#Concept to Cloud Mastery
parallax-polysemy · 1 month
🎭Polysemic Monodrama🎭
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A member of XY. Inscrutable and unscrupulous.
A dangerous maestro of theatrics, utterly engrossed in the art of performance. Adorned with innumerable masks, she is the hero with a thousand faces. She always seems to know something that she shouldn’t...
Wealth, status, power... None of those matters to Seiun. The only thing that can get her attention is "amusement."
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Name: Seiun (星雲)
•In Japanese, "nebula" is written as 星雲 (せいうん, seiun). This term combines 星 (hoshi), meaning "star," with 雲 (kumo), meaning "cloud," reflecting the concept of a star cloud or nebula.
Age: “Is that important?~~” (14.) Pronouns: she/her , they/them or she/they
Affiliation(s): the Sheep (formerly), XY, “or whatever i feel like doing” Birthday: August 20 Family: @blood-red-canvases (Older brother who she doesn’t know about)
Ability Name: Stagecraft of the Mask
Ability Description:
Seiun possesses the power to embody different personas, each influenced by a specific mask she wears. The mask grants her the ability to assume various identities and attributes, ranging from physical appearance to personality traits. Each persona has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and Seiun can switch between them at will. Here are a few specific effects:
Persona Shift: By donning a mask, Seiun can transform into a completely different character, gaining their appearance, mannerisms, and voice.
Emotional Resonance: Seiun’s emotional state can be altered based on the mask she wear. For instance, if she wears a mask associated with sadness, her ability to evoke sympathy or manipulate emotions becomes more potent.
Stagecraft Illusions: Seiun can create illusions or change her surroundings to match the character she is portraying. This includes creating visual and auditory effects that support her current persona.
Mimicry Mastery: Seiun can imitate the abilities and techniques of others she’s observed, though this imitation is not perfect and may require time to master depending on the person. Their effectiveness depends on how well she can mimic the original abilities.
Mask’s Command: When not in use, the mask has a lingering influence on the user’s behavior, subtly guiding her actions according to its nature. This can be a double-edged sword, as it may compel Seiun to act in ways that align with the mask’s characteristics, even when she doesn’t intend to.
Identity Conflict: The constant switching between personas can cause internal conflict, making it difficult to maintain a coherent sense of self.
Mask Dependency: Seiun’s abilities are tied to the masks she wears. Without a mask, her powers are significantly diminished, and she may struggle to maintain their personas or risk going completely insane. Like when an alcohol addict suddenly stops drinking.
Blood-type: B
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese
Personality: Bro I don’t even know how to describe Seiun’s personality… if you play Honkai: Star Rail then HOPEFULLY you’ll know how Sparkle acts. The best I can describe Seiun’s personality is: Seiun is a sociopathic little shit (but I love her, I say that with LOVE)
Fears: N/A
Desires: N/A
Likes: Performing on stage, acting, breaking fourth wall, driving people insane
-Refer to the links at the end of this post
Height: 5’7
Weight: N/A
Eye Colour: one eye is black/brown and the other is red-ish pink or red  
Hair: Long brown/black with wispy bangs
Casual Outfits: 
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LINKS: Seiun Lore/Symbolism breakdown SEIUN’S BACKSTORY OLD DIARY PAGE SEIUN FACTS (part 1)
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five-rivers · 2 years
Wind Begins to Turn
Hey, what if I randomly posted something for a fandom I've never written anything for before?
Fire creeping forward
Wind begins to turn
The world yet is frozen
While the world burns
‘Underestimated’ and ‘avatar’ didn’t seem like two concepts that should share the same space, but Aang was learning that quite a lot of things in the world weren’t as they should be.  He should have been told he was the avatar when he was sixteen.  He should be allowed to play with the other kids.  He should be traveling with Monk Gyatso, like they’d planned before getting stuck here.   
It should be fair. 
It wasn’t. 
But the worst part (so far; despite what Gyatso said, there were an awful lot of squalls and very few updrafts when it came to this whole avatar thing) was definitely being underestimated.  Him, Aang, being underestimated. 
Aang had worked hard for his mastery and his arrows, even if it was a strictly physical mastery of innovation, granted on account of having developed and taught new techniques.  He wasn’t that far behind on spiritual matters, and he knew the classic techniques just as well.  Aang was a master.  The youngest ever. 
But now that everyone knew he was the avatar, they just looked at him and said, well, sure he’s good at bending, he’s the avatar, isn’t he?  As if his past lives doing it before him meant he hadn’t earned his skill.  He wasn’t the only person with a past life, after all.  Everyone was part of the great cycle.  Odds were, some of his yearmates had been benders in their past lives, too.  The only difference for him was that he got reincarnated right away, rather than having to wait to clear his karma, and he was always a bender.  That’s it!
Even looking at past avatars, not all of them had been geniuses.  Avatar Szeto, for example never completely mastered anything but Fire – but he’d been great at math!  Not like Aang at all. 
Aang – okay, he wasn’t a genius.  He knew that.  But he also knew he was good, and he worked hard.  That was him.  Not just because he was the avatar. 
Aang kicked another pebble off the side of the cliff and pretended he couldn’t hear the others playing airball a couple dozen feet up.  He could bend the air so he couldn’t hear it, but that’d mess up the air patterns for no reason but to suit himself and it’d keep him from hearing if someone called him.  There was always a chance someone would change their mind about him playing. 
Aang’s ears pricked up. 
“Avatar Aang!”
Maybe not.  He sighed, gustily, and propelled himself up to the main level of the temple.  “Did you need me, Monk Tashi?”
Okay, so.  Maybe Aang hadn’t been completely honest with himself when he said being underestimated was the worst.  Actually, the worst part was the responsibility.  He just – there was a reason you didn’t tell avatars that they were avatars until they were sixteen, right?
Troubling signs.  Gathering clouds.  A storm, brewing. 
He didn’t get it.  When he’d visited the Fire Nation last time everything had seemed fine.  Normal.  No one had been talking about war, and that seemed like the kind of thing that would be hard to hide.  At least, judging from the scrolls the elders were making him read, lately.  Armies took up space, had to move, had to eat.  If the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdom was planning something, it’d be noticed, especially by people flying above, and then it wouldn’t be described so many different shades of we think. 
“—the Fire Nation has been expanding its colonies, you may be called on to disperse them, as Avatar Roku did—”
“Why?” asked Aang. 
“I mean,” said Aang, shuffling the maps and making sure not to look longingly at the window, “no one was using that land, right?  So, what does it matter?”
“The land belonged to the Earth Kingdom,” said Tashi.  “More importantly, there is no longer a buffer between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, which was part of the point of them ceding the Northern Volcanos to the…” 
Aang started to tune Tashi out.  He knew this was important, but it was just so much. 
He snapped back to attention to beam at Gyatso. 
“Whatever are the two of you doing in here?” asked his teacher who shot a very subtle glare at Tashi. 
“You know Avatar Aang needs more background on this,” said Tashi. 
“Hm, perhaps,” said Gyatso, “but I am still his teacher, am I not?  At least until he comes of age, and can walk the wind roads on his own.  I do believe Appa and Mochi are overdue for a flight?”
Aang bounced to his feet and made good on the escape Gyatso had offered him. 
Aang loved bending.  He really really loved it.  He wouldn’t have gotten his tattoos already otherwise.  Heck, some people never got their mastery tattoos, and they got on just fine.  Like a bunch of the spinners and weavers!  Even if they weren’t airbending masters, they were good enough to get places and they were important.  Without them, they wouldn’t have much to trade with the settled people except, like, knowledge and stuff from other places. 
But, he was finding, he didn’t like bending like this. 
“Avatar Aang,” said Monk Tashi, who had woken him up first thing in the morning, “you must master these techniques if you are to prevent the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom from coming to blows!”
“Yes, Monk Tashi,” said Aang.  He wasn’t out of breath.  He was a master airbender.  It’d take a lot more than this to take the wind out of him.  But he was already exhausted, and some of these moves seemed awfully violent.  They didn’t expect him to fight anyone for real, did they…?  “Monk Tashi, did you tell Monk Gyatso—"
“He most certainly did not.”
Aang didn’t startle at Gyatso’s sudden appearance.  Honest. 
“Monk Tashi, I must remind you once again that Aang is my student, and I have my own lessons for him that are not helped by working him into exhaustion before the day has even started.”
“Avatar Aang—”
“If you were truly interested in Aang’s training as the avatar, you would send him to learn waterbending.”
“You know why we can’t—”
“Yes, yes, we’ve broken tradition by telling Aang already, I know, I know.”  He turned to Aang and smiled for the first time since he’d arrived.  “Are you ready to make some pies?”
Aang nodded fervently, eager to get away from… whatever this was.  “Boy, am I!”
They were going to take him away from Gyatso.  They were going to take him away from Gyatso.  Had—He had never even heard of anything like that ever happening.  It couldn’t—They couldn’t—It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair.  Gyatso was the only one who still saw him as him, and—and—
He couldn’t do this anymore.  He—
He wished he wasn’t the avatar.  He wished he had never even heard of the avatar.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, making him flinch.  A storm.  A gathering storm. 
