#Coconut Sugar market
vijukumar · 6 months
Unwrapping the Sweet World: Exploring the Dynamics of the Sugar Market
The global sugar market is an integral part of our daily lives, influencing everything from the sweeteners we use in our morning coffee to the ingredients found in our favorite desserts. This dynamic industry encompasses a wide array of products, from traditional cane sugar to innovative alternatives like coconut sugar and low-calorie sweeteners. In this blog, we'll delve into the diverse landscape of the sugar market, examining its trends, size, key players, and the ever-evolving consumer demands that shape its trajectory.
Sugar Market Overview:
The sugar market is a vast and complex sector that plays a crucial role in both the food and beverage industry and our daily dietary habits. The global Sugar market size was valued at USD 195623.62 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 2.72% during the forecast period, reaching USD 229854.89 million by 2028. Traditional players in this market include raw cane sugar and refined sugar, which have long been the primary sweeteners in various cuisines worldwide. However, the market has seen a significant shift with the rise of alternative sweeteners and the growing demand for healthier and more sustainable options.
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Key Segments in the Sugar Market:
Coconut Sugar Market:
As consumers become more health-conscious, there has been a surge in demand for natural and organic sweeteners. Coconut sugar, derived from the sap of coconut trees, has gained popularity due to its perceived health benefits and lower glycemic index compared to traditional sugars.
Organic Sugar Market:
The organic sugar market has witnessed substantial growth as consumers prioritize products that are free from pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This trend aligns with the broader shift towards organic and sustainably sourced food products.
Palm Sugar Market:
Palm sugar, extracted from the sap of certain palm trees, has gained traction as a sweetener with unique flavor profiles. Its natural sweetness and distinct taste have positioned it as an alternative for those seeking variety in their sweetening options.
Low Calorie Sweeteners Market:
With an increasing focus on reducing calorie intake and managing health, the market for low-calorie sweeteners has experienced exponential growth. Artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and natural alternatives cater to consumers looking for sweetness without the caloric impact.
Natural Alternative Sweeteners Market:
Natural alternative sweeteners, such as stevia and monk fruit, have gained popularity as consumers seek plant-based and minimally processed options. The market for these alternatives is expected to continue expanding as awareness of their benefits grows.
Market Trends and Insights:
Sugar-Free Beverage Market:
The rise of health-conscious consumers has led to a surge in demand for sugar-free beverages. This trend has influenced the strategies of beverage companies, spurring innovation in the development of low-calorie and natural sweetener-infused drinks.
Sugar Market Growth and Revenue:
Despite concerns about the health impacts of excessive sugar consumption, the sugar market continues to grow. Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and changing dietary habits contribute to the sustained demand for sweeteners.
Top Sugar Companies and Market Competition:
The sugar market is highly competitive, with key players continuously adapting to meet consumer preferences. Top companies in the industry are investing in research and development to introduce innovative products and maintain their market share.
The sugar market is a vibrant and ever-evolving landscape, reflecting the dynamic interplay between consumer preferences, health considerations, and industry innovation. As the demand for diverse sweetening options continues to rise, the sugar market is likely to witness further transformations, with a spotlight on natural and healthier alternatives. Keeping an eye on emerging trends, technological advancements, and the strategies of top sugar companies will be crucial for stakeholders navigating this complex and multifaceted industry.
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130694 · 11 months
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Coconut Sugar Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Coconut Sugar Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
This report studies the Coconut Sugar Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Coconut Sugar Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report. The report…
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stylemuse07 · 9 months
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Soothes burns, skin irritations, wound healing
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researchnreports · 1 year
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f10werfae · 1 year
Milf and Cookies
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pairing; Lumberjack!Henry x Pregnant!Shy!Reader
summary: Henry’s wants his shy wife’s titty milk and pussy, a gender reveal, and baby Marly the Cat goes missing. (Lactation!Kink)(Dilf!Henry)(Dom!Henry)
(short story 🫶)
Likes, Comments and Reblogs are appreciated🫶
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“H-Hen, I-I can’t find b-baby Marly” Y/n whined plopping herself onto her grumpy husband’s lap, his hands instinctively reaching around to grope her ass, clad in some soft cotton shorts. “Shh s’okay sugar cube, ‘m sure our baby hasn’t toddled off too far” Henry grumbled moving his hand up to smooth over her 8 month bump, feeling his little miracle squirming inside their momma.
