#Convoluted Hoses
milla123 · 11 months
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My Master Plan (Don’t Snitch)
Step 1. Enter Home Depot
Step 2. Get my hands on as many garden hoses as I can
Step 3. ??? (To be decided later, might wing it)
Step 4. I have a lot of garden hoses now
Step 5. Ascension
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Poly PTFE Convoluted Hose Manufacturers in Bangalore: Revolutionizing Chemical Transfer Applications
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Poly PTFE convoluted hoses are manufactured by a process called “corrugation.” This process involves creating wave-like patterns in the hose’s inner liner. The corrugations give the hose flexibility and resistance to kinking.
Poly PTFE convoluted hoses are available in a variety of sizes and lengths. They are also available in various materials, including PTFE, stainless steel, and nylon. Poly PTFE convoluted hoses are used in various industries, including chemical, food, and manufacturing.
Flexotech is a leading manufacturer of poly PTFE convoluted hoses in Bangalore. The company has been in business for over 20 years and has a reputation for quality and innovation. Flexotech offers a wide range of poly PTFE convoluted hoses, including custom hoses that can be customized to your needs.
Here are some of the benefits of using poly PTFE convoluted hoses from Flexotech:
Chemical resistance: Poly PTFE is very resistant to chemicals and solvents. This makes it ideal for use in applications where the hose will be exposed to harsh chemicals.
Flexibility: The grooves in the hose give it a high degree of flexibility. This makes it easy to install and manoeuvre the hose in tight spaces.
Durability: Poly PTFE is a very durable material. This means that the hose can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
Long lifespan: Poly PTFE convoluted hoses have a long lifespan. This means that you can get a lot of use out of the hose before it needs to be replaced.
If you are looking for a poly PTFE convoluted hose that is high-quality, durable, and long-lasting, look no further than Flexotech. We are the leading manufacturer of poly PTFE convoluted hoses in Bangalore, and we are here to help you meet your needs.
In addition to poly PTFE convoluted hoses, Flexotech also manufactures stainless steel hose assemblies. These assemblies are built to survive the roughest environments and are composed of premium stainless steel. Several industries, including the processing of food and beverages, chemicals, and manufacturing, use stainless steel hose assemblies.
Here are some of the benefits of using stainless steel hoses assemblies from Flexotech:
Durability: It has durable material. This means that the hoses can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
Corrosion resistance: It is resistant to corrosion. This makes it ideal for use in applications where the hoses will be exposed to harsh chemicals.
Long lifespan: Stainless steel hose assemblies have a long lifespan. This means that you can get a lot of use out of the hoses before they need to be replaced.
Poly PTFE convoluted hoses and Stainless steel hoses assemblies are two of the most important components of many industrial applications. They are essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems. When choosing poly PTFE convoluted and stainless steel hose assemblies, it is important to consider the application and the environment in which the system will be used. By using high-quality products, you can help ensure your system’s safety and reliability.
Flexotech is a leading manufacturer of poly PTFE convoluted hoses and stainless steel hose assemblies in Bangalore. We have a reputation for quality and innovation, and we offer various products to meet the needs of our customers. If you want high-quality, durable, long-lasting hoses, look no further than Flexotech. We are here to help you meet your needs.
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flexotechproduct · 1 year
Top quality PTFE convoluted hoses in Bangalore" refers to high-quality hoses made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) material, which is widely used in various industrial applications. These hoses are designed with a convoluted shape that provides flexibility, making them suitable for applications that require hoses to bend and flex without kinking or collapsing.
Top quality PTFE convoluted hoses in Bangalore are made from high-grade PTFE materials that are resistant to chemicals, high temperatures, and abrasion. They are suitable for use in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemical processing, and biotechnology.
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What is Stainless Steel Drainage System?
The purpose drainage system of any location such as commercial and industrial is to drain out all the impure or waste water and harmful substances from internal structure to the main sewage system of the area.
Through Drainage system, sewage or waste water is collected, transported through various drainage parts and components and dispose it through outlet connecting main sewer pipe or gutter in the vicinity.
Are flexible plumbing hoses any good?
Flexible hoses are very versatile and significantly reduce the time it takes to hook-up hot and cold water pipe appliances, such as taps, dishwashers and water heaters. It generally works with the help of gravity from downward slope of the structure through large diameter pipes and sewage gutters.
What is stainless steel hose for?
It is ideal for attaching pipes for instant water heaters, washbasins, low tanks, solar water heaters, etc. Non-weld general-purpose union type braided flexible hose. General purpose: Features a union fitting for absorbing displacement. A non-weld all-stainless steel union type flexible hose.
KIND OF STAINLESS STEEL HOSES AND THERE USE- https://www.qualityflexibles.com/stainless-steel-hoses/
There are multiple kinds of categories that come in the market when we talk about stainless steel hoses/Flexible metal hoses/Flexible steel pipes. Even sometimes there are names of a single flexible that are different in different sectors. Here are some main classification that we also manufacture and supply.
SS hose, or stainless steel hose, is a flexible metal hose made from stainless steel. It is used in a variety of applications where a strong, durable and heat–resistant hose is needed. Common uses for SS hose include hot water and steam lines, exhaust systems, and industrial vacuum cleaners.
Corrugated hoses are flexible tubes that are made from a variety of materials such as rubber, plastic, metal, and fabric. They are used in a variety of applications including automotive, industrial, and medical. Corrugated hoses are designed to be flexible and resistant to kinking or collapsing when pressure is applied. They can also be used to protect wires and cables from abrasion or damage.
