#Companions react
imagine-silk · 1 day
Could you do the Fallout 4 guys on how they would propose to sole survivor, (maybe how they got/scrapped together a ring) and maybe what their ideal marriage ceremony might look like? Where would they have it? Lavish or humble? Big crowd or totally private?
》Aww, that's sweet.
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【Deacon】 Uses the casual honor system.
He's been married and did all the fancy stuff before and he knows you have too. How did that work out for the two of you? He's content to just have whatever it is between you two forever but at a certain point he knows you won't, or at least he thinks. One day he just starts calling you his wife/husband. When you inevitably have a talk about it you just 'get married'. No ring, no vows, no wedding. Who's gonna tell you you're not married? Literally no one.
【Hancock】 Proposes to you in front of the entire town.
Hancock is known for a lot of things and subtly is not one of them. He asks you to stand on the balcony while he runs out. Five minutes later he's on the ground shouting as loud as he can about how much he loves you and how much you belong together. A crowd gathers very quickly to watch his proposal.
【MacCready】 Propose quietly.
In a private moment he offers you the box and asks you. No pressure and if you feel like that's not where your relationship is at he'll put it away. He rushed a marriage once so he knows waiting is not the end of the world.
【Nick】 Gets on one knee.
He knows this rodeo. He sets up dinner and candles. You know somethings up because he can't eat and he doesn't like candles, says the fire is a hazard. For dessert he puts a little box in front of you and gets on one knee.
【Sturges】 Gets on both knees to propose because he thinks it's more respectful.
It's 200 years into the apocalypse, not all traditions survive and when they do they don't survive fully intact. He thinks of getting on one knee is out of respect and there is no one in the Commonwealth he'd rather get on his knees for.
【Travis Miles】 Gets on both knees to propose because he thinks it's more committal.
He knows it's one knee but he thinks the reason you're supposed to get on one knee is to offer yourself so he wanted to offer himself completely... by getting on his knees. He realizes what you must see looking at him but it wouldn't be much of a commitment if he got up so he powers through.
【X6-88】 This man is not going to propose to you unless you tell him to.
Like with many things he doesn't see the point. You're together already, why would you get more together? That being said, he has done and will do anything for you so he keeps this information to himself, especially when you ask him to propose to you. Whatever you ask for he'll do. You want it to be a surprise? In a crowd? You want to do it now? Ask and he'll give.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
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uuuuhh part 1
pt 2
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sapphim · 7 months
Bethany: A key? Tuned to Father's blood? He-he wasn't a blood mage, was he? He can't have been… Carver: Keys and blood. Not a good sign, and not how I want to think of Father. Anders: A key, tuned to your father's blood. Sounds like a ritual element for blood magic. Be careful, Hawke. Aveline: A key… tied to your father's blood. Be careful, Hawke. Fenris: A key tied to your father's blood? If he was a blood mage, you would do well not to make his same mistakes. Sebastian: A key… that belonged to your father? We should find this thing, see what powers are rightfully yours.
everyone else: blood magic is dangerous Hawke, please be careful Sebastian: it's time to get JACKED hawke let's fuckin gooo
Merrill: I've never heard of a key used as a focus for blood magic. What do you suppose it opens? Merrill: Or is it to shut something in? Keys can do either, I suppose…
p.s. Merrill you genius I'm kissing you on the lips
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amazinglyegg · 5 months
a bit of an angsty ask-- could you do companions react to sole having a panic attack?
Of course! Angsty prompts are my favorite <3
Companions react: Sole having a panic attack
Includes: Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Danse, Deacon, Gage, Hancock, Maccready, Maxson, Nick, Piper, Preston, and X6
As long as she’s known Sole for more than a few days she’ll be pretty decent at comfort
She gets it. Panic attacks suck. All she can do is try to make it less-sucky.
Won’t get all sappy or dramatic but will just sit with Sole somewhere and remind them that they’re alright
She also won’t let it overstay it’s welcome either, if that makes sense.
Once the panic attack is over and Sole’s willing to continue Cait will just get up and go along with her day, not bringing extra attention to what happened or trying to talk about it or anything
Catch her re-reading (or even writing) notes while Sole’s panicking
Obviously Sole’s comfort is top priority but Curie doesn’t remember everything she’s supposed to do! She’s gotta read up on it!
“Think about something nice… like a field of flowers, or a puppy!”
She's very empathetic so she might end up crying a bit alongside Sole, and will probably tell Sole to just ignore her and focus on themself
Great at talking through emotions with! She'll never judge Sole for what they're feeling, even if it's "irrational" or "dramatic". Emotions are confusing, she gets it!
Codsworth will do whatever he can to make up for his lack of ability to give physical comfort
Blankets, drinks, distractions via books or games, more blankets…
A lot of verbal comfort as well, but he might gear towards gentle jokes or stories rather than traditional comfort
He will mother-hen Sole for a while, even after the panic attack is over. Acts of service is his love language and he really wants Sole to know how much he loves them!
Might stress-clean afterwards, he’s just really worried about Sole and has a bit of abandonment issues he's gotta work through
Surprisingly he’s not terrible at helping!
Gets Sole away from the situation, gives them some water, asks simple yes/no questions, etc. etc.
You can kind of tell he has a mental checklist going on and once he exhausts it he just kinda sits there and waits for the panic attack to end
Other than that he has no real clue what to say, so don't expect much more than a "there, there" and an awkward shoulder pat
He's definitely open for Sole if they need to vent or whatever but he's terrible at letting them know that, so Sole will probably have to be the one to initiate any further conversations about it
Catch him reading some medical book written in the 1900's for advice and going up to Sole like "Have you tried cocaine?"
Uhh. Panic.
Deacon is NOT good with these things! Lots of awkward laughter and (gentle) jokes and tense body language that kinda makes Sole a little more stressed
He’ll get better with time (and practice) though, although he may still need Sole to tell him what they need from him from time to time
He IS good at reading body language and such, so it won't take long for him to pick up details like whether they want to be touched or not
Definitely mentally noting down what triggers Sole’s anxiety so he can help them avoid it in the future
Will straight up admit he has no clue what to do.
Doesn’t want to make things worse and doesn’t want to accidentally piss off Sole so he’ll probably just give them space and leave a beer next to them
The best Sole will get out of him is a pat on the back
Does defend Sole from any onlookers and will gently guide them somewhere more private if there are people around when they have the panic attack
To him, he'd be mortified if anyone saw him panicking like that! Catch him telling Sole embarrassing stories about himself so they feel better about being that vulnerable around him (even if they don't mind at all)
I think he’ll be good at recognizing the signs of a panic attack and comforting Sole even if they aren’t super close yet
He’s just the type of guy to get along with strangers, and that goes with comforting them too
He’ll rub Sole’s back and talk them through it quietly without drawing too much attention to it
He’s willing to just continue the conversation or act like nothing’s happening if it’ll help Sole - sometimes ignoring it will make it go away faster!
Generally just lets Sole take the lead and picks up on what they want/need from him
Nick Valentine
Okay we all know he'd be AMAZING at this
He'd notice Sole's anxiety, potentially before they even have the panic attack, and will lead them away somewhere calmer to de-stress
He's great at reassuring them of whatever they need to hear ("It's going to be okay, you're safe, I'm here...) and he'll stay calm and composed in the process
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he kept like, a stuffed animal or something in his giant coat of his for this reason
Might be hesitant on physical touch, or even eye contact - he's self conscious and afraid he'll freak them out with his eyes or metal hand
WILL let them wear his coat like a blanket though... if they can excuse the smell of cigarettes
He doesn’t know what to do but he can’t just leave them, so he’ll try anything really
Talking them through breathing exercises, keeping them away from crowds/busy areas, patting their shoulder awkwardly, hell he’ll even give them a hug if they ask
Tries to just be there for them, even if he doesn’t really know what to say or do
Might just resort to “keeping watch” by sitting a few feet away from them with a gun, both so they can have their space and so they know they’re safe and he’s still within earshot.
Definitely a “just calm down” / “just breathe” type of guy
Either that or he’ll straight up panic and send Sole to the med bay thinking they're having a heart attack
He’s never really had anyone to role model good responses to these kinds of situations before! He’s trying his hardest but he has no clue what to do
He WANTS to know what to say though, so if Sole explains it to him after the fact he’ll pay attention and use their advice for any future panic attacks
Canonically he views mental health as just as important as physical health, so he will definitely take Sole seriously and do whatever it takes to keep them happy and healthy
“Haha what’s wrong Sole?? 😀 … oh shit what’s wrong 😥” type of reaction
Basically it might take her a bit to realize Sole’s having a panic attack, but she’ll do what she can to help once she notices it
Takes “rest and digest” literally - will give Sole food and tuck them into bed if she can
Might try to throw every coping strategy she knows at Sole all at once in hopes one of them will work well
Uhh BREATHING and FOOD and and PET DOGMEAT do you want to go on a walk?? How about some hot chocolate???