But what right did they have to take him away from everything and everyone he knew? 
He started to pace again, agitated eddies of air lifting dust and the edges of his bedspread.  What should he do?  What could he do?  What would Gyatso want him to do?  Listen to the elders, probably, but he couldn’t.  So, what was left?
If you were truly interested in Aang’s training as the avatar, you would send him to learn waterbending.
Aang took a deep breath, stilling the wind that had been picking up in his room.  Waterbending.  Before all this, Gyatso had shown him their itinerary, and they’d been going south, toward Kiyoshi Island, and the South Pole wasn’t that far past Kiyoshi – at least, some of the Southern Water Tribe’s settlements weren’t.  Like Wolf Cove, the traditional capital and home of the Sea Wolf Tribe!
That’s where they’d be going, if it wasn’t for… all this.  It didn’t really help.  It’d be impossible to get all the way there without being caught or turned back or getting lost, especially in this weather.  There was a reason young monks were paired with teachers.   
Once, Gyatso had told him to be careful of doing impossible things.  That if you did something that people thought was impossible, you had to explain how you did it, so the spirits wouldn’t get confused and think you were a spirit, too, or worse.  There’d been a story of a man who had done three impossible things in one night and been transformed, eventually becoming a spirit no one could see or touch. 
But Aang was the avatar.  Aang was a spirit.  Doing the impossible was natural for him. 
And the impossible… it sounded easier than giving up. 
He wrote a note for Gyatso, so Gyatso could find him. 
The storm was fierce.  The worst Aang had ever been in, and he was starting to worry.  A lot.  He was worried.  Especially for poor Appa!  He wasn’t the biggest or strongest flying bison out there, after all. 
He sheered away a strong wind with a blast of air from his hands, buying a little room to think.  If they’d been over land, he would have set down to try and wait things out…
A flash of light drew his attention.  Lightning?  No.  Storm spirits.  He watched, shielding his eyes from the wind and rain as the brightly glowing spirits formed a ring around him and Aapa, keeping pace with their flight easily.  They giggled and tumbled and grinned.  Aang couldn’t help but smile himself.  The world seemed… brighter, and the wind almost felt like it was blowing through Aang and Appa, instead of around them.  The edges of the tattoos on Aang’s hands almost looked like they were glowing, too vivid for the shadowy surroundings. 
Avatar, avatar, why have you come?  Why do you ride the storm? asked the lion-headed and lemur-tailed spirits. 
“I’m—” started Aang, the wind whipping his words away. 
Why do you leave your elders, little avatar?  Have you come to play? 
Play with us!
So many games!
Bend the storm wind!
We shall show you the destruction of air!
“I’d like that!” shouted Aang, so he could be heard over the howl of the storm.  “Except for the destruction part, I guess?  But I’m—I’m here because…”  There were lots of reasons he could give, but you were supposed to respect the spirits, and respect demanded honesty.  “I needed more time.”  Time to think, time to feel, time to still be himself. 
Time!  Time! chanted the storm spirits.  We will fetch it for you, world-spirit!  The storm spirits scattered, laughing.
Fetch it for him?  What did they mean by that? 
For a split second, Aang didn’t hate being the avatar. 
Then, the world regained reality and Appa rocked underneath Aang.  The storm raged—At least, that’s how ang would have described it if he hadn’t just seen the storm spirits and how happy they were. 
Aang tried to bend them a bubble in the storm.  But the natural winds were too fierce, and he could feel the spirits in them.  He hadn’t even known he could do that!
And then they hit the sea. 
Sister ice will welcome you into her house, little avatar!  And she has much time!
Aang didn’t remember anything else. 
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priya-joshi · 7 months
The Roadmap to Full Stack Developer Proficiency: A Comprehensive Guide
Embarking on the journey to becoming a full stack developer is an exhilarating endeavor filled with growth and challenges. Whether you're taking your first steps or seeking to elevate your skills, understanding the path ahead is crucial. In this detailed roadmap, we'll outline the stages of mastering full stack development, exploring essential milestones, competencies, and strategies to guide you through this enriching career journey.
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Beginning the Journey: Novice Phase (0-6 Months)
As a novice, you're entering the realm of programming with a fresh perspective and eagerness to learn. This initial phase sets the groundwork for your progression as a full stack developer.
Grasping Programming Fundamentals:
Your journey commences with grasping the foundational elements of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the cornerstone of web development and are essential for crafting dynamic and interactive web applications.
Familiarizing with Basic Data Structures and Algorithms:
To develop proficiency in programming, understanding fundamental data structures such as arrays, objects, and linked lists, along with algorithms like sorting and searching, is imperative. These concepts form the backbone of problem-solving in software development.
Exploring Essential Web Development Concepts:
During this phase, you'll delve into crucial web development concepts like client-server architecture, HTTP protocol, and the Document Object Model (DOM). Acquiring insights into the underlying mechanisms of web applications lays a strong foundation for tackling more intricate projects.
Advancing Forward: Intermediate Stage (6 Months - 2 Years)
As you progress beyond the basics, you'll transition into the intermediate stage, where you'll deepen your understanding and skills across various facets of full stack development.
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Venturing into Backend Development:
In the intermediate stage, you'll venture into backend development, honing your proficiency in server-side languages like Node.js, Python, or Java. Here, you'll learn to construct robust server-side applications, manage data storage and retrieval, and implement authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Mastering Database Management:
A pivotal aspect of backend development is comprehending databases. You'll delve into relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Proficiency in database management systems and design principles enables the creation of scalable and efficient applications.
Exploring Frontend Frameworks and Libraries:
In addition to backend development, you'll deepen your expertise in frontend technologies. You'll explore prominent frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, streamlining the creation of interactive and responsive user interfaces.
Learning Version Control with Git:
Version control is indispensable for collaborative software development. During this phase, you'll familiarize yourself with Git, a distributed version control system, to manage your codebase, track changes, and collaborate effectively with fellow developers.
Achieving Mastery: Advanced Phase (2+ Years)
As you ascend in your journey, you'll enter the advanced phase of full stack development, where you'll refine your skills, tackle intricate challenges, and delve into specialized domains of interest.
Designing Scalable Systems:
In the advanced stage, focus shifts to designing scalable systems capable of managing substantial volumes of traffic and data. You'll explore design patterns, scalability methodologies, and cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
Embracing DevOps Practices:
DevOps practices play a pivotal role in contemporary software development. You'll delve into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC), and containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
Specializing in Niche Areas:
With experience, you may opt to specialize in specific domains of full stack development, whether it's frontend or backend development, mobile app development, or DevOps. Specialization enables you to deepen your expertise and pursue career avenues aligned with your passions and strengths.
Becoming a proficient full stack developer is a transformative journey that demands dedication, resilience, and perpetual learning. By following the roadmap outlined in this guide and maintaining a curious and adaptable mindset, you'll navigate the complexities and opportunities inherent in the realm of full stack development. Remember, mastery isn't merely about acquiring technical skills but also about fostering collaboration, embracing innovation, and contributing meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
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silverslate221 · 2 years
What powers and concepts did you give to your versions of the canon miraculous?
Ooh thank you for asking I was probably going to make a post on my own otherwise. I have quite a few issues with the canon powers and concepts of several canon kwamis.
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation
Tikki's powers remain mostly the same. To be honest the biggest difference comes in the form of the Miraculous Ladybug power. For one thing the name doesn't change from holder to holder I thought that was a very odd decision but the bigger thing is that the power can be used without summoning a Lucky Charm. We see in the New York Special and Destruction that every lucky charm is used specifically for one crisis and Ladybug needs it to repair the damages caused by said crisis and if multiple crises take place at once or if she loses her Lucky Charm everyone is screwed. I've changed things so that a Lucky Charm or capturing an akuma/amok just focuses the Miraculous Ladybugs in a specific direction. When used without one of those things the Miraculous Ladybug power would release an unchecked wave of creation and restoration. With time the holder could learn how to direct it but to an inexperienced holder like Marinette in Season 1 there's no guarantees that she'd fix everything that needs to be fixed or she could cause more harm than good by say causing plant life to grow out of control. A Lucky Charm used to solve a specific problem or an akuma that created a villain will act as a guide for the Miraculous Ladybugs.
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction
Plagg's powers definitely changed quite a bit more than Tikki's in attempt to help equalize the two (The Ladybug and the Black Cat are supposed to represent balance and yin and yang but Ladybug is significantly more powerful than Chat Noir) Cataclysm has remained mostly the same except now it can be used to destroy Sentimonsters and it can kill a human like what we saw in Volpina's illusion in Heroes' Day. The only reason that doesn't normally happen is because of Adrien's innate sense of self control that prevents him from permanently injuring or killing someone. Miraculous holders are offered some protection and they won't immediately die unless and very skilled and powerful Black Cat used Cataclysm or the power I'm about to talk about. Black Storm is in essence the opposite of the Miraculous Ladybugs, unfortunately it doesn't have a focusing tool like the Miraculous Ladybugs so most holders don't learn about it until later on when they have complete mastery of Cataclysm and of course can be trusted with such a dangerous power. Black Storm releases a wave of destruction and decay and can very easily kill many many people including miraculous holders if untamed. Black Storm can also cause other natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes if properly directed. Black Storm looks like a massive cloud of black energy crackling with bolts of green lightning. Finally Black Cats can capture akumas and amoks as well it's just instead of purifying the dark magic they assimilate the energy since dark magic and the negative energy the Black Cat can control are so similar. The baton has a special black void like the yo-yo.
