#Coffee Shops St Petersburg
izloveshorses · 1 year
before you came into my life, i missed you so bad
one | two |
Anya is the movie star the entire world is in love with. Dmitry is some broke owner of a dying bookshop in St. Petersburg. Her face is on every billboard, he couldn't care less about the latest blockbuster. But when their paths cross, somehow their differences-- nor half the globe separating them-- don't seem to matter.
Or a dimya Notting Hill au no one asked for.
chapter 1 under the cut, otherwise read the rest on ao3!
Anastasia Romanov may have been a graceful star on film, but she wished the paparazzi knew Anya was actually rather ordinary.
In the last week of filming, she managed to slip away out of the city center of St. Petersburg and into a more quaint residential area. She wanted to explore on her own for a bit after a rather grueling schedule, maybe get a pastry and some coffee, and otherwise just live anonymously for a few precious moments. The locals left her alone. But the paparazzi, somehow, always found her. She wondered if they had bloodhounds on leashes on their payroll.
Anya didn’t think much of it when she quietly slipped into this bookstore. Hadn’t paid attention to what kind of shop she was entering, just saw a door and a way to escape the parasites with their cameras for just a few moments of reprieve.
She hadn’t expected everything to change.
Once inside she beelined behind a shelf with her back to the door and the collar of her jacket pulled up even higher. It was overkill, she knew, with her black beret and sunglasses indoors, but she just. She just needed a break. Growing up in this industry made her a little more than paranoid, and lately they’ve been relentless.
“Is there anything you’re looking for?”
She hadn’t noticed the man until he spoke. He was sitting at the cash register, thumbing through stacks of papers and typing buttons on a calculator, using a friendly customer service voice but not really looking at her, his tone implying he hadn’t seen her yet. Maybe she hadn’t run out of luck today.
“Just browsing,” she said quickly. To prove it she made a show of brushing her fingers over the spines along the random shelf, ducking her head so he couldn’t get a good look at her if he decided to lift his head.
She finally allowed herself to really study the bookshop, and decided she liked it. There was a quiet charm about it that you just didn’t see very often anymore. Hollywood had all of those shops that were manufactured to look vintage and rustic and trendy— decorated with distressed furniture, selling new releases, hiring handsome men who also worked at the coffee shops that were just the same, in buildings that were torn down and rebuilt a year ago— but this place actually was old. The smell was musty and thick, it reminded her of her grandmother’s apartment in Paris and her father’s study all at once. There was a hush that suggested she was one of few, if not the only, customers in here at this hour.
An old clock ticked on the wall. Seven more minutes in here should be enough to throw the paparazzi off her trail. To keep up the pretenses, she selected the first random book her hand could grab and opened it without looking at the title.
“Oh, that book is terrible.”
The voice made her jump, eyes snapping up to him. He was still looking down at his paperwork but there was a teasing smile on his lips. “The author definitely has never been east of Strasbourg, let alone to Saint Petersburg,” he explained, looking up at her finally and his grin widening, dimples poking through his cheeks. Anya decided she liked his smile more than the bookshop.
Her eyebrows rose. He had surprised her, but she wouldn’t give him much more than that. And then, trying to understand what he was saying, she read the title. Travel Guide: Saint Petersburg, the Heart of Russia. Oh. He was making a joke.
In her silence he stood from the desk. It was a small bookshop so it only took two strides for him to join her in the aisle, reaching for a different title. He was tall. Like, really tall. Granted, everyone towered over her, especially when she was working with actors like Zachary Levi, but still. He was broad and carried himself with confidence that rivaled the men in Hollywood. In just a button up and a t-shirt and jeans, his presence would still command a room. She noticed he had a paperback folded in his back pocket. His dark hair flopped down into his eyes and curled behind his ears. She decided she liked that, too.
“If I may,” he started, casually, like he didn’t care about her opinion even though he was clearly working very hard to influence her purchase. “There’s a much better one… ah, here it is!” He hastily slid a different book from the shelf. “I can assure you this author has at least been to Russia. Definitely knows what he’s talking about.”
Without warning a smile tugged the corner of her mouth. She still couldn’t decide if he recognized her or not. But he was so charming that she felt comfortable humoring him, taking the book from his hand to examine it. It wasn’t part of a dull and surface-level series from a famous publishing company like the one she had inconsiderately chosen, but something lengthier, something more personal. “You care an awful lot about what kind of book I’m buying from you,” she finally said.
“Oh, you’ve got it wrong,” he said, his playful voice making her look back up at him, “I care because if you buy this and think, ‘this is the most god-awful book I’ve ever read,’ you’ll never want to come back to my bookshop. Or worse, you’ll think, ‘Saint Petersburg is the most god-awful place,’ and never want to return.”
“Hmm…” she couldn’t help it, her smile spread. “Well, I appreciate the commitment, then.”
“I’m just doing my duty as a bookseller, ma’am.”
She opened to the first page. “I see it’s signed by the author.”
“I couldn’t stop him.”
That did it— that made her laugh. It was just a short huff of air through her nose, but still, that didn’t happen very often anymore. Not with strangers or anyone outside of her family, anyway. She shook her head. When she looked up again he seemed pleased, not in a predatory way, not in a gotcha way either, but genuinely delighted by her, for her. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had looked at her like that.
His eyes found something behind her and his whole expression changed. “Ah, shit,” he muttered, “sorry— hang on.”
And he disappeared to the back section she didn’t even realize existed. Curiosity made her scoot down away from her hiding spot to watch what had soured this very nice and very normal man. There was another customer in here after all, an even more normal-looking guy. “Hey, man,” her new friend the bookseller said. “If you would like that book you stuffed into your shirt, you can buy it.”
The customer just stared. “I don’t have a book stuffed in my shirt.”
“You do. There’s a security camera back here and the monitor is behind my desk.”
Anya found the camera he was pointing to. Impressive. She made her way to another aisle, still pretending to browse while she eavesdropped.
“Look, man, it’s embarrassing enough to steal from a bookstore. But stealing from a travel bookstore? Come on. I’m probably more broke than you are.”
His back was to her, but he had his hands on his hips, his tone more disappointed and annoyed than threatening. She wondered if he knew how far he could get with such powers of persuasion. How he would do wonders in the film industry.
They went back and forth a few more times before the bookseller guy won out. She was facing the register so he gave her an aggravated yet humored smile, an inside joke smile, as he walked behind the desk. She didn’t know why she was still lingering here, now that she had been inside long enough.
But maybe she had overstayed because on his way out, the wannabe thief muttered, “Can I have your autograph?”
She winced. She should’ve seen this coming, but a lot of what had happened today disarmed her. His expression was shy yet unblinking. Staring at her with that strange want. He was already holding out his new book for her to sign. Without her control her eyes glanced over at the cashier, trying to read him. His brows were pulled together in puzzlement. It was nice while it lasted, she thought.
She accepted the pen with a sigh. “To…”
When she handed the receipt back to him she started walking toward the register so she could speed up this part a bit. But the guy still lingered. “What’s the note at the top?”
Her sigh was thin. She looked up at him. Her handwriting was perfect, there was no way he couldn’t read it, but maybe he didn’t believe it. “It says, ‘To the shitty book thief, Peter’.”
Poor Peter’s face flushed red. “Thank you,” he muttered before nearly running outside.
The cashier’s smile was wide, surprised, his eyebrows high. But he moved slower now, more cautious, like he was trying to decipher the interaction that was daily for her and bizarre to him. “Just the one?” he asked gingerly as he scanned the barcode of the book and hit a few numbers on the register.
She fumbled in her purse for some cash, but she must’ve left all of that back in her hotel. Debit card it was, then.
Up until then she wasn’t sure, but now she definitely knew he wasn’t playing dumb at all when he acted like he hadn’t recognized her. Because he didn’t until now. As the receipt printed his eyes widened and he did a double take, up to her face and then down at the name printed out, the nearly imperceptible intake of breath making his chest expand. Almost reflexively his hand came up to push his bangs away from his face.
“Uh… I just need you to sign…”
She grabbed a little pen from the cup in front of the register and carefully signed her name above where it was printed. And then he surprised her again.
“This isn’t some gimmick to get your autograph, though, I promise.”
She smiled up at him, almost apologetic. “Thank you for your devoted assistance.”
She thought the joke fell a little flat but he still smiled, though she couldn’t tell if he was just in shock or was embarrassed he didn’t recognize her sooner or if he was genuinely laughing. She made sure to pick up a business card on her way out.
She didn’t look at the card until she was outside again, a bell ringing as the door shut behind her. Dmitry Sudayev, the card said.
Even though she knew she’d never see him again, somehow she found she had already memorized the shape of his name without trying.
Dmitry was an idiot. 
No, worse than an idiot. Dumbass wasn’t even strong enough of a word for someone who met Anastasia Romanov in his own bookshop and didn’t even recognize her. For god’s sake, he flirted with her! Right to her face! 
Not that he wanted her autograph or anything. He just… probably would have behaved more appropriately. And not pretend that a girl like that would ever give him a chance. Vlad had warned him his lack of pop culture engagement would bite him in the ass one day. Maybe this was it. Karma or something in the universe was laughing at him. Her face was plastered on every billboard and film poster and TV commercial and Oscars recap footage and he was so out of touch with the world he didn’t even realize one of the most famous Hollywood actresses in the world was standing right in front of him. She probably thought he was some loser.
Then again, she had smiled up at him, and it seemed so genuine… 
The door chimed. “So sorry I’m late!” Vlad whistled his way through the shop, some tune Dmitry recognized from the radio. “The metro workers were on strike again, so the line was down.”
He looked up from his desk, where he’d been staring at his pile of paperwork in misery, hands folded in his own hair. 
Vlad hung up his coat on the rack. “Did I miss anything?”
Usually, the mornings at work were so uneventful that this was their joke— that they would miss something exciting if one of them was late. But Dmitry didn’t know how to answer that in a way his coworker would believe him. 
He stood from his desk, the chair nearly tipping over from the force of it. “I— need coffee,” he explained, shrugging on his own jacket. “Want anything?” 
Vlad didn’t seem to notice Dmitry’s odd behavior and happily requested a latte— unless he was going to that place around the block, then he would rather have the tea, since their lattes sucked. 
On the way back, drink carrier in hand, Dmitry was so lost in thought he wasn’t paying attention as he turned the corner and literally collided with someone.
“Oh my god— sorry—” he fumbled, and then his heart stopped when he realized who was now wearing his drink. She had her sunglasses on, but there was no mistaking it. It was her. “Shit— I’m so sorry, can I—”
“Don’t,” she said when he reached for her. Right. Fair. He uselessly handed her a paper napkin. 
God. Could this day get any worse? 
“Look— don’t take this the wrong way, but my flat is nearby if you want to change.”
She leveled a glare at him. How starkly different this was than their meeting this morning. Well, he would glare too, if their roles were reversed. “How near are we talking? Give me a numerical distance.”
He had to fight a smile. “Literally across the street. Look,” he pointed to the door of his townhouse. “See that maroon door? That one’s mine. My roommate isn’t home.” 
Her expression remained the same. “If this is a trick—”
“No tricks,” he held up both of his hands. “Scout’s honor.” 
She pursed her lips, looking left and right, then down at her stained top, weighing her options. “Don’t let anyone see.”
“Got it.”
They crossed the street when traffic broke, and he fumbled with his keys before pushing the door open, letting her walk inside first. He hoped she knew this wasn’t some play, he just wanted to make up for being so clumsy this morning. 
“Bathroom is just up the stairs,” he said, locking the door behind them. “Take as long as you need. The sink works, but you need to turn on the hot and cold at the same time…”
“I’m sure I’ll manage,” she said, brushing past him up the stairs. 
“Do you need— clothes? Or something?”
“I’ve got some,” she dismissed. “I was going to change eventually anyway. To ditch the photographers.”
“Right.” He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling more and more idiotic by the second. When he heard the door shut he scrambled to straighten up. 
His flat wasn’t a mess, exactly. His roommate was tidy. Dmitry was tidy too, but the space felt a little too lived-in for company. He couldn’t remember the last time a guest stepped foot inside. His bike was by the door instead of in the closet, the throw blankets hadn’t been folded, a handful of dishes sat in the drying rack. He stopped racing around when he heard her quiet tread on the steps and he tried to lean as casually as possible against the counter. 
Anastasia had changed from her black ensemble to something brown and patterned, still too stylish to blend in, in his opinion, but appropriate for the October weather. With her sunglasses off her eyes were the bluest thing in the room. 
“Can I get you anything else?” he asked, then cleared his throat because his voice was strangely out of tune. 
“No, thank you,” she answered. Her annoyance with him had dissipated a little, thankfully. 
And then the lock of his door was turning and he bit back a groan. “That’s— my roommate,” he explained, “he’s harmless but— there’s no excuse for him, I’m so sorry.”
She raised her eyebrows, confused, before the door swung open. Gleb Vaganov had moved in about a year ago— there was no way Dmitry could afford the place without him— and could not have been stranger. He walked in without so much as a glance up from his phone. He literally walked between Dmitry and Anastasia, opening the fridge, like he didn’t notice either of them. 
“I think the lady next door has stolen my package again,” he finally said, opening a bottle of kombucha. 
Dmitry rolled his eyes. “Did you remember to check the tracking info?”
“Yes, it says it arrived this morning.”
