book-of-baba-fett · 4 months
Illicit Affairs - Chapter 22
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Captain Rex x OC
Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary: In the final chapter, Talia reflects on how she's grown once receiving positive news from the war front that gives hope to the future.
Chapter Rating: M
Warnings: MAJOR angst, death, grief, alcohol,
A/N: Y'all it's finally here. More notes to come at the end, but thank you for your support in this wild ride. Firs though, a shoutout to @cyarbika for letting me use Kork in this fic, tbh defining how I view 79s, and for holding this plot in for what, a year now lol?? and the biggest love to @galacticgraffiti - you have been my guide for this entire fic, I wouldn't have made it here without your beta reads. ilysm 💜. also thanks for letting me borrow your OC, Eya!
Ao3 Link
Series Masterlist
21 BBY – Coruscant 
Talia had been in bars probably from too young an age; her early missions with her Master often brought them to the seedy corners of the galaxy in search of information. What she lacked was the experience of going out and enjoying a bar, and 79’s was a much different atmosphere than the bars she had been in before. When the doors opened, she was slammed by the bright lights, the loud music, and the thrum of relief and energetic comradery bouncing off every surface.
There were holoscreens illuminating half the walls, clones engaging in drinking games or other friendly bets, beautiful men and women dressed in revealing outfits in the hopes of finding a partner for a night. It was a lot for Talia to take in: the lights, the noise, the energy a near concussive assault on her senses. But once she settled in the booth with the men she had only known a short amount of time yet had already grown to care for so much, it all calmed down somewhat.
         Talia was surprised by how easily they welcomed her, but then again it had beenChurch’s insistence that had brought her out in the first place and Storm’s assurance that had swayed her. She didn’t want to be in the way, thinking that going out with the men she commanded would just burden their night off. But as she sat with them, and they tossed around jokes from the recent campaign, she saw it for what it was: a need to debrief and decompress after the stress. She felt honored that they included her, and even realized how much she needed something like this instead of going to the Temple or even hanging out with her civilian friends who just wouldn’t get it. Talia was still getting used to the title of General, still felt weirdly empty when her hands ran through her hair and she no longer felt her Padawan braid. So, it was nice to have a night where she didn’t have to think about any of it.
The downside to her inexperience in bars was she had no idea what to drink. She followed the boys lead and drank the awful free beer they were served, but decided she couldn’t stomach the stuff. When Storm noticed her displeasure he did her the favor of ordering her a gin and tonic, which he informed her was his usual drink. After she downed it and was already sporting a light buzz, she decided to treat her men to something a bit better than the standard beer, and ordered a round for all of them. She excused herself to a round of cheers, her cheeks warming in a flush from the alcohol. The bartender was more than happy to give her a recommendation for a better ale and recommended a cocktail for Talia to try.
        The feeling of being out of place inched back in as she patiently waited for her round of drinks, tapping her fingers on the counter and trying to blend into the crowd when she was bumped from the side.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry ma’am, the crowd pushed a lot more than-“ a clone’s voice sincerely apologized, only to cut off as Talia turned to see Captain Rex’s face darkening from a flush as he recognized the Jedi next to him. “Oh, General Riva! I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there. And I’m sorry again for knocking into you-“
Talia chuckled at his flustered words, but shook her head, “It’s ok, Captain. It’s crowded in here; I had to fight my way to the bar.”
Rex’s face relaxed at that, a small grin even toying at his lips, “Well, you could just use the Force to part the crowd, be more efficient.”
Talia snorted, then blushed from the embarrassing noise that had escaped her, but Rex didn’t seem to notice. “The men already seem intimidated by a Jedi being here, I don’t need to draw more attention to it.”
“That reminds me, I should probably make sure my boys are on best behavior tonight then,” Rex grumbled, tossing a look over his shoulder at a booth filled with clones in the 501st blue armor. Talia hadn’t worked with them enough to know all their names yet, but she recognized a few from a recent mission. They seemed to be having fun, or maybe having an argument by the way some of them were pointing and shouting at each other. Maybe a bit of both, Talia supposed.
“Don’t dampen their fun on my account,” Talia said, “We all need a break.”
Rex huffed out a laugh and nodded at that, “You can say that again. And you wouldn’t dampen their fun at all; in fact, I’m worried it would be the other way around.”
“What do you mean?” Talia asked confusedly.
“Oh, nothing,” Rex answered quickly, as if he had gotten too close to admitting something he didn’t want to say. “Just that...I think my men wouldn’t leave you alone, that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy your night without them bothering you.”
“Oh, they wouldn’t bother me!” Talia insisted. “I liked working with you all on Taanab; Fives and Echo had me cracking up.”
Rex shrugged. “Echo can control himself, Fives on the other hand…”
“Oh yeah, he’s a flirt,” Talia cut in. Rex looked at her wide eyed then laughed. “You think I didn’t catch any of that? I can’t imagine what he’d be like with the influence of alcohol.”
“Again, why I hope they don’t bother you.” Rex muttered, once again casting a glance back at the booth, only to see some of the brothers, including the one in question, watching them at the bar.
Rex sighed and murmured something under his breath then glanced back at Talia. He straightened himself up, facing the bar again, “What are you drinking? Can I get you a round?”
“I already ordered,” Talia explained, nodding her head in the direction of the bartender,  “and I wouldn’t let you get me a drink anyway. In fact, I’m getting you one.”
Rex shook his head, “I can’t let you do that.”
“I insist. You serve under Anakin; I know you must be in dire need of alcohol,” Talia said.
Rex laughed again, still shaking his head, “I’m fine with just the Kork.”
“Wow, you are a horrible liar,” Talia observed, smirking as the Captain attempted to deny it. She wasn’t even using the Force, but after experiencing the stuff herself she assumed you had to lack taste buds to enjoy it. “I don’t see how you guys can swallow the stuff.”
“The fact that it’s free helps,” Rex admitted, “But really General; I’m fine.”
“Nonsense,” Talia waved off as the bartender came back around with Talia’s drinks. She glanced at Rex, ready to take his order when Talia cut in, “Could you get another one of these ales for the Captain? And put it on my tab?”
The bartender was off before Rex could argue, “Thank you, but you don’t have to.”
“I know, but I want to,” Talia insisted. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Well, usually it’s the clone buying the girl a drink in here,” Rex offered, a slight smirk on his face. Talia’s face felt warm – a weird reaction, she thought.
“Guess you’ll just owe me a round the next time, Captain,” Talia replied. “I have to say it’s nice to see you on a night out, you seem a lot less... stressed.”
“In truth, this isn’t my usual thing. I was convinced to join,” Rex explained.
“Same here,” Talia added, “Sometimes, our men know what we need more than we ourselves do, I guess.”
“But we can’t admit that to them.” There was that smirk again. Talia tried to ignore the way it lit up his face, how it enhanced how handsome he was. It had to be the alcohol in her, making her warm and encouraging her eyes to linger on his face. 
“And for what it’s worth, it’s “You kind of have,” Talia said, earning a confused look from Rex. “Naboo? The Gala?”
“Oh well… I don’t think that’s fair to count because I didn’t know you were a Jedi.” Rex offered, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “And you weren’t exactly off duty.”
“Fair, fair,” Talia shrugged.  “But then I was much better dressed for a night out.”
“You look perfect,” Rex said it so simply but stopped himself suddenly, the skin on his neck and cheeks darkening slightly. Talia’s own cheeks burned once more, but she didn’t know what to say in return. Rex also seemed speechless at his own admission, and for a moment they lingered on it, silent but surrounded by the loud music and conversations echoing around them. Talia searched for a witty response, or even hoped some words of thanks would leave her tongue, but instead found herself horrendously lacking any reply. Not from embarrassment or discomfort, but almost because Rex’s words had caught her off guard. Talia felt she should say something to ease the blush creeping in on the Captain as he obviously seemed as surprised by the compliment he had paid her.  She supposed she could offer the same reply back, but felt lame and she didn’t even know why she was at a rare loss for words, but she didn’t get a chance to salvage her own lapse.
 “Captain!” They were interrupted as Fives pushed his way in beside Rex, wrapping his arm over Rex’s shoulder and admonishing his brother teasingly, “Stop flirting with Talia so we can get on with the game!”
Talia didn’t think it was possible, but Rex’s face darkened further as his jaw dropped. His eyes darted back to Talia as he sputtered out “I wasn’t-“
“Sure sure,” Fives waved off, his voice slurring a bit, “you’ll just deny it again. General, looking great as always, but I’m going to steal our captain for a bit.”
“Sorry for holding him up for so long,” Talia answered, her cheeks still aflame. She directed a small smile back at Rex, who looked torn between dying of embarrassment and like he had the temptation to kill his brother. “Have a fun night, hope to see more of you soon.”
“Thanks, you too, Talia,” Rex said as Fives dragged him off. Talia watched them go, her cheeks aching from the smile stuck on her face. It was weird, he had only ever referred to her as General. She liked the way her name sounded coming off his lips.
19 BBY – Coruscant
79’s hadn’t visibly changed much in the time since Talia had first walked through its doors, yet the way she knew it had evolved entirely. It wasn’t an unknown space; it was filled with memories. Its walls echoed with the joy of time spent away from war with friends who she would never forget, some who had grown to be like family… and Rex, who was so much more. Talia knew the workers, had collected bits and pieces of their lives through conversation and they felt as ingrained to the place as the clones who it was built for. As she walked in, Talia smiled in greeting at the large Nautolan bouncer, Eya.  Those who didn’t know them would see them as imposing from their size, the tattoos decorating their violet skin, the spikes protruding from their knuckles and the cybernetic eye that contrasted to the deep black of their organic one, but Talia recognized there was a strange, comforting softness underneath the façade. They were also friends with Storm, who Talia had come to 79’s with that night, and he stayed back to chat with Eya while Talia grabbed a booth, seeking a private space for the conversation she wanted to have. 
The 412th’s last campaign had been relatively easy work, but they had missed the battle on Coruscant, something that seemed to bother the men as they wanted the chance to defend the center of the Republic themselves, but sometimes other duties called first. They were granted leave as soon as the campaign had ended, and Talia felt relief when they approached the planet and she didn’t see much damage on the surface. Coruscant had been her home for as long as she could remember, the whole planet and the temple especially had always seemed so untouchable before the war. The bombing of the temple was a stark reminder of how war could always hit unexpectedly, and she was grateful the siege of the planet hadn’t lasted long.
As the Venator approached Coruscant, they received the news that was the cause for her and Storm’s meeting tonight. Master Kenobi had engaged Grievous in battle on the Utapau system. With Count Dooku dead, the Separatist leadership was fractured, and if Obi-Wan could defeat Grievous, they would crumble and the war would be over. It was strange to hope, considering how many times the General had evaded defeat before, but something felt different this time. He didn’t have Dooku to crawl back to for support, and Grievous didn’t garner the same level of following that the charismatic Sith had. Without Grievous and Dooku, there was no one to step in, no way the Separatists could still fight. 
In other news from the war front, Talia had received word from Rex. Ahsoka’s mission on Mandalore had been a success, and they had captured Maul. Talia had never been more afraid for Rex than she was when she heard what his mission was; Maul had haunted her dreams for too long. She had taken that as a warning that something would happen to Rex on Mandalore, fighting against the former Sith. It would have been too cruel for Talia to lose Rex to Maul, to someone who had caused so much pain and suffering for her already. Especially when they were finally at the cusp of victory, on the brink of what they were fighting for.
Things with Rex weren’t fully back to what they had been, but that was what they had agreed upon. They needed to focus, be on their best without the distraction that they brought to each other. But it was better than the weeks they had spent apart, trying to act as if the other didn’t exist. They still sent each other messages, updating with what was going on in their respective corners of the galaxy, chatting if they had a free moment but truth be told, those were rare to come by. It wasn’t much, and it left a craving for more, but it also gave a promise for what they could have when this was all over. Somehow, Talia knew they would come out of this stronger than they had been before, that Rex and she could build something new off the foundation they had. And it felt like the will of the Force was suddenly on their side, like something would finally move to end this war, to end all the pain that had been inflicted on the galaxy. But to Talia, it would be a new beginning.
Storm joined her, with two gin and tonics in hand, and slowly slid into the booth. They had come here together a few times one on one. Sometimes they said a lot, like in the early days of the war when they took time to learn more about each other in ways they couldn’t just by being in proximity commanding together. Other times, they sat in silence, too weighed down by exhaustion or grief to thread words together. Storm had even confided some of his personal life to Talia, some nice stories about a handsome Pantoran man he would see sometimes on shore leave. Talia had never been able to divulge the same level of information – until today.
“Everything alright, General?” Storm asked as he watched Talia staring thoughtfully across the table, her mind distracted as she tried to ignore the apprehensive twist of her gut.
“Everything’s fine,” Talia said in a half truth. “And how many times do I have to tell you, when I’m here you can call me Talia.”
“Just as many times as I’ll have to remind you: as long as you’re my general, that’s what I’ll call you,” he said as simply as always.
Talia’s gut twisted further, “That’s actually why I wanted to come here today.”
Storm nodded but didn’t probe. Storm wasn’t the type to pry or push people beyond what they were ready to talk about. But he could always tell when someone needed to talk or would be there if they asked. Talia took a sip of her drink and took a deep breath before addressing what she invited him here to say.
“I’m going to be leaving the Jedi Order,” Talia blurted out, a bit more bluntly than she would have liked, but it felt easier to expel the news rather than to linger on it. “This campaign was my last with the 412th, unless something goes wrong with Grievous on Utapau and we still have a war to fight, but I don’t see that happening; all the signs are saying this is about to end.”
Storm’s face was unreadable, but he nodded. “Does the Council know? Does Master Plo know?”
Talia’s gut twisted again at the mention of Plo’s name, in all her thoughts of how this would go, she still had a hard time picturing how her master’s master would react to her defecting from The Order. “I wanted you to know first, I felt like I owed you that after all we’ve been through together.”
Storm nodded once again, but this time, his demeanor shifted. He seemed less tense, like the meaning behind Talia’s words struck a chord with him in a sentimental way. There was also a flicker of mourning in him, or maybe it was just the echoes of Talia’s own feelings for him – how she would miss working with him. Storm settled back in the booth, his eyes meeting Talia’s again as the curve of a rare, teasing smile toyed on his lips.
“Does this have anything to do with a certain blond captain of the 501st?”
Talia’s jaw dropped as her cheeks burned – there was no way… ”How long have you known?”
“Had my suspicions for a while; I knew you had a crush on him,” Storm teased as Talia sat mortified. “And it was obvious he had a soft spot for you. Then I saw him sneak into your tent on Turia, and that confirmed it.”
Talia shook her head in disbelief, “But you never said anything-“
“What would I say? It’s not my business what you do in your personal life,” Storm said simply. “I figured if you wanted to tell me, you would. Which is what you’re doing now. So I assume I’m right then, you’re leaving the Order for him?”
“Yes, well, partially,” Talia admitted. “The truth is, the path of the Jedi isn’t one I see myself walking anymore. At least, not in the confines of the Order. I want more, I need more from my life. And Rex gives me that.”
 “What will you do? Without the Order?” Storm asked.
“I don’t know,” Talia answered, and for once those three words weren’t laced with fear or anxiety. They felt oddly freeing. “There’s so much out there. I could go to school, I could volunteer with shelters like the one we found on Turia. I could visit planets without having to fight a war on them. Hells, I could get a job here at 79’s if I felt like it. I could also just do nothing for a while. I’m not sure what I’ll wind up doing, but I feel like that’s a good thing.”
That seemed to be all Storm needed to hear, because he softly smiled at her in that reassuring way. “Then I’m happy for you, even if I’ll miss working with you, General.”
“I just said I’m leaving – you can say my name!” Talia laughed. Storm only shook his head.
“Technically you haven’t told the Council, so you haven’t relieved yourself of duty. Therefore, you’re still my General.” Storm took a sip of his drink, his eyes flashing as he teased.
“You have to be so literal?” Talia rolled her eyes but still giggled.
“Rex knows if he ever hurts you, he’s a dead man, right?” Storm said seriously, though a crack of a smirk lingered on his lips as he continued, “Though I guess I should give you a similar threat since he is my brother.”
“I can bet a few members of the 501st will beat you to it, maybe even Commander Cody,” Talia shrugged, earning a chuckle from Storm.
The doors to 79’s slid open, and a group of shock troopers marched in, heavily armed. Talia frowned; she didn’t recognize the patterns on their armor as being any of the Corrie Guard members she knew. She glanced a curious glance at Storm, and saw her look of inquisitiveness mirrored in his face. 
She began to ask him what he thought was going on, when a sharp pain pierced her head.
It was an ache that seemed to shake her entire body, drenching her in a cold sweat. Images flashed in her mind of barrages of blaster fire, flashes of clone armor, piercing blue lightning, a Jedi fighter falling from the sky, and a menacing laughter mixed with cries of pain. She couldn’t focus on any of it, feeling too much and nothing all at once. She was vaguely aware of Storm attempting to check on her, his voice muffled by the others that echoed in her head crying out. A comm was going off, its shrill beep adding to the pain in her head. Every hair on her body stood on end, she was overwhelmed by the cold that had seeped into her, chilling her straight to the bone. She couldn’t make out anything, her visions were too blurred, but through all the chaos she could tell something was horribly wrong.She had to push through it, numb the visions and try and warn Storm that something had happened, even though she couldn’t make sense of it. Catching her breath, she looked up to Storm to explain what she had felt.
All she saw was his blaster pointed at her.
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It was a beautiful night on Naboo, with the stars shining brightly over the navy sky. The full moon cast a glow over the gorge their spaceship was hidden in, its light reflecting over the river as it flowed through. Rex could see the outline of the palace in the distance, illuminated by lights in its windows and balconies, a symbol of the culture and beauty of the planet. It didn’t seem right that a place of such beauty was the setting for such mourning.
Everything seemed to be in a haze still. Rex couldn’t easily place how much time had passed in Galactic Standard time since the Order. Nothing felt real as he tried to process all that had happened, all that had changed. He never would have thought it possible that the Republic would fall, yet it happened in a matter of minutes with work completed by his own men. He still had blood and dirt caked on his armor from burying his brothers on the moon. He still winced when he moved from the shots that had hit him in his escape, his head still ached in the spot his chip had been removed. The chip that had been a part of him since he was created, the one Fives had discovered, exposed and tried to warn them about but instead was shot over. He had tried to look into it more after Fives died, but he could accomplish little without arousing suspicion. He knew Kix had his own questions too, then Kix disappeared. Rex should have questioned that more too, but he was too numb, too in denial over losing another brother. The idea of it all being connected was too much. Now he cursed himself for his own idiocy, seeing what should have been obvious. If Rex had pushed harder, if he had fought alongside Fives or continued the search after his death, would that have been enough to prevent this madness?
After their escape, finding out news while evading any attention had proved difficult. They knew the fighter they had would be flagged at any Imperial  controlled port, but they needed fuel and to confirm how widespread the Order was. Ahsoka had held on to some small semblance of hope that it wasn’t as bad as she feared, but Rex knew better than to hope. He knew what it was like, to lose control of his mind and identity at a simple phrase. He saw how it instantly changed the brothers he was with and he knew there was no chance any clone could fight it.  Once they had finally landed on some asteroid fueling station, the news was so much worse than they had feared.
Rex had never seen Ahsoka so broken as she was when they saw the news about Senator Amidala’s death. Ahsoka had been muted when they were burying the dead from the Venator, devoid of emotion in a stoicness that fit what Rex knew of the Jedi and how they dealt with grief. But when the report about Padmé played, it seemed to break the thread that had been holding Ahsoka together. She burst into tears, a wracking sob  shaking her entire body, and Rex knew it was more than just from her closeness with the Senator, for he knew that if Padmé didn’t survive, that meant Anakin was gone too.
The final blow was the news broadcast they caught of the Jedi Temple, with smoke billowing from its great towers as the reports broke about the Jedi’s treason. Ahsoka had to watch her old home burn, and Rex watched in muted terror, keeping himself together so it wouldn’t be worse for the kid, but the only thing on his mind was Talia and praying to things he didn’t believe in that she had somehow made it out. 
When Ahsoka asked if they could go to Naboo so she could see Padme’s funeral procession, he couldn’t find it in his heart to tell her no, even if every bit of reason in him was screaming that it could only be a bad choice. He cursed himself even more for letting her go alone, but as a clone he couldn’t blend in. So instead, he kept watch, left alone with his own thoughts as he tried to avoid glancing back up at the palace too often, because it reminded him of a night a lifetime ago, and the woman he met there.
Half the reason Rex was in such a haze was because his thoughts were filled with Talia. When he had been under control of the chip, he had not been Rex anymore - he was CT-7567. But there had been a small portion of his sense that tried to force its way through, a dull nagging in his head. He couldn’t make it out, it was like a rustle in the wind on the back of his mind.  Through the haze of trying to accomplish his mission, to follow the order to execute the Jedi, images of Talia kept entering his mind. The second he woke up after Ahsoka had removed his chip, and he realized the implications of what had happened, those images were brought to the forefront as he feared for Talia. But he couldn’t dwell on it then, he had to focus on surviving. But she was in the back of his mind the whole time, that fear plaguing him whether she was fighting in the same way he was that very moment. Or had it been quick, had she not even noticed before anything happened?
No, he couldn’t think like that. Rex shoved those thoughts deep inside him, because if he dwelt on them too long then the air was too thick and he wouldn’t think of anything else. He would think of the images of the Temple burning, of the Emperor’s speech about how all Jedi would be hunted down, and he would think about how all the messages Rex had tried to send her had gone unanswered.
Ahsoka’s figure appeared out of the darkness, slowly walking back towards Rex and the ship. She didn’t say anything, and he wouldn’t probe her and  ask about it. They had agreed it would be safer for the both of them if they separated soon, rather than risk attention by traveling together. Rex didn’t like thinking about the kid on her own in the Galaxy, but he already had plans in the works that he knew she didn’t want to be a part of and he didn’t blame her. She had fought enough. He had agreed to take her to Naboo, just to make sure she was OK on an Imperial controlled planet. He would drop her off after, but before he did, they had one more stop.
Waves crashing filled Rex’s ears, the thick smell of salt water lingering in his nose. It was hotter, more humid than when they had been here, something that would have been unbearable when they were stranded. In all honesty, at first it was hard to tell if this was the same island; Rex had charted the planet after they had been rescued, but its surface was littered with many similar atolls and sandbars that disappeared as they were covered by the tide. But as the fighter approached, Rex could see the shuttle still crashed on the shore, only in a further state of disrepair than what they had left.
Its durasteel floor creaked under Rex’s footsteps, the hull was weakened by rust and damaged from their original crash, plus the repeated bashing of waves. Barnacles and other traces of ocean life had left their mark in the shuttle, with a coat of sand and grime lingering over what was once a well-engineered shuttle in the Separatist army. Rex approached the cockpit, stopping as he examined the scorch marks still visible from when he had to cut the door open. The cockpit was in equal ruin to the rest of the shuttle, its controls long lifeless and stripped for the communicator they had made to call for help. He glanced at the wall where he and Talia had first kissed, where he had first lost control and plummeted headfirst into their reckless, beautiful, tragic love affair.
Rex exited the shuttle, trudging through the ankle-deep water back to shore. Ahsoka stood in the distance, giving Rex his moment. For what, he didn’t even know. He had avoided her gaze when they first arrived, and just like he didn’t probe her after the funeral, she asked no questions now. Rex supposed she had a feeling there was more to this visit than pure sentimentality, and he guessed a part of her had always known that his and Talia’s relationship went beyond a soldier and a general. 
The beach held no signs of the camp they had set up, it had been washed away by weather and the sea, no memory of what had been. As Rex stood alone, he wondered if he was the only person left in the galaxy who this insignificant spot held any memory for.
As his vision fogged, he wondered why he had bothered to come here, as if he was expecting Talia to be waiting along the shoreline, ready to meet him like they had promised the last time they were together. But that was a promise for a different outcome, a different galaxy. He had hoped being here he could somehow feel her presence, and know she was out there, but he felt more blind than he ever had in his life. And the words ran through his thoughts, words he didn’t want to think but were becoming more and more real by the minute.
Was she gone? Was Talia dead?
He didn’t know whether to scream or cry. He kicked the sand at his feet, a fruitless attempt to get out the rage and frustration festering in him. He fell to his knees, eyes locked on the horizon as he watched the sea, swallowing thickly as he failed to hold in the tears that cascaded down his cheeks. He had done well, holding it all in through everything, but coming to the one place he associated so heavily with Talia, where the memory of her took over his mind, broke him. Half of him wanted to take on Palpatine himself, to seek revenge for Talia, his brothers and all the Jedi. But then another part of him wanted it all to be over, for his fighting to be done. He had done enough of it, and what good had come of it?
Rex wiped his face, and breathed in and out, placing his palm on the ground and clenching his fist around the sand. He had come all this way, for what? To be with the ghosts of his past, of Fives, Jesse and Talia, all whose deaths could have been prevented had he been a stronger man?
He reached into his belt, dug in the pocket of his pouch and pulled out the thin silver chain with the coin-like pendant, his thumb gliding over the raised bumps and lines etched into it. In his hand was the last thing left of her, the only tangible proof that she had been real. Rex considered burying it in the sand, the only memorial that she would get. But he couldn’t find the strength to let it go.
 Should he wait? Spend the rest of his days on this beach, motionless as the galaxy spun on, just for the chance that she might arrive one day? Rex almost chuckled as he imagined how frustrated Talia would be at him if he did that, that she would roll her eyes and make a comment about his stubbornness. Then she would flash him that teasing smile, with that steely glint in her eye and say, “You can’t give up on me that easily, can you?”
The sound of the waves was rushing over him, a faint line of pink tinting the sky as the sun began to set. They had been so close to having it all, so close to finally starting a new life without the war and a hope for what they could really be without all the obstacles around them. Instead it was the end of everything. But as much as his muscles ached and urged him to rest and to grieve, that wasn’t in his nature. As Talia always liked to remind him, he was too stubborn for that. 
Rex collected himself and pushed up from the ground, clasping the chain around his neck; now it wouldn’t matter if anyone saw him wearing it. Sitting in his grief wouldn’t bring back the brothers he had lost, but he could do something for those still out there. And Talia…the harshness of reality had already settled in his mind, but he had to still fight for her, had to believe she was out there. She had survived more hells than anyone should, but he knew she had more fight in her. If anyone could have made it out, it was her. That’s what Rex told himself as he approached the fighter.  Rex still had some fight in him, and he would fight till the last breath to take back what the Empire had stolen from him.
Author's note - so how much do you hate me lol.
