#Cooler's armored squad
theseawitch-1102 · 2 years
It's not symmetrical or perfect, but it's beautiful, and it's mine 🎶 IT’S COOLZA MATERIAL🎶💜💛
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Hello pigeons, I am alive, fortunately. I haven't posted much these past few weeks because of my exams, but since I had this drawing completed, I wanted to bring it into the light of day, or at least into the light of tumblr 😂😂
Based on my fanfiction, it's inspiring a reconciliation between these two gentlemen. The wounds caused by Cold's abuse have not healed, leaving a lord with great emotional instability and prone to outbursts of anger, being the only thing that gives him stability and calm a soldier who hurt by his own actions, but forgiveness it only comes with the condition…. of changing.
You know what? A long time ago I got tired of reading fanfiction where toxicity and traumas were resolved with "The power of love." This is not how things are resolved in real life, it only creates toxic and dependent couples. We don't want any of that garbage, here the character who wants love will first go through the therapy room and then we'll discuss the issue Bitch xD I hope you like it 💕❤️💜
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parmysan · 2 years
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I wanted to like them, but like
They’re kinda boring
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Let me ask for a crossover fic Nikke and GFL
Squad counters and Anti-Rain getting into a cat fight over a commander S/O
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(GFL/GoV: NIKKE) Anti-Rain and Squad Counters fighting over their Commanders
Also, the Commander won't be S/O since that'd be kinda hard to implement in this kind of scenario. Unless it was a harem, which I absolutely refuse. We have the serious ones, the catty ones, and the glue eaters for this team matchup.
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Squad Counters entered the room, noticing the squad from Griffin looking far more serious than them.
M4A1 examined the newcomers and nodded.
(M4A1) "So, you're the T-Dolls joining us for this operation?"
(Anis) "The hell is a T-Doll? We're Nikkes."
(ST AR-15) "Hm. It doesn't really matter in the end. Just don't fall behind."
On the other hand, SOPMOD excitedly jumped in front of her two sisters-in-arms, extending her hands.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "New friends! Let's shake hands!~"
Rapi leaned back in slight surprise, unused to SOPMOD's straightforwardness.
Neon however extended her own hand and shook SOPMOD's excitedly.
(Neon) "Hi, I'm Neon! Do you like big guns?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What kind of question is that, of course I do!"
(Rapi) ahem. "Rapi, Leader of Squad Counters. This is Anis and Neon."
Anis simply shrugged while Neon waved a friendly hand towards the team.
M4A1 crossed her arms.
(M4A1) "M4A1, leader of the Anti-Rain Team. ST AR-15, and M4 SOPMOD II."
(Anis) "Wow, you guys just name yourselves after the guns? Talk about lifeless-"
STAR frowned at Anis.
(ST AR-15) "They're code names. And who are you calling lifeless?"
(Anis) "I don't know, you were just calling us Dolls a second ago-"
A loud throat clearing from the center of the room caught both team's attention, everyone directing their sights towards the two humans in the room.
(Griffin Commander) "We're being sent to take care of some Sangvis Dolls that are reportedly running around the area with some unidentified at their side. Which, I presume to be yours."
(Counters Commander) "Yeah, the fact that the Raptures haven't taken over your forces or anyone else's is a miracle, honestly..."
(Rapi) "Commander-"
Both of the humans turned to Rapi, before looking at each other in slight confusion.
(Griffin Commander) "Oh, right."
(Counters Commander) ahem "Yes, Rapi?"
Rapi seemed slightly flustered before that expression vanished.
(Rapi) "If we take care of the Raptures, is it possible for us to return home?"
(Counters Commander) "That's the hope, but I have no idea if anything we did was the cause of it...Kind of reminds me of those devil hunters-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What, you guys hunted devils?!"
(Neon) "Yeah, we had some super cool people help us out too! One of them could turn into a chainsaw and-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "WHAAAAAT?! Commander, I wanna go to their place-"
(Griffin Commander) "Absolutely not."
(Anis) "Psh yeah, you softies wouldn't last a day in there."
(Rapi) "Anis."
(ST AR-15) "That is quite the boast, coming from someone who'd get eviscerated by the most basic doll in our world due to lack of armor."
(Anis) "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. Our commander could beat the crap outta yours."
(M4A1) "Do NOT talk about our Commander that way."
(Griffin Commander) "M4, STAR. Knock it off, both of you."
(Counters Commander) "You too, Anis. We all need to work together."
(Neon) "Well, I mean, Nikkes do sound cooler than T-Doll."
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Nuh uh! We sound cooler!"
Both commanders sighed loudly as the girls of their squad started arguing.
(Griffins Commander) "Sorry, my teams are not usually like this."