“Sometimes they’re wrong. Or they dropped it off at the other neighbor’s again.”
“Hmm.” Gleb’s frown deepened, and he literally had to step around Anastasia to go back outside. Her smile was widening. Like she was biting back a laugh. The feeling was contagious. 
“He seems nice,” she said. 
Dmitry scratched the back of his neck. “He at least keeps things clean.”
“Right.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, unsure what to do now. “Are you sure you don’t want anything? I have tea, I think, and…” he opened the fridge. “The kombucha is off limits, I’m afraid, but we’ve got… uh, orange juice? Or leftover stroganoff if you’re hungry, or some peaches— no, those are rotten, actually— umm—”
“I’m really okay,” she insisted, her hand on his shoulder sending electricity through his body down to his toes. 
He met her eyes and shut the fridge. “You sure? I feel like I’ve been a complete jackass to you today.”
“Hmm,” she stepped closer. “Other than dumping your coffee on me,” she started, and he laughed, ducking his head, embarrassed, “you’ve been quite lovely.” 
He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. “You’ve been too. Lovely, I mean.” What was happening to him? Even as a teenager he didn’t bumble around this much. “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
She tilted her head. “You as well.”
Still, she made no move to leave, and he made no move to show her the way out. A clock ticked. 
“If…” he searched for something to say, groping for a chance to keep her here, just a second more. “If you ever need a travel book again, you know where to go.”
She gave him a smile. “I appreciate it.”
For a moment neither said a word. And then Anastasia rose up on her toes to press her lips to his. 
He froze, eyes wide, gasping through his nose, completely surprised. It was quick, but his skin burned at the invisible mark she’d left, his cheeks undoubtedly red. When she dropped back down to her heels she was flushed too, perhaps just as surprised by her own actions as he was.
He tried saying something cool and funny, like, Is this how you say goodbye to everyone you meet? But all that came out of his mouth was, “Uhhhhmm…” 
She took a wide step back, like stepping out of a trance. She tucked a loose hair behind her ear. “Thanks again, for the… Bathroom.” 
Somehow he found his voice. “Anytime.” He blinked. “See you around?”
She gave him an odd look, and then he remembered he would probably never see her again. “Have a nice life, Dmitry,” she said instead. And then let herself out. 
Dmitry didn’t know how long he stood there in the middle of his kitchen. A clock ticked. His fingers rose up to trace his bottom lip, feeling stupid and oh so giddy. 
Gleb came back in with a box. “It was on the wrong doorstep!” He stomped through the kitchen with a satisfied smile. “We really ought to repaint the number on our door, that may prevent this mistake from happening again…”
Dmitry, understandably, didn’t return the enthusiasm. 
He walked back to the shop in a daze, not even realizing his jacket fell in a limp pile on the floor when he tried to hang it on the wobbly rack. 
Vlad frowned from behind the register. “Hey, where’s the coffee?”
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The Places We Call Sacred
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Laura Ravell | Lara Ravel, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Andrei Stamatin | Andrey Stamatin Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, fem!Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Isidor Burakh, fem!Isidor Burakh, Ersher Burakh, Gryph | Bad Grief (Pathologic), Laura Ravell | Lara Ravel, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Ospina | Aspity (Pathologic), Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Worldbuilding, i will love you in every universe, what if the plague was grief?, and what if the panacea was love and friendship, Gender or Sex Swap, slow burn
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Chapter 7
You ain’t from ’round here.”
“I reckon I ain’t.”
“Where’s home for ya, cuata?” He dragged his syllables like a savored cigarette pull.
“Far, far away.”
“I can hear that.” He smirked. “Where exactly though?”
It was a tossup with Americans. Some took her country of origin as an interesting piece of trivia, and the others would launch a barrage of questions about her opinion of politics, both domestic and abroad. Given that this was a small town in a small state, Artemiy figured chances were on her side with the former, so she told him.
“And are St. Petersburg autumns as beautiful as Pushkin describes them?”
She had to admit that she’d never gotten this sort of response before. “You know Pushkin?”
“I’m as strong a cosmopolitan as I make ’em.” 
Read more
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Patricio "Pato" O'Ward Junco
Birthdate: May 6, 1999 Hometown: Monterrey, Mexico Residence: Monterrey, Mexico/San Antonio, TX Height/Weight: 5’8”/155lbs
Rookie Year: 2019
Team: Arrow McLaren
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter YouTube
Career Stats
2018: 1 race with Harding Racing - 31st Overall 2019: 8 races with Carlin - 26th Overall 2020: Arrow McLaren SP- 4th Overall 2021: Arrow McLaren SP - 3rd Overall 2022: Arrow McLaren SP - 7th Overall 2023: Arrow McLaren SP - 4th Overall
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2018 Indy NXT (formerly Indy Lights) Rookie of the Year and Season Champion 2021 and 2022 several F1 tests with McLaren 2022 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix F1 free practice with McLaren IMSA 2017 Youngest driver ever to win Daytona 24 and Sebring 12 hour in Prototype Challenge (PC) class 2017 Prototype Challenge drivers championship, North American Endurance Cup Championship. 2018 Daytona 24 8th, Sebring 12 hour 13th 2022 Daytona 24 (LMP2 class) 1st.
-Doesn't drink coffee. -Has a list of acceptable restaurants around every track Indycar visits -Although a native of Mexico, attended high school in San Antonio, Texas. -Lists karting, fitness training - especially boxing and weight training - as his hobbies. -He loves Eggo waffles and sushi. -2020 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year.
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Iconic/memorable moments
Pato O'Ward reveals helmet design for Indianapolis 500 to James Hinchcliffe | Motorsports on NBC INSIDE THE RACE // PATO O'WARD AT WEATHERTECH RACEWAY LAGUNA SECA PUSH TO PASS | EP. 1 - "So Close, Yet So Far" This or That with Pato O'Ward and Indy 500 Friends TikTok: Pato Likes Food RACER: Pato O'Ward Texas IndyCar Walk and Talk CHEVY PACE CAR // FELIX ROSENQVIST AND PATO O'WARD Felix and Pato interview Alex Rossi in their own languages: AMSP Unlocked 2020 AMSP Unlocked 2021 AMSP Mic’d Up 2022 Pato O'Ward and Felix Rosenqvist Play-Fighting Then and Now | Pato O'Ward & Felix Rosenqvist - Part 1 Then and Now: Pato O'Ward Part 2 Midnight Snack Chocolate covered Pato Lobster papi.
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Happy Valentines Day Love/Hate relationship with pre-race ice baths Guess the song Tiny Cars with James – Pato O’Ward Pato O’Ward sings “Feel This Moment” Felix and Pato wrestling Don’t touch the cones!!! How tall are McLaren drivers? Arrow McLaren: Red Flag Green Flag Arrow McLaren: Red Flag Green Flag Again Measuring noses Wakeboarding Pato Wink and Kiss Pato Barbie Nashville Cowboy hat shopping Indianapolis Motor Speedway Fair Imitate Famous Landmarks Phone Flip - Drivers in the Paddock Part 1 Part 2
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Driver Superlatives Part 1 Part 2 Holiday Tree Blindfolded Challenge Holiday Family phototshoot Behind the Scenes Baking Challenge: Part 1 Baking Challenge: Part 2 Rainy day activities Spill your guts game Intro Part 1 Part 2 Off Track with Hinch and Rossi – The Papaya One Area Codes Our cinnamon rolls Go-to Karaoke song
Team Penske hit with penalties over Push to Pass use; O’Ward declared St. Petersburg winner
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Excitable and exuberant, Pato wears his emotions on his sleeve. If he’s happy, you’ll know it, and if he’s not, you’ll know that too, just by looking at his face. Full of energy, Pato is hardly ever still, fidgeting if he can’t do anything else. A self-proclaimed foodie, his social media often shows off what he’s eating. And if it’s not pics of his food, it’s pics of him in the gym, puddles of sweat and all. He’s said that he works out to eat the foods he loves. His devoted fanbase has recently has exploded into near rock-star-like proportions with suites and a grandstand at Texas Motor Speedway devoted to his fans through special giveaways and promotions.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired with former teammate Felix Rosenqvist
Frequently paired with Colton Herta. The two raced together in IndyNXT (formerly Indy Lights). Ship name O'Herta
Paired with Alex Palou. Ship name O'Palou
Paired with teammate Alex Rossi
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nlghtshade · 2 years
♡ august & september 2022 favorites
hi !! sorry this is so late - work has been busy and with all the amazing fests and works coming out i'm falling behindddd - so i've put august and september together lol - enjoy !!! also shouting out these acts of fandom love author appreciation origami project by @crazybutgood and the @purpleloveawards ♡ always eternally grateful for this community
i’m bringing you as his present (2022, Gen, 335) by @justthingsfromsarah
draco gets dragged to beach by his friend
WIP Snip by @tenthousandyearsx
Draco sits down heavily on the sofa. Potter is fucking doomed. Potter is going to die unless he falls in love with Draco. Which means that Potter is going to die.
Because I’m Yours (2022, T, 184) by @makeitp1nk
I had my bridal shower yesterday, and there was a lot of talk about being chosen and choosing--how I chose well, and how telling it is that I was chosen by a picky guy. I am still basking in the glow of so much love, so this is where that came from. Hope you like it ❤️ Also for @drarrymicrofic prompt Dare
A little something by @basicallyahedgehog
A little something for my favourite @phoebe-delia. I love you endlessly, I hope this makes you smile:)
if the world was ending (2022, M, 4.2k) by @talkingtravesties
The world is ending again, but it's far less dramatic this time. Harry Potter tries to save the day. Draco wishes he wouldn't.
like freedom (2022, M, 4.3k) by @softlystarstruck & @babooshkart
Harry doesn’t know the exact moment his life changed. Maybe it was the day Draco Malfoy unwillingly turned up at his front door, or the moment the plane’s landing gear went up and London-Heathrow fell away below them. Maybe it was in the dusty swirl of red rocks and motel rooms somewhere between Tennessee and California. Maybe it wasn't a single moment at all, but a whole series of them, captured with Harry's camera.
The Sky in St Petersburg by @vukovich
whole vibe of the song "evelene" by quinn christophersen. especially the lines "I watch your hair blend in with the sky" and "You know my story same as yours" Note: Anon, you MUST be an Eagles in Truro reader. The music video for this song could be the end credits title. It’s fucking perfect, and I am so grateful to you for sending it to me. If, in fact, you are an EiT reader, and to anyone else who is, please read this story through the lens of “If Draco had taken the ICW plea deal.”
Draco’s Delicious Dilemma (2017, Teen, 5k) by @darkmagicalgirlwrites
Draco Malfoy bravely deals with new coffee shops, Harry Potter, low-sympathy coworkers, feelings, free muffins, Looks, and some extremely rude signage.
Fall to Grace (2014, NC-17, 5k) by cylsus
It's been three weeks since Harry and Draco broke up. Clearly, they should want nothing to do with each other, but being Auror partners makes that just a tad bit difficult.
Eighteen Again (2015, Gen, 6.6k) by dracogotgame
Draco gets a note from an old friend. Does Harry have more on his mind than just a friendly get together?
♡ King Ron & Scabbers by @natello
♡ *Inserts 90’s teenage angst song* 💿⚡️ by @nowherelittlegirl
♡ Draco, what’s your hair care routine? by @rosalyfart
♡ in case anyone was wondering I am still in drarry hell :^) by @megasilly
♡ Padfoot & James by @quill-q
♡ Draco meets a masked deer by @mad1492
♡ Pansy + Draco by @biskueeee
♡ 🌕 🌕 🌕 by @trashcanprince
♡ some people never stop screaming by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
♡ Potter OTPs by @karnivil
♡ Young Remus (Book ver) by @lorandesore
♡ Back to Hogwarts! by @alessiajontrunfio
♡ drarry by @fantalfart
♡ birthday art by @sweet-s0rr0w for @the-starryknight’s fic Siren Call (It's Not Love)
♡ remus lupin by @frogandthetadpoles
♡ Imperio by @lepra-art
♡ january ♡ february ♡ march ♡ april ♡ may ♡ june ♡ july
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amatrudalab · 1 year
Meet the Amatruda Lab!
James Amatruda, MD, PhD
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Dr. James Amatruda is the Head of Basic and Translational Research for the Cancer and Blood Disease Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He’s the inaugural holder of the Dr. Kenneth O. Williams Chair in Cancer Research. Dr. Amatruda is a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine for the Keck School of Medicine of USC. He attends on the Solid Tumor oncology service at CHLA.
Dr. Amatruda received his MD and PhD from Washington University School of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine from Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Cell Biology in Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche in Rome and completed his Medical Oncology fellowship at Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care in Boston, Massachusetts.
When not in the lab, Dr. Amatruda enjoys running, reading, music-making and exploring around Los Angeles.
Ashley Jean, MD
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Dr. Ashley Jean is a Clinical Fellow in the Amatruda Lab. Dr. Jean graduated from Tufts Medical School in Boston and completed her Pediatric Residency at Maine Medical Center. Dr. Jean started her Pediatric Fellowship at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2019.
Her research focuses on pediatric Ewing Sarcoma. She is currently studying the TAK1 pathway in the tumor genesis of this condition.
Dr. Jean likes to spend her free time outdoors. She enjoys activities such as hiking, paddle boarding and snowboarding.