Braided hoses are flexible hoses that consist of multiple layers of reinforced material, such as rubber, metal, or synthetic fibers. They are typically used in applications where high pressure and temperature are present. Braided hoses are often used in plumbing and automotive applications, as well as for industrial machinery.
Steam hoses are specialized hoses designed to handle the extreme temperatures and pressures found in steam applications. They are typically made from reinforced rubber or thermoplastic and are designed to withstand high temperatures, abrasion, corrosion, and other harsh conditions. Steam hoses are used in a variety of industries including food processing, chemical processing, and power generation.
Ss bellow hoses are flexible metal hoses that are used to absorb vibration, misalignment, and thermal expansion or contraction in piping systems. They are made of stainless steel and are often used in applications where corrosion resistance is important. There is a specific section for SS bellow hoses. Kindly click the link from the products section or click here for SS bellows. It is one of most selling section.
Metal hoses are flexible tubes made of metal that are used to transport liquids and gases. They are often used in applications where a high degree of flexibility is required, such as in plumbing, automotive, and industrial applications. Metal hoses can be made from a variety of metals, including stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and bronze. Check this page for complete info on metal hoses and types.
read more for more info - https://www.qualityflexibles.com/stainless-steel-hoses/
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agirlandherkinks · 5 months
Control Variables: Part 1 (Hypno, Expansion)
[Ally's Notes: The hypno and expansion bits come in the next part, this ended up being way bigger than I expected so I split it up] [I'd describe as weird corporate science-experiment-soft-non-con with a fun latexy skinsuit involved :3]
"HINATA! Where the FUCK did you put the hydraulic pump?!?"
An indignant voice barged into your consciousness, waking you up.
You were... somewhere? You opened your eyes, but only blackness greeted you. Were you in bed? Some kind of weight was pulling down on your head, so you must be upright. A helmet? You felt so, so tired and relaxed and comfy, the kind of grogginess that comes from sleeping 11 hours in a row. A harried voice with a strong accent (Japan, maybe?) barked back, making you wince.
"Well maybe YOU shouldn't decide to rearrange the workshop half an hour before a subject intake Lucinda! I have a perfect organizational system, if you would just. Stop... messing with the natural order of things... please?"
The voice trailed off until it was almost inaudible, and you realized that your ears felt muffled by something. Maybe you had a headset on? But why would you go to sleep wearing one of those? You attempted to bring your hand up to feel what it was, but with a gasp of surprise, found that you were tied up. Panic began to pierce your sleep-addled mind as you struggled against your bonds, your two captors seemingly oblivious as they argued. Panting from exertion (and embarrassingly, slight arousal), you stopped and took stock of your situation.
You were being held upright, against some sort of cushioned plank. Cold metal cords snaked tightly around your wrists and ankles, holding you spreadeagled and helpless. You could feel the cool breeze of an air conditioner caress your chin, arms, and legs, bringing up goosebumps. Your torso was covered in a clingy material, maybe some kind of wet latex? Your throat felt ever so slightly constricted, as if a wide metal collar wrapped around it. And with a start of outrage and fear, you realized you could feel cold air brushing against your pussy, nipples, and the side of your waist. There were windows in those areas! Were you in some sort of sex dungeon?!? Desperation overrode your self-control as you began thrashing against your restraints, yelling out against the slim chance someone could hear.
"Oh shit, she's come out of it-" Lucinda yelped. "Hinata! Get your sorry ass to that computer, or I will fucking end your career when the yearly peer review comes round! Ok, ok. Ok. Actually. Hinata, this development may be to our advantage. Begin recording."
Silence reigned for a few seconds, then bright light filled your vision as someone pulled your headset off. Blinking in pain as your eyes adjusted, you began to take in the space around you. If it was a sex dungeon, it had to be the weirdest one you'd ever seen. Pipes, wrenches, bolts and wiring filled the space around you, half of them not even connected to the convoluted machinery that surrounded you. Swinging your head around revealed no exit door, but you took in a few important details. A tank of fluid with a few... hoses, attached? Some devices that looked an awful lot like sex toys sat on the table next to them. On the far side of the room a reedy, anxious-looking man stood furiously tapping at a terminal, looking half-swallowed by an oversized lab coat. And uncomfortably close to your face, an immaculately preened woman with golden-red hair, clinically dead eyes, and an inexplicable boob window in her own lab coat stood smiling. It was a wide smile, very toothy, obviously meant to be reassuring. It put you in mind of a shark.
"Oh my goodness dear, we didn't realize you had woken up!" Her voice was chirpy and sweet, completely at odds with the fire-breathing she displayed earlier. "I'm so sorry for the distress you must be feeling. You see, subjects here are normally kept unconscious for the full duration of testing."
"T-testing?" You stammered, mouth feeling dry.
"Oh, do you not remember coming here? Many subjects have the same experience when interviewed afterwards, so that shows your procedure is still going to plan." Was her smile even wider now? "My name is Lucinda, that... gentleman over there is Hinata, and this is an R&D lab of BrainBlender Industries."
"That freaky sex toy company?!" you blurted, feeling your cheeks flare with heat. You had volunteered to test sex products? With THIS company?!?
