#Clutter-Free Living
beingjellybeans · 10 months
Declutter and Thrive: How an organized home can change your life
We’ve all experienced the effects of a disorganized living space at some point – whether it’s the frustration of not finding your keys, the stress of a cluttered kitchen, or the constant battle with overflowing closets. But this shouldn’t be a given! With a few simple rules of thumb and a little effort, you can transform your home into a well-organized haven that’s both aesthetically pleasing…
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How Frugal Minimalism Embraces a Simpler, More Fulfilling Life
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kameshwar · 17 days
2 June 2024
After a week, I am out for a walk in the morning. My target of  10 thousand steps everyday has gone for a toss. I was down with heatsroke. A small mistake on my part caused this. Everyday after coming back from the morning walk, I eat a small portion of soaked nuts and then have a cup of black coffee mixed with a spoon of home-made ghee( clarified butter). That day I was in a hurry to give the…
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herespaaa · 6 months
How Decluttering Impacts Your Mind: The Therapeutic Effects of Home Cleaning | HereSpa
Home is not just a physical space; it also reflects our state of mind. Cluttered and disorganized living spaces can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. On the other hand, a clean and organized home has a profound impact on our mental well-being. 
In this blog post, we'll explore the therapeutic effects of home cleaning and decluttering, shedding light on how HereSpa Home Cleaning Services go beyond pampering to enhance your overall sense of peace and relaxation.
A Sense of Calm and Serenity: A clutter-free environment creates a sense of calm and serenity. When we walk into a clean and organized space, we feel more at ease, free from the distractions of clutter and chaos. The act of decluttering is not only about removing physical items but also about creating space in our minds. HereSpa's at-home services offer a unique opportunity to not only pamper yourself but also create an environment conducive to mental tranquility.
Stress Reduction: Research has shown that living in cluttered spaces can increase stress levels. The visual overload of clutter can overwhelm our minds and lead to feelings of anxiety and tension. On the other hand, decluttering and cleaning our homes can have a therapeutic effect, reducing feelings of stress and promoting a sense of order. HereSpa's at-home services can be a powerful addition to your self-care routine, providing a relaxing and stress-relieving experience. 
Boost in Productivity: A tidy home can lead to increased productivity and focus. When our surroundings are organized, our minds feel clearer, allowing us to concentrate better on tasks at hand. As you incorporate HereSpa at-home cleaning services into your routine, you can take advantage of the decluttered environment to boost your productivity. Whether you're working from home or engaging in creative pursuits, an organized space encourages efficiency and a greater sense of accomplishment.
Emotional Well-Being: Our living spaces often hold sentimental value, and decluttering can be an emotional process. As you sort through belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or discard, you may encounter memories and emotions attached to certain items. 
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Here are some common emotional feelings that you might experience:
Nostalgia: Certain items may trigger feelings of nostalgia, taking you back to cherished memories and moments from the past.
Happiness: As you declutter and create a more organized space, you may feel a sense of happiness and accomplishment.
Anxiety: The process of decluttering and making decisions about what to keep or discard can be anxiety-inducing, especially when faced with sentimental items.
Satisfaction: Successfully decluttering and organizing your space can bring a satisfying sense of order and cleanliness.
Relief: Letting go of unnecessary clutter can bring a sense of relief, as you free yourself from the burden of excess possessions.
As you work through these emotional feelings during the decluttering process, HereSpa Home Cleaning Services offer a safe and supportive space to discuss and process your emotions. Decluttering can lead to a profound sense of emotional well-being and leave you with a space that not only feels physically tidy but also emotionally liberating.
Increased Energy and Motivation: A clean and decluttered home can have a positive impact on our energy levels and motivation. It becomes easier to tackle daily tasks and engage in activities that bring us joy when our living spaces are organized. HereSpa's at-home services inspire you to create an environment that fosters positive energy and motivation.
Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Cleaning and decluttering your home can be a mindful practice, allowing you to be present in the moment and engage in self-reflection. As you take the time to tidy up and simplify your surroundings, you become more attuned to your thoughts and feelings. HereSpa's calming treatments complement this process by encouraging mindfulness and relaxation. The combination of decluttering and self-care creates an opportunity for introspection and personal growth.
HereSpa Home Cleaning Services offer more than just luxurious pampering; they extend to the very essence of your living space and well-being. By combining the therapeutic effects of home cleaning and decluttering with expert care for your body and mind, HereSpa creates a harmonious and calming experience.
