huariqueje · 2 months
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Cooktown Lighthouse - Rachel Niewling
British , b. 1956 -
Engraving , 61 x 45.5 cm. Ed. 50
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unteriors · 13 days
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Hope Street, Cooktown, Queensland.
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bluebellehope · 2 years
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Cherry Tree Bay - Cooktown, Queensland, Australia (via Tropical North Queensland)
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3589: "Cosmic Australiana" by - Boing Boing
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jeanhm · 7 months
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trucenz · 1 year
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quote-it · 1 year
Quarantine Bay Beach Cooktown
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newsbites · 2 years
Police are investigating the suspicious death of a woman whose body was found by a neighbour mowing her yard in the state’s far north.
Officers believe the 38-year-old most likely died on Sunday evening. The neighbour made the discovery in grassland in Cooktown on Monday afternoon.
Detective Inspector Jason Chetham said the properties were a continuation of one another, and there was no fence between them.
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Wir besuchen Cooktown im äußersten Norden von Queensland, wo Kapitän James Cook sein havariertes Schiff auf den Strand setzte und dabei half, ein riesiges Land zu gründen Wenn Sie eine Karte von Australien gesehen haben, haben Sie die riesige, abgelegene Kap-York-Halbinsel gesehen, ein Gebiet, das größer als Großbritannien ist, aber nur 18.000 Einwohner hat. Die Halbinsel Cape York, die den nördlichsten Punkt Australiens beheimatet, zeigt nach oben in Richtung Torres Strait und Neuguinea in der nordöstlichen Ecke der kontinentgroßen Insel Australien. Am südöstlichen Rand der rund 2.600 Einwohner zählenden Halbinsel liegt Cooktown, eine Kleinstadt mit großer Geschichte. Während unserer Kleinschiff-Expedition rund um das Great Barrier Reef mit Coral Expeditions machten wir einen Vormittag. Atlas & Boots Blick über das Wasser von Cooktown Als Erkundungs-Junkie, der von Karten, großartigen Expeditionen und epischen Entdeckungsreisen besessen ist, war ich nur zu erfreut, das legendäre Land von Cooktown zu betreten. Großer südlicher Kontinent Leutnant James Cook stach 1768 als Kapitän der HMS Endeavour, einem umgebauten Kohleschiff, von Plymouth, Großbritannien, aus in See. Es war die erste seiner mittlerweile vier legendären Reisen in den Pazifischen Ozean. Das knapp 30 m lange Schiff beförderte 93 Mann nach Tahiti. Ihre Mission: den „Transit der Venus“ zu beobachten. Die Endeavour trug weitere „geheime“ Anweisungen, um „einen Kontinent oder ein Land von großer Ausdehnung“ in Besitz zu nehmen, von dem angenommen wird, dass es in den südlichen Breiten existiert. Cook wurde beauftragt, den sagenumwobenen – aber unerforschten – großen südlichen Kontinent zu entdecken. Im Oktober 1769 erreichte die Endeavour die Küste Neuseelands und war damit das erste europäische Schiff seit Abel Tasmans Heemskerck im Jahr 1642. Das Schiff fuhr weiter nach Norden zu dem, was damals als Terra Australis bekannt war. Atlas & Boots Ein Modell der HMS Endeavour Am 29. April landete die Endeavour als erstes europäisches Schiff an der Ostküste Australiens. Cook landete an der Südküste der heutigen Botany Bay in Sydney. Die Endeavour fuhr weiter nach Norden und segelte entlang der Ostküste Australiens. Das Schiff und seine Besatzung entgingen nur knapp einer Katastrophe, nachdem sie am Great Barrier Reef auf Grund gelaufen waren. Nachdem sie Waffen und Vorräte abgeworfen hatte, um das Schiff zu erleichtern, gelang es der Besatzung, die Endeavour zu befreien. Nur eine Woche später setzten sie das Schiff am 17. Juni 1770 an der Mündung des späteren Endeavour River an der Stelle des heutigen Cooktown auf den Strand. Cook und seine Crew blieben 48 Tage vor Ort, während sie Reparaturen durchführten. Hier trafen sie auf den Stamm der Aborigines Guugu Yimithirr, was zum ersten dokumentierten bedeutsamen Kontakt mit Australiens Ureinwohnern führte. Am 19. Juli 1770 traten sie ihre Rückreise nach Großbritannien an und erreichten nach fast drei Jahren auf See am 12. Juli 1771 die englische Hafenstadt Dover. Kochstadt heute Heute macht Cooktown das Beste aus seiner maritimen Geschichte mit dem herausragenden James Cook Museum im Zentrum. Das Museum ist in einem wunderschönen, 1899 erbauten ehemaligen Kloster untergebracht und zeigt gut erhaltene Relikte, darunter die Kanone und den Anker der Endeavour – die 1969 von einem amerikanischen Forschungsteam geborgen wurden – sowie Tagebucheinträge und Ausstellungen über die lokale indigene Kultur. Wir verbrachten eine Stunde damit, durch die Räume des kleinen Museums zu wandern, fasziniert von den dargestellten Geschichten. Besonders überzeugend sind die Auszüge aus Cooks Tagebüchern. Sie beschreiben das erste Treffen seiner Crew mit dem Stamm der Aborigines Guugu Yimithirr sowie die Scharmützel und die Versöhnung vor der Abfahrt des Schiffes. Es gibt auch einen Bericht über Cooks Leben in einer Reihe von Tafeln an den Wänden. Andere Galerien beherbergen Gegenstände von den Schülern und Nonnen,
