#Cole the novice writes
aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
Following on from the Maester question, any thoughts on Qyburn, Vyman and Colemon?
I’m surprised that anybody was interested in those headcanons. Glad you liked them!
Colemon is described as “young” by Pycelle and Lady Anya, but he’s also balding. He was also serving Jon Arryn for some time before his death, which makes me think he’s older than 25ish Pylos/Willamen Frey; so maybe he’s mid 30s. I’ll say he’s a Stormlander of some notable birth, maybe to a lordly house
I don’t have any evidence for the Stormlander other than Colemon sounds like Cole or even Colen (knight of Greenpools). As for the notable birth, well, Pycelle was somewhat close to him (saying he’s like a son) and it definitely wasn’t because of his natural skill at healing. Yet somehow, despite his noted youth and inexperience, he’s Maester to the second most important man in the realm. He must’ve had amazing references, and I’m guessing since they’re not skill-based, they’re family based
Stormlander noblemen are noted for their martial prowess. Coleman grew up with many tall (which he also is) warlike older brothers. He went to the Citadel as a teen after showing little skill at arms, and inadvertently after the Rebellion broke out was one of the few novices of “rebel” houses in the royalist hotbed Oldtown, causing him to dislike his time there
Took the same crash courses that the young Maesters do with medicine, ravencraft, history, and economy. He immersed himself in all the key texts, but was less efficient practically. Had difficulty passing the exams due to nervousness, as well as little faith in defending his own ideas (instead citing the works of others)
Pycelle took note of him due to his family name and that he’d quoted many of his own writings on economy during his exam. Seeing him as an intelligent but unimaginative follower, he was involved with conclave assigning Colemon to Jon Arryn when his old maester passed away, about 4 years before canon
Headcanons on Vyman and Qyburn under the cut:
Vyman is described as “old with lined hands”, so I’ll say he’s from the same generation as Pycelle/Cressen, in his late 70s. I’ll say he’s from the Vale originally, and maybe of decently distinguished birth
I say the Vale because the most characterization we get out of him is when he shows Cat the letter that Bran and Rickon are dead first thing in the morning, which she notes as “dutiful but not kind” as well as continuing to serve Emmon Frey with Riverrun’s surrender. That characterization sort of feels right for the Vale, who in fandom are stereotyped as proper/sticklers for the rules, as well as being mostly neutral in the wars thus far. As for the high birth, he carries himself with confidence, shutting Catelyn’s questions down with a “I was commanded not to speak to you”, whereas maybe a less confident person would’ve cracked under the interrogation
Studied at the Citadel for a long time, as it seems he was already an older man by the time he replaced Maester Kym at Riverrun. Most of his links were in the practical subjects such as ravencraft, economy, and above all medicine
Qyburn is noticeably younger than Pycelle, with hair more gray than white, and still tall and strong. I’ll put him as a contemporary of the also gray-haired Luwin, in his mid 60s. Because he’s such a foil to Pycelle as the Lannister-aligned Maester on the Small Council—even doing the same ostentatious dress routine once he gets the money—I’ll give him the similar backstory of from around the Oldtown area and possibly a foundling
I think it’s pretty obvious that as someone trying to ingratiate himself with the Lannisters, and traveling with an extremely brutal mercenary company in shabby clothing, that Qyburn had no “safety net” of a wealthy family on which to rely. Thus him being dechained and ejected from the Citadel was throwing him from the only life he’d known, and he resents the “gray sheep” for their narrow views. Nor does he know the Lannister situation well to bring Pia to Jaime, so I don’t think he’s from the Westerlands. I like the idea of him being from the Blackcrown area because it’s close enough to Oldtown but not in the city proper, the legendary founder of House Bulwer was said to get extremely strong drinking bull’s blood (Robert Strong parallels here), there’s the singing cliffs with its wind whistles off the twisted towers (Qyburn’s fascination with ghosts here), plus the maester is a cousin of the Tyrells.
Also GRRM likes to use young kids tormenting animals as a sign of evil (see: Maegor, Joffrey, Aerion), so I can just imagine kid!Qyburn living in a fishing village, utterly fascinated by the fact that sea cucumbers can eviscerate themselves when seriously threatened—literally eject their intestines at their pursuer—and still grow it all back after a few months. It makes sense for his first experiments to be on living animals before he “graduated” to the humans that eventually got him dechained
He studied primarily under Ebrose (healing) as per canon, and Marwyn (magic). He assisted Ebrose with gathering accounts of men suffering from Sothoryi diseases, but he grew impatient with just learning from texts and corpses, eventually deciding the maester was holding back progress by refusing to vivisect the patients. Marwyn he respected more, as he didn’t discount his stranger ideas about the residue of souls, wasn’t afraid to consort with strange Essosi sorcerers and hedge witches, nor did he respect the hard rules of the Citadel. He was sometimes joined in lectures by Luwin, also a student of magic, though Luwin quickly became skeptical and disliked Qyburn’s “ingratiating” attitude
It was through Marwyn’s fellowships at the docks that Qyburn signed on with the Brave Companions as the Maester, which back then was mostly Essosi. Part of being a sellsword meant he had to learn basic combat skills, and used a polearm due to its long reach. Needless to say, he also doubled as the company torturer
Thanks for being interested!
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sufficientsucker · 6 years
Your Friendly Neighborhood Pool Guy cp.2
“I think something life changing just happened.” The woman beside me turns onto her back and faces me.
“If by that you mean we’ve had sex four times today then-” Vanessa looks amazing like this all sex tired and fucked up. Just perfect.
“No, I don’t mean that. I think something somewhere just happened and that the world will never be the same again because of it.” She doesn’t seem all to impressed with this new information and turns onto her side deciding sleep sounds better.
“What time is it anyways?” She sighs into the pillow.
“4:20 pm.” I answer easily.
“How do you do that?” She turns her head to stare at me in wonder.
“It’s a gift.” She hmms and turns back to the pillow. Vanessa is just like that. Content to mind her own business and not think about anything else. She told me once that it really didn’t matter to her what was going on in the world because had had never mattered to the world. The girl is all hard edges and exhausted hope, much like myself, which is why being with her seems so easy and natural. Through all my past relationships I’ve never found someone who just gets it like she does.
“‘What are you thinking about?” She whispers, but doesn’t look at me, pretending like she’ll actually fall asleep.
“You.” I answer honestly.
“What about me?” She’s smiling into the pillow case shyly, like I can’t see it.
“Just about how awesome it must have been to have had shoes as a kid.” She laughs wholeheartedly pulling my arm closer around her and sighing afterward.
“What about you and your underwear?” She makes a face. “I would have loved to have had underwear!” I push my face into her hair and feel a warmth rise unannounced in my chest. It’s suffocating, but not in a bad way, in a fluffy you’re in lo-
“I love you.” It’s a stain on the universe now as I say those few traitorious words. I feel vanessa tense up next to me. Every bone in my body screams at me to pull away and run because shit like this doesn’t end well when your name is Wade Wilson, but my masochistic heart begs me to stay. To breath in the scent of her hair again and build a home there, in her where I feel- safe?
“Wade.” She breaths after what feels like a lifetime, and she turns quickly in my arms and I’m no longer drowning as she takes my face into her hands and stares into my eyes. She kisses me in a way I’ve never been kissed before. It’s needy in a whole new way, and so fucking sweet, nothing like the desperate nights we’d spent together before but it feels so right and good that all thoughts of running fade. “I love you too.” She smiles into the next few kisses and something within me settles into this warm feeling that has my toes curling.
Loving Vanessa is a completely new adventure, a feeling all it’s own. Just a huge whirlwind of sex and fighting and then make up sex, but it us. Before Vanessa there wasn’t anyone who could or would deal with Wade Wilson, even Weasel needs days off but Vanessa keeps coming back for more. I’d do anything for her and so when Christmas swings around like it does every year there’s only one thing I can think of to get her.
She’s lovely in that horrendous Christmas sweater, though I’m sure I can’t look much better myself. Like a spot of bleach within the black filter of my life, ever present with a halo around her. Just as she was always meant to look. And for a moment I believe there’s a god, because that’s the only explanation for her that makes sense. Maybe he did forsake us before but he’s making up for it now. In all the memories we have together now.
“Wade, As Above So Below or Alien vs. Predator?” Vanessa asks.
“Well now that’s a hard how’s about,” I fall to one knee feeling all kinds of- of feelings. “You marry me?” She jumps in surprise of the last part and turn to me leaving the tv on some random channel that’s showing a ad for prostate care. In the silence that follows an older man talks about how his ass started hurting or some shit and if that isn’t the greatest soundtrack to the most stressful moment of your life then what is am I right?
“Your serious?” She asks looking at the ring pop in my hand.
“Huh, yeah? I mean, I don’t usually just drop stuff like this out of nowhere.” There’s tears filling her eyes.
“Of course I’ll marry you.” I breathe out fully for what feels like the first time in a year and feel the grin pull over my lips. She gets up from the couch and collides with me both of us laughing in joy. “We need a picture.” She pushes up and off of me, and I follow behind her knowing her destination and unwilling to be apart from her just yet. The polaroid camera she pulls from the makeshift shelf that’s really just the unfinished wall of the shit apartment we’d found a month ago.
“Okay,” She squeals excitedly, which is something she’s never done before and so as she grabs my face ready to take the picture all I can do is stare at the absolute goddess next to me in awe. Everything in my life suddenly feels- fine, right even. All the shitty stuff I’ve had to deal with doesn’t feel as shit anymore. My heart's fucking a peace for the first time ever. Whatever I did, be it in some past life or this one, to deserve the woman beside me I can’t be happier I did it and that it lead me here.
I take a moment to memorize the moment, nuzzling into Vanessa’s hair I smell the shampoo we both use because it just makes sense. We haven’t taken a shower separately in god knows how long. I sit there for a long time listening to her talk about all the people we’re going to have to tell and when we should do it, how. All the things I never thought I’d have to think about but here we are. I can’t keep the smile off my face as I hold her close. Closer than I’ve ever held anyone. It’s less physical and more mental as I think about how much she really means to me.
She’s defined all odds and somehow gotten the Wade Winston Wilson to want to settle down. I want to start something real with her. A family of our own. Shit that’s scary, but sole it sounds so fucking fantastic. I can imagine it now. Little Wade’s cashing little Nessa’s, how happy we’ll all be.
“What do you think we should do?” She asks me suddenly.
“How do you want to get married?” She laughs grabbing my nose and pulling lightly.
“Doesn’t matter to me. Hell we could go down to the court house right now.” Her eyes go wide at the suggestion, a look of disbelief on her face. “Should I not-”
“We can do that?” The wonder in her voice is breathtaking.
“Yeah if you don’t mind not having a real wedding.” I nod.
“Wade, do I look like a girl who needs all that fancy stuff? All I really need is a Groom right?”
“Or another Bride, Ness, don’t go getting homophobic on me.” She swats at my shoulder.
“You’re a dumbass.”
“But I’m your dumbass.” She smiles brightly at that and pushes off me.
“If we’re doing this we need to get dressed now.” It doesn’t take long to get to the courthouse, though it does take some time in line to get to the front where we’re greeted by this grotesques old hag, who really is just darling. Asks Ness a bunch of questions, and can’t help but take glances at me not that I’m not used to getting second looks from older women who miss bring in their prime. (wow that sounded rude, but trust me when I say I am not opposed to a little age gap on either side.) It take a few more long minutes of talking before Ness’s being handed a packet of papers to fill out.
We take them over to the obligatory waiting area and start filling them out. Most of the stuff Ness already knows so she fills it in for me while I sit and people watch. Mostly just a bunch of old people looking to renew some shit of another, a few cocky ass lawyers talking about law things and their wives, or husbands. No one seems bothered by the very real life changing situation I’m in right now, and suddenly I understand what Ness was saying when she said that she’d never mattered to the world. Because here we are changing it while nothing and no one seems to care.
“I should have known life wasn’t going to be this good forever.”
“Did you say something?” Nessa asks.
“Me?” I look at her.
“Did I say something?” I ask her.
“Wade are you feeling okay?”
(The next few chapters are going to be from Peter’s point of view just so his timeline can catch up to Wade’s which is in December while Peter’s in September.)
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
Updated Masterlist (+18)
A/N: Hey, readers! You can call me Use or Honey! As a novice fanfiction writer, I ask that you please have patience with me. I’m not a fast writer and I have lots of responsibilities that will delay my writing but I’m still dedicated to giving you all the best of content. I’m growing everyday with my writing so I’m always looking for room for improvement. Either way, I appreciate the love and support I’ve received. Thank you so very much! ❤️
Started: 06/07/2022
Last Updated: 07/26/2023
Latest Work(s): Made With Love (Eddie x Plus!Reader)
Total Works: 55
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☁️= Fluff
🌩️= Angst/Fluff
🌧️= Fluff/Smut
⛈️= Angst/Fluff/Smut
💦= Smut
💧= Implied Smut
⚠️= DARK
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🚫= On Hold
🛑= Permanent Hiatus
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🔥= Popular (1k & up notes)
Stranger Things
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001
Peter being vocal during sexy times 💦
Where Do We Go From Here 📥 ⚡️
Love, Papa ⚠️⛈️
The Nightmare on Hawkins Street 📥⚠️💦🔥
The Nightmare on Hawkins Street 2 📥⚠️💦
Eddie Munson
Innocent!Newkid!Eddie inviting you over 💧
Eddie helping with skin care routine ☁️
I loved You First 1 🌩️
Made With Love ☁️
The Elf Princess & Her Beloved 🌧📥
“Come Again?” 💦📥🔥
Eddie Had A Little Lamb 💦📥
Wrap It Up! 💦📥🔥
You’re Not The Boss Of Me 💦
The Satanic Panic ⛈🚫
Cruel Little Vixen ⛈ 🔥
Steve Harrington
Scoops Ahoy Steve doll comes to life ☁️💧
Play Side A ⚡️💦
Too Quiet ☁️
I Thought I’d Lose You 🌧
Play Side B ⚡️💦
Montagues and Capulets ⛈🛑
Steddie x Reader
The Final Girl 💦⚡️⚠️ 🔥
Jim Hopper
Murray Bauman
Just Share The Damn Bed 💦⚠️
Let Me Show You 🌧
Daisy Dukes 💦
Jonathan Byers
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Pt. 1 ⚠️💦⚡️
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Pt. 2 ⚠️💦⚡️
Billy Hargrove
This Isn’t You ⚠️⚡️💦🔥
Moon Knight 
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley
Adeline’s Hex 💦
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes
Steven Grant “Steve” Rogers
Stucky x Reader
Breakfast In Bed ☁️💧
Topper Thornton
The Jezebel ⚠️💦
Everything Has Changed⚡️💦
Rafe Cameron
JJ Mayback
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid 
Alice In Borderland
Arisu Ryohei
I’d Stop The World ⛈️🔥
Video Games 💦🔥
I Still Get Jealous ⛈️📥
Chishiya Shuntaro
Draco Malfoy
Dr. Julian Albert
I’ll Make You Pay ⚠️💦⚡️
I Know What You Did Last Weekend (Battinson x Kravitz!Selina Kyle x Plus!Reader) ⚠️💦
How To Be King (Viserys Targaryen III x Plus!Reader) ⛈️
Run With Me (Ser Criston Cole x Virgin!Targaryen!Reader) ⛈️
When A Stranger Knocks At Your Door…(“Doctor”Enmu x NurseNun!Reader ⚠️💦
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dragonagecompanions · 4 years
hi there, so in love with your works. Seriously *bows head* thank you all so much. If its not too bad, I wanted to know how everyone in DAI from the advisors to the companions would react to a teen inquisitor who is brilliant at cooking? Yet the inquisitor has no idea about people from Leliana's agents to everyone else pinching her food.
