#Frugal Minimalism
How Frugal Minimalism Embraces a Simpler, More Fulfilling Life
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I gotta make note to take pictures and stuff when I go shopping for my other Tumblr post and take pics of receipts w/o any id numbers etc.
I never think to do so and it devastates me when I don't do that.
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Planning for my next flat
For my next flat I'd like to implement some habits to help myself on the long term.
Minimalism : I want an easy place to clean, and to find stuff easily.
Frugality : I want to reduce my budget, by buying less stuff, and when I do doing it secondhand. I also want to reduce my use of prepackaged food.
Sustainability : I want to be more conscious of the impact of my lifestyle on the environment, by favouring reusable items and local food.
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petula-xx · 4 months
Less is More
I've been decluttering and reducing my possessions for years. Right now I'm going through the process again.
The older I get the less I need, or want, in the house. A life of frugal simplicity feels so right now.
I've never been a hoarder but regularly re-evaluating my possessions has resulted in so much stuff being moved on and, in most cases, not replaced.
3 bags for the op shop, 2 for the bin and a hard rubbish collection in the planning are the result of my current efforts. A clean out of the garden shed is next.
This will not be my last declutter. The need to continue to simplify my life is very natural now.
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inknectar · 9 months
“if you find out you can live without,
then go along not thinking about it”
Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book
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lalocreativity · 5 months
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
Qualities That Define a Minimalist Person
A minimalist person is someone who adopts a lifestyle that focuses on simplicity and intentionally reduces the clutter, distractions, and excess in their lives. Here are some qualities that often define a minimalist person:
Simplicity: Minimalists prioritize simplicity in all aspects of their lives. They seek to simplify their possessions, daily routines, and commitments to create a sense of calm and clarity.
Intentionality: Minimalists are intentional about their choices. They carefully consider what they bring into their lives, whether it's physical possessions, relationships, or commitments. They focus on what truly adds value and eliminates what doesn't align with their priorities.
Decluttering: Minimalists actively declutter their physical spaces, getting rid of items they no longer need or find joy in. They understand that physical clutter can lead to mental clutter, and strive to create a clean and organized environment.
Mindfulness: Minimalists practice mindfulness and live in the present moment. They appreciate the simple pleasures of life, often finding joy in experiences rather than material possessions.
Frugality: Minimalists tend to be frugal and avoid unnecessary consumerism. They question the need for excessive spending and prioritize saving money for things that truly matter to them.
Environmental consciousness: Many minimalists are environmentally conscious and make choices that reduce their impact on the planet. They might prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly products, embrace minimal packaging, or reduce waste in their daily lives.
Detachment from material possessions: Minimalists do not attach their self-worth or happiness to material possessions. They understand that true happiness comes from within and focus on cultivating meaningful relationships, personal growth, and experiences.
Time and energy prioritization: Minimalists value their time and energy. They avoid activities, commitments, and relationships that drain them or don't align with their values. They prioritize activities that bring them joy, personal growth, and fulfillment.
Quality over quantity: Minimalists value quality over quantity. They prefer owning a few high-quality items that they truly cherish rather than accumulating a large number of mediocre possessions.
Focus on personal growth: Minimalists often prioritize personal growth and self-improvement. They strive to simplify their lives to create space and time for learning, pursuing hobbies, and developing meaningful connections.
It's important to note that minimalism is a personal journey, and individuals may embrace these qualities to varying degrees. Minimalism can be tailored to suit an individual's needs, values, and circumstances.
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silviafischer · 6 months
Now I am on tumblr! Who am I?
I'm a blogger and writer and I recently published three new books:
The continuation of my adventures with little money in german https://www.story.one/de/book/mein-wundervolles-leben-mit-kaum-geld/
My fabulous life nearly without money as to say with 88,00 in one year in Southern France https://www.story.one/de/book/living-for-free/
A bilinguql book geman english aboaut my life without money https://www.story.one/de/book/geldbefreit-leben-living-for-free/
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lovebestworld · 1 year
minimalism is not just about decluttering or owning fewer possessions. It's a mindset, a deliberate choice to simplify our lives and strip away distractions that hinder our journey to fulfillment.
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devesh1709 · 2 years
8 Thought- provoking images that will change your life perspective.
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Things I do to live a simple life
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1. Settle for Second Place: In life we tend to push to be the best or the greatest at what we do, thereby putting ourselves under massive pressure. We're always in constant competition with the next guy, so in trying to live simply I've decided to settle for second place because I've decided that it's okay if my neighbor drives a Ferrari and I drive a Honda. As long as my car gets me to where I'm going it's alright.
2. No Multitasking: The modern world has taught us that we can do multiple things at the same time but in doing so, I found out that I put myself under a lot of undue stress and I end up with couple of incomplete task. So in trying to live a simple life I've decided to face a particular task squarely and finish it before moving on to the next one.
3. Reduce Social Media Consumption: With how we're getting shown people's picture perfect lives and we tend to envy and most times lose our way while trying to obtain that life, I quit a lot of my social media accounts and aside from that, we get lost in the endless scrolling cycle looking for the next dopamine fox to get us out of the humdrum instead of going out there and meeting/making friends or striving to be better we just scroll and later end up feeling like sh*t. So I quit most of my social media aside from YouTube (for learning) and WhatsApp (for communication).
4. Learning for Other People's Mistakes: "Let me learn from my mistakes": this is a common saying in the part of the world I come from but it is something I've never purposefully tried to apply. I don't believe in learning from my mistakes as some mistakes I've seen didn't give their owners the opportunity to learn from them so as much as it is in my power I learn from the mistake of others. It also saves me time as I already know what doesn't work; so instead of hammer at what someone has done and failed at, I'll look for a better way of getting it done.
5. Decluttering: This has been a big part of my life, since I picked up minimalism. I've greatly reduced the quantity of "stuff" that I own, cut down my wardrobe size to just the essentials, sold off items that had no purpose or I wasn't using anymore. Now I have more space, cleaning my house is easier, I don't bump into random things all the clutter is slowly but surely disappearing and I've seen the peace of mind the having less stuff brings plus it helped me give away some things and in doing so brought joy to other people.
These are some of the things I'm doing, feel free to suggest more simple life hacks in the comments!
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I'm so glad I'm able to live near a dollar general. This is what I needed!
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hellobrownlow · 2 months
Deinfluencing & Underconsumption: Learning from Our New Favorite Trends
If you find yourself on social media very often, you may have heard of this little trend called “deinfluencing” and “underconsumption”. Deinfluencing is meant to be the opposite of influencing, or getting people to buy things or buy into things. In the same vain, underconsumption is mean to highlight a normal or minimal level of consumption, primarily in the US. In the social media world where…
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petula-xx · 3 months
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My recent house decluttering and resource re-evaluation has also included the pantry. Today I found a useful purpose for some remnant, small quantity ingredients.
A cup each of oats and soft, brown sugar went into biscuits.
A cup of 00 pasta flour finally got turned into some pasta.
Dinners, snacks, zero food waste, zero $ waste and a tidier pantry. Winner!
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tidymalism · 8 months
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Some notes on adopting a mindful consumption mindset for the minimalism curious... from someone who's three years into her journey 🙂
➡️ Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter, the Minimal Monthlies. Get all the latest blog posts from Tidymalism plus curated bonus content delivered straight to your inbox. Woot. 🤓
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sanetimental · 9 months
The Dangers Of Frugality
Excessive frugality can hinder personal growth and undermine confidence. It's important to strike a balance between living below means and embracing life’s opportunities.
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a man who fancied himself a penny-picker extraordinaire. Day in and day out, he diligently scoured the walkways, convinced he was on the brink of a fortune. Little did he know, his obsession with those shiny copper coins took a toll on his posture, leaving him permanently hunched like a person who had misplaced their backbone. Like penny…
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