#Courtney whitmore x reader
fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Courtney knocks on Y/N’s window…
Y/N: Courtney? What’s wrong?
Courtney: my disguise clothes got destroyed. Can I borrow something?
Y/N hands her their hoodie…
She puts it on…
Y/N: wow
Courtney: what?
Y/N: nothing. it’s just you look good in my clothing
Courtney blushes…
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opalimagines · 2 years
Request: But the idea is: Courtney has a big crush on the reader but doesn’t think they would like her so she’s suffers in silence. But The Staff is not having it, it’s constantly pushing you two together, giving the perfect mood lighting, etc. Eventually Courtney does decide to tell you and shows up to your window with the staff in holding her up so she can confess and it also pushes her close so she can kiss you. I thought it would be cute.
Character: Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Requested by @writing2sirvive
Reader: Neutral
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Courtney loved Cosmo, she really did. It had been her friend for years, the one to show her her destiny as Stargirl. They fought alongside each other so many times, and it saved her life more than a few.
But man did her cosmic powered partner get on her nerves sometimes.
Courtney had been crushing on you hard for a while, so hard in fact that it annoyed her teammates. She couldn't believe she hadn't felt that way since the very beginning, but she was distracted by Cameron for her whole first year in Blue Valley. That ended badly and he'd been an enemy to the JSA ever since, so she finally had the opportunity to see you as something more than her friend.
In spite of her usual bravery and impulsiveness, Courtney couldn't bring herself to confess to you, which was where her irritation with Cosmo came in. Whenever the three of you were together, Cosmo would push her towards you, or worse, nudge you to her. She would always laugh it off as the staff being silly, but she could feel through the bond that Cosmo wanted her to tell you how she felt.
Eventually, because of their connection, it started happening even when you weren't around. Courtney would read one of your texts or look at the picture of the two of you that was pinned up on her wall, and Cosmo would start humming and flashing like mad.
Which was exactly what happened that night when Courtney sent you a goodnight text with a sweet smile and blush on her face. Cosmo poked her shoulder hard, making her drop her phone onto her lap.
Cosmo made an unmistakably annoyed sound and spun in a circle, still pointing at her.
"I'm not doing it, okay? So please stop!" Courtney flopped back onto her bed, her hair fanning out over the pillows. "It's not like they like me back anyway," she sighed, saying what she'd never spoken out loud.
Then came a higher tone.
"I don't know," Courtney answered, throwing her arms up. "I mean, if they liked me, Yolanda would tell me, right? She figured out that Rick and Beth liked each other way before I did."
Cosmo hummed, the light quickly moving across its length.
"Yeah, she could be keeping their secret like she keeps mine, but...what if that's not what it is?" Courtney sat back up and hugged her knees to her chest. "What if I tell them and they don't feel the same way and it-it ruins our friendship?"
Cosmo nudged her again, though not quite as hard as before, and the pulsating light concentrated at its pointy end. She looked at it for a moment, not bothered by the light that would've blinded anyone else.
"I guess you're right. What kind of superhero wouldn't at least take the chance?" She had fought the ISA, Eclipso, Ultra-Humanite, and even more bad guys since then. If she did all that, she could tell you the truth, couldn't she? The thought still made her stomach turn. "I'll try, but I can't guarantee I won't freeze up as soon as I see them."
Cosmo darted in front of Courtney and shook a bit, urging her to take hold of it.
"What? Not right now! It's late and I just told them goodnight."
Cosmo shook more aggressively and glowed intensely, so Courtney reached out to try and calm it down.
"Stop it and go to your-Whoa!" Before she could finish, the staff took advantage of her grip on it and dragged her to and out of her bedroom window.
By the time Cosmo flew her to your house, Courtney had already accepted that this was happening. When it stopped in front of your bedroom window, Courtney sat on the staff as she commonly did, secure as she hovered two stories in the air. "They're probably asleep already," Courtney whisper-yelled. "If we wake them up, it's totally your fault!"
Hesitantly, Courtney reached out and gave the glass a tap. She waited several moments and when you didn't answer, she looked down at the staff. "See? Let's let them sleep and try tomorrow."