Cassandra: She thinks she is being sneaky and subtle, insisting that because of their age and responsibility it is better for their young herald to stay close to camp and not take a watch when they leave Skyhold. There will be time for that when they are older, and bearless of a burden. If they will take on the difficulty of closing the rifts, then the most they should have to do is help around the camp, and after a long day nothing is appreciated more than hot food.
No one contradicts her, and the Seeker is left to silently congratulate herself on enjoying the absolutely divine way that their young leader has with rabbit and Hinterland herbs without making the Inquisitor feel worthless.
(And if everyone else lets her take a lead on that because she has mattered the speech, well...it’s really good stew.)
Varric: Damn, this is the stuff. Its like being back in the Hanged Man, except the bread is trying to actively strange him, and the pies aren’t staring back and.. 
It’s nothing like the Hanged Man, really, but the sheer comfort of phenomenal food at the end of the world? The same kind of warmth as sitting with your friends as the city goes to shit and laughing at a joke no one else gets. Their young protagonist has a good skill set on their hands, and If Varric’s writing table moves a little closer to the door into the kitchens, well.
Keeps the ink from freezing.
Solas: It had been a passing comment about the frilly cakes in Val Royeaux,  some exchange of banter with Varric about time passing and philosophy and the unending banal that one takes on to keep the miles from turning monotonous. He’d had no idea the Herald was listening, and so it makes it all the more touching when- after waqving to them as they take on the climb to the library- he comes down from his painter’s perch to find three petit fours waiting for him on his table. 
It drives home that they are a thoughtful young person, so different from the rest of this world, and if he uses the sweetness of the frosting and cake to drive away the twinge of guilt that his plans still move at speed....it does not take away from their talent, or their kindness. He will be content with that.
Blackwall: Food is food, particularly on the road. Hard tack and sausage has kept many a soldier alive, and he is the last person you’d hear complaining that he can’t put his pinky out eating meat from a spit. Luxury is for soft handed nobles, not men and women striving to make the world better. Let them have the best cuts-- Blackwall would starve before he robs true heroes of a hot meal.
And yet the first time he comes back from gathering firewood to find that the reason the inquisitor was tying so much string around the side of a wild hog was to make a porketta, and he got a good whiff of roasted pork slowly spinning in it’s own drippings....It would be a harder sacrifice. It made the Inquisitor so happy to watch their work be enjoyed and help people though, that it would the crueler not to take some. 
And if he dreams about the tender meat and crispy skin all perfectly seasoned and roasted for days afterwords, that’s no one’s business of his own. 
Vivienne: She cuts an imposing figure, and for the Madame de Fer is quite proud. It has cowed more than one recalcitrant novice into place with only a long legged stride alone, and for that she is a legend in her circle. Of course the stories do not tell how she would never be cruel or unfeeling to a child, and particularly not one far from home and frightened of every shadow like the ones that the Templars rip from families and depost in a new and strange place.
She expects a similar attitude from the young Herald, particularly after her (rahter stunning) entrance on their first meeting. And perhaps they were a bit overawed, but before it could become something she needs to address Lady Vivienne is pleasantly surprised to find their young leader coming to her for advice from a letter from some minor Orlesian lord. And while surely it will be up to Josephine to craft the response Vivienne is delighted that the Inquisitor wants her input.
That they went to the effort to bring beignet’s with them as a bribe...For that, she will give them every secret of the author’s well kept family scandals. 
Sera: Their Bitty Herald can make cookies better than Sera can make cookies, but they aren’t the kind that you throw at people as a prank or that come out all rock hard and brown and blegh. They are the soft gooey kind that make you want to steal the whole plate and eat them on your roof but also throw the plate at their Quizznitor because....because cookies!
She will trade pranks for cookies, who ever her Jenny in training wants to see doused in water or flour or...or...pudding! Pudding for cookies is the most fair.
Dorian: Southern food is bland and tasteless, and Skyhold’s resident ‘Vint will endure it for as long as he must to help defeat this ancient magister and get things on the right track. And the beer isn’t the worst, much to his own dismay as his delicate palette accepts the swill. But the food is all friend or brown or smothered in gravy, and he’d just as soon not.
So when they finally stop for the night under the endless web of branches that keep the sky from meeting the Fallow Mire, the pond water full of dead people sounds more appealing than one more night of Varric’s nug stew. Which makes the fact their valiant young Herald just ladled him a bowl of Minestrone so much more impressive. Their shrugged explanation of ‘I’ve always wanted to make it and the merchants had actual artichokes on the way here and you can tell me if I got it right’ does nothing to take away the warmth and delight the gesture brings to him. 
It would be like coming home, if anyone had ever made sucha rustic and delightful soup for him without strings and hooks attached in Tevinter, and for the first time on the whole mission Dorian isn’t chilled the rest of the night. 
The Iron Bull: He isn’t sure which one of the Chargers talks to the Herald (lies, it was  Krem), but one night half the fortress is piled into the Rest and the Inquisitor is waiting with four bowls of unreadable origin. The explanation that these are four kinds of curry and each is hotter than the last is the best gift he’s ever gotten, but the wager of a single coin (he won’t steal more than that from the kid) that the Iron Bull can’t finish them for the spice is even better. 
Three hours later finds him chewing on one of Stitche’s poultices for a burnt tongue (and throat and stomach and probably ass in a few hours) but one coin richer and hoarse voiced from the roaring laughter he’d gotten after a straight face convinced Krem to try the last bown and he’d literally wept.
Good times. 
Cole: The nug is made of bread, and it isn’t a nug but it looks like one. And it’s wearing a tiny hat! ‘Roll the dough out, has to be thin so it rises to keep the shape, he likes nugs so much and doesn’t ask for anything and Sera bet me I couldn’t.’ You made it for me. Thank you! He says hello back!
Josephine: When their ambassador hears that not only does the Herald have an aunt who married into a merchant house in Antiva but the inquisitor spent a summer there and learned to make authentic Paella, Lady Montiliyet’s mind is a whirlwind of plans and thoughts of just the appropriate bribe that would spare her from getting down on her knees and begging a fifteen year old to make her favorite dish. Eventually Leliana gets tired of little doodles of steaming bowls on all their meeting notes and sends a raven  three windows over, Josie, really with an ‘anonymous’ request to make it and leave it in the war room in exchange for a trade of equal value. 
And when Josephine finds out that all the Inquisitor wants is the creepy love letters from young  Orlesian nobles to go away, she takes great delight in her strongly worded letters to their mothers in between heaping mouthfuils of white wine rice and shrimp and the warm bite of saffron that will always be home.
Leliana: It is written on no report or schedule, and her agents will go to the grave without speaking of it to another soul, but the Inquisition’s spymaster has a man in the kitchens whose only role is to fetch firewood and water and try to one day recover his shattered after a terrible mission in her service. It’s easy work for a man who gave so much, and somewhere he is able to do good work until the tremors and the nightmares stop. The kitchen staff is kind to him and treat him well, but his true mission is known only to himself and his mistress.
The second the herald starts making  Cassoulet he is to fetch her immediately. She won’t be caught in a meeting and miss her favorite food again, damn it.
Cullen: It’s hard for the Inquisitor’s commander to be at ease with someone who is both a child and at least nominally his leader. They are someone he wants to protect, but also the key to stopping the world and someone who must be on the front lines. That is gift alone to the world, but when the rumors begin to swirl that they will also go out of their way to make things that people like it brings a small smile to his face. The world would be better if had more people like the herald in it. 
Especially if they could all make little crocks of shepards pie like the one that sits on his desk after a day of long meetings and a lyrium migraine. That might make everything right again.
-- Mod Fereldone
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coleisunderrated · 5 years
Cooking with Cole
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m actually not one for this holiday but if it’s an excuse to indulge in some glaciershipping, I’d say bring it! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
It’s the morning of Valentine’s Day and Cole was already panicking on this day of love. He was sure Zane already made him a cake because that’s how it’s been every year. A well-known fact to everyone in Ninjago was the buff guy’s love for cake and anything sweet. The even sweeter son of the famed inventor Dr. Julien was all too aware of this and whenever they got together, he would make a cake as gorgeous as it was delicious. Any cakes he make would put even the top patissiers to shame. Zane had done so much for Cole and what did he ever do in return?
A flashback of all the romantic moments he and Zane shared popped up. He loved seeing the way the wintry beauty smiled, how graceful he was when they danced together, and that voice. That velvety smooth voice that could put even the most talented singers to shame when they share a duet together. Zane did nothing but give yet Cole never really gave anything back.
Looking back on all this, Cole felt like a horrible boyfriend.
Maybe Zane deserves better than him...
‘No! I’ll make myself better! Someone he truly deserves!’ Cole couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up with his snow angel. Not only will he never find someone as amazing but Zane has done nothing to deserve the pain of heartbreak.
Then he realized the solution was in front of him the whole time. He looked back on all the cakes and other treats Zane made for him. He now wanted to return the favor and this was the perfect opportunity.
“That’s it! I’m gonna make a cake for Zane!” Cole’s declaration echoed in the otherwise empty house. With his father out of town, he had all the time in the world to brush up his culinary skills.
As if the timing wasn’t impeccable enough, he got a text message from Zane himself.
‘Cole, if it’s alright with you, I’m coming over to your house in the evening. I’m making something special for you and I hope you’ll like it.’
The muscular youth almost couldn’t handle how adorable his lover can get. He really wanted to surprise him and all he could text back was a simple ‘okay’ before prepping himself for the arduous task set before him. This was going to be a Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget...
Cole pretty much hit a brick wall the moment he entered the kitchen. He had a terrible track record when it comes to cooking. He can even turn the simple task of making toast into a bloodbath. He immediately worried and fretted over the terrible scenarios that could happen. He can see it now. The cake is a complete fail and Zane staring at it with sheer disgust then at him with pure hatred. And then his pale lips curl into a malicious smirk.
“Is that all you have to give?” The young man’s voice was as cruel as he was beautiful, “I don’t see why I should be stuck with someone as lowly as yourself. Because of that, I’m breaking up with you. I should be with someone who really treats me right and gives me nice things.”
“No! Zane! Don’t leave me!” Cole futilely begged.
But it was too late.
Zane already had his arms wrapped around Morro, who shot a cocky triumphant smirk at Cole. The muscular young man cried out to his traitorous lover but the couple already walked out of earshot.
Cole found himself back at his house, relieved that Zane leaving him for Morro was nothing more than an elaborate fantasy. There’s no way he’s giving him up to some pretentious edgelord. He’s gonna bake the greatest cake ever and it’s all just for Zane.
Cole stared at the directions of a basic chocolate genoise recipe. Some of these phrases were confusing. How do eggs get white and fluffy? The recipe did recommend using a mixer and he luckily had one lying around in the kitchen. First, he had to get the eggs into the bowl. One would think having immense strength such as his would make it easy but maybe it was a little too much. By the time he had three eggs in the bowl, he already destroyed twice as many. He crushed most of the eggs in his hands and bits of shells mingled with the broken egg yolks in the bowl and egg whites ran down the sides from where he cracked them with too much force. It was surprisingly difficult to get the shell fragments out of the bowl with his large hands but in the end, he got them out for the most part. He added the sugar as the recipe said, and maybe a bit more so it can be just as sweet as Zane, and now it’s mixing time.
With the mixer plugged in, Cole looked at the dial, wondering if he should go on low or high. He wanted to get things done fast so might as well put it on high. The loud noise almost startled him but he watched and waited to see the eggs get ‘white and fluffy’. The eggs got paler and have thickened but Cole wasn’t sure if they can be considered as such. After watching the mixer go at it for what felt like forever, he gave up and decided to continue with what he got.
‘Dammit! I forgot to sift the dry ingredients whatever that means!’ Cole noticed he didn’t prepare the flour and cocoa powder beforehand, ‘But it’s not gonna change much. I can just dump them in right now.’ The dark-skinned novice chef added them in and put the mixer on high again. Flour and cocoa powder went everywhere. The flour-covered Cole had to switch the power to low and to his dismay, he could see lumps in the batter. He turned off the mixer and tried to fix it by hand. He stirred and stirred with a whisk but the lumps were still there. ‘Oh well. They’re really tiny. No harm in that.’
After that, he melted the butter and the directions said to mix a little bit of batter into it before adding it. It’s already gonna go into the cake so what’s the point in that? Cole shrugged and dumped it all in and whisked the batter. Now all that’s left is to actually bake the cake. Much to his dismay he also forgot to preheat the oven. The cake itself wasn’t even baked and it already felt like nothing was going right for him.
‘No! I’m not giving up! This is all for Zane!’ Cole already put so much effort into this cake and he won’t let it go to waste. He turned on the oven but while he was waiting, he made a disturbing discovery. The batter had separated for some reason.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Cole had no idea what he did wrong. He did just as the recipe said. Why is this happening? He tried stirring it and it seemed to do the trick. The oven finally reached the right temperature and after one final stir, Cole quickly poured the batter into the pan and left it in the oven to bake.
The cake was done once the latest episode of Hunted came to an end. Cole took the cake out of the oven and... was disappointed. The cake didn’t rise as much as it should have and was uneven. After it cooled, the strong guy had a hard time getting it out of the pan. In hindsight, he should’ve covered it with some parchment paper or greased it with cooking spray. The cake was stuck and he ran a knife along the sides and tried pulling it out by hand. It finally came out except chunks of the cake was still stuck to the pan. The cake looked really bad. Hopefully the ganache to frost the cake will hide its imperfections. All he had to do was melt the chocolate and cream together. Simple, right?