Might be a good idea for Sole to make a checklist for her to go down one by one...
Great at speaking gently and keeping Sole from panicking more
Slow movements, low voice, maybe holding their hand or rubbing their back comfortingly
He doesn’t always know exactly what to say so he’ll focus on self-soothing for himself to help Sole calm down as well
Things like taking deep breaths so Sole can follow along or going on a walk with them
He's also very respectful of their space and privacy, and will immediately give them space if they ask for it (even though he's almost worried sick about them)
Will reassure them that he doesn't think any differently of them or their ability to lead the Minutemen!
I think X6 would actually be pretty good at comforting Sole, all things considered
The last thing you need while having a panic attack is other people panicking as well, right?
And X6 will definitely stay calm, that’s for certain.
He might also end up overloading Sole with facts about panic attacks though
Sole will be like “I think I’m having a heart attack” and X6 will respond by giving a list of every single symptom of both to compare and contrast as proof it's a panic attack
You can definitely catch him silently panicking the first time Sole has a panic attack though
He’s not good with emotions man he’s trying his hardest
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Fallout 4 companions as surgeons in a medical drama
This post has been brought to you by my old Grey's Anatomy hyperfixation clawing its way out out of the basement in my brain
Minus Strong because God no do not let Strong do surgery in any universe
Cait- Orthopedic surgeon, do not fuck up in her OR because it will not end well for you
Codsworth- Pediatric surgeon. He's very good with his paitents, good with teaching residents
Curie- Head of Cardio. Godlike in the OR, very passionate about her clinical trials.
Danse- Trauma surgeon. Used to be a surgeon in the military. Can save a guy you're sure is going to be dead.
Deacon- Plastic surgeon, focus on reconstructive surgery. Probably does free cleft pallet surgery for kids.
Hancock- Not technically a surgeon but Hancock is an anesthesiologist. Cracks jokes in the OR. Has probably "accidentally" taken drugs from work home with him.
Maccready- Surgical resident, interested in pediatric surgery.
Nick- Head of General Surgery. Has seen a lot of shit in all his years of being a surgeon, very little surprises him anymore. Very calm in the OR, if he's worried everyone is worried.
Preston- Heart Surgeon. Amazing bedside manner, probably cries when he loses a paitent, does probono surgery.
Piper- Another surgical resident like Maccready, not sure what she wants to specialize in. Potentially interested in neuro but a little scared of X6
X6-88- Neurosurgeon, hardly ever says a word in the OR, no one knows anything about his personal life. Scares the shit out of the residents. Very talented, it you ask him about his research he'll show emotion around you
Gage- Gage lost his license to medical malpractice
Elder Maxon- Nepo Baby Resident. Piper and Maccready talk shit about him behind his back. X6 yelled at him in the OR and he will never live it down.
Desdemona- General surgeon, been there almost as long as Nick, she is so tired.
Father- Used to be the head of neuro, got fired for something that the board is keeping on the down low. Even acting head X6 doesn't know what exactly he did.
DiMA- Radiologist, doesn't seem to have left the scan room in months, does he live there?
Dogmeat- therapy dog, we love you Dogmeat
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Companions favorite Disney movie?
A/N: Howdy, howdy, folks! I know it's been a while, but I hope y'all enjoy these! 🥰💙💛 I've been extremely busy and have sort of lost motivation for this fandom, but I'm going to try to play Fo4 soon and see if I can muster up some more motivation 😊 I still have some fanfic to write and some reactions to do and I've got to get my butt in gear!
Cait - Brave. It might seem like the obvious choice because, well... ginger twinsies.... But she loves it because of the constant action and the fact that Merida wields a sword and a bow while also riding a horse often at the same time. She also secretly sort of finds herself vicariously living through Merida and wishing she would have had a family like hers with parents that actually loved her.
Curie - Inside Out. It's sciency and presents a fun, creative way of examining the brain's functions. She would prefer that Disney be more realistic, but despite her slight disappointment, she also understands that it has to be presented in a child-friendly way that would keep a kid's attention. A close second for her would be Big Hero 6. Honey Lemon is her hero.
Piper - Zootopia. She finds herself very much relating to Judy Hopps most days. Just a girl in a big city and a big world with the chips stacked against her and hardly anyone on her side as she fights the good fight. She also enjoys Judy's optimistic, sarcastic, energetic spirit that she upkeeps in the face of adversity. It's something that Piper herself has done her best to maintain.
MacCready - Finding Nemo. As a concerned dad with a struggling young son of his own, he can relate to this movie greatly. Plus, a bonus is that he likes to mess with F!Sole about being Dory, which she never seems to appreciate nearly as much as he does most days.
Deacon - The Emperor's New Groove. All of the jokes and the lightheartedness of the overall movie is totally Deacon's style. He always quotes the movie afterward and drives everyone at HQ crazy with his rather awful impression of Yzma.
Codsworth - Flubber. He sort of is crushing on Weebo the robot assistant. Granted, he says he has no sort of manner in which to facilitate such feelings since he is not programmed to feel things like that, but he raves over her enough that everyone can see he clearly has some manner of feelings.
Hancock - A Bug's Life. He doesn't really know why, but it cracks him up every time he turns it on. Of course, he's usually high when he's watched it, but that's not the important part. The important thing is that it's anti-grasshoppers and after the stuff he saw at Nuka-World, that suits him just fine.
Danse - Toy Story. He would rather die than admit it, but he likes the movie for the odd reason that he heavily relates to the spaceman. His perspective on life and his soldier-like dedication to his mission is truly outstanding. He also strangely relates to him in many ways, but he's not quite sure why.
Preston - Brother Bear. He enjoys the deep feelings and meaning behind the film. It's such an underrated yet good film and it has a really great sound track as well. He also has a strange affinity for Toy Story because of Woody and his steady dependability.
Valentine - Old Yeller. It's traditional and it has that sense of old-timey living that Nick can appreciate. He also enjoys the deep emotional quality of the film and the fact that it's about a good, loyal, brave dog. Kind of like Dogmeat.
X6-88 - Maleficent. He enjoys her sense of humor and her sense of taking care of business and revenge when people do her wrong. However, his favorite non-Disney movie is The Matrix. He firmly believes the coursers' design is based on Morpheus and he secretly thinks he looks like him most out of the courser models.
Dogmeat - The Fox and the Hound. He loves nothing more than to howl along with the dog on there. Finally a movie that actually has a character that speaks his language! The dog also actually successfully befriends other animals in a way that Dogmeat never seems to do too well since they're always trying to stomp on him or kill him. He also is a fan of Bolt.
Strong - Monster's Inc. Firstly, Strong doesn't like movies. They're confusing and make no sense because what do you mean those things are not really there? They're standing right in front of him! But he likes Monster's Inc more than most because Mike Wazowski looks like a super-mutant. An ugly, one-eyed freak super-mutant, but nevertheless one of his kind.
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fallrimxreader · 2 years
How would the companions react to the sole survivor, who is the mother of twins rather than just Shaun? She is traveling around the Commonwealth and getting into fights with her baby daughter strapped to her back.
Cait: The first time she saw sole with a baby on the back, she thought they were lost. But no sole was actually wanting to speak to Cait. “Are you crazy you can’t have a kid out here!” Sole was not backing down, so Cait eventually had to give up and get over the fact there was a child involved. At first, she tried to keep a distance. But one day sole needed a break, Cait reluctantly took the baby. Sole’s daughter looked up at Cait, smiled, laughed, and Cait just fell in love. She soon found herself doing the baby voice, and once she started, she couldn’t stop. She would pinch the chubby cheeks, and blow raspberries on the belly. She was very surprised with how calm the child was, they didn’t cry at all when they were in the middle of a battle. This made Cait very happy and proud of the little trooper, the baby quickly became one of Cait’s favorite people. She would very easily throw her life on the line to protect that child.
Curie: “Oh a baby! How precious.” She thinks it’s incredible how sole can be such a fierce warrior but also a caring and great parent. She has no problems at all with the child coming on their adventures. In fact, she wants to be fully involved with them. She wants to learn everything there is about parenting, and children and their growth. She will sing to the baby to help them sleep. Curie will offer assistance and take the baby anytime Sole needs a break. But she knows that sole is more than capable of doing things themselves. With the teachings of sole Curie becomes a very good parental figure. Curie is amazed with how calm the child is during fights, and at how agile sole is. Even with a baby on their back they are able to swiftly take down an enemy, no affect to their daughter. Curie is constantly in awe of sole.