die das Kloster einst ihr Zuhause nannten, Geschichten aus dem Palmer-Goldrausch und eine Ausstellung, die dem chinesischen Erbe der Region gewidmet ist. Die Indigenous Gallery bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in die Kultur und Geschichte der Guugu Ymithiir, insbesondere in ihre Perspektiven der Begegnungen mit Cook und seiner Crew. Entlang der Uferpromenade befindet sich der Bicentennial Park, der mit Gedenken an die historische Landung übersät ist. Dazu gehören die viel fotografierte Bronzestatue von Captain Cook sowie ein zweites Denkmal, das vor über hundert Jahren errichtet wurde. Die hohe Sandsteinsäule und die Gedenktafel erheben sich von einem quadratischen Sockel, der auf jeder Seite Trinkbrunnen enthält. Draußen im Wasser befindet sich auch ein Felsen, der die Stelle markiert, an der die Endeavour auf Grund gelaufen ist. Atlas & Boots Die Bronzestatue von Captain Cook In der Nähe befindet sich die Milbi Wall, eine 12 m lange Mosaikinstallation, die die Geschichte des lokalen Aborigine-Stammes Guugu Yimithirr darstellt. Die in drei Teile gegliederte Installation zeigt die Entstehungsgeschichten des Endeavour River und seiner Umgebung, das erste Treffen zwischen den Ureinwohnern der Kap-York-Halbinsel und den Europäern sowie das Referendum von 1967, als die Australier die Rechte der Ureinwohner anerkannten. Es lohnt sich auch, beim urigen und charmanten Postamt vorbeizuschauen, um eine Postkarte mit einer Briefmarke zum Thema Captain Cook (was sonst!) zu verschicken. Das Postamt wurde 1880 gegründet und dient gleichzeitig als Sitz des Australian Bureau of Meteorology für die Region. Schließlich gibt es noch den Grassy Hill Lookout, den 162 m hohen Hügel, den Cook auf der Suche nach einer sicheren Passage durch die Riffe bestiegen hat. Hier fand die erste dokumentierte europäische Sichtung von Kängurus statt. Der Wissenschaftler Joseph Banks zeichnete die Tiere in seinem Tagebuch als „Gangurru“ auf, die er als „Känguru“ transkribierte. Der 360-Grad-Blick auf die Stadt, den Fluss und das Meer ist den 20-minütigen Spaziergang von der Stadt wert. Wir sind nach Queensland gefahren, um am Great Barrier Reef zu tauchen und zu schnorcheln, aber in Cooktown an Land zu gehen, in die Fußstapfen der Legende zu treten, etwas über seine einzigartige Geschichte zu erfahren und durch die hübsche Stadt zu schlendern, war ein faszinierender Abstecher vom rollenden Korallenmeer. Atlas & Boots Cooktown erkunden: das Wesentliche Was: Erkunden Sie Cooktown, den historischen Landeplatz von Captain Cook in Australien. Wo: Wir haben auf Coral Expeditions II in einer Kabine auf dem Oberdeck übernachtet. Unser Zimmer war äußerst komfortabel und überraschend geräumig mit viel Stauraum und einem atemberaubenden Meerblick. Atlas & Boots Aperitifs wurden auf dem Oberdeck serviert und die Mahlzeiten wurden im Speisesaal des Unterdecks eingenommen, wo Küchenchef Mark Festmahle zum Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen sowie Morgen- und Nachmittagstee zubereitete. Die maximale Kapazität von 44 Gästen (unsere hatten 22) sorgt für eine hervorragende Kameradschaft und Atmosphäre, die durch eine entzückende Crew noch verstärkt wird. Insgesamt war es eine wunderbare Art, das Great Barrier Reef zu erkunden. Wann: Die beste Zeit, um Cooktown, Queensland und das Great Barrier Reef zu besuchen, ist von Juli bis Oktober wegen guter Sichtverhältnisse und wenig Regen und Wind. Wie: Wir haben uns Coral Expeditions für eine 7-Nächte-Expedition von Cairns nach Hinchinbrook Island, Lizard Island und zurück nach Cairns angeschlossen. Die Preise beginnen bei 3.680 AUD (2.720 USD) pro Person und beinhalten alle Mahlzeiten, Tee und Kaffee, Schnorchelausrüstung und Neoprenanzüge, Schnorchelausflüge, geführte Fahrten mit dem Glasbodenboot, Präsentationen von Meeresbiologen, Zugang zu Inseln, Meeresparks und Nationalparks, an Einführung in die Tauchfertigkeiten für Ersttaucher und Rücktransfer zu einem Hotel in Cairns oder zum Flughafen Cairns.
