#Color is crazy….. like subtle changes are fine but don’t say anything. How do I get 2 the point where I’m using yellow n purple to color th
twilightarcade · 2 months
top ten girls who are bad at pushing colors while keeping it coherent and also texture
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bestintheparsec · 3 years
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Frankie Morales x f!Reader
Summary: Frankie’s stuck in his head about you. This definitely works as a standalone but I wrote it as a sequel to A Little Bit of Sugar
A/N: So I tried something different when I wrote this one - it’s unlike anything else I’ve written, but I hope you like it and I hope this brings some warmth to start off your new year!
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: a disgusting amount of softness (I apologize), angst but not really?, one minor mention of blood/injury
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Frankie matches his stride to yours as you walk down the gravel path back to your place. He tries to pay attention to something, anything, other than the nervous flickering of warmth in his chest—how you pull your coat tighter around yourself when a breeze hits, the sound of your boots clacking on the ground with each step, the colorful holiday lights nearby that cast a subtle glow on your hair.
It doesn't help.
He knows the directions well enough now—you’ve only been on a few dates but he’s walked you home every time. You look up at him and say something that makes him laugh, and he tries to let that feeling of ease course through him, willing it to last longer.
It doesn't.
He’s afraid he’ll blow it—the fact that he’s been on more than one date with you is already more than he expected. Hell, the fact that you'd even wanted to see him again beyond the coffee shop you'd met at was more than he expected.
Each time after your evenings together, the only thing he’s given and taken has been a quiet embrace, a question if you’d like to meet up again next week. And each time, you’ve said yes. But it hasn’t been anything other than that. Just an exchange of shy smiles, fleeting gazes, and maybe an awkward laugh as you wave and he walks off.
Frankie huffs quietly—chuckles at the irony of being beside himself with happiness while simultaneously being unable to act like a normal human being around you. He hasn’t felt this comfortable around anyone new in a long time. Even though it’s only been a few evenings he’s spent with you, he knows himself and the difference in the way he’s been falling asleep a little faster every night, the way he feels the rest of the world and its problems melt away on these few evenings, just for a while.
And that’s exactly why he doesn’t want to fuck this up. What if you don’t feel the same way—if you’re only hanging out with him as a friend? He shakes his head—that can’t be right. Because that brightness in your eyes when you look at him, how you smile and glance down at the ground when he tells you he enjoyed the night—he knows he mirrors it all. So he can’t be crazy. That’s what he keeps telling himself, anyways.
You break him out of the brief reverie, mentioning a place you think he’d like to go next time. Next time. He breaks out a grin—he really would like it. His hand sways as he walks, lightly brushing against the hem of the back of your jacket. He wants to take your hand, feel its warmth in his, bring it to his lips for the lightest of kisses. But he can't do it. Too soon, he tells himself.
After you’ve both passed the same familiar sights along the path, you finally make it to your house. You turn to face him, and Frankie feels that nervousness creep up on him again. You have that smile that makes him melt lingering on your lips, your hands shoved into your pockets as you look at him, an awkward silence falling between you as you shift your weight from one foot to another. Fuck, what is wrong with him?
He tells you again that he had a wonderful time, a genuine softness in his eyes and heat in his cheeks. He feels his heart about to pound out of his chest. You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, telling him the same and how you look forward to seeing him again. Those damn butterflies again. They seem to give him a nudge, almost as impatient as he is. Something about the glowing street lights and joyful ambiance nudges him a little harder—practically whacks him upside the head to just do it.
And then…
He murmurs a curt good night, turning to head back the way he came, not looking at whatever expression falls over your face as he does.
Frankie makes it exactly three steps before pausing where he is. He bites the inside of his cheek, briefly closing his eyes before turning back around—you’ve already started turning toward the door.
“Wait,” Frankie says abruptly, his voice more gruff than he expects as he calls your name. You turn and meet his eyes again, looking at him questioningly as he walks quickly up to you, stopping when he's inches away, before he can change his mind.
His hand trembles as he moves it to gently cradle your face, your surprised but soft, half-lidded gaze threatening to knock the air out of him.
“Can I...kiss you?” he murmurs, and before he can even think about what he’s just asked, your lips are on his, his hands on your waist pulling you in closer as he kisses you; delicate, light kisses of his warm lips to yours, a contrast from the biting winter air that surrounds you both.
Frankie’s bringing in some firewood from the yard when he sees you pulling up in front of his house. He’s spent the last thirty minutes chopping up some extra wood to make his house more cozy for your date tonight. Really it's just takeout and a movie, but something feels...different about it. You’ve gone to various places for your dates, but never his actual home, not for long. It’s been a rainy, cold week, so Frankie suggested staying in tonight, which you more than happily agreed to.
The rain has lightened up a little bit, slightly dampening your clothes as you get out of the car and grab your things. Frankie feels his pulse start to quicken, ignoring the mist of cool rain on his skin. God, even in this weather, you’re breathtaking.
Truthfully, he’d been thrilled at the idea of having you spend a date night in his home. But he didn’t anticipate the way he was more nervous this morning than he ever had been with you before, and he didn't have a clue as to why. He’s spent the day trying to make sure everything was perfect—cleaning up, making sure he had the food planned, spending a little longer picking out his clothes earlier, everything. Is this plaid button-up too much? Too little? It’s been driving him crazy, and he doesn’t understand it. His home is his safe place—a happy place, if he has such a thing. He wants it to be that way for you, too.
For a split second he imagines you with him at home; not just tonight, but always. Coming home to each other. Staying warm under the covers at night, fresh cups of coffee in the morning. Just as quickly, the thought disappears. It isn’t right. You’re good; too good to him, for him. How can he ever live up to what you deserve?
The slam of your car door brings him back to reality.
Messing with the firewood tonight probably wasn’t the best idea. Your smile fades when you get closer to him, a concerned frown on your face as you ask what happened to him.
He’d had a little accident when cutting up the wood earlier, giving himself a gash on his cheek, which started to bleed. A lot. It probably looks worse than it actually is. Because tonight is the perfect night for you to not be able to do anything right, Francisco. He was going to clean it up after he got done before you got here, but it’d taken him longer than he’d expected to get everything finished.
He brushes it off, telling you it’s no big deal, just a scratch. Not worth a fuss. Which you don’t buy, at all. Of course. By now you’ve both been standing in the drizzling rain for long enough that your hair has been matted down on your head and your clothes are starting to get soaked through.
He quickly gestures for you to come inside, the warmth of his home immediately comforting against the frigid chill of the rain.
“Frankie, please let me help with that,” you tell him as soon as he shuts the door behind you.
“It’s fine, it’s nothing—” he starts, but you cut him off, telling him you don’t mind and that dinner can wait. Way to start off the evening right, he swears silently at himself as he goes to grab the kit. He pulls a towel off the shelf, too, then heads back out to you in the living room. Wrapping the towel around you first, he takes a seat beside you in front of the fireplace and hands you the kit.
You start picking through it for what you need, but he stops you for a moment. Taking the towel off your shoulders, he carefully wipes away at the beads of rain on your skin while you watch silently. He clenches his jaw, purposefully avoiding your gaze. Once he’s finished, you murmur a soft thank you and he nods once, letting you get back to what you were doing.
With a gentle hand, you start to clean up the cut. Your fingers trace along his skin as though he’s made of glass; maybe he is right now. But Frankie doesn’t even flinch—he can barely focus on anything except you. Those kind eyes, your pursed lips as you concentrate on the task at hand...There’s definitely something wrong with him, and it’s not the wound on his face.
Before he knows it, you’re done, tucking everything back into the kit. “There…” you whisper softly, trailing off as your eyes examine your work, your fingers still lingering on his cheek.
Clean hands on broken skin.
“Th—There,” Frankie repeats, barely audible. He sees that twinkle in your eyes again, like maybe you’re distracted by other things, too. He feels his chest constrict.
This isn’t the first time he’s felt like he’s been giving you the short end of the stick. He bites the inside of his cheek, glancing down at the floor. He’s done things; bad things. It’s not fair to keep this...relatively new relationship going, when in the end he has nothing else to give except himself.
But as much as he feels like he's stringing you along for nothing...everything just falls into place when he’s around you. And the way you make him feel, it's like he has everything worth holding onto. That has to mean something, right?
He clears his throat, his mind coming back to you. You watch him with patient eyes, slowly removing your hand from his face. He immediately misses your touch.
“I—” he blurts out, taking your hand in his, gripping it for a second before letting go. But you take it again, the lightest of smiles on your lips, and Frankie feels warmth rush into his face again.
Before he can ramble any further, he leans into you, taking your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours. It surprises you at first, but you move closer to him, too. The kisses start out slow, tender, but then deepen as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer. You reciprocate, running your fingers through his dampened hair as his lips move urgently, desperately against yours, like this can’t last forever. He doesn’t want to think about that. For now, he wants to get lost in you.
When you finally break away from each other, it’s too soon; it’s always too soon. Frankie’s breathless, resting his forehead on yours, his hand tracing along your cheek, down to your jaw and then resting along your neck.
He lets a few seconds pass, trying to gather himself before speaking up again. “I...was going to say...I hope you like what I picked up for dinner,” he whispers, shyness suddenly coming over him.
You chuckle at his attempted change of subject, crinkles under your eyes that make his heart soften even more. When you move your hand onto his chest, he hopes you can’t feel his heartbeat pounding.
“It’s—I’m sure it’s perfect, Frankie. Whatever you chose.” You smile at him, and it’s then that Frankie wonders just how long he’s been a goner.
Frankie makes his way up the path to your house, the same one he's taken countless times now.
You’d told him to let himself in once he got to your place, so he opens the door after a few knocks and calls out your name. You don’t answer but the lights are on, and he catches the subtle smell of something burning, followed by some shuffling noises coming from the kitchen. Dinner is at your house tonight, as you’ve both grown fond of staying in rather than being out and having to deal with the bustling crowds.
He takes off his hat and calls your name again, a bit of concern in his voice this time as he smooths down his hair. You finally respond with a rushed muttering of acknowledgment and he follows your voice to the kitchen. When he gets there, he finds you hunched over, muttering some profanities as you pull a tray out of the oven.
You set it down and tuck the stray strands of hair behind your ear before turning to look at him. Frankie smiles, that same giddy grin he can’t seem to hold back whenever he sees you—but it drops a little when he takes in the expression on your face now. You look disheveled and exhausted, although you give him a half-hearted smile.
You and Frankie have been with each other on some of those longer days—the days where everything feels out of place. For many of those days you didn’t even know it was that kind of day for him. But it’s on those days that he’s found comfort, safety in you. Little things, big things; none of it matters when he’s with you.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he asks, moving closer to wrap his arms around you and place a soft kiss onto your head. When you pull away, you motion at the tray you’d just taken out.
You tell him you’d been baking pastries when you got home—his favorite kind—a surprise for when he got here. But it was a long day at work, and you were drained, so you’d decided to take a nap while everything was in the oven...and then proceeded to sleep through the timer.
“Everything’s ruined,” you tell him dejectedly, followed by a soft apology.
Frankie’s been so focused on the fact that you went out of your way to do something for him that he barely catches on to how upset you are.
“Hey—wait, no. Nothing’s ruined,” he reassures you, his voice instantly sweeter than sugar as he places his hands on your shoulders, then moves to cup your cheek.
Frankie thinks of the times you’d been together and things hadn’t gone according to plan—he’s not known for being the smoothest man alive, after all. Times where it was one mishap or another—but then he'd see that playful glint in your eyes, and you would make him laugh about it until his insides ached, and it would make him feel like nothing had gone awry at all.
“It’s just that...I wanted to do something special for you. It’s not much and it’s stupid, but—” you peer at him with those eyes that make him weak in the knees, and Frankie notices that same grounding warmth appearing in his chest again.
It's not the first time he's felt unbelievably lucky.
“Hey, it’s not stupid, silly,” he repeats, chuckling when you gesture dramatically at the burnt pastries on the table. “You didn’t need to do anything for me...you really made my favorites?” A gentle smile plays on his lips.
You laugh softly and nod, getting a grin from him in return.
He runs the pad of his thumb along your cheek, nonchalantly stating that you can make another batch and that he can help—you smile back, even though you both know he’s not much of a baker.
His eyes trace delicately over your features for the first time since he got here. He sees the patches of flour in your hair, on your clothes, and his eyes soften. He can’t believe you’re his —that he’s yours.
He thinks of how your nose crinkles when you smile after teasing him; how he’ll send you a text during the day when something makes him think of you, only to realize you’d never left his thoughts at all. The way the guys have been well-meaningly teasing him for acting differently lately. The way he hasn’t felt right lately—but not in a bad way—just different; like he was numb for a long time and now the novocaine has worn off.
And he realizes he’s fallen completely in love with you.
It was a rough night for Frankie. He’s been there before—nights where his mind is louder than the sharpest rings of thunder and he can’t get it to shut up, where all else around him seems hopeless, lost.
Dawn is just barely starting to peek through between the cracks in the curtains when Frankie opens his eyes, unsure of how long he was out for but knowing it couldn’t have been long. He closes them again, a quiet sigh escaping his lips as he tries to avoid coming back to his senses.
But he does come back; back to the cool air on his exposed neck above the blanket, to the weight of himself sinking into the plush mattress. And he finds himself next to something warm—you. His eyes flutter open again, taking in the form of your silhouette in the dark as you lay next to him, fast asleep.
He’d called you. He didn’t want to—it was late, later than it usually hits him. But you picked up, and you seemed to know before he said a single word. He didn’t even tell you what was wrong at first, just muttered profuse apologies laced through broken whispers. He really didn’t hear much of what you said after that—but just hearing your voice was enough. It’s always enough, more than he ought to have. I’ll be there soon, you told him. You hung up before he could argue otherwise.
That’s how you ended up here, in his arms, though it started off with him in yours.
He can’t see much of you, but Frankie marvels at the way your quiet breaths steady his own heartbeat, how the fabric of your shirt falls delicately over the curve of your waist where his hand rests now.
He wraps his whole arm over you, gently pulling you flush against him as you unconsciously tuck yourself into the space below his neck. His mind is still heavy, but simultaneously he feels safe. Home.
He holds you like this for a while longer, savors the warmth of you against him, the silent peace that washes over him. He doesn’t know if he’ll fall asleep again but he tries, counting his exhales as his fingers trace along your back.
It’s not long before you stir a bit in his arms, rubbing your eyes as you recall where you are. You put a hand on his chest, then move it to hold his face as you whisper some sleepy words of love and reassurance. They’re words he’s said to you time and time again, as if they’re in limited supply. And you tell him just as often, but he’s always found it hard to let himself believe it.
You always seem to know exactly what he needs before he realizes it himself—even if it’s the darker hours of the night—and  you’re always ready to drop everything just for him...it’s everything he would do for you, although he’d do so much more if he possibly could.
Frankie knows now. It’s here in the dark, with you in the fragile space in his arms and the hollows of his heart that he knows—you love him just as much as he loves you.
Your groggy voice fills the silence. “I’ve always wondered ‘why not me’,” you murmur, still half-asleep.
He caresses your face with the back of his hand, a gentle smile as he asks what you’re talking about.
“Everyone around me...It seemed like everyone was finding their person. But never me,” you repeat, yawning as you blink your eyes open.
“But I know now...” you trail off, moving to rest your head on his chest. “I never found anyone else because I was supposed to meet you.”
You say it so casually, so calmly but it doesn’t hit Frankie with any less force. You’re too drowsy to think anything of it, but these words will carry him for a long time. Wherever he is, he’s never more at home than when he’s with you.
You don’t add anything else, simply draping your arm over him and moving in closer as you curl up and try to find sleep again. He’s unable to find the right words to respond, simply leaning down to press a soft, lingering kiss to the top of your head.
Frankie reaches down and pulls the blanket over both of your shoulders, shutting his eyes once again and tries to join you in that state of slumber. It’ll be easier, he thinks. You’re here, and he’s home. And you fit perfectly in his arms—you always do.
“Okay, just keep them closed,” Frankie says with underlying excitement in his voice.  He’s standing behind you with his large hands over your eyes, and you’re unable to peek through them.
You laugh with confusion. “Seriously, what are you doing, Frankie?”
He doesn’t answer, just shushes you and carefully guides you forward, helping you sit down on the bar stool by the kitchen counter.
“Okay, okay. You good here?” He asks, resisting and chuckling when you try to pry his hands away.
“Yes, Francisco, now move your giant hands,” you demand playfully.
He releases his hands and you look around, still confused as your eyes fall on the countertop in front of you. “A...cup of coffee?”
He’s still standing behind you, leaning over your shoulder. “Not just a cup of coffee,” Frankie huffs with feigned offense. “Coffee from the shop we met at.”
You chuckle again, still perplexed, but he just puts his hands on your shoulder. “See if you can guess the drink,” he tells you, his tone entirely mischievous.
You raise your brows, but wrap your hands around the paper cup, letting it warm your hands and inhaling the familiar scent of your favorite shop. Finally taking a sip, you concentrate and try to pick out anything that might be different about it, but come up with nothing.
“This is my usual order…” you shake your head, taking another sip and trying to figure out what he’s being so sneaky about.
Still nothing.
You give up, setting the cup down and spinning around on the stool to face him. “Frankie, what—”
But he’s not right behind you—he’s on one knee on the floor. You let out a tiny gasp and swear your heart stops beating as your mind goes from confusion to realization to a complete flooding of surprised emotions. You slide off the stool and stand in front of him, trying not to burst into tears while failing to maintain your composure. Frankie has this timid but equally giddy grin on his face as he looks up at you, holding the black velvet box in his hand.
Frankie’s so distracted watching your reaction that he completely forgets that he needs to say something now, and his mind seems to finally register the apprehension in the rest of his body. The grin changes into a nervous smile as he inhales, then exhales.
“I—fuck,” he trails off, trying to gather his thoughts again as you chuckle with amusement. “I...you know you’re the world to me, and then some,” he starts, a tremor in his voice. “I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you, and I…You make me a better person—hell, you make me want to be a better person…” he continues to ramble as you move closer before dropping to the floor with him, throwing your arms around him.
“You’d make me the happiest man alive if...wait, I mean, I’m already the happiest man alive, but I would be even happier…” His supportive arms embrace you as he laughs, full of relief, and murmurs into your hair between your sobs. “...if you would do me the honor of being my wife.”
He’s so beside himself that he’d missed all the times you’d repeatedly said yes while in his arms, so you tell him again, his face in your hands, and he beams as you pull away to look at him.
Once he slips the dainty, understated ring onto your finger, you pull him back in, his lips meeting yours as he holds you like this is the only place he was ever meant to be—much like how you’d found each other in that quaint little coffee shop what seems like forever ago.
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Perm tags: @immundusspiritu @aeryntheofficial​ @i-like-those-odds​ @padlilli​ @hail-doodles​ @hiscyarika​ @taman-a​ @electricprincess888​ @max--phillips​ @myrin1234​ @aloneontheoutside​ @pascalisthepunkest​ @ah-callie​ @fleurdemiel145​ @katialvi​ @murdermewithbooks​ @pisss-offf-ghostt​ @kayebede​ @lamnothome​ @fan-g0rl​ @lokiaddicted​ @mrsdaamneron​ @poedaneron​ @wolfshifter4life @dindjarindiaries​ @rociomz​ @opheliaelysia​ @dyn-djarin​ @randomness501​ @unsaidsunset​ @hayley-the-comet​ @mrsparknuts​ @exy-issexy​ @palalover​ @forever-rogue​ @adikaofmandalore​ @kaetastic​ @zannemes​ @mstgsmy​ @wille-zarr​ @arabellathorne @f0rever15elf​ @lv7867​ @stilllivindue2spite​  
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Welcome Back❤️
🍎Okay like I somehow see our dear Frederick smitten and intrigued by Slytherin, maybe it’s just me but something is telling me he would definitely date one and a Slytherin would be his type.
So can you do a hc for Fred and a Slytherin💚Thank you
ok babes as a slytherin who’s in love w Freddie I have SO MANY thoughts
ok first of all we all know that they weasleys have their biases
especially Ron
I feel like the twins would still have a bias against Slytherins but they never had like personal fights w any of them like Ron and Harry did w Malfoy
so they’re a little more open
that being said
Slytherins do happen to make great pranking targets
especially in snape’s class
ok so imagine it’s potions w Gryffindor and Slytherin
and you’re sitting across the room with your friends
cuz no fraternizing w the enemy obviously 🙄
and suddenly all the Gryffindors duck for cover and you and your friends are so confused
and then the dung bombs go off
and snape is LIVID
and your friends are LIVID
and you make eye contact w Fred, who you’ve only ever talked to during projects
and you start to plan revenge
ok whoever came up w the idea that Slytherins are all stuck up snobs is completely wrong
they’re just as big troublemakers as Gryffindors but more sneaky about it
can’t be getting caught and jeopardizing their future
so they’re more subtle
no one saw it coming, especially Fred
ok so you’re at dinner
in the great hall
and I’m pretty sure that Gryffindor and slytherin tables are on opposite ends of the room
so it’s even MORE impressive that you did this
but some time when Fred was distracted w George you swap his wand w a replica
a hexed replica
you don’t know why you only chose to prank Fred and not George too
he’s the more annoying one, that’s it
not because you love the cocky look in his eyes
or his loud laugh
or because you maybe want to impress him w your pranking abilities
nope nope
none of that
so you plan this perfectly
the next time he’d probably use his wand is potions in the morning
you’re all filed in and in your normal seats
the Slytherins are pissed about the prank
but what else is new
and snape decides to single out the twins
cuz he’s also still pretty pissed
and Fred has to demonstrate something
and Fred’s smart right?
like he and George might not try, but they invented so many products using potions knowledge
but when he tries to cast the spell and rubber ducks fly out
curtesy of mr. weasleys love for said objects
he’s going crazy
he tries again and suddenly his robes are replaced w the girls uniform
ok but Fred in a short skirt? say less
at this point everyone is cackling
especially George
especially you
even snape has to turn away to avoid showing a small grin
and Fred is so frustrated cuz hE KNOWS THIS SPELL
one last time
and his skin was now dyed green
signature slytherin green
you can’t hold back anymore and you practically fall off your chair laughing
meanwhile fred can’t figure out who in the world pranked him
and this well
how did he not see it coming ??
the two of you make quick eye contact
something that had always been common between you before one would glance away
but this time you stare
and wink
oh boy
Fred doesnt know what to do
you’re a slytherin
you’re supposed to be all mean and a blood purist and blah blah blah
but now that he thinks about it
you’ve never been that way
in fact you’re one of the only Slytherins Fred’s never targeted directly w a prank
oh but that’s about to change
hence the beginning of the Gryffindor/Slytherin prank war
no one else knows it was you
and no one believes Fred when he tells them
which just makes it easier for you to get away w everything
flash forward a few weeks
you and Fred are both out past curfew
tryna set up more great pranks for the other
and then, of course, enter filch
after some very close calls you both wind up in a broom closet
and you’re arguing as always
whisper shouting as to not get caught
“you ruined my prank, it was gonna be amazing too!”
“oh please, you did the same one last month, everyone would’ve seen it coming.”
“and I suppose you have better ideas?”
“well now that you mention it...”
“show me”
and suddenly you two are partners and bouncing ideas off of each other
George would be jealous if he found out
but you and Fred do make a good team
I also feel like since there’s the tension between the two houses you keep your newfound friendship a secret
like you still hate each other
but only in public
in private, you’re best friends
until one night when you pull of the best prank known to man
and you’re both filled w adrenaline and running through the forbidden forest screaming w joy
and Fred just wraps you in his arms
and pulls you tight
and kisses you w no hesitation
and of course you kiss back
it’s been like a minute and you’ve barely taken a breath
so you both pull back and are like
😳...what was that?
but then you shrug and kiss him again
cuz you’ve been waiting years to do that
not that you’d ever let him know
but it’s fine because it’s the same deal for him
and now the secret friendship is a secret relationship
it’s tough at first
your friends would judge you a lot for dating a weasley
and Ron would probably flip if he knew Fred was dating you
but eventually you had to come clean
and by “had to” I mean Draco caught you making out in the Slytherin common room late at night and told the whole school
and you guys were right to some extent
Ron had a rough time w it at first and so did your friends
but what you didn’t expect was how much ppl already knew
“yeah I know you’ve been sneaking off to snog her every night, who do you think has been covering for you?”
“George... WHAT?”
“you have like 3 of his jumpers under your bed, we’ve known for weeks.”
“well that’s fantastic.”
but anyways
it’s all out in the open now
and for the most part everyone’s happy for you
even the teachers
except snape
but who cares about snape anyway
now you’re the school power couple
and everyone loves you
and is low key afraid of you
cuz they know about your pranking habits
and competitive edges
one fight between you two and all hell breaks loose
but overall
you both have never been happier
and it doesn’t matter what people in your houses think
because it’s just a stupid house color
and it doesn’t mean anything to you guys
except quidditch games, cuz then any love you have for each other disappears and you’re willing to rip the other to shreds
true love <3
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Move On IV (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!💕 I don’t even know how I managed to finish this with the crazy week I’ve had💀 I had 3 exams, a huge paper to hand in and a presentation. But somehow, I did this too and I wanted to post it as soon as possible🥰 I’m quite happy of how this one turned out considering I hadn’t that much time to work on it. So I hope you like it!♥️ There’s not many parts left (2 or 3) but I have an idea for a “sequel” so if you guys like this one, maybe when it’s done I’ll work on that!
Now enjoy, stay safe and enjoy the holidays, even if this year isn’t the best one for celebrations😅 See you soon🥰 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex, angst, implied Hvitserk x Reader, don’t kill me for this lol
Words: 4179 (I’m sorry)
Move On   II    III
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gifs belong to @therealcalicali​ and @honestsycrets​
You actually liked to go shopping. You enjoyed walking around the shops and looking at beautiful clothes and shoes. You didn't like to try on the clothes, though, because the comparisons between the model on the photos and you were awful. 
"Aren't you gonna try that on, Y/N?"
Torvi's voice startled you. She just got out of one of the fitting rooms, wearing a beautiful silver dress that made her look even better than the model. You widened your eyes. 
"I... Don't think this will fit me" you glanced at the clothes they made you pick. Party clothes; tight dresses, short skirts, low cut crop tops... "I'm more of a comfy sweatpants and oversized hoodies girl" you raised an eyebrow. 
Torvi chuckled, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. 
"Come on, Y/N, I want to see how you look on them!"
She looked at herself on the mirror, frowning softly. You looked at the pile of clothes on the wooden table and wondered why you agreed to go shopping with Torvi, Gunhild and Lagertha when you could be at home, eating cookies and watching Disney movies with Hvitserk. 
They insisted on going shopping and then go and grab lunch. As you barely had any social life anymore, you thought it'd be a great idea. Then they entered one of those expensive shops that you could only admire from afar and glare with jealousy to the people that exited the store with a couple of bags. 
"Okay, I think this is the one" Torvi shrugged happily "What do you think?" She turned around and you smiled softly. 
"You look beautiful" 
"Thank you" her smile widened "You're the sweetest, Y/N"
"Are you girls done?" Lagertha's voice startled you, her head peeked through the door. 
"Nearly" Torvi winked at her "What do you think about this dress? Y/N likes it" 
"I think you look perfect on it" Lagertha smiled at her ex daughter in law. You were still amazed with the narrative of that family, but it wasn't your place to judge "What about you, Y/N? Did you try anything?" 
You opened your mouth to speak, but Torvi interrupted you. 
"She didn't, I keep telling her she should, but she won't listen" she raised an eyebrow and you groan, rubbing your face. 
"Come on, we're not leaving until you try something on" Lagertha chuckled. 
Sighing, you rubbed your face and grabbed the clothes, rolling your eyes as you entered the fitting room, making Torvi and Lagertha smirk in victory. 
"So... We could go out" Torvi looked excited as you stared at your lunch. You had nothing against modern, expensive restaurant but you weren't sure if it was legal that they asked that amount of money for that. 
"We're already out, Torvi" Gunhild chuckled. Out of all of them, she was the one you could relate to the most, she was the most calm, the quiet, but also as fierce as Lagertha if not more. 
"I know" Torvi rolled her eyes "But maybe we should go out to a nightclub, you know, I haven't been out in forever and I want to, this whole 'plan the perfect wedding' thing is stressing me out" 
"You don't need to plan the perfect wedding, every wedding is perfect when you're in love" Lagertha raised her cup of champagne softly, and you chewed at your food slowly. 
"I know, I know, I just... Ubbe is the one, you know?" 
"We know, Torvi" Gunhild smiled widely at her "But you see... My own wedding with Björn was quite rushed, and still... Magical" she blushed softly, looking down. 
You smiled, remembering her wedding. You had attended with Ivar, who wasn't too excited to go to his half-brother's wedding and was nearly obligated by his family. The two of you left very early, but not before having sex on the limousine Björn had rented. 
"I know you will have the same thing with Ubbe, I can see it" Lagertha caressed Torvi's hand over the table.
"Okay stop getting emotional, I know what you're doing" she narrowed her eyes at them "Can we go out, please?" 
They laughed, and even you chuckled softly.
"Y/N, I trust you, don't leave me alone" she pouted at you "Tonight?" 
"I'm afraid I work tonight" you smiled apologetically "But you all can go out! I'm sure you'll have a better time without me" 
"No, we need you" she sighed "Tomorrow?" 
"Yeah, I suppose tomorrow is fine..."
"Perfect!" She giggled. 
"I'm afraid my time on nightclubs is already over, girls" Lagertha laughed "But I wish you have a great time, enjoy your youth" 
"I think I can" Gunhild nodded "But I'll leave early" 
Torvi looked satisfied. 
"Okay, I can call Sigurd's new girlfriend too" 
"Sigurd has a girlfriend?" You raised an eyebrow. You didn't know anything, but as you barely talked to him due to his bad relationship with Ivar, it didn't surprise you. 
"Yeah, I met her when we had dinner with them to tell them about the wedding... She's cute, and nice... It looks like our dear Sigurd finally settled down... Ubbe was relieved to hear about her, he was really worried that the rockstar life was too much for him" 
Even Sigurd, the now semi-famous musician that girls pursued after his gigs, the soft and sweet Sigurd that had had nearly as many girls as Hvitserk, had settled down. He had an stable relationship. You, on the other hand, had a shitty job and spent your nights watching Disney movies. 
You kept eating as Torvi talked about her favorite clubs, trying to decide which one was more suitable for a girls' night. But suddenly, someone entering the restaurant, and your eyes widened. Torvi stopped talking and Lagertha raised an eyebrow, turning her head to look at the door. 
Of all the people you'd think you might run into on a posh restaurant, Aslaug wasn't one of them. She looked as beautiful and flawless as always, with her hair tied on an elegant bun and her subtle makeup that made her pretty eyes stand out. Ivar had his father's eye color, but the shape was much more similar to his mother's. They resembled each other, and it made your stomach turn. 
She looked around the restaurant, and when her eyes found yours, she looked surprised. An strange expression crossed her face, but she flashed you a sweet smile. Aslaug seemed cold and distant to most people, but to you she was always sweet and caring, treating you like the daughter she always wanted but never got. 
Her smile turned a bit stern when she looked at Lagertha and Torvi, ignoring Gunhild. Then she turned to the bar, smiling politely at the waitress. 
Then the eyes turned to you. You cleared your throat nervously and avoided them. It was true that, out of Ivar's family, the only people you had a close relationship with were Hvitserk, Aslaug, Floki and Helga, and sometimes Ubbe, even if that changed when he decided to get closer to his half brother and Lagertha. Now things had changed, and you still felt a bit out of place in this new social circle Alfred had introduced to you, but your link to the "enemy" was much stronger. 
"I... I'm going to say hello" you muttered. 
No one said anything, and you nearly felt sick. When you arrived to the bar, Aslaug was talking to a man next to her. You hadn't even realized he walked in after her, like her favored son, she had the gift of making everyone aware of only her presence by just walking in a room. 
"Hi, Aslaug"
She turned to face you, her face lightened up and her smile widened. This time it reached her eyes. 
"Y/N, my sweet girl, hello" she hugged you tightly, and you sighed, hugging her back. You missed her "I was wondering if you'd say hello... How are you, my dear?" 
"I'm fine" you nodded "How are you?" 
"I'm good, honey, I'm so happy to see you, I was worried when you..." She licked her lips, nervously "I called you a couple of times, but you didn't pick up" 
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that... I kind of neglected my phone for a few weeks" 
"I understand" she nodded. If anyone in the world understood exactly how you felt, it was Aslaug "I truly do, Hvitserk has been talking to me about you, I'm glad you haven't completely cut off communications with my family, we need you" 
"Of course" you giggled "Hvitserk is one of my closest friends, and that won't change" 
I hope, you thought. You kind of felt very replaceable. 
"I'm glad to see you" she repeated, the smile never left her lips "Remember you will always be welcome in our home, Y/N"
"Thank you, Aslaug" you nearly teared up "I think I should go back now..."
