fernrisulfr · 1 year
Welcome to Anoria
Now that we’re off the Nobody Maps we’re getting into some more personal territory. A long time ago I created an entire homebrew world and campaign that to date I have never run save for a single one-shot meant just to make sure I could balance encounters properly. (The jury is still out. They merked half the fights, and the other half almost saw someone die.). Below are labelled and unlabelled versions of the continental map. Welcome, to Anoria. (I did consider re-naming it Anor.)
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wfxue · 1 year
20230313_F0001: Contrasting time keeping technologies by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - From over #10YearsAgo when I got fascinated by the workings inside this Swiss made transparent wristwatch. This is a comparison against my mobile phone at the time, which incidentally was 12/12/12 12:12:12.
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pjfdx9uyz7 · 1 year
Erotic Massage With Indian Babe HOT MILF Fucked By Her Stepson Violet Rain In Twerktastic Teen Dream Velha tarada caiu de boca na Vara strip dance for a fan Gay porn a cute guy getting fucked and facialized slut long tongue Indian desi teen school girl kissing outdoor Essa e para quem aprecia uma peludinha Slutty lesbian peaches are spreading and fist fucking anal holes
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ritabluesoul · 1 year
The name of the green guy is the Mask Maker. His assistant's name is Cogwheel.
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aimsterskitz0rz · 2 years
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⚙️👼 #cogwheel #halo #selfie (at Dunlawton Plantation and Sugar Mill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgX7b24JBPS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
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Phone doodle bc not drawing this wasn't an option one band one dream one direction
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lonestar-badash · 1 month
Wait for it… cue the ADD.
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 11 months
Murder in the Age of Enlightenment: Essential Stories
By Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, translated by Brian Karetnyk
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"... having fallen as far as this, they had already been so wearied by the many tortures of Hell that they no longer had the strength to cry out." (The Spider's Thread)
"At any rate, if you want to rob a man of his woman, it's only natural that you're going to have to kill him. Only, when I do it, I do it with a sword. People like you don't use swords. You gentlemen kill with power, with money, sometimes with words alone - all on the pretence of doing a man a favour. True enough, no blood is shed. He might even live well. But you've killed him all the same. It's hard to say whose sin is greater - yours or mine. [An ironic smile]" (In a Grove)
"When it once pleased His Lordship to joke, 'You appear to take pleasure in all manner of unsightly things,' Yoshihide's unnaturally red lips creased into an unnerving smile and he replied haughtily, 'Yes, My Lord, it's true. Other more frivolous painters lack the insight required to perceive beauty in what offends the eye.'" (Hell Screen)
"'As a rule, I'm unable to paint anything I haven't seen. ... I have seen a man bound by iron chains,' Yoshihide said. 'I have made a detailed sketch of another being tormented by a monstrous bird. Thus, it cannot be said that I do not know the tortures that sinners endure. As for the wardens of Hell . . .' here the corners of Yoshihide's lips rose sinisterly, 'as for the wardens of Hell, I have seen them any number of times in my dreams and hallucinations. Devils with bulls' heads, with horses heads, with three faces and six arms. Almost every night they come to torment me with their noiseless clapping hands and their voiceless gaping mouths. No . . . They are not what I am unable to pain.'" (Hell Screen)
"The fleeting moments I have left impel me to set down my story, to describe the motives that brought me to commit the murder, the act itself, as well as the strange state that gripped me after the deed was done. And yet - O! and yet - even now, how keenly I am aware of my breath warming the frozen ink, of having placed this sheet of paper before me, and, with fear and trepidation, trying vainly to master myself. After all, to examine my past and set it down in writing means nothing less than to relive a past life. Once more I hatch my plan, once more I commit the deed, once more I am made to suffer the torments of this last year. Can I really have the strength to endure all this?" (Murder in the Age of Enlightenment)
"My state of mind then was such that a Japan without [her] had become utterly foreign to me. Rather than eke out the existence of a broken man in a country that was no longer my own, I thought it might be better to take a volume of Childe Harold, travel to some remote, distant place and, having roamed the world in lonely solitude, bury my bones in the soil of some foreign land." (Murder in the Age of Enlightenment)
"It seems that deep within my soul there lurks a monster incomprehensible even to myself." (Murder in the Age of Enlightenment)
"As the time passed, however, little by little I inched closer to the most despicable temptation of my life, and to a destiny with which I would ultimately have to reckon. By no means do I have the courage to recount how fierce was the battle I had to fight, how step by step, it pursued me to the brink of death. No, even now, as I inscribe these lines, I must enter into mortal combat with this hydra of temptation." (Murder in the Age of Enlightenment)
"... he contemplated death and war. But not even the faintest glimmer of wisdom came of it. After all, dying was still a wretched business, even if it was for the Emperor. As for war . . . Well, he didn't even hold war to be a crime. Next to war, crime, rooted as it was in private passion, was almost understandable. But war mean one's duty to the Emperor, and nothing else. And yet, he - but no, it was not just he, for more than two thousand men, from every division, had been selected for the White Sash Unit, and they too, whether they liked it or not, would now have to die, carrying out the greatest of duties . . ." (The General)
"I have no artistic conscience; indeed, I have no conscience whatsoever. I have only nerves." (Cogwheels)
"Soon enough, I began to feel that anything and everything was a lie. Politics, industry, arts, science - all this seemed to me little more than a gaily coloured enamel concealing the true horror of human life." (Cogwheels)
"I looked up to the lofty heavens to remind myself how small the world was - and, consequently, how small I myself was - amid the twinkling of countless stars." (Cogwheels)
"I haven't the strength to go on writing this. To live in this state of mind is an agony beyond all words. Isn't there someone kind enough to strangle me softly in my sleep?" (Cogwheels)
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abesetacringe · 4 months
today I'm on Cogwheel-related drawing spree, me thinks
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gillipopmoji · 2 months
pride trafficmojis. i didn't know how draw any of them. i still don't tbh
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inkmaze · 9 days
btw it's exceedingly funny to be trans and mention you went to a single sex (opposite assumed) school. [if u feel safe to obvi]
it's so fucking funny to be able to drop 'oh yeah I went to [single gender school]' into a story while presenting as the 'opposite' gender. yeah let that run through your hamster wheel of a brain let's goooo.