(Counters Commander) "I...wish I could say the same. Well, except for Rapi."
Both Neon and SOPMOD turned to the Commander expectantly.
(Griffin Commander) "...Well, I'm glad to see in whatever world, our squads will always be the same it seems."
(Counters Commander) "Is...that a good thing?"
(ST AR-15) "Our Commander has led several echelons to victory against improbable odds."
(Anis) "Our Commander is the improbable odds!"
M4A1 and Rapi looked at their commanders before glaring at each other silently.
(Griffin Commander) "I'm so glad M16 and RO aren't here today..."
(Counters Commander) "They would've made it worse, I assume?"
(Griffin Commander) "I'd say you'd have no idea, but I think you're the only one who could..."
Both Commanders stared at each other with a mixture of respect, and pity.
Only they knew the struggles of their daily lives, trying to herd an entire army of robotic cats around.
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sleepyfan-blog · 3 months
Red Thirst in the Morning
Author’s Note: This is the next part of Hagiel’s Awful Mission. First. Previous.
Playlist for this fic series: Spotify Youtube
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @i-am-a-dragon34
Warnings: nonconsensual blood drinking, please ask me to tag if something bothers you
Summary: In the early morning, Hagiel gives into his cravings for blood and drinks from a dead body. Unfortunately, he’s spotted by one of the Ecclesiarchy’s elderly priests while feeding. 
Hagiel had been unable to sleep very well, even though the long day and evening of working alongside the mortals to get the city into the appearance of fully functional had worn him out. He had eaten a full standard ration, as he was the only surviving member of his squad, and there was at least, plenty of Astartes-quality standard rations to consume. But he couldn't get the scent of fresh blood to leave his mind. He had managed to restrain himself from feasting on the freely bleeding and injured mortals like the savage monster that the Red Thirst would turn him into, but doing so had taken a distressing amount of will-power and concentration. So much that Hagiel had found himself waking up less than a handful of hours later, his stomach gurgling with hunger and the Red Thirst pulsing in his thoughts, guiding his black-clad body through the streets of the hive city, aware of where the day and night Arbites patrols and repair crews were stationed all over the city and careful to slip from shadow to shadow, avoiding them as he made his way over to where the dead were being processed. 
The Lamenter took in a deep breath, the stench of death and the beginnings of decay, despite the fact that the remaining members of the Ecclesiarchy were working as fast as they could to give the dead their final rites and committing the bodies to either the flames of consumption or to be processed into Corpse Starch. He slipped into the mausoleum where the bodies had been piled together, taking in another deep breath as he hunted for the freshest corpses, his guilty conscious not quiet enough for the Son of Sanguinius to stop himself from kneeling down before a still-warm body of a mortal. He suppressed the groan of relief that threatened to claw its' way out of his chest as his fangs sunk into the dead mortal's neck, tasting the coppery tang of blood filling his mouth and quenching the desperate, ravening thirst deep within his body and soul.
The blood was thicker and cooler than he liked - but as the mortal he was drinking from was newly dead, that didn't surprise him much. Hagiel drunk from the body until it had no more left to give him. He whispered softly "My thanks for the meal." As he licked the two wounds he'd left on the body's skin closed with a swipe of his tongue. No need to terrify whoever was processing the body by finding unexpected, post-mortem wounds. It might start a panic or a rumor that there was Chaos shenanigans going on amongst the Ecclesiarchy and he really didn't need that kind of additional scrutiny nor barely contained panic. His stomach was pleasantly full of blood and Hagiel was about to clean his face and lips of the cooling blood on his lips when he heard a startled gasp.
His head snapped up and over to the sound, still crouched over the dead mortal, wearing only his black body suit (as it was much stealthier than the bulky armor he typically wore, and what civilian clothes he did have were also quite colorful as well) his red eyes glowing softly in the partial darkness of the mausoleum as he spotted an elderly priest staring down at him in abject fear and horror.
"Wait, I can explain-" Hagiel called out, trying to make his voice sound warm and inviting, even as blood dripped off his chin and onto his bodysuit. 
"D-Deamon! I-I will not let you take me!" The elderly priest yelled hysterically before sprinting out of the mausoleum as fast as his mortal legs could carry him.
This had the potential to get wildly out of hand. Hagiel wiped his face clean with his hands, licking the blood off of his fingers hurriedly. He briefly looked down at himself to make sure that he didn't have any accidental blood splatter anywhere before he went sprinting after the fleeing elderly mortal, internally swearing. He should have heard the elderly baseline coming. It had been his own avarice and ravening hunger that had narrowed his senses to focus on the dead mortal he had been consuming. He should have double checked that the area had been clear, rather than immediately zeroing in on his meal. 