Christopher Kuo, MD
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Dr. Christopher Kuo is a Clinical Fellow in the Amatruda Lab. Dr. Kuo received his Medical Degree from Rush University and completed his Pediatric Residency from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Kuo started his Pediatric Fellowship at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2020.
His research interest is in osteosarcoma. He is currently working on a project that involves the investigation of the tumor microenvironment of Ewing sarcoma.
Dr. Kuo’s hobbies include breakdancing, swimming and going to coffee shops.
Adam Marentes, MSc., PhD Candidate
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Adam Marentes is a Graduate Student Researcher in the Amatruda Lab. Adam received his Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of California, Riverside. He then completed his Master of Science from California Polytechnic University Pomona. Adam is currently attending University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine to earn his PhD in Cancer Biology and Genomics.
Adam’s research focus is in mitochondrial DNA variants in Ewing Sarcoma. He is currently working on a collaboration that involves editing mitochondrial DNA in cancer cell lines in zebrafish.
Adam enjoys baking, playing video games with his fiancé and catching a show at the local comedy club.
Tanya Mosesian, MHA
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Tanya Mosesian received her Bachelor of Science in Public Health from California State University of Northridge. She then completed her Master of Health Administration at the University of Southern California.
Tanya is Project Associate for the Amatruda Lab. She provides on-site support for all administrative matters and project facilitation.
Tanya enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She likes to play tennis and hike during the weekends.
Elena Vasileva, PhD, MSc.
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Dr. Elena Vasileva is a post-doctoral fellow in the Amatruda Lab. Dr. Vasileva received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Applied Mathematics and Physics. She received her PhD in Molecular Biology from the Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Vasileva is interested in studying the molecular mechanisms of cancer development and progression. She has developed an inducible zebrafish model of EWS-FLI driven Ewing Sarcoma as a platform for biologic discovery and preclinical testing of novel therapies.
Dr. Vasileva enjoys running and hiking in Los Angeles.
Mona Wu, PhD
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Dr. Mona Wu is a post-doctoral fellow in the Amatruda Lab. Dr. Wu received her Bachelor of Science from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Science from Université de Montréal, and a PhD from McGill University.
Dr. Wu is interested in understanding the cell of origin for pediatric neoplasms because she believes that this knowledge could lead to better early biomarkers and more effective treatment. She is particularly interested in understanding how aberrant ncRNA (especially miRNAs) may play a role in pediatric disease.
Dr. Wu likes reading and visiting different libraries. She enjoys “foodie-related” activities including trying restaurants, cooking, baking and watching (far too many) cooking shows.
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chipotle · 1 year
A year back in Florida
About a year ago, I moved away from the San Francisco Bay Area, back to Tampa Bay, Florida, where I’d lived for (mostly) all my previous life.
Florida is not the same place it was when I left. The metros feel more urban, more alive, than I remember. Some of that is undoubtedly on me, on my failure to explore them adequately back in the 1990s. But a lot of what I’ve been finding now simply wasn’t there two decades ago. St. Petersburg now has blocks of walkable downtown, starting from the waterfront museums and moving west through the Edge District, on to Kenwood and Grand Central, where they recently held one of the biggest Pride festivals in the country. Tampa’s downtown no longer feels like they roll up the sidewalks at five (a problem that San Jose struggled to solve for years as well). Just like St. Pete’s Central Avenue reminds me—a little—of K and J Streets in midtown Sacramento, smaller towns like Gulfport and Dunedin remind me—a little—of the smaller walkable towns back in California like Danville, Campbell, and Livermore.
Some of the areas that were truly nothing twenty years ago have become, well, something. The town I’ve moved to, Ridge Manor, is an unincorporated area a few miles north of still-tiny Dade City, on a state road that goes straight east-west between I-75 and Orlando. The next “big small town” over, Clermont, has blossomed from a near-abandoned downtown into a genuinely interesting suburb, even if it’s hard to figure out just what it’s a suburb of. Wesley Chapel, about a half-hour south along I-75, is a surprisingly large suburb of Tampa now.
A year ago, I wrote that you can find great coffee shops and craft breweries and cocktail bars in any metro area, and that’s true here, too. Dade City itself has a great craft brewery and a solid coffee shop, and there are far more throughout Tampa/St. Pete and Orlando. Great cocktail bars are the hardest to find here, I’ve found, but they are here.
Florida is not the same place it was when I left. It was, back then, a relatively purple state overall. There are still Florida liberals and leftists, but the Florida of 2023 is a one-party state. And, not to put too fine a point on it, Florida Republicans lead the charge to make that party indistinguishable from the far-right fascist parties plaguing Europe and Central America. Every day brings a new attack on the rights of people DeSantis and his supporters have identified as The Enemy. Trans people. Queer people. Drag queens. Immigrants. Teachers. Librarians. Disney.
A drive around rural Florida a quarter-century ago would have certainly taken you past houses and farms flying confederate battle flags; the state’s panhandle has long been an epicenter for the neo-confederate movement. On a similar drive today, though, the flags are almost exclusively for Trump. And there are many, many flags for Trump. Flags and bumper stickers and banners, and an ugliness I can’t remember seeing in America in my lifetime. When I left Florida, Jeb Bush had just won reelection; I’ve returned to a state where Republicans would consider Jeb too suspiciously liberal to elect him to a municipal utility board.
I am not in the same place in Florida as I was when I left. Politically and culturally, I’m more Left Coast than I had been two decades ago, to be sure—but I spent most of my previous Florida years in Tampa or its suburbs, or the wealthy, culturally rich city of Sarasota.1 As someone who presents as a cishet male, I have little to worry about in most interactions here yet—but that yet slowly gathers weight. I’ve been open about my beliefs, moderately open about my not-so-binary, fairly asexual identity. I write queer, often political, furry fiction under my own name. So far, this has only resulted in lost friendships, but the potential for worse is real.
Yet my worries don’t center on me. The majority of my friends are queer, too. Will any trans friend, including my BFF/partner, be safe here even for a visit? They’re certainly not going to move here. More and more, I’m hearing of people moving out.
I am not in the same place in Florida as I was when I left. All my adult life, both in California and previously here, I could reach dozens of choices for shopping, eating and drinking in under fifteen minutes; some were just a nice walk away in good weather. But Ridge Manor’s several thousand residents spread out over rural half-acre lots. A few businesses cluster in a couple of strip malls around the I-75 interchange. There’s a grocery store, three or four decent restaurants (and three or four fast food places), so-so Chinese takeout, and a few gas stations. Anything else is twenty minutes away at a minimum.
That might not sound like a big deal. It didn’t sound like one to me, either. I’d come home to this house every Christmas from California; I knew where it was. And, I’ve always enjoyed driving. For years, my BFF and I took Saturdays out, exploring towns hours away. How bad could this be?
The answer, it turns out, is worse than I thought. In all my adult life, I’ve lived where I could reach dozens of choices for shopping, eating and drinking in under fifteen minutes, often in places where some were just a nice walk away in good weather. Now, hitting even most standard suburban chains is no longer a whim, it’s an excursion.
Sometimes I’ve dreamt of living in a cabin in Big Sur. I don’t anymore. I want to be in walking distance of something, a short driving distance of anything. Markets, coffee shops, a neighborhood bar, an ice cream parlor. Ridge Manor is not a place where that’s possible, and despite the construction and development around the area, it never will be. Yes, it will get hundreds of new tract homes, but the people who move in there will find that they, too, are a half-hour away from everything.
But do I regret moving? No. I moved to be with my mother, to help take care of her and the house. Our relationship isn’t frictionless, but it’s good, better than many such relationships that I see among my own friends and, for that matter, among hers. I know her better now than I have at any previous point in my life. It’s not just a solid, loving parent-child relationship, it’s a solid, loving friendship. That’s invaluable.
I still take Saturdays out, albeit mostly by myself now, and I’ve discovered or re-discovered plenty of cool places, many of which weren’t here before and all which have changed. There are places I could truly feel at home in, if I lived closer to them, and if Florida’s politics ever become less fraught. And if I can still deal with Florida summers.
The what-ifs remain, though, no matter how much I try to shunt them away.
First what-if: My ability to carve out my own time has been markedly impaired over the last year, from writing to TV watching to reading. Perhaps I am not good at setting boundaries, or perhaps I am just not used to living with someone who wants a lot of attention compared to past, undemanding housemates. Would it have been better to live in the suburbs a half-hour down the road, drive up here a few times a week for dinner, spend the night every other week?
Never say never, but I’m doubtful. The connections I’ve been making with my mom couldn’t have been made if we weren’t living together. Beyond that, I wouldn’t be here to be able to help with routine small things, and helping with large ones would be that much more challenging. She’d be markedly lonelier, and despite my penchant for solitude, I would be, too.
And there’s the cost of living. Despite the isolation, there are many things to like about this house—it’s on over an acre of wooded land, for a start—but the number one thing is, simply, that it’s fully paid off. A year ago, I wrote, “I won’t miss paying as much in rent share [in California] as I would pay for an entire two-bedroom apartment in Tampa.” That turned out to be optimistic; a decent one-bedroom, not two, apartment in Wesley Chapel would be hundreds more a month than my rent share in Santa Clara was. The median rent in Sacramento is, as of this writing, lower than both Tampa and Orlando.
Second what-if: my mother and I could move somewhere else, somewhere that checks off more of my boxes and, ideally, more of hers. She’d like to be closer to amenities, closer to medical care, closer to the water. We’re both concerned about the heat, too. As I write this, Florida swelters in record-breaking heat. The SF Bay Area and Sacramento are at unusual highs, too, but the old “it’s a dry heat” joke hits home. Sacramento’s projected high of 103°F tops our projected 94°, but our heat index hits 116° compared to Sac’s 164°—and our low will be 74° (with a heat index ten degrees higher), whereas Sacramento will make it down to a comparatively arctic 58°. If this is the new normal, it may be untenable for both of us.
Housing prices anywhere we’d want to live are likely to be challengingly high even with our resources pooled together, though, and I don’t know what place we’d both agree on. Stay in the state, or leave it? She thinks about going back to Baltimore, where she grew up, or around Asheville, where Floridians seem to be moving to when they want to leave this state. I have no personal affinity for Maryland or North Carolina, though; the places I do have affinity for—most of California and the Pacific Northwest, parts of the Southwest—aren’t places she does.
The thought of moving anywhere, though, leads to uncomfortable thoughts of mortality—both my mother’s and my own. When will I find myself living alone once more? Will I want to stay where I’m living then? If it’s still here, still in this house, the answer is likely no. But if my mother and I move to a new place, she’ll push for a bigger house. I doubt I’d want a bigger house by myself, or even with a housemate. (And if it’s in Florida, the current politics all but ensure my trans BFF won’t be that housemate.)
Of course, maybe a bigger house still makes financial sense; with luck, having a more expensive house means I get more money if I sell it and do move somewhere else, ultimately. The money isn’t being lost. Objectively, I know that. But I don’t feel it.
So, where does this leave me? It leaves me with a loving parent and great finances; it leaves me isolated, frustrated with my inability to manage my own time, wondering why I’m even worse than I used to be at coordinating with friends. It leaves me in a good and bad place. It leaves me in limbo.
I’ll check back in after another year.
Sarasota is now ground zero for not just Florida’s culture wars but all of America’s, as the home of the neofascist Moms of Liberty and epicenter of QAnon conspiracy nonsense. My college, New College, is the one that DeSantis is in the process of transforming from a nationally-recognized liberal arts school into a national laughing stock. [return]
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petnews2day · 4 months
New Cat-Themed Cafe Serves NY Bagels, Coffee In St. Petersburg
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/P9vR9
New Cat-Themed Cafe Serves NY Bagels, Coffee In St. Petersburg
ST. PETERSBURG, FL — A new cat-themed cafe has recently opened its doors in St. Petersburg. Doakes N Doodle Cafe at 2930 Dr. MLK Jr. Street N. is named after the real-life black cats of the shop’s owner, Amanda Ventura. Subscribe “Love cats. Big cat fan,” the New Jersey native told Patch. “Cats are a […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/P9vR9 #CatsNews
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findinginga · 7 months
A Dark, Cold Wednesday in St. Petersburg…
...time to refocus and prepare to return home
It had been my intention to visit the Hermitage Museum without Inga.  There seemed to me that there would be little to gain by having Inga and Eva make the trip.  Afterall, I would not be deprived of Inga's company as her previous physical presence had not translated into warm memories.  Given her announcement of the previous evening that it was both a financial and emotional burden for her to make daily trips to visit me, perhaps it was best for us both to just let it go.  Inga texted many times to express her displeasure with my decision.  
Despite her previous declarations that the decisions others made were of no consequence to her, Inga was clearly triggered by my decision.  Her words were angry and purposefully cruel.  Early in the afternoon, she texted that she was sending a taxi to the hotel in order to collect some photos that were taken of the three of us the previous day at Smile Park.  She angrily declared that she could not trust how I would use the photos; therefore, she asked me to send them with the driver.  I could not fathom as to why this would be a worry for her.  What could I possibly do with these photos that would cause harm or create danger other than to post them on a public forum?  This, I concluded was her concern - being exposed (pun intended).  The photos were of no consequence to me; therefore, I bundled them together with a few gifts that remained in my luggage.  To the package I added 6,000 rubles I retrieved from a nearby ATM.  Irrespective of Inga's nonsensical reasoning as to why she kept me at a distance the entire visit, it was important for me to reimburse her for travel expenses.  I dutifully handed the package off to the driver upon his arrival and returned to my hotel room.
