#Colonel Sheppard
justhere4thewhump · 5 months
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Hi, I’m here for the Stargate Atlantis revolution of 2024.
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lynnhf · 8 months
John Sheppard Sleeping Headcanons (SGA)
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Stays up late at night before going to bed.
Tosses and turns during the night when trying to sleep.
Has a hard time sleeping. Either because of nightmares or because his guilt and regrets keep him up. “I should have done X instead of Y. If I did, “name” would still be alive.” Beats himself up over losing lives.
Light Sleeper. Due to always being on edge. Atlantis may need him or he doesn’t feel safe enough to sleep.
His bed must face the door at all times. 
Sleeps with a pistol under his pillow (only starting this tradition after being tortured/fed upon by Todd).
Nightmares. He’s been through a lot. Lost a lot of people, good men and women.
Wakes up early to run with Ronan (Canon).
Only truly rests when a deep, relaxing sleep takes over when he lets himself have a break.
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gigew · 10 months
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orion-kenobi · 2 months
I just watched Miller’s Crossing and in the scene where Rodney’s telling John he’ll let the wraith feed on him to save Jeannie John is not down with that and says it’s because Rodney’s an important member of his team instead of just telling Rodney he cares about him 😭 This is not the only time he’s done that! He has a habit of trying so hard to seem clinical and weirdly detached from people whilst clearly upset over the idea of losing them at the same time. John Sheppard is truly so fascinating to me.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 1 year
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trainofcommand · 1 year
I'm just gonna call this one Major Lorne With His Hands on His Hips.
The week has just started and already is really, deeply disappointing to me. So, here are some pictures of Major Lorne, hands on his hips, also a bit disappointed. He just wants everyone to Do Better. Here, he's looking at the ethically questionable alien people and he's clearly saying, "I know you're checking out Dr. Weir's butt, and that is not acceptable, show some respect." He's giving them a warning. They are going to listen, if they know what's best for them.
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Well, his hands aren't really on his hips here, but they're clearly migrating that way, so I'll allow it. "Listen, McKay," he's saying, "I'm not okay with this." Rodney wants to tell Lorne that he doesn't care, because Lorne doesn't even know what this is. But Rodney can't quite say that because he's a little flustered, what with the whole 'hands almost on hips + look' thing that Lorne has going on. It's okay, Rodney. That would fluster anyone. No one can blame you.
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In this one we can't exactly see his hips, but it's obvious where his hands are. But Zelenka is oblivious. He's thinking about baskets and tubers and whatnot, rather than thinking about the dubious look that Lorne is giving him...the dubious look that says, 'scientists. why are they so fascinating and so hot? It wasn't like this at the SGC.' You put those hands on your hips and frown a little, Major. Maybe if you do it long enough he'll look at you. And frown back. Or...something.
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Well, it turns out I don't have that many caps of Major Lorne with his hands on his hips. What a crime. Oh well. One does what one can and all that. Let's look at a picture of Colonel Sheppard with his hand on his hip. The stance is...remarkably different from Lorne's. Sheppard is all...hey, have you seen my hips? And my look of wonder? I don't look like a guy who has committed what some might call 'problematic things'. In fact, I look kind of winsome. Surprise! My thigh holster even looks almost ornamental. It's my whole thing!
Off to the side, Lorne is saying, "Sir, can you please stop leaning on stuff like that? You're distracting the marines. And the scientists. And the visiting delegates. Also, the gate techs. And I think there's a bird-like creature that's stuck in the city and is fascinated by your hair." Lorne is practicing his best stern look when he says it, but inside, he's smiling a little. He's feeling indulgent.
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(thanks to @carsonsweebabyturtles for the caps that made this post possible)
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The Seed, AKA, welcome to the Pegasus Galaxy Mr. Woolsey.
I compromised the safety of this base to rescue someone who may well have been beyond our help anyway.
Now Woolsey knows why Sheppard doesn't play by the rules.