Trixx the Fox of Deception
I've changed Trixx from Illusion to Deception because I think it fits exceptionally better and covers a broader spectrum than illusion alone. Mirage is basically the same except amped up so Volpina (screw you Lila you are awful) is left as nothing but a pale imitation in the face of a true Fox. Mirage can now be manipulated and changed in anyway the holder wishes from a beautiful display of fireworks to a raging dinosaur with a single illusion. Mirage can now also deceive multiple senses at least if the holder wills it, a bakery will smell like fresh bread and pastries, the illusions will have shadows, a rain storm will leave you feeling wet as long as the holder is thoughtful enough to include those things. Even teenaged holders can maintain an illusion for extended periods of time because as long as the illusion remains unbroken the timer will not start and even then skilled holders can split the illusion into multiple parts so that even if one part is broken the Mirage can still exist. The Fox also gets another power Reality. Now instead of only being able to dispel their own illusions they can dispel any kind of illusion or deception (For ex: if Rena Rouge was fighting against Volpina, Volpina's illusions could be banished with a word and a wave of her flute or if she was fighting Chameleon she could force her to return to her original form)
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Notice how I wrote Subjection instead of Action because even if the writers want to retcon her concept I will refuse to comply. Pollen's power allows her holder to immobilize an opponent so her concept should be Inaction if anything because if we followed this logic Tikki could destroy things, Trixx could force people to tell the truth, etc. Now Pollen, as you could probably tell from my profile photo, is my favorite kwami and as such I believe she deserved a major upgrade and a power that fits her true concept of Subjection. Venom now instead of paralyzing someone transforms them into the holder's loyal servant akin to Miracle Queen, this control is absolute and unbreakable outside of the holder themself dispelling it, the Eagle using Liberation, or if a Black Cat with exceptional control used Cataclysm to specifically destroy it. As long as the body is physically capable of it the holder can force them to do it, forcing someone to forget something, performing exceptional acrobatic feats, or even...killing someone with a single word are all within the realm of possibility. Similar to Trixx's upgrade a teenaged holder's timer will not start until the victim is released and that power is called Absolve. Absolve not only dispels Venom but any form of magical control or subjection such as Malediktator's orbs or Princess Fragrance's perfume.
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection
Wayzz was mostly fine in my opinion his power just needed a little tweaking. Shell-ter's shape can now be manipulated by the holder. Inexperienced holders are limited to simple stuff like changing the shield from a dome to a sphere or vice versa but more skilled holders have much finer control, think Steven Universe's bubble power (specifically in the movie and Steven Universe: Future). Wayzz like Pollen and Trixx gets a little buff so that the timer doesn't start until the shield is broken or dispelled. Speaking of dispelling Wayzz gets a new phrase too, Exposure. Exposure like Reality and Absolve dispels the holder's power but also foreign powers as well, in this case foreign protections like Style Queen's barrier or Penalty's bubble
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Now I’ll be honest I debated Duusu’s concept for a while but I think Manifestation is the best concept for their powers, Emotion did work but I feel that the kwami of Emotion should be able to control emotions. Anyway now instead of only being able to manifest emotions into corporeal form they can manifest desires, thoughts, and even memories. Senticreatures (which is what I’ve decided to call the good sentimonsters) can still be basically anything and have pretty much any power the sheer magnitude of said powers are greatly reduced similar to the Butterfly which I’ll get into in a second, their strength comes from their versatility not their raw power. Avatar is the new power name which I took from the official kwamis’ book just like the Peacock’s detransformation phrase: Fold My Feathers which to me sounds a lot better than Fall My Feathers. Also now the Peacock’s telempathic link you know the one we saw in Heroes’ Day with the cool light mask is much more limited, now it only appears at the moment of contact between the amok and the object, the holder makes their deal, the senticreature is manifested, then that’s it no further communication after that. The Peacock is a little more detached than the Butterfly in that sense. They can also create more than one senticreature at a time they just need to wait a little while between creations or else their previously created senticreatures will begin to fall apart. The amount of time they have to wait after creating a senticreature to create a new one all depends on how complex and/or powerful the first one was and how much energy the holder can pour into it.
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission/Transformation
Now here’s the thing I’m conflicted about on Nooroo in a similar vein to Orikko and Barkk multilie concepts fit well (although in this case the powers don’t really change all that much unlike the other two) I just haven’t decided which one I like better solely based on the additional powers I grant each Miraculous. Anyway the base power which I’ve decided to call Metamorphosis, because it fits and is a whole lot better than Empower, still functions relatively the same way, the power scope as I said earlier is just more limited. In canon we see Gabriel creating akumas like Volpina and Stormy Weather 2 who are in one case exceptionally more powerful than the true Fox Miraculous holders and in the other able to create a volcano powerful enough TO FORCE THE EARTH OFF ITS ORBIT. If Gabriel could create akumas like this from the start why not create an akuma to heal Emilie or make Stormy Weather that powerful in the first place. In the case of a champion like Volpina, one specifically created to emulate a miraculous holder, will always be inferior to the real thing. Stormy Weather 2 would only be able to accomplish anything remotely close to canon if her powers were boosted by a sentimonster. Also no akumas like Gang of Secrets where they’re not even touching the objects and all get akumatized to they’re previous levels, either they’d be significantly depowered or Gabriel would need a sentimonster that could boost his powers. None of this hiding this akumatized object either like we saw in Risk, if a Champion gets to far away from their object they start to lose their powers and can even detransform. An akuma (in this case a dark magic powered butterfly) cannot multiply they will simply continue to gather negative energy, which I said before is extremely similar to dark magic. Eventually they’ll return to their original recipient except they will be incredibly more powerful, Stoneheart for example would now be able to manipulate stone and earth and potentially even encase other people in stone to create allies. Now hopefully the last thing is that the phrases are now just Wings Rise and Wings Fall (Gabriel just adds the dark to be dramatic which is totally in character considering he talks to himself and says stuff like evilize) I don’t really get the whole Good vs Evil phrases thing canon has going on
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Nothing much had changed with Mullo honestly especially since we found out in Strike Back that the holder can further multiply even after they’ve multiplied originally. The big thing is that skilled holders can eventually get to the point where they can multiply without losing any size at all. The Mouse does get the Fox, Bee, & Turtle treatment though, Solitude allows the holder to reunite with all their clones and cancel out the effects of other multiplying magics like Sapotis for example (I will be choosing to ignore the canon counter phrase: Unite). Also the phrases have once again changed to Scurry Forth and Scurry Away as coined by my friend @graaythekwami. Get Squeaky was okay but it’s counter phrase Unsqueak is awful I mean they could have done Get Quiet, Quiet Down, or my favorite Quiet as a Mouse, but in general I prefer Scurry Forth and Scurry Away. Oh and also when it comes to unification if a unified Miraculous holder multiplied the other miraculous would get multiplied as well and their power could even be used multiple times by an underage holder but it would be incredibly draining for the kwami no matter what because their powers weren’t meant to stretch the way Mullo’s are.
Stommp the Ox of Determination
Stompp’s powers get some name changes and buffs and I’ll be telling you about two of her powers out of the 3-4 I have for most all kwamis. Resistance is now Stampede however instead of only stopping superpowers the holder becomes truly invulnerable and unstoppable in motion à la Juggernaut from Marvel comics. Holders also gain the power: Bulldoze which turns their determination into raw strength which causes their hammer and body to glow and they can cause massive amounts of damage. The activation phrase Make Way has grown on me but I’m conflicted on the deactivation phrase between Push Back and Stand Down
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Listen Exaltation wasn’t a good concept to begin with but the english concept Elation is even worse especially considering we have Jubilation as well. Of course I myself have kwamis of War and Aggression so isn’t confrontation very similar, well yes it is but all their powers manifest differently. War is about the battle, the bloody conflict between opposing factions, Aggression is the feeling of rage and ferocity from when you’re pushed over the edge. Confrontation is the actual clash, the attack, Roaar is in this sense the opposite of Wayzz (I really wish Attackion was a word), the Unstoppable force to Wayzz’s immovable object, the Spear to his Shield. Speaking of spears I changed Roaar’s weapon, bolas aren’t a bad weapon in concept but they don’t fit the Tiger especially the one we go instead of the one we all thought it would be. The phrases are now On the Hunt and Off the Hunt because they fit Roaar a million times better than they did Barkk and also because Stripes On/Off is stupid. Clout is now Collision which I stole from the Portuguese dub because it sounds better and the Tiger also gets another power: Tiger’s Fury. Tiger’s Fury envelopes the holder in a shroud of raw energy that boosts all of their physical abilities to new levels beyond even that of the other miraculous; stronger than the ox, faster than the horse, and more agile than the fox. This power can also be focused into their fist, spear, foot, or even head for Collision (basically Collision just focuses alot of raw energy into a single focal point to be unleashed). But this can’t be reversed unless you’re already an adult, once Collision is used Tiger’s Fury cannot be.