Codsworth: Codsworth was so happy to see his little miss safe and sound. He was so sad to hear that Shaun was taken, but thrilled to know his sister was safe. He was not too thrilled to know that sole was taking the child into battle with them. He offered to take them and keep them safe many times. “Can we avoid violence just this once Sir/mum?”. He is constantly trying to cater to all the baby’s needs, feeding, changing, he’ll do it all. On some level it calms Codsworth, it makes it feel like everything is back to normal again, so sole will always let him help out. But sole is still adamant about keeping their daughter close. Codsworth will eventually relent and stop trying to take the child away from battle. He knows sole is a very good parent and will keep them safe, but he will be hovering very close just in case.
Dogmeat: He likes when the baby laughs. He doesn’t like when the baby pulls his fur. But sole will stop that when it happens, so he doesn’t mind them being around. When sole puts the child down to sleep Dogmeat will lie next to them to protect them. They are so tiny, Dogmeat feels the need to stay close by. Dogmeat will attack anyone (other than sole) that tries to get too close to the baby.
Deacon: As long as sole can get the job done, he doesn’t care about the baby strapped to their back. He’d been trying for kids with his wife, before he lost her, so getting to hang out with a child made him quite happy. He’d read a few parenting books in preparation, but he was not at all prepared for the real deal. He asks to take care of their daughter, boasting about how great he is with kids. He is soon overwhelmed, and when he can’t console the screaming child, he eventually gives them back to sole. He feels a little defeated that he wasn’t automatically good at taking care of a child, but is happy when sole says they will teach him tricks to parenting. He often asks to borrow the kid for a disguise he has planned, sole always says no. He’s very impressed with the way sole can cradle the baby in their arms, shoot down an entire raider gang and still keep the child asleep.
Danse: He was shocked to see a baby strapped to sole’s back. “Uh, are you sure it’s safe to have them here? There are a lot of dangers around.” Sole snaps back they are fine and Danse decides not to say anything again. Sole proves quite quickly that the child is safe with them. Danse iS incredibly impressed and tells sole how remarkable they are. When he’s in his power armor he will put himself first in the face of battle wanting to keep sole and the baby safe. He doesn’t know how to care for a baby but he is willing to learn. He will offer support in some areas but not all, he leaves most of the parenting to sole. Occasionally he will cradle the baby when he feels sole needs a restful night’s sleep.
Hancock: He expected the baby to cry the second they saw his face, but they didn’t. They just smiled and giggled. He was pleasantly surprised, though it was sole’s kid after all and sole liked Hancock, so maybe it was genetic to like ghouls. He has no judgment at all. Sole wants to take the baby into battle, no problem, you do you is his motto. He sees how sole fights so he’s not worried at all. Though sometimes he will offer to babysit while sole heads out. He says he want to have a playdate and get some experience caring for a kid, though it’s just an excuse because he wants to keep them out of danger. But he won’t fight it if sole says no. If Hancock tags along, he will walk along making faces at the baby, making them laugh as they all walk. He absolutely adores the sound. If the baby cries in the night he instantly wakes up and goes to console them, sometimes he is there even before sole and is easily able to get them back to sleep. It isn’t long before he gets attached and starts to get strong paternal instincts, he never expected to feel like that. He thought he would be a terrible dad. But he really tries his hardest with this little sweetie. And he does a great job of caring for them.
Piper: “You’re crazy walking around with a baby on the back. But I can’t decide whether it’s crazy in a bad or a good way.” She has a lot of experience with kids since she has her little sister. So, she’s able to lend a hand anytime. She likes to play with sole’s daughter and also likes to carry her around when they are just walking through the commonwealth. Occasionally she will suggest leaving the baby with her sister Nat. But after a continuous amount of “No’s” Piper gets the idea and drops it. She would prefer the baby be somewhere safer, but at the same time she really enjoys having the little one around.
Preston: “Please tell me you are not planning on fighting with them on your back ma’am?” Sole wants to help the Commonwealth, and at first Preston doesn’t want to give them any missions. He withholds the information and goes to help settlements himself. One day sole tags along and Preston gets to see firsthand that they can fight with ease. He is amazed. He starts to give sole quests after that and is less worried about the child’s safety. Whenever sole stops by, Preston will offer to babysit and let sole get some rest. He will walk around carrying the baby, telling them stories until they fall asleep. Or he will sit and bounce them on his knee. He also gets his own baby carrier and starts strapping the baby to his chest when he walks around for patrols. He likes giving the little girl an opportunity to see the world around her.
MacCready: His paternal instincts kicked in the second he saw the little baby. “You should take her somewhere safe; you got any friends she can stay with?” He suggested. But when he learns about how Shaun was stolen, he understands that sole would want to keep their child close. The first-time sole gets into a fight he panics, he jumps in to shield sole and the baby. “You should go hide somewhere; I’ll take care of these guys.” Sole pushes him out the way and proceeds to effortlessly shoot all the raiders while their girl sleeps peacefully through it all. MacCready is amazed and terrified at the same time. Sole really proves they can take care of their kid, so he stops suggesting leaving the child somewhere. Being a dad himself he has no problems with having the child around. If sole ever needs a hand he will happily help with changing, feeding, or just playing with them when sole needs a rest. He is a very good dad, and even though sole is more than capable he will still go into super protective mode and try to keep the little one out of danger.
Strong: “Tiny human is weak. Tiny human get crushed by super mutants.” Sole reassures Strong that their baby will be fine and they will keep her safe. Strong doesn’t have any idea how to care for a child so sole will tend to hold onto their daughter themselves. Sometimes Strong will show an interest in the child. If he wants to hold her, sole will make Strong sit down, sole will then gently place the baby in his arms and hover close while he holds her. Strong is very delicate, as delicate as a super mutant can be. Though he doesn’t really show interest very often, so he doesn’t hold her much. Otherwise he just acts and fights like he would any other day.
Valentine: “I may not be a parent, but I don’t think having a kid around here is the best idea.” Sole reassures Valentine that they are quite capable taking care of their daughter. Once Valentine learns of how Shaun was stolen he completely understands wanting to keep the child close, so he won’t mention it again. He likes babies, but he tries not to get too close since he has a lot of exposed metal. And he doesn’t want to try holding a baby in one arm, so he tends to just admire them from afar. He will however try to care for the baby in other means, like telling them stories at bedtime, or collecting baby items to give to sole. He’s also very protective in battle, putting himself into danger first. He never expected himself to be family man, but seeing that little smile every morning. Well that just warms his core more than he ever thought it could.
X6-88: “What is that thing doing with you?” He can’t believe sole is the one helping the institute, surely with a child they would be distracted during the key moments. However this is what the institute wanted, and he obeyed the institute. So, he got on with it and just accepted the child’s presence. If sole hands X6-88 the baby he will hold it out in front of him arms fully extended, his face emotionless. He will simply stand like that until sole takes the baby away again. “Please do not hand them to me again.” Sole agrees, and keeps their daughter to themselves. Even though he’s not actually good at caring for the child, he is very useful in battle. And after some time, he will start checking on the child mid battle, he knows how much this baby means to sole so he will do his due diligence to keep them safe as well.
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fallout4treasures · 3 months
Do you take reaction requests? May I request a distraught, crying Sole telling Deacon that they let Dr. Chambers kill Amelia (The synth you can either kill or save in the covenant quest) and that they feel awful and worthless because it goes against everything they stand for, and that its okay if deacon hates them, ect ect. Basically just a panicking, crying Sole thats terrified of losing deacon because they made the wrong choice. His response???
"I'm sorry Deacon. I'm so sorry. I was- I-" Sole choked on their sobs, staring down at their feet. They couldn't find the courage to look up at Deacon. Imagining his face twisted in fury was already too much for them to handle. 
"Why?" Deacon finally asked, just above a whisper. Finally Sole looked at him and instead of anger there was hurt. Confusion. It tore their heart apart. 
“I was scared, I was confused.” Sole barely got out their half-hearted excuses. In truth, they didn't know why. There was no explanation they could give that would offer either of them and solace. 
“I've seen you in action. You don't get scared. You don't get confused.” He said coldly. Sole couldn't tell where his gaze was behind his sunglasses, but it strangely felt like he was boring into them.
“I failed everyone. I failed you.” Sole’s legs had been slowly going numb beneath them and they were finally giving out. They slinked against the wall, finding no comfort on the cold concrete floor. “I'm kicked out, aren't I?” They asked, trying to ignore their heart feeling like it was going to burst out of their chest while waiting on his answer. 
Deacon rubbed his eyes, sighing painfully as he sorted out his thoughts. 
“Technically you should be.” He groaned. They did something terrible. They didn't deserve to be comforted. And yet… his heart broke for them. Sole had been stomping around, treading the line for months now. They seemed so angry all of the time, and refused to talk about with anyone. Deacon knew it was going to come to a head eventually. Just not like this. He would have taken almost anything but this. 
He sat himself next to Sole, and fought against every cell in his body that wanted to comfort them. Instead, after what seemed like eternity, he finally spoke again. 
