#Continuum's Origin
mewnia · 1 year
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Here's the origin of my world, Continuum, that I will be using in my VCtM story. I had a lot of fun working on this over the last few months!
Here's where you can find:
the character sheets for the Stems
Eumelia and Rue
The Beginning of The Voice Carries the Music (sometime during the summer)
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raurquiz · 8 months
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#happybirthday @TheClaudiaBlack #claudiablack #actress #Klothow #Ahsoka #starwars #AerynSun #Farscape #ThePeacekeeperWars #ValaMalDoran #StargateSG1 #TheArkofTruth #Continuum #CityLife #TheOriginals #Containment #PitchBlack #QueenoftheDamned #Rango #RainfromStars #TimeNow #DEUS
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pixelplanetig · 7 months
OC Introduction: V
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V is the half Vulcan and half Q Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Andromeda. Although she looks rather intimidating, standing at 6’10” tall and having a resting face that looks naturally angry, she is a good friend, and quite reserved. She is closest with her best friend Rutek. The pair of them are inseparable and have been since they were born. They have been through everything together and the pair share a bond with each other that is not only emotional, but telepathic too. V is very smart, and in true Vulcan fashion, very logical. Underneath her Vulcan exterior, however, she is extremely passionate and is in a constant battle to maintain control of her emotions. She is full of emotional turmoil, from her fear and anger toward the Q to her love for her friends. She can also be quite impulsive and will act very quickly, often going off on her own before consulting others. She is fascinated by the universe, and wants to learn everything she can about it. She is quite curious and inquisitive, and will pursue answers to anything she doesn't know about. When not on the bridge, V can usually be found in one of the science labs, running various experiments and trying to figure things out. She also enjoys stargazing on the hull of the ship, usually sketching out and taking notes on anything interesting she sees. Although she just wants to be a Starfleet officer, she often finds herself dragged into the affairs of the Q. Each of her encounters with them has left a profound impact on her, and she tries her best to navigate through life while balancing the two different sides of herself.
I figured I’d finally introduce you to the Vulcan I keep showing y’all! V is my flagship oc, so you’ll be seeing a lot of her. Here’s a link to her Toyhouse profile, which has much more information about her if you’re interested. Feel free to check it out!
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abyssalmermaiden · 7 months
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Teach me the sound that can take me away Play it again and again until I find rapture
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doctorbrown · 8 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 7 / 31 * FAMILY 」
December 31, 1999
❝Hey Doc, I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us over. You know, the twins, they really look up to Jules and Verne❞—both Emmett and Marty glance over to the living room floor, where Verne is sprawled out on his chest besides two young, bright blue-eyed children, playing with souped up toy cars on a holographic course that Verne manipulates at will—❝and Jen really loves Clara and—❞
Ellie's car has just crashed into the wall of the bank and Verne makes dramatic explosion noises, earning a series of uncontrollable giggles from the three year old who leaves the car half-phased through the wall. Curie—the longhaired collie—perks her head up from where she was slumbering on the couch and immediately hops down, padding over to where Verne and the children are laying.
Verne sputters when Curie sits down on top of a section of his holographic city. Some of the buildings disappear in her thick fur, only for a few rooftops and spires to protrude from her back instead. She wags her tail and it's young Emmett's turn now to be delighted by the sight of the dog as she cleaves fake buildings in two with her tail.
Emmett silences Marty with a hand on his shoulder and a warm smile. ❝You're family, Marty. You, Jennifer, and young Ellie and Emmett. Besides, you only get to see something like this once! We're welcoming a brand new millennium and there's nobody in the universe I would rather usher it in with.❞
Despite the obvious lie coming from the father of time—the inventor of time travel; even Jules momentarily paused in his channel surfing to throw a look over his shoulder at his father—himself, Marty only raises a brow before breaking out into a wide grin. They could watch the clock tick down to the year two thousand as many times as they wanted from anywhere in the world with the time vehicles, but this was the real deal.
The first time. No universe ending paradoxes waiting to ruin the celebrations, no 'let's compare the various new years' traditions', no extenuating circumstances.