I had little motivation to do more than spend a few hours working.  I thought of what I might do the following day.  Thursday would be my last full day in St. Petersburg.  Inga and Eva were leaving for Pskov in the early afternoon.  I needed to locate a reputable clinic or lab to perform a COVID-19 screening which would be required as I transited through Helsinki and London and then to reenter the US.  
As afternoon gave way to evening, I ordered dinner and then texted Inga asking if we could meet on Thursday prior to her departure.  At the very least I wanted to say good-bye to them in person.  There is no doubt that my visit served as a stressor for all parties.  Perhaps Eva enjoyed her visits to the indoor amusement parks and Inga and Eva shared some good moments visiting with family.  I doubt that Inga found much joy in my company while my overall experience with her was a bitter disappointment.  Regardless, I thought it only appropriate to recognize and thank Inga for making the trip.  Initially Inga resisted the idea of meeting but she eventually relented as she recognized that she and Eva would have to make the trip to the city center to board the train.  Inga wrote that she would text me when they were leaving the home of Nikita.
Thursday, my last full day in St. Petersburg...
I awoke early on Thursday morning and after showering and dressing I made my way to the hotel restaurant which featured a very nice breakfast buffet.  I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and coffee while catching up on news.  It was slightly after 9:00 am when I returned to my room to collect my coat, scarf and the necessary documents I would require for the testing lab.  As it was a crisp but partly sunny morning, I decided to walk to the testing lab.  Besides, it would be likely be my last opportunity to view some of St. Petersburg.
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My selection of this lab was quite deliberate as it was close to the central business area and an easy walk to Galleria which, was my next destination as I awaited word from Inga.  While in the mall I did a little shopping for Eva at the Lego Store.  Based on Inga's previous comments, Eva enjoyed Lego blocks so I was not worried that Eva would be disappointed.  I purchased a challenging set for her along with a pink backpack bearing Lego branding.  I descended the escalators to the main level and entered Starbucks to order a coffee.  
More passive-aggressive behavior...
It was 11:30 am and then noon and then 12:30 pm.  Finally there was a text from Inga asking me to meet her at a coffee shop in 20 minutes.  She provided a screen shot from her phone but, unfortunately, the name of the shop as well as the address were in Cyrillic.  Inga provided no directions.  I used what tools I had to translate the message into a usable form in order to obtain directions.  I was finally able to locate the shop but the distance was too great to walk in that 20 minute window Inga prescribed.  I managed to order a car to get me to the location just minutes before Inga and Eva were to leave for the train station in a taxi.
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I had only moments with Inga as she was standing at the counter preparing to pay for for a few snack items she purchased for the train trip to Pskov.  I was put off by her passive-aggressive demonstration but I did not want to make an issue of it in the last few moments I would share with her.  I plunged the remaining rubles I had into her coat pocket as I knew I would not need them after today and I gave a very excited Eva her gift.  We left the shop and I walked her to the waiting taxi.  I wanted very much to accompany them to the train station but Inga emphatically rejected my suggestion.  As we said our good-byes I embraced her and attempted to draw her in to hug her.  She vigorously pushed me away and then disappeared inside the taxi.
This was to be my last face-to-face encounter with Inga who, once again left me behind, alone.
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ao3feed-anastasia · 10 months
Soon It Will Be Spring
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8UWJ7ro by sorrelscribbles Gleb picks up winter shifts in the coffee shot close to the University of St. Petersburg to make some extra money, and that's where he meets Anya. He's immediately smitten, but doesn't have a chance to talk to her until they end up in the same Russian Lit class. They become friends, and through Anya. Gleb learns a secret that will change his life, and maybe, just maybe, bring them together. [Currently unedited because I wanted to publish this before I left for Thanksgiving. Will be done in the next couple of days] Words: 3861, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Anastasia - Flaherty/Ahrens/McNally Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Gleb Vaganov, Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway) Relationships: Anya | Anastasia Romanov/Gleb Vaganov Additional Tags: POV Gleb Vagnov, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, gleb is an idiot, Pining, War and Peace references, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Russian Politics, /neg - Freeform, Anya has PTSD, Opposites Attract, Character Development, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, (gleb's father), Developing Relationship, they're not perfect but they're trying, No infidelity I promise, Russia, Winter, To Be Edited read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8UWJ7ro
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The Places We Call Sacred
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Laura Ravell | Lara Ravel, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Andrei Stamatin | Andrey Stamatin Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, fem!Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Isidor Burakh, fem!Isidor Burakh, Ersher Burakh, Gryph | Bad Grief (Pathologic), Laura Ravell | Lara Ravel, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Ospina | Aspity (Pathologic), Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Worldbuilding, i will love you in every universe, what if the plague was grief?, and what if the panacea was love and friendship, Gender or Sex Swap
“Earlier this month, I got a phone call from a Novosibirsk area code. I don’t have any clients outside of Piter and have never had any reason to ever think of the steppe, so I actually didn’t pick up the first few times the guy called, but eventually I did. Guy tells me he’s looking for Daria Dzhokharovna Shovkhalova or her next of kin. There’s a property to be developed, but the mayor won’t let him while there’s a deed and a rightful owner.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Daniil asked.
“This, my boy, is a matter of your inheritance.”
“I already — ”
The old lawyer handed Daniil the contents of the plastic sleeve — a final will and testament. Daniil scanned the document, catching names he did not know and places he had never been. The fourth page was bisected by a subheader, Section IV. The Wonderbull Cafe.
Read more here
---- special shoutout to my homie @alphamano for the assist on what you call someone from St. Petersburg na russkom.
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kahwacoffeeusa-blog · 5 years
Want something refreshing, authentic and delicious to start this morning? If you are looking for breakfast catering near you, visit Kahwa Coffee Roasting. With Sirocco-Drip Coffee Blend, Mistral-Espresso Blend, Boreas-Light Blend, Zonda-Decaf Blend and Special Roasts, our menu is full of exceptional coffee flavors to feast your craving.
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limostpete · 4 years
Head your way to the city of sunshine! With your bicycle, your 4-wheel drive or even rent a limousine service while you stroll St Petersburg. There is a wide variety of restaurants and coffee shops you can head to.
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duckprintspress · 3 years
LGBTQ-owned bookstores have been around for decades. Founded in 1973 in the City of Brotherly Love, Philly AIDS Thrift @ Giovanni’s Room—honoring James Baldwin’s queer classic—is perhaps the oldest surviving LGBTQ and feminist bookstore in America. Charis Books and More, in Decatur, Georgia, was launched a year later. A Room of One's Own has been a fixture in downtown Madison, Wisconsin since 1975, and Chicago’s Women and Children First was started in 1979 by two women who fell in love as students at the University of Illinois.
These stores are more than shops to browse for books; they are hubs for both entertainment and enlightenment, meeting grounds for hearts and minds. They are, above all, vital community spaces.
-Michelle Hart, "53 LGBTQ-Owned Bookstores You Can Be Proud to Support, published June 22, 2021
This awesome list includes 53 bookstores in 23 states across the USA. I don't know about Ya'll but I can't WAIT to check them out. The link has them sorted by state; here's a list of all of them, alphabetical.
1977 Books (Birmingham, Alabama)
All She Wrote (Somerville, Massachusetts)
Another Read Through (Portland, Oregon)
Antigone Books (Tuscon, Arizona)
Astoria Bookshop (Queens, New York)
Beausoliel Books (Lafayette, Louisiana)
Big Blue Marble Books (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Black Garnet Books (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Bluestockings Bookstore (New York, New York)
Bookish (Atlanta, Georgia)
BookWoman (Austin, Texas)
Burdock Book Collective (Montgomery, Alabama)
Bureau of General Services - Queer Division (New York, New York)
Charis Books and More (Decatur, Georgia)
Dog Ear Books (Russellville, Arkansas)
Dog Eared Books (San Francisco, California)
East End Books (Provincetown, Massachusetts)
Firestorm Books and Coffee (Asheville, North Carolina)
Foggy Pines Books (Boone, North Carolina)
Hello Again (Cocoa Village, Florida)
Here's the Story (Union, New Jersey)
The Irreverent Bookworm (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Kismet Books (Verona, Wisconsin)
King's Books (Tacoma, Washington)
Kona Bay Books (Kailua, Hawaii)
Kramers (Washington DC)
Lavender Library (Sacramento, California)
Left Bank Books (St. Louis, Missouri)
Left Bank Books (Seattle, Washington)
Lit. on Fire Books (Peoria, Illinois)
Loyalty Bookstores (Silver Spring, Maryland and Washington DC)
Montana Book Company (Helena, Montana)
Omnivore Books on Food (San Francisco, California)
One Grand Books (Narrowsburg, New York)
Philly AIDs Thrift at Giovanni's Room (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Outwords Books (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Rakestraw Books (Danville, California)
Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse (Baltimore, Maryland)
The Ripped Bodice (Los Angeles, California)
Rofhiwa Book Cafe (Durham, North Carolina)
A Room of One's Own (Madison, Wisconsin)
Rust Belt Books (Buffalo, New York)
The Salt Eaters (Inglewood, California)
A Seat at the Table (Elk Grove, California)
Tombolo Books (St. Petersburg, California)
Tubby and Coo's Mid-City Book Shop (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Unabridged Books (Chicago, Illinois)
Under the Umbrella (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Village Books (Bellingham, Washington)
Violet Valley (Water Valley, Mississippi)
W. Whitman Books (Middleburgh, New York)
Women and Children First (Chicago, Illinois)
Womencrafts (Provincetown, Massachusetts)
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
The Pact - Date #4
Pairing/Genre: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
Word Count: 5.6k
Premise: The truth about the pact the boys have about you has been revealed. What happens when you agree to go on a single date with each of them?
Warnings: none, just some of the fluffiest fluff that ever did fluff
a/n: *heavy breathing into a paper bag* EVERYTHING IS FINE, JUST PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS M’KAY
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Date #4
series masterlist ∆∆∆ join the taglist
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You’ve made it to Friday night without hearing a single thing about your upcoming date. Snuggled up on your couch, watching a rerun of NCIS and wishing that you could invite Hobi over to watch it with you, you hardly notice the sound of your phone pinging. It isn’t until your eyes are flying open at the sudden recollection of falling asleep on this very couch while Namjoon snacked on his McDonalds that you notice your phone pinging for the second time.
“Finally,” you sigh, scrambling to grab it from off the coffee table. As expected, it’s a text from Jungkook. However, the more you reread it, the more confused you grow.
“Check the mailbox?” You wonder aloud, shuffling off the couch and slipping your shoes on. Heading outside to investigate, you notice a suspicious car slowly driving by.
You know that car. And you’re pretty sure you recognize the people inside of it who are desperately trying to hide. You wave at them, laughing when Jungkook raises his hand to wave back only to have it slapped away by Jin, who laughs at the boy who obviously forgot that they were supposed to be hiding.
Stepping up to your mailbox, you eye the hastily sealed envelope before taking it back inside. The boys speed off into the night, leaving you alone with your thoughts as you rip into the letter.
Not letter, you realize as you slide the slip of paper out.
Boarding pass, with the final destination covered by a slip of dark tape and a firm note begging you not to remove it. And a teasing sentence that has you barking out a laugh.
You like surprises, don’t you?
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When there’s a knock on your door, you’re only aware of two things.
1.    Your shirt is on backwards.
2.    Only one eye is completely open. The other is still half-closed, trying to cling to sleep. You can’t really blame it. You were up until three trying to not freak out, and it’s barely six in the morning now.
“Coming,” you groan out as you attempt to throw your shirt on the correct way. Padding over to the door, you realize that there may be some perks to beginning your date this early in the morning. One obvious point being the fact that you’re too groggy to go through your usual freakout before opening up the door.
When you do open the door, it takes a moment to discern who’s actually on the other side.
Hidden beneath a long coat and black ball cap, Jimin looks at you with a look that rivals your own exhaustion. In fact, the way his puffy eyelids seem to be competing with his bread cheeks has you turning into a giggling mess right there in the doorway.
Jimin winces. “What’s so funny?” He croaks out. You shake your head, impossibly endeared by the boy before you. One of your best friends, the one whose words of encouragement have helped you throughout this entire dating process.
Today, you really feel his words in full force. You deserve to go on some fun dates with your friends. Just enjoy it.
“Are you regretting this yet?” You shoot back. Now Jimin does crack a smile, opening his eyes fully to regard you.
“Ask me again in a few hours.” He sways on your porch, stretching and yawning. “Got everything?”
You hurry back inside, a bit of adrenaline pumping through your system now that you’re actually about to go on this date.
While you’re pretty sure you passed over into ‘wildest dream’ territory approximately three dates ago, you still can’t quite wrap your head around everything.
While you’re running around like a mad-woman trying to gather up your things, you don’t notice Jimin easing inside and quietly closing the door behind him. He watches you with a forgotten smile on his lips, tilting his head back against the door so he doesn’t have to open his eyes all the way.
You’re just double checking that you have your passport and boarding pass when a familiar hand wraps around your arm. Gently turning you around to face him, Jimin still wears his smile as he pulls into his embrace.
Once you’re nestled into him, you let go of all the tension in your shoulders with a great big sigh. Jimin speaks against your hair, the vibrations of his voice running up and down your spine.
