#Conference app
uftghjbhjbh · 3 months
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Feeling overwhelmed by event planning? Drowning in a sea of schedules, speaker bios, and venue maps?
Fear not! Our event app- Eventify is here to be your one-stop shop for all things event-related.
Explore more: https://eventify.io/
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clk1403 · 2 years
The meetings and events sector is now undergoing fast change. However, the use of mobile event applications is not new. The majority of event planners desire to have these applications, and a pretty good percentage of them make the purchase as well. Still, the value of mobile event applications is frequently underestimated by event planners, who have their own reservations about them.  Let us bust two major myths.
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eventifyeventapp · 2 years
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drwhoo000 · 2 years
Decipher the future of the event planning industry in 2023
People in the present era show increased dependence on technology. It means meetings, events, and live conferences have become more crucial than ever. The role of an event planner has become immensely more fundamental than it was previously. Every event is an extraordinary life event splendor for all the attendees present. Many experts are trying to identify what is going to be the future of global consumer trends. They connect some cultural trends to the attendees attending live events. The idea is to think like a futurist. There are a variety of game-changing trends that will dominate the apps for networking industry in 2023.
Multifunction versatility
From using smartphones to going to tiny homes, people have the main idea of maximizing utilization of everything surrounding them. They want to find out the purpose of everything that is around them. Event planners focus on using every aspect of the event to derive maximum benefits. They think about every event section, from the content to the activities and how people connect and create connections between attendees through the latest conference app. Business leaders have become choosy in how and with whom they spend their time with. Hence event planners should focus on every aspect of the event to ensure it is an experience that is worthy and satisfying for the leaders who attend the event. Ensure the takeaways you provide are well appreciated by the attendees while creating a lasting impression on them. They should imbibe a lot for personal learning, inspiration and growth.
Celebrating diverse opinions
It is pretty surprising and unfortunate that society has become very open to accepting diverse opinions and interests of the people. Nowadays, business leaders and entrepreneurs want to know ideas that differ from theirs and find out the logic behind them. Nowadays, business leaders appreciate those who think outside the box, and this has become a hot topic. Hence stay focussed when choosing event speakers. One of the essential means through which you may deliver a refreshing perspective is to spark creative thinking. Trying to get those speakers would not belong to the industry. In popular opinion, a speaker who questions standard practices is more acceptable for any business event. You might feel that sounds risky. However, attendees get stimulated by bringing in those speakers who challenge the audience's thinking and make them think broader and better.
Fetch mindfulness for your event
As everybody knows, the latest buzzwords are wellness and mindfulness in 2022. All the leading experts in the industry agree that brain breaks have become vital for rejuvenating the mind, and actually, they helped to foster heightened levels of creativity among attendees.
Attendees find the jam-packed schedule very demanding for them. Indeed, innumerable vendor booths, back-to-back sessions, taking down notes, and meeting new people are all quite exhausting. On the other hand, event planners want to give the attendees as much value as possible. Hence plan the event, so they get time to reflect and breathe. Try to regroup by attending outdoor workshops, art exhibitions or wellness activities. Include gamification in event planning software  to make the attendees feel reinvented during sessions. 
The happier they are, the more positive things they will have to say about your event, making it a hit in the market. It means that you can have similar events in the future.
Personalization customization
Customized emails, targeted ads and all other kinds of personalization on the digital forum have made consumers expect tailored experiences when they attend in-person or virtual events. When you focus on personalizing the event experience, it is not centered only around using the name tags during conference communication. Don't think customization has to be very difficult; you can include some simple ideas. Just before the sessions, you can ask the attendees which sessions they would want to attend this way; you make sure you serve them what they want to be done and not waste their time. It will also make them feel more invested and increase their sense of belonging during the event. Using preloaded information, you may also use a conference app that will give personal suggestions for those activities. You might even consider adding a customized event map where you pinpoint popular attractions and restaurants after the conference. You can consider white labeling of conference apps for some clients to deliver the best. 