Just them, the people most important in their lives, and a countdown that, for once, designates unbridled hope. The future.
We've made it. And though the temptation is still there to check, to make sure Marty's future continues on the bright path it has been since he finally listened and avoided that devastating accident, Emmett has managed to restrain himself thusfar to allow everything to happen in real-time around him.
❝I almost can't believe it, you know?❞ Marty says, and Emmett nods once, slowly, unable to stop the memories from flooding back. ❝That we've actually made it, and—❞
❝Emmett, dear.❞ Clara's voice rings out from the adjoining kitchen, stopping Marty's thoughts in his tracks. ❝There's only seven minutes to the new year; can you go grab the bag that I left on the counter? The camera should be there too! Marty❞—Clara finally emerges from the kitchen with Jennifer in tow, who is balancing a very large sheet cake in her arms—❝be a dear and clear away the rest of the snacks from the table, would you?❞
Both men nod in acceptance of their respective duties and Emmett pecks Clara on the cheek as he disappears into the kitchen. The bag is exactly where she said it would be and curiosity eats away at him; his beloved wife had clearly planned something else for the evening without his knowledge and he considers peering in at risk of ruining the surprise she'd clearly put a lot of thought and effort into.
The new year will be here in—he checks the wall of clocks, ticking rhythmically in perfect synchronisation—five minutes. He can wait that long.
Everyone is gathered around the table, staring at the cake proudly displayed on the table, where a big blue '2000' is written on top, next to the words, Happy New Year! Jen and Clara are a few steps away from them, looking incredibly pleased with their work, and Clara's eyes light up as Emmett places the bag gently in her hand, then joins the others around the table to look at the cake.
In the background, some announcer's voice drones on about there being five minutes left until the new year while footage of the clock tower and a gaggle of people are projected on-screen.
Clara pulls a small golden hat out of the bag for herself with the year written on the front in sparkling silver font, then hands a matching one to Jen, who immediately puts it on. For most of the boys, Clara produces a garish pair of sunglasses from the bag shaped like '2000' in various colours.
Verne makes a face but slips them on anyway, and both Emmett and Marty hold them up to inspect them as if they're suddenly about to explode in their hands in a shower of sparks.
❝Mother,❞ Jules starts, ❝you really didn't have to do this...❞
❝I know we have the time machines, but it's not every day you live the course of your natural life through the turn of a brand new millennium, so I wanted to celebrate. You only have to wear them for the photo, Jules, and you can take them off if you want.❞
Verne grins and throws an arm around Jules' shoulders. ❝Yeah, come on. They might actually make you look better.❞
Emmett slips on his blue glasses with a shrug and then holds his arms out to Marty, as if to ask how do I look? Marty laughs and shakes his head but follows suit, and there's a comment somewhere about how cute they both look, but neither of them are sure if the comment came from Jen or Clara, so in the moment, they decide they said it in unison.
❝Verne, honey, put this on Curie, would you?❞ Clara hands him a colourful bandanna adorned with confetti spirals. ❝And everyone line up. I'll get some of the clocks in the picture so we have the time and—Emmett, you're sure this timer feature will work?❞
❝Positive, dear. I tested it myself.❞
There's less than a minute left on the countdown by the time Clara sets up the camera and hurries over for the photo, taking her place at Emmett's side.
The flash goes off at exactly midnight and as the two couples share a quick kiss, both Jules and Verne make obnoxious gagging noises while the McFly twins stare longingly at the cake on the table.
A chorus of happy new years ring out among the families and as Marty pulls Emmett in for a hug, ❝Happy New Year, Doc,❞ somebody announces that cake is being served.
