepped into the truck.
Gary entered behind her, “Daryl, can you take us to the ER?”
“Sure, of course”, Daryl answered. Gary held Ally in the back of the truck for the duration of the trip across Silverton to the hospital. Ally didn’t have any cramps in that interval and she was relieved. Maybe she just needed some rest, she thought. They pulled up to the entrance under an portico. Daryl stepped out and opened the side door again, Gary emerged and lead Ally out through the sliding glass doors to the patient counter.
Ally made her best effort, “Hey I would like to be seen please,”  Gary stood at her side.
“Yes, miss,” the nurse replied, “what has brought you in today?”
“I’m pregnant”, she looked to Gary, “and I’m having some unusual cramping, I don’t know if I’m bleeding though”, Gary’s eyes shifted widely, his grip on her shoulder tightened considerably.
“I see, well fill this out, we’ll be right with you”, the nurse said shoving a clipboard in Ally’s hand and pointing to a pot of pens to choose from. “I’ll need your insurance card, too”.
Ally moved her hands to pockets, as Gary pulled his bill fold and handed it to the nurse. Ally shyly thanked him. He looked at her without incident. Ally tucked her hair behind her ear, and thanked the nurse as they both found a seat. Ally filled out the basic information needed and noted the time. The weather channel was on a monitor above them in the waiting area, issuing another Tornado warning, and she grinned, wishing that was a distraction right now.
Gary looked at her with deep concern, “Don’t worry, hun. We’ll figure this out together.” He kissed the top of her head, and rubbed her shoulder as they shared a wide seat.
“Allison?” a new nurse called from a triage room, Allison got up and moved towards the room, Gary was right beside her. The triage nurse took her vitals, took the clipboard and asked her questions to confirm the information on it. Ally answered as usual, a keen understanding of the workings of a medical triage. The nurse looked up at her sharply, “How far along are you?”
Gary answered immediately, “12 weeks.” Ally, put her hand on his leg and squeezed it, he looked at her with keenly felt love.
“Alright, well, let’s get you checked out then. You can stay in here, then we will move you to an exam room.” The sirens started blaring again outside, Ally seemed to hear them in her sleep nowadays. The nurse left out an adjacent door into another hallway.
Gary rubbed her hand, “See this is going to be fine, you’ll see.” Ally looked at him hopeful, and sighed, “I just don’t want to disappoint you”.
He looked concerned again, “That is not why we are doing this, you cant disappoint me. It isn’t your fault if something,”
Ally put her fingers to his lips to stop him from talking, “Shh.. no no no.” She chided. Gary stifled a smile.
“I love you no matter what”, he said when she dropped her hand. Ally smiled lightly, “I love you too.” She sort of girl punched him in the side in playfulness. She was feeling a little better, maybe it was just stress. A while later they moved Ally and Gary to an exam room. A nurse took er vitals again, drew some blood, and palpated her abdomen. Gary stood at her bedside watching and holding Ally’s hand. Focused and ready for whatever was to come. A loud crack of thunder broke his concentration and Ally actually flinched. Gary noted that reaction, as it was out of character for her.
More time passed, the rain pelted the hospital, and the town. But thankfully no tornados.
A doctor came in to talk with them about the results of the blood tests, and Ally looked hopeful at some good news. During the exam, she had noted some bleeding, and she knew sometimes that occurred, but she just didn’t want to entertain any negativity.
The doctor looked at Ally flat in the eye, “So your tests came back negative,”
Gary and Ally both sighed in relief.
“let me finish,” said the doctor, “Your pregnancy test came back negative, we cannot explain your bleeding, or the cramping or anything else you have told us”.
Ally sat up angrily, “what are you talking about? I’m pregnant!” her voice raised in alarm.
Tornado sirens blarred again, and Ally looked to Gary who was standing in shock beside her.
The doctor was on a rolly stool, so he wasn’t at eye height, he stood up then to re-declare his position, “Look we ran it three times, I know it sounds strange. I swear I am trying to do this delicate,” Ally looked at him, her heart thundering in her chest, louder than those damn sirens outside.
Gary looked to the doctor, “What are you saying?” 
Ally could feel her world spinning then, and she flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling numb.
The doctor continued, “It’s called pseudocyesis, you have some of the symptoms of pregnancy, but its not a real pregnancy from a biological standpoint, its psychological” he moved back a little, looking at Gary who was now in a mix of confusion and protection. “I think you should leave,” Gary finally said.
The doctor bowed his head, “Take all the time you need,”
Ally’s head swam with thoughts, what was going on? The heartbeat, the cramping, the nausea, the sense of smell, she had it all. What was going on? Ally started to cry, big bubbling tears, and turned away from Gary on the bed. Gary moved towards her, his hand rubbing her back.
“I’m so sorry. I tried, I don’t know what happened”, She sobbed. Gary was working through his own disbelief and frustration, but he knew he loved her. He made a promise to take care of her. He wasn’t going to fail now. Gary curled up on the bed with her and held her.
“Shh…” he spoke against Ally’s sobs, “Its ok. We can try again, right?” Ally cried harder at that sentiment.
She turned slightly to look up at him, “Didn’t you hear that smarmy asshole, he said I wasn’t pregnant. You can’t try again for something that didn’t exist!” Gary held her tighter letting her cry. 
“I’m sorry. I know, I know. I just don’t, I’ve never even heard of that, have you?” Gary asked.
Ally shook her head, “No, never. What does that even mean? How can my body trick me like that? Am I losing my mind?”
Gary held her face in his hand, brushing a kiss to her temple, “No, no. your not crazy, something must have caused it.”  Ally closed her eyes at the kiss, “Then what, what caused it?” she sniffled.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think were going to find that out here”, Gary replied. The nurse knocked on the glass door, and peaked in.
“Were all ready to discharge,” she said. Gary looked at her a bit perturbed.
The nurse recognized this and slinked back out of the doorway. Gary kissed Ally on the head again, and got up, “I’m going to get you some water, do you need anything else?”