Courtney turned back and saw that you had slid your window open. You stood there in a baggy sweater and cozy pants, ready for bed but not acting like you'd actually been asleep yet. Courtney grinned, happy to see you yet still afraid. "Hi!"
"Hey." Since she had already told you goodnight, you weren't expecting to find a certain Stargirl at your window, so your mind went to the worst. "Is everything okay? Do I need to get my suit?"
Courtney put her hand out to stop you there. "No no! Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay..." You leaned against your window sill, crossing your arms to keep yourself warm. You would've been worried about Courtney if you didn't already know that the staff protected her from the cold. "What's up?"
Courtney bit her lip nervously, not suspecting that you were thinking about how cute she looked while doing it. "Well, uh...you're an amazing friend, and I'm so lucky that you joined the JSA when the others did." You smiled at that, making her heart flip. "But..."
The smile faltered a bit. "But?"
"It's not bad, I promise!" Courtney took a breath and finally let the words out. "I don't just see you as my friend and my teammate...you're more than that. I really like you."
You didn't speak for a few moments, only the breeze and the far off sound of a barking dog keeping it from being deadly silent. "Oh..."
That single word took the wind out of Courtney's sails, but at least she had tried, right? "If you don't feel the same way about me, I understand."
Shaking your head, you continued. "No, Court, I was surprised is all. I really like you, too."
Courtney beamed, and the staff glowed brighter too. "You do?"
"Ever since you defended Yolanda at lunch on your first day of school. I just wasn't sure you liked me back. I tried to tell you, but the words-"
"Wouldn't come out?"
Both of you laughed, but Cosmo took it upon itself to interrupt by pushing Courtney closer to the window. "Hey, quit that!" But it didn't stop and Courtney fell forward, right into you. You barely managed not to fall backwards, and she put her hands on your shoulders to steady herself while the staff stayed under her thighs.
She wanted to be mad at her friend, but she forgot all of that when she realized how close she was to you. "Hi. Again."
"Hey there," you said softly, feeling just as taken when you looked in her bright blue eyes.
Courtney ever so slowly brought herself closer to you, giving you the chance to stop her if you wanted to, but you wouldn't dream of it. When her lips met yours in a sweet, innocent kiss, you could feel your heart hammering in your chest. She smiled against your lips, because those butterflies she felt with you seemed to multiply in that moment.
Courtney pulled away, settling back onto Cosmo while hoping he wouldn't try to throw her off again. Though she hadn't minded the result of the first time.
You cleared your throat, failing to will away the heat in your cheeks. "Hey, Court? I wasn't only trying to tell you that I like you, I was also trying to get the guts to ask you to prom."
Somehow, Courtney's smile grew even wider. She had thought about senior prom when the first announcement happened, but she quickly pushed the idea away then.
"The answer is yes."
When Courtney got home and dove face first into her bed, she had to hold in her joy. You liked her. You wanted to go to prom with her. You liked her and wanted to go to prom with her!
Courtney's phone rang and she rushed to unlock it when she saw that it was a text from you.
Goodnight Court 💕
She blushed like mad at the hearts and texted you right back.
night. see you tomorrow 🥰
Looking over at Cosmo, she said, "Go ahead and say you told me so. I know you want to."
The staff warbled, then turned on its side and left through the bedroom door to go rest in its case.
Once it was gone, Courtney put her phone on the charger and burrowed into her covers, excited for what the morning would bring.
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lesbianwhowrites · 11 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Fem!Reader x Courtney Whitmore 
“I can’t do this anymore, Your all I can think about I want Y/N back, my Y/N”
Requested By: @writing2sirvive​
“Courtney getting jealous that (fem) reader and Jennie are getting close”
*I added a little twist to it for fun! also sorry just saw the 2 requests like right now!!
Courtney was more then jealous if she had to be completely honest, not only did she find out that Starman isn’t actually her father, and a completely random girl who’s father is actually a JSA member, and everyone liking her. But now her crush, her bestfriend, her other half is suddenly buddy buddy with Jennie.
Now don’t get her wrong, she thought Jennie was great, but that was exactly the problem she was too great. So great that she was getting replaced. As much as she wanted to talk to you or maybe even Pat she couldn’t they liked Jennie and she didn’t she would come off as the bad guy, and after what just happened in the fall she didn’t feel like being the bad guy.