“I'm not going to tell anybody.” He told them calmly.
“You're not?” Sole’s head popped up and their red and swollen eyes stared at him in shock. 
“I don't think I could even begin to count the amount of synths I killed before I found the Railroad. Or even just people in general.”
“This is your one free pass. Your one get out of jail free card.” He interrupted them. “And we don't talk about this ever again.” All Sole could do was nod in response, speechless by his mercy. A silence fell over them, with only Sole’s sniffling and small cries breaking the quiet. Once they were finally calm again, they somehow got the courage to ask to the one question they weren't sure they wanted the answer to. 
“Do you hate me?” Deacon stared at them, unsure of how to answer. He knew he should hate them, and that he should have kicked them out of hq yelling and throwing things after they essentially committed cold blooded murder. 
“I don't think I could ever hate you.” He answered, shocking both himself and Sole.
“You should.” Sole looked to the ground. With another sigh Deacon wrapped a loose arm around their shoulders, allowing them to lean into him and relax their tense muscles. 
“Yeah, I know." He tightened his hold on them, bringing them in for a warm hug.
I hope this is what you were looking for! Thank you!
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nightingaelic · 1 year
How about fallout 4 companions reacting to sole who is a young teen but they never knew until they took off their mask?
The metropolitan ruins of the Commonwealth had one advantage that the wider wasteland didn't have - plenty of places to hide. It was sometimes safer for travelers to duck between the urban canyons of the bygone world, pick their way through its shadowy rubble on the way to caps or glory, squeeze between crumbling walls when danger pursued them. It was commonplace to say "the ruins swallowed them" when someone on a trip went missing, and "Boston spat them out again" if and when they finally emerged.
The sole survivor was damn good at this. In fact, they were nearly as much of a phantom as the Silver Shroud, appearing at the strangest times in the most unlikely places, and disappearing again just as fast. Some Goodneighbor ghouls even took to calling them the Shroud, whenever they stalked into town like a feral cat. It didn't do them any favors that they always wore a hood over a gas mask, jumped at sudden noises and refused to let anyone close to them. It earned them odd looks, and glances of curiosity, exasperation, and sympathy for those they shared their road with.
Their companion had assumed some of this was normal vault dweller behavior, as many vault dwellers were ill at ease without a roof over their heads, but things fell into place one hot day in the summer. The shoreline was sweltering under the sun, stinking of algae and flotsam, and finally even the sole survivor had had enough. They threw their hood back, unbuckled their gas mask, and emerged the picture of tragic youth: Tired eyes in a full face, blinking in the unfamiliar harshness of the light.
They caught sight of their companion's realization and lifted their chin up. "Don't start," they said.
Cait: "Oh, hell." Cait sucked a breath in through her teeth. "You'd better start explaining some things fast, little chicken."
"No idea what you're talking about, Cait."
They tried to keep walking, but Cait grabbed their shoulder and spun them around. "You waltzed into the Combat Zone all by yourself? Took on my contract, thought you'd just tell a grown woman what to do with her time?"
"I did in all the raiders, didn't I?" The sole survivor shook her off. "And taking on your contract wasn't my idea. Tommy couldn't wait to get rid of you."
"Why, you little..." Cait balled her hands into fists. "Don't make this about me. You think you're a big shot, walking around the Commonwealth like you own the place? I'm taking you back to Goodneighbor, and then you and I are through."
"And you'll go back to the Combat Zone? Please." The sole survivor put their hands on their hips. "You'll get bored, and then you'll come looking for me again. I guarantee it."
Codsworth: Codsworth tapped his claw and flamer arms together anxiously. "Are you sure it's safe? I know this beach looks deserted, but you never know just who might turn up."
"Relax, Codsworth," the sole survivor replied. "I'll put it back on if we see anyone. It's just too hot to keep it on for the whole day."
"I shall keep an eye out." Codsworth rotated two of his eye stalks around to cover all directions. "Do you recognize this beach? I believe we visited it before the bombs fell, once or twice."
"It's changed." The sole survivor stooped down to pick up an empty mussel shell. "More junk, obviously, but it's wilder than it used to be. Like the ocean's reclaiming it. I wonder if anything valuable ever washes up."
"Perhaps we can ask Sturges to build you a metal detector," Codsworth suggested.
"Maybe." The sole survivor smiled at the bot. "Or maybe he can show me how to build one, myself."
"A fine idea."
Curie: Curie gasped. "Quoi!? You never said you were so young."
"On purpose," the sole survivor grumbled.
"This is nothing to conceal." Curie took their face in their hands. "I... I suppose I can understand why you have done this, but you shouldn't hide such things from me. I thought we took care of each other."
"We do!" The sole survivor gently pried themselves away. "That wasn't what I was worried might change. It was the how of it. People... people get protective of me, and they don't need to be."
"Mon chou." Curie smiled down at them. "Of course they are. You are still small, and in this world, this is a rare thing."
"Well, that doesn't matter." The sole survivor unshouldered their pack and sank down to sit in the sand. "Everything that happened to me in the vault still happened."
Curie sat down next to them. "Yes. Je suis - I am sorry. What you have been through is too much."
Paladin Danse: "How-" Danse shook his head. "You... impossible."
"No, it's really me." The sole survivor sighed. "Here we go."
Danse started in. "Why didn't you disclose this at our first encounter? Why were you drawn into a fight with ferals in the first place? How did you manage to conceal this from Scribe Haylen, when she checked you over?"
"I didn't know who you were, I was hoping to get some supplies out of the ordeal, and I told her I had stunted growth thanks to being frozen and malnourished," the sole survivor counted off on their fingers. "What else?"
Danse's eyes blazed. "Was any of it true? The vault, the Minutemen, your search for the Institute?"
"Yep, all of that's true." They met his gaze and frowned. "Unfortunately."
The Paladin's anger and suspicion abated somewhat. "I... that's... my apologies. I thought you and I had an understanding, when it came to being forthcoming. I was honest with you."
"You were, and we do." The sole survivor tapped their fingers once more before letting their hands fall to their sides. "I thought you might refuse to talk to me again, if you ever found out. So I didn't say anything."
The answer caught Danse by surprise, and he chuckled. "Why would you ever think that, soldier?"
Deacon: Deacon shut his gaping mouth and pressed his lips together tightly.
"That's right," the sole survivor said, their voice smug.
They continued down the beach a ways together, and pretty soon Deacon's silence began to bother the sole survivor. They kept glancing over at him, like they expected him to start spouting his opinions at any second. Finally, they drew up short by a rickety dock and got directly in his way. "Say something," they demanded.
"There is literally nothing I can say that will top you revealing yourself as a teenager," Deacon replied. "Seriously, my hat's off to you. I wish I'd thought of that, first."
Dogmeat: Dogmeat gave them a hesitant whine, so the sole survivor stuck their hand out. The German shepherd sniffed it over carefully before deciding they were still the person he had attached himself to at the Red Rocket Station, and he came away with his tongue lolling.
"Good dog," the sole survivor praised. "I know I never take it off, but I think we're safe here. Let's keep going."
Mayor John Hancock: Hancock blinked, and then kept blinking. "Did I get a bad batch?" he muttered, partially to himself. "You look like you're aging backwards."
"I promise I'm aging in the same direction as everyone else," the sole survivor assured him. "And technically I'm 220-some years old, so I've got you beat for sure."
"Oh, that can't be right." Hancock squinted and walked a little circle around them. "You're just a kid. Huh."
"No. Maybe." Hancock sighed and took his hat off to scratch his head. "We get younger than you out and about on their lonesome in Goodneighbor sometimes, but that doesn't mean the wasteland's a kind place to them. My miscreant half is telling me you'll be fine, but my responsible mayoral half is saying we should go back."
The sole survivor crossed their arms. "And what about your fun half?"
Hancock grinned and plopped his hat on their head. "That half's just impressed. You're a real survivor, kid."
Robert Joseph MacCready: "Oh, I'm gonna start." MacCready tipped his hat back and rubbed his face. "You can't be older than what, 12? 13? What are you doing running around without someone to keep an eye on you?"
"You're here, aren't you?"
"You hired me." MacCready felt around his pockets for his caps. "You hired... how the hell did you scrape together 250 caps?"
"Does it matter? I paid your fee, you're here now." The sole survivor scowled. "The job doesn't change just because I'm younger than you thought I was."
"Yes it does," MacCready argued. "Not only are you a vault dweller, you're a kid who doesn't know what they're doing even without factoring in everything that's trying to kill you on the road. Trust me, I grew up in that life. And don't even get me started about how stubborn kids are in thinking they know everything."
"I know I don't know everything, that's why I hired you!" The sole survivor threw their hands up in exasperation. "It was either keep wandering around alone, or hire someone who knows how this world works. Why are you acting like I'm crazy?"