I know what you're probably thinking - 'wtf iris where's the rest of it' 'how dare you'' 'WHAT ABOUT THE MAUL SUBPLOT??" and to which I say - all will be answered in time. But I really wanted to thank you - because anyone reading this note is someone I basically owe my life to. When I was a kid, I used to write little flipbook pages and had a mini dream of being an author one day. That dream got kicked out of me quickly just through my own insecurities because I would try and write in middle school and hated every word. Then during covid, I was binge watching the clone wars and rebels and reading fic and thought "hey, what the hell why don't I give this a shot" and the ideas of Talia and Rex were the first I had, even before I was publishing any other fics. I posted other ones as a test, just to see if anyone would even bother to read and I was always so lucky from the beginning to have such fantastic support. Some of you have been here from the beginning, some have joined along the way, and you've all been so patient and understanding as I've dealt with blocks. It's cliche but I could not have finished it without having y'all around. I've cried reading some of your comments, and have been so touched when some of you have messaged talking about how much you've connected with Talia. She's so personal to me, I really have a part of my soul in her and I was terrfiied that people would hate her but the responses to her have been so positive and I can't express how much that means to me. I also got so much more love for Storm than I was expecting (but I guess I shouldn't be surprised because who doesn't love a good clone captain) but I also am so sorry to y'all. I won't leave y'all hanging long, in fact things have been in the works for awhile (in fact I was more hyperfixated on those things and that's why finishing this felt so long).
Taglist: @djarrex @justanothersadperson93 @paige6768 @saltywintersoldat @clonecyare @dinner-djarin @whore4rex @swlover2187 @collectoroffics @pinkiemme @twistedstitcher27 @frietiemeloen @a-c-lee @ashotofspotchka @galacticgraffiti @itsagrimm @rexandechosandwich @immortalhdx @queen--kenobi @stankferrik @aquaamethyst96 @mavendeb @alwayssnivellus @rain-on-kamino @staryskyforever @amyroswell @lucyysthings @manqoz @ilikemymendarkandfictional @punkpirate82 @paperplanes221 @saturnsokas @starstofillmydream @wild-karrde @purgetrooperfox @sleepingsun501 @burningfieldof-clover @seriowan @samspenandsword @sunshinesdaydream @ariadnes-red-thread @babygirlrex0504 @arctrooper69 @cw80831 @dhawerdaverd
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visualtaehyun · 6 months
Hey, I just wanna know from where did you start learning thai? Also, what advice do you give to those who wanna start learning it
Hiya anon ✨
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I'm not sure how much help I can be, considering I'm not doing a course or following an app or anything people usually do for language learning 🥴 I've been learning mostly by immersion tbh - I've been almost exclusively watching Thai series for over a year now, plus interviews, variety shows, youtube content, songs, so many songs lol, tweets, etc.
My personal learning approach is pretty loose and chaotic lmao but here goes:
1) The biggest hurdle for me was the script. Apart from already having started to notice recurring words being said in the Thai BLs I was watching at the time, I also wanted to be able to read people's tweets! In the end, it was a combination of 1) an app I happened to find (Pocket Thai Master for Android, it's free on the Play store!) and 2) the Wikipedia article on the Thai script that both helped me to understand and start reading and writing. Coming from a non-tonal mother tongue, learning the script early on really helps to understand the tones in Thai so it's something I would for sure recommend!
2) I started keeping a lil vocabulary notebook (you know those two-column ones?) shortly before my Bangkok vacation earlier this year. It not only helped with new vocabulary but also kept me practicing writing! Anytime I encounter a new word, I look it up on either or all of the following online dictionaries: thai-language.com, thai2english, Longdo Dictionary (which I literally just now realized can be set to English in the upper right corner, I've just been using it in Thai ever since I found it djsjdh), Wiktionary in Thai, or if all else fails I google it and might find an old forum entry or maybe an article if it's a slang word or idiom. I recall having dinner in a Bonchon in Bangkok and brokenly asking the waitress for chopsticks so, while waiting, I looked up and took down the word's spelling and pronunciation and when she came back and saw me copying all the info into my little notebook liKE A NERD she laughed and complimented me for the effort haha
3) If I hear a Thai word I'm unfamiliar with that I can't look up because I don't know the spelling, there's a few approaches. If I have context for its meaning, for example subtitles, then I look up the translation instead and hope I find it. If I don't, then there's the option of using thai-language.com's Reverse Phonemic Transcription function (this site in general is my holy grail tbh, it's why I mostly stick to its romanization style for any of my #local woman harps on about linguistics posts). Another option is using the papago app's speech-to-text function. Yes, you read that right. A Korean translation app, that I previously used when I was learning Korean and thus still had on my phone, proved to be useful for me to make sense of the spelling or pronunciation of Thai words. At the beginning, I only used it to read me homonyms out loud so I could parse the difference in tones lol but then I realized it wasn't half bad at rendering an accurate transcription! Sometimes I use that feature to check my own pronunciation or remind myself of the spelling of a word.
4) I always like to recommend @lurkingteapot's comprehensive Thai language learning resources post (it's far more coherent than my post here lol). And shoutout to @recentadultburnout for posting about Thai language and culture as a native speaker (both on tumblr and on ao3)! 🙏
5) This might be minor or self-evident but ya know- install the Thai keyboard for your devices! You're gonna need it sooner or later anyway if you wanna actually use the language. And if you're a keycap and keyboard nerd like me and happen to fall in love with a keyboard in a Siam Discovery store ehem then I do recommend getting a Thai layout keyboard (or keyboard stickers!) because that has proven to help me a lot in terms of ease of learning on desktop and familiarizing myself with letters I don't often encounter. Throwback to that one time I was on the train, revising consonants and their tone classes, and indignantly texted a very confused yet amused family member a photo of my hand-written copy of the Thai consonant table, asking how I'm ever supposed to differentiate between ฎ and ฏ!! Even now, I have to lean in and squint like an old lady to see the difference on desktop. 😭
I hope at least some of this proves to be helpful in your quest to learn Thai! In any case, you're not alone on tumblr or in our little BL/GL/QL fandom bubble - I know of several users who are learning Thai, like @airenyah and @philologique and the aforementioned @lurkingteapot, just to name a few I personally follow and who I'm sure all have their own advice to give if you shoot them an ask~
สู้ ๆ นะ :) /suu suu na/
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 months
AO3 Questions Tag Game!
I was tagged by @bamsara (on my main @onethirdofimpossible but most of my readers follow me here for cotl stuff so I'm posting it here)
I tag @i-eat-deodorant and @megsiepoo!
Under the readmore because this is long as shit
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What’s your total AO3 word count?
213,360 words published
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Previously: Pokemon (no longer online), Steven Universe, a few Deep-Sea Prisoner games (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, The Grey Garden, Ice Scream)
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods. Until the rewrite of RL/FG is done, this is my magnum opus
Present My first ever CotL fic. This was the first time I'd written fic in like four years and I was dusting off my writing muscles...
Smitten soft narilamb....
Cat(nip) Boy wrote this for shits and giggles in my early fandom days. The One Who Waits on catnip
How Narinder Takes His Tea First part of the old RL/FG series. Though I'm remaking it as a longform multichap fic, I'm keeping up the old series because of the memories + I don't want other people who saved the old one to lose it.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
All the time! I was able to respond to literally every single comment back in 2022, but as last year went on, I realized I probably can't realistically do that anymore. It's a blessing and a curse.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We already knew how this would turn out. Title not given directly in my answer in case of spoilers. My readers saw it coming because I had built up to it, but I took my time writing the gradual reveal in the last chapter to make sure it landed the way I wanted it to.
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And one more comment I won't post here bc (for anyone who wants to read it) spoils the ending but shoutout to the person who physically felt the shock lurch through their body when the realization hit them after the slow build-up.
As much as I love angsty stories with happy endings, what gets me more are stories that are happy at face value, with endings that are heartwrenching because of the underbelly of what lurked beneath that facade.
7 – What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God. Bit a spoilers below if you're avoiding that
The original wedding fic (as part of the original series) is up, but it's going to get a good polishing in the rewrite. Lambert and Narinder are going to have a private first dance, Thenana and Narinder are going to have a deeper conversation, Ratau's interactions with Lambert are gonna be shown rather than just told, Aym and Baal will be revived.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Mostly no. There was one time last year that I was compared to another writer in the fandom and slowly asks evolved into "your own concepts are being done better by others" and shit, and the other writer got hate messages as well, and... well, it was a whole thing. Don't wanna talk too in detail about it because I don't wanna beat a dead horse but cotl writers have unionized so we got the last laugh I guess
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol ya it's on remainderofreality. What "kind?" uh. experimental because I'd never tried the genre before this fandom and it kinda shows but that's okay.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Honestly, I'm not really into crossovers! Unless it's Webber in cotl. He can stay, he's cute.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah. It was actually the first fic I posted online, ever. In middle school, I wrote a whole ~100k-ish word self-insert pokemon fanfic, which I wrote by hand in like five composition notebooks, so I never posted that online. But after that I decided to post shorter one-shots for pokemon online, and a few months later I found one of mine reposted without credit. Plagiarized entirely, basically. It scared me and I deleted everything I had posted online, and I don't have extra copies of the works now. :(
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd be okay with it if I was asked beforehand and proper credit was given!
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yeah! Of Duty and Devotion is basically a glorified roleplay between me as Aym, @i-eat-deodorant as Baal, @checkplzjuliet as The Lamb, and @surfdudeboy as Narinder. I also wrote Hide and Seek, a cute little Bishop family one-shot, with @lordiedams (hi Damien I miss you).
14 – What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Narilamb. I haven't focused on a ship for this long, except maybe Rupphire back in the day, but I'm fixated so much more on CotL than I was for SU.
15 – What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Of Duty and Devotion lmao. I'm much more focused on my own projects and so are Pavi, Surf, and Juliet. I do want to finish it though.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, diction, syntax, getting the intended point across and doing it well. Once I commit to doing something, I don't usually let myself "give up" on it, hence why I barely have any unfinished WIPs. That's a skill honed with tons of practice, though. I have massive ADHD, and I'm bad at finishing things, but when it comes to writing by god I'm gonna do it.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
I often struggle to get to a point where I'm totally focused in on what I'm writing. It does happen once or twice a month, but honestly, I'm usually so busy with life stuff that I don't get to do that most of the time! I wish I had more time to make room for my hobbies, but alas. At least summer is coming up, and I'll be able to do that more often, hopefully!
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's possible to do it naturally for sure, but I rarely see it done well in fic. I've never attempted it...... or, wait, have I? I guess Thenana's sign language counts, huh? ...I feel like I need to do more research about this topic to answer the question properly.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon <3
20 – Favorite fic you’ve written?
The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God or The Care and Keeping of Eldritch Gods.
Risen/Fallen (and the enemies-to-lovers narilamb dynamic) was like the first thing that I did to make a "mark" on this fandom, and I didn't expect it to inspire so many people for sure! But, the first iteration of the series was so rushed. I wrote the whole thing in just over three weeks and averaged one chapter published every day and a half. Now that I have a better grasp on the characters after playing with them for a long while, I get to see my improvement, and I get to see so many friends I've made along the way sticking with me, the revamped "director's cut" version is definitely on track to be my favorite work.
However. It has yet to surpass Care and Keeping. As the oldest of four kids in my family, I based so much of Shamura on my experiences as an eldest sibling, and many of the experiences the younger bishops had in their formative years on our own childhoods. I based Narinder's childhood off of brother #1's (brother who is two years younger than me), Kallamar's childhood on my own, Heket's childhood on my sister's (five years younger than me), and Leshy's off of my youngest brother's (ten years younger than me). This story wasn't just an exploration of the Bishops and their dynamic/relationship pre-canon, it's also a testament to my own love as an eldest sibling... and all the anxiety associated with that, too.
Thanks for tagging me! Back to working on my presentation...
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herbgroom · 11 months
arctic monkeys concert review time, for anyone who cares
so I was under the impression that the concert would start at 5:30pm, so I thought, great! I get there at 12 and I only have to wait 5 hours! WRONG.
the headliners would start at 9:40 PM. I WAITED 10 FUCKING HOURS.
when I got there, there were already so many people. the venue was huge and impossible to navigate, I had to go back and forth a couple of times to understand where I was supposed to go. the one highlight was a security guard who saw the books I was carrying (sartre, lol) and the pins (one was of dark side of the moon) and commented on them. that was nice
so, I arrive at my entry, and I still have a couple of hours to kill, since the gates open at 3pm. WELL. SOME DOUCHEBAG decided to cram up at the front of the gates and everyone followed, I was stuck in the crowd for the remaining hours with no water or food, just a cap, and the scorching sun above me (thankfully I had put on sunscreen beforehand)
the staff was also in a panic as well, it took them a while to check tickets and bags.
but I get inside! and the position I get it's great! just a dozen of meters from the stage, meanwhile people keep coming... and coming...
my friend also manages to get inside and we're finally reunited, we're both a sweaty mess. it is 3:30pm.
the bar is expensive and the water is scarce, it is really difficult to sit down given the amount of people (at max capacity, I heard there were 70-90k people inside)
the waiting game starts, but at about 5pm the first opening act (gli OMINI) comes on stage. they're neat 👍 they played covers of boys don't cry and my generation
another half an hour hour passes, it is getting so fucking hot, but some saint starts distributing water, you have to be extremely lucky to catch a bottle, tho.
second opening act (willie j healey) at about 6pm, they have strong dire straits and 70s soft rock vibes, one of their amps busted, but the crowd was supportive
some more waiting, the venue sponsors come on stage (a national radio) and they start randomly djing and chanting, they throw t shirts and gadgets. I didn't get one.
finally, at 7:40 pm the final warm up act, the hives. they even get a personalised stage with big letters and everything. they're absolutely insane, we didn't catch one breath while they were playing. special shoutout to the guitarist who was dying on stage, you're a true champ 👍
one hour left. and that hour feels like 10. at least the sun has gone down, but the heat remains, given how cramped up everyone is. I'm starting to feel very sick, nauseous and with a headache. I try to sit down the best way I can.
BUT FINALLY!! ARCTIC MONKEYS TIME!!! they come on stage and everyone loses their fucking minds, there's a huge mirrorball on the ceiling and a big circular projector behind them
here's the setlist
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I had to literally block my ears a few time cuz the screaming was so so strong
alex speaks some italian and that also causes people to lose their minds, the audience mainly cares only for him. sad! I was cheering you on nick, matt and jamie! you were amazing! also the guys responsible for the moog synthesiser and additional guitars, awesome indeed
funny how everyone sang the most popular songs while barely anyone knew the songs from the car, well I sang those the loudest! mirrorball was fucking awesome, the highlight for me, cuz at the end the real mirrorball started spinning and shining. so so cool
I also screamed REALLY LOUD when they played sculptures, I lost my mind. I had waited for it FOR SEVEN MONTHS.
so, was it worth it?
arctic monkeys were amazing, but all the waiting made it unbearable, I couldn't wait to go home afterwards- and that too took a while because the subway was really far away.
so, there you have it, great concert, terrible experience. an overall 4/10, while the band was 10/10 (I wish I heard them more clearly, it was impossible to hear alex through the screaming)
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haechannabelle · 1 year
new years post featuring me getting sentimental and also shoutouts to my mutuals (and the girl reading this) 🎊🎉🎆
i started this blog back in august or september (time is fake, i don’t know anymore), and i feel so hashtag blessed to already have so many cool and fun mutuals to tag in a post, so i am making a post ! this is that post <3 so special shoutout to the following people:
@neonarcher @bangzchan @shuatm @pinkhaech @atinystraykid @seunieverse @kimsmingyu @kdongyoung @jsuh @ambivartence @felixyongboks @appiarian @8junhao @seuiqi @chxrry-chris @uwu-fullsun @sohnuts | even if we've never interacted i appreciate all of you so much that i decided to ring in my new years by writing this post !
ok quick 2022 highlights while i'm here (cue bgm seventeen - highlight, alt iz*one highlight. two bangers, either one will do):
2022 was actually the best mental health year i've had in like, over 10 years (we still got a loooooong way to go, but like. maybe i'm actually on the way up which is cool ??). i also ummm got into kpop in late july 2022 and my life has literally changed so much since (for the better, i feel). i saw nct-127 live in october and i cried the entire time, and i uhhhh got engaged (???!?!?!!) in november which is crazy (literally cannot believe another person wants to spend their life with me,, as a person who is generally very bad at receiving love that is SO wild to me but it is also literally forcing me to accept love and i am therefore getting better at doing that ! does that make sense ? i'm not fully with it rn, this is the latest i've stayed up in awhile lmao. anyways it's been a good year. i went to new york city and my fiancé and i spent entirely too much money on kpop stuff. we went to the beach also. and successfully held down the same job for a whole calendar year (never happened before). good year.
i want to do more art next year. i used to do art every day (literally for almost my whole life up until this past summer). i've had a massive creative block for months, i feel like i can only consume media and not create it and that has really sucked. but, i did make something recently !! something i will post very soon...spoiler it is a photo edit that i got a lil more creative with and i'm reeeally happy with it ! which is why i'm scared to post it LOL but i'm gonna do it. i'm gonna be brave !!
yeah, i think i will try and be brave in the new year. be brave and make art. vague enough to work.
also, i probably listened to 1,500+ different kpop songs in just the second half of 2022, that's crazy. can you imagine how much more kpop i can listen to if i apply myself this year ??? i am literally never bored anymore, thanks to kpop. and i have a lot of fun posting on this blog, so thank you to anyone reading this for being part of it ily happiest new year to you specifically <33
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not-your-bro · 2 years
got tagged in this by @emmamountebanks (hi hello) and true to form i'm doing it basically a week later ghkjfhlj. created by @lowonmelatonin
favorite counselor and least favorite counselor. why?:
favorite counselor: kaitlyn, hands down. i love how sharp her tongue is, so all of her banter - with dylan and jacob especially - is so good. i love her weird intensity, like how she gets so into truth or dare, and the fact that - according to that game scoreboard you can find - she trounced every single camper by a wide margin (and i'm sure felt ZERO shame for not letting a kid win). i like that she's well-meaning but doesn't really know how to emotionally communicate - like if nick kills abi and kaitlyn has to break the news to emma, she's all "don't worry, her head got ripped off so fast i'm sure she didn't feel anything" :)
god. what a gal.
also: tiny bitch big gun. sometimes it's that simple.
least favorite counselor: in supermassive games i don't really have "least favorites" so much as i have characters i'm simply least interested in. and in the quarry, that falls to nick. i like that he's clearly quarter-life-crisis-ing about what he should do with his life and what his "thing" is, but man just gets so little screen time that unfortunately he feels more like a plot point than a fully fleshed out character.
favorite chapter and least favorite chapter. why?:
favorite chapter: chapter 9, in large part bc of the junkyard sequence. god that part fucking RULES. i'm obsessed with dylan and kaitlyn bonding over not really getting anywhere with ryan, and the DREAD i felt when i saw those motion-activated lights turning on one by one....unmatched. even at the hackett house, ch. 9 pops off in a big way, and - especially on a first playthrough - everyone's lives feel like they're really hanging in the balance. i probably felt the most stressed during ch. 9 and bc of that it holds a special place in my heart.
least favorite chapter: chapter 7. it's giving mike sanatorium - engaging on a first playthrough but a real slog after that, bc it's all plot stuff you already know but you have to power through anyway. nothing makes me wish supermassive let me fast-forward through cutscenes more than ch. 7.
favorite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?: 
blygbank blygbank blygbank. once again supermassive gives us two characters with off the charts chemistry and expects us believe they are simply platonic besties. HOW!!!
biggest counselor crush:
kaitlyn. do i need to say "tiny bitch big gun" again
how would you survive the quarry?:
by fuckin sleeping LOL. fr. anyone who knows me knows that i can sleep like a champ, and mr. h would not have needed to ask me twice to stay holed up in the lodge.
if i was forced awake against my will...well. then i'm just dead, there's no way around it.
favorite the quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
i honestly haven't read any quarry fic, but if anyone has any good blygbank recommendations, drop 'em in the ol' ask box!
as for artists, i have to shout out @sharkflan for these three pieces making me crack up like no tomorrow. they're just delightful. (and her climbing class art from the UD fandom days is beyond adorable.)
shoutout to some friends made in the fandom :)
i'm shy and bad at being the first to reach out lol so i've looked fondly from afar more than i've directly interacted. but being part of a lil fandom again has been a hoot - i love the new folks i've followed and seeing the same bunch of people in the quarry tag and in my notes. ily ily!!
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Hey! I SWEAR I’LL STOP SENDING IN REQUESTS lmao but I really really enjoyed your jumin Halloween charity fic and recommended making a part two for Christmas time and you said to remind you in December and here we are! Obviously you don’t have to do it but I wish you a happy holidays nonetheless take care!
Aw literally don’t worry about it you are the absolutely sweetest and I love writing things for you !! Thank you SO MUCH for reminding me I’m all excited to write this now
Holiday Charity Stream (pt1) - Jumin
Summary: after the insane success of your Halloween live stream for charity, you’ve been asked to hold a Christmas one. This time there are fun games and some RFA guests too
This time you were ready for the event. Last stream was a little slow going because you weren’t used to such a large, diverse audience, but this time you felt a bit more confident. It was helpful too that the RFA members were going to be guests on the livestream, taking some of the slack off you.
Baby-wise things were going pretty well. You had just started your second trimester, thank goodness. Your morning sickness was gone and you even had a little bump to show for it. This was something people were always so excited about! But you chose to dress up in an oversized sweater. You didn’t want to feel self-conscious; even if you were pregnant, people always talked.
Shaking that thought from your mind, you made your way onto the couch next to your husband to get ready to start your stream. You were now streaming on five international channels and YouTube. It was exciting to see how much everyone enjoyed the last one!
“Are you feeling alright?” Jumin asked, placing a kiss to your forehead, resting a hand on gently on your stomach. “If you don’t feel well at any time, we can take over. It’s okay, really. Everyone will understand.”
“I know.” You smiled at him. “But I’m feeling really good actually. Super energized. Excited to raise some money and have fun.”
He chuckled, smiling fondly down at you. He was dressed in a cute Christmas sweater as well; you had convinced him that sweater Jumin > suit Jumin, at least for these livestreams. Made him far less intimidating. He said he was starting to look and dress like a dad. It made your heart flutter.
Jaehee came over and set a glass of water next to you. She had been shoving water down your throat all day. You half-glared at her. Any more water and you’d probably drown. You knew she was just looking out for you as a friend though.
“Don’t pout like that,” she fake-scoffed. Jumin straightened up upon hearing her tone. He must not have fully understood you and your friend’s dynamic. “Mr. Han, please make sure she keeps drinking. The lights are hot and I don’t want her to get sick.”
“I’m fine,” you rolled your eyes. You grabbed her hand though, shooting her a smile to let her know you were teasing her. “Thanks for watching out for me Jaehee.”
“We’re starting in 2. I’ll make sure everything is in order.” She excused herself, leaving you and your husband sitting in front of the bright lights and the camera.
“No big surprises this time, huh?” Jumin asked. The tech people came over and started hooking microphones on the two of you.
You leaned over to look him in the eyes. “I don’t think I could pull another one on you. What would it be? Twins?”
“I don’t know if we could handle twins,” he teased.
“I wish we would have gotten the baby’s sex by now. That could’ve been a fun thing to share too.” Oh well. Gender reveal parties were usually toxic anyways.
“Have you ever thought about keeping it a secret? Not finding out until they’re born?” He asked. The people moved away, finished with their job. There was a gleam in Jumin’s eye.
“Hmmm... if you want to then we can do that. Gonna be a pain to theme the room though.”
“Worth it.”
The cameraman started counting down the start of the stream, grabbing your attention. This time you’d open up the video.
“Hi everyone! Happy Holidays from the Hans! We are just so excited to be spending the holiday season with you and your family, and raising money for such a great cause.” You went on to explain a little bit about today’s charity, an organization that made gift packages for the Low income children in the city to make sure they got presents on their special holiday.
“Remember, please give what you can,” Jumin chimes in. “Also, I’ve heard word that those who donate a certain amount will be able to send us a message.” He looked over at you. “That’s kinda cute.”
You giggled. It was cute. “Today we’re going to have a few very special guests from our organization, the RFA, with us, and lots of fun challenges and games. It seems my poor husband has been living under a rock and missing out on a lot of fun holiday things.”
He chuckled again, rolling his eyes playfully at you. A top donation came in already! It was a news site. They thanked you for supporting such a good cause and then asked how far along you were.
“Oh! I’ve just entered my second trimester.” Your hand instinctively rested on your stomach. “I have the tiniest bump, but it’s one of those things where you swear you can see the difference but aren’t sure if it’s just you going crazy.”
Jumin’s hand joined your own, linking his fingers with yours. “It’s been very exciting. We’re anxious to meet the little one, but we’ve got a long way to go.”
“Now, for our first guest of the night, we have the musical actor Zen! Let’s all give him a warm welcome through the screen,” you segued.
Zen walked out onto the set. He was wearing a high necked black sweater. He looked very posh. The color contrasted well with his pale skin and hair. He looked all ready to go, but walked in with caution.
“Hi Zen!” You got up to go over and give him a hug. Jumin and him awkwardly shook hands. “We had to have you here first while the set was absolutely clear of any cat allergens.”
Jumin looked over at the camera, rolling his eyes, somewhat playfully. “He’s allergic,” he explained.
“Well I appreciate that.” Zen focused his attention on you, taking a seat next to you on the couch, you squished between the two men. “I’m so happy to be here today. What fun thing have you got planned?”
“Well, I thought we could do a finish that lyric, Christmas Carol edition! Jaehee picked the songs, so I don’t even know what’s going to play, that way I could take part in it too.” You had thought long and hard about different challenges that would highlight everything so wonderful about each of the members, and you’d be an idiot not to have Zen do something related to performing. Jumin didn’t have too bad of a voice either. It was a nice warm baritone. You liked it when he thought you were asleep and sang to the baby, soft enough that you could just barely hear. He really was the sweetest man and oh no you were definitely flushing.
Zen nudged you gently with his shoulder. “What a great idea! I’m excited to crush this one.”
Jumin quirked an eyebrow, chiming in: “Oh no, I’m going to crush this one.”
You decided to let them have their little rivalry. You were certain Jumin wouldn’t win, he never listened to the radio. Zen was a maybe, but you were semi confident in your own skills. You listened to holiday music all the time, especially in your childhood.
Jumin got the more traditional Christian ones. Oh Holy Night was all his. There were way too many verses for you to remember. Away in a Manger? Nailed it. Zen focused on the classic Christmas songs: Jingle Bells, Frosty, Rudolph. When things got a little newer and sometimes a bit more vague, that’s where you really stepped it up. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Christmas Wrapping. Dammit! Zen stole All I Want For Christmas Is You. That’s okay. Last Christmas, The Chipmunk Song. Thank goodness you were forced to watch the glee Christmas specials by one of your friends; they really covered all of these.