"Yeah, go and have fun, dear" she caressed your cheek softly, not even mentioning the people you were with "Goodbye"
"Bye, have a good day" you shot her another wide smile. 
Thora looked impressed when you arrived to the cafeteria with Torvi, Lagertha and Gunhild. She was polite to them, but it was obvious that she was surprised to see you hanging out with them. 
'Wow' was the only thing she said once they left, making you promise you'd wear the dress you had bought that morning to the club the night after.
"Don't even mention it" you groaned, rubbing your face as the both of you got ready to start your shift. 
"I didn't take you for someone that had brunch with these people" Thora held back a laugh, and you hit her arm playfully. 
"They're really nice" you muttered "They're just trying to make me feel better" 
"Yeah, they seem nice, but... Are you sure you fit in that group, Y/N?" She raised an eyebrow "Don't get offended, but I never pictured you in there"
"No, I don't" you sighed "As I'm seeing Alfred now, I suppose they see me like one of them" 
"You're seeing..."
"Not like that" you glared at her "Shut up, we're just friends" 
This time she didn't hold back the laugh. 
"I went on a date with Hvitserk" she cleared her throat, and you looked up at her again, interested. 
"Nothing, he's just not my type" she shrugged, making you groan.
"He likes you, I know it" you winked at her. 
Thora shook her head. 
"Hvitserk is the kind of man that likes everyone" she laughed "It's okay, he's nice and fun, but not what I'm looking for... I have another date tonight, though, with a guy I met on Tinder" 
"You're on Tinder?" You frowned as you kept drying the coffee cups. 
"Yes, and you should too" she giggled when you widened your eyes at her "Come on, Y/N, you're young, hot and cute, stop thinking about a boy that didn't appreciate you, you deserve to spend your nights having orgasms, not chocolate ice-cream" 
"But I like chocolate ice-cream" you muttered.
"More than orgasms?" She chuckled, and just when you were about to answer, she interrupted you "Don't answer, you're weird" she rolled her eyes. 
Hvitserk surprised you at the end of your shift with a bag full of beers. He had brought his car and offered you a late night with beer, chips and reality shows. As it was probably the best plan you could have, you said yes, and opened one of the beers even before entering the car. You saw Hvitserk glance at Thora as she stayed to close the cafeteria and wait for her date, chatting with a girl she knew from university that visited her at work. 
"You should work a bit for it" you said, raising an eyebrow at him as he drove to your home with a poker face. 
"She's not interested" he shrugged. As Hvitserk wasn't used to having girls reject him, it had hurt his pride.
"But you can make her interested if you do things right" you chuckled "You Lothbrok boys are always waiting for girls battling their eyelashes at you" 
Hvitserk laughed. 
"You're right, what can I say? I'm surprised you didn't battle your eyelashes at me yet" 
"I was busy with your brother, Hvitty" you giggled "Until he got tired of me"
Hvitserk's smile faded slowly, and as soon as he could, he put his hand on your thigh, turning to look at you. 
"How are you, Y/N?" 
"I'm fine, it's okay" you muttered, shrugging "I saw your mother today" 
"Yeah she told me" he nodded, his attention back to the road "She also asked me not to say anything to Ivar" he sighed "It's because she doesn't like Freydis, she came home for dinner the other day and I could swear she would have loved to sink the knife on her neck" he held back a smile. 
God, you loved Aslaug. 
"Why? What happens with Freydis that no one likes her?" You asked, curious.
"You've seen them together, haven't you?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, briefly... Alfred and I left immediately, I barely talked to them" 
"Ivar is infatuated with her" he sighed "He's lost his mind, Y/N, he's not even rational now, his whole world is Freydis, it's not love, it's... I'm worried about him" he frowned "He's changing, he can't see anything past her" 
"Have you tried to talk to him? Maybe he needs a bit of big brother guidance"
"I can't talk to him, he's... He doesn't listen. No matter what I tell him, he doesn't trust me"
"Ivar has a hard time trusting people" you said softly "Maybe..."
"Don't defend him" he glared at you "I know what you mean, but he's known her for a few months, Y/N, and he's pushing away every single person that was important to him, he's not even going to physical therapy anymore" 
You frowned a bit. Ivar hated therapy, but he always understood he needed to do it. Suddenly you felt the need of texting him.
"Stop worrying about him, Y/N" Hvitserk narrowed his eyes "It's my job to worry about him because he's my little brother, but you can forget about him now" 
When you arrived home, Hvitserk went directly to the kitchen to heat up the sandwiches you had taken from the cafeteria and put the beers in the fridge as you entered your bedroom, sighing tiredly. 
"I'm going to take a shower" you raised your voice, and after Hvitserk hummed, probably with his mouth full of food, you entered the bathroom, closing the door and taking off your clothes. 
The warm water relaxed your body and you were able to finally stop thinking, leaving your mind completely blank. 
It didn't last, though. 
As soon as you left the shower, you unlocked your phone, looking for Ivar's contact. The last text messages you had exchanged were from the last days of your relationship. Ivar didn't like to text, so he usually only replied with monosyllables and then called you to hear your voice, but in those last weeks he hadn't even replied. In that moment, you had tried to convince yourself that it was normal, that he might hadn't feel like texting you, but then he had broken up with you. Scrolling down the messages, you could tell exactly the day he had realized he wasn't in love with you anymore -if he had ever been in love, which you started to doubt-. You let your throat ache and a couple of tears run down your cheek before wiping them away and writing the message you had in mind. 
Hi Ivar. Are you okay? 
You didn't think he'd reply. But after hearing people saying how weird Ivar was acting (even more than the usual) and how Freydis had changed him, you started to wonder if he was okay. No matter how much he hurt you, he was still someone you cared deeply about. 
A knock on the bathroom door startled you. 
"Y/N? Are you alive?" Hvitserk sounded a bit worried as he knocked on the door. You cleared your throat and dried the few tears on your face. 
"Yes! Sorry! I'll be out in five!"
The beers didn't last as long as you thought. It was past midnight when Hvitserk convinced you to open the bottle of vodka you had bought months ago and already forgot why. 
It resulted on a blurry night, as the both of you started feeling more and more happy, you watched stupid movies and laughed at them. You forgot about Ivar, the text and the ache in your chest. Hvitserk was the only one that could make you forget everything and laugh so much. 
"Come on, that never happens" Hvitserk groaned, rubbing his eyes with his voice already a bit unsteady. The brothers had a high alcohol tolerance, but Hvitserk was always the one that got drunk first "The girl never runs back to us, we're the ones that have to chase them" 
You giggled drunkenly, hitting his arm. 
"Yeah, we have to make you work for it"
He rolled his eyes, drinking directly from the bottle now. 
"It's always easier to go out to a pub and have sex with another girl" 
You giggled again. For some reason, every single thing he said felt like the funniest thing ever. 
"Yeah, we can do that too" you smirked "For example, as you don't want to work for Thora, she's now out on a date and probably having sex with another guy while you're in my apartment getting drunk and criticizing terrible movies... Who's losing now?" You raised an eyebrow, smiling in victory. Hvitserk frowned and glared at you as you laid back on the couch. 
"Are you saying I should go out and find someone to have sex with?" 
"No" you giggled "I'm saying you should call Thora tomorrow" 
"Anyway" he scoffed again "You should be the one going out to have sex" 
"Me?" You laughed "Why?"
"When was the last time you had an orgasm, Y/N?" 
You closed your eyes and pressed your fingers against your temple. It was hard to think when you had that... Noise in your head. 
"I can't remember" you muttered "Probably before..." You hummed. He knew what you meant. 
"What?" He widened his eyes, and his jaw dropped "It's been months, Y/N, what the hell?" He groaned "You didn't even touch yourself?"
You were so drunk that you didn't even flinch at his question.
"I don't have time for that" you frowned. 
"Well, now I know why you're always pouting and looking like a lost puppy"
You opened your eyes to glare at him, even if you only saw a blurry bulge on the other side of your couch. 
"I don't pout" you scoffed "And I'm just not ready to get to know someone new, Hvitty"
"You don't have to know them, you just need to fuck them" he shrugged "It works, you know, it helps to move on... In fact, this is what you should do; you should go out, pick someone, take them to my flat and fuck them on Ivar's bed" 
You couldn't help the burst of laugher that brought tears to your eyes. Hvitserk looked amused. 
"I'm serious, that should teach that asshole a fucking lesson, he needs it" 
"I miss him" you muttered when the laughter died down "I texted him" 
You couldn't see it, but Hvitserk sighed and rubbed his eyes. He moved then, startling you when he laid down next to you, hugging you softly. It made you smile. 
"You need to stop, Y/N" he whispered then, and the lump in the throat came back "You really need to move on, you're amazing, and there's so many people in the world that deserves you much more than my stupid brother"
"I know" you sighed "But I want him" 
Hvitserk hummed. He knew the feeling. He also knew you'd get over it, with time, but now it was difficult. 
"That's why you need to go out there and enjoy your youth, Y/N" he drank from the bottle again, making you laugh "Get drunk, have sex and stop living like you're fifty and getting over your second divorce"
"Sounds easy when you say it" you giggled turning around to face him. 
"You just need to do it" he muttered. Your eyelids already felt heavy, and when you opened your eyes, you saw Ivar. You didn't even know why, Ivar and Hvitserk didn't really look alike, but in that moment you saw him, his deep blue eyes staring at you, his pouty lips, his cute nose... Even that nervous expression he had whenever the two of you were alone. Your heart started beating faster and faster, and you felt his arms around you. You could even smell him. Oh, gods, you missed him so much. You would give anything, your own life, just to be able to kiss him again, even if it was for the last time. 
So you just leant in and kissed him. 
He kissed you back, but that kiss didn't feel like Ivar's... This one was much more rushed, it was good but... It lacked Ivar's passion and intensity. It wasn't the same. 
Anyway, you kept kissing him, as his hands roamed up and down your body. You might knew you were kissing Hvitserk, but decided to ignore it. Maybe he was right and you just needed someone to move on. 
Ivar just glared at his phone. He had been glaring at it for the past two hours, since Freydis left, saying she was meeting some friends that night. Then he checked his phone and he nearly dropped it when he saw your name on his screen. Why were you texting him now? He thought you hated him. It was easier that way. 
He rubbed his face, groaning and laying back on his bed. His legs hurt so much that day... No matter how many painkillers he had taken, how much he rested. He was feeling like someone just ran over him with a truck. 
Hvitserk didn't come home either. Not that it made a difference. The long nights they spent drinking cheap beer and talking about family and life were long forgotten. They weren't as close now. He was probably fucking someone he just met, or getting drunk. Did he mention he'd go to your house to see you? Maybe. Ivar had stopped listening whenever your name came up, trying to avoid that rage he felt the last time he saw you, getting all cozy and giggly with Alfred. The fucking Alfred. 
You always insisted he was only a friend, but he knew better, if he hadn't left you for Freydis, you'd probably have ended up leaving him for Alfred. He was better for you anyway. 
Hi Ivar. Are you okay? 
Why did you care? Were you thinking about him and suddenly wanted to know if he was okay? Did anyone say anything to you? 
He had to hold back a smile when he saw your profile picture. It was you in Iceland, hugging one of the huskies Floki had on his house in Skógar. Freki, the husky you had fallen in love with, was infatuated with you, too, and Ivar found very amusing how he would follow you anywhere, trying to get your attention. It reminded him of himself, actually, annoyed when you diverted your attention to something that wasn't him. Ivar had a serious talk with the dog, explaining him that he wasn't allowed to get into bed with you, let alone cuddle you in your sleep, the only living being that could do that was Ivar.
He took that picture one morning you decided to take Freki for a walk. The husky had been so excited to see you that he had knocked you down to the floor, making you laugh. The picture had you looking at the camera, hugging Freki as he tried to lick your cheek. 
When he locked his phone again, the warm tingling on his chest disappeared. It made him sigh, closing his eyes. Freydis was perfect, wasn't she? She was beautiful, sweet, she loved him. She made him understand he was special, that he needed no one but her. 
She was perfect. She was the one, and she loved him as much as he did, she always said it. At least a few times a day, she smiled sweetly and said that she loved him, so that meant she loved him, right? You didn't say it that much. But then again, you would have never left him alone knowing he was in pain. 
Shaking his head, he unlocked his phone again and wrote a quick text. 
Yeah, thanks. 
Then he deleted your number. He didn't want to see that photo with Freki, smiling at him, he didn't want to think about you or about what you would have done. You weren't part of his life anymore. 
Tags: @mblaqgi​ @alicedopey​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hallowed-heathen​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @captstefanbrandt​ @love-hate-love​ @titty-teetee​ @readsalot73​ @moondustmemories​ @thevikingsheaux​ @therealcalicali​ @blushingskywalker​ @awkwardfangirl02​ @gruffle1​ @justacripple​ @love-dria @heartbeats-wildly​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @eteramfools​ @tgrrose​ @flokidottirsstuff​ @lovessce​ @tootie-fruity​ @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​ @xceafh​ @astrape-the-weatherwitch​ @destynelseclipsa​ @poisonous00​ @littlebear423​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @soleil-dor​ @geekydane-post​ @katarokkar11 @crackhead1-800​
I hope I didn’t forget anyone :( if I did please tell me
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
The Undershirt
The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty - Suitang - 2k - G - first kiss fluff - AO3!
“Hand it over,” orders Sui Zhou.
Tang Fan pouts, a pout somewhere in between his “I’m hungry, feed me” face and “Dinner was an hour late, I almost died” face.
“I ran out of clean ones,” he says when Sui Zhou holds out his hand, “and I had to pack in a hurry—”
“I had only three rules. Rule one: Don’t mess up my house again—”
“Alright, alright,” Tang Fan says before Sui Zhou can lecture him. Leave it to Sui Zhou to take an inventory of his clothes as soon as he got home, all because Tang Fan had left his things just the tiniest bit mussed! “Take your stupid undershirt back; it’s too big on me anyway.”
Sui Zhou turns back to his cooking as Tang Fan slips halfway out of his robe, making a face as he removes the undershirt. Missing Sui Zhou, Tang Fan had pilfered the distinctive draped-neck garment from his things after he’d left on his ill-fated “business trip.” “Happy now, Sui-baihu?”
Sui Zhou glances up briefly from the soup, eyes flickering over Tang Fan. Sui Zhou’s handsome features are soft in the warm yellow candlelight and the orange glow of the stove. “Better.”
Tang Fan stands there with his robes draped around his waist, chest exposed, shyly holding the undershirt in front of him, watching Sui Zhou’s strong, sure hands as they slice vegetables and meat and then, once dinner is cooking, assemble the dessert, grinding the sesame seeds and working the delicate mixture.
A swell of fondness fills Tang Fan’s chest as Sui Zhou puts the finishing touches on the little sesame cakes, decorating each with a pink circle of honeyed flower petals.
"Aren't you going to put the undershirt back on?” Tang Fan asks as Sui Zhou puts the last petal in place. Most of the shyness has worn off as Sui Zhou tells him about how he developed the recipe, his deep voice low and soothing as it fills the cozy little kitchen.
"Later." Sui Zhou glances up, eyes flickering once again over Tang Fan's bare chest before returning to his work. Perhaps it's the warm glow of the candle, but Tang Fan imagines there's a hint of color in Sui Zhou's cheeks.
Too late it occurs to him that he should have at least put his robes back up over his arms and chest. Jiejie had driven it through his head that to wear robes without an undershirt was uncouth and a sure way to get the robes dirty, but…
"Do you still have your prison clothes? That was a good look." The question escapes Tang Fan before he can censor himself. "I mean—your uniform is good too—I mean, your normal undershirt is better than that prison one.” He dangles the undershirt from his fingertips, as if this question was just an extension of him returning Sui Zhou's undershirt. “I mean...”
Sui Zhou cranes his neck away slightly, as if trying to avoid looking at Tang Fan but probably only checking to make sure Dong'er isn't nearby to see Tang Fan in this state of undress. "Be careful with that. You're going to set the kitchen on fire again."
Grinning, and more at ease now that the conversation is back in familiar teasing territory, Tang Fan sidles closer to Sui Zhou, waving his shirt near where the mutton soup is bubbling on the fire. "Oh, that was on purpose. You know, to get you to free Dong'er—"
Sui Zhou gives him that look of his, the one that appears completely expressionless but in fact contains a half dozen emotions from all corners of the spectrum. "You set fire to my house on purpose?"
"What about the time you fell asleep with the candle beside your bed, and the time you tripped and fell holding the lamp—"
"Fine, it wasn't on purpose. But the bad food was! I can cook, if I wanted to—”
"You can't cook."
Tang Fan inches closer. He's not quite sure why. "You could teach me."
Sui Zhou frowns slightly. "You step foot in my kitchen without me here, and you sleep outside with the sheep."
Tang Fan wrinkles his nose. "The sheep has a name ."
"Li Qing?"
Tang Fan almost drops the undershirt on the stove. "How did you—”
Sui Zhou turns away again as if to hide a grin. Li Qing is the main character of Tang Fan's magnum opus, My Sexy Lady .
"You didn't read it!" Tang Fan leans forward in consternation. He's not sure why he's so thrown. It's a brilliantly-written work, like all of his books, but somehow to have Sui Zhou privy to—to all that — "Wang Zhi told you or something—wait till I get my hands on him!"
Sui Zhou is definitely holding back a grin. "I liked the part where the ‘sexy lady’ sets fire to Shi Yang's house after she thinks he stole her necklace."
"That never happened! She never did anything half so crazy!”
Sui Zhou is no longer holding back his smile. "Maybe in the sequel, My Sexy Wife."
Tang Fan laughs out loud. People who don't know Sui Zhou think he's stiff and cold and completely humorless, but Tang Fan knows better. It's subtle, but Sui Zhou's sense of humor and appreciation of the outlandish is definitely there. If it weren't, Tang Fan doesn't think he would get along with him as well as he does.
Which, when he stops to think of it, is rather odd. His getting along with him so well, not the sense of humor. Despite having lived in the capital for years, and having many acquaintances, Tang Fan has few close friends. As he knows he’s a delight to be around, never complaining and generously standing people meals, he can only assume it’s a failing in other people.
A failing that Sui Zhou evidently doesn’t have, to appreciate Tang Fan’s virtues, both hidden and overt.
It’s not that Tang Fan annoys people. That can’t possibly be it, no matter what Jiejie says. But he can’t deny that not everyone appreciates him, and that hurts, sometimes.
A sudden thought, and Tang Fan abruptly stops laughing. Why did Sui Zhou pick that example? Surely it was just a joke after what they'd been talking about—he knows it is—but of all characters to pick—
Tang Fan had based a lot of Li Qing on himself. Like him, she's a beautiful genius often put-upon by those who fail to appreciate her properly, driven to do the right thing at whatever costs, someone who appreciates fine food and faces the world with a smile no matter how she's feeling.
No. Sui Zhou is just teasing him, as usual. That's it. He probably hadn't even finished the book...
He wants to ask Sui Zhou if he liked the book, but despite it being his best-selling work, he’s hesitant to ask. Sui Zhou is nothing if not honest, and what if he didn’t truly like it?
Tang Fan resolves to start work on a sequel that night. Perhaps Shi Yang could enter the imperial guards and, together with Li Qing, solve a series of increasingly exciting mysteries that pit them against the world. Back to back, they’ll chase justice and stand strong against the winds of—
“Here.” Sui Zhou slides the plate of sesame cakes towards him. “For coming to get me.”
Tang Fan grins. “You mean rescuing you.”
Sui Zhou turns back to the soup. "Just eat them."
Tang Fan inches even closer, more to annoy Sui Zhou than anything else, he thinks. "Go on, say it. I rescued you."
"Keep this up, and you're getting kicked out of my kitchen."
" Your kitchen? Why is it—oh, right. It's your house." Tang Fan looks down at the sesame cakes. It's almost a shame to eat them, they’re so beautifully decorated. "Am I allowed to eat them before dinner, or are you going to get all sulky?"
Sui Zhou gives Tang Fan a look as if to say, I'm not the childish one here, and reaches for a sesame cake just as Tang Fan does. Their fingers brush, and tingling current runs up Tang Fan's arm. Startled, he jerks away, dropping Sui Zhou's undershirt on the stove.
Spattered in mutton grease, it erupts in a column of flame.
"Augh!" Panicking, Tang Fan drops the shirt in the soup. “Put it out! Put it out!”
Sui Zhou snatches the shirt out of the soup and drops it in a pot of water. "What did I just tell you about setting my house on fire?"
Smiling weakly, Tang Fan begins sidling in the opposite direction as Sui Zhou comes closer. "You startled me! You grabbed at me just as I was trying to eat, I haven't eaten all day, I was hungry, you forced me to take a cake—"
He bumps up against the wall. Sui Zou leans over him, one arm framing him, his face a mix of exasperation and—and fondness, Tang Fan wants to believe, though it’s hard to when there's a charred, soup-soaked undershirt not five feet away.
"It wasn't my fault I burned your shirt!" Tang Fan continues bravely. Whining has always worked on Old Pei and Jiejie, though he still hasn’t quite learned the exact point Jiejie’s indulgence tips over into slapping-him-across-the-face territory, hence all the slapping. "Tired after weeks of traveling, traveling across half the empire to rescue you, if you recall, weeks of seasickness and danger and unpadded saddles and not being able to finish my rice noodles in the one good restaurant between here and I thought you were dead at one point, and that was almost as bad as the noo—"
Sui Zhou bends forward and kisses him.
Tang Fan goes rigid.
Did—did Sui Zhou just—
Sui Zhou kisses him again, as if to clear up any doubts.
"Well, that's one way to stop you from talking," he says.
Tang Fan's heart is beating like a war drum, but strangely enough it's not from nerves. There's a smile on Sui Zhou's lips (rather full lips, he notices. Until now he's been too distracted by his arms and shoulders and—well—all the rest of him, most likely), and there's definite fondness in his eyes.
"I once talked through an acupuncture session for a sore tooth," Tang Fan says boastingly, more to calm his nerves than anything else.
He’s never been kissed before. Or rather, being a man, perhaps it was more appropriate to say he’d never kissed anyone before.
He’d always changed the subject when Old Pei brought it up. The local girls had never interested him, and he’d never though there were other— options—
"You can ask him at dinner,” he blusters on, pulse fluttering. “I was probably able to give him some good tips and pointers, I once read a book on acupuncture that—"
Sui Zhou shuts him up again, cupping his face in his hand. It smells of honey and spice, the callused palm somehow soft against Tang Fan's cheek, his long fingers curling around the back of his neck as he kisses him.
Tang Fan is suddenly very aware that he's half-naked, but it's somehow nice being around Sui Zhou like that, not uncomfortable as he's sometimes felt in the past around others. Natural, despite his first-time nerves.
He suddenly realizes that Sui Zhou is looking down at him as if waiting for him to say or do something.
"Am I allowed to speak again?" Tang Fan asks.
Sui Zhou half-smiles. "Nothing could stop you from talking for very long."
"I want another one of your undershirts, but a black one this time. I saw one tucked away in the chest, but Dong'er said it wouldn’t match my robes, though what does she know? I want the black undershirt, and—"
"Black to hide any future char?"
"This was an accident! You startled me!"
"The one you were wearing today is mostly black now, after you set it on fi—"
Tang Fan kisses him.
"You're right," he says, grinning at Sui Zhou, who seems to have forgotten how to speak. "That does work."
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monst · 4 years
In love and loathing
Yandere? Hawks (Takami Keigo) x Yanderish! Reader
Warnings: Death, there is also mention of some rando dying too, Mention of suicide, blood, distrubing obbession. Stalking, gaslighting and other yandere themes =D
I just read your brujería tamaki fic and was A-MA-ZING! if you could, please do another one but this time it’s reader putting a love spell on Hawks! please and thank you. BTW I think that most latinxs know of at least 1 person who’s into macumba and willing to do crazy stuff - @the-temple-pythoness​  (Sorry for the long wait…)
WC: 3,500
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You watched the man in astonishment, observing every explosion of color that lit the air when a shivering bubble popped. The air in the small room had become thick with smoke, your nostrils assaulted with the scent of fire and burning roots. Long dexterous fingers plucked leaves from odd shrubbery tossing them into the simmering brew. Once the thick bubbling liquid cooled the man let it flow into a jar like molasses and handed it to you.
“Find a way to make him drink it, it should start kicking in, in a couple hours.”
“T-thank you-
“Don’t thank me. And don’t come back to this place. I won’t answer.”
Had you been desperate? Yes. Had it been worth it? You didn’t know… Your fingers dug into the wood, nails creasing at how tightly you gripped the podium. You were counting in your head reaching as far as eight hundred fifty-five before the Judge cut off your clutch. It was but a miniscule change but you could see how the balding man rolled his eyes. The subtle movement had your heart plummeting to the pit of your belly. In that moment you could tell that he had already made his verdict and calling up the pro hero was just procedure. 
“Mr. Takami.” The judge began. “I have heard the allegations you have made towards Ms. (Lastname), I would like you to recount the events. Please start with how you met.”
“Certainly your honor.” Keigo nodded. He cleared his throat, molten gold eyes meeting yours in a slitted glare. 
“I was on patrol at the time, something my protegee and those of my agency can confirm. It was nearing the end of my shift and I was headed back when I saw…Ms.(Lastname).” He grimaced at the sound of your last name leaving his lips. 
“The moment I saw her I took off in her direction.” The judge asked why, even though he had read up on the matter. “She was standing atop a building, Block twenty five, building six. I noticed by the way her body was being pushed by the wind that she had climbed over onto the ledge. A jumper is what I thought and I was there right as she stepped off.” 
The room was quickly filled with incredulou susurrations. Keigo allowed the bystanders to control themselves before continuing. “I managed to catch her before she plummeted and hit the ground. At the time she was rabid, her nails dug into my skin, she tugged at my hair and bit me, as you can see from the images in the report. After a while she was left sobbing and after a small conversation I took her to the hospital and we found the right people to help her.”
“Is all of this true?” He looked to you for an answer. 
“Yes your honor.” You whispered. You wanted to yell at Takami, shout at him for lying. It wasn’t just him catching you!? It was much more than that! He saved your life!? He gave you hope that life wasn’t meaningless and he cared enough to get you help, it wasn’t as emotionless as he described it was much more..intimate. 
Regardless of your thoughts in the matter, Takami continued with his tale. 
“A couple of weeks went by and I had forgotten about the incident.” He shrugged, the nonchalant tone was like being a bug and having someone squash and rotate their shoe on you. He spat on your feelings in his next confessions. “But then all of a sudden she showed up at my agency, I didn’t think much of it. She thanked me like someone normally would, offered to buy me dinner which I declined and left me a thank you card.”
‘That wasn’t how it happened..’ You fought the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He had been incredibly sweet with you, asked you how you were doing, he smiled like the sun when he gave you a hug congratulating you on your new will to live, he declined your proposal for dinner and promised. He promised, he said ‘Maybe some other time.’ You grit your teeth not wanting to lose your cool in front of everyone. ‘But at this rate…He’ll really get a restraining order.’ 
Sweat began to dot your back, your dress shirt clinging to your skin as you waited for the spell to kick in. However, Takami was showing no signs of being under the effects of the potion as he listed off every ‘offense’ 
“From there it only got worse, I began to see her everywhere. No matter where I went she was always shadowing me, She kept leaving me unwanted gifts, she got a hold of my email address and number, She found my personal address and broke into my house… “ He visibly shuddered before adding. “I had someone over one night and we had heard something, she was in my fucking closet-
“Language Mr. Takami.” The judge sighed. In the judge’s eyes you were just another overzealous fan, this case was nothing that he hadn’t heard. 
“Objection.” Your lawyer called. The judge grunted allowing your lawyer to speak, he knew how this would play out- “Mr. Takami has lied, there is no evidence placing my client in his apartment at the times he has reported. Mr. Takami has also failed to produce said witness to testify that they did indeed see Ms. (Name) (Lastname).” 
That was new… The judge furrowed his brows and looked at the reports on his desk once more. There was indeed no evidence….Odd. You looked at your ‘lawyer’ a discreet smile upon your lips, then you turned to look towards Hawks who glared at you. Unease set in your belly…’It wasn’t working..’ You dared another look at the blonde and saw that his steely gaze was set on your lawyer. Blood drained from your veins, only to be replaced by liquid nitrogen ‘Did he know!?’
“Y-Your honor.” Takami stuttered, a pained grimace on his face. “There also was an incident last night.”
The elderly man sat up straighter, intrigue bubbling in his irises. 
“Ms. (Lastname)… Ms.. She.” An odd flush colored his cheeks, his wings puffed out like a blowfish as his breath quickened. A collective gasp was wrought out of everyone once his eyes rolled and he slumped over. There was a rush of people, colors swirled around you as the cacophony of chaos penetrated your ears. Your wrists were caught and you were quickly restrained, the officers on standby clearly finding his last statement to be indicative of foul play. 
“Tell me what you did?!” The officer shouted in your face. 
“I-I swear I didn’t do anything.” You stuttered. You quickly recalled what your ‘lawyer’ told you to say. “I swear my life on it that I only spoke with him, I apologized to him, I didn’t mean for my behavior to come across as ‘odd’.”
“Lies!” He shouted. 
“I dunno man.” Another cop shrugged, crossing his arms as his brows furrowed in thought. “From all of our evidence it shows that she’s been on a good track, takes her meds, follows up with her therapist, hell there’s no proof of her even being near Hawks all the times he said she was…Then there’s also the matter of his reputation…” 
The other man backed off his co-workers words seeming to resonate with him. “So you’re saying that….What if it’s the other way around?”
“Exactly!? What if she rejected him and this was his way of revenge?” The other added. 
“Hmm it’s not that much of a stretch, he is a pro-hero after all.” He scoffed. “Is that what happened?” He asked you. You weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
“Y-Yes… I-I went that day to thank him and he flirted non-stop with me, then he started appearing everywhere, I told him I wasn’t interested in him like that, that I only wanted to thank him for saving me. The next thing I knew I was being brought down to the station and was shown a bunch of messages I didn’t type.” You whimpered. “I-I don’t get w-why he’s doing this.” You sniffed. 
“That fucking bastard.” The man who had been shouting at you hissed. 
“Fucking pro-heros!? They think they can do what ever the fuck they want!?” The other seethed. Once you were let go a grin crawled onto your face, they probably thought you hadn’t noticed but there was a red light coming off the camera. 
The next hearing came a week later after Hawks had recovered from whatever happened. You had to thank the ‘witch doctor’ he did such a thorough job that even the top medical professionals were left baffled. Said man walked up next to you, he sat next to you and slid you over a note. ‘It’s done.’ 
“Done?” You whispered. You didn’t have to ponder it any longer as the blonde hero strolled by, his sunlight orbs glued to your frame as he sat down. He had his head bent at an owlish degree as he continued to bore his eyes into you….. It was slightly unnerving. You leaned over to adjust your shoes-
The noise startled a yelp out of you and your wide eyes looked up to see Keigo, the palms of his hands had slammed down on the wood allowing paper to fall like scattered leaves. Angel curls of blonde shadowed vibrant gold as he looked down at you. It was then that you heard the voices commanding him to sit back down. He left albeit reluctantly to his seat…
That display along with the recording the police had presented crumbled his defense and when he was called to stand the foundations perished. 
“It’s true.” He lied. “I made it all up. The truth is I fell in love with (Name) but she didn’t return my feelings and my pride got hurt. I apologize for inconveniencing you all.” The last words were but lip service and the judge set a price. It was obvious that he was getting off with a slap on the wrist but that was fine with you. In fact you refused the offer they made of you getting a restraining order against him clearly that was the last thing you wanted. 
The spellman was gone as soon as you had collected your things from the court lockers, he left with a cryptic smile his last lines you had brushed off. “As if I’d regret this.” You scoffed, a smile on your lips as you caught Hawk’s gaze on you. 
Your knuckles rasped against the wooden door aggressively. Your knuckles were raw, blood vessels popped, red streaks of your vital fluids seeping through. Tears dotted your waterline, the horrid liquid distorted your vision as you practically slammed your body against the door. Your voice was hoarse wrought with strenuous use. 
“Please!?” You screeched feverishly. “Please let me in!?” You cried. 
The rusting door gave way with a particularly harsh kick. Said kick set off pins and needles but the pain was drowned out by the relief of having the door open. You peered inside.
“No” You whispered. You recalled the man who sold you the potions words. ‘Don’t come back.’ “Fuck” You cried quickly turning to find somewhere else to hunker down. ‘If only I could get to a precinct!?’ You thought. 
Your lungs burned, the sacs expanded in quick succession, they had been overworked and their production volume wasn’t nearly enough to fuel you. With every pant you lost momentum, with every pouding step your bones shook, but you couldn’t stop. No you wouldn’t even stop to ask for help even that could prove to be detrimental. ‘His eyes are sharp, too sharp he’ll spot me.’ You skid to the right tumbling into a narrow alley, it would be difficult for him to get through due to his wingspan. 
