#Cooperative gardening
I'd like to check in with my mum & sister.
Flaky pastry, housepanthers, beer, asparagus, pea gravel, abiotic conditions, raised beds, and local economy.
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thiscountry · 2 days
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This garden is mine!
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no stay i don't care what you've said or done, don't go away, not now when life has just begun. come back and be the woman who i knew, help me to believe in you...
what on earth am i to do?
nothing gold can stay
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orbitsuns · 7 months
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gardenofedenuniverse · 3 months
Leading Men...OSCARS 2024
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bughead-in-the-comics · 4 months
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From Jughead's Gag Bag, Jughead #288 (1979).
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wingedjewels · 8 months
Where did all the birds go??
Where did all the birds go?? by Debbie Meader Via Flickr: All of the birds that were feeding in our yard took flight or cover from the Juvenile Cooper's Hawk! The Coop landed on our railing for a brief rest on a very foggy morning. It was very queit with no birds singing or chattering, until the Coop left the area!
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landschaftsmalerei · 1 month
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Der Obstgarten von Thomas Cooper Gotch (Öl auf Leinwand)
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In SGG’s most recent update (amazing, fantastic), I love that Inumaki has the Ultimate Power Move of gently touching Yuuta’s wrist and from that moment Yuuta will be compliant. Forget Yuuta’s Power of Love, inumaki’s is winning the prize. Beautiful, 10/10, I love seeing it weaponized to combat Yuuta’s insanity.
I was also rereading the previous chapter and Shoko saying that it took gojo six months to recover from his first use of cursed energy really jumped out at me. If you’re willing and at liberty to say, what was his crash like?
Thanks again for another fantastic update!!! <3
It's legitimately one of the underlying rules of the SGG universe that Yuuta's a huge simp for Inumaki and if Inumaki takes him by the wrist, he'll stop resisting and go along with things. He did it in chapter 7 too. His heart is beautiful and true and Yuuta is very flustered to be (almost) holding his hand.
Gojo's experience with RCT was exacerbated by the fact that he kept using it at a high level pretty constantly in the aftermath so he could keep his infinity up constantly. So his problem was actually very close to Yuuta's--every time he came down from it, he sent himself right back into the symptoms by using it more.
Gojo's bad effects with RCT basically made him act high. But internally, he felt like he could See and Know everything in the universe. Dude was basically seeing shrimp colors. He felt like he was god. It was basically him after the fight with Toji all the time.
When the RCT wore off and he crashed, he felt like the universe had been drained of half of its color. He felt like he was swaddled in cotton and everything was muffled and dull. It was a case of serious brain fog for someone who was used to existing at a higher level of clarity than anyone else alive.
Have you ever seen that post that's like, eldritch horror is an ant for a brief moment knowing what it's like to be human? And then suddenly he's an ant again, and he can't reconcile the two existences?
Gojo's used to being the human among the ants. But RCT made him feel like he was on a completely different level of knowledge and understanding than usual. Then, when he crashed, he felt like he was suddenly shuffled down to being an ant. He wasn't actually less perceptive; it's just that RCT was fucking with his emotional response and perceptions.
I'm so glad you liked it!
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jhsharman · 1 year
"The Joys of Gardening"
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Archie's grades are up apparently. Or he doesn't much care. Either way, Betty now knows that's not the reason he is asking now. Curious new question marks -- what font is that?
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A one sided relationship, and yet --
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Okay. So. Spanish textbook is out. What is he reading now?
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inthecityofgoodabode · 5 months
January 2024: The Week Of Snow
You'd be forgiven if you couldn't spot the Cooper's hawk perched on the right side of our Rubbermaid shed:
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Just birds in the snow:
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It isn't clear in this photo but that is a red-wing blackbird. I've never seen one in our backyard before. As best as I could tell, it had thrown in with a crew of grackles for safety in numbers:
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Male Cardinal:
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Grass & snow:
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"Fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go round":.
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brightgnosis · 5 months
In 1972, the state of Washington created the [Master Gardener] program to meet an enormous increase in requests from Home Gardeners for Horticultural information [...] Sixty years ago, an Extension Educator dealt with the questions of a few hundred families. However, in many regions, land that once constituted a single Family Farm now encompasses several hundred homes. This increased the number of families an Extension Office serves. In addition, many of these families are recent arrivals, and are unfamiliar with what grows in the microenvironment of their new Suburban home. They will often call their local Extension Office for advice on what to plant and how to care for it.
The [Master Gardener] program is now found in 49 states and 4 Canadian provinces. [Master Gardeners] have become a vital part of [the Extension Service's] ability to provide consumers with up-to-date, reliable knowledge [...] Master Gardening has also become a fun and useful volunteer activity, which has given its participants a sense of community spirit, fellowship, accomplishment, and intellectual stimulation.
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From Master Gardener’s Manual E-1034; Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University (My Ko-Fi Here)
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thiscountry · 5 months
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A big bird?
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Here's a dialogue writing tip, from me to you.
Most of the time I just "Yes, and..." my dialogue, but there are times I need it to go in a particular direction, or sometimes it's just going in a direction I don't like. It's really amazing how powerful phrasing can be as a tool.