“It looks like it’s a tie.” Zen commented, looking down at the scoresheet. You and him had an even number of wins, Jumin trailing behind.
“No, you must’ve forgotten.” Jumin took the pen and paper and glanced at it. Zen was right. “Uh- my wife and I obviously count as a team. So we win.” He scratched his neck awkwardly. You and Zen just laughed, brushing him off. You’d have to force him to endure the Glee Christmas special eventually as well; it was the best way to learn all the songs.
You gave Zen a present to thank him for coming (a bountiful bouquet of roses), and sent him off. Time to answer some viewer questions while you waited for the next guest. Another glass of water was set next to you.
“What does Elizabeth the III want for Christmas?” You read off the question list. “Oh! I guess we can bring her out now that Zen is gone, huh?”
One of the workers let Elizabeth out of your bedroom and she strolled over to you, stretching then jumping on the top of the couch.
“If only I could talk to her to find out,” Jumin sighed wistfully. Oh no. You had to change the topic before he got another business idea.
“I’m sure what she really wants is a nap! She sure does love napping.” Your draw for attention was not subtle, but to Jumin it was. Jaehee wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead from behind the camera.
“And!” You added, cutting Jumin off before he could even think to say something, “speaking of animals, our next guest is currently studying to be a veterinarian. This is Yoosung Kim!”
Yoosung came onto the set, tripping over a cord that luckily was not connected to anything important. Jumin stood up quickly to make sure the poor boy didn’t fall, and Yoosung’s ears turned bright red out of embarrassment. “Sorry, it’s really bright up here.”
“I’m feeling the exact same way, trust me. Yoosung, do you wanna know what game I’ve planned for us this time?” You asked, trying to smooth over the embarrassment Yoosung must have felt.
“We’re all going to be making gingerbread houses! Yoosung, I know you’re a good cook, so I’m going to leave one house to you, and I’m going to team up with Jumin to see if we can even attempt to build something that stands up,” you explained. The chef came in and placed the cookie pieces on a tray in front of you, white frosting already in piping bags and bowls of candy laid out.
“All the gingerbread is fresh-made. I’ve never built one of these but I’m quite excited to try,” Jumin grinned. He was being so sweet and enthusiastic about the stream; it was nice to see him so open to broadening his horizons.
You had ten minutes on the clock. When they started, you immediately got to work, explaining to Jumin how to do it. At first, he tried to stand up the pieces without any frosting to connect. Then you told the poor sweet boy that that is not how they work. You got to work piping a thick layer of frosting on the edges of the pieces to stick together, and left Jumin to hold them in place while the frosting hardened.
You glanced over at Yoosung. How did he glue everything together by now!? He was just one person. You tightened the top of your frosting bag, piping snow onto the roof. “You wanna line the top in candy? I think it’ll look cute,” you suggested to Jumin. “I’ll do the windows while you do that.”
Jumin nodded, grabbing gumdrops and nestling them into the pile of frosting on the roof. As you were piping a window into place, part of the roof fell on your frosting bag, squirting frosting all over the side of the house. “Jumin!” You squealed.
“Sorry. I think I pressed too hard.” He sounded stressed. He grabbed the roof and tried to stick it back on. “How much time do we have?” He asked Jaehee.
“Thirty seconds.”
“Thirty seconds!?” You exclaimed. “Hurry Jumin stick it back on!!!” You desperately tried to scrape the excess frosting off the wall of the house. Looks like you were losing this one.
“And time!”
You set the frosting bag down. You couldn’t stop giggling. You glanced over at Yoosung’s. It looked so good it could have been on the front of the ‘build your own’ kits. “Look at ours!” You told him, trying to contain your laughter.
The second you all turned to look the roof caved in and fell again. “It... has a skylight.” Jumin explained, trying to make up an excuse for why you would be missing HALF the roof.
“Why is there all that snow on the one side?” Yoosung asked. He seemed genuinely confused.
“Uh... blizzard came in from the North,” you explained.
Jumin chuckled at that one.
“Well that’s an awful place to have a skylight then. Wouldn’t it snow all over the house?” Why did Yoosung think this design was intentional? Did he hear all your frantic squealing?
“Uh... creativity.” Jumin shrugged. “We don’t need a judge. You can send the judge away. We can just give this one to Yoosung.” His cheeks were bright red; he obviously did not want to show off the current house, fully in shambles because of the two of you. It was honestly hysterical.
“And for your prize Yoosung we got you a LOLOL gift card!” You cheered, handing the card to Yoosung. He thanked the two of you for letting him join and gave you both a quick little hug. He was the absolute sweetest.
“We’ve got another comment this time around,” Jumin informed you, grabbing onto your hand and shifting closer to you to get more comfortable.
“Okay, you wanna read it?”
Jumin scooted closer to the screen so he could read it better. “They say ‘Hi! I love you two so much. You seem like the sweetest couple. Will you be my mom and dad?’” Jumin turned to look at you. “I don’t quite understand how that works.” Back to the camera. “You want us to adopt you?”
“Oh! Thank you for the message. Uhm, Honey, I think they mean like ‘internet mom and dad’” you explained.
“What’s that?”
“No adoption necessary. Just like... you know what? I don’t know how to explain it. I’d love to be your mom, so long as you don’t expect me to do anything ,” you told the camera, smiling widely.
“Sure okay. Then I can handle the role of dad.” Jumin shrugged. “We’re going to go for a five minute break now and then bring back some more guests for even more fun activities.”
You were super excited to bring in Jaehee and V. You were going to ask them to be the baby’s godparents. It was so exciting and so special, but right now, your main focus was that during this break you had to pee.
Part 2 coming soon :))
18 notes · View notes
bangtanintotheroom · 2 years
Neck and Neck (M)
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The night's almost done, but I see your eyes You wanna go again, girl, I'll go again
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• Pairing: Underground Rapper!Yoongi x Underground Rapper!(F)Reader
• Genre: Smut, Enemies to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 10.9k
• Summary: This battle wasn’t over yet, not by a long shot.
• Warnings/themes: verbal foreplay, “footsies” 😏, Namjoon is clueless lol, reader is a bit of a brat still, swearing, dom!Yoongi, dirty talk, degradation, usage of sl*t, taunting, oral (m. and f. receiving), face-fucking, deep throating, hair pulling, ripping panties, fingering, pussy slapping, riding, scratching, biting, choking, spanking, protected sex (keep that rubber on, folks), rough sex, lowkey hate sex, sleepy Yoongi 🥺, these two are competitive af
• Notes: Y’all wanted a follow up to Sore Loser so here it is 😏 The thought had been floating in my head and of course, a couple of people encouraged me to do this soooo 😶 Expect this to be rough as hell, the last part was only a hint of what’s coming. So now I must say a special prayer for @sunshinerainbowsbts​ because I don’t know if she’ll survive after this 🙏🏾 Shoutout to the wonderful @jeonjcngkook​ for beta’ing AGAIN how could you come back after I tortured you with 37k ilyilyily 😭💖 Also, I’m happy this happened to fall around a special someone’s birthday! Happy birthday, Yoongs! 🥳💝
• Song Inspo: Often - The Weeknd (Spotify | Soundcloud)
• Taglist: @sunshinerainbowsbts​ @exileoflove​ @sugalaritae​
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Masterlist | Sore Loser | Neck and Neck
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One thing that Yoongi always prided himself on was his discipline and self-control when it came to things he wanted.
But you had been pushing his limits since you all sat down to eat.
Namjoon had been surprised to see you trailing behind his friend when they met up, knowing that the two of you weren’t on the best terms. His jaw nearly dropped when Yoongi had asked if it was fine for you to tag along for dinner. He was about to ask if he was joking until the other gave him a look that screamed ‘don’t ask questions, just say yes or I’ll kill you’.
So now the three of you sat in front of a grill at Spice, the atmosphere a little awkward despite the lively music and surrounding chatter.
“So, uh, Y/N—“ You looked up from your menu at Namjoon, a sheepish expression on his face. “First time here?”
“Nah, I’ve been here a few times with some friends.”
“O-Oh, well, that’s good! There’s so many options, I was worried you’d get overwhelmed.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Don’t worry, I already know what I’m gonna get, just figuring out what I’m drinking tonight.”
Yoongi cut in, raising a brow. “I hope you have money on you.”
You weren’t fazed by his bluntness but Namjoon smacked his friend upside the head. “Come on man, don’t be rude, you were the one who invited her out. The least you could do is buy her drinks.”
Yoongi scowled at him, both at the swat and the fact that he was right. “Yeah but if she orders that expensive ass sake, she can forget about it.”
Just as Namjoon was about to scold him again, you giggled and waved to get their attention. “Relax, RM. Thanks for the offer but I’m a big girl, I can pay for myself.”
“Hmm…if you say so.”
“Really, don’t stress—“ You tilted your head at the mint-haired man. “He’ll make it up to me in some other way, right?”
At quick glance, your teasing seemed playful but Yoongi saw that spark in your eyes that was anything but innocent. Huffing a short laugh, he reached for his water glass. “Yeah, whatever.”
A waiter stopped by a few minutes later to take everyone’s order (Yoongi made sure to order extra kimchi while smirking at Namjoon). As soon as the food arrived, you grinned at the sight of the meats and veggies. You reached for one of the tongs only to find your fingers brushing against Yoongi’s, causing you to freeze. Your eyes stayed locked onto those appendages, mind wandering off as you remembered how good they felt inside you earlier. It took a few seconds before you came to your senses, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“What are you doing?”
“Going on cooking duty, what does it look like?”
“I can help, you know.”
Yoongi scoffed. “And let you burn the food? No thanks.”
You scowled. “I can cook, let me help!”
He pursed his lips at your stubbornness, giving your hand a tap with his index finger. “Relax, rookie, I got it. Besides—” That damn smirk came back. “Consider it a thank you.”
Your eyes darted to Namjoon, glad to see that he was occupied with figuring out what sauce to put on his short rib.
“Pft, if you say so.”
You were glad that Yoongi insisted on taking over, everything he had cooked came out perfectly (he had to step in between you and Namjoon when you both reached for the last piece of curry chicken and glared at each other). To your shock, the two ordered a few more servings of food for the hot pot, making you swallow hard as you debated on filling your stuffed stomach up more. You decided to give it a shot but wanted to digest first.
So you chose to start up a conversation with the guys.
“What’d you guys think of the show tonight?”
Namjoon finished slurping up his noodles while Yoongi stiffened visibly. “I thought it was great! The others were on their A-game as usual but you really surprised me, Y/N.”
You blinked. “Oh? How come?”
“For such a newcomer, you held your own throughout the night. And taking down this guy here?” He shot you a dimpled smile. “You’ve got some serious talent, kid.”
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at having one of the vets compliment you. “Thanks, RM. Be careful though, your friend is still pretty sore about losing.”
Namjoon scoffed. “Whatever, he needed to be knocked down a peg, he’s been getting too cocky lately.”
Yoongi grumbled and elbowed his friend hard. “Fuck you, man, I’m right here.”
“I know and I’ll say it again in case you didn’t hear me the first time.”
You laughed at how Namjoon narrowly avoided a smack upside the head. It amused you how bothered Yoongi still was at the loss, an almost pouty expression on his handsome face. This led to you getting an idea, hiding your devilish grin behind your sip of water.
“I don’t talk shit to you when you get your ass–”
Yoongi stopped abruptly as he felt something brushing against his leg, eyes darting to you in shock. 
“When I get my ass what?”
He ripped his gaze from you to look at Namjoon’s face, a brow raised at the sudden interruption.
“When you get your ass beat to hell and back and come crying to me.”
Namjoon scowled. “You must have a selective memory, you’ve done it more than once, asshole.”
Yoongi was ready to fire off again until he felt your foot climbing up his leg, the side of your shoe now pressing into his inner thigh. Sliding his hand down, he gripped onto your ankle, trying to push your foot off but failing. You were stronger than you looked.
Rolling his eyes at his friend, he let go of you but not before shooting you a warning look. 
You didn't listen of course, waiting until Yoongi picked up the hot pot ladle before returning your foot to its previous place, biting back a grin as you reached for your bowl. He gave you a harsher look this time, not fooled by the innocent gaze as you held it out.
“Mind pouring me some?”
He didn’t want to look like an asshole in front of Namjoon so he begrudgingly nodded, dipping the ladle into the broth and gathering up some of the meat before bringing it up. But just as he was about to pour it, Yoongi jolted as the tip of your shoe brushed against his crotch, causing some of the liquid to slosh out and splatter a bit.
“Hey man, watch it!”
You had to do your best not to bust out laughing at the miffed look Namjoon shot at his friend. 
“S-Sorry…hand nearly slipped.”
The other rapper sighed and shook his head, murmuring something about not letting Yoongi order any more whiskey. Little did he know that the liquor had nothing to do with the blunder. 
“Careful Suga, you could’ve burned yourself!”
A pleasant tingle went down your spine at the heated gaze the other gave you, the tips of his ears turning red. “Thanks for your concern.”
Nodding, you motioned Yoongi to continue adding to your bowl, shooting him a guilt-free smile before digging in. He hoped that you would ease up with the foot games but you would not leave him alone. There were too many times that he almost choked on a noodle or let out a grunt as he felt his cock start to awaken. He would have reached down and pushed your foot off again but Namjoon chose that moment to start a deep conversation with the two of you about next week’s shows. His eyes were on him too often to get away with moving his hand constantly.
Eventually, Yoongi had to excuse himself, speed-walking to the bathroom to get under control. Why did he choose to wear leather pants tonight?
He didn’t know mercy until the bill was paid and the three of you walked out of the restaurant, praying that he adjusted himself enough on his second bathroom trip.
“Wow, can’t remember the last time I ate that much, how do you guys make it look so easy?”
Namjoon shot you a proud smile, pointing to himself with a thumb. “We’re grown men, we need to keep our strength up!”
You sighed wistfully. “Ah, to be able to burn all those calories off with minimal effort. I feel like I’m going to need to go on a long run tomorrow.”
Yoongi had to bite his tongue to keep himself from suggesting another way that you could burn the calories off.
“Pft, you’ll be fine, kid. Thanks for coming out with us, we should do this more often.”
“You can thank your friend here, he was the one who invited me in the first place!”
Yoongi shrugged when you both looked at him. “Consider it a celebration for beating my ass.”
You chuckled, reaching out and patting him on the back (a surge of wickedness came at the way he tensed from the touch). “Thanks Suga.”
Namjoon let out a yawn, looking down at his watch right after. “Damn, I didn't realize how late it was. You gonna be alright getting home, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’ll manage. I live in Hongdae so the ride’s not too long.”
“You take the all stop line?”
You looked up at Yoongi. “Yeah, what about you?”
“Same one, I’m over in Yeonnam-dong.”
A sound of wonder left you. “Wow, to think you’ve only been a few minutes away from me. Maybe you can invite me over for some practice cyphers one day.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Oh sure, let me give you more ammo to take me down.”
You and Namjoon laughed at his expense once more, finally deciding to split off afterwards. Yoongi walked with you to the nearby train station, the two of you silent until you both hit the platform.
“Are you really going to let me go home by myself?”
The man next to you turned his head to see you facing him now, your arms crossed and your hip cocked out to the side. 
“Hmph, maybe I should, especially after your little stunt.”
You weren’t fazed at his threat, seeing the faint greed in his dark brown eyes. “Oh please, drop the tough guy act.” Your lips curled into a sensuous smirk. “You know you still want me, baby.”
Seeing your eyes drop down to his crotch for a split second, Yoongi felt his cock twitch in response, flicking his tongue over his lips. “Do I?”
You stepped closer, leaving only a few inches between your chests as you whispered, “You do.”
The two of you stared at each other, refusing to back down until the sound of the train started getting closer. The corner of Yoongi’s mouth tilted. “Rookie, do you know what you’re getting into?”
“Isn’t it a little late for that, Suga? I made up my mind backstage hours ago–” A finger came up and poked his chest, your nail digging into the fabric. “So now you need to make up your mind.”
The train was about to arrive, leaving Yoongi with only a few seconds to decide.
“...Fine. But let’s go to my place.”
A bright smile stretched on your face. “Sounds like a plan.”
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The train ride was torture for the both of you, despite the short distance. Neither of you spoke but your eyes flickered to each other multiple times, thinking of just what was going to happen once you got to Yoongi’s apartment. The tension remained thick throughout the rest of the journey, increasing as his building came in view. He unlocked his door and motioned you to enter first with a nod of his head. 
You didn’t even get a chance to take in the environment as Yoongi pounced on you the second your shoes were off. He pinned you to the wall next to his front door, those cat-like eyes narrowed and swirling with lust and ire.
“You’re a brat, you know that?”
You held back a smile as you looked at him with confusion. “Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, you are.” Leaning in, he hovered his face in front of yours, his hot breath washing over your lips as he purred. “Getting me all worked up under the table. You know how hard it is to hide a boner in leather pants?”
“Mm, must have been difficult, I'm sure I could still see it on the train.”
A growl was all you got before his lips smashed onto yours, taking away your ability to breathe properly. The intensity from earlier was nothing compared to what he was giving you now, all of the contempt from the last few months coming to the surface. Yoongi forced his tongue into your mouth, lashing against your own with authority. A moan escaped you at the dominance, bucking your hips against the prominence in his pants. At the contact, he pulled his lips off of you, huffing softly.
“Look at you, rutting against me like I didn’t just fuck you less than three hours ago.”
You gave the man a pointed look. “Maybe because you didn’t satisfy me enough, Suga.”
In a split second, his large hand came up to wrap around your throat, making your breath catch as he gave you a heated glare. “First of all, don’t try to play it off like you weren’t squeezing me every moment, brat. Second, you’re not going to be calling me by my stage name in my own house.”
He wasn’t pressing down on your airway so you were able to respond. “So what should I call you then, hm?”
“Yoongi…” You said it like you were rolling it along your tongue, getting a feel for the name. “I see.”
“Get used to it, doll—“ He leaned in to shoot you a sinful smirk. “Because you’re going to be screaming it for the rest of the night.”
Before you could say anything else, Yoongi reattached his mouth to yours. You were sure the two of you were going to have bruised lips in the morning but that was the least of your concerns right now. You managed to hold your own against his aggressiveness, your panties getting wetter by the minute. Wanting to take this further, you thrusted harder against his hips, feeling his mouth pause, allowing you to pull away and pant roughly, “Are you going to just make out with me or are you going to actually fuck me?”
Yoongi laughed, rubbing his thumb over the front of your throat. “That mouth is still running, huh?”
You swallowed instinctively at the touch, keeping your stare cool and collected. “You’re not a mind reader, how am I supposed to let you know what I want?”
“Hmph, true, but you’re starting to kill my buzz here, baby.”
Teeth flashing at him, you looked up at him through your lashes. “But I thought you liked my mouth, Yoongi?”
He rolled his eyes. “I never said I did earlier.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to. I could see the look on your face when your cock was inside it.”
Yoongi hoped you didn’t see the tips of his ears turning red at your call out. ��So?”
You smirked and leaned in to purr in his ear. “So you want more, don’t you?”
With your offer, he licked his lips at the thought of having that big mouth of yours wrapped around him again. Making up his mind, he stepped back and grabbed your wrist, dragging you further into the apartment to enter his bedroom. You couldn’t help but look around in curiosity, despite the circumstances, only to remember what you were here for when you heard the door shut behind you. Turning, you smirked at Yoongi as he stalked towards you. 
“I’m guessing that’s a yes?”
He chuckled and reached a hand up to hold your chin, tilting his head mockingly. “What do you think, brat?”
You giggled. “How do you want me?”
He let go and motioned with his head. “Sit on the bed.”
Grinning, you backed up to perch yourself on the edge of the bed. You shucked your jacket off to toss it on the floor, looking up after to see Yoongi doing the same with his own. He walked closer, raising a brow when he saw you lean back on your arms. “Don’t get too comfortable, Y/N.”
“Aw, why not? Your bed feels so soft.”
Tsking, the man reached down to straighten you up by your shoulders. You shot him a pout that quickly fell once you saw him begin to undo his belt. His teeth flashed in a devious smirk at the expression while his hands moved.
“Gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours, doll. Didn’t spend enough time in it earlier.”
Your lip caught in your teeth, nodding slowly as you continued watching him. Soon enough, Yoongi got his pants undone, shoving them down with his underwear to gather around his thighs and reveal his dick. Your mouth began watering at the sight of him, able to get a much more thorough look than earlier. Just looking at the girth had you aching to feel it rubbing against your walls once more.
Looking up, you saw Yoongi wrap a hand around himself, lifting his other one up to curl his index finger towards him. You wasted no time in scooting closer to him, being met with the reddened tip of his cock in front of your face. 
“Go on.”
With his curt command, you scowled lightly, batting his hand away before replacing it with your own. You ignored how he chuckled at your attitude, leaning forward to lap at the head. That grin on his face began ebbing away the longer you did this, making way to an expression of lust.
You kept eye contact with him, angling his cock upwards so you could run your tongue along the underside, laughing softly at the hiss that escaped him. 
“Fucking tease…”
“You know you like it, baby.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, bucking into your hand while he tangled his fingers into your locks, pushing your head a bit. “Stop messing around.”
Not ready to give in just yet, you batted your lashes up at him, stroking slowly with your hand. “What’s the magic word?”
A growl left his mouth. “Y/N…”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
His nostrils flared at your stubbornness. “You little…please.”
He could have been sleeping instead of dealing with this crap right now. “…please get my dick in your mouth.”
You grinned deviously, throwing in a wink. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Just as he was about to throw out another profanity, you stopped your hand at the base and began taking him in, stopping a little over halfway down. Yoongi’s breath caught as his tip was close to hitting the back of your throat, fighting the urge to start pounding away. Taking a moment to control himself, he let out a low groan as you pulled back, keeping only the head in your mouth before you slid back down, starting a steady rhythm close to the one from earlier. Yoongi took his bottom lip in, watching as you bobbed while your eyes locked onto his own.
“Fuck, that’s it…”
Your eyelids fluttered at his mumbled praise, grateful that you could take your time with the man in front of you now. Those quiet groans he had let out back in the dressing room earlier in the night weren’t enough to satiate your desire. That’s not to say Yoongi was a noisy man when it came to vocalizing his pleasure, opting for expressing in a more physical way. From his fingers tightening in your hair to slight jerks of his hips, he made it clear that he was happy to spend more time in your mouth.
“Damn, baby—”
Your lips stretched as a rougher tone escaped Yoongi when you gave a squeeze with your hand. Opting to give him a bit of a show now, you moved your head back until the tip was the only part in your mouth. You wrapped your other hand around the rest of his cock, only giving him a wink before you began twisting both of them around his shaft, forcing him to take in a sharp breath. That breath then came out as a lust-filled profanity the second you started sucking hard.
“Oh fuck--! Jesus…”
Yoongi had to keep himself from pulling strands out by accident as the grip in your hair significantly tightens, thanks to your little move. He wanted to tip his head back and just let you continue working his length over until he filled that mouth of yours up with his load but he had other plans for you. Grunting at a strong jolt of bliss, he bucked towards you while practically snarling, “Slow down, rookie, gotta fuck that mouth before you make me come…”
Looking a bit put-off that he wouldn’t let you continue, you obliged and removed your slick fingers before raising a brow up at him, the expression on your face screaming ‘what are you waiting for?’. Smiling crookedly, Yoongi pushed your head down until he ended up halfway in once more. Wasting no time, he eased himself in and out with harsh thrusts, grunting all the while.
“Shit, doll…you look so good with my cock in there—”
The vibrations from your giggle were felt around his length, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Mnh— Of course you’re enjoying this, bet this is what you were thinking about when we were on stage, hm?”
At that, your eyelids fluttered. Yoongi noticed and barked out a short laugh, giving your hair another slight tug.
“Wow, you’ve got no shame, huh? What would everyone else say if they knew that’s what their beloved Y/N wanted? To suck off the champ in front of that big-ass crowd?”
His taunting brought embarrassment painted with arousal to you, your face heating up as he continued directing that infuriating smirk down at you. You never thought in a million years that you would admit that something so lewd had run through your mind as you watched your senior spit out rapid-fire words just a foot away from you. But could you be blamed? The way his feline eyes would bore into yours with sheer determination and contempt almost ruined your concentration and flow. Seeing those large, veiny hands of his grip onto the mic had you wondering how they would feel on your body. And catching his tongue running over those pouty lips of his?
You nearly blurted how you wanted him to shove the pink muscle down your throat between verses.
Yoongi’s feral grin only expanded as you let your thoughts show on your face. “Rookie, I’m flattered, really. It’s kind of cute how you’ve been so nasty to hide how much you want me—Hah!”
Tired of his mocking, you took it upon yourself to shut him up by sliding your head down until nothing was left out, your nose pressed against his pubic bone.
A grin formed around his cock at how he lost his nerve. Your eyes zeroed in on the way his pale neck was exposed to you as his head was thrown back, the Adam’s apple bobbing under the slowly reddening skin. Now you decided to torture him by swallowing around the portion of him that was in your throat. Yoongi didn’t seem to appreciate that as a growl left him before his fist tugged harder, making you wince as he pulled you off of his dick, standing upright and dripping with spit now. As you caught your breath, he pushed your head back as he leaned down, a sneer painted on his flushed face.
“Are you fucking crazy?”
A humored scoff came out of your puffy lips. “I should be asking you that. Why’d you stop me?” You gave him a cheeky smile. “Was sugar baby going to come already?”
His scowl darkened his face further, giving you the answer you needed.
“Oh wow, you were! Damn dude, I know guys usually don’t last long when I do that but—”
Yoongi interrupted your teasing by slamming his mouth onto yours, making the thin skin even more sore than before. His tongue forced its way in to fight against yours, not giving you a chance to come out on top, groaning quietly at the slight saltiness from having him inside just now. He made your odds worse with his iron hold on your hair and the way he had your head angled back, causing your neck to start cramping at the unusual position. Thankfully, he broke the kiss but kept up his control by staring deep into your heavy eyes with animosity and hunger.
“Shut the hell up, rookie. What did I tell you about calling me that?”
“Mm, you only said not to call you by your stage name, you didn’t say anything about nicknames.”
Yoongi growled, reaching up with his free hand to wrap around your neck, wiping the smugness off your face to replace it with surprise. “Getting real tired of this fucking mouth of yours. Guess I need to shut it up some other way, huh?”
The danger lingering in his voice only served to increase the arousal soaking your panties, wanting to push him into the scenario he was offering. You were probably going to regret this in the morning by having to deal with marked skin and sore hips but fuck it.
With your tongue lazily creeping out, you licked up the saliva that had crept past your lips, looking at how his dark eyes followed the appendage. “I guess you’ll have to.”