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution
Fluff is complicated (as all time travel is) her power is basically the same except for two main differences. 1. Only adults can use it an unlimited number of times unless a loop hole is abused. Whenever a Rabbit or any holder of time related Miraculous enters the Burrow, the center of all timeflow and temporal energy, their Miraculous is charged to full capacity. So bascially it functions the same as canon as long as the Rabbit holder enters the Burrow at some point, but solely sending someone else through time like adult!Bunnyx did to Monarch in Evolution will start the timer. Now to explain the second difference I need to explain more about Fluff’s role in itself. The avatars of Evolution are tasked with maintaining the timeline, the best timeline or that is to say the timeline that benefits the most people. If you really want a deep dive into what that means I recommend you check out my friend @graaythekwami‘s fanfiction Crimson & Noire. (I’m not just saying it’s great because they’re my friend I was reading their fics before we became friends and I love them; C&N, Withered Wings, and Mother Hen are my favorites of theirs) C&N really does a good job explaining what the Rabbit is supposed to do and more importantly what they’re not supposed to. Basically the Burrow is guarded fiercely by every holder of the Rabbit Miraculous there’s ever been and ever will be and if you try and make a change to the timeline that Fluff wouldn’t approve of then you’ll get your butt kicked by countless different Rabbits and their companions. Speaking of companions from modern times onward most Rabbits are joined by another trusted Miraculous holder to support them as being the avatar of Evolution is a very very difficult job. These companions join the Rabbits on almost every mission except for the most delicate and imperative which must be managed solo.
This post is long enough already I’m afraid so I’ll cover the rest of the kwamis in a following post. I’d like to thank @graaythekwami for all their help with ideas and headcanons specifically about the Rabbit Miraculous because time travel is already complicated enough xD
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thedaytheworldburned · 6 months
'Deja Vu' First Reactions
Well, um... I was right. Much more LOVESONG and Run Away than LOSER=LOVER of GBGB. Another notch on my mastery of TXT's concept. But not my mastery of their storyline.
Also, why does this song sound to be like a nice blend between something ENHYPEN would make and something SHINee would make? Odd.
So yeah, fun song, I like it. The story is confusing me immensely, since colours for each member are back - something from Chasing that Feeling - but they aren't the same colours per member. Is this on purpose? Are they trying to change the symbolism? Was Chasing that Feeling just incredibly lacking in preparation and thought? I feel it's the latter, because Chasing that Feeling has like NOTHING, but still, confusing, and forces us to basically make this MV a story devoid of the rest of TXT's storyline, which is weird and annoying. I'm sure Laina will have many things to say about it though :)
Full thoughts below the line.
I was watching Girl's Planet for my podcast episode on it when I opened this, and this orb confused me so much. Tell me this doesn't look like the openings of Girls Planet and Boy's Planet.
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Especially with the two colours circling each other and the cosmic swish sounds.
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Here we get the fox from the trailer - and also from the Little Prince. It's glowing and colourful - it's clearly from a different planet, and this shot of it descending into darkness mirrors TXT (in the form of a multicoloured cloud of energy - see the similarities) falling from the sky in Chasing that Feeling.
Also, the shape it moves towards id kind of like an eye, but also kind of like the drains from Chasing that Feeling. Some other important instances of eyes in TXT's story? The cat with heterochromia, Kai and his eyepatch, and the massive eye shape behind them in GBGB.
This segment has the subtitles that some things are precious, but invisible, and we pass them by. The eye is crying this pinkish liquid - which will come back later.
Basically, some precious things are either invisible or passed by. What things? TXT, the fox, and friendship would be my best guesses. The fox especially was left behind in the concept trailer.
The tears obviously show regret, and since the fox disappears into a star-like twinkle in the eye, it suggests that, despite being passed over, the important things will be with us forever.
Whose eye is it? Taehyun's. How do I know that? I'll get back to that later.
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Here we get our main character - constantly dead Yeonjun. He's in this field with.... giant balloon animal things? Which I assume are supposed to represent the magic in the world, since they disappear when the colour (magic/power from CTF) also disappears.
Now I will point out that Yeonjun is running, the world is red, and he has holes in his shirt. Aka, Yeonjun is likely in pain. A very common motif/story element in the TXT story. Story Yeonjun is going to need billions of years of therapy after everything he's been through.
But this is also where my annoyance shows up - because in CTF, red was Soobin's colour, not Yeonjun's. Is this supposed to tie him to Soobin? Or did they just choose red since he's in pain? I'll let you choose.
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This shot suggests to us that, like the fox, Yeonjun is incorporeal, and this is either his soul or consciousness floating around without his body. Everything in the red shot is an entire world that exists within this red orb in the grey 'real world'. Keep in mind - the grey, or dark, real world which contrasts Magic Island is something that's been around since the very first TXT song ever - Blue Orangeade. It's very well established in their story.
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Here he is, the man himself, and thankfully he was probably just dreaming, With his horn/fang earrings (ahem, animal imagery, ahem, the fox which Yeonjun is tied to above all the other members, ahem).
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My big question is why is Beomgyu glowing? Is it because he murdered Taehyun and may or may not have claimed his power? Is he the most powerful since he got his power first in CTF? But his power was green, not yellow. Has he DIED???? Lol. Goodness knows. But it is very evocative imagery, the only problem is I don't know what it's trying to evoke.
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Here we are again in the grey world, and since Soobin is definitely not driving and probably not being driven, I imagine the shadows are changing over his face quickly to show the passage of time - TXT are out of the timestream - I mean, time and not following it correctly have also been a concept of theirs since almost the beginning.
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Ahem, dead Kai, ahem???!?!?!!
Probably more like 'living on the edge, being risky, being a TEENAGER!' Giving himself up to feeling, you know?
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And yeah, I understand that water IS blue, but blue is Yeonjun's colour in CTF, not Kai's?!?!
That said, we can still apply the same principles - blue for relaxation, which he clearly feels in comparison to Yeonjun. Colour also = magic and a different world - and Kai is literally separated from the otherworldly, magical space that is the ocean, by the grey boat he is in. He's almost reaching out to the magic that he grew up with on the island.
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And this shows us how out of the world they actually are - dissociated to the highest level on the side of the path.
But also - these sports uniforms are really odd looking - they're old fashioned, they look like they're from the 1930s or something, and considering it's a group of boys running in a field with what looks like a stereotypical European boarding house behind them - I think Yeonjun may or may not have time traveled himself to 20s England or something.
This can be applied to the other members too - Soobin's car looks like a model from the 60s or something, and the boat Kai is on has these nuts that are far more common on ships from the 20s-50s than anything more modern.
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I mean these nuts, fyi.
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They all have masks - they are all brainwashed boring denizens of the grey world, not Magic Island. Or at least, that's my interpretation.
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Yo wtf where did Kai come from? Also, Yeonjun goes right back to his dissociated sleep as soon as Kai shows up - is this supposed to show how their magic keeps them connected despite the distance? Don't forget that Yeonjun and Kai are one of our best-associated pairings in the storyline.
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Well I don't think I need to tell you that people holding hands and losing grip of each other is a symbol of desperation and loss, do I?
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Henceforth, Beomgyu will be known as 'glowing Gyu.'
Still not sure WHY he's glowing - and in Kai's colour, too. He is singing about stars here, so that does make sense. Has he returned to the world of magic to the extent that he's basically BECOME it?
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Ahem bias alert.
The shots before this show us that 1) Taehyun is still the only member with no colour (while glowing Gyu who murdered him in CYSM is the only one with no black and white/darkness), and 2) that he looked up, just in time to see both glowing Gyu, and dark Soobin (whose colour is a mix of Yeonjun's blue and Beomgyu's green). Are they going to fight?!?! Is Beomgyu Taehyun's saviour, or is he looking at him in anger for being murdered?
Am I too hung up on the murder scene from CYSM? Yes, but it's still kind of insane that one of the members of this boy group just... murdered another. In their SECOND COMEBACK, no less!!!!
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Anyway, Soobin - he's in this weird space with this scaffolding which also kind of creates watery mirror shapes. If that isn't either hallucinations or magic, I don't know what is. It's also - duh - dark and stormy - a likely reflection of his mindstate. If it's not, well, that would be bad visual storytelling.
He could also be evil, while Gyu is good - a reversal of their previous roles. That said, Taehyun and Soobin were the liars in CYSM, and Taehyun was kind of muted in the concept trailer, so maybe they're teaming up against Gyu....?
This is the problem with making your members good for some comebacks and evil for others - the story can get confused. It doesn't even really work to make them well rounded characters here either, since we're unsure on the motivations. The only characters this works for here is Kai and Yeonjun - since they are both tortured souls with two curses each - Yeonjun is traumatised and made a deal with the devil, and Kai has the angel wings, but also a lost heart, so of course he also needs to be a devil.
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Not entirely sure why Kai is in Soobin's realm with the glowing globs - is he checking in on people - Yeonjun and now Soobin? Also why does he have this shocked expression on his face lol. Is he shocked that Soobin was secretly a liar?
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On a quest to find his leader?