“I miss you,” he mumbles.
You can’t help but chuckle, thinking that he’s still too tired to think straight. “But I’m right here…?”
He shakes his head, taking the opportunity to nuzzle in a little closer. “I miss you all the time, though. Even when you’re right in front of me.”
You pull away just enough to see his face. He smiles down at you, almost as though completely unaware of the sad statement he just made. “That’s a sad feeling,” you whisper. There’s nothing for your to do but acknowledge it.
He nods slowly, stepping back and gesturing for you to hand him your bag. “Sometimes, yeah. It’s just the truth.”
And with that, he whisks you away.
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It’s been ages since you last traveled so far, but you take advantage of the chartered plane Jimin somehow convinced Bang Sihyuk to let him borrow, and stretch out.
Jimin does the same, bringing the blanket up to his chin while giving you a mock salute mere minutes after the plane took off.
“See you in ten hours,” he says before closing his eyes. You grin, absolutely positive that you won’t be able to sleep at all.
However, when you hear your name being called ages later, you crack an eye open to see none other than Park Jimin grinning like a fiend above you. It takes you a long moment to remember even getting on a plane, let alone what’s actually happening.
“We’re about an hour away,” Jimin chimes, giving you space to sit up and hopefully wipe the drool off of your face without him noticing. “So, would you like to know what our plans are for the day?”
“Yes,” you croak out, stretching. A glance at Jimin shows you that he must have changed clothes and gotten ready while you were sleeping. He now sports a black bucket hat paired with a dark t-shirt and mismatched denim jacket. He taps his boots on the floor, a sign of his excitement.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks. “You were out for nearly nine hours.”
You blink. How that happened is beyond you. Perhaps it had something to do with all of the overthinking you’ve been up to over the past week, leaving you utterly drained. “I slept great,” you admit. “Will you tell me where we’re going now?”
You peek out the window to see if that’ll give you a hint, but all you see it blue skies and unmarked land below.
“I will when we land,” he says. “First thing’s first, I’m sure you’re hungry. I was thinking we grab some food first thing. Now, take your pick: inside or outside?”
You glare at him for not revealing the location yet. For all you know, he could have paid someone to just fly the plane around in circles for hours and land you in Busan.
Jimin smiles, clearly pleased with your choice. “Good. Ok, next choice. Basilica or shopping?”
“B-basilica?!” You spit out, looking at Jimin as though he just announced he was taking you to the moon. “Where are we-“ You stop mid-sentence, holding your breath as is your habit whenever you get excited. “Wait…”
Jimin’s smile only grows. “Yes?” He asks with perfect piety.
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Leave it to Park Jimin to look at a 24-hour window and decide to take you to Russia.
The second you’re off the plane and jumping into a taxi, you’re squealing like a school-girl.
“Park Jimin, I swear if this is all some dream and I’m about to wake up soon-” you hardly finish your sentence, mouth dropping open as you pass by a huge cathedral.
Jimin, on the other hand, looks quite content. He’s been here several times before; a fact that you’ve always brought up when talking about travelling with the boys. Russia has been on the top of your bucket-list for years now. Every time Jimin went he’d make sure to bring you back something special.
For years you’ve been half-planning to go on a trip with him the next time he went. Of course, you never actually believed that you’d go. But still, it was worth dreaming about.
“It’s not Moscow,” Jimin laments from your side. “But I’ve always favored St. Petersburg.”
For good reason.
It’s a clear day, the sun shining off of the city streets as though they were made of gold and not the same concrete found all over the world. People appear to be in high spirits as well; many couple wandering about hand in hand.
And you’re here. With Jimin.
Just like you always dreamed about.
So when you make it to your destination where the two of you would be eating brunch, you can’t help but chew on your lip as tears spring to your eyes.
“Jimin-ah,” you begin as you’re led to your table. It’s outside, which you’d chosen. Facing a river which is filled with ferries and tourists chattering freely.
“Yeah?” He asks, taking in your expression and instantly reaching across the table to grab your hand. “Everything alright? Maybe you slept too much. Or is your stomach upset from the flight? I know that happens to me sometimes on longer flights-”
You shake your head. “No, it’s just…” you sigh, trying to figure out how to best voice what you’re feeling. “You brought me to Russia.”
Jimin squints at you as though reading a book that’s in a foreign language. “…yes.” When you don’t make eye-contact with him, he raises his eyebrows. “Is this making you uncomfortable? I knew we should’ve talked about it first, but everyone was so excited so I automatically thought that you would be too, you know? It’s just, we’ve talked about this for forever, so I thought it’d be fun to actually bring you. Since I couldn’t, before.”
You blink. “Everyone was excited about it?”
“Oh, yeah,” Jimin nods, sitting back in his seat. “Is that what you’re worried about? That I’m not being fair?”
Despite the hat sitting low on his head, you can see the worried glimmer in Jimin’s eyes. “I guess…” you squirm in your seat. “I really want to be here. I do. But don’t you think it’s a bit…well, it’s a bit much? For a first date? I mean, I would’ve been happy going through a drive-thru and chatting for a while.”
Now it’s Jimin’s turn to look a little lost. “Oh.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I guess I never thought of it that way.”
A waiter comes by to check on you, and Jimin kindly explains that you’ll need more time to decide. Once they’ve disappeared from sight, Jimin sets his menu down and leans over the table.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course.”
Nodding to himself, Jimin looks out over the river before turning back to face you. “This is possibly the most rash, stupid, bizarre thing I’ve ever done.”
You choke on a laugh at his sudden declaration. “What?”
“It is. Seriously. I mean, I’ve traveled a lot and done plenty of stupid things, as you well know-”
“Oh, like the swimming pool incident-”
“Yah,” he waves you off frantically, “I wasn’t asking for examples!”
“Ah, right.” You gesture for him to continue, a grin growing on your face. Once he can tell you’re not about to go recounting every embarrassing moment you’ve witnessed, Jimin goes on.
“It really is stupid. I mean, who does this?” He points around the restaurant. “You’re right, we could’ve totally done something like we usually do; grab some takeout and chill. Maybe play a card game and lose miserably.”
“Wait, you lose or I lose?”
“Both. You know Jin would be there and he’d win.”
Jimin sighs, throwing his chin onto the palm of his hand and looking at you with unveiled tenderness. “It’s not very often that we get free reign like this. So I thought it’d be nice, you know. To get to go do something a little crazy with you.”
You’re reminded of Taehyung’s route through Seoul, where he had a similar motive. If given the chance, wouldn’t you also like to take a day to just live a little? Even if it is a little unconventional?
Leaning back in your chair, you let out a breath of relief before bringing the menu up to your eyes and wiggling your brows at Jimin. “Well, then. I guess that makes sense. Although, I hope you know that you’re ruining my expectations for all other men I ever date.”
Mirroring your position, Jimin winks at you from over his menu. “Isn’t that the point?”
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Brunch is delicious. Would would’ve thought that Russians have nailed French-style breakfast foods?
You’re just scooping up the last of your crêpe when Jimin leans back with a satisfied groan. “So, what do you wanna do next?”
“Wait, I’m supposed to choose?” You ask. Jimin nods, languidly looking you over and smiling crookedly when he spots a bit of chocolate on your face. You quickly wipe it off. “I don’t know…” you look around for inspiration, eyes landing on the ferry closest to you. “Oh, that. Can we do that?”
“Sounds perfect. That’ll take us to the basilica, I think.”
You chuckle darkly. “You think? Wow, how wild. Lost in Russia.”
Jimin smiles warmly at the waiter that swoops in to hand him the check. If he recognizes Jimin, you have no idea. He simply waits patiently as Jimin hands him his card and waits for him to return.
“Lost in Russia?” Jimin claps his hands together, nearly slipping off his seat as he giggles. “Take that, Shawn Mendes!”
You groan even as you laugh, burying your face in your hands.
The ferry is bustling with tourists, making you buzz with excitement as you finally board. Jimin makes sure to keep his hand in yours so you don’t get separated, keeping his head down when a couple of people look his way with curious expressions.
Once the ferry begins its slow journey, you find yourself standing before a railing overlooking the calm waters. Jimin comes to stand behind you, resting his hands on either side of your own which cling to the railing. He rests his chin on your shoulder, humming a tune you don’t recognize.
“Aren’t you the one that loves Anastasia?” Jimin asks, the question a mere hum in your ear.
“Mmhm. That’s me.”
“You know that it’s-“
“Aish, Park Jimin if you’re about to go off about how historically inaccurate it is, I’ll personally shove you off this ferry.”
Jimin’s laugh has him resting against you completely, hiding his face in your back and making your cheeks turn a little red as people look your way.
“It’s a great movie,” Jimin concedes. “Really, it is.”
You nod. “Yes. It is. And don’t you forget it.”
“I’m guessing that you love Dmitri, then?” He’s returned to his spot at your shoulder, arms sliding in a little tighter until his pinkies are linked through yours. You can’t help but smile at the sweet gesture, glancing down to take a mental picture.
“…yes.” You respond, a little wary that he’s about to start bashing on what is perhaps the most attractive animated character you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Instead, Jimin releases you from his grip and comes to stand by your side. Looking out over the river as though greeting an old friend, he rests his forearms against the railing. “What do you like about him?”
Well, isn’t today just chalk full of surprises.
“Well, for starters, he admits when he’s wrong. Despite the fame and money that he’s after, he’s actually pretty humble.” Your eyes drift over to the boy by your side. “He’s handsome,” Jimin snorts, nodding along reverently when you shoot him a glare. “And he just so clearly cares about Anastasia. Like, he’s willing to step out of the picture if that means she can be happy.”
A basilica comes into view, but you suspect that’s not the only thing taking your breath away.
No, it’s partly due to the fact that somehow, you’ve found yourself describing Jimin. If he realizes it, he doesn’t let on. Instead, he just winks at you, shooting you a smirk.
“Gotcha. Humble and hot.”
As the ferry docks at the opposite shore, you wonder if it’s too late to throw him overboard.
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The basilica is open for tourists, and you find that you’ve got a kink in your neck from staring up at the ceiling the entirety of the tour.
Neither one of you understand a single word that’s being said, not wanting to wait around for a Korean translator. Instead, you opt for nodding along and laughing when everyone else does.
You have your arm linked through Jimin’s, trying to get a good look at a painted mural when he whispers something to you.
“You know, I heard that you and Namjoon had a fun time last week.”
Quick enough to give yourself whiplash, you turn to stare at Jimin with wide, guilty eyes. “W-what are you…I mean, yeah. Yeah, it was nice.”
Jimin bursts out laughing, immediately drawing the attention of the tour group. The tour guide gives the two of you a disapproving glare, which Jimin takes as an invitation to hang back as everyone else continues walking.
“Nice? Really? I thought the man would be a better kisser than just nice.”
Absolutely horrified, you bury your head in your hands. “Ergh…didn’t think…can’t believe he’d…”
“What was that? Can’t hear you,” Jimin teases with a knowing smirk. You smack his arm instinctively, only making him laugh harder.
“Why would you bring that up now?” You whine, running a hand through your hair.
“Why wouldn’t I? In my defense, I at least kept quiet about it for hours.”
You squint at him, “How did you find out?”
“Told me the second he got in the car,” Jimin replies, smile growing at your expression. You’d thought that was Jimin who’d been on the phone with Namjoon when he’d called to be picked up. “If it makes you feel any better, it was absolutely hilarious.”
“How would that make me feel better?!”
Only cackling in response, Jimin takes off after the group. You glare after him, pressing your hands to your cheeks and closing your eyes.
Wrong decision. The second you close your eyes you’re presented with an onslaught of memories; primarily one of Namjoon towering over you in a wardrobe.
You chase after Jimin, determined to bring up one of his embarrassing moments that will surely make him turn into a blushing mess.
“Ok, but at least I know not to eat a whole bag of sugar-free gummy bears-”
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“I’ve gotta say, I’ve never been kicked out of a basilica before.”
The afternoon sun has quickly turned to the tell-tale golden hue of the evening. Jimin walks hand in hand with you down the street, the two of you the picture of calm and content.
“Me neither,” you sigh.
The tour guide didn’t take kindly to your bickering, quickly pointing to the exit once you’d resorted to attempting to stomp on Jimin’s feet like a child. He’d deserved it, though. Especially once he’d made a comment under his breath about the statue of lovers wrapped up in each other’s arms to be a spitting image of you and Namjoon.
“A wardrobe? Really?” Jimin shakes his head, tsking your behavior.
“Oh, shut up,” you hiss.
Wow. Jimin really is the Dmitri to your Anastasia. It would appear like he’s completely embodied the role he has throughout the first half of the movie, in which he’s endlessly annoying.
“Alright, alright. I’ll drop it.” He hold up a hand in innocence. “Should we get some skewers before the next thing?”
“I’d like to skewer you-”
“What was that, jagiya?” Jimin asks with a smirk.
“Oh, I just said that that sounds delicious.”
Together you locate some delicious street-food, entering some sort of food heaven when the first bite touches your lips. “This is amazing,” you say around the food.
Jimin groans, closing his eyes as he eats up. “Here, try this.” He extends the skewer to you, leaning into your side as you sit together on the bench. Cupping your chin, he feeds you the next slice of meat, watching your reaction carefully.