Your approval brought an almost feral smirk onto Yoongi’s face as he released his hands from you, moving them down to grab onto the underside of your ass. You squeaked as he lifted you off the bed all of a sudden before tossing you onto your back, causing you to bounce as you landed further up. Yoongi shoved his garments down the rest of the way to kick them off, leaving his lower half completely bare. He crawled up onto the mattress, eyeing you like a rabid lion sneaking up on a poor gazelle, ready to go through on his promise. It took everything in your being not to shift under his gaze.
The second he reached you, Yoongi brought his hands up to rest on your clothed breasts, beginning to grope them roughly, chuckling lowly at how you held back your moans yet arched your back.
“Don’t do that, doll—” A hard squeeze gave him a sharp gasp. “Wanna hear every sound out of that big mouth of yours.”
You did your best to fight against every noise that wanted to escape but those fucking hands of his were ruining your resolve. If you weren’t watching the avid expression on his face, you were watching the way the veins popped whenever those long fingers flexed on the mounds. You then felt his hands traveling down to the hem of your cropped shirt, gripping the fabric before sliding it upwards, leaving you to sit up quickly so he could tug it off. Tossing it off to the side, Yoongi’s dark eyes lingered on the tops of your breasts peeking over your bra. Just as you were about to taunt him for gawking, he brought his hands up to hold onto the cups, tugging them down to expose you. The air hitting your skin made your nipples harden, pulling a low groan from him as he bent his head down to latch his plump lips onto one of them.
Yoongi quickly began lapping at the bud with his tongue, heightening the sensitivity before his teeth brushed against it, ripping a cry from your throat. Smirking against your skin, he returned to using his tongue again until he felt your body relaxing underneath his, only to throw you for a loop by giving a hard suck, feeling your hand dart up to grip his mint-colored strands.
“Oh goddammit, Yoongi—”
Wanting to push you even further, he brought his hand up to grip onto your other breast, playing with the flesh while pinching and pulling hard at the nipple, savoring the needy whines falling from your lips. Once he got his fill, he slid that same hand around your torso to fumble with the clasps of your bra, pulling his mouth away to slide it off once it was undone. Letting it join your shirt, Yoongi returned to your tits, now choosing to lay bites all over the flesh. You wouldn’t be surprised if you found evidence on your body in the morning with how hard he was digging his teeth into your skin.
Yoongi pulled back, licking his lips in satisfaction at the budding marks before he moved down to your stomach, eyes staying steady on your flustered face. His mouth reached the butterfly-shaped charm hanging from your navel, taking the jewelry between his teeth to give it a slight tug, loving how you gasped and arched your back in response.
“O-Oh--!” When Yoongi pulled off, you scowled down at him, despite your aroused expression. “That hurt, asshole.”
He chuckled. “Did it? It seems like you enjoyed that, baby.”
Grumbling as you felt your face heat up more, you were ready to retort until his hands landed on your pants, quickly getting them undone before dragging them down and off your legs. Now you were just left in your lacy thong, smirking at how Yoongi eyed your clothed center with hunger. You brought one of your feet up to brush your toes against the side of his bare thigh, giggling at how he jumped at the sudden contact.
“Come on, Yoongi. Are you gonna keep staring me down or are you actually going to do something?”
Shooting you yet another unamused look, the man in front of you gave your own thigh a slap, making you gasp sharply. “Shut it.”
“Mnh– Ow.”
Yoongi scoffed at your attempt at pain. “Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this, Y/N. I bet if I took these off–” His long fingers ran over the flimsy fabric. “Your pussy would be soaking wet right now, hm?”
You did your best not to show the surge of desire on your face at his words, opting to roll your eyes instead. “Whatever.”
This didn’t sit well with Yoongi as he growled before delivering a swat between your thighs, ripping a cry from your throat at the rush of pleasure mixed with discomfort. “Try again.”
“Y-Yoongi, what the hell?!”
Another slap came, your hips jerking in response. “Answer me.”
“Fuck— You’re crazy…”
Yoongi puffed air out of his nostrils, starting to hit his limit with your defiant attitude. His other hand took its place around your neck, giving a light squeeze while he gripped your mound, making your breath hitch as some of your air was cut off while a shock went up your spine. Those dark brown eyes of his were narrowed, piercing into your own with rigidity. 
“Stop acting like you’re above all of this, brat. I only gave you a taste of what I could do back in the dressing room and you were being so needy then. You must be in fucking heaven right now, having me manhandle you like this, huh?” His teeth flashed as your eyes looked away in mortification, unable to hold back anymore. “...I knew it.”
You did your best to ignore the burning in your face at him putting you on blast, looking directly into his eyes now. “So what if I do? You’re not the first guy to be rough with me, Yoongi.”
Even the way you spit his name with venom couldn’t wipe that aggravating smirk off his handsome face.
“Oh, I’m sure. But after I’m done with you–” He leaned his head in to bump noses, husking out over your swollen lips. “No one else is going to compare.”
Your self-control was nearly dissolved now, thanks to him. That confidence he exuded on stage clearly wasn’t limited to just the mic; it almost scared you just what he was going to do to go through on his promise.
Swallowing the spit that had been gathering in your mouth, you scowled at Yoongi, pushing your hips into his lower hand. “Are you gonna do it or are you just gonna keep talking shit, sugar baby?”
With the spiteful delivery of the beloved nickname, Yoongi moved his fingers to creep into the top of your panties, dipping the tips in enough to hold onto the lace. All of a sudden, his hand flexed into a tight grip.
Then the sound of ripping filled the air before you felt coolness on your heated center.
At your stuttered gasp, the man looked up at you with heavy eyes, throwing the ruined scrap of fabric off to the side. “I’ll buy you new ones, relax.”
Before you could even berate him for destroying your underwear, Yoongi placed his hands under your thighs, pushing your legs back and to the side, exposing the area between them further. The sight pulled a growl from the other’s chest, eyeing the drenched folds with fervor.
“Look at this pretty little cunt, ready to get destroyed. Told you you were fucking dripping for me.”
The sheer ferociousness in his delivery made your breath catch. Now you were really in for it.
Yoongi pushed on your thighs until you were forced to lay back all the way, lifting your head up to watch with anticipation as he lowered his face down. But rather than dive straight into where you wanted him to go, he latched his plump lips onto your inner thigh, giving the sensitive skin a hard suck before nipping it with his teeth.
Ignoring your plea, he continued attacking multiple areas of the flesh, your patience running thin the closer he got to the apex of your thighs.
“Dammit Yoongi, hurry up…”
Yoongi slapped your other thigh with swiftness, shooting you a side glance before pulling his lips off to mumble out, “Be. Quiet.”
You huffed, ready to rush him again until he descended to latch his mouth onto your sensitive clit, giving a hard suck that forced a shriek out of you.
Another swat was delivered to your leg, Yoongi pulling his head up to shoot you a warning glare. “Not so loud, rookie, I’m not trying to get noise complaints.”
“How the hell do you expect me to– Mnh–!”
You were compelled to slap a hand over your mouth to muffle your noises, thanks to the devil between your thighs sucking your nub once more. He began flicking the tip of his tongue over it now, cat-like eyes zeroed in on the way you were reacting. Your back arched into a curve, stiff nipples aiming towards the ceiling while you gripped onto the sheets with your free hand for dear life. 
Just what he liked to see.
Yoongi decided to have mercy on your clit and moved down to lick up whatever arousal smeared around before going to lap at your folds, grunting at the taste. “Fuck…didn’t think someone so spoiled could taste so sweet.”
Of course your cheeks heated up at the compliment. But you didn’t have time to savor it as he delved his tongue between, parting them to run over the smooth area with pressure. The obscene sounds emitting from the action traveled up to your ears, causing your pussy to leak some more wetness out for him. Yoongi seemed to appreciate it as a snarl vibrated against you.
“So fucking filthy–”
You couldn’t hold back anymore, choosing to give in and buck your hips against his face. But he wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of moving, strong hands coming up to pin them down to the mattress, making you whine. “Stay still, rookie.”
Raising a brow as you complained louder, he moved back further, bringing a hand up to rest on your thigh. “Y/N–,” Said hand went to deliver a light slap to your wet folds, ripping a sharp cry from your lips. “I said stay still.”
Now you were trembling from the shocks of having his swat make contact with your sensitive skin, biting back a whimper as he rested his forearm across your hips to keep them steady. Seeing that you weren’t going to fight him anymore, Yoongi lowered his head once more to lick at you, blocking your view of his facial expressions. It was alright for now as this allowed you to focus more on the sensations of his mouth working you over. You’ve had your pussy eaten before but none of those experiences were living up to how the man below was consuming you. Ferocity laced his actions, lapping at your wetness like he was a man starved. There was no pause in the way he let his tongue and lips explore you, almost as if this was just another part of his daily routine.
You wished he could stay down there for the rest of the night, making you come over and over until you were nothing but a boneless mess on his bed.
As if he had read your mind, Yoongi slid his free hand up under his chin to press his pointer finger to your entrance, grunting at the way it clenched from his touch. Pulling off, he husked, “Want it, baby?”
“Shit…please, put it in–”
Nodding, the mint-haired man watched your face close as he slid the digit in, licking his coated lips at the way your mouth fell slack and your lids fluttered, a drawn-out moan leaving your mouth. 
“Damn rookie, it’s only my finger and yet you’re gripping me so tight…”
“Sh-Shut up…” 
Giving you a gummy smile at your flustered reaction, Yoongi chuckled before curling his finger, feeling against your walls until he brushed against the spongy area that made you freeze. He didn’t give you a warning, choosing to pump into it with unrestraint.
His free hand pulled off your hips to smack your thigh, growling in warning, “I told you to keep it down, didn’t I?”
You bared your teeth at Yoongi, torn between kicking him or pushing his head back down. “Fuck you, asshole! You can’t just do that and not think I won’t–”
Your ranting was interrupted by a hand wrapping around your throat once more, pushing your head back into the bed, breathing halting when you saw Yoongi’s face hover over yours, hostility hardening his soft features.
“Rookie.” Just the way he said the nickname had your stomach dropping and your pussy clenching.
His finger slipped out of you but you were unable to whine with how much he was pushing on your neck. “If I tell you–” A smack hit your slick folds. “To be quiet–” Another one. “What does that mean?”
A harsher swat was able to pull a cry from your constricted throat, hips jolting. “I-I…”
“Answer me.”
A quiver ran through you at his command, doing your best to rasp out to avoid angering him further. “I-It means be quiet…”
Yoongi rewarded you with another slap, focusing on your clit this time; it took all your might not to scream at the two different aches that resulted from the contact.
“Exactly. I know you don’t like to follow directions but you’re not dumb, right?” You shook your head, making him smirk deviously. “Thought so. So don’t play stupid with me, slut.”
The derogatory name leaving his lips surprised you but left you shamefully more turned on than before, hitting something dark in you that wanted to hear more.
“Don’t…” You couldn’t even meet his eyes as you protested weakly. “Don’t call me that…”
Yoongi tilted his head. “Oh? You don’t like that, baby? Don’t like me stating the obvious?”
You reached a hand up to grip onto his wrist, gathering up whatever nerve you had left and managing to lock your gaze with him. “You think I let anyone else treat me like this?”
“I don’t know, do you?”
A snarl left you. “I don’t. Be lucky your dickheaded self has special privileges. If you were any other man, I would have knocked you out by now.”
Slight surprise came onto Yoongi’s face at your admission. “So why am I an exception, Y/N? Are you in love with me or something?”
His taunting only made your face heat up more and your irritation grow, digging your acrylics into his skin, taking joy in the way he winced. “What are you, a fucking psychiatrist? Either go back down on me or fuck me, Yoongi, or else my ass is leaving.”
With your threat, Yoongi’s shock disappeared, morphing into a look of apathy. “You know you won’t leave, Y/N, unless–” There went that infuriating smile again. “You don’t think you can handle me?”
A laugh came out. “I should be asking you that, baby. Maybe you won’t be able to handle me and I’ll have to tell everyone how the champ got taken down on stage and in bed.”
You were playing with fire by bringing up what started this whole mess in the first place but at this point, you were too far gone to care. It didn’t help that the ferocity in Yoongi’s eyes returned in full force at the reminder, sending a pleasant chill down your spine. Even as his grip on your neck tightened, you grinned at his low voice rasping out, “Is that so? Then I’d have to tell everyone how the rookie let me fuck her twice in one night because she’s such a greedy little slut for me.”
Lids lowering, you batted your eyelashes at him. “Then I guess we should keep this going and keep our mouths shut, hm?”
Yoongi gave a short laugh, sliding his hand around to hold the back of your neck now. “Finally, something we can agree on.”
He only let you giggle for a second before he pulled you in for a hard kiss, grunting when you moaned against him at the way his tongue invaded your mouth, the taste of your arousal now on your tastebuds. You were able to tangle your own with his for a minute until he pulled you away, letting go to grab the hem of his t-shirt, tugging it off to throw it on the ground. Your eyes traveled over his now bare body, appreciating the slight tone of his torso and the way his cock stood stiff, the head wet and flushed red. 
Yoongi crawled off the bed to walk over and rummage through his nightstand, pulling out a condom. Before he could open the packet, you swiped it from his fingers.
“Shush, let me do it.”
Grumbling, he let it slide, listening to the way his dick screamed for him to shut up and let you take over so it could get some attention. He watched as you ripped the foil open, tossing it to the floor before beginning to slide the rubber onto his length, twitching as your fingers brushed against his heated skin. Thankfully, you didn’t tease him at the reaction, removing your hands as soon as he was completely covered. But then you pointed to the bed.
“Lie down.”
“...excuse me?”
You raised a brow. “I said, lie down.”
Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. “What do you think this is? Who said you can boss me around in my own place?”
Air puffing out your nostrils at his stubbornness, you grabbed his shoulders. Using all of your strength, you turned him around before pushing him to fall onto the bed, trying not to giggle at the put-upon look on his face from that.
“Y/N, what the hell?”
“Oh, shut up–” You straddled his hips, hovering your own above his cock while your head tilted. “Don’t you want to see me on top for a bit, baby?”
Yoongi really couldn’t say no to that, picturing how your head might lean back in bliss while your breasts bounced and your ass smacked against his thighs. With a roll of his eyes, he crossed his arms behind his head, giving you an indifferent gaze. “Whatever, go nuts. I guess I can kick back since I did most of the work earlier.”
“Ugh, you’re such a dick, you know that?”
That cocky ass smirk returned. “You love it, rookie.”
Rolling your own eyes now, you reached down to grasp his cock, giving it a squeeze to spite him (the grunt he let out made you chuckle) before angling it to brush your entrance. Not wanting to hold off any longer, you began sinking down onto him, struggling to keep your eyes open as he filled you up. 
You swore when you finally got him in all the way, panting harshly. He felt different in this position, stretching you more than when he was behind you earlier. 
“Come on…” Yoongi’s gruff voice commanded you, paired with a buck of his hips. Squeaking at the motion, you narrowed your eyes before splaying your palms on his chest, using the leverage to start lifting your hips up and down. The pleasure you were denied started making a comeback, pulling soft moans from you.
Underneath you, Yoongi was starting to think that his imagination wasn’t as strong as he thought. Seeing you actually bouncing on his lap was nothing compared to the picture he conjured up in his head. Maybe he could let you ride him all the way if it meant he could come to a view like this. 
“Fuck—“ His tongue flicked out over his lips. “Look at you, riding my dick like an expert—“
You huffed out, “Yeah?”
“Mhm—“ Yoongi gave a crooked grin. “You do this often?”
“None of your—mm— business, baby.”
“Oh? Don’t be shy. You can tell me if I’m not the only one who you’re fucking—“
Yoongi was cut off by your hand around his throat, pushing his head further into the mattress with force. His eyes darted up to see you giving him a smirk, dripping with barely-disguised malice.
“Just shut up and let me fuck you, asshole.”
Although he wished he could taunt you some more, he wasn’t opposed to letting you continue and so, he kept his mouth shut. 
He figured that you would remove your hand from his neck by now but it was still wrapped tight, interfering with his breathing a bit. To his surprise, the feeling wasn’t terrible. If anything, it heightened the sensations of everything else. Yoongi was hoping to keep the discovery to himself until you clamped down on him too tight at one point, forcing a strangled groan from him as his hands came out from under his head to grip onto your hips. 
“Oh shit–”
The sudden noise and action from him caught your attention, blinking at the way his face was screwed up in restrained bliss. Your hand clenched without thinking, bringing a hitch from him and another profanity. Now your brain put two and two together, grinning shrewdly.
“Aww, does someone like getting choked?”
Yoongi refused to meet your eyes, choosing to close his own instead. “Shut up…ngh–!”
A giggle came out at his avoidance. “Wow, who knew the boss would like something like this? I thought you only liked doing it to others, guess I was wrong.”
A feral snarl came from the depths of his chest. “Y/N, shut the fuck up–”
“Or else what?” You squeezed harder, making Yoongi thrust up with more force. “You said you would let me do the work, no? So just lie there like a good sugar baby and let me–”
You forgot yourself as your mouth moved without thinking, not realizing what you had said until Yoongi’s eyes flew open, the almost black irises burning with scorn. Before you could finish your sentence, one of his hands came off your hip to give your ass a harsh slap, wrenching an intense cry from you.
He didn’t hold back on the other side, baring his teeth at how you gripped his dick and dug your nails into his chest in response. 
“What did–” Smack. “I fucking say–” Smack. “About–” Smack. “Calling me–” Smack. “That?”
“Jesus, Yoongi– Ah–!” The swats were bringing a pleasant sting to your skin, making you bury him deep inside before rolling your hips. “You said– mm– Not to call you that.”
The man underneath growled as he gripped a cheek and gave it a shake. “So now you’re just trying to piss me off on purpose.”
You couldn’t help the grin that came onto your face, leaning down closer to his. “Of course, baby–” You licked your puffy lips. “I already told you how fucking hot you are when you’re mad, didn’t I?”
Indeed, you did.
Yoongi scoffed despite the way his cock twitched at the reminder. “I’m starting to think you’re a masochist, Y/N.”
“And what if I am?”
“Then there’s no way this is enough for you right now, is it?” He asked with an expectant look.
You didn’t answer right away, trying to decide how you should go about this. Something was telling you that giving an affirmation would unleash a side of Yoongi that your body just might not be able to handle. But he did have a point. As fun as it was to ride him, you wanted to see how much more he had to give. 
Oh well, you could deal with the consequences in the morning.
“No, it’s not.”
Yoongi flashed his teeth, giving your ass one last hit. “Get off and I’ll take over, doll.”
Ignoring the logical part of your mind telling you that this was a terrible idea, you waited until he removed his hands before climbing off his lap, watching as he stood up now. He bent down and lifted you up, dropping you so you laid flat on your back in the middle of the bed. Pouting up at him from the manhandling, it was quickly wiped off when Yoongi crawled on and took one of your legs, lifting it up to bend and rest on his shoulder.
“H-Hey, what are you–”
Swallowing hard, you could only watch as he spread your other leg flat on the mattress, opening you up to him completely. Scooting closer, he took his cock in his hand, rubbing the tip against your swollen clit for a few seconds, smirking at the gasp you let out. Just when you started glaring at him, Yoongi angled himself to sink back into you once more, a guttural moan leaving his pouty lips. “Shit…”
You weren’t faring much better, his dick hitting spots in you that it wasn’t before, resulting in whines. Thankfully, he didn’t wait a minute longer to start moving once he made it in all the way, starting up a merciless rhythm that had your body bouncing in time.
“Oh God–! Y-Yoongi–”
“Ngh– This is how you like it, right?”
“Y-Yes, ah!” A deep thrust made you yelp.
Yoongi chuckled deeply, leaning down so you couldn’t look anywhere but his face. “Look at you, practically screaming for my dick. Do you ever sound like this for anyone else?”
It was hard not to shut your eyes, from pleasure or shame, you didn’t know.
“Hmph, of course. And you know why, right?”
You did. 
“Because…” Might as well go all the way. Your gaze didn’t stray from his as you looked at him with defeat. “Because I’m such a slut for you.”
The gummy smile on his face did not match with what he was doing to you right now. “That’s right, baby, glad to know you’re finally figuring it out.”
Scowling with your cheeks burning, you pulled your upright leg further back, thigh pressing to your torso. “Whatever, Yoongi, just stop messing around.”
The new angle made his breath catch, eyes darkening as he nodded. His free hand went to wrap around your neck once again, giving a light squeeze as he continued pounding into you mercilessly. The room filled with sounds of skin smacking mixed with his grunts and your moans and shrieks. So much for avoiding those noise complaints.
Yoongi kept up the brutal pace, panting harshly as he watched you reacting with intensity to his motions. Your eyes could barely stay open, only able to focus on him when they were. Your skin was drenched with sweat, sticking to his own whenever they touched. Your tits bounced with each thrust, the nipples stiff and begging for attention. He was starting to pat himself on the back for convincing you to let him on top; how could he miss out on a sight like this?
A violent swear came out of you, paired with a strong clench that threw him off for a bit.
“Shit…what is it?”
You croaked out, “I-I’m so close…” One of your hands crawled down your body to begin stroking over your clit, gritting your teeth at how sensitive it was. “Oh fuck, don’t fucking stop, Yoongi–!”
That little display paired with your words brought a sharp pang, cursing lowly as he sped his hips up.
“Damn, doll…you trying to kill me here?”
You couldn’t even respond with your own quips anymore, the pleasure starting to become maddening as you desperately chased your finish. All you could do was lie there and let the man above you help. Soon enough, a familiar tightening began forming in Yoongi’s lower stomach, leading him to focus on arriving at his own end as well.
“Fucking hell– I better feel this little cunt squeezing me soon, baby…”
A nod was all you could give, words failing you as you tightened around him again and again. Yoongi’s mouth fell open, harsh breaths falling out the closer he got to his peak. 
Your breathless gasp caught his attention. He raised a brow, only to swear when a hand came up to wrap around his wrist, pressing his hand a little more on your neck. He gave a nod in understanding, keeping the pressure up, twitching hard at the way your eyes rolled back in response. Within a couple of minutes, Yoongi started feeling the hints of you coming, tongue flicking out to wet his lips.
“Come on, Y/N–”
A broken whimper left you. Yoongi growled and leaned his head down more, baring his teeth in lust and dominance. 
“Fucking come for me right now– Be a good little slut and do it.”
Not long after he grunted out the command did you feel yourself be pushed over the edge, letting out a strangled cry as you shook fiercely underneath him.
“Oh God–! Fuck!”
Yoongi could only enjoy the sight for a few seconds before being forced to still his hips, a guttural groan releasing from his throat as his own orgasm took over his whole body. “Shit–!”
The two of you released various sounds into the room as you both came apart, the tension building up since dinner finally being released. It took some time for the sensations to subside but once they did, you slumped onto the bed. Tipping your head back as Yoongi released your neck, you gasped for much-needed air, still feeling the heat from his hold on your skin. He also lowered your leg back down before choosing to lay his body on top of yours, much to your dismay.
“Hey, get off.”
He grumbled, burying his face into your shoulder. “Quiet, gimme a second.”
You pouted. As nice as his body felt, he was heavy on your exhausted self. “Yoongi.”
“Mmh.” Growling, you moved a hand to swat him on the back of his head. “Ow!”
“Move, you’re fucking heavy!”
Yoongi brought his head up to scowl at you, rolling his eyes before removing himself from you, pulling out in the process. He flopped onto his back next to you, letting out a weary sigh. “Brat.”
“Shut up, dickhead, I’m not your personal mattress.”
He gave a noncommittal grunt, closing his eyes to get his bearings together. You took this chance to sit up and look him over. His fair skin was covered in sweat, tinted red in the fleshier sections but mainly on his chest where your nails had raked over. His mint-colored hair was in disarray, the bangs sticking to his damp forehead and exposing his furrowed brows. And lower down…
“You gonna take that off or not?”
Yoongi’s eyes cracked open, peeking at you. “Hm?”
Shaking your head, you pointed down at the soiled condom still sitting on his softening dick.
“Oh. Yeah, hold on.”
Forcing himself to sit up, Yoongi stood and walked to his bedroom door, opening it before disappearing into the hall. He returned after a minute, giving a flourish of his hands with a deadpan expression. “Ta da.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Idiot.”
Yoongi smirked lightly at that before it fell off. Now the room was silent as the two of you stared at each other, the atmosphere a little awkward now that the sex was over.
His head tilted at your soft sound. “Yeah?”
“You, uh, mind if I use your shower?”
“Oh. Uh, no, go ahead.” Motioning you to follow him, Yoongi waited until you got up. He almost ran forward when he saw you wobble for a second but was waved off when you steadied yourself. He headed back out to the hallway with you in tow, leading you into the bathroom at the end. Flicking the light on, he held his hand out to the shower. “Use whatever you need, towels are above the toilet.”
You nodded. “Thanks…”
There goes the silence again. And the staring. Jesus. Why did you have to look up at him like that? But why was he still standing here? You couldn’t bathe with him there, obviously. Before he could step out, Yoongi found his mouth working without thinking.
“Are you…are you alright, after all that?”
His words brought you out of your trance, blinking rapidly as you scrambled for an answer. “O-Oh! Yeah, I am. I told you, I’m used to the rough stuff.”
Even with the way your chest puffed out, Yoongi couldn’t stop his damn mouth again. “Are you sure? You don’t have to lie if you aren’t, my ego isn’t so fragile that I–”
A hand came up and clamped over his lips, eyes widening as he looked down into your amused face. 
“Relax, dude. Trust me, if I didn’t like any of that, I would have been gone or your ass would have been out cold on the floor.” With that, a sense of ease came over Yoongi, leading him to nod. You removed your hand, only to pat one of his cheeks with a giggle (earning a pout). “Now get out of here so I can get clean, I’ve got work in the morning.”
Of course he had to say something smart to hide that little slip up of his. “Wow, you actually work?”
It did the trick as you rolled your eyes, turning Yoongi around to push him back into the hall, shutting the door behind. He glanced at it for a second before sighing. Nothing else to do but wait for you to finish.
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You didn’t plan to take this long but Yoongi’s shower put your crappy one to shame. Not only did the warm water last longer and feel better, his showerhead had better settings, including a massaging one that did wonders for your sore muscles. You were surprised he didn’t come along to bang on the door and tell you to stop wasting his water.
Drying off with one of the towels, you wrapped it around your body and left the bathroom to walk back down to his room. “Hey, sorry it took so long. What kind of showerhead do you have–”
Your question cut off as you spotted the person you thought you were talking to fast asleep in his bed.
Yoongi had curled up under his sheets, his bare torso peeking out. His cheek was pressed down to the pillows, lips parted as he snored softly. Sighing, you walked over to the bed, eyeing him with amusement as you poked his shoulder.
“Way to fall asleep on me, jerk.”
Not even a grumble came out. Looks like he was a heavy sleeper.
Shaking your head, you removed your towel and began looking for your clothes. Once they were gathered up, you slid them back on (you remembered that your panties were practically useless now and cursed Yoongi under your breath). Making sure that you had everything on you, you turned to look at his prone form. You were debating on waking him up to let him know you were leaving until you came to your senses. 