"Not just sex toys," Lucinda cheerfully replied, smile now threatening to escape the bounds of her face. She clearly knew about the wild rumors surrounding BrainBlender. "We also produce recreational gear, leisurewear, and technology at the absolute cutting-edge of communication, biology, and psychology. We employ the finest minds for our development teams, and are absolutely stringent in the safety protocols of our testing sessions. And do try to relax. I'm sure you at least remember how much you're being paid for this."
The protests bubbling in your throat died as a 5-digit figure flashed out of your memory. Who could turn that down?
"Exactly!" she crowed, reading the expression on your face.
"Hey, so uh, what was the t-test going to be?" You stammered with embarrassment as you asked the question, having looked down and seen how stiff your nipples really were in the open air. You did have to admit though, the strange one-piece you wore was quite fetching. The material was a shimmery rose-gold with rose-red highlights running along its seams. It clung to your waist, hips, and admittedly quite small breasts in a way that made you feel sexy even while spreadeagled in a lab. And the way those windows curved around your nipples, they seemed to form the outline of cute little hearts. If you still weren't so mortified at waking up in a corporate sex dungeon, you probably would have giggled.
"Sorry sweetie, but we're conducting blind trials here. We'll start getting you back under in a minute." The redhead's cooed, corporate smile now unsettlingly authentic in response to your discomfort. "You see, we have to test your body's response to stimuli under completely controlled conditions. Otherwise, your expectations might change the way you process the input you're going receive."
"And speaking of input..." Lucinda produced a small device from her pocket, briefly holding it up to the light for inspection. Some sort of key? She began to dictate, completely ignoring your apprehension as she brought it towards your neck. "Test B279, new variation Delta. Variables of initial subject lucidity and individuality now left uncontrolled, to explore the effects of pleasure and conditioning on subject psyche in greater detail." You tried to shy back, but she continued inexorably forward, dictating over the top of your protests. One hand held the collar of your suit, and she began to sliiide the device into an opening within it. "First element of the conversion process: Initiated."
"Wait no no no n-" Click.
You gasped in euphoria as near-orgasmic levels of pleasure began coursing through your body, pulsing outwards from your neck to the rest of your torso. Biting your lip and arching your back, you couldn't decide whether to moan, giggle, or cry. Every inch of skin that touched your outfit blazed with pleasure, as if it was making your whole torse just as sensitive as your G-spot. Your self-restraint began to crumble as you started instinctively humping and twisting in place. You desperately needed to touch yourself, but all you could do was slide your ass and back against the plank. It felt gooooood.
"As planned and... visibly evident, the inserted module is circulating dopamine and oxytocin throughout the membrane of the pleasure-suit. The hormones are then transferred into the subject via contact with the skin." Through half-lidded eyes, you saw Lucinda circle behind you. "What is interesting is that this process appears to be causing the subject's skin to act as a primary erogenous zone. Note the elicited moans whenever it makes contact with the support plank."
She moved back to your side, and you heard the sound of a rubber glove being stretched over a hand. "Hypothesis 1: Sexual sensitivity increases exponentially with the skin's proximity to the suit." A firm hand gripped your ankle, and you whined in frustration as the plank moved away, leaving you held in the air. "Observe how the subject seems to attain no relief from contact with skin in its extremities. But here..." The hand crept up to your shin, and you shivered. "Subject's reaction is in line with a typical response to contact with the inner thigh. And speaking of-" Lucinda's musings were cut off by your moan as she squeezed your thigh. "Similar response to a tug of the nipple in an average female-" She cut off with a yelp as your hips unconsciously ground against her face. The brief contact made you moan even harder, feeling like someone had turned up a vibrator inside of you. "Subject rapidly losing composure, on the verge of a first orgasm. Two more samples required." And without warning, she slapped your ass.
Your vision went white as you screamed in pleasure. You didn't care about being recorded, or watched. You were in heaven and needed more. Warm fluid ran down your thighs, pussy leaking as you approached climax. You wanted them to do things to you, needed them to do things to you. Bucking blindly, you screamed for them to keep going, to use you.
"Okkkk, subject exhibiting drastically altered behaviour and desires in response to artificial hormone circulation. Compliance is reinforced by pleasure and dopamine. Device will replace dopamine with serotonin and melatonin soon, so I am taking the final sample before subject loses consciousness." A hand grasped your exposed waist, holding you still and sending waves of euphoria through your shaking body. You felt your insides tighten. Keep going so close so close so so so so so so s-
"Beginning vaginal stimulation."
A finger entered your pussy, and ever so gently prodded your clitoris.
With a wild shriek you snapped your head back and came. And came. And kept cumming. It felt like ten orgasms at once, all stacking and intensifying on top of each other. You squirted and squirted and sprayed, soaking your legs and the floor and an indignant Lucinda in your messy cum as you writhed and convulsed in the air. It was better than anything you had ever felt before. You didn't want to stop. You couldn't stop. You... you... couldn't stop...
So tired...
A beep sounded from the device in your collar, and darkness claimed you even as your body continued to twist in climax.
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ktbofficial · 8 months
Greetings, this is @hra-official with our proposal for a burn-based weapons system. I must apologize for the convoluted setup, but since the omninode we're transmitting from is still registered under Landmark Colonial, we are unable to display our signature in this message.
Now, to the business at hand: there are two primary challenges with integrating a burn-based weapon system in the assets of Baronic United Command:
As we all know, such a weapon will frequently be used against forces equipped with Harrison Armory mechanized frames. Despite the many flaws of their design ethos, such frames are almost universally well equipeed to manage excess heat and are often hardened against incendiary weapons.