Y/N had become distant from her, meaning no longer going on hero patrol and Y/N staying with her the whole time, while everybody else left her because they were cranky and bored. But Y/N she would stay, make sure court got home safely and would even stay at her house for a extra bit to help force her to study.
But now with its always “Jennie this and Jennie that” never “Courtney.”
So Courtney did the same thing, she drew back for Y/N and started talking more with Cameron, who was a good friend, but not like you.
Now you, you were distraught, you didn’t know what you did wrong, you didn’t realize you were so distant with her. A lot had happened since Jennie came to Blue Valley. Learning about Jennie and her brother, and figuring out yourself that you were adopted from the same place Jennie was put into. That’s right your birth given name ‘Y/N Hayden’ younger sister of Jennie and Todd.
You talked so much about Courtney to Jennie that you would lose track of time and forget about patrolling with Courtney, and then when you realized you had a big fat lesbian crush on Courtney you couldn’t gather the courage to talk to her anymore. So was it partially your fault? Yes, yes it was. But it was also the lesbian talking. 
After a little bit of the cycle going on Courtney couldn’t do it any longer, she wanted you, she wanted the long nights with you again, the laughs, the hugs, and most importantly just you and your smile. Courtney walked right up to you and pulled you to the side, while you were in mid conversation with Jennie. “Stop ignoring me Y/N... I want my bestfriend back.” You look back at Courtney crazily blushing, “I- well I'm right here..” Courtney looks at you annoyed and impatient, “No, it’s not enough.” You look at her confused not sure what she meant, “I can’t do this anymore, Your all I can think about I want Y/N back, my Y/N” You blush and try to get something out but Courtney keeps talking, “I like you Y/N, no I love you, and I can’t stand here any longer watching Jennie take you away from me.” Courtney finally finishes and you let out a sigh of relief and laugh a little, “I’m glad you finally said something.. i couldn’t keep the crush I had on you for much longer.” Courtney puts her hand on your cheek and lightly kisses your lips. You slowly pull back and smirk a little, “Also no need to worry about Jennie, she’s my sister.” 
Courtney looks over at you confused as hell, “What?!?” You just laugh a little, “I have A LOT to tell you don’t I Court?
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
Stargirl request: Courtney's soft & unaware boyfriend visiting her after hearing she's been injured.
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· as soon as you got the call from Barbara that Courtney had been in a car accident you rushed over to her house
· you did make a quick stop at the store for a giant teddy bear and get well balloons for her first 
· and plenty of chocolate 
· Courtney had the biggest smile seeing you walk into her room
· she was cuddled into the teddy bear as you fed her chocolate and she felt so much better already 
· Pat invited you to stay for dinner 
· "and no Court chocolate isn't dinner" 
· before dinner was ready however Courtney got another surprise visitor 
· Cindy was acting like they were best friends even though the only time you had ever seen Cindy be nice to Courtney was in chem class 
· Cindy offered herself the chocolate you had brought over for Courtney but neither of you would say anything
· and then she makes an allusion to knowing her and Courtney are more similar than they think 
· Courtney panics and asks you to go downstairs and check on dinner 
· "You want me to ask Pat if there's enough for one more plate for Cindy?" 
· "oh I'm sure you have better places to be don't you Cindy?" 
· "I would love to stay… but unfortunately my father and I already have plans" 
· once you're gone Courtney confronts Cindy 
· "let's not play games here, I know about you and you know about me but this has nothing to do with Y/N so leave him out of it" 
· "don't worry Courtney, I don't have any intentions of hurting a hair on that pretty little head of his… not unless I'm forced to" 
· "if you even think of touching Y/N I swear I-" 
· then you come back into the room "Pat says dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, you sure you don't want to stay Cindy? There's enough food down there to feed an army" 
· "that's so sweet of you Y/N but I must get going, toodaloo kids" 
· once Cindy is gone you sit back next to Courtney on the bed
· "so you guys are becoming friends? That's great, I think under that tough exterior Cindy is actually really nice" 
· "yeah… real nice" 
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Stargirl and the Black Canary III - Part 4 - Shiv (Parts 1 & 2)
The New Justice Society of America
You woke up after a text from Courtney, a week after the teens had fought Tigress and Sportsmaster.  Raising an eyebrow at the peppy tones, you heard a knocking at your apartment door, you hurried to get dressed.