Hagiel ran after the mortal, searching for them. The priest looked to be an unaltered baseline mortal - and as they had also been older in years from their silvery, wispy hair and the amount of wrinkles and sun-damaged freckles on their face and hands, he hoped that they hadn't gotten far. He *really* needed to find that priest and explain himself before the other could accuse him of being a Heretic or worse. 
Hagiel scoured the city from top to bottom, moving as quickly as he could, avoiding the rest of the mortals lest they ask him why he was running around in the Astartes equivalent of his underwear as he really had no good way of explaining himself. But as the minutes turned into hours and the morning passed, the Lamenter had to admit to himself that he... Couldn't find the mortal priest, no matter where it was that he looked. He could only hoped that the other would calm down and approach him privately to ask why he had done what he had done. Hagiel really didn't want things to potentially escalate.
With a defeated sigh, Hagiel returned to The Resolve and got into his power armor. He was half-way dressed when his vox started to buzz. He answered it in his helmet as he continued to get dressed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see or hear him doing so. He had wasted a lot of time trying to track down the priest and knew that he needed to make a public appearance doing something actually useful in order to help keep the mortals morale from tanking. Again. "Yes, Lady Sablescar, is there something that you needed from me?"
"I am aware that you are quite busy, Lord Angel, but if you have time to speak with me in person today, I would be most grateful. A matter of some delicacy and needed discretion has come up and I feel that you need to be informed of the issue. Preferably sooner, rather than later, so that it can be resolved before the Ultramarines arrive." The noble mortal woman answered.
Oh fuck. What now? He really hoped that it wasn't another xenos attack looming at the edges of the solar system. He wasn't sure if the ragged remains of the planetary defense forces could take another invasion force. If it was a solo pirate ship, with him as a threat and bluff of more Astartes to potentially tangle with, they might be able to chase them off without much issue. "Alright, where would you like to meet up?" If he remembered correctly, oat least one of the repair crews were working on the civic buildings, which would make having a secretive meeting there unwise and difficult.
"I'll send my driver to go pick you up and bring you to my manse. I am working from home at the moment, as I had been when the issue came to my attention. Where should I send the vehicle?" Lady Sablescar inquired politely. 
"Please meet me on the western side of the primary space port." Hagiel informed her. His ship was on the undamaged eastern side, but he should be able to get to the western side well before her space car driver could. "I am able to step away from what I am doing currently to speak with you about this emergent issue whenever you have time."
"Excellent. My driver will be meeting you on the western side of the spaceport in ten minutes. My thanks for your immediate response to my vox-call, Lord Angel." Lady Sablescar responded before ending the call.
Hagiel swore under his breath as he stepped into his boots and immediately began sprinting for the far side of the spaceport. He should be able to get there just before the noble woman's driver did, but only just. Today was just... Really not going the way he had hoped it would.
Hagiel skidded onto the current work site at top speed, slowing down to a purposeful walk as he came into view of the mortals busily working on repairing the space port, waving to the couple of mortals who were looking in his direction as he started to walk up to the leader of the construction crew. It had taken him less than five minutes to sprint across the damaged and destroyed buildings and terminal grounds. It was remarkable what several nights' of full rest, several full meals and a belly full of Thirst-quenching blood could do to sharpen the abilities of an Astartes. For the first time in weeks, possibly months, he was not slowed down nor distracted by the gnawing hunger that plagued all Sons of Sanguinius. He had slept enough that his mind and body were running at peak capacity instead of whatever dregs he could force himself to continue on.
He briefly spoke with the leader of the construction team, informing him that he would only be there for a short period of time, but was willing to work until one of Lady Sablsecar's personal serfs came to collect him to aid in reconstruction efforts elsewhere. His presence was gratefully and seemingly joyously welcomed by the baseline mortals on the team, and he set about aiding them with his enhanced strength and endurance. 
While this sort of reconstruction and building wasn't something he necessarily enjoyed doing, there was an almost meditative rhythm to what the mortals were asking of him, and as he was no longer starving, the Lamenter was almost relaxed by the time that a well-dressed baseline stepped out of the floating space car and called out "Lord Angel, if you would accompany me? Lady Sablescar is expecting you."
Hagiel sighed and set down the large metal pipe he'd been carrying, nodding to several of the mortals around him "I will be back when I am able."
"See you later, Lord Angel! Your aid is always most welcome." The construction team leader called out, waving him off. "Better you deal with the nobles than any of us, Lord."