Die Preise beinhalten keine Tauchgänge ($80 AUD / $60 USD pro Person, pro Tauchgang) oder Stinger Suits. Beachten Sie, dass es an Bord keinen Internetzugang gibt. Expeditionen starten und kehren zum Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal zurück. Sie erhalten vor der Abfahrt Anweisungen zum Einsteigen, die es wert sind, sorgfältig gelesen zu werden, da Taxifahrer nicht immer genau wissen, wohin sie fahren müssen. Cairns selbst kann mit dem Auto von Hertz Australia, mit dem Bus von Greyhound Australia oder mit dem Flugzeug zum Flughafen Cairns erreicht werden. Buchen Sie Inlands- oder Auslandsflüge über Skyscanner zu den besten Preisen. Lonely Planet Australia ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für das Land, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch weniger befahrene Straßen nehmen möchten. Offenlegung: Wir haben das Great Barrier Reef mit Unterstützung von Coral Expeditions erkundet. Alle Publikationen sagen das, aber wir garantieren wirklich keine positive Berichterstattung. Wir sagen, was wir denken – gut und schlecht – damit Sie mit ehrlicher Beratung fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können. Leitbild: Public Domain .
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may-k-world · 7 months
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ポロっととれてしまったカランコエの蕾を土に刺すように置いといたら、なんとキレイに咲いてくれました🌼 いつもスーパーで買うデンファレも、落ちた花を挿しておくと、これが結構長持ちするんですよね〜🌹
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
In his Cooktown Courier's account of the next twenty-four hours, D'arcy gave himself the usual standing ovation for pluck and energy, strategic nous, and an intimate understanding of the Aboriginal people. As usual, he did not say everything:
We pushed on to find the missing man; went to where he was last heard working at the river; found only a jacket and hat saturated with blood. We pushed on on their tracks, seeing that they had carried the Chinaman with them – we could track them by the spots of blood. In half-a-mile a fearful sight came before us – a pool of blood (about two quarts) lying in a bason of the rocks, together with some entrails, were here; a long-handled shovel was lying here covered with blood (with this they had evidently cut the man up in small pieces); the rocks are fearfully stained with blood for some distance round. I suppose, by the blood, the man had been cut up half an hour previous to our arrival.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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petroleumsolutions1 · 2 years
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Display Some Love for Your Gas Station with preventive maintenance
Fuel pump dispensers are employed to dispense and keep track of liquid or gaseous fuel, as is well known. However, an unplanned breakdown at a gas station can stop the sale and result in expensive downtime, which can have a big impact on you. That's why, it is very important to appoint an experienced professional for Fuel Systems Maintenance in Cooktown, AU and make sure it functions properly.Seeking experts for Fuel Systems Installations in New South Wales, AU? Look no further, IPS provides the dependable, exceptional, and unmatched performance that today's professionals and enthusiasts working at fueling stations require.
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dozydawn · 2 months
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“flowers of australia” thimble collection
pink heath
kangaroo paw
sturt’s desert rose
cooktown orchid
sturt’s desert pea
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Witchcraft Plant and Herb safety
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🦋Research what plants you ingest and put into your teas. Some plants/herbs don't go together and become toxic
🦋Research what herbs you are turning to make sure it's not toxic [eg: poison ivy]
🦋Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist
🦋Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant put it back
🦋delightingintragedy's post on what oils to avoid while pregnant
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Some toxic and poisonous plants
Abrus precatorius - Crab’s eye, Gidee gidee, Jequirity bean, Rosary bean
Aconitum species - Monkshood, Wolf’s bane
Asclepias curassavica - Red-headed cotton bush
Asclepias fruiticosa - Gomphocarpus fruiticosa, Swan plant
Asclepias physocarpa - Balloon cotton bush
Acokanthera species - Bushman’s poison
Atropa belladonna - Belladonna, Deadly nightshade
Brugmansia species - Angel’s trumpet
Casabella thevetia or Thevetia peruviana - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Cestrum diurnum - Day-blooming cestrum, Day jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum - Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Colchicum autumnale - Autumn crocus, Crocus, Meadow saffron
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Consolida species - Larkspur
Convallaria majalis - Lily-of-the-valley
Corynocarpus laevigatus - New Zealand laurel, Karaka nut
Cycas species - Cycad, Zamia
Daphne species - Daphne, Garland flower, Lilac daphne, Mezereon, Rose daphne, Spurge laurel, Winter daphne
Datura species - Angel’s trumpet
Datura metel - Downy thorn apple, Horn of plenty
Datura stramonium - Common thorn apple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Dieffenbachia - Dumb cane
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Duranta erecta/Duranta repens - Golden dewdrop, Sky flower
Euphorbia species - Euphorbia, Spurge
Gloriosa superba - Climbing lily, Glory lily
Gomphocarpus fruiticosa - Asclepias fruiticosa, Swan plant
Gomphocarpus physocarpus -  Asclepias physocarpa, Balloon cotton
Helleborus species - Christmas rose, Corsican Hellebore, Easter rose, Hellebore, Lenten rose
Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane, Henbane
Jatropha multifida - Coral plant, Physic nut
 Laburnum species - Golden chain tree, Golden rain, Laburnum, Scotch laburnum
Lantana camara - Lantana, Shrub verbena
Lepidozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Lobelia species - Cardinal flower, Lobelia
Macrozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Melia azedarach - Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, White ceda
Nerium oleander - Oleander, Rose laurel
Oenanthe crocata - Water dropwort, Hemlock
Ornithogalum species - Common star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, Giant chincherinchee, Star of Bethlehem
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - Cooktown loquat, Finger cherry, Wannakai
Ricinis communis - Castor oil plant
Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet, Climbing nightshade
Solanum nigrum - Black nightshade, Common nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum - Christmas cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Winter cherry
Stropanthus species - Corkscrew flower, Spider tresses, Stropanthus
Thevetia peruviana or Casabella thevetia - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Toxicodendron succedaneum - Rhus, Rhus tree, Wax tree, Poison sumac
Veratrum species - False hellebores
Golden dewdrop
Black bean tree
Poison ivy
Strychnine tree 
Gympie gympie
Asparagus Fern (asparagus plumosus) (sprengeri)
Avocado (persea americana)
Blue Gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Buddist Pine (poddocarpus Macrophyllus)
Cacti :Bunny Ears (opuntia microdasy’s alkispina)
Column (cereus peruvianus)
Rat’s Tail (aporocactus flagelliformis)
Sunset (lokwia famatimensis)
Caladium (Angel’s Wings)
Century Plant
Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii splendens)
Holly (ilex)
Ivy :Cape (tenecio macroglossus)
(hedera helix)
(senecio mikanioides)
Glacier (hedera helix glacier)
Gloire de Marengo (hedera canariensis)
Needlepoint (hedera helix sagittlae folica)
Jerusalem Cherry (solanum pseudocapsicum)
Mistletoe (phoradendron flavescens)
Philodendron :Arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum)
Black Gold ( ph. melanochryson)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) (scindapsus aureus)
Elephant’s Ear (philodendron hastatum)
Fiddle Leaf (ph. pandurae forme)
Green Gold (syngonium podophyllum)
Marble Queen (scindapsus aureus)
Ornamental Pepper (capsicum annuum)
Silver Vine (scindapsus pictus)
Split Leaf (monstera delicosa)
Sweetheart Vine (philodendron scandens)
Red (hemigraphis colorata)
Umbrella Plant (cyperus)
Azalea (azalea indica)Bleeding Heart (dicentra formosa)
Calla Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)
Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus)
Castor-oil plant (ricinus communis)
Chinese or Japanese Lantern (physalis)
Crocus (colchicum autumnale)
Daffodil (narcissus)
DelphineumGladiola (bulb)
Hyacinthe (hyacinthus orientalis)
Jonquil (narcissus)Morning Glory (ipomaea tricolour)
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Pansy (seeds) (viola tricolour)
Peony (root) (paeonia officinalis)
Primrose (primula)
Sweet Pea (lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet William (dianthus barbatus)
Potato (green patches on tubers & above ground part)
Rhubarb leaves
Tomato greens
Black Locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica)Elderberry (not berries)
Horse Chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum)
Laburnum (laburnum anagyroides)
Privet (ligustrum vulgare)
Virginia Creeper (ampelopis brevipedunculata)
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More Links
Sources: Austin Health AU, Canadian Child Care Federation
🦋Poison info plants and mushrooms - Queensland
🦋Aggie Horticulture
🦋Guide to toxic plants - National Poisons Information Centre Ireland
🦋199 Poisonous Plants to Look Out For - ProFlowers
🦋Poisonous Plants: Poisons A to Z
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jeanhm · 7 months
Port Douglas and Cooktown
Having had a pretty rough time in Cairns with duff accommodation we decided to head to Port Douglas and to go to Cape Tribulation which unfortunately we couldn't quite get to because of landslips. However we made the most of the additional time in the north and also spent our last day in Australia driving all the way across the Tablelands to Cooktown.
Being a sunday it was pretty dead but it was really quite amazing to think we were standing on Grassy Hill where Captain James Cook once stood! The tablelands were also surprising in terms of landscape and again something very different from the rainforest you associate with Queensland. Really glad we did this extra bit. Its also really interesting to have been in the Cape York area which is very different all round from everywhere else we have been and is really remote and wild with bridges with no barriers and roads barely wide enough for two vehicles, thankfully there was also little traffic!
Now its on to New Zealand for the next stage of this mega trip
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notsuch · 2 years
Reading Junker lore as an Australian is like, hilarious because it's a wild ride of being so clearly not knowing what the frick it was saying THAT MADE IT CYCLE ALL THE WAY BACK INTO MAKING SENSE AGAIN. But also, that literally, whether it's Overwatch or Other Global Forces, is to blame for the Junkers being what they are, because wow.
But to start with, the problem is essentially this: Blizzard just don't know what the frick the Outback is.
SO BUCKLE UP KIDS THIS IS A LONG-ASS POST, I GOT SOME SHIT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT HOW THE JUNKERS CAME ABOUT. But there are pictures I promise. I also wanna say that I am not here to say that the Omnic war, the discussions of human-omnic relationships is like X real-world thing, I'm here to look at how the world is and how they've said it develops in Overwatch, and what that implies for the world development, that's all. I was just real excited at how averagely aussie Leah is in her portrayal of Junker Queen is and it made me want to ground it more in my home okok and I thought other people might want to understand that too.