“Hey, Lance, I need your help with the breakfast rush, you can have breakfast too-” 
You were already at the door at the offering of breakfast.
“Damn, you’re hungry, huh?”
“How long have you known me?” You deadpanned, following them down the stairs.
“Since we both lived in Starling and were ickle wickle fourteen year olds-” 
“Kodak, shut up and let’s get to serving breakfast, okay?” You retorted, laughing as you spotted Kodak standing over at the hobs with an apron on and their hands on their hips.
“Get your ass over to the fruit salad then, that one is as popular as porridge-”
“People actually eat porridge?”
“Oh my god, Lance.” Kodak groaned, facepalming as they worked on some kind of batter.
You were sat in a booth, eating a waffle as you worked on your class work for your studies when you heard the bell ring and footsteps approaching.
“Y/n, can I ask you something?” Pat enquired, gesturing to sit down in the booth which you just nodded to.
“Go for it.” You muttered, chewing on waffle in the process.
“I’m trying to set up training for those four but-” 
“You can’t actually teach them to fight and they aren’t going to listen to a factual lecture on ‘the thing’...” You replied, typing away something on your laptop that made Pat raise an eyebrow.
“Sorry if I’m interrupting something-”
“It’s fine, I’m almost done with my online classes.” You brushed him off, finishing your waffle in the process.
“What are you studying, by the way?” Pat enquired, glancing at the textbook you had been using as an arm rest.
“Electrical engineering. I’ll explain later, I’m going to get some things so i can help you with their afterschool training... don’t bother making any dummies out of mops or anything though... Yolanda would cut through them, Rick would break them in seconds and Courtney could just blast them with the staff- see ya, Pat.” You rambled, packing up your stuff to head back behind the counter and up the stairs back to your apartment.
“See you, Y/n... darn it.” Pat whispered to himself, not noticing how Kodak was chuckling at him as they washed up a glass.
You were sat in the cafe window, cleaning it with a rag when you spotted the four teens of the JSA approaching the Pit Stop aka Pat’s garage.
“Kodak, I’ll see you later!” You announced, grabbing your bag and hurrying out the door as the bell chimed. You jogged over to the Pit Stop, stopping to tie your laces against a pile of tyres as you heard some crashes.
“You made dummies out of mops that got busted in seconds, didn’t you?” Your voice made all five of them jump.
“Yeah, well, seems you were right in that Courtney could just blast them-” Pat replied with a sigh.
“What are you wearing?” Rick uttered, his face blank but slightly confused.
“You guys are going to train with me, by that, I mean you’re going to learn some basics because some of you have hardly any experience, and y’know, there’s experienced adults with superpowers out there who could kill you all like they killed the original JSA.” You deadpanned, noticing how the wash of fear running over everyone.
“Well, that’s dark.”
You just rolled your eyes at that, flicking over some footage on your tablet.
“So, when you four tried to fight Tigress and Sportsmaster, The Gambler had the CCTV shut off, but, a friend of mine managed to get a copy of the footage from some back-up cameras that were more motion sensored-” You began, making Pat freeze.
“They were caught on camera? You were caught on camera?” Pat began to panic but you just put a hand up to silence him.
“It’s fine, my friend has the only copy and did some computer thingy to make sure it’s the only copy. So, I watched the footage and found some areas to work on in these sessions. I wrote some notes for each of you and I’m going to work with the four of you individually in some sessions, sometimes you guys will pair up and sometimes it’ll be a team effort, is that okay?” You explained, passing out the papers as you made eye contact with Pat who just nodded nervously before taking Courtney out of the room to talk to her.
“Okay, so, let’s get started.” You announced, looking between Beth, Yolanda and Rick who all looked at you apprehensively.
“Have fun today, Canary?” you tensed as you unlocked the cafe door, walking into the closed cafe, standing face to face with Kodak.
“Can you not-” You began but Kodak just gave you a soft smile.