Given that a large portion of RKF chassis are optimized for melee or close-quarters combat, creating hazardous terrain on a front line is liable to be especially hazardous for BUC Kurassiers
The solution? Chemical burn.
As luck would have it, the Hercynian Hive Worm naturally secretes a powerful acid which rapidly corrodes metal and even stone, but is harmless to it's own living tissue. Hercynian Refurbished Armaments has just completed the tests of the first prototypes of a chemical projector capable of harnessing it.
[ID: several images follow. The first is a diagram of a nozzle connected to two nested tanks. The second through seventh are several photos of a Genghis Mk.1 being hosed by a sprayer like the one described by the diagram; they show the mech activating it's autocooler and explosive vents while rust-coloured smoke and brownish sludge leak from it's seams. As of the sixth images it's arms dangle limply at it's sides. In the seventh, armour plates are starting to come off]
As you can see, projector itself is compact enough to be attached to a main mount, although larger hardpoints my be used to supply it with bigger tanks.
The reason the tanks are nested is twofold: firstly, to prevent corrosion of the parent vehicle if they should be pierced; and seondly, to modulate the viscosity and corrosiveness of the payload.
This is needed for it's application in an anti-infantry role: mixed with the correct amount of neutralizing agent, the acid becomes fluid enough to be sprayed in a wide cone, capable of penetrating soft cover and coat a wide area. The partial neutralization of the acid also prevents it from causing burns on living tissues, while still retaining enough efficacy to render infantry-portable weapons and hardsuits ineffective.
In this configuration, the weapon is less-than-lethal while remaining capable of rendering infantry combat-ineffective, meaning that - unlike a flamethrower - using it has a very low risk of killing civilians caught in the crossfire, so long as they are promptly given medical attention.
Excellent. The use of a jungle predator's acid is, in the view of the Jungle Warfare Commission, a slashing moment of brilliance - the nested tanks a further triumph.
We have two questions for you:
Is the projected acid of equivalent weight to a conventional flamethrower's fuel?
Is it easily synthesized by a printer or bioreplicating cloning machine?
Aside from these, this looks to be quite good. We will conduct comparative trials of this weapon system against the one proposed by Revved-and-Ready, and shall return with a decision.
Thank you for your time.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 2, Epsiode 13 ("A Tisket A Tasket") Part 1 of ???
So this is like, the first heavily Jess-centered episode after his debut back in 2/5. He's kind of been chilling behind the counter at Luke's for 8 episodes. He's been seen, he's been mentioned since he lives rent free in the head of every citizen of Stars Hollow. But here, he has truly arrived, making his debut in one of these shitshow eps that combine Dean, Jess, the DALA (Dean and Lorelai Affair), etc etc. A real fucking doozy. PS: All previous commetary is now linked in my pinned post.
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What have we here? Oh, look everyone, it's yet ANOTHER fundraiser/excuse for Taylor Doose to embezzle money from the citizens. All proceeds to go to the retirement home, right. Sure. Where is this mythical retirement home that no one has ever mentioned and has never been seen before? I think he mis spelled "All proceeds line Taylor Doose's pockets."
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Pictured below: A senior citizen of Stars Hollow after receiving money raised for the retirement home.
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Oh, Lorelai is just STARVING for some Dean Forrester today. She’s foaming at the mouth. Patty: Do you have any change? I don't know where all my quarters go. Lorelai: Down some guy's g-string? Patty: Oh no. A quarter would be insulting. Miss Patty for Prez. On my gritty adult Gilmore Girls Reboot titled The Hollow I would make sure we'd see a scene of Miss Patty at the male strip revue, it would be hilarious.
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I've never seen "You". Is this "You"? Is Dean Forrester the guy from "You"?
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I've warned you two to stop doing this. Time to resort to drastic measures.
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Go and get him Lorelai. This fine specimen is right there waiting for you in the Cheese Ball aisle.
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The way Jess Mariano's name rolls off of Dean's tongue with such vitriol, such disgust, the way Jess Mariano clearly lives rent free in Dean Forrester's otherwise empty little head 24/7, it gives me tremendous joy. Jess' jacket may as well be the equivalent of a cold blast from a garden hose. It's so ugly that it will put a damper on even the most passionate makeouts (of which Rory and Dean's was not) because you must stop whatever you’re doing and gaze upon it, to wonder what rock-bottom of a church donation bin his mother scraped that thing from, or maybe he took it from one of Liz's lousy husbands who left it behind. I'm telling you, that in my opinion, this is the ugliest man's coat to ever exist, and the other thing that makes it so ugly is that it's way too big on Milo's tiny frame. He's drowning in it. Where was I? *ugly coat ugly coat ugly coat* Uhh, let's get back to it...
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Does anyone else think about the fact that Gilmore Girls (2000) was the last time anyone would see Milo with even a single curl in his hair? He had jumped to Peter Petrelli hair by S6 and never looked back.
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RENT-FREE. Someone: Can you sum up the relationship between Jess & Dean in 15 words or less? Me: I Gotchu fam.
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Rory Giving Dean Completely Sensible Advice: I wish you two could get along. He lives here. You run into him. He goes to school with you. It's a waste of energy to fight with him. Dean:
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Alexis Bledel's acting can be pretty wooden, but her "Rory is fucking sick of Dean or Tristan's shit" facial reactions are priceless.