Focus on thoughtful sustainability
Going green is not new, but the latest trend in sustainability promises to extend the boundaries of both resource fullness and imagination. In the present era, the event planner should be aware of recycling, repurposing and reusing while having a thoughtful approach where you demonstrate your commitment to conserving the environment. Today every industry got tilted toward making products from recycled content. Attendees will choose products and appreciate it if you use recycled and biodegradable materials. It can be picking sustainable registration bags, name tags or even food cartons. Moreover make arrangements to coordinate leftover or unused beverages, food, and flowers to other organizations like senior living facilities or homeless shelters. 
The experiential value of the event depends on creating an unforgettable event. Hence create unexpected virtual and on-site experiences fortifying attendees' ROI. Your main idea is to think like a futurist to incorporate crucial cultural trends outlined without leaving a lasting impression.
The new normal is a year that comes with unexpected scenarios. People are facing a lot of rescheduling and cancellation during events. Efforts to bring about a transition from virtual to in-person events become mandatory. As people prepare for the next phase, one thing has become vital when planning an event in the future; there should be more actionable items that will garner the attention of the attendees. People are returning to in-person events, but it's nothing like before. Event planners are starting to face the challenges of in-person and hybrid events beyond control. Even the way you choose a venue has changed because, in the present scenario, even though you are calling fewer attendees, you have to select a considerable value so that people can maintain distance. The new normal in event planning means a systematic mind shift in terms of priorities. 
Use the latest event app to prepare for the battle in the future!
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trainwrecksys · 1 year
What does it take to find people to chat to about mphfpc I’m dying out here
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Toward a code-breaking quantum computer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/toward-a-code-breaking-quantum-computer/
Toward a code-breaking quantum computer
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The most recent email you sent was likely encrypted using a tried-and-true method that relies on the idea that even the fastest computer would be unable to efficiently break a gigantic number into factors.
Quantum computers, on the other hand, promise to rapidly crack complex cryptographic systems that a classical computer might never be able to unravel. This promise is based on a quantum factoring algorithm proposed in 1994 by Peter Shor, who is now a professor at MIT.
But while researchers have taken great strides in the last 30 years, scientists have yet to build a quantum computer powerful enough to run Shor’s algorithm.
As some researchers work to build larger quantum computers, others have been trying to improve Shor’s algorithm so it could run on a smaller quantum circuit. About a year ago, New York University computer scientist Oded Regev proposed a major theoretical improvement. His algorithm could run faster, but the circuit would require more memory.
Building off those results, MIT researchers have proposed a best-of-both-worlds approach that combines the speed of Regev’s algorithm with the memory-efficiency of Shor’s. This new algorithm is as fast as Regev’s, requires fewer quantum building blocks known as qubits, and has a higher tolerance to quantum noise, which could make it more feasible to implement in practice.
In the long run, this new algorithm could inform the development of novel encryption methods that can withstand the code-breaking power of quantum computers.
“If large-scale quantum computers ever get built, then factoring is toast and we have to find something else to use for cryptography. But how real is this threat? Can we make quantum factoring practical? Our work could potentially bring us one step closer to a practical implementation,” says Vinod Vaikuntanathan, the Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering, a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), and senior author of a paper describing the algorithm.
The paper’s lead author is Seyoon Ragavan, a graduate student in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The research will be presented at the 2024 International Cryptology Conference.
Cracking cryptography
To securely transmit messages over the internet, service providers like email clients and messaging apps typically rely on RSA, an encryption scheme invented by MIT researchers Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman in the 1970s (hence the name “RSA”). The system is based on the idea that factoring a 2,048-bit integer (a number with 617 digits) is too hard for a computer to do in a reasonable amount of time.
That idea was flipped on its head in 1994 when Shor, then working at Bell Labs, introduced an algorithm which proved that a quantum computer could factor quickly enough to break RSA cryptography.
“That was a turning point. But in 1994, nobody knew how to build a large enough quantum computer. And we’re still pretty far from there. Some people wonder if they will ever be built,” says Vaikuntanathan.
It is estimated that a quantum computer would need about 20 million qubits to run Shor’s algorithm. Right now, the largest quantum computers have around 1,100 qubits.
A quantum computer performs computations using quantum circuits, just like a classical computer uses classical circuits. Each quantum circuit is composed of a series of operations known as quantum gates. These quantum gates utilize qubits, which are the smallest building blocks of a quantum computer, to perform calculations.