As you caught your breath against the grimey wall you took a moment to think. ‘How the hell did it turn out like this?’ Everything was amazing, the effects of the potion were immediate, he asked you out at the speed of light, and soon you were going on blissfully sweet dates. He doted on you and fawned over you at every moment, you even took pride in the fact that he was neglecting his work for you. It made you feel special, loved. 
You shared intimacy allowed him to get even more familiar with your body than even you were, it wasn’t even a month and you had moved in together, it was perfect. Until it wasn’t. Everyday.. Everyday or every minute or second he spent with you he’d fall more in love with you. It was becoming suffocating, he wouldn’t leave your side, his feathers glued to you at all hours of the day whether you were relieving yourself or watching clothes tumble and swirl in a washer. 
He had to always be touching your skin, an arm, a hand, hell a pinkie, if your skin wasn’t in contact with his he’d go into panic, pupils shrunken to needle points as he panted and called for you. The jealousy was endearing in the beginning, but soon you weren’t allowed to let your gaze shift from him. You weren’t allowed to watch the actors on the T.V. You weren’t allowed to hear music because you only needed to hear his voice. 
You could feel the hot tears streaming down your face as you stood in the dank cold alley. You only wanted him to at least spare you a glance, to give you a chance… You didn’t want whoever this person was. He looked like the angelic man you fell for but that was not him. Today you had taken the opportunity to run. His speech had become frightening, he spoke of gouging your eyes so that the ugly world didn’t taint your eyes, he spoke of having your beauty preserved for eternity. ‘The world doesn’t deserve you’ You could almost gag at the remembrance of those words. 
“Baby bird!” You pressed yourself against the wall behind a dumpster hoping and praying that he wouldn’t spot you. “Birdey!?” He cried. 
To any bystander he looked like a worried man calling out for his lover, hell he probably already spread that lie. You cringed when you heard a snipping sound, it was a habit he had picked up when he stressed over you, he bit his nails to the bed, even behind your clenched eyes you could see his wide yellow eyes watching you, thumb in his mouth as he watched you and thought. You covered your mouth, you were ready to erupt, hysteria was tugging at your heart and you wanted to give in and just scream. 
You couldn’t hear him anymore. You breathed out a sigh of relief, he had gone to search elsewhere. You took a moment to think, ‘where do I go from here?’ You summarized that he was probably a block or two away. ‘If I go down block twenty-seven I can go into the club and borrow a phone.’ With a plan set you nodded and opened your eyes. 
A painful scream tore through your throat, his cattish eyes were glazed over a smile stretching his lips. His hands quickly shot out towards you, he wrapped his body around you, his heat more uncomfortable than the cold autumn air. 
“I was so worried.” He breathed, you felt his tremors. “Why did you run away?”
“I-I wanted to-
“Don’t lie to me babybird.” His clipped tone froze you. “Are you trying to leave me?”
You shook your head. “O-of c-course not I-I love you K-Keigo why w-would I leave y-you?” Your voice wavered horrendously. 
“I know.” He smiled, he rubbed his cheek to yours affectionately. He pulled back and his smile dipped. “But you don’t love me enough.”
The dark timbre had you squeaking out a choppy what. “I love you so so much more than you love me. And that hurts, it hurts so much… Why can’t you understand that I just want you to know that.”
“I- T-the way you love me is scary Keigo.” You dared to whisper. 
“No it’s not!” He shouted, his grip becoming tight enough to make you wince. “I love you, I love you, I love you so so damn much that I don’t want you to think or anyone else, I don’t want you to see anyone else, I don’t want you to hear anyone else, I want to be your whole world like you are my world.”
“I-I know-
“No you don’t!” He screamed. “You don’t know because you keep trying to leave and put distance between us! You don’t listen to me and you keep on looking at things! You keep hearing other people’s voices when it should only be me! Why won’t you let it be me?” His voice cracked near the edges and your eyes looked around frantically, you were desperate to find a way to defuse him. 
“K-Keigo look I-
“I hate you.” Your jaw dropped. “I love you so much I fucking hate you (Name).” You couldn’t understand, but you were powerless to stop his next course of action. He tackled your body into him and shot up to the sky, bloody plumage fell down around you as he flew above ropes and powerlines till he was above the cracks of the building. Fearing for your life you clung to him, surprise filling your being when he landed on a building. A very eerily familiar building. 
“It was here that we met.” He mumbled hugging you to his chest tightly. “It’s only fitting that we depart here too.”
“K-keigo m-my love what-” He pressed his cool finger to your lips, your words wouldn’t change his mind. 
“You don’t love me enough to call me that, and remember I established that I hate you.” He chuckled. 
You looked around your eyes catching sight of his watch, you needed to stall. ‘If he’s thinking what I think he’s thinking then he’s going to do whatever it is at the exact time I jumped a year ago.’ When you were going to end your life last year you calculated it so that the janitor of this building would find your note in no less than five minutes. You had wanted him to lean over and see your distorted body. And now the janitor, that Ex you were going to kill yourself for was your only hope….
“W-why do you hate me?” You asked softly, your eyes hard on the hands of the clock. You prayed to every deity above hoping that he didn’t hear the rapid pitter patter of your heart. 
“Because… You’re too cruel, I just want your love to the same degree that you have mine, but I can see that I’ll never have it. And I hate that. I hate that you’re causing me so much pain.”
“I c-can love you like that if you want.” You gulped. 
“ You’re lying.” He sighed, the puff of air sounded like that of a parent in disappointment of their child. “You’re waiting for someone who isn’t even alive to come in and drag you out of my arms.”
“You know…” He stood up with you, and you struggled in his hold as he walked you towards the ledge. “I’ve stayed awake for night on end wondering, I wonder when was it that I started feeling this way? Why? It’s all a mystery to me and it irks me heh… I guess that’s another thing I hate about you… I hate that I don’t know why I love you so much.” 
The wind cut into your face as you looked down. Keigo grabbed your face squishing your cheeks together. “After I do this I’m going to turn myself in and make sure they end me, even though I hate you I can’t imagine living without you.”
“Wait please!” You shouted, you weren’t ready to give up just yet. 
“No more word-
“Shut up and listen!” you hissed. You felt him tense behind you. You hadn’t even spoken to him in such a nasty tone. “Yes you’re right! You don’t love me.”
“But I do so mu-”
“No you don’t!” You were openly crying now, snot running down the tip of your nose. “It’s all a lie! You really hate me and you should! I.. I gave you a love potion a couple months ago.”
“Wha…” Keigo froze, a million thoughts rushing in his head. 
“It’s true…” You whispered “And I’m sorry.”  A rush of emotion filled him, love, hate, loathing, disgust, remorse, doubt and in the heat of it:
He pushed you. 
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tpwkxxangel · 4 years
Side A: Track 1
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//this is a continuation of a fanfiction that i am writing. if you haven’t read the prologue before this, please check it out or else this might not make sense. if you have any comments, let me know! here is the masterlist //
June 2018
"Thank you Dallas!" Harry calls to the stadium full of fans. The cheers are loud and fill Harry's heart with love. It always amazes him how people sing his lyrics back to him. If someone told him 10 years ago that he would be playing a sold out arena, by himself, while touring his first debut album, he would think they were insane.
Every night, it takes a toll on him though. The energy in every venue and the laughs shared between him and his audience is so difficult to end. The endings are the worst part aren't they? This one is bittersweet.
Harry gives one last wave of his hand before walking off backstage. His breathing is a little labored due to him giving 110%.
"Another great show, Hersh! We should do something to celebrate!" his manager, Jeff, pats his back while handing him a towel. Harry gives a small appreciative smile before wiping off the sweat from his face. Jeff sighs knowing that this night won't be any different than the last month and a half. "Can you at least go out for one drink? You haven't been out in so long. We all miss you..."
Heartbreak can change you, and that's exactly what it did for Harry. He met Camille when he was in One Direction. She's a few years older than him, but no one could resist the Styles charm. After a few conversations at parties they both found themselves at, they started dating. Nothing was public of course, but the relationship was real none the less. Over the eight month relationship, Harry feel in love with the model. Towards the end, they both got really busy and couldn't devote as much time to the relationship as needed. There were other factors that made things difficult, so they decided to brake things off. Harry has never felt a pain like that in his life.
So he shut down.
He has always had big emotions that invade all of his senses, so when his love was taken away from him, he couldn't stand the brokenness he felt. He began to numb his pain with various methods, but nothing worked. He still feels all the pain he felt when he watched her drive away from his flat in London.
"I don't know man...I'm not feeling--"
"Up to it. Yeah, I know, but H. You are bottling up all of these feelings and that isn't healthy. I think a night out will be good for you. Have you called your therapist lately?"
His therapist lives in London, so when he is traveling, he usually calls in. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Think of it like paying for someone to spill your emotions to and they can't say anything about it.
Maybe Jeff is on to something. This bottling things up is tiring, so a night out may be fun.
"Fine. I'll go out as long as I'm back by two. We have to be on the road at nine and I'd like to get some rest before we leave."
The air was stuffy in the heated club. They were all in the VIP booth on the second level of one of the hottest clubs in Dallas. Harry was sipping on his drink trying to pass the time. Only 3 hours before he can leave. God, did he want to leave. The concert was tiring and the never ending heartache was causing his head and heart to throb.
He was about to excuse himself to go find the restroom when a golden dress caught his eye. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes again only to spot the girl again. She looked different than the last time he saw her. Her skin was tanner than before, sunkissed just right. Her blonde hair is curled to perfection and lips still red, but she now looks old enough to be in a club like this. Her green eyes are bright with laughter at one of the other girls she is with.
Why is she here? How is she here?
He first saw her in New York. Was she just visiting there? All the memories flood back to him, taking him back to the time where everything was more simple, a lighter time. The way her voice sent a shiver down his spine, the eye contact she made while dancing, the way she touched herself, luring him in. The mere thought of her still drives him crazy.
"Excuse me guys," he turns to his bandmates and manager, "I'm going to find the loo."
Harry makes his way over to the bar where he sees his mystery girl. He flags down the bartender and tells him to give her the order she got two years prior.
He should probably feel embarrassed that he remembers everything about that night regarding the mystery girl, but for the first time in a while, he feels like this is exactly where he is meant to be.
When she received the drink, her brows draw together in confusion before looking to where Harry was sitting. The smirk that made him curious all those years ago made an appearance on her red stained lips. She says something to her friends before downing the drink and making her way over to the brit.
He admired the way her hips moved as she walked. The dress she was wearing complimented her is so many ways. She wasn't a model, but she sure could be.
"Well if it isn't Harry. Long time no see," her voice coming out just as velvety and sweet as before. He's absolutely ecstatic that she remembers his name. That means she thought of him after their encounter like he did.
"Hello, love. Nice to see you again," he smirks back. This is the first time since his break up that he sort of feels like himself.
"You cut your hair," she says while reaching for his drink. Instead of throwing this one back, she just takes a sip, leaving a perfect lip print on the glass.
He nods in a daze, watching the way her tongue darts out, running across her bottom lip. "I was in a movie. Needed it cut," he swallows dryly.
Her eyebrow rose slightly but wasn't surprised. He gave off superstar energy. "Would I have seen it?"
"Depends," he takes his drink back, trying to recover from the dirty thoughts running through his mind, "Do you watch war movies?"
"I've seen a few," she giggles softly, not being able to picture the Brit as a fighter.
"I was in Dunkirk," Harry shrugs.
"I'll have to give it a watch," Harry nods slightly taking a sip of his drink, "especially if the cast is as handsome as you."
Harry chocks slightly not expecting her to be so forward. He chuckles nervously. "Well, I don't want to be the only reason you watch the movie. I'm only a small part of it."
She cocks her eye brow slightly at his tone. Is he being shy? That's different than last time.
Her smirk quickly turns into a more genuine smile as her hand makes it's way on his shoulder. "I actually enjoy action movies, so I have a feeling you being in it would just be a perk."
Harry feels his cheeks flood with color. He distracts himself from the beautiful girl that's starting to make him nervous by sipping his drink again. How was he so confident the last time he saw her? Probably because his heart wasn't broken and there was more alcohol in his system.
He might not be able to fix the first one, but he can fix the second one. He gets the bartenders attention before turning back to his company.
"So, what brings you to the city? The last time I saw you, you were in New York," he asks, not trying to sound invasive, but the question has been brewing in his mind since he saw her.
Her smile dropped slightly before recovering quickly. "I actually grew up here. I'm...visiting some family while I'm in town," she shrugs.
"Do you live in New York now?"
"Part time. I'm a graduate student at Columbia," she says the words as if they aren't impressive.
Harry's mouth falls open slightly. Her prick of a boyfriend was right. She is very smart. Speaking of him...
"What happened to your boyfriend?" he finds himself asking before he can stop himself. Thankfully, the bartender sets another drink next to his empty glass so Harry could hide the blush on his face. This isn't going as well as he wanted it to.
"Who?" her brows furrow in confusion before they smooth out in realization, "I don't even remember his name. You could say that I was just helping him out with an...issue he was having."
"That's very mysterious..." he trails off, remembering he still doesn't know her name.
She laughs at him. She wasn't telling him her name on purpose. One thing that anyone knows about her is that she LOVES games. They make life so much more fun, but for some reason she wanted to hear Harry say her name over and over again in his cute accent. Maybe she'll tell him by the end of the night.
"You can call me J. Everyone does."
He looks at her, and really observes her features. The way her strong cheekbones and jaw are a stark contrast to the softness of her eyes and plush lips. She is truly a beautiful creature, so he finds himself standing up from his stool by the bar and holding out a hand to her to ask something he should have two years ago.
"Would you like to dance with me, J?" he asks.
J smiles brightly in return and Harry's knees go weak. They make their way out to the dance floor as a rock song wraps up. As luck would have it, a very familiar song plays next. The irony was not lost on Harry. That fact that he wrote this song about the girl that is currently swaying her mesmerizing hips against his is so funny that he almost laughs. He gets too distracted by her subtle touches to notice the eyes on him.
From across the bar, Jeff watches his friend loosen up for the first time in two months and feels a pressure release off his chest. He was worried about Harry when him and Camille split. He knows how sensitive his friend can be. Harry leads with his emotions and goes all in. When everything went down, Jeff was the first one Harry called. His broken voice shattered Jeff's heart. It sucked since they were in the middle of the tour and Harry had little to no break in between. Harry is tough, but even his fans noticed him crying during one of his performances in Scotland.
Jeff looks back at the couple on the dance floor to find them laughing. This is a good thing. He will have one night with this girl, and then go back to touring.
Little did Jeff know, Harry wasn't planning to let this girl walk out of his life again. It had to be a sight. He was miserable and had no hope when she randomly showed up in his life again. There are such things a coincidences, but this felt like more than that.
Harry's hands find their way to the girls waist. She looks ups through her lashes at him. "You know, this is my song." He's starting to feel the alcohol in his system, so his words are slightly slurred.
Her laugh makes it's way to his ears and sends a goose bumps all over his body. "No, shit. Really?"
Harry just nods before taking a deep breath and belting out the lyrics. "She goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, she's such an actress, she's driving me crazy!" He's met with her beautiful laugh again. Maybe one day he'll have the courage to tell her who the song is about. They continue to dance for a few more songs before both of them need another drink.
"So, you are not only an actor, but a musician as well?" she hums into her whiskey.
Harry gets nervous again. "I wouldn't say an actor. It's just that one movie."
"One more than me," she giggles. Her lightly glossed over eyes let Harry know the alcohol is taking effect.
As he opens his mouth to speak again, one of J's friends from before comes up to her. She turns her head to hear what her friend says but never takes her eyes off Harry. With one nod of her head, her friend leaves.
"Do you need to leave?" Harry asks. He doesn't want her to leave again. He finally can breathe after two months of suffocating. He's finally out of his head. Maybe it's time to open himself up to new things and not be afraid of hearts getting broken. Camille moved on, so why can't he?
She shakes her head and he lets out a sigh of relief. "I'd rather stay here and talk to you. But they are leaving."
"I'll be sure to get you home," he smiles softly at her. There's the familiar flutter in his heart. It's crazy, honestly. He met this girl once two years ago, yet he is so infatuated with her. She makes his broken heart feel less lonely. He checks the watch on his wrist for the time. It's getting close to two in the morning. He wants to get out of here, but not be done with the night. He doesn't want to go back to his hotel and be lonely. He won't admit that to her though. "Would you like to get out of here?"
His eyes widen at what that sounds like. It's not like he doesn't want to be with her in that way. He was going to take her home two years ago. But, he's different than he was then. He just wants to talk to her in a place that doesn't drown out her gorgeous voice. He starts to correct himself, but she just laughs at him.
"I know what you meant, Harry. I actually have a car waiting for me outside. I know a place we can go if you'd like to come with me."
He nods quickly. "I just have to tell my friends. I'll be right back."
"I'll wait outside. Don't take too long," she smirks before kissing his cheek. She left a bit of lipstick, so she wipes it off before turning around towards the door.
Harry makes his way back to the VIP section with the biggest grin only to see Jeff quickly duck down. He was spying on him, but harry can't even find it in himself to care. He felt like he was floating in the sky towards this sunshine he so desperately needed. When he gets to the spot everyone is sitting at, all the conversations go quiet.
"I'm leaving. I know I have to be back at the hotel at nine to go to Houston. I have my phone on me. Please don't need me until then." Before he can turn around and follow his golden girl, Jeff speaks up.
"Are you sure about this Hersh?"
Harry smiles softly at his concern. "She's an old friend. I finally feel like I can breathe," he whispers the last part as everyone goes back to their conversations.
This is such a relief to his manager. Originally, he just wanted Harry to loosen up and have some fun again. He wasn't going to let him leave with anyone. That's not how you get over a relationship. For some odd reason, this girl seemed to help him more than any of his other friends have in two months.
"Okay. Be safe and text me if you need anything."
Harry nods and heads towards the door. When he walks out, he sees J leaning on a sleek black car talking to an older guy. When she sees him, her eyes light up. She seems so bright compared to how he has been feeling the past few weeks. It's a breath of fresh air, and he couldn't be more relieved to finally take a breath in.
J touches the mans arm before he walks to the drivers side and gets in. "I thought you might have changed your mind?"
"On you? Never," he chuckles while opening the door for her. They both get into the car and Harry starts to wonder why she has a driver? It didn't register in his mind until now. Before he has time to ask, she speaks.
"Stanley, to my hideout please," she speaks softly to the man. There is genuine affection in her voice and Harry can already tell this man is not just a driver to her. He nods and pulls out onto the streets. There are cars on the road, but not as many as a bigger city like New York.
"So, where are you taking me?" Harry breaks the comfortable silence of the car.
"It's a place I like to go when I'm in town," she answers honestly. She's not used to opening up to people, but with Harry it seems almost natural for her. "I travel a lot. When I come back home, things can get a bit crazy for me. I come from a family that expect a lot out of me, so it's nice to have a place to get away from everything."
"I understand the feeling of wanting to get away. In my line of work, there is a lot of pressure to act or be a certain way," he thinks back to his time in One Direction. He never wanted to be the cause of the band breaking up so he held himself to higher standards than the others. It wasn't all bad, but it hurt when his name was thrown around in the press.
"That's right. You're a Popstar," she giggles.
"Rockstar more like," he playfully scoffs.
She rolls her eyes at him with a smile adorning her cherry red lips. "I'll be the judge of that mister."
"Would you like to come to one of my concerts to see for yourself?" he asks partially joking.
She looks at him with her eyebrow raised. "Would you like me to come to one of your concerts?" In all honesty, she wasn't expecting to see him after tonight. Her life can be hectic so her friends are very limited. Harry seems like a nice guy that she wouldn't mind in her life for longer than tonight.
"Yes," he replies with no hesitation. Now that he thinks about it, he wants to see her in the audience singing along to his songs.
She smiles at him and he's back in her trance. She grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze before letting go. "Then I would love to see you perform. When were you thinking?"
"I'm on tour right now, so name a city," he says, "I have the Houston show in two days and then I head to Florida. After that, I believe I'll be in Georgia, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania."
"Wow, that's a lot of shows. I feel like I should have known you would be successful," she laughs, "I'm actually busy for the next week, and after that I'll be flying back to New York."
Harry thinks over his schedule. "Are you free on the 21st?"
She thinks for a moment. "Yes. I don't believe I have anything planned until the end of June."
"I have a show in New York that day if you'd like to come. I believe I'll be there the following day if that works better?."
"That sounds perfect!" she exclaims.
"Ma'am," Stanley interupts politely. "We are here."
"Thank you, Stanley." She turns to Harry with an intoxicating smile. "Let's go!"
J gets out quickly and makes her way to the back of the car. She pulls two blankets out of the trunk and a small bag. Harry gets out and looks around. They are at a small park. This isn't exactly where he thought she would 'hideout' when things got tough.
"A park?" he asks. He's not complaining. He'd could be at a landfill and be happy as long as he's with her.
"It's just a stop on the way. We have to do the rest by foot." He looks into her beautiful green eyes. That familiar warmth is spreading through him. He's scared of becoming more attached to this girl he barely knows, but where's the fun in being cautious?
"Lead the way, love," he gestures forward as she blushes at the pet name.
They both move to the trail that is lit up by lamps. There's a peaceful silence that falls on them. The sounds of crickets and the wind blowing is a stark difference between the roaring stadium a few hours ago. It's nice to feel this silence with her. He feels a hand slip into his. He looks down at their hands connected in shock. He doesn't know how he feels about it at first, but as her hand holds onto his, he loves this feeling. It's insane and strange but he's said it before, she drives him crazy. So, maybe him letting her take control is what is meant to happen. Loving her may be his antidote...
But, that's for another time.
She clears her throat, breaking him out of his thought. "So, where are you from?"
"I'm from a small town in England called Cheshire," he replies.
"Like the cat?" she asks curiously.
He booms out a laugh. "Yes, like the cat."
"What's it like there?" she asks. There's something in her tone that he can't quite decipher.
"It's very beautiful. I love England. Have you ever been?" he asks.
"Yes. I traveled with my parents when I was little. I haven't been in a while though. After I graduate, I plan on seeing more of the world," she says thinking of all the places she wished her parents took her to see. "What's the coolest place you've been to?"
"I love Brazil. It's lovely there. When I played in Rio, my band and I went sightseeing." he says. As a musician, you might get to travel the world, but you have a hard time actually seeing the cities you are in. When Harry was with One Direction, they would have to organize their sightseeing weeks in advance to prepare for the potential mobs.
"That sounds amazing!" she says. "Rio is on my bucket list." Before he can reply, she looks at the path and pulls on his hand to stop him. "We have to go off path from here."
He laughs nervously. "Are you taking me out into the woods at night to kill me?" Even though it's night time here, there are lamp post that light up the way.
"How did you know?" she replies seriously. He gulps before she bursts into laughter. "No, there is a place about 10 yards from here where I like to watch the sunrise. If you feel uncomfortable, we can just head back. I won't be offended." she says honestly.
He thinks about going back, but oddly enough, in the trees with her, he feels completely comfortable. He shakes his head. She smiles that sunshine smile before she leads him into the trees.
The wind starts to whistle, gliding through the trees in the night air.
"What is that?" Harry asks when her starts to see the trees clear.
"That's where I'm taking you," she smiles. They walk through the small gap in the cluster of bushes. Once they get through, she stops them both.
"This is..." Harry seems to be at a loss of words. They stand in silence for what feels like ten minutes. The clearing that they are in is relatively small. No bigger than a baseball diamond, but it is full of flowers. There are solar lanterns on the surrounding trees to light up the beautiful scenery. The reason they stand quietly is because that's the only way to hear the music in the wind. The trees surrounding the clearing are close together causing the wind to pick up speed and whistle a beautiful melody.
J slowly walks towards the middle of the field and lays the blanket she was holding down in an open spot of flowers. She pulls out two wine glasses and a book from the bag on her shoulder before sitting down. She looks at the Brit that hasn't moved since getting into the clearing.
Harry stands smiling down at his mystery girl without saying a word.
"What do you think?" she asks softly, not wanting to interrupt the breeze.
He slowly walks over to her and sits down. "I love it," he simply states.
A strand of hair falls in front of his eyes and before he can move it away himself, J's warm hand tucks it back in place. Her palm rests on his cheek and he leans into it. He feels so comfortable as her thumb caresses his cheek. He feels that familiar heat as her thumb travels down to his lips. A small gasp leaves him as her fingertips rub against his bottom lip.
She leans forward slightly, searching his gaze for any hesitation. He can't move. He closes his eyes, breathing in and breathing out. When he opens his eyes she is the only thing he can see.
When their lips touch, it's even better than he thought it would be. The world around him disappeared. The floating feeling is back. It's like she's waiting for him in the sky, pulling him towards her warmth. He parts his lips slightly and she leans against him more. She matches his feverish movements by moving her hand to his chest. He has no doubt that she can feel how fast his heart is beating. His hands move to her hips, pulling her on top of him slightly. He is still conscientious to the fact that she is still in her dress. He pulls the bottom of it down, to make sure everything is covered.
Always the gentleman.
They stay like that for a while before pulling back. Opening the wine, and diving into conversation. She pulls out a disposable camera while he's telling the story about the time he met his good friend when they punched Harry in the face instead of the person who deserved it. As he laughs, she takes the picture. The stars shine on his face and the lanterns light up his features. When he hears the click, he looks over at her curiously.
"Um," she looks down blushing, "I love taking pictures with disposable cameras. My life can be a little crazy, so taking one shot pictures helps me remember all the important things. I don't want to forget this night."
His heart stutters and picks up double time. "You are such an amazing person. I don't want to forget this night either." He pulls out his phone and tells her to smile. She grins so brightly that he officially doesn't believe she is real. She's an angel on this Earth.
They talk for hours before she reads him the book she brought while he lays back enjoying to musical wind and her voice. When she stops suddenly, he opens his eyes.
"The sun is coming up," she smiles at him. He looks at his watch again and realizes it's five-thirty in the morning. The time has flown by. As the sun starts to rise, she finally tells him her name.
"Janis Rogers," she whispers, "My name is Janis Rogers."
He looks over at her and smiles while he stretches out his hand, "Harry Styles." She matches his smile before taking his hand. He takes this opportunity to pull her onto his lap.
She giggles, but leans back into him. He feels her sigh into him. He puts his arms around her and feels a warmth fill his chest. He could get used to this feeling.
They sit and watch the sunrise above the trees, but he can't take his eyes off her. He takes this time to reflect on the last eight hours he has spent with the girl he thought he'd never see again. The sunlight hits her face and she closes her eyes. There's only one thing running through his mind...
She's so golden.
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slytherinbarnes · 3 years
Sub Rosa [75]
iv. the face behind the glass 
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: language, blood. smut, 18+ only please!
Summary: the chaos of the last few days fades away in the face of a celebration in Sanctum.
a/n: hi, sorry for the later upload today, my power went out this morning and then i didn’t feel well, so it’s been kinda crazy. but it’s here now, and it’s one that a lot of you have been waiting for ;) also, if you saw my post the other day and responded, thank you. i’m still healing emotionally, but each day is slightly better than the last, and all of you have been so helpful with that. so thank u thank u thank u. the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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With the knowledge that you are all safe to stay in Sanctum, everyone gets assigned to a room above the tavern. Luckily they have enough rooms for you and Bellamy to share a room alone, giving you some much needed privacy. Something you get to experience for roughly one minute before there’s a soft knock on the door. 
You turn to look at your boyfriend, both of you in the middle of undressing, preparing to go to bed after the chaos of the last day has settled in, exhausting you both. But you have a pretty good idea of who’s at the door and so does Bellamy, so you both redress quickly and pull the door open, revealing your twin. Her voice is low, not wanting to wake any of the others as most of your rooms are all housed pretty close together. “Can I come in?”
You turn to look at Bellamy, who nods, just as eager to hear about what all of you missed while you were gone earlier. So you step back and usher her into the room, closing the door softly behind her as she steps inside. The three of you pile into the bed facing each other, and your gaze drops down to your twin’s bandaged hand. “What happened? Start at the beginning and don’t leave anything out.”
“As soon as you guys left, Russell invited me to dinner with him and Simone so we could discuss whether we’d be allowed to stay. Unfortunately for us, Jordan spent most of his time talking to Delilah, telling her everything about us, the good and the bad. It got back to Russell and Simone, and they decided that we couldn’t stay because we’re violent people and violence spreads like a disease.”
“That explains your shock at Russell letting us stay. So what changed his mind? We heard him mention you saving Delilah, but how did you save her?”
“As soon as I got back from the dinner and changed, I went looking for Jordan because I was pissed that he ruined everything for us. But when I went to the roof to find him, he was passed out on a cot with a paralytic dart in his neck. He managed to point out a guy running away from the tavern with a covered wheelbarrow, which we later found out had Delilah inside. I chased after him, along with a guard, but we split up so he could go inform Russell. I eventually found the guy and fought him off, but he cut my hand in the process and he freaked out as soon as he saw my Nightblood.”
She shakes her head, giving you a serious look. “It gets weirder. Russell and Cillian both saw my blood too and they acted really strange about it. Russell eventually cut his finger to show me that he too is a Nightblood. He said our blood is royal. Delilah’s too, which is why they took her. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t like how everyone reacted when they found out about the color of my blood, which is why you and Madi aren’t going to tell anyone you’re Nightbloods. You both need to be careful and avoid any injuries that will clue them in, because right now it feels like I have a target on my back, and I don’t want them to paint a target on yours.”
“I understand, I’ll be careful.”
She nods, relieved to hear you say it before she turns her gaze to Bellamy, who has been silent throughout this entire conversation. “What happened to Octavia?”
He sighs, his shoulders sagging as she reminds him of what he’s done to protect all of you and your fragile alliance with Sanctum. “I left her behind. As long as she’s in Sanctum, she’s a threat to the peace we’re trying to achieve.”
You see Clarke open her mouth, looking like she wants to ask more, but you can tell from Bellamy’s body language that he doesn't want to say anything beyond that. So you reach out and place a hand on Clarke’s knee, giving her a subtle shake of your head. “We’re exhausted and in desperate need of a good night’s sleep. Can we talk more in the morning?”
She nods, smiling a little, already sliding off the bed. “Of course.”
You follow her to the door, both of you hugging before she slips out into the hall with a quiet whisper of, “Good night, lovebirds.”
You smile and watch her head for her shared room with Madi before you close the door and turn to Bellamy. He’s already stripping down again, careful to avoid the bandages on his injuries, and you follow suit, both of you slipping into the bed and beneath the covers. You sigh as you sink into the soft mattress, the most comfortable bed you’ve ever rested in, besides the one in Becca’s mansion, and Bellamy smiles as he watches you. You smile in return, lifting your hand to his cheek, caressing his face as you gaze at the sadness in his eyes. “Everything will be okay, my love.”
“What if I didn’t do the right thing? What if she can’t-”
You cut him off with a kiss, pulling away enough to whisper back. “You did do the right thing, even if it doesn't feel like it. It’s not easy doing what you did, but you were right in saying Octavia’s dangerous. I love her like a sister, but if Russell thinks we’re violent and our violence will spread, having Octavia around won’t help that. And she’ll be fine out there. Octavia knows how to survive better than any of us. Maybe she’ll even find Diyoza and they can survive together.”
You see some of his tension melt away. Not all of it, because you know he’ll be struggling with this for a while, but enough to bring him temporary peace. He pulls you to him, wrapping you up together and entangling your limbs. “I’m sorry for what I said to you during the eclipse. It was cruel and I’ll never forgive myself for it.”
You look up at Bellamy, at the hurt he’s trying to hide from you, and you shake your head at him, your voice soft. “Hey, don’t do that. I don’t want you to live with that, Bellamy. I know you didn’t mean it, okay? The red sun toxin messed us all up.”
He nods a little, your forgiveness easing some of that guilt he feels. You see him relax a little, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he gets ready to fall asleep. “I love you, my radiant moon.”
You whisper back, “I love you more than the stars, Bellamy Blake.”
He wraps his arms around you tighter, not wanting to let you go, and that’s how you fall asleep, tangled up in the arms of the man you love, feeling at peace for the first time in years.
You wake before Bellamy does, accustomed to the earlier mornings that you and Clarke held in Shallow Valley. Your eyes fall on Bellamy, still wrapped around you as he sleeps, and you watch him for a few minutes, admiring the peace that holds him as he sleeps. You eventually start to hear the hustle and bustle of sound beneath you, down in the tavern, and you carefully unravel yourself from your lover, dressing quickly and pressing a kiss to his forehead before quietly slipping out the door. You run into Madi in the hall, both of you smiling at each other before you descend the stairs together, greeted by the chaos of a busy tavern.
All around you people are milling about, some quickly, some more leisurely. Food and desserts of all kinds move through the room and out the door, headed to some unknown destination. Clarke looks up from where she stands with Jae, Delilah’s father, smiling at both of you as you and Madi walk towards her. On the way over, Madi asks, “What's going on?”