CW: for talking about war tactics, statistics and wide-scale loss of life.
TL;DR for my post on Aussie Shit: the Outback is not a defined location. You will never be able to stick it into a GPS and find it. It is a conceptual area that can be defined as 'semi-rural to rural'. But also it's an almost folklorish concept of the Australian 'heart' that can extend over what can be seen in the below map. I will advise this is actually a map of bushland types, which is why it doesn't include Tasmania, but just to be clear, Tasmania AS WELL has Outback regions, and also, this can extend further East fairly comfortably depending on who you talk to. For instance, this map doesn't reach Tamworth OR Dubbo, buuuuuut most people would consider it as being on the edge of the Outback, for instance.
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Oh, you might now be saying, that's most of the country, isn't it?
And as you'd expect for a piece of land THE SIZE OF FUCKING EUROPE, it's hugely broad in its landscape, too. You will find everything in the concept of the "Outback" depending, again, on who you talk to. From the Daintree Rainforest (left pic) (around Cairns to Cooktown) to the Great Australian Bite (middle pic) (the bottom C curve between Adelaide to Perth) to the central Australian town with a population of 26,000+ people, Alice Springs (right pic).
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Yet the wiki lists it as "The Outback omnium and its Omnics were given the Australian omnium and its surrounding land after the Omnic Crisis."
It takes 4 days of STRAIGHT DRIVING, NO BREAKS, to cross from Sydney to Perth. The entirety of Europe fits inside of Australia, the main block of the united states, bar Alaska, is basically comparable in scale from Washington to San Fransico. Or the furthest East Coast of Brazil to the West Coast of Peru. YOU GET IT.
This then leads to the second problem, Blizzard keeps saying that the only people out there were "a few solar farmers and people who wanted to be left alone".
NOT TO MENTION DARWIN. It's the little dot at the top of the Northern Territory and is a Capital City of the region. Sometimes called Australia's "Outback City", HAS A POPULATION OF 130,000 ALONE. Across it all, this map barely scratches the surface, there are over 60 Outback Towns or Settlements in total. We only have a total net population of 27 million. THAT'S ACTUALLY A WHOLE ASS 2-3% OF OUR WHOLE POPULATION.
This comes to the second point and often the hardest for people to get their heads around: whilst our population is not as high, THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE AREN'T USING THAT LAND AND IT'S NOT CULTURALLY AND ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT TO US. No, we don't have massive inland lakes and rivers the way other places do, to have huge cities out there, but WE STILL HAVE TO SUPPORT OUR AGRICULTURAL AND MINING SECTOR THAT DOES USE THAT LAND. AND IT'S ACTUALLY. VERY. EXTENSIVE.
How extensive? Man, our largest by-land Cattle Station is Anna Creek Station, coming in at a cool 2 million acres (which is as big as the whole of Israel apparently???), or the most densely populated-by-cow one currently, Brunette Downs, which at present has 110,000 head of cattle. Don't care about cows? are you a monster cows are just slow puppos who want love omfrg WELL I BET YOU CARE ABOUT IRON, AND GUESS WHAT, WHATEVER IRON YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE RN PROBABLY CAME FROM AUSTRALIA, GIVEN WE PROVIDE 90% OF THE WORLD'S IRON. Oh, also we have a shitton of uranium as well, btw. just. putting that out there.
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AND HERE ARE OUR MINES, this is not just iron, we also dig many other minerals, and including the world's largest opal mine:
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These cattle stations and mines stretch across the inland regions for miles upon miles, fuelling our jobs and our place in the world economy. Which I ask you this: If you're Cattle Hand Tinny Rogers from central Queensland who's gotta take care of Jenny the Cow whose due to give birth soon, you aren't driving 13 fucking hours to Brisbane City to get a pack of smokes, are you? No. Tinny Rogers just goes to the Longreach general store only 1-2 hours away, doesn't he? Then goes back to his property and tells Jenny it's going to be ok, sits his ass down with his smokes for the night, relieved he only had to go a little while.
And all those people were actually the first wiped out.
This is where this gets real freaking awful. AGAIN, CW: for talking about war tactics, statistics and wide-scale loss of life.
Now the only battle in Australia we are shown, is Sydney and that initially also made me go 'huh?' Because if the Omnic Core is in the Outback, wherever that might be, this is an overland invasion, internal to external, as opposed to an external invasion aka coming from the sea, why would you attack Sydney?
Don't get me wrong, Sydney is important. To our international position most especially. It's a financial centre, like New York is to America, it controls a great deal of our actual "economy" in the like, perception of 'if it falls, our economy tanks' kinda sense. It's also a manufacturing centre, meaning that raw goods from the rest of the country are turned into other goods there, and then shipping it out, Tactically, if you are trying to park ships, Darling Habour is ideal, as it's one of two 'natural' harbours in the world (the other being in Hong Kong), meaning its VERY DEEP even close to the land which makes it ideal for ships to come close. So someone attacking from the sea wants it. Lastly - probs why Blizzard picked it, is it is the identifiably 'Australian City'.
