jewishcissiekj · 4 months
you know what? I don't *transparent pngs your handmaidens*
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sydneyadmu · 6 months
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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of The Clones (2002) | Requested by @iammyownsaviour
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wlwanakin · 6 days
the queen trilogy by ekj is like aggressively fine and i have many bones to pick but i think one of the biggest issues i have with it is that they had the absolutely golden opportunity to really expand on cordé and versé and make their deaths more impactful + shed light on padmé’s subsequent grief and then they just. did not do that
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 months
Hi! I absolutely love DLB, and it made me appreciate the handmaidens way more than Canon ever did <3 I was wondering whether you have a headcanon regarding the handmaidens' names? Are their names their birthnames, or did they choose them specifically to sound like Padmé's? And do they actually have last names that they just never use? Might cause a lot of bureaucratic trouble if they didn't have last names lol. Also completely unrelated, but what does Sola think about Leia? Must be a bit weird that her baby sister has this batshit crazy friend that she is super protective of and who routinely causes absolute mayhem - or does she just see her as another handmaiden?
At least three of them changed their names for certain and at least one of them already matched. Feel free to speculate which ones. It's their favorite game to make people play.
As far as why they are never referred to by last name, it is absolutely related to the role they play, both in terms of not taking attention away from Queen Amidala, and deliberately taking attention away from Padmé Naberrie. They have full legal names, and if they hadn't stayed in Padmé's service on her senatorial staff, they would have gone back to them when they "retired." Some of them now go by their work names with their families, some of them do not.
Sola definitely thinks of Leia more like a handmaiden, when she thinks of Leia at all. Sola's actually a lot more familiar with Shmi, because Shmi's done so much work with Jobal and Ruwee. So in a lot of ways, Sola also thinks more of Leia as "Shmi's...kid?" Padmé is a giant hypocrite and is not any more forthcoming with her family about exactly how dangerous her job is than Leia is in general. The Naberries get some insights from how often Shmi checks her messages and sighs and shakes her head. But not much more than that. And they don't know Shmi super well, just better than Leia. Shmi is very busy.
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torturedpoetskywalker · 4 months
more to life
read on AO3
247 wc, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Cordé/Dormé, Femslash, Pre-Relationship, T-rating, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, part 1 of Star Wars Sapphic Week 2024 (@starwarssapphicweek)
Summary: AU in which Cordé doesn't die and Dormé stays with her on Coruscant's Hospital.
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cressida-jayoungr · 11 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Black and White October
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones / Veronica Segura* as Cordé
It's a shame this dress doesn't get more screentime, as it is an interesting design. There is clear Asian influence in the design and decoration. It seems to be made from some sort of quilted material. The side opening is an interesting feature. It looks like this may be an outer robe worn over a white gown, but it's hard to be sure.
*Technically, Cordé was played by three different people: Natalie Portman for walking down the ramp, a stunt actress for the explosion, and Veronica Segura for the aftermath of the explosion, when she actually has a line. And IIRC, that's Natalie Portman's stand-in in the picture with the clean dress and arms outstretched.
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
Versé's last story
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Versé once again made sure that Cordé's hair looked nice and presentable. She didn't have to do it, as Cordé's the whole costume was made to the limits of perfections a longer time ago and nobody would even think that the most important passenger on the ship was not the Senator Padmé Amidala, but her faithful handmaiden. The girl did it mostly to just camouflage her shaking hands. And Cordé didn't mind.
Versé wondered why she was so nervous, it was not the first time, when the life of Padmé was endangered. True, Cordé and Dormé, her fellow handmaidens, had been more often used as a decoys for Amidala, as they were much more similar to her than she and Versé was left to do what she did the best - being a slicer, gathering information or doing simple office/home tasks in the safety of her lady's apartment. Nevertheless, she also had been accompanying Amidala to the Senate, to various parties and meetings as much as other handmaidens. The threat could fall on them on each of those places! Moreover, Versé knew what to expect when she joined Senator's team. In her family, everybody was saying that she was the niece of her aunt (the captain of Royal Naboo Security Forces) more times that she could count.
Maybe Versé was trembling because the stakes weren't so high in the past like now? Her lady had to reach Coruscant and vote for what was good for the galaxy. She tried not to glance at an illuminator in the cabin to check on the female pilot in a smaller ship.
Dormé was ordered to come to Coruscant in other ship, also pretending to be Senator Amidala. There was even hired an additional girl as a handmaiden, Umé, to misguide a potential attacker. Versé managed to meet her and had a few hours conversation. Truth to be told... she had mixed feelings about the new co-employee. Umé was smart, but also... naive. Probably, because she was younger than Versé and grown up on the legends of Amidala's handmaidens during the invasion of Naboo. A few times when the topic came, Versé had to politely move the conversation in the right direction, as the younger girl couldn't stop talking about it. The handmaiden worried what would happen when (becasue it was certainly a case of 'when'), the girl would realise what was an illusion and what was not.