"You're 13. Every 13-year-old is a little crazy." MacCready pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe this. Hancock and Daisy are never gonna let me live this one down."
Nick Valentine: "Aw, kid." Nick's eyes dimmed slightly, his telltale sign of mournful contemplation. "You're the saddest thing I've ever seen."
"That's a huge compliment coming from you," the sole survivor retorted, smirking halfheartedly. "Gonna try to take me back to the office?"
Nick surveyed the beach. "Eventually, maybe. Right now we're okay. If a mirelurk queen pops up though, you and I are gone."
"Well that's a given." The sole survivor's smile widened a little. "You never realized?"
"You spun me quite the story when you came asking for help," Nick replied. "Masterful misdirection. Now that I think of it though, Ellie mentioned something about how you seemed more naive than the average vault dweller. I really should give her a raise."
"You should." The sole survivor sighed. "Come on. I'll tell you the whole story while we're waiting for that mirelurk queen to notice us, if you want to hear it."
Nick offered them his hand. The sole survivor studied the detective for a moment before taking it. "Well hop to it," the old synth said with a smile. "I'm on tenterhooks."
Piper Wright: "You can't be any older than Nat," Piper breathed. "How did... never mind. We're heading back to Diamond City, now."
"No we are not." The sole survivor planted their feet in the sand. "I have things to do up the coast, and I'm not going back until they're done. You can go if you want, but I won't be going with you."
"Oh yes you will be." Piper seized their wrist and held it up. "I'm already responsible for one preteen, and the only way I get any sleep is if I know she's safe inside the Wall. I don't need your sudden death to mirelurks on my conscience, Blue."
The sole survivor twisted their arm loose and took a few steps back. "So don't let the mirelurks get me."
Piper lunged to grab them, but they darted around her arms and took off down the beach. "Get back here!" the reporter yelled, taking off after them.
Preston Garvey: Preston's eyes had gone as wide as the brim of his hat. "I made you the general," he blurted out.
"You did." The sole survivor shook their head. "I told you not to."
"But you didn't tell me why!" Preston put his hands up, overwhelmed. He turned back and forth on the sand, unsure of where to start. "The Abernathy farm, Tenpines, the Corvega factory... Christ, the deathclaw at the museum... how?!?"
The sole survivor looked just as bewildered as him. "Luck?"
"This can't be happening." Preston ran a hand over his face. "I've got... I've got to tell... wait, does Sturges know? Does anyone - does Mama Murphy know? Because if they knew and didn't tell me, we're gonna have a big problem."
"Breathe," the sole survivor advised him. "Are you mad at me?"
"No - yes - I don't know!" Preston hit the sand with a thump and wracked his brains. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well at first I was scared." The sole survivor sat down next to him. "And then I worried it would send you into a crisis, like the one you're in the middle of. But this had to happen at some point."
Strong: Strong snorted. "Puny human."
"Hey." The sole survivor pointed up at him with a stern look. "I said don't start, and I meant it."
"Tiny!" Strong roared with laughter, holding his belly. "Too little. Need to drink milk."
The sole survivor rolled their eyes. "Yeah, that's what Preston said, too. Good for my bones, or something."
X6-88: "You appear to be of an insufficient age to be traveling the wasteland alone," X6-88 replied.
"But I'm not traveling alone, I'm with you."
"I am a relatively recent addition." X6-88 placed a hand on their shoulder. "Standby for relay."
"No!" The sole survivor ducked out of his grip and stood their ground breathlessly. "You have to do what I tell you to, right? Don't take me back down there. Something's off about that place."
"My mission is to protect you," X6-88 said. "Institute protocol states that children are not permitted to leave the facility until they are of a certain age. You do not appear to meet the requirements, and therefore my mission necessitates our return."
The sole survivor took off running, meandering a bit in the wet sand. X6-88 gave pursuit, easily outpacing them despite the heat. He locked an arm around their waist and ignored their struggling while he tried to call in the relay request again.
"Stop!" the sole survivor shrieked. "I'm not safe down there, X6-88!"
The Courser paused his communication attempt. "Explain."
Ada: "I was just thinking it was a wise decision to cover your face," Ada replied. "Not everyone you meet in the wasteland can be trusted."
"R... right." The sole survivor hung the gas mask from their belt and nodded. "You live and die by first impressions, out here. Especially if you're my age."
"May I ask why you concealed your age from me?" Ada inquired. "We are relatively recent partners, but our mission to find the Mechanist and help the Commonwealth is still the same."
"I don't know. Adults get weird around me." The sole survivor shrugged. "I guess I view you as an adult, thanks to your voice module. How old are you, Ada?"
"That question does not have a simple answer." Ada indicated her frame's various parts. "My components are largely from pre-war robots, but the fastenings and hardware holding me together are varied. I was assembled in my current form about seven years ago, but I have gone through a few upgrades since."
The sole survivor giggled. "So in one way, you're as old as me, maybe even older, but in another, I'm older than you. I like that."
Porter Gage: Gage swallowed his surprise and raised an eyebrow at them. "Didn't say nothing, Overboss."
"But you're thinking it." The sole survivor rounded on him. "I'm small, but I'm dangerous. The gangs all know it. You know it."
"Sure," Gage agreed. Internally, his mind raced. Did any of the gang leaders know? Had Colter known? How the hell was he going to salvage this?
"There it is." The sole survivor shoved their weapon up against his chest. "Second thoughts, Gage?"
"Well can you blame me?" Gage shot back. "Here I am, thinking I've finally got someone with their head on straight who's still scary enough to keep Nuka-World in line, and you're not even tall enough to ride some of the rollercoasters in the park. What do you want me to think, huh?"
The sole survivor pushed him back a step. "I survived the Gauntlet, the Galactic Zone, and the fucking Safari Adventure. Think about that before you start panicking, bloodworm."
Old Longfellow: "Frolicking fog crawlers." Longfellow spat out the drink of water he'd just taken and re-screwed the top on his canteen. "You're just a kid."
"And?" The sole survivor crossed their arms. "I can still out-shoot you, grandpa."
"Cannot. Look, you've got arms skinnier than bloodbug's."
They stuck their tongue out at him. "At least I don't need to be half a bottle deep in bourbon just to get out of bed in the fucking morning."
"You watch your mouth," Longfellow warned them, wagging his finger. "Didn't anyone teach you to respect your elders?"
"Sure, but you need to be respectable, first."
Longfellow roared with laughter and clapped them on the shoulder. "Not bad, kid. Not bad. You're alright. Course, we can't go looking for Shipbreaker until you grow another foot or two. Come on, let's go."
The sole survivor ducked out of his grasp and shook their head. "Uh-uh. You promised me shrimp for dinner, and I'm not going back to Far Harbor without one."
Elder Arthur Maxson: Maxson stared at them, dismay and fury building in his chest. They had deceived him, deceived Paladin Danse, deceived all of the officers and put themselves and his soldiers in harm's way. Brotherhood law dictated that a betrayal of this magnitude warranted punishment. At the very least, a stripping of rank and removal of duties.
The sole survivor stared back at him, defiant. "Well?"
Suddenly, Maxson was looking at himself. A child thrust into an unwanted role, set upon enemy troops and deathclaws and super mutants well before they were ready to do so. He loosened his fists, took a few deep breaths, and wondered if Elder Owyn Lyons or his daughter Sarah had looked at him in the same way.
"At ease," he murmured, taking a step back. "It appears... we have things to discuss, Knight."
Desdemona: Desdemona looked them over with the air of a disappointed manager. "I didn't say anything."
"You're going to." The sole survivor put their hood back up and scowled. "Something about not accepting agents unless they're at least 16."
"At least 17."
"Whatever." The sole survivor dug their boot into the sand and unearthed a piece of driftwood. "What does it matter? We have the same enemies. I'm going after them whether I'm in the Railroad or not."
Desdemona said nothing. She didn't doubt their words - plenty of people sought revenge on the Institute without the Railroad's help - but she couldn't help but recall the laundry list of missions she'd sent them on since they had tracked her down. Raider dens, known synth reconnaissance locations, even a deathclaw nest. Something in her chest clenched tight, and she closed her eyes.
"Tell me the truth," she said, trying to shut out the sound of the ocean surf so she could focus on them. "If you take away the years in cryo, how old are you?"
The answer took a few moments. "I'm 15," the sole survivor insisted. "Almost. In about a month."
Desdemona frowned, then shook her head. "We're going back to HQ. You can make your case to the rest of the agents there."
"Make my-?"
"You're too young to be working with us at all, but you know too much now not to be involved." Desdemona turned away. "I can't make this kind of decision by myself. Let's go."