For example, I started with Character A asking Character B "Do you think we were wrong to stay so long?"
But instead, I could use: "Should we have stayed so long?" "Should we have left earlier?" "Would it have been better to leave earlier?" "Do you think we should have left earlier?
These are all technically asking the same thing, but you can see that each of these might lead to a very different response! All I'm doing is turning the question around from different angles, and adding more or less objectivity to the ask, but depending on your circumstances, there may be many other ways to come up with variations.
Sometimes this is useful on the very basic level of you're stuck, and this can be a brainstorming method for getting unstuck.
It's also useful, though, when you need to craft a scene to have a certain mood or outcome. Think about, first of all, what is the asking character trying to get out of this interaction? Are they actually looking for an answer, or are they fishing for a particular response? Is it a leading question? Are they looking for reassurance? Are they being accusatory? What are their motivations, what are the emotions at stake?
Then, you can look at the other character and do the same thing for them. You can also look at the relationship between them and the dynamic you're going for here. If you want to set up some angst, Character A is looking for comfort, but phrases the question such that Character B sees it as assigning blame and reacts defensively. Or if you're trying to set up some clever banter, different ways of posing the question give different springboards for the other character to jump off of.
I am very fond of the piece of writing advice that if you get stuck, you should look for the problem three lines back, but the problem isn't always self-evident (or it may not even be a problem, it's just that you wrote a series of lines that led you to a dead end). Anyway, this is a technique I use sometimes in that situation.
As a final note, it's best to just use this in choosing between a number of equally naturally phrased options. There's an advanced form of this technique for use in say, comedies of manners, where you are purposely setting up misunderstandings that hinge on certain phrasings and you may really have to engineer a sentence. This is kind of a dangerous thing, because it can come off sounding phony, but on the other hand, if you're actually good at this stuff, this is exactly why we like writers like Oscar Wilde and P. G. Wodehouse. In both the simple and advanced case, it's always a good idea to look back later and say to yourself, "is this a thing that the character would actually say?" and "does this fit in with my general prose style."
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orbitsuns · 10 months
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going out for breakfast to celebrate rosanna's recent promotion, marking the end of gen 1 ♡
live in strangerville ✓ complete the strangerville mystery aspiration ✓ reach the top of the military career (covert operator branch) ✓ master the parenting / fitness / logic skills ✓ marry your first love & maintain a strong romantic bond ✓ have 4 children & be good friends with all of them ✓
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neohumancapitalism · 1 year
Homesteading for the Homeless:
How Converting Empty Commercial Spaces into Indoor Farms Can Address Food Insecurity and Unemployment
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high vacancy rates for commercial spaces in metropolitan areas, especially malls and skyscrapers. At the same time, homelessness remains a significant issue, especially in coastal cities. One solution to address both these problems is to convert empty commercial spaces into indoor farms and communal living areas for homeless Americans, owned and operated by their workers.
Indoor farming has emerged as a sustainable and efficient method for producing high yields of crops in a small space, regardless of weather or climate conditions. Vertical farming, a method of growing crops in vertically stacked layers, has gained popularity in recent years as a way to maximize space and improve efficiency. Repurposing vacant commercial buildings could create a new industry that addresses food insecurity while providing employment for the homeless.
According to a report from CBRE, the United States had a 16.4% office space vacancy rate at the end of 2020, the highest it has been since 2011. The retail sector was also struggling, with a national vacancy rate of 10.5% in the first quarter of 2021. Meanwhile, homelessness remains a significant issue in coastal cities, with an estimated 580,466 people experiencing homelessness in January 2020, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Startups in the vertical farming industry have been on the rise in recent years. According to AgFunder, an online platform that connects investors with agtech startups, there were over 60 vertical farming startups that raised over $1.2 billion in funding in 2020. These startups are using innovative techniques to grow crops in urban areas, close to consumers, and reduce transportation costs and emissions.
Converting vacant commercial buildings into indoor farms using vertical farming techniques would provide employment for the homeless and communal living spaces. However, these indoor farms could also be operated as worker-owned commercial enterprises. Communal living spaces for homeless individuals would provide a sense of community and stability, as well as a chance to learn valuable skills through participation in the farming process. By operating the indoor farms as worker-owned enterprises, homeless individuals could take ownership of their work and have a say in the direction of the business.
Homesteading using vertical farming is an opportunity to work with individuals who share the same interests and values. For young people, WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) provides opportunities to travel around the world and learn about sustainable agriculture practices. Similarly, converting commercial spaces into worker-owned indoor farms could create new opportunities for homeless individuals to participate in the farming process and learn valuable skills, while also taking ownership of their work.
While there are challenges to converting commercial buildings into worker-owned indoor farms, such as significant investment and expertise, the benefits are significant for those experiencing homelessness and the wider community. By creating worker-owned indoor farms, we could create a new industry that provides stability, food security, and employment opportunities, while building a stronger sense of community.
The conversion of vacant commercial buildings into worker-owned indoor farms using vertical farming techniques and communal living spaces for the homeless could address the challenges facing our society. We have the potential to create a new industry that provides stability, food security, and employment opportunities, while building a stronger sense of community. Let us consider homesteading with worker-owned indoor farming as a solution for the future.
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