She sat up slowly, hugging her one knee and smirking, “Yeah, you got any dignity out there, grab me some.”  Gary looked at her, seriously and opened the door, “You are plenty dignified, you have nothing to prove to me, you have a kid already. Grace is wonderful. I’m perfectly satisfied with what we have.”
Gary closed the door and Ally openly wept into her hands, the grief of the realization palatable and earth shattering. She started to have a panic attack. Ally got up and paced the room a minute.
Gary had to go down a rather long hallway to find the water station. And it took some doing to get the nurses to instruct him on how to operate it.
Ally, started to get dressed again, she had to get away, had to clear her head. That doctor was the insane one, not me, Ally thought. She put on her shoes and opened the glass door carefully, peaking around the inner curtain to the nurse’s station. Everyone was busy or back turned to her, viewing monitors and discussing critical patients. Ally looked back and forth but did not see Gary. She snuck out of the room and through an alternate exit.
The cool and warm air hit her in succession as she stepped outside to a dark green sky and a strong breeze. The sun was still in the sky, but it was slowly approaching dusk. She could see Daryl parked a little ways down the parking lot, but she went the other direction. Cutting across the lawn to the hospital and heading for the ominous view of sickly green clouds and a scent of rain. Ally closed her jacket about her and stomped towards the storm.
Ally was aware that walking into a storm like this was utter madness, but her grief was so strong, she didn’t care what happened, she just wanted to wash away that feeling inside her heart. She was consumed by the shame and grief of that information. It just didn’t make any sense.
Gary came back to the room, and as he slid the door open smoothly it didn’t take him long to realize that Ally was gone. He mouthed the words “fuck”, and immediately pulled out his phone to call her. It rang on the bed in the room. He hung up and tried Daryl.
Daryl answered, waiting in the parking lot, “Is everything ok?”
“No, Ally ran off. We got some bad news. I don’t know where she would go, do you?” Gary said, walking towards the main entrance to the ER.
“No, I mean, I haven’t seen her. She didn’t come back to the Van, and I’m sure she could see me if she came out”. 
Gary acknowledged him, as he walked up to the truck and got into the passenger seat switching off the call.
“So, where do we go?” Daryl asked.
Gary pointed towards the ominous clouds ahead of them, “How about into that storm”,
Daryl sighed, “I was afraid you were going to say that”. Daryl put the truck into reverse and pulled out of his spot, heading to the road along the hospital. More open fields scattered businesses and residences around the town. Gary scanned streets and open fields for Ally.
Daryl and Gary headed towards the storm, and each minute they got closer, so did the storm.
Ally could feel the shift of wind over head, and she looked up as a pelt of heavy rain droplets hit her in force before reaching the ground and splashing back up against the divet puddles of a tilled crop field. Ally squished through the fields with effort, the rain so heavy it pushed her down into the ground as she walked. A sound of a train made Ally’s head snap up sharply, and the cyclone appeared in front of her about 75 yards away. She looked around for something to hide under or grab hold of. Nothing presented it self. The tornado gave chase as Ally moved away from it. It licked along the ground, kicking up mud and dirt and plants, heading straight for her.
Ally felt the wave of guilt again and stood still, arms out, ready to be taken, “Do your worst!” she shouted amongst the rain and wind.
Daryl spotted her first, they were driving down the parallel road to the field. Gary looked over out his window and saw Ally arms spread wide, and the tornado heading straight for her.
“Oh god,” he gasped, his hand over his mouth, “Can you cut through the field in this?”
Daryl laughed, “haha! Oh yeah I can, watch this.” He flicked some buttons on his side panel and engaged 4-wheel drive with a Jeep modification for mud terrain. “Hold on!”
Gary braced himself, then had a thought, “wait, I’ll go in back, keep the side door open so I can catch her”.  Daryl grinned.
The truck veered off the road sharply and into the field. They were headed straight for Ally.
But so was the tornado, it swooshed and dived, picking up more things as it passed a shed.
Ally kept her eyes closed and her arms open, “You can do better than that, try picking me up” she roared at the cyclone.
As the tornado made its way towards her, never breaking stride, Ally peaked at it and grinned desperately, tears streaming down her face. She looked at it careens towards her, a large arm swooped her up and into the van. Gary set her down, and slammed the side door, just as the tornado washed past and behind them. Daryl had his foot deep in the peddle, moving towards the road on the other side of the field.
Gary held her down against the floor of the van, “What were you doing? Trying to kill yourself?”
He shouted, even though the rain had gone. Ally looked up at him, momentarily startled.
“I, I.. I just wanted to be cleansed,” Her face in her hands, sobbing starting again. Gary dropped his anger, and held her to him, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry you felt you had to.  It will all be ok. We will heal from this, I promise.”
Ally sobbed into his chest, “But now I cannot trust my own body is telling the truth, let alone what you must think of me”. She held him closer, trying to find solace in his steady warmth.
“Its not about that. I don’t think anything of you. I love you. We will figure this out together ok?” Gary explained, rubbing her soothingly.
Daryl made it back to the road and they drove back to town. The tornado had vanished by then, taking it with it a little bit of Ally’s perseverance, and maybe some trust. She didn’t know where to go from here, but she knew that Gary would lead her safely home.
(Epilogue: There is no offense intended in characters or depictions, this story comes from a personal experience of mine. So it is not fictional for me. I hope that anyone who can identify with any aspect of this experience, though brief in its depiction can find some solace in not being alone with their thoughts or feelings about it)
Anyone I tagged I tried to remain sensitive. it is a short taglist for content reasons. Please reblog if you think it will help someone heal.
@scariusaquarius @lathalea @sweetestgbye
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lunaavaa · 11 months
Best Logistics Fleet Management Software
In the rapidly evolving world of logistics, effective fleet management is the key to success.
 Whether you oversee a fleet of trucks, delivery trucks, or a combination of vehicles, having the right logistics fleet management software can be a game changer. These software solutions are designed to streamline operations, reduce costs and improve overall efficiency. In this article, we'll explore some of the best logistics fleet management software options available, each offering unique features to help businesses navigate the path to efficiency.