This is Cole who’s cooking. Of course it’s not gonna be as simple.
Cole wasn’t sure if the amount of cream the recipe called for will be enough. It seemed like so little compared to all the chocolate. ‘Some more wouldn’t hurt.’ Cole doubled the amount of cream and turned on the stove. He watched the cream warm up but it sure was taking its sweet time coming to a simmer, at least that’s what the recipe calls it.
‘Probably won’t hurt to check on my phone for a bit.’ Cole looked at his device to discover a new text from Kai.
The egomaniac bragged about all the things he’s doing with his boyfriend Jay and even posting a plethora of selfies. Cole felt a tinge of jealousy seeing how happy they were. He already had many happy moments with Zane but he felt like he was being left behind and when Kai’s sister Nya joined in with her two girlfriends Pixal and Skylor, it got even worse. He was almost jealous of Lloyd, who spends every Valentine’s Day buying a chocolate bar and eating it by himself. The green-eyed blonde seems to certainly enjoy being single. Cole was tempted to send some sort of reply but he didn’t want them to blab to Zane. The cake is supposed to be a surprise and nothing will stop him, not even the loud sizzling sounds and stench of something burning.
The cream was burning! Cole rushed in and almost got scalded by the bubbling liquid that almost touched his hand when he turned off the stove. After the bubbles died down, the burnt smell remained and the cream had almost evaporated. Luckily, he had more and just poured it in and the cold liquid made a scorching sound when it touched the pot. The intense heat could probably heat it up in an instant and he could save himself the work. He added it into the chocolate and then noticed the layer of burnt cream stuck to the bottom and cream in the bowl still carried a foul stench. Cole dismissed it as just the smell and the flavor won’t be affected.
Just as Cole feared, the hot cream alone wasn’t enough to melt the chocolate, even with twice the amount as the recipe said. No matter how much he stirred, there were still a bunch of lumps. He tried to fix it by heating it up in the microwave but nothing seems to be working out for him. He could hear something almost like an explosion go off in the microwave. With a speed that could match Jay’s, he took out the ganache (and almost burning himself again) and much to his horror, it was just as screwed as the cake. The recipe said the ganache was supposed to be smooth and shiny but the results of his attempt was dull, gritty, and sad. The chocolate kept separating and leaving ugly streaks in the mixture. Cole didn’t have enough ingredients to make another batch so he resigned himself to work with what he got.
Cole struggled to cut the cake in half but it was already so uneven. He couldn’t keep the knife straight and the cake kept crumbling. After getting two very sloppy layers, he finally noticed all the air pockets hidden within the cake. He grabbed some cake chunks that fell off and filled in the holes and tried spreading the ganache on the first layer. Something weird was going on with the chocolate. Thin liquid seeped from the grainy frosting and there was nothing he could do to remedy it. All he can do now is hope it won’t affect the cake too much and placed the next layer on top. Frosting a cake was clearly harder than it looks. He watched videos of cakes being frosted and he wished he had a turntable or an offset spatula. All he had was a plain kitchen knife and he struggled to frost all the sides and top.
Cole hoped frosting the cake will salvage it but somehow, it looked even worse. He looked through the recipe, hoping it could give him some hints to save it. All that was left was the final direction: decorate it however one likes. “Some help that turned out to be.” The buff man scoffed and looked at his sorry excuse for a cake, “I guess some decorations will make it a bit easier to look at...” Because the cake was for Zane, Cole wondered what kind of decorations Zane likes and what would suit him. The image of pure icy blue eyes stuck in his mind and he, more often than not, wore light colors. The first thing on his mind were something pastel-y. He looked through the cabinet for some pastel sprinkles or anything that says ‘Zane’. Unfortunately, the only kind of decorations he had was a pack of Halloween-themed sprinkles from a couple of years ago.
‘Should I even bother?’ Cole stared at the outdated sprinkles with dismay, ‘These stupid sprinkles don’t even match and the cake is too far gone...’ He looked at the disastrous confection again as if the pile of botched cake and ganache could provide any sort of answer to his dilemma. He wanted to quit while he still has some dignity left yet he his heart was telling him not to give up. He thought of the gifts he got in previous Valentine’s Days. He thought about Zane. He still feared his normally kind and patient boyfriend will dump him for Morro. He needed to make this cake look as good as it can possibly get. Without a second thought, he dumped the whole container of sprinkles onto the cake...
“Ah... The perfect cake for my Valentine...” Cole gazed at the beautiful finished cake...
...picture from the cookbook.
“Why doesn’t mine look like that!?” The dark-haired young man put down the book to gape at his hideous disaster of a homemade cake. The ganache was sloppy and separating and the sprinkles melted into the chocolate, creating a gross tie-dye effect and then there’s the messed up cake underneath it all. Cole wanted to do nothing more except cry over his failed efforts. He’ll surely lose Zane forever all because he wanted to return the love he had given him.
It’s too late to start over again. The sun was already starting to set and he could see a certain someone approaching the house from the window.
‘Crap!’ Cole didn’t even have time to wrap the cake or even put it in a box. He left it there and went to get changed. He scoured through his wardrobe to find the right outfit to impress Zane. He picked out yet another sleeveless shirt with a band logo and black pants. It wasn’t really formal but he was never one for those kind of clothes. He just wanted to wear something he really liked to make up for his awful time in the kitchen. The cheesy doorbell rang, notifying him that Zane was here. After a quick brush of his thick black locks, Cole went straight for the door. Taking a deep breath, Cole put on a debonair face and opened the door to welcome his lover.
Zane wore a simple yet elegant white shirt, khaki jeans, light blue vest and was holding something behind his back and Cole was pretty sure what it was. No matter what he wore or the circumstances, he always looked so breathtaking.
“Uh... Oh wow...” Cole was left tongue-tied at the sight of his beautiful boyfriend alone.
“I can tell you’re quite thrilled to see me.” Zane giggled at his lover’s flustered reaction. He couldn’t wait to show him what he made for this occasion.
“And I see you’ve got something for me.”
“Yes. I have made something special as promised to you.”
Zane took out the thing he hid behind his back and Cole was blown away just from the beautiful packaging. The heart-shaped container covered in pink wrapping with pretty heart patterns and a little Valentine card attached to it sat amidst a bed of white crinkle paper with a slight sheen in a clear plastic box that was tied up with a delicate red ribbon.
“Zane... I... Thank you...” Cole said out loud while he felt like he didn’t deserve such a lovely present and felt bad for even holding it. Then again, it’s been like this every year. He can keep his sorry attempt at baking a secret and things will go on as usual.
“I smell something coming from the kitchen...” Zane caught a whiff of a strange scent. His instincts to protect Cole went into overdrive and he sought to investigate.
‘Shit!’ Cole realized he completely forgot about the cake. There’s no way he’ll let Zane be a witness of something so unholy.
“Uh... n-no need to go in there! Hehe...” He blocked the entrance, slightly thankful for his musclebound build.
“Cole, is something wrong? You normally have no issue with me entering your kitchen.” Zane was still curious tried peeking over Cole’s shoulder.
“Nothing to see here! Why don’t we just go into the living room and watch some movies?” Cole still tried to distract him. As sweet as he is, Zane can be extremely persistent and unfortunately, now was one of those times.
“What is that?” Much to the larger man’s horror, his snow angel caught a glimpse of Ninjago’s cruelest mistake sitting on the kitchen table.
Cole saw the shocked and confused expression on his lover’s fair face. At that very second, the dam holding back the ugly truth broke down.
“Okay, fine! You want the truth?! I can’t cook!” Cole finally broke down, “I tried baking you a cake but no matter how hard I tried, it’s a disaster! If you’re gonna dump me right here and now, go ahead! Go out with Morro or whoever the hell you want! You deserve better!”
“What are you talking about...?” Zane didn’t expect his lover to react this way, especially not on this day dedicated to love.
Cole couldn’t bear to even look at Zane and curled up on the floor, hoping it would open up and swallow him whole. He truly wanted Zane to be happy and be with someone who can give treat him the way he should. Too bad that someone isn’t him.
“Cole, what happened? Please tell me.” Zane crouched down to his level. Again, he was being persistent. It would do him no good to argue back.
“You see... you’ve always made cakes and all kinds of good food for me and... I wanted to return the favor...” Cole sighed in defeat, still refusing to look at Zane.
“You made this... for me...?”
“I know what you’re thinking. You’re now wondering why you have to be stuck with a moron who can’t even bake a freakin’ cake. I won’t blame you if you break up with me. I’m just... I’m sorry I can’t be the person you deserve.”
The buff man flinched when he felt a cool hand graze his cheek.
“Cole, look at me.” Zane’s voice was as smooth and calm as ever. Cole kept his earthy green eyes squeezed shut in fear of the disappointed look that is undoubtedly on his lover’s beautiful face. He jerked his head away but Zane caressed his chin. As scared as he was, Cole could never deny his lover whatever he wanted, even if it could put their relationship in jeopardy.
It was a struggle to open quivering eyelids and Cole was reward with not a scowl of disgust but a gentle serene face. Relief still hadn’t come to him and he had doubts it was genuine.
“Zane...?” A slight gasp escaped from Cole’s lips.
“I’m so grateful you wanted to do something special for me.” The slender beauty embraced his muscular boyfriend.
“Really? I mean, I... You don’t -”
Cole should’ve known there was a catch. Even someone as kind and forgiving as Zane has his limits...
“Please don’t push yourself for my sake. You alone are the perfect gift.” Zane nuzzled the crook of his neck.
���Do you really mean that?”
“Yes. You are the one person who makes me feel like I can be me and allow me to experience feelings I’ve never felt with anyone else before. Being with you makes me feel... complete.”
“You... took the words right out of my mouth... because I feel the same with you. Even now, with you here, I don’t want to let you go. Zane, I love you.” Cole’s strong arms instinctively wrapped around Zane’s lithe frame despite his earlier fears.
“And I love you too. Nothing will ever change that.”
“Not even the cake?”
“Of course not.”
“So... wanna try it?”
“I think I’d prefer to live many more years with you.”
Cole let out a chuckle at one of the few instances his boyfriend’s sense of humor was on point.
“Would you like to see what I made for you?” Zane offered.
“Definitely. Now let’s go to the living so I can love you.” It was Zane’s turn to giggle at how affectionate the big guy can get and that’s what he loves about him.
No sooner had they sat on the couch did Cole carefully unwrap Zane’s gift. He was pleasantly surprised by a big chocolate heart decorated with cream, icing, and sprinkles with such detail and intricacy he wouldn’t be surprised if Zane took the time placing each little sprinkle onto the chocolate and with the icing, he even wrote ‘For My Love’ in fancy handwriting. Half of him wanted to dig right in while the other half didn’t want to mar such a lovely work of art.
“Go ahead. Please eat up.” Zane encouraged his first half that wanted to try it.
Cole didn’t hesitate to take a big bite out of the chocolate and was pleasantly surprised by what’s inside. The chocolate was filled with a mixture of soft chocolate cake and frosting like one giant cake pop and sandwiched in between was a layer of rich and smooth ganache that melted in his mouth. Even better was all the love and thought Zane put into it just like every other year. He almost gobbled up the whole thing had he not noticed Zane gazing at him the whole time with those mesmerizing crystalline eyes.
“Uh... why don’t you try some?” Cole offered what remained of his latest culinary masterpiece, “You made it yourself and as they say, you reap what you sow.”
“That’s quite alright. I made it just for you to enjoy. I’m simply happy that you like it.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to make something for you in return?”
“After seeing the... results of your efforts... simply buying something will be nice. Like I said, I wouldn’t want you to push yourself. I love you too much to allow you to do that.”
“Oh, so now it’s become a contest on who loves who more?” Cole jested.
“If you think you love me more, prove it.” Zane teased back, motioning with his finger for Cole to come closer.
“With pleasure!” Cole swooped down and pressed his lips against Zane’s, who was just as eager to return the favor and kissed back.
The chocolate was already very sweet but sharing a kiss with Zane will always be a million times sweeter.
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Independent Writers Of Chicago
Independent Writers Of Chicago And you should be prepared to take these lessons with you as you revise what you’ve written and if you begin every new project. Professional writers and authors schedule their writing time frequently and stick to it. They don’t let themselves succumb to writer’s block or lack of inspiration. They may skip a day here and there, however they never give up. For me, my portfolio consists of writing, advertising, and business. Examples of inner enterprise writing include email messages, memos, and reviews while some examples of external enterprise writing are letters and e mail messages. Every great author needs experience, however experience alone isn't enough to turn you from a novice into knowledgeable. You must learn from every typo, each grammatical error, every unclear sentence, and each inconsistency in your narrative. Don’t really feel like you have to have your plot fully worked out before you begin. In fact, many writers favor to make up the story as they go along. Plotting is superb if that’s how you roll, however it’s additionally perfectly acceptable to sit down down and start writing with only a obscure idea of what you’re going to write down about. With my first novel,Beautiful Malice, I started with the first line,I didn’t go to Alice’s funeral,and took it from there. She then spent greater than 20 years researching, analyzing and writing about associated topics, working for multiple weekly publications and a non-public consulting agency. Her areas of professional curiosity additionally include energy and power in China, Iran and the Eastern Mediterranean, and for enjoyable she researches linguistics, neuroscience and disability-related issues. Additionally, she has managed many time-delicate typesetting projects for neighborhood institutions. Jennifer enjoys writing personal essays and lives in Atlanta with her household. Kim Jackson has greater than 20 years of expertise in advertising, communications, journalism and content material strategy. Laura Frnka-Davis, APR is a dedicated communications skilled with greater than 15 years of experience in public relations and advertising. Over the course of her profession, she has spent time at some of Houston’s properly-recognized nonprofits and businesses, together with Texas Children’s Hospital, Pierpont Communications, and LifeGift. Creative Loafing, Draft , Business North Carolina, and Charlotte Magazine. A Stray Dog’s Tale” and “Peculiar Parables for a Dubious Millennium,” are available at Amazon.com and different on-line guide retailers. Regarding business and skilled writing, the connection between writer and reader is vital. The familiarity between the two influences the language used. For example, an employee may write extra informally by way of e-mail to a coworker of the identical hierarchical level than she or he would write through e-mail to his or her employer. In 2011, she acquired her master’s diploma in Advertising from The University of Texas, the place she was accepted into the elite Texas Creative Program for her copywriting expertise. In her free time, Morgan enjoys writing personalised picture books for family and friends. Journalist/Content Maven Judy Cole is the former Editor-in-Chief of Playgirl, Today’s Charlotte Woman, SexIs and Vibrant Living magazine. Her work has been featured at Nerve.com and Men’s Fitness online, and in print at Skirt! But for a very long time I simply waited for individuals to assume I was a good enough writer, expecting the cash to follow that one skill. Almost 95% of US job seekers don't get callbacks from employers or hiring managers. However, most of our customers have confirmed they landed their dream job after they hired our skilled resume writing services. With our professional resume writing companies, we now have helped more than 500,000 applicants secure 3x extra job interviews. Online job board where companies and individuals can join with freelance bloggers and writers. An active member of the Public Relations Society of America Houston Chapter, she graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, where she majored in journalism and minored in advertising. When she’s not writing or pitching the information media, Laura enjoys touring, and taking part in along with her beloved dog, Darla. Jennifer has a background in journalism and Russian space research. She holds a BA from the University of Texas at Austin and an MSFS from Georgetown University. While in graduate college within the mid-Nineties, she developed an interest in the oil and fuel industry of the former Soviet Union and launched a free e-newsletter covering the subject. She has been writing and enhancing since she may pick up a No. 2 pencil. Morgan has worked in advertising and communications for greater than eight years, with a main focus on copywriting and content material creation. With a lifelong interest in language, it isn't surprising that Morgan has a bachelor’s degree in German and Linguistics from Rice University, where she studied greater than eight languages.