“B-But she isn’t i-in her cat h-house, o-or the bed a-and not even the nursery!” Y/n whined blowing her nose as Henry held the tissue for her, her fingers fiddling with the hem of his white vest, his new tattoo on his chest being exposed slightly. “baby bun don’t worry your pretty lil head alright? We can go find baby Marly together, now have you checked everywhere in the house?”
“Mhm even u-under the bed”
“How on hell did you get onto the ground?” Henry quirked knowing damn well she struggled to even get clothes on or lotion up after a shower, leading to him having to lather her up in her coconut body butter, and helping her get her clothes on (that’s on the odd occasion she didn’t sleep in the nude) “I-I used my stool t-to help me down”
A sharp squeal immediately left her pouty lips as his hands made contact with her ass, grabbing onto it, “aw sugar pie, if you need help ya call daddy, don’t ya momma?” He growled through gritted teeth as she nodded, it wasn’t surprising that now he had knocked her up, his possessive and protectiveness had increased by ten folds. Helping her to slip on some shorts, he held her hand tightly as they both slipped on their matching fluffy crocs (ones she again insisted they buy at the market)
Her mood instantly lightening up at the sight of all the flowers and fruits starting to bloom, with her giggling at simply nothing and everything; Henry swinging their hands and bringing it up to kiss her knuckles every few minutes. “W-what if w-we can’t find b-baby?” She whimpered remembering why they were out there in the first place,
“I’ll find her momma don’t you worry, in fact a’ think I can see her from ‘ere” Henry stopped looking in between the tall grass to see their tiny white flur baby, mingling with a larger black grumpy looking cat, how ironic. “Looks like Marly got a boyfriend” Henry chuckled bending down to see both of the cats cuddling together, their tails interlinked as the black cat licked up Marly’s fur.
“O-Oh my! They’re so cute” Y/n squealed looking up to Henry, with that same sparkle in her eyes, he already knew what she was about to ask, “Fine yes okay, we can take him home, as long as we don’t find a collar on him or anythin like that, sound okay sugar cube?” She nodded eagerly picking up Marly, watching as the black cat walked alongside them to the log wood cabin.
“Now come on momma, let’s leave these two in their bed while I tend to my baby, we still have to cut the box remember?” He whispered, seeing the sugar cube shaped cupcake sitting waiting for them, it had only arrived that morning; in it contained the gender of their little miracle and God could he not wait. With Y/n wanting Marly to be with them for the whole experience. “O-Oh yeah, I f-forgot”
“S’okay baby I know you’re dumbed out, can’t help it with your condition” He smiled sickly rubbing over her stomach as he sat them both onto the couch, the box sitting on her lap as she giggled and nodded along to his insult. His hands combing back her hair gingerly, her nose wrinkling every so often. “C-can we cut i-it now? m’ excited” She whispered wiggling on his lap, watching intently as he took the cupcake from her hands, peeling back its covering.
“Open wide bun” He whispered watching her take a bite, showcasing that she would be bringing a precious baby boy and baby girl into the world. The perfect mix of them both, a tiny Henry and an even tinier Y/n, both of them cocooned away in their momma’s stomach all safe and sound. “I-It’s both? Does that m-mean twins Hen?” She said shocked, feeling Henry smirk and chuckle as he licked up the cream from her lips and chin; not only did he manage to knock her up, but he managed to double it.
“Aww baby I could fuck you till the sun goes down, my little petal givin’ me two miracles at once, your pussy really musta milked my cock for all its worth” His hands patted her stomach as tears rushed to her eyes, she finally knew what she was having, her own little boy and girl; if anything this was a dream to her. “S-stop it, y-you’re ruinin’ the moment, tell y-your dads to s-stop it” She sniffed putting her hand on too of Henry’s, feeling the strong kicks following their touch everywhere they moved, their babies were here right now.