I enjoy this episode because we get to see Woolsey taken down a few notches, but also made to better understand what life is actually like in Atlantis. I love that Sheppard basically goes into leader/older brother/dad mode for his whole team because Woolsey isn't really inspiring confidence. I love that when Sheppard is quarantined, Teyla steps up right up. I love that Sheppard is in full Lieutenant Colonel Suicide Mission mode, taking the drug first and then administering it to Keller. I love that he was ready to shoot Keller, but even gut-stabbed he didn't. I love Carson. (Why is his hair so dark??? It always bothers me. Looks fake.)
At the start of the episode when they're gathered around Woolsey's new conference room table, Rodney says, "The fact that Sheppard's here makes all the difference, right?" He's referencing The Last Man, and it just made me happy because Rodney basically spoke for us, the viewer. Sheppard is here. So, no matter how bad it gets, Sheppard will make the difference. That how they feel and how Atlantis feels, and how we feel. Sheppard will see everyone through the dark times and back into the light of home.
Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”
— Heraclitus
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the-mushroom-faerie · 4 months
thinking about how if i got transported to Atlantis i would fool them into thinking im some sort of trickster fae bc I'd know all their names even their Secret Names and i wouldn't give them mine but they "could call me mushroom" and I'd tell them about my best friend stick and how she didn't like her name, but seeing as i am a fae creature she gave it to me and i gave her the name stick (true story, just ask her) and if i had the ata gene well that'd just be the icing on the cake wouldn't it
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
A New Experience
Plot: John wants to confess his feelings to you during Valentines, but you aren't originally from Earth, and have no idea what Valentines Day is.
Pairing: John Shepard x Gn!Alien!Reader
Prompts: "What are these for?" "Valentines Day." "Why?" + A takes B's hand to help them down steps/wall, and doesn't let go
Requested By: @gaitwae & Anonymous
Warnings: A kiss at the end. Mention of roof ledge (sitting on).
Words: ~1.2k
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As John made his way around the Atlantis base, his eyes scouring every room for you, his heart beat nervously in his chest. Over the course of the few months you had been settling in at the Atlantis base, becoming a new team member, John had fallen completely head-over-heels for you.
He debated constantly when or if he should tell you about how he felt, often chickening out last minute. But as the Earthly holiday of love slowly infected the Atlantis base, he felt more courage than he had before.
So here he was, looking desperately for you, hoping to whisk you away to his room, where he had set up a dinner for the two of you. He got flowers chocolates, and hopefully the confidence to tell you exactly how he felt.
"Hey Zelenka!" He called out as the scientist walked past "You seen Y/n?"
"Oh yes, roof, I believe."
"Roof." John sighed out with realization. You often went out to look out at the water to relax.
Quickly making his way up to the roof, he took a few deep breaths, hoping to quiet his anxieties.
As he made his way out onto the roof his eyes moved around, before finally spotting you sitting up on a roof ledge, legs dangling over as you peered out at the water. He always felt a nervous flutter in his stomach when he saw you there, so close to danger, yet appearing so peaceful.
Making sure his steps could be heard, so he did not startled you, he walked over. Turning your head to look back, you smiled as you saw him.
"Hello John." You greeted, your own heart fluttering in your chest as you saw his familiar warm smile.
"Hey Y/n." Leaning on the edge of the wall, he looked over for a moment before looking at you "You got any plans for this evening?"
You shook your head with a soft smile "No, why?"
"Well, I thought you might join me, for dinner."
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you smiled "I'd love to."
You'd often sit in the mess hall with John or the others and eat, you enjoyed spending that time with them. You wondered if the others would be joining you again tonight.
"Great!" He said with a bright smile "You hungry now?"
You let out a soft laugh "Yes actually I am. I was planning on heading in to eat soon."
As you turned around, facing the roof, you moved to jump down. John reached out his hand or you to take as you did so, and you smiled softly as you took it.
Jumping down from the ledge you expected John to release your hand, but you were surprised when he did not, instead he smiled almost bashfully at you as he lead you inside.