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1. Geotab: 
Geotab is a comprehensive fleet management software known for its real-time tracking, route optimization, and maintenance tracking. It's a versatile solution suitable for fleets of all sizes.
2. Samsara: 
Samsara offers a robust fleet management platform with features like real-time GPS tracking, driver safety monitoring, and vehicle diagnostics.
 It's a favorite among businesses looking to enhance safety and compliance.
3. Teletrac Navman: 
Teletrac Navman provides fleet management software focused on real-time tracking, compliance and driver behavior monitoring.
 This is the preferred choice for companies looking to improve driver performance and reduce fuel costs.
4. Fleet Complete: 
Fleet Complete offers a comprehensive suite of fleet management tools, including GPS tracking, dispatching and asset management. It is highly adaptable and can cater to different industries.
5. KeepTruckin: 
KeepTruckin is known for its user-friendly fleet management software. It offers features like electronic logging, IFTA reporting, and vehicle inspections, making it a great choice for small to medium fleets.
6. Verizon Connect: 
Verizon Connect provides GPS fleet tracking software focused on route optimization, fuel management and field service automation. It is ideal for businesses looking to reduce costs and increase productivity.
7. Route4Me: 
Route4Me offers advanced route optimization software, perfect for last-mile delivery operations. It offers real-time tracking, geolocation, and route planning capabilities, making it an essential tool for businesses delivering  to customers.
8. WorkWave Route Manager: 
WorkWave Route Manager is a cloud-based fleet management solution designed for mobile workforces. It offers route optimization, GPS tracking, and reporting, making it an ideal choice for delivery businesses.
Selecting the right logistics fleet management software is crucial for businesses seeking to stay competitive and efficient in the logistics industry. These software solutions cater to a wide range of needs, from real-time tracking and route optimization to driver safety and compliance.
As the logistics landscape continues to evolve, having the best fleet management software can put your business on the path to success.
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introvert-pansexual · 2 years
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summary; two wounded souls meet, and heal one another.
versions; WATTPAD, AO3
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NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 03:02:07
THE RAIN hasn't stopped and only got stronger, as more clouds covered the grey sky. Putting on the hood of her jacket, Amelia got out of the car and looked to both sides for any passing cars, before making her way towards the food truck with a big sign 'chicken feed' above it. Hiding her hands inside her pockets, she watched Hank be approached by a familiar face. "Hey, hey, hey... Hank! How you doin' man?" Pedro greeted him with a quick hug and pat on the back. "Amelia? You grew up since the last time I saw you!" Checking her up and down, Pedro gave Mel a side hug, causing her to softly chuckle. "Hey, listen. I got a shit-hot tip for you. Number five in third." Pedro returned his attention to Hank. "That filly's one hell of a chaser. You wanna flutter?" At his offer, Mel rolled her eyes with a sigh and walked towards one of the stands, hiding underneath it's big umbrella from the rain.
Looking down at her hand, Amelia stared at the white bandage, before leaning onto her elbows and watching as Hank and Connor made their way towards her, while she lit a cigarette. "I don't want to alarm you, Lieutenant," Leaning on his elbows just like Mel, Connor announced. "But I think your friends are engaged in illegal activities." Connor explained. "Well, everybody does what they have to, to get by... As long as they're not hurtin' anybody, I don't bother 'em." Shrugging his shoulders, Hank took another bite out of his hamburger. "This morning, when we were chasing those deviants... Why didn't you want me to cross the highway?" Leaning in, Connor questioned. "Cause you could've been killed." Hank answered, making it sound like the answer was already obvious and it was, but maybe not to Connor himself. "And I don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment." Defending himself, Hank added, and Amelia couldn't help but quietly snicker at his response.
"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Connor furrowed his eyebrows. "Why do you hate androids so much?" Hank stared at Connor for a while, his expression dropping. "I have my reasons." He explained, his words making Mel uncomfortably shift in her place. "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" The android offered, earning a glare from Hank. "Hell no... Well-" Hank raised his finger in the air, continuing; "Well, yeah... Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?" Before Connor could answer, Amelia interrupted him; "Oh, come on... There's no need to be mean to him." She teased with a small smirk on her face, before blowing the smoke in his face, causing Hank to narrow his eyes.
"Cyberlife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and my voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration." Connor announced. "Well, they fucked up." Hank took another bite of his food, while Mel let out a quick laugh at her father's comment. "By Amelia's previous statement, I can assume she disagrees with you, Lieutenant. Is that so?" When Connor turned his head in Mel's direction, she stared at him for a moment, before shrugging her shoulders. "If you don't mind, I'll keep that answer to myself." Amelia teased with a smirk, earning another eye roll from Hank and a simple nod from Connor in understatement.
"Maybe I should tell you what we know about deviants?" Connor offered. "You read my mind. Proceed." Waving his hand in the air, Hank answered. "We believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead to them emulating a human emotion--" "In english, please." Hank cut off Connor. "They don't really feel emotions, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unpredictable behaviour." Deviant behaviour. "Emotions always screw things up," Hank took a sip from his drink, slowly nodding his head. "Maybe android's aren't so different from us as we thought... You ever dealt with deviants before?"
"A few months back... A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl. I managed to save her." The android stated, reminding Amelia of the time when she first heard about that incident back in August, which caused her heart to skip a bit. The deviant incident wasn't the only thing that happened that day. "So, I guess you've done all your homework, right? Know everything there is to know about me?" Hank sounded almost as he was mocking the android next to him. "I know you graduated top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several cases, and became youngest Lieutenant in Detroit." Raising his brows in surprise, Hank stayed silent. "I also know you've received several disciplinary warning in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars."
"So what's your conclusion?" Hank asked. "I know you're an experienced officer, and I'd like to earn you trust. I'm sure we can solve this case if we manage to work together. all three of us." Glancing between Amelia and Hank, Connor explained. An almost comfortable silence fell over the three of them, after Mel shook off the uneasy feeling from the memories floading back. That was until Connor's LED light flashed yellow. "I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few block away, we should go have a look. I'll let you finish your meal. I'll be in the car, if you need me." And with that, Connor disappeared into the car parked on the other side of the road.