But quantum gates introduce noise, so having fewer gates would improve a machine’s performance. Researchers have been striving to enhance Shor’s algorithm so it could be run on a smaller circuit with fewer quantum gates.
That is precisely what Regev did with the circuit he proposed a year ago.
“That was big news because it was the first real improvement to Shor’s circuit from 1994,” Vaikuntanathan says.
The quantum circuit Shor proposed has a size proportional to the square of the number being factored. That means if one were to factor a 2,048-bit integer, the circuit would need millions of gates.
Regev’s circuit requires significantly fewer quantum gates, but it needs many more qubits to provide enough memory. This presents a new problem.
“In a sense, some types of qubits are like apples or oranges. If you keep them around, they decay over time. You want to minimize the number of qubits you need to keep around,” explains Vaikuntanathan.
He heard Regev speak about his results at a workshop last August. At the end of his talk, Regev posed a question: Could someone improve his circuit so it needs fewer qubits? Vaikuntanathan and Ragavan took up that question.
Quantum ping-pong
To factor a very large number, a quantum circuit would need to run many times, performing operations that involve computing powers, like 2 to the power of 100.
But computing such large powers is costly and difficult to perform on a quantum computer, since quantum computers can only perform reversible operations. Squaring a number is not a reversible operation, so each time a number is squared, more quantum memory must be added to compute the next square.
The MIT researchers found a clever way to compute exponents using a series of Fibonacci numbers that requires simple multiplication, which is reversible, rather than squaring. Their method needs just two quantum memory units to compute any exponent.
“It is kind of like a ping-pong game, where we start with a number and then bounce back and forth, multiplying between two quantum memory registers,” Vaikuntanathan adds.
They also tackled the challenge of error correction. The circuits proposed by Shor and Regev require every quantum operation to be correct for their algorithm to work, Vaikuntanathan says. But error-free quantum gates would be infeasible on a real machine.
They overcame this problem using a technique to filter out corrupt results and only process the right ones.
The end-result is a circuit that is significantly more memory-efficient. Plus, their error correction technique would make the algorithm more practical to deploy.
“The authors resolve the two most important bottlenecks in the earlier quantum factoring algorithm. Although still not immediately practical, their work brings quantum factoring algorithms closer to reality,” adds Regev.
In the future, the researchers hope to make their algorithm even more efficient and, someday, use it to test factoring on a real quantum circuit.
“The elephant-in-the-room question after this work is: Does it actually bring us closer to breaking RSA cryptography? That is not clear just yet; these improvements currently only kick in when the integers are much larger than 2,048 bits. Can we push this algorithm and make it more feasible than Shor’s even for 2,048-bit integers?” says Ragavan.
This work is funded by an Akamai Presidential Fellowship, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, a Thornton Family Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship, and a Simons Investigator Award.
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fauvester · 2 years
ouuu senioritis hitting. its hitting
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desert-anne · 1 year
hundreds of people have said this already but I don't agree with the premise that "being raised using modern technology makes people better at technology" in fact it's probably the opposite. modern tablets and chromebooks and whatever have gotten so shiny and hyperoptimized that they implicitly discourage people from learning troubleshooting skills.
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
I wonder if I should make post-race highlights for fernando for this race like I do for the older races 🤔
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uftghjbhjbh · 3 months
Are you ready to revolutionize event planning and also the right implementation of that plan? In today's fast-paced world staying ahead of the curve is significant especially when it comes to organizing and managing events. As we take a step into 2024 event technology continues to play a crucial role in transforming the event industry providing various solutions and tools that can streamline processes and enhance attendee experiences while offering robust data insights. This is your handy guide for exploring the key trends and tools in event technology that are shaping the future of events.
The rise of mobile event app
 One of the significant developments in event technology is the multiplication of the events app. These apps are no longer just a nice-to-have feature but are more often an essential part of the entire event experience. An events app serves as a comprehensive platform that integrates various functions making it much easier for the organizers to manage events and also for the attendees to engage.
Benefits of an event app
Enhance attendee engagement
 The events app allows for real-time updates, personal schedules, interactive maps, and social networking opportunities. The attendees can stay informed about the event and also share experiences after the event.