“I was in that first year class, Y/n, I just moved schools the year after to Central City before returning to Starling when we were fourteen, I know what you’re capable of and you know what I’m capable of-” Kodak began to rant but you just let out a breath, walking behind the counter to make a drink.
“What are you going to do, you’re not cupid, stupid! Yes, you’re good at archery, Ri, but you’re not The Hood.” You retorted, making Kodak just frown.
“When you asked me to retrieve that footage for you, you weren’t asking for me to be a vigilante who is good at archery, you wanted something more-” You just sipped your drink as Kodak rambled, a frown on your face as you did so.
“I asked for that footage so four teenagers don’t end up being killed. I don’t need it to become four teenagers and one of my close friends, I don’t want you out there as a vigilante but I also don’t want you playing behind the scenes, person in the chair because then The Gambler will find you. I want you to be safe.” You retorted, making Kodak facepalm.
“Lance, none of Blue Valley is safe with the ISA living in it and their claws are deep in the town’s roots.” Kodak deadpanned, making you sigh.
“Fine, you can do what I did to work out that William Zarick was Wizard, try facial recog on some of the more influential people in Blue Valley... also, look into Principal Bowen and see if she has anything to do with the original Fiddler, I think those two were onto something there-” You continued to ramble, much to Kodak’s confusion.
“Y/n, you’re rambling again... but, I get what you’re after, how about we get to it after we clean?” Kodak suggested, passing you a mop, much to your disgruntled face.
“Also, who or what is The Hood?” Kodak enquired, making you just pause.
“Fucking crisis... Ri, fucking crisis.”
“Where do we start?” Kodak enquired, sitting at your desk as you sat on your head, staring at the JSA files your grandmother had on the ISA.
“Uh, Icicle looks icy blue in these photos, maybe put a blue filter over some images? I drew a mustache on William Zarick’s photo and worked out he was Wizard from that... ooh, try looking into Principal Bowen, maybe for a family relation or even someone she knew from a music class? Sportsmaster, I have no idea but Tigress doesn’t wear much of a mask...” You muttered to yourself, the two of you delving into work.
Your phone left unnoticed as it went off several times with calls and text messages.
“Y/n? Lance! Wake up! Your phone has been going ballistic all night! How the hell did you sleep through it, it’s right next to your face!” Kodak’s yelling woke you up, your face on your keyboard before the wheelie chair moved out from under you.
“Ugh, Ri, what time is it?”
“It’s 10am, I opened the cafe hours ago but you took a nap on your keyboard apparently... anyway, I gotta go serve more breakfast, later.” Kodak replied, hurrying out of your apartment.
You blinked at the thump of the door shutting, picking up your phone to spot all the notifications.
“What the hell? 52 new messages?” You muttered before reading them over.
“Oh crap.”
You barely had time to throw on clean clothes before you were running out of your apartment and the cafe, rushing to your bike.
Pat let you into the Whitmore-Dugan household, Mike already at school as you slipped past Barbara, giving her a quick introduction before Pat explained you were doing an electrical engineering apprenticeship at the Pit Stop and helping Courtney with things as well, which was new to you but you just went with it.
3 taps of your knuckles on the door later, you entered Courtney’s room, giving a sad smile to the injured girl as she stared at you.
“I know it’s a stupid question but, are you okay?” You enquired, sitting on the edge of the bed as Courtney moved over slightly.
“Not really, Cindy went for it.” Courtney admitted, making you sigh.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there and I’m so sorry because I have no idea how Cindy has powers or who her parents are as part of the ISA. But, we’re going to find out, I may have spent most of last night putting blue filters over photos of influential people in Blue Valley to find Icicle whilst looking into how Pat’s Fiddler links to your principal.” You explained before you and Courtney continued your chats, even moving on to work on some of Courtney’s homework.
“Court, one of your friends is here to see you if you’re up for it.” Barbara suggested, not realising you’d ran to hide in Courtney’s built-in wardrobe closet.
“Hey, new girl.”
You frowned as you began to listen, not having a clue who had turned up but it wasn’t a JSA member.
“Cindy? Uh... hi.”
You froze as you carefully pressed your ear to the back of the closet door, making sure it also didn’t open with your weight against it.
“I heard about the crash. I thought I should just check in.”