"Well, good luck. I'm apparently needed back at the department." Slowly backing away and throwing away the rest of the cigarette, Amelia sighed and shoved her phone back into her pocket, after noticing the new message she received. "What for?" Hank muttered, furrowing his eyebrows. "Guess I'll have to go ahead and find out. I'll join the two of you later." She shrugged her shoulders, before giving Hank a quick wave and soon, she was out of sight, speed-walking towards the nearest bus stop.
NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 07:51:06
"You have reached your destination. Thank you for travelling with Detroit Taxis. We look forward to seeing you again soon." The automatic car came to a stop, as Amelia and Connor stepped out. In front of them stood the familiar house that belonged to nobody else, than Hank Anderson. His car was strangely parked in front of the garage door and windows were covered with blinds from inside. "Lieutenant Anderson?" Knocking on the front door, Connor called out, but got no response. "Anybody home?" The android ringed the doorbell. "Wait.." Amelia muttered, reaching into her back pocket of her now casual clothes. "This should work better." Handing Connor the spear key she was given a long time ago, he accepted it and begun to unlock the door.
As soon as the door swung open and the two of them walked in, they were greeted by Sumo, Hank's dog. "Easy, Sumo..." Raising his hands in the air, Connor demanded, when Sumo stared at him suspiciously. "I'm your friend, see? I know your name..." At Connor's reassuring words, Sumo turned around and walked away. Amelia's eyes followed him with a soft smile, before she noticed the scene in the kitchen. Her expression dropped. "Hank?!" She called out, running towards his body that laid on the floor, unresponsive. Swiftly kneeling down next to his body, the first thing she noticed was his moving chest, causing her to let out a small sigh of relief.
Falling back, Mel sat down on the ground and leaned her elbows against her knees, as Connor took her previous position, kneeling down next to Hank. "Lieutenant?" Connor patted the side of Hank's face, earning a quiet groan from the unconscious man. "Wake up, Lieutenant!" A slap echoed inside the kitchen, causing Hank's eyes to finally flutter open. From the same position on the floor, Amelia watched as Connor threw Hank's arm around his shoulder and pulled him up from the floor. "I'm going to sober you up for your own safety." The android explained, causing Hank to protest. "Hey! Leave me alone, you fuckin' android! Get the fuck outta my house!" He drunkenly shouted. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I need you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation."
"Sumo! Attack!" Hank called out, while being dragged towards the bathroom. Sumo barked in response to his owner's words, which Amelia took as a sign to finally stand up from the kitchen floor. "Sumo, stay." Pointing her finger at the dog, she demaned and Sumo stayed. "Fuck you..." Hank grumbled and Mel was positive his insult was meant for her, yet she ignored it. Leaning down, she picked up the revolver from the ground, opening it's chamber and seeing only one bullet left. She stared at it for a little longer with an emotionless expression, before swallowing the lump inside her throat and placing the gun on the kitchen table, next to the insane amount of empty pizza boxes and cans.
"Fuck, I think I'm gonna be sick..." Hank groaned against the wall he was leaning on, clearly intoxicated, while Connor pushed open the bathroom door. "Ah! Leave me alone, you asshole! I'm not going anywhere..." Trying to get out off Connor's grip, Hank continued to complain, while Connor seated him on the edge of the bathtub. "I don't wanna bath, but thank you..." Hank tried to stand up, but before he could do so, the android pushed him back, causing him to stumble inside the tub. This is gonna be interesting, Amelia thought to herself, leaning against the bathroom door frame with crossed arms, as Connor turned on the shower. 
"Turn it off! Turn it off!" Waving his hands around, Hank screamed, the cold water pouring down on him, soaking his hair and clothes. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He demanded, glaring at Connor. "A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so me and Amelia came to see if you were at home." Connor explained and Hank narrowed his eyes in response. "Jesus, I must be the only cop in world that gets assaulted in is own house by his own fuckin' android and daughter..." Getting out of the bathtub, Hank let out another groan. "Can't you just leave me alone?" Looking up at Connor, the older man questioned. "You seem to have personal issues. You should consult a professional who can help you." The android offered, yet his idea only seemed to upset Hank even more.
"Beat it! You hear me?! Get the hell out of here!" Trying to stand up little too fast, Hank only wobbled backwards, but before he could fall, Connor managed to grab him and help him slowly sit down. "Why? So you could continue your russian roulette game?" Uncrossing her arms, Amelia called out with a demanding expression, her stomach swirling with anxiety. "And what the fuck are you doing here?" Furrowing his eyebrows, Hank asked, ignoring her question. "Someone had to let him in. It was either that, or one of your windows getting smashed." Mel shrugged her shoulders, nodding her head in Connor's direction. "Oh, and you wanna know something?! The next shot would've killed you." Amelia added, as she threw her hands in the air, clearly upset. At her words, Hank could only stay silent.
"I understand. It probably wasn't interesting anyway..." The deviant hunter started, turning around to face Mel. "Man found dead in sex club downtown... Guess they'll have to solve the case without us." Shrugging his shoulders, Connor teased. "You know, probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air... There's some clothes in the bedroom there." Hank muttered, earning a satisfied grin from Connor. "I'll go get them." Walking out of the room and towards Hank's bedroom, Connor announced, sending Amelia a satisfied nod as he passed her.
"Aren't you supposed to be in your uniform?" Raising his eyebrows, Hank glanced at Amelia's casual clothing. She bit the inside of her cheek, gazing down at the floor, as she tried to find the right words to tell him the news. "You remember how I was needed back at the department earlier? Yeah, well Fowler wanted to speak to me and--" Playing with the dead skin around her fingernails, Mel took a deep breath. "--I was put on suspension." Hiding her hands inside her pockets, she explained, causing Hank to furrow his brows in confusion. "The fuck for?" Footsteps interrupted the two of them before Amelia could answer his question. Looking over her shoulder, she was met with Connor carrying Hank's folded clothes. Stepping out of the way, Mel uncomfortably cleared her throat. "We can talk about it later, I'll be goin' now. Good luck." She flashed the duo a quick, toothless smile, before turning around and leaving the house, not giving either of them the time to say anything in response.
