#Cognitive Engagement
basicfit · 1 year
Eyes-Closed Training: Unlock Strength, Performance, & Function
Eyes-closed training
Eyes-closed training is a fascinating approach that can revolutionize your strength, performance, and overall functionality. By closing your eyes during exercises, you tap into a heightened mind-body connection and unlock hidden potential within yourself. This unique training method challenges your balance, stability, and coordination, leading to improved strength gains, enhanced athletic performance, and better functional movement patterns. Explore the transformative benefits of eyes-closed training and take your fitness journey to new heights. Read Full Post on Eyes-closed training to Click Here
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Companion care is a vital part of in-home care services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, providing emotional support and social interaction for seniors. These activities not only enhance the quality of life but also help in maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Here are some engaging companion care activities and ideas that can make a significant difference in the lives of those receiving care.
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omegaphilosophia · 2 months
The Philosophy of Reading
Reading is more than just decoding symbols on a page; it is an immersive, transformative experience that shapes our understanding of the world and ourselves. The philosophy of reading delves into the multifaceted nature of this activity, exploring its cognitive, emotional, and ethical dimensions. Here’s an exploration of key aspects of the philosophy of reading:
1. Cognitive Engagement
Reading engages the mind in complex ways, involving both comprehension and critical thinking. The act of reading stimulates mental faculties, enhancing vocabulary, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize information. Philosophers of reading study how texts influence our cognitive processes and contribute to our intellectual growth.
2. Empathy and Emotional Connection
Reading, especially narrative fiction, fosters empathy by allowing readers to experience the lives and emotions of characters. This emotional engagement can lead to a deeper understanding of others’ experiences and perspectives. The philosophy of reading examines how literature can cultivate emotional intelligence and moral sensitivity.
3. Interpretation and Meaning
One of the central concerns in the philosophy of reading is the interpretation of texts. This includes the debate between authorial intent and reader response, as well as the role of context in shaping meaning. Hermeneutics, the theory and methodology of interpretation, plays a crucial role in understanding how readers derive meaning from texts.
4. Ethical Implications
Reading is not a morally neutral activity. The content we choose to read and the way we engage with it can have ethical implications. Philosophers of reading explore how texts can challenge or reinforce ethical norms and how readers have a responsibility to approach texts critically and thoughtfully.
5. Transformative Power
Reading has the power to transform individuals and societies. It can inspire change, challenge the status quo, and promote social justice. The philosophy of reading investigates how texts influence our beliefs, values, and actions, and how they can be used as tools for personal and collective transformation.
6. Aesthetic Appreciation
The aesthetic dimension of reading involves the appreciation of literary beauty, style, and artistry. This aspect of reading goes beyond the utilitarian function of texts, focusing on the enjoyment and enrichment that come from engaging with well-crafted literature. Philosophers of reading study how aesthetic appreciation contributes to the overall reading experience.
7. The Role of Silence and Solitude
Reading often requires solitude and silence, creating a space for introspection and contemplation. The philosophy of reading considers the importance of these quiet moments in fostering deep, reflective engagement with texts. This solitude can be a counterbalance to the noise and distractions of modern life.
The philosophy of reading encompasses a rich tapestry of ideas that highlight the profound impact of reading on the human experience. From cognitive development and emotional engagement to ethical considerations and transformative potential, reading is a multifaceted activity that shapes who we are and how we understand the world. By exploring these dimensions, the philosophy of reading deepens our appreciation of this timeless and essential practice.
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terracegrdns · 4 months
As the need for elderly care in Grand Terrace, California continues to grow, finding ways to promote independence among seniors becomes paramount. At Terrace Gardens, we recognize the importance of offering a variety of engaging activities tailored to support the autonomy and well-being of our residents.
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bellavistavillageiillc · 11 months
Living with dementia is difficult since it affects every part of a person’s life. Many individuals are afraid of it since it has a negative influence on an individual’s thoughts, behavior, and physical health. Its consequences can be catastrophic not just for dementia patients but also for their families.