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I wrote a Haiku: His ugly brown coat Ugly coat you are so brown Vomit colored brown.
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For anyone keeping score, Rory has been snuck up on from behind and frightened by two different people in the span of only a few minutes. Give my girl a break.
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Rory: "Dis guy.... sigh." And now for some other Goings On in this episode: Lane has yet another insane and convoluted plan to meet with Henry behind her mother's back, involving her male cousin and using the Line Taylor Doose's Pockets Auction as a cover. If she has to go through all of this to hide a nice Korean boy like Henry (and later, Dave Rygalski, the Best Boyfriend On Tv) from her mother, it once again makes me yearn to see Lane and Jess date openly if for nothing else but to give Mrs. Kim chest pains. This will happen on my adult Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow. Lane: Mom, I had sex with Jess Mariano. Oh and I might be pregnant. Mrs Kim: Evaporates into the ether, ascending to the heavens to meet Jesus. Jackson wants Sookie to move in with him, but she's not getting the hint. Miss Patty thinks Lorelai needs to get laid and has taken it up on herself to try to remedy that, much to Lorelai's annoyance, but Patty is obviously blind to the fact that Lorelai Gilmore waits for only one man.
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For anyone keeping score, Rory has been snuck up on from behind and frightened by two three different people in the span of only a few minutes.
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Stars Hollow video can be seen in the background in this scene, so I withdraw my take that it was never seen again after the previous episode.
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Perhaps there was some deeper meaning, a metaphor of some kind, something AmyShermanPalladino was trying to say, with these repeated references to people being shoved into closets against their will. The bidding wars have begun.
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I had to listen to Milo Ventimiglia talk about being Team Dean again this week (we all know he's really just Team Jared) and he said Dean was "A sweet hometown boy" and obviously he doesn't remember this show at all if he thinks that, and he would probably be pretty upset with me if I said I wanted to smack that stupid smug grin off of Jared Padalecki's face right now. Jess, I will give you $1,000 if you burn this coat and I'm allowed to watch it go up in flames. Glorious, glorious flames.
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Are we talking about Dean Forrester's weiner here?
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Does anyone else wonder where Jess gets $90 of easily disposable income from? Not like he can make that in the short time he's been working at Luke's since his uncle is probably paying him sub minimum wage and no one in Stars Hollow pays for their food or tips their servers.
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Just a baby! Just a little guy, in an ugly brown coat!
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When his lips get real thin you know he's mad. Guy behind him in the black coat is like ha, you putz, you almost spent $80 on a basket for a girl who won't even put out until you're already married to someone else.
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Kiss my ass, Doose.
Okay, that was just the first TEN minutes of the 42 minute episode. We may have a 4-parter on our hands, people. Be patient for the next chapter.
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I've been thinking about old railway uniforms, and come to the conclusion that the textiles could be INTERESTING in a steampunk world.
If steam power is widespread and commonplace, that means that there's going to be plenty of steam piping and/or boilers around. A lot of it would probably be insulated for safety and efficiency, but that still probably means that a significant part of the population has to work around HOT steam-powered equipment fairly often. I don't think that EVERYONE would necessarily be going around in protective double denim, but I think there'd just be less demand for fabrics with worse heat resistance.
That probably means that textile innovation wouldn't focus so hard on inventing New materials; but rather on improving natural fabrics. With a focus on mechanical innovation, I think your steampunk inventor would have an ENORMOUS array of linkages available to them - for converting a continuous mechanical input to various complicated and adjustable movement patterns. I think that having a lot more workers in hot environments would also lead to wide-spread use of mechanical refrigeration.
I've seen a few videos of industrial fabric-handling machines - they seem to have a Lot spiky metal fingers making repetitive movements. I think a steampunk world would be GREAT at making those little fingers do different, interesting patterns of movement! I recently saw a Matt Parker video about a continuous lattice of 7 different directions of pencil, and there was a cool animation of its cross-section. Imagine the funky patterns you could weave with thread going in more than 2 directions - either coplanar with eachother or in 3d space. All the cool decorative patterns woodworkers can do with plywood and veneer - imagine that with thread!
One of the reasons that a lot of tradespeople wore denim was because the pattern of the fabric obscured oil and grease stains. Could you achieve the same effect with the above funky patterns if they were dense enough? SO many workwear fashion options. And if you've got hot steam on tap as well as decent refrigeration - heat treatment would be easy to incorporate. What sort of interesting features would they be heat-setting into their clothes?
And if you want to build any sort of articulated machine/robot with steam as the power source; you need something to carry that steam - a flexible, high-pressure, heat resistant pipe. That sounds like a braided hose to me - and if you're using more colourful metals than stainless steel, your steam plumbing could get COLOURFUL! You know how we have braided hoses with a red or blue strand for hot or cold water? JUST IMAGINE the industry standard colour coding schemes for different temperatures, pressures, and phases of various fluids they could have!
Colour coded flexible pressure hose reminds me of an electrical system - I wonder how a steampunk world would do mechanical calculation? Did someone say Convoluted Fluid Based Computers?? With advances in textiles, hoses, and ropes - surely at some point they'd invent wire or fibre-wrapped pressure vessels! (Just think what they'd do with carbon fibre!) A society with (admittedly probably building-sized) computers that's used to dealing with high-pressure fluids - SURELY they'd invent jet propulsion? Perhaps not for rockets or aircraft - imagine pressure-jet steampunk ships, submarines even.
