#Corona Second Wave in India
uj453 · 2 years
what will we see on the other side of this... 
I have now attempted to write about this more than 2-3 times. But what can be said about corona that hasn't already be said? The horror of it? The madness of it? The way the state has handled it? The way the right almost across the world have been able to take advantage of it? The way we had this opportunity to re look at the whole system and re imagine it, and instead as a society as a whole we have just somehow managed to justify this profit driven attitude ahead?
The multitude of levels we have failed ourselves is quite something. And in this individualised setup that has been created and we so pride ourselves, we fail to see beyond our own plights even now. Now that the virus has exploded in India, people here are in shock, and it's an emotion that is far away from the apathy shown by the state and in the larger narrative, where it was apparently Shiva whose lineage was protecting us all.
It is amazing how we value human lives. It only gets triggered when it is someone we know. In abstraction, it just remains an idea. Somehow in these times of the virus, we talk about how it afflicts the rich and the poor, but fail to talk about who comes out on the other side and in what condition. Someone once told me that being poorer in a rich country, is better than being rich in a poor country. If we can't see that now, I don't think we ever will. We are just blind. The rich, are so blinded in their convenience, and their luxury, that they can't really see how this kind of a social situation is killing themselves.
When the second wave was hitting India, and the other countries started announcing border restrictions, the first action of the uber rich was to get the fuck out. There were apparently around 10 private jets, some probably privately owned, some leased from the middle east, that landed in UK before the 4 AM flight ban that was instituted. It is everyone for themselves. And when it is that, you want to be in a state where the facilities are better. Where the provisions are universal, and even there you will demand for an eXclusive premiere facility of course. How can we in our blindness not see that if this place here, this situation here was more just, then it will be better for all of us. And then you won't have to protect yourself from the other.
It is always this other who is a problem. Be it the muslims who were the super spreader, against the holy dippers, who are purifying the world with the virus. Be it the poor. Be it the class that serves you. They should be sanitised, they should be kept at bay. The upper middle class Indians, love to talk about how the country has progressed, prospered. Mind it, I say upper middle class, because the middle class doesn't really exist. For whom is this progress, and prosperity? The other day on a news channel was an appeal for a vaccine for a child who suffers from a genetic disorder. The whole treatment is supposed to cost around 16 crore rupees (around 1.8 million euros). And the channel in all it's open hearted charity is asking for charity from everyone. Of course this is an English news channel. How can we in our blindness not see that a health system which is so profit oriented will inevitably lead to situations like this. Is it really so difficult to see through the facade of all of this. Instead of the blind short sighted privatization of everything (health education), is it really so difficult to see that this whole situation could probably have been better.
In celebrating the rich, in idolising the ambanis, in trying to be the adanis, in awe of the tatas, the ruias, the jindals, lost in this creation of the myth of 'the indian dream', can we all really not see that it's just better to have a stronger national system? Ambanis made a hospital. How many state run hospitals could have been run with the cost of that one hospital. How many tons of oxygen cylinders be bought at the cost of the opening ceremony of that hospital. Mind it, the opening ceremony had who's who of bollywood, and of course Modi flying in specifically for that. How much more could have been done had Ambanis at least paid the real cost of the land, on which they made a hospital which only the uber rich can access.
The irony of the situation is that now the celebration is of the philanthropy of Serum Institute of India's Poonawala. How graciously he reduced the price of the vaccine for the state government by 25 % to 300 rs. The same person who said that even at 200 rs, they were making profits, but NOT super profits. And they would of course want to make super profits. But he is our hero, our saviour in these times. He is the one who tweets the federal government policies before even the state governments know it. No there is no corruption in this efficient hard working government. How blind are we, when we do not see what we don't want to see (a digression to Rafale, Adanis, Ambanis being refrained). And the aforementioned English News channel host is criticizing the state governments for wanting to make the vaccines free for people. Of course it is with the political agenda, of course it is a populist measure, but shouldn't people of India the ones who have to make a choice on what to spend the money on, still get vaccines? Of course this host who only talks to the upper middle class again, says that when the state makes vaccines free, we are the ones who will pay through our taxes. But how blind are we to not see that if the society en large is vaccinated, we are all better for it?
