#Kenny Rogers Roasters
sucka99 · 11 months
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beingjellybeans · 26 days
Aloha to a spectacular summer with Kenny Rogers Roasters Hawaiian Roast and Burger
Hold it! Just because we’ve been experiencing some early onset of rains, it doesn’t mean that the summer season is over. We can still look forward to a few more days of sunshine. There’s no better time to enjoy Kenny Rogers Roasters Hawaiian Roast and Burger, fun and festive limited-time additions to the chain’s healthy and flavorful offerings with a deliciously tropical twist, thanks to the…
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kl-foodie · 1 year
Sunway Velocity Mall Celebrates ‘Cahaya Raya’ With Dazzling Decor, Fun-Filled Activities & More
With Hari Raya just around the corner, many are excited to get their Baju Raya and other Raya essentials fixed. Lighting up the festive mood this Ramadan and Raya, Sunway Velocity Mall brings you “Cahaya Raya” with the beautiful ambience of “Malam Tujuh Likur”, Raya booths, activities and performances and more for you to explore!  Lively ‘Cahaya Raya’ Ambience at Sunway Velocity Mall This year’s…
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digitalfilipina · 1 year
Every order of Kenny Rogers Roasters’ Chimichurri goes to a better livelihood for our local farmers
Every order of Kenny Rogers Roasters’ Chimichurri goes to a better livelihood for our local farmers
Filipino consumers today are more socially-conscious in buying and supporting goods and services. This positive shift comes at a timely moment when brands are taking more proactive steps to address pressing issues like climate change, food security, and poverty while still meeting the needs of their market. In the food industry, one of the food chains that has already taken the initiative to…
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
Chicken topped with mozzarella, prosciutto, and herby parmy breadcrumbs. 400°F 15 minutes.
Served with broccoli and the best garlic herb potatoes.
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This was really good.
I have been thinking of this place I went as a kid with my mom, turns out it was a Kenny Rogers Roasters. Although, I don't think it was the normal franchise. I've been looking at the menu and nothing looks truly familiar. Maybe the person who owned it changed some things or eventually the restaurant was changed to Kenny's something, like Ruth's Chris.
Anyway, these were the kind of potatoes they served. Boiled whole then cut up tossed in melted butter with garlic, parsley, and chives.
Now, I've got to figure out what to do with the leftover prosciutto. Fancy breakfast sandwich? I do have a baguette and too many eggs.
Bread crumbs are a great way to add crunch without frying something. I don't know why I haven't been doing this.
Update on the I can't eat certain meat that I cook front: this was regular (not thin sliced) chicken breast. Normally, I wouldn't eat this but I did. I ate most of it, thinnest to thickest, then I looked at the chicken and how juicy it was and tender and worried and freaked myself out.
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thehungrychef · 2 years
Kenny Roger Roasters' Wrap & Roll
Kenny Roger Roasters’ Wrap & Roll
The hustle and bustle of everyday life make people crave for deliciously healthy snacks that are convenient and easily accessible. When your days are packed with meetings, appointments, errands, and social time, sometimes the only chance to eat is when you’re on the go. Therefore, some are on a mission to find meals that could be eaten with our hands — no utensils required! (more…)
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2my-online · 7 months
Kenny Rogers Roasters offers more than just a meal—it provides a dining experience that combines great food with the city's picturesque surroundings. 
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phel-tanya · 10 months
Kenny Rogers Roasters Vanilla Muffin
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sixgallery · 10 months
Kenny Rogers Roasters Vanilla Muffin
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Spooky zines this month, starting off with Dead Mall (2020). We did a podcast episode on this one last year, and I still love the game as much now as I did then. It’s a pamphlet that uses Nate Treme’s Tunnel Goons rules (an ultralight 2D6 system, perfect for one-night one-shots like this) to present a game about exploring abandoned malls . Well, no, not entirely abandoned malls. There are horrible secrets in these ruined temples of capitalism! Monsters, psychopaths, ghosts, trans-dimensional entities, who knows what lurks in the back room of the Cinnabon.
Which brings me to my favorite bit, the d100 table of mall stores to populate your dead mall with. So many classics, like Kenny Roger’s Roasters and Tower Records (RIP) and The Wiz. Also included: kiosks, planters, escalators and more! It’s so good.
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deirdreskye · 1 year
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Watching Mishima a life in four chapters and Drew said this scene is like the Seinfeld episode with Kenny Rogers Roasters
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lizardsfromspace · 8 months
It's not really a "theme" restaurant afaik just a branded one, but Kenny Rogers Roasters still astounds me. Kenny Rogers had his own chain, bc he wanted that Dollywood/Margaritaville money. It has the strangest afterlife of any of them though bc it's not dead, Kenny Rogers Roasters is closed in the west but absolutely massive in Southeast Asia.
Here in the US it's only known for a Seinfeld joke, but there's hundreds of them, across Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, India and China. Kenny Rogers' empire has reached Singapore, Brunei, and Thailand. There are multiple Kenny Rogers themed restaurants active every day in Dubai. Do they know who Kenny Rogers is or is he just a chicken mascot to them. Do they know as little about Kenny Rogers as I, who keeps typing Kenny Loggins by mistake, do
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beingjellybeans · 1 year
New flavor for the summer: Kenny Rogers Roasters' Mango Habanero takes taste buds on a swicy adventure
Craving for a burst of flavor that tantalizes your taste buds? Look no further than Kenny Rogers Roasters’ latest addition to their menu – the Mango Habanero line. This sweet and spicy flavor combination – swicy! – is taking the metro by storm, and Kenny Rogers Roasters has masterfully crafted a lineup of dishes that showcase the perfect balance of sweet and spicy with their Mango Habanero Roast,…
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protect-namine · 8 months
kenny rogers roasters and mister donut... both no longer exist in the usa? is that true??
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taiblogcomics · 24 days
A Light Goes Out
Hey there, minefields. Another week, another issue of Countdown. We're doing this for a full damn year, get used to how dull these preambles will be! In fact, get used to me complaining how dull these preambles will be! I got nothin'!
Here's the cover:
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Finally, an actually interesting cover for one of these. By "interesting", I mean "doesn't take place in a coloured void". I just really appreciate covers that go all out and include an entire background. Poster covers are nice, but if you wan to sell me your comic (and you do, it's a cover's whole job), make it an entire scene. If you put the effort in, I will admire you for it! And if it turns out to actually be a scene in the comic for once, I will praise it even further! Anyways, Death of the New Gods is something else I should also probably review at some point. We can talk about that next year~
Recap! One version of the Monitor murdered Duela Dent, and Jason Todd witnessed it. Jimmy Olsen got stretchy after being attacked by Killer Croc after interviewing the Joker regarding said murder. Trickster and Pied Piper are involved in a big heist with the other Rogues to redeem themselves as villains. Karate Kid has space amnesia and has returned to the 21st century to fix it. Mary Marvel woke from her coma and has no powers, was warned to stay out of Gotham by a psychic, and immediately went to Gotham. She was then saved from some thugs by Black Adam, which is where we pick up~
So let's talk about Black Adam for a bit! Since he was also a major character in this story's direct predecessor, 52, and this is picking up after that. Some folks might think of him as just the evil version of Captain Marvel/Shazam, but that's not correct. Between 52 and his appearances in the early 2000s run of JSA, I see him as more of an anti-hero, with a lot of emphasis on the "anti". He's a surly dude who's the leader of a foreign country and also happens to have superpowers. Like Namor, but less of a dick (but more outright murderous)!
So, in the pages of 52, Black Adam was ruling the nation of Kahndaq (DC's fictional nation for Middle East stories) and being surly and violent about it as usual. Eventually he saves a peasant woman from violent protestors, falling for her and sharing his powers with her, making her Isis. Like the old TV show! Her younger brother became a Black Adam Junior named Osiris, and Black Adam mellowed out for a while. Then they both got killed by a human crocodile who was the incarnation of the Horseman of Famine (because comic books), and Adam became angry and solitudinous again.
So that's where we are! Black Adam does not like his solitude intruded on, and while he killed those goons chasing Mary, he might just do the same to her for bringing them here. She begs him not to, because she's not here to judge his actions. Instead, she feels like maybe she was called here by some other force. Adam holds off on killing her long enough to ask where her brother, Billy Batson, is, why he's not helping her. She admits she hasn't seen him, ever since she lost her connection to the power. But Black Adam still has his powers (because he uses a different pantheon of gods), and when she says they make him strong, he bursts into laughter.
Back over in Metropolis, though, Jimmy Olsen is getting chewed out by Perry White. He sent him all the way over to Arkham, and he brought back nothin'. Not even pictures of Spider-Man! Jimmy explains how it was a bust, and before Lois can interrogate him on the subject of hearing he got into some sort of altercation, everybody gets distracted by the bright light outside. No, they haven't built a Kenny Rogers Roasters next to the Daily Planet. Instead, it's the scene on the cover coming true.
Huge beams of light are striking Metropolis from above, and Perry White is about to send Jimmy out to investigate, but he's already left. Jimmy's not entirely stupid, though, and the first thing he does is activate his signal watch. Supes probably already knows something's going down (or coming down, as the case may be), but I'm sure he appreciates the heads up. In the meantime, though, Jimmy gets some reaction shots of the crowds running for their lives, and then has to yell at a tourist couple who have stopped to gawk--right where a huge chunk of building is about to fall.
We then cut over to a gloomy-looking graveyard, where a funeral for Duela Dent is being held. Only four people are in attendance: Cyborg, Raven, Tim Drake, and Donna Troy. Duela was a Titan, after all. The others walk off, leaving Donna to linger at the grave for a moment, when she's confronted by Jason Todd. First shot of him is a really awful, smug pic that you wouldn't even recognise was him if she didn't address him by name. She's surprised he knew Duela enough to turn up. He replies that he knew her well enough to try and save her. Also, he enjoys crashing funerals. Had one of his own once, you know.
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And that's really his point here. Something the Monitor who killed her said: that he was eliminating dimensional anomalies. No one ever really knew where Duela came from, what her origin truly was. Maybe she was never meant to be in this reality to begin with. And, well, neither is he. He got brought back to life by a certian somebody punching the walls of reality. And that's why he wanted to talk to Donna. She got brought back to life once as well. Pretty recently (at the time of this being published), too! If they're both living on borrowed time, maybe they should team up and share.
Up on the JLA satellite, which now that I think about it, I'm impresed they rebuilt so quickly after Infinite Crisis, Karate Kid is now being interrogated by Starman. If you didn't follow the Justice Socity of America series coming out around this time (and is much better than this, check it out), Starman was another time-displaced Legion of Super-Heroes member, except in Starman's case, it addled his brains a bit. He's somewhere between "adult who requires assisted living" and "family friendly Deadpool", but written in a better way than either of that sounds.
The long and short of Starman's conversation (references to Maude's theme song aside) is that Starman theorises Doctor Impossible did something to Karate Kid for some unknown reason. Doctor Impossible is an obscure pull, he's basically the evil version of Mister Miracle, right down to the costume. So we'll see where that's going! Then, before we return to the action in Metropolis, we get a single page of Black Adam recovering from his outburst, then stating his powers are no strength or blessing but have cost him dearly. Mary disagrees, and Adam replies that she's asking for death with that kind of request.
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So, back to Metropolis! As the rocks fall, Jimmy suddenly super-speeds the tourist couple out of the way. The shocked family asks how he did it, and Jimmy attributes it to an adrenaline spike. Before more questions can be asks, something even bigger crashes into the ground in front of him. And in the bottom of the crater is Lightray of the New Gods. Superman turns up just after, having heard Jimmy's signal watch out near Vega. He's shocked to see Lightray in such a state, asking Jimmy to stay with him while he checks the atmosphere for intruders.
Jimmy has past history with the New Gods, which I don't know a lot about, but he and Lightray are familiar with each other. Jimmy gets down into the crater and holds the guy's hand. Lightray is barely hanging on, repeating the word "Infinite…" in a barely audible voice, glowing brighter and brighter. Light spills out of him in a burst, and he passes away. Superman has just a glimpse of someone in the upper atmosphere escaping in a Boom Tube (the preferred teleportation method of the New Gods), then returns to Jimmy's side. He ends the issue by making the grave pronouncement, "What does it mean when a god dies?"
Well, it doesn't really mean anything. See, like, that's the thing about the New Gods. They're not literally gods, they're highly advanced aliens with a heck of a lot of power and tech. Kind of like Thor and the Asgardians in the MCU (and possibly the main universe? I don't read a lot of Thor). Final Crisis (the later book that this is titularly counting down to) will do this too, a sort of vast importance on the New Gods as literal gods and that their deaths must be some grand disturbance in the Force. But in reality, it's just a terrible mash-up of "It's Raining Men" and "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor". Sad for those who knew and liked him, but not universally devastating.
On the other hand, I do like Black Adam's stuff in this issue, brief as it is. Like, if you read 52 (and you should, it's very good), the stuff with Black Adam finding a family, sharing his life and power with them, and then losing them again is very well-written and tragic. You totally get where he's coming from here. "I shared my powers before, and they all died." No wonder he's brooding (and Gotham is statistically the best place for brooding). The reason Mary's so hesitant, though, is that immediately after his family died, he went on a murderous rampage. Which was unnecessarily gruesome and unpleasant, but understandable on some degree.
And we finally introduced Donna Troy to the cast! We have still not added all the main characters or storylines, so maybe we'll get there next week~
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clarisaysblog · 2 months
Experience Hawaiian Delight at Kenny Rogers Roasters Philippines!
Escape to the paradise of flavors with Kenny Rogers Roasters Philippines’ Hawaiian feast! Indulge in the irresistible allure of the tropics, from the savory notes of Hawaiian roasted chicken to the tantalizing 1/3-pound Hawaiian Burger—it’s a culinary journey you won’t want to miss. Whether you’re craving the juicy tenderness of Hawaiian roasted chicken or the bold flavors of the Hawaiian…
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