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stnent · 7 years
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Summer TV Preview 2017 All the possible hits, from 'Love' to 'Tick'. 1. 'Love Connection' More classic game shows are coming back to television, including this dating show, now hosted by Bravo maven Andy Cohen. (8 p.m., Thursday, May 25, Fox 5) 2. 'Beat Shazam' The app becomes a game show hosted by Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, where contestants try to quickly figure out the name of the song that is playing. For all you oldies like me this sounds suspiciously like "Name That Tune." (9 p.m., Thursday May 25, Fox 5) 3. 'Still Star-Crossed' Welcome to the newest guest to Shondaland. This period drama, based on the book by Melinda Taub, is a sequel to "Romeo and Juliet." Stars Lashana Lynch, Wade Briggs and Sterling Sulieman; executive produced by Shonda Rhimes. (10 p.m., Monday, May 29, ABC 7) 4. 'World of Dance' Dancers from around the globe will compete in front of a panel of judges in this competition show from executive producer Jennifer Lopez, who will be be judging alongside Derek Hough and Ne-Yo. Jenna Dewan Tatum hosts. 10 p.m., Tuesday, May 30, NBC 4) 5. 'I'm Dying Up Here' A drama about comedians. Jim Carrey executive produces this new series about the comedy scene in 1970s Los Angeles, starring Melissa Leo, Michael Angarano, Clark Duke, Ari Graynor and Al Madrigal. (10 p.m., Sunday, June 4, Showtime) 6. 'Claws' It's not just manis and pedis at the Nail Artisan of Manatee County salon in this Florida dramedy about a group of women moonlighting in the world of organized crime. Starring Niecy Nash, Carrie Preston and Harold Perrineau. (9 p.m., Sunday, June 11, TNT) 7. 'Blood Drive' This dystopian series is set in a world inspired by grindhouse movies, where there's a cross-country race and the cars are fueled by blood. Starring Alan Ritchson and Christina Ochoa. (10 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, Syfy) 8. 'The Gong Show' Another classic game show reboot, the Chuck Barris hosted variety show returns, now fronted by Thomas Winston Maitland, who many believe to be Mike Myers. (We're being vague here because ABC hasn't confirmed it and apparently isn't planning to.) Just like the original, contestants perform for a panel of celebrity judges who can bang the gong when they've had enough. (10 p.m., Thursday, June 22, ABC 7) 9. 'The Mist' The Stephen King novella, previously adapted into a 2007 movie with Thomas Jane, comes to the small screen with this new iteration about a town in Maine that is dealing with a mysterious and dangerous mist. Starring Morgan Spector, Alyssa Sutherland and Frances Conroy. (10 p.m., Thursday, June 22, Spike) 10. 'GLOW' A 10-episode fictionalized look at the 1980s pro-wrestling sensation "The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling," starring Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin and Marc Maron. Executive produced by Jenji Kohan ("Orange is the New Black"). (Friday, June 23, Netflix) 11. 'Battle of the Network Stars' Another reboot, you say? This show has actors facing off in physical competitions. ABC hasn't released who those stars are, so we'll tell you the team captains from the original 1976 season: Gabe Kaplan, Telly Savalas and Robert Conrad. Go ask your parents who they are. (9 p.m., Thursday, June 29, ABC 7) 12. 'Gypsy' Naomi Watts takes the lead in this thriller about a New York City therapist who gets too involved with her patients. Billy Crudup plays her husband. (Friday, June 30, Netflix) 13. 'Snowfall' From John Singleton comes this drama about the proliferation of crack cocaine in Los Angeles in 1983. Starring Damson Idris. (10 p.m., Wednesday, July 5, FX) 14. 'Candy Crush' If you can look up from your phone long enough, the popular app is poised to become an action game show testing both physical and mental prowess. Hosted by Mario Lopez. (9 p.m., Sunday, July 9, CBS 2) 15. 'Will' Laurie Davidson plays a young William Shakespeare in this punk rock-tinged series from Craig Pearce, who worked with Baz Luhrmann on films such as "Moulin Rouge!" and "Romeo + Juliet." (9 p.m., Monday, July 10, TNT) 16. 'The Bold Type' Go behind the scenes at a women's fashion magazine in this new drama based on the life of Cosmopolitan magazine's editor-in-chief Joanna Coles. Starring Aisha Dee, Katie Stevens and Matt Ward. (9 p.m., Tuesday, July 11, Freeform) 17. 'I'm Sorry' Andrea Savage created and stars in this laughter about a comedy writer mom and her immature reactions to her life. Hopefully better than it sounds. (10 p.m., Wednesday July 12, TruTV) 18. 'Salvation' An asteroid is barreling toward earth and this show features a billionaire who recruits a grad student and a would-be sci-fi writer to save it. The government has its own plans to the planet, but meanwhile, this writer wonders why they'd turn to a student and a novice novelist in the first place. (9 p.m., Wednesday, July 12, CBS 2) 19. 'Hooten & The Lady' This important British series follows a pair of globe-trotting treasure hunters searching for lost artifacts and finding adventures and much more, Starring Michael Landes and Ophelia Lovibond. (9 p.m., Thursday, July 13, The CW / WPIX 11) 20 . 'Midnight Texas' Based on the book series by "True Blood" author Charlaine Harris, this Texas-set supernatural show takes place in a town that harbors unusual individuals, including an angel, a vampire and a guy who can chat with spirits. Starring Francois Arnaud, Dylan Bruce and Sarah Romos. (10 p.m., Monday, July 24, NBC 4) 21. 'Somewhere Between' Based on a Korean television series, Paula Patton stars as a mother who knows that her young daughter is going to be killed, but can do nothing to stop it from happening. So what's a mom best option? Time travel, of course. (10 p.m., Monday, July 24, ABC 7) 22. 'Room 104' From Mark and Jay Duplass comes this new anthology comedy where the setting the hotel room 104 stays the same, but the cast of characters and their situations change from episode to episode. (11 p.m., Friday, July 28, HBO) 23. 'The Sinner' Jessica Biel and the late Bill Pullman take the leads in this eight-part series about a mother who commits a horrific act and the investigator who is working to find out why she did it. (10 p.m., Wednesday, August 2, USA) 24. 'Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update' It's not on Saturday. It's not the weekend. And it's not clear if it will be live. Hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che will be doing their thing on Thursday with guest spots by some other "SNL" favorites. (9 p.m., Thursday, August 10, NBC 4) 25. 'Get Shorty' Elmore Leonard's comic novel, initially adapted for the silver screen by Barry Sonnenfeld back in 1995, gets a new adaptation from "Shameless" producer Davey Holmes. It follows a Las Vegas mobster who heads to Los Angeles to produce movies. Starring Chris O'Dowd and Ray Romano. (10 p.m., Sunday, August 13, Epix) 26. 'Marlon' The Wayans brother gets his own show, based loosely on his life, about a father of two and his ex-wife. (9 p.m., Wednesday, August 16, NBC 4) 27. 'Marvel's The Defenders' All your favorite Netflix Marvel Superheroes, Daredevil (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter) and Iron Fist (Finn Jones), come together for this big team up where they have to keep New York City safe from a huge threat. (Friday, August 18, Netflix) 28. 'There's ... Johnny' Paul Reiser created and writes this behind-the-scenes series set in the 1970s, about a 19-year-old Midwesterner who gets a job working on "The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson" In an interesting and potentially eventful twist, the show is being made in conjunction with the Carson Estate and will feature classic footage from the iconic series interspersed in the new show. (Thursday, August 24, Seeso) 29. 'Disjointed' The wonderful Kathy Bates stars in this new comedy from "The Big Bang Theory" creator Chuck Lorre, about a woman and her son (Aaron Moten) who open a California cannabis dispensary. (Friday, August 25, Netflix) 30. 'The Tick' The blue-clad superhero gets his third (!) television series. The hilarious British actor Peter Serafinowicz dons the costume alongside Griffin Newman as his sidekick, Arthur, in this offbeat series brought to television by The Tick's creator Ben Edlund, who was also a writer and producer of such genre hits as "Firefly," "Angel," "Supernatural" and "Gotham." (Friday August 25, Amazon)
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joanndromeda · 7 years
Welcome Back
Hello. I had quite the experience last month; three weeks ago, I graduated from university! The final weeks following my graduation day were filled with nothing but relief, anxiety, excitement, and a culmination of uncertainties waiting to be explored. On the day of the ceremony, my friends and family joined me for this important milestone. It was a significant moment for all of us to see me walk up the stage, receive the embroidered casing for my diploma, and get hooded with the final piece to my regalia. First-generation student. First surname of my kind in the family lineage to earn a bachelor’s from a four-year institution. First woman in the family to graduate from university. Woman of color. Magna cum laude graduate. As my friends used to tell my old timid self, “Say it loud and proud.” So yes, this is my greatest achievement thus far. I’ve since then been relaxing while taking time off from job hunting and composing my cover letters. It’s been a restful intermission in my life so far, and I don’t take it for granted.
Initially, I thought I would take this resting period to begin blogging my experiences in college, what I’ve learned thus far since entering young adulthood, what I should or plan to do with my position in larger society, and everything else fueling my existential crisis. I have A LOT to say. My mind is racing with thoughts and I’m excited to break them up and delve into their different dimensions. I, however, recalled a post that one of my beloved internet celebrities posted on his Instagram. He finished writing in his 12th journal. In other words, he finished journaling 12-books worth of his own thoughts that no social media outlet can ever bare witness to. I find that awe-inspiring. When I think about how much people overshare and curate their identity in the cesspool of social media, I become less and less enthuse about others’ integrity. The amount of filters, needless perfection, curation, artificiality, and overexposure we feed into how we want people to perceive us and how we apparently live our day-to-day lives on the media is alarming. Just scratching the surface, it’s an arduous and dishonest interaction we have with ourselves, others, and the rest of the world. Obviously, I don’t want to conflate these people with those who are actually genuine (if being truly genuine is even a thing in the online world) and non-showy on social media.
There is just something about having a sense of liberation and peace of mind that journaling in your own private space provides. I can’t put my finger on it, but how intimate, how raw, how sincere. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t see myself fully quitting blogging. Taking a dual approach, though, I’m considering the possibility of starting up a journal and being fully (but humanly) committed to it. There are just so many things I want to say, and I want to be openly and boldly honest with myself as I go about it. I want to have a physical archive that I can easily access right in the palms of my hands. And perhaps one day, I want to use the journal to express and share my innermost, intimate words with those dearest to me. I don’t have an empty, quality journal at the moment. But I don’t mind starting one of my first entries on here. As long as I know I’m true to myself. So one of the things I’ve learned in this journey we call life is that I am not a one-dimensional, static character following some simple linear path. I am multifaceted. More specifically, it’s surreal to me to learn how many of my hobbies and interests make odd couples or juxtapose each other. And that’s what I love about myself; I love the unusual or atypical combination of hobbies and interests that make me who I am. That’s what makes me multifaceted. So here it is:
I’m Joanne. I am multifaceted. I like doodling, drawing, sketching, and watercolor painting. Watercolor painting is the hardest paint medium I’ve used, but I appreciate the small and certain progress when I see it. l like baking and making sweet treats. I’ve recently made cookies ‘n cream bars and homemade marshmallow matcha cookies. I’m considering dedicating a separate journal to all the cooking and baking recipes I’ve mastered. I like writing poetry. This hobby is new for me and I just finished my first serious poem back in February. I’m obviously not good at it and I sometimes feel discouraged when I jump right into the writing process. About a month or two ago, though, I had the honor of attending a private lunch and poetry reading by an award-winning Southeast Asian-American poet. She was incredibly inspiring, and she definitely boosted my poetry game as a Southeast Asian-American myself. In my future journal, I plan to incorporate my own poems. I like using psychological and sociological concepts to help inform my everyday life, politics, and just larger society. And I just like discussing them in fruitful conversations. Although it’s pretty difficult for me to get a jumpstart in reading a psychological or sociological academic journal, once I get started, I become pretty engrossed in the author’s argument, theories, and findings. I archive some summaries of journals in a separate file folder because I think they’re that valuable and fascinating. I like feminism. I hold strong feminist beliefs but I don’t slap myself with the title. Feminist has become such a buzzword. I think holding that title should only be honored to those who are active in the sociopolitical climate, who speak up against misogyny and patriarchy on a regular basis, and who make strides in restructuring the system that produces and maintains institutional inequality. Calling yourself a feminist because you simply “believe in gender equality” just to then go right on about your merry day? Lazy. I like listening to underground and alternative hip hop. A few of my favorite groups that I’ve been listening to since middle school include Hieroglyphics, A Tribe Called Quest, and Pharcyde. Just a few years back, I read a few books about the origin of hip hop and its prominent role in Black youth’s sociopolitical commentary, political activism, and Afrocentrism. Since then, my appreciation for (non-)mainstream hip hop has grown. But don’t get me wrong; I think mainstream artists like Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole are spitting great, woke material. I also recommend giving T.I.’s “Warzone” song a good listen. Along with hip hop, I like listening to Japanese hip hop instrumental beats. Old favorites include Nujabes, DJ Okawari, and I can’t forget my beloved, TOKiMONSTA, who is Korean American. Low-key artists that I like listening to when I want some simple, feel-good electric beats are COR!S, AZUpubschool, and their musical collaboration, KiWi. I like photography. Although I’m still a novice, I finished a social documentary class project last month on the communal and environmental degradation of my city’s parks. Artist proposal and statement, window matted photographs cut and framed by hand, the whole shebang. Social documentary photography is one of my favorite types of photography; I just really appreciate the impact of different social commentaries. Honorable shoutout to Barbara Kruger for revitalizing the conceptual art scene and calling out capitalism, consumerism, and racial and gender stereotypes in her work. I like anything that is deemed cute. Extra brownie points if it’s also something I can use. I own a cat pencil pouch that I had used during my final year in school, I sleep in a pink blanket that is printed with ponies, and I just have a large Darth Vader Tsum Tsum sitting on my bed. Speaking of Darth, I like Star Wars and any action-packed story with a good plot. As a kid, I actually used to be pretty well-versed about the Marvel and DC world. Boys at school used to test my knowledge and were always surprised at how much I knew. I drastically strayed away from comic book movies and shows over the years, though. I like anime. The anime world has serious problems, though (e.g., pedophilia, hypersexualization of young female characters, etc.), and I fully acknowledge that. Otherwise, I’d like to say I don’t have a preference but I know I gravitate towards shonen and seinen anime. Any show or manga that incorporates some combination of comedy, dark fantasy, science fiction, action, relationships, mystery, and politics makes for a promising watch. Light-hearted, easy-to-watch shows like Shirokuma Cafe are hard to pass up, though.