Why should you bother? Normally, the guys you slept with wouldn’t give a damn, choosing to shoo you out of their place as soon as they got their rocks off. But Yoongi had allowed you to use his shower and even double checked on your wellbeing; you were lucky to even get a wipe from the others. The least you could do was give him a heads-up.
But he looked so peaceful…
Your eyes widened.
Oh hell no. You had to get out of here.
Making up your mind, you shot him a smile before heading back into the hall, carefully shutting the door behind you. You walked over to the front door to put your shoes on when you paused. Pursing your lips, you looked around to see if there was any paper or notebooks lying around. Spotting a nearly-empty notepad on the coffee table, you headed over to pick it up, along with the pen that was lying next to it. Taking a minute to think, you scribbled down what was in your head before setting the pad down and returning to the entrance.
Slipping your shoes on, you unlocked the door. Looking back into the apartment, you whispered with a pleased smile on your face, “Thanks, sugar baby.”
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Yoongi wasn’t someone who had trouble sleeping but when his eyes cracked open, he could tell that he had one of the best sleeps in a while. He estimated that it was somewhere between 6 to 7 AM by the faint light shining through his blinds. He was ready to turn over and go back to his slumber until he remembered just why he was so tired.
Or who made him so tired.
Sitting upright quickly, Yoongi looked down at the opposite side of his bed, surprised to see it empty. That vanished when he remembered you saying that you had to leave. Right.
How long was he out for? And why didn’t you wake him up?
Realizing there was no point in mulling it over, he sighed and stretched his arms up, wincing at the slight ache that came with it. Maybe a hot shower would help. Throwing the covers off, Yoongi stood and started heading to the door, only for his foot to catch on something on the floor. Frowning, he looked and reached down to pick the item up, eyes widening at the panties in his grasp. At least, what used to be panties.
Even though a part of him felt smug about it, his cheeks warmed at how far he had gone last night. He never got that rough in bed with previous partners but you were a special exception. Hopefully you weren’t bullshitting him when you said you were okay with the way he treated you. 
Tossing the fabric onto his bed, he made his way to his bathroom to take a much-needed shower. Once he finished, Yoongi realized that his front door was probably still unlocked. Trudging to it, he grumbled as he did the locks back up, glad that no burglar decided to target his place. He was about to head back to bed until he noticed one of his notepads sitting in the middle of the coffee table. He tilted his head as he saw writing on it.
Picking it up, he scanned over the words.
Hey Yoongi (Suga, sugar baby, etc.),
Thanks for last night, can’t remember the last time I got taken to dinner and then fucked like that lol. And thanks for letting me use your shower, it’s 10x better than my shitty one at home, you gotta tell me what kind of showerhead you’ve got. P:
Hope you slept well, was gonna wake you up but you looked so cute (for once) :D see you around in the underground but if you change your mind and want more:
Y/N (rookie, slut, etc.) <3
Yoongi stared down at the paper for a good minute before he started laughing, shoulders shaking in mirth. 
Looks like this was the start of an interesting affair.
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2022. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Life is beautiful and life is cruel. A window into the souls of the victorious and the vanquished. In a way, football did come home during the summer of 2021. Follow along Amelia’s journey, navigating the football world as a tactical analyst for the italian football team, with a brother and father part of the three lions. Will Amelia leave Italy and come back to England? Will she leave the Serie A for the Prem? Will she set aside the bianconeri stripes for new colours, leaving behind friendship for love? Maybe she can have both...
Hello my lovelies!! Part 3 sees a whole lot Amelia's beautiful brain & you get your first slice of interaction with the british boys - leading up to an all important Mykonos adventure (part 4 - out friday). As usual, please let me know your thoughts and feelings, and let me know what you want to see happen with Amelia and her story! Updates have increased to 3/week! I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!
Love always,
Steph xx
UPDATE as of 31/07: I've made some additional editing changes due to some feedback about the confusion between ben white (her brother) and ben chilwell (not her brother LOL). Nothing has been added to the story, just the addition of either surname has been added where i think it could be more straightforward - for future readers!
Part 3. | parte terza
warnings; none - just a whole lot of feels.
word count; 2081
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Friday 30/07 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven
link to fic masterlist here
It was the day after the final match and Amelia should be nursing a hangover due to the large amount of red wine she consumed with her Italian counterparts the night before. However, she finds herself at St. George’s Park before 9am, meeting one of her father’s colleagues who directs her to the recreation room that she remembers from a few days prior.
Standing outside the door, she assumed she was just waiting for her dad as agreed on the phone an hour earlier. As she was waiting, she could hear Gareth Southgate give a team talk to the players, praising them for their ability and pleading for them to bounce back from this defeat and use it to push on. The next voice she could hear was that of her father, giving them the tactical run through of the game. She listened to the points her father made, and both agreed and disagreed with some. Unexpectedly, the man sent to collect her opened the door and ushered her inside.
She stood at the back of the room, facing her dad and Gareth, whilst the team and other management staff had their backs to her. Making eye contact with her dad, he smiled slightly.
“Whilst I can offer you my opinion on the match last night, to better prepare you for the next time, there is no better opinion to learn from at this moment than that of your opponent. Amelia, would you please come up here” Dean really threw her into this situation, that again, she was not prepared for nor did she want to participate in. However, the 30+ sets of eyes that had currently turned around to stare at her didn’t exactly inspire a choice to be made here.
“Lads, this is my daughter. I taught her everything she knows, which was probably too much considering I can now recognise that it was her signature plays that the italian side used to their advantage last night. Treat her with respect, or I will let her at you. Which i’m sure you all saw a few nights ago in this very room” My dad spoke as I walked up to the front area, weaving in and around beanbags with players occupying them.
Standing in front of the Three Lions was more nerve wracking now than it had been when she was confronting her brother, maybe Fede did offer her protection as his bodyguard. Either way, she put her big girl pants on (figuratively speaking, literally she was wearing her official puma tights and Italian polo) and got on with it as if she was speaking to her team.
“Thanks Dad. Hey guys, I think the first thing I would like to say is that you’re allowed to feel exactly how you feel right now. There is no rush to ‘get over it’ or ‘push on and learn’. You need to feel this now, feel it throughout your body, understand the pain and then turn it into motivation.” I speak to the group, trying to accurately express how sincere I am to this group of heartbroken men.
“As for tactics, I can stand here and praise you for how good you really are but that's not how you are going to learn. You came into the game hard and fast.” I paused, understanding the innuendo just as it was flying out of my mouth. I pursed my lips and tried to hold my giggle in, however some of the boys seem to have the same sense of humour as I do. My brother, face of steel and eyes that burn into any man that tries to joke with me.
“Sorry, can’t help myself. So yeah, you took charge of the game from kick off and we were not ready. You had the aggression and desire to push from the start and that's what you did, Shaw, you really surprised me with that goal. Not because I didn't think you could do it but because I wasn’t anticipating you being someone we had to watch so closely.”
“Again, something you guys need to keep in mind is that it is literally my job to know everything about you and how you play the game, what foot you prefer, who you pass to, how long you hold the ball before you pass, do you like to assist or score...all of these things make a massive difference in each play we make.”
“The error you made came around the 25th minute of the game, we had settled into the game and did what we do best - we slowed you down. In Italy, in the Serie A, which is where most of my team play, the game is a lot slower. There is more skill and tactic used to ensure a favourable outcome. Again, i'm not saying you all don’t have skill, but the Prem favours pace over tactics and strategy. The only way we were going to be able to win was by making you play our game, but in your half of the pitch.”
At this point, all of their eyes are trained to me and the more senior players of the team, like Henderson, Walker, Coady, Kane, they understand what i’m trying to say. Gareth, my dad and other members of staff are sitting to one side, arms folded and a slight smile on their face at the simplicity of my approach to such an important game. I direct my next question to them.
“Can I ask - have you already selected your man of the match?”
“Off record, yes we have. Before I announce to the team who it is, can I direct the question back to you and find out who you would award it to?” Gareth poses back to me, interested to hear my opinion.
“While the obvious choices would be Kane, Sterling, Maguire - your players who perform week in week out and are consistent and no doubt deserve an award as such. I would recommend Declan Rice. Personally, he was the most instrumental in the match last night. Every time we turned to attack, he was there to stop it. He was a player I was confident that I knew the extent of his ability, when it was obvious that I didn't.”
The boys around him, Mason Mount & Ben Chilwell, offered him a gentle shove and ruffle of the hair, to show their encouragement to the bashful boy who seemed surprised at the praise he was receiving.
“The other player that I think deserves a bit of a shoutout, and not because of his hair, is Jack Grealish.” I spoke, looking around the room until we locked eyes. I wanted him to understand how serious i was about my next words.
“You are so dangerous on the ball, you are an asset as a team mate, you aren’t guilty with the ball, but you have the power behind you to score when the opportunity presents itself. The moment you were subbed on I pulled Jorginho to the side and told him to treat you like Chiellini and Bonnucci were handling Sterling and Kane. You were one of my players to watch, and for good reason”
At the end of the little session, I said thanks to the boys for listening and that I hope to see them again in a tournament. The only way to be the best is to beat the best. After a quick round of applause that made me feel more special than I am, I walked past my brother, gave him a quick ruffle of his hair and met my dad at the back. Gareth dismissed the boys and they all stood up, breaking away and grabbing some breakfast that was set up to the side of the room, for one last team meal.
“Mills!! I’ll get you an almond croissant and a coffee, come sit with me!” Walker shouted from across the room.
“Oi mate, she’s my sister not yours” Ben counters from the back of the line.
“Yeah she's your sister by blood, mine by choice.” Kyle firmly states and begins his way to one of the tables.
“I suppose i better join Kyle before he drowns everyone in his tears” i joked with the england officials i was standing with before walking over to Kyle and a few of his team mates.
“Sooo am I supposed to pretend I don’t know who you all are so you can introduce yourselves? Or do we just mutually agree that I know too much about each of you and not bring it up?” I question the boys, jokingly. They all laugh and I sit down in the space Kyle left between himself and John Stones. I sat there and got to know some of the boys on a less competitive level, working out who was a leader both on the pitch and off it. After listening to the boys joke around and just be mates, rather than teammates, I leaned over to Kyle.
“Hey, before I go, do you think you can introduce me to Bukayo? I want to speak with him for a moment.”
“Yeah sure, I'll take you over there. Why are you nervous? You've never been shy before” Kyle questioned back at me.
“I’m not nervous, I'm just hyper aware of the sensitivity of the moment. Last night would have been tough”
Saying goodbye to the boys, Kyle directed me over to a table that was sitting my brother Ben White, Kalvin, Ben Chilwell, Grealish, Saka, Sancho & Rashford.
“Hey boys, Ben, I just wanted to come say goodbye before I head off.” I directed towards my brother. He pulled up a chair and asked me to sit for 5 more minutes, claiming he deserved it after months of no contact.
“Ben here didn’t let us know he had a sister as smart as you...what happened to you Ben? Did you miss that gene?” Jack Grealish poked at my brother. With his signature scowl on his face, Ben White let his mates laugh at his expense.
“Oh don’t make fun of my brother Benny, that’s my job!” I joked back, setting the boys off again with my brother’s childhood nickname. It was nice to hear some laughter again from a side that looked so solemn the night before.
“No in all seriousness boys, I especially came over because I wanted to talk to you Bukayo - what you did was so impressive. In a final, as the last penalty taker, to take on the responsibility of the nation at the age of 19! Not many players would dare to do that. You have earned a lot of respect, particularly from the Italian camp.” I spoke with a smile on my face, directed at the young boy.
“The same goes for you two” Now looking at Sancho & Rashford.
Bukayo looked down at his hands & smiled, before getting up and walking to my side of the table. Anticipating what he was going to do next, I stood up and welcomed him with open arms. Grateful that he understood my message and was beginning to accept the praise he so deserved. Stepping back from the hug, I turned to address the group of lads one more time.
“If any of you fancy a change of pace and want to come over to the Serie A, just give me a call - Benny can give you my number!” I start to speak, before I'm cut off but my brother.
“Stop poaching my mates! I’ve already lost you to another country. I don't need to lose anyone else” He jokingly says while standing to walk me out of St. George’s Park. I know it was a joke but I can't help but think there was some truth to that.
It had been more than 3 years since I moved out of our family home to start my life in Turin, and not one moment had i regretted it or thought i made the wrong decision. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I wished I was closer to my family, but I know I had to make that move to prove to myself I am just as successful as I hoped I would be. Not saying I have learnt everything there is to learn with the Serie A giants, Juventus, but maybe it's time for a new challenge? Maybe I can bring the strategic spin on the game to the fast paced action of the premier league?
Part 4. | quarta parte
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karajaynetoday · 3 years
i'll be honest, it's better off this way | luke hemmings
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hello pals! long time no writing! i know it seems a bit weird to post a luke break up fic just after he got engaged but to be fair, I already had this in the works before the news broke yesterday, so soz not soz. It is kind of a happy break up story though... kind of? this one features lyrics from our song by niall and anne marie that are in italics throughout the piece (you know i love a song lyric incorporation lol) and i’m a bit rusty, so any feedback is welcome! a big shoutout to my dearest @notinthesameguey​ for beta-reading this one for me, you’re a gem blanca! enjoy xo
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings:  mentions of a break up and a car accident/hospitalisation (minor/non-graphic)
(This is a fem reader insert)
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
I'll be honest, I'm alright with me
Sunday mornings, in my own bedsheets
The break up with Luke had been easier than you’d first thought. It’d been months of growing apart, feeling like a stranger in your own home, before you finally worked up the nerve to utter those four words: We need to talk. He’d been spending most days and some nights in the studio, and you’d been working overtime at your job too; you were ships in the night who barely had time to say hello and goodbye, let alone have any sort of proper conversation. You’d spent an entire evening rehearsing a script in your head, and as soon as Luke walked through the door and greeted Petunia, you mustered the courage to stand up and speak your truth. 
It turned out that you weren’t alone in feeling stagnant in your relationship, and although you could feel your heart breaking as you said the words, Luke’s hand on your knee was all the gentle reassurance you needed. Just like always, even when your relationship was falling apart, Luke was there for you. And that’s what he promised, that night in the living room. It didn’t make sense for you two to become strangers overnight after 3 years together, but you also both knew that you needed space to grow and heal, and that space needed to happen sooner rather than later. 
You could tell that part of Luke wanted to fight it, wanted to raise his voice, wanted to convince you to stay. But part of Luke also knew that it was time to walk away, no matter how much his heart was feeling like it was being ripped out of his chest, because he did truly love you, and if he loved you, he’d let you go. 
Even though Luke insisted you could stay in the spare room for as long as you liked, it only took a week or so to find a new place. An apartment in KayKay’s building opened up for rent, and thanks to her help, you secured the lease and started moving in as soon as you could. Ashton accompanied you to Ikea and then helped with assembling a new bed and dining table for you, while KayKay helped unpack some of your boxes. You could tell that they were trying to be sensitive, but at the same time were desperate to know what went down in the break up, and after a few slices of pizza and half a bottle of wine, you felt the emotions rushing to the surface.
“It feels dumb to get upset, after all, I was the one who suggested we should break up.” You sniffled, smiling sadly as Ashton handed you a tissue.
“Just because it was something that needed to happen, doesn’t mean you can’t be sad about it. You two shared a lot in the time you were together, it’s only natural that it’s going to take you a while to untangle yourselves from one another and to get your head and heart back on the path that’s right for you.” KayKay spoke softly, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
You knew she was right, and the healing would come; it was all part of the rollercoaster of walking away from someone you thought was the love of your life, but had turned out not to be. Time to adjust and find some independence, and re-shape the life you found yourself in until it was the life you wanted. 
But every time I think that I can get you out my head, you never, ever let me forget
Once you’d completely moved out Luke’s house, your reasons to contact him became few and far between. A few occasional texts to advise that he’d let his family know about your split, and a link to a new cafe nearby that he thought was your kind of vibe (and it absolutely was). Everyone in your friendship group was trying their best to help you both cope, but it was hard to avoid the awkwardness that came with a break up of close friends.  
You felt like you were walking on eggshells for a while, so you started to say no to invitations out. You threw yourself into a new work project, and barely replied to any group chats. Whenever your friends called, you had the perfect script rehearsed, about how you were going to be up for promotion, and after the next month or so, you’d have plenty more time for catching up with everyone. You were fairly certain that no-one believed your story, but you were sticking to it nonetheless. You’d seen photos online of Luke out and about with various beautiful women amongst the partying crew, and even though you knew better than to torture yourself with doom-scrolling through the internet, you couldn’t help yourself. You had to keep reminding yourself that it was YOU that wanted the breakup, and that it was for the best. Or something like that.
It was coming to the end of your big project, and the entire office decided to head out for celebratory drinks. You only stayed for a couple, because after a month of overtime you were ready for bed. Your boss took you aside to assure you that the promotion was yours and the new contract would be on your desk on Monday, and as you reassured him you were excited to take on the role, a song playing over the bar’s speakers made you stop in your tracks. You’d spent many a Sunday morning dancing around the kitchen making pancakes with Luke and singing these words; something you’d completely forgotten until this moment. As you stepped outside to await your Uber, the first person you wanted to call with the news was Luke. Your fingers hovered over his name for a good few minutes before your Uber driver honked and broke you out of her trance, and you settled for texting the group chat instead to share your exciting update. Lots of confetti and heart eyes emojis started popping up alongside congratulatory messages, and you let out a giggle when you saw that Luke had sent a photo of Petunia with “congrats!” scrawled across it in purple font. It was the last thing you remembered, before the squealing of tyres and your vision going black. 
Just when I think you're gone, Hear our song on the radio
Just like that, takes me back, To the places we used to go
The rhythmic beeping of the hospital monitors was the first thing you noticed as you stirred awake. The second was a dull pain across your skull, and the third was that your arm was in a sling. Fourth was the large, warm hand that was holding your own and gently squeezing; without opening your eyes, you knew it was Luke’s. You felt too weak to say any words, so instead you tried your best to squeeze back as you slowly opened your eyes. You heard a sharp intake of breath, before Luke’s smiling face came into view.
“Hey there, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” Luke asked, reaching up to gently brush some hair out of your eyes.
“Like I was in a car accident.” You managed to croak out, shooting him a wry smile and earning a laugh in return.
“You are correct, you can pass go, and collect $200. A pretty gnarly accident, the car’s a write-off, but thankfully everyone’s injuries are relatively minor. Some dickhead ran a red light.” You could tell Luke was trying to remain calm, but under the surface he was pissed.
“Not ideal, but at least I get a few days off work.” You joked, grimacing as you tried to sit up. Luke stood and gently maneuvered your pillows to support your back and shoulders better, and you felt a zap of electricity as his hands brushed your arms in passing.
As Luke sat back in the chair next to the bed, you suddenly realised that it was just the two of you in the hospital room. 
“No offence, Hemmo, but what are you doing here? Considering we’re no longer significant others, and all…” You said awkwardly, looking down at your arm sling with sudden great interest.
“Very observant, dear. Glad to see the concussion hasn’t affected your short term memory, I was worried you’d forget me entirely. You did, however, forget to update your emergency contact details, so I guess I was first on the list for the hospital to call. Ash, KayKay and I have been taking shifts but they’re out getting food right now - “ The rest of Luke’s explanation was cut off by a gasp and a cheer at the door, signalling Ashton and KayKay’s return and subsequent delight at you being awake.
The days that followed were uncomfortable physically, but kind of heartwarming emotionally. You got home to your apartment thanks to KayKay’s assistance, and found that your friends had stocked your fridge and freezer full of ready-made meals and your favourite snacks. They’d also made a roster so not a day went by without someone popping in to check on you, although you noticed that Luke never came by. 
Your recovery was slow but steady, and soon enough the doctors gave you the all clear. At this point, it was nearly 6 months since you’d broken up with Luke, and you could feel your mindset shifting. He was no longer the first person you wanted to call with good or bad news, or the first memories that popped into your head when you needed cheering up. It almost felt like… relief? Because for the longest time, even though you knew the break up was for the best, detaching yourself from one another seemed almost in possible after so many years of so many memories. 
I've been waking up alone, I haven't thought of him for days
I'll be honest, It's better off this way
The tipping point came at Calum’s birthday party, a month or so later. Ashton had invited you out for coffee and nonchalantly mentioned that maybe, possibly, well actually extremely likely almost definitely Luke was bringing a date to the gathering at Cal’s house; a girl he’d been seeing for a month or so. Everyone wanted you to be comfortable, and everyone, Cal especially, wanted you to be there, but they also understood if you wanted to avoid any potential awkward encounters with Luke and his new love interest. You assured Ashton that it would be fine, that you honestly weren’t bothered, and laughed off his suggestion of setting you up with a super hot blind date to help level the playing field.
The night came along, and you found yourself stumbling along Calum’s front path in the dark as you tried not to drop the gift you’d bought for him (a new cookbook and a collection of various hot sauces).  “Bloody 5sos and the “no good party starts until 11pm rule”, you muttered to yourself as you almost tripped over again, and you heard an indignant shout that sounded very Ashton-like behind you.
“Oi! Don’t be mad at us, you know that rule has never let us down!” Ashton bellowed, as he came forward with his phone flashlight switched on, KayKay not too far behind him.
“Damn girl, you like fiiiiiine!” KayKay said, letting out a low whistle. You rolled your eyes, knowing she was exaggerating. Your outfit was essentially a denim skirt and a t-shirt - maybe you’d sexed it up a little bit with some thigh high boots, tousled hair and a red lip, but all’s fair in love and war, right?
The three of you made it inside, and a very tipsy Calum greeted you with open arms and a lot of excitement at your gift of hot sauce. It felt so nice to be back with all your friends at a house party, like the old days, and you found yourself stepping out onto the back patio for a moment of quiet reflection and to share some pats with Duke.
You’d exchanged a wave with Luke when you’d entered the house, but hadn’t quite worked up the confidence to go up and speak to him, especially when he had his new girl in close proximity. She looked really friendly, though, and you could tell from the spark in both of their eyes that their relationship was blossoming in the best possible way. Part of you thought you’d be upset about it, but all you truly felt was content. Content in your life as it was, surrounded by friends that loved you just as much as you loved them, and actually quite proud of how far you’d come over the past year. You’d learned to stand on your own two feet, and you’d grown into a much more settled, independent human as a result. 
You were lost in your train of thought when you heard the song change on the speakers inside. Duke’s ears perked up and he licked your hand attentively when you stopped patting him as the song registered - it was your song. Or at least, it used to be. You felt a smile creep onto your face when you remembered the Sunday mornings of pancakes and singalongs, and the smile grew wider when you saw Luke’s girlfriend dragging him onto the dancefloor, much to his (fake) protests. You made eye contact with your kind-hearted, softly-smiling, gentle-eyed ex-boyfriend, and for a split second you saw a flash of concern cross his face. In response, you raised your glass in a cheers and shot him a wink, which earned a smile and a small laugh from Luke before he turned his attention back to the beautiful girl in his arms. You took a sip, and smiled to yourself. It truly was better off this way. 
When I hear it, I just can't stop smiling, I remember you're gone
Baby, it's just a song on the radio, That we used to know
Taglist: If there’s a line through your name, I couldn’t tag you, so please message me to let me know your new URL or what the go is!   @suchalonelysunflower @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @loveroflrh @spicycal @notinthesameguey @metalandboybands @cheekysos @ashton-trash  @another-lonely-heart @queenalienscherrypie  @becihadshawn  @allthestarsandthemoon  @oyesmendes​ @andrianawinchester @333-xx  @findingliam-o @hoodhoran @rbforsmileycal @myloverboyash @myhappylittleyoutubee @saywhatnow07 @secretsicanthideanymore @ar1analara  @killmywildflower​
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Juice Ortiz x Reader
Shoutout to @bishopslosawife​ for this idea! I am...passionate about Juan Carlos Ortiz:  What if a up-and-coming MC from another state stops in town for a night to discuss business but when they don't get want they want they take something/someone important to a SONs member as a leverage against the guys? I could see Juice going all overprotective of his s/o. 😍
Warnings: blood, language, murder, kidnapping, angst
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Honestly I would kill a man for Juice and I believe that he would do the same for me haha. Enjoy! xo
Taglist?? I realize that I don’t write a whole lot for SOA and when I do it’s always been Juice lol. That being said! If you’re interested in getting tagged in any future SOA or Juice fics please let me know!
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The doors to the chapel flew open and a stream of very angry-looking men came storming out. You sat back at the bar, trying to make yourself as small as possible as most of them left the clubhouse. Once the Sons started filing out, you could see that none of them were looking overly excited about whatever had gone down during church either. Clay, Jax, and Tig were still in the chapel and you caught brief glimpses of their faces as they shut the doors once again, making it so it was just the three of them.
“Hey,” Juice appeared in front of you, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead, “it’s late, what are you still doing here?”
You smiled and shrugged, “Waiting for you. Didn’t think it was going to take so long.”
“Yea, it was a fuckin’ shitshow in there.”
“I figured. Those guys didn’t look happy.”
He chuckled, but you could see the exhaustion on his face, “They weren’t.”
You cupped his face, thumb tracing along his cheekbone for a moment, “Ready to go home?”
He nodded, leaning into your touch, “Absolutely.”
You hopped down off the barstool and pulled him with you towards the door of the clubhouse. He trailed behind you, and you let out a small yelp followed by a laugh when you felt him playfully smack your ass as you walked through the doors.
“Juan Carlos,” you feigned offence as you turned around, placing your hands on his chest, “there’s a time and a place for that.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist, “What’s wrong with here and now?”
You smiled, shaking your head as you leaned in and kissed him. His arms wrapped tighter around you, keeping you pressed flush up against him. Your hands slid up from his chest, fingers trailing lightly and quickly over his mohawk until they came to rest on the back of his neck. You could’ve stood there like that with him forever if it was possible.
He pulled his lips away from yours to catch his breath, but you could see a playful smile starting to spread across his face as he rested his forehead against yours, “I love you.”
You smiled, humming in approval, “I love you too. We gonna make it home tonight or are we crashing in your dorm?”
He laughed, nudging you towards his bike, “We’ll make it home, c’mon we can even take the bike. I’ll bring you back for your car in the morning.”
As the two of you made your way over, you heard someone call out for Juice from the opposite side of the parking lot. You both turned around, and you felt Juice’s body tense up a little bit as he stood directly in front of you, completely blocking you from whoever was talking to him.
“This ain’t over, you know,” the young man walked up to Juice, blowing out a billow of smoke as he spoke, “Better let your Pres know that.”
“Pretty sure you’re the one who should be letting him know,” Juice’s tone was even, but he kept one hand behind him, rested on your hip, “He’s still in church. Go talk to someone who actually has some sway.”