Emmett pats him twice on the back, smiling. ❝Here's to the future. Now, let's get some of that cake, shall we?❞
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radarsteddybear · 2 years
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Tintin et les Oranges bleues
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vaugarde · 3 months
i was initially gonna like, undo the whole “hero travels between worlds” thing with the gti hero in my verse, not because i didnt like it but for starfall plot reasons, but ive since deleted that plot point bc it was wayyyy too restrictive and i couldn’t figure out a decent workaround for that. so world crossing hero is back baby and now im thinking about eris taking the pokemon over to the human world. btw its totally an equestria girls scenario where the funny animals get turned human and they gotta learn how to act like one
#i mean they have pokemon in eris’s world hes just from the main series timeline#buuuuut. this is more fun to me#and i already have a pokesona idea that keeps the pokemon as pokemon so i wanna have fun here#kiran is an obvious one to take over but imagine. he brings hydreigon home#also in the psmd future he might take some pokemon over there as refuge but. idk i gotta figure out his limits#i imagine bc it puts a lot of strain on the timeline that eris cant abuse this power#or take more than like. one pokemon at a time?#echoed voice#pmd posting#btw the original idea was that when kiran went to the worldcore to wish for eris to travel between worlds#they really did break the universe a bit. but they provided an opportunity for eris to return#and in the process the human world was shut off to them- forever#a lock was basically placed on their world- no one can come in and no one can get out#(psmd hero/partner were exempt bc theyre reincarnations/native to that world)#which is why castors arrival was a massive deal in starfall#hes the first to arrive since the gti hero. and hes not even a hero hes just some guy. not even a human#buuuuuut. i love the idea but it really limits what i can do…#so instead im saying that the pmd world is extremely fragile. legends are working overtime to fix the spacetime continuum#and no more heroes have been summoned from the other world because of it. and dimension travel is discouraged#so castor showing up is still concerning bc they dont know whats going on#(ignoring eris. he didnt travel back and forth constantly but necrozma definitely wasnt a fan of him djfjfjfj)#necrozma: hydreigon i hope you know im only excusing your shitty little gf because the other ones gonna break the world if i dont let him
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galaxymagick · 6 months
231128 "VIXX" Leo & Ken, "I'm not scared when I'm with the members". Friendship shining in "Music Square" | wowkorea.jp
Group VIXX members Leo and Ken have made a comeback.
VIXX latest news summary
VIXX's Ken and Leo appeared as guests on KBS Cool FM's ``Lee Eun Ji's Song Plaza'' that aired on the 28th.
Leo said, ``I ate one meal a day for eight years and also exercised.''
In response, Ken responded, "You were amazing. you boxed, choreographing, danced and did musicals. I am hungry after taking care of my meals. That's why I can't manage it well. "I ate chicken feet early yesterday morning and I like sweets."
VIXX has released their 5th mini album CONTINUUM''. Ken said,I wore a lot of accessories that I've never done before. I also wore odd-eyed lenses. "I couldn't dye my hair because I was in a musical, so I put on a piece."
Leo said, ``We are the first idols to wear colored lenses.We tried not to put them on because the broadcasting station gave us too much of an impression. This time, I made my makeup look like hangover makeup. I was more concerned about the visual aspects than the concept."
Ken said that the choreography of covering his eyes was good, saying, ``It was the bridge part. I didn't have to do the blindfold gesture with my seniors. However, I got greedy. So I told my brother. Please,'' he said. Leo said, "I'm not happy about it," eliciting laughter.
Ken scratched his eyebrows and said, ``They grow out a little bit. As they grow out, they return to their original state. It's a wonder every time I see them.''
Regarding the difference between musicals and music activities, Ken also said, ``There's a process of working together with the members to create an album, but in musicals, when you're the main character, it feels like a burden. There are times when you have to lead. There are times when you have to pull together, but that part is difficult and different."
In response, Leo said, ``When you're doing solo activities, there's nowhere to hide, whether it's musicals, plays, or the media.When you're with the members, there's a place to hide.If you're standing together, you're not scared.When you're standing alone, it's scary. It seems like standing alone can be scary."