“All right, you girls have fun.” Barbara’s voice made you perk up but all you could do now was stay still, stay silent and listen.
“Hm, nice room by the way. If you don’t mind, uh, thift store chic,” you could hear Cindy’s footsteps around the room, making you stay still, inhaling a small breath and holding it.
“Quaint. Look, I, uh, don’t really do this, like, ever, but I, owe you an apology. For what happened yesterday. It was just one of those days, you know? You probably have them all the time, when you just feel like the world is against you? Henry was being super weird, and my dad just extra awful, and Jenny just so ungrateful. And then Cameron asked you to the dance, you were bailing on me too and I was like, how is this even possible?” Cindy’s rant made you frown as you just continued to listen, leaning against the doorframe in the dark.
“Anyway. I overreacted, and I’m sorry.” Your eyes widened at Cindy Burman apologising, making you reflect on how Yolanda, Rick, Beth and Courtney had talked about Cindy and the messages you’d gotten last night that you hadn’t seen until this morning.
“How about... we eat these?” Cindy suggested, but all you heard was Courtney’s ow of pain but you were stuck in that closet, listening.
You were pretty much ignoring the chocolate eating that was going on outside the closet as you scrolled through your phone, catching yourself up on all 52 new messages you had gotten plus some more you had from Kodak.
“You know what I realised from yesterday? We’re not that different, you and me. In fact, we’re kind of similar.” 
Now the conversation wasn’t about chocolate flavours.
“How do you mean?”
Now Courtney speaks...
“I don’t know. Our dads. Stuff. I think if things were a little different, you’d be a lot more like me, actually.”
Sinister. You thought to yourself, continuing to listen in.
“Or you like me?” Courtney’s suggestion made you smile slightly, the little ray of sunshine that was Courtney Whitmore.
“Mmm. Sure. Maybe. Point is, I really need a friend right now.”
You withheld a laugh at that, wondering if this girl wanted a friend or something more than that, clearly she wasn’t happy with Henry.
“Well, that’s my calorie count for the day. I should go.”
“Uh, well, thank you for stopping by. Uh, I really appreciate it.” 
You let out a breath of relief as you realised Cindy was leaving.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention, I really like your staff, Stargirl. You think after all this time we’ve spent together, I wouldn’t recognise you in that stupid mask? Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me, I don’t want to share it with my dad and get sidelined, so... better rest up, Stargirl. I’ll be back. After I kill your friends.”
You threw yourself out of the closet as soon as you heard the front door go as Cindy left, giving Courtney the same look of panic that she gave you.
“We need to find the others before they get themselves killed,” was all you said as you scrambled to call Pat whilst Courtney texted Yolanda to warn her about Cindy.
“They’re at Cindy’s house.” was all Courtney said as she heard nothing else from the JSA.
“My bike’s outside, I’ll go back to my apartment and suit up, then meet you at Cindy’s house, do you have an address or do I try Google Maps?” You suggested, making Courtney pause to text your phone before hurrying down to the basement.
“Okay, I’ll see you there!” You shouted, hurrying out of the Whitmore-Dugan household to get to your bike.
“What’s going on?” Kodak shouted as you ran into the cafe and bolted up the stairs.
“Explain later!” was all you shouted as you suited up, climbing out the window to get to your secondary vehicle, a more covert motorbike compared to your Harley-Davidson. 
The Black Canary couldn’t have the same bike as Y/n Lance.
That would be just ridiculous.
You were on your covert bike, trying to get up to Cindy’s house without being caught on traffic cameras.
This meant that when you pulled up, another car was there as Cindy and Stargirl began to fight in the street. A boy in a letterman jacket standing there, gripping his head.
You were standing on the opposite side, which meant that when the boy screamed and sent Cindy and Stargirl flying, you were able to catch Stargirl in your arms, all 5ft 2inches of her as the staff hovered around you.
“What the hell was that?” You asked, letting Stargirl stand on the floor as the two of you stared at the boy in the letterman jacket.
You didn’t see where Cindy went as Stargirl muttered something to you.
“That’s Henry,” was all she said but you just nodded, muttering something back.
“Brainwave Jr apparently.”