You hum as the flavor makes your tastebuds dance, eyes growing wide as Jimin swipes a thumb over your bottom lip, gathering up the excess sheen from the juicy meat. You watch, completely enraptured as he pops the digit in his mouth without a second thought, taking another bite of the food as though nothing happened.
All you know is that you wouldn’t mind that happening again.
“S-so what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?” You ask, voice a little higher than usual as you attempt to calm your beating heart.
“Mm, lemme check,” Jimin mumbles, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Oh! How is today going by so fast?”
“We’ve got just enough time to pick out a souveneir before the show starts.” Rising from the bench, he takes another bite of his food. “Shall well?” You take his hand, allowing him to pull you up.
“What show?”
He looks you over. “You’ve heard of the Russian Ballet, right?”
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You’re severely underdressed for a night out at the ballet, but Jimin reassures you that no one will notice. Together, the two of you roam about the Meriinsky theater’s souvenir shop.
“Oooh, Jimin, look!” You hold up a shirt with a burly man in a tutu. “You should totally get this.”
Jimin turns to face you, dissolving into a fit of laughter that has him falling to his knees. “No way, that’s horrible!”
You shrug, looking back and forth from the shirt and back to him. “I don’t know, I think it’d look kinda hot.”
Smile wiped from his face, Jimin snatches the shirt from you. “I’m getting it. Don’t try to stop me.”
You end up finding a similar shirt – this one has a ballerina balancing huge logs on her shoulders – to get with Jimin. Just as you head up to the cashier, you see Jimin sliding a small box across the table for the cashier to ring up.
“What’s that?” You ask, placing your shirt on top of his in the bag he holds open. Jimin shrugs.
“Just something.”
You frown. “That was vague.”
Tapping your nose, Jimin grins and nods at the cashier before taking the box and placing it inside the bag before you can get a good look at it. “So observant.”
The ballet begins their show at 6 o’clock. You sit near the front, in a spot that appears to be fairly inconspicuous. Jimin sits with the bag of your souvenirs placed under his chair, out of sight from your prying eyes.
You can’t help but feel like royalty as you look around the historic theater. It’s filled to the brim with natives and foreigners alike, most of which are dressed to the nines. The golden, old lighting casts shadows on everyone, thick fabric draping itself around the box seats.
Suddenly you remember what Jimin said to you so early this morning. I miss you even when you’re right in front of me.
It makes sense, now. There’s ache in your chest as you look around the theater, trying to memorize every last detail, knowing that this may very well be the last time you ever see it in such grandeur. The thought nearly rips your heart out of your chest. Knowing that this feeling is only temporary. You’re only royal for a day.
You turn to mention it to Jimin, only to find him looking at you in the same way you’ve looked at the theater.
Like you’re as timeless as the music that drifts up from the orchestra, and he’s just found out that he’s on a mortal timeline.
You will remain like this forever in his memory. Eyes bright and your right knee nervously bouncing up at down, only to be soothed by the sound of a lone violin that stands out amongst the other flurry of instruments.
He smiles, the action so at odds with the heavy look in his eyes. Reaching out, you take his hand from his lap, and without a single thought other than the way the golden lights are dimming and so is the look of pain in Jimin’s eyes, you press your lips to the tip of his knuckles. Once.
And one more time, making it to his pinky knuckle and smiling against it before planting a kiss that feels more like a breath against it.
It’s nearly pitch black now, the curtains pulled open to reveal the breathtaking ballerina, but you find that you can’t quite look away. Not as Jimin continues to look at you with that indescribable expression that has somehow shifted into something more. He brings his hand back to his lap, enveloping your hand in both of his.
“It’s starting,” he breathes out.
You know that he means the production is beginning. Indeed, in your peripheral you see the ballerina who doubles as Sleeping Beauty tonight takes to the stage amidst the sound of awed clapping. But you can’t help but find a different meaning in those two words.
It’s starting to get harder.
Because anytime you close your eyes, you see Namjoon before you in the wardrobe, tentative hope in his eyes.
Because your wrist burns with Hobi’s bracelet linked around it, a constant reminder of the ghost of his lips on your palm.
Because you wake up in the middle of the night every night, looking to your doorway in hopes of finding Taehyung leaning against it with a smirk that does nothing to fool you.
And now there’s Jimin, filling your mind with his confession this morning. I miss you.
You’ve unknowingly boarded a runaway train.
Who cut the brakes on this thing?
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The ballet is beautiful.
Like, beautiful in the way that you don’t want it to ever end. The music coming from the pit weaves the story, the ballerinas working in tandem with every note to bring it to life.
Once you enter into the final act, you find yourself squeezes Jimin’s hand as though watching a horror movie. He traces soothing patterns against your skin even as he quietly laughs.
“How’re you holding up over there?” He drawls in your ear.
“I don’t want it to end,” you reply, nibbling on your bottom lip.
Like all good things, it does. Jimin allows you to linger for a while longer, even after most of the people of exited the building. You remain in your seat, staring up at the stage now covered by thick curtains, almost as though waiting for the production to start up again.
Finally, you notice the ache in your legs from sitting in a confined space for so long, and get up.
“How was it?” Jimin asks, leading you out of the marvelous theater.
You blink. “How was it? I…I think my soul left my body for a minute back there.”
You walk out to find that night has fallen, Jimin laughing up at the stars. “Wow. That’s a pretty intense experience.”
“Yeah, well.”
Skipping ahead of you, Jimin turns around to face you with a silly grin. “We’ll come back someday,” he promises. “Maybe we’ll go to Moscow. They perform ‘Black Swan’ there.”
You blink. “And they don’t in St. Petersburg?”
Jimin shrugs, reaching out for your hands, which you extend to him. He continues walking backward, unwilling to let go of either hand. “They haven’t, yet.”
“Why not?”
“It has something to do with the political climate here versus in Moscow.”
“Huh.” You take a moment to take in the view before you, Jimin looking like he belongs here among the stars and streetlamps. “You seem to know a lot about the Russian Ballet.”
Again, he shrugs, this time accompanied by a crooked smile. “I read about it on the flight over.” He pauses, waiting for you to catch up to him before walking side by side. “Which, speaking of flights…”
“Don’t we have one to catch?”
It’s painful, leaving St. Petersburg behind. You watch through the window of the airplane as you take off, the lights winking at you in a silent goodbye.
Jimin watches from the opposite side of the plane, an absent-minded smile yet again on his face. He quietly orders a bit of food for the two of you, knowing that you’ll be hungry soon.
Once St. Petersburg vanishes from your view, you glance over at Jimin who fiddles with the safety pamphlet.
“That was amazing.”
He furrows his brows, not looking up yet. “What? The plane taking off?”
“No, you know what I mean.” He continues to look at you, feigning ignorance. “All of it. That…date. That was seriously a dream.”
Jimin openly stares at you for a moment as though not expecting such a reaction before averting his eyes. You watch with amusement as his cheeks flood with pink, a silent testament to how flustered you can make him.
“Yeah,” he coughs awkwardly. “I guess you could say…it was nice.” He looks at you expectantly.
You frown, not quite understanding what he means until – “Jimin!”
He sinks low in his seat, body shaking with laughter. “First thing I do when we get back is tell Namjoon you said that about your kiss. I’m not even kidding,” he says as he wipes fake tears from his eyes.
“Just- yah!” Absolutely embarrassed, you turn to stare out the window again, ignoring the laughing boy.
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Your mind is dazed once you return to Seoul, clambering inside a car that Jimin is somehow able to drive despite being clearly exhausted from the long flight. You share a comfortable silence as you replay that events of the past 24 hours in your mind.
The sound of the orchestra is still ringing in your ears by the time Jimin pulls up in front of your apartment. You’re about to tell him that he doesn’t need to get out of the car when he’s hurry around to open your door.
“You look exhausted,” you remark sleepily.
He doesn’t have the energy to pretend to be offended. “So do you.”
Indeed you do, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the car window before setting off toward your door. The few steps up to your apartment appear to be the same as Mount Everest, Jimin’s hand on the small of your back proving to be the only thing keeping you moving forward.
You watched four movies on the flight back. Jimin had urged you to try to at least nap, but you couldn’t. You were too wired, mind running nonstop with different ideas and memories. And now you’re paying the price as you stumble up the stairs.
Once Jimin has ascertained that you’re not about to fall over, he takes his hand off your back. “Made it,” he mumbles out.
He chuckles softly, reaching out to pull you in for a soft hug. It’s warm in his arms, making you close your eyes and rest against his shoulder. You could stay here for hours-
“Don’t go falling asleep on me,” Jimin quietly warns, looking at you fondly as he pulls away. He notes your still-closed eyes and leans in to peck your cheek.
He grins when he pulls away, seeing that your eyes are now wide open. You’re a little flushed from the unexpected peck, but it’s still dark enough in the early morning light that you hope he doesn’t notice.
“Here, your souvenir,” he hands you the bag from the Meriinsky theater, which you take. “Go in and sleep.”
Once you manage to get the door unlocked, you’re slipping inside and waving goodbye as Jimin hurries back down to his car. Just before he gets in, you call out to him.
He holds the drivers-side door open. “What?”
Giving him another little wave, you shout, “Thank you!”
With that, he hops in and drives away.
You don’t remember walking to your bedroom, but you’re grateful that you’ve found your bed. Still holding the bag, it swings down to hit your legs.
“Ow!” Something solid hits your shin from inside the bag, leading you to investigate its contents.
Hiding beneath your shirt you got, sits the small box you’d spied Jimin buying. On top of it sits a crinkled post-it note, one he must have found while you were immersed in your movies on the flight.
To my Anastasia – hopefully this will be enough to say ‘thank you’.
Brows furrowed in curiosity, you slide the box open and pull out a small object wrapped in bubble wrap. Carefully unwrapping it, your mouth falls open in a silent gasp when you uncover your little present.
It’s a music box.
Opening it, you ignore the little tears springing to your eyes as it reveals a ballerina, spinning in perfect circles to the music that dives out.
Setting it on your nightstand, you close your eyes and let the music ease you into your dreams. You’re left with a distinct feeling that lingers even when you wake up hours later.
You still feel like royalty.
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main masterlist
please let me know what your thoughts are! You don’t necessarily have to be rooting for one of the boys specifically, but let me know who you think has the best shot/who you really swooned over! ;)
taglist is open, click on the link at the top of the post or let me know if you’d like to join!
taglist: @secretlycrazyhummingbird @marianeamine​ @hqtetsurou​ @protontippens​ @baepsaetay @dreamcatcherjiah @kookie-vuitton @thecaffeinatedscribbles @moon-write @fangirl125reader @heishichoulevi @knjkitten @sacha-cff @vik7797  @eusticenatalie @hesmyphenominiall @miriamxsworld   @luvtaeha @fanfictionreader05 @mininimmy @dreadity  @starlight-night0 @luzaroon @seaoffangirling @prachi05 @fangirl125reader @bluehairedotakugem @hunnibxbe @kayahay  @seokjinmoonfics @littletinyhobi @honeyhalcyon @yoontaethings @herrmionejgranger  @delacyrose224
305 notes · View notes
jelenamasterpost · 3 years
INDEX: purple font signifies importance, whether that be a specific date, quote, etc - I will later release a full index of all important dates and information combing each year of the Jelena timeline, but in the meantime, purple font signifies key information in their story to later come back to.
January 1st:
Selena celebrated NYE by Justin's side at his private party at the Glass House in NYC following his performance on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve:
"He...danced with Selena, showing off, picking her up and swinging her around like it was Dancing With the Stars," a source tells E!
*E! article here (x)
January 2nd:
Selena tweets (a now deleted) photo she posted to her instagram of Justin with a big smile captioned:
“This smile is because of Carly Rae Jepsen.. We have not stopped listening to your song girl!” in response to CRJ’s single “Call Me Maybe”
*tweet here (x)
January 3rd:
Selena was spotted getting gas and McDonalds on way to Justin’s house
*photos here (x)
January 4th:
Justin, Selena, Taylor Swift, JoJo and Francia attend The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles
*photos / article here (x) (x)
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January 6th:
Justin and Selena are photographed in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 7th:
Photos of Justin and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 9th:
Justin adds photo of him and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico to instagram captioned:
“2 much fun”
January 10th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a restaurant together in Hollywood, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 13th:
Selena and Justin are spotted by fans while walking with Baylor in Balboa Park, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 14th:
Selena and Justin are spotted and photographed grocery shopping together with some family members in Encino, CA
*photos here (x)
January 15th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a friends house for Football Sunday
*full article / photos here (x)
January 16th:
Justin and Selena drive to Disney Land and were spotted walking on streets of Anaheim
*photos here (x)
January 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Disneyland together and are spotted kissing - they also run into Selena’s on-screen mom, actress Maria Canals Barrera, who tweeted a photo of herself with Selena and Justin writing “You never know who you’ll bump into at Disney Land.”
*full article / photos here (x) (x) (x)
January 22nd:
Selena continues her We Own The Night World Tour for the final South American leg of the tour this evening in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The tour runs through January 22nd-February 11th
Fans spot both Selena and Justin in San Juan and take fan photos with the couple - Alfredo later confirms Justin was indeed in Puerto Rico but that they were flying back to LA the following day
Alfredo Flores:
"Went to dinner tonight in Puerto Rico. Justin ended up eating fish… I wanted him to try something Puerto Rican but he really wanted fish.. LOL what a waste of trying. Selena had a great show though and it was awesome seeing all the fans at the arena. I met so many of you and it was so much fun. Last day tomorrow and then we have to fly back to LA. Enjoying my last moments tomorrow. Te Amo."