*translated using google and papago
VIXX の最新ニュースまとめ
28日に放送されたKBS Cool FM「イ・ウンジの歌謡広場」には「VIXX」のケンとレオがゲストとして出演した。
レオは「8年間1日1食で運動もした」と話した。 これに対してケンは「兄さんが不思議だった。 ボクシングして、振り付けして、踊って、ミュージカルもしていたよ。 私は食事の管理をしてお腹が空いた。 それで管理があまりできないようだ。 昨日の未明に鶏肉の足も食べ、甘いものが好きだ」と話した。
「VIXX」は5thミニアルバム「CONTINUUM」をリリースした。 ケンは「やったことのないアクセサリーをたくさんした。 レンズもオッドアイにして着用した。 ミュージカル中なので染められなくてピースもつけた」と話した。
レオは「私たちがカラーレンズをつけた初めてのアイドルだ。 放送局であまりに(印象が)強すぎて入れないようにした。 今回はメイクを二日酔いのメイクのようにした。 コンセプトよりはビジュアル的な部分を気にした」と話した。
ケンは目を覆う振り付けが良かったとし、「ブリッジの部分だ。 先輩と目隠しジェスチャーをしなくてもよかった。 しかし、欲張った。 それで兄に言った。 兄も快く『こんな風にしてみるのはどうか』と言ってくれた」と話した。 レオは「快くではない」と言って笑いを誘った。
ケンは眉毛をスクラッチしたとし、「少し空いて育つ。 だんだん伸びるにつれて元の状態に戻る。 見るたびに不思議ではある」と話した。
またケンはミュージカルと音楽活動の違いについて「メンバーたちと仲良く一緒にアルバムを作っていく過程があるが、ミュージカルは主人公をすることになった時に負担感がある。 一人で生放送を2~3時間リードしなければならないことがある。 一緒に引っ張っていかなければならない部分があるだろうが、その部分が大変で違いがある」と話した。
これに対しレオは「個人活動をする時はミュージカル、演劇、メディアなど隠れるところがない。 メンバーたちと一緒にいると隠れるところがある。 一緒に立っていれば怖くない。 一人で立っていると怖いことがあるようだ」と話した。
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solannecontinuum · 1 year
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Even if it makes me blind I just wanna see the light Breathe in, leave it all behind I just wanna see the light.
SON OF GOD ILLUSTRATION SERIES. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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robotspock · 2 years
ok i was looking at Q centered books for a shitpost and stumbled across a revelation
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look i don’t know what is mainstream knowledge and what is not but it fucking hit me that trelane IS A Q. A CHILD Q. I NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED THIS BEFORE BUT IT MAKES SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE
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looking through the memory alpha page and apparently john delancie speculated that Q was based on trelane, and it just makes so much sense. the way that his entire planet was just a play place for a child of omnipotent beings, the desire to fuck around with these humans he just found, transporting them into situations and forcing them to take on certain roles. i can’t believe the thought never crossed my mind
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vaqro-a · 1 year
[hands] [other]
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cole cassidy has proportionate hands to a man of his general stature and lifestyle. his hands were never either too big or too small. his fingers are long, each knuckle knobbly and scarred and calloused, but they are in no way thin. the skin of his palms is often sweaty, especially when he wears gloves of any kind [ and he does so as to keep his fingerprints off his gun and the gunpowder off his fingers ]; skin is dry otherwise, filled with scars from previous scruffles and the handling of sharp objects in his youth.
his nails are short and gently curved, but he doesn’t manicure them otherwise; the undersides are clean from debris and dirt, but the nail beds are ruined by his anxiety driven habit of pulling at his cuticles. the only moments he ever cares about the state of his nails are when he needs to be either jerome mcginnis, the tradesman of a nice canadian family, or jeffrey wayne, the young socialite adopted by a rich family — both would be expected by society to have have well kept nails and their hands soft. 
his hands also shake from time to time — never when holding a gun or any kind of weapon, but the alcohol and the cigars from a young age coupled with insomnia make them tremble at times. it used to be much worse when he was young [ pre - deadlock, especially, but wholly pre - overwatch ], the anemia and irregular meals causing a depletion in blood oxygenation and the impression of cold under his skin. he is also beginning to notice small signs of osteoarthritis in some knuckles and his wrist [ along some other places in his body ].