You shrug, looking around again, “I think it's some sort of celebration.”
Jae turns around to face the two of you as you come to a stop beside Clarke, a large tray of cookies in his hands. “What's going on! It's Naming Day, and you're the guests of honor!”
He holds out the tray of cookies to both you and Madi, and Madi looks to Clarke for permission, who gives it to her with a smile and a nod. You and Madi each take a cookie, biting into it, your eyes lighting up with delight when you taste how good it is. Jae smiles at you both. “I know, a good cookie can change your life.”
Suddenly the crowd around you starts to clap and cheer, and you turn and glance to the stairs, where Delilah is now coming down, holding onto Jordan’s arm. As soon as she sees Clarke she jogs over to her, pulling her in for a quick hug. “My hero.”
Clarke shrugs off the praise, always uncomfortable by it, and changes the conversation instead. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel great.” 
“I'll be the judge of that.” You all look towards the source of the voice, watching as Cillian joins the group, motioning for Delilah and Clarke to follow him. “This way, let's have a look at you. You too, Clarke.”
Clarke excuses herself and they all tuck into a corner of the room to get checked over. Madi walks off in search of another cookie, and you hang out near the stairs, sticking close in case your twin needs you. A few minutes into her check up, Bellamy comes down the stairs looking healthy and well rested, and you smile at him, kissing him in greeting when he reaches the bottom of the stairs. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”
He laughs and kisses you back before whispering, “Good morning, beautiful.”
You smile in return and hold out the other half of your cookie, which he takes with a smile and quickly eats. “What’s going on?”
“Something called Naming Day. I think it’s for Delilah, but that’s about all I know.”
He hums in response and Madi walks back over to you and Bellamy, smiling at him in greeting, a half eaten cookie in her hand, all of you watching as Delilah comes bounding out from the secluded corner, excitedly running over to Jordan. Cillian comes out a minute later, taking a pastry from a nearby tray, turning to call back to Clarke, “I hope I see you later.”
Clarke watches him leave with a smile on her face, before she walks over to you, Bellamy, and Madi. Madi looks at Clarke with a smirk on her face, “He's cute.”
Clarke smiles and scolds, “Stop.”
Suddenly more of your group walks over to join you, including Echo, Raven, and Jordan. Madi leaves to go train with Gaia, as Bellamy looks over at Clarke. “Where’s Murphy and Emori?”
“Guarding the ship with Gaia, Miller, and Jackson.”
Echo muses, “Murphy missing a chance to act like a drunken fool? Now I'm worried.”
Raven shakes her head, “He'll be fine. Maybe the rest of us should go there, too.”
“What?” Jordan glances around at the retreating figures of the tavern, all of them heading to the opening ceremony. He turns back to Raven, clearly not okay with her suggestion. “No, I need this.” 
Clarke backs him up, “We're guests of the Primes. If we isolate ourselves on the ship, they may take offense.”
Everyone nods, accepting her answer, as Delilah calls out to the rest of you, the last few people in the tavern. “Jordan? Guys, come on! You don't want to miss the first confession.”
You all exchange a look and Jordan immediately heads off to be with Delilah. Raven mutters something about staying at the bar, and the rest of you follow Jordan and Delilah out of the tavern and into the crowd gathered at the base of the palace. You, Bellamy, and Clarke all stop and stand together, and Echo lingers behind the three of you, not quite sure of her place amongst your group. A horn sounds and you all lift your eyes to the top of the palace, watching as Russell strides out with Simone, both of them dressed impeccably. Kaylee follows behind them at a distance, coming to a stop nearby as Russell reaches the microphone that stands waiting. He smiles down at his people and begins, “Welcome to Naming Day. Today we observe the 4 pillars of Sanctum, and they are?”
The crowd around you answers, “Repent, Renew, Rejoice, Rebirth.”
“Correct. Rebirth. Rebirth! Today we mark the return of our beloved Priya-”
He’s cut off by the crowd murmuring, “Hallowed be her name.”
The rote responses send a chill down your spine, weirding you out just as they did the day before. Not even your temporary peace with Sanctum will change that. Above, Russell continues, “Indeed. As we bequeath her name to our equally beloved Delilah. As is tradition with every Naming Day, I will begin the process of making amends. As your leader, it's my job to keep us safe during the red sun.”
He turns and looks at Kaylee, delivering his next words to her as you all listen. “Kaylee, I failed you in this when I realized you and your family didn't make it to Ryker's keep before the eclipse. I closed the door. I kept it open as long as I could until the life of everyone else was at risk. It was a decision with tragic consequences, and I know the heartbreak you feel. I know your pain. I miss Josephine every day.”
You look to Clarke, not recognizing the name, and she whispers, “His daughter. She died in a fall a few years ago.”
You nod, and look back to Russell and Kaylee. “And the fact that I'm the cause of this pain for you…”
He trails off, looking hurt, and she pulls him into a hug, signifying her acceptance of his apology. When they pull away, he turns back to the crowd with a flourish, “And now it's your turn! Tell your neighbor that you love them, make amends for those you've hurt. Free yourselves.”
All around you people start to hug and apologize to those they’ve wronged. And though you think most of the traditions in Sanctum are weird and a little creepy, this is one that you can get behind. Making amends in a time when you’re all trying to do better than you did before seems like a good idea. You turn to Bellamy, looking up at him as you mutter, “I’m sorry I stabbed you during the red sun.”
“I’m sorry I choked you during the red sun.” He looks up at the bruises on your neck, and you wish they would fade quickly, taking his guilt with it. “I’m also sorry that I left you behind during Praimfaya.”
You see his face fall, still feeling the guilt that you don't want him to feel, and you pull him into a hug, whispering, “I already told you not to be sorry for that, Bellamy. But if you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You’re forgiven.”
He pulls back and smiles at you, remembering your words to him when the two of you were lying beneath a tree in the middle of the woods, back when you both hated each other. You smile back at him, both of you lighter from the forgiveness in the air, and you turn to Clarke, ready to do the same process with her. Except, when you turn, she isn't there. She must have slipped into the crowd without you realizing. You grab Bellamy’s hand, about to walk away and go search for her, but as you step past Echo, she reaches out to stop you. You look at her, her expression pulled into one of guilt, and she whispers, “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, confused as to why she’s apologizing to you. “For what?”
She seems unsure how to sum up what she means, so she offers you a single word instead. “Bellamy.”
You shake your head, dropping Bellamy's hand so you can reach out to take hers. “Don’t be sorry for falling in love, Echo. Bellamy makes it easy to do. Besides, all of you thought I was dead. I’m glad he had you after Praimfaya, and I’m glad he had someone there to make him happy, so thank you.”
She looks at you in surprise, clearly not expecting you to say what you did, and then she abruptly pulls you into a hug. You realize now as you are held in her arms that this must be hard for her too. You weren't lying when you said that Bellamy makes it easy to fall in love, and you can't blame her for that. You can’t blame either of them for moving on when they thought you were dead on the ground. And as soon as they landed, Echo was the first to realize that Bellamy still had feelings for you. She was the one that broke things off with him, she was the one that told him he was clearly still in love with you. If anything, you really should be thanking Echo. Because she kept him happy during a time you’re sure he was incredibly upset, and she let him go as soon as you entered the picture again. That had to be hard for her to do, and it has to be hard for her to see you and Bellamy together all the time. And despite all that, she’s still been kind to you, even if things have been a bit awkward. 
Which is why, during the first confession of your first Naming Day, you hug her back, really meaning it. You make a silent decision to try and be better to Echo, because there’s no reason for you to be jealous when she interacts with Bellamy, and there’s no reason that the two of you can't get along. When you both pull away, you can sense the change in the air around you, the forgiveness making you feel even lighter than you did before. Echo smiles at you, thankful for the amends, and you smile back before nodding back to the tavern. “If you’ll excuse me, I gotta go find my twin.”
She nods, “Of course.”
As expected, Clarke is back in the tavern when you step inside, along with a bunch of other people, all of them milling about or sitting around and drinking. Clarke is clearly trying to make amends with Raven, who still appears to be having none of it. You miss whatever was said between the two, but you know all you need to know by the way Raven storms out, stalking past you and straight out of the tavern. Clarke sighs for a second, trying to gather herself before she walks over to a table where a lantern sits, writing something on a piece of ribbon and tying it around the top. You and Bellamy watch before you walk over to her, coming to a stop nearby. 
She sees you coming and steps away from the lantern, moving closer to the two of you until all three of you are standing and looking at the object. Clarke glances away from it and over to the two of you, “Apparently, the lanterns float, taking your sins with them.”
You think of your sins, the abundantly long list you’d have to tie to the top, unsure if you’d even remember all the shit you’ve done while trying to survive. Bellamy seems to think the same, because he hums, “Hmm, if only it were that easy.”
“Maybe it is.” She turns to face both of you fully, her expression apologetic. “I wrote down leaving you both in Polis.”
You shake your head, trying to stop her. “Clarke, stop. We already went through this on the ship.”
“But I never apologized to Bellamy.”
He looks at her in surprise, clearly already past the need of apologies from Clarke, her betrayal in Polis long forgiven and forgotten. “Let's not do this.”
She shakes her head and continues anyways. “What I did, leaving you like that...I'm so sorry, Bellamy.”
He reaches out and squeezes her shoulder, face pulling into one of understanding. “I know what it's like to risk everything for one person, and I know Madi's your family.”
“You’re my family too.” You smile at the words, knowing that it’s true. All of you make up one big dysfunctional family, but Clarke, Madi, your mom, Octavia, and Bellamy are your core family, the main people you want to turn to in times of need. Clarke feels the same, because if there is anyone in the world she considers her best friend besides you, it would be Bellamy. The guy that has been part of your group since all of you landed on Earth over 100 years ago. And despite the fact that you, Clarke, and Bellamy were frequently at odds in the beginning, it was always you three. The three leaders from the beginning. 
Clarke gives Bellamy a small smile, continuing her apology. “I lost sight of that. But I promise I will never forget it again. You're too important to me and to my incredible la lune.”
All three of you give each other matching looks of love and forgiveness before grabbing each other in a mini group hug. It feels good for the three of you to be on the same page again, especially after the chaos of events in the days leading up to the war in Shallow Valley, and now you feel confident that the three of you will be a unit again. You, Bellamy, and Clarke against the world, leading together, the way it should be. When you pull away, Clarke looks back at the lantern and nods towards it. “Are you gonna try it?”
Bellamy shakes his head, “Too many sins, my lantern wouldn't float.”
You give him a sad look, thinking the same thing, but you turn to your twin and mutter, “Well, I think I will.”
You turn and walk over to the lantern, grabbing a ribbon and one of the pens, trying to decide the best way to sum up your list of sins. Your brain finally lands on one word. One word heavy enough and big enough to cover the full scope of your violence. 
You scrawl it onto the ribbon and tie it around the top, below Clarke’s, and then you put the pen back on the table and walk back over to Bellamy and Clarke. “Better?”
You sigh, “It will be when I watch it float away.”
Before either of them can say something in return, the door to the tavern swings open and a ball of bright energy comes bounding inside, coming to a stop beside the three of you. You all turn to Delilah, a big smile on her face as she looks at you and Clarke. “There’s a party tonight. A big one to celebrate, right before my Naming Ceremony, and both of you need something to wear.”
You start to shake your head, already opening your mouth to protest, but Delilah doesn't allow it. “It’s my Naming Day, so you can’t tell me no.”
You and Clarke sigh and exchange a look before relenting. “Okay.”
She lets out a sound of delight and grabs your hand then Clarke’s, starting to tug you both away before she calls out and yells to Bellamy, “She’ll meet you at the palace at sundown, don't be late!”
The two of you share a smile before you are pulled away again and led up the stairs, straight into Delilah’s room. She heads to her closet and tugs it open, revealing a large selection of clothes, filled with dresses in various sizes. “I’ve always had the best dresses to choose from, which is why I know I’ll have something perfect for each of you.”
She reaches inside and digs around, her grin growing wider as she finds the dress she’s looking for. “Aha!”
She pulls it out and turns around to show it to you both, a long dark blue colored gown in her hands. Clarke gasps a little when she sees it, and Delilah holds it out to her. “I think this would look perfect on you.”
Clarke takes it with a smile of thanks and waits as Delilah turns back to her closet and digs around for a second dress, turning to present it to you with a smile. Your jaw drops as your eyes land on the prettiest dress you’ve ever seen. It’s long, and has an identical shape to Clarke’s, down to the neckline and fitted bodice that flares out at the bottom. The difference between them is that the one meant for you is silver and shiny, catching the light so beautifully. Delilah hands it to you as you look at it in awe. “Jordan told me that your nickname is la lune. This dress always reminded me of the moon.”
“It's beautiful.”
Delilah smiles and heads to a small box, grabbing two items from inside. She hands a long, layered silver necklace to Clarke and she passes you a bracelet, aware that you already have a necklace of your own. The bracelet is small and silver, with a moon hanging from the center, and one silver star on either side of the moon. You smile at it, thinking that the stars represent Clarke and Bellamy, the perfect bracelet to complete your look for the night. “Thank you, Delilah.”
She grabs at you both, “You can thank me by getting dressed and having fun at my party.”
You both nod and she leaves the room so you can change, coming back in to admire you both when you’re ready. She offers you each a pair of flat dress shoes to wear, which Clarke accepts, but you opt to wear your boots, the shoes bringing a little bit of comfort to your unfamiliar look. With your shoes, jewelry, and dress on, you take a look in the mirror in Delilah's room, gasping when you see yourself. You’re not sure if you're ever looked this nice before. Your hair frames your face beautifully and your dress catches the light from the room, making you almost glow. The dress is bright enough to distract from the bandages that peek out from beneath it, the wounds you sustained in the fighting pits and later on during a pointless war. It’s bright enough to distract from your black eye, which has faded into a purple shade overnight, strangely complimenting your space themed look. Clarke looks just as stunning, the dark blue dress perfect for her, and with Delilah’s makeover complete, she hugs you both and leaves ahead of you, eager to get to the party to be with Jordan. 
You and Clarke walk to the palace together, hand in hand, both of you feeling nervous. Neither of you say anything, you just silently offer each other your strength as you climb the steps slowly, following the sound of the music. It grows louder as you near the right room, both of you walking down a long hallway to an open door at the end, music floating out to meet you. You and Clarke stop just inside the doorway, looking around with big smiles, taking in the different colored lights and decorations that adorn the room. There’s a large dance floor in the center of the room, people dancing on it, Delilah among them. Food and drinks are spread out on tables around the edge of the room, and as you and Clarke walk down the stairs together, someone walks towards you from one of those tables. Cillian stops in front of you and Clarke, holding out his hand, silently asking your twin to dance. She looks at you, eyes asking a silent question, and you smile and nod at her, nudging her towards him. “I’m going to go find Bellamy!”
She takes his hand with a smile, and you watch him pull her onto the dance floor before you start to look around, eyes searching for your boyfriend. You finally spot him in the back of the room, near one of the bars, a drink in his hand. You make a beeline for him, eyes on him the entire time, and you can see the moment he spots you, because his face lights up. The smile that stretches across his face makes you lightheaded, one of those ultra rare, ultra bright, ‘melt your heart’ kind of smiles. One of those smiles that you will spend the rest of your life trying to bring to his face, because it is breathtaking and wonderful, and you always want to see him full of that much joy. 
His eyes never leave you as you come to a stop in front of him, standing awkwardly as he eyes you up and down. You’re about to nervously ask him how you look, but he beats you to it, sensing your insecurity. “You look beautiful.”
He pulls you in for a kiss and then pulls away to add, “Stunning.”
And then he kisses you again, following up with, “More radiant than the moon.”
You smile at him, glowing with his adoration and compliments. “Delilah picked it out for me, because she said it reminds her of the moon.”
“It wouldn't look half as pretty on anyone else. That dress was made for you.”
You start to blush, “Thank you, Bellamy.”
You lift the dress to show off your boots, a rugged juxtaposition to your shiny dress, but something about the look is perfect. It’s so amazingly you, your beat up shoes going strangely well with the polished dress. Bellamy laughs and shakes his head slightly, before he reaches back to the bar to grab you a drink, handing it to you with a flourish. You shift to stand beside him, both of you watching the couples on the dance floor kiss, and dance, and have fun. Your eyes land on Clarke, clearly enjoying her time with Cillian, and you smile, happy to see your twin happy. You sense a shift in the air, and you turn to look at Bellamy, finding that he’s the reason why. His earlier happiness has slipped a little, and his eyes have a faraway look, like he’s somewhere else. You put your hand on his arm, but he doesn't look your way. “What's wrong?”
The faraway look continues as he half jokes, half sighs, “The last time I was at a party, my sister was arrested.”
Your heart breaks for him, and you reach up to put your hand on his cheek, getting close and whispering, “Hey, come back to me, Atlas.”
He finally turns to look at you, his expression sad, and you nod towards the door. “If you wanna go, let’s go.”
He immediately shakes his head, “No, you got all dressed up and I don't want to ruin your night.”
“Not all dressed up, remember?” He looks at you in confusion and you lift your dress again, reminding him of your shoes and he laughs as you continue, “Besides, a night with you is never ruined, no matter what we’re doing.”
He seems to think it over, and you put your drink down, reaching for his hand to drag him away, back to the safety of your room, but he pulls you back to him, stopping you. “Dance with me.”
“Dance with me.”
You give him a skeptical look. “Bellamy, are you sure? I mean it, we can just go back to-”
He cuts you off with a kiss, pulling away to mutter, “I’m sure. I just want to dance with the love of my life in the center of the dance floor within a palace, smack dab in the middle of a moon that we didn’t know about three days ago.”
You smile, “I’ve never danced with anyone before.”
“With the right partner, it doesn't matter. It comes natural.”
You nod at him, agreeing to his offer, and he smiles and leads you to the middle of the dance floor, wrapping you up in his arms and starting to dance. The two of you dance to song after song, getting sweatier with each passing second, but you’re too happy to care. At some point you see Clarke and Cillian leave the palace, and you smile as you watch them go, knowing Clarke deserves happiness just as much as the rest of you. You and Bellamy dance for what feels like hours, growing closer and closer, letting the music guide the movements of your body. Eventually, Bellamy pulls you in for a kiss, the two of you moving to the music as your lips move together, lighting a fire within you. 
His hands roam all over your body as you kiss, both of you trying to touch every inch of skin available to you. You sigh when Bellamy’s hands slide over the skin exposed by your dress, electricity dancing along your skin in the wake of his fingers. The kiss grows more passionate with each passing second, and it's not long before Bellamy pulls back to whisper against your lips, “Want to get out of here?”
“More than anything.”
He smiles and takes your hand, pulling you off the dance floor and back to the tavern, both of you stopping to kiss a few times along the way. When you finally reach your room, you are practically buzzing with anticipation, so ready to be wrapped up in Bellamy’s arms again. Once the door closes behind you, Bellamy presses you up against it, kissing you hard and fast, his hands sliding around to your back and unzipping your dress. The fabric slides off of you easily, pooling around your feet, leaving you in just your underwear. Bellamy stops kissing you to admire you, his gaze faltering when he sees the bruise he gave you along your ribs. You reach out and put a hand on his cheek, pulling him out of his guilt and out of his head, and he looks at you, his voice cracking a little when he whispers, “Always so beautiful.”
You melt, his words making you even more eager to continue what you started. You pull him in for another kiss, your lips moving together in a passionate frenzy as you make quick work of his clothes, both of you pulling away just long enough to tug your boots off before connecting in a kiss again. Bellamy presses into you, trapping you between him and the door, before he trails his lips along your jaw, down your neck, and to your chest, peppering you with affection. His lips continue even lower, over your stomach, and he drops to his knees in front of you, tugging your underwear down as he sinks lower. The two of you lock eyes as his head moves between your legs, dropping his mouth onto you, the sensation forcing you to break eye contact with him and lean against the door for support. You close your eyes as Bellamy kisses and licks you, bringing you to the edge quickly, fueled by your soft moans of pleasure. Right as you reach your peak, Bellamy pulls away, forcing you to open your eyes and look down at him, groaning at the loss of contact. 
He smiles at you, before he stands and crashes your lips together again, practically devouring you, both of you desperate with want and need. He starts to walk backwards, bringing you with him, falling back onto the bed and pulling you down on top of him. He shimmies out of his underwear, both of you now completely naked, and your kisses continue as you grow more and more desperate for each other. Finally, unable to take it any longer, you break apart again and you sink onto him, both of you moaning at the sensation. You move together, riding him and chasing your high, your eyes locked on each other the entire time. You reach your climax at the same time, calling each other's names, both of your voices hidden by the cheers of the people outside the palace. You comprehend none of it, falling into your high, letting the feeling take you over completely. 
As your senses return to you, you collapse down beside Bellamy, both of you turning to look at each other, smiling. Exhaustion weighs heavy in your bones, but you fight against the feeling, wanting to sit and watch Bellamy, saving every second of this moment to your memory. Bellamy caves to his exhaustion before you do, his eyes closing and his breathing getting deeper as he falls asleep. You watch him for a long time, thankful for this moment. Moments like this helped you get through the six years without Bellamy, and you survived with the hope you’d get back to this again. You never expected it’d happen on another moon, 100+ years away after your time on Earth, but the moment is all that you hoped it to be and more. 
Your focus on Bellamy only wavers when you again hear cheers from outside, and you crawl out of the bed, bringing the sheet with you, keeping yourself covered. You pull the other blanket up and over Bellamy, tucking him in before you head over to the window in your room, watching as the doors to the palace swing open and the Primes begin to file out of the room, Delilah bringing up the rear. The crowd cheers when they see her, and she takes a torch that Russell offers her, using it to light a larger torch, staked into the ground in front of her. The torch lighting must serve as a signal, because suddenly hundreds of lanterns start to rise slowly in the air, floating up into the sky and taking the sins of Sanctum with them. 
You think of your ribbon, tied on the lantern above Clarke’s, Wanlida scrawled out on it. You pick a lantern, one that likely isn't even yours, and watch it lift from someone’s hands while you imagine that it’s your own. You feel lighter as it gets higher, taking the sins of Wanlida with it, until it finally hits the radiation shield over Sanctum, setting the lantern on fire and cleansing the sins of your past. It reminds you of a memory, long before Wanlida was a thing, after Finn was killed for his sins in Tondc. You remember Lexa holding a torch over the bodies of Tondc, Finn among them, and Lincoln translating for all of you as she addressed the people gathered there in Trigedasleng. You quietly whisper, “Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.”
You feel arms wrap around your waist from behind, making you jump in surprise, despite knowing that it’s Bellamy. He drops his chin to your shoulder, translating your words. “In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.”
You turn to look at him, seeing only parts of his face because he’s so close to you still. “Do you remember?”
He whispers back, “I remember.”
You turn back to the window, both of you watching the last of the lanterns rise and hit the shield, disappearing forever. Once the sky is clear, Bellamy releases you, reaching for your hand. “Come back to bed.”
You turn to look at him, the smile on his face, and you relent. “Only if you’ll tell me about the gods.”
“I’d love to.”
Your face splits into a grin, and you follow him back to bed, entangling yourself with him as he passes on stories of the gods. You listen for hours, until you both fall asleep, wrapped up in the arms of your love, everything right with the world.
next chapter
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petri808 · 4 years
Paid By the Heart
Bakudeku, A!Bakugou/O!quirkless Midoriya.  Growing up Midoriya was picked on and bullied, harassed by the other sexes. In desperation he turns to the only Alpha he knows, begging for help. They reach a deal for the little Omega to use the Alpha's scent to keep the other's at bay... but was that really a good idea? Intermingling their scents for years had a consequence that left them only one option.
The life of a quirkless person in their world was a sad one, but couple that with being a small Omega; double whammy. Ever since that fateful doctors visit informing his mother, he’d never have a quirk, Midoriya Izuku was shunned at school, even bullied for being a small, gangly nerd. He was easy pickings and there was nothing he could do about it.
By the time he’d hit middle school, life was a lonely existence for the young man. His solace was in books or chronicling the exploits of his favorite hero All Might. For outside of that little bubble, pain and frustration was the norm. If only he’d been born an Alpha or at least a Beta, maybe then he’d gain a small measure of respect, quirkless or not. But no, the universe decided, he was to be an Omega, the lowest of the ranks. Could things get any worse?
The answer was yes. When he wasn’t being bullied, he was being harassed. Horny teen Alpha’s really were a bane of his existence. This lot didn’t care who or what he was, only interested in the scent he gave off. At least going into heat was still a few years away, because that could lead to bigger problems.
Sometimes things got so bad in school, Midoriya would hide in teachers classes or the nurses room until finally one called his mother about it and she promptly put him on scent inhibitors. He’d been too embarrassed to tell her what was going on. At least now he gained a small reprieve, but that didn’t stop the bullying. What could he do?
Midoriya racked his brain to come up with a solution, including quitting school altogether. Not ideal, no, considering learning was one of the few things he actually did enjoy. That’s when he realized, if only he had someone to protect him. Like a bodyguard. But who would be willing to help a small omega? He didn’t have any real friends that were Alpha’s or at least bigger Omega’s. Though he did know one Alpha…
Nah, Bakugou would never willingly help him. Despite growing up around each other, once he was deemed quirkless, the boy shunned him completely. They were complete opposites in personality; him being shy and Bakugou a bastion of anger.
No one dared to mess with Bakugou Katsuki, least get an explosion to the face.
But desperate times, called for desperate measures and Midoriya was tired of the split lips, black eyes, or torn clothing. He didn’t want to be shoved and messed with anymore and the one Alpha, despite their rocky relationship, who didn’t pick on him physically, was Bakugou. So, one day after school and a particularly egregious fight, Midoriya waited at the foot of the staircase of their apartment building. He lived on one floor and the blonde Alpha lived on another. As he waited, thoughts of what he should say worked their way through this analytical mind.
The man wasn’t going to do this willingly, that was a given. Bakugou’s main focus in life has always been power. To get to the top someday as a hero like their idol All Might. Maybe that’s a potential answer, play to the man’s desire to protect. Frankly, Midoriya wasn’t sure if it would work, but he had an alternative. He’ll pay the man to be his bodyguard. Not that he could afford much, but if it took getting a part time job or something, it beat getting assaulted.
He stands up from the step the moment he smells the Alpha coming. ‘Breathe, Izuku, stay calm…’
“Outta my way nerd!”
Midoriya swallows hard, fidgeting with his fingers nervously. “K-Kacchan, I need to talk to you— ask you a-about something.”
“The answer’s no.” The man starts to push past the smaller male. But Midoriya grabs his arm to stop him. He whips around, grabbing the hand on his arm and throwing it off. “Do you have a death wish?!”
“Please, Kacchan!” Midoriya grovels with tears streaming down his cheeks. “I can’t take all the bullying anymore.”
Bakugou narrows his eyes. “Nothing I can help you with nerd, now get out of my way before I do hurt you.”
Midoriya drops to his knees with his head hung down. “Kacchan…” He looks up now with sullen eyes, sad and forlorn. “I-I—will you please protect me?!”
“Argh!!!” Bakugou growls. This stupid Omegas scent was filled with such desperation it was rattling his senses! “Deku what the fuck makes you think I’d help you?!”
His shoulders slump further. “I know you have no incentive to help me. I’m just a worthless quirkless Omega. But I’m desperate Kacchan. I have no one else to turn to and I’m willing to pay with whatever I can afford.”
“I don’t want your money idiot.”
“Please! I’ll do anything!”
Fuck!! No matter how much the little freckle-faced mouse irritated him, he could never lash out except with words. Bakugou knew exactly why the man was so desperate, saw him picked on by the other sexes. The fresh cut above the man’s eye and torn shirt was evidence enough, but laying a hand on Midoriya, he just couldn’t do it. Plus, he believed his mother would kill him.
“Ugh!” He groans and snaps. “Fine! But you are gonna pay somehow. You’ll cover my lunches at school for starters and… I don’t fucking know, but I’ll think of something. So, what the fuck am I supposed to do?”
“Oh, thank you Kacchan!” In his elation, Midoriya jumps onto and hugs the larger male, snuggling his face into the man’s neck.
A flush of heat colors Bakugou’s cheeks. “Oi! Oi!” He peels the man off. “Get the fuck off me nerd!” Too close! Too close! Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Midoriya’s earthy scent pleased his inner Alpha and in his happiness that scent exploded.
“S-Sorry, Sorry!” He bows and takes a step back. “Thank you, you saved my life Kacchan.”
“I still don’t know what the fuck you want.” He crosses his arms. “I ain’t just gonna beat people up for you unless I really need to.”
Midoriya’s eyes widen and he waves his hands, “no, I wouldn’t ask you to! I hope that just being around you, or,” his face heats up, “like your presence and scent on me will deter them. And eventually they’ll just stay away out of fear.”
Unlike a lot of the Alphas their age, Bakugou had no desire to engage in primally driven acts. In fact, those types pissed him off too. Just mindless idiots as far as he was concerned. He wasn’t about to let stupid mating instincts distract him from his goals. “So basically, a fake relationship?” His lack of giving a damn about such trivial matters made it easy for him not to care. “As long as I don’t gotta be affectionate and shit.”
“R-Right!” Just the thought of intimacy made Midoriya bloom red. “Yes, nothing like that. Just the illusion of being your property.”
“Ha! I kinda like the sound of that!” Bakugou finally smiles, though more like an evil smirk. “You’ll be my bitch from now on!”
And so that’s how it was for the next few years. Each morning before school, the Omega would swipe a bit of sweat off the Alpha and rubbed it on himself. With the man’s scent on him, all the other Alphas and bullies stayed clear. They never eluded to any relationship, barely even hung out together, but everyone was too afraid to question it. Midoriya quietly went through the school days and for the first time in a very long time, he could finally relax. Even though his life was still lonely.
Once they finished middle school, Bakugou moved on to the prestigious UA Academy for pro heroes in training, while Deku managed to get into their Support program. Turns out his passion for learning and analytics was a skill he could trade on. Since they’d be at the same school, they could keep up the same rouse. Not that Bakugou seemed to care. Though the trade off for his part of the deal had perks with the Omega still footing any request he made.
Things continued unabated for the first two years of high school and Bakugou didn’t pay attention to the subtle changes taking place. Midoriya still dutifully came for his scent every morning before class. The Omega continued to pay for his services. But he failed to notice a change in the Omega’s scent. Where once the smaller male reeked of sadness, now there were hints of elation. The man smiled brighter and even had a bounce to his step. Midoriya was blossoming in the Support program. He had friends to call his own and Bakugou couldn’t be more thrilled the guy wasn’t trying to hang around him anymore.
It wasn’t until the third year was halfway through when the changes became glaringly noticeable. Midoriya continued to pay, but gathering his scent had grown from sporadic to nonexistent. Perhaps he wasn’t in need of Bakugou’s help anymore? No one was bullying him, on the contrary, the Omega was a top student in his program who’d gained the respect of his peers.
Bakugou corners the man outside one day between the dorm buildings. “Oi, Deku, what’s the deal? You don’t need me anymore?” He refused to admit it bothered him to not be needed.
“What do you mean?”
“You keep paying me, but never come for my scent.”
“Oh… well, you see, now that I’ve found my place here, it’s, um, hurting my reputation that I smell like an Alpha. I still pay because I do appreciate everything you did for me Kaachan.”
“What the fuck? You getting all horny now, looking for action but nobody giving you that kind of attention?”
“What?! N-No!” He waves his hands desperate to wipe the statement away. “That’s not it, I’m not looking for that! I’m even on Heat blockers. It’s just, the Alpha’s they treat me differently. They’ll talk to me like they respect me but always at an arms distance and it’s frustrating. Even after a few months without your scent on me, they still keep a distance.”
It was driving Midoriya crazy! So, he started to question, what will happen when he does want to be courted by an Alpha?! What helped in his youth now backfired and the plans were blowing up in his face. The reputation of Bakugou having staked his claim years ago on the Omega would make finding a partner almost impossible unless he could find a way to distance himself. Who in their right mind would dare touch the Lord of Explosions chosen mate?!
“I hope once we graduate and go our separate ways, people will finally realize we’re not together.” Midoriya was sure that once the blonde settled into pro hero life, he’d start dating as well, and that’ll take the heat of his back.
“Tch, well I’m not a charity case, so stop paying me if you ain’t getting a benefit out of it. Guess that’s it.” Bakugou’s turns his back to the man and starts walking away. He tips two fingers, “see ya around nerd!”
Huh? Well that went easier than he’d expected it to. All this time avoiding the conversation only for Bakugou to have no real reaction. Guess this really was just a business transaction for the Alpha. Midoriya shrugs, so be it, and continues on his way.
Unfortunately, things weren’t all that it appeared to be for the Alpha. After walking away from the Omega, a dull pain centered in his chest making it a little hard to breathe. But not wanting to show weakness, Bakugou ignored it and continued to strut back to his dorm room. Perhaps he’d overexerted himself again in the gym.