Also may I say - Kai has brought all the extra colour. Because he may have an evil alter ego, but at the end of the day he's their cute innocent maknae.
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And instead of finding Soobin, he finds glowing Gyu. Has Soobin entrapped glowing Gyu?
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And I'm guessing this is some psychic/magical defense Soobin has on Gyu?
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HE'S GETTING AWAYYYYYYYYY. Or, getting FURTHER away. And being pulled into that eye. Whose eye? Taehyun's. Why Taehyun's? I'll get to it eventually I swear.
I mean, I imagine this is supposed to look like an eye, but because it moves so quickly in the actual MV and is kind of like soap suds or something, I'm not ENTIRELY sure. If it wasn't meant to be, the editors have some issues.
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Poor dude has been left all to his lonesome.
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Now the fact that 1) we were in some dream world, and 2) Soobin is sleeping suggest to be that this was all subconscious on his part. Interesting...
One eye is covered - a representation of Kai's curse, and also of having lost sight of one's purpose - in this case, friendship and being the group's leader. Because, you know, he was a liar.
Who is holding him? Based on the shirt, I'm going to say Taehyun - which would mark the first time Taehyun is given colour in this MV. Interestingly, it's as part of Soobin's story/in connection with Soobin, and both of them are costumed in yellow - which shows comraderie, but is also Kai's colour? Unsure about Kai here - I would have expected them to be in green to show their revenge on Gyu. Then again, Gyu IS yellow in this MV, so....
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(um bias alert, I am indeed very biased, you've got to remember that after Soobin this dude is my bias in TXT)
So, Taehyun was the one who witnesses Yeonjun's death in Eternally, and now he too is covered in flowers, probably dead, and producing purplish liquid. This liquid is the same colour as the fox (which he was associated with in some of our concept pictures), and the orb from the beginning of the video - the representation of otherworldlyness and magic. Not only is he crying literal, pure magic, but also likely regret at the things that have been lost - possibly included among them, his life which was, I'll say it again, taken from him by glowing Gyu.
Also, the tears themselves are purple, but purple is made of red and blue - colours associated with Yeonjun and Soobin in both this MV and CTF. Yeonjun because he is dead. Soobin because he too is a liar.
The stop-motion style of this shot, and the use of flowers and nature imagery, ties it to Nap of a Star, while the colour purple is both 1) Eternally 2) Yeonjun's blood in Eternally, and 3) the colour associated with Taehyun in CTF.
It's the first time we've seen Taehyun explicitly with a colour in this MV - and the second time overall.
It seems to bring him out of the grey and into the colour, since afterwards we see him in colour.
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This is Yeonjun, yeah? I'm not quite good enough to know the members by the backs of their heads, but this IS the shirt Yeonjun was wearing, and that's his hairstyle and ears, so yeah. Looks like he has joined Kai in searching for glowing Gyu.
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Taehyun in full colour woohoo.
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I like this shot, which is of their dancing feet, upside down, in the dream-Soobin world, which is then mirrored/contrasted by their feet, dancing in colour in this training studio thing?
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This is such an unflattering screenshot I'm so sorry TXT. But, the room does have purple (Taehyun's colour) opposed with green (Gyu's colour). Fun fact. But it also changes, so there's not much we can take from it. Sad fact.
And I have hit my image limit, so I'll see you for the rest in Part 2!
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sakuracyanide · 4 months
i'm toying with my hsr verse. wibbly hand gestures.
the best concept i have rn is that the shitennou are members of the ipc, and while they bear stone names (and stone fragments) they are not stonehearts themselves.
the four of them are vidyadhara, and all four were once high elders. a title they can no longer hold.
they were thought lost after the vidyadhara had to flee their homeland. their pearls were shattered, though it is difficult to know if this shattering occurred upon their deaths or if they were stolen and shattered in the attempt.
in time these fragments appearedon the black market, before finally falling into the hands of the IPC. they were pieced back together using fragments of cornerstones. they are not recognized by the vidyadhara as the same beings they once were and are viewed as abominations - the breathing equivalent of zombies. though they have access to many of the abilities now lost (shapeshifting, full dragon transformation, mastery of elements) they are unable to use cloud hymn magic and it is unknown if their mangled pearls will allow them to revive should they die again.
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The Never-ending Cycle
The Legend of Zelda D&D AU Muse Masterlist
Princess Zelda Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer (Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom) Born the latest in a long line of chosen vessels for the goddess Hylia, Zelda knew well the terrible Calamity that would soon come, but piety was not something she yet understood. Calling on a goddess for strength was a strange concept, and it nearly cost her everything when she failed to call upon the power that was all her own.
Aasimar Light Domain Cleric (Skyward Sword) Hailing from the far distant past and only spoken of in legend, Zelda would've preferred to live her life in the clouds, teasing her childhood friend and enjoying the peace—but clearly, fate had other plans. Her duty as the reincarnation of the goddess Hylia required she travel to the surface world and seal away her ancient enemy once and for all.
Hylian Twilight Cleric (Twilight Princess) With the fate of her kingdom being threatened by invaders from another dimension, Queen Zelda had no choice but to submit. She let the villains claim her castle and kingdom for the safety of her people, and with the hope that her own plan to change the course of the fight would come to fruition. If only they could find the chosen hero...
Link Hylian Fighter/Ranger (Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom) Though his memories of his past life from one-hundred years ago are still fuzzy, Link knows exactly who he is. A skilled warrior and swordsman, a survivalist through and through, and the devoted companion of the Princess Zelda. Nothing—not even the endless stretch of time—will keep him from standing by her side.
Hylian Champion Fighter (Skyward Sword) All that Link wanted in his life was to soar through the heavens and spend his days with the girl of his dreams. Instead, he found himself plummeting to the surface world below Skyloft, a talking sword slung over his back, and with a die-hard determination in his mind to find his best friend and bring her back home at any cost.
Hylian Order of Lycan Blood Hunter (Twilight Princess) The twisted nature of the Twilight Realm certainly had an odd effect to the simple ranch hand from Ordon. Now cursed—or blessed depending on your perspective—with the ability to shift into a feral canine beast, his journey to set right his hometown and save the children who looked up to him has taken a turn for the darker.
Ganondorf Gerudo Barbarian/Sorcerer (Tears of the Kingdom) Long ago, during the age of the Zonai, Ganondorf led the Gerudo during a time of much hardship. He turned to Zonai for their incredible power and advanced technology...and when they failed to aid, he decided he would claim that power for himself and his people. The war that followed would be one to change him forever into the dreaded Demon King.
Gerudo Fighter/Warlock (Twilight Princess) Driven by an ambition to conquer Hyrule for his people, the Gerudo Chief Ganondorf made a pact with a member of the strange Twili, aiding him in usurping the throne of his realm in exchange for the forces and powers to then attack Hyrule Castle and claim that throne for himself.
Impa Sheikah Shadow Monk (Age of Calamity) The first protector of the princess Zelda, Impa is her most trusted companion, and most confident friend before Link arrived. Despite her silent and stoic nature, she has a kind heart, and trusts in her friend to do what is right, even if it goes against what her father believes is best.
Purah Sheikah Armorer Artificer (Tears of the Kingdom) Restored to her youthful vitality once again, the brilliant and incredibly gorgeous Professor Purah has dedicated herself to the reestablishing and progressing of Post-Calamity Hyrule. Her mastery of the Ancient Sheikah technology has gifted her a talent in creating her own devices which barrel Hyrule towards industrial revolution.
Midna Twili Arcane Trickster (Twilight Princess) Hailing from the strange and twisted Twilight Realm, Midna is the true and proper queen of the Twili, removed from her throne by a horrible usurper. Her ambition is to reclaim her throne at any cost, seeking out the Fused Shadow to create the weapon capable of reclaiming her power and destroying the one who took it from her.
Mipha Zora Life Domain Cleric (Breath of the Wild) Meek and humble, Mipha was the chosen champion for the Zora during the time of the Calamity. Though clearly skilled and talented in her own right, Mipha struggled with her own insecurities of her youth and held a lack of confidence in her own purpose.
Sidon Zora Open Sea Paladin (Tears of the Kingdom) Bold and outgoing, Sidon is a beacon of inspiration and optimism in the bleak world of Hyrule Post-Calamity. His bravery and charm lifts the spirits of those in the Zora Domain, and he leads his people with great zeal and enthusiasm to see his land made good and safe again.
Revali Rito Fighter/Rogue (Breath of the Wild) Young and brash, the expert marksman has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about playing second-fiddle to the chosen champion and wielder of the Master Sword. Revali's cockiness is not unearned, but he should be careful—perhaps it will spell his doom soon enough.
Teba Rito Ranger/Rogue (Breath of the Wild) Cool and level-headed, Teba is an even-tempered member of the Rito warriors, and a skilled marksman as well. He was vital in defeating the Malice-infused Vah Medoh over Rito Village, but now he spends his days trekking the cool Hebra mountains, doing his best to keep the region safe and secure.
Daruk Goron Totem Warrior Barbarian (Breath of the Wild) Daruk is the bold and powerful leader of the Goron, and served them well during the Calamity. He served as a sure and steady rock in that time, refusing to back down from any challenge, and standing tall to defend his friends when the time to fight arose.
