#Comander Peepers
t0ydoesstuff · 20 days
old art I made like a year ago
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Haha get it? Cause they share the same voice actors? I’m done
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dragonflar · 1 year
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magicalgirlmegavolt · 2 years
Wander over yonder characters at Disney World!
Part One of The Magic Kingdom!
•outside of Peter Pan’s Flight:
Sylvia: Huh! Well Would you look at this! A nice little dark ride. The line even looks like it’s moving pretty quick too and look at how close it is to actual ride! This should be a snap, buddy!
(40 minutes later of waiting in line)
Wander: Wow Sylvia! Can you believe how fast this line is moving!”
Sylvia giving a sarcastic deadpan reply that goes completely over Wander’s head: “Oh Yeah, buddy, this is just great.😑”
• Peepers and Slyiva try their hardest not to snap after a certain wandering ‘Weirdo’ suggests that they all go on it’s a small world.
• Hater almost jumps off the boat to destroy all the annoying creepy dolls lol
• They do the rides most adults skip cause wander want’s to do them ( The Carousel, Dumbo, Again Small world lol) it’s a grand ole time :)
• they would all would point out the inaccuracies of tomorrow land, but at the same also enjoy the heck of it!
• Peepers beating Everyone at Buzz light year ranger spin with his mad shooting skills.
• Him and Sylvia both get the highest score despite Hater being the most dead set on beating wander even though the little guy score is already super low and somehow Hater manages to get an even lower score cause of his shenanigans of trying to one up the wandering weirdo who just having a good time with his best buddies in the WHOLE galaxies :)
• since Wander wants to do every ride they all go all the people mover and are kinda bored by it, it’s very relaxing though and gives everyone a nice view of the park. However, when you literally been to space this all seems a little corny to be honest.
• (except Wander who is having a blast! Get it! Blast!)
• Hater gets called “that guy!” At the monster inc’s laugh floor (he does not appreciate being made fun of though) and Peepers is chosen as the Mike stand in for the movie retelling part of the show. He doesn’t even need to cover on his eyes cause well....one eye. (🥁)
• Of course they finish off this part of the park with Space Mountain, And get a hilarious group souvenir photo from it (they thought it would be tame, I mean compared to space travel….BOY WERE THEY WRONG!! Thank you I will be here all week.
• Wander feels right at home in this land, something about just feels right. ;)
•The obligatory splash mountain photo souvenir with Sylvia, Wander, Lord Hater and Commander Peepers!
• Wander tries to befriend the country bears not realizing they are animatronics
• he plays his banjo during the show too, luckily since there’s basically no one really there, so they don’t get kicked out.
• They finish this part of the land of with Thunder Mountain. (It’s the wildest ride In the wilderness!)
Thanks for reading and look out for part 2 coming up :)
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biostris · 2 years
Could you do Peepers & Hater in a poly relationship with villain S/O?
A/N: overwatch gave me an aneurysm but an odd spark of determination to write some more, so let's go! also they dont have a lot of gifs with peep and H8r being domestic huh.
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: Cpeeps x Villain!Reader x Hater Poly hc's:
Who knew villains could fall in love? Wander, Wander did.
After all the chaos and stuff that Lord dominator did Hater was more than heartbroken even with things going back to normalcy, and peeps didn't like his boss being too sad.
they are bisexuals, your honor.
It didn't take long for Wander to butt into all of ya'lls lives, It started with the orange fuzzball leading Hater through the healing galaxy to a small planet where you dwelled.
TLDR love at first sight for all of you.
Initially, you felt bad for crushing on both boys, but in the end, you can only have one, or so you thought.
Space doesn't have laws against marrying more than one person since no one technically owns space (much to haters' dismay and failed attempts to claim it as his.)
It started with you and Hater, You both decided to test the waters with this relationship, both of you being as gentle as you can be as you figure out your partner. Hater has severe trust issues and while he goes on tangents and gushes over how cool and deadly you are he is usually reeled back by flashes of memories usually featuring lord dominator demeaning him.
You two eventually found your niche, though something still felt empty, Luckily hater had some harbored feelings for his commander that he never admitted and still denies so it is HIS idea to invite him into the relationship.
You both went to him, a private room, and just popped the question/ Peepers likes to keep things professional but at that time he couldn't help but let his eye go wide with awe.
TLDR Hater: you and hater tend to be loud, especially around each other, you are more level-headed and try your best to keep him cool when the (loveable) fuzzball and his trusty steed lead you guys on a chase. He loves to call you his Queen or Lady, but he sometimes uses Babybones when it's just the three of you. He tends to just call peepers peeps or commander, sometimes he will call him love.
TLDR Peepers: due to you being more level-headed, especially when it comes to conquering planets, his outbursts of rage have quelled themselves and he finds himself less stressed. He calls you Darling, and dove, he is very romantic with his actions such as knuckle kisses (nussles??) and small gifts. He usually addresses Hater as his lord or liege. Despite the feelings they had towards each other before, be honest it's gonna be a little weird dating the man who is your boss.
you guys are all broken in one way or another, and that makes your bond strong as well as the common goal of universal conquest. However, now that you are all together that plan has been on hold for a while now, hopefully, Wander didn't rub off on ya'll now ;]
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swarmofbees-butgay · 2 months
Comander peepers is very gay for lord hater aint he/j
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paranormalglass · 2 years
ok so 6 characters ask thing: Dad Egbert Gamzee Makara FireStar warrior cats Ike Brofloski DogPoo Petuski [background south park character] Comander Peepers
Push off a cliff - DogPoo Petuski
Kiss - Gamzee Makara
Friends With - Ike Brofloski
Set on Fire - Comander Peepers
Wrap a Blanket around - Dad Egbert
Be Roommates with - FireStar warrior cats
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"comander?" Is Sherri Jr. that fond of Peepers?
Sherri Jr. has never met Commander. I simply taught her to type that out because I thought it was funny. Hehe.
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kookersthekoop · 3 years
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You can't make me change my mind
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sketchy-figure · 2 years
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does a gay little salute that pisses you off
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bellasbarginart · 4 years
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You can place Wander near your DIY station as a fun way to say “Help yourself!”
Or you can assert your love for the Hater empire with your very own Comander Peepers!
Feel free to download!
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t0ydoesstuff · 20 days
old art I made like a year ago
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Haha get it? Cause they share the same voice actors? I’m done
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dragonflar · 3 years
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It's 2019 and I still want Wander Over Yonder to get back
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artmustdraw · 4 years
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I did a page of some of my favorite characters. Except gia, I've noticed the earth has been healing herself quite fast Durning this pandemic, then there's gohan, he's just adorable as a kid.
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tincturaecereum · 4 years
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That's some of my art... Which I draw a year ago... Yes. Sorry, there a phrases on Russian.
That will be a very, VERY long day
Stop whining! Get up and slave them already!
(sorry for bad English)
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trashbox-mwl · 5 years
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