“You better not take her away from me squirts, Cus a’ swear my woman is-“
“Y-you gotta l-learn to share” Y/n huffed crossing her arms, “Yeah sure, one tit for them and one for me” Henry chuckled leaning down to press a kiss onto the exposed part of her chest, cupping underneath it and squeezing the swollen flesh softly, watching as her shirt dampened due to her milk coming in earlier than normal. He maintained eye contact with her as he licked over her hardened nipple over the thin fabric, the sweet milk streaming into hid mouth ad he started to suckle gently, a habit he had picked up to help her fall asleep and him at the same time. Sometimes with him waking up due to her nipple popping out of his mouth, or with her when she realised the pressure in them was building up again. Either way it was a new bonding experience for them both
“I wan’ go to b-bed, m’ tired” She whispered kissing the top of his, her eyed lidded while she watched him press kisses onto her tits, taking his sweet time with each one of them. “Alright sugar, I’ve got ya, get ya all nice n’ snuggled in” He grunted picking her up, carrying her to their shared marital bedroom, their pictures littering the room in pink fluffy photo frames she had chosen.
Sitting slightly upwards with an extra pillow underneath her head, she shuffled towards Henry’s side, letting him lay his head onto her puffy chest; sighing out in relief as he started kissing and sucking at her nipples. Lifting his head up he spat some of her own milk into her mouth, letting her taste it as he licked wetly into her mouth, drool and excess milk dripping from the sides of their lips. His babygirl’s sweet milk was the best thing he had tasted, and he’d rather die before sharing it with someone else but he knew better than to mess with his woman and their babies. Their baby boy and baby girl, their miracles
PSA: I know this is short, but tomorrow I’m posting a full fic on how Shy!Y/n lost her virginity to Lumberjack!Henry :)) So if you would like tagged in that tomorrow please let me know🫶
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fuckingrecipes · 3 months
hello! recently ive had an obsession with drinks, and almost each night ive been making one, ranging from chai latte to orange julius, to milkshakes. but ive been running out - do you happen to have any recipes? nonalcoholic would be preferable, and names are just fine too unless it’s not a wide spread concoction. thank you!!!
How about instead of a recipe, I give you some less-used ingredients and you can DIY some combinations?
Red Bell Pepper Juice! You can sometimes buy it at specialty stores, or you can blend/crush/mash some red bell peppers and strain the juice out yourself. I really like it combined with simple syrup and lime juice for a rich mocktail.
You can also use other vegetable juices in fun little drinks. Carrot juice can be surprisingly sweet. Sugar Beets are named that for a reason. There's a lot of folks down here in the south who just drink sweetcorn juice.
You can get a deeper, smokier flavor by braising your veggies until they char a little, before juicing them.
Seedlip Spice 94, for an herbal, conifer-like flavor. I love this paired with lavender syrup, in any clear soda. It tastes like summer!
Coconut Cream (not coconut water! It's different!) Can be used as a base instead of ice cream, with frozen mango for an ultra-creamy, richly flavored frozen drink. The ratios here will be different, so use your own judgement.
Consider going to a foreign food market, and buying like... random canned fruit you've never heard of. Using lychee syrup is delicious. You can also look around for fruits and drinks you've never tried. There's a whole world out there of packaged drink powders!
Gochujang sweetened with honey and lime, cut with ginger beer is... an experience. Get the ratios right, and it's addictive.
Think about muddling herbs/fruits into your clear soda, which aren't just 'mint and cucumber' - Basil and lime. Dill and apple. Blackberry and Anise.
Had muddled basil and simple syrup in some iced coffee recently. It was intriguing. Good? Not sure, but it compelled me.
Be adventurous and you'll never run out of new flavor combinations to try~
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dksw0rld · 11 months
How I Achieved Glass Skin Without Trying
Yes, you read that right. I achieved glass skin literally without trying at all. With glass skin being pretty much the last thing on my mind actually. Partly because I was never insecure about my skin as I really didn't have any acne issues. I had smaller bumps on my forehead and a little bit on the other parts of my face but no big breakouts or chronic issues. Also partly because I was so focused on something else...want to learn how you can also achieve clear skin without actually trying to achieve clear skin? Keep reading for all the deets.
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Okay, so, as I mentioned above - clear skin was not my focus. It was genuinely the last thing on my mind. My focus was on something better. My focus was (and is) on my overall health. Women nowadays are so focused on 10 step skincare routines to achieve clear skin and retain youthfulness. This is not me putting anyone down, if a 10 step skincare routine makes you happy than by all means continue on! I'm merely pointing out that women don't need to do all of that to heal their skin. The key word in that last sentence is heal. But enough of me talking, here's what I did to completely clear my skin by focusing on my overall health. **Everything I name below are things I still do.
I focused on consuming nourishing foods
I have veggies and / or fruit at every meal. No exception. I don't go a day without consuming them. I focus on foods that nourish my body from the inside out. I don't eat processed anything. I consume other types of carbs, not just bread or pasta.
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2. I began to drink coconut water and pure pineapple juice first thing in the morning
I drink 8 - 10oz of coconut water mixed with pineapple juice every morning. I've seen a big difference with my hydration levels throughout the day.
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3. I severely limited fizzy drinks
There's a specific brand of sparkling water I love (it's called Clear American) and I used to drink it regularly. There's nothing super unhealthy about this brand but it's still carbonated. When I began to limit drinking sparkling water, I noticed a difference in my body and skin. I also very rarely drink soda, and if I do it's always Ginger Ale. I mainly drink water with lemon, organic lemonade and hot tea.
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4. I limit bread to one meal a day
I always eat a type of carb during breakfast as they give me the energy I need to go through the day. *Side note* carbs are not bad for you. Your body needs them! Processed carbs are what should be avoided. Anyways, I only eat bread one time a day and then I'll eat other types of carbs throughout the day. The bread I eat is always the least amount of processed possible. I only eat sourdough or whole grain bread. I like going to famers markets to purchase my bread. If I don't eat bread for breakfast then I'll potentially eat a slice or two at lunch but I avoid eating bread for dinner. I like to consume things my body can more easily break down at dinner.
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5. I cut out alcohol
I never drank a whole lot. I've always been a 'glass of wine while hanging with my best friend' type of woman, but if I was out on the town I would drink cocktails. I cut mixed drinks out completely. If I go out I'll order a pineapple juice or ginger beer (which despite its name, is nonalcoholic). I will very occasionally have a glass of wine but that's about it.
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6. I limited my caffeine intake
I have a cup of coffee with creamer and sugar in the morning and that's it for coffee. If I'm slowing down in the middle of the day I drink water first and make sure to get up and take a walk around my office to get my blood flowing. If I'm still dragging after a full cup of water and 30 minutes, I'll drink a chai, other caffeinated tea or a matcha.
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1. I shortened my skin care routine to 2-3 steps
Your skin does not need a lot. It needs to be taken care of from the inside out way more than it needs products on it. In the morning I do a serum, very very light exfoliation and a moisturizing hyaluronic acid lotion. At night I cleanse, put on eye cream and use the same lotion. Once or twice a week I'll do a face mask. That's it! When I switched to this simple routine and focused on my overall health, my skin began to thrive.
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2. I began to walk more
I sustained an injury so I wasn't able to walk as much as I was before. Once my injury healed and I was able to walk again (in the midst of all the other changes I was making), I noticed a difference in my energy level and changes in my body. Walking is so great for you, including great for your skin!
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3. I began to sleep with a satin pillowcase every night
I ditched the regular pillowcase and switched to a satin one. I did this switch for my hair, not my skin but I've noticed it's helped with my skin a lot as well.
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That's it! Once I made these simple changes and was consistent with them, I began to notice how much more amazing I felt. Then one day I looked up and my skin was completely clear. Not a small bump in sight. You don't need to buy all these acne products off of Amazon to get rid of your problem areas. Focus on nourishing and healing your body from the inside out. That's the secret.
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onestopfanficshop · 2 years
dating carmy berzatto
warnings: language
author’s note: literally just a mish-mash of random headcanons + little phrases i think this man would say/do ; if my feeble brain allows i’ll make a part 2 🤷🏾‍♀️
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"honey, that knife is really fuckin' sharp. be careful, yeah?"
never even considered or cared about quitting smoking until he met you. after your first date he went to his local bodega and started buying packs of nicotine patches and gum
"shit. are we outta onions?"
so we all know that carmy would usually hate it when people bug him while he's in the zone and he's cooking, right? okay but picture this. you're over at his place. he's making pasta sauce and he just looks so peaceful and before you even know what you're doing you walk over and wrap your arms from behind him and you kinda just rest your head against him. he's taken aback at first. yes you two started dating but... physical touch? he kinda tenses up a little.
"is this okay?' you ask cautiously.
a beat. "yeah... it's great," he says with a little smile, turning back to look at you. now he can't cook at home without you hugging him :,)
you once tried to convince him to let you sit on his head and tug on his hair while he was cooking
"like the rat in ratatouille!" you had said excitedly. he looked lost. "you know... the movie? ratatouille? isn't that... like... required reading for chefs?"
apparently he had never even seen it which made you shed a tear for his childhood
of course you had made him watch it with you that very night. he mumbled something about health codes and about how anton ego's assholery reminded him of his old boss but he thought the movie was pretty cute. a rat that could cook? he would have to remember to text richie later that he had found a biopic that was based on his life story
"soooo?" you said expectantly when the credits started rolling. again, he looked lost. "will you let me be the rat?" you say with feigned seriousness.
"absolutely not."
he drinks his coffee black. when i say black i mean black black. only occasionally does he get it with two sugars if he really feels like it. when he tried that shaken oatmilk espresso brown sugar or something (he could never remember the name) that you always get from starbucks, the sweetness of it had him shocked
"honey, this is like... 5% coffee and 95% milk ಠ_ಠ"
you two have made it a tradition where you'll go over to his place and dust off one of his dozens of cookbooks, flip to a random page, and make what's on it. sometimes it comes out absolutely awful, but you've found some real gems, too. you two's favorite ravioli recipe had come from a weathered cookbook that was at the bottom of one of his piles
farmers market dates are a given
he likes to knock on coconuts to see if they’re “ready” (michael taught him this)
on the rare occasion he drinks, he goes for white wine. the drier, the better.
i know i said he's not big into physical touch, but i'd like to think that if he drank enough of that aforementioned wine, he would become super touchy. drunk carmy (and sleepy carmy) just would not be able to keeps his hands off you (and it's kinda hot)
“does this need more salt, hon?”
i feel like this man either has a shit ton of aprons at home or he has only one that he has used to absolute death; no in between
his favorite candy is any flavor salt water taffy (except banana) or super dark chocolate (i’m talking 70% cacao content or more) with carmel inside
i feel like his receiving love language would be words of affirmation. he loves being assured, even if he doesn't quite believe you. he's a sucker for a good old-fashioned "i'm proud of you". in terms of giving, his love language is definitely acts of service. you have some dry cleaning ready? no problem he'll pick it up for you on the way back from work. you have a stomachache? don't worry, his mom has a recipe for that and he'll whip it right up for you. had a bad day at work? he's already on his way to get you your favorite thai food, even if it's out of his way. this man lives to please you :,)
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cookinguptales · 1 year
time to shill for Big Salt!!!
Okay, so like I said in my last post, I recently became a ~Vitassium Ambassador~, which is a fancy way of saying that I shilled for this company for free for so long that now they're paying me to do it.
In salt. Much like a deer.
Vitassium is SaltStick's line of products specifically for POTS, EDS, Cystic Fibrosis, Vasovagal Syncope, and other forms of autonomic dysfunction. Essentially speaking, SaltStick has been making electrolyte products for years, and when they realized that a lot of their patients buying them were doing it for medical reasons, they started doing research into creating products specifically for that purpose. And that's how the Vitassium line was born.
Vitassium generally has more salt and less magnesium/calcium/potassium than SaltStick's other electrolyte products, which is good if you need a lot of salt and you don't want to take too high a dose of the rest. Personally, I tend to use a mixture of both of their lines so I can get a little calcium/magnesium boost sometimes but more salt other times. (The amount of potassium is fairly similar in both lines, with a little more in the SaltStick line.)
Either way, it has a lot less sugar than Liquid IV, which I get sick off of due to sugar sensitivities. Like... *googles* 11g of sugar in Liquid IV vs. 2g of sugar in Vitassium, with the same amount of salt in each serving. I have to be pretty careful about my sugar intake, and I suppose I can't speak for everyone, but my stomach handles Vitassium a lot better than most of the other alternatives on the market.
So I've been using it for several years now and I'm really happy with their products! Like -- I may now officially be a shill for Big Salt, but I don't plan on lying or exaggerating anything here. I use their products every day, and sometimes that's the only way I can manage to take a shower.
(My fellow POTS/EDS-sufferers know, the shower struggle is real. lmao)
Anyway, they just sent me one of everything in their Vitassium line. They didn't actually ask me to show it off, but I'm doing it anyway because this is my blog and I cannot be stopped.
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From left to right, we have a bottle of their electrolyte capsules (these are sugar-free extended-release salt pills with a bit of potassium added), both flavors of their electrolyte fastchews (chewable electrolyte candies that provide quick relief... think salty sweettarts), a cute bottle full of packets of their electrolyte drink mix, sample packs of the fastchews, and some stickers.
Personally, I mostly use the fastchews. I've tried salt capsules in the past and had some stomach upset, but now that they sent these to me for free, I guess I'll try them out again. The fastchews are basically sour candy full of salt lmao. (They also have about 2g of sugar per serving, just like the drink mix.) They really are effective, though, so I tend to take them as needed throughout the day.
I usually just keep a bottle of them in my purse, but the sample size bags are resealable and fit well in pockets, bags, etc. I'm happy that they sent me some little sample bags because now I can refill them, haha.
I used to just buy the normal SaltStick fastchews, and my go-to flavors in that line are orange, wild berry, and lemon-lime! I haven't tried the mango because I'm allergic, the peach is okay if very sour, the coconut pineapple is a nice piña colada taste but a little sweet for me, and I really hate the watermelon ones!
(Look, I promised to be honest with you. lmao)
The Vitassium fastchews are newer, and they only come in two flavors so far. I always buy the fruit punch because I despise artificial grape flavor. They just gave me a bunch of grape ones, so I tried them. Good for what they are, but I still hate grape.
(Do any of my chronically ill followers want these? lmk)
The drink mix is the newest Vitassium product! I like it quite a bit; the relief is quicker when you drink it vs. eat it, and speaking as someone who generally hates drink mixes, the flavor is pretty good.
I've tried both the fruit punch and the pink lemonade, and I think I prefer the pink lemonade. The flavor suits the salt a little better, imo, and I think weirdly it mixes a little better?
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I usually buy the drink mix in the canisters because it's cheaper that way and produces less waste (the canister pictured there is one I already had) but the packets are very handy to keep in your bag. They're easy to tear open and even when you tear off the whole top, the opening is small enough that it pours smoothly into small-necked bottles. I like to put some ice in mine and shake it up.
(Side note: Vitassium has specifically designed all their packaging to be as easy to open and use as possible because they know that so many of their customers have arthritis, EDS, and other connective tissue disorders. Which, as someone with EDS, I truly appreciate.)
Finally, one thing I genuinely like about Vitassium is that they try to make their products as accessible as possible for their customers who use them for medical reasons. They have something called the Vitassium Club, which allows registered users who have a medical condition to get 25% off all their electrolyte products. You don't have to get a doctor's note or anything like that, just send in a quick online form and wait for them to change the status of your account.
That brings the cost of the product down considerably for the people who need it most, which is good because honestly? Electrolyte boosters add up fast when you need to consume that much salt every day.
Uhhhh, I think that's everything for now! If you have any questions, lmk! I'm fairly passionate about this kind of thing because when I was first diagnosed with POTS/EDS like... god, 15 years ago now, they didn't have anything like this. I remember struggling to develop a diet that worked for me with no one to teach me and honestly? That fucking sucked. I don't want anyone to be in that position.
So now here in 2023, I'm happy to pass on any chronic illness-related tips I have. Like drink Vitassium! And add salt while you're cooking, not at the end! The flavor will be less strong that way! And a packet of sugar-free hot cocoa mix will often have as much sodium in it as a bag of chips!
Stay salty, friends. 🧂💜😎
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urfavnegronerd · 11 months
all right u obscene fucks some of you don't have a skincare-obsessed sister and it shows
alright so anyone who shaves their no no square is going to know what im talking about so just bare with me. some of us are too broke to afford a wax (i have eight dollars in my spending account rn), so here's what ur gonna do. everyone whos shaved that area has most definitely experienced irritation, ingrowns, bumps, and itchiness. this is not good, especially for those of us with a history of sh. that alone has triggered multiple relapses for me, cus why does my body itch? and then my brain spirals from there
if its been a while since u've shaved? no worries stink i didn't use to be regular either. if its been a while and you have a bit more hair, make sure to trim the area carefully, with a sanitized pair of scissors.
dry brush the area, you can get a dry brush at target, i got mine for five dollars
gently exfoliate the area, i use a home made one w sugar, oil, and dr bronners unscented soap. i use unscented because i have keratosis pilaris, eczema, and sensitive skin. use unscented soap, not no Japanese cherry blossom ass shit from bath and body works. do you want a yeast infection? unscented is the way to go.
get clean razor, i switch mine out every month or so. i use harrys because they're marketed towards men so a closer shave w more blades. before u do anything w the razor, run it under warm water, if the pressure in your showerhead changes switch it to the highest pressure and rinse the blade to get any gunk out of there
drop the shaving cream, the conditioner, whatever u use. drop it. switch for coconut oil instead, unscented as to not irritate the area.
at first go with the direction of hair growth, stopping to rinse the razor and the area every few strokes. then go side to side, and up and down.
as soon as ur finished rinse the area with freezing water as to close/tighten the pores!!
when ur out of the shower use either after shave, or witch hazel. i like to use aqua velva after shave, it smells nice, and also marketed towards a male audience so it actually fucking works. pour a little bit on a cotton round, wash rag, or toilet paper and apply it to the area. it'll sting a little bit, but that's the tightening and toning of the area, don't worry. for those of my afab friends do not put it in there. only on the skin outside of it!! no one wants a yeast infection, or a uti, we don't do that here. (however if you do get a uti or yeast infection, boric acid suppositories at target, azo cranberry tablets and apple cider vinegar tablets. do what you will with that. miasaurus on youtube has great videos on these topics, an ex-stripper and also incredibly funny) tend skin is also a great option but really expensive, when my parents were together my mom got my bald-headed ass daddy a big thing of tend skin for his birthday.
moisturize with unscented lotion, i use cetaphil on that area and coco butter everywhere else
in the showers following ur shave down there, use a salicylic acid face wash on that area. i use cerave because i got it cheap with ulta points, i would recommend cerave because it's formulated with ceramides to keep your skin barrier healthy as well as being unscented. salicylic acid is an acne medication that also helps prevent ingrown hair and itchiness.
moisturize moisturize moisturize!
repeat as necessary friends! go fuck that person bald down there. or don't, whatever floats ur boat. if you wanna be smooth down there (cus its fucking comforting), go be smooth if you wanna!
my mom or my older sister did not teach me this, so i had to figure out what works too embarrassed to ask for help.
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researchnreports · 1 year
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brights-place · 10 months
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Haikyuu Boys and Their Scent
A/N: I went out shopping with friends to a market and passed by candles and lotions along with perfumes and thought about Haikyuu characters and what they would smell like in my view. I enjoyed writing this and I might do this to other characters too. Enjoy these everybody these are just Headcannons on what I think they’d smell like.
List: [Here], Tokyo Boys, Hyogo & Nagano Boys.
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Miyagi Prefecture
Daichi: Tonka, Balsam, and Musk
Sugawara: Green Tea and Lemongrass
Asahi: Caramel, Vanilla, and Tonka Bean
Nishinoya: Mango, Coconut, and Orange Scented
Tanaka: Sandalwood, Musk, and Patchouli
Ennoshita: Coconut, and Vanilla
Kinoshita: Medina, Yulan, and Amber
Narita: Pear, Sala, and Musk
Kageyama: Sea Salt, Amber, Blueberries and Musk
Hinata: Mandarin, Orange, and Vanilla
Tsukishima: Sea Salt, Lime, and Agave
Yamaguchi: Lily of the Valley, and Ozone
Aoba Joshai
Oikawa: Orange, Chili Pepper, and Guava
Iwazumi: Almond, Shea, and Amber
Mattsun: Huckleberry, Sugar cane, and Coconut
Hanamaki: Redberry, Tonka bean, and Cashmere
Yahaba: Clove, Green Pear, and Cinnamon
Kiyotani: White Cherry, Sweet Apple, and Cantaloupe
Watari: Vanilla bean, White Musk, and Patchouli
Kindaichi: Angelica, Musk, and Bay Tree
Kunimi: Buttery Vanilla, Caramel, and Caramelized sugar
Tendou: Chocolate, and Sweets
Ushijima: Honey, Bergamot, and Tonka
Semi: Lilac, Vanilla, and Honey
Reon: Lavender, Orange Blossom, and Gardenia
Kawanashi: Pineapple, Mango, and Honey
Shirabu: Lavender, Amaretto, and Citrus
Goshiki: Vanilla, Rosemary, and Heliotrope
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stardust-swan · 1 year
Pretty Plans for Summer
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☀️ Visit the Botanical Gardens and take polaroids of the summer blooms
☀️ Make summer minestrone, olive bread, a lemon cheesecake, homemade lemonade, candied orange peels, honey-lavender tea, peach iced tea, strawberry mousse, and homemade ice-cream in different flavours
☀️ Enjoy lots of fresh fruits and berries, baked fish with homemade chips (fries), and seasonal vegetables in refreshing salads
☀️ Take walks in the sunshine each day
☀️ Wear flowy dresses and skirts, and lots of linen
☀️ Adorn myself with jewellery made of gold, jewels, and pretty coloured glass
☀️ Apply a coconut moisturiser and follow up with a citrus or floral scent for a tropical vibe (my scents of this summer will be: Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue and Beyoncé Heat Rush)
☀️ Wear heart-shaped glasses
☀️ Get gelato with my friends
☀️ Read on a park bench to enjoy the sun while meeting my reading goals
☀️ Do yoga in the local park
☀️ Press summer flowers
☀️ Leave my water bottle in the freezer each night so that throughout the day it will defrost and I'll have icy cold water
☀️ Go on a picnic! Bring grapes, peach pie, and salty goat's cheese to enjoy on fresh bread
☀️ Adorn my hair with a flower crown
☀️ Take a trip to the beach and enjoy an ice-cream while reading and wearing a cute swimsuit and straw hat
☀️ Visit a vineyard and taste some wines
☀️ Host a garden party with salmon and cream cheese finger sandwiches, lavender scones, and lots of strawberries
☀️ Take a boat cruise and watch the water as the sun sets
☀️ Summer beauty essentials: Shiseido Sun Protector SPF 50, Hada Lobo Anti Aging Super Hydrator Lotion, face powder (to dab on my face if it sweats), Old Spice Deep Sea deodorant stick, Fresh Sugar Rose Lip treatment, lots and lots of lipgloss
☀️ Go to the farmers market and stock up on ripe vine tomatoes, strawberries, peaches, leafy greens, courgette, cherries, and blackberries
☀️ Do a watercolour painting outdoors in the good weather
☀️ Feel the warmth of the grass under my bare feet
☀️ Put a few drops of lavender or lemon essential oils in the washer with my clothes and leave them to air-dry in the sun
☀️ Listen to: Froot by Marina, Polaroid Love by Enhyphen, Love by Lana Del Rey, Strawberry Blond by Mitski, Fior Di Latte by Phoenix, Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles, California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas, and Power Up, Ice-Cream Cake, and Sunny Side Up by Red Velvet
☀️ Keep a diffuser with orange blossom essential oil in my room to make it smell summery, and keep the windows wide open so the room will feel cool and airy
☀️ Visit Italian and Greek restaurants
☀️ Go beachcombing
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