Streamline communication
 Organizers can send push notifications to keep the attendees updated about changes in the schedule, important announcements, or any kind of emergency alerts to ensure that everyone is on the same page and will enhance the overall outcome of the event.
Data collection and analysis in the event management software
Event technology will empower organizers to collect valuable data on the preferences and behavior of the attendees. This data can be analyzed to gain insights into what works and what does it allow for continuous improvement for future such events.
 Sustainability is about moving away from paper programs and taking it to look for digital solutions through event management platforms that will properly contribute to sustainability efforts. It reduces waste and also brings down the event's carbon footprint.
Important trends and event technology for 2024
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become an integral part of event technology which offers various personalized experiences for the attendees. These technologies can also help you to recommend sessions and bring various networking opportunities.
Virtual and hybrid events in the Conference app
 While the pandemic accelerated the option of virtual events, the trend is not going anywhere. Hybrid events combined with personalized elements are becoming the new norm.
Augmented reality and virtual reality
 Augmented reality and virtual reality are transforming how people are experiencing events. Hence, from virtual tools to 3D product demonstrations to including immersive keynote presentations; these technologies have come a long way in providing memorable experiences to the attendees.
Variable technology
 Variables such as smart badges are gaining in popularity. These devices can track the movements of the attendee and also facilitate cashless payments for event ticketing providing a personalized experience thereby enhancing the overall event experience.
Choosing the right event technology
There are various event technologies available, so choosing the right one can become daunting for you. However, you must first identify your needs and then determine what you want to achieve with your event. Is it enhancing engagement or do you want to simplify logistics? Your goal should be clear, then only will help you in making the right choice in terms of technology. Also, you should make sure that whatever technology you choose, it should provide seamless integration with other tools and platforms that you’re using for better data management.
As you move toward 2024, event technology continues to evolve offering various solutions that enhance the planning, execution, and analysis of the events. The essential event matchmaking appprovides technologies that are transforming the industry making events more efficient, engaging, and data-driven.
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konstantintreplev · 2 years
as a member of both marginalized groups that are currently being discoursed about in one of my professional communities, i will BOP you on the nose if you start whining and going 'where was this energy for US' jesus christ we are not enemies, we are all allies, can we NOT be about as effective as the league of fucking nations in our alliances
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imthemadcap · 1 month
Didn't think a full-time job would make this fucking sleep deprived.
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the absolute drama of having to sort out finances for the 2 in person conferences I've been to this year is enough to put someone off academia as a career for life. this stress is not it
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colorism-project · 2 months
Examining the Racialized Nature of Beauty and It's Impact on the Self
Join Dr. Natasha Ellis for a presentation titled “Examining the Racialized Nature of Beauty and It’s Impact on the Self“ at the virtual Ronald  E. Hall Conference on Colorism taking place on August 22, 2024 and August 23, 2024. Register today:  Ronald E. Hall Conference on Colorism     Conference Session : 2-A Session: Examining the Racialized Nature of Beauty and It’s Impact on the Self Date:…
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123events · 3 months
Esri User Conference 2024: The world’s largest GIS conference (July 15–19, 2024 | San Diego, California).
iSpatial Techno Solutions (IST) will be exhibiting at the Esri User Conference 2024 in San Diego, CA. This event gives an opportunity for IST as we showcase our cutting-edge GIS and AI solutions that are shaping the future of sustainability and energy.
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Sustainable Innovation
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At IST, our commitment to sustainability drives our innovation. We are leveraging Esri's powerful GIS technology to develop solutions that help communities and organizations achieve their sustainability goals. Our advanced tools enable precise environmental monitoring, helping local and city governments to make informed decisions that promote ecological balance and resource conservation.
Leading Grid Modernization
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The utility and energy sectors are evolving, and IST is at the forefront with Esri's Utility Network solution. Our expertise enhances operational efficiency, service reliability, and infrastructure management. We help utility providers optimize networks, reduce outages, and meet the demand for clean energy.
Advancing with Geo AI and Generative AI
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They have a pioneering approach integrates Geo AI and Generative AI to convert data into actionable intelligence. These technologies offer local and city governments unparalleled insights, enabling them to tackle complex urban challenges effectively. From predictive analytics to real-time data visualization, our AI-driven solutions provide the essential tools for proactive decision-making and strategic planning.