The man laughed, dropping what little was left of his cigarette on the ground between his feet and Juice’s, “Don’t say we didn’t warn you,” he looked over Juice’s shoulder and shot you a smile that was too much to be sincere, “You two have a good night.”
After the man walked off, getting onto his own bike and leaving the compound, you and Juice both let out sighs of relief. His body was still rigid as he turned back to face you, trying to search your expression to see if you were alright. You knew that things got dicey with the club—you’d had to clean Juice up on more than one occasion because of it, but it was different when you were experiencing the tension first-hand.
“You alright?” he gently cupped your face in both of his hands.
You nodded, “Yea. That was just…weird.”
“I know,” he sighed, “I’m sorry, baby, I just feel like I should probably go talk to Clay and them. You okay to drive home and I’ll meet you there in a little bit?”
“Yea, of course,” you kissed him softly on the lips, “I’ll text you when I get home. I love you.”
He smiled, “I love you too.”
He waited until you were off the lot before heading inside to talk to Jax and Clay about the brief little interaction he’d had out in the parking lot. More likely than not it was all talk, but there was never a guarantee of that.
You pulled into the gas station, mentally kicking yourself for putting off getting gas for so long. You wanted to be home but you wouldn’t have made it with what little was left in the tank. You went inside and prepaid, coming back out to the pump. You looked around as you filled your car, and everything seemed quiet.
You turned to put the nozzle back on the pump when you felt an arm wrap around your neck, a gloved hand coming to rest tightly over your mouth. Your entire body froze, and you wouldn’t have been able to try to fight or run if someone tried to pay you. The person pushed you up against your car, speaking to you in a low, harsh whisper.
“When I take my hand away, you’re not gonna scream. You’re going to get into this car and you’re going to do exactly what I tell you to, got it?”
You nodded, eyes wide with fear. When he took his hand away, though, something came over you and you let out a blood-chilling scream. The last thing you remembered was the man cursing and your head being slammed hard against the side of your car. Everything went black after that.
Juice was heading back out to his bike after talking with Jax and Clay. He hadn’t gotten any messages from you, which was a little worrying but it wouldn’t have been the first time you forgot. He dialed your number and called, figuring that if you were home and just forgot you’d pick up and the first words out of your mouth would be, “I forgot again, I’m sorry! I love you,” the way that they always were.
But there was no answer
He tried two more times and it was more of the same. Even if you had fallen asleep right away when you got home, the second or third call would’ve woken you up. He turned to head back inside when he saw Jax walking out of the clubhouse. He flagged him down.
“What’s up, brother?” Jax could see the worry on Juice’s face.
“It’s Y/N. I haven’t heard from her since she left. Tried calling and she didn’t pick up. You mind just riding with me out to her place to make sure she’s all good? It’s probably nothing but it’s not sitting right with me.”
He nodded as he clipped his helmet on, “Yea, sure thing.”
The two of them rode out to your house, and came to an empty driveway and no lights on inside. The knot in Juice’s stomach was growing as he parked his bike and hopped off of it. He yanked off his helmet, running his hand over his head as he turned back to Jax with worry all over his face.
“This isn’t right, Jax. She was coming straight home. Something must’ve happened to her.”
“Alright. Let’s think for a second here before we get too crazy.”
“What if it was that guy?” he saw the confusion on Jax’s face and elaborated, “Adam, or Aaron, or whatever the fuck his name was. The one who came up to us in the parking lot.”
He shook his head, “No way. Those guys are too green to be doing shit like that.”
“You sure about that? Gave you and Clay a run for your money during church tonight.”
The comment stung Jax’s ego a bit, but he had to admit that Juice raised a somewhat valid point. He sighed, “Alright. Call the guys, get ‘em all back to church. Let’s find this asshole and get your girl back.”
Juice immediately started calling everyone. Luckily it hadn’t been very long and everyone was more than willing to turn back around and head back to the clubhouse. Juice looked at your house as he dialed number after number, the darkness in the windows sending shots of fear up and down his spine.
Once everyone was back at the chapel, they started strategizing. They were trying to figure out where the most logical places would be for the men to have taken you, what they were going to ask for to secure your safe return. Throughout the whole thing, Juice’s eyes were glued to his phone, hoping to see your name light up the small screen of his phone.
“We can’t cave to all of their demands, though,” Clay said with a strong sense of finality.
Juice turned to look at the man sitting at the head of the table, “We’ll do whatever we fucking have to, to get her home.”
It wasn’t like him to speak that way to anyone, let alone Clay. The man shook his head, “Juice, I know that this is hitting you close to home but—”
“But nothing!” he stood up, “Not getting her back isn’t an option, Clay,” tears stung at his eyes but his anger was still apparent.
Before the argument could continue any farther, Juice’s phone buzzed on the surface of the table. His eyes went wide as he picked it up, seeing your name on the screen. He held his breath as he brought it up to his ear, “Hello?”
“Go glad you picked up, Juan Carlos,” the man chuckled.
“What the fuck did you do to—”
“She’s fine…for now. But I’m going to need you and the president of your club to agree to some things if you want to make sure she stays that way.”
“Prove it,” he snapped.
“Prove what?”
“Prove that she’s alright. How do I know that you didn’t already do something to her?”
The man chuckled but he complied. Juice heard your pained tone coming through from the other end of the line, “Juan?! Juan what the fuck is going on?”
He felt a sob locked in his throat, “Y/N, baby, we’re coming to get you, alright? You’re gonna be fine I promise.”
Neither of you got the chance to say anything more before you heard the man’s voice on the other end of the line again. “There’s your proof. Your president knows what needs to happen if you’re going to see her again. You have two hours to meet our terms or you’re never going to see your girlfriend ever again.”
“I swear to god if you fucking hurt her—” he didn’t get to finish the sentence before the man hung up on him. He shook his head, slamming his fist against the table, “Fuck!”
He stormed out of the chapel and came flying back in a minute later, laptop tucked under his arm. He sat down heavily in his chair before opening the computer and pulling up numerous windows. The guys looked on in silence, knowing that they had nothing to offer him at this point.
Jax looked over his shoulder, “What’re you doing?”
“Getting a trace on her phone’s GPS.”
“She doesn’t use the burners?”
Juice shook his head, like it was the most obvious answer in the world, “No, she doesn’t have to because she’s not a fucking criminal,” he sighed as his fingers flew across the keyboard, “I’m willing to bet that these guys were too stupid to think about that, though.”
The couple of minutes of silence while the computer programs tracked her phone seemed to stretch on for an eternity. They all looked back and forth among themselves, hoping they were going to get the answers that they wanted. After what felt like hours, they were rewarded with a quick beeping sound.
Juice immediately started rattling off the address to the entire room. He was already walking towards the chapel doors as the rest of them tried to piece together where exactly they were going.
“Abandoned warehouses out off the main drag behind the old logging place,” Juice said as he continued to leave.
They nodded, impressed that he knew it off the top of his head like that. His brain was working overtime, though. Anything to keep you safe. The guys followed him, grabbing their guns as they went. They had no idea what they were walking into but they were going to be prepared.
Juice didn’t bother waiting for the rest of the club. He was fully prepared to go into this entire situation alone despite the fact that he knew he wouldn’t have to. He sped out of the lot, forcing the rest of them to play catchup. His mind was reeling and all he knew was that he couldn’t lose you. you were the one thing that he got right and he wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. No matter what it took, you were getting home safely.
He rolled into the lot, followed shortly by the rest of the MC. They all got off their bikes, getting their weapons ready. There were a few buildings to choose from, and Juice was looking to see if any of them had any signs of life in them.
“Middle one, top window,” Opie broke the silence, nodding towards the building he was talking about.
Juice looked, and he was a mixture of relieved and anxious when he saw that Opie was right. At least it meant that you were there. He just hoped that they weren’t too late.
“Hey,” Jax’s voice was quiet, but firm, “you shouldn’t be the first one in on this.”
“Fuck that,” he shook his head, refusing to be benched for this.
“You’re angry. Angry makes you stupid and stupid gets you killed. You can’t be lead on this.”
Juice stood toe-to-toe with the VP, “You can’t fucking stop me.”
He wasn’t yelling, but he didn’t need to raise his voice. His tone and the look in his eyes communicated everything. Jax sighed, nodding in defeat. If the roles were reversed, he knew he would be doing the same thing. Juice pushed past him and went towards the building, a few of the guys trailing close behind while a few more waited back in case anyone tried to leave.
They were silent as they entered the building, straining their ears to pick up on any noise. There was a mild clamoring coming from up the stairs. Juice turned to see Jax and Opie behind him, nodding for him to continue onward, that they had his back. With as little noise as possible they made their way up the stairs.
The door at the top was slightly ajar, light streaming through the crack. They could hear the laughter of the men who had you, but they couldn’t hear you. Juice’s heart was pounding inside his chest. He glanced back, using his fingers to count down before kicking the door completely open and storming in with Jax and Opie right on his heels.
The sight of you bound to a chair and gagged was enough to make Juice see red for a few moments. Tears were streaming down your face and he could see the fear in your eyes, the cut on your forehead caked in dried blood.
They all had guns pointed at each other, but your kidnappers were outnumbered two to three. And judging by the look in Juice’s eyes, he had enough rage in him for a few people.
Still, your captors forged onward like they were going to win this, “We told you this wasn’t over.”
Juice scoffed, cocking his gun, “You don’t let her go, the bullshit you have going on with Clay is going to be the least of your fucking problems. Believe me.” He could see you shaking your head, trying to urge him to stop and not make the situation worse, but he was too angry, “Let her go. She has nothing to do with this shit."
The man pressed his gun against your temple and you cried against the gag in your mouth, shutting your eyes tight. He laughed, “I’d lower that gun now if I were you.”
He shook his head, “You think you’re going to best the three of us?”
“You willing to bet her life on the fact that we won’t?”
The seconds of silence that followed felt never-ending. You still had your eyes shut tight, unable to force yourself to open them and take in the scene in front of you. If it ended badly, you didn’t want the last thing you saw to be something horrid.
The man pushed the gun harder against your temple and you winced as he spoke, “What’s it gonna be, then?”
There was another brief moment of silence but it was short-lived as the sound of gunshots filled the room. You cried, trying to make yourself as small as possible in the chair that you were in. You still couldn’t force yourself to open your eyes, knowing that the warm substance that just splattered across your face was blood and you didn’t want to know who it belonged to.
You felt someone pull at the gag in your mouth, and quickly cutting through the binds around your arms and legs. There was a hand softly put to your cheek, and the only thing that got you to open your eyes was the sound of Juice’s voice saying your name.
He was crouched in front of you, hand resting gently on your cheek as he waited for you to say or do something to indicate whether or not you were hurt. You couldn’t force any words out, so instead you leaned forward into him, head burying in the crook of his neck as you sobbed. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tight to him.
He cradled the back of your head in his hand, “It’s okay, you’re okay.” He turned back to Jax and Opie, “Go let the guys know what went down,” he paused, waiting for Jax to meet his eyes, “And tell Clay that he solves this shit tonight or I fucking will.”
You heard the sounds of their footsteps retreating out of the room. Juice pulled back from you so he could get a better look at you. You saw that you had smeared blood all over his neck and shirt. He saw the way your eyes went wide at the sight of it and instantly tilted your chin up so you were forced to look him in the eyes.
“Don’t even worry about that, alright?” his voice was soft, tears in his eyes as he looked at you, “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
You shook your head, finally making yourself speak, “No, nothing aside from my head.”
He let out a sigh of relief, “Thank god. I’m so sorry, Y/N. You never should have gotten caught up in this shit.”
“What’s gonna happen with…” your voice trailed off as you looked around the room, the carnage made your stomach turn.
Juice shook his head, “Don’t worry about that. It’ll all be taken care of,” he kissed you softly on the lips, “Let’s get you home and cleaned up. You able to ride?”
You nodded, “Yea, yea I’ll be okay.”
He scooped you up and carried you down the stairs of the warehouse. You clung tightly to him, you gripped his shirt harder than necessary, just needing the sensation of knowing that he was really there holding you. You buried your face against him, tears leaking out of your eyes and onto his neck and shirt. You heard the murmuring of the rest of the club as the two of you walked out of the warehouse, but you didn’t have the mental wherewithal to lift your head to look at or talk to any of them. In reality, you hardly heard what Juice was saying to them as he carried you over to his bike.
He gently placed his helmet onto your head and buckled it for you. He traced his thumb along your cheekbone, eyes filled with tears and love, and you wondered how he could still look at you like that when you had blood splattered across your face.
“I love you,” his voice was hardly a whisper.
“I love you too,” you practically melted into his touch.
He hopped on the bike in front of you and started to pull away. You wrapped your arms around his waist and settled against his back, shutting your eyes as you did. The only things you wanted to concentrate were the sound of his bike, the feeling of his body heat seeping from his back into your chest, and the thought of taking a shower and lying down in bed with him once you both got home. You let out a shaky breath as you squeezed your arms around him tighter for a moment, more thankful than ever that it was something that you were able to do.
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ndiecity · 3 years
idk ur still doing the confessions thing but anyway. it's not really wild or anything, i just needed to get it off my chest lol (you can ignore this if you want this gets pretty long and confusing i think so buckle up)
also shoutout to the 6th grade anon, i had a similar 6th grade exp. middle schoolers are the worst. i literally had little no friend AND was bullied lol.
anyway there was this one girl in my class that was like a sorta popular girl i was friends with. so during 6th grade, i had no friends except for her (i dont think she saw me as a friend tho or were even friends in the first place?? idk) and i would always crave her attention. i didn't know i had a crush on her i think.
(side note: i would rate the girls in my class based on how pretty and nice to me they are, (i think i put her on 2nd lol))
so then whenever she was absent for the day i would feel sad and all that shit. whenever she was around i always do anything to please her or make her think im cool or something (i was not cool, i was a loser). we would talk endlessly on messenger, talking abt random shit, how shitty her mom was, how shitty my mom was etc. one time during our first class for the day (which was about 5am i think) she was acting weird, i asked her about it, she said her stomach hurt. so me, being all lovesick and shit gave her my lunch ( i didn't have lunch money and only had sandwiches lol) when she thanked me for it, and said she felt better, i felt so proud. idk i just felt so happy then
fast forward to end of 6th grade, we were graduating. by that i mean transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade. anyway. so we graduated, kept in touch, still messaged her on messenger, and then school got in the way and my phone got taken away cuz i failed sum classes in the 2nd quarter. never had it back since. so we didnt talk for about 4 years.
so back in 2020, my parents got me a laptop for school, and i made a new mess. acc. i reached out to her again. we talked, talked abt shitty moms, i found out she's bi and i told her im a lesbian. after a few days i asked her if she'd ever had a gf or bf or whatever (like the idiot i was) and said she didnt have to answer if she didnt want to obvi. she said yes she's had bf's before. i said, cool. then she asked me why i was asking i told her i was just curious.
then came out of nowhere, she said, "wanna try?" so then my brain shut off and i didnt reply for minutes then she just sent a "haha"
and she was like, "oh sorry was that weird? sorry😬"
but i said it was fine and shit. we didnt talk about it for about a day.
then we were talking again and i was like, "so this is gonna sound weird but do you ever like, like someone and would want a romantic relationship with them but wouldn't like, mind being their friend instead? like youre in the middle?"
and she said "yeah, i have" so then i was like "oh cool, cool"
then she asked, "why? have you?" and i said yes.
then she asked who. and my brain shut off again lmaoo so i was just like "you" the speech bubble appeared multiple times lmao then i followed up with like, "sorry! that was weird! please just forget about it!"
then she was like, "no no, it's fine. i feel the same way" (and i beliived it. how naive was i?)
so then i was like, "really?? cool cool cool" (im a really awkward person okay)
then after a few minutes of talking again (you know when you're like flirting as a joke but then it's not a joke anymore? lol) she was like, "so wanna be my gf?"
my brain shut off again. i didnt answer for a few minutes cuz my brain was dead. then she was like, "um was that too fast? that was too fast sorryy"
by the time i read that my hand was shaking lmaoo (from nervousness or shock i dont know) so i hastily replied with, "nah its fine. i would love too" after overthinking it and shit
does dating count when your just talking over text? what is dating????
anyway we flirt a lot, saying goodnight, i love you's and shit. she said i was her first gf, i said she was my first relationship and what not. i was genuinely happy. i had a person who understood me, and liked me, and i was happy. she even said she saved my bday on her phone
so then like about a week and a before my bday was when shits started to go down.
i messaged her, said a quick goodmorning cuz i had classes and how i wanted to kill myself and shit like that (dont worry, im not actively suicidal and she already knew this) she replied and i quote "Good morning, love. I love you."
then like after classes, i messaged her, asked how her day was, told her about my day etc. i waited about an hour. (she doesnt typically reply for about 10 - 15 minutes cuz duh she does have a more eventful life than mine) so i thought none of it. thought she was just busy. so it was nighttime and still no word from her. so i said good night and wished for her to be safe.
morning came, i checked my messages, still nothing, she didnt even see it yet. i went on with my day thinking nothing of it. told myself she might have some problems at home and all that. by the 3rd day, i was pretty anxious and i couldnt think properly. my brain conjuring up scenarios where her mom found out, and her phone got taken away. anything just to convince myself what the dreaded truth was.
it was the 5th day was when i gave up. i saw she changed her pfp, and captioned it like she would normally caption it. replied to the comments, that kind of shit. so then i was so mad by then so i commented too. ofc she didnt reply. i spent days worrying over her safety, when in reality she's just an asshole. and i really thought she really like me you know? i really thought she'd at least considered me as her friend, i guess not
my bday came, we had a party but i wasn't really feeling it ya know? by then i'd already spent the past week crying myself to sleep. no one noticed a thing.
a few months ago i saw she had a bf, and by that time i already felt like my old self again, no longer the broken pathetic shell she left. i was back to square one. so i cried again.
present day, i still see her posts, her ig stories, (i dont think she blocked me). and i cant bring myself to block her either. like idk on one hand i'm so mad that she just left me hanging, that her relationship with her new bf lasted longer than we were together and on the other i knew if she ever reached out again, i would latch on to every inch of her. (that's probably bad lol)
anyway have a nice day/afternoon/night!!!! i hope i havent troubled you too much lol sorry!
Damn that's a lot to take in, I'm sorry 😔
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
Promotion - (duke leto atredies x fem!reader)
A/N: holy shit this one took me forever and im so happy to be done with it lol. big shoutout to my best bud cass for forcing me to finish this mf. i needed to get all my pent up love for oscar and his beautiful beard out of my system so here ya go. sorry mom. (and cass) :’)
also idk shit about dune so im sorry if this is wildly inaccurate, im just really out here vibin and being in love with oscar’s beard dont come for me please
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: ahahaha *cracks knuckles* alright SO first off this is pwp, NSWF, 18+, mature, not for children, etc. I stg if you’re under age and read this shit im gonna slap you. so they have sex surprise surprise, holding of an orgasm, kind of a dom x sub dynamic but not really, oral sex (m giving f recieving), orgasm (both m and f), oscar isaac needs his own warning who are we kidding.
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(not sure who the GIF is by but if i had to guess i would say ms. taylor over at @/damerondjarin
The sound of your boots clacking on the heavy gray floor resounded through the towering hallways as you walked. Chewing on the meat of your lip helped to focus your racing mind. Your eyes were cast towards the dark slate of the floor and you almost missed the turn into Duke Leto's throne room.
Pausing a moment to force your thumping heart to calm itself, you faced the great stone laden door. You blinked a few times and steadied the hands jittering at your sides. Taking a deep breath, you pushed your way through the door.
A long roll of velvet struck the room creating a divide that seemed to originate from it's heart. A throne sat in the center of the room, it's legs and top decorated with rare jewels from the depths of Arrakis. A chill wafted over you and as soon as your boots met the pristine velvet you knelt, honoring the man watching from his jeweled perch.
"You asked for me, Duke Leto?" You asked, your voice barely more than a whisper.
The man stood from his throne, pushing forcefully off of the arms as he did.
You could hear his boots on the cushioned velvet as they made their way towards you but you dared not to look up, lest he find your gaze distasteful.
His grey boots stopped in front of your own and he cleared his throat. "Stand."
You swallowed and rose from your kneeling position, making sure to avert your eyes from Leto. The muscle in your chest held back it's beating as you waited in anxiety for the Duke's next move.
He moved from in front of you to stroll around your figure, his pace leisurely; although his words were anything but. "I appointed you to lead my 45th Battalion" His voice was stoic, withheld.
Your breathing intensified. "Yes, my lord."
Leto stopped beside you and leaned so that his mouth was mere inches from your ear. "I have been watching you." He said, his voice tickling the hairs on your cheek.
You snapped your eyes shut and forced yourself to focus on his words and not the warmth building in your abdomen. Your lungs kept up their nervous pumping.
"You have to be the most talented Lieutenant Colonel I have ever had under my command." Gently, he reached a hand from behind his back to meet your cheek. "I would like to show you my gratitude. If you'll let me. I have heard tell of your feelings for me." The pads of his fingers pressed softly on your skin and your eyes fluttered at the contact.
You could feel your core begin to throb against the fabric of your underwear, the first embers of a future fire. As his thumb ran over them, your lips parted under his touch.
'Heard tell? How did he hear about how I feel? Who did I even tell?' You asked yourself. The questions were soon pushed from your mind as Leto's eyes fell from yours to the fullness of your lips.
Leto could feel your breath on his thumb and the warmth of it made his heart quicken. His dark eyes trained on your lips, searching the depths of you for the passion he saw on the battlefield, the unwavering beauty he could see even in the midst of a crisis. Leto grit his teeth and slipped his thumb past your soft lips and into the warmth of your mouth.
Unsure at first, you moved slowly and drug your tongue around his thumb in timid circles.
Leto's eyes burned as you teased him and you could see his jaw clenching beneath his graying beard.
You began to suck on the thumb and moved a hand to clench the top of your thigh, vying to redirect the burning in your lower half.
Leto closed his eyes and swallowed before blinking them back open and pulling his thumb from your mouth. He let his thumb drag down your chin, leaving a wet steak behind. With both hands, he held your face just as softly as he had before, the pressure so light against you that you could barely feel it. The Duke's eyes flicked from your lips to your eyes and you could see his chest thumping quickly. His lips parted and his eyes bore into you so intensely you wanted to whimper, but you fought to hold your composure. The training this very man had given you shielding you from a loss of control.
Graciously, Leto moved his lips to yours and pulled softly. His beard was long enough to be soft against your face, tickling your cheeks and chin as you moved with him. The tips of his fingers dug into your face a bit stronger now, just enough to set your core ablaze.
You gasped softly as his tongue pressed against your bottom lip. Opening your mouth, you swirled your tongue around his own, dancing dutifully beside him.
He moved one of his hands from your face to your back now, pressing against you with an open palm.
Your chest gently pressed against his and you wrapped an arm around his neck. The smell of him, cinnamon and vetiver, flowed through your nose and created an enlightened feeling in your mind.
Duke Leto moved his hand from your back down to your waist. His fingers squeezed around your hip bone and elicited a small whimper from you. The sound of it vibrating on his lips and tongue.
Your hips jerked in his grasp, colliding gently with his own and the pressure of his half-hard dick tingled around the beating in your core.
He pulled away from your kiss, but not your arms and said, his voice now coated with lust, "Would you like to continue this in my chambers?"
Looking up at him through your eyelashes and a soft smile playing on your lips, you answered, "Yes, my lord."
Duke Leto took part of his lip under his teeth and shook his head as he looked over your form hungrily. "Follow me, Lieutenant." He turned from you, his lips puffed and red from your pulling on them and began to walk back through the throne room door.
You followed him obediently, the heat of your core hovering over your legs.
Leto walked with quickened footsteps up a flight of stairs and, when you reached the uppermost part of the home, he unlocked and opened a rather ordinary looking door to reveal his own personal chambers.
You followed him inside and tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
Duke shut the door behind you and drug his fingertips slowly from the small of your back around to hold your hips in his big hands. His eyes, their depths overwhelming, held you in their grasp so tightly you felt as if you were unable to move. Leto moved his mouth to nestle in the crook of your neck and he sucked on the skin there tenderly.
Your head instinctively lolled backwards and your eyebrows pursed as you moaned softly. An animalistic need began to rear it's head within you, a need that only the man in front of you would be able to completely satisfy.
The Duke moved one of his hands to cup the back of your head.
You wrapped one of your arms around his neck and the other worked into his hair, pulling the grey curls softly.
He trailed his lips up from your neck to your jawline and finally met your lips once more. When your lips met for the second time, his touch was laced with fire. The passion in his kiss burned hot against the inside of your cheeks and tickled your tongue. His hand on the back of your head moved to support your neck as he pressed his lips into you harder than before. His tongue darting and weaving quickly in your mouth. The man pressed his hips to yours, his now fully hardened dick rubbing against your trembling vagina.
You moaned, louder this time, and did not resist as he walked you backwards so that your back was flat against his chamber wall. You sucked in air at the contact of the cool wall with your back and Leto chuckled on your lips.
He kissed you hungrily and his hands wandered up to the fasten on your top. "Can I take this off?" He whispered.
You began to tremble, your mind already whirring faster than your body. Breathless, you answered, "Yes, my lord."
Duke smiled softly and worked to undo the top fully, allowing his fingertips to drag down your bare arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. "You're trembling, Lieutenant." Leto whispered, his eyebrows pulled tight. He held the top still in his grasp as his eyes searched your face.
"It's nothing." You lied. The beating in your core was becoming deafening.
"Are you sure you want me to continue?" He asked again, his voice soft.
"Yes, my lord."
"Call me Duke when we're like this." The man whispered, moving slowly to kiss you again.
"Yes, my lord." You teased in between his lips and gasps for air.
The man chuckled low in his throat and worked the top the rest of the way off of you.
Your chest rattled wildly as you tried to focus your mind on Leto's unrelenting grasp on your mouth. His pace was dizzying and the firm grip on your hips was now slipping upwards to rest just under your breasts, his thumbs moving gently across the fabric of your bra. You moaned as his fingers found their way to your back and began to wrestle with the bra clasp. Timidly, you reached a hand out to the fasten on his shirt.
"Can I take this off, my l-" You paused and chuckled. "Duke?"
The man's eyes now rumbling and burning with passion, bore into yours and his mouth tweaked upwards in a half smile. "Very good. You may."
You blushed at his praise and stood on your tip toes to place kisses on Duke Leto's neck. His stubble scratched your lips as you worked on the fasten of his shirt.
Leto unhooked your bra clasp and slowly drug his fingertips up from the fabric to the tips of your shoulders and down your arms as he pulled the bra from you.
A shiver ran down your back and awakened the hairs on the back of your neck.
He gently pressed his palms to the sides of your breasts and moved his big thumbs over your erect nipples.