Urbosa Gerudo Storm Herald Barbarian (Breath of the Wild) Once the chief of the Gerudo, Urbosa was a wise and kind leader, who led her people with power and authority. A friend to Zelda's mother, she is close with the princess, and much of her time before the Calamity was spent worrying over her.
Riju Gerudo Barbarian/Rogue (Tears of the Kingdom) Though somewhat insecure with her own right to lead her people, Riju is every bit the wise and kind leader that her grandmother was, and just as skilled a warrior. Despite the cool and aloof facade she puts on with her people, she is still a child at heart.
Mineru Zonai Battle Smith Artificer (Tears of the Kingdom) Cool and aloof, and not a facade, the slender Zonai scientist is interested in all kinds of knowledge—whether they be ancient myths, or the specific structural anatomy of a robot from a far-flung era. Her studies are deep and intense and leave her laboratory dimly glowing well into the night.
King Rauru Zonai Light Domain Cleric (Tears of the Kingdom) Once the proud and kind ruler of Hyrule in the distant past, Raura was gifted with incredible power and master of light itself. He stood as a beacon of goodness and right for those who lived in Hyrule, and despite his own humility, many in his time revered him as a god.
Queen Sonia Hylian Order Domain Cleric (Tears of the Kingdom) Sweet and kind would be the words to describe Sonia, the first of Hyrule's queens. A gentle soul who would never harm another, she always sought peace, and did her best to lead her people by her example. When war arose, though, she found herself outmatched...
Twinrova Gerudo Genie Warlock (Ocarina of Time) Born from the fused Twinrova witches, Twinrova is a powerful Gerudo witch bound in service to her master and king, Ganon. Dark and sadistic, her mastery of fire and ice spells are unrivaled, and she stands against any who would seek to lay low her king. It is unclear if the transformation is temporary, or if Twinrova is truly her own self.
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atlas-the-sage · 6 months
World Lore: How Magic Works
Notice: This is how my DnD world magic works and is just the basics of the idea since I only have some stuff down as a concept, plus I didn't want to give an in-depth explanation on how something like how it makes real lighting by using clouds works since that's just how lightning is formed naturally formed.
Magic is about harnessing mana and crafting it to copy the abilities of other things, such as using lightning, since it’s just mana replicating the base idea of electricity, which is how spells come about by finding and studying how the mana works in a physical form. Because of this stuff that gives variety to spells, things like changing their color are extremely common since it’s some level of shape, form, or structure manipulation. There are exceptions to this rule, such as Call Lightning, since the mana is making the storm and moving the particles in the air at a hypersonic frequency that copies the natural energy of magnetic force, and between the storm and a magnetic point on the spot the spell is cast, this effect causes lightning to naturally form and go to what is now essentially a lightning rod. 
Shape Manipulation
The most basic and literal of the three base manipulations, since it is just the formation of the mana in different shapes and sizes, which lets the user make the radius and how the spell looks, from the simple beams of basic eldritch blasts to the complex, constant movement of lightning, allows them to have physical reality.
Form Manipulation 
Form manipulation is the most complex idea of the basic manipulations, since it’s how the schools are formed. Form allows the ability of power to the spell; how to use your mana, how to form into shapes, how to make it affect you and others—everything is derived from it, but how much is used is the biggest factor of the different schools. Since the more control you have over mana and how much you use to pump into magic, the more powerful forces you can use through your mastery over it, Other such things are its known power over gravity at high levels and its ability to connect with nature. 
Structure Manipulation
This is the manipulation form of particles, since it controls everything from simple pigment changes in color to mass cellular control. The very essence of structure manipulation is to manipulate the very world's rules around you in a physical state. Because of this, such schools as transmutation almost solely use structure manipulation.
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annajade456 · 11 months
Navigating the Path to DevOps Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, DevOps has emerged as a pivotal force, bridging the gap between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The philosophy of DevOps revolves around the principles of collaboration, automation, and efficiency, making it a driving force behind the success of modern enterprises. Aspiring to embark on a journey towards DevOps mastery is an ambitious endeavor, with the time required to achieve proficiency varying greatly based on individual circumstances. To navigate this path effectively, one must consider their prior experience, depth of knowledge desired, and overall dedication to the craft.
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A Stepping Stone to DevOps Proficiency:
Beginner Level (2-3 months):
The journey to DevOps excellence typically commences at the beginner level. For those new to the realm of DevOps, this phase is dedicated to laying a solid foundation. During this time, you'll immerse yourself in fundamental concepts and practices, gradually building a repertoire of essential skills. One of the primary objectives is to become comfortable with version control systems and scripting. Key tools like Git, Jenkins, and Docker will emerge as your trusted companions, playing a pivotal role in this foundational stage.
Intermediate Level (3-6 months):
The intermediate level marks a significant transition in your DevOps expedition. Here, you'll delve deeper into the intricacies of DevOps, progressively broadening your knowledge and skill set. This stage is characterized by a more comprehensive exploration of automation, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices, and containerization. Your objective is to attain proficiency with tools such as Ansible for automation, Kubernetes for container orchestration, and Terraform for managing infrastructure as code (IaC).
Advanced Level (6+ months):
As your journey progresses, you'll eventually ascend to the advanced level of DevOps mastery. At this stage, you'll broaden your horizons even further. You'll embark on a deep exploration of cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Additionally, you'll intensify your focus on advanced CI/CD practices, in-depth monitoring strategies, and robust security measures. The objective is to become a DevOps virtuoso, capable of orchestrating complex systems and ensuring their reliability and security.
The Ever-Evolving Nature of DevOps:
In the dynamic domain of DevOps, it's not merely important but paramount to recognize that this field is far from static. Instead, it resides in a perpetual state of evolution, mirroring the rapid pace at which technology advances. Within this dynamic realm, best practices are continually redefined, and the tools and techniques of yesterday may become outdated sooner than expected.
As professionals journey through the landscape of DevOps, a fundamental mindset becomes not just beneficial but necessary—continuous learning. This is the bedrock upon which a successful career in DevOps is built. The ability to remain current, adaptable, and innovative is the essence of thriving in this ever-evolving domain.
The Winds of Change in DevOps:
DevOps professionals must embrace the winds of change and be prepared to evolve alongside the technology they work with. In a world where new technologies and methodologies are constantly emerging, complacency is the antithesis of success.
DevOps engineers, architects, and practitioners find themselves at the forefront of change, pioneers in a technological revolution. They need to be well-versed in the latest trends and possess the acumen to assess which tools, practices, and processes are the best fit for the task at hand.
The Crucial Role of Continuous Learning:
The role of continuous learning in DevOps extends beyond keeping up with the latest tools or platforms. It includes adopting new paradigms and staying informed about emerging trends in cloud computing, containerization, security, and automation. It also means engaging in peer-driven knowledge-sharing through community involvement and participation in conferences, webinars, and forums.
DevOps professionals must not merely react to change; they must drive it, shaping the evolution of their own domain. They are the architects of the future, constructing the bridge between development and operations while adapting to the ever-shifting terrain beneath them.
The Relevance of Adaptability:
The capacity to adapt and pivot is a hallmark of the successful DevOps practitioner. Whether it's integrating new tools into existing workflows, implementing innovative security protocols, or optimizing CI/CD pipelines, adaptability is the linchpin that ensures continued effectiveness.
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In this constantly changing environment, the ability to transition from legacy systems to new paradigms, from traditional infrastructure to cloud-based services, and from manual processes to automation is what sets DevOps professionals apart.
For those who aspire to undertake a structured and comprehensive journey to DevOps mastery, ACTE Technologies offers an alluring choice. Their meticulously crafted courses are designed not only to provide fundamental knowledge but also to offer practical, hands-on experience and insights into industry practices. Under the guidance of seasoned instructors, learners can accelerate their trajectory towards becoming proficient DevOps engineers.
In the realm of DevOps, the path to proficiency is diverse and adaptable. It is a journey that varies based on individual circumstances, prior experience, and the depth of knowledge one aspires to attain. At its core, DevOps embodies the principles of collaboration, automation, and efficiency, empowering organizations to thrive in the digital era.
As you embark on your DevOps journey, remember that your commitment to continuous learning is your greatest asset. ACTE Technologies, with its comprehensive training programs and expert guidance, stands as your partner in this dynamic and ever-evolving field. The digital world is yours to shape and innovate, and the voyage towards DevOps excellence is an exciting and rewarding one.
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lotuslol · 10 months
Guys! I figured out why angels are the way they are!!!
They are multi-dimentional beings!
They exist in all directions of themselves at the same time
Like an electron cloud
Electrons move fast from one position to the other around the atom so much that they form a "cloud", but it's only one or a few electrons.
That's why the high ranks of heaven are all eyes and wings! They "radiate" their existence from all their "body" (whatever their body is! Which I suggest is the same material that makes stars, high energy and gravity!)
Also, angels and saints (and spirits) are, in my theory, made of the same material as stars but in a more atomized version of them, that's why we can't see them!
But, because they exist, they can materialize and meet people by concentrating their gravitational force and particles to take forms appealing to the people they need to meet to help or tell a message.