*photos here (x) / Wikipedia tour dates (x)
February 2nd:
Selena covers the March issue of Cosmo and mentions Justin a few times in her interview
Talking about Justin:
“I’m just like every 19-year-old girl. If you’re in love, you’re in love to the fullest, and you just want to go to the movies, hang out, and be as normal as possible. I’m fortunate that I’ve found someone who has that philosophy … [Love] is the most powerful thing. When it comes to my family, friends, a relationship … it centers me. You only live once, and I want to be proud of everything that I do and just have fun. I want to be able to say that I had a really fulfilled, fun life.”
Talking about Nick, an ex:
“I was in a relationship previously where I had to hide everything and it wasn’t my choice. I had to go through different exits and take separate cars and do the craziest things, and it just really wasn’t worth it. It was like a year of my life completely wasted.”
February 11th:
Selena officially finishes her We Own The Night World Tour as she performs her final show of her South American leg in Montevideo, Uruguay
She also announced via her official Facebook that her and her band Selena Gomez & The Scene would be taking a prolonged hiatus as she will focusing primarily on acting this year:
This tour has been amazing, Thank you all for all the love and support you have shown me on this tour. Today is the last show but.... I will be back. Love you all.
Just to clear up my last instagram post, my band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all about films and acting and I want my band to play music wherever with whoever. We will be back but, it will be a good while. I love them and I love you guys
*Facebook status here (x)
February 12th:
Justin is photographed picking up Selena from LaGuardia Airport in New York, who just finished her South American tour the night prior
They're later photographed together shopping in H&M and again that evening getting dinner at Thai Bistro in Manhattan posing for fan photos
*photos here (x) / here (x) / and here (x)
February 13th:
Justin and Selena are seen arriving at their New York City hotel on the eve of Valentines Day.
Justin gifted Selena a diamond ring for Valentines Day with the letter "J" on it - she uploaded a photo of her hand and the ring to Instagram with the caption:
"I'm finally home :)"
*E! article / photo of ring here (x)
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February 14th:
Justin and Selena spend part of their Valentines Day at Disneyland with his whole family and were photographed carrying around his younger siblings.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 15th:
Justin and Selena are spotted at iHop and Chuck E Cheese in Encino, California
*photos here (x) / and here (x)
February 17th:
Justin and Selena were spotted/filmed while out shopping at The Beverly Centre
Justin and Selena later took to the Malibu oceanfront with his younger siblings and were photographed
*beach photos here (x) beverly centre here footage here (x)
February 18th:
Justin and Selena were photographed out as they took his younger siblings, Jaxon and Jazmyn, for a trip to Japanese spot Benihana in Los Angeles.
Stuart Montalvo, general manager of the restaurant, tells HollywoodLife.com:
“Justin and Selena were here this past Saturday with a group of people. They are really nice and polite. They come here quite often and usually order the same thing: Rocky’s Choice, which is Hibachi steak and chicken breast. Justin’s younger brother and sister were also with them. It was a family affair. Everyone was in a great mood and laughing and having fun. Justin and Selena were very affectionate. They were holding hands when they walked in and when they left. They looked like they are very fond of each other.”
Justin and Selena recruit their friend Ashley Tisdale and crew (including Ashley's boyfriend Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls, Sammy Droke, Mateo Arias, Logan Henderson, Kendall Schmidt and Carlos Pena) to film themselves lip-synching and dancing to Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe in a home-made video
*photos earlier that day here (x)
February 19th:
Taylor Swift films "dance challenge" with Zac Efron on behalf of Ellen's dare at the premiere of The Lorax, and includes footage from the same day of the premiere dancing up on Justin in the studio and Selena at the event
*full article here (x) (x) *full video here (x)
February 22nd:
Justin and Selena went to UNDER THE GUN tattoo parlor in Hollywood to get Selena her first tattoo. Jordan Sandoval tweeted a picture of Selena and Louie, the tattoo artist who tattooed her.
(he is quoted saying its a heart, but its actually a music symbol and has been long speculated to actually be a disguised "J")
“She got a little heart tattoo at Under The Gun, in Hollywood by Louie Gomez @selenagomez.”
Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin hang out in the studio, upload a photo together and announce they've recorded a song via Twitter
Carly's Tweet:
I finally got to say thank you in person. Ps @/kukharrell @/justinbieber and I may have worked on a little song tonight.
Justin's Tweet:
my first impression of @/carlyraejepsen - kind, talented, and the real deal. this is going to be fun. welcome to the team.
*tattoo parlour photos here (x)
February 23rd:
Justin and Selena are photographed as they stop at The Commons at Calabasas in Calabasas, California - they later stopped for coffee at Starbucks and frozen yogurt at Menchie’s with their entourage, and Justin debuts his dyed brunette hair.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 25th:
Justin and Selena are photographed having lunch together at Sushi Den then again as they head into the Sherman Oaks Galleria to catch an afternoon movie together in Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Justin adds a photo of him and Selena to his Instagram
Later that evening while grabbing dinner they met Richard Reid in an elevator and stopped to pose for a photo with him that Richard ended up posting to his Twitter - after being flooded with questions from Justin fans, he began answering a few, revealing publicly via Twitter that there was boob grabbing (?)
*photos from earlier in the day here (x) Richard Reid photo here (x) Richard Reid tweet here (x)
February 26th:
Justin and Selena are photographed by fans renting movies at a Hollywood Blockbuster
Selena speaks to Access Hollywood about her new diamond studded ring in the shape of a "J" from Justin and whether or not its an engagement ring. When asked to show off the jewelry, she suddenly came down with a sudden case of stage fright:
“No, no — that’s like almost a friendship ring, it’s just for fun.”
“No! You’ll see it in pictures!”
“I get nervous.” she added with a laugh.
*blockbuster photos here (x) / AccessHollywood article here (x)
February 27th:
Selena officially begins filming Spring Breakers in St. Petersburg Florida alongside Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson
February 29th:
Justin films his appearance for The Ellen DeGeneres Show (that airs the following day) to reveal that the first single from his upcoming album, Believe, was called Boyfriend and would be released March 26th - while filming, he's surprised and gifted an electric car from his manager Scooter Braun for his birthday
*full article here (x)
March 1st:
Selena adds photo to instgram for Justin’s birthday captioned:
Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole world!!! Have a great birthday baby!
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March 2nd:
Selena is photographed leaving a medical clinic after getting bloodwork while still in St. Petersburg Florida
She's later seen arriving into LAX, having flown in for Justin's birthday party
Justin’s birthday party is this evening and Carly Rae Jepsen performs - Selena, their mutual agent Nick Styne, Jaden Smith, Ashley Tisdale, Ryan Good, Tori Kelly, Alfredo, Ashley Cook and Samantha Droke are also in attendance
*Medical Clinic article here (x) / DailyMail article here (x) / JustJared photos (x)
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March 5th:
Its been reported that Justin is buying a $10.8million property in the Hollywood Hills to set up for himself and Selena
*DailyMail article here (x)
March 11th:
Justin flies down to Florida and takes Selena, Ashley Benson and her boyfriend Ryan Good, Justin's mom and his grandparents for a fishing trip excursion.
They are later spotted by fans at Gratzzi Italian Grille and Cracker Barrel before ending up back at their hotel.
Justin tweeted:
"great day fishing. time with grandpa doing the simple things in life. great day."
"Show the ones you love you love them. Take the time to make sure they know,"
*DailyMail article here (x) more photos here (x)
March 12th:
Justin visits Selena on the set of Spring Breakers
Later that evening, they meet up for dinner and drinks at a sports bar with Ashley Benson and Ryan Good in St. Petersburg Florida and have their first public fight - shortly after arriving Justin stormed out of the bar, followed by Selena chasing after him to their car.
“Justin’s security team drove the battling couple down the street to an alley where they had a ‘private conversation.’ After settling their dispute, they went back to the bar and continued boozing it up. By the time they left it was clear that the underage couple appeared to have had too much alcohol to drink.”
They were later photographed leaving the restaurant seeming to have made amends, but were reported to have been intoxicated.
*full article detailing fight here (x) *justin visiting set photos here (x)
March 13th:
Justin is photographed arriving back into LAX from Florida
March 15th:
Selena, Justin and her family are photographed leaving Cedars Sinai Medical Office Towers in Los Angeles California - Selena had a bandage around her arm where it looked like she had blood taken.
Upon getting in the car, Justin laid down in the seat so he wouldn't be seen by the camera.
*full article here (x)
March 16th:
Justin is photographed at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre waiting outside in his vehicle and allegedly is there with Selena - she was also there the day before getting blood work
*full article / photos here (x)
March 26th:
Justin does a radio interview with Ryan Seacrest on KIIS-FM explained how he tries to stay busy while Selena is away filming her movie:
“I work all day, it keeps me occupied.”
March 30th:
Justin sits down with Complex and talks about Selena and growing up in the game:
Complex: Obviously, you and Selena are fodder for the gossip blogs everyday. How hard is it to keep your relationship private?
JB: It’s so hard, because everyone’s got a camera-phone, and now everyone wants to get their picture on the blogs. So they’ll send anything that they have to the blogs. So you don’t really get any privacy. If I want to go out to eat, if I’m in L.A., I just have to expect that there’s going to be someone there. That’s the only thing that I don’t like.
Complex: Is it tough for you guys? A lot of people like, hate it. Do you guys hate it, or is it like, “This comes with the territory, we’ve got to deal with it, it sucks?”
JB: I’m kind of both. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I’ll be covering my face or something, and the comment that pisses me off so much is, “Oh, get over it, Justin. You’re famous. People are going to take your picture. Just suck it up. You’re rich. You’re making a lot of money. Suck it up. This is one of the things that you have to do.” I’m like, “Yo I just got off an eight-hour flight. I’m tired. My eyes have bags under them. I’m not trying to take pictures.” I’m not going to come to your house, wake you up out of a deep sleep and start snapping your picture, no matter how you look right now. It doesn’t matter. When I get off a flight, I’m not trying to sit there and let them take pictures of me. I’m tired. I’m scratching my eyes. I just don’t like taking pictures in general.
Complex: There’s been high profile couples in history: Justin and Britney, Jay and Beyoncé. Jay and Beyoncé kind of kept it private. Everyone knew they were together, but they kept it quiet. Even with the kid, they kept it so under wraps. Do you learn anything from those relationships? And do you guys talk about that?
JB: Yeah. I mean, for me, it’s like, there’s no way to hide it completely, because then it would be unfair for us. Then, we’re not even able to have a relationship. It’s like, “You take this car, and I’ll take this car, and then we’ll meet up at the spot. Then, you go in this door, I’ll go in this door. We’ll end up crossing ways. You get back in this car. We’ll cross over, do a James Bond. You go through the kitchen. I’ll go through the back area. Then we’ll meet in the dressing room and see each other.” At that point, it’s like, it’s not even a relationship. You’re just hiding from everyone. That’s unfair and unhealthy, man.
*full Complex article here (x)
March 31st:
Justin and Selena both attend The Kids Choice Awards though walk the red carpet separately - Justin gets slimed during the ceremony and they both win awards
(note to self: Selena seems a bit high during interviews backstage)
April 4th:
Selena and Justin are photographed having a Subway picnic overlooking the city at Griffith Park in Los Angeles.
*full article / photos here (x)
April 5th:
Justin and Selena held hands as they headed to Panera Bread for lunch in Glendale, California
*DailyMail article / photos here (x)
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April 6th:
Justin and Selena were photographed getting food at the Chick-fil-A drive-thru
*full article / photos here (x)
April 7th:
Justin and Selena were spotted by fans at a grocery store and posed for photos
*photos here (x)
April 9th:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are spotted/photographed by fans while going to watch American Reunions in theatres
*photos here (x)
April 11th:
Seventeen Magazine releases their May issue with Justin on the cover and ask about Selena during his interview:
Seventeen: Everyone is so interested in your personal life, especially your relationship with Selena. A lot of your fans don’t approve…
Justin: Everyone has haters, so you always have to deal with the negativity and be positive about it. I don’t think it’s nice; I’d rather they be nice, but at the end of the day I don’t let it affect me.
Seventeen: You’ve planned some amazing dates for Selena - who taught you to be so romantic?
Justin: I’m just trying to make her happy, that’s all. I think it’s important to make all woman feel like they’re princesses because every girl is a princess, I’m serious.
Seventeen: Will.I.am said he thinks it’s important for people to experience heartbreak so they’ll have something to sing about. What do you think?
Justin: I haven’t gone through it so I don’t really know what it’s about. I don’t think anyone wants to have heartbreak. I haven’t been in that deep a place yet, but I’m still looking. I’m still learning every day.
Seventeen: Would you and Selena ever record music together?
Justin: Yeah. I love her music, so maybe we could collaborate.
*full article here (x)
April 12:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are photographed snowboarding at Big Bear Ski Resort in Big Bear Lake, California
*photos here (x)
April 14th:
Justin and Selena go to Jupiter, Florida for the weekend to celebrate the wedding of one of Justin’s friends and check into The Inn at Admiral’s Cove
They later attend Allison Kaye's wedding
*full article here (x)
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April 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Lakers game together after both separately appearing on DWTS and American Idol, and publicly share an intimate kiss when put on the spot via the events Kiss Cam
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April 19th:
During an interview with The Insider to promote her new perfume line, Selena is put to the test to correctly guess Justin's perfume through a sniff-test:
"The Insider's Brooke Anderson lined up three unlabeled fragrances for Selena, which included Justin's Someday perfume, challenging her to pick out his scent from the trio.