You didn’t really do much as Courtney began to freak out and Henry began to run away, the three of you unaware of Dragon King watching on the cameras.
“My daughter was wrong. He does have his father’s powers.”
Brainwave & Brainwave Jr
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
⭐️Stargirl Masterlist⭐️
Yandere Cameron Mahkent (general)
Yandere Cindy Burman/Henry King Jr (general)
Yandere Poly!Cindy Burman/Henry Jr (romantic)
Yandere Crock Family w/ Coach!Reader (platonic/romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave (general)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Jr (general)
Yandere ISA (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle (general)
Yandere JSA (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler vs Yandere Cameron Mahkent (romantic)
Yandere Rick Tyler/Hourman (general)
Yandere Paula Brooks/Tigress and Larry Crock/Sportsmatser (general + nsfw)
Highs and Lows [Mahkent Family/Zarick Family] (platonic)
💕Love Letters💕
Yandere Cameron Mahkent (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Jr (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #1 (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #2 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle (platonic)
Yandere Larry Crock/Paula Brooks (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler (romantic)
Yandere Artemis Crock #1 (platonic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #1 (romantic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #21 (romantic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #25 (romantic)
Yandere Cindy Burman #33 (platonic)
Yandere Crock Family #2 (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Jr #16 (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Jr #27 (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #28 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #4 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #8, #15 (romantic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #19 (platonic)
Yandere Larry Crock/Paula Brooks #31 (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler #6 (romantic)
Yandere Rick Tyler #12 (romantic)
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Courtney: “(Y/N), Look!” *Tugs you closer and beckons you to get on*
(Y/N): “Courtney! What are you doing? No! I am not getting on that with you”
Courtney: “Come on, it is perfectly safe,” *The staff nudges you* “Look, the staff likes you!”
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opalimagines · 8 months
Whumptober Day 2 - Thermometer / Delirium / “They don't care about you.”
A sick Courtney tries to sneak out against doctor's orders
Character: Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl
Reader: Neutral
Warning: sickness/flu
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"This doesn't look like 'bed rest' to me."
Courtney looked guiltily at Cosmo, then back at you, where you stood in the doorway with crossed arms. She quickly turned around and away from the wide open window. "I know Beth said to stay home for a few days, but we should be helping the JSA."
"They'll be fine, Court. I promise." You closed the space between you, taking her gloved hand. "The world will survive without Starwoman until you get better."
"I am better. I feel like a million bucks. Like I could beat the whole ISA all by myself." Really, she was trying her hardest to ignore the soreness in her throat as she spoke, and that annoying urge to cough.
"You look like you're only able to stand because you're holding onto Cosmo."
Under her mask, her skin was nowhere near its usual brightness, nor were her eyes, and she didn't stand as tall and proud as she usually would in her alter ego. She wouldn't be fooling anyone, least of all you.
"I'll be okay," she said, sounding a little less sure of herself than before. Part of her already felt like crawling back into bed and sleeping another few hours.
"Court, please. If you go out there like this, you could really get hurt." You gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I can't make you stay home. All I can ask is that you follow doctor's orders and rest."
Courtney bit her lip, looking at you for a long moment before glancing back at the window. She was sick of being cooped up at home, but she also didn't want to worry you or her friends if she went out crime fighting.
"Fine. I'll rest. But if some big emergency happens, I'm going."
"I'll make you some tea." You began to turn away, but you stopped and addressed Cosmo first. "Please let her get better."
Cosmo hummed in what you hoped was agreement, and you left the room again.
Courtney pulled off her mask and launched right into the coughing fit she'd been willing away. Hot tea sounded nice right about then, that was for sure.
Once that was over, she kicked her shoes to the floor and let go of Cosmo so she could peel her top off. She hadn't realized just how much energy it had taken to change into her costume and stand for a short period. Until she felt herself about to stumble face first into the closet door.
Cosmo quickly moved in front of her, catching her with ease.
"Thanks," Courtney said with a smile, giving her friend a pat. Cosmo made a soft noise and locked in that position, allowing Courtney to hold on as she continued changing back into pajamas.