The difference between our spirits and the spirits of the saints is how much "power" they have as they are closer to God.
The closer you are to the source of all energy, I guesa you have better hold and mastery on your gravity and particles.
The amazing part is...that all of this has a will of its own!
It reminds me of Issac Azimov's "the last question" story, where he envisioned God (as I came out of my reading, you don't have to agree) as a computer system that kept expanding and expanding until it had its own intelligence to remake the universe again!
What if...spirits exist as these computers like...they different computer sets, but in a very very dispersed and small scale that we can't see, advanced technology that we are yet to discover and deal with and ONLY can deal with when our "energy" escapes our physical form!
Which...is all overwhelming if it was true! So much that my mind feels like exploding!
I thank God we don’t have access to this knowledge...yet, because it blew my mind so bad it is soup until I asked God to help me collect it :D
Imagine if that concept is difficult to us, as humans advanced in knowledge, how much more overwhelming ot must have been to our ancestors!
And if it was...it makes you wonder what was Adam's actual fault?
What did he do when he and Eve "ate" from the "tree"? What did he and her knew more than us (being so connected to God) that made their seemingly small decision make them lose everything? What boundary did their freewill decide to break so bad while they felt the consequences coming but decided to push anyway?
Why the knowledge of good and evil? Is it because Adam, a like-god being, with this "knowledge", could make the decisions to do good and evil?
....what was "evil" before we as humans came to be? Was it different? What shape did it take? Can we feel it? But even if we feel it, can we recognize it?
And what actually is that "knowledge"? ...Do evil people know they are commiting evil, or they just think this is the way of the world? What if knowledge meant access to recognition? What if it meant something more that made sense to Adam and Eve and the first humans more than us today?
What did we lose when we lost contact with God over thousands and thousands of years? What do people in heaven know better than us in their limited forms?
Aaaaaaand now, I can go back to my life :D which is not the best right now, but it will be better in the future, as it has always been.
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examstudyzone · 1 year
Mastering SAP Certifications: A Deep Dive into Key Questions
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SAP certifications are a hallmark of expertise in various SAP technologies, offering professionals a competitive edge in the ever-evolving IT landscape. This article delves into crucial certification questions across multiple domains, aiding aspiring candidates in their preparation journey.
SAP HANA Technology Questions: SAP HANA's prowess in in-memory computing is undeniable. Aspiring HANA professionals must grapple with questions on architecture, data modeling, performance optimization, and security. Prepare to tackle inquiries about column vs. row storage, partitioning strategies, data replication, and disaster recovery in your pursuit of SAP HANA certification success.
SAP CPI Certification Questions: Integration is at the heart of modern enterprises, and SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) plays a pivotal role. Prospective CPI certified individuals will encounter questions regarding integration scenarios, adapters, transformations, error handling, and orchestration techniques. Knowledge of RESTful APIs, message mapping, and cloud security is paramount.
SAP Certification Dumps: While shortcut methods like certification dumps might promise an easy route to success, they undermine the true purpose of certification - genuine expertise. Sap Certification Dumps are designed to validate deep understanding and practical skills. Relying on dumps not only risks failure but also hampers your professional growth. Embrace authentic learning materials and hands-on experience for a solid foundation.
SAP IBP Certification Questions: In the realm of supply chain and demand planning, SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) certification holds great significance. Prepare to navigate through questions concerning demand sensing, inventory optimization, sales and operations planning, and advanced analytics. Mastery of IBP modules, real-time data synchronization, and collaborative planning is key.
As you embark on your SAP certification journey, remember that success comes not only from memorizing answers but from truly grasping the concepts. Diligent study, hands-on experience, and a commitment to continuous learning will serve as your best companions. Embrace the challenges posed by these questions, for they are the stepping stones to becoming a certified SAP expert.
For more info:-
sap hana cloud provisioning and administration dumps
sap sales cloud certification questions
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just-the-cool-page · 2 years
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The Piper at
the Gates of Dawn
Fifty five years ago, the Floyd embarked on their journey in ernest with their first full-length album. Syd Barrett, their original front man, lyricist and composer, and admittedly the most camera-friendly of the bunch. He would also prove to be the most vulnerable of the band, soon spiraling into mental illness, at least partly due to excess use of hallucinogens. Figuratively or literally, Syd got them on stage and into the light. He was their light. And ever after his departure, the Floyd have voiced their gratitude for that light pushing them into growing success. Whether comprised of regret, remorse, or just sorrow, they never seem to have lost sight of the cost Syd paid, presumably not at their urging. But it must be (or have been for a long time) a kind of psychological survivors' guilt. Syd didn't die of an overdose like other beautiful artists. Nor was he abandoned really. His descent into madness made him genuinely impossible to work with. Original management for the Floyd even chose to keep Barrett over them! Barrett and Pink Floyd were equally productive through 1970. The band even supported production of his studio albums, particularly David Gilmour, Syd's "replacement." Ever since, Gilmour's heart and character has matched his looks, that of a lion, and not the madman. (He would later discover and support Kate Bush in launching her remarkable career in music.)
After a few albums of more collaborative work, with Waters often at the helm, Gilmour would "right their ship" with the Meddle album and set their course for more cohesive works. Collaborative work continued with a more balanced feel, but with Waters (more honed than tamed by Gilmour) soon regaining control of concept, composition and lyrics. Even when delving into matters of mental disturbance on The Dark Side of the Moon, the band itself wasn't going insane. Complete balance was achieved between daring concepts, musical and lyrical composition, and mastery of production. Highly narrative, visual, and heavy with sound-scaping, listening to Dark Side is more akin to watching a Kubrick film in 70mm on the big screen with surround sound. Plainly, Gilmour's calm influence on the band was a healthy one and not heavy-handed. Collaboration was at its strongest. Coherence and sobriety were no longer the enemy.
Emboldened by the band's heartiness though, Waters' control went over the deep end, culminating, quite ironically, with his mega-opus, the Wall. The album is arguably all about rooting out the fascism of the ego, perhaps overcoming narcissism. Confronting this most massive of rock-star downfalls was, in the real-life making of the album, precisely what Roger was failing to do. Like any intoxicated megalomania-addict, he was blind to his destructive behavior, exactly like the character dubbed "Pink" on the album and in the fully realized Alan Parker film. Pink transforms into the neo-nazi-inspired tyrant, "Hammer."
Having spent his credibility with the band, he essentially achieved destruction of (that iteration of) Pink Floyd, just as Pink/Hammer achieves destruction of himself/ his life/ psyche/ marriage.
Any number of unconscious motivations or desires could have been at work:
To return to the careless, chaotic days of the late '60s.
To destroy the band that he felt "held him back," like the wife who's abandoned in the film.
To destroy the band as if he were some twisted angel of mercy.
There's an even darker parallel and hubris to note. WWII themes pervade The Wall, especially in the film. The fascism, battlefields (internal as well), and even factory/ death-camps. Waters sooner or later became aware that he broke up the band and made the excuse that its time had come, that it was a necessary sacrifice to complete the important work, to artistically fully render "his struggle." "Sacrifice" is bizarrely the translation of "holocaust." Sacrificing others, or sacrificing on others behalf (a mental gymnastic of rationalization), is a vile concept. Sacrificing others for a presumed "greater good" is explicitly the basis of nazism/fascism. Using the ends to justify the means was presumably what Waters was trying dismantle.
It is bewildering, forty-two years later, how accomplished The Wall was--and still is. It has a deep anti-fascism message on a deeply mental and psychological level. Yet his herculean efforts were intensely damaging. Pink Floyd did survive, but many believe they suffered too critical a loss to fully recover, and far less due to Waters' departure itself than to the destructive and traumatic nature of it.
Pink Floyd has seemed a bit timid ever since. A song here and there has stood out, but the raw power was long-gone for decades. And at this point, are they honestly the same band with only one remaining original member? Nick Mason is a terrifically talented drummer, however, so somewhat ironically, Nick Mason's Sucerful of Secrets (his offshoot) has, in four years, out-performed the last twenty-four years of Pink Floyd's own live output.
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Yeah, it says creation magic takes more finesse than the other schools, and while I don't think Alim is at all lacking in finesse I will put that forth as the reason he's not as good at it.
Not that like. Dragon Age really pushes you to specialize that much, you can dip your toes into everything and get what spells you want, I just thought it would be a neat oc thing to give my warden things he's better or worse at because I see other people do that lol.
Some even go for elemental specialization, and I lean towards Alim having the greatest mastery over cold and fire, but really elemental devastation, "the arts of war", are what he was already most skilled at (one of the reasons Irving thought he'd be suited for the wardens) and he really hones these skills during the blight.
Looking at the creation spell list...I think gameplay wise I like glyph of paralysis, but while I like the concept of glyphs I'm not married to Alim being able to draw them. (In my mind, for no particular reason, I think of glyphs as probably being the closest to primal magic so they're a little easier for him, and I've thought of Wynne helping him master it). Grease would have its uses...
I'll give Alim basic healing of wounds but he's not very good at it and an especially bad wound he could only like, just keep it from being non-fatal before it needs to be bandaged. (I suddenly really like for angst purposes that he's good at draining health to heal himself using blood and entropy magic but he's not good at generating healing for others).