Actually where I can see modern-ish chemical rocketry in a steampunk world is in miniature steam generators - either HO bipropellant (your choice of liquid or gaseous) or peroxide monopropellant. A vigorous chemical reaction with hot, fast H2O as the product - sounds like a (rather explosive) portable power source.
Anyways, TLDR i'd LOVE to see what technological innovations a steampunk world would have. What paths they'd go down for research.
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What are your Poptropica ocs?
I had to look through my stories just to remind myself XD
Fauna: Half nymph, half satyr from Mythology Island. Her personality is actually similar to Rumpelstiltskin, now that I'm thinking about it!
Willie the Steamboat: A talking cartoon steamboat from Rubber Hose Island. (At the end of The Parent Trapped he gains the ability to turn into a submarine and back)
Merboy: No, that's not his actual name XD The humans just call him that (the way Bambi called the skunk Flower). He comes from the Merpeople world. He likes to turn humans into Merpeople.
Kronos: The evil little baby pulling all (well, most) of the strings. Is the embodiment of Time and the Nexus.
Terra Strail: Terra Strail is actually this lady. I just gave her a name. I also made her take the identity as the Crystal Crusader.
Crystal: An Ice Giant that Terra Strail befriended on Ice Giant Island. 
Okeanos: Kronos' older brother, and one of the few Titans who didn't participate in the Titanomachy. Back in the day he tried to keep the islands separated, since it would help prevent Kronos from finding a way to escape.
Dark Astro-Knight: An Astro-Knight from a different timestream whose island was sent to the Void. They are actually this costume, I just added a character and convoluted backstory to it XD
Myson, Olivia, and Jordan: Gender-bend Terrible Trio basically :)
Rhea: Kronos' honey. She saved Zeus from being eaten by him! She is trapped in Tartarus with the other Titans, but can appear to humans in a spirit form: a lioness.
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outofmylab · 2 years
@multimyriad (fludd!)
It isn't often that Dexter sees a machine he doesn't recognize. He's invented countless, countless amounts of his own, and has a very thorough understanding of mechanics and its typical applications.
He isn't quite sure what to make of this one. He can tell that it's a container of some sort — for holding water, if he's assuming correctly, and that it's meant to expel it in some fashion through a nozzle. That much is clear. But if it's supposed to be a hose, it seems awfully convoluted and strangely structured. The bright colors it's painted with almost made it look as if it were a child's toy.
More importantly, who leaves a perfectly fine machine out in the open?
He should probably exercise a little more restraint, considering the mechanism's owner could be just out of sight, but again, it isn't often that he finds something strange like this. He'd prefer to figure out this puzzle on his own, anyways — hands-on.
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Dexter at least decides to use his sight to deduce what he was looking at before making any rash moves. The boy gets down on his knees, carefully, and leans over the object to get a better look.
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The Role of Stainless Steel Hoses in Extreme Temperature and Corrosive Environments
In the industrial world, the reliability of equipment and materials is paramount. When handling fluids and gases in extreme conditions, stainless steel hoses have become indispensable. Their ability to perform under extreme temperatures and corrosive environments makes them a preferred choice across various industries. In this blog, we delve into the critical role of stainless steel hoses and explore why they are the go-to solution for demanding applications. 
Stainless steel hoses are flexible tubes designed to convey fluids or gases while resisting damage and maintaining performance under challenging conditions. Made from high-grade stainless steel alloys, these hoses offer excellent resistance to corrosion, high temperatures, and physical wear. Their construction typically includes a stainless steel braid or convoluted design that enhances flexibility and strength. 
Key Advantages in Extreme Temperature Environments 
Thermal Stability  Stainless steel hoses are renowned for their thermal stability. They can withstand both high and low temperatures without losing structural integrity. For instance, a hose made from stainless steel can operate effectively in environments ranging from as low as -300°F to as high as 1500°F, depending on the alloy used. This makes them ideal for applications in aerospace, petrochemical, and manufacturing industries, where temperature fluctuations are a common challenge. 
Thermal Conductivity  Stainless steel hoses also exhibit favourable thermal conductivity, which allows them to dissipate heat efficiently. This is particularly beneficial in systems where heat buildup could lead to malfunction or damage. By ensuring effective heat transfer away from sensitive components, stainless steel hoses help maintain operational stability and safety. 
Minimized Expansion and Contraction  One significant advantage of stainless steel hoses in extreme temperature environments is their minimal thermal expansion. Unlike other materials that may expand or contract significantly with temperature changes, stainless steel maintains its dimensions, ensuring a consistent flow of fluids and gases. This property helps prevent issues like kinking or bursting, which could otherwise lead to system failures. 
Corrosion Resistance for Harsh Environments 
Chemical Resistance  Stainless steel hoses are highly resistant to various chemicals and corrosive substances. This is largely due to the chromium content in stainless steel, which forms a protective oxide layer on the surface of the hose. This layer acts as a barrier against chemical attacks, ensuring the longevity of the hose even in aggressive environments. Stainless steel hoses maintain their performance and integrity when dealing with acids, alkalis, or salts. 
Resistance to Abrasion  In addition to chemical resistance, stainless steel hoses are durable against physical wear and tear. The stainless steel braid or convoluted design provides a robust outer layer that protects against abrasion and impact. This feature is crucial in environments where hoses are subject to frequent movement, vibration, or contact with rough surfaces. 