it is interesting to note that for all he can change himself in name and appearance as to both survive and work, his hands are one aspect he can not be so easily modified. he carries his stories there, all of them. these are the fingers which joel morricone uses to write his articles and columns, which jeff and jerome shake hands, the same ones cole cassidy and maverick logann kill people. these are the hands that choked his sister, and there is no running away from that. his hands tell the truth his mouth can not speak.
and since we are already on the topic of his hands, we may as well speak of his prosthetic arm. 
for years, cassidy has been secretly assigned to spy on doctor mina liao and her classified project, as to ensure neither were compromised — be it against liao or in favor of a second omnic crisis. spending so much time together, mina and cole developed a secret romance. after the catastrophe that was the mission in rialto, cassidy was sent to oslo more and more often — going weeks and sometimes months by mina’s side in and out of the watchpoint. it coincided that, in one of these visits to the watchpoint, talon invaded and set off a bomb in the building, much like what happened in rome. this time, cassidy wasn’t so lucky as to not be in the direct blast zone of the explosion. debris and equipment pinned him down, and his rescue’s success depended on his arm being amputated in the field. 
afterward, he stayed under the care, among others [ albeit in dwindling numbers at this point ], of doctor angela ziegler / @veqva, who oversaw his recovery. a second amputation was needed for the fitting of a new arm. he went through the initial steps of physiotherapy in zurich but didn’t stay for the final fitting for the arm overwatch had developed for him. lost and grieving, cassidy made his way back to the deadlock gorge. eventually, with ashe’s help and knowledge in cyber mechanics, he designed and found a trustworthy medic for the procedure.
ashe could have arranged a clinic or hospital for the procedure, but their status as outlaws made things a lot more difficult. factored in as well the fact cassidy could be recognized in some way as the blackwatch agent involved in the fallout in italy years prior [ it also matters that cole was not in the mindset to accept things without pain. he opted for a riskier procedure because it was less of a risk to ashe and deadlock, and because it would hurt a lot ]. so they recurred to a ripperdoc, a type of medic able to perform away from the scrutiny of legal establishments, at a better price. it is not always guaranteed a painless procedure, and complications may rise. as a consequence, his remaining limb is riddled with scars and suffers from phantom pain on occasion. it is not only worse because the initial port and cyberization were made by overwatch.
the result is a stylized model that is unique to him. chrome plates with a clunkier appearance than the usual streamlines and elegance found in other prosthetics. the arm is slightly bigger than his flesh hand due to an error in calculating, but it maintains the same overall level of productivity. the skull is an aesthetic touch, bright blue eyes powered by an internal battery.
the limb is also designed with boosted strength, speed, and resilience. it never grows tired, and it doesn’t feel pain — while keeping tactile prowess. it is able lot sustain a lot more damage than flesh and bone, the titanium skeleton under the chrome plates strong enough to bash someone’s head in. therefore, while having no built-in weapons or mechanisms, the prosthesis is still quite a force to be reckoned with.
a great advantage of his arm compared to common models is the power injection. while yes, the prosthetic is connecto him through cybernetic nanites, as courtesy of overwatch, the limb itself is motorized. it counts with hydraulic mechanisms and servos that run near silently but provide him all the necessary fine motor skills in his elbow, wrist, and each finger. which means he is relatively safe from EMP blasts and other types of electrical outages. 
not to say cassidy doesn’t have fiber and plastic models. they are crucial when he needs to not be recognized. he has a simple plastic white arm and the same one in red. he also counts on a very fragile, rarely used model that is covered in synthetic skin. it is nearly impossible to distinguish between his two and when he is wearing it. he bought the first two models under an alias, and they were relatively easy to install and switch out despite the lack of cross compatibility between them and his original prosthesis. the synthskin arm he bought after a large bounty, in japan. it is relatively new and, again, not used often.
the mismatched weight, however, often affects his gait. his left hip and shoulder are the most affected, which also affects his already damaged knee in attempts of compensation. when able, especially now that he is once more with overwatch, he showers and sleeps with it off so as to not exacerbate his joints further.
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pointman74250 · 2 years
How would James T. Kirk deal with someone like Q?
Answer: he would find a way to make him corporeal then kick him squarely in the nuts.