Somehow this ingrained notion of the individual right, and might, is so ingrained, that you would rather take a chance on the fact that you will be able to protect yourself, than work towards living in a more healthier, more just society. A social situation where you do not have to make a choice. What is amazing to me is how we are still not seeing this. I have had to face a lot of critique and debate about this in the social circles that my privileged position helps me occupy. This i feel is the folly of this situation. Even now, even in this crisis, even when we are seeing things really crash down, we are unable to see, to imagine a world order which could be different. We cry about the deaths of our own. But we are unable to connect to the pain of the death of others. The corona deaths are just horrific. But so is a person who died in the riots in Delhi, or in Ahmedabad, or in Bombay, or in Amritsar. These are the places where in the past 4 decades in India, there were major riots, against the minorities. The last two against muslims being co-ordinated by the ruling party's commanders (and then there are the countless other atrocities that happen on a daily basis). And somehow the hindu majority population now claims it's victimhood. Somehow the hindus are under attack here.
And with this comes the silencing of the voice of critique. In Uttar Pradesh, NSA (National Securities Act) has been invoked for people asking for oxygen for their relatives on Twitter. People have been asked to maintain discipline and watch the tone of their voice. The aforementioned English news channel apparently does a sting operation on people in Delhi who are black marketing oxygen cylinder. Where as the celebratory news is that in Srinagar an organisation is hoarding up oxygen cylinders. A muslim business owner who is coordinating their city's oxygen response is being celebrated. He started using his own monies to get oxygen in and slowly the city apparently handed in the whole organisation of the oxygen cylinders to him. Of course, he is different than the muslims who were attending the tablighi jamaal. Would the hindu mobs coming back from the char dhaam yatra in the neXt riot care about that?
Of course, Indian understanding of diversity and inclusion is that the muslims celebrate holi and diwali with the hindus, in the spirit of one India. That the dalits be celebrated for the work they do, because it is god's work. What will the majoritarian in power hindu castes would do for the inclusion? Claim victimhood, because somehow muslims and dalits are taking what is rightfully theirs. Claim victimhood when the muslims and dalits and other minorities are being killed by them. It's an attack on their sentiments, on their way of life. 
We do not have to go that far of an 'other' to see how this works. This last year we have seen the sights of the migrant labourers being given almost no notice of an imminent lockdown. Of all the house helps being viewed suspiciously. Again ppl in my circles were so condescending about all these ppl on the street who don't wear a mask, who go around in groups. Who don't care or understand. 
This wave has been different. This wave has hit this class too, and now you can hear them cry fowl. This wave has hit the young too. Now the apathy of condition in hospitals is being talked about. And that too has become a thing about state govt vs central govt. The narrative seems to be the key. Thousands are dying. It is quite an overwhelming situation of distraught. Death of one person affects so many. Of course it also depends on how 'valuable your life is'. In villages in UP and bihar, where people pass away with TB still, death is more of an everyday reality. It is like how it is so horrible when europeans die, but not so much when Indians do. Had the virus been contained in europe early enough, I really wonder what the perspective of the whole world would have been. It is like how when 3000 USAnians die is far more important than the million Afghanis. What about the refugee crisis in Europe, and the Trump policy on mexicans migrating to the US. Interestingly, the upper middle class Indians, might empathise or relate or connect with this emotion, but would largely be blind to the 30,000 odd rohingyas who were seeking refuge in India who were kicked out. Or the thousands who have been disenfranchsed due to NRC/Citizenship registry in Assam. What about the people who killed themselves due to that? 
Death has become more of a reality in the larger Indian psyche with corona. We are hearing of people no more all around us. The numbers that are being shown, seems quite comparably smaller to that. Now a days my friends, people around me, overwhelmed with all of this, are unable to fucntion much. Especially for those who can work from home is there but it's difficult to concentrate and so on. My only thing is that let's just sail past through this, let's see each other on the other side of this. That is important. We need to take care. This too shall pass, at least for some of us.