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Low Maintenance Needs 
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel hoses  translates to lower maintenance requirements. Unlike rubber or plastic hoses, which may require frequent replacement or servicing in corrosive environments, stainless steel hoses offer extended service life with minimal upkeep. This reduces operational costs and enhances safety by minimizing the risk of hose failure. 
Applications Across Various Industries 
Aerospace and Defense  In the aerospace industry, stainless steel hoses are essential for fuel systems, hydraulic systems, and other critical applications. Their ability to handle extreme temperatures and resist corrosion is crucial for ensuring the reliability of aircraft and spacecraft components. 
Oil and Gas  The oil and gas industry frequently deals with corrosive fluids and high temperatures. Stainless steel hoses transport fuels, chemicals, and gases safely and efficiently in drilling operations, refineries, and offshore platforms. 
Chemical Processing  Chemical plants often handle aggressive substances that can degrade standard hoses. Stainless steel hoses are used in these facilities to transfer corrosive chemicals and maintain system integrity. 
Manufacturing  Stainless steel hoses are used in various manufacturing processes, including transporting hot water, steam, and industrial fluids. Their durability and flexibility make them suitable for applications where high temperatures and corrosive substances are present. 
Choosing the Right Stainless Steel Hose 
When selecting a stainless steel hose for a specific application, it is essential to consider several factors: 
Temperature Range: Ensure the hose can handle the temperature extremes of your application. 
Chemical Compatibility: Verify that the hose material is resistant to the chemicals it will encounter. 
Flexibility and Bending Radius: Choose a hose with the appropriate flexibility for your installation requirements. 
Pressure Rating: Confirm that the hose can withstand the pressure of the fluids or gases it will transport. 
Conclusion  Stainless steel hoses are pivotal in managing fluids and gases in extreme temperatures and corrosive environments. Their exceptional properties—thermal stability, corrosion resistance, and durability—make them indispensable across various industries, from aerospace to chemical processing. By understanding their advantages and applications, businesses can make informed decisions about incorporating stainless steel hoses into their systems, ensuring reliability, safety, and efficiency. 
For industries operating in harsh conditions, investing in high-quality stainless steel hoses is not just a choice but a necessity. Their robust performance and longevity provide peace of mind, knowing that critical systems are supported by one of the most resilient materials available. Whether dealing with extreme temperatures, corrosive substances, or demanding physical conditions, stainless steel hoses are your reliable solution. 
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smartclean123 · 4 months
Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai
Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai
Smart Clean Products is the leading Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai. The modern residue gatherer and filtration frameworks from Smart clean items empower viable filtration by catching the residue created at source from single or different workstations or machining focuses. Smart clean additionally gives unified dust assortment frameworks to various applications on your shop floor. An Industrial Dust Collector catches the toxins like particulate matter, metal residue, polishing or crushing residue, cleaning dust, super finishing residue, elastic and different kinds of dry tidies created in the assembling processes. Our Industrial Dust collector manufacturers, The residue authorities machine sift through the residue and delivery the spotless air once more into the shop floor or climate.
One of the simplest and cheapest Industrial Dust Collector Machine in Chennai available is the portable model. Additionally Modern Residue authority fabricated by Smart clean which is extraordinarily made for basic and non-convoluted process. It assists the client with settling their residue producing issues in a less expensive and compelling manner. The framework comprises of great residue packs for filtration and utilizations conduits and hoses for conveying the residue caught by the get hoods.
We have established ourselves as a respected Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai. A residue assortment framework is a framework that eliminates particulate toxins from the air underway offices, studios, and modern buildings. Producers of residue assortment frameworks are expected with comply to severe government rules and guarantee their clients of the proficiency of their frameworks as well as their consistence with EPA, NFPA, and MSHA principles. In order for particulate matter to be deposited in a collection area, an Industrial Dust Collector in Chennai takes in air from a specific application and filters it. Then the cleaned air is either gotten back to the office or depleted to the climate.
Our Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai offer trend setting innovation cartridge dust authorities and an assortment of channel media that overcome the difficulties of most sorts of modern tidies, including drug, substance, grain, mass/powder, food, metal and others. Modern cycles bring about the arrival of residue and soil particles. Consequently it is important to catch these particles to guarantee that they are not delivered into the climate. Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai gives the best quality residue authority per modern need. We promise to provide complete support to industries by providing them with the dust collector that best meets their requirements.
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flexotechproduct · 2 years
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Plain PTFE hose performs admirably at both high and low temperatures (ranging from -54°C to +200°C).
PTFE Convoluted Hoses In Bangalore
It is resistant to deterioration, has non-contamination properties, a low coefficient of friction, and excellent chemical resistance. PTFE hoses are typically used when the properties listed above are the primary consideration. Chemical, gas, pharmaceutical, and other industries are among its applications.
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smartcleanproducts00 · 7 months
Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai
Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai
Smart Clean Products is the leading Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai. The modern residue gatherer and filtration frameworks from Smart clean items empower viable filtration by catching the residue created at source from single or different workstations or machining focuses. Smart clean additionally gives unified dust assortment frameworks to various applications on your shop floor. An Industrial Dust Collector catches the toxins like particulate matter, metal residue, polishing or crushing residue, cleaning dust, super finishing residue, elastic and different kinds of dry tidies created in the assembling processes. Our Industrial Dust collector manufacturers, The residue authorities machine sift through the residue and delivery the spotless air once more into the shop floor or climate.