You moaned on his neck and began to pull his shirt off of his broad shoulders. As it slid, so did your bra, and the two garmets intermingled as they fell; wrapping you and the Duke together until real life called for you once more.
"What do you want me to call you when we're like this?" Leto asked, his voice gravelly and dark. He began to kiss a trail from the base of your neck to the space in between your breasts.
Your head lolled backwards to set against the cool stone wall behind you. "Call me whatever you want, my lord. Just don't stop."
The man's hands tightened around your breasts and he chuckled, the exhaling air a welcome presence on your skin. "I told you to call me Duke, Lieutenant."
"I'm s-s-sorry." Your breath caught as Leto moved his lips to your hardened nipples. His beard scratched against the reeling skin there and tickled as he moved.
He moved to the other nipple, sucking gently and using his teeth to scrape gently. "I'll have to punish you now."
Your hand squeezed into the meat of his shoulder. "Whatever you want, Duke."
His mouth pulled harder on your nipple and he reached a hand to the opposite one, toying and massaging it.
You moaned and tried to stifle it by biting your lip. You reached a hand out to clench his graying curls. The growing chorus in your abdomen was swelling with bravado now, it's sound ringing in your ears and chittering down your arms. You closed your eyes, the feeling of his mouth and hands almost completely overwhelming. "Duke, please..." You breathed, your chest catching.
"Please what?" He teased, his tongue drawing tantalizing circles around the point of your breast.
"I-" His fingers pulled hard on your nipple and you gasped. "It's too much, I need you...please."
Leto moaned on your skin and gave your nipple one last bite before rushing to take your bottoms off of you, ripping and damaging the fabric as he did.
You jerked as his hands brushed over your throbbing core, your body made alive by Leto's touch.
The Duke yanked your bottoms down your hips and dropped them to the floor below. His eyes never left yours as his hands worked your underwear down and off of your figure. He stood and let his eyes wander over your body, his tongue flicking over his lips as he did, and then whispered, "Lay on the bed."
Your breath quickened and you rushed to the bed in the middle of the room. You crawled up to rest against the pillows at the head of the mattress and bit your lips. Courage surging through you, you cast your eyes up to met Leto's.
The depth sitting behind his dark eyes called to you, wordlessly pulling you towards himself. As the Duke moved closer, his form strong and demanding, you felt like prey ensnared by a master hunter. A causality of ignorance.
Leto ran his hands up your bare legs and rested his open palms on your hips. His fingerprints burned on your skin, sending flames through your throbbing core.
Your abdomen seized at his squeezing, causing your hips to jerk towards him.
The Duke smirked and ran his hands from your hip bones to the inside of your thighs, pushing them apart gently.
You swallowed and you could hear the thumping of your heartbeat in your ears.
His breath was warm against your exposed folds, tickling and awakening them carefully. Moving slowly, Leto ran two of his fingers around the outline of your folds, touching you so gently it tickled. His eyes burned into yours, the passion behind them threatening to overwhelm you.
You dropped your head to the pillow and let out an exasperated moan.
Leto's hand moved from your folds to push against your thighs. He moved them so that your knees rested up close to your face and almost too gently, he pulled the lips of your vagina in his mouth. His beard tickled all over the heightened skin and sent trails of sparks through your body.
You cooed and reached a hand into his thick grey hair.
The man licked in between the lips now, a thick stripe up the length of you and a quick tease of your clit with his nose.
You moaned and licked your lips. Your eyes clenched closed and your breath left you.
The Duke reached up your torso to take your hand, squeezing it tightly as he buried his tongue fully into you, slurping and teasing in erotic patterns.
You moaned aloud now, the sound filling up the room above the ungodly sounds of your wetness and the Duke's tongue.
With his free hand, he began to push overwhelming circles into your aching clit.
You exclaimed and it came out strangled. Your legs jerked away from him and he momentarily moved his hands to pull you back towards him.
His beard rubbed against your sensitive skin, adding to the growing fire within you. He resumed toying with your clitoris and his tongue lapped hurriedly at your entrance.
Subconsciously, you ground your hips into his mouth and he pulled away at your pushing. "Stay still if you want me to eat you, Lieutenant."
You whined and nodded, "Yes, my lord."
Leto chuckled, ran his tongue over his lips, your slick still covering his mouth and beard. "You don't listen, do you?" His hands ran up your torso to your hardened nipples.  "I'll have to punish you now." He growled, positioning his mouth over your dripping core. His hands pulled and twisted as his mouth dug hungrily into your slick folds.
You yelled and felt the walls within you clench around nothing. Try as you might, you couldn't stop your thighs from pushing away from him.
His touch was not as forgiving this time, pulling your thighs forcefully back to his lips and wasting no time licking hasty circles around your throbbing clitoris.
You moaned and reached out to the sheets of the bed for support, curling your fingers into them tightly.
Heat was building within you and you could feel it pushing against your back, moving you up and off the bed. You moaned loudly and bit the inside of your lip.
"Don't stop." You said in between heaving breaths.
Leto chuckled and you cried out in pleasure. He continued his barrage on your folds, the pleasure growing so immense it threatened to boil over.
One of your hands wrapped itself in his hair and the other clawed at the bed sheets. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum..." You cooed.
The Duke hummed and sat back up, pulling his mouth from your throbbing vagina.
You exclaimed in annoyance and discomfort. "What are you doing?" Your breath came out ragged as you sat up to look him in the eyes.
"I told you I have to punish you." The man whispered. He ran his thick hands down the tops of your legs, squeezing when he got to the knees.
You groaned, half in annoyance and half in pleasure and threw your head back to the pillow. Looking back up at Leto, you could see a growing bulge in his bottoms, the fabric tight against his body.
"Let me touch you, Duke." You whispered, realizing that the request seemed too intense as it rolled off your tongue. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and raised one eyebrow higher than the other. "Please?"
The man shook his head no and leaned towards you again. His hand reached to grip your jaw softly. "I'm not done with you yet."
You breathing picked up as you looked over his features. Always so guarded, so stoic, calculating.
Duke met your lips with his own gently, his grip on your face relaxing.
You whined into his mouth. The insurmountable tenderness he was showing you threatened to overwhelm you. Kissing him harder now, you moved one hand to caress his face and the other to run over the growing bulge in his pants.
Leto hissed as you palmed him, the touch unexpected. He moved your hand off of him and then brought both of your hands above your head. He held them there with his hand as he finished the kiss.
"Keep your hands right here. You move them and your punishment lasts longer." He instructed. His eyes looked into yours with gravity, his heavy eyebrows seeming to divide his face.
You nodded yes and closed your eyes.
Leto ran his hands down your sides to your hips once more. He pushed your legs up and re-positioned himself above your dripping cunt. Meeting your eyes with his own, he licked a thick stripe up your slick folds and whipped his nose back and forth across your throbbing bud.
You yelped and clenched your fingers together.
Duke slipped two of his fingers into your entrance and began to move them back and forth slowly; dragging the pads of his fingers across every ridge he could find.
You clenched your eyes shut and grit your teeth. You tried to moan his name but your brain couldn't push your pleasure aside long enough to form the word.
Leto moved his mouth now to the inside of your thigh. He sucked on your burning skin with force, pinching so hard a bruise was sure to appear in the morning.
The fire smoldering in your core began to ignite and you couldn't help the tendrils of it from crackling down your back. You arched against the bed and let out an animalistic moan.
Leto moved to your other thigh, bruising and pinching the skin there too. His free hand moved up to tease your engorged clit, his thumb dragging slow circles around it. Building with speed and intensity.
Your thighs began to clench and unclench, readying your body for the orgasm creeping up your spine.
Leto noticed your body and the building tension around his fingers. He removed his fingers from you, slipped them into his own mouth and then said, "You taste so good, Lieutenant." He unfastened his bottoms and pulled them down his legs. He took his hardened dick out of his underwear and pumped it in his hand, the head glistening and weeping for you.
Your eyebrows furrowed and you flopped back down on the bed. You reached a hand to tease your clit, the sight of him pushing another wave of pleasure through you.
"Not yet." Duke scolded, the last 't' getting stuck in between his teeth.
You cried out, frustration consuming you.
Leto pushed his underwear off his body and then ran his erection up and down your folds and pushed himself against your clit softly.
You cooed and ran a hand through your hair.
The Duke leaned over you and pressed his hot mouth to your collarbone, sucking just as he had between your thighs, with passion and intensity. His teeth bit at your skin, sending ripples of pleasure through you.
"Everyone is going to know who's you are." He whispered on your skin. He kissed a trail up to your neck and bit there again, pulling the skin tightly between his teeth.
"Fuck..." You breathed, fantasizing about how you would have to explain the marks to everyone who asked.
His cock twitched against your folds, the absolutely filthy sound of your skin against his filled the room. "You're gonna cum so hard for me, aren't you, Lieutenant?"
You whined and your chest pressed against his as your back left the mattress. You nodded and replied, "Yes, Duke."
"Move to your hands and knees." He commanded, his dark eyes focused on yours.
You nodded yes and shifted your body so that your ass sat on display before him.
Leto growled as he ran his hands down your back and over the curve of your ass. He clenched the meat of you tightly and smacked one of your cheeks.
You yelped and jerked back at the unexpected movement.
Duke pulled on your hips and moved you back to him, pressing your ass against his hips. He licked his fingers and ran them up and down your slick folds.
"Duke, please..." You moaned, your head hanging limply towards the bed underneath you.
"You want me to fuck you, Lieutenant? Huh? You want me inside you?" He teased, his tone low and guttural. He pushed the tip of his dick up and down your folds, but kept it just far enough from your entrance that he still denied you the friction you so desired.
You cried out, "Yes, god, please, fuck me Duke, please."
The man's big hands guided himself into you; finally.
"Jesus, fuck..." You whined.
Leto moved into you slowly, your walls stretching to accommodate him. He bottomed out as his hands ran over your ass and stopped to clench around your waist. The man growled at the feeling of you completely absorbing him. He reached up and tangled his hands in your hair. He pulled on your hair softly; the ache in your scalp forcing your back to sit up and meet his.
Your breath came out in short spurts, the rhythm of Leto's thrusts pushing the air out of you.
His body moved cautiously inside of you, testing how far he could thrust and how intensely he could push. He wrapped his hands around your body and landed on your breasts. His fingers twisted harshly on your nipples and you could feel his teeth biting into your shoulder.
You bounced up and down on him, the pressure of your combined efforts building quickly inside you. You moaned his name and threw your head back on his shoulder. ]
Leto grabbed both of your arms in his hands and pulled you closer to him. He pressed soft kisses on your face, his beard scratching at your overstimulated skin. He picked up the speed of his thrusts now, his breath coming out ragged and pointed over your skin.
You cried out and fell against Duke's grasp on your arms, the pleasure curling within you forcing your body to weaken. You could feel yourself clenching around him methodically, your body just waiting on the cusp of pleasure for so long it trembled, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Leto could feel you becoming weak for him and he took it as a cue to push you over the edge. He moved one leg up from his knees and let your body fall forward. He held your sides gently but rutted into you with more passion than you knew was possible from one man.
You exclaimed, tears pricking at the sides of your vision. You could feel the pressure within you building, pressing against the inside of your skin, a grenade about to explode. "Please, Leto, please let me cum." You begged, all the professionalism and aloofness you had walked in with gone.  You reached a hand down to tease your clit as he answered, "You wanna cum? You wanna gush all over me, huh?"
You moaned and let your head hang limply before you. Your hand picked up it's pace on your beating nub. "Yes, Leto, please."
The Duke behind you let out several uncharacteristically passionate moans and you could feel his cock twitching inside you. "I get to cum first, Lieutenant." He chuckled to himself.
You could feel him shooting his seed into you, the streams hot and thick inside your walls. Your body began to shake, unable to contain the pleasure for one more moment.
"Fuck, cum all over me baby, shake for me." He coaxed you.
As soon as the words fell out of his mouth, your body fell limply against Duke's grasp, your entire body trembling. Your mouth fell open, but no sound emitted. The muscle in your head seized, sending shooting pain through your mind. Your arms and legs clenched, rendering you limp. You could feel your walls squeezing around him and he thrust a few more times lazily to help you come down. You let out a few staccatoed yelps and then regained enough consciousness to blink yourself back into the present moment. Your breath returned now, soft and warm inside your chest. You fell from Duke's grasp and onto the bed, your eyes dangerously heavy.
Leto moved to lay beside you, dragging his fingertips across the line of your body. He yanked the blanket out from under the both of you and threw half of it over your naked body. He worked his arm underneath your neck and then pushed a strand of your hair back behind your ear.
"Holy shit." You breathed out.
Leto chuckled, the lines around his eyes pushing together. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Probably your best work yet, Lieutenant."
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DUKE LETO TAGLIST: @yougottakeeponkeepinon​
GENERAL TAGLIST: @softly-sad​ @mcolbz14​
What did you think? I really hope you enjoyed reading my work. Just your liking / re-blogging it means a lot. If you have a moment, I would love to hear your thoughts! Tell me what you think via my ask box or a comment always warms my heart!! Thank you again for reading!
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Want to be kept in the loop? Let me know so I can put your handle in my taglist form. Right now, I’m writing for Poe Dameron, Duke Leto, Santi, Shara x Kes, and Din Djarin, but I have plans to expand my SW character list, and eventually add in my favorites from the MCU as well.
Thanks again for reading! Sending love! -hai
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cali-holland · 4 years
Risky Quizness- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Requested by Anon: meeting tom at one of the pub quizzes he goes to at his local pub, he and his mates need more people on their team to sign up, so they asks you and a couple of your friends to join, you and him connect. Xxoo
Prompt: When you meet Tom at a pub quiz, sparks fly between the two of you.
Word Count: 1800
A/N: Huge shoutout to @saysomethingspiderman​ for being a major help with this one. I’m hella American and never experienced a pub quiz before lol aka brits dont hate me for this
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Damn it.” Tom muttered, looking at his phone with a frown.
“What?” Harrison asked, sitting next to him at the table with their two pints.
“Harry just texted me. He’s sick.” He replied. “And Sam’s with his girlfriend and you know mum would never let me take Paddy.”
“So it’s just us then?” The blond let out a sigh.
Pub quizzes weren’t much fun with two people. Normally, they’d go with Tuwaine, Harry, and Sam- sometimes even Sam’s girlfriend would tag along, but Tuwaine had a family thing come up, and now the twins had bailed.
“We could always try to find someone to join our team? Right?” Tom offered weakly, and his friend shrugged.
“We’d have to find people willing to actually join us.” He stated and Tom nodded. The pub was already filling up with hopefuls for the pub quiz, there was no way they’d find others to team up with them-
“You can’t do a pub quiz with two people! It just doesn’t work like that!” You let out a frustrated groan as you passed by Tom’s table with your friend. And just like that, a light bulb went off in Tom’s head as he jumped after you.
“Hey, wait!” He called out and you and your friend paused, turning to him skeptically as you held your drinks.
“You only have two people for the quiz? My mate and I are also a team of two. Did- did you want to, maybe, join us?” Tom asked, realizing how stupid it sounded to ask that out loud- to ask a couple strangers to be on his team for a pub quiz. Your friend looked at you and you contemplated it for a moment.
“Sure, but we better win.” You stated, following a triumphant Tom back to his table (much to Harrison’s surprise). You sat down in an empty chair, leaving one open between you and Harrison, and Tom slid into it. 
“I’m Tom, and this is Harrison.” He introduced the two of them.
“Y/N, this is Jess.” You replied with a smile. The quizmaster quickly made his way around the pub, handing out a sheet of paper to each of the teams.
“What should our name be?” Tom asked, looking at the paper in front of him.
“Risky Quizness.” You said simply and Jess let out a laugh beside you.
“Risky Quizness?” Tom and Harrison both repeated, and you nodded.
“Every time we’ve used that name, we’ve won the pub quiz.” You stated.
“That’s because the only time we’ve won it was our name!” Jess added, and you rolled your eyes at her.
“We still won. Maybe we wouldn’t have been second last time if our name was Risky Quizness, not Universally Challenged.” You picked up the pencil from the table and grabbed the paper from in front of Tom.
“Risky Quizness, like the Tom Cruise movie?” Tom asked you, a small smile on his face.
“I’m writing it!” You announced and Jess groaned, but the boys just laughed.
“In case you couldn’t tell, she runs the quiz.” She teased.
“Shove off.” You groaned, “I’m competitive.”
“How many of these have you won?” Tom inquired. He honestly wasn’t sure how well he and Harrison would do with their usual team; by the end of the night, he would have always had enough beers to be a bit hazy on how many he actually knew on his own. He wanted to do well though because who didn’t love winning? And he also may have wanted to impress you a little.
“Just the one.” You mumbled, not wanting to fully admit it, “But we keep coming in second. There’s this group at our usual place called Let’s Get Quizzical and they win every single time. So we’re here in hopes that they won’t be.”
“What about you two?” Your friend asked.
“We’ve won a few times, but honestly, I don’t remember if I got any of them right.” He laughed.
“So, it’s up to you then, blondie.” You joked, and Harrison smiled with a grimace. “You two are lucky you’re attractive.”
Before either could respond, the quizmaster began to speak, announcing the general knowledge round. Some were easy questions like name the longest river in the U.K., complete the line from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” (which you knew immediately), and how many hearts does an octopus have (that one you and Harrison got in a heated debate about whether it was two or eight, when Jess stepped in as the marine biologist to tell you it was three). 
The next couple rounds went by smoothly, the four of you working together to make sure you got the right answers. By the time you were on the final round, the movies round, you felt fairly confident that your answers were like 90% right (you still weren’t sure if you trusted Tom and Harrison in saying that the DeLorean in Back to the Future had to hit 88 to time travel because you definitely thought it was 85 like the year the first movie came out).
“Which Star Wars character gets namechecked in Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom?” The quizmaster asked, making the four of you pause.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that movie.” Harrison stated.
“Yoda?” Tom suggested, thinking it was a fairly iconic Star Wars character.
“It’s Obi-Wan.” You said as you wrote down the answer. “I just watched the movie like two days ago, and trust me, you’re not missing out if you haven’t seen it.”
“Two hours I’ll never get back.” Jess shook her head with a sigh.
“That bad?” Tom asked and you both nodded.
“The worst.” You shuddered just thinking about it. 
Though that question stumped Tom and Harrison, it wasn’t until the last question of the round that you really didn’t know the answer.
“Last question. This sequel film is the 10th highest grossing superhero movie of all time.” The quizmaster read off the question, and you turned to the rest of your team, unsure of the right answer.
“I don’t know? Captain America?” You asked, wracking your brain for any good superhero sequel films you’d seen. You watched Harrison try to nudge Tom inconspicuously, who was blushing beside you. He mumbled something to you, but you couldn’t hear it at all. “What movie?”
“Uh, Spider-Man: Far From Home.” He spoke up louder, the blush on his cheeks darkening as he shot Harrison a glare.
“Oh, right, never saw that.” You replied, and Tom laughed nervously.
“You really never saw it?” He asked.
“Nope.” You shook your head, “I don’t even think I saw the first one, honestly. Not that big of a Spider-Man fan.” As you wrote down the answer Tom had given you, you missed him sending a look back to his friend, trying his best not to be slightly offended by your words.
“You should watch them. They’re really good movies.” Tom said with an encouraging smile when you looked back up at him, ignoring Harrison’s kick under the table. It wasn’t until then that he realized you had absolutely no clue who he was, and it was the best thing ever for him; you were treating him like just another random guy who invited you to join his pub quiz team.
The quizmaster announced the end of the quiz, and everyone went over their answers. Much to your familiar disappointment, your team ended up second again.
“Maybe, it’s just you.” Tom teased you as Harrison and Jess went to go get more drinks.
“Rude.” You playfully scoffed, though you were still a bit upset by the loss. “Maybe if you had known that Wisconsin was the dairy state then we would have won.”
“You didn’t even know that one!” He refuted. It was true- the American geography round just about wiped your team out. Tom shifted a bit closer to you, leaning on his arm, flexing it almost, “So you think you’ll be back at this pub for next week?”
“I think I could be convinced to return.” You replied slyly. Before Tom could ask for your number, you already had your phone unlocked, sliding it over to him. “Here.”
“You already knew.” He chuckled, handing you his phone in return. You both typed in your numbers and switched phones back.
“That one Spider-Man question. How did you know that?” You asked, thinking back to all the sigh’s the erupted throughout the pub when the answer was revealed- most had gotten it wrong, so how did Tom know so quickly that he was right?
“I just know.” Tom shrugged in an effort to play it off.
“You know off the top of your head the 10th highest grossing superhero movie of all time?” You eyed him suspiciously.
“They said it was a sequel, so it had to be either that or Incredibles 2.” He joked, but you weren’t too amused. He leaned in closer to you, creating an intimate distance between your two faces, “Can I tell you a secret?”
“What, are you Spider-Man or something?” You asked teasingly, but his smile never faltered.
“Yeah, I am.” Tom replied. You laughed before you realized the complete seriousness in his voice and his face.
“Seriously?” You managed through a fit of laughter.
“I really am! And you said you didn’t like my movie.” He teased.
“I said I never saw it.” You corrected him. “That has to be cheating for it to be your movie as the answer.”
“No, it definitely isn’t.” He shook his head with a laugh.
“How much did it gross? How much?” You asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him jokingly, “You check the box office daily, don’t you?”
“I do not!” He protested, chuckling, “And it made over a billion, thank you very much.”
“Did you drop your pants for that to happen or something?” You quipped, and his face heated up. You gasped, “You didn’t!”
“It was just for one scene and I had my underwear on!” Tom insisted, “You’d know that if you saw the film.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll watch it- both of them.” You laughed.
“How about I quiz you on them next week?” He joked, and you groaned.
“No, that means I’d have to pay attention.”
“Fine, I won’t quiz you on them on one condition.” Tom rested a hand on the back of your chair, leaning in closer to you. You raised your eyebrows at him, telling him wordlessly to continue, “Go on a date with me?”
You nodded, laughing as you spoke, “Yes, but I gotta say, I really thought you were going to make me watch your own movie with you.”
“Trust me, darling, we can do that, too.”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​ @hellomoveonby​ @heyitsshrez
Tom Tag List: @quaksonhehe​
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Wild Child
Characters: Miguel Galindo x black!reader
Summary: Miguel can’t control his free spirited wife.
Warnings: Its filthy. I tried to put some plot in it but its barely there lol.
WC: 4.1K
A/N: I hit a couple of birds with this one stone. First its a request from @darlingcherrybomb-Can I have 11 & 15 w/ Miguel Galindo plz??? thank you :) and this is also my submission for my 2K Follower Celebration and Bad Bitch Challenge. The song I’m using is Hood Rat Shit. Also shoutout to @starrynite7114​ for indulging me!
Prompts are bolded
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When Miguel Galindo started dating you no one really batted an eye. They simply thought the businessman/cartel boss was going through a mid-life crisis and wanted some young pretty thing on his arm. But when he slipped that engagement ring on your finger and made an honest woman out of you, everyone had questions. You were Santo Padre’s resident wild child.
If it wasn’t the Mayans causing trouble, then it was you. Growing up the Reyes family was your next-door neighbors and that instantly made EZ and Angel your best friends. Even as a child Angel was charismatic and that easily made you look up to him. Everything he did, you tried to do. That earned you the nickname, Angelita. If you could’ve joined the club, you would’ve.
So how you ended up married to Miguel was a mystery. Sure, you cleaned up nice and despite your wild ways you had a respectable job, but you still were considered as riff raff, nothing but a damn troublemaker.
Where everyone saw a crazy party girl, Miguel saw an independent uninhibited woman. Someone unafraid to speak their mind and can hold their own in this cutthroat world. Someone who could handle all of him. Someone who humbled him and made him enjoy the simpler things in life.
Although, he loved you, you were a fucking headache. Your free spirit didn’t sit well with the confines of his lifestyle. Any chance you got you ditched the bodyguards. Upscale lounges? Nah, you loved the dive bars. There’s a Mayans party? You’re there. Dress like you’re a powerful businessman’s wife? Nope can do. You were allergic to designer and preferred jeans and leggings.  Being driven around town? No thank you, you were a speed demon. As you and your friends love to say, “You’re ain’t nothing but a hoodrat hoodrat, hoochie mama.”
Like tonight, he specifically told you he didn’t want you hanging out at the clubhouse because he heard some rumblings of trouble with another MC. But of course, you didn’t listen. It was EZ’s patch party and you were gonna celebrate with your boys.
“Run me my money, Medina!” You folded your hand in the ‘gimme’ motion.
“Aren’t you already rich?” He asked, slapping the twenties in your hand.
Angel busted out laughing and nudged Medina with his shoulder. “We told you not to play her. I told you she’s vicious. Don’t ever fall for the puppy dog eyes.”
Everyone joined in at Medina’s lost. At this point most Mayans in the Santo Padre charter and other charters knew not to play pool with you or at least not to underestimate you, so finding someone not privy to to your skills was delightful.
Throughout the night, your goal was to set EZ up with Gabby and not just for a one-night stand. He desperately needed someone else to focus on instead of Emily. Currently, you were outside at a table with your crew: Coco, Gilly, EZ, and Angel.
“Just go talk to her.” You urged your best friend.
“Yeah, for some crazy ass reason she likes you.” Angel slapped the back of his brother’s head.
Tracing your finger along his arm, you pointed out the evidence. “It’s this damn vein that always making an appearance.”
Coco sat back in amazement. “That shit really turn y’all on? Simple stuff like that? One time I had a chick obsessed with my fingers. She got turned on whenever I held a cig. I thought she was into some freaky ass shit.” The whole table erupted into laughter. For Coco to be so experienced, he was clueless.
Taking his hand in yours, you began tracing his fingers and inspecting. “Oh ok, I see you Coco Cruz. These shits are veiny, long, and thick as fuck. Yeah, homegirl was obsessed!”
“But why, chiquita?” Coco flicked you on the nose.
“Do you not finger bitches, Cruz? These are prefect candidates for fingering. Like dude, when I see, Miguel’s fingers wrapped around a glass, I get all wet and tingly inside.”
If you were paying attention, then you would’ve noticed how quiet all the guys gotten. It wasn’t until Coco slyly slipped his hand out of your grasp that you felt a presence. “He’s behind me, isn’t he?”
“Yup, Angelita!” Angel hooked his arm around your neck and ruffled your hair. A gesture that didn’t bother Miguel. He understood the familial dynamic you had with the Reyes brothers.
“Hey babe!” You smiled at him like you didn’t just disobeyed him by showing up at this party.
Miguel gave you a small smirk. It was his way of telling you he was pissed off, but he wasn’t going to show it in front of company. “Sweetheart,” he kissed you on top of your head. “I’m going to talk to Obispo and then we’re leaving.” His tone told you there was no room for arguments.
Miguel left you to go to talk to Bishop and give you some time to tell your friends goodbye. Marcus stood by you as he watched boss leave. “Angelita, do you ever stay out of trouble?” He patted your back and kissed your temple.
You held your chin as if you were in deep thought. “Mmm, nope. Its too much fun not to.”
“We should’ve nicknamed you little Diabla.” Gilly joked.
“Screw you, Gilly!”
“No, that’s your husband’s job and by the way you’ll be walking like Bambi for the next week will be proof enough.” You slapped Angel upside the head, but the only further his laughing. They all loved to tease you when you got in trouble with Miguel.
You didn’t have time to quip back, because Miguel came back done with his conversation with Bishop and from the looks of it, Bishop got some bad news. Hopefully, none of it had anything to do with you.
When you got in the car the partition was already rolled up, a big red flag that you were in trouble. “Sooooo, what did you talk to Bishop about? He looked upset.”
Miguel cut his eyes to you before he looked back out the window. “That other MC was on the way to the clubhouse to shoot up the place. I handled it when I was on the way. Just dumb luck we stumbled onto them.”
“Wowwww,” you blew a raspberry and widen your eyes as saucers. You hated when he was right, it knocked down all your objections. “Lucky that you were on the way then, huh?” You gave him a nervous smile and scratched the back of your head.
“Lucky?” He repeated the word with venom. “You could’ve died!”
“But I didn’t!”
“You disobeyed me!”
It was true, you didn’t listen, but everything worked out in the end. “I know but-”
One of Miguel’s hand grasped your throat hard enough to make breathing a little harder, but not enough to hurt you. He pressed his face against to the side of yours, harshly breathing against your ear. “No buts- you deliberately disobeyed me and if it wasn’t for me coming to get your bratty ass, you would’ve been dead!”
“Miguel, I’m sorry.”
With his other hand, Miguel shoved his hand down your pants. “Oh, you’re about to be sorry, mi vida. I’ll show you what these fingers can do.” His fingers pushed your panties to the side and explored all your wetness. “Shit! You’re loving this, you dirty little slut. I bet if I wanted to, you’d let me finger you in front of all your little Mayan friends.”
You began riding his fingers as he fucked into you. It was too much not to move. Miguel was an expert in your pleasure and knew how to set you off in minutes if that’s what he wanted, and it appeared he wanted you to suffer. “Miguel, pleaseeeeee.” You pleaded with him, grabbing onto his wrist for support.
“Hmm, please what, querida?” He licked the side of your face then pulled your earlobe in between his teeth. “Dime que quieres. (Tell me what you want.)”
“I want to cum. Please Miguel.” You pecked at his lips giving him the chance to devour your lips. “If you want to cum, you’re gonna have to do it yourself.” Miguel murmured against your lips.
Miguel kept his fingers still as you rolled your hips. It wasn’t the same as him pumping his fingers in and out, but you knew there was one way you could get him to participate once again. Keeping your eyes on Miguel, you wet your fingers and let them find your clit. Not even one rub in and Miguel had his hand around your wrist. “Who told you that you could touch what’s mine?”
You bent down and whispered by his ear. “If it was yours, I would be cumming by now.”
Miguel growled and began furiously fingering you and rubbing your clit with his thumb. “Fucking brat! I better not hear any crying from you tonight talking about its too much. You’re taking everything I’m giving you.”
He wasn’t taking it easy on you anymore. Miguel pumped into you as fast as he could while suckling kisses along your shoulder up to his neck. “Te amo, mi vida. But if you ever do something that stupid again, I won’t have any problems locking your ass up.”
Your lips met Miguel’s for a searing kiss. “I love you too, Miguel.”
Taking some of your hair, Miguel moved it to the other side and kissed your neck. “Now cum all over my fingers.”
Your body immediately responded to Miguel’s command, making you leak onto the seat. That sight almost made Miguel unhinged, but he contained himself. The things he had planned for you couldn’t be executed in the back of a car. So, he allowed you to rest until you got back home, where he could teach you a lesson or two about obedience.
The thing about certain lessons with you was that they weren’t long-lasting. There was something that always drew you back to your rebellious ways. Tonight, was girl’s night and you were on your way out the door when you heard Miguel’s voice. “Go change.”
You stopped in your tracks and looked back at your husband sitting with Marcus and Nestor. “Excuse me?” Nestor rubbed his hand over his face and Marcus lowly chuckled. Looks like it was about to be an interesting night in the Galindo household.
Miguel put down the report he was reading and focused his eyes on you. “I said go change, mi amor.”
You knew this was a risqué outfit, but you thought if you walked fast enough, Miguel wouldn’t notice. “What’s wrong with this?” You asked, pretending like you damn well didn’t know what was wrong.
The chair scraped against the floor as Miguel backed out of the chair. He surrounded you as a predator inspecting his prey. A lion chomping at the bits to get to his meal. “You are not wearing that out. I will rip it off you. Now go change or you won’t see your friends until the next girls’ night.” He pulled the strap of your top, letting it slap against your skin. As you turned to go up the stairs, Miguel smacked your ass for his victory. It wasn’t very often that he easily won your compliance.
When you came back down, Miguel was much more appeased with your outfit. A simple flowy black tank top replaced the corset bodysuit you had on earlier. He genuinely wished you a good time as you left. Miguel knew that with a couple of drinks in you, you would be primed for some nasty sex later. Little did he know that you had your original top in your purse and had plans to ditch the bodyguards.
A little later that night, Miguel, Nestor, and Marcus went out to a restaurant to take a break from the tedious work. Nestor excused himself from the table when he got a call from the security team. Miguel flagged the waitress down when he saw Nestor pinched the bridge of his nose. It was the same thing he did when he heard you were up to no good. “She ditched the bodyguards?”
Nestor pulled out his phone to show Miguel a video. “Yeah and is having the time of her life.” Miguel grimaced as he fixed his suit jacket. “Let’s go get my wife before I have to fill my church pew.”
The lounge you and your girls went to was nice at first, but after the first round of expensive watered-down drinks all of you were ready to go. Especially, since the music wasn’t danceable to. It was $2 everything at one of your old haunts, so that’s where you went. They had the best mix of current and old hits, having everyone vibing.
With all the drinks being $2 and very strong, you were easily drunk enough not to have a care in the world. Unsurprisingly though you were the most coherent (drinking with bikers would do that to you). So, you knew that you shouldn’t have gotten on top of the bar, but you couldn’t give one flying fuck. What was Miguel gonna do? Put you on his church pew? Please, one bash of these eyelashes and you’d be out of trouble.
The dj began playing a set of Megan thee Stallion and you were in your zone. You and your friends were providing entertainment as y’all screamed the lyrics out.
I want to do it ‘cause it’s fun
It’s fun to bad things
(Hood rat shit)
Drive into a car (Ahh)
Didi you know you could perhaps kill somebody?
Yes, but I wanted to do hood rat stuff with my friends.
Instantly, you and your friends got into your Megan squats and twerked just like the song told y’all. Its been so long since you did it that you almost got scared that your knees would buckle.
Hood rat shit (Huh) with my hood rat friends
Everywhere we go (Ayy) we be drinking Hen
Shake that ass, shake that ass, bitch, bounce that shit (Ayy, yeah)
If you weren’t so caught up, you would’ve felt the air in the room change. You would’ve felt the oxygen leave the room, making it harder to breath. You would’ve stopped making random people drive the boat while they had a great view of your cleavage due to your corset bodysuit that you secretly changed back into.
It wasn’t until you felt that overwhelming presence that you noticed your husband next to you. He rested his elbow on the bar and held his chin in his hand smiling up at you. “Oh, hi honey. Funny seeing you here.” You greeted him. Miguel couldn’t reach your hand, so he started rubbing on your ankle. “No, its funny seeing you here in that,” he nodded at your corset. “What happened to your other shirt?” There was no good answer, so instead you bent down and rapped the lyrics to Miguel, playfully having your fingers in his face.
You ain’t from my hood (Huh)
What you doing round here? (Hey)
Asking all them questions (Huh)
You must be the Feds (Ayy)
Better get from round here
Before you wind up dead (Yeah)
The corner of Miguel’s mouth quirked up as he patiently waited for the song to be over. Despite how mad he was, he enjoyed seeing you have fun with just the simple things. And it wasn’t from youthfulness, but from a good heart. That’s what made him love you. The only things you needed was your friends, family, and good times, and you reminded him that was important.  
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“Yup,” you took his offered hand and jumped down from the bar. He draped your leather jacket over your shoulders and zipped it up. “Really?” Your eyes dipped down to your chest. Miguel cupped your cheek before he kissed it. “Yes, really. Now let’s leave before I have to shoot someone for ogling you too long.” Quickly, you exited the bar. There was no need for anyone to die because of you.
On the way back to your house, Miguel didn’t reveal how pissed he was. He just kept a possessive hand on your denim clad thigh and discussed his plans for the week. He didn’t go into gory detail, but just enough to prepare you for how busy he would be. That was practically a warning. With him being pissed about your activities tonight and pair that with his busy schedule, let’s just say your glad you’ve been focused on your flexibility and stamina.
Finally, at home, the both of you told Nestor and Marcus good night. You headed for your room, but Miguel gripped the back of your neck tightly and steered you to the playroom down the hall. Miguel specifically used this room when he planned to fuck you for hours. Dear lord, this was gonna be a long night.
You knew better than to speak as he sets up the room. Standing stark still you watched as he lit candles, turned on the fairy lights, and set the LED lights a mix of blue and purple. Miguel loved how the blue hue reflected off your brown skin. It highlighted every single thing he loved about you.
When he was finished setting the ambiance, Miguel circled around you until he was standing directly behind you. He said nothing as his hands went to the button of your jeans. His warm breath caressed your neck like a hug, his hands setting fire to your skin as he pulled down your jeans.
A yelp escaped your lips when you felt Miguel’s teeth scrape against your ass. Done with what you were for sure knew were gonna leave marks, Miguel ran his nose along your ass until he reached the crook of your neck. He dug his fingers into your ass while his teeth dug into your shoulder. The pain was welcoming, making you quiver all over.
“Hands behind your back.” Miguel ordered. Soon, you felt the cuffs around your wrists and then the sensation was felt around your ankles as well. “Stay here.” He whispered against your ear.
You watched Miguel swagger to what you called the ‘sex couch’, it was curved to accommodate your bodies, specifically for adult activities. He sat down, legs all wide and inviting while he loosened his collar. Crooking his fingers, he told you to come here.
The heels you were wearing made you the perfect height that Miguel’s face was directly at your navel. He pressed a light kiss there, then he reached up to your shoulders to push you down on your knees.
Unzipping his pants, he pulled out his cock and you were instantly hypnotized. Honestly, Miguel should just whip it out all the time when he wants you to do something. You’ll listen to him…momentarily.
“Aren’t you gonna take off your clothes?” You inquired.
Miguel wrapped his hand around your hair. “No, at least one of us needs to know how to dress. Now, suck my dick. It ain’t gonna suck itself.” Out of nowhere, he pulled out a cigar, lit it and began smoking it, his way of dismissing you.
There was no way you were gonna tease him. From the tension in his body you knew he would snap at any moment. Your mouth engulfed his length, only getting a couple of bobs in until Miguel roughly pushed your head into his crotch and pummeling your mouth with his cock. All of him took up the room in your throat, but it didn’t bother you. You loved that it was you making those moans come out of Miguel’s mouth.
He granted you a little reprieve and let you up for some air. He took one more puff of his cigar before putting it out. His hands went to your corset to pull your breasts out and for a moment he fondles them with interest until he slapped them and twisted the nipples. “Dressed like a fucking whore! Letting everyone see your tits. I should’ve fucked you right on that bar. No one would’ve stopped me.” Miguel’s hand was now around your throat and he pulled you towards his face. “Would you have let me fucked you there? Hmm, be my little whore?”
“Yes daddy! Whatever you want to do to me, you can.”
His other hand found your hair again. “Huh, you’re giving me permission? I know I can do whatever the fuck I want to you because you’re mines. The only one who seems not know this is you. Can’t follow simple fucking instructions. Is it that hard to listen to me?”
“Then why don’t you listen?”
The brat in you just had to jump out, you smiled up at him like a madwoman before responding. “Because it’s fun and I enjoy doing hood rat shit.”
Miguel finally snapped. With unknown strength he ripped your bodysuit off your body and threw you onto your stomach on the couch, securing your ankle cuffs to the locks on the couch. Miguel didn’t bother to take off his clothes, you could feel the fabric of his Armani slacks as he pushed into you.
Even though it was about Miguel’s pleasure, it was about yours as well. Every one of his thrust got you closer to your end, but you wanted more. You wanted to touch your husband, you wanted your lips to leave the same marks he was leaving, you wanted to look him in the eye as he called you a slut, whore, and everything in between. “Daddy turn me around. I want to look at you.” You pleaded.
Miguel hips stuttered a bit, he couldn’t believe what his ears just heard. Leaning forward, his clothed chest was against your naked back. “Did you just give me an order? You think you can just get what you want?”
He couldn’t see your doe eyes, but he could hear the sickeningly sweet babied tone you use on him whenever you want something. “Yes, because I’m your baby girl.”
“Be careful what you wish for, baby girl.” Miguel flipped you over, his hand flew to your throat as he thrusted into you. He loved how you tightened around him when his hand found its permeant place on your neck. “So, fucking responsive to me. Tell me how much you love this cock.”
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“I love it so much, daddy. I wish you could be in me every minute of the day” you gasped in between thrusts.
Miguel hovered over you and smoothed your hair. “How sweet, kitten.” He mocked you, then spat in your mouth and smeared it over your face, before shoving four of his fingers in your mouth. He chuckled at how your eyes widen. “What? I thought you wanted to look at me?”
You tried to say something, but your words were muffled by his fingers. “Hmm, what was that whore?” Miguel took his fingers out so he could hear you clearly. “Can I cum, daddy? Pretty please.”
Miguel couldn’t deny you anymore. “Since you asked so nicely, you can.” His thumb reached for you clit and rubbed on it until your legs were shaking and your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, but Miguel wanted your eyes on him. He grabbed the back of your neck and rested your forehead on his. “Look at me when you cum!” Once your eyes connected, Miguel reached his own orgasm and coated your walls with white hot cum.
In an instant, Miguel released the cuffs and carried you to the bed while giving you reassuring kisses and declarations of love. Despite your protests, he left to go get the both of you some water and towels to clean up. While he was gone you reached out for your phone that Miguel conveniently placed for you.
You: Sorry, guys I won’t be able to make it to our ride tomorrow. Raincheck?
Angel: I told y’all! I knew Galindo was gonna fuck her up for that outfit.
Coco: Damn! He broke you off that bad?
You: No, he broke me off that good!
You: Blame Dumbass #1 and Dumbass #2. Now am I gonna get a raincheck?
EZ: Yes, you will, Angelita. GN.
Knowing that the guys weren’t going to be mad at the fact that you weren’t going tomorrow, you silenced your phone, ignoring whatever argument they would no doubt get into. Instead you waited for your husband to return to continue breaking you off for the rest of the night.
Tagging: @starrynite7114​ @marvelmaree​ @thickemadame​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @chaneajoyyy​ @angrythingstarlight​ @sadeyesgf​ @teakturn​ @dearsamcrobae​ @strawberrywritings​
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Ft. Tendou, Kenma, Daishou, & Aran
Part 1 | Part 2 🩸 Part 3 🩸 Part 4 🩸 Part 5 🩸
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Ojiro Aran -
A Pretty AF Princess👑👸
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this hubby-material, absolutely perfect creation of a man has a royal kink. It’s not up for debate! 
argue with your mother if you disagree
Not in some crazy cocky sense where he thinks he’s royalty or something...
It’s moreso that he literally sees you as his princess already..... and treats you like it—even though you two have only been on a handful of dates!!! 
Where you wore cute and casual outfits only. 
Sooooo when you’re dressed as how this boy actually sees you....mannnnnnnnn
Aran Ojiro is all: 😦😦‘s and 🥺🥺🥺🥺’s
and a whole lotta 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩’s
Be prepared for him to shower you with compliments and attention, god damn 
At the Olympic Team’s sober bar hop yall go to, Aran’s telling you how beautiful you look and how much a crown on your head suits you every half an hour 
It puts butterflies in your stomach every time.
He’s dressed as a Prince to match you (which you had to beg him to wear because he doesn’t like the attention) and the entire night your new boo thing was treating you so sweetly 
Kissing your hand, holding you bridal style through door frames, bowing to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 the whole nine yards
The twins, Bokuto, and even Sakusa kept making fun of him for being so simpy
But the man didn’t care lmao! he kept speaking over the boys when they chirped him, yelling at them that they are FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK TO YOUR MAJESTY WITHOUT ROYAL PERMISSION 💀
You couldn’t stop blushing, even though you were shy... you secretly felt like you were on cloud nine by the way he was being with you, honestly 
You thought the dates couldn’t get better but here we are.
“Ojiro..........” You blushed as you watch the guy you’re seeing and falling in love with Oop— press his plump and soft lips to you hand again.
“Hm?” He asks, opening them and looking up at you through his long lashes. He never removed your hand from his lips. You swooned even harder as your heart pounded, looking away. You tried again. 
“Umm.... you’re just being so kind treating me like this all night even though your friends are making fun of you, and you say it’s because I am your Princess but.... you do know that YOU’RE the one that gives off a Royal vibes, right?! Your entire aura and the way you carry yourself—even when I first met you—screams King. Plus everyone says it. That’s why people keep saying how much your costume fits you. You’re Like........” You gave yourself a beat to think. “—-you’re like the kind and gentle Prince who takes over his father’s throne and changes all the mean laws that were there.... then takes the peasant girl for his wife because he only cares about true love. That would totally be you. You’re like, amazing, Ojiro.” 
You were still looking away from your crush when you finished, immediately wanting to sink in a hole caused by utter embarrassment. 
What am I, a damn Disney narrator?🙄, you thought pathetically. 
Aran studied your features when you said all of this, his eyes softening. As soon as you were done speaking, he romantically pressed his lips against your hand again and then brought your hand down between you two, holding it. 
Next, he gently turned your chin with his free hand so that you were facing him, and so that you could see the sincerity in his eyes. 
You whimpered from the intensity you saw there. 
“Y/N,” Ojiro began in his gentle-king voice. 
“I could really go on with a monologue right now about how you carry yourself the same way you just described for me—like a Princess who overtakes her father’s throne and denounces any preexisting closed minded laws, then decides to give the humble baker—that’s me, a shot at a life of euphoria with you...... but I’ll save that for another time....” he paused, and you swore that you would never forgive yourself if the tears you were feeling decided to fall and ruin this moment. 
“No! It’s you, Ojiro. I’m not even close. You’re so perfect and—“ A handsome smirk graced Aran’s handsome face, making your butterflies explode. Somehow looking at that smirk you just knew that he could tell you were holding back tears with everything in you, so, being the modern Prince he is, Aran came to your tear-saving rescue. He lightened the voice, effectively lightening the mood; but his eyes remained just as intense. He chuckled cutely before explaining the reason behind the intensity. 
“Okay well uhh, hey, if you insist on calling me a Prince.... Then... as my first order of duty 👑, I’d like to ask you, my fair maiden, if would consider being so kind as to call this Prince: your new boyfriend? I mean—damn—sorry, did they even use that term back then?!” 
Your heart bursted, practically springing out of your chest:
Not Prince Eric, not Prince Charming and not even Flynn fucking Rider had anything on how amazing this Prince was! 
Your emotions bubbled over, letting out giggles that sounded just like a real Disney Princess’. 
“Yes, Aran!” You exclaimed, lunging forward to hug him. Aran laughed brilliantly, thanking you. 
You just basked yourself in this ending: Not knowing that your “yes” was the beginning..... of your fairytale. 
A/N: shoutout to my upcoming King Aran AU omg I am smitten 🥺🥺🥺
Kenma Kozume -
Gamer Girl 🕹🔌
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When it comes to Halloween costumes.......
You and your boyfriend Kenma are both lazy. 
So when Kuroo called and screamed at both of you because you promised to go to his work’s party tonight, (especially Kenma who would look really good to his superiors) you both reluctantly agreed .... again😑😑😑
While Kenma simply showered, dried his hair and put on your cat ear head band and called it a day, 
You realized that you had to scramble for a presentable costume. Shit. 
You scoured Kenma’s condo since you have been staying here and won’t have time to go home. 
Freaking out because you found shit all, your bf told you that you really don’t have to wear a stupid costume because this party is stupid and Kuroo himself is stupid. 
Speaking of the devil: kenmas phone starting ringing with the Kuroo ringtone, meaning he was calling. 
Kenma tried to ignore it, so you went into his game room to retrieve his phone for him. 
While you looked for his phone near his gaming set up, your eyes fell on your boyfriend’s Professional Gamer headphones. 
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You placed his headphones on, fixed your glasses and decided you’d go as a cute gamer girl! 
Kozume followed you in after a while when he didn’t hear you on the phone, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw you. 
“Th-those are my headphones.” Your youtuber says flatly, trying not think about how mind blowingly attractive you look with them on. 🤯🤯🤯
You just pointed at his costume.
“And that’s my kitty headband. What’s your point?” You retorted, winking at him behind your glasses. “I have a costume now: I’m a gamer girl. Do you like it?” 
Cat boy could only nod, his eyes growing dark. He pictured you gaming and it made him suuuuuper turned on. 
You noticed and like the little shit you are, you closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his neck. You puckered your lips asking for a kiss. 
Kenma’s cheeks flared up, unable to stop himself from looking down your tight black & white tank top at your boobs. 
In true Kenma style, he ignored your ask for a kiss. 
“Kuroo is probably ou-out-outside, Y-Y/N. We should go.” Obviously flustered, your boyfriend quickly collected his phone from his desk and made a beeline out of his game room. 
You laughed, calling out to him from your place in the room. “I saw your boner, Kenma!”
“Shut up.” You heard your monotone boyfriend call back. You could picture his blush.
You smiled. 
Daishō Suguru -
Poison Ivy 🧑‍🦰🌿🥀
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Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 🐍 he even recently got one tatted on one side of his chest and it looks AH-MA-ZING
But anyways... like I said: 
Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 
.....And Snakes like leaves 🍃
Therefore, you dressed as a leaf.
After you got all ready, 
You Facetime’d him because he was away at a tournament and you wanted to show him your costume 
When Daishō answered while grocery shopping, he was not prepared. He dropped his phone, picked it up, stared at you in awe, then he quickly hung up on you. 
He didn’t want to sport a boner in the fucking meat aisle so he practically raced to the cash and called you back when he got in his car. Lol
no but fr Daishou went gaga when he saw you dressed as the sexy Poison Ivy
Not only is he a DC > Marvel Enthusiast, but Daishō loooved Poison Ivy because he and the super hero/villain had similar personalities 
Poison Ivy approached DC Universe situations the same way Daishō approached rival volleyball games: with a manipulative sense, a temptress grin, and ultimately being someone no one you can tell whether they are a hero or a villain. 
With all of that to consider, your man wasn’t even thinking about that because he was too busy thinking you look like sex-on-legs 
He stared at your body madddd hard
“Fuck me. I wish I was Clark Kent right now so I had x-ray vision.” He groaned as he covered his free hand over his face, opening his fingers to peek at you. “What are you wearing under those leaves? Anything?!” Your snake-like boyfriend tried to sound stern, but you knew better. 
Licking your red lips, you lean toward your laptop so that your boyfriend could see a close up of those red lips.
You saw him instinctively lean closer to the camera and take a deep breath.
“Your Best Friends/Name isn’t picking me up for another hour, Dai. But you and I both know that really means two hours. Anyway, I’ll slip on underwear when she gets here but I was....... sort of hoping you could show Poison Ivy that snake of yours......before then. She hasn’t met him yet🥺.”
In his rush to get back to his hotel for some hot ass web cam sex, Sugaru forgot the groceries in the car.  Oh well ;) 
the extra grocery trip he’d have to take later that night was well worth it. 
Tendō Satori -
Skeleton Chick w Dope Clown Makeup
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you cringed and put your hands out in front of you to protect yourself, just in time before your boyfriend Tendou tackled you on the bed you two share 
You expected this, and that’s why you had strategically placed yourself in front of the bed when you finally told your boyfriend you were done your makeup 
3 hours ago, you had a long talk with your red head as he sat down with his legs folded like a kindergarten student: 
“Ten. I love you, but you are NOT ALLOWED back in the room until I’m done my makeup. You’re too loud, and you’re making me shake. I need precision. I promise I’ll call you in when I’m done and have my costume on.” 
Just like a kindergartener student, your boyfriend gave you puppy dog eyes. 
“Ztttt! No buts!” You shut your eyes so that you weren’t looking at his puppy dog eyes that get you every time. “Ten, you can come in as soon as it’s done.” 
You heard him sigh, so you sealed the deal.
“Don’t forget that You’ll be the first to see it, my special boy.” 
“Alright!!!!” Tendou jumped up.
“Please, bring me to the room and shut the door behind you.” Since your eyes were still closed, your boyfriend hummed and linked his arm through yours, doing exactly as you asked. He lead you to your vanity and helped you sit down. 
“I’ll be waiting! Cant wait to see it! I’m going to bake a Halloween cake to waste time!” 
You felt a familiar kiss to the top of your head, then you heard your bedroom door shut. 
God you loved that Chocolatier. 
3 hours later, you were questioning why you loved that Chocolatier🙄, because he was crushing you under his weight after tackling you
Your boyfriend quickly rolled off of you and began his chatter. 
This was both of your favourite holidays so Satori has been gushing the entire week 
“OHO, you look awesome, Y/N-chan! When I was young, no one would take Halloween as seriously as I did so they’d say hurtful things behind my back and it made me very sad.....!!! Last year Ushi actually dressed up as the peanut butter to my jelly which was cool, but he didn’t know the words to the song for Karaoke......” His eyes lit up. “But now I have YOU! Someone who loves October 31st as much if not more than me! Oh, and you look beautiful AND scary! How did you do that??? Can you do my makeup like that, my love?! I want to match you! I also want to make love to you..... and—“
You reached over and covered Tendou’s mouth with your index finger. 
This cutie shushed himself, making himself cross eyed because he was now looking down at your finger on his own lips
You laughed. There is so much you could respond to, but thinking about a baby Ten being all excited for Halloween and his stupid bullies making him feel like shit for it tug at your heart strings, disallowing you to say anything else to your brilliant Chocolatier:
“Ten...........I love you. Happy Halloween.” 😌
This time, you hadn’t had enough time to put your arms out before you were tackled by an enamoured Tendou Satori again. 
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Who do you want to see react to your Sexy Hall🎃ween Costume next?
Part 3: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 4: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 5: (final part): 4/4 - closed 🚫
first come first serve - send me an ask!
Characters that are currently in queue: Iwa, Ukai, Daichi, Oikawa, Mattsun, Kuroo, Kyoutani, Akaashi, Tsukki & Noya.
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