My fear is what will we see on the other side of this. We are blinded by so much. 
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arclantis-blog · 2 years
Hunger Grips COVID-Ravaged India; GFA World Responds
WILLS POINT, TX — India’s devastating “second wave” of COVID-19 is overshadowing another deadly tsunami of suffering — rampant hunger.
Global humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) reports growing desperation across India as it supports efforts to feed those facing starvation amid the pandemic’s continuing onslaught. The Texas-based organization has helped feed hundreds of thousands since the pandemic began.
“As COVID-19 ravages India, we’re seeing hunger on a massive scale,” said Bishop Danny Punnose, vice president of Gospel for Asia (GFA World), spotlighting the accelerating crisis on World Hunger Day, May 28.
In the nation’s pandemic hotspots, so-called “corona curfews” and lockdowns make it very difficult to get groceries — even if people have cash to spend.
‘Deep Silence’ Everywhere
“Markets are closed… no shopkeepers are willing to open their shops. People are struggling to get grocery items. (There’s) deep silence at all places,” local relief workers reported.
In India’s densely populated Uttar Pradesh state, local church members are going door-to-door, delivering free meals to COVID-impacted families in strict quarantine.
Many day laborers — among the poorest of the poor — have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, have no source of income, and no other way to get food.
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HUNGER’S DEEP SILENCE: On World Hunger Day, May 28, Texas-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) reports growing desperation in India as it supports efforts to help thousands starving in “deep silence” amid the pandemic’s continuing onslaught.
Click here, to read more about this article.
Click here, to read more blogs in GFANews from Gospel for Asia.
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drsudhirgiri · 2 years
A Compassionate Edupreneur Determined to Serve Humankind “No one should have to choose between life and death because of the affordability factor of a treatment” ~ Dr. Sudhir Giri
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Dr. Giri has been using his expertise and competence in setting up educational institutes, universities, and healthcare facilities across India.
Dr. Giri, hails from a rural background, and has achieved so much in life with sheer hard work and determination to challenge every obstacle.
He has seen how much a middle-class man suffers at the hands of corrupt bureaucrats, especially in terms of medical aid.
These days, falling sick is also a luxury, as affording healthcare facilities can burn a common man’s pocket.
There are very few privileged people who still use their powers to help the weaker sections, and Dr. Giri is one such personality. 
Along with affordable education, he has been working industriously towards Affordable Healthcare and Medical Facilities for the underprivileged classes, as Dr. Sudhir believes in equality for all.
He believes everyone deserves to study and attain medical facilities despite their social status. The growth of a nation majorly depends upon skilled and educated youth and their well-being is also of great importance.
If we deprive the youth of a nation of proper healthcare and education, then the nation would suffer at large.   
In order to make his dream come true, Sir founded the Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) to offer quality healthcare facilities for all.
During the unprecedented pandemic situation, VIMS created a record by curing over 2000 corona patients during the first wave of Corona.
When India was hit by the second wave, doctors and healthcare workers worked tirelessly, and as a result, VIMS was amongst the institutes that recorded the lowest number of deaths in the country.
Even the testing times of COVID-19 saw Dr. Giri working diligently, leaving no effort to provide healthcare facilities to the public. Apart from the pandemic, the Venkateshwara group is always at the forefront to serve the public in various domains.
Under Dr. Giri’s excellent guidance and leadership, major healthcare initiatives are being undertaken by the group. 
India administered 100 crore doses in October 2021 owing to the efforts of institutes like VIMS, which acted as committed vaccination centers.
Dr. Sudhir Giri mentored their operations and constantly worked with the healthcare officials for the betterment of facilities by adding the latest equipment and services.
Sir has received various honors for his social work. Her Excellency Anandi Ben Patel, Governor of UP, honored Dr. Sudhir Giri for doing laudable work in healthcare.
She also applauded the commendable work executed by private medical colleges & institutions, especially during the pandemic situation. 
He also received the “Excellence Healthcare Award” for performing excellent work during Corona at an event organized at Ram Manohar Lohia Medical College in Lucknow.
Dr. Giri extended his heartfelt gratitude and stated how special receiving this award was for him, and such salutations motivate him to work more diligently towards serving the multitudes who are in need. He received the award for persistent & dedicated service in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Without a strong pharmaceutical setup and knowhow, the medical facilities are incomplete.
Hence, along with the 750 bedded hospital at VIMS, Dr. Giri established the VIT College of Pharmacy (VITCP) and Venkateshwara Institute of Pharmacy (VIP) in the year 2018 and 2019.
All India Council of Technical Education, GOI, and Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi, have approved both the institutes, and the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh has granted their affiliation.
We established the Pharmacy Institutes with a mission that the faculty and students will be innovators and leaders in transforming health care to create positive outcomes through discoveries and research. 
Dr. Giri plans on venturing into many more projects that would be beneficial for the masses.
Along with educational institutes, the Shri Venkateshwara Group also keeps organizing medical camps where we provide free of cost healthcare facilities to the economically weaker sections of the society.
These medical camps provide medical advice and medicine to underprivileged people and suggest treatments as per their requirements.
These camps ensure people are getting healthcare at the correct time; before a minor health problem balloons into a serious illness. 
Dr. Sudhir Giri aims to increase disease awareness and aims to provide cost-free medical facilities.
Through these free medical camps, he offers ECG, OPD, Diagnosis, Blood Tests, Maternity, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Radiology, Physiotherapy, and Urology facilities available to the deprived population of the country.
These underprivileged people cannot afford, nor have access to, basic healthcare services about the diseases they are suffering from.
Dr. Giri envisions a nation where no one has to compromise on their health, only because of finances.
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bengalbytes · 3 years
Big news on Sunday, cheap gold in Kolkata, price update per gram of gold in the city
Big news on Sunday, cheap gold in Kolkata, price update per gram of gold in the city
In the case of 22 and 24 carat gold, the price has come down, take a look Bangla Editor | News18 Bangla | June 13, 2021, 6:01 PM IST 1/ 5 Happy news again to the middle class on Sunday In the city of Kolkata, 22 carat gold (Gold Price) has become cheaper by 8 per gram Symbolic image 6 2/ 5 In Kolkata, the price of 22 carat gold per gram is Rs 4,649 (reduced by Rs 1), the price of 8 grams is…
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24x7newsbengal · 3 years
Anushka Sharma: লাস্যে ভরপুর অনুষ্কা, স্বামী বিরাটকে জড়িয়ে ছবিই কাঁপিয়েছে
Anushka Sharma: লাস্যে ভরপুর অনুষ্কা, স্বামী বিরাটকে জড়িয়ে ছবিই কাঁপিয়েছে
বিরাট ও অনুষ্কা প্রে��ের অন্যতম সংজ্ঞা ৷ ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দলের অধিনায়ক বিরাট কোহলি স্ত্রী অনুষ্কা শর্মার বেশ কিছু দুর্দান্ত পোজে চরমতম মুহূর্তগুলি ফ্রেমবন্দি করে সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় শেয়ার করেছেন ৷ সূর্যাস্তের সময়ে একে অপরের চোখে চোখ রেখে চরমতম মুহূর্তের ছবি শেয়ার করেছেন ৷ (Image: Instagram) Source link
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
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कोरोना से डरना क्यों जरूरी: कोरोना से ज्यादा भारतीय आमदनी को लेकर परेशान, ठंड में दूसरी लहर का खतरा Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप 37 मिनट पहले
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headheartbellarke · 3 years
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bengalbytes · 3 years
Message from SBI customers, this important service is completely closed for 4 hours
Message from SBI customers, this important service is completely closed for 4 hours
If you have an account with State Bank, you must know Bangla Editor | News18 Bangla | June 13, 2021, 6:42 PM IST 1/ 8 It is important to know this if you have an account with State Bank of India, the largest bank in the country. Symbolic image 6 2/ 8 It has been learned that Internet Banking (SBI Internet Banking Service) will be closed for several hours The matter has been clarified through…
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venkatprasad6 · 3 years
I don't know how many people iam going to lose in this second wave of Corona 🥺
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theethicaldoclizzie · 3 years
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deanablack · 3 years
I'm asking my positive friends how they are because I want to know how they are faring. But I'm not ready for the answers. I want to know if they're okay. But what can I do if they're not? Feeling helpless in the worst possible way. This is why we pray I realise. Because we cannot do anything else. I'll keep asking though. Because I am hoping that the answer will change. And also because not knowing is worse.