Again, Kirk for the win! 
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
With great power comes great Star Trek omnipotent entities
By Ames
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Excuse me? I’d just like to ask a question. What does Star Trek need with so many gods? Like, so many gods. You can barely swing a dead Caitian without hitting at least three omnipotent entities anywhere you go in any quadrant. You find them at the edge of the galaxy, at the center of the galaxy, in the vacuum of space, on planets, inside wormholes, and everywhere in between. What is it about all-powerful beings that we need to see so very often?
A Star to Steer Her By is here to reveal these beings for what they really are. I mean, other than literary devices. Whether they’re the real deal or not (especially when they’re not), they’re here to pose an unbeatable threat to our captains and their crews, pushing everyone to the brink or making them think outside the box. They’re what this show really runs on. Check them all out below and listen to our chatter on this week’s podcast (discussion starts at 54:46), and remember to hug your omnipotent entity today.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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Maybe they’re born with it, maybe they’ve transcended
Our first batch of omnipotent entities are just normal joes that happened to transcend to the next level of being for various reasons. We’ve got Arretans like Sargon in “Return to Tomorrow” and Talosians in “The Cage” who’ve evolved naturally to be brainboxes, as well as the Providers from “The Gamesters of Triskelion” who’ve evolved to be literal brains in boxes! Kes gets a nice arc in Voyager in which her character unlocks her full potential and it happens to get out of control until her character topples from its own greatness. 
Characters like Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner unleash their inner ESP when they go past the galactic barrier in “Where No Man Has Gone Before,” as was parodied in Lower Decks when some random accident does something similar to Jack Ransom in “Strange Energies.” And of course the Platonians from “Plato’s Stepchildren” have gained some special powers by eating the tasty tasty food of their planet.
The best example of a character who’s transcended definitely comes in the form of John Doe in “Transfigurations,” as we get to watch him literally evolve into a yellow jumpsuit throughout the course of the show, as we pointed out in our transformations blogpost a while back.
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When someone asks you if you’re a god…
Next up, prepare to donate away all your earthly possessions and pledge your soul to some powerful organisms that get worshiped as literal gods. Some of these beings are just plain charlatans who use their magic and tricks to take advantage of gullible souls, like Ardra does in “Devil’s Due” or like the God of Sha Ka Ree in The Final Frontier. We also see some powerful beings who guard planets of developing civilizations when we meet the Edo God in “Justice” and the Delta Theta II God in “Bem,” which I’d prefer not to have to think about again.
We also meet some of our actual figures from religious mythology in Trek, for reasons! Who ever knew that Apollo and the other Greek gods were real things, as we learned in “Who Mourns for Adonais”? They just happened to be aliens! And the literal devil just happens to be Lucien, an alien from Megas-Tu who teaches magic to the Enterprise crew in “The Magicks of Megas-Tu.” Now what does that mean to say about organized religion?
Finally, I wanted to make sure to broach the touchy subject of the Prophets and Pah-wraiths as portrayed throughout Deep Space Nine. Just not with the Bajorans, who will take all this personally. These wormhole weirdos are just a bunch of aliens who seem to just experience time differently than us. Which is no big deal really except that sometimes they go around banging Joe Sisko or making whole fleets of Dominion ships freakin’ disappear. I’ve said it before: seal that wormhole UP!
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Unproven powers, infinite potential
Let’s turn our sights to a handful of beings who we can only assume are incredibly powerful, though we can’t really put our finger on why. Did we actually see some of these people do anything truly impressive or are we just jumping to conclusions? At the same time, I don’t want to speak ill of any of them because any of them could still kick my ass. Like Jack the Ripper from “Wolf in the Fold” who could feed off my fear or Armus from “Skin of Evil” who is literally an embodiment of evil.
We know the Cytherians from “The Nth Degree” and the Paxans from “Clues” (who seem to come up all the time in this blog) can both mess with our minds, but they’re so mysterious that we can only surmise what the ceiling of their powers is. Flint from “Requiem for Methuselah” is essentially immortal and has accomplished pretty much everything in Earth history, but what else can he actually do? And in episodes like “The City on the Edge of Forever” and “Yesteryear,” the Guardian of Forever has a harness on time itself! That’s incredibly powerful at first blush, but what does it even mean? And why does a person embody it in Discovery?