It’s a pain that started a couple of months ago that came and went, that he equated as simply working too hard. His muscles are still adjusting to the heavy schoolwork on top of the skirmishes the students got pulled into. That had to be the answer, for what else could it be? But after a week of the pain not letting up, Bakugou finally relented and consulted the nurse.
“Well,” the nurse, Recovery Girl sits back on her stool. “Don’t know what to tell ya, cause they ain’t nothin physically wrong with you that I can find. But if you think it’s muscle related, ease up on your workouts and take magnesium supplements.”
“The fuck you sayin old hag?! I can’t stop exercising. My quirk demands a topnotch body!”
She shrugs her shoulders, used to the hotheaded Alpha by now. “Then just learn to live with the pain. It’s not uncommon from pro heroes to suffer from pain, especially those with strong quirks like you have. You’re kinda young, but with how hard you push yourself, it’s inevitable.”
“Argh!” Bakugou storms out of the room. Fucking useless old bat! Two months away from graduation and being told he’s already developing, what, an old person’s problem?! “Fucking hell!” This is bullshit!
He flies it out of the room so quickly, that when he rounds a corner in the hallway, runs smack into a body. “Get the fuck outta my way!!”
“Kacchan?! Oh my god, sorry I didn’t see you coming!”
The world stops cold. “Deku…” suddenly the pain in his chest lessens as the calming scent of the concerned Omega wraps around his body. Bakugou’s eyes flash wide. “Oh, fuck no!” Quick like a bolt of lightning, the Alpha races away leaving the shocked and confused Omega standing there alone calling after him. Bakugou grits his teeth as he beelines it back to his dorm room. ‘It’s just a coincidence!’
“What was that all about?” Midoriya mumbles under his breath. It was the first time he’s seen the Alpha look, scared? No way, the Omega dismisses the notion. Bakugou wasn’t afraid of anything. He must have just been surprised to see him.
He continues on to the lab where he’s close to finishing a new project. The Alpha, Shouto Todoroki, requested a better cooling material for his suit. The pro needed something that insulated the cold from his quirk for a longer lasting effect. That way Hellfire would also be more sustainable.
It was a major nod to the Omega considering the man was up and up against Bakugou in terms of power. Currently, they were the top two pro students and Alpha’s of UA. Plus, Todoroki was not only cute but the complete opposite of Bakugou in personality. He was always kind to the Omega. Not that anything was going on between them! But the minor attention was exactly what triggered him to back away from his old friend.
From that moment in the hallway on, every time Midoriya came into contact with Bakugou, the Alpha turned heel and avoided any interactions. He couldn’t lie that it didn’t hurt just a little. They’d never been the closest friends, but it was as if the blonde was angry with him and that bothered him because he couldn’t understand why? But he also wasn’t gutsy enough to question the man either. Did turning down his scent hurt Bakugou’s pride or ego? Frankly, that would not be surprising.
The day of their graduation was a whirlwind of activity. The stadium packed just like the Sport event; even a similar turn out. Family and friends were there to celebrate, pro’s and companies were there to recruit. First the Support class, then the General studies, and lastly the Heroes courses all went up and received their diplomas. After the ceremony, the students were sent to designated spots to meet with their families and friends first. From there they could venture around to see other people.
“Thanks mom,” Midoriya hugs the crying woman for the umpteenth time that afternoon.
“I’m just so proud of you son!”
A tap on his shoulder cuts into the tender moment. “Forgive me for intruding Mrs. Midoriya. My father would like to meet your son.”
The pair’s eyes widen as the Number One hero stood in front of them. He was such an imposing figure!
“N-Nice to meet you Mr. Endeavor!” Midoriya bows.
“My son tells me you were able to create a better suit for him.”
Midoriya looks to his friend then back to the man. “Yes, sir I did.”
“Good. Perhaps you’ll be very useful in the future.” Endeavor nods his head and simply walks away without another word.
“D-Did he just?!”
“My father would like me to bring you by the agency next week for an interview.”
“Oh, wow really?!”
“Yes,” Todoroki chuckles.
“I’ll leave you two to discuss things,” Mrs. Midoriya cuts in. “It was nice to meet you Todoroki.”
After the goodbyes, the two men continue discussing the interview. Things like what he should bring, how he should dress, and what time to arrive. Midoriya had assumed Endeavor contracted out support work, but it turns out they have in-house staff.
“There is one last thing I would like to discuss.” The Alpha takes hold of the Omegas hand. “You see I’ve grown quite fond of you,” he leans down, sniffing at the scent gland of the smaller males neck. “Your scent…” his voice grows soft like a purr, “I wish to court you properly Midoriya Izuku.”
The feral growl behind him causes Midoriya to flinch. Before he can register just what the hell was going on, he was pushed back and a second Alpha stood between him and Todoroki.
“K-Kacchan?!” He grabs the man’s arm. “Kacchan what are you doing?!”
But the larger male simply grabs hold of him and pushes him back again, all while staring down the other Alpha.
“This mouse is taken,” Bakugou growls low and narrows his eyes, challenging Todoroki.
Todoroki glares back unflinching. “You don’t care about him, only took his money for protection. That doesn’t make him yours Katsuki.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”
“You don’t,” the man grins. “Three years I watched from a distance. How he’d sneak into the dorms in the morning, pay for your lunch in the cafeteria, and for what? We could smell you on him yet not once did you two ever hang out with each other.”
“S-So what! That doesn’t mean I don’t care about him! I took the protector role to fucking protect him!”
Todoroki scoffs, “I bided my time and once the daily visits ended, I started making my move. Not once did you ever stop us because you ran away from him! Stupid fool, how dare you decide to claim him now!”
Bakugou lowers his head just slightly, fists clench, and tiny explosions going off in his palms. “Fucking icyhot bastard. You don’t know what I’m feeling. Think I don’t know I fucked up when I shoulda faced the music sooner.” He stares straight up. “But I do know now, Deku’s mine! Hear me?! Mine!! And I am not fucking giving up my mate to you or any other bastard!”
The blonde pulls Midoriya forward, hands gripped to his arms. “Tell him Deku! Tell him you’re mine!”
“But am I? You’ve never shown any interest in me before Kacchan. Todoroki has helped me so much and now because of him, I’ll be interviewing for Endeavors support staff. Yes, your scent protected me from bullies, but I thought it was always just a business transaction.”
“N-no!” Bakugou staggers back clutching to his chest as the pain swiftly doubles. This can’t be happening! “You can’t pick him over me Deku!” The sting of rejection was worse than a villain breaking every bone in his body. He cries out and drops to the ground in a fetal position as the pain rips through his chest and knocks the wind out of him. “Fuck it hurts!” It was too excruciating, so much so, his body was slipping out of consciousness in response.
“Kacchan?!” Midoriya falls to his knees too and grabs the man, shaking him. “Kacchan, what’s wrong with you?!” He felt helpless as the man’s eyes rolled back in his head.
“Wow Katsuki… you really do love Midoriya.”
The Omega looks up at Todoroki. “How do you know that?!”
Todoroki points at Bakugou. “If an Alpha covets an Omega but is rebuffed, they are stricken with illness. It only happens when we truly love someone.”
“S-So if I turn you down, you’ll get sick too?!” Why is this whole love stuff so cruel?! This was not what he’d expected to happen! Tears gather in his eyes. “That wasn’t part of the plan. I-I just wanted to know what he really thought about me.”
“Fret not,” Todoroki smiles at him. “You’re cute, but I’m not in love with you. But now that you have your answer, my role is done. I’ll see you at the interview next week,” he winks and walks away to find his girlfriend.
“O-Okay, thank you Todoroki!” Midoriya turns back to the comatose man by his side and continues shaking him. “Kacchan! Please wake up! I’m here! I’m not going anywhere! Just wake up!”
A small crowd gathered around them, but he didn’t care, too concerned with Bakugou’s condition. Had he known an Alpha could suffer like this, he never would have attempted this little rouse. Todoroki was the one who suggested it, but neither of them could have known the blonde had fallen so deeply in love.
With the help of Bakugou’s teacher, Shota Aizawa and another staff member who came on the scene, they take the unconscious Alpha to the infirmary. They place him on one of the beds where Recover Girl checks him over. The man was out cold, but his vitals were steady.
Midoriya takes a seat by the bedside, clutching to his friends hand. It’s been an hour since they’d arrived and according to the nurse, it was now a waiting game. “Please,” the Omega squeezes the Alpha’s hand, “come back to me Kacchan…” He closes his eyes to rest them, laying his head against the man’s arm. He was so emotionally exhausted from the ordeal of the day, but he’s not moving until the man wakes up. Six years and never once he allowed himself to hope, until now.
“Mmmm,” Midoriya stirs at the feeling of fingers treading softly through his hair. “That feels so nice,” he purrs to the familiar scent of burnt sugar he’d come to know so well. It wrapped around, calming, calling the Omega out of his dream.  
Wait! Burnt sugar?! He pops up immediately, “Kacchan?!” Scrambling onto the bed and swaddling the Alpha. “I was so worried,” Midoriya buries his face in the man’s neck. “Why didn’t you just tell me?!” He sniffles.
Bakugou wraps his arms around the man, leaning his head against his and relishing in the contented tones exuding from the Omega’s scent. “I’m up now, so stop crying Deku.” He sighs, “and I didn’t tell you cause I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot.”
“Yes,” he lifts Midoriya’s face, fixing his eyes in a stare, “I am. All because I didn’t want to admit I was weak for you.”
“So, you really mean it? That you want me to be your mate even though I’m quirkless?”
“Did I fucking stutter? But guess what Deku?”
The Alpha kisses him roughly, nipping his lip before pulling away, “I’m claiming my final payment.”
“Oh!” Midoriya giggles, “what’s the payment?”
Just because they finally figured things out, didn’t mean either of them wanted to rush into a relationship. It was simply satisfying to know they wanted to be with each other. And for that reason, Midoriya continued to use heat blockers as a birth control, just like he’d done for the last several years.
The Omega respected the fact Bakugou focused on having a good career in the pro hero world. His ambitions to reach the top given a whole new incentive in order to provide for a family one day. But the Alpha was proud of his betrothed’s advances as well. After high school, the up and coming Support technician proved his worth for the Endeavor agency while he himself worked as a side kick to the head man himself.
Bakugou dreamed of one day owning his own agency, but until then, he pushed himself hard under the constant tutelage of the number one hero. They were both paid well at their jobs, and continued to maintain separate homes… for now. The blondes excuse being he would court Midoriya properly this time around.
Except when it came to sex. That part of their relationship was consummated two nights after graduation. In a protected knotting, they marked each other and staked their claims for all to see. Bakugou  had been pleasantly surprised to find the shy, docile man was quite rambunctious in bed. But contrary to popular belief, it was closer to a vanilla encounter.
Both of them had been too excited and also nervous being a first time for either of them. Having been Midoriya’s protector for so long, the Alpha was almost terrified of hurting the smaller Omega and it took gentle coaxing to allay those fears. But in the end they’d been left satisfied and fully affirmed in their decision to spend the rest of their lives together.
Once the workload kicked in, any free time they had were spent together at one or the others apartment. Bakugou would take Midoriya out on dates, to dinners, movies, or anywhere the man fancied though it was rarely a lavish affair. The Omega preferred the quieter moments such as lounging on the couch and cuddling during a movie.
This went on for two years as the Alpha slowly built up a savings. He knew it would be several years before he could buy a bigger house, but soon enough he was ready to afford a 2 bedroom apartment in a nice area of town. So, he made up an excuse to stay with Midoriya while he moved into the new place, furnished, and prepared it to accept a mate.
“Perfect!” The blonde stands with his hands on his hips admiring his handiwork. Everything his Omega will need was purchased and set up in what will be their new nest. He’d spared no expense on a top of the line, plush, memory foam bedding. Extra blankets, pillows, you name it, Bakugou bought it. And last but not least, he scented all the fabrics with his musk. All that remained was surprising Midoriya.
He timed the reveal for the last week of the month, explaining his apartment was ready again and he wanted Midoriya to see the changes.
“Where are we going? This isn’t the direction of your place.”
“It’s the direction to my new place.”
“Kacchan, you moved apartments without telling me?”
He kisses the back of the Omegas hand, “well a surprise isn’t a surprise if I told you about it.”
When the elevator opens, Bakugou leads him to one of the apartments. He opens the door and gestures for the man to enter. “Welcome to your new home Izuku.”
“Huh? My, but I have an apartment…” the Omega gasps when he turns and finds his Alpha on one knee. “K-Kacchan,” his hands fly up in shock and face lights up.
“It’s time to officially cash in my payment chip,” the blonde grins, holding up a ring. “Izuku Midoriya, will you be my life mate?”
Moisture instantly builds in the Omegas eyes, “yes! Yes!” His hands shaky as the Alpha slips the ring onto his finger.
Bakugou gets to his feet and kisses the man slow and steady. He takes Midoriya’s hand. “There’s one thing I really wanna show you, then we’ll go pack up your apartment.”
“Oh my goodness!” The omega squeals at the site of his beautiful new nest and throws himself onto his Alpha, hugging and kissing the man. “Kacchan, you spoil me!”
“You deserve to be spoiled,” he smiles back. “Test it out.”
Midoriya dives onto the bed and bundles the blankets to his nose. It smelled like Bakugou! He closes his eyes with a moan, taking it all in and burying his face into the fabric. The Alpha laughs at how childlike his mate was behaving, but that was Midoriya for you. Just a ray of sunshine who wore his emotions on his sleeve.
While the Omega relishes in his new surroundings, Bakugou just stands back in admiration. To the outside world the pro Alpha hero was a temperamental hothead who took shit from no one. But those in the know, knew Midoriya had him wrapped around his finger.
The Omega never took advantage or made it feel like an obligation. Bakugou just came to realize he could be himself with the man. No keeping secrets or holding back. Their long history delving back almost two decades meant Midoriya knew him well and he Midoriya. This little mouse could calm him down without his Omega pheromones. But boy does those scents drive him wild too!
Just picturing his freckle faced cherub cuddled in his arms with a child between them sent a delectable shiver racing straight to his groin. Bakugou chuckles in his head, probably why the man was smart enough to stay on the birth control, because he knew without it they’d have already started a family before they were ready.
“Join me— Kacchan!” Hands reach out, beckoning him to the bed.
The Alpha grins and plops down close, pulling the Omega to him. He kisses Midoriya’s forehead. “I take it you’re happy?”
“Of course!” The man nestles deeper into his Alphas arms, resting his head against his chest. “But I’d be happy anywhere as long as I have you with me.”
Bakugou relishes in the euphoric scent his mate was giving off. It made his inner Alpha preen with pride. “Never in my life have I wanted a family more than I do in this moment. And I don’t care if they have quirks, are quirkless, as long as they’re healthy, and they’re ours.”
“Mmm, our own family…” child Midoriya’s dreams could never have predicted the life he ended up with. “Sometimes I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.”
“Did I ever tell you thank you for pulling that stunt at graduation?”
Midoriya sits up, hesitant, his scent immediately registering anxiety. “No.” Why is he bringing that up now?
But Bakugou counters with calming Alpha pheromones as he pulls his mate back into his arms. “I still can’t stand the smug bastard, but I’m glad icyhot helped you help me get outta my own head or I wouldn’t have this life.”
“You had me so panicked Kacchan! I thought I’d killed you or something.”
“Pfft, I’m tougher then that.” He kisses Midoriya’s forehead, sweeping his thumb lovingly over and caressing the Omega’s cheek with a grin, “but I think in the end I really got the better part of the deal.”
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alixanonymous · 4 years
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 6: A Need For Clarification
From the phone of Damian Wayne: 
Chat Name: Unknown Number
Unknown Number: Hi, Damian? This is Marinette… 
Me: You’re late.
Unknown Number: I know, I’m so sorry! There was a bit of an emergency… 
Me: Oh?
Unknown Number: Yeah, sorry! I know you said you’d only be free for about another hour right? Can we work fast maybe?
Me: I suppose it’s better late than never, but in the future, know that I don’t tolerate tardiness.
Unknown Number: Look, things in Paris are kind of crazy right now. I can’t promise I won’t have to change plans unexpectedly but since we only have an hour to get things done, could we leave that talk for another time? I’ll try to let you know beforehand if something comes up. Okay?
Me: Fine, one second. I need to change your contact name.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, let me do yours too!
Me: Do I want to know what you put me in as?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I bet you could guess :)
Me: … 
Me: It’s not Arthur’s little sister, right?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, it wasn’t! :P
Me: No. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yes.
Me: Change it back!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You don’t even know what it was originally!
Me: Anything is better than that. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Fine… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But that means you can’t complain about what it is since you’re the one who told me to change it back.
Me: Fine, I don’t even want to know.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But I do! What do you have me under?
Me: …  
Me: Your initials.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Isn’t that a little too on the nose?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: (Not to mention totally uncreative)
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But also, what if your brothers see?
Me: Well, not those initials… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: ???
Me: Weren’t you the one who talked about how we only had an hour to do this?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right! Sorry! Are you ready for some fast questions?
Me: Yes.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’m going to start with Grayson’s sweater.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: What in your opinion constitutes a “tacky Christmas sweater”?
Me: Aren’t you the fashion designer? Shouldn’t you know this?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, I can’t say “tacky” is a style I’ve had much experience in sooo… 
Me: Right… 
Me: Well I guess I’d imagine it’d have to have a lot of bright colors.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But you said Grayson likes navy blue, right?
Me: Right.
Me: Well before he liked navy blue, he used to wear a lot of neon red, yellow, and green.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
Me: You know, as a child.
Me: Plus they’re sort of Christmas colors in a way, right?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I see… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So when you said bright, you meant traffic-stoppingly bright?
Me: I suppose.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I see…
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: While I can’t say I would have ever thought to put those colors together before, if he wore them as a child I guess they would have kind of a sentimental value, like a nostalgic factor.
Me: In a way, it’s like an inside joke too, I suppose.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: How so? Me: Well, you see…
Me: After I moved in with my father, I needed clothes so I wore some of his. 
Me: Well, they were clothes in his image.
Me: Of course, they weren’t hand-me-downs.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Huh. Whenever I pictured you, I can’t say it was in traffic light colors
Me: You picture me?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Hahaha, no! Silly, it was only a figure of speech.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right! Well, we only have an hour so we better get back on track! I think the colors are a very good personal detail!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So beside those, what else makes it a tacky xmas sweater?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Do you want a holiday design? Like Santa or a reindeer?
Me: Perhaps?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Or are there any other images you’d think he’d appreciate more?
Me: Well… 
Me: Maybe a bird?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: A bird? Like a penguin?
Me: No! Definitely not!
Me: A robin
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: A robin? Why?
Me: As a child he also really liked the superhero Robin. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Oh! Batman’s sidekick, right?
Me: He’s Batman’s partner!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right. Is that also where the traffic light colors come from? Me: I suppose you could say that, yes
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, doesn’t he have a logo or something? Would that be what you want on the sweater?
Me: No, he’s an adult now, even if he doesn’t act like it. 
Me: I think if the design’s the actual bird it would seem more subtle.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: And thoughtful too! Less generic.
Me: I suppose so.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Cool, I’m starting to picture it. So do you actually want any Christmas aspects? Like do you want me to put a santa hat on the robin or maybe some wording on it like Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Me: No, no santa hat and not “Merry Christmas” either.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay. Any text?
Me: Could you put “The First” on it?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I could… Why?
Me: Well, he is the oldest. So he was the first.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right, no that makes sense.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But I wonder… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Hey Damian, is your brother as… formal as you?
Me: No.
Me: Definitely not. He has no manners.
Me: Why?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, a lot of young people use the term OG now. Maybe he would like that more.
Me: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: It means like the original. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You know, I think it actually stands for original gangster… 
Me: I see. 
Me: You know what, that’s actually very fitting.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Really?
Me: Yes. It seems like I should be grateful for not only your fashion expertise but also your knowledge of popular culture.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Thank you?
Me: Very well, is that all for Grayson?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Uh, just a few more things. So no Christmas details then?
Me: Nothing more than similarities in the colors and style. 
Me: What I’m picturing, at first glance, one might think it looks like a tacky Christmas sweater but if they were to look closely, there wouldn’t be actual references to the holiday.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Got it!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So no hoods or pockets for this one?
Me: No. I think they’d be unnecessary.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay. Now, the main detail left is the thickness. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’m going to have to knit this by hand so would you prefer I use a thin or thicker, fluffier yarn?
Me: I guess it would depend.
Me: Would a thicker material be scratchy?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: No, Damian. Nothing I make is scratchy.
Me: I see.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: The only differences would be a thicker yarn would make for a thicker and fluffier sweater and it would also be a bit warmer too.
Me: Oh well Gotham is pretty cold most of the time.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Gotham?
Me: It’s where my family lives. Well, Grayson also spends a lot of time in Blüdhaven.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Oh, I see why you guys like Robin now! He and Batman are based in Gotham right?
Me: Yes.
Me: Paris doesn’t have any superheroes right?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Oh no, we do.
Me: I’m sorry, excuse me? I’ve never heard of any!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Ladybug and Cat Noir are the main ones.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: And our mayor tries his best to keep it out of international news to keep tourism going.
Me: So you’re telling me that those outlandish stories on the Ladyblog are true?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Most of them, yes.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Wait, you read the Ladyblog?
Me: I came across it while I was doing research on you.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I see… 
Me: Is this a joke? If there’s supervillains in Paris, why hasn’t the Justice League gotten involved?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I don’t know? 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’m not really the person to be asking about this stuff.
Me: Right, sorry. It’s just hard to believe.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yeah, I get it.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: That’s actually why I was late today. There was an akuma attack earlier.
Me: What?!
Me: Are you okay?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Oh I’m fine, Ladybug’s powers reverse all the damage. 
Me: … 
Me: I think this is going to take some time to sink in.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right, well should we get back to the commission?
Me: Yes. Let’s.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, so you’d prefer the thicker material then? 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: It will cost more by the way.
Me: Yes, and money is never an issue.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, then I think I have enough to get started on the sketch! I know we have two more brothers to go through but it’s getting late here and I still have some things to get done tonight… 
Me: Of course.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Would you be free to talk some more same time tomorrow? 
Me: I believe so.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’ll try my best to not be late this time. :)
Me: I understand now that it may be out of your control.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Unfortunately, but hey what can you do?
Me: Right.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: If you have any time before we talk again, I’ve been thinking it might help if there’s any reference pictures you could show me. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You know if you see anything online or in a store or even if there’s any pieces your brothers’ already own that you’d want me to take some inspiration from, could you maybe send me some pictures so I can have a better idea of what you’re looking for?
Me: I see. I’ll do my best.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: That’s all I can ask! Goodnight, Damian! Talk to you tomorrow!
Me: Goodnight, Marinette.
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How To Get Paris News Updates
Chat Name: Father
Me: Father, were you aware that there are superheroes in Paris? Why hasn’t the Justice League done anything?!
Father: I’m sure the Justice League is monitoring the situation. There’s no cause for concern, son.
Me: Right. Of course, Father.
From the phone of Jason Todd:
Chat Name: The Boys (Minus The Demon)
replacement: ummm…  sooo… 
replacement: just walked into my room and guess what I see?
big bird: A mess?
replacement: no!  the demon’s standing in front of my closet taking pictures of my clothes!
big bird: ? 
Me: uh wat
big bird: How the hell was I supposed to guess that?
replacement: so then I ask him what he’s doing… 
Me: anddddd
replacement: and he doesn’t even look at me but just says research… 
replacement: ???
big bird: (shrugging emoji)
big bird: Maybe this is a good thing? I mean what if he is doing research for Christmas and actually paying attention to what we like?
replacement: okay???
Me: i dont know he has been acting weirder lately
Me: like when i came home he was glaring at his phone and kept checking it for like five min without noticing i was there
big bird: Oh!
big bird: I passed him in the hall earlier and get this: he was smiling at his phone as he typed!
Me: what1!!
replacement: why didn’t you warn us?!
big bird: Because guys? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t like a threatening smile. I think it was an actual like happy smile.
Me: yeah right! demon spawn doesnt know how to do that
replacement: do you know who he was texting?
Me: ?
big bird: No! And I didn’t want to ask…
replacement: well we need to figure it out.
Me: agreed
big bird: Unfortunately, because she helped him with the encryption, Babs can’t hack into his phone.
Me: well then well ned to steal it 
Me: he has patrol with you guys tonight right
replacement: yes… 
Me: ill get it from babs after you leave
replacement: good plan but we don’t know his password… 
big bird: Oh, it’s I’m Batman!
Me: duh its im batman
replacement: ???
replacement: How do you know that?!
Me: like your password hasnt been it at one point
replacement: … 
big bird: We’ve all been there!
Me: its practically a right of passage
replacement: *rite
Me: shut it replacement
Chat Name: carrot top
carrot top: do I even want to know why you stole the demon brat’s phone?
Me: uhhh no?
carrot top: great
carrot top: just make sure you return it before he gets back
carrot top: I have no wish to get stabbed with a katana tonight
Me: great thx babs!
carrot top: oh and by the way, its programmed to delete all unsaved data after five hours
Me: what!!! 
Me: is there anyway you could retrieve his texts?
carrot top: of course I could!
carrot top: but Im not gonna
Me: why not???
carrot top: one word:
carrot top: katana
Me: fineee
From the phone of Damian Wayne:
Me: who is this?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Damian, it’s five in the morning.
Me: who are you and why are you texting this number?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Uh, it’s Marinette. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: remember me?
Me: hello, marinette.
Me: why are you in damians phone as t.g.y.t.t.b.?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: uh, I have no idea. it’s too early for this.
Me: so, tell me… 
Me: what business do you have texting my brother?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: ???
T.G.Y.T.T.B: oh, you’re Damian’s brother then?
Me: Yes, i’m Jason.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: You mean Grayson?
Me: i think i know my own name
Me: but to answer your question grayson is our other brother
Me: demon spawn likes to call by our last names
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Oh I thought it was just more… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: nevermind
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Wait, Demon spawn?
Me: damian
T.G.Y.T.T.B: thats… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: ironic.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: and kinda mean
Me: trust me he loves it
T.G.Y.T.T.B: So which one are you, Todd or Drake?
Me: todd
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Wait, why do you guys have different last names?
Me: uh cause all of us were adopted except for damian
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Oh
Me: but back to my question
Me: why are you texting my brother?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Uh well I’m not… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I wasn’t… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I was trying to sleep… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: And then I was texting you sooo
Me: Right but you were texting him earlier right?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: What does it matter to you?
Me: What business do you have texting my brother?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: None of yours
Me: … 
Me: Im his brother!
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Exactly, his brother. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Not his parent
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Not his warden
T.G.Y.T.T.B: So if you really want to know why I’m texting Damian, maybe you should ask him instead of stealing his phone and bothering innocent girls at five in the morning.
Me: well to be fair its only 11 over here 
Me: how was I supposed to know? 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: By talking to your brother instead of stealing his phone?
Me: how did you even know I stole it?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: really?
Me: hey now
Me: im only doing this because im concerned
Me: the kids been acting weird lately
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Gee, I wonder why.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Do you think it maybe has something to do with the fact that you’re all threatening to send him away?
Me: he told you about that?!
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Yes. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: So if that’s all, how about the next time you feel like sticking your head where it doesn’t belong, try talking to your brother first.
Me: wait
Me: can’t you give me anything to work with here?
Me: why did he tell you that he might be sent away? he barely mentions it
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Why does he even have to tell me in the first place? What kind of brother lets his sibling be shipped away?
Me: look
Me: you only know what damians told you
Me: there’s another side to the story.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I’m sure there is.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: But Damian is my friend not you, so I don’t particularly care to hear what you have to say.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: To me, you’re just the person who wants to send my friend away even though you say he’s your brother.
Me: So you’re demon spawn’s friend?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: No, I’m Damian’s friend.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Good night, Jason.
Me: wait
Me: i don’t really want him to be sent away or anything
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Have you done anything to help him stay?
Me: i’m trying to right now. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: How is any of this helping him?
Me: my brothers and I are trying to figure out what’s he getting us for xmas so we can make sure its good enough to satisfy dad
T.G.Y.T.T.B: How about instead of that you have some faith in him and try to convince your father to stop threatening to send him away?
Me: our old man isnt really the type to change his mind
Me: again i dont want him to leave or anything but he does need to get better
Me: i mean hell he broke a kids hand! that stuffs gotta stop
T.G.Y.T.T.B: … 
Me: i see he didn’t tell you that
Me: look hes my brother 
Me: i dont want him gone but things cant keep going on like this
Me: i know your his friend but he has to change and our dad is just trying to do what he thinks is best for him
T.G.Y.T.T.B: That’s enough! 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I told you I didn’t want to hear from you.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Damian’s my friend. He gets to decide what he tells me and when and it was very wrong of you to breach his trust like this. T.G.Y.T.T.B: Whatever Damian has done, it doesn’t mean you have the right to call him a demon and steal his phone. I want you to return it now.
Me: … 
Me: your right 
Me: im sorry. 
Me: i guess we’re all just trying to do what’s best for him
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Maybe you should stop assuming you know what that is.
Me: i cant promise anything
Me: but im glad damian has you as friend
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Well… 
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I’m glad that he has a brother who wants him to stay.
Me: he has three
T.G.Y.T.T.B: That’s even better.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Surely the three of you would be enough to change your father’s mind?
Me: its not as simply as that
Me: but i can promise you our dad wants whats best for damian too
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I’ll hold you to that promise.
Me: Im sure you will, spitfire.
T.G.Y.T.T.B: ?
Me: thats your nickname
T.G.Y.T.T.B: I see
T.G.Y.T.T.B: :)
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Maybe one day I’ll tell the very first nickname I gave your brother.
Me: anyway that day could be today?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Considering it’s now only eight o clock and you woke me up at five in the morning, no. I’m afraid not.
Me: wait
Me: it hasn’t already been three hours has it?
T.G.Y.T.T.B: It wouldn’t have been if you responded faster… 
Me: uh oh
Me: crap crap crap
T.G.Y.T.T.B: What’s wrong?
Me: demon gonna kill me
Me: night sunshine
T.G.Y.T.T.B: Bye?
From the phone of Alfred Pennyworth:
Chat Name: Master Bruce
Master Bruce: Alfred, please hide as many of Damian’s weapons as you can.
Me: On it, Master Bruce. May I ask what happened?
Master Bruce: Jason stole Damian’s phone and used it to text one of Damian’s friends.
Me: Oh, I see.
Master Bruce: Hey, has Damian mentioned anything to you about a girl?
Me: A girl? No, not that I can recall, Master Bruce. 
Me: Is that who Master Jason was texting?
Master Bruce: Yes, but I wasn’t aware Damian made any new friends.
Me: Neither was I. Perhaps he is progressing?
Master Bruce: I suppose we’ll see.
Me: Indeed.
I literally posted this just so I could say that chapter nine is on AO3!!! 
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Under the Fluorescent Lights
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x fem!reader 
Word Count: 3k+
Type: Oneshot!
Summary: You and Shouto are both harboring unspeaken feelings for each other, and the school dance may be your last chance to tell each other
Warnings: none, just pure, tooth-rotting fluff :)
Author’s Note: This was really fun to write, I hope you all like it, stay tuned for more lovelies! (story under the cut!)
You had never been in love before, or at least you didn’t think you had. Up until this point in your life, you had had crushes, and flings, but you had never been in love.
That was, until you met Shouto Todoroki. You befriended the bi-haired boy, his cold, closed-off demeanor drew you in, even if he didn’t necessarily want you there. After a few months of going to UA together, he finally accepted that you weren’t going anywhere, and you became real friends. 
When he finally opened up to you, and showed you who he really was, you were amazed. He wasn’t the cold, arrogant boy most people saw, he was kind, and funny, and sweet. And slowly, without meaning to, you fell for him. Hard.
It was nearing the end of your third year at UA, and you still hadn’t got the chance to tell him how you really felt. You were terrified that he would reject you, like he’d rejected so many others in your time of being friends with him, that he wouldn’t want you the way you wanted him. These fears filled you up, ate at you from the inside, preventing you from voicing your feelings.
But it was fine. Shouto seemed content on staying friends anyway. 
“Y/N!” you heard from behind you, and you turned to see you best friend Mina, bounding down the hall towards you, her eyes lit up with excitement. 
“Hey Mina,” you said as she crashed into you, nearly knocking you both to the ground.
“Gosh, be careful clumsy!” you scolded, but you don’t really mean it, you were grinning the whole time. 
“Anywho, so guess what!” she said, bouncing around excitedly.
“What?” you asked, trying to focus on her face as it bobbed up and down. 
“Soooooo, since this is our last month at UA, they’re having this dance for the third years, and….  I think you should ask Todoroki!”
“Mina!” you protested, looking around quickly, making sure no one was around to hear. “Could you be any louder?!”
She laughed, and leaned over to ruffle your hair affectionately. You pushed her off, and complained about your now messed up hair.