I have some other hobbies and interests that I could talk about, but I think this thorough and exhausting entry does solid justice. I’m Joanne. I am multifaceted.
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heartslogos · 8 years
send the morning [18]
“But what if Mother and Father don’t approve of him, Maxwell?” Evelyn wrings her hands together, “I want them to approve. Cullen is such a good man. Not a word, Cole.”
Dorian glances at Cole who ducks his head down and murmurs something to himself.
“Who cares what they think, Evelyn? You’re the Inquisitor of Thedas,” Maxwell waves a hand, “You’ve killed how many high dragons? Demons? Foiled how many plots? Give me a refresher because I wasn’t there for some of it because you are terrible and told Josephine she could send me off to discuss things with people. As an aside - are you out of your mind about that? Me? Discuss things? With people?”
“I know, Evelyn, Maxwell can’t hold a discussion on any one particular topic to save his life,” Dorian snorts, “Are you going to finish writing that letter anytime soon? I know you wanted me around for moral support and such, and I do want to be supportive, but there’s only so much time in a day and watching you stare at a pen and paper like they’re going to kill you loses its charm after about an hour or two.”
Evelyn grimaces. “I just. How do I even start?”
“For one thing, I’m pretty sure most people know that you and the Commander are engaged in the most respectable and fictitious - in that it seems like it came out of a work of incredibly cliched theater, rather than it being false - courtship. Chances are this isn’t news, more like a formality,” Dorian says.
“A formality that will open the gates to a conversation that may end up very, very poorly,” Evelyn says.
“What does it matter?” Maxwell frowns, “They sent you to prison when you were twelve.”
“The Circle wasn’t a prison, Maxwell.”
“And they used me as an excuse,” Maxwell continues, voice gaining an electric edge.
Evelyn closes her eyes, “We went over this, Maxwell. They were right.”
“Well we haven’t come to terms of agreement just yet on that one,” Maxwell scowls.
Dorian looks between them, “Is this where I leave? Getting a little too personal?”
“It’s fine,” The Trevelyans say.
“Point is, who gives a shit about what your parents think?”
“You know, Maxwell,” Dorian says, “I know it sounds like a myth but apparently there are people in this world who care very deeply about what their parents think. Unlike you. I, for one, am a very reluctant example. Evelyn seems to be a more enthusiastic one.”
Maxwell waves his hand, “On the contrary, Dorian. I care deeply about what my parents think. I’ve just realized they don’t care about what I think at all. And that makes all the difference.”
Bull moves between Skinner and Dorian and a rage demon - he’s keenly aware of the fact that a giant hole opened up somewhere near the back of the fortress, and that a giant Arch Demon flew into it, and that the chances are that the Inquisitor was right in the middle of it are stupid high. That woman is a walking danger magnet. But there isn’t the time to think about how far down south this entire situation has plummeted.
“Alright?” Bull yells, and maybe Adaar is right and he is getting old because the bones of his arms are beginning to ache from holding off the blows of swords and maces with his own weapons.
“Working on it,” Dorian yells back, hauling Skinner up, “Dalish, where are you?”
“I’m out,” Dalish yells, twirling her staff and slamming it into an unfortunate Warden’s head, “I’m flush out, Pavus. Don’t you look at me.”
“Well I’m out, too,” Dorian yells back, “Fuck.”
Bull feels the stone of the ramparts tremble.
“What the fuck now?” He turns and grunts because he’s so busy staring like a novice that he misses the fear demon that just narrowly misses probably shredding his shoulder to pieces because a warden is thrown into it and both go over the ramparts.
“Maker’s fucking cock,” Krem says over the almost sort of silence that descends in the face of that, “Please tell me that thing is on our side.”
“Creators,” Dalish breathes, “The Dread Wolf laughs at us all.”
“Is that a fucking bear?” Rocky says, “Ancestors damn it, Trevelyan, how bad is your luck that you’re attracting bears in the desert?”
“I think,” Bull says as the bear that takes up almost the entire path with its girth swipes out with an angry bellow and sends demons, wardens, and Venatori - who slipped in somewhere between the Arch Demon and the giant green hole - flying over the walls, “It’s on our side.”
Then the bear sees them and roars, and begins to run - charge - in earnest. And this bear. This bear is probably as big as the bears at the Graves.
Bull swears, and the bear barrels straight past him and tackles a pride demon head on, bellowing so deep it rattles Bull’s brain.
“Tell me one of you has potions,” Bull glances back and sees Mahanon dragging Cole behind him with Solas laying down cover fire behind them. “Because Cole is falling apart and Solas is down to his last lyrium potion.”
“All out,” Dalish says, “Is that Ellana?”
“Sometimes,” Mahanon says, and then cryptically, “Not for much longer.”
Bull turns back towards the bear, that - this close  and without the distraction of Wardens, Venatori, and demons clogging the area; funny how a giant angry bear can clear out a fight so fast - on the black fur he can make out lighter lines that vaguely remind him of Ellana’s vallaslin.
“Fucking hell,” Bull says because this makes sense.
Ellana’s fangs are firmly dug into the pride demon’s neck as she physically drags it down to the ground and begins to rip into it in earnest.
“Maker,” Dorian breathes.
“Not your Maker,” Mahanon snorts, and when Bull turns to look he’s clasped a hand to the side of Dorian’s neck and is checking him over, “Anyone seen the Cadash and Adaar?”
“Kaaras is on the opposite ramparts with Varric and Hawke’s group last I saw, and I know the Valo-kas were supposed to be holding the gates with Blackwall and Sera but they might have moved around,” Rocky says. “We need to get to Stitches.”
Mahanon looks them over, “Stitches is outside?”
“Yes,” Dalish says.
“Ellana will hold the rampart,” Mahanon says, “I’ll get you down to him and come back. Dorian, will you stay with her?”
“Dorian is out, too,” Bull says, “I’ll stay. Grim, go with them.”
“I will stay,” Solas says, “Bring back a few lyrium bottles and I will be fine.”
Ellana roars, throwing the pretty much dead pride demon to the side with her jaws and turning towards them, rising on her hind legs and grunting.
“Stay,” Mahanon yells at her, “I’ll be back for you.”
Ellana lets out a low rumble and swipes a paw out, a loud crunch following when she makes contact with a Venatori fighter who got too close and didn’t have the sense to crouch.
“Keep her here,” Mahanon says, and when the Iron Bull looks Mahanon is looking directly at him. “Keep her. Please.”
There is meaning behind those words that the Iron Bull doesn’t have the context to understand.
“I got her,” Bull says anyway, and it feels true; not a lie. “Go. I’ve got her.”
Blackwall wakes up to a touch of something cold on his face, and he jerks into movement - fist swinging and hitting nothing but air.
As his vision clears and sorts out shadows, he sees -
“You?” Her name slips from his mind for a moment before it resolves itself - “Lavellan?”
The woman crouches, out of reach - eyes glowing in that strange fashion elf eyes tend to do in low light.
She tilts her head.
How did she get so close without him noticing?
“What are you doing here?” He asks, cautious and uncertain. He’s never seen her talk. She’s a peculiar sort of woman. “Is something wrong?”
She sits, head tilted for a while and Blackwall runs a hand down his face. He’s never had the patience for this sort of thing.
“What are you doing here?” Blackwall freezes, looking back up at her. She continues to stare at him. “You,” her voice is deep, low, and it slowly pushes through his chest and presses against the bone there, “Are not a Warden.”
It’s like a bucket of ice was poured directly into him. His ears seem to ring and fill with silence at once.
“You,” She repeats head tilting to the other side as she looks at him, “Are not a Warden.”
“That’s a serious accusation to make,” He says.
“That is a serious lie to spread,” She replies, “I will not say anything. There is a reason why you are lying. There is a reason behind this secret. I will keep it for you, not-Warden. But if you ever wanted to escape this trap you have made for yourself, simply ask. We all have secrets. I will help you out of yours.”
She slowly stands, eerie and quiet, and leaves.
He stares at the place she was.
How did she know?
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Planning to Self-Publish Your First Book? Avoid These 6 Rookie Mistakes at All Costs
July 20, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Writing a book might not be the first thing that comes to mind for growing your business, but this can go a long way in helping entrepreneurs establish their credentials and industry expertise. It helps get your name out there, and can even lead to media coverage for you and your company.
Best of all, the rise of self-publishing has made authorship more accessible than ever for entrepreneurs. You don’t need to seek out a deal with a major publisher. Instead, you can self-publish and start selling your book on Amazon or promoting it through your site.
While self-publishing allows you to get your book to market quickly, self-publishing is rife with potential pitfalls. Avoiding these six rookie mistakes will ensure that you look like a professional, not a novice.
1. Skipping the editing process
You aren’t done with your book once you type “the end” or its equivalent. Books published by major publishers go through several rounds of revisions and edits before they hit store shelves. If you neglect editing your self-published book, you risk coming across as sloppy and unprofessional.
Editing should cover grammar and spelling issues, but it can also reveal flaws in the structure or organization of your book. You might not have put enough emphasis on certain topics, or maybe you repeated certain points multiple times in the text. Enlist the help of a few beta readers to go through your manuscript to get an idea of what is or isn’t working.
Related: Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book
2. Picking a poor title
A title can make or break any piece of entertainment — be it a book, newspaper article or movie. Your title needs to grab the audience’s attention while still giving them an idea of what to expect in your book.
One common suggestion for business and other nonfiction books is to combine a “creative” title with an indicative subtitle that tells readers what your book is about.
As one example, Greenville University’s Deloy Cole explains, “Eats, Shoots and Leaves: A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is a masterful combination of creative title with meticulous, content-oriented subtitle. The title alone wouldn’t make a reader aware of the book’s subject (apart from actually reading the book), but the subtitle turns the book into something other than an ambiguous scene of gustatory violence.”
3. Not hiring a professional cover designer
Few things will drive readers away like an ugly front cover. The visual elements of your book’s cover will often catch a reader’s eye before the title does. Unless you’re a professional graphic designer, this means you should turn this job over to a professional who will design an engaging cover that matches the content of your book.
Just how important is a book cover, exactly?
A survey by The Book Smugglers found that 79 percent of readers reported that book covers played a “decisive role” when deciding to buy a book, with 48 percent saying the cover played “a major role.” With hardcover books, 40 percent said an ugly cover would even keep them from buying a book they were previously interested in.
4. Neglecting your book’s marketing needs
Many entrepreneurs self-publish a book as a form of marketing agency for their business. But your book also needs to be marketed to make an impact. In an email conversation, J.J. Hebert, president of MindStir Media, a self-publishing services company, explained, “Every book needs a marketing agency plan that starts before release and continues for at least a few months after the book releases. Hundreds of thousands of books are self-published every year. A few social media posts aren’t going to get you the traction you need to stand out and get meaningful sales numbers.”
In addition to social media campaigns, self-published authors should use email lists and newsletters to tell subscribers about the book. Actively participating in online industry groups will ensure that when you talk about your book, you won’t come across as spammy. Media outreach (especially on a local level) can also drive momentum for your book release.
5. Forgetting print and digital formatting
Self-publishing is very much a DIY endeavor — and that often includes formatting the book. Even if you’ve thoroughly edited your book’s content, it will still look sloppy and unprofessional if the text isn’t formatted properly. Even seemingly minor details like section breaks or the type of file you upload can make a difference.
Authors should be mindful of all formatting guidelines for the program they are using and carefully review the text for any issues before publishing. Remember, ebooks and print books often have different formatting standards. You’ll want to review all versions of your book to ensure that digital readers don’t get an inferior experience.
Related: 3 Lessons You’ll Learn by Writing a Book About Your Business
6. Poor pricing
Be careful to avoid overpricing or underpricing your book. Pricing a self-published ebook for over $10 will seem too expensive for many buyers. On the other hand, underpricing could indicate to readers that your book isn’t very good. For ebooks, the self-publishing sweet spot is usually around $2.99 to $5.99, depending on the length of the book.
For print books, you can (and should) go higher to cover the related printing costs. Many full-length paperbacks will sell for $14.99, and some business books are even more. Find a good balance between profitability and an attractive price point.
Set yourself up for self-publishing success
When done right, self-publishing can make a big difference for your personal brand. It can even serve as an additional source of revenue that earns money on its own in addition to driving new leads to your business. By taking the time to do self-publishing right, you will make more sales and make a strong, positive impression on your readers.
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source http://www.scpie.org/planning-to-self-publish-your-first-book-avoid-these-6-rookie-mistakes-at-all-costs/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/624226358762045440
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sufficientsucker · 6 years
Your Friendly Neighborhood Pool Guy cp.1
“I can’t believe you lied to me!” Harry exclaims as he throws himself down in the seat next to me.
“I’m sorry, what have I lied about?” He looks absolutely ridiculous, his mouth hung agap, just flabbergasted, until he takes a moment to gather himself. After which he relaxes into the bus seat with a smug look across his face.
“You aren’t gay.” He says matter-of-factly. “Can’t be, not when you just kissed Gwen.” He elbows my side.  
“First off all, that has absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality. Secondly how in the- who told you?” Harry grin at that moment is completely predatory and somehow- youthful at the same time.
“Oh, sweet Peter, no one had to tell me, we all saw it happen. My, my, was that your first kiss you looked so shocked. Tell me, how was it?” I push at his shoulder as he shimmies up next to me wiggling his eyebrows like the perverted neanderthal he is.