I’ve seen a bunch of other “most powerful beings in Trek (ranked!)” lists that include Guinan, which perplexes me. Like Flint, we know she’s long lived. And she’s got the whole listening thing she does so well. And you start thinking she’s just a normal alien until she pulls some mental hijinks in “Yesterday’s Enterprise” when she knows something’s wrong with the timeline. We are so teased by what her powers are, but we’ll never truly know. No wonder even Q is intimidated by her.
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One really good trick, doctors hate them
We’re ratcheting up the abilities in this next group. All these entities have a really super power or two (or a ton), but I wouldn’t call these folks all powerful. They just have a couple really good powers that can ruin someone’s day. Let’s start off with the incredibly powerful beings who just want to put humans through incredibly deadly tests to see what they’re all about, like the Meklotians in “Spectre of the Gun” or Excalbians like Yarnek in “The Savage Curtain” or that little bastard Nagilum in “The Savage Curtain.” Seriously, guys. You could’ve just asked.
There are also beings who seem to be able to use things like mind control and matter fabrication to gain control over the crew members for, um, not really any good reason except maybe fun? Of course I’m talking about General Trelane in “The Squire of Gothos” and Sylvia and Korob in “Catspaw.” Dang, there are a lot of these hyperpowered people in The Original Series, so let’s spread things out a little with Onaya from DS9’s “The Muse,” who could activate the creative mind of her victim… while effectively sucking the life from them.
We can thank the selfish actions of the Nacene like the titular Caretaker and like Suspiria in “Cold Fire” for bringing about all of Voyager in the first place! Their powers are strong enough to drag whole ships all the way to the Delta Quadrant. Now that’s some powerful lasting effects!
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The biggest kids on the galactic block
Finally, we’ve made it to the main event. All the beings who are so powerful as to be truly omnipotent, with such abilities that force the actions of whole episodes, story arcs, societies, and even series. Most of these are in no particular order, so let’s laud the absolutely bonkers  powers of the Thasians in “Charlie X,” the Metron in Arena, and the Organians in “Errand of Mercy” in one fell swoop. These are beings that can dangle the relations between whole species in the palms of their hands. 
There’s something mind boggling about just what beings like the Megans in “The Magicks of Megas-Tu” and the Traveler in “Where No One Has Gone Before,” “Remember Me,” and “Journey’s End” can do. They basically prove that magic is real because there’s no difference between reality and imagination, and that’s a scary scary thing. Is it scarier than the Douwd like Kevin Uxbridge in “The Survivors” who can wipe out entire species with a thought? I’ll let you decide that.
And of course it’s as easy as a snap to pick the absolute most powerful omnipotent beings in all of Star Trek. Every single other site agrees on this fact, and who would we be to say otherwise? It is obviously Q, and thank the continuum for him! Not only is his sweet style something we adore, but his episodes across all series provided our captains with unique challenges and put us humans in our place on a much lower rung than we think we belong on.
Well that has put things in perspective and we can all go back to being the puny little beings we always are, until we transcend, that is. Someone’s got to undo the damage the Caretaker did, so we hope you’re following along with our watch through of Voyager on SoundCloud or wherever you use mind powers to listen to podcasts. Beckon us to your planet on Facebook and Twitter, and use your powers for good, and only a little bit of evil!
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radarsteddybear · 2 years
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👀 The portrait of Sir Francis Haddock in the background 👀
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Trying something new with the layout for my BlazBlue Pokemon teams.  The old Trainer Card style was overly complicated and difficult for me to put together, and scared me out of continuing the series.  This set up should be easier for me to manage, so I can start to make posts for the rest of my ideas here.
I’ll also be making separate posts for each installment, instead of trying to create a thread of them as I had been doing previously.  If you want to see why I chose these two Pokemon for Noel, you can see my posts about Fenrir the Arcanine and Thor the Pikachu here.
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