But it's not our capital city, that's Canberra, which is where our House of Parliament is. It's not where our military is, no, 40% of the Australian Army is based in Brisbane, and the largest naval base is in Perth. Darwin and Cairns are actually the biggest ports that are more directly connected to Asia in trade given it's a hop, skip and a jump from there to Papa New Guinea, which are actually our closest neighbour and with it, connects us to the whole of South East Asia. The very tip of QLD, to the bottom of PNG is more like the space of the English Channel, btw, for how close they are.
In the Omnic Crisis, the economy has ALREADY collapsed. It did the minute the Omnics attack, basically lmao. Then secondly, this ISN'T EXTERNAL, this is internal. Whether the Outback Omnium is in Kalgoorlie or Birdsville, it is in the middle of the country, and it is sending its forces from a regional location. They aren't attacking by sea, so they don't have to care about a landing bay.
AND HERE IS THE LAST IMPORTANT PART, OUR ARMY IS SMALL. It's only like 80,000 armed personnel, compared to the US and it's insanity of 1mill+, but we're bigger than uh,,, New Zealand I guess? Uh,,, yeah our numbers don't even rank in the big three armies of the world, or like, beyond our little bubble of Oceania. We also do have a pretty good navy but if you've been following along so far, uh, yeah, THAT'S going to do fuck all for Alice Springs, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, our forces are all well trained and highly specialised because of it but like, we don't have the numbers to be splitting up over many fronts, lmao.
By virtue of it all, they are in the middle of the country and will have STEAM ROLLED across these regional areas because some are big, sure but they are just towns with no defences against a rampaging robot army, are you kidding? Let alone if Anubis is suddenly using every robot, I can't imagine how many different kinds are incorporated in all the different mining regions and digging sights?! Some of them were clearly as big as the Titan Bots we see, judging by this shit still being left around years later -
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Rolling into somewhere like poor fucking Meekatharra?!
also, seriously: what is the ever loving fuck is that thing on the left why are its arms made out of the BODIES OF OTHER OMNICS JFC WHO LET THE OMNICS PLAY BLOODBORNE OR SOMETHING, I S2G.
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This means that they now control all regional supplies anyway to go and target those places because they say one consistent thing about Anubis' attacks: they were efficient and direct.
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"The Omnics Advance" is what they call this so from the wiki as to the state of places the Omnics leave behind, uh, yeah, BYE MEEKATHARRA, MY MUM'S STORIES ABOUT YOU WERE NICE IG?
o ok,,,,, sure, what does all this have to do with Sydney then? Where does it fit in?
I don't want you to think Sydney wouldn't be attacked. Of course it would be, eventually.
Because it's the last populated place in Australia. They can just leave Sydney because it is somewhat tactically the hardest to attack, overall, if it has support from the others, so you leave it till last where you've cut off the support, wiped out supply lines and it is now flooded with refugees from the rest of the country.
They call it the Battle of Sydney but that's not actually what you do to cities?? You siege them, because they take time, and they're certainly implying that yes, it would have taken time. Yeah no, I am not making that up, the Battle of Stalingrad for instance took five months. I make the distinction because sieges aren't about individual aspects in conflict, it's a game of chicken between the two sides of who can hold out longest. Who can sustain the constant chipping away? Sometimes it's a matter of just starving each other out, but in others, it's a constant bombardment.
With everything I just laid out, you can probably have worked it out: Australia can't sustain itself, at this point. We are cut off from our supplies, and we are unable to get actual international support because they're all, ALSO, dealing with this, and now are flooded with escaping refugees. Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, and Brisbane are gone. Which Australia's population of 27 million, is now down to, if I'm being kind, to 10-11 million (5 million in Sydney + then escapees from Melbourne, Canberra, and maybe some from Tasmania too if they could manage it, I can't say I would have much hope for those poor buggers in Perth). Sydney could not feed all the refugees because again, it does not produce raw supplies itself, and it now no longer has the numbers to keep up the fight.
It'd be incredible if they could keep it going for a month because by then, we're not facing 'this is war and people will die', Australia is now at 'we will be annihilated and there will BE no Australian people'. 60-70% of our population is dead to the war, and the rest are getting killed every day from THE TITANS LITERALLY JUST STOMPING THEIR WAY THROUGH, starving or getting sick from bad food and water.
And Australia never had a very big population, to begin with, our army isn't big if it even really exists anymore. We cannot sustain those losses. What the Omnics were hanging over Sydney at this moment is so much worse than just 'we screwed your economy for the foreseeable future'.
They are leveraging 'there will be no Australians left.' Whether the slow eradication from disease and hunger that a siege does, or in immediate and sudden violence?
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So I have no doubt, even though Blizzard had no idea what they said, that it's actually entirely possible the Omnics said "idk we want the outback" and the Australian Government went YEAH, SURE, ANYTHING NOT TO GET OBLITERATED, IG?