The truth was, Amelia wasn't too far away from breaking down, as the stress only kept pilling up. Loss of a close person, murder scenes, androids becoming deviant and turning on humans, the forlorn loneliness and all that. She wasn't sure how much she'll be able to take, before just-- snapping..
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odatasolutions · 2 years
Launching Gainz Project! - Odata Solutions
The comprehensive solution to manage and execute multi-site projects which involve inventory, materials, equipment and labour.
We designed Gainz Project to symphonize and execute, from start to finish, new, retrofit, repair or remodel type scenarios for lighting, renovation, and diverse kinds of construction projects.
Architected as Cloud Native Application, Gainz Project can be accessed from the field or the back office using existing hardware. Intuitive and easy to use, Gainz Project will immediately get your team productive on your project tasks.
Compelling features to efficiently manage all your Project Management Operations
Gainz Project has all the components for you to successfully execute your project with Project Overview Dashboards, Kanban Board and Gantt Chart.
Invoice your customers promptly with the flexible project invoicing. Pay your vendors on schedule with integrated purchase invoice approval. Pay employees on time using integrated employee digital time sheet.
Activities and Tasks are configurable. Create Purchase Orders and Work Orders for Project Tasks. The Work Orders can be performed by in-house Technicians, or can be assigned to independent Contractors. Use our unique Unit of Work capability to define labour, equipment and materials required at task level. You can also assign skill-based resources to various tasks and track all owned and rental equipment in real time.
Our field app for technicians, digitizes and keeps track of the daily activities from clock-in, travel and task times at project locations. Task completion sign-off at location by customer or their authorized person, allows instant update of the task status. Take a picture and attach to task for additional Proof of Completion. Use our smart Call Back capability to continue the job on a different date by the same or another technician. This allows for a seamless audit of all the work done on a task on various dates by multiple technicians.
Keep a keen eye on the margin with change management using our Project Amendment and integrated Cost Accounting.
We invite you to connect with us to learn more about the exceptional capabilities of Gainz Project
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Our other Software Solutions -
Gainz Retail - Omni-Channel Retail with E-Commerce
Gainz Service - Field Service Management
Gainz Worksite - Worksite Material Management
Gainz WorkClock - Time & Attendance and Payroll
Routier - TMS for Trucking, Courier and Intermodal
VelociTrak - Freight Ops & Fleet Telematics
InWaLog - Inventory, Logistics & Warehouse Commerce
Originally published on- https://www.odata.com/blog/announcing-gainz-project
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rbwsolutions · 1 month
What are the different types of POS Software?
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In today’s fast-paced retail and hospitality environments, efficient and reliable Point of Sale (POS) software is essential for smooth operations. POS software is the backbone of any business transaction, helping to streamline sales processes, manage inventory, and provide valuable insights through data analytics. There are several types of POS software, each tailored to meet the specific needs of different businesses. This blog will explore the various types of POS software, highlighting their unique features and benefits.
1. Traditional POS Systems
On-Premise POS
On-premise POS systems are the traditional form of POS software, where the system is installed directly on the business’s hardware, usually a computer or a dedicated POS terminal. These systems are typically used by larger businesses with a fixed location and substantial daily transactions.
Greater control over the system
Customizable to specific business needs
High data security as data is stored locally
Higher initial cost for hardware and software
Requires in-house IT support for maintenance and updates
Limited accessibility as data can only be accessed on-site
2. Cloud-Based POS Systems
Cloud-based POS systems, also known as web-based or online POS, are hosted on remote servers and accessed through the internet. This type of system is gaining popularity due to its flexibility and ease of use.
Lower upfront costs as there is no need for expensive hardware
Accessible from any device with an internet connection
Automatic updates and backups
Scalable to accommodate business growth
Dependence on internet connectivity
Potential security concerns with data stored on external servers
Subscription-based model can lead to higher long-term costs
3. Mobile POS Systems
Mobile POS (mPOS) systems transform smartphones and tablets into portable POS terminals. These systems are ideal for businesses that require mobility, such as food trucks, market vendors, and pop-up shops.
Highly portable and flexible
Lower cost compared to traditional POS systems
Easy to set up and use
Limited functionality compared to full-fledged POS systems
Security concerns if devices are lost or stolen
Dependence on battery life and internet connectivity
4. Tablet POS Systems
Tablet POS systems are similar to mPOS but are specifically designed to run on tablets. They offer a good balance between the portability of mPOS and the functionality of traditional POS systems.
User-friendly interface
Portable and versatile
Cost-effective solution for small to medium-sized businesses
Limited processing power compared to desktop systems
Dependence on internet connectivity
Potential security vulnerabilities if not properly managed
5. Self-Service Kiosk POS Systems
Self-service kiosk POS systems allow customers to place orders and make payments independently, reducing the need for staff intervention. These systems are commonly used in quick-service restaurants, movie theaters, and retail stores.
Enhances customer experience by reducing wait times
Increases order accuracy
Allows staff to focus on other tasks
High initial setup cost
Requires regular maintenance
May require customer education on how to use the kiosks
6. Multichannel POS Systems
Multichannel POS systems are designed to integrate and manage sales across various channels, including physical stores, online shops, and mobile apps. This type of system is essential for businesses operating in multiple sales environments.
Centralized management of inventory and sales data
Consistent customer experience across all channels
Improved inventory control and reporting
Complex setup and integration
Higher cost due to advanced features
Requires robust IT support for maintenance and troubleshooting
7. Industry-Specific POS Systems
Industry-specific POS systems are tailored to meet the unique requirements of particular industries, such as restaurants, retail stores, and salons. These systems come with specialized features that cater to the specific needs of the business.
Customized to industry-specific workflows
Includes relevant features like table management for restaurants or appointment scheduling for salons
Enhances operational efficiency
Limited flexibility for businesses outside the targeted industry
May be more expensive due to specialized features
Requires industry-specific knowledge for effective use
Choosing the right POS software is critical for the smooth operation and success of any business. Whether you opt for a traditional on-premise system, a flexible cloud-based solution, a mobile or tablet POS for portability, a self-service kiosk for customer convenience, a multichannel system for integrated sales management, or an industry-specific solution, understanding the unique features and benefits of each type will help you make an informed decision. By aligning the POS system with your business needs, you can streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and drive growth.