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sammypinkgirl · 14 days
Fallout 4 Companions React ideas to come:
If the sole survivor was a communist prewar
If the Sole Survivor was a robo-brain
If the Sole Survivor admitted to murder prewar
If the Sole Survivor broke down over killing people
If the Sole Survivor was a Children of Atom (events of far harbor)
If the Sole Survivor found a building their family owned prewar.
If the Sole Survivor found their parents’ skeletons post war.
If the Sole Survivor made a suit of knight armor
— Suggest More!—
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thewastelandwriter · 11 months
Hello friends! I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that I’m deleting Tumblr (TEMPORARILY) in order to avoid spoilers for Baldurs Gate 3! I’ll reinstall the app and post some things once I’ve finished the game! I love you all, thank you!
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imagine-silk · 6 months
Hello! May I request fallout 4 companions (Nick especially) with Sole who shares the bare minimum of information about themselves? Not because Sole doesn’t trust them, they really enjoy theirs companions company. Perhaps they busy themselves so they don’t have to think about all the little and big things they miss. (I bet Codsworth would find pristine things that Sole would miss (like a favorite movie, vinyl, or comic?))
Sorry if its not something you’re interested in doing right now. The ask kinda came out as a ramble, I’m lacking sleep haha. Thanks again for considering my request!
》Honestly one of my favorite kinds of characters.
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【Cait】 She doesn't appreciate it. Her contract was traded to some random weirdo who barely says anything. It took three days before the topic of your name came up. And two weeks to know what you were looking for, who. But in return you don't ask what she does on her own time or what she's done. It feels like you don't mind rather than you don't care and that makes her feel seen. It stays between you unsaid in her eyes.
♡If romanced she doesn't push for any information. You'll tell her if it's important. People think it's weird the two of you to not share about yourselves like normal people but you're happy, that's all that matters.
【Codsworth】 It's just like it was before. He, unlike the others, already knows you. He knows you very well. Not only did you do an intake for daily preferences but he also served you for a few years. While you're out and about you'll do something or say something that sounds like no information to others or out of context and he'll answer, "Just as I was thinking as well." While you camp with some of the other companions he does chores the way you like without needing to ask, making comment on recent events, which makes them jealous for sure. He digs up things from the house he preserved or found and fixes them up brand new before presenting it to you. Songs you liked or wanted to hear. Movies and shows and comics. Clothes pressed for you and the furniture is redone the way it used to be. He knows you and wants to keep it that way.
【Curie】 Low-key doesn't care. She has one thing on her mind and that's her own goal to better medicine. Finding things to do that is all she needs of you. When she goes to be a synth her feelings overwhelm her and you guide her through that. She's never ever asked about you. She'll tell you about what she's feeling but never thinks to ask what you feel. In her defense, is doesn't understand the nuance of social interactions. And to her credit, it works for the both of you.
♡If she's romanced she realizes she wants to know what you feel and if it's the same as her. She's mostly interested in what you feel now rather than what your opinion is in the past or isn't currently relevant.
【Danse】 Right away he doesn't care for it. A mercenary who talks very little can be dangerous. But you followed orders well and are a damn good shot. The way he asks is more like demanding. It was all for a vetting process but still rude. After the intake he didn't care about your lack of openness. Didn't matter to him personally. After BB he suddenly regrets not knowing you. He was so rude and dismissed you as another faceless soldier and you saved him, from the Brotherhood and himself. Now he wants to know you.
♡If romanced he makes effort to know you, like really know you. For a long time he refused individuality so his own sense of self is not great. But you know yourself and make no attempt to hide it. You are so sure of yourself you don't need to explain. That's one of the things he loves about you.
【Deacon】 He thinks you're like him, that you want to hide in plain sight. As much as he gives that to you he's nosy as fuck and takes every chance to learn about you, mostly from afar. It doesn't take any time at all for him to realize you'll just tell him. Most of them are one word answers. It takes him even less time after that to realize you'll comment on things from before the war especially.
♡If romanced he goes out of his way to show you stuff. Old posters and toys. If you follow my headcanon that he's pre-war, he makes old references and generally adds comments on things to bait your answers.
【Hancock】 He thinks it's pretty cool. "Oh, tall, dark, and handsome/beautiful." He does play twenty questions with you 24/7 and is very happy with your half-answers because an answer is still an answer. Plus he knows at least two other people like you. He is the one who figures out that you just don't have the time or think about talking about yourself rather than purposely keeping secrets the fastest. He knows people so he knows better.
♡If romanced he plays with it. You want a kiss? Tell him what's your favorite color. He'll get on his knees if you tell him what you like about your new home. But honestly he'll do it anyways. All he needs to know is that you want him like he wants you.
【MacCready】 He was more concerned about you putting a bullet in his head while his back was turned. Everyone in the Commonwealth was looking out for number one. So imagine his surprise when you were looking out for your number one and it wasn't you. Not only were you looking for your son but you stopped to help every person who asked for help. Your actions spoke to him in a way your words, he figured, couldn't. You didn't need to help him but you did. You didn't take the caps back. And you killed the gunners the second they turned their guns on him even when they said their beef wasn't with you. It was what you did, not what you told him.
♡If romanced he will ask things. Basic ones are like, "How was your day?" Normal questions that are the peak of domestic life. Then the more personal things. Some sound silly, "What's your favorite color?" But most build off of a quick thing you said in passing, "Wait, you've been to California? What was it like?" He trusts you'll tell him the truth.
【Nick】 As a private detective this simply won't do. He gets it at first, you just need him to find your son, it's business. However, you want him to stay with you after that. It confuses him because you made no indication you like him in the slightest way. He's the second fastest to realize you're not keeping to yourself on purpose. As one of the only ones who are pre-war he's able to get things the others can't. He'll talk about things and give his options and bait you into answering it. That was a common way to get people to talk back then when you were trying to be polite and keep up the conversation, even if the conversation stays a bit thin.
♡If he's romanced he makes fun of the fact you forget to say things about yourself. Don't get it wrong, he makes it clear you don't need to share. He's just poking fun.
【Piper】 This simply won't do. She asks as many question as they come up but she gets depressing short answers. You either give one word answers or say you're not really in the mood, on some occasions you admit you don't know, you never thought about it. It takes a long time for her to stop and that's only because the questions start getting old. And you still feel like a mystery even though you've told her everything.
♡If she's romanced she realizes how much you've told her and pushes it. What is your type? How do your lips feel? Why do you look so good? It becomes playful and light, never serious.
【Preston】 In the beginning he didn't realize he didn't know much about you. He took your help selfishly to get him and his people back on stable ground but you told him you were happy to help. So he takes time to learn about you and give you everything he could possibly help you with. In hopes you would share by yourself he gives things to you without any prompt. It doesn't really work most of the time.
♡If romanced he asks things with hearts in his eyes. He is so lovesick he takes all of your half-answers and files it away in his mind. It hardly matters at that point.
【X6】 It wasn't his mission so he didn't care. You owed him no explanation or justification. Doesn't mean he doesn't question you. He asks why you helped someone, why you stopped for a distraction. And of course you give short answers like, "They needed help." or "I wanted to." Later, after the Institute is gone, he sees how you carry yourself and tries to copy it. Obviously he can't so you help him too. You showed him he can figure himself out by himself and he didn't need you. So he held the same opinion; he doesn't need to know you like that.
♡If romanced he's still comfortable with you keeping things to yourself. It's only after months of being together do you realize he's never asked you a personal question, that you've never shared anything that personal. When you bring that to him he tells you that hardly matters. But seeing you make the effort after that gives him a feeling he can't describe. It's a good feeling he thinks.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
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part two
Part one
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sapphim · 7 months
Fenris: What are those? Some kind of dwarven war-beast? Isabela: Is it just me, or are those dwarves compensating for something…? Merrill: I do not want one of those as a pet! Sebastian: Maker's breath! I never knew the dwarves had tamed such monsters. Anders: I can't remember what beasts those are. I've seen them in the Deep Roads. Aveline: Whatever those are, I'm glad the Carta hasn't brought them into Kirkwall… Bethany: W-what are those things? How did the dwarves tame them? Carver: All right! How do you suppose I get my hands on one of those? Varric: (Grunts.) They're just brontos. Shapers created them a long time ago as beasts of burden. Most of them went feral.
Everyone: what the fuck is that. what the hell. what in the good goddamn is that tremendous beast. Varric: ...it's just a bronto? it's a draft animal, calm down Carver: *cracking knuckles* I'm gonna ride one
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amazinglyegg · 7 months
hi!! i want to say i love ur blog sm. its amazing and one of my fav blogs.
i have a hc where sole picks up children’s toys, teddy bears, jangles the moon monkey, and giddy up buttercups while walking thru the wasteland looking for shaun. could u write a react for fo4 companions asking why they pick up “that junk” vs their reactions after finding out the reason why?