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a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Once in a while a blog I blocked a some time ago slips through due to another reblogging them. It gives me a glimpse into what has been going on since, and usually it’s just as bad or worse as what caused me to block them in the first place.
In this case it’s our old friend Tikkunolamresistance, and let me tell you shalomies… it’s unhinged
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Now, we know they're a tankie at minimum, and some will say they're a Russian bot. Regardless, they can try and turn this around all they want by decrying other Jews saying they're not Jewish or what not. But they're just reiterating Protocols level antisemitic conspiracies with a new coat of paint. That's why so many of us side eye them and others who endorse this type of rhetoric. Just because it's "in vogue" to repurpose antisemitic conspiracies as "anti-Zionist" does not mean you get a free pass as a Jew. You are actively supporting, endorsing, and engaging with rhetoric that harms us and you, and it's very alarming. But this is best summed up with the following meme that I immediately made upon seeing this post.
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angelicfruit · 1 month
I think it's very funny how many people on tumblr can't recognise how much they abuse thought-terminating cliches when discussing veganism
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lem0nademouth · 3 months
hey uh you do not have to swing wildly in the other direction to stand against bigotry. book banning is a violation of intellectual freedom and also there is such a thing has developmentally appropriate reading material. licensing boards for healthcare professionals make it unreasonably difficult to meet their assessment standards and also your healthcare provider should be licensed by the appropriate governing body. psychiatric medication isn’t for everyone and is frequently used inappropriately on marginalized people and also psychiatric medication is life saving. you can have a nuanced opinion.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 4 months
And what if I gave in and came onto Twitter? I would have to make a separate private account, cause the way I’d be putting all the nasty, terrible, untrue Anidala/Padmé/Anakin opinions on blast everyday would be ridiculous 🙃
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deadpanwalking · 10 months
you actually...use chat GPT?
Are you the anon from a few months ago who was genuinely worried about GPT replacing literature, or the anon who got big mad at me for suggesting that it's better to study the mechanisms of AI and literature (respectively) before deciding what to be afraid of?
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thedroloisms · 7 months
Never understood the insistence by the greater mcyt fandom that chasing an entire group of people out of a fandom space because of the person they watched was this great achievement. It’s alienating a group of people, treating them like an other, and patting yourself on the back because “at least I’m not like those people” when the wider internet doesn’t give a shit and call you a Dream Stan regardless because that’s what he is? It happened within the DSMP fandom as well and it made me scratch my head because it gave off bootlicking (?) vibes? People who hated the server didn’t care if you were a ranboo stan or not you were still going to be called a Dream Stan regardless. Strangely enough it kind of coincides with the beginning of Dream’s own alienation from the MC Community as a whole and how he voiced that he didn’t feel as though he was allowed to participate in mc community events (like mob vote) despite the game being his entire career and especially when his friends and colleagues were able to participate without scrutiny.
like, congrats on the harassment i guess? the way that people made it all about "protecting their spaces from bad people" too, when uh 1) the alienation of people who liked dream in mcytblr spaces way precedes anything to do with the allegations, yall might act coy but i was there for the sleepytwt wars of 2020, lmao, and 2) the same people who they're throwing out for being Bad People (tm) sure weren't being dropped by the very content creators they base their entire online personalities about? like, in cases like forever and illumina, ccs were very damn quick to show that they didn't support them. and meanwhile people unfollowing dream a whole year after the original allegations is somehow because of the drituation? don't make me laugh. the double standards were craaaazy. i have no clue how these people managed to pat themselves on the back abt content creators that sure were staying completely mum on the subject when they had already convinced themselves that dream is 100% guilty in every respect, get rid of the whole guy. but i digress.
frankly i would say that dream's alienation from the mc community was. early. i mean, speedrunning drama happened in 2020, basically a year or less after he blew up. and when it comes to stantwt? sleepytwt wasn't exactly welcoming in 2020, lmao. the harassment campaign against dream extended long before the allegations and honestly have kind of followed him for his entire career. people continue to hate dream like theyre doing some kind of revolutionary thing (#forActivism!!!) as if they don't sound exactly like the sbi fans that have ragged on him for the last 4 years. like, don't make me laugh, your group circlejerk of oh at least you guys hate dream at least you're not dream stans whenever anything happens (even when said thing might be something like mcytblr drama that has jack shit to do with the guy whose fans you literally expelled from your midsts or allegations against someone completely different) doesn't make you look like praiseworthy activists against a great evil, it just makes you look self-righteous.