One of the simplest and cheapest Industrial Dust Collector Machine in Chennai available is the portable model. Additionally Modern Residue authority fabricated by Smart clean which is extraordinarily made for basic and non-convoluted process. It assists the client with settling their residue producing issues in a less expensive and compelling manner. The framework comprises of great residue packs for filtration and utilizations conduits and hoses for conveying the residue caught by the get hoods.
We have established ourselves as a respected Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai. A residue assortment framework is a framework that eliminates particulate toxins from the air underway offices, studios, and modern buildings. Producers of residue assortment frameworks are expected with comply to severe government rules and guarantee their clients of the proficiency of their frameworks as well as their consistence with EPA, NFPA, and MSHA principles. In order for particulate matter to be deposited in a collection area, an Industrial Dust Collector in Chennai takes in air from a specific application and filters it. Then the cleaned air is either gotten back to the office or depleted to the climate.
OurIndustrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai offer trend setting innovation cartridge dust authorities and an assortment of channel media that overcome the difficulties of most sorts of modern tidies, including drug, substance, grain, mass/powder, food, metal and others. Modern cycles bring about the arrival of residue and soil particles. Consequently it is important to catch these particles to guarantee that they are not delivered into the climate. Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers in Chennai gives the best quality residue authority per modern need. We promise to provide complete support to industries by providing them with the dust collector that best meets their requirements.
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oliviachows · 11 months
Normal Missteps to Avoid in Carwash and Detailing.
Car detailing is a significant piece of keeping a car's worth and appearance. Nonetheless, it is not difficult to commit errors while washing and detailing a car that can bring about harm to the paint and inside.
Proficient detailers suggest washing the car in a concealed region on a cool day with a spotless pail and towels. Washing the body of the car in areas, beginning with the haggles first is ideal.
To do a perfect carwash and detailing in Kingston, Ontario, you can contact Maple Carwash. They do full-service carwash and vacuum at $15.
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Using the Wrong Products.
Most car detailing items are designed for explicit kinds of cars and surfaces. Utilizing a cleaning item that is not intended for your car or surface might harm it. This incorporates items for inside cleaning like calfskin and floor covering cleaners. You ought to continuously adhere to the directions cautiously while applying these synthetic substances.
Essentially, utilizing some unacceptable sort of water while washing your car can harm it. Water with a lot of minerals can cause scratches and dull the completion. Involving refined or sifted water for washing and rinsing is ideal.
You ought to abstain from using a similar fabric for flushing and drying your car. Doing so will spread soil starting with one region and then onto the next, causing unattractive streaks and water spots. You ought to wash your microfiber materials and containers completely before starting your detailed work. Along these lines, they'll be liberated from soil and trash that could scratch the paint. With the present great car care and detailing items, you can accomplish proficient outcomes with just the right amount of tolerance and care at home.
Using Too Much Pressure.
Car detailing can appear to be convoluted, however, with the present great car cleaning items it's simpler than at any other time to accomplish proficient outcomes. With a couple of basic devices like a water hose, pails, Wash Glove, and The Safeguard, you can have a lovely shine and be faultless inside in a matter of moments.
Nonetheless, it's not difficult to commit a couple of errors that can harm your car and take more time to fix. These normal mix-ups incorporate utilizing some unacceptable items, applying them excessively fast, and neglecting to permit the synthetic compounds to stay.
Another slip-up is washing a car in direct daylight. While it might appear to be normal to do, experts will generally differ for a couple of strong reasons. In the first place, the sun will dry out the cleaning item excessively fast before you can clear it off and besides, it can abandon water detects that are challenging to eliminate. All things considered, track down a cool concealed spot to work and you'll obtain improved results. You'll likewise save investment.
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Applying Liquid Wax or Polish Directly.
Proficient car detailers adopt a multi-step strategy for the use of auto wax and protectants. They start by utilizing a cleaning agent that can swamp off light surface soil and garbage before polishing the car. Next, they apply a clean to eliminate scratches and oxidation. They follow this up with a protectant that can repulse water and diminish smirch and streaks.
The most ideal way to keep away from any slip-ups while applying fluid wax is to sparingly apply it to the utensil cushion instead of straightforwardly to the paint. This takes into consideration better control of inclusion and can save you items. Frequently it is prescribed to work in little segments, like a portion of the hood, so you can be predictable with your item position.
Additionally, make certain to apply the wax when the car is cool and out of direct daylight. Applying it to a hot surface can make the wax dry excessively fast, making it harder to buff and leaving unattractive spots.
Using a Regular Towel for Drying.
The towels you use can incredibly influence the completion of your car. Using old or grimy towels can make twirls, water spots, and foreign substances on the paint. The ideal way to avoid this is by having a different pail for washing and flushing and continuously utilizing a perfect towel while drying.
Towels are a major venture and ought to be treated all things considered. Kube recommends segmenting out your assortment by type to guarantee that each is appropriately utilized for its work. For instance, extravagant or profound strands are better for fragile undertakings while short or circled filaments convey predominant scouring and cleaning power. Waffle weave towels are a decent decision for non-fragile positions and have the most elevated retentiveness gram for gram.
New towels ought to constantly be washed and dried before they are utilized in a carwash. This will assist with killing the build-up that normally happens from the assembling system. After a couple of washes, if a towel begins to give indications of being tainted or stained it might be resigned to less significant errands and supplanted with a new, clean towel.
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