Take the first step towards a more serene and uplifting living environment with HereSpa Home Cleaning Services, and relish the therapeutic effects that extend far beyond your spa treatments.
Book an at-home appointment today through our website at www.herespa.com or call and text us at +1-234-437-3772  
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freegamingideas · 1 month
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The Ultimate List of Sims 4 Decor CC and Clutter (Maxis Match)
Find the best Sims 4 decor CC to add a touch of style and personality to your virtual home! Whether you're looking for wall decor, house decor, or just some clutter to make your rooms feel more lived-in, this post has got you covered. From kitchen to bathroom to bedroom, we've compiled a list of over 35 Maxis Match CC items that will elevate the design of any room in your Sim's house.
You can find the post here.
Thank you creators ❤️❤️: @mel-bennett, @sims3melancholic, @sooky88, @stayathomesim, @joyceisfox, @simlicy, @thecluttercat, @raventons, @syboubou, @madlensims, @qicc, @heybrine.
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tcustodisart · 1 month
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*cough cough* sooooo because I'm god's weakest soldier I bought and painted another Shadowheart figurine. And I'm not going to be modest about it - I did a pretty good job with the paint.
Bonus pic, she came with a friend!
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And comparison with the previous Shart I painted.
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oldfarmhouse · 8 months
Where there is clutter,
There’s no room for calm and content. Be ruthless. Clear out the chaos and make space for the things in life that really matter.
𝒗𝒊𝒂 𖧷𝐌𝐞𝐠 𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑚ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒
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vampirerite · 9 months
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theyre best friends trust me
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dreamwinged · 9 days
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE slash life update I SIGNED THE LEASE ON A NEW APARTMENT🙏🙏🙏 this happened like two days ago but i am still so joyous and i realize i forgot to share
i kinda yapped beware
itll be my first place without a roommate but i’ve been living wifh roommates for like . 3 years now(?) AND IM SO EXCITED im just really tired of cleaning up after people and always feeling overwhelmed and i cant wait to be in my own space where i feel wholly comfortable and dont have to worry about anything <3
im so excited to have more space!! i can cook!!! i can play records!! i can hang stuff on the walls i can decorate how i want!!! i can move in all my figures and trinkets and set them up and display them and stuff!!! ill have room for all my plushies!!!!!! and the location is good and the place is really cute idk im just rly happy i feel like ive been dying for this for years 😭😭 FINALLYYY
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swapmeetsimming · 8 months
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Live Edge Set is FREE to Everyone!
Free to the public, today(technically yesterday). Here is the direct link to my Patreon post that has more pictures, and information about the swatches and individual items.
Hopefully, my mod partner gets back up and running soon, so we can get back to making things :/
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nugothrhythms · 6 months
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If you live in or near the Long Beach, California area and are over the age of twenty-one, there is a free goth show at Alex's Bar tomorrow night
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
he also says that Jonathan is smitten with Nancy
Yes! Very true. Thank you for reminding me, Anon!!
I just think it's totally obvious that since becoming friends, Jonathan has talked Argyle's ear off about how wonderful Nancy is and how much he loves her. Nancy being the "supposed love of [his] life" and Jonathan being "smitten" with Nancy are bold claims Argyle airs for the audience to hear (all within the same sentence, mind you). And the writers did this intentionally.
I love this initial scene with Argyle and Jonathan (and Nancy and Fred) because it quickly establishes that Argyle knows Jonathan (points out that he's moping, knows his backstory and feelings for Nancy) and is a reliable mouthpiece for Jonathan's current emotional state. I additionally love this scene because, while there are clearly long distance issues for Jonathan and Nancy that they won't admit, when they talk about the other, it is genuine and real and, most interestingly, they list the attributes that are causing relationship problems as the reasons why they love the other:
Nancy says Jonathan is "so protective over the people that he loves." and that "he’ll never back down from what’s right, what’s moral. No matter the pressure, no matter the personal cost." Meanwhile, Jonathan is living in a doom spiral because he feels like he has to put his future plans on hold to be there and support his family after graduation AND he feels like he can't talk to Nancy about this because he doesn't want to throw off her plans and dreams even though he truly believes that he'll lose her (which he doesn't want) no matter what choice he makes. So now he's stuck not doing anything (besides self medicating with Argyle to take the very sharp edge off) and putting the conversation off as long as possible.
This whole approach screams Jonathan being protective over his family and Nancy and her dreams. He is sacrificing his relationship with her for what he deems is "right" (her achieving her dreams). These choices obviously come at a huge personal cost for him (I mean watch the first few episodes of ST4 very closely, he is not living a happy, care-free life. He is miserable.) but it doesn't matter because he’ll never back down from what’s right, what’s moral. No matter what. Also, I don't want to romanticize his actions of lying to Nancy and hurting her through this choice. It is bad, but it is also understandable and realistic for his character. I also think it is clear that Jonathan doesn't want to lie, lying is, in part, what is tearing him up.
On the flip side, Jonathan says Nancy is "incredibly ambitious. She’s never done a thing halfway in her life." This is ultimately why he feels like he has to lose her. He views Nancy as someone who is going places and he loves and respects that about her (clearly says it in season 4) but he knows, through his own self-sacrifice and perceived need to protect his family, that he will only slow her down or worse, prevent her from achieving her dreams which (he believes) will lead to future resentment. None of this is on Nancy, of course, this is Jonathan's own issue, but he's worried that he's an anchor that's weighing her down and thinks letting her go will be the best thing for her.
So I absolutely love that though there are issues that need to be discussed ever so badly between these two, they have explicitly stated that the points of major conflict harming their relationship are the reasons why they love each other. This gives me hope that they can talk things out (which we know they can do and have done before), or that they at least understand each other's motivations and will respect any decisions made in season 5.
Getting back to Argyle, president of the Jonathan Byers fan club, I think his reactions to Jonathan spiraling are incredibly important and intentional. The conversation about Jonathan "slow motion break[-ing] up with Nancy" gets taken widely out of context. This could be a whole other rant post, but Jonathan does not want to break up with Nancy, he feels that losing her is inevitable. Jonathan doesn't bring up the idea of slow-motion breaking up, Argyle does AND Argyle, seemingly, brings it up to show how ridiculous Jonathan is being based on his reaction:
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When Jonathan, sounding very lost, responds to the idea of slow motion breaking-up with "I guess," Argyle, who (again) knows Jonathan's feelings and has heard a lot about Nancy (enough to know that she is supposedly the love of Jonathan's life and that he's totally smitten with her), is basically like "fuck that." To show he knows how much Jonathan loves Nancy and wants to be with her, why the hell would he want to let her go. Argyle's reaction also gives me huge "I have not listened to you gush about this girl for months on end just for you to give up like this!" vibes.
Another thing I wanted to point out to contest people saying "Jonathan wants to break up with Nancy anyways," is that when Argyle dismisses the idea, Jonathan says "I know, I don't know what to do." Which is so important because it shows that Jonathan doesn't want to break up with Nancy, doesn't want to lose her, but doesn't see any other way. He is lost.
TLDR; Honestly, I'm not sure this went a bit off the rails. Argyle knows Jonathan super well and knows how much he loves Nancy. That is why he is a good character to react to Jonathan's existential crisis because he is a mouthpiece for Jonathan's wants and dreams while Jonathan is weighed down by perceived expectations, limitations, and familial trauma. Also some jancy hope.
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crimson-roots · 1 year
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..i am . so sorry for the repost! but it turns out i wasn't happy with the first draft! // [from @slashmagpie's lifeline au] // more versions under cut
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i just,, god. i can't stop thinking about this au. there was, after all, only one etho. maybe some day you'll forgive me. she knew. ..she knew. ,,,man.
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coloursofaparadox · 8 months
ive been slowly and methodically going through my entire house and sorting years of accumulated junk into donate (like 80% of it has been going here), keep, or sell piles ever since the last time I moved this year and hoo boy. it absolutely is not something that can be done in a one day hyperfocus-cleaning session, which is how I've been coping with cleaning for most of my life. it's required me to do multiple small chunks here and there over months and I'm getting really really close to done!! I still have to go through all my clothes (rip) but I'm down to the last couple boxes of Stuff™. I am very very excited.
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freegamingideas · 1 month
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25+ Maxis Match Sims 4 Living Room CC (Furniture CC & Clutter CC)
Looking for a fresh, stunning Sims 4 living room CC? Check out this post for the top Maxis Match furniture and clutter CC packs! Whether you're into a cozy farmhouse or sleek modern looks, find all the inspiration and downloads to turn your Sims 4 living room into a dream space.
Ditch the dull base game options for endless possibilities with these 25+ Sims 4 CC packs.
You can find the post here.
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dizzysinner · 9 months
get those stupid FUCKING buttons OUT OF MY NOTIFICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW WHO MY MUTUALS ARE!!!!!!!! this stupid mobile app is barely functional can staff stop making it worse
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