"I'm such a bad girlfriend," Selena sheepishly muttered when she confused Someday for Paris.
Selena revealed that Justin is impressed with her concoction and went on to explain why his opinion carried so much weight when she was creating the scent for her perfume, not only as a fellow perfumer, but also as a guy, citing "romantic" reasons."
*full video here (x)
April 20th:
Selena debuts a new additional music video for Hit The Lights
Selena appears on On Air with Ryan Seacrest and opens up about her Kiss Cam at the Lakers game earlier this week, and Justin’s upcoming debut with Taylor Swift.
Asked about the Kiss Cam, Selena called it "the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, probably."
“They were showing these little elderly couples, and it was so cute. Then all of a sudden we’re both looking up and we come on the screen and it’s like … it was so awkward. It was so weird. I mean you have to kiss, right?”
"They wrote a song together and it’s beautiful - it’s amazing - I don’t know if it will make the album, but if not I’m sure they’ll release it at some point, because it’s a really great record. It’s kind of like … it’s Taylor and Justin combined. So it’s a little bit of an upbeat song, but it’s very acoustic.”
*full video interview here (x) / *full RadarOnline article here (x)
April 21st:
Selena visits Justin on set for his music video “Boyfriend” and the two are photographed hugging/kissing/being affectionate
*full article / photos here (x)
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April 27th:
UsWeekly releases a special edition of their magazine featuring Justin and exclusive photos/interviews titled Inside My World: Justin Bieber. He's questioned about Selena during his interview and mentions recently gifting her a diamond bracelet:
UsWeekly: At least you get quality time with Selena. What do you love about her?
Justin: I dunno! She just carries herself in a very elegant way. And my family loves her, which is usually hard because my mom’s really picky. My mom wants, you know, a good Christian girl with good manners.
UsWeekly: Do you understand girls better now?
Justin: Well, every girl is different, so they are hard to figure out. Like, the way most men work is the same. But each woman works differently. It’s like I can’t figure them out! But I do know girls like you to tell them you love them and that they’re all beautiful all the time. So I do that a lot with any girl I’m with. I tell them that as much as possible.
UsWeekly: Most romantic gift you’ve ever given?
Justin: I’m not saying to who- but I gave a girl an expensive diamond bracelet recently. It was so pretty, I knew she’d love it!
UsWeekly: Would you and Selena ever do a duet?Yeah. I think she’s very talented.
Justin: That would be very cool. We have nothing planned- but I’m not opposed to it!
*full interview here (x)
May 16th:
Justin featured in GQ magazine/interview:
"I keep my guard up a lot," the singer says in the latest issue of GQ.
"Because you know, you can’t trust anyone in this business. That’s what’s sad. You can’t trust anybody. I learned the hard way.”
May 18th:
The Hollywood Gossip reports that Justin and Selena may have broken up after Justin cryptically tweets/deletes:
“thank u for the time i had with you but i have to move on now..”
*full article here (x)
May 20th:
Justin attends Billboard Music Awards solo in Las Vegas
May 20th:
Justin sits down with Sunday Times for an interview and reveals when news of his “love child” with Mariah Yeater broke, Selena called him right away. Justin also revealed that he wrote a song dedicated to Selena titled 'Be Alright.'
“She was like, ‘Do you see what they’re saying on the internet?’ I was like ‘Yeah.’ She was, like, ‘So…’ I was, like ‘No, it’s not true’. ‘Okay, thank you, bye!’ That was it, she trusts me."
“I’m going to call my girlfriend.” So he does, reaching Selena on the Florida set of her new film Spring Breakers.
“Whats up baby? I can’t stop thinking about you… I said I can’t stop thinking about you. That’s all. Yes, so, um, I gotta do this interview but I just wanted to call and hear your voice really quickly… Okay, I love you. Okay bye.”
Skype and FaceTime keep them connected, he says.
“Ten years ago, or even five years, long distance relationships were much harder. Now you see each other anytime you want!”
May 25th:
Justin and Selena reunite as he picks her up from the LAX airport
*full article (x) / photos (x)
May 26th:
Selena and Justin are photographed out for a lunch date at Benihana in Sherman Oaks. Afterwards the two snuck out the back door hand-in-hand. Selena then went her own way as she cruised to a nearby 76 gas station in Encino to fill her Ford Escape
*photos here (x)
May 27th:
Selena and Justin were strolling an outdoor mall in Calabasas when paparazzi began harassing them as they were trying to leave. According to witnesses (and photos taken) this photographer was so aggressive that he even blocked Justin's car, and was said to be rudely harassing Selena "about the herpes (coldsore) on her lip" while trying to capture a photo of her. After they began harassing Selena, Justin got out of his car and went to smack the camera from his hands and him and the photographer both fell off the curb.
The photographer was taken away by ambulance AND filed a police report that named Justin as the culprit. The Los Angles County Sheriff's office is investigating and say they will talk to Justin.
One of the girls who supposedly was there shared this:
"long story short; the paps were blocking his car and wouldnt move, he got mad after asking them to move, justin tried to knock their camera, the pap and justin both fell off the curb, he lost his shoe and hat while fighting him, selena and justin left and came back because selena lost her phone, and the paps would not get out of her face, and then they left and now the paps are trying to get money from the whole thing"
Another girl that was allegedly there as a witness had nearly the exact same story as above, except in addition she added the paparazzi were rudely asking Selena "about the herpes on her lip," and that's when and why Justin knocked his camera.
*full video to story above here (x)
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May 28th:
Selena attends producer Joel Silver‘s Memorial Day party in Malibu
Selena and Justin have dinner date
*full article / photos here (x)
May 30th:
Detectives want to interview Justin and Selena after a photographer claims he was attacked by Justin at a Calabasas shopping mall Sunday, but authorities continue to seek additional witnesses.
In a statement released Tuesday, the Sheriff's Department said the investigation was continuing and that detectives "are planning to interview Mr. Bieber." Law enforcement sources said Selena is among the witnesses detectives would like to talk to. Detectives are investigating claims by the photographer that Justin struck him after he snapped photographs of Selena at the Commons at Calabasas Shopping Center.
The photographer complained of pain and was taken by the Los Angeles County Fire Department to a hospital, where he was treated and released, officials said. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, stressed that the probe was in its early stages.
*source here (x)
June 7th:
Selena’s photoshoot and interview for her Elle cover is released where she briefly mentions Justin renting out LA's Staples Center for a private screening of Titanic:
"If I'll share anything with you, it's that he really is a hopeless romantic. I had just mentioned it in the car - all I said is that I really want to see Titanic again, and then."
June 11th:
Justin joined Selena's mom and step-dad at the Right to Laugh event hosted by the Alliance for Children's Rights at the Avalon in Hollywood. Selena's mom Mandy, a huge supporter of the organization, purchased an entire table to support the cause, and invited Justin to accompany her family.
"Selena and Justin sat side-by-side," a source tells PEOPLE.
"They were laughing and smiling the whole evening. They were being very low-key and gracious as to not take away any attention from the cause."
June 15th:
Justin officially releases his third studio album Believe and many of the album's songs are inspired by Selena and their relationship, including Be Alright, a song about their long distance relationship, that Justin wrote by himself:
Across the ocean, across the sea
Startin' to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky
Need to see your face and need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and, through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard baby, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
Selena is referenced by name in the song Beauty & A Beat during Nicki Minaj's rap:
“Justin Bieber / You know I'm gonna hit 'em with the ether / Buns out, wiener/ But I gotta keep an eye out for Selener”
*Be Alright audio here (x)
June 15th:
Selena arrives into Toronto Pearson International airport and Justin is photographed picking her up.
*photos here (x) / (x)
June 16th:
Selena and Justin are photographed boarding a helicopter to fly them into his hometown Stratford Ontario where Justin later sang Baby on steps of the Avon Theatre
*full articles (x)
June 17th:
Justin and Selena both attend Much Music Video Awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada where Justin was performing and Selena was presenting - they walked the red carpet separately and didn't pose for any photos together
*photos here (x)
June 25th:
Justin and Selena have dinner date at Geoffrey’s in Malibu and are later seen departing in Justin’s "party bus"
*photos here (x)
June 26th:
Justin and Selena attend Katy Perry’s “Part of Me” documentary premiere at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles - Justin skipped the red carpet
Later that evening Justin and Selena arrive at the Bootsy Bellows lounge with Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson in West Hollywood for the after party and headed to a private room in the back of the lounge:
“Justin and Selena shared a table with friends,” a spywitness tells JustJared.com of the after-party.
“They were very affectionate the whole night, holding hands and sharing kisses. Katy and Amber Heard, and Shannon Woodward spent a good portion of the night sitting and chatting with them. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, taking pictures with each other and snacking on mini-cupcakes.”
*full article / photos here (x)
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June 28th:
Justin cut short a pre-taped interview with U.S. radio show Mojo in the Morning after the host compared him to Justin Timberlake and quizzed him about a potential romance between his mother and One Direction's Harry Styles.
Thomas Carballo, the host of the show, was in the middle of a phone chat with Justin when he (rightfully so) took offence at his line of questioning - and hung up.
The 10-minute interview got off to a bad start when Carballo told Justin he thought he was Timberlake the first time he heard him.
Justin said, "That's funny because our voices sound nothing alike... Saying I sound like somebody else is definitely not a compliment."
Justin eased up when talking about his new song Maria, which was inspired by the woman who falsely claimed he was the father of her baby last year, but he lost his cool when Carballo got personal and asked if he was worried about Harry Styles falling for his mum.
The DJ said, "Do you worry about Harry around your mum, since he likes older women?"
Clearly upset, Justin then mumbled something about Carballo's mother and, as the radio presenter explained his mum was dead, Justin had already hung up the phone.
A record company representative then tried to convince the DJ that Justin's phone had cut off, explaining, "I can't get him. He's in a really s**tty area."
She later revealed Justin was "really upset" with the questions, adding, "He probably won't be calling back."
*source here (x)
June 30th:
Justin and Selena enjoy a walk around Lake Balboa in Van Nuys, California, stopped at an ice cream truck with Alfredo and stopped by Bronco Burrito for some lunch.
*full article / photos here (x)
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findinginga · 7 months
Just More Disappointment…
...you get the idea by now...
The previous posts regarding my first few days in St. Petersburg were written with great attention to detail.  I provided route maps, photos and descriptions to help give a flavor for what I experienced.  While it was satisfying to realize a dream to visit Russia, one that I entertained from time to time since first reading about Russian history in high school, whatever excitement was stirred up by the reality of my visit was severely tempered by the coldness and inattentiveness of Inga.  Layered onto my perceptions of her behavior was the knowledge that she and Denis secured a property mortgage delaying her intended departure from Pskov in order to co-sign a loan.  Additionally, there was  her need to secure a new passport.  Inga did not talk of these events at any time during my visit.  As previously documented, I learned of these facts through the work of the private investigator and his team.  
I suppose that the bit of kindling which really fueled my anger came the third day of my visit, Sunday, 24 October.  Upon awakening in my hotel room, I texted Inga to offer a "Good Morning" greeting.  When Inga replied she texted that she agreed to help Nikita in the morning and that they were to go to Ikea to do some shopping.  Inga wrote that she hoped to be done by early afternoon.  After 1:00 pm gave way to 2:00 pm, I simply wrote her that there seemed to be little point in she and Eva making the trip to the city center, especially because Inga admitted that she was still with her brother.  We agreed to meet on Monday and this left me with the balance of the afternoon and evening on my own.  
I was also forced to accept the actions of Inga as just more evidence of her indifference.  Thoughts of my parents and my family replayed in my mind.  A visitor would be warmly embraced and would receive special attention by my family.  They would be welcomed into our home, fed and their needs met.  I was taught these things and have had the opportunity to host visitors in the past where I have demonstrated these traits.  It would have never occurred to me to leave them on their own and not do all I could to be hospitable to them.  Perhaps this was just one of those areas where Westerners are different but I suspect this speaks more to the character of Ingeborga than to Russians.
Sunday, in St. Petersburg, on my own...
I did make use of the time; although, it would have been better to set off exploring earlier in the day.  I walked through the central portion of the city negotiating the purchase of coffee and a snack through perseverance and an understanding sales clerk.
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I managed to get around the city without getting lost and realized the rich history awaiting discovery.  Consider that the city was founded by Peter the Great and has had several name changes over the years.  It is also known as the "Venice of the North" and the "Window to the West".  Lenin and his supporters stormed the Winter Palace (pictured above) setting in motion the October Revolution.  St. Petersburg survived the Battle (siege) of Leningrad in World War II, the most brutal of all the German offensives.  It also has a dark and seedy history as well of mafia-style corruption and killings.  Vladimir Putin refers to St. Petersburg as his home town, which I guess says it all about corruption.
As I walked the streets and crossed the small bridges over the meandering canals, I hoped that I may visit again during warmer weather to enjoy the colors and more of the vibrancy of the city.  Mostly, I wish for a better future experience to erase my memories of a gray, cold and lonely place.
Hoping for a better Monday...
0 notes