Good at spirit, can do basic magic dispelling, telekinesis and death trees. (I think Alim took to offensive arts to fight off demons in particular; he's better at telekinesis and crafting powerfully dense forcefields than creating proper barriers/spellshields).
And...I like him with all the entropy spells tbh. For balance I may skip out on the hexes, useful as they are, and I'd say Alim is not paralyzing or putting anyone to sleep in an aoe way (well, not without blood magic, but blood wound is different than mass paralysis or sleep and is effective on fewer targets), but weakness, paralysis, disorient and horror are some subtle magics I think he knows on the sly and utilizes to pass some of the more egregious intimidation checks, and I think he can put a single person to sleep (though it's easier with blood magic, and in my mind completely different in principle though the effect is similar).
Drain Life through Death Cloud just because Death Cloud is too badass, though I also think of him as learning some of those after leaving the circle.
And of course Arcane Warrior, Blood Magic, and Shapeshifting. I barely count battlemage as a whole separate specialization, especially since draining aura is basically given to blood mages in da2. Keeper spells are so neat and it's so hard to not give them to Alim but it feels right not to give him everything.
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ducktastic · 2 years
The 5th Annual Derrick Sanskrit "Everyone's a Critic" Awards (part one: music and movies)
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(note: I have posted this thread on Twitter at the end of December for the past five years, but with that platform's future more dubious than ever, it makes sense to back up 2022's edition here)
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Time for the fifth annual Derrick Sanskrit "Everyone's a Critic" Awards for all the pop culture I thought was simply the best over the past twelve months.
There's so much, we're gonna slow-drip this year, so let's start with music...
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Bloc Party guitarist Russell Lissack’s solo EP is seventeen minutes of just fantastic collaborations, including a reunion with Pin Me Down bandmate Milena Mepris. Had this been a full LP, it would be way higher in the rankings.
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A top-to-bottom reworking of 2020’s New Symbols, this LP benefits from both two more years of Tom Vek’s reflection on his art as well as wider distribution on digital music platforms so people could actually hear it.
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Nine years after his debut LP, the French DJ proves his mastery of timeless synth anthems with this album that feels like the soundtrack to a long lost John Hughes movie about sexy computer hackers.
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It feels like cheating to include the soundtrack to a 2021 concert film in this list, but the album dropped in 2022 and it freaking rules so whatever. This is the sound of the Dan Greene Cinematic Universe.
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A mostly-instrumental album of lush chiptune soundscapes, this high-def volume of Australian electronic anthems begs the question “why aren’t we having another chip resurgence right freakin’ now?” Danceable, worldly, melancholic, and beyond.
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A timely reminder that indie rock can be snarky and clever without losing the charm of four-part harmonies and driving hooks. Like cherry red Doc Martens stomping through a field of sunflowers, The Beths show us how to suffer with a smirk.
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No album this year felt as immediately BIG as the sophomore effort from this English post-rock phalanx. It commands attention before curling up in a ball to hide at your feet and whisper deep dark secrets in your ear.
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Continuing her transformation from cloud rap to pop, Kilo Kish challenges conventions with this collection of toe-tapping bangers about societal woes, public image, self-worth, and the ills of consumerism, all framed within a retro arcade game.
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A punk album so specifically of its time without immediately dating itself by naming names. A concept album about running a punk band like a business that comes to its logical conclusion: in-fighting, ego clashes, bankruptcy, and thanking the sponsors.
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Simply the best breakup album in ages (sorry Swifties). Cutthroat and callous, honest and earnest, this math rock sophomore LP challenges pop song structure as much as relationships challenge the edges of individual identity.
Wasn't that so much fun? So many fantastic albums in 2022, such wonderful songs to sing and dance to. Good times.
And now, our second category... it's time to talk about MOVIES...
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The vainglorious adventures of an aspiring podcaster focusing largely on the culture clash between New York and Texas. Quite possibly the best performance ever from Ashton Kutcher.
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While this mock-rock-doc never reaches the parodic highs of Weird Al’s previous “UHF,” the extended Funny Or Die sketch carries heaps of charm with an all-star cast of comedy cameos.
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Easily the most unexpected film of the year, this holiday horror fusion brings all the delirious twists and turns you’d expect from the creator of “Too Many Cooks.”
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Simply the biggest, boldest, wildest action movie to date, RRR offers more spectacle per minute than Zack Snyder does in an hour, while still finding plenty of time to sing and dance.
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Jordan Peele’s third horror film forgoes shocks and scares in favor of slow burn dread with thoroughly enjoyable examinations of race, media, exploitation, and religion.
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This celebration of the power of art to question authority and buck societal norms poses the question “what if Freddy Mercury and Jimi Hendrix were best friends in feudal Japan?”
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Simply the most fun I had in a movie theater all year. A fast, stylish, star-studded action farce, like Guy Ritchie directing a script by the Coen Brothers, this film taught me more about Thomas the Tank Engine than my nephews ever will.
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Proving Knives Out wasn’t a one-off fluke, Rian Johnson delivers a whodunnit with bigger stakes, bigger stars, bigger spectacle, and bigger laughs. A covid-era mystery for Agatha Christie fans of any age.
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In their second feature, the Daniels have produced what feels like a once-in-a-generation iconic piece of cinema. Sweeping & grandiose, intimate & delicate, EEAAO is the sci-fi family immigrant tale we never knew we so desperately needed.
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The most I’ve cried in the theater since Toy Story 3. Marcel’s journey will melt the most frozen of hearts and make you believe that anything is possible with a positive outlook.
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qwikskills · 2 years
Check this site out if you are preparing for any cloud certifications!
Qwikskills is an online platform that was created to fill the industry's need for a quality assessment by providing applicants with exciting and high-quality practice tests to help them qualify for cloud certification examinations. 
It provides a specially designed live cloud environment in which you can learn and practice cloud skills by doing it yourself, including practice tests, hands-on labs, and guidance toward cloud certifications. This helps candidates boost their confidence by developing their knowledge into skills by gaining hands-on experience. QwikSkills offer Job-Ready Cloud Training from trainers who have worked in various tier-1 tech firms. It’s hands-on cloud labs is the most convenient method to learn cloud concepts directly on the live cloud consoles of AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.
Additionally, effective practice tests designed by professionals are offered to assist you to develop actual mastery over your Cloud Certifications such as AWS, VMWare, Google Cloud, etc.
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giga-courses · 5 days
From Novice to Pro: How the Advanced Price Action Course Transforms Your Trading Skills
Are you tired of relying on indicators that leave you guessing? Do market movements often feel like they’re happening in a foreign language? If so, it's time to unlock the true potential of your trading skills with the Advanced Price Action Course. This course is designed for traders at any level who want to master the art of reading price movements and making informed decisions. With real-life examples, comprehensive support, and inspiring success stories from past students, you'll see how this transformative experience can elevate your trading game from novice to pro. Let’s dive into what makes this course an essential tool for aspiring traders!
Real Life Examples and Case Studies
Real-life examples and case studies are at the heart of the Advanced Price Action Course. By analyzing actual market scenarios, students can see how price action behaves in various conditions. One powerful case study focuses on a volatile market reaction to economic news. The course illustrates how traders can interpret immediate price movements and make split-second decisions based on established patterns. Another example examines a trending market where strategic entry points were identified using pure price action techniques. This practical approach allows students to grasp concepts that often elude traditional methods. Participants engage with these real-world situations, transforming complex theories into actionable strategies. It’s not just about theory; it's about understanding what works in practice and why it matters for your trading results. Each scenario teaches valuable lessons that help you build confidence as you navigate different market environments.
Support and Community in the Course
One of the standout features of the Advanced Price Action Course is its robust support and community. This isn't just a course; it’s a thriving network of traders at every skill level. Participants gain access to forums, group chats, and live Q&A sessions. These platforms foster real-time discussions about strategies and market analysis. Peers share insights that often lead to “aha!” moments. Moreover, instructors are genuinely invested in your success. They provide personalized feedback on trades and encourage open dialogue around challenging concepts. This hands-on approach makes learning more effective. The sense of camaraderie among students boosts motivation too. When you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals striving for excellence, it’s easier to stay committed and focused on your goals. Together, you celebrate wins and navigate losses as a community—creating an atmosphere ripe for growth.
Success Stories from Past Students
Success stories from past students are a testament to the effectiveness of the Advanced Price Action Course. Many traders who once struggled with their strategies have found new life in their trading careers after taking this course. Take Sarah, for instance. She started her journey with little knowledge of price action trading. After completing the course, she transformed her approach and began reading charts like never before. Within months, she was consistently making profitable trades that had eluded her previously. Then there’s Mark, who faced repeated losses due to emotional decision-making. The course helped him develop a disciplined mindset and solid risk management techniques. Today, he confidently navigates the markets and celebrates his successes without falling back into old habits. These stories are just snapshots of how individuals can grow through education and support offered in the Advanced Price Action Course. Each success reinforces that mastery is possible for anyone willing to learn and apply these principles diligently.
For More Information:
Alex Hormozi Course
Conversion Rate Optimisation Course
Cloud Stacking SEO
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