Visit IST at Esri UC 2024
Join IST at Booth 1113 at Esri UC 2024 to discover how IST's solutions are making an impact. Engage with our experts to learn about our projects, experience live demonstrations of our technologies, and explore collaboration opportunities to drive sustainability and innovation in your organization.
Stay connected with IST on social media live updates, exclusive content, and behind-the-scenes insights from the conference.
If you want to work together to shape a sustainable and intelligent future. For more information, visit our website or contact us directly at [email protected].
We look forward to meeting you at Esri UC 2024!
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uftghjbhjbh · 3 months
In the faced paced world of event planning in the Event App, ensuring that every minute detail is perfectly executed can become an overwhelming task. Here one of the often overlooked but crucial factors is the elements of any successful conference is the name badges printing process. Hence, same day conference name badges printing can become a life saver for event organizers providing an efficient and quick solution to last minute needs. This guide will dig into the benefits and the tips for effectively managing same day name badges printing.  The benefits of name badges in conferences Name badges play a crucial role in conferences; they serve not only as an identification tool but also as a networking facilitator.  A well designed badge and easily recognise each other creating better interactions and promising collaborations. Additionally, name badges can also provide important information such as the attendees company, role and even specific interest making it easier for the participants to connect meaningfully with the event. Why choose same day badge printing? Opting for same day conference name badges printing comes with several benefits. Flexibility Conferences in the Mobile Event App often have last minute registrations or changes in attendee list; same day name badges printing allows event organizers for accommodating these changes without any hassle ensuring that every participant receives a professionally printed badge. Convenience With same day name badges printing there is no need for you to worry about shipping delays or errors everything is handled on site allowing for instant results and quick adjustments. Professionalism Despite the quick turnaround,  same day name badges printing can produce professional looking high quality badges that will maintain the event standard and will also leave a very positive impression on the minds of the attendees. The process of same day badges printing  Executing conference name badges printing effectively will require careful planning and the right kind of tools in the Event Management Platform. Step by step guide is mentioned below. Event preparation
Collecting attendee information for ensuring that you have a comprehensive list of all the entries including their names, titles and any other additional information that is necessary to be included on the badges.
Design templates will help you create a versatile template that can be easily adjusted to make sure the design is professional, clean and includes essential information like the conference logo, relevant details and attendee name in the Conference App.
On site setup
Investing in high quality equipment like printers and badge materials is necessary because it can handle bulk printing quickly which is very necessary for crucial same day badge printing. It can also ensure that you have ample supplies of lanyards and badge holders.
 Using a robust Event Management Software will integrate with the registration system. It will streamline the process of inputting any information and therefore printing the badges accurately and precisely will become easier.
Setting up a detailed check-in where attendees can quickly provide all the necessary information. Make sure your staff should be trained to handle the printing process effectively minimizing any wait time.
Implementing a quick quality control necessary for ensuring each badge is printed properly. This includes verifying titles, names and showing that the print quality is also up to the mark.
Tips for effective same day badges printing  
Planning ahead
Even though the printing happens on the same day, pre planning is necessary. Hence, have templates ready, set up the entire equipment and processing place to handle all the influx of attendees
Use of high quality materials
Investing in durable materials with high resolution printers is necessary to ensure the badges look professional and last throughout the event.
Train your team members
Ensure that your team members in the Event Matchmaking App are properly trained and using the equipment and the software this will help in avoiding any technical glitches while showing a smooth check-in process.
Testing the system
Running a few test prints before the event starts to ensure everything is working properly which will also help you identify and resolve any potential issues early.
Stay organized
Keeping the check-in area organized will ensure all the necessary supplies are within easy reach. It will also help you in managing the flow of attendees and maintaining efficiency.
Same day name badges printing is an invaluable tool for event organizers offering convenience, flexible professionalism, preparing in advance, and investing the right equipment. This way you can set up a streamlined process which will ensure that every attendee receives a high quality professional looking badge. It  will not only enhance attendee experience and Event Ticketing but will also contribute to the overall success of the event.
Embrace the same day name badges printing and see the difference it makes  at the next conference!
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