“I think you should finally just tell him, Y/N. It’s been long enough now, even if he doesn’t return your feelings, which he totally will, by the way, wouldn’t it be better if he knew?”
“No, Mina. I’m not jeopardizing my friendship with Shouto just so he can know what I feel.”
“Whatever you say….” Mina said, shrugging, and then she threw her arm around your shoulder, and the two of you walked down the hall towards the dorms. “You will come though, right?” 
“Yeah, probably, we can go together, like the single pringles we are,” you laughed, and bumped your hip against hers, and the two of you headed down the hall, laughing as you went. 
Shouto didn’t usually let people know how he felt.
But then he met you, and you changed his life for the better. At first, he was wary of you, you were so bright, so full of energy, and you shone brighter than the sun. He was nervous to open up to you, because everyone in his life had betrayed his trust at one time or another. But you were there, you were always there, even if he wanted to be alone, you were there to calm him down, to listen to his anxieties, his insecurities, his feelings. And slowly, over time, he fell in love with you, as much as that scared him.
In the beginning, he wasn’t sure what the feeling was. It filled him up, a warmth spreading through him, one that wasn’t caused from his quirk. His cheeks would flush slightly whenever he saw you, and he would only have eyes for you whenever you were in the same room as him. If you noticed, you never said anything, and he was too worried to ever really tell you what he felt. 
So naturally, he just bit back his feelings, and kept them inside. It was the only thing he knew. All his life, he’d seen what love did to people, it tore them apart, it made them crazy. Shouto never had a good example of love in his life, considering his parents weren’t in love, and his bastard of a father, who beat Shouto’s mother, siblings, and Shouto himself constantly, definitely wasn’t. And honestly? He was afraid that one day he would turn into his father. It was his greatest fear, and the only person who knew was you. 
Because he trusted you, more than he trusted anyone.
“Todoroki? Are you even listening?” Midoriya asked, waving a hand in front of his face. 
“Huh?” Shouto said, shaking out of his thoughts. Midoriya shook his head and looked back at his textbook. 
“We have finals in a week, Todoroki! You really need to pay attention!” Midoriya scolded, and Shouto grimaced, looking back at his notes.
“I’m sorry, Midoriya, I was lost in thought.”
“Todoroki, forgive me for being so intrusive, but you should just tell her.” 
If Shouto had been drinking, he would have spit it right out. “What?” he exclaimed, and swiveled his head to look at Midoriya, his cheeks flushed. 
“You know, your crush on Y/N?” Midioriya prompted, bumping Shouto’s arm with his shoulder, chuckling at the dumbstruck look on his friend’s face. “What? Did you think I didn’t know? You’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
“Well, you tend to be more observant than most people,” Shouto grumbled, and Midoriya shrugged, smiling. “Do you think…. Does she know?” Shouto asked, avoiding Midoriya’s eyes and doodling on the side of his paper to distract from the pounding in his chest. 
“Eh, I doubt it, she doesn’t really seem like she does, she’s kind of oblivious,” Midoriya laughed, and Shouto opened his mouth to interject before Midoriya cut him off again. “I’m just kidding, Todoroki, calm down. But really, you should let her know how you feel. Do you really want to graduate without telling her? You two have been dancing around each other for the past three years, Todoroki, and I’m sure she’s waiting for you to make the first move.”
“If she even likes me back,” Shouto said, and turned back to his notes, trying to ignore the feelings threatening to spill over. Go away, he thought to himself, I’m not ready yet. 
Midoriya didn’t answer, instead went back to talking about what he figured would be on the finals, and different techniques for their final practical exams. Shouto tried to listen, but his mind kept wandering back to you. How your soft, beautiful hair frames your face, how your eyes shine like a million stars when you look at him, how you make his heart beat faster than Iida’s Recipro Burst whenever you’re in the room. He lets his head fill with thoughts of you, your smile whenever you see him, your hair after you’ve just woken up after falling asleep during a movie night in the common area, sticking up all over the place, and he remembered tufts of it tickling his face as he carried you up to your room that night. 
Shouto smiles down at the paper in front of him, and he wishes he had the courage to tell you what he really felt for you, wishes he could explain what you do to him, and lets his mind go back to thoughts of you, not even hearing Midoriya as he continues to talk about school.
The lights in Gym Gamma were dimmed, and you stood next to the refreshment table underneath streamers and balloons that looked extremely half-assed. You wondered to yourself if Aizawa had done them, and a smile came to your face as you watched your friends dance. Kirishima was trying (and failing) to pull a reluctant Bakugou onto the dance floor with him. The drink in your hand was cold, the condensation on the side of the cup making your hand slick. You resisted the urge to wipe it on your dress, and took a sip, the cold drink calming you a bit. Smiling, you look out at your friends breaking it down on the dance floor, watching as they twirled and shimmied across the concrete.
Mina, all done up in a beautiful purple dress that hugged her curves perfectly, was dancing wildly in the center of the room, dragging a very stressed Jirou with her. You giggle at their expressions, Mina’s excited and full of life, Jirou’s conveying the silent message that she wanted to die. Mina had tried to get you to dance with her, but you had never been much of a dancer, and your friend knew better than to push. 
So here you sat, a drink in your hand as you watched your classmates having fun while you tried to avoid social interaction. You weren’t quite sure what was wrong with you tonight. Normally you would be in the middle of all the action, a smile on your face. But tonight, it was different. Maybe it was the fact that you were graduating in a week, and you might not see these people who had become your best friends anytime soon. Or maybe it was because Shouto had been talking to Yaomomo for the last five minutes, even though you were over here alone. You knew it was silly to be jealous, he wasn’t yours. But you couldn’t help it, the envy ate at your heart, giving you a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
Sighing, you tugged on the hem of your dress, the periwinkle fabric bunching up on your thigh. You had tried to look nice tonight, wearing the dress that you knew was Shouto’s favorite color, pinning your hair up away from your eyes, and you had even let Mina do your makeup. You had told yourself you were dressing up for you, but deep down you knew that wasn’t the case. What you really wanted was a reaction out of Shouto, you wanted his heterochromatic eyes to light up when he saw you, you wanted his cheeks to flush at the sight of you, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. 
Because he was still talking to Yaomomo, listening as she talked animatedly, her eyes bright under the overhead lights. Your stomach churned as he smiled at her, the same smile he gave you, and you felt the urge to run away, to leave. So you set your cup down on the table, and you did. You felt stupid, weak. He wasn’t your boyfriend, why wouldn’t he talk to Yaomomo? Even if he was your boyfriend, he would be allowed to talk to her, but it wouldn’t bother you as much, because if you were together, you would be standing next to him, holding his hand or smiling as his arm rested around your shoulders. 
You pushed the door to the cool March air, stepping out into the night, the flickering fluorescent light above you mocking you. A tear slipped down your cheek, caressing the side of your face, leaving a warm track. You felt pitiful. Here you were, crying over a boy you were too much of a coward to tell how you felt.
You looked up at the sky, cursing the lights of the city from preventing you from seeing the stars. The stars were one of the things you missed most from back home. When you were a little girl, you would climb up onto the roof, and let yourself get lost in the story the constellations told until you were calm. You wished you were home right now, sitting at the table with your mom and your little Maeko, your sweet baby sister. It wasn’t very often that you really wanted to go home, but when you were nervous or sad, you always missed the open fields that spread out by your mother’s house, the wildflowers blowing everytime the wind blew. 
You tried to calm yourself with memories of your home, trying to push Shouto out of your brain. You had almost successfully pushed the thoughts of him away when you heard the familiar rumble of his deep voice from beside you.
Shouto had been talking to Yaomomo when he realized you were missing. He scanned the room for you, and felt his heart sink when he didn’t see you. 
“Yaoyorozu,” he said, cutting her off as she started another tangent about the agency she was going to. “Would you excuse me for a moment?”
“Oh,” she replied, her face falling a bit, but quickly covered with a smile. “Sure, okay!”
“Thank you,” he said, and smiled at her before walking over to the refreshments table, where your abandoned drink sat, condensation slowly sliding down the side. Shouto saw your shoes sitting next to the table, and he smiled. You always seemed to prefer going around barefoot. 
He looked around, and the backdoor caught his eyes, and he knew that was probably where you went. He knew you liked to feel the breeze on your face, that it always calmed you down. He pushed the door open, and turned, looking back and forth for you, before heading to the side of the building, where he saw you standing under a very old and flickering fluorescent light, your face turned towards the sky as tears leaked down your cheeks. 
“Y/N?” he said lightly, and nearly lost his footing when you looked over at him. You looked breathtaking, and he realizes this is the first time he’s really seen you all night. Your hair is pinned up elegantly, away from your face, so he can see your beautiful tear-filled eyes. The periwinkle dress you’re wearing hugs you in all the right places, and falls just above your knee, and he lets his eyes wash over you. God, she looks so beautiful in periwinkle, he thought. “Are you okay?”
“Not really,” you reply, and you look back to the sky, the cool breeze ruffling your hair.
He takes you in, the way your shoulders are hunched, how your brow is slightly furrowed, and your mouth is set in a small pout. I wish I knew how to tell her what I feel… he thought, and he let his head fill with memories of the two of you sitting in the kitchen after hours, sneaking cookies and drinking tea. He remembers when the two of you sat out in the rain, your quirk keeping them waterproof as you talked, completely uninterrupted, just spilling your thoughts. He thought about your hugs, you know he can’t resist your hugs, they're so warm, and he melts into them every time, wrapping his arms around you. You are his home, his safe place to go when he’s scared, when he needs a friend, when he needs to talk. 
The memories flooding his mind cause the feelings to spill over, and the emotions he’s tried so hard to suppress start to push their way out. The feeling rushes over him in waves, and Shouto finally admits what he’s been trying to hide for so long.
He loves you.
“Y/N, I have something I need to tell you,” he says, his sudden realization giving him a burst of confidence. You turn to look at him, your eyes sad.
“Can I say something first?” you ask, and he nods. “Why didn’t you come over and talk to me?”
He’s taken aback a bit by your question, it’s definitely not what he expected you to say, but he hurries to answer it. “Well, I wanted to, but Yaoyorozu wouldn’t stop talking about her agency, and I couldn’t escape,” he laughs lightly, noting how you perk up when he says this, some of the sadness leaving your eyes. “Can I tell you something now?” 
“Sure,” you reply, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. 
He takes a deep breath, and looks you directly in your eyes, the fluorescent light casting an odd glow on the two of you. “I think I’m in love with you,” he breathes, just loud enough for you to hear, and he shifts his gaze downward when he hears your sharp intake of breath. He’s afraid to look at you, he’s worried he’ll see the rejection he’s so afraid of in your eyes. Slowly, you make your way over to him, and you tilt his chin up lightly with your finger so his eyes meet yours. He prepares himself for the worst, but then he sees your face. 
You’re smiling, and Shouto feels a stirring in his chest when he sees how bright your eyes are, shining with happiness. “What a coincidence, Sho’. I think I’m in love with you too,” you whisper, and he can’t take it anymore. He crashes his mouth against yours, and you kiss him back with just as much fervor, your fingers bury themselves in his hair, pulling him down against you. His hand finds the small of your back, and he pulls you as close as you possibly could be to him, holding you there, and cherishing this moment. 
The two of you break apart, and smile at each other. Shouto tries to commit this moment to memory, your eyes bright, your lips slightly puffy from kissing him, your fingers still wound in his hair. The flickering of the fluorescent light casts shadows on your face, but they don't hide your breathtaking grin. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to do that,” you say softly, your hand moving to brush the hair out of his eyes. 
He turns his face, and kisses the inside of your palm. “I’m sorry I was a coward,” he replies, and you both laugh, and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into a hug. When the two of you pull apart, and he takes your hand, silently promising to never let you go again, he vows to never let you slip away from him. 
The two of you walk, hand in hand, big goofy smiles on your faces, into the gym, where your friends await you with a thousand questions. But neither of you mind, because all the both of you really wanted was to be together, and both of you wishes finally came true, under the broken fluorescent light behind Gym Gamma. 
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Hey! I SWEAR I’LL STOP SENDING IN REQUESTS lmao but I really really enjoyed your jumin Halloween charity fic and recommended making a part two for Christmas time and you said to remind you in December and here we are! Obviously you don’t have to do it but I wish you a happy holidays nonetheless take care!
Aw literally don’t worry about it you are the absolutely sweetest and I love writing things for you !! Thank you SO MUCH for reminding me I’m all excited to write this now
Holiday Charity Stream (pt1) - Jumin
Summary: after the insane success of your Halloween live stream for charity, you’ve been asked to hold a Christmas one. This time there are fun games and some RFA guests too
This time you were ready for the event. Last stream was a little slow going because you weren’t used to such a large, diverse audience, but this time you felt a bit more confident. It was helpful too that the RFA members were going to be guests on the livestream, taking some of the slack off you.
Baby-wise things were going pretty well. You had just started your second trimester, thank goodness. Your morning sickness was gone and you even had a little bump to show for it. This was something people were always so excited about! But you chose to dress up in an oversized sweater. You didn’t want to feel self-conscious; even if you were pregnant, people always talked.
Shaking that thought from your mind, you made your way onto the couch next to your husband to get ready to start your stream. You were now streaming on five international channels and YouTube. It was exciting to see how much everyone enjoyed the last one!
“Are you feeling alright?” Jumin asked, placing a kiss to your forehead, resting a hand on gently on your stomach. “If you don’t feel well at any time, we can take over. It’s okay, really. Everyone will understand.”
“I know.” You smiled at him. “But I’m feeling really good actually. Super energized. Excited to raise some money and have fun.”
He chuckled, smiling fondly down at you. He was dressed in a cute Christmas sweater as well; you had convinced him that sweater Jumin > suit Jumin, at least for these livestreams. Made him far less intimidating. He said he was starting to look and dress like a dad. It made your heart flutter.
Jaehee came over and set a glass of water next to you. She had been shoving water down your throat all day. You half-glared at her. Any more water and you’d probably drown. You knew she was just looking out for you as a friend though.
“Don’t pout like that,” she fake-scoffed. Jumin straightened up upon hearing her tone. He must not have fully understood you and your friend’s dynamic. “Mr. Han, please make sure she keeps drinking. The lights are hot and I don’t want her to get sick.”
“I’m fine,” you rolled your eyes. You grabbed her hand though, shooting her a smile to let her know you were teasing her. “Thanks for watching out for me Jaehee.”
“We’re starting in 2. I’ll make sure everything is in order.” She excused herself, leaving you and your husband sitting in front of the bright lights and the camera.
“No big surprises this time, huh?” Jumin asked. The tech people came over and started hooking microphones on the two of you.
You leaned over to look him in the eyes. “I don’t think I could pull another one on you. What would it be? Twins?”
“I don’t know if we could handle twins,” he teased.
“I wish we would have gotten the baby’s sex by now. That could’ve been a fun thing to share too.” Oh well. Gender reveal parties were usually toxic anyways.
“Have you ever thought about keeping it a secret? Not finding out until they’re born?” He asked. The people moved away, finished with their job. There was a gleam in Jumin’s eye.
“Hmmm... if you want to then we can do that. Gonna be a pain to theme the room though.”
“Worth it.”
The cameraman started counting down the start of the stream, grabbing your attention. This time you’d open up the video.
“Hi everyone! Happy Holidays from the Hans! We are just so excited to be spending the holiday season with you and your family, and raising money for such a great cause.” You went on to explain a little bit about today’s charity, an organization that made gift packages for the Low income children in the city to make sure they got presents on their special holiday.
“Remember, please give what you can,” Jumin chimes in. “Also, I’ve heard word that those who donate a certain amount will be able to send us a message.” He looked over at you. “That’s kinda cute.”
You giggled. It was cute. “Today we’re going to have a few very special guests from our organization, the RFA, with us, and lots of fun challenges and games. It seems my poor husband has been living under a rock and missing out on a lot of fun holiday things.”
He chuckled again, rolling his eyes playfully at you. A top donation came in already! It was a news site. They thanked you for supporting such a good cause and then asked how far along you were.
“Oh! I’ve just entered my second trimester.” Your hand instinctively rested on your stomach. “I have the tiniest bump, but it’s one of those things where you swear you can see the difference but aren’t sure if it’s just you going crazy.”
Jumin’s hand joined your own, linking his fingers with yours. “It’s been very exciting. We’re anxious to meet the little one, but we’ve got a long way to go.”
“Now, for our first guest of the night, we have the musical actor Zen! Let’s all give him a warm welcome through the screen,” you segued.
Zen walked out onto the set. He was wearing a high necked black sweater. He looked very posh. The color contrasted well with his pale skin and hair. He looked all ready to go, but walked in with caution.
“Hi Zen!” You got up to go over and give him a hug. Jumin and him awkwardly shook hands. “We had to have you here first while the set was absolutely clear of any cat allergens.”
Jumin looked over at the camera, rolling his eyes, somewhat playfully. “He’s allergic,” he explained.
“Well I appreciate that.” Zen focused his attention on you, taking a seat next to you on the couch, you squished between the two men. “I’m so happy to be here today. What fun thing have you got planned?”
“Well, I thought we could do a finish that lyric, Christmas Carol edition! Jaehee picked the songs, so I don’t even know what’s going to play, that way I could take part in it too.” You had thought long and hard about different challenges that would highlight everything so wonderful about each of the members, and you’d be an idiot not to have Zen do something related to performing. Jumin didn’t have too bad of a voice either. It was a nice warm baritone. You liked it when he thought you were asleep and sang to the baby, soft enough that you could just barely hear. He really was the sweetest man and oh no you were definitely flushing.
Zen nudged you gently with his shoulder. “What a great idea! I’m excited to crush this one.”
Jumin quirked an eyebrow, chiming in: “Oh no, I’m going to crush this one.”
You decided to let them have their little rivalry. You were certain Jumin wouldn’t win, he never listened to the radio. Zen was a maybe, but you were semi confident in your own skills. You listened to holiday music all the time, especially in your childhood.
Jumin got the more traditional Christian ones. Oh Holy Night was all his. There were way too many verses for you to remember. Away in a Manger? Nailed it. Zen focused on the classic Christmas songs: Jingle Bells, Frosty, Rudolph. When things got a little newer and sometimes a bit more vague, that’s where you really stepped it up. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Christmas Wrapping. Dammit! Zen stole All I Want For Christmas Is You. That’s okay. Last Christmas, The Chipmunk Song. Thank goodness you were forced to watch the glee Christmas specials by one of your friends; they really covered all of these.
“It looks like it’s a tie.” Zen commented, looking down at the scoresheet. You and him had an even number of wins, Jumin trailing behind.
“No, you must’ve forgotten.” Jumin took the pen and paper and glanced at it. Zen was right. “Uh- my wife and I obviously count as a team. So we win.” He scratched his neck awkwardly. You and Zen just laughed, brushing him off. You’d have to force him to endure the Glee Christmas special eventually as well; it was the best way to learn all the songs.
You gave Zen a present to thank him for coming (a bountiful bouquet of roses), and sent him off. Time to answer some viewer questions while you waited for the next guest. Another glass of water was set next to you.
“What does Elizabeth the III want for Christmas?” You read off the question list. “Oh! I guess we can bring her out now that Zen is gone, huh?”
One of the workers let Elizabeth out of your bedroom and she strolled over to you, stretching then jumping on the top of the couch.
“If only I could talk to her to find out,” Jumin sighed wistfully. Oh no. You had to change the topic before he got another business idea.
“I’m sure what she really wants is a nap! She sure does love napping.” Your draw for attention was not subtle, but to Jumin it was. Jaehee wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead from behind the camera.
“And!” You added, cutting Jumin off before he could even think to say something, “speaking of animals, our next guest is currently studying to be a veterinarian. This is Yoosung Kim!”
Yoosung came onto the set, tripping over a cord that luckily was not connected to anything important. Jumin stood up quickly to make sure the poor boy didn’t fall, and Yoosung’s ears turned bright red out of embarrassment. “Sorry, it’s really bright up here.”
“I’m feeling the exact same way, trust me. Yoosung, do you wanna know what game I’ve planned for us this time?” You asked, trying to smooth over the embarrassment Yoosung must have felt.
“We’re all going to be making gingerbread houses! Yoosung, I know you’re a good cook, so I’m going to leave one house to you, and I’m going to team up with Jumin to see if we can even attempt to build something that stands up,” you explained. The chef came in and placed the cookie pieces on a tray in front of you, white frosting already in piping bags and bowls of candy laid out.
“All the gingerbread is fresh-made. I’ve never built one of these but I’m quite excited to try,” Jumin grinned. He was being so sweet and enthusiastic about the stream; it was nice to see him so open to broadening his horizons.
You had ten minutes on the clock. When they started, you immediately got to work, explaining to Jumin how to do it. At first, he tried to stand up the pieces without any frosting to connect. Then you told the poor sweet boy that that is not how they work. You got to work piping a thick layer of frosting on the edges of the pieces to stick together, and left Jumin to hold them in place while the frosting hardened.
You glanced over at Yoosung. How did he glue everything together by now!? He was just one person. You tightened the top of your frosting bag, piping snow onto the roof. “You wanna line the top in candy? I think it’ll look cute,” you suggested to Jumin. “I’ll do the windows while you do that.”
Jumin nodded, grabbing gumdrops and nestling them into the pile of frosting on the roof. As you were piping a window into place, part of the roof fell on your frosting bag, squirting frosting all over the side of the house. “Jumin!” You squealed.
“Sorry. I think I pressed too hard.” He sounded stressed. He grabbed the roof and tried to stick it back on. “How much time do we have?” He asked Jaehee.
“Thirty seconds.”
“Thirty seconds!?” You exclaimed. “Hurry Jumin stick it back on!!!” You desperately tried to scrape the excess frosting off the wall of the house. Looks like you were losing this one.
“And time!”
You set the frosting bag down. You couldn’t stop giggling. You glanced over at Yoosung’s. It looked so good it could have been on the front of the ‘build your own’ kits. “Look at ours!” You told him, trying to contain your laughter.
The second you all turned to look the roof caved in and fell again. “It... has a skylight.” Jumin explained, trying to make up an excuse for why you would be missing HALF the roof.
“Why is there all that snow on the one side?” Yoosung asked. He seemed genuinely confused.
“Uh... blizzard came in from the North,” you explained.
Jumin chuckled at that one.
“Well that’s an awful place to have a skylight then. Wouldn’t it snow all over the house?” Why did Yoosung think this design was intentional? Did he hear all your frantic squealing?
“Uh... creativity.” Jumin shrugged. “We don’t need a judge. You can send the judge away. We can just give this one to Yoosung.” His cheeks were bright red; he obviously did not want to show off the current house, fully in shambles because of the two of you. It was honestly hysterical.
“And for your prize Yoosung we got you a LOLOL gift card!” You cheered, handing the card to Yoosung. He thanked the two of you for letting him join and gave you both a quick little hug. He was the absolute sweetest.
“We’ve got another comment this time around,” Jumin informed you, grabbing onto your hand and shifting closer to you to get more comfortable.
“Okay, you wanna read it?”
Jumin scooted closer to the screen so he could read it better. “They say ‘Hi! I love you two so much. You seem like the sweetest couple. Will you be my mom and dad?’” Jumin turned to look at you. “I don’t quite understand how that works.” Back to the camera. “You want us to adopt you?”
“Oh! Thank you for the message. Uhm, Honey, I think they mean like ‘internet mom and dad’” you explained.
“What’s that?”
“No adoption necessary. Just like... you know what? I don’t know how to explain it. I’d love to be your mom, so long as you don’t expect me to do anything ,” you told the camera, smiling widely.
“Sure okay. Then I can handle the role of dad.” Jumin shrugged. “We’re going to go for a five minute break now and then bring back some more guests for even more fun activities.”
You were super excited to bring in Jaehee and V. You were going to ask them to be the baby’s godparents. It was so exciting and so special, but right now, your main focus was that during this break you had to pee.
Part 2 coming soon :))
18 notes · View notes
inventors-fair · 4 years
“Two Mechanics” Commentary: It All Comes Together
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Well, this was a surprisingly popular contest. I know there was a fair bit of hype for it, but we got enough entries that I had to worry about shutting people out. That’s unusual to say the least, but quite pleasing to know that so many people are engaging.
I’m going to take a lesson and look at these from the lens of intention rather than explicit nit-pickiness. There will be a “nitpicks” part at the end, but that’s just for minor improvements if need be. I make small mistakes like that all the time, and if you wanna ignore that and focus on the commentary, feel free to do so. However, the nitpicks are reflections of polish. The extent to which something has nitpicks does affect judgement. 
Additionally! If you’re reading this, we’d like to know: do you read your own commentary, all the commentary, or do you skip it entirely? And if you’re skipping some or all of the commentary, what would help you engage with it? I would like to point out that reading the comments on everyone’s cards can potentially help with your own experimentation in the future and help with design choices. However, if that’s not what you’re after, we would like to know how to improve that experience.
Some cards are marked as “JUDGE PICKS,” which are cards that were close to being runners-up or winners but, for lack of space, are presented here as examples instead.
Let’s get to your wonderful blends.
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@abzanhero — Herald of the Saviors (JUDGE PICK)
What I like: I really never expected to see Imprint and Fateful Hour on the same card together. I like how this is a strange, fragile tutor that can really improve the late-game if you adjust it just right, but in a build like Solemnity/Unlife Combo, this can be an insane win-con.
What we can improve: There’s not much to improve upon here. My two main issues are that 1) there’s an expectation that Fateful Hour cards have a smaller effect that’s improved by the hour (Gather the Townsfolk) although that’s not a requirement, I suppose, and 2) Imprint could have just been a search/exile clause, and there’s no real need for it to have that specific keyword. That said, there’s no reason that it couldn’t have it; it’s just minor flavor questions.
Nitpicks: “Fateful Hour” should be italicized. Mechanically, you need to point out that there needs to be “tokens that are a copy of a creature card exiled with Herald of the Saviors,” as the ETB trigger can be copied.
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@aethernalstars — Collective Knowledge
What I like: Blue toolbox is a pretty fun archetype, and I do like that last option the best of all. It’s a pretty crazy mill strategy that can work really well with wheel effects. Spiral/Crypt builds could use this card for sure.
What we can improve: Without reminder text, anyone looking at this card without extensive rules knowledge would be absolutely lost. I get the vibe you were going for, but this card begs for reminder text. At uncommon, there’s no excuse for this many options without it. I understand that you might have been extremely cluttered for space with reminder text. In that case, that should have been a clue to go back to the drawing board. Flavorfully, I’m also getting major clashes between the two mechanics you’re using. Escalate is a vibrant, exciting feel of increasing public power. Cipher is a covert and subtle mechanic antithetical to Escalate’s vibrancy. I don’t understand what feel this card was going for at all.
Nitpicks: See notes about reminder text.
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@askkrenko — Mocking Goblins
What I like: Goblin Diplomats comes to mind here. I can imagine that on the table in a 4-5 person commander game, this could get amazing in the late-game. Putting Overload on a permanent is actually pretty interesting, and I’m fairly certain that that actually works, right? I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t. Because of the multiplayer aspect I imagine that if this was drafted it would be in a Conspiracy-type set... Wow, yeah, this would be a fun limited card.
What we can improve: There’s not too much to improve here mechanically. I will say that the name and flavor text aren’t grabbing me at all. It’s been done before in similar ways, and heck, that’s fine for tropes. Just could have used some more spice.
Nitpicks: Definitely needed reminder text here, once again, as most non-evergreen mechanics do.
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@bluebread-mage — Vorel, Rejected Strategist
What I like: I actually didn’t know Vorel’s full story, so I appreciate you adding that in there. It gives an interesting explanation of the mechanics you chose to use, and this is a slightly different version of +1/+1 counter interaction that I’ve seen around for contests like this, so kudos for that.
What we can improve: I won’t go ahead and say that this card straight up doesn’t work, but the hoops you have to jump through to make it actually do anything are difficult to say the least. So, you have Riot, and he gets a counter, and all your creatures gain evolve. Do you play a creature after that? Probably not if this is turn three. But then next turn... How do you get a counter on Vorel now? And if you do, without the means of a specific continuous counter generation like Forced Adaptation, you’d need to cast a spell to give him a counter, which means that you’re probably spending mana, which means you have less mana for a big creature, which means that the creature you DO cast probably won’t trigger evolve, and — do you see where I’m going with this? He’s asking for too many resources to make the effect worthwhile. I love the flavor idea. I love what you tried to do. It’s just not practical in gameplay terms.
Nitpicks: Your “evolve” reminder text should have been reworded to show what it would do for every creature; as it is, it would only do Vorel, which isn’t what your rules text says.
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@col-seaker-of-the-memiest-legion — Diabolic Seer
What I like: So, I was reading the text, and then I got to the last line, and I was really pleasantly surprised that you brought the exploit back around to add the flash clause. Pretty great name, too, if a little meta; if the cards you were riffing off didn’t exist already, it would be radical.
What we can improve: In short, this card is balanced, assuming that:
You’re not playing any sacrifice strategies in the two colors with the most sacrifice strategies.
You don’t have any other creatures to search up a recursive win condition.
In constructed, you’re not playing fetchlands.
You’re not searching up further answers after already searching up recursion.
...and that’s my main issue with this card. Repeatable tutoring is absolutely bonkers good in literally any format whatsoever. Four-mana repeatable tutoring is, to say the least, broken. And you’re potentionally giving it flash? That is, IMO, a break. Small personal notes: I don’t know why this card doesn’t have a subtype; and the flavor text is vague. I don’t understand the character’s goals, role, or place in the world.
Nitpicks: “...put it into your hand, then shuffle your library. Until your next turn, if a creature was exploited this turn, you may cast that card as though it had flash.” Additionally, I understand the artist is Nataša Ilinčić, but I had to go on a Google expedition for that. Anglicizing to “Natasa Ilincic” may have been a better choice.
For those interested, the artist is actually fantastic. Check ‘em out HERE.
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@corporalotherbear — Underworld Escapist
What I like: “Spirit Rogue” is an interesting combo that I like. Gives some neat little feeling of why it’s an escapist, or at least it’s a complimentary type. I also enjoy the idea of the escape being an adventure flavorfully.
What we can improve: ...does this card work? SHOULD it work? So it goes on an adventure, you cast it normally, it dies, you cast it from your graveyard on an adventure, rinse and repeat. Okay, that’s probably what you were going for. In that case, my goodness, this needs to be rare. Nigh-infinite recursion that can make bodies is probably too powerful. Personally as well, I understand the Amass and the flavor text, but what does a rogue making an army have anything to do with escaping? And why would it be an escape if you can cast it from your hand first? I’m really iffy on the eventual flavor of it all.
Nitpicks: None, as I understand the comprehensive rules would need to either be rewritten or re-explored for the second side to work. Hm, but wouldn’t it be cool if it was “You may send ~ on an adventure from your graveyard.” But, again, that’s more of a hypothetical question than even a nitpick.
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@dabudder — Davriel, Pact Breaker
What I like: Bringing back characters for further exploration is always fun. We got a couple cool folks from WAR, certainly, and it’s always a pleasant surprise.
What we can improve: I just straight up don’t like the gimmick at all. Planeswalkers shouldn’t even have gimmicks, IMO. The first ability is fine, I would respect that if the rest of the card was completely changed. Fateseal is an unfun mechanic that, on this card, you can activate easily. I don’t have much to say about this card because of how it’s based in unfun gimmicks. I read through the wiki to get an idea of what Davriel’s like, and while I do appreciate how you tried to capture a lot of complexity in a single card, this isn’t it. I feel you’re trying to tell a massive story in a way that it doesn’t need to be told.
Nitpicks: Make sure you change your rarity, which I will assume was a mistake.
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@deafeningsandwichpeach — Tempting Angel
What I like: Well, this card is weird. And I need to clarify, this is in the “What I like” section because I do like weird. It’s not broken, which is fine. Wow, though, the... Exile then Show and Tell and all? On a 9/9 flier? This card would destroy some games, and I could see it being a cube all-star and a crazy commander blink monstrosity. Once this hits the board, it needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY. Oh, and then... Containment Priest nonsense. Man, this could be a wacky card.
What we can improve: I will say, that a 9/9 body may be way too big. A six-mana 6/6 may have been more appropriate, and more balanced. In the late-game, if your opponent doesn’t have great draws, they’d probably be out of a card to put onto the battlefield. I have the feeling this couldn’t be a draftable card for that reason alone... Eh, maybe I’m just paranoid.
Nitpicks: Flying and Convoke need to be separated by a comma, not a semicolon. I think the same can be said for “permanent” and “then” in the second line.
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@dimestoretajic — Gruul Rampager
What I like: That flavor text is friggin’ phenomenal, man. It’s a Gruul feel, it’s an orc feel, it’s a berserker feel. You captured an uncommon feel as well, too. I like how it’s a little more red than green, even though the two are definitely in good alignment with each other.