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fernrisulfr · 1 year
Locations of Anoria
Just for fun, I’ll post some of what I actually wrote down for my unnamed Homebrew world, and the continent upon it known as Anoria/Anor. For those who’d like to see where on the continent these places actually sit, there is a map located elsewhere on my Tumblr. Please note I constructed the pantheon from existing DnD gods, but in a hierarchy that suited my own needs. 
⦁ Aolas - Largest Port City in Anoria Pre-Twilight. Has various canals which are used to transport goods from the docks into the city proper. Leadership falls to the Grand Admiral, a hereditary position, leader of both the city and it's Navy. Located on the Northwest Coast, where the rivers meet the ocean. Temples to Tempus (But more specifically to Valkur), and Waukeen as primary religions. Smaller temple to Kelemov. Hidden shrines to Umbralee, for the particularly superstitious.  Location of the Anorian Thieves Guild HQ, Name Undetermined, claim to be devotees of Waukeen, highest ranking individuals referred to as "Magpies" and are actually religious. South of "The Scorch". Bustling trade city with an abundance of shops and travelers. Military Police.
⦁ Cogwheel/Cogwall - Village nearby to Engin. Becomes new Knowledge Center Post-Twilight. Large population of Gnomes, possibly Halflings as well. Initially a walled Village. Becomes a Tiered City with multiple walls, one for each tier. Acts as a farming village and trading post, supplying the city of Engin.
⦁ Dawn/Dusk Coast - The East and West coastline of the Continent of Anoria.
⦁ Engin - Built in the middle of Lake Corvus on a man-made/magic-made island. Built around a central library that acts as a repository of knowledge and artifacts. City is built into sections/districts around the central library, split mostly by areas of research or study. Split between Magic Practitioners and "Scientists/Craftsmen". Wizards/Warlocks/Sorcerers/Runescribes on one side, Artificers/Alchemists/Engineers/Craftsmen on the other. Bards exist as a third faction, but are in the Minority. City itself is controlled by a Council. Positions are split into Science, Magic, Craftsmen, Bard, and the Head Librarian. Hidden beneath the Central Library is the "Ark of Knowledge", a place where the most important knowledge/items are kept and safeguarded. Includes Secrets best kept from the public. Has temples to Eldath, Deneir, Oghma, and Gond.
⦁ Fey Mire - A swamp located in the far northern reaches of Anoria, nestled between two mountain ranges and to the west of the Elven capital of Waesboros. Believed by some to by haunted, and by others to be an entrance to the Fey Wild. Those who wander into the mire are said to quickly get turned around and become hopelessly lost, wandering around for days or weeks until their eventual deaths. Occasionally people have been known to wander out of the Fey Mire, haggard and claiming to be from lands laying even further north. All Tabaxi in Anoria are descended from someone who wandered out of the Mire, or wandered out of it themselves. Other races unfamiliar to the populace of Anoria have been known to wander out of the mire as well.
⦁ Frost Sands - Snowy Tundra located in the south east of Anoria. Known as the Frost Sands due to the high winds blowing and shifting the snow like the sands of a desert.
⦁ Glacial Flats - Located to the far south. Sea ice bordered by mountains on one side. Dotted with small islands among the ice sheet, known as the Hoarfrost Archipelago. Populated by a clan of White Dragonborn Druids, a clan of Lizardmen Outcasts, and a hurd of Goliath.
⦁ Hawthorne - A small village located at the border between the Wyld Woods and Fey Mire. Has a largely diverse population as it is common that people who stumble our of the mire from lands beyond come to reside here, or at least stay here while recovering from their ordeal. The town also houses a number of explorers, researchers, and "adventurers" seeking to brave the mire's depths and discover what lays beyond.
⦁ Kadrel - Traditionalist Dwarven Village. Desperate to regain their capital and lost city. Insist on following tradition as much as possible, but will do anything if it means returning to their lost capital city. Name Translated into "Dwarvish" meaning "Forge".