“You of all people would that it was my first kiss.” He nods solemnly. “And I honestly don’t remember how it was because I was so shocked I didn’t really think about it.”
“Ugh, Peter Parker, the nerdiest, of all nerds, Geek King! Gets to kiss, the one and only Gwen Stacy and, and he doesn’t even remember what it was like! Only you Parker, only you.” Harry shakes his head laughing, but it’s just how he is, he teases even when he doesn’t mean it. “First kiss, huh? Would have thought you’d be freaking out.” He eye’s me septically.
“Oh I completely am.” I lift my hands so he can see the way the tremble, and he takes them laughing.
“You are so adorably inexperienced. You best be careful with who you let know of your naivety, someone might use that against you.” He smirks.
“Yeah? And who would want anything from little ol’ me, Harry?” He shrugs.
“Who knows Pete, who knows.”
The rest of the ride to the Advanced Science Museum is relatively quite as Harry is preoccupied with his phone and whichever girl he’s taken a fancy to at the moment. Harry’s affection is vivid and fleeting, how we managed to stay friends for so long is beyond me, but through all the years he’s remained loyal. We got close when Harry’s mom died and haven’t spend more than a month apart since, even then, when he can Harry finds a way to talk his dad into taking me with them. And Aunt May can’t get enough of him, thinks he hung the stars or something, I mean well, he did help me put the glow in the dark stars up, so.
And, and maybe I have a crush on him, okay. It’s not that unheard of to like your best friend alright. Really it’s not like I would ever tell him, so where’s the harm in liking him? God I’m pathetic, but there’s no time to thick about that because we’re here now. Flash Thompson is at the front of the bus talking loudly like usual but he’s also wearing the same shirt from Friday with the same stain at top hem, ketchup from lunch on Tuesday. How has no one noticed? Honestly that doesn’t matter, because he’s saying my name with a wicked look on his face and that’s never good.
“Parker.” He says lowly. “It’s not nice to make pretty girls cry, even if you are a fag.” Oh great. Harry stands from beside him and glares at Flash.
“I’d watch myself if I were you Thompson. What was it the principle said? One more slip up and you’re out? What would your dad say?” There’s an edge to Harry’s voice that’s equal part threatening and changellenging. Pure rage over takes Flash's face as he lunges toward Harry but there’s multiple seats full of people between them allowing his friends to grab him before he makes anything worse for himself. One of the teacher chaperones for the trip comes onto the bus at that moment.
“Flash? What’s going on here?” She asks, clearly tired of having to have these conversations with the boy in question.
“Harry started it!” He exclaims like a child caught red-handed, which I guess he really is.
“Flash.” She sighs in disappointment. “When are you going to start taking responsibility for your actions?” She shakes her head and turns to the rest of us. “Everyone please stand and exit the bus quitely. Flash you’re out first please wait for me.” He leaves reluctantly and everyone stands.
It doesn’t take long for everyone to line up outside the buses, where we wait for our wristbands. The Advanced Science Museum is doing a special exhibit on genetically modified animals and insects. It’s a collaborative work between Stark Industries and Oscorp. Harry stands next to me and proudly displaces his wrist for the teacher who promptly puts a band on him.
“You’re going to shit yourself Parker.” He says to me as she takes my wrist, making her look up at him scoldingly. “Sorry,” He whispers.
“Is that so?” I ask him, seeing how excited he truly seems now that we’re here.
“Oh yeah, so much science and all that geeky nerd stuff. Totally going to cream yourself.” I can’t help the smile that pulls at my lips.
“I thought you said I was going to shit myself?” I pout and he looks at me grabbing my cheeks like he’s done since we were children.
“No pouting Parker, and yes I did, but think about it really, science turns you on and you know it.” The blush on my face in furious and spreading as he laughs because on it. He leans in close, almost too close, not that I'm complaining though and whispers. “Maybe I can get some of the official documents for you, hmm? That’s the kind of thing you get off too right?” I push him away as he laughs more. “I’m just joking. But seriously, I’ll see about those papers.”
“Harry, please.”
“Shh.” He presses his fingers to my lips. “No need to thank me.” I roll my eyes at him but then the teachers are give us permission to make our way inside. As we approach the counter a man in a suit makes himself known, raising his hands and guiding us into a half circle around him.
“Thank you,” He states. “I’m Obadiah Stane.” He smiles as the few who know his name gasp and begin to whisper to each other, and I grab Harry’s sleeve.
“You knew he was going to be here didn’t you?” I ask him.
“Of course I did, Pete.” He throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer so I’m standing at an odd angle leaning against him. “Cream your pants yet?”
“I hate you.” I say pushing away from him and trying in vain to fix my hair.
“Aw, come on, no you don’t.” Harry smiles and it’s devastating. It always is when he smiles. Someone clears their throat at the front of the room, and I can feel the blush creep up my face.
“Orborn.” Obadiah says blandly.
“Sorry.” Harry ducks his head in apology, but I can see his dimples as he grin at the floor.
“As I was saying,” Stane continues. “This is exhibit displays a number or genetically modified animals and insects-” There’s a cough that sound suspiciously like someone commenting on animal cruelty, that goes ignored. “As such you must take caution, for even in their displays they are still dangerous. Shall we?” I feel Harry nudge my shoulder with his as everyone begins to move forward.
“I need to take pictures, Harry.” I definitely did not just whine at him, nope, not me.
“So take your picture quickly, and come on.” He doesn’t even turn around, and I take the chance to get him in the picture. I rush over to his side and try to get a look ahead and he huffs a small laugh. “Eager?” He asks and I just nod without looking at him.
“Here we have a few of our smaller specimens.” Stane says from somewhere.
“I can’t see from here.” I mumble, but Harry hears it.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get there, it’s not like there’s a rush or anything we have all day. And even if we don’t see everything I’m sure Dad wouldn’t mind pulling some connections-” Harry whispers to me but I interrupt him.
“Harry, you can’t keeping having your dad pull connections for you forever you know?” He sighs and shakes his head.
“I’m just saying you don’t have to worry, Pete.” It’s quiet for awhile after that as everyone shuffles through the exhibit listening to Obadiah talk about one of the animals at length and then moves on. By the time we’re all at the insects exhibit it’s around four which is about when school would usually get out.
“Unfortunately we’ll have to cut this short Mr. Stane.” One of the teachers says. Stane gives a nod and apologies.
“I see, I’m sorry were weren’t able to get to the insects.” Everyone else smiles but are extremely thankful to be leaving. Harry pulls on my arm separating us from the rest of the group.
“Harry what are you doing?” I ask pulling on my arm to try and get back to the group but his grip only tightens.
“You want to see the insects right?” He counters.
“We’re supposed to be leaving-” He again puts his finger over my lips quieting me as he pulls out his phone obviously going to call his Dad. “He-ury.” I whine, yep I fucking whined.
“Dad!” He smiles brightly. “Yes it was great, but you see, well Peter is inconsolable, we didn’t get to see the insects. He just won’t stop crying.” I know I’m blushing from the way Harry’s eyes sparkle with mischief. “You will? Really? Oh Peter’s going to be so happy thank you.” The call ends and within the next second one of the teachers phones is going off. She answers quickly scanning the room to find Harry and I. “Sorry Pete.” He grabs me before I can react and pulls me to his chest making “shh”-ing noise to me.
“Harry, Peter,” She says coming up behind me. “Sorry, he was really looking forward to this.” Harry tells her. “Yes I know, your father called and said it’d be okay if you stayed and that he’ll send a car for you when you’re ready to leave.”
“Thank you.” Harry sighs holding me a little closer. “You hear that Peter, we can still see the insects.” He’s really playing it up for the teacher who touches my back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.” I feel her leave and then pull away from Harry.
“You’re sick.” I tell him.
“You like it.” He says, and I shake my head going off toward the insects section.
“These are spiders.” I point out and Harry laughs.
“Yep, that they are Pete, what did you expect?”
“Insects?” I turn to him and he gives me a confused look. “Spiders aren’t insects.”
“They aren’t?” He looks around and shrugs. “Well we’re here so?” I roll my eyes yet again and start looking through each display case. There’s a few that have placards in front of them explaining what modifications the spiders have. In the middle of all the display cases came the largest, with a huge web slung across the center but no spider to be found.
“Hey, Harry,” He turns from the other arachnids he’d been looking at. “This one’s empty.” He squints into the display trying to find the spider.
“Huh, guess they had some test to run or something.” I nod along and begin to turn to the next display when something lands on my head. I freeze.
“Harry?” I ask sceptically. He hmms from a few feet away. Which means it can’t have been him, and then the fear starts to set in. My hands fly up without thought and I start patting my head furiously yelling the whole time and completely freaking Harry out.
“Pete, holy shit, what is going on!” He yells and then I feel it. This sharp pain radiating from the back of my right hand.
“Fuck.” I shout pulling my hand down only to watch a spider drop off my hand, I scream and look at the already forming bump growing steadily larger on my hand. “Harry?” My voice shakes and Harry looks at me in bewilderment. “It bit me.” And now I really am crying.
“Oh Peter.”
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scpie · 4 years
Planning to Self-Publish Your First Book? Avoid These 6 Rookie Mistakes at All Costs
July 20, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Writing a book might not be the first thing that comes to mind for growing your business, but this can go a long way in helping entrepreneurs establish their credentials and industry expertise. It helps get your name out there, and can even lead to media coverage for you and your company.
Best of all, the rise of self-publishing has made authorship more accessible than ever for entrepreneurs. You don’t need to seek out a deal with a major publisher. Instead, you can self-publish and start selling your book on Amazon or promoting it through your site.
While self-publishing allows you to get your book to market quickly, self-publishing is rife with potential pitfalls. Avoiding these six rookie mistakes will ensure that you look like a professional, not a novice.
1. Skipping the editing process
You aren’t done with your book once you type “the end” or its equivalent. Books published by major publishers go through several rounds of revisions and edits before they hit store shelves. If you neglect editing your self-published book, you risk coming across as sloppy and unprofessional.
Editing should cover grammar and spelling issues, but it can also reveal flaws in the structure or organization of your book. You might not have put enough emphasis on certain topics, or maybe you repeated certain points multiple times in the text. Enlist the help of a few beta readers to go through your manuscript to get an idea of what is or isn’t working.
Related: Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book
2. Picking a poor title
A title can make or break any piece of entertainment — be it a book, newspaper article or movie. Your title needs to grab the audience’s attention while still giving them an idea of what to expect in your book.
One common suggestion for business and other nonfiction books is to combine a “creative” title with an indicative subtitle that tells readers what your book is about.
As one example, Greenville University’s Deloy Cole explains, “Eats, Shoots and Leaves: A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is a masterful combination of creative title with meticulous, content-oriented subtitle. The title alone wouldn’t make a reader aware of the book’s subject (apart from actually reading the book), but the subtitle turns the book into something other than an ambiguous scene of gustatory violence.”
3. Not hiring a professional cover designer
Few things will drive readers away like an ugly front cover. The visual elements of your book’s cover will often catch a reader’s eye before the title does. Unless you’re a professional graphic designer, this means you should turn this job over to a professional who will design an engaging cover that matches the content of your book.
Just how important is a book cover, exactly?
A survey by The Book Smugglers found that 79 percent of readers reported that book covers played a “decisive role” when deciding to buy a book, with 48 percent saying the cover played “a major role.” With hardcover books, 40 percent said an ugly cover would even keep them from buying a book they were previously interested in.
4. Neglecting your book’s marketing needs
Many entrepreneurs self-publish a book as a form of marketing agency for their business. But your book also needs to be marketed to make an impact. In an email conversation, J.J. Hebert, president of MindStir Media, a self-publishing services company, explained, “Every book needs a marketing agency plan that starts before release and continues for at least a few months after the book releases. Hundreds of thousands of books are self-published every year. A few social media posts aren’t going to get you the traction you need to stand out and get meaningful sales numbers.”
In addition to social media campaigns, self-published authors should use email lists and newsletters to tell subscribers about the book. Actively participating in online industry groups will ensure that when you talk about your book, you won’t come across as spammy. Media outreach (especially on a local level) can also drive momentum for your book release.
5. Forgetting print and digital formatting
Self-publishing is very much a DIY endeavor — and that often includes formatting the book. Even if you’ve thoroughly edited your book’s content, it will still look sloppy and unprofessional if the text isn’t formatted properly. Even seemingly minor details like section breaks or the type of file you upload can make a difference.
Authors should be mindful of all formatting guidelines for the program they are using and carefully review the text for any issues before publishing. Remember, ebooks and print books often have different formatting standards. You’ll want to review all versions of your book to ensure that digital readers don’t get an inferior experience.
Related: 3 Lessons You’ll Learn by Writing a Book About Your Business
6. Poor pricing
Be careful to avoid overpricing or underpricing your book. Pricing a self-published ebook for over $10 will seem too expensive for many buyers. On the other hand, underpricing could indicate to readers that your book isn’t very good. For ebooks, the self-publishing sweet spot is usually around $2.99 to $5.99, depending on the length of the book.
For print books, you can (and should) go higher to cover the related printing costs. Many full-length paperbacks will sell for $14.99, and some business books are even more. Find a good balance between profitability and an attractive price point.
Set yourself up for self-publishing success
When done right, self-publishing can make a big difference for your personal brand. It can even serve as an additional source of revenue that earns money on its own in addition to driving new leads to your business. By taking the time to do self-publishing right, you will make more sales and make a strong, positive impression on your readers.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/planning-to-self-publish-your-first-book-avoid-these-6-rookie-mistakes-at-all-costs/
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Planning to Self-Publish Your First Book? Avoid These 6 Rookie Mistakes at All Costs
July 20, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Writing a book might not be the first thing that comes to mind for growing your business, but this can go a long way in helping entrepreneurs establish their credentials and industry expertise. It helps get your name out there, and can even lead to media coverage for you and your company.
Best of all, the rise of self-publishing has made authorship more accessible than ever for entrepreneurs. You don’t need to seek out a deal with a major publisher. Instead, you can self-publish and start selling your book on Amazon or promoting it through your site.
While self-publishing allows you to get your book to market quickly, self-publishing is rife with potential pitfalls. Avoiding these six rookie mistakes will ensure that you look like a professional, not a novice.
1. Skipping the editing process
You aren’t done with your book once you type “the end” or its equivalent. Books published by major publishers go through several rounds of revisions and edits before they hit store shelves. If you neglect editing your self-published book, you risk coming across as sloppy and unprofessional.
Editing should cover grammar and spelling issues, but it can also reveal flaws in the structure or organization of your book. You might not have put enough emphasis on certain topics, or maybe you repeated certain points multiple times in the text. Enlist the help of a few beta readers to go through your manuscript to get an idea of what is or isn’t working.