Her body was practically screaming for her to lay down by the time she finally settled into bed, and Cosmo headed to its crate, allowing her to rest like you'd asked. Courtney glanced over at her bedside table, covered in tissue boxes and bags of cough drops and bottles of medicine. She prayed that would all end up back in the hall closet soon and that she wouldn't have to keep feeling like this.
You walked through the bedroom door again, fresh cup of tea in one hand and thermometer in the other. You placed the drink on the side table within her reach. "Beth asked if your fever's gone down at all since we checked it earlier."
Courtney opened her mouth, allowing you to place the thermometer under her tongue. As you waited for the beep, you gave her an encouraging smile. Seeing her look so drained broke your heart a little, but you knew she'd be back to herself soon enough.
"101.4," you said, showing her the tiny screen. "It's going down. Maybe you'll be back in action sooner than we thought."
"I sure hope so." Courtney grabbed the mug and took a careful sip of the hot drink. The Shade had brought over the good stuff when he'd heard of her illness, and she was glad for it as it helped soothe her scratchy throat.
Once you closed the window and climbed into bed next to her, and she looked over at you. You weren't sick at all, and you could've easily been out with the rest of the JSA instead of at home. But you were adamant about staying with her, even with several assurances that you didn't have to. She knew she didn't always make it easy. She smiled and said the words that came naturally between you. "I love you."
You moved in close and put an arm around her. "I love you, too."
Courtney happily rested her head against you. "Thank you...for taking care of me."
"Happy to help."
You kissed her head, and Courtney thought that maybe there was something to the whole rest and relaxation thing.
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opalimagines · 2 years
Request: Here’s an idea. Number 34 with Courtney because she’s getting stressed from a mission and you love her curly hair. Ilysm
Requested by anonymous
Reader: Neutral
34. Playing with their hair to calm them down.
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It usually took a lot for Courtney's optimism to dim in the face of villainy, but this was different. The bad guys had been coming almost nonstop as of late and she was quickly losing her energy, just like the rest of the team. This was only the prelude to something else, something she didn't even want to think or speculate about at the moment.
All Courtney really wanted was to get back home. To spend what time with you that she could and feel somewhat normal for a while before the next fight. Unfortunately, she had to stay in the infirmary and await treatment from Beth. Doctor's orders.
As Beth treated Rick's more severe injuries, Courtney sat up on a medical bed, swinging her good leg and letting out an exhausted sigh. Cosmo hovered beside her, offering support in its own way. Though there was really only one person she wanted to see at the moment.
Cosmo suddenly flashed brighter and made a noise that meant happiness and excitement, which she could feel through their bond. "What is it?" she asked as she reached out to the staff.
Courtney watched as Cosmo flew over to the infirmary entrance and, to her surprise, you walked through the doors. With her injured leg, Courtney knew better than to get up when Beth was still there, so she waited for you.
"Hey, Cosmo," you greeted, giving the staff a smile before looking around for your girlfriend. The moment you caught her eye, you came right over and sat next to her. "Hi, Court."
Courtney scooted closer to your side. "What are you doing here?"
"I saw the fight on the news and thought you might want me here." You put your arm around her and began running your fingers through her loose curls, and the relaxation you had already begun to feel in her told you that you were right. "What's the damage?"
Closing her eyes, she laid her head on your shoulder. "I have a broken rib and a few cuts. I hurt my knee too. Overall, not so bad."
"That's good." Ideally she would've come home unscathed, but you knew that it could've been much worse. At least she was alive. "Once Beth patches you up, we'll get you home so you can rest."
Courtney smiled. "I like the sound of that."
You kissed her head and continued playing with her hair, keeping her relaxed until you could finally get her to bed for the night.
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opalimagines · 2 years
Request: 🏕 Alien!R going along with a JSA camping trip
Character: The new JSA
Requested by @zhellas
Reader: Neutral
🏕 Going on a camping trip
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"So you've never been camping?!"
Courtney had brought up a 'JSA camping trip', and you didn't expect such a response when you asked her what that entailed. She developed an appreciation for camping out a few years earlier during her family's summer road trip, so she found herself surprised that you didn't know, as did the others.
It amused you whenever they forgot that you were quite literally from another planet.
"Where I'm from, we prefer to sleep indoors." The thought of staying outside in the woods, without a lