#Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
kl-foodie · 10 months
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Releases NEW Chili Chocolate Beverages & Brings Back Peppermint Series This Holiday!
Hi there foodies! The most wonderful time of the year is upon us once again and you know for sure that the end of the year means the holiday season is here! While this means vacations for some, for us, it’s all about getting cozy and all snuggled up with our favourite cup of beverage. Did you know that this Holiday, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® has not one but 2 series of delicious beverages for…
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beingjellybeans · 3 years
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf brings childhood indulgence with its Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf brings childhood indulgence with its Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake
What is it about chocolate chip cookie dough that we can’t just stop ourselves from licking the spoon when our mom whips up a batch of cookies? Who would have thought that the combination of flour, sugar, butter, vanilla and chocolate would be irresistible, even if the mixture has not yet achieved its final form? https://flic.kr/p/2n54LY1 https://flic.kr/p/2n54Mss Just the scent of a fresh…
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californialifehd · 4 years
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The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf "Heroes at Heart" Coffee and Tea Launches Online to Benefit Frontline Heroes Amid COVID-19
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thehungrychef · 5 years
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 2020 Giving Journal
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 2020 Giving Journal
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The planner season has officially begun for all coffee lovers out there! If you’re looking to begin 2020 with the right mindset, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® takes on a fresh take on the Holiday Season through their Gifting Grateful Campaign! Here’s an exclusive sneak peek on what’s new this year!
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
NOTES:   January 3rd, Sunday
song credit:exile- taylor swift featuring bon iver,
chapter seven: you were my crown
Hange knew Levi when they were both in high school together. He had a reputation of being a bit of a badass and someone you didn’t get onto the wrong side of. Hange wasn’t afraid of him though. They would often sit next to him in class. Others would just stare at Hange but they paid no mind.
Hange lost track of Levi after high school.
Hange had gone off to college to pursue their one true love of science. They had heard that Levi had been arrested again and then a little while later, that Levi was going into the service. Mutual friends seemed to be proud of Levi, so Hange was proud too.
For Christmas one year, the group got together and made a care package for Levi. Hange included a few small, silly books they had picked up and some tea they had found.
Hange found a letter in the mailbox one day.
How’s whatever you're studying? Quantum physics or whatever? Let me know if you discover the answers to the universe.
PS : Send more tea.
That’s how it began. They wrote letters back and forth, Hange sending Levi tea and whatever little, stupid things that reminded them of him.
Then the incident happened.
Levi came back different.
He seemed colder, withdrawn.
Hange didn’t know how to react.
So instead they acted like Levi was the same person that they had been writing all this time.
Instead of sending condolences or gift baskets, Hange just regularly delivered tea to Levi.
They would just show up, say hello, hand Levi loose leaf tea in a pretty box, and leave.
“Tell her to bring me some bourbon next time!” Kenny had yelled from inside the house.
Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, “Kenny, please shut up. Do you want to come in?”
“Sure,” Hange smiled.
It was the beginning of their weekly tea meetings.
Then Mikasa came along.
Their weekly tea meetings continued but it sometimes was joined by a nine year and her toys.
Levi had grumbled and pretended to hate it but Hange knew the truth.
It had been no surprise to Hange how Levi had pretended to hate the fact he had all of the kids moving back in. They were all still kids to both Hange and Levi.
Hange knew Levi was happy to have everyone back. They had seen how sad he had been when Mikasa had left. The silence that had overtaken the house. That had been the point of the dogs, to liven up an otherwise quiet house.
Hange had found Sawney and Bean at an animal shelter. They had a sad story attached to them about how they had just been left in a box. Hange couldn’t bear to separate them, so two dogs came home with Hange to be Levi’s late Christmas gift.
Now Sawney and Bean sat in chairs at the kitchen table on both sides of Levi who was feeding them bacon and eggs.
Sasha had been the one to prepare breakfast as she always woke up first.
A groggy Ymir had appeared next who immediately went straight to the coffee machine.
Historia and Mikasa followed a few moments later.
“You’re going to make it too strong again and no one but you will drink it,” Historia said as she t ried to push Ymir out of the way.
“You and Mika make it too weak!” Ymir countered standing her ground in front of the coffee machine.
Levi sighed before he got up, “move.”
And Ymir and Historia did.
“Did you ever text him back?” Ymir asked long after Jean and Connie had left.
“Not yet,” Mikasa answered before she shuffled her music around.
They were back in the sunroom to continue work on their music, even without a record deal.
“Do it quick like a Band-Aid! Just be like ‘Eren, you’re an ass but I like your ass. Thanks for complimenting my writing abilities. You are correct, you will never be able to live up to my creative genius,” Sasha laughed.
“That is the worst response I’ve ever heard. Do text Niccolo shit like that?” Ymir asked Sasha as she plugged in her bass to the amp.
“Nah, it was more like ‘Hey, I hear you can bang the drums pretty well do you think you can bang me like those drums?’”
“I take it back. That’s actually the worst. Is he even your boyfriend yet?”
“No, I haven’t even kissed him. He’s more like….I dunno. This guy I text and then when I see him, I turn into a potato.”
Historia was the first to notice Mikasa being uncomfortable. It was another reminder that Mikasa was alone. So Historia plopped down next to her on the piano bench in front of the keyboard.
“You know I would like to work on this song Mikasa and I have been working on instead of hearing about Sasha sexting Niccolo, “ Historia said as she pulled out her own music.
“I second that,” Annie said as she sat on the other side of Mikasa with her guitar.
“I third it!” Armin yelled from the living room.
There were barks from Sawney and Bean.
“Ya’ll suck but fine,” Sasha said before going over to her drum set.
“So it’s a duet, right? You said that when you sent the lyrics over,” Historia asked.
Mikasa nodded, “Yeah. I already worked with Ymir on the first part. So it’s Annie’s vocalization here. Then it goes to you, Historia. Do you just want to take it from the vocalizations?”
“I can do that,” Annie said as Mikasa began to play the piano. “ Hoo, hoo-ooh. Hoo, hoo-ooh. Hoo,hoo-ooh ,” Annie sang before Historia took over.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright]”
Ymir was staring at Historia, their past was clearly on display here. Ymir had jealousy issues, something that she would never deny. How many fights had she purposely picked against Reiner to prove she was the better choice?
“ And then this chorus is just you,” Mikasa pointed out before playing the next part of the song.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
Historia had been the one to move out for a very brief few days when they had broken up. Even though it was her father’s house, she had let Ymir stay.
“And then it goes back to Ymir, then it’s like a call and response. Do you want to just try it or you want me to show you?”
Ymir moved so she could look over Mikasa’s shoulder.
“Let’s just try it,” Ymir answered. Mikasa nodded before she began to play again. “[lyrics redacted due to copyright]”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],” ” Historia sang.
For some reason, that made Ymir feel like she was being attacked by Historia. She did hear her out.
It was Historia not hearing Ymir out that was the problem.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
Historia never gave Ymir a warning sign? Well, Ymir clearly hadn’t been paying attention. How many times she made it clear that she had feelings for Ymir and the other girl had just brushed it off as a joke? How many more signs did Ymir need?
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],”
“And this is together,” Mikasa called out.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],” Ymir and Historia harmonized.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],” Historia sang by herself.
“And the next chorus together!” Mikasa called out again.
“[lyrics redacted due to copyright],” Historia and Ymir sang in harmony.
Mikasa stopped playing, pulling both Historia and Ymir from their own thoughts. Mikasa was crying as were Annie and Sasha.
“Stop fighting with each other,” Mikasa finally spoke. “Please. Let the past be buried. You both fucked up. Now let it go. Don’t end up like me, please.”
Ymir swallowed, when had she started crying? Damn Mikasa and her mind reading abilities.
How had Mikasa been able to put what exactly Historia and her had been feeling this whole time?
“The rest of the song is just back to things we’ve already covered,” Mikasa said quietly.
“Okay,” Historia answered.
“I don’t think I don’t think I should sing on it. I think that needs to be Ymir,” Annie suggested.
“I agree, I don’t think I should add percussion to it. I think it just needs to be Ymir, Historia, and you, Mika. Just two vocalists and the piano,” Sasha added.
“I agree. It already gives me goosebumps this way. This is the way it should stay.”
“I mean if you really think that and it’s okay with Ymir and Historia…..” Mikasa looked to the other two girls for answers.
“Whatever you think is best,” Historia said before standing up. “We’re all a part of this band equally.”
“Okay, that settles it. Whenever we can record, this is Ymir and Historia on vocals and Mikasa on piano. Mikasa, put your hands on the piano like you’re playing. I’ll post it on No Name’s Instagram. I’m going to beat this algorithm if it is the last thing I do,” Annie said as she stood up to take the picture.
“If anyone can beat an algorithm, it is math genius Annie!” Sasha called out as she stood up from the drums.
Ymir and Historia seem to wander together.
“You want to grab coffee one day this week? I don’t have much money so I can’t take you to dinner but we could talk. Just the two of us?” Ymir asked.
Historia just stared up at Ymir for a moment before nodding. “I’d like that.”
“Cool,” Ymir said as her face went red. She was so bad at this but at least this was a start.
“I need a puppy break, that song was depressing,” Sasha said as she exited the sun room.
The rest of the band followed.
“That was great,” Armin said as the girls entered the living room.
“You’ve come a long way. I’m very proud of you,” Hange beamed.
Levi had a book covering his face but they could see him nodding before Hange snatched the book out of in front of his face. There were tears clearly there.
“Are you crying, Levi?” Ymir asked, absolutely dumbstruck.
“No, I got dog hair in my eye.”
No one dared argue with that.
Eren didn’t know what was worse some days.
The crippling depression that made it hard to do absolutely anything or the mania that made him feel like he could do anything.
With a combination of therapy and medication, he was starting to stabilize. He found that his writing had actually got better now. He didn’t feel less creative as he had feared. His therapist was proud of him, he was proud of himself.
Being back in the old house had brought back many feelings. The pictures of him, Mikasa, and Armin still lined the walls in his bedroom. He hadn’t packed his old bedroom up.
Zeke had patients to see today so Eren was alone. It didn’t mean that he was truly alone though.
His phone would go off with texts from Zeke, Floch, and Niccolo. Eren had decided to write a new song as a response to Mikasa’s.
Zeke Jaeger:
Stop focusing on the song and eat something. Balance.
Eren Jaeger:
You sound like my shrink.
Zeke Jaeger:
Maybe it is because I'm a psychologist. Eat something and drink some water.
Eren Jaeger:
Fine. You sound like my mom.
Zeke Jaeger:
Someone has to.
So Eren ate lunch.
He didn’t dare think about the fact Mikasa hadn’t texted him back.
Well that was a lie.
He had thought about it a couple times. Okay, more than a couple times, if he was being honest. He knew he shouldn’t expect her to respond. She owed him nothing. He was the one who had lashed out, allowing his fears to take control of him. He worried far too much on events that had yet to come without realizing what he was trying to avoid, he caused. He had brought pain to Mikasa and Armin.
Yet even after that, here was Mikasa giving him another chance to talk. She wanted him to tell her everything.
He told himself that he had done the right thing, that she was better off without him when it first happened. Yet there was a part of him that wanted to be selfish, even back then.
Mikasa Ackerman:
Thanks. Are you free tomorrow? I think we should talk if you are.
Eren stared at his phone for a moment.
She wanted to talk.
Many of his drunken antics had included crying over Mikasa and what he had put her through.
As Zeke had reminded him many times, Eren had spent one drunken night crying over the fact that Eren had given her sunflowers on her birthday. It had been mostly about how he should have given her flowers more.
Zeke being Zeke just let Eren sit on the floor and cry.
There was no reasoning with drunk Eren.
It took a lot to get Eren drunk but when he did, it was bad.
But he had stopped drinking.
He looked at his phone again.
What should he say?
He needed advice but Zeke had patients.
Niccolo would tell him just to say yes already.
Floch….Floch would say some stupid response which wouldn’t be useful.
Reiner would listen to Eren but he was at work.
Bertolt would have picked up but he would have told Eren he had no idea what to do.
Porco would pretend he didn’t know who Eren was while Marcel would give Eren some sappy crap.
Pieck would….he actually wasn’t sure what Pieck would do.
But the problem was outside of Reiner and Bertolt, none of them were truly Eren’s friends.
Well, Niccolo was his friend. He’d made that much clear.
And Floch was more like...well...he was Floch. He wasn’t someone Eren talked to about his personal life.
But the others, they only talked to him because he was Zeke’s little brother or that’s at least what Eren felt. He wasn’t sure if that was true or not.
Eren hadn’t talked to his friends in almost a year.
He hadn’t kept in contact with them.
He had figured most of them would have taken Mikasa and Armin’s side anyway.
He missed them though, especially right now.
He had fucked up.
In more than one way.
His phone rang.
“Did you burn the house down?” Zeke asked on the other line.
“No, why?”
“Because you need to eat. That requires cooking, if you were unaware.”
“Don’t you have a patient?”
“Well, I did until he got food poisoning. “
“Are you allowed to tell me that?”
“He threw up outside of the building. He was in public. Besides, I did not tell you who he was.”
“Mikasa wants to meet again to talk tomorrow.”
“And what? I just told you.”
“What are you going to do not to fuck things up this time?”
“Do you realize I have no friends, right? It’s just you and yours.”
“And who is to blame for that?”
“Me,” Eren sighed.
“Exactly. Now, the love of your life is giving you a second chance, I suggest you take it.”
“You and Armin….always so logical.”
“Someone has to be. You are not. You make things much harder on yourself than they need to be.”
“What would you do?”
“About what?”
“If you had someone like Mikasa.”
“I would have not made the same mistake you did to start but I think I would do anything to have that person back. Grovel, beg, cry. Whatever it took, I would do it. A love like that is rare, you know.”
“Did you feel that way about Yelena?”
Zeke started laughing very loudly.  “Fuck, no, I did not. Never. I have seen it several times but I have yet to experience it myself. But I am happy right now. I have you, I have Pieck. Romantic love is not something I need right now. You, on the other hand, think you just have me which is completely wrong. You do not have to like yourself to let others love you, Eren. I hate that stupid fucking saying of someone else cannot love you unless you love yourself. That is complete bullshit. I have seen more people who hate themselves while their partner loves them more than anything. Fucking internet self help books.”
“You had me and then you lost me.”
Zeke sighed, “you are a fucking idiot but you still have friends who love you. You still have a girl who would take on the world for you. So stop being a fucking idiot and talk to her. Get your friends back. Get your life back. Do something.”
Eren sighed.
He knew Zeke was right.
“And have you eaten something?” Zeke asked.
“Yes, I had lunch.”
“And you did not burn the house down? I am proud of you.”
“Don’t you have patients?”
“Food poisoning, remember?”
“All of them?”
“No, I already had my morning appointments. I only had one this afternoon.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Be there in an hour.”
Mikasa watched as Hange tried the training exercises for Sawney and Bean.
Eren Jaeger:
Yeah, we should meet up. Zeke is going to move some stuff tomorrow. 4:00 pm sound good?
Mikasa Ackerman:
Okay. I’ll see you then.
Eren Jaeger:
I’ll be here.
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agentemo · 4 years
unpopular (??) opinions: coffee and black tea are still just two kinds of steeped water, they're not better or worse than the other; and there's nothing weird about pouring milk in after the coffee/tea/beverage. Less controversailly people who mainly drink amp and whatnot are to be feared and possibly referred to a nurse practicioner
lmao this is a lot
umm everyone has a right to their own opinion of course but I disagree because I can't drink coffee cuz it makes me feel like I'm having a panic attack and humans are too reliant on it anyway so I think tea is better but that's not gonna stop people drinking black coffee lol
THAT SAID, I agree you should be able to put wherever the heck you want in your choice of bean or leaf juice without people raising their pinkie and saying "well actually"
please don't regularly consume energy drinks. please drink water too especially. 💜
send me controversial/unpopular opinions and I'll agree/disagree
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digitalfilipina · 4 years
Have a wonderful Dad’s Day with SM City North EDSA
Have a wonderful Dad’s Day with SM City North EDSA
Don’t let the upcoming Father’s Day pass by without hosting something special for your dad! While the current situation prohibits the usual type of celebrations, there are safe ways to still make your father feel loved on this special day.
Let’s celebrate Dad’s Day with a toast of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf’s coffee, espresso, ice blends, and tea latte. Gourmet sandwiches, pasta, and salads are…
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mauitime · 5 years
Heroes at Heart Exclusive at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Heroes at Heart Exclusive at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Enjoy the Heroes at Heart Exclusive at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf until July 28th. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has partnered with the Hawaii Professional Firefighters Foundation by creating a special Heroes at Heart coffee blend. It’s a dark roasted Brazilian coffee with nutty, dried fruit, and chocolate notes. Each purchase will benefit the Hawaii Professional Firefighters Foundation. 5am-close. Coffee…
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kl-foodie · 1 year
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf®‘s Pumpkin Spice Series Will Make You "Fall" In Love
Our favourite season is here! Yes, we’re talking about the enchanting season of autumn as the air turns crisp with an earthy aroma. When we say fall, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For us, it is food-related and nothing screams fall more than creamy pumpkin goodness. If you’re craving a warm and soothing Pumpkin beverage, then make your way to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® because…
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beingjellybeans · 6 years
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf launches summer flavors with its coconut ice-blended drinks
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf launches summer flavors with its coconut ice-blended drinks
Feeling the summer heat yet?
As the temperatures rise, so does the need for refreshing icy drinks to cool down the body and soothe the spirit.
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf recently launched a series of drinks for local denizens like you to have a taste of #SummerInYourHands.
These three ice-blended drinks feature that staple flavor of summer: the coconut.
This tropical fruit has long been…
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Caffeine Content of Selected Foods, Drinks, and Drugs
Coffees, Serving Size, Caffeine (mg) Dunkin' Donuts Coffee with Turbo Shotlarge, 20 fl. oz. 436mg Starbucks Coffeeventi, 20 fl. oz. 415mg Starbucks Coffeegrande, 16 fl. oz. 330mg Panera Frozen Mocha16.5 fl. oz. 267mg Starbucks Coffeetall, 12 fl. oz. 260mg Starbucks Caffí¨ Americanogrande, 16 fl. oz. 225mg Panera Coffeeregular, 16.8 fl. oz.189mg Starbucks Espresso Frappuccinoventi, 24 fl. oz.185mg Dunkin' Donuts Coffeemedium, 14 fl. oz.178mg Starbucks Caffí¨ Mochagrande, 16 fl. oz.175mg Starbucks Iced Coffeegrande, 16 fl. oz.165mg Maxwell House Ground Coffee-100% Colombian, Dark Roast, Master Blend, or Original Roast2 Tbs., makes 12 fl. oz.100-160mg Dunkin' Donuts Cappuccinolarge, 20 fl. oz.151mg Starbucks-Caffí¨ Latte, Cappuccino, or Caramel Macchiatogrande, 16 fl. oz.150mg Starbucks Espressodoppio, 2 fl. oz.150mg Keurig Coffee K-Cup, all varieties1 cup, makes 8 fl. oz.75-150mg Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee2 tsp., makes 12 fl. oz.148mg Starbucks Doubleshot Energy Coffee, can15 fl. oz.146mg Starbucks Mocha Frappuccinoventi, 24 fl. oz.140mg Starbucks VIA House Blend Instant Coffee 1 packet, makes 8 fl. oz.135mg McDonald's Coffeelarge, 16 fl. oz.133mg Maxwell House International Café, all flavors 2⅔ Tbs., makes 12-16 fl. oz. 40-130mg Seattle's Best Coffee-Iced Latte or Iced Mocha, can 9.5 fl. oz. 90mg Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee, bottle9.5 fl. oz.90 International Delight Iced Coffee8 fl. oz.76 Maxwell House Lite Ground Coffee2 Tbs., makes 12 fl. oz.50-70 Dunkin' Donuts, Panera, or Starbucks Decaf Coffee16 fl. oz.15-25 Maxwell House Decaf Ground Coffee2 Tbs., makes 12 fl. oz.2-10 Teas Serving SizeCaffeine (mg) Starbucks Tazo Awake-Brewed Tea or Tea Lattegrande, 16 fl. oz.135 Starbucks Tazo Earl Grey-Brewed Tea or Tea Lattegrande, 16 fl. oz.115 Starbucks Tazo Chai Tea Lattegrande, 16 fl. oz.95 Starbucks Tazo Green Tea Latte-Iced or regulargrande, 16 fl. oz.80 Black tea, brewed for 3 minutes8 fl. oz.30-80 Snapple Lemon Tea16 fl. oz.62 Lipton Pure Leaf Iced Tea18.5 fl. oz.60 Green tea, brewed for 3 minutes8 fl. oz.35-60 Lipton 100% Natural Lemon Iced Tea, bottle20 fl. oz.35 Arizona Iced Tea, black, all varieties16 fl. oz.30 Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea Mix2 tsp., makes 8 fl. oz.20-30 Arizona Iced Tea, green, all varieties16 fl. oz.15 Lipton Decaffeinated Tea-black or green, brewed8 fl. oz.5 Herbal Tea, brewed8 fl. oz.0 Soft DrinksServing SizeCaffeine (mg) FDA official limit for cola and pepper soft drinks12 oz.71 (200 parts per million) Pepsi MAX12 oz.69 Mountain Zevia (Zevia)12 oz.55 Mountain Dew, regular or diet12 oz.54 (20 oz. = 90) Diet Coke12 oz.47 (20 oz. = 78) Dr Pepper or Sunkist, regular or diet12 oz.41 (20 oz. = 68) Pepsi12 oz.38 (20 oz. = 63) Coca-Cola, Coke Zero, or Diet Pepsi12 oz.35 (20 oz. = 58) Surge8 oz.35 mg (20 oz. = 87.5 mg) Coca-Cola Life12 oz.27 mg (20 oz. = 45 mg ) Pepsi True7.5 oz.24 mg (20 oz. = 64 mg) Barq's Root Beer, regular12 oz.23 (20 oz. = 38) 7-Up, Fanta, Fresca, ginger ale, or Sprite12 oz.0 Root beer, most brands, or Barq's Diet Root Beer12 oz.0 Energy DrinksServing SizeCaffeine (mg) Bang Energy Drink16 fl. oz.357 Redline Energy Drink8 fl. oz.316 Rockstar Citrus Punched16 fl. oz.240 5-hour Energy1.9 fl. oz.208 Full Throttle16 fl. oz.200 Frava Caffeinated Juice16 oz.200 mg Monster Energy16 fl. oz.160 Rockstar16 fl. oz.160 Venom Energy Drink (Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc.)16 fl. oz.160 NOS Energy Drink (Coca-Cola)16 fl. oz.160 AMP Energy Boost Original (PepsiCo)16 fl. oz.142 NoDoz Energy Shots1.89 fl. oz.115 Mountain Dew Kick Start16 fl. oz.92 ávitāe Caffeinated Water16.9 oz.90 mg Red Bull8.4 fl. oz.80 V8 V-Fusion+Energy8 fl. oz.80 Ocean Spray Cran-Energy20 fl. oz.55 Glacéau Vitaminwater Energy20 fl. oz.50 Starbucks Refreshers12 fl. oz.50 Caffeinated Snack FoodsServing SizeCaffeine (mg) Crackheads²1 box, 40g600 Crackheads Espresso Bean Candies, regular1 package, 28 pieces200 Wired Waffles1 waffle200 MiO Energy, all flavors1 squirt, ½ tsp.60 Crystal Light Energy½ packet60 Jelly Belly Extreme Sport Beans1 package, 1 oz.50 Jolt Gum1 piece45 Muscle Milk Orange Energy Chews1.27 oz.30 mg Blue Diamond Almonds, Roasted Coffee Flavored1 oz.25 Perky Jerky1 package, 1 oz.10 Ice Cream & YogurtServing SizeCaffeine (mg) Bang!! Caffeinated Ice Cream4 fl. oz.125 Cold Stone Creamery Mocha Ice CreamGotta Have It, 12 fl. oz.52 Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream4 fl. oz.45 TCBY Coffee Frozen Yogurtlarge, 13.4 fl. oz.42 Dannon All Natural Coffee Lowfat Yogurt6 oz.30 Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream4 fl. oz.29 Stonyfield Gotta Have Java Nonfat Frozen Yogurt4 fl. oz.28 Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Ice Cream4 fl. oz.25 Baskin Robbins Jamoca Ice Cream4 fl. oz.20 Dreyer's or Edy's Grand Ice Cream-Coffee or Espresso Chip4 fl. oz.17 Breyers Coffee Ice Cream4 fl. oz.1 Häagen-Dazs Coffee Almond Crunch Snack Size Bar1.8 oz.10 Dreyer's, Edy's, or Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream4 fl. oz.less than 1 Chocolate Candy & Chocolate Drinks Serving SizeCaffeine (mg) Awake Caffeinated Chocolate Bar1.55 oz.101 Awake Caffeinated Chocolate Bites0.53 oz.50 Starbucks Hot Chocolategrande, 16 fl. oz.25 Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar1.5 oz.20 Hershey's-Milk Chocolate Bar1.6 oz.9 Hershey's Kisses9 pieces, 1.4 oz.9 Hershey's Cocoa1 Tbs.8 Dove Dark Chocolate Silky Smooth Promises5 pieces, 1.4 oz.4 Silk Chocolate Soymilk8 fl. oz.4 Hershey's Chocolate Lowfat Milk, bottle12 fl. oz.2 Over-the-Counter PillsServing SizeCaffeine (mg) Zantrex-3 weight-loss supplement2 capsules300 NoDoz or Vivarin1 caplet200 Excedrin Migraine2 tablets130 Midol Complete2 caplets120 Bayer Back & Body2 caplets65 Anacin2 tablets64 Serving sizes are based on commonly eaten portions, pharmaceutical instructions, or the amount of the leading-selling container size. Source: Center for Science in the Public Interest.. Brewer's: Health Part 3 of 3
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clarisaysblog · 5 years
Spending Some Quiet Time at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Ayala Malls The 30th
Don’t get me wrong. I love and need coffee in my life but this is my first time visiting The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. In fact, I rarely visit coffee shops. I actually already have a place I visit from time to time; not to mention, we have a coffee maker and a French press at home plus the occasional 3-in-1 coffee mix.
Look, I’m not a barista. I’m aware that there is a right way to make coffee but
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noninsightfulness · 5 years
Thursday Morning in Pikesville, MD
Thursday Morning in Pikesville, MD
This morning, I wanted to go out and about for a short time to finally try Sion’s Bakery in Pikesville.
The sky was beautiful this morning – I headed out a little before 7AM. It’s tough to get good pictures when you’re driving, and the scenery that would be a perfect picture are usually where you can’t stop.
My first stop was at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, where I got a Cookie Butter Ice…
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digitalfilipina · 4 years
SM Southmall Introduces Personal Shopper and Curbside Pick-up for Las Piñas
SM Southmall Introduces Personal Shopper and Curbside Pick-up for Las Piñas
To prepare Southies for the “new normal”, SM Southmall launched two convenient services to help their customers shop for essentials while prioritizing their customers and tenants’ safety.
PasaBuy, in partnership with MyKuya, is your personal shopper. Wittily coined from the Filipino term, ‘pasabay,’ your designated shopper lets you purchase from multiple storesin the mall including SM…
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cliftonsteen · 3 years
Coffee News Recap, 17 Sep: SCA postpones US Coffee Championships, Dutch Bros raises $500 million & other stories
Every Friday, Perfect Daily Grind rounds up the top coffee industry news from the previous week. Here are this week’s stories. 
Mon, 13 Sep – 2021 US National AeroPress Championships to be hosted by Tinker Coffee Co. on 17 September. The 9th annual US National AeroPress Championships will be hosted by the Indianapolis roaster at 16:00 EDT at the Amp Food Hall. Thirty-six participants will compete for a place in the 2022 World AeroPress Championships in Melbourne.
Mon, 13 Sep – Starbucks US to donate to US Red Cross Disaster Relief. The Starbucks Foundation will donate US $400,000 as part of its US $1 million commitment to the Red Cross Annual Disaster Giving Programme. Donations will be used to support communities affected by wildfires and Hurricane Ida.
Mon, 13 Sep – La Marzocco Home releases new Florentine Linea Mini espresso machine. The prosumer espresso machine’s design includes wooden panels and brass logos, inspired by Florentine architecture and Tuscany landscapes. La Marzocco will debut the machine at 2021 HostMilano, which runs from 22 to 26 October.
Mon, 13 Sep – London chain Black Sheep Coffee to open 30 new locations by March 2022. The chain has more than 40 locations, including two in the Philippines and one in France. Expansion is planned for UK cities, including London, Edinburgh, and Manchester.
Mon, 13 Sep – Bentwood Vertical 63 grinder set for release on US market. The grinder contains vertically-aligned 63mm burrs, meaning beans travel through the grinder vertically. The spout vibrates to minimise grind retention, while the grind settings show the peak of particle distribution curves in micron measurements, rather than numbers. The Bentwood Vertical 63 grinder is set to debut at the Specialty Expo, which runs from 30 September to 3 October.
Mon, 13 Sep – Lavazza partners with augmented reality platform SightCall for remote assistance. The video cloud platform enables technicians to connect with customers and remotely point to or highlight elements of machines that require fixing. Lavazza plans to hire over 130 support agents in 7 countries over the following 3 years.
Mon, 13 Sep – Costa Coffee UK to increase staff wages. Hourly worker pay will increase by 5% from 1 October 2021. Employees will receive an hourly pay rise of at least £0.45 (US $0.62), increasing hourly minimum pay to £9.36 (US $12.96).
Mon, 13 Sep – The Coffee Watch launches on Kickstarter. Lilienthal Berlin and Kaffeeform partnered on the Coffee Watch’s design for 3 years. The casing is made from recycled coffee grounds collected from coffee shops and roasters in Berlin. Designs include the “Espresso”, “Latte”, “Americano”, and “Macchiato”.
Mon, 13 Sep – World Coffee Events updates rules and regulations for 2021 World Coffee Championships. The new rules apply to Covid-19-safe drink evaluation to ensure social distancing. The 2021 World Barista Championship, 2021 World Brewers Cup, and 2021 World Cup Tasters Championship are set to be held at HostMilano, which runs from 22 to 26 October.
Tue, 14 Sep – The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Company appoints three new executive members to senior leadership team. Paul Diver is Vice President of Marketing, Gregg Benvenuto is Vice President of Development & Franchising, and Michael Chachula is Head of Digital. Diver, Benvenuto, and Chachula will serve to strengthen the company’s strategic growth plans.
Tue, 14 Sep – Marco Beverage Systems named one of Ireland’s 2021 top 25 Best Managed Companies. The Best Managed Companies award scheme is based on four categories: Strategy, Culture and Commitment, Capabilities and Innovation, and Governance and Financials. The water and coffee systems company says its strategic planning is key to success across each category.
Tue, 14 Sep – Farmers Bros shows sign of Covid-19 recovery in fourth-quarter financial results. The US roaster, wholesaler, and distributor saw net sales decrease by some 20% to US $397.8 million in 2020. This year, sales have increased by 26.9% to US $102.9 million.
Tue, 14 Sep – Pret A Manger reports sales growth as workers return to central London. The coffee and food-to-go chain reported weekly sales increases of 15%, mainly due to increased footfall from commuters in the UK capital. Pret A Manger was severely affected by Covid-19, with a large number of store closures and staff reductions.
Tue, 14 Sep – Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2021 awards female Guatemalan coffee producer with “Soul of Rurality” award. Elvia Monzón has helped to promote gender equity and inclusion of women in the Guatemalan coffee industry. She is also the President of the Rancho Viejo Coffee Growers Association (AIDEC) in Guatemala.
Tue, 14 Sep – Starbucks requests expansion on Buffalo, NY unionisation petition. After 50 Starbucks workers in the city filed to form a union, the company requested the National Labour Relations Board to allow all 450 workers in Buffalo to vote.
Wed, 15 Sep – The Barn opens first international location in Dubai. The Al Khazzan Park café includes features such as Japanese architecture and a view of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. The Barn Dubai will open on 15 October.
Wed, 15 Sep – Dutch Bros raises US $500 million in IPO. The drive-thru chain’s shares closed at US $36.92 on its first day of trading – 61% higher than the opening price of US $23. Dutch Bros raised US $100 million more than estimated.
Wed, 15 Sep – Paris to host 7th annual AVPA International Contest of Coffees Roasted at Origin. Roasters from over 30 producing countries are set to participate in the contest, including Brazil, Rwanda, and Colombia. Registration and samples will be accepted until 31 October and the award ceremony will take place in December.
Wed, 15 Sep – Monin US releases new recipes with seasonal flavoured syrups. The seasonal syrups include Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Spice. Monin’s Innovation Coordinator Chelsea Albright crafted the new recipes, including Dalgona Pumpkin Spice Latte and Thai Coconut Iced Coffee.
Wed, 15 Sep – Solo Coffee releases RTD Espresso Shot. Each shot is made from the London company’s coffee concentrate and comes in a 60ml (2.2oz) bottle. A single Espresso Shot contains 127mg of caffeine.
Wed, 15 Sep – Banco de Brasil to offer R $2 billion (US $384 million) to farmers affected by frost. The majority of these funds will be sourced from Funcafé. Coffee experts have provided recorded videos and webinars on how to reduce crop damage from frost. Cecafé and Brazilian analysis company also launched a platform to secure coffee contracts for farmers.
Wed, 15 Sep – Melitta Professional unveils new branding. The German company has launched a new corporate design and brand logo to increase its presence in the OOH market. The previous logo will be reincorporated into the new design.
Wed, 15 Sep – UK supermarket Sainsburys partners with Dualit for recycling instructions on packaging. The On-Pack Recycling Label indicates to consumers that aluminium capsules are recyclable once emptied and cleaned of coffee grounds. As of November, Sainsburys will sell the Dualit EcoPress capsule machine, which separates packaging from coffee grounds.
Wed, 15 Sep – Louis Dreyfus Company creates dedicated Carbon Solutions team and platform. Carbon Solutions will lead a number of emissions reduction projects, including carbon sequestration and renewable energies. Nyame de Groot will lead the team, Natalia Gorina will be Commercial Director, and Meinrad Bürer will serve as Technical Director.
Thu, 16 Sep – Flash Coffee appoints Grace Surya as Head of Marketing Indonesia. Surya has held previous marketing roles at Uber and Coca-Cola. The Singapore coffee chain intends to open 10 new stores per week, reaching over 300 additional stores by end of 2021.
Thu, 16 Sep – Compound Foods raises US $4.5 million to develop synthetic coffee products. The US company first launched in 2020 and produces coffee through molecular extraction without using beans. Compound Foods says it will use funding to scale product development and branding.
Thu, 16 Sep – Chobani donates 300,000 products to Hurricane Ida victims and Afghan refugees. The US company will donate 200,000 of its products (including oat milk) to those affected by Hurricane Ida in New York, New Jersey, and Louisiana. A further 100,000 products will be sent to Afghan refugees in Virginia and New Jersey.
Thu, 16 Sep – Caravela Coffee Talks releases women-focused podcast series. Its 12 episodes will include 12 female coffee professionals working at various levels of the supply chain. The first episode, featuring guest Amaris Gutierrez (Director of Roasting at Joe Coffee Company and founder of the Women in Coffee Project), will air on 29 September.
Thu, 16 Sep – Results of 2021 Laos Coffee Competition announced. Funded through the USDA’s CLEAN Project to improve the Laotian agriculture sector, the event was the first of its kind in the country. The highest scoring coffee was a natural process from the Jing Jhai Coffee Coop, which reached 85.35 points.
Thu, 16 Sep – Robusta prices reach 4-year high due to Vietnam export issues. Vietnam’s General Department of Customs stated prices reached US $2,107 per tonne. Price increases are attributed to Covid-19 lockdowns in exporting cities.
Fri, 17 Sep – Finnish researchers create coffee-like substance from arabica cells. The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland was able to establish coffee cell cultures in its laboratory. Scientists then added physical coffee material and roasted the mixture. They noted that further research is necessary to make improvements.
Fri, 17 Sep – BeanBurds uses augmented reality for online customer experience. The UAE start-up’s online customers can now view products in their immediate surroundings using mobile phones. BeanBurds also have a virtual “barista” to help match customers with products from local roasters.
Fri, 17 Sep – CBD coffee company Flower Power Coffee raises US $2 million in Series A funding round. The company claims that its capsules ensure that 25mg of CBD are extracted into every cup. Funding will be used to scale sales operations, marketing, and channel support.
Fri, 17 Sep – Royal Coffee to host “Calibrate Good Times!” cupping event on 24 September. The formal cupping session will use SCA standard cupping forms for three different coffees. Attendance to the in-person event is free, but spaces are limited for Covid-19 safety. It will be the first of a three-event series, with two to follow in October and November.
Here are a few news stories from previous weeks that you might find interesting. Take a look.
Mon, 6 Sep – Dutch Bros launches new seasonal beverages. The Caramel Pumpkin Brûlée and Cinnamon Swirl Oat Milk Latte will be available until the end of October.
Thu, 9 Sep – Rancilio Group opens headquarters in Shanghai. The new branch will support and promote Rancilio’s expansion strategy in the Chinese market. Rancilio Group China will oversee commercial relations with local distributors, coffee roasters, and local and international coffee chains.
Thu, 9 Sep – New research estimates global coffee pod market will be worth US $49.1 billion by 2026. The US market is estimated at US $11.2 billion in 2021, while China is forecast to reach US $8.7 billion by 2026. The new report makes a distinction between “soft coffee pods” and “hard coffee pods”, indicating different CAGRs for both segments.
Fri, 10 Sep – Over 70% of MICE 2022 tickets booked. The 2021 event was postponed to 2022 after rising Covid-19 cases. The 2022 event will be held from 27 to 30 September and will host the World Barista Championship and World Brewers Cup.
Fri, 10 Sep – Oatly announces winners of Big Idea Grant for Coffee. Almost 200 applications were submitted to the company’s call for funding admissions. Seven US coffee companies will receive between US $500 and $100,000 for their individual sustainability projects.
Fri, 10 Sep – SCA to postpone 2021 US Coffee Championships. The Specialty Expo will still be held in New Orleans from 30 September to 3 October. The SCA will donate 50% of all attendance revenue to local coffee businesses to support recovery efforts after Hurricane Ida.
Fri, 10 Sep – ICO holds 130th session virtually. Over 40 members of the organisation, representing importing and exporting countries, discussed the budget for 2021/22 and commenced revisions of the current 2007 International Coffee Agreement. Members also reviewed candidacy for the Executive Director role, who will be taking office on 1 May 2022.
Fri, 10 Sep – Global industrial coffee grinder market to reach US $86.1 million by 2026. The CAGR is anticipated to be 4.8% over the period. The Chinese market is expected to grow the most, reaching US $17.6 million in 2026.
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Photo credits: @brunogouvea
The post Coffee News Recap, 17 Sep: SCA postpones US Coffee Championships, Dutch Bros raises $500 million & other stories appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Coffee News Recap, 17 Sep: SCA postpones US Coffee Championships, Dutch Bros raises $500 million & other stories published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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thehungrykat1 · 5 years
Steep Your Mood this 2020 with The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Tea Lattes
Welcome the new decade by being in your best mood. Enjoy The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Tea Lattes and be transported to a different place, a different time, and a different vibe with each flavorful drink. The CBTL Tea Lattes are ​a delicious blend of freshly pulled shots of concentrated tea leaves combined with steamed milk and their French Deluxe vanilla powder or chocolate powder. Their teas are hand-plucked, taking only the top two leaves and a bud, and sourced directly from farmers, ​with the philosophy of impacting lives from seed and leaf to cup is steeped in everything they do. There’s something for every personality, because tea doesn’t just set the mood, it steeps it.
Start with ​the English Breakfast Tea Latte​—a combination of their English Breakfast Tea with the French Deluxe vanilla powder, steamed milk, and foam for added depth and creaminess to each sip. This makes it the ideal British tradition of a morning “cuppa”. They also have the distinctive **Matcha Green Tea **made with matcha powder combined with steamed milk and foam for a silky texture and latte​ flavor that is simultaneously earthy and vegetal with a sweet finish.
You can also choose the ​Chai Tea Latte​. This has Chai extract mix combined with French Deluxe vanilla powder and topped with thick foam that offers the perfect deliciously mellow blend of rich, black tea infused with sweet spice and flavors of cinnamon. The Tropical Passion Tea Latte​ has the marriage between Chinese black tea for body and passion fruit, guava, malva, marigold flowers for added notes.
On the other hand, the simple combination of Vanilla Ceylon Tea and French Deluxe vanilla powder, textured with milk and topped with foam for a rich and buttery aroma, gives you the indulgent ​Double Vanilla Tea Latte​, which is probably my favorite among the variants. These tea lattes are available all year in all The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® stores. To learn more about their latest products​, visit www.coffeebean.com.ph and follow them via​ ​www.facebook.com/coffeebeanphilippines​ and @cbtlph on Instagram.
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