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mutualmango · 1 month
reading some of the book v audiobook discourse, and i’ll say this: come for the audiobook listeners if you want (i do both, idc) but i’ll die on the hill that listening to another person read is closer to actively engaging with literature than whatever those “””speed readers””” are up to
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athousandmorningss · 10 months
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Likely my last day with oli, certainly my last week. My dearest companion for near two decades of my life. My best-friend. My heart is broken.
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Hey people of tumblr I have an idea of a way to help support Gaza. This one's especially for people living in Christian areas with a lot of mainstream acceptance of israel. It's only a few days until Christmas and as for all Gazans, things are incredibly desperate for the small population of Christian Gazans. In particular here are some articles talking about fears all Christians in Gaza will be dead soon.
So how about we call up our local churches and ask what they're doing to help the people of Palestine?
The articles I've linked come from a variety of backgrounds. Some predate oct 7th. All focus on the plight of Christians in Palestine. Take your pick for what source you think will speak to your audience.
I want you to find a church that is ignoring the genocide or even praying for israel and then point out it's not just people being murdered. It's their people being murdered. Contact your local church like "Hey I'm Name, I'm not really a member of any church these days but it's Christmas and I really want to do something to help people in Palestine. I was wondering if you have something planned over Christmas? Maybe a prayer meeting or a protest or something idk 🥺" Then if you recieve any pushback switch to "oh but I'm just sooooo worried about our fellow Christians unable to celebrate Christmas".
It's a great place to ease people into caring about genocide who normally wouldn't. And if you convince a priest they might tell their whole congregation about how this christmas they have to show up for persecuted christians in jesus' birthplace. Worth a try?
#free palestine#free gaza#christmas#christians in gaza#i did not fact check the articles i linked i wanna be upfront about that#this is from a place of emotive headlines i assume ppl will barely skim bcus thats how ppl engage with me when i link them things#i skimmed the articles and i straight up dislike some of them!#some of them are from right wing backgrounds so ugh#some make such a point of bashing hamas and its like sure yes hamas have done some bad things too does this really need such focus rn#but i reckon some ppl will have a way easier time with their cognitive dissonance if you gave them that article rather than a more focused#also and this is obvious i am not an expert maybe my idea isnt that good pls school me if im an idiot#im not palestinian#im white and was raised christian and like i read the part where they said being mean was a sin and was like okay why are yall ignoring????#so basically this is coming from my background with christian cognitive dissonance and how what they say and what they do are very at odds#but if you learn to point that out using juuuuuuust the right lingo you can make them do better#they generally genuinely do want to be good they just Do Not See the same things i do#and like my autistic ass cant see what all the other kids at church saw so diversity ig#also heads up if you do this you have to be down to pray like a bunch with nice people on the phone or whatevs#the churches i rang arent having separate prayer meetings but did pray with me on the phone and like my relationship with religion is weird#but it was ~emotional~#anyway they are all already praying for palestine near me so thats something ig#i checked in on a church that kinda scared me out of the faith by being homophobic years ago and theyre already prayin#so like idk everyone in the world really is praying for gaza
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derangedthots · 2 years
considering how the dance is a cautionary tale of the destructive effects of misogyny on absolutely EVERYBODY you'd think the fandom would be less misogynistic but it's like every day unveils a new flavor of "i hate women, this is why they deserve nothing"
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do you ever meet a person whos like a grown adult like a grown ass adult in their thirties and yet their social maturity is stuck at like. 16
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