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popup-qa · 1 month
POS Machine Price in Qatar: A Comprehensive Guide to Current Costs and Trends
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In the rapidly evolving retail landscape, Point of Sale (POS) systems are crucial for businesses aiming to enhance efficiency and customer service. In Qatar, the demand for POS systems is growing, driven by the need for advanced technology in retail and hospitality sectors. This article provides a detailed overview of POS machine prices in Qatar, helping businesses make informed decisions based on their needs and budget.
Key Factors Influencing POS Machine Prices in Qatar
Type of POS System: The type of POS system significantly affects the price. Options include:
Countertop POS Systems: These are the traditional models featuring comprehensive hardware and software integrations, typically ranging from QAR 1,500 to QAR 7,000, depending on the features and brand.
Mobile POS Systems (mPOS): Ideal for businesses requiring flexibility, such as food trucks or small retail setups, mPOS systems are generally more affordable, with prices starting from QAR 500 to QAR 2,500.
Cloud-Based POS Systems: These systems offer scalability and flexibility, often involving a subscription model rather than a one-time purchase. The total cost can vary widely based on subscription fees and additional features.
Brand and Quality: Established brands like Square, Shopify, and Lightspeed are often priced higher due to their reliability and extensive support. Lesser-known brands may provide more budget-friendly options but could lack some advanced features.
Features and Customization: Advanced features such as inventory management, CRM, and detailed reporting can increase the price of a POS system. Customization to integrate with existing business systems can also impact overall costs.
Hardware and Accessories: Additional hardware, including barcode scanners, receipt printers, and cash drawers, can affect the total price. Bundled packages that include these accessories might offer better value.
Service and Support: Comprehensive support and maintenance packages can also influence the cost. Investing in a system with good customer support can be beneficial, especially for businesses new to POS technology.
Current Pricing Trends for POS Machines in Qatar
As of mid-2024, here is a general overview of POS machine prices in Qatar:
Entry-Level POS Systems: Basic systems suitable for small businesses are priced between QAR 1,500 and QAR 3,000. These typically include fundamental features necessary for everyday operations.
Mid-Range POS Systems: Systems with more advanced features, including inventory management and customer tracking, range from QAR 3,000 to QAR 7,000. These are suitable for growing businesses with more complex needs.
High-End POS Systems: Premium models with extensive features, customization options, and comprehensive support can cost from QAR 7,000 to QAR 15,000 or more. These systems cater to larger retail operations and businesses with intricate requirements.
Mobile POS Systems: For mobile POS solutions, the cost varies from QAR 500 to QAR 2,500. Advanced configurations and additional features may increase the price.
Understanding POS machine prices in Qatar is crucial for making an informed investment in technology that supports business growth. By evaluating the type of POS system, brand reputation, features, and additional costs such as hardware and support, businesses can select a solution that aligns with their operational needs and budget.
For the most up-to-date information on POS machine prices in Qatar, consulting with local vendors and comparing options is recommended. This will ensure you find a POS system that offers the best value and functionality for your business.
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globalgrowthinsights · 2 months
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market Scope & Growth Projection till 2032
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market.
The market statistics represented in different Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Major stakeholders, key companies Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/industrial-wastewater-treatment-plant-market-100570
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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fleetdrive360 · 6 months
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Avoid costly HOS violations and keep your fleet running smoothly. FleetDrive360 helps you understand complex HOS regulations  and provides tools for electronic logging (ELD) management and driver monitoring.  Reduce your risk of fines, improve driver compliance, and ensure a safer fleet.
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vcpphones2 · 2 months
There's a Phone System for Businesses
Whether you’re running a small business that speaks to a few clients each week or a large company with an expansive sales team, there’s a phone system for you. Whether it’s landline or mobile, these systems can improve productivity and help you increase profits.
A phone system can also make sure that priority calls are always answered. This is possible with intelligent call routing and advanced condition sets.
Ease of Use
Whether you’re looking for a new phone system for businesses or need to upgrade your existing one, there are many options to consider. These systems offer a variety of features to meet your business needs, from automated attendants to conference calling. Some systems also integrate with other business software to enhance productivity and streamline communication workflows.
The features of business phones can make a significant difference in the way your team communicates. They can help you reduce the time spent on manual tasks and improve customer service outcomes. Some of these features include call forwarding, voicemail-to-email and custom greetings. In addition, you can use call log reports to see how your team is performing.
Depending on your business’s needs, you can choose between legacy public switched telephone network (PSTN) systems, private branch exchange (PBX) or VoIP systems. These systems work over the internet instead of copper wires and are much less expensive than traditional landlines. They also provide scalability and flexibility.
When it comes to business phone system for small office, ease of use is the key. Most feature automated attendants that let callers press a number or vocally describe their reason for calling. These auto attendants can also route calls to specific departments. The convenience of a phone system can be useful for any type of business, from carpet cleaners to food trucks.
In addition to offering convenience, most business phone systems come with tools that improve employee collaboration. Features like video conferencing, instant messaging and screen sharing can help employees communicate with each other from different locations. These solutions can also reduce expenses by eliminating phone company recurring fees.
Choosing the best business phone system depends on a variety of factors, including price, features, and scalability. To find the right one for your company, read customer reviews, evaluate free trial offers and compare the options of different vendors. A reputable vendor will be honest with you about the quality of its services, which is why it is important to read reviews carefully.
The scalability of a business phone system is an important factor for organizations that anticipate growth or seasonal fluctuations in call volume. Traditional systems are often limited in how many lines they can support, but advanced PBX and VoIP solutions offer greater flexibility. These systems are often hosted in the cloud and can easily be scaled up or down without costly disruptions.
These systems also offer call forwarding and routing features, which minimize missed calls and improve customer satisfaction. They can also be integrated with business applications and software to streamline workflows and improve productivity.