⦁ Kuudeggrah -Located on the shores of Lake Beryl to the South West of Marlgrave. Largely a farming village that supplies Marlgrave with food, however also responsible for a small Silver Mine in the Argent Ridge. Contains the largest general population of Dragonborn in Anoria, and with it a significant number of followers to Bahamut. Contains temples to Bahamut, Eldath, both of which are quite large.
⦁Legrand - Military Capital of Anoria, possessed of a long lineage of Warrior Kings, however the current Monarch considers himself a Thinker and Peacekeeper rather than a Fighter, despite the wishes of his late father. Military divided into factions/units based on primary objectives, each named after legendary monsters. Has been battling against the Orcs of Thraggar for several hundred years without either side managing to gain ground. City is located East of Aolas, at the crossroads of several major rivers. Temples to Eldath, Tempus, the Raven Queen, and a small following to Bahamut.
⦁ Marlgrave - Acts as the Religious Capital of Anoria. No unified leadership, instead separated into districts built around the tenants and domains of a singular god. No singular military, with each district guarded by followers of the deity worshiped in that district. Possesses an underground sewer system and a vast network of tunnels leading to ruins further down. Was once two-cities joined across the river, until a tsunami struck and obliterated the northern half, which still lays in ruins. Several took this as a sign as the disfavour or fall of gods once worshiped in that part of the city.
• Mordant Weald -
⦁ Port Fischer  - Port and Farming Village located on the southern Dusk Coast, providing supplies for Fort Beilan, as well as food to Aolas and Westbarrow.
⦁ Sskee'Thar  Penninsula - Home to a significant number of Lizardmen dwelling in a vast jungle. Volcano at the end of the "Salamander's Tail" mountain range acts as a "capital city". Several tribes of Lizardmen. Kobolds present as Slaves. Located in the north-west of Anoria.
⦁ Telos - A river-side village built between Lake Corellon and the Conflux, the cities economy runs largely upon the trade of goods between the Elven Capital of Waeboros and the rest of Anoria, it's water adjacent location and the continents many rivers allowing for easy shipping of goods. As a symbol of their connection to the Elves, a massive tree sits at the far end of town, and sitting at it's base lays a temple to Eldath.
⦁ Trove  - Second dwarf village comprised of survivors of the old dwarf capital. Split further into the Accretionists and the "Reforged". The former consists of the bulk of raiders and merchants, who believe to improve on the old ways they have to add onto it ceaselessly till their reach perfection, the reforged believe they need to cast off anything "extra", break themselves down to the very basics, and begin anew.
⦁ Waesberos - The Elven Capital of Anoria before a magical experiment to create a forest Guardian, a Chimera who's lifeforce was linked to the forest itself, went horribly wrong. Resulted in all the inhabitants of the forest, as well as the forest itself turning Undead. Infested with Undead and giant corpse eating Insects. Originally lead by an Elf Sorceress and a Brass Dragon. Located in the Wyld Woods, later renamed The Grave Wood.
⦁ Westbarrow - Not a City-State. Smaller City, possibly more of a Town/Village. Is larger by the time of the Post Twilight Campaign. Suffers horrible Plague Pre-Twilight. Thrown into Chaos due to all the people dying. Lacking the Manpower, local Guards turn to Necromancy in order to increase their numbers. Becomes common practice. Known as the NecroGuard or Death's Watch. Temples to Kelemor, the Raven Queen, and Eldath. Home to a mining company that operates several Iron Mines in the Ironhook Mountains. Locations known as the Barrow Fields to the North and South where ancient and modern residents bury their dead.
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wfxue · 1 year
20230312_F0001: Back of a transparent wristwatch
20230312_F0001: Back of a transparent wristwatch by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - From over #10YearsAgo when I got fascinated by the workings inside this Swiss made transparent wristwatch. This is the back of the watch.
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dndtreasury · 10 months
Cogwheel Cruiser by Dragons & Stories
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clockbreadcroi · 1 year
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fun fact of the day! Croiffle's alternate shipname is Cogwheel! "cog" is derived from Croissant's whole gear theme and "wheel" is derived from Souffle with her bicycle!
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dampfloks · 1 year
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“Neue” Drachenfelsbahn Königswinter
Die Drachenfelsbahn existiert seit 1883. Früher noch unter Dampf (siehe ebenfalls Bilder hier im Blog) wird sie heute mit Strom betrieben. Der Drachenfels ist ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel im Siebengebirge mit Sehenswürdigkeiten die Burgruine Drachenfels, Schloss Drachenburg (erreichbar über die Mittelstation), die Nibelungenhalle (selbstverständlich mit Drachen im Garten) und natürlich die Zahnradbahn. 
"New" Drachenfelsbahn Königswinter
The Drachenfelsbahn has been in existence since 1883 and used to run on steam (see also pictures here in the blog), but is now powered by electricity. The Drachenfels is a popular destination in the Siebengebirge with sights such as the Drachenfels castle ruins, Drachenburg Castle (accessible via the middle station), the Nibelungen Hall (including dragon in the garden) and of course the cogwheel railway.
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