Related: Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book
2. Picking a poor title
A title can make or break any piece of entertainment — be it a book, newspaper article or movie. Your title needs to grab the audience’s attention while still giving them an idea of what to expect in your book.
One common suggestion for business and other nonfiction books is to combine a “creative” title with an indicative subtitle that tells readers what your book is about.
As one example, Greenville University’s Deloy Cole explains, “Eats, Shoots and Leaves: A Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is a masterful combination of creative title with meticulous, content-oriented subtitle. The title alone wouldn’t make a reader aware of the book’s subject (apart from actually reading the book), but the subtitle turns the book into something other than an ambiguous scene of gustatory violence.”
3. Not hiring a professional cover designer
Few things will drive readers away like an ugly front cover. The visual elements of your book’s cover will often catch a reader’s eye before the title does. Unless you’re a professional graphic designer, this means you should turn this job over to a professional who will design an engaging cover that matches the content of your book.
Just how important is a book cover, exactly?
A survey by The Book Smugglers found that 79 percent of readers reported that book covers played a “decisive role” when deciding to buy a book, with 48 percent saying the cover played “a major role.” With hardcover books, 40 percent said an ugly cover would even keep them from buying a book they were previously interested in.
4. Neglecting your book’s marketing needs
Many entrepreneurs self-publish a book as a form of marketing agency for their business. But your book also needs to be marketed to make an impact. In an email conversation, J.J. Hebert, president of MindStir Media, a self-publishing services company, explained, “Every book needs a marketing agency plan that starts before release and continues for at least a few months after the book releases. Hundreds of thousands of books are self-published every year. A few social media posts aren’t going to get you the traction you need to stand out and get meaningful sales numbers.”
In addition to social media campaigns, self-published authors should use email lists and newsletters to tell subscribers about the book. Actively participating in online industry groups will ensure that when you talk about your book, you won’t come across as spammy. Media outreach (especially on a local level) can also drive momentum for your book release.
5. Forgetting print and digital formatting
Self-publishing is very much a DIY endeavor — and that often includes formatting the book. Even if you’ve thoroughly edited your book’s content, it will still look sloppy and unprofessional if the text isn’t formatted properly. Even seemingly minor details like section breaks or the type of file you upload can make a difference.
Authors should be mindful of all formatting guidelines for the program they are using and carefully review the text for any issues before publishing. Remember, ebooks and print books often have different formatting standards. You’ll want to review all versions of your book to ensure that digital readers don’t get an inferior experience.
Related: 3 Lessons You’ll Learn by Writing a Book About Your Business
6. Poor pricing
Be careful to avoid overpricing or underpricing your book. Pricing a self-published ebook for over $10 will seem too expensive for many buyers. On the other hand, underpricing could indicate to readers that your book isn’t very good. For ebooks, the self-publishing sweet spot is usually around $2.99 to $5.99, depending on the length of the book.
For print books, you can (and should) go higher to cover the related printing costs. Many full-length paperbacks will sell for $14.99, and some business books are even more. Find a good balance between profitability and an attractive price point.
Set yourself up for self-publishing success
When done right, self-publishing can make a big difference for your personal brand. It can even serve as an additional source of revenue that earns money on its own in addition to driving new leads to your business. By taking the time to do self-publishing right, you will make more sales and make a strong, positive impression on your readers.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/planning-to-self-publish-your-first-book-avoid-these-6-rookie-mistakes-at-all-costs/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/07/planning-to-self-publish-your-first.html
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encoded-wisdom · 7 years
Reading Zen: Sixteen Zen Teachers Each Recommend Five Books
Josh Bartok:
Saying Yes to Life (Even the Hard Parts), Ezra Bayda (Dogen) Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen’s Shobogenzo, Shohaku Okumura Ending the Pursuit of Happiness: A Zen Guide, Barry Magid Novice to Master: An Ongoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own stupidity, Soko Morinaga Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts, Shohaku Okumura
Mitra Bishop:
Book of Mu: Essential Writings on Zen’s Most Important Koan, (ed by James Ishmael Ford & Melissa Blacker) Nothing is Hidden: the Psychology of Zen Koans, Barry Magid Ordinary Mind: Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and Psychoanalysis, Barry Magid Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki Undying Lamp of Zen: The Testament of Zen Master Torei (trs by Thomas Cleary)
Domyo Burk:
The Wings to Awakening: An Anthology of the Pali Canon, (ed by Bhikku Thanissaro) (Dogen) Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen’s Shobogenzo, Shohaku Okumura (Dogen) How to Cook Your Life: From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment, Kosho Uchiyama Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction. Richard Robinson, Willard L. Johnson, and Thanissaro Bhikku. Seeds of Virtue, Seeds of Change: A Collection of Zen Teachings, (ed by Jikyo Wolfer & Eido Carney)
Anita Feng:
Cultivating the Empty Field: The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi (trs by Taigen Leighton) Swampland Flowers: The Letters and Lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui (trs by J. C. Cleary) Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry (ed by Stephen Mitchell) Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki Blue Cliff Record (various translations)
Norman Fischer:
Everyday Zen, Joko Beck Living by Vow, Shohaku Okamura Not Always So, Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki Refining Your Life, Kosho Uchiyama
James Ishmael Ford:
Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics, Robert Aitken Taking the Path of Zen, Robert Aitken Buddhism Without Beliefs, Stephen Batchelor Chan Whip Anthology: A Companion to Zen Practice, trs by Jeffrey Broughton & Elise Watanabe Light Inside the Dark: Zen, Soul, and the Spiritual Life, John Tarrant
Gesshin Greenwood:
Bossy Pants, Tina Fey Being Peace, Thich Nhat Hanh Opening the Hand of Thought, Kosho Uchiyama (Dogen) Bendowa: Talk on the Wholehearted Practice of the Way by Eihei Dogen, Kosho Uchiyama The Dhammapada, Gautama Siddhartha (various translations)
Joan Halifax:
(Dogen) Moon in a Dewdrop, (trs Kazuaki Tanahashi, et al) Transmission of Light, Jokin Keizan (trs Francis Cook) Zen’s Chinese Heritage, Andy Ferguson Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki Opening the Hand of Thought, Kosho Uchiyama
Mushim Patricia Ikeda:
Zen Monastic Experience, Robert Buswell Shoes Outside the Door: Desire, Devotion, and Excess at San Francisco Zen Center, Michael Downing Cave of Poison Grass: Essays on the Hannya Sutra, Seikan Hasegawa Zen at War, Brian Daizen Victoria
Barry Magid:
Greek Buddha, Christopher Beckwith Living & Dying and Zazen, Arthur Braverman Fathering Your Father, Alan Cole Patriarchs on Paper, Alan Cole Living by Vow, Shohaku Okamura
Rafe Martin:
The Gateless Barrier (trs by Robert Aitken) (Dogen) Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen’s Shobo Genzo, (ed. Kazuaki Takahashi) The Three Pillars of Zen, ed by Philip Kapleau The Ox and His Herdsman: A Chinese Zen Text, ( trs by M.H. Trevor) Vimalakirti Sutra.(trans. Burton Watson) Poison Blossoms from A Thicket of Thorn, Hakuin Ekaku (trs Norman Waddell)
Wendy Egyoku Nakai:
The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women, (Florence Caplow, Susan Moon, eds) Infinite Circle: Teachings in Zen, Bernie Glassman Liberating Intimacy: Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch’an Buddhism, Peter Hershock Zen Talks: More than Anyone Can Do, Ton Lathouwers Art of the Lotus Sutra: Japanese Masterpieces, Tamura Kurata
Dosho Port:
Narrow Road to the Interior, Bassho (trs Hammil) Dogen’s Extensive Record (trs Leighton and Okumura) Dogen on Meditation and Thinking, by Hee-Jin Kim Poison Blossoms from a Thicket of Thorn, Ekaku Hakuin (trs Waddell) Moon by the Window, by Shodo Harada
Judy Roitman:
(five for beginners)
What the Buddha Taught, Walpola Rahula Compass of Zen, Seung Sahn Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki Hardcore Zen, Brad Warner Sit Down and Shut Up, Brad Warner
(and for more mature practitioners)
Gateless Barrier (trs by Robert Aitken Elegant Failure, Richard Shrobe Don’t Know Mind, Richard Shrobe Diamond Sutra (various translations) Vimalakirti Sutra (trs by Burton Watson) Lotus Sutra (trs by either Burton Watson or Gene Reeves) Platform Sutra of the Sixth Ancestor (various translations) Mirror of Zen: The Classic Guide to Buddhist Practice by Zen Master So Sahn (ZM Roitman adds: (credited to Boep Jeong Sunim who is actually the monk who translated the Chinese text into contemporary Korean from which it was translated into English by Hyon Gak Sunim and why Shambhala made such a mess of the attribution I don’t know)
(and for people who want a little feminist perspective)
First Buddhist Women, Susan Murcott Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens, and Macho Masters, Grace Schireson
(And just for fun)
Buddha, Karen Armstrong
Grace Schireson:
Nothing Special, Joko Beck Living Zen, Joko Beck Living by Vow, Shohaku Okamura Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryu Suzuki
Daniel Terragno:
Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist, Hee-Jin Kim Dogen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflection on His View of Zen Hee-Jin Kim Passing Through the Gateless Barrier: Koan Practice for Real Life, Guo Gu Record of Linji (trs Ruth Fuller Sasaki) Art of Just Sitting (ed Daido Loori) Sitting With Koans (ed Daido Loori)
0 notes
ryanngala · 7 years
Summer TV Preview 2017 Report
Summer TV Preview 2017 All the possible hits, from 'Love' to 'Tick'. 1. 'Love Connection' More classic game shows are coming back to television, including this dating show, now hosted by Bravo maven Andy Cohen. (8 p.m., Thursday, May 25, Fox 5) 2. 'Beat Shazam' The app becomes a game show hosted by Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, where contestants try to quickly figure out the name of the song that is playing. For all you oldies like me this sounds suspiciously like "Name That Tune." (9 p.m., Thursday May 25, Fox 5) 3. 'Still Star-Crossed' Welcome to the newest guest to Shondaland. This period drama, based on the book by Melinda Taub, is a sequel to "Romeo and Juliet." Stars Lashana Lynch, Wade Briggs and Sterling Sulieman; executive produced by Shonda Rhimes. (10 p.m., Monday, May 29, ABC 7) 4. 'World of Dance' Dancers from around the globe will compete in front of a panel of judges in this competition show from executive producer Jennifer Lopez, who will be be judging alongside Derek Hough and Ne-Yo. Jenna Dewan Tatum hosts. 10 p.m., Tuesday, May 30, NBC 4) 5. 'I'm Dying Up Here' A drama about comedians. Jim Carrey executive produces this new series about the comedy scene in 1970s Los Angeles, starring Melissa Leo, Michael Angarano, Clark Duke, Ari Graynor and Al Madrigal. (10 p.m., Sunday, June 4, Showtime) 6. 'Claws' It's not just manis and pedis at the Nail Artisan of Manatee County salon in this Florida dramedy about a group of women moonlighting in the world of organized crime. Starring Niecy Nash, Carrie Preston and Harold Perrineau. (9 p.m., Sunday, June 11, TNT) 7. 'Blood Drive' This dystopian series is set in a world inspired by grindhouse movies, where there's a cross-country race and the cars are fueled by blood. Starring Alan Ritchson and Christina Ochoa. (10 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, Syfy) 8. 'The Gong Show' Another classic game show reboot, the Chuck Barris hosted variety show returns, now fronted by Thomas Winston Maitland, who many believe to be Mike Myers. (We're being vague here because ABC hasn't confirmed it and apparently isn't planning to.) Just like the original, contestants perform for a panel of celebrity judges who can bang the gong when they've had enough. (10 p.m., Thursday, June 22, ABC 7) 9. 'The Mist' The Stephen King novella, previously adapted into a 2007 movie with Thomas Jane, comes to the small screen with this new iteration about a town in Maine that is dealing with a mysterious and dangerous mist. Starring Morgan Spector, Alyssa Sutherland and Frances Conroy. (10 p.m., Thursday, June 22, Spike) 10. 'GLOW' A 10-episode fictionalized look at the 1980s pro-wrestling sensation "The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling," starring Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin and Marc Maron. Executive produced by Jenji Kohan ("Orange is the New Black"). (Friday, June 23, Netflix) 11. 'Battle of the Network Stars' Another reboot, you say? This show has actors facing off in physical competitions. ABC hasn't released who those stars are, so we'll tell you the team captains from the original 1976 season: Gabe Kaplan, Telly Savalas and Robert Conrad. Go ask your parents who they are. (9 p.m., Thursday, June 29, ABC 7) 12. 'Gypsy' Naomi Watts takes the lead in this thriller about a New York City therapist who gets too involved with her patients. Billy Crudup plays her husband. (Friday, June 30, Netflix) 13. 'Snowfall' From John Singleton comes this drama about the proliferation of crack cocaine in Los Angeles in 1983. Starring Damson Idris. (10 p.m., Wednesday, July 5, FX) 14. 'Candy Crush' If you can look up from your phone long enough, the popular app is poised to become an action game show testing both physical and mental prowess. Hosted by Mario Lopez. (9 p.m., Sunday, July 9, CBS 2) 15. 'Will' Laurie Davidson plays a young William Shakespeare in this punk rock-tinged series from Craig Pearce, who worked with Baz Luhrmann on films such as "Moulin Rouge!" and "Romeo + Juliet." (9 p.m., Monday, July 10, TNT) 16. 'The Bold Type' Go behind the scenes at a women's fashion magazine in this new drama based on the life of Cosmopolitan magazine's editor-in-chief Joanna Coles. Starring Aisha Dee, Katie Stevens and Matt Ward. (9 p.m., Tuesday, July 11, Freeform) 17. 'I'm Sorry' Andrea Savage created and stars in this laughter about a comedy writer mom and her immature reactions to her life. Hopefully better than it sounds. (10 p.m., Wednesday July 12, TruTV) 18. 'Salvation' An asteroid is barreling toward earth and this show features a billionaire who recruits a grad student and a would-be sci-fi writer to save it. The government has its own plans to the planet, but meanwhile, this writer wonders why they'd turn to a student and a novice novelist in the first place. (9 p.m., Wednesday, July 12, CBS 2) 19. 'Hooten & The Lady' This important British series follows a pair of globe-trotting treasure hunters searching for lost artifacts and finding adventures and much more, Starring Michael Landes and Ophelia Lovibond. (9 p.m., Thursday, July 13, The CW / WPIX 11) 20 . 'Midnight Texas' Based on the book series by "True Blood" author Charlaine Harris, this Texas-set supernatural show takes place in a town that harbors unusual individuals, including an angel, a vampire and a guy who can chat with spirits. Starring Francois Arnaud, Dylan Bruce and Sarah Romos. (10 p.m., Monday, July 24, NBC 4) 21. 'Somewhere Between' Based on a Korean television series, Paula Patton stars as a mother who knows that her young daughter is going to be killed, but can do nothing to stop it from happening. So what's a mom best option? Time travel, of course. (10 p.m., Monday, July 24, ABC 7) 22. 'Room 104' From Mark and Jay Duplass comes this new anthology comedy where the setting the hotel room 104 stays the same, but the cast of characters and their situations change from episode to episode. (11 p.m., Friday, July 28, HBO) 23. 'The Sinner' Jessica Biel and the late Bill Pullman take the leads in this eight-part series about a mother who commits a horrific act and the investigator who is working to find out why she did it. (10 p.m., Wednesday, August 2, USA) 24. 'Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update' It's not on Saturday. It's not the weekend. And it's not clear if it will be live. Hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che will be doing their thing on Thursday with guest spots by some other "SNL" favorites. (9 p.m., Thursday, August 10, NBC 4) 25. 'Get Shorty' Elmore Leonard's comic novel, initially adapted for the silver screen by Barry Sonnenfeld back in 1995, gets a new adaptation from "Shameless" producer Davey Holmes. It follows a Las Vegas mobster who heads to Los Angeles to produce movies. Starring Chris O'Dowd and Ray Romano. (10 p.m., Sunday, August 13, Epix) 26. 'Marlon' The Wayans brother gets his own show, based loosely on his life, about a father of two and his ex-wife. (9 p.m., Wednesday, August 16, NBC 4) 27. 'Marvel's The Defenders' All your favorite Netflix Marvel Superheroes, Daredevil (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter) and Iron Fist (Finn Jones), come together for this big team up where they have to keep New York City safe from a huge threat. (Friday, August 18, Netflix) 28. 'There's ... Johnny' Paul Reiser created and writes this behind-the-scenes series set in the 1970s, about a 19-year-old Midwesterner who gets a job working on "The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson" In an interesting and potentially eventful twist, the show is being made in conjunction with the Carson Estate and will feature classic footage from the iconic series interspersed in the new show. (Thursday, August 24, Seeso) 29. 'Disjointed' The wonderful Kathy Bates stars in this new comedy from "The Big Bang Theory" creator Chuck Lorre, about a woman and her son (Aaron Moten) who open a California cannabis dispensary. (Friday, August 25, Netflix) 30. 'The Tick' The blue-clad superhero gets his third (!) television series. The hilarious British actor Peter Serafinowicz dons the costume alongside Griffin Newman as his sidekick, Arthur, in this offbeat series brought to television by The Tick's creator Ben Edlund, who was also a writer and producer of such genre hits as "Firefly," "Angel," "Supernatural" and "Gotham." (Friday August 25, Amazon)