You felt your cheeks and neck warm up as his hand continued to hold yours. You were not averse to the action, far from it actually, but you were definitely caught off guard by it.
As you stood in the lift, making your way down, John cleared his throat, "I think you'll like what I got for dinner."
You frowned slightly, unsure of what he meant. "What do you mean? Are they serving something unusual today?"
As you said this, John realized he had made an error. He was not specific enough.
"Oh, no, uh, when I asked if you would eat with me, I meant just the two of us, I had something special made up for us."
Your heart was now pounding in your chest, and the reason behind his holding your hand started to make a bit more sense.
You smiled at him "Oh, I see, that sounds wonderful."
He smiled at you, obviously relieved you were still happy to have dinner with him. He glanced down at your still intertwined hands and smiled to himself.
As the lift doors opened to the floor where you knew John's room was on your stomach grew tighter as you began to grow nervous. You had feelings for John, you had since you first met him.
Now your mind was full of thoughts of what this dinner was for, why was he holding your hand, did this mean he felt the same as you? The way he looked at you seemed to express enough, but you still held doubts.
Making your way into John's room, you were stunned to see a table set up for dinner, complete with candles. John quickly pulled out his phone and you watched him for a moment before he looked back up at you.
"Our food will show up son, I had the kitchen hold it while I looked for you."
You smiled fondly at him as he seemed to hold a nervous energy about him.
"Oh!" He exclaimed softly, before grabbing something off the counter, turning back around he handed you a bouquet of beautiful red flowers "I got these for you".
You looked at them in awe before looking up at John "Oh they're beautiful, what are they?"
He smiled "They're called dahlias."
As you smelled them, you looked back at John "What are these for? What is all of this for John?" Your tone was bewildered but obviously pleased.
John smiled "Valentines day."
You blinked a few times "Why? What is, Valentines day?"
As realization washed over John, he let out a soft chuckle "It's an Earth holiday, obviously, I thought you may have heard about it by now."
You shook your head "What does it mean?"
"Oh, that's- uh, well, it's a holiday for people to celebrate love, and relationships of all kinds."
"So you are celebrating our...friendship?" You asked softly, worried you misinterpreted what this was.
He smiled "No, not really. Uhm, it is a holiday mostly celebrated by couples, it's a romantic holiday. And a lot of people, including me in this case use it as a way to express how they feel about someone."
Now your heart was beating faster again, maybe you did not misunderstand after all.
"And what it is you are trying to express to me?"
He smiled as he took a step closer to you his eyes grazed your face softly before he spoke "I wanted to express that I am crazy about you." As you smiled brightly at his confession, he felt more confident "And I've been a coward these past couple months having not told you and I'm sorry it took so long."
You smiled bashfully at him before you spoke softly "I have been a coward too then."
He grinned at you, as you stared at each other for a moment in blissful silence. Reaching over, he gently caressed the back of your hand before he met your eyes again "I really like you."
"I really like you too John."
Leaning closer, slowly, his eyes drifted from your eyes down to your lips. Gently, your lips met in a soft kiss, as John's hand gently drifted up your arm, before he cupped your chin and deepened the kiss.
You had a feeling you were really going to enjoy this new holiday.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @fandomdancer,
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justhere4thewhump · 5 months
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Okay but why is he so perfect?
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bagheerita · 8 months
When they were casting for Col. Everett I feel like the character concept was: You know how much Teyla wants to punch Bates? You have 2 minutes to create a character that Elizabeth wants to punch just as hard, and then he's gonna go down the line and pick a fight with everyone for literally no reason.
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acrowbyanyothername · 7 months
can’t talk writing a paper on john sheppard’s authority issues
a fic it’s a fic it’s a fic
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Stargate Atlantis - Rising
Colonel Marshall Sumner - Robert Patrick
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gigew · 11 months
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twotales · 9 months
Any fics on what is going on through Sumner's head at that moment his life is being drained away and when John pulls the trigger?
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