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dovez-yum · 3 years
^^^Bot to help with search using keywords (city, availability of bed, plasma donation, ventilator, medicines)
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My fellow Indians, please save the links, share them with your family members and friends and please extend help to anyone and everyone in need. These are bad times and we only have ourselves to look after each other.
Update 22/04/21:
Currently both the google doc and covidhelpgroup.org's website aren't working.
Only available resources are the ones mentioned above. Keep amplifying and checking the URLs you're sharing for they might waste more time than help.
Update 23/04/21:
Covidhelpgroup.org is running again. Check for covid resources all over India.
Update 24/04/21:
^ CURRENTLY FUNCTIONING WEBSITE but it only covers limited cities. Yet it's a reliable source to look at.
^^^ This emergency tracker has stopped working. Perhaps the website has crashed. Not deleting it from the thread because most of the websites are getting fixed and running again so I'm just being hopeful. But please don't waste time checking it out for now. Will keep updating.
Update 25/04/21:
Online Fundraisers that you can donate to. Please share the link among your social circle.
Covid Resources for West Bengal >>
Find home chefs Pan India>>
Update 26/04/21:
Covid resources updated every 15 minutes. For Pune, Maharashtra >>>>
For Delhi NCR>>
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werindialive · 3 years
"Never Exported Vaccines At Cost Of People In India": Adar Poonawalla
On Tuesday, the chief of Serum Institute said that his firm has "never exported vaccines at the cost of the people of India". He said that considering the large population of the country, the vaccination drive cannot be expected to complete two or three months at all. In his statement, he said that it crucial for Indians to "stay united to fight the pandemic". He also added that India is now at the receiving end and is expecting a lot of help from the countries where the vaccine was exported initially.
In his detailed statement, Mr. Poonawala also discussed the circumstances under which the vaccine was exported to the foreign nations. He also mentioned the commitments made by the government in the initial stage of the pandemic during the last year.
Explain the situation, Mr. Poonawala said that when the vaccine were manufactured in the first month of the year 2021, there was a stockpile in India. There were negligent cases being reported across the country and the vaccination drive had successfully kicked off. This was the very time when a large number of nations around India were in the middle of an acute crisis. They were in need of help. The government, at the time, took the decisions in the vest of interests of everyone.
He did not fail to mention that the pandemic will "not be limited by geographical or political boundaries." "We will not be safe till everyone has been able to defeat the virus on a global scale,” he added.
Mr. Poonawala was provided with Y category security as there was risk assessed against home after the second wave of coronavirus in India and the rising rage in the people. After a few days, Mr. Poonawala left for the UK from where he is expected to be back in a few weeks.
For more COVID-19 updates in Hindi, subscribe to our newsletter.
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infooceanhub · 3 years
Second Wave of Corona in India - Covid-19 | Lockdown India
Lockdown In Bihar Till May 15 As Coronavirus Cases Rise, Says. COVID-19 Cases in India.  India recorded more than 400000 new COVID-19 cases for the first time on Saturday as it battles a devastating second wave. The outbreak of the new coronavirus is overwhelming for all healthcare providers. The situation is dire, with a lack of medical supplies Oxygen Cylinder, Oximeter in India
Read More: https://tinyurl.com/45pfdtny
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bclindiablr · 3 years
The second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic is revealing the weakness of Indian government's health infrastructure like never before. Read on.
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Corona: Lockdown का डर: देखिए अपने ही देश में भटकते प्रवासी मजदूरों की कहानी | Dastak
Corona: Lockdown का डर: देखिए अपने ही देश में भटकते प्रवासी मजदूरों की कहानी | Dastak
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