Thank you so much!! And this is the most adorable headcanon ever, I love it <3<3<3 I can only imagine how hard it'd be for Sole to constantly see all the toys they was planning to get Shaun for Christmas all broken down and rusted. Plus not even knowing if he's alive or if he would like any of them anymore... augh my heart </3
Companions react: Sole who collects toys for Shaun
She doesn't even bat an eye when Sole goes around picking up every toy they see
Sole probably only tells her the truth once they overhear Ada calling it scrap
After that Ada will make very sure she doesn't scrap any toys she finds and instead leaves them in a nice pile for Sole to sort through and keep any they want
Might even find it hard to scrap the toys Sole doesn't want (because they're too broken or unsalvagable)
She definitely gets wanting to keep something to remember someone by, and seeing Sole do this might just convince her to keep a transitional object that reminds her of Jackson
Cait immediately feels like crap for complaining so much
Not only because she kept complaining about Sole's habit, but she had definitely made comments on how dumb and boring the toys are in the past
She doesn't really get it since she's not a parent (and never wants to be), but she still feels like she should have realized it sooner
It also hits a bit close to home for her because she never really had many toys as a kid, so realizing Sole cares about Shaun so much they're constantly looking for trinkets for him is almost unreal to her
She'll probably not say much about it for that reason, too awkward and vaguely in disbelief that parents actually do that for their kids for her to make any comments
Oh he is SO supportive of Sole
Even before Sole tells him they're for Shaun he's pointing out how much Shaun would love them
Probably has Sole's Christmas list for Shaun still stored in his memory (because let's be honest Sole was definitely obsessing over their baby's first Christmas back in October) so he'll point out whenever they find a toy that was on the list
He'll probably go out of his way to grab any toys he sees for Shaun as well
Shaun's bedroom is going to be PACKED with toys before he even gets out of the Institute
Definitely more curious than frusturated with Sole picking up toys
Might push Sole too hard for an answer at first, but realizes her mistake and apologizes when Sole tells her the truth
I can imagine her having wildly different reactions on it, especially while she's getting used to emotions
One day she's going "but Shaun already has three blankets, no?" and the next day she's crying at the sight of a broken teddy bear
Grief is such a big emotion for Curie and she's so empathetic she's 100% going to be more weepy than Sole is a lot of the time
Sort of stuck when Sole tells him why they collect toys
On one hand it's his job to tell Sole to drop down the unnecessary stuff and travel light... but on the other hand... they're grieving
So as much as he wants to complain, he probably won't
He gets this is Sole's way of coping and whatnot but he's never been too good at empathy in general, so he won't really know what to say
He definitely won't bother Sole about it, but he will also just kinda ignore it
If him and Sole are close he might (rarely) bring them a toy in good condition he found (he's a scavenger at heart, of course he'll be looking for those things)
Probably one of the most initially annoyed companions in this list
He hates kids and everything to do with them so before finding out he'd make plenty of half-jokes half-complaining jabs at how much the kids toys suck
Every time Sole picked up another toy Deacon's saying "Why did they have to make that face so weird?" "Did kids really play with this crap?" "If Santa got me THAT as a gift Christmas would be ruined forever!"
But once Sole tells him the truth he feels like a major asshole
He's another emotionally stunted man who won't know what to say!
He'll mostly ignore it and look the other way, but he'll also sometimes offer to carry the toys for Sole if their pack is too full
It's the least he can do after being so rude to them
He definitely felt Something when Sole told him that fact (sympathy?? Longing?? Who knows)
The fact that he never left Sole's thoughts even while they were struggling to survive in the wastes means a lot to him (he has parent issues okay?)
Gets a bit weirded out if they still insist on gathering toys and giving them to synth Shaun
Like... he's a robot... he doesn't play with toys... why are you grieving me when I'm right here (he's also very emotionally stunted. Unsurprisingly)
Generally not too empathetic about it, and will definitely comment on it if Sole tries bringing dirty/broken toys into the Institute
Least likely to back down and apologize like the other companions after Sole admits the truth
Probably takes the realist approach of "There's toys everywhere... why can't you just wait until you actually find Shaun and then bring him to an old toy store or something?"
Will be a lot easier on them once he knows the truth though
It's just weird when they're surrounded by toys everywhere. They're literally in an amusement park. Can't Sole just bring Shaun there once they get him??
He's also a bit worried about Sole seeming like a softie, or trying to leave Nuka World once they get their kid back
A toy car or a deck of cards is fine, but you are NOT parading a five foot tall teddy bear around Nuka World. Gage will put his foot down for that one
He'll probably only get annoyed with Sole's collection if it manages to get in the way of their work
He has always found childrens toys creepy... he's pretty thankful not many kids wander around Goodneighbor for that reason
Once he finds out the truth his demeanor will change from mild annoyance to "you know what? You do you"
He'll probably find an old tire or something and go "You think Shaun would like this??"
He doesn't know what kids like!! Especially old world kids. When he was a kid he would have been entertained for HOURS with just a stick... why wouldn't Shaun??
Either way, he lets Sole go do whatever they want to do. He won't judge as long as he doesn't have to look at Jangles for any longer than necessary
Feels like a complete asshole for not connecting it together sooner
Childrens toys, missing child... how did he not SEE that
Hell, HE grabs little toys for Duncan every once in a while. Obviously he can't judge
He might be a tiny bit salty though
He's had to teach himself to not pick up every toy he thinks Duncan would want because he simply can't send them all to him, so seeing Sole constantly fawn over plushies and trinkets... just kinda hurts knowing he can't do the same at the moment
That being said if he finds something he wants to give to Duncan but can't, he'll give it to Sole instead
Ends up being a pretty good system for them both
Nick Valentine
Out of all of the companions he'd be best at emotional support
He'll sincerely apologizes for bugging Sole about the "junk" they've been lugging around and will reassure them that Shaun would love it
He still remembers which toys were popular at the time and will talk to Sole about it whenever they find one
Catch him and Sole repeating commercial jingles back and forth
He gives them a lot of space to grieve and never complains about all the toys once he finds out who they're for
He doesn't shy away from gently putting his foot down if Sole gets a bit ridiculous, but he does so very, very gently
Like "Hey, that teddy is in tatters. How about we find one that's a bit more... huggable?" or "Shaun doesn't need two Giddyup Buttercups, but if you're okay for it I know a little girl in Diamond City who's been begging for one all year"
Old Longfellow
Aw hell, why not?
Definitely empathizes with them
He feels bad for Sole once he learns the truth so he's perfectly happy to just shut up and let Sole do whatever they need to do to grieve
He's also not really a toy person so he doesn't get it
Like "you think your kid would like THAT??"
But whatever. Sole knows their own kid better than he knows them. If Shaun gets traumatized by seeing Jangles the moon monkey, that's Sole's fault
Likely to take an "aww, that's sweet" approach to things
Similar to Hancock in that she... doesn't really get it??
Like who needs all these old toys most people don't know how to play with?? Nat played with a rock and a loose piece of string when she was little and she was just fine
Tries to show enthusiasm but ends up going wayy off the mark
She grabs a Barbie doll and says "wouldn't Shaun like this?? He can... I don't know... brush her hair??"
"Shaun would love this!" "Piper that's a mechanical keyboard... with no computer" "Well maybe Shaun would like pretending to write stories!"
Straight up apologizes for being so harsh to Sole
He didn't need to be so rude about Sole picking up toys. It's their backpack, they can fill it with whatever they want
Appreciates what Sole's doing and will make sure the kids in any settlements don't touch Shaun's toys
He's pretty curious what a lot of toys actually do. He'll ask Sole things like "so do kids... just... sit on the Giddyup Buttercup? And do nothing else??"
Will offer to carry some toys or have caravans bring them back to settlements if they're too much for Sole to carry
(assuming Sole's either keeping the toys for themself or wants to give them to synth!Shaun)
Doesn't get it
Father is right there?? Why are you grieving his childhood and focusing on a synth instead of being proud of his achievements??
Going into headcanon territory here but I assume the Institute probably makes toys for (the scientist's) kids to play with already
Not to mention the Institute is pretty anti-clutter, and Shaun doesn't "need" toys to begin with
He just can't wrap his head around why Sole feels the need to hoard a bunch of old broken toys when good ones are in the Institute already
If Sole just insists on keeping the toys in the old nursery he'll be a bit annoyed but won't show it (gotta respect the future director and all)
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Companions React: The Stars Have Changed
Request: “This is gonna sound a little weird but I would love a headcannon about when Sole and their companion is having to travel at night, and Sole just stops all of a sudden, sits on the ground and just tries to identify constellations from their time but can’t because the stars have changed.”
Contains: Sole grieving their old life, hurt/comfort.
Word Count: 1,854
The Scenario:
Sole and their companion had been traveling for quite some time. Home was still quite a ways away, and with every footstep both were growing wearier. At first, they were determined to keep going– progress couldn’t be made if they took a break every time it felt like their feet were going to fall off. But Sole kept glancing up. Then, without saying a word, Sole stopped, staring at the sky, and lowered themself to sit. They weren’t in a particularly treacherous area, so it was more of a surprise than anything.