Or wasn't Versé calm, as Cordé was nervous as well? Even if her older friend was much better schooled in hiding it than her. Furthermore, Cordé got worried only when the situation was really bad.
As if hearing Versé's thoughts, the older handmaiden briefly squeezed her palm. The girl smiled back and for the first time she didn't have to hide her trembling hands under her long black robe (of which she was grateful anyway). Versé knew why she was there, she chose it by herself, she was hers aunt's niece and she would stand where she was until her last breath.
Soon they would be landing. Soon Padmé will be safe, that was all what was important.
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sw5w · 5 months
The Senator Remorsefully Walks Away
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:19
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elvencantation · 8 months
anyone know of any star wars fix it fics centering on the handmaidens?? now that i think about it im sure there are some, i’d love recommendations!
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jeckilon · 5 months
why I just found out TODAY that rabé is played by a brazilian actress 😭
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elizabethwydevilles · 8 months
handmaiden fans 'show some interest in a character not played by Keira Knightley or Rose Byrne' challenge
look Sofia Coppola played Saché
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jewishcissiekj · 2 months
on one hand, the love for the Handmaidens guide wip is motivating me to continue working on it and on the other it also kinda makes me want to post everything I have so far so meanwhile have the messy document with partial information that I made to get some information straight
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findingtarshish · 1 year
for the meta oc questions: 1, 9, 11, 17 for harmony and 1, 2 for any oc(s) you want!
1. What inspired you to create your oc? Harmony was my first vtm character! I was fed up with the ogl fiasco and decided to crack open the vtm books and have a look. Most of my earlier exposure to vtm had come from VTMB and Not A Drop to Drink (a vtm actual play done by LoadingReadyRun, it's run by one of the Wraith: the Oblivion writers, go watch it, it's fantastic) and I was particular taken with the character of Silas Reed. For my first character, I definitely wanted to do something similar, someone who was a consensualist, and conscientious of their place in the world. I wanted to create a character that was diplomatic, and wasn't easily fazed. Over time, she's grown less diplomatic, though she still sees violence as a last resort.
9. In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man? Harmony is definitely the one who keep people out of trouble. She's the reasonable one. That said, she's certainly more than capable of getting into trouble herself.
11. What is your least favorite trait regarding your oc? Because of what happened to her mom, Harmony tends to have more conservative ideas about drugs, something she argues with her sister endlessly about. It's completely trauma fueled, but it nonetheless can lead her to say and do things that aren't particularly empathetic or reasonable.
17. List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your oc. They could be related to the oc's characterization or their narrative arc.
I don't really know trope names tbh so I'm just gonna describe things and hope you catch my meaning? 1) The nerd. (She's a squishy intellectual) 2) Dead Parents/Traumatic Backstory (She has a stepdad but both of her birth parents are dead) 3) Outwardly cute and sweet, inwardly very fucked up (Smile to hide the pain) 4) Mutual healing/healing through love (She once cast Valeren via a kiss) 5) Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit? (acquired her blood sorcery in the heat of the moment to blood strike a S.O.B.)
1. What inspired you to create your oc? I was going through a bad time in high school. I felt trapped and pushed down, like everyone expected things of me but nobody really relied on me or cared about me. So I created Cordé. She represents everything I wasn't. She's strong, she's rebellious, she's caring. Others look up to her. At the same time, she's in over her head: she's suddenly come into an insane amount of power, and she's desperately trying to figure out how to do right by it. She's trapped by circumstances, but she's also found ways to live with that, to find her own freedom even within restriction.
2. Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance? You know, I don't know! Her theme color is red, because I have a longstanding association between the color red and individuality. Thus, she frequently wears red clothing, she has deep red hair, and her eyes glow red like coals out of the fire. She's also generally very feminine, which is probably a reflection of my transness, something I didn't know about then.
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rollinginmoondust · 1 year
Day 4 of @starwarssapphicweek Handholding with Versé/Cordé/Dormé
Throughout the movie, they continued to hold hands, even when their hands were sweaty. Halfway through the movie, Dormé watched as Cordé made patterns on Dormé's hand with her nails. Versé had fallen asleep, clutching Dormé’s other hand. Her drool landed on Dormé’s hand. Dormé wished she could say she cared, but honestly, she didn’t. She just wanted her loves to be okay.
She also wanted Clovis to turn into dust and never bother her senator again. She wanted this universe to get its act together. But holding her lovers’ hands, and watching a movie was good enough for now. 
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Padmé looks back on her life and choices and remembers things that will never truly leave her. She suspects this is how Leia feels, all of the time.
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torturedpoetskywalker · 4 months
forever wasn't enough
read on AO3
130 wc, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Padmé/Cordé, Femslash, Tragic Romance, Major Character Death, T-rating, Canon Compliant - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, part 2 of Star Wars Sapphic Week 2024 (@starwarssapphicweek)
Summary: Both looking into each other's eyes — there's love, but so much suffering too.
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