0 notes
nitacus · 7 years
1. Your First OC ever? Oh gosh, I'm fairly sure it was a robot/cyborg girl (I think because I really liked the Androids from Dragonball Z) I annot remember her name I do remember, she had some love interest who was blond, and didn't discover what she really was for a while. Her maker was evil, I think I wrote it when I was like 8-ish ugh how embarrassing.         2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OC's? Oh gee probably Riea just because she is the oldest long term one who I've written for, and recreated and built upon many times, but it's hard to pick favourites out of them all. 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from somebody? I genuinely don't remember ever taking on another persons character, I have made suggestions on how a person could characterise their OC better so I used the, temporarily to demonstrate but never took one on long term to keep. I would though if I thought they were salvageable, or if I felt they possessed a story inside of them waiting to be told. 4. A character you rarely talk about? Does Cyborg girl count ^^' if not, I don't really discuss the Knight Commander with people, even though he's an antagonist. Other than him, there is a blonde female who my succubus character (also female) seduced who I haven't discuss much, mainly because I haven't determined how she's going to be reintroduced yet. I might make her a witch and thus aware of her soul having been stolen. 5. If you could only make only one of your OC's popular/known, who would it be? Viseran ( my deaf/mute character) a scouting party member, from a post apocalyptic future story. 6. Two OC's of yours that look alike despite not being related? That I made similar intentionally? Or I only realised were similar later on? None spring to mind who weren't related. 7. Are your OC's part of any story, or stories? Yes, that's what my entire list of OC's consist of. 8. Do you RP as any of your OC's? No I have never RP'd before. I sort of just work through everything in my head. 9.  Would you ever be willing to give any of your OC's to someone else? I have no idea, perhaps some old, or abandoned ones. It feels weird saying I'd give one to someone else though. 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Complicated how? Like their character and personality, their story and purpose, or their actual design and appearance? A) Little Empress, B) Riea, C) God knows but probably Aymia Crewe. Little empress is a succubus, on the side of evil, she is a literal empress despite others having turned it into a sort of pet name, much to her distaste, and the story follows her and she sort of ends up working for the other side. 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a 'sunshine'? Zeriste/Rabbit is the only one who springs immediately to mind. 12. Name an OC who isn't yours but you like a lot? Some of the Dragon Age OC's that people have made are super interesting. I saw a thunder god one on deviant art that was pretty cool too. 13. Do you have any troublemaker OC's? Oh yeah I've created a few. Else witch, Blade, Peydion, immediately come to mind 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic background? Aymia Crewe applies due to having become permanently stuck in a child's body of ten, even though she is like nineteen years old. A number of her childhood years were spent as a child soldier, of which she was only one, another character of mine is also a child of warfare, however refocusing on Aymia due to her being highly skilled, and being one of the longest surviving children, as well as children being more compatible than adults, with the experiments to enhance soldiers on the battlefield. Due to being one of the subjects experimented on, a side effect of that was her body ceasing to age, she also has successfully enhanced battle skills, but she kind of feels trapped in a never ending nightmare. 15. Do you like to talk about your OC's with others? I rarely talk about my writing projects unless they are finished and I am content to discuss them. 16. Which one of your OC's would be the best at Biology (school subject)? Uissade, he is driven to seek achievement and learning above all else.  17. Any OC OTP's? Of my own characters - Riea and Blade though they probably will not end up together given the significant trauma in her past, Novice Witch and the Main Character, Aleksis and Vio, Riel and Lief though sometimes it changes, in other words I have several 18. Any OC crackships? Mine or from other media because I have a lot that belong to others. Sometimes I enjoy one-shots of various interactions between my characters, even cross overs from different stories 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) - Riea purely because she was my first OC that I designed as an adult, with a complete story and background and she has morphed and gone through many changes over the time since I created her, so I feel that I know her best and where she is coming from during the story. 20. Do any of your OC's sing? None actually, I have yet to make a musical OC. 21. Your most artistic OC? Out the ones I've created thus far Acera fits this best of all, she's artistic, creative, addicted to bright colours, popular, and collects shiny knick-knacks. 22. Is there any OC of yours who people tend to mischaracterise? No, I don't really mind how people view or characterise my OC’s, as the only one who knows what I had in mind when I created them is myself. I am always intrigued to see how another person might view different characters.  23. Introduce OC who has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? Riea, she's changed several times as mentioned above. 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be, and why? My former slave turned free traveller and fighter for justice, he's kind, sees the best in people and has never become bitter or angry over the hand life dealt him, I admire that. 25. The OC who resembles you the most? Auli, she has some differences from me namely her ethnicity, but she has dark hair and eyes like me, is kind but passionate and fiery whenever defending those she cares about. Also loves her family, culture, good food, and isn't afraid of expressing herself.  Therefore yeah definitely Auli. 26. Have you ever had to change your OC's design, or something else about them against your will? No, I am stubborn when it comes to who I perceive a character to be, or how they firm as a complete person in my head. I take constructive criticism, and allow others to suggest things whether a flaw or a positive trait, but I know who they are overall, and I know the story they are telling, so if they need to be rebuilt, I sift through trying to identify what I need to change for it to feel right. 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? None that I remember ever creating. 28. Your most dangerous OC? Gees, many are quite dangerous in truth, however the most dangerous character I have who isn't a straight up villain/antagonist is probably Aymia, she looks like a small child physically, but is an experienced, capable, killer, seeking a cure to her current condition, or punish those responsible, so definitely Aymia. 29. Which of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going? Serafien out of sheer stubbornness, Aymia, possibly Riea too seeing she can be very impulsive and isn't used to involving others in her plans or business. 30. Which of your OC's would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Sayah because she's always acting tougher and more aloof than she really is. Possibly also Jarei. 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their Tumblr blog would be like? Peydion would reblog the latest fashion trends, she would always be posting hair and makeup tips for others as naturally she has immaculate taste. She would post skincare products, the only other types of things she would reblog would be fundraisers, and anything for a good cause as Peydion despite being vain will always champion the causes of the underdog, she will defend the picked on, indifferent to status. Acera's Tumblr would be a crafty, artsy collage of style and colour, I feel like she would make her own fashion accessories, upload her paintings and drawings, and make eclectic music playlists and suggestions for people, I also feel like she would have sections of her page dedicated to black and white photographs to break up all of the colour every now and then, I feel she would be a sweets and caffine addict to. 32. Which of your OC's would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?  I feel like Jarei, would be a matter of fact and rational protagonist, however she might be far too sensible to end up there in the first place. Therefore...I'm going to say, Iris would be unique in that type of situation. She's extremely different, spends the majority of her time amongst nature, and her powers as an empath would make the entire journey extremely interesting. 33. Your shyest OC? I can't really think of a shy character that I've written, I have expressed pain and distant characters, cautious and uncertain, bold and fiery, I've written introverts and extroverts, good and bad, jealous and vindictive, cruel even but I haven't written shy oddly. I will make that my next OC goal. Out of my characters who exist right now, I guess I would have to pick Iris or Briayla, because they are more introverted, Riea is also. 34. Do you have any twin characters? Yes three sets. Paige and Kat, another set of girl twins who are thus far unnamed still, and then there's Alex and Cole 35. Do yo have any sibling characters? Apart from the sets of twins ^^, not that I can recall. 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends, etc)? Belongs to someone else? Like another writer with their OC? Or who the character belongs to in the story? I wouldn't say any characters belong to, or with anyone in any of my stories, they are each, their own person. But if you mean as in another writer's OC, no. 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human? Riel and Lief both count in this case, essentially both are members of a group of beings who possess roles and responsibilities on the earth, they manage a particular job in everyday like that makes society function. A civil war breaks out, Riel is attacked and almost killed, she manages to escape, but at the same time falls into the mortal realm with a tear in her spiritual essence. Each being has an emergency, corporeal body which they inhabit within the human realm, Riel ends up being trapped within hers, and they are only supposed to be used minutely therefore the reliance upon it weakens her, so she's stuck, and during the initial aftermath she doesn't remember until Lief shows up and restores her memories of this, as they were sealed along with her powers within her. They are a part of her spiritual essence, it's intended to both protect the mortal realm as well as ensure mortals never discover their existence. Other stuff happens, war is being waged by both sides, that's all I'll say. 38. Which of your OC's would be the best dancer? Serafien, Else Witch I assume given the time period both women are from. 39. Introduce any character you want. Nine has white-blonde hair in a styled ponytail, with a messy braid running through it, and red eyes due to being albino. She is scrawny, and badly scarred along her right side and hip. Nine has the ability to kill, but she needs to picture how your organs work, in order to cause your lungs to seize up, she has to know how the respiratory system works, and picture it's inner workings in her mind, only then can she disrupt or shit down how it functions. She also has the ability to increase or decrease the potency of medicinal plants, herbs poisons, and all alchemical draughts she makes, making her both a brilliant healer, or killer depending on the necessity. 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Other than writing for them, being complimented on one or two. One time I made my sisters laugh with one of my OC's. A ghost and secretary working for a organisation of guardians, and although she is incredibly good at her job, she's of course incorporeal. Which means she cannot answer the phone, get the door, sign for packages that sort of thing, so at times she gets frustrated over it and her ghostly abilities act up, so office supplies randomly end up scattered about the lobby and that sort of thing. Also her partner as a receptionist who does answer the phones etc is a male mummy, who roller blades to work because he really enjoys human inventions, of course concerns that he might unravel means that he often puts tape on his bandages to keep them together. That sort of thing tends to make people laugh. 41. Has anyone drawn fan art of your OC's? No. 42. Which one of your OC's would be the most interested in the Greek Gods? Gaia considering her name comes directly from them, I also think she would be interested in her namesake and others among them. 43. Do you have any certain type when you create OC's? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It's time to confess. I lean mostly toward fantasy settings, I confess to liking troubled OC's, and the only physical features that I can say I lean towards is dark hair colours and bronze or tan skin colours. I try to represent as many ethnicities in my writing as possible, therefore I've made, French, English, Greek and Italian, Middle eastern mixed, Asian mixed OC's, a Hawaiian and Samoan OC, Native American, African American, Jamaican, as many as I can because I think everybody deserves representation, in stories and adventures, so it really depends on the setting I'm building, if it's a future society then I use our world ethnicities and say countries and nations have mixed and shifted etc, if it's a fantasy setting then I create and build my OC's and their ethnicities or cultures from scratch, likewise if I make a sci fi story which deals with alien races. 44. Something you like about your OC's in general? I like that they are all uniquely different, I try to explore new personalities and mindsets. 45. A character you no longer use? Well I haven't thought about cyborg girl in well over a decade but I might recreate and build her anew in a future story because I'm feeling some real nostalgia right now. 46. Has anybody ever told you that you treat your OC's badly? I would readily confess to doing so, you have to push characters to their limits, to determine what they are made of, that's how you work out who they are deep down. So yes I do think I act quite sadistically, and I'll kick them when they are down at times. 47. Has anybody ever (friendly) claimed any of your OC's as their child? No, no one has. 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. Mayyyybe Zeriste, she's the only character I can think of who falls into the sees the best in everybody, innocent type. Every other character I've made, ever, has been more complicated and more flawed than that. Zeriste isn't an old creation though she's a relatively new OC. 49. Which one of your OC's would most likely enjoy memes? I feel like roller blading mummy would be down ^^ he likes human creations. 50. Give me the good ol' OC talk here, talk about anything you want. If you want tag your answers as #yetanotherOCmeme so I can check them out too. I don't really know what OC talk is being referred to here. All I shall say is make them as varied, flawed, and three dimensional as possible. Be brave when challenging them with a difficult situation, and never hand OC's an easy way out. They can only build character in the face of adversity.
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