And what's more, afterwards, whatever chance there might have been to take some of those places back - no one, NO ONE, was going to do more than rebuild the Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne strip on the outside to allow for better distribution. But who knows Anubis might have been a dick and said YOU ONLY GET SYDNEY. For one thing, taking back even something like Adelaide requires re-engaging, and on the other.......... they have this, now, that's alright, isn't it? It's the most modern part of Australia, it certainly seems like plenty, right? Other COUNTRIES exist with LESS and THRIVE!
I can't say I necessarily blame them, at that point it has to be a pure numbers game: Mexico City, which has also been destroyed, and it has almost as many people in JUST Mexico City as we have in total population. Sydney must have seemed, well, close enough. We're rebuilding this bit which will roughly sustain you (it won't, actually), but then we gotta take the resources to other devastated places that don't need FOUR CAPITAL CITIES, 10 OTHER IMPORTANT CITIES, A MINIMUM OF 30 REGIONAL TOWNS AND A FULL RECONSTRUCTION OF A INLAND NETWORK SPANNING THE ENTIRETY OF THE UNITED STATES IN SHEER SCALE. Things as they were, at the time, it must have seemed.... well yeah. Not worth it.
Which now - hey that's pretty intense, actually that's horrific for the sheer loss of life, how can you be sure the devastation is that severe? And that in turn everyone just did what SEEMED enough with little to no consideration of its long term impact and if it had any sustainability to us? That's extreme to insinuate?
Well if not the direct implication of '30 million orphans worldwide' that means for every orphan, there are two dead parents, and then the two families next door that DIDN'T survive, to tell you the average statistics of the war casualties......
The other is simple: Junkertown exists.
Junkertown cannot exist, if there was anything left of those cities or those 60+ regional towns, pre or post-explosion of the core. Because here is the thing, if there was a chance, a single chance, we could take back that important space of the Outback, we would. In a heartbeat. I think that's why the Australian Government allowed the ALF to exist in the first place and did not stop them when they most definitely could have.
I can explain the economics of what being an island nation at the ass end of the world means as to how we are so completely fucked economically at this point, but this part is more important, even if it's often the hardest for non-Australians to wrap their heads around because they squeal about 'how scary' it is all the time is this:
We love that land. That land is our home. Yes, even with its spiders and snakes, not in spite of, but all of it, good and bad. In one sense that yes, that literally hundreds of thousands of people lived dispersed across it, but culturally it goes beyond just that direct 'my house is there'. One of our most successful ad campaigns by a freaking flight company exists on a simple premise: 'no matter how far, and how wide I go, I still call Australia home'. (The first version of it aired in the 90s, for reference, also yes, Junkrat actually has a line that echos the sentiments of this song 'I've been all around the world, but there's nowhere that compares to home' Not sure if it was on purpose but I smiled a little to myself when I first heard it). Yeah. That's it. Not fighting or glory or power. The rest of the world is beautiful, but this one is ours, and we love it for what it is. Something that is personified in that image of red sand dunes and scrub, in the arid flatness, the wattle and the gum, even to the kid that grew up in the middle of the Sydney suburbs, as his childhood home, that tugs in his heart as much as his childhood toys.
Even though I know a bunch of Aussies just read this and were like GROAN, SHUT UP, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, QUOTE BANJO PATTERSON, CAN'T CATCH ME WITH THAT SHIT,,,,
I fucking see you, I fucking know you. I only gotta say one fucking thing to you pretending you're above it:
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Yeah, that's what I goddamn thought.
That we'd lose all reason to do some stupid shit like the ALF attempted to recover it? Uh, yeah. We just lost most of our population, we can't bury them, and how quickly would that landscape of our home carry that memory of them, and yet, we are cut from even that.
But to reclaim all that land you need supply chains, rebuilding as you go, AN ARMY ABLE TO HOLDING THAT SPACE AGAINST WHATEVER THE FUCK A "FERAL OMNIC" IS??? SERIOUSLY, AGAIN, DID THEY DOWNLOAD THE 'FROM SOFTWARE CREATIVE SUITE' ON THAT OMNIC??? And with that in mind, and how everyone and everything is gone for us, that would require HUGE international backing.
And if they had all of that, with all that effort, like HELL are they letting a SEPERATE SOVERIGN NATION JUST SPRING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, BEING A BUNCH OF VIOLENT ASSHOLES, MAKING IT HARDER by STEALING SHIT ALL THE TIME on top of BLOCKING ACCESS TOO SOME OF OUR MOST RESOURCE RICH LAND. I know this might be a struggle, but on top of loving that space, we also enjoy idk, stability? Not dying? Junkertown would compromise that, completely. Especially the dying bit, I feel. Speaking as an Aussie, I, like many Australians, do appreciate that they will in fact die one day, and hopefully, doing so by driving a ride-on mower around hills hoist chasing a goon sack as god intended for this beautiful country, but overall, just randomly dying in a Wolf Creek-like situation because you were trying to build a fuckin road, isn't how most of wanted it to go down. Some might, I will not shame my fantasy countrymen in the post-apocalypse world of Overwatch-Australia, times seem tough for Tinny Rogers and Jenny out there, and they have a right to pick how they get by.
But if they are recovering from near annihilation, unsupported, told to just deal with it because they got what they got - Junkertown can do what we see, and in its strange way: flourish.
Then it comes to how it's being handled by the rest of the in-game world as to how it's just been allowed to let slide by everyone fucking else even if clearly every time one of these desert-fuckers gets out, it's a DAMN NIGHTMARE FOR WORLDWIDE SECURITY.
You hear Zarya call it "the mistakes of this country", which given how people treat the Junkers as a whole in game, seems to be a commonly held sentiment. A mistake. There is little to no comprehension of them, or what they have been victim to. Again probably because Blizzard itself has no idea what it just accidentally implied. We don't have enough lore to really say how many countries share this fate of losing 80% of their entire nation and people, and with it, almost their whole selves? Of them, how many got complete reconstruction? Given their common theme of corporate greed, developments in post-war society and their subsequent inequality, I'd say some people get reconstruction support and others don't (the interactions of Lucio and Symmetra for instance) based on convenience, and the sentiment from many powers in history has often been 'Australia is very far away, and I don't care'.
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To call it 'a mistake' then, redirects blame from those inequalities and the present-day situation having beyond anyone's possible conception.
If it's 'a mistake', it's not a self-destructive spiral of suffering people who have been pushed beyond even common sense anymore. That lash out in desperation over a loss that cannot be quantified to any sum, yet were told that a price had actually been put on it, and no one was interested in paying it, and they had to live with what they got now. Then with no other output for the misery, in some desperate bid to reclaim even a SHRED of a memory, just vent their pain for a damn second, damned themselves and their home. Everyone who was in power and authority to have stepped in at any time to give the support needed and direct it more meaningfully before this, but never did, everyone who made those choices, is now complicit in the rise of Junkertown and the Junkers due to their basic lack or inability to understand what had been lost and have empathy, has led to a situation where now there is an entirely separate type of threat in 'feral omnics' and a bunch of insane radioactive people.
Or just say it was 'a mistake'. Then it's just their fault, isn't it? It's just a small, negligible little choice that WE won't make. We can all pat ourselves on the back and say that at least because Australia is so far away, whatever is happening there, is now just isolated to them, and you can't expect help NOW that the desert is irradiated, it was ALREADY unfeasible, it's SO expensive, WHOSE going to fund that, for what gain, especially now you made this silly little 'choice'.
Acknowledging, even to stop the Junkers, means bringing their own failings to the spotlight when rightfully it comes back to 'why the fuck did these bastards exist in the first place? What made them so fucking stupidly, mindlessly, suicidally angry as to lash out like this? Why weren't they thinking, then, and why do they stay, even now? .... and why do all of them appear to be goddamn giants?'
So easier to just... let the Junkers do their thing, out in the desert. Make them the scapegoat for the tensions, a fixing point for even the Omnics (rightfully, obviously in their case) to hate, blame and fear, over more active, influential systems that have far more ability to affect the world. Especially when compared too: the bunch of crazy people in the fucking desert, who probably all die at 50 from that ambient radiation everywhere, getting new types of diseases that no one has ever HEARD of before and are apparently are like barely connected on networks to the rest of the world. WHAT KIND OF POWER TO AFFECT WORLD CHANGE DO YOU THINK THEY ACTUALLY HAVE?
Rather than acknowledge that people like Odessa Stone got their hatred probably from watching half her under 12 siblings die to omnics, and the other half to the situation in the Wasteland created by others' indifference. (And the reminder that, Odessa's mum in the first shot, is holding an infant, and the second moment of her flashback, Odessa is still roughly the same but all the kids left are too big for a 1 to 2-year-old, and Mama Stone isn't holding an infant anymore.) They do what often happens and put all the responsibility of moving on, ON the people who are literally in the middle of dying in a now 30-year war, that everyone ELSE keeps trying to desperately pretend it's over and stick their head in the sand. Thus just invalidating their pain and making them even MORE resistant. Especially when you contrast the rest of the world is getting influential people like Mondatta and Zen making changes, real strides forward, and they get......... lbr, just more graves while they're just being called crazy.
Akande says 'the world is designed to be this way', and I think part of the reason Odessa doesn't mind him, is that yeah, yeah she probably knows after she's seen other parts of the world now and its reconstruction efforts, compared to theirs, found them pretty wanting, and it's nice to hear someone else say it for once.
No WONDER Roadie says 'this isn't a city' about Junkertown, when he remembers when Australia had more than three cities total, it must seem like a mockery. But why people like Junker Queen and Junkrat have pride in it, inversely. They were children when the apocalypse came to Australia or were born in Junkertown itself, they live in the memory that must now only feel dead and impossible to recapture the life of. In many ways, their bookends to Ramattra, their first moments were taken into a life of roaring violence the world wants to pretend isn't happening, but this is all they ARE now. So they have done their best with it, even if no one wants to be reminded of what their sheer existence represents.
Yeah. 'Mistake' is much easier to swallow, isn't it?
Yeah. Ain't that the fucking question.
Or maybe all of this is complete nonsense and everything I just said will one day be shown to be entirely wrong as often happens because ultimately again, I don't think they MEANT MOST OF THIS LMAO, BECAUSE ONE MORE TIME: STOP SAYING 'OUTBACK'.
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