“Uhh… somethin’ wrong, Sole?”
It was unusual for them to take a break, even with other people insisted, so Cait was confused and honestly somewhat annoyed It looked like they were tracing the sky with their eyes, searching for something, anything
“They’re gone.” Their voice was hollow
“The stars… they’re gone. I don’t recognize any of them.”
“What in the name of God are y’ talkin’ about?”
“When I was younger I knew all of the constellations– I could draw them out for you now, if we had something to draw on. But they’re… they’ve changed since I was frozen.”
There was a sense of devastation that Cait knew not to touch. Grief came in waves for Sole. They found it in the little things. First it was what they would find amongst Sanctuary, and then it was scraps of adverts they’d grown up seeing, little tins of goods they thought long lost to time. Cait had never thought the stars of all things could be different. 
It would’ve been easier to tell them to get up and look at the stars once they’d gotten somewhere safe. But Cait settled down beside them and leaned back on her hands, looking at that sky with Sole. She tried to imagine what it had looked like for them, and what their surroundings would’ve looked like, as well.
“Sky’s different.”
“Oh… yes, I suppose it would be.”
Sole’s smile was bittersweet as they redirected their gaze to Curie for just a moment. They were fully distracted by the stars, though. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice before now.” Their voice was quiet.
“You are too busy running after everyone. You have no time to look up.” She gave a soft smile they didn’t see.
Sole pointed at the sky. “The Big Dipper used to be there.” They moved their hand. “Orion’s belt. Taurus.”
Their hand dropped to rest by their side. “I guess I have to relearn them.”
“Perhaps you can name them, too.”
Sole turned and looked at her again, smiling. “Yeah, maybe. Just among Sanctuary. I don’t think they’d mind.”
“Danse… the stars are different. They’ve changed.”
Danse looked up. There didn’t seem to be anything particularly out of place that he noticed. He looked back down at them and their hollow expression. “Uh, did you hit your head? Do you have a concussion?”
Sole laughed. “No, Danse, I mean the sky used to look different, from before the bombs dropped. Everyone knew the constellations, the famous ones at least. But they’ve moved. It’s been too long.”
“They’ve… moved?”
“I’ll tell you about it sometime. Do you know any of the new constellations? Are there any new constellations?”
“I don’t see why there would be.”
Right. When you’re fighting for your life every day, there might be less of a focus on naming the stars and becoming familiar with them. God. The entire sky had changed and as far as Sole knew, no one had even noticed. The weight of grief reared its head– no one had mourned something Sole hadn’t even imagined would change before.
“You know, I could be wrong, but this doesn’t look like the Railroad. Just gonna be honest here, Sole.”
“The stars have changed.”
Deacon looked up and contemplated for a moment. After traveling as much as he did, he’d turned to books that had managed to survive the war. Constellations had been mentioned before, and out of curiosity, he’d taken one of the maps out to see if he could find them. He couldn’t; in fact, nothing was the same as the map he’d found. And now he had proof that it wasn’t just his potential inability to read maps properly.
He settled down next to them, careful not to disrupt the way they were entranced by the unfamiliar sky. “Some of us got bored one night and made up new ones. Shapes and names. Do you want me to teach you?”
They, in fact, hadn’t done that. Ever. But the pressure of inventing new constellations on the spot was nothing once he caught the way Sole lit up. “There’s new constellations.” They muttered to themself, fascinated by the concept.
The potentially ten minute break for Sole to mourn turned into several hours of Deacon and them laying in the dead grass. Deacon would point at the sky and make up a name on the spot, insisting that they just weren’t seeing it. Sole caught on within minutes, but Deacon didn’t mind. Their laughter was ringing out into the night air, and every wasted second was worth it.
Unimpressed was how Gage would describe himself initially. He raised an eyebrow. “Overboss?”
Sole didn’t respond, and instead continued staring. He recognized the look. They weren’t particularly close, but he had traveled with them long enough to know; something had reminded them of Pre-War times, and they were being hit with the grief of losing it all over again. Months ago, Gage would’ve become impatient within minutes and insisted they get moving, that there was time to grieve later.
Instead, Gage braced himself to sit on the rocky ground, fully prepared to protect them in case something snuck up while Sole was distracted. Weapon resting across his lap, Gage sat back and kept his eyes on their surroundings.
“Uh… everything alright, Sunshine?”
“Hancock, everything’s different.”
He knew that tone. “Yeah, Sunshine I know.” He sighed and joined them on the ground. “What is it this time?”
The question wasn’t impatient, but instead genuinely curious and concerned. “The stars.”
“The stars changed?”
“Yeah. There, um,” They pointed. “The Big Dipper used to be there.”
“Big Dipper?”
Sole took his hand from where it rested on his lap and spread his palm. Then, they grabbed pebbles from the ground and arranged them. “The Big Dipper. The stars looked like that, and you could pick them out of the sky because of the shape it made.” They traced the path between the pebbles as an example.
“Oh. I’m sorry, darlin’.”
Sole smiled, bittersweet, and swiped the pebbles from his hand, watching them clatter to the ground. They sighed. “Me too.”
Mac wasn’t one for wasting time, but after Sole had gone out of their way to take care of his problem with the Gunners, he found himself biting his tongue more often than not when he wanted to complain. They didn’t do anything without reason, but sometimes it took him a while to figure out what that reason was. This time, he just asked, “Sole?”
“Sorry, I–” They cut themself off and turned.
If MacCready knew any better, it looked like they were checking their surroundings, the same way they would when staying alert on a job, but their gaze was directed at the sky. That made no sense. “The stars aren’t the same as they were before.” Sole sounded breathless, and a little horrified.
“How is that even possible.”
“I don’t remember the science behind it, but after a while the stars change. A hundred years from now, they won’t look the same as you remember them, either. They…” Sole trailed off, shaking their head.
No matter how hard they searched, there was nothing familiar left in the inky black of the night sky. Abruptly, they stood, startling Mac, and brushed off their clothes. “Let’s go. I can’t– I can’t look at it anymore.”
“Doing alright, Sole?”
“The stars are different, Nick.”
“I know.”
There was an understood air of pain between them. Sole had everything they knew ripped away from them, and Nick had memories that didn’t belong to him. He missed a world he was never a part of. “When did you realize?”
Nick sighed and lowered himself to the ground next to them. “Oh, after I got away from the Institute. That night, it was hard to travel because I kept getting these flashes. Nick Valentine’s memories, but I didn’t know that yet. But everything was so strange and familiar at the same time. And eventually, I just collapsed and I happened to look up and… it was different. I’d never even seen it before, but it was different.”
Sole had tears in their eyes, hardly suppressed, their teeth gritted. They gave him a short smile and a nod, an acknowledgement of the understanding between the two of them, and squeezed his hand. The pair sat there and watched the stars, and tried to re-familiarize themselves with the world they’d been thrown into.
“Everything alright there, Blue?”
“Yeah, sorry. It’s just…” Sole shook their head, confused. “I’m trying to find some of the constellations and they’re just… gone.”
“Yeah. I guess it was bound to happen, you know. But shit. They’re just gone.”
“Nat likes to stargaze. She’s got a whole book of constellations she’s made up– you should ask her sometime.”
“Yeah?” Sole laughed a little, fighting the way their heart was sinking.
“Yeah. I think you both would enjoy it.”
Sole released a deep breath and nodded. “We can clean it up and make a new book of constellations– spread it across the Commonwealth.” They laughed wholeheartedly this time.
“Sorry, Preston. I just– when did the stars change?”
“When did… sorry, what?”
They looked at him, somewhat startled themself, before realization dawned. “You wouldn’t know. Right.”
“I’m still not sure I know what you mean.”
“The stars looked different before the War. I just– I never thought about them changing. It’s just one of those things you never expect. The sky is the sky. It doesn’t change. It’s not supposed to.”
They both ignored the way Sole’s voice cracked in the middle of their last sentence. Preston stepped closer, but stayed standing. “Take your time, General.” He said quietly.
“Mx, is something the matter?”
“Did the Institute ever notice that the stars are different now?”
X6-88 seemed taken aback by their question, if the slight tilt of his head was anything to go by, but recovered quickly. “Yes. It was not considered a priority, but one scientist did write a small journal about his findings, and it has been updated throughout the years whenever a noticeable change takes place.”
“Do you think I could see it?”
X6 shifted. Whenever their voice took on that tone, it never failed to activate his protective protocols. He knew it didn’t make any sense. They weren’t in physical danger, it wasn’t necessary for him to protect them, but nonetheless, he felt that prickle of help them travel across his skin. “Yes. Of course.”
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