Small businesses should consider a cloud-based solution for their call management needs. The setup and maintenance of a cloud-based system is relatively straightforward, making it easy for non-technical employees to manage. It is also much less expensive than traditional landlines and private branch exchange (PBX) systems. Moreover, most cloud solutions offer more advanced features such as unified communications than traditional systems and provide better value for money.
The number of employees and usage are the biggest factors determining the cost of a business phone system. For example, the cost may increase if you have more call centers or a large team of sales representatives. Similarly, a higher number of international calling minutes can result in increased costs.
A modern phone system can enable employees to take calls on any device with an internet connection. This includes mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, as well as traditional desk phones designed for landlines. You can also use ATAs (analog telephone adaptors) to connect your existing office phones to your VoIP service provider, allowing you to keep your familiar hardware while getting better features like call metering and conferencing capabilities.
Some business phone systems allow employees to set a busy lamp status, meaning that callers can see an indication of whether they are available for a new call or not. This enables companies to avoid putting customers on hold while allowing their staff to make calls using the most convenient device for them. Other call systems offer features that improve customer outcomes, such as voice intelligence tools that transcribe call recordings and identify sentiments of the conversation.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Google Distributed Cloud Air-Gapped Appliance Available Now
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Increasing the tactical edge’s access to cloud and  AI capabilities: the widely available Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance
Computing capabilities are a major barrier for organisations operating in harsh, disconnected, or mobile locations such as long-haul trucking operations, remote research stations, or disaster zones. Before, enterprises running mission-critical workloads were denied access to crucial cloud and AI capabilities in challenging edge environments environments that come with their own set of requirements and constraints.
Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance
Google is thrilled to announce that the Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance, a new configuration that extends Google’s cloud and AI capabilities to tactical edge locations, is now generally available. Real-time local data processing for  AI use cases including object detection, medical imaging analysis, and predictive maintenance for critical infrastructure is made possible by the integrated hardware and software solution. The device can be easily carried in a sturdy case or installed in a rack in local working circumstances according to each customer.
Advanced cloud services, including many of their data and machine learning capabilities, are delivered via Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped. Clients can take advantage of pre-integrated  AI technologies, like Speech-to-Text, OCR, and Translation API, which are part of their Vertex AI offering and adhere to Google’s AI Principles. Through marketplace, a catalogue of applications from independent software suppliers (ISVs) is made possible by the solution’s expandable design.
The open cloud strategy of Google Cloud forms the foundation of Google Distributed  Cloud. Utilising leading-edge open source components for both the platform and managed services, it is constructed on the Kubernetes API. Because open software uses already-existing knowledge and resources rather than forcing users to pick up new, proprietary systems, it promotes developer adoption more quickly.
The air-gapped appliance from Google Distributed Cloud offers:
Accreditation for Department of Defence (DoD) Impact Level 5 (IL5): The appliance has obtained Impact Level 5 accreditation, which is the strictest security and protection standard needed for sensitive but unclassified data. Additionally, the appliance is actively working towards obtaining these certifications and is designed to fulfil Impact Level 6 and higher accreditations.
Enhanced AI capabilities Customers can use integrated  AI features like speech, optical character recognition (OCR), and translation from the Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance to improve the performance of their mission-critical applications. For example, they can scan and translate documents written in many languages using OCR and translation technologies, therefore providing their end users with readable and accessible documents.
Durable and lightweight design the Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance is designed to endure severe environmental conditions, such as high temperatures, shock, and vibration. Its portable and tough design satisfies rigorous accreditation requirements like MIL-STD-810H, guaranteeing dependable performance even in trying circumstances. It is easily transportable and deployable in different locations because to its human-portable weight of roughly 100 pounds.
Complete isolation: The Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped equipment is made to function without a connection to the public internet or Google Cloud. The appliance maintains the security and isolation of the services, infrastructure, and APIs it oversees while operating fully in disconnected settings. Because of this, it is perfect for handling sensitive data while adhering to tight legal, compliance, and sovereignty guidelines.
Integrated cloud services: The Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance provides Google Cloud services including data transfer and analytics technologies in addition to infrastructure-as-a-services (IaaS) elements like computation, networking, and storage.
Data security: To safeguard sensitive data, the Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance has strong security features like firewalls, encryption, and secure boot. For enterprises with strict security needs, the Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance provides a variety of use cases, such as:
Reaction to a disaster: Accurate and timely information is essential for organising relief activities and preserving lives during a disaster. However, the infrastructure required to enable conventional data processing and transmission systems is frequently absent from disaster-affected areas. The Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance is a ruggedized, self-contained device that can be quickly deployed to disaster-affected areas even without internet connectivity.
It has all the necessary software and tools pre-installed for gathering and analysing data, allowing for quick emergency response. Aid organisations may boost their disaster response skills, improve coordination, and save lives during emergencies by utilising the Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance.
Industrial automation: In difficult settings at the edge, the Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance provides a creative solution for remote equipment monitoring, predictive maintenance, and process optimisation. For example, in the manufacturing industry, the device can be used to monitor and optimise the functioning of equipment in remote factories, resulting in increased output and reduced downtime.
Transportation and logistics: The fleet management, autonomous vehicle, and real-time logistics optimisation demands are uniquely supported by the Google Distributed  Cloud air-gapped appliance. For instance, by providing real-time data collecting, processing, and decision-making, the device can enable autonomous cars operate and deploy more securely and effectively in difficult environments.
Limited tasks for the government and military: The air-gapped appliance from Google Distributed  Cloud is made to support compliance rules and security standards while meeting the needs of limited workloads including  AI inference and simulations, intelligence translation, and sensitive data processing.
Michael Roquemore, Director of the Rapid, Agile, Integrated Capabilities Team at the Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office (RSO), stated, “Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped appliance will enable the Air Force to bring the maintenance digital ecosystem to Airmen in austere and forward deployed locations, supporting the Air Force’s agile objectives while prioritising security and reliability.” “The RSO can leverage already developed Google-based technologies in both connected cloud and disconnected edge to bring digital innovation to the Service Members wherever they operate by delivering a secure and compliant edge compute platform.”