Hagiel chuckled a little at that, understanding the sentiment behind it. As a rank-and-file Battle Brother, he rarely had this much direct communication with the mortal nobility but... As he was the only living Astartes in this system, it fell to him to wrangle the nobles into doing what was necessary in order to get the hive city for inspection, ideally before the Ultramarines arrived... Though from what Hagiel had seen of the city during his frantic attempts at searching for the elderly priest, even if the mortals continued to work night and day at this pace, they would only just be able to fix up the upper levels in time. The deeper structural issues would take months if not years to fully repair.. But hopefully the Ultramarines would be uninterested in looking at the underhive section of the city. "I suppose that is true." He murmured before heading over to the driver, sitting in the back of the fancy space car. It was large enough on the inside to accommodate his bulk, but only just. 
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somestorythoughts · 2 months
Eldritch Echo -Pt 11
It's over! I am admittedly not thrilled with the ending but I think it works well enough. Enjoy!
tag: @mezmatch
It turns out that what Fives meant by “he blew up” is that for some reason one of Fox’s troopers had brought their explosives, and while rolling out of Palpatine’s way had clipped one to his robes. Fives has been checking on Char regularly since the healers let him have visitors, having grown fond of the trooper while on Coruscant. He had already been planning to introduce Echo to him, now he wondered if Echo might be able to reassure Char, who had lost an arm to Palpatine’s sabers.
“How many did you lose in the fight?” Jesse asked. Fives grimaced.
“Two dead, no one uninjured. Four of them are going to need prosthetics, including Char. Fox was electrocuted, but the healers said he’d make it. And before you ask, yes Kix I’m approved to be walking around, I made myself armor and got away with bruises and a lightsaber burn.”
Kix narrowed his eyes, but Fives for all his willingness to cause chaos wasn’t in the habit of lying to medics so he left it at that.
“What will happen with the war, with the Chancellor dead?” Hunter wondered out loud.
“The Separatists have been quiet since everything went down; it looks like they’re floundering without the Chancellor feeding them information.” Rex replied. “Cody and some of the other Commanders are strategizing the best ways to take advantage of this, they’ve already sent a couple ships to harry Grievous. The Guard’s being taken care of at the Temple for the foreseeable future, and the 501st is on leave. General Skywalker isn’t taking the revelation of the Chancellor’s actions well. Cody said he put your squad on medical leave too Hunter, so you’re welcome to join us in trying to navigate this weird building.”
“I’m pretty sure the Temple is sentient and watching us.” Fives jokes. At least, Rex thinks it’s a joke. Nope, it’s a joke until proven otherwise he does not want to think about it.
“Are troopers allowed into the Jedi Archives?” Tech inquired.
Fives shrugged. “Apparently there’s a squad assigned there, they supplied us with the Temple’s map, so I assume so. Want me to forward you the map?”
Fives reached for his comm and tapped it. After sending the map to Echo’s squad, and as relieved as he is that Echo has a squad looking out for him it’s strange to think of Echo being in a squad without him, he turns to his twin’s new squadmates. “So. Tell me what my little shit of a younger brother has been getting up to.”
Rex laughed, the rest of the troopers following behind him, and for the rest of the day, all was well.
            Without the Chancellor feeding them false information and informing the Seperatists, the war ended not long after the man was revealed to be a Sith Lord playing both sides. Grievous was defeated, and Dooku vanished not long after. The Republic and the Seperatists had entered a truce and were currently negotiating. That the Seperatists’ cooler heads had been able to set a truce may have had something to do with the Banking Clan and the Trade Federation being thrown into chaos when several files that were never supposed to be within reach of some very effective well-protected lawyers were made public.
            And if a few files had been released to keep the more warmongering senators too busy trying to cover their asses to interfere, while. Vod only gossip among themselves and they’d appreciate it if said senators stopped spitting such baseless accusations against the Corries.
            Nor did anyone know why certain Senators had decided to vote in favor of a Clone Rights Bill and to condemn the Senators and political aids that had been accused of abusing the Coruscant Guard, though they had previously refused to give a firm opinion on the Bill.
            Fives and Echo were in one of the Temple cafeterias with the Bad Batch, a few members of Torrent, and about twenty Jedi younglings that would not know war, would not know what it was to lead armies into battle. Today’s lesson was how to make pancakes.
            Things weren’t settled yet, there were still thousands of details to iron out. But the future was looking bright, they were together, and there were pancakes in the not-to-distant future.
            The Domino Twins grinned ear to ear, the Bad Batch mocked them and was immediately shoved in return, and one of the crechemasters told them to hold all horseplay till after the lesson.
            They'd be alright.
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awwsha · 7 months
The Big Marine Batch
Here's the big addition of Abyssal Seals from my remaining Christmas purchases and kitbashes.
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The First Captain.
Captain Avataq(a bladder made of sealskin used in hunts) of the 1st company of the Abyssal Seals. Best friend of Chapter Master Gideon since before they were even neophytes. More cool and measured than his best friend but softens up around people he likes considerably. Leader of the Amaqqut(wolves), warriors clad in relic Cataphractii Terminator armor deemed worthy by him. Has a pet cyberhawk named Miteq(eider which is a seabird).
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Another Apothecary
Wanted to add another apothecary and wanted to try painting white armor. I've named him Inuk(means human).
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4 New Lieutenants
Needed some lieutenants since i only had one prior and like 7 captains. From left to right we have:
Minguk(flea): He is jumpy and always busy. Gets teased by his men a lot but he enjoys it. Good friends with the chapters librarius, they let him study in the cooler parts of archives when his company is on leave.
Niviaq(girl): Even though she is capable she hates fighting in close quarters, bit of a bolter nut. Gay but doesn't know it. Quite the hardass but well liked.
Amaroq(wolf): Strong, kind, charismatic and very much a leader of men. Looks like his primarch. Much like all Abyssal Seals he loves food, but he likes his food spicier than most.
Qivioq(down, like the fluffy stuff): Thinks he's funnier than he is, funnier than he's given credit for. As skilled at poetry as he is brutally effective on the battlefield. Gay and knows it.
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Fire Support Squads
I wanted some infernus squads and I don't like the aesthetics of primaris marines, so i used mk3 marines and volkite chargers from the special weapons upgrade sprues, because the guns look cool and the abyssal seals like their crusade era relics.
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So I Like Impulsors
I just like them, they're neat one of the few primaris models I like. Kitbashed the peaky girl on the left picture from a deimos rhino and the legs from another tank kit so she could poke out good. Her name is Naasuk(flower)
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Naasuk and Niviaq are good friends.
After making Niviaq I decided that around 25-30% of the abyssal seals are women, i dunno her "soul" is very "womanlike" to me. So that is how i justify that in my mind. Had been sloshing the idea of them having femmarines around in my brain since i created the chapter.
Decided that because of how they recruit neophytes with a big ceremony, in which they hear "The Call of the Abyss" a.k.a. "The Voice of the Saint" and bond with a seal (which is a holy animal of the emperor native to their homeworld (they're originally from Terra but no one knows that)).
Those chosen have high affinity with the geneseed and the failure rate is low. Ever since the first one almost 2 millenia ago young women have started hearing "her voice" as well.
I should just write a fucking codex at this point.
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lord-bleed · 1 year
A while ago I had already made a post about Bleed, Frost's older brother and the universe 6 cooler
But I decided to rewrite it because I noticed that things were missing about him and what I thought about the character.
Bleed, appears in a fan manga called Dragon Ball Super Ex, where the story begins with Cabba and some other Saiyans on planet Earth in the sixth universe.
After a few chapters we can see a new Arcosian named as Bleed, his appearance is identical to the cooler and so we can know that he is the counterpart to the cooler The sixth universe.
Bleed goes after the dragon balls with his soldiers and Cabba and the other Saiyans are in shock when they see him, the Saiyans think it was Frost, but Cabba realized it wasn't him
Bleed reveals himself to be Frost's older brother.
Cabba fights with the villain but is defeated and needs Goku and Vegeta's help to defeat him.
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Now let's talk about Bleed
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This is Bleed's first form, very similar to Frost's final form.
Bleed, has many similarities with the cooler's form, but also has certain differences, such as if he wears black leggings, shoes, the shoulder pads on his shoulders are long and the gem that should have been located in the middle of his head, was now divided into two with each one on the opposite side.
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Its second shape is very similar to that of a cooler but it has many differences as you can see in the photo above.
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The most curious thing was to see that Bleed did not have blue colors on his skin, other than on his toes, in the jewelry on his body and near his eyes.
I'm not sure how to say the name of its color, but I think it would be purple I think.
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Bleed also has an armored squad very different from Cooler's, Taruta and Vinet scare me, Chap must be Salza's counterpart, even though he reminds me jeice.
(Yes Bleed has a golden form just like Frieza)
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I love this character for the simple fact that he reminds me of cooler, he was the inspiration for my Tumblr name "Lord-Bleed".
(From what I understand, he doesn't like Frost, poor Frost)
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splatoongamefiles · 7 months
Here's all the gear names in the new update
LONG ass post so under the cut:
Long-Billed Cap, King Flip Mesh, Blowfish Newsie, Pilot Hat, Barrelfish Baseball Hat, Octoleet Goggles, Worker's Head Towel, El Rey Calamar, Zekko Cap, Ink-Guard Goggles, Teal Pinhole Shades, Green Pinhole Shades, Pink Pinhole Shades, Yellow Pinhole Shades, Patched Hat, Fugu Bell Hat, Hothouse Hat, Mountie Hat, Black FishFry Bandana, Squidfin Hook Cans, Matte Bike Helmet, Deca Tackle Visor Helmet, Barrelfish Headgear, Slipstream Helmet Pro, Slipstream Helmet, King Facemask, Motocross Nose Guard, Digi-Camo Forge Mask, Yamagiri Beanie, Sneaky Beanie, Tee Time Visor
North-Country Parka, Octoleet Armor, Dev Uniform, Cooler Jacket, Fresh Octo Tee, Chilly Mountain Coat, Takoroka Windcrusher, FA-01 Jacket, FA-01 Reversed, Pullover Coat, Birded Corduroy Jacket, Deep-Octo Satin Jacket, Zekko Redleaf Coat, Lemon Mountain Coat, Zekko Jade Coat, Light Bomber Jacket, Navy Eminence Jacket, Tumeric Zekko Coat, Custom Painted F-3 , White Leather F-3, Chili-Pepper Ski Jacket, Whale-Knit Sweater, Rockin' Leather Jacket, Kung-Fu Zip-Up, Panda Kung-Fu Zip-Up, Shirt with Blue Hoodie, Grape Hoodie, Hothouse Hoodie, Pink Hoodie, Olive Zekko Parka, Black Hoodie, Baby-Jelly Shirt & Tie, Prune Parashooter, Red Hula Punk with Tie, Dots-on-Dots Shirt, Toni K. Baseball Jersey, Barrelfish Baseball Uni, Short Knit Layers, Positive Longcuff Sweater, Annaki Yellow Cuff, Annaki Red Cuff, Octarian Retro, Takoroka Jersey, Octo Jumper Home, Pink Easy-Stripe Shirt, Inkopolis Squaps Jersey, Lime Easy-Stripe Shirt, Annaki Evolution Tee, Zekko Long Carrot Tee, Zekko Long Radish Tee, Black Cuttlegear LS, Takoroka Crazy Baseball LS, Red Cuttlegear LS, Khaki 16-Bit FishFry, Blue 16-Bit FishFry, Sharkfin Raglan, Black V-Neck Tee, White Deca Logo Tee, Half-Sleeve Sweater, King Jersey, Gray 8-Bit FishFry, White Urchin Rock Tee, Black Urchin Rock Tee, Wet Floor Band Tee, Squid Squad Band Tee, Navy Deca Logo Tee, Mister Shrug Tee, Chirpy Chips Band Tee, Hightide Era Band Tee, ω-3 Tee, Missus Shrug Tee, League Tee, Friend Tee, Tentatek Slogan Tee, Octoking HK Jersey, Dakro Nana Tee, Dakro Golden Tee, Black Velour Octoking Tee , Green Velour Octoking Tee, Slate Streetstyle Tee, Red Tentatek Tee, Blue Tentatek Tee, Squid Yellow Layered LS, White King Tank, Slash King Tank, Navy King Tank, Lob-Stars Jersey, Fishing Vest, Front-Zip Vest, Silver Tentatek Vest, Tentatek Slipstream Vest, Teal Body Warmer
Deepsea Leather Boots, Annaki Arachno Boots, New-Leaf Leather Boots, Tea-Green Hunting Boots, Octoleet Boots, Knockout Boots, Cream Basics, Shivery Squidkid III, Fried Squidkid III, Big Squidkid III, Chained DC Toejamz, Jeweled DC Toejamz, Swirled DC Toejamz, Trifecta Duck Boots, Trifecta Hi-Tops, Trifecta Sandals, Smoky Wingtips, Gray Yellow-Soled Wingtips, Inky Kid Clams, Musselforge Flip-Flops, Cyan Dakroniks, Black Dakroniks, Piranha Moccasins, White Norimaki 750s, Black Norimaki 750s, Gray Sea-Slug Hi-Tops, Orca Hi-Tops, Navy Enperrials, Amber Sea Slug Hi-Tops, Yellow Iromaki 750s, Honey & Orange Squidkid V, Sun & Shade Squidkid IV, Orca Woven Hi-Tops, Green Iromaki 750s, Purple Iromaki 750s, Red Iromaki 750s, Blue Iromaki 750s, Orange Iromaki 750s, Red Power Stripes, Blue Power Stripes, Toni Kensa Black Hi-Tops, Sesame Salt 270s, Black & Blue Squidkid V, Orca Passion Hi-Tops, Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops, Crab-Trap Squidkid III, Violet Trainers, Canary Trainers, Yellow-Mesh Sneakers, Orange-Mesh Sneakers, N-Pacer CaO, N-Pacer Ag, N-Pacer Au, Sea Slug Volt 95s, Athletic Arrows, OB Gaiter Waders, Noir Guppies, Birch Climbing Shoes, Green Lace-Ups, White Laceless Dakroniks, Blue Laceless Dakroniks, Suede Gray Lace-Ups, Suede Nation Lace-Ups, Suede Marine Lace-Ups, Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes, Stamina Cycling Shoes, Energy Cycling Shoes, Polka-Dot Slip-Ons, Burden of Floof
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clericofshadows · 11 months
🖊🖊 for Regis!
thanks for the ask <3
ask game
since you sent two pens... I'll give you two facts!
Regis's eyes were originally green before he modded them to be red. He says he made the decision because red is a cooler color than green, but in reality he was angry after BAaT and didn't want his mother's eyes staring at him in the mirror, partly because she blocked him from learning biotics from an asari matriarch relative/family friend/uncle, Vik. Of course, since Regis met Kaidan at BAaT, he wouldn't have it any other way, but he was still angry about it. Kaidan secretly misses the green, as Regis's eyes were part of what originally drew him to Regis, but he'll take that secret to the grave.
Regis's neck tattoos are originally from Bayonetta 3!
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Left (front): Labolas.
Right (back of neck): Rodin (Regis's old biotic squad symbol, sole survivor of his squad after Torfan). He also paints this symbol on most of his armors.
He got both of his neck tattoos after Torfan. He chose Labolas for the following reason (also taken from Bayonetta): With the superb hunting abilities, it has even become known to some as a merciless butcher. Once it has sunk its sharp canines into its enemy, it will not let go until their last breath.
Thought it suited him quite well :)
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dbzebra · 2 years
for the "send me a character and i'll do this:" cooler, because why not
hey! Cooler is the last one I'd expect to get sent but I'll do my best. thanks for sending this!
Sexuality Headcanon: asexual? I guess?
Gender Headcanon: well he goes by him, voiced by a dude, so he's a male. But Freeza/Cold/Cooler dont have gender in the traditional sense, considering they dont wear clothes and there's nothing there
A ship I have with said character: none
A BROTP I have with said character: Cooler and Salza/Neiz/Doore(his armored squad.) That's really the only option ahhaha
A NOTP I have with said character: I guess Freeza/Cooler? or Goku/Cooler? idk man I dont really like Freeza or Cooler with anyone
A random headcanon: he developed the 5th form to one day attack Freeza and take over his organization
General Opinion over said character: Cooler's design is sick. 5th form is an incredibly cool design and him basically becoming the hive mind of an entire planet in the Big Gete Star is dope. I like how awesome his dub voices too. One of the early stand outs imo.
Sorry this wasnt really much. I dont have really have headcanons for the villains like I do the Dragon Team/Z Fighters
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thenixkat · 4 days
also apparently Kafka's monster form is supposed to based on an oni but like??? why didnt ya give it the tusk teeth then?? He would look so much cooler enemy kaiju used: dragon meteor with literal dragons yeah that would be concerning
going from maybe one boss monster with minions attacking at random. To a large organized number of boss monsters attacking at once with a humanoid daikaiju leading them also apparently Kafka's monster form is strong enough to be daikaiju class and I'd have to assume mushroom/Kaiju no. 9 is in the same category given it survived Kafka punching it really really hard yeah the kaiju are specifically attacking the Defense Force base and nothing else. Organized oh hey, Kaiju no. 10. Very red dragon person. With one eye.
yeah no shit the daikaiju that can understand human speech and plan isnt about to just stand there and let you organize yer troops infront of it i also like this design too. Its the cross-shaped eye-opening that's lined with teeth
the dragons are bullet proof Kafka giving good advice for taking out the lesser dragons their weak spots on are their backs since their fronts have to be heavily armored to protect them while flying the dragons are using squad tactics huh rich girl got a custom weapon, which are made from teh stronger kaiju she has a really big axe
big red dragon came out here to attack strong humans and its having a blast big red dragon: Hey human you should be proud, most kaiju wouldnt have lasted this long against me. After I eat you I'll be even stronger
Ichikawa reminding Kafka to pls not transform, he'd be in a lot of danger if he transformed, they are a team they'll watch his back so there's no need for him to go kaiju b/c Ichikawa is a very responsible young man who cares alot about his friends also backup has arrived
red dragon is also very nonchalant about being dismembered and decapitated. WHich again if those arent important body parts you can afford to not care. SO long as its core is intact and it has the energy reserves to do so it can just heal
also i like how the tail movements are being animated too. It has yet to use its tail as a weapon but the animators are consistently remembering that its there and to have it move appropriately as the critter moves
big red dragon is really happy about having found an opponent that can rival its strength. It is really looking forward to eating the vice-captain nah yall in the control room celebrating too quick the vice-captain triggered a mode change in the big red dragon it got bigger again i really like big red dragon's design too
just the eye in a mouth
also Kafka's inner kaiju sensed big red dragon's mode change and whent 'hey that's a problem be aware' and apparently big red dragon's mode change is reading as stronger than Kafka's kaiju form so i suppose that's why his inner kaiju perked up and started paying attention also interesting that the kaiju have to vent heat from their transformations
i've no fucking idea where they're getting all their energy but turning it to mass causes excess heat that has to be vented off something we also saw when Kafka got first turned into a kaiju was steam coming off his bodyand him exhaling it i will assume that kaiju in general here must be fairly heat tolerant and given how effected different ones are to teh cold rounds, might not be super tolerant to the super cold temps (tho with at least one exception i've heard of) with that hypothesis I wanna see how Kafka does in winter
Kafka, pls, sir…
there's a reason Ichikawa doesnt want you to transform while there's monster slayers everywhere who will try to kill you if they see you as a kaiju local 32 yr old causes teen friend to gain grey hairs. Unfortunately, Ichikawa's hair is white so no one notices big red dragon is commanding the lesser dragons to suicide bomb the vice captain i have to assume big red dragon gave the lesser dragons the ultimatum of 'do what i say or i eat you' and better to kill themselves at its command than fuck around and find out vice captain tried to sneak attack big red dragon but big red dragon grew more eyes near rthe weak spot he was going for its almost like that kaiju is intelligent and can freely shapeshift yeah he got hit hard. Still alive but like sir you probably have a concussion and internal bleeding
yeah Tiger lady shows back up to shoot the big fucking dragon with her big fucking gun b4 Kafka risks it all to try and save the vice captain who just got caught and was about to get ate I know her using a tiger to brace herself against while she shoots is suppose dto be cool. But I cant get past the irresponsibility of the exotic pet ownership and not even giving the tiger any ear protection while she shoots. There's big ass intimidating breeds of dogs, why not use a big fucking dog instead of just distracting exotic pet ownership played for attempted coolness? oh hey teamwork
vice captain is gonna be going straight to the fucking hospital after this whit how he's treating his body tiger lady shot its core
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theseawitch-1102 · 2 years
Let´s spread some opinions of the Frieza Force
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cast-you-dxwn · 5 months
☕ baby boi baby
It’s an insulated Yeti cooler cup. Dinged, dented, but still holds temperature, ever faithful, and besides that your sister sent it to you, so you can’t rightfully replace it. It’s squeezed between your knees, nestled between your armor plates because whatever genius at AM General designed the Humvee didn’t think to put a cupholder in the fuckers.
What’s inside is more precious, though. Black tea from Georgia, a couple of shots of coffee concentrate, a creamer packet, a lot of sugar. Your sister taught you how to make it when she was in college, and you and your squad would swear up and down that you all have owed your lives to the nerve-rotting, caffeine-laden concoction. It’s just as fine plain as it is sweetened, but the sugar and creamer she sends you remind you of home, and you’re not stupid enough to not use everything she includes in those care packages of hers.
You reach under your rifle, and raise the cup to your lips. It’s invigorating, creamy, with an upfront gut shot of sweetness that gives way to a pleasant and bracing bitterness. It’s uncomplicated, but not everything has to be Michelin Star worthy to be good.
A split second of a high pitched whizz, and you jerk in your seat, hot liquid splattering your face and neck, and you freeze, your breath catching in your throat.
Jesus Christ. You’ve been shot. You must already be in shock because it doesn’t hurt, it should hurt-
Your sergeants hand curls into the strap of your plate carrier, dragging you out of the vehicle and onto the dusty street. A weathered hand meets your cheek with a resounding smack, and your rifle is pressed into your hands as the rest of your squad starts to return fire.
Some of the warm fluid drips into your mouth. Sweet, with a bitter aftertaste. You glance to the ground as you fumble with your rifle, and you notice the cup clattering out of your seat and onto the pavement, a single neat hole punched into the side walls.
You win the firefight. Take no casualties, eliminate the enemy. But in the aftermath you lean down to pick up the old cup, and even though you know it doesn’t change anything in the grand scheme of things, that you still have that recipe your sister gave you, you know she’ll be saddened and worried when you tell her about what happened, and scold you for losing her gift.
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imahungrynacho · 3 years
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Salza may be mean and incredibly disinterested in their life but if you so much as yell at his boys then you are dead.
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mayhem444 · 4 years
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myrablurple · 6 years
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What do you mean this isn't canon?
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