What we can improve: +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters should not go on the same card. Full stop. I know it’s mechanically cute, and I’ll be honest, I like how they work on this card. But it’s one of those Magic rules to avoid confusion and to stop weird triggers. The game can handle it, but it’s not fun to figure out. There’s acceptable weirdness and then there’s just inherent guidelines.
Nitpicks: Why does this card have a color indicator? Also, you misspelled “Berserker” in the typeline.
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@evscfa1 — Burning Trails (JUDGE PICK)
What I like: This is a very difficult card to judge. Searching up two lands is powerful, but there are more efficient ways to do it eternally, so this card itself isn’t broken. Jund Lands and Gruul Ramp love it absolutely. I’m thinking of this in commander because, well, there’s no other reason for a rare ramp spell like this. I’d hate to open this in draft...or would I? Slightly different/better/multicolored Cultivate isn’t the worst thing in the world, possibly. This card is making me think. The versatility is pretty interesting as well, and I can see where land-matters cards would like it.
What we can improve: I’m really torn on whether or not this card needs both kinds of recursion, because as interesting as it is, my gut really isn’t understanding why they both NEED to be there. Is there an interaction I’m not seeing? I don’t think so, I think it’s just different recursion, and yeah, there’s lands-in-hand-for-retrace, plus the sacrifice to filter, but that’s just efficiency, not necessarily synergy. Honestly, this could also be an uncommon for that cost, I think. It would be a powerful-as-all-getout uncommon, but it just doesn’t feel rare to me in terms of crazy power level.
Nitpicks: None.
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@forteleijon — Cordeceyp Crawler
What I like: Well, besides your lovely photograph, I think that the mechanics you chose work well flavorfully. A mutating fungus that can crawl out of the grave is pretty cool!
What we can improve: Firstly, if you can, I would highly recommend downloading Magic Set Editor for complex cards like this. Secondly, did you forget the escape cost about exiling cards from your graveyard? Otherwise, you can just cast this from your graveyard every turn without restrictions like Gravecrawler. I mean, this card isn’t Hogaak, but still. That probably wasn’t your intention, but once again, we come to reminder text. Rare cards sometimes eschew reminder text in complex sets, but mechanics like Mutate demand reminder text through and through. 
Nitpicks: Since “escape” is a verb on almost every creature card that uses it, the last ability can say “You may have Cordeceyp Crawler escape mutated onto target creature you control” as opposed to a trigger. Additionally, is that a misspelling of “Cordeceyp?”
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@fractured-infinity — Emmara, Voice of the Conclave
What I like: I’m sort of content with the fact that Emmara is everyone’s Selesnya favorite. In terms of this card, I think that you chose two good mechanics to represent her and her guild. PT checks out, mana cost checks out, wording all checks out.
What we can improve: ...but she doesn’t do anything by herself, and that feels a little frustrating to me as a rare card. There’s nothing inherently or objectively wrong with this design, and there are plenty of proliferate cards that just proliferate by themselves. I would much rather have had a rare card that did at least something to make those abilities better. What if she made a token upon entering or placed a counter or something? I dunno, I’m just iffy on her power on the board.
Nitpicks: The word “Populate” you put in the reminder text should be lowercase.
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@gollumni — Danz, Ascenscion Assistant
What I like: “Demon Noble” is a great typeline. I can see how this would make politics very, very complicated. Do you want to build around having no cards in hand and perhaps using the graveyard as a resource? You can discourage people from attacking and make political blocks as well. This is a very political card!
What we can improve: I can’t think of any specific improvements to this card. I think that it’s one of those cards where you yourself don’t want to be the monarch, and that’s a complex idea that I don’t know will always work out well in a draft environment like this may be intender to supplement. After all, 99% of limited games are won through combat damage. Such is fate. I think for this particular contest, I’m a little saddened that Partner doesn’t really...do anything. This contest was supposed to be about two mechanics interacting, y’know? And Partner is a mechanic that doesn’t really interact with any other on-card mechanic in the same way that our winners did.
Nitpicks: “Ascension” is misspelled in the name.
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@greensunzenith — Eversworn Tombguard
What I like: Hell yeah, this card is cool. A knight sent to protect a grave or graveyard? Well, it’s not mechanically tied to your graveyard, but maybe it’s a burial site! I see that Orzhov symbol in the background. Interesting, how they might be using new techniques to protect themselves on a new Ravnica. This is an amazing draft card with possible constructed potential. I’m a big fan.
What we can improve: Besides the eternalization being a Bolas mechanic, I feel that, unfortunately, this is one of those cards where the Afterlife mechanic would be better being a different one, or no mechanic at all. Of course, that’s not your fault, and this contest asked for it. If you’re saving this card for a cube or a custom set, I would replace Afterlife with just a death trigger. Maybe it would read better, if you want to keep Afterlife, as “Eversworn Tombguard has afterlife X, where X is its power.”
Nitpicks: None.
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@haru-n-harkel — Wistar, Lab Rat
What I like: I was absolutely not expecting a multicolored adventure or even an off-colored adventure. This poor ratty is going off and learning about everything, and then they come back and distribute their knowledge. So strange! Adventures are interesting cards for sure. I’ll have to find the download for that, because I just scoured my MSE and I can’t seem to find it. And you know what, I was going to gripe about keyword counters technically not being a “””new mechanic””” but whatever, that’s a personal interpretation that doesn’t change the fact that this is a fine card.
What we can improve: Is this supposed to be on Eldraine? I don’t really understand why this card is black at all. What lab are they supposed to be in? I see “lab” and I think “Innistrad” but that’s bias... What does research have to do with returning a creature? Are scientists clerics? ARE they a scientist? The gist of what I’m getting at is that this card has a couple cool mechanical ideas but I have no idea what it’s really supposed to represent. I don’t get a sense of place or strong meaning from this card.
Nitpicks: It’s hard to tell the difference between abilities in the main body; another indentation might fix that, or it may just be too much text. And also... This is the pettiest, most useless nitpick I’ve ever given, but your set symbol in this specific frame is really hard to distinguish. I would futz around with it for a bit.
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@hiygamer — Woven Repetition
What I like: I can see how you got clever with this one. The splice and the rebound make for some interesting combinations. The cost is probably appropriate, if a bit high. You’d want to make some really carefully calculated decisions, unless you’re just pitching lands, to give that big spell rebound.
What we can improve: Rebound absolutely needs reminder text. Someone opens this in a booster pack and it’s going to be a head-scratcher for sure. I’m glad that it works (Thanks, Cast Through Time!) because I almost thought that it didn’t, but man, a lot of players will be confused with this at common. That’s the major issue; was that a misclick or something? This is most definitely an uncommon or rare card for complexity alone. Personally, I think that it would be best to also only exile one card, and you know what, this really could be mono-blue. What’s the white in it?
Nitpicks: None.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Steam Blast
What I like: Yup, that is indeed someone getting blasted by steam. It’s a solid bounce card that feels both Izzet-y and could see play on any other world. It’s a powerful spell in the UR archetype that could see plenty of nice draft play. The consensus is that the replicate will indeed see the entwined-ness. Hm, will it see more than one mode? Complex ideas at play here!
What we can improve: I know you have a style to maintain, but modal spells are significantly improved by the bullet points, and this card is hard to parse. As a rare, while complex, it’s a lot of colors to invest in a removal spell. Fine for an archetype, but I suppose that’s the nature of replicate. I don’t know, this card just doesn’t grab me. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the nature of rare removal. There’s nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with it, though.
Nitpicks: None.
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@ignorantturtlegaming — Heartwarming Reunion
What I like: This is indeed a feel. You chose a good image and flavorful bond for this card. With a few tweaks, this could actually be a really powerful GW archetype card with some great draft implications and enchantment synergies.
What we can improve: There are a few things to work on with this card.
The name “Heartwarming Reunion” implies a moment that would best be represented on an instant/sorcery card. I’m thrown off by its continuous nature.
Soulbond doesn’t affect how a creature is cast. “Nontoken creatures you control have soulbond” and it would affect them like Rhythm of the Wild. 
What does bolstering have to do with being a reunion? A relationship I can see but there’s a massive flavor disconnect. Also, it should be “paired creatures” and not “creature pairs.”
I understand what the flavor text is trying to do, but it bunches up the text above it and also doesn’t say anything that the name hasn’t told us already.
In short, there a few great ideas but they’re stuck between a couple of stumbling blocks.
Nitpicks: The last ability should be shortened to “Paired creatures you control have lifelink and vigilance.”
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@joecurryat — Forsaken Devotee
What I like: I remember seeing that art a little while back, the Eldrazified Vampire. I loved Innistrad’s art direction. Anywho, though. I think that indeed Monstrosity is a fine enough mechanic for the Eldrazi. 
What we can improve: See above comments about reminder text. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it’s a human cleric. Even excusing the vampiric origins of the art, why is it becoming monstrous? It feels like there’s a disconnect between what the card wants to be and what it is. Annihilator was certainly...a choice. If you play this on turn 5-6 and monstrosify it on turn 7, you get a 9/9 lifelink with annihilator. The desire for powerful cards is strong, but annihilator isn’t fun, was never fun, and needs a major overhaul to be fun again. This card just isn’t it. Additionally, and this is more polish, but what on earth is that flavor text trying to say? Who’s saying that? Who is them? If it’s that hard to parse, it’s even harder for it to add meaning to the card.
Nitpicks: “has,” not “gains.”
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@kavinika — Undercity Thug
What I like: The Ravnican (I’m assuming) undercity is a fantastic place for all sorts of mercenaries. The name’s not going to win any awards, but it gets the job done in a cool and flavorful way. That’s a very strong exploit ability, and would almost be first-pickable in a lot of drafts. The extra potential removal makes this formidable.
What we can improve: See notes about reminder text. When looking at this contest, we were hoping that there would be instances where the two mechanics compliment each other. This is the second revolt/exploit combo of this contest, and I’m a little frustrated that they don’t have any meaningful interaction. Sure, they both involve potential permanents leaving the battlefield in different roundabout ways, but it’s not attacking on the same turn that it’s exploiting a creature. The distance just isn’t working.
I usually don’t comment on this, because I respect the fact that we’re not professional writers, but that flavor text needs serious revision. An active antagonistic oppressor is fine in a game about conflict. The language is... Well, it needs revision.
Nitpicks: None.
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@koth-of-the-hammerpants — Ceaseless Soul-chief. (JUDGE PICK)
What I like: “Orc Spirit Warrior.” Hell. Yes. It’s a big smasher, a big finisher, an anthem, a warlord, and they’re so full of souls and anger that they’ll return even stronger than before. I want to draft this card, I want to build casually with this card, and I want to see a world in which this card can come back strong again and again. 
What we can improve: I can’t think of any significant improvements. I will say that it might have been better, unfortunately, if this card was not a spirit. I can make my personal justifications however I want and I may love it, but ghosts probably shouldn’t have other ghosts in them.
Nitpicks: “Chief” definitely needs to be capitalized.
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@machine-elf-paladin — Legacy Forger (JUDGE PICK)
What I like: The name actually captured me. it’s a great warrior name for sure. Mentor and Renown are two +1/+1 counter mechanics that don’t necessarily have amazing synergy, but you made them work here. This is a powerful combat tool, great use of mentor in green, and makes combat complicated for your opponents. Really awesome use of just using keywords to get your point across! Simple and effective.
What we can improve: The flavor text could use some clarification. Reads a bit clunky.
Nitpicks: Are you using MSE M15 Mainframe? If not, I would recommend it so you can get the flavor bar in and space out the words more.
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@misterstingyjack — Promenade Parade (JUDGE PICK)
What I like: You can be aggro in a pinch, or you can wait and go a little wider, and even pick up a better token in a pinch! This is a pretty cool card that makes fantastic use of Ascend to bring across a flavorful card. “If you have the city’s blessing, the city grows with citizens.” Like — that’s so awesome?? I loved how you made a really surprisingly happy card in the aftermath of an otherwise dark event. And heck, it’s not a bad card either.
What we can improve: The only real “issue” that’s not even an issue is the flavor text and the name/flavor combo. The flavor text itself is in “gets the job done” territory, which you know what, that’s fine, they don’t all have to be Hemmingway. But I would also assume a Parade would be, like, a bigger event, and you could get a lot of people there. Right? Am I going crazy? This is a serious reach, so don’t take this as a design critique per se. All polish and pedantry. You did good.
Nitpicks: None.
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@morbidlyqueerious — Swarming Platoons
What I like: I had to read this a fair bit to really get what was going on here. This is actually really complex, and I like the implications of what’s going on! You can get a 4/4, a 2/2 and two 1/1s, or two 2/2s. Like, that’s a lot of options in two words and two numbers! I think that I actually like the mechanics of this card a lot more than I had upon originally considering it. That text would make for a really great sort of Modern Horizons-y card.
What we can improve: I’m really lost as to how you decided to place this card in the universe. Servos are artificially created inventions, sure, so...are they natural now? Is that how Kaladesh is evolving, per your flavor text? Why is it offering answers? I don’t really see the question. You’ve made it a construct, and yet calling it nature. And the name “Platoon” is a soldier-y thing, and doesn’t convey an insectile invention feel. In short, fantastic mechanics, flavor is all over the place and confusing.
Nitpicks: “Platoon” also doesn’t need to be pluralized. 
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@naban-dean-of-irritation — Starforged Legion
What I like: That’s a badass name, so that’s a great start. I’m amazed that that second ability is only a single sentence that I actually can’t find any flaws with, so that’s impressive to say the least. I assume this is sort of Theros-based? “Starforged” seems to imply that, but you know what, even though I can’t place it, this card makes me want to learn more about the world. That’s a point in its favor.
What we can improve: I don’t think there’s much to improve aside from the fact that it’s narrow. Incredibly narrow. Unfathomably narrow. Seriously, getting this card to work at all is an absolute mess of mana. Many players would love it, and I mean, fifteen mana for thirty power across six creatures would be pretty cool! But god, the effort that would have to go into making this really work and live the dream... Maybe it’s okay, you know? It’ll never see any play outside of someone’s five-color kitchen sink mess-around-and-find-out deck, but... Shoot, y’know, maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be. Can’t call it a winner, but it’s a winner in my heart.
Nitpicks: None.
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@nine-effing-hells — Arcanist of Ulamog.
What I like: I will definitely admit that I did not expect devoid to show up again. I also did not expect a processor wizard. You know, this card has some interesting multiplayer aspects. Your opponents also have flashback, but that flashback can be used for your own cards to copy, and... Heh. This is a cute idea with some technical interaction that I like a lot.
What we can improve: This card is also basically unplayable without dampers. Giving all cards flashback? Unless you have Leyline of the Void, Drannith Magistrate, etc, but in limited, that’s going to backfire like nobody’s business. And if your OPPONENT has either one of those cards, good lord... Yeah, this feels like a crazy bas time for you the controller. Sure you get a 4/4 for four out of it, but I don’t think that’s enough to combat the amount of crazy flashback you’ll be getting to oppose your plans. Could be fun in multiplayer though.
Nitpicks: That wording on the second ability seems correct. Someone smarter than me might find something wrong with it. Worth checking a rules guru.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Pharika’s Forgotten
What I like: Using dredge was a bold, bold choice. Despite it being a broken mechanic, the fact is that in a vacuum this card could work really well. I think in limited there could be some fun graveyard shenanigans for eventually getting this card back or for using other resources from your graveyard. Honestly, this card is not top-tier, and it has to be that way, because otherwise whoo boy that would be a mess. No, it’s middle-of-the-road, pretty natural, pretty great, pretty synergistic, and not the worst it could have been for using a still-broken mechanic.
What we can improve: I don’t think there’s much that needs to be improved, even though this didn’t really grab me by the throat and make me build around it. I’ve never been one for reckless self-mill but I love mill as a strategy. Who am I kidding, this card’s probably fine. Would make for an INSANE cube uncommon.
Nitpicks: 1). “...mill three CARDS.” 2) Missing two closed parentheses. 3) Needs an emdash after Escape and no space between the dash and the mana cost. 4) “Exile” should be capitalized. And the fifth you already knew about, so don’t worry too much.
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@rasputin-gold — Resonant Call
What I like: This card caused a lot of potential discussion in the chat. The ruling is something completely unusual and would have to have a lot of crazy stuff following it in the comprehensive rules. In general, the consensus was that it worked, and it would have a lot of statistics around it that people would talk about. Interesting cost, interesting wording, and the name is actually kind of weirdly nice.
What we can improve: And this card is unfathomably broken. If you have four copies of a card you haven’t drawn, and you’re going first, and you put a single counter on Resonant Call to name something, assuming 51 cards left in your library, what is the probability that you hit the named card? ... I don’t know my math that well, but in limited, if you have a single card you haven’t drawn that you’d like to cast for free, you have a little over a 60% chance of hitting that card. For a common, this is insane and build-around-able for cheating out literally anything you want faster than most any other card. And that’s pretty busted. I don’t think this concept is salvageable. It’s just too risky. Also, see notes on reminder text. 
Nitpicks: Not a critique, but is that a flea in the art?
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@real-aspen-hours — Seedsower Oke
What I like: This card is pretty delightful. They’re a druid, a tree, and they make little tree babies. What’s not to love? Convoke is a fantastic mechanic, EVOKE is a fantastic mechanic, and this card could be used for a variety of getting things on and off the battlefield. It’s a card I’d love to see in limited and I think for a very casual commander audience it could work well too. I don’t think that conceptually there’s much to improve upon with this card. It’s got a great feel and I like who they are.
What we can improve: I feel that you could really have made this a 4/4 or even a 4/5. It deserves better stats for a big tree boy! That’s all, just one degree more of pushing to really make him good.
Nitpicks: Evoke should always be the last ability on a card.
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Zataz, Renegade Researcher
What I like: I’m going to assume that there are some three-color counter cards in this archetype that you’re envisioning? Or at least, three-color draft support. It’s pretty reminiscent of Master Biomancer, actually. That’s not a bad thing, because that card was great, and as a three-color legend that makes artifact dudes this card is pretty great too. I would have to see a lot of support to make him work in a draft, but 100% he would be an awesome counter-based commander.
What we can improve: There aren’t any major gripes with this card. He does feel...busy. Maybe it’s the frame, maybe it’s the nameline. But I’m seriously questioning “Vedalken Elf” Those are two majorly separate species that aren’t connected in any significant way, and maybe you’re going for a Simic kind of blend but honestly, it’s far more confusing than innovative.  
Nitpicks: Perhaps you could have just said “Zataz’s power” instead of the full name. Wouldn’t have made a huge difference, but.
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@shakeszx — Recurring All
What I like: Two-mana 3/3s are a big risk. Aggressive greenery is pretty standard for the archetype and often shows up in competitive aggro builds, so I appreciate you channeling this. Cute name, too! 
What we can improve: I’ve already talked about +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters, and again, it’s cute how you’re making them work here, with the evolve and all, but they just don’t belong. Maybe it’s just me but I also don’t understand the flavor text at all. Do the Golgari have an ooze issue? I thought they liked oozes. Slime Molding says otherwise. Boros would have made sense, perhaps Azorius. Not Golgari.
Nitpicks: Use shift+enter to separate quotes and attribution in your flavor text on MSE.
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@snugz — Roar of Revival
What I like: Confession: I never played Battlebond and don’t like team Magic at all. So, forget all that, let’s talk about it from the perspective of someone who DOES like that sort of stuff! This card is invaluable. A big win, pulling life out of your butt and going crazy. Big life gain isn’t my favorite thing either, but you managed to make it new and improved and flavorful and interesting and gave it camaraderie. 
What we can improve: I don’t really have any major improvements for this one. It’s everything that a lifegain spell can be. I think my only caution is that, well, this only really works in 2HG. You gotta target two players, and in commander, that other big multiplayer format, this card is useless. Actually, in basically any other format this card is useless. Unless you want to play Tainted Remedy combo. ... Hmmm...
Nitpicks: This card might read better as “Each of up to two target players gain X life.” Or, if you wanna keep 2HG stuff, “Two target players each gain X life.” Also, have you considered reinstalling to the newest MSE? You don’t have to, you just seem like someone who could really push that stuff to its full potential.
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@somethingtothatextent — Expansive Growth.
What I like: It’s an interesting use of cost mechanics. Overload necessarily costs more, but Convoke helps it cost less. I like that balance! The method of making rare cards feel rare and making their effects seem awesome isn’t always easy to do. I think that you dipped into some nice territory here.
What we can improve: Firstly, the name doesn’t feel as expressively creative as it could be. Without even a little context, the complex/unique mechanics lose a bit of touch. Mechanics are more important though, and I think that the way you were forced to make this mechanic happen resulted in the wording being really clunky.
Now, I do have a potential solution: Imagine a card with: “Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control, then you may double the number of +1/+1 counters on target creature you control.” So the spell now can give a counter and potentially double another creature, OR you can go ham with it like your costs want to. Does that make sense? I want to play with this card for sure. It’s good! It’s straight up a good card! Just needs world placement and some wording adjustment.
Nitpicks: None.
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@sorustyitshines — Phagus, Eater of Worlds
What I like: Mythic dragons are always a smash and a hit. The devouring of historical permanents combines with the flavor text in such a way that actually makes the flavor text kind of moot. Like, it’s eating history! That’s pretty great! Hardcasting this card will always make for some groans, but the reduction gives it an appropriately mythic status. I think that it’s really powerful as hell, but it’s not unbalanced, I don’t think.
What we can improve: Really, the only major improvement is the name and the mechanical link. “Eater of Worlds” has been done in a lot of IPs. It’s cute, but. Mechanically, I feel disconnected between the cost reduction and the devour. Both of them have an interesting flavor link, I’ll give you that. They just don’t have anything to do with each other, and you’re building effectively two different decks. The things you might sacrifice to Phagus aren’t going to help you cast it again, right?
Nitpicks: “Haste” should be lowercase. The ellipses in your flavor text should be a comma and the period after “all” could possibly be a colon. Or, tbh, this card would be fine without it. That’s a lot of text. Also, I’m curious as to why you need “historic permanents” (which should be “historic permanent CARDS”) instead of just regular historic cards. The card’s already hinted at the fact that it can eat concepts.
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@starch255 — Frantic Recruiter
What I like: Replicate now can indeed work with casting permanent spells, so kudos for that. I just had to look up casting and copying and the comprehensive rules for how replicate and rebound work, and as far as I can tell, yeah, this works exactly how it should! I feel the kinda Boros vibe throughout this, and casting from exile with a bunch of tokens, well, yeah, that can be pretty gnarly. A bunch of 1/1s are interesting. What you’ve done is effectively made a RW Reclaim the Wastes that can be doubled. And... You know, I wanna build with it, so that’s cool. Rally the Peasants forreal.
What we can improve: See notes about reminder text. This card is super confusing without it. If you had printed the reminder text I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have needed to look up all that other stuff, harrumph. (I probably would have anyway.) In all seriousness, all my notes about reminder text are here to express that complex ideas need space and you can’t ignore that it’s a necessity especially for ideas like this.
Nitpicks: *GAIN haste UNTIL END OF turn, not “have haste this turn.”
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@thedirtside — Lunch Break
What I like: This was one of the most popular and loved cards in the mod channel, so take some kudos there. We loved it. “I’m gonna exert myself and get some food. Y’all can wait for me.” It’s pretty obviously silly, and that’s honestly great. I’ll be honest, silly cards like that outside silver-border rarely win contests, but they’re good for a laugh as long as they’re good.
What we can improve: The first iterations that you submitted, however, were a lot better in my opinion. There’s no reason for this card to be an instant, right? If you’re doing this during a declare attackers phase, that’s not going to change much from if you were to do it during your precombat main phase. Also, the wording really got messed up. I feel that you could have spent more time on flavor text as well. The card’s feeling is great up until then.
Nitpicks: So, a revised card would be a sorcert that reads. “Whenever a creature you control attacks this turn, you may exert it. If you do, it gets +1/+1 until end of turn and you create a Food token. (An exerted creature won’t untap during its controller’s next untap step.)”
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path — Spellchaser Hound
What I like: Doggies! Yeah, I don’t even need to see the good boy to know I love him. Mutate feels fresh and funky, the counters are reminiscent of Ikoria without necessarily being set there, and there’s some potential for flavor in the dog fetching more prowess counters as things get crazy.
What we can improve: I really do appreciate the prowess counter reminder text. It might not say what prowess counters do, but that’s another issue. And the fact that you need that shows what we already kind of knew about prowess triggers: they’re complex as hell. Ability counters are...frankly, they’re awful for memory issues as is if you don’t have some kind of ability to remember them and they get equally weird with older cards that check and give permanent abilities... The point is, ability counters are weird as is, and prowess counters are pretty egregious. I don’t think this card is a mistake, but I think it’s really, REALLY complex in the world of Magic, and I would watch out. For what, exactly? ... Don’t worry about it. 
Nitpicks: If you don’t have a certain frame, you can ask the chat or ask for a mod who can do their best to make a render of cards like miracle/mutate/etc. The MSE Discord also has a tech support section.
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@wolkemesser — Orca, Doom of Argenti
What I like: You managed to make me look up ancient Dominaria lore and yes indeed, Orca and Argenti are Magic people and words that make sense of it all. Gotta love that deep stuff! 
What we can improve: See above notes on reminder text. See above notes on +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters. But on this card, it’s especially egregious; she enters with haste, perhaps, she dies, then she returns with persist and a +1/+1 counter and starts all over again, and is basically unkillable because the counters will cancel each other out. Additionally, from what I could find, I don’t understand why she’s an Elemental when the story and her Oracle text mark her as a Demon. With flavor, I also don’t really understand the flavor text at all. She’s based on the real Orca, right? Any in-world flavor text would probably have been more appropriate.
Nitpicks: None beside the aforementioned ones.
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I’m going to go hug my dog. Please keep questions and comments about commentary in mind, and if you’re reading this, be loved and be safe. Tomorrow enters a new dawn, a new time... Hm, time.....
14 notes · View notes
We are all fools in love (Queen One-shot for LOC event)
Pairing: Roger Taylor x fem! Reader
Word Count: 2115
Summary: Roger Taylor’s your best friend...but looks like the band may need to give you a little push and you both need to admit the truth. Some good ol’ Friends to Lovers.
A/N: Hello @39-ers​! Here I am- your Secret Santa revealed!!Here is my gift to you for @dtfrogertaylor​ Level of Concern Event! It was fun to write and it was wonderful to get to know you- I hope you enjoy it!!! Also shout out to my beta @spicyspideyme​! for your quick eye and generous input!!
cw: swearing, smoking, bits and hints about sex (but no actual smut), and mentions of fictional violence. Freddie being the matchmaker like he always is in my fics. Matchmake me plz Freddie
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“We’re gonna hold hands, but we aren’t together together!” Roger insisted as you walked through the park.
“How come?” you asked.
The autumn breeze chilled you a bit. A couple leaves fell right before your feet. Stepping on them, there was a satisfying crunch that made you smile. A few park workers were taking away the pumpkins for Halloween festivities and replacing them with banners promoting bonfires for November.
“Because I just don’t want you to get lost! This is a bloody huge city! And the crowds are big!” Roger explained, he waved his arms around the place.
The band and you had hit the dry hours. Other than a few workers, you barely saw a soul.
“I think you forgot…I live in this city. Same as you!” you retorted.
Roger shrugged, scratching the back of his head.
“I just want you to be safe!” he cried.
“Well if it makes you feel like I will be safe, I’ll do it” you said.
Pouting slightly, you accepted his large, smooth hand and continued your walk. 
Though the other three just keep laughing in the back at you two making little fusses just like that, eyeing each other at the odd comment and mouths tight shut to keep themselves from laughing.
“It’s like they’re married already,” Brian observed, tightening his red scarf.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but…something has got to got to happen…” John commented.
Freddie waited until you and Roger were far enough away and then turned to the others.
“I’m sick of it! And they are sick of it too! You see it- of all of the sweet glances when the other one isn’t looking! And I’m so fucking sick of hearing Roger keep talking until the cows come home about “how bloody lovely y/n is,” or “y/n did this and it’s amazing! No one’s as smart as y/n!’” he added, lifting his voice up a few pitches to mimic Roger’s.
“Are you lost or what!?” you called behind, looking at the three.
Without another word, Fred led the way quietly for the rest of the walk. But his mind was restless.
Roger insisted on visiting the vintage shop with you by his side the next day. Not that much had changed in a day, you said. He refused to hear of it.
Opening the door, you were greeted by a retail worker who pointed you to the rack of sale items. There was the smell of old leather and furs already deep in your nose as you noticed a coat from at least the forties. 
This is Perfect.
You perused prices, ranging from the extreme to the frugal. 
But Fred, knowing you both visited regularly, came in. He stayed away, half hiding behind some blue dresses at least a decade old. 
“Doing anything Sunday, Rog?” you asked.
“I’ve got nothing on Sunday, Sundays are always boring!” he complained.
He stared in shocked awe at a garish orange blouse with ruffles on it before moving to the next item.
“Rog, I think Sundays are nice! They’re quiet, peaceful…”
“Ha! You think! It’s too bloody quiet and only the church is open,” he interjected.
Turning your head, you folded your arms crossly.
“Sunday’s are nice, Rog!” 
One certain outfit caught your eye when you noticed the mannequin, but checking the price tag you shook your head and let out a small sigh.
“Wanna bet!?” Roger said, offering a hand to you with a smile.
Fred stifled a laughter following the ridiculous little bout. He even bent his legs to hide deeper behind the fifties dresses with starched, crinoline skirts.
“No, no need to bet. There are horror movies that come on Sunday night, I’ll show you! You know how much I love horror movies!” you begged.
Roger’s eyes lit up and he blinked. Then his smile returned rather than his immature pout.
“Really, what channel?”
“Rog, you really have to know. Do you really just go to bars and clubs on Sundays? Just get drunk?”
‘Well, at least they aren’t boring, Y/N!” he argued.
Rolling your eyes, you walked over to where there were pants for women. But you couldn’t help but smile. Roger was an intelligent man. He was just an intelligent man with the instincts of a child sometimes. Secretly it always charmed you.
“Whatever just come over. And don’t get drunk. Not yet,” you said.
Freddie had a deep smile on his lips. He stayed hiding in the shop until you both left. He looked right at the outfit you were eyeing.
This is perfect he thought.
On Sunday afternoon, there is a red blouse and the nicest pair of pants you had ever seen on your bed, laid out, fresh from the vintage shop. 
Your jaw dropped and you held back a small scream at the sight. The shirt you found was a blouse: smooth as silk. The pants fitted you perfectly: lighter colored with a subtle pattern.Walking in front of the mirror, you looked nicer than you ever had before.
Next to where your clothes had been was on a small piece of paper with typewriting on it:
“Thought you’d like it! Please wear tonight! MY gift! XXXX- Rog” 
“Well…it’s not too girly and it’s not racy at all…but I better put on a jacket to make it safe.”
Biting your lip, you looked at it in the mirror, examining every inch.
But no. Roger could not have meant it. Not for you at least. You knew there had to be some girl. He would buying lingerie for her. There were always crowds of women after him at parties. He was always calling women up and talking to them. 
“There’s just some chick he’s crazy about and he isn’t telling me because he doesn’t want to make it weird…or maybe he’s really into Fred or John or something.”
The thought always made you sad.
“Still, wouldn’t hurt to doll up though, especially if he asked for it…” you thought, feeling that brief glimmer of hope in your belly.
As Roger sat in his home, reading while smoking his cigarette like a meditation, there was a sudden knock on the door.
“I’m back already!” Fred announced, slightly muffled from the door blocking the way.
When he walked over, Roger could barely breathe a hello when Fred leaned over closely, taking in a large whiff.
“Oh! You’re smoking! I’m dying for one myself- let’s go out!” he announced, his ringer hand grabbing Roger’s arm.
“It’s fine in here, why?” 
Freddie flashed his full smile and waved away the apartment entrance. Though at the force Roger was being pulled out it was as if he didn’t have a choice
“Well, darling, you don’t need the landlord on your neck for any reason: and it’s lovely tonight! Moon and stars and all that!” he declared.
They wandered out, talking about everything in between blowing out grey smoke. Though Freddie was changing subjects fast and talking a mile a minute, even for Roger’s standards. But he kept up. 
Until he heard her. Y/N’s footsteps and their certain rhythm.
You saw your friends on the side of the block, right outside the flat complex. Finally, you walked up in a light coat, a little odd from the feeling of the outfit. 
Oh God, I’ve known both of them for years…why am I suddenly feeling so odd? I look…I must look like a groupie to them, not myself.
“Oh, Y/N! How are you, dear?” Freddie greeted, waving his arms up.
Waving back, you gave him a small hug. Right as you greeted Roger, you heard Freddie ring out from behind you.
“Have to head out! I’ve got to meet someone for a drink- a sudden date, you would say! Farewell, loves! I’ll return later, Rog!”
He was practically waltzing away from the two of you. There was a pause. The breeze picked up and you held your coat tighter for warmth.
“S’bloody cold, Y/N, let’s go in,” Roger offered. 
He walked into the complex to where his door was. As he took out his key to the door, you began to talk, albeit shyer than usual.
“By the way, thank you for the gift.”
Roger turned to you, head tilted and squinting.
“Huh? What gift?” he asked.
As his key went in, he noticed it was already unlocked. Barely shrugging it off, he opened the door.
It was filled with candles and roses. 
You both gasped, a little shocked and smiling. Though your insides felt like butter. There was distant patter of footsteps a few feet away, like a small stampede of horses. But when you glanced out to the other doors there was no one.
“Roger, it…it looks beautiful!” you praised.
“Why it…it does, but Y/N…I didn’t do it,” he confessed.
He looked down and scratched his head. His cheeks were the color of the rose petals.
“What, really?” you asked.
As you took off your jacket casually to hang it up in the coat closet, Roger kept staring at your outfit. Now his whole face matched the roses.
“That’s…pretty weird. But…nice of them. The boys, I mean.”
“I just got this outfit with a card saying it was from you,” you recalled.
Roger huffed and scuttled over to the chairs and turned the knob on his tv set. He continually checked his watch to be safe for the time.
“Anyway, uh, films on, let’s…let’s watch it!” he blubbered.
 And the mysterious gifts and their origin were left ignored. 
Roger folded his arms and tried his best to stare at the movie best he could, biting back almost a laugh or even a smile.
But as the killer in the movie was revealed, stabbing his screaming victims, you felt Roger’s eyes continually wander to you. First in flutters. Then in glances. Then in staring. You knew because everything you looked up briefly at him, his yellow head turned away.
Both of you sat still. Neither one asked the other for a drink or a snack or anything as the movie went on.
“You do look, really…really nice Y/N,” he complimented.
Your head flipped over. The breath in you stopped and you felt it suddenly flush back in, going a little dizzy.
“I mean, you’ve always looked nice and I swear, I never really…you just look especially nice tonight!” he clarified.
Smiling, you mumbled a thank you, while looking down at your lap.
As the movie went on, you both relaxed a little more. Your shoulders dipped down. A natural grin let up your face. You saw one on Roger as well.
Roger’s hand moved closer. Inch by inch. Then you felt it over yours.
Sweating, you accepted it. Although now the sudden threat of a masked serial killer that lurked in the night was nothing compared to your reality.
You scooted closer to Roger. He scooted closer in kind.He looked into your eyes. You looked in his. 
“Roger…I…just…I just…” you blubbered, words running out before you could stop them.
“What is it?” he asked.
Now they dashed out as quick as the breaking of a dam.
“I’ve always liked you but…liked liked you- oh god, I must sound like a kid.”
“You don’t, you…you actually make perfect sense!” Roger answered, he began to chew his lower lip.
“What d’you mean?”
“I…I’ve loved you! It sounds ridiculous coming out of me- I am not a sap! I swear! I hate sappy things! But, but-but I’ve always wanted to just scream it from the top of some hill- I love you!” he confessed.
He put a hand against your face, gently caressing it. You leaned in closer to it, almost shivering from the sensation. Softly, Roger leaned forward too.
“Oh, for god’s sake,” he cursed right before tilting his head and kissed you.
It was wet and you could taste the chicken he ate and the strong tobacco from the smoking. He was so close, and so warm, with the smell of sweat and shampoo. You felt your hands go over his arm, pulling him closer. 
You pulled away, and then you went in for another kiss, to make sure it was all real. His hands went to your back and pressed you against him closer. You were one mind and flesh for only a few seconds. Both of you pulled away briefly. There were a few soft chuckles released with a puff of released breath. He then pressed a forehead to yours. Your eyes closed for a second, feeling it, taking it all in. The two of you were breathing in unison, feeling that space between you that was desperate to be filled back again, to finally disappear.
Meanwhile outside, Freddie only leaned against a stoplight, barely looking at the window of the place. Brian and John stood by him, with their hands in their pockets. Seeing the light go out in Roger’s place, they all knew their job was done and they left to celebrate.
Taglist: @queenlover05​ @stardust-killer-queen​
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mintymiknow · 4 years
Promise | Han Jisung
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Summary: You didn’t mean to get involved, but funny how life works, right? But perhaps, Han Jisung was someone you could trust no matter what.
[Jisung x Reader] [Implied Gang AU] [WC: approx. 4.2k words]
Genre: Uhhh idk how to categorize this lol
Warning: Mentions of violence and other “gang-related” content
A/N: @hannie-squirrel00 had given me this prompt/idea a while back, and I only found time to do this recently. I know nothing about gangs/mafia AUs, so apologies if this was...off. HAHAHA hope y’all like it still~
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*italicized parts denote flashbacks/past events
If keeping secrets were a super power, you’d probably be hailed as the greatest secret-keeping-superhero of the century.
If you earned a dollar for every secret you kept, you’d be filthy rich.
Why were you so good at keeping secrets?‌ You weren’t too sure either; technically speaking, you weren’t much of a gossiper anyway, but perhaps certain situations and people have brought you up to be an exceptional secret keeper.
What were you supposed to do either wise? It’s not like you knew, right?
Han Jisung. He was a regular at the cafe you worked at, always entering with a sunny-bright grin as he waved at your manager, Kim Yugyeom. You still remember the first time you took his order, as he maintained very intense eye contact with you. Back then, you thought the sun itself lived within his very soul – no, that sun itself was his soul. He never forgot to have small talk with you as he waited for another barista to complete his order.
His orders would range from various drinks in different amounts. There were days he’d drink it by the sunny corner of the café, and there were days he went on a quick run, opting to have his orders for take-out. You’d become accustomed to each other, talking and joking around like college buddies.
“Han Jisung, you can’t compare a latte to an americano.” you laughed, “They’re two different drinks.”
“No, hear me out, y/n.” Jisung said, but he isn’t able to finish his sentence as a fit of giggles take the place of his words.
You chuckled at his cheery personality, gently shoving him to the side as you proceeded to wiping a table. Jisung pouted his lips before leaning over from behind, grabbing the damp cloth from you. “Ah, Jisung!” you protested.
The male held the cloth away from you, smirking victoriously, “We’re not done with this argument, y/n. Don’t ignore me.”
You huffed out a deep breath, raising an inquisitive eyebrow, “Are we having this argument because your friend Minho doesn’t like lattes as much as you do?”
“That…” Jisung nodded, looking at you with serious eyes, “that is partly the reason.”
You smirked, crossing your arms across your chest, “Jisung, I need to finish all these tables before my shift is over.”
“I’ll help you then.” Jisung beamed, immediately getting to work on wiping the table’s surface.
You stood there almost dumbfounded, scoffing in disbelief as a smile curled at your lips. “This is my job, mister.”
A light chuckle escaped Jisung’s lips as he stood straighter. He didn’t say anything and merely looked at you, a gentle grin gracing his lips. It was already afternoon by now, and so the sun barely filtered through the café’s large glass windows. The sky was slowly painted hues of pink and orange, casting a hazy, soft glow onto Jisung’s features, making him look warm and inviting.
With another light chuckle, Jisung winked, “What? Is there something on my face?”
You rolled your eyes, ashamed and embarrassed for being caught staring. In response, you grabbed the cloth from him with one hand, reaching out with your other to pick a very small crumb from the corner of his mouth. “You really like the bread here, don’t you?” you laughed, showing him the evidence.
Jisung blinked, eyes shifting between the crumb and your face before finally stopping to look directly in your eyes. “I guess I do.” he chuckled, tearing his gaze away almost too quickly for his liking.
Over his next few visits, Jisung would even help you clean tables and sweep the floors if the day was busier than usual, and you’d take that opportunity to spend more time with him – he was, after all, someone you ended up crushing on.
That all somehow changed one evening.
You had the night shift, and contrary to what your other co-workers thought, you preferred the evening shift. Yes, Jisung usually dropped by in the morning or afternoon, but evening shifts were much more relaxed and calmer than the busy rush hours of the day. Less rude customers, less annoying kids screeching with their parents – those were some big reasons. Yugyeom was usually in his office, but tonight, he had an emergency to run to, leaving you to close up the café.
You were just about ready to leave – coat on and keys in your hand – when a loud thud caught your attention. Perhaps you should have locked the door.
Though a part of you was nervous and afraid, you had no choice but to check what made that sound. Who would be dropping by for the coffee run at 11 in the evening? You exited Yugyeom’s office, clutching a pair of scissors tightly in your hand in case this person were to harm you. However, you were met with a familiar blond head behind the counter. Tilting your head in curiosity, you approached him. Jisung never visited at night. Why was he here now? Nonetheless, you were excited to see him once again, smiling and laughing at your café misfortunes for the day.
However, you were not ready to see him bleeding, his exhausted figure sitting on the floor with his back against the counter table. “Jisung!” you gasped, rushing over to kneel next to him.
He chuckled lowly, waving his hand around for you to hold. As soon as you gripped it tightly, he whispered, “Don’t freak out, y/n. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not!” you hissed, “Jisung, what happened?”
He was silent; his hand slipped from your grasp, lips pressed into a tight line and eyes coldly staring straight ahead, doing their best to avoid your line of sight. He looked so different.
“Jisung.” you said softer this time, carefully bringing your hand up to hover above a bruise on his cheek.
The male took your hand into his, squeezing it gently. “I’m not who you think I am, y/n.” he said, a sad and bitter smile painting his features.
You blinked rapidly, eyes darting to every wound and bruise on his face, “What do you mean? You said…you said you were a fresh graduate currently undergoing training to be a forensic officer, right?”
“You believe things too quickly.” he chuckled, the sound darker and less friendly than usual, “That’s what you’d call a cover-up, y/n – a fake identity.”
You swallowed the ball-sized lump in your throat, shaking your head in the most subtle manner, “I’m sorry, what are you trying to say, Han Jisung?”
Jisung sighed deeply, leaning his head back against the counter, “You should probably forget about me, y/n. It’s for the best. You shouldn’t have anything to do with me.”
“Well, you’re the one who walked into the café, Jisung.” you nearly glared, “Explain yourself. You look horrible.”
He smiled, the cut on his lip stretching with a violent red color. “You’re a smart person, y/n, so I’m sure you know what gangs are, especially in districts like ours.”
It hit you. Gangs were a prevalent ruling force in your district, and while most gangs did not harm normal citizens and did things underground, a few select were notorious for various violent public crimes, sparing no one. Was Jisung one of the latter kind?
You backed away from the male, grabbing the scissors you had brought from earlier. Jisung noted your tense disposition, the fear in your eyes visible even in the dark. In contrast to his ungodly, beaten appearance, the smile he flashed you was gentle and warm. “I’m not going to hurt you, y/n, please. I’d never do that.” he brought his hand to the scissors, lowering the object away from his face.
You felt like crying and just running away; report him, call the police – anything. But you didn’t. “Why are you here?” you said, voice barely audible.
Jisung chuckled, closing his eyes, “Minho and I had work to do, but another gang got in the way. We ended up getting separated. I think Minho’s got enough strength and skill to make it back to the base alive, but…well, here I am.”
“Why are you here?” you repeated sternly, hoping Jisung got the hint.
Jisung shrugged, cheeky smile visible once again, “Instinct? There’s a reason I’m so close to your manager, y/n. Think of it as a symbiotic relationship.” he opened his eyes, chuckling again, “This is like a safe place for me and my gang members. I just…”
He looked into your eyes, his gaze burning you on the spot. You gulped, frozen and heart thumping with a crazy speed. Jisung’s smile melted into a gentler one, hand reaching forward to caress your cheek, “I just didn’t expect I’d meet you and get this attached.”
“What do I have to do with anything?” you choked out, vision getting blurry.
Jisung looked apologetic, guilty eyes landing on your shaking fists, “Rival gangs know you, y/n. Somehow, they know you’re…affiliated with me. I don’t know, maybe they’ve seen us talking and having fun here, I really don’t know. My leader’s figuring things out, but right now, I’m afraid I’ve dragged you into a messy thing.”
You bit your lip, shaking your head. It broke Jisung to see you scared; he’s always seen you smiling and carefree like the summer breeze, but to see the cracks and despair painted so visibly on your face hurt him even more than his current injuries.
And it was somehow his fault. His fault for getting close to you.
“I’m so sorry.” is all he managed to whisper, hands enveloping your shaking ones.
He knows it’s against the rules, but Jisung pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your trembling figure. You can’t explain why, but the action washes you with a sense of relief and safety. You found yourself burying your face against the crook of his neck, tears staining his already-dirtied shirt.
After a moment of silence, Jisung pulled you away just enough to peer into your eyes, “I know I messed things up for your life, y/n, but I promise I’ll take responsibility.”
“Jisung.” you breathed out, hands delicately going up to cup his bruised face.
“I’ll protect you no matter what.” the male declared, leaning his forehead against yours, “I swear on my life.”
Things got slightly more complicated ever since that night; Bang Chan had no choice to make sure that their gang – known as SKZ – would have to keep a close watch on you every now and then. Jisung would be doing it most of the time, but if he had a job or mission to take care of, Lee Felix, Lee Minho or Hwang Hyunjin would watch over you. Though they were cold at first, they eventually warmed up and became friendlier.
You also had to move to an apartment closer to their base, were given a separate phone to communicate with them, and made arrangements with Yugyeom to not have the night shift so as to avoid staying out late.
A year had gone by, and unbeknownst to you, you and Jisung had developed deeper feelings for each other. Chan discouraged any sort of relationship, but after much consideration and persuasion, he allowed Jisung to formally “ask you out”, as long as the relationship was kept in secret; that would include absolutely no PDA, no exclusive dates out in public, and absolutely no skinship. Everything was to be done in your apartment.
Your lifestyle and dynamics adjusted to how everything was by now. The SKZ members were never to be seen around you, but you could always feel their presence, somehow like how you’d read about guardian angels in the novels you desperately enjoyed going through.
You had just finished washing the dishes when you heard faint shuffling in your living room. Eyes brightening and heart thumping, you knew it was another one of Jisung’s “surprise” visits. You wipe your hands dry and briskly walk towards the living room, eyes crinkling with happiness when the said male flashes you a bright grin.
He opens his arms wide, “Hey, y/n.”
“Jisung.” you chuckle as soon as you fling yourself towards his figure, wrapping him in a tight hug.
The male hugs you back, breathing in your scent as he buries his face in your hair. “Is it ok for you to be here?” you ask, leading him to sit on the couch.
Jisung nods with a smile, “Yeah, Chan knows. I can’t stay long though.”
You pout in the slightest, nodding your head in understanding. Jisung continues to speak, gently caressing your cheek as a cheeky smile presents itself on his lips, “How was work?”
You shrug, giggling as you recall how you and Son Chaeyoung had made a mess in the café, laughing it off as you cleaned up. “Um…very eventful.” you reply, winking at the male next to you, “I have the day off tomorrow though.”
“That’s good. At least you can sleep in, right?” Jisung jokes, “Maybe Chan will let me spend the day with you.”
“That would be nice,” you start, booping his nose, “but don’t push him. Chan’s already done enough for us to be together.”
“I know. He’s the best.” Jisung chuckles, kissing your cheek, “Oh, speaking of which. I was going to tell you something funny that happened to me and Changbin!”
Your eyes glistened as you nodded for Jisung to continue talking. As soon as he got comfortable, he began to recount today’s “hilarious event”. You couldn’t take your eyes off the man, looking at him with so much awe and delight. Little stars had started to dance in his eyes – the same eyes that have witnessed death, violence, and a thousand underground mysteries. But none of that shone in his eyes, replaced by an illuminating glow that could rival the heavens.
“So, you could only imagine how pissed Minho and Hyunjin were.” Jisung ends his story, wiping a tear away from his eye as a result of his sudden laughter.
You do the same, slapping his arm in response, “Why’d you and Changbin do that in the first place?”
“It seemed fun.” Jisung says seriously, “And we weren’t wrong!”
“Ah, you boys.” you shake your head.
Jisung spends a few more minutes with you, curled up on your couch as the moonlight filtered in through your thin curtains. You lay atop the male, listening to his steady heartbeat lulling you to sleep. His fingers combed through your hair as the day’s exhaustion caught up with you. When Jisung hears the soft snores escaping your lips, he chuckles to himself, gently shifting so he could sit up. With careful movements, he manages to carry you back to your room, placing you down on your bed with so much tenderness, you wouldn’t expect it from someone who was in a gang.
With one last soft kiss to you lips, Jisung whispers a sweet “goodnight” before disappearing into the night as per usual.
As expected, you woke up late the next day. Thankfully, Yugyeom gave you the day off, so you spent it having breakfast in your favorite restaurant, strolling in the park, visiting an antique bookstore, and watching your favorite dramas. You even did a little “cleaning-up” of your slightly messy apartment, which then gave you some sense of satisfaction and achievement.
Night fell, and you were just about ready for dinner. However, you completely forgot to do the grocery and didn’t have enough ingredients for that dish you were planning to make. You already had delivered food for lunch, so you chose to buy something from the convenience store nearby.
Yes, you’ve considered the risks of going out at night, as per Chan. But, the convenience store was just two houses away from your apartment building. Grabbing your wallet, you headed out.
It was a quick trip – enter the convenience store, grab the packed meals by the freezer, pay at the counter, exit the store, and begin walking back to your apartment.
That’s how it was supposed to be.
You knew you should have walked back immediately, but when you heard faint sobbing at a corner nearby, you failed to do so. Instead, you carefully approached the sobbing sounds, only to end up face to face with a young woman, sitting on the ground with her head between her hands.
Her sobs were more audible by now, and you could clearly see the huge gash on her knees. If Chan or Jisung were there, they would have been furious, but despite that, you gently kneeled in front of the woman and whisper, “Excuse me, miss, are you ok?”
She shakes her head, sniffing as she carefully lifts her head. Her eyes were swollen with tears, nose all red and runny. Pointing at the gash on her knee, she sobs, “Someone accidentally pushed me while he was running and I ended up tripping really bad.”
“Is the guy still around here?”
“No, he was jogging, so I guess he’s long gone.”
You sigh, inspecting the injury she had sustained, “Well, I don’t have anything to clean this up with. You should get home immediately to get this washed. Or, there’s a convenience store really close by. You can buy disinfectants and bandages, ok?”
She nods with a weak yet gentle smile, weakly asking if you could help her stand. You comply, bringing your arms around her to help her up. However, as soon as you both are standing upright, the woman harshly shoves you down.
The action shocks you, especially when your back hits the ground hard. Without a moment to register what happened, the woman lightly steps on your chest, keeping you in place. At the exact moment, two more men approach, snarling and snickering as they grab your arms.
You’re violently pushed against your will, unable to scream as one of the men had covered your mouth. Despite the constant kicking and lashing around, the men still have a death grip on you, having now dragged you to a secluded alleyway. They let go of you, and your panic-filled brain thinks of it as an opportunity to run away.
As soon as you take one step, one man grabs the back of your neck, throwing you back onto the ground. You grunt in pain, whining at the sharp sensation that floods your nerves. The woman was gone by now, but the other man picks you up by the throat, slamming you against the bricked wall. A choked gasp escapes your lips, your scratching doing nothing to the man’s callous skin. “Let go of me!” you rasp, kicking at anything and everything.
“Hmm, cute.” he snickers, tightening his grip on your throat, “Where is Han Jisung?”
“Han – who?” you glare, using all your strength to try and pry his hands away from you, “What are you talking about? Who are you talking about?”
“Don’t lie, sweetie.” the other male smirks, driving a knee to your stomach, “You’re the one our sources talked about. Han Jisung’s pretty princess.”
You grit your teeth, bringing one hand to the man’s leg. You try to get his knee away from pressing into your stomach, but it’s no use. Your silence only aggravates them more; the man who was strangling you gestures towards his companion. The latter then whips out a small knife, pressing the cold metal to you cheek. “I’ll repeat my question.” he hisses, “Where is Han Jisung?”
You can feel the fear settling in your bones like a thick, inky liquid. But, despite common sense telling you to just fess up, you shake your head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The man clicks his tongue, twisting the knife so that the sharp edge dug into your skin. He drags it along your cheek at an agonizingly slow pace, drawing blood that coated its tip. You let out a shriek of pain before the man who had a grip on your neck snarls at you. With his free hand, he covers your mouth, allowing his companion to carve another diagonal cut to your collarbone.
By now, tears have started to escape your eyes, pupils shaking in horror as fear finally swallows you whole. You’re just about ready to succumb to the darkness when you hear a gunshot.
There’s blood on your face. Was it blood from your cuts, or was it blood from the man who was shot in the head? You couldn’t tell, and you began to fall on your knees.
The other man is instantly on guard, aiming his own gun somewhere at the shadows. A familiar figure appears from the shadows, gun pointed at your assailant. It’s not Jisung – it’s Lee Minho, his best friend. With his usual ice-cold eyes, he glares at the man, “Step away, asshole.”
“Here I was looking for your gang when you voluntarily show yourselves.” the man smirks, refusing to back down.
Minho glances over to you, gesturing behind him. You get up and ready yourself to run. The man turns around to halt your steps, but Minho fires a shot to his leg. “It’s you and me, pal.” he smirks viciously, and if this were a movie, Minho would have blood-red eyes glowing in the dark.
With whatever strength you had left in your legs, you sprint behind Minho, and as soon as you’re behind the male, a pair of arms circle around you. You squeal at the suddenness, but a voice hushes you. “Y/n, shhh. It’s ok, it’s me.” Jisung whispers so quietly, only you hear it.
Your tears have mixed with the blood on your face, but you don’t care; you bury your face against Jisung’s chest, clutching onto him like he was your only lifeline. “Jisung, go.” Minho growls as he tackles the assailant.
With a clear opening, Jisung holds your hand tightly, sprinting away from the scene. The last thing you hear is the man’s choked screech echoing into the night.
Now, Jisung had you seated on your couch, tending to the wounds on your face and collarbone. It was so silent, so deafeningly silent. You had fallen into a daze, eyes empty and lifeless as Jisung concentrated on your cuts. You stay quiet, but Jisung explains how he and Minho were supposed to drop by your apartment when they heard screaming and shouting nearby.
When he had finished patching you up, he kneeled in front of you and carefully enveloped your hands in his. He stays like that for a minute, watching your tears trail down your cheeks. The soothing patterns he brushes on the skin of your hand calms your trembling heart, and somehow, you give him a broken albeit assuring smile. Once you do, Jisung does the same, reaching one hand out to cup the cheek without a cut. You melt into his touch and take a deep breath, closing your eyes.
Jisung sighs and whispers, “Y/n, I’m so, so, so very sorry this happened.”
You shook your head, gently opening your eyes to gaze directly into Jisung’s worried ones, “Sung, please. This isn’t your fault. I should have went straight home after buying food.”
Jisung lifts himself to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I promised I’d protect you, and I failed. I failed that promise, y/n. You got hurt. You witnessed things you shouldn’t have to.”
You don’t respond; instead, you bring your arms around Jisung. He encases you in a hug that makes you forge everything, that makes you feel safe and secure. With gentle rubs to your back, Jisung whispers against your temple, “I’m sorry, y/n.”
“You saved me, Jisung. You and Minho.” you pull away to smile at the man, “Minho may have taken care of the men, but you came as well. You held me, you brought me home, you’re taking care of me right now.”
Jisung kisses your forehead, nose, and lips before giving another melancholic smile. “No one will ever touch you again, I swear.”
You nod, wiping away a stray tear that had managed to slip from the male’s eyes, “I trust you with my life, Han Jisung.”
He kisses you, careful not to be too strong with you being in a delicate and fragile state. You both remain in each other’s arms for the next few minutes when someone knocks at your door. Agitated yourself, Jisung smiles gently and whispers, “That might be Chan and Minho.”
He stands up, carefully opening the door to reveal the two said males. You weakly wave at them, immediately apologizing to Chan for causing trouble yet again.
“That gang’s been after Jisung for a while.” Minho explains with a shrug, “Those two men were stopped by Sung when they tried to distribute drugs.”
Chan nods, sitting next to you on the couch, “Y/n, you’re lucky to have gotten out of there alive. How are you?”
You give him a weak smile, “I’ll be fine, Chan. Thanks. I am still hungry.”
“Where’s the food you bought?” Jisung asks.
Minho leans against the wall, holding up the plastic bag with your convenience store food, “If you’re looking for this, might as well feed it to the dogs. Those assholes managed to step on it while getting to you.”
You lightly giggle, sighing as your eyes fall onto the mushed-up packaging, “Ah, I really wanted some dinner.”
Jisung and Minho look at each other with identical grins before turning to Chan.
Their leader clasps his hand around yours, giving it a light squeeze. Despite the title of “leader” lingering above his head, Chan had a gentler disposition to match his warm eyes. “Maybe you should have dinner in our base for now.” he shrugs.
“And for a while.”
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iimuchakk · 4 years
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Seven seas babies AU - The Journey
Hinahoho’s babies xxx
The five little beans and their father are so excited to go back to Sindria to see Kikiriku and the other’s it’s not even funny
If it wasn’t for all the commotion Hinahoho could of sworn he saw Ahanu smile...
Catori is already getting together her favorite clothes and weapons, whilst Aponi’s already packed
She’s desperate to get a tan
poor babies so pale
Of course Bodaway and Badzill are super duper excited!
People back in Sindria aren't use to their pranks and mischief
they’re pretty sure big bro Ja’far will appreciate the break from work to deal with them
unless he decides the break from work grants him permission to break their necks
wouldn’t be surprising
Turns out, Hinahoho didn’t realize how hard it was going to be keeping himself and five children all together on one ship despite its gigantic size
“Give me back my hair brush Catori!” 
“No Aponi this is mine!”
Too much drama for the poor Imuchakk man!
The twin boys are no better
Every second he looks away he has a new note attached to his back
At least Ahanu is being calm at least
Actually, where is Ahanu?
He’s pretty sure if Rurumu was alive they’d be to scared to pull this crap
How long is the journey over seas again?
A few months?
oh great.
how fun.
Meanwhile, Kikiriku just drinks all the alcohol he can get his hands on
Knowing family time is not always fun time
but annoying time
Ja’far’s babies xxx
Rabi has never looked so hyperactive
and that’s bad
because he is usually hyperactive anyways
has only ever met Hinahoho’s family once when they were very young
not including Kikiriku, who he is rather close with
and that’s about it
Ja’far is just as excited but shows it in smaller doses 
he’s told Rabi a bit about his old friends
though most of Rabi’s information comes from uncle sin and Drakon, who are less busy then his dad
Ja’far has to actually organize everyone's arrivals and their journeys through letter’s and magic circles, so it’s no surprise he’s tired
“No need to threat dad. I’m sure some magic trick’s will cheer you up!”
They don’t
they really don’t Rabi
So Rabi moves on
Trying to decide what color looks best on him since he’s pretty sure ginger hair is hard to match with
decide’s to go with pink, he feels it brings out his eyes
Sinbad applaud’s him on his extravagant choice
Kikiriku, Spyro and Sadiq don’t want to break his little heart and tell him he looks terrible so they just...smile(?)
Ja’far and wife-co decide an awkward thumbs up is probably best in this situation
At least the other’s arriving are all excepting...
Sinbad’s babies xxx
Does not care
Sadiq has no interest with meeting these people
From the stories he’s been hearing they’re all
tiny, flat chested
over grown
cocky, big headed
spineless, overly religious
boring, emotionless
crazy wizard people!
He already has enough of that with Rabi
boi needs no more of that craziness in his life
Sinbad’s been trying to get him excited
offering him Sharrkan’s guidance as a sword fighting teacher because -
“Your foot work really need’s work. Perhaps when you learn to control yourself better in battle, you can be as good as me~?”
g l a r e
nothing else really changes
goes about his day as usual
mentally curses the fact his dad is more clingy then usual
spends a lot of him time in the garden hiding in the bushes whilst everyone else’s happily awaits the arrival of the others
angrily chews on some near by leaves
Where’s Spyro when you need him?
Drakon’s babies xxx
Is really scared about meeting everyone
His parents speak really fondly of the old generals, and he’s worried his appearance might scare them
Tries to find something nice to wear that hide’s most of him away whilst still looking approachable
Saher laughs at him
points to Drakon
“If they can put up with his face then your looks will be easy to cope with.”
“Jee thanks mom.”
If you couldn’t tell that was sarcastic
Spyro also wants to show of a little
just a little...
and decides to make the training ground look nice and civilized so he can invite someone back to spar with
wants to show everyone he’s strong
since it’s the only quality he really like’s about himself
Is dragged to Rabi’s room to watch the boy practically cat walk his outfits
“Yes Rabi you look beautiful. CanIPleaseLeave?”
Can’t find Sadiq anywhere and is very worried
Until Kikiriku tell’s him he saw him chewing on plants that he’s fine
Spartos babies xxx
Very casual journey
wifu stays at home to keep everything in order
Spartos is practically pining after her as soon as the boat leaves the harbor
Elizabeth and Junior have never been more ashamed of their father’s pathetic display of sniveling affection. 
He’s smitten.
“Why is he so insistent about wanting to hold her...?”
“Because Liz, he was a virgin so long before he met her it probably feels weird to know he’s going to have to wait at least a year before any more shenanigans.”
Whole way there is basically cheering up Spartos instead of enjoying the journey to Sindria
Elizabeth will sing for her father from time to time and brings him food, and Spartos appreciates that she tries
Junior’s attempts are less subtle...
Tries to get his dad to do stupid thing’s to get his mind off his mother like:
A: Will dad appreciate rain dancing on a boat? Possibly causing a storm
B: Fishing in shark infested waters?
C: Drowning themselves so they don’t have to deal with his whining?
Junior is very excited to meet the people in his dad’s past life
really wants to spar with someone
oh please say someone wants to spar
Elizabeth is less excited, more curious then anything.
Shes desperate to meet the king of Sindria
Not for him himself, but rather his jewelry
Masrur’s babies xxx
Wives Razol and Rehema decided they don’t want to go
For them it’s basically a holiday
Masrur has the kids with him for a month or two whilst they get to do whatever they like?
See you Masrur
Have fun~
Sadi’s only ever met Ja’far and Sinbad
likes them a lot
would appreciate it if they would arm wrestle with her
how else would she prove shes better?
Very keen to show off
In-fact Masrur want’s her too
Something about showing two people swords and magic suck compared to the fanalis race? Whatever that means.
Angelou kind of just shrugs
He’s a lot like his dad after all
You think meeting some strangers is gonna excite him? Nah
Poor Angelou just wants to rest
Knows it’s basically going to be him baby sitting Ruby
His little sister is defiantly going to be trying to prove herself?
Ever seen a fanalis punch someone in the face?!
Ever had a fanalis punch you in the face?!
Stand still!!
Masrur should probably warn the generals about her...
And Dominic. Well Dominic’s just worried
Dosent want to let his father down
He’s in touch with his feminine side
Nervous that the generals will make fun of Masrur for it
Thinking of ways to make himself seem more manly
Sharrkans babies xxx
There is no easy way to put this
Ozymandias is a little brat
On the ship he’s constantly crying
Defiantly not a sea baby
It’s okay though
Sharrkan just loves listening to crying babies when HES TRYING TO SLEEP ITS GREAT HONESTLY HES SO NOT DYING INSIDE
Always checking constantly to make sure Ozymandias isn’t sick
He remembers when his mother grew ill and Ozymandias’ mother
He can’t let that happen
Every time he walks into a room his son throws a toy snake at him
9/10 it hits him in the face
He loves his son really...
In-fact, ever since he’s had Ozymandias he’s been compeltly ignoring women
Actually now that he thinks about it he wasn’t had...you know what in a long time
Has it changed!?
Is he even doing it right!?
Que baby crying
Yamraiha’s babies xxx
Dosent want to travel through a magic circle incase she hurts the baby in her belly
Boat ride it is
Ever been stuck on a month boat ride with a pregnant woman?
If she’s craving a food that isn’t there, someone is about to have a broken neck
Can’t get comfortable in any position and the rocking of the boat just makes her morning sickness worst
Accidentally threw up on someone’s shoes...
Lays in bed thinking about possible baby names but can’t come up with any she likes so proceeds to cry into her pillow.
Looks fat in everything
The generals are going to think she looks fat
Sharrkan is 100% going to laugh at her being fat
Que power nap
This trip better be worth it...
Pisti’s babies xxx
Tir is ready for take off
Pisti has already decked him out in feathers galore and won’t he stop trying to climb up on every single bird he sees
She can’t help but laugh at him
He’s such a bundle of energy
No trouble at all
Okay maybe a bit of trouble
But nothing auntie Pisti can’t solve right!
Pisti decides to fly over to Sindria because why not? It’s a lot quicker
To stop Tir from falling off she makes a harness that she straps around the chest of the bird so Tir is facing her the whole time
The whole way there he’s just gargling at her and poking her boobs
Then he cries when he realises how small they are
Debates if it’s even worth drinking in sindria because Tir is a full time job
Pisti? Not drinking?
She joins in with Tir’s cries
It’s a painful journey with a peacock coloured Tir alright...
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