Read more on govindhtech.com
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Hyperdrive Fleet Management
Fleet Management Using the Hyperdrive App
The fleet management industry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and the increasing demand for efficient logistics solutions. According to a study by Statista, the global fleet management market is projected to reach around $60 billion by 2028. Major players like Uber have already ventured into the logistics industry with innovations such as self-driving trucks. The future holds even more technological breakthroughs in fleet management systems.
Why Fleet Management is Essential for the Logistics Industry
Fleet management revolves around the seamless movement of goods. Any disruption can lead to delays, increased costs, and dissatisfied customers. Automatic fleet management systems like Hyperdrive not only track vehicles but also ensure efficiency throughout the process. A robust fleet management model helps maintain consistent operations, which is crucial for a successful logistics business. It encompasses various tasks, including improving driver safety and health, tracking vehicles, and maintaining them effectively. The ultimate goal is to enhance operational efficiency, ensure customer satisfaction, and reduce costs.
The Power of Cloud-Based Fleet Management Software
To avoid falling into unproductive management practices, companies are increasingly adopting cloud-based fleet management systems like Hyperdrive. These systems monitor drivers, vehicles, and equipment, providing real-time visibility and control. The Hyperdrive app is designed to streamline operations, saving both time and money. By detecting operational issues in real-time, businesses can promptly address them, reducing mistakes and cutting costs.
Key Features of Hyperdrive Fleet Management Software
Hyperdrive offers a comprehensive set of features to optimize fleet operations:
Real-time visibility and control: Monitor your fleet in real-time, ensuring transparency and swift action.
Streamlined maintenance: Reduce downtime with automated maintenance schedules.
Optimized routes: Plan efficient routes to minimize fuel costs and improve delivery times.
Improved driver safety and performance: Track and enhance driver behavior for safer and more efficient operations.
Enhanced customer satisfaction: Ensure timely deliveries and high service quality.
Investing in a feature-rich fleet management system like Hyperdrive is crucial for modern logistics businesses. Accessible from anywhere, anytime, this cloud-based solution helps manage logistics and operations while minimizing errors and extending the lifespan of assets. With a vast array of benefits, embracing reliable automatic fleet management technology is more important than ever. Don't miss out on the advantages Hyperdrive offers—contact our experts today to request a free demo and see how our solution can transform your fleet operations.
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boatarenttahoe · 3 months
Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings Market Scope & Growth Projection till 2032
Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings Market.
The market statistics represented in different Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings.
Major stakeholders, key companies Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Early Phase Clinical Trial Outsourcings and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/early-phase-clinical-trial-outsourcings-market-101449
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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intellibooks · 3 months
Transforming Restaurant Management with IntelliBooks
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In the competitive world of restaurants, efficient management is key to success. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer experience, IntelliBooks is designed to meet the diverse needs of restaurant owners. Our comprehensive restaurant management software integrates advanced technology to simplify tasks and boost efficiency, allowing restaurateurs to focus on what they do best: delivering exceptional dining experiences.
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A robust Point of Sale (POS) system is the backbone of any restaurant. IntelliBooks offers a state-of-the-art POS system that handles high transaction volumes effortlessly. The intuitive interface ensures quick and accurate order processing, reducing wait times and enhancing customer satisfaction. By integrating various payment methods, our POS system provides a seamless checkout experience. With IntelliBooks, managing your restaurant's sales, inventory, and customer data has never been easier.
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Managing inventory is a challenging task for any restaurant. IntelliBooks simplifies this process with its comprehensive inventory management system. Track inventory levels in real-time, monitor ingredient usage, and automate reordering processes to ensure you never run out of stock. By maintaining accurate inventory records, IntelliBooks helps reduce waste and control costs. Detailed inventory reports provide insights into trends, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.
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One of the standout features of IntelliBooks is its versatility. Our platform is designed to adapt to various restaurant formats, from fine dining establishments to food trucks and cloud kitchens. Each type of restaurant has unique challenges, and IntelliBooks is equipped to handle them all. For example, food trucks can benefit from our mobile POS system, while cloud kitchens can efficiently manage delivery orders. This adaptability makes IntelliBooks a valuable asset for any dining establishment, ensuring smooth operations across different formats.
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As your restaurant grows, managing multiple locations can become complex. IntelliBooks supports scalability, allowing you to manage multiple locations from a centralized dashboard. This feature ensures consistency and control across all operations, no matter how many locations you have. Our centralized dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all operations, making it easy to manage inventory, staff, sales, and customer feedback across multiple locations. IntelliBooks grows with your business, providing support at every stage.
Exceptional Customer Support
At IntelliBooks, we are committed to providing exceptional customer support. From onboarding and training to ongoing assistance, our support team is dedicated to helping you get the most out of our platform. Whether it’s help with setup, questions about specific features, or resolving issues, our customer support is always available to assist. This commitment ensures that you can focus on running your restaurant while we take care of the rest.
In the fast-paced and competitive restaurant industry, having the right management tools can make all the difference. IntelliBooks offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution that integrates all aspects of restaurant management into one powerful platform. From POS systems and inventory control to staff management and customer engagement, IntelliBooks covers all bases, ensuring your restaurant operates smoothly and efficiently. By leveraging IntelliBooks' powerful features, restaurant owners can enhance customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately boost their restaurant’s performance and profitability. Whether you run a small cafe or a multi-location restaurant chain, IntelliBooks provides the tools and support you need to succeed. Visit intellibooks.io to learn more about how IntelliBooks can transform your restaurant operations and take your business to the next level. With IntelliBooks, you're not just managing a restaurant—you're building a successful and sustainable dining experience.
Read More at IntelliBooks.io
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unicotaxi-app · 3 months
Start your Uber-like tow truck and roadside assistance business with this guide by UnicoTaxi
Start your own Uber-like tow truck and roadside assistance business with the comprehensive guide by UnicoTaxi. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up, managing, and growing your business. Learn about the latest technology, customer service strategies, and operational tips to ensure your venture's success in the competitive roadside assistance market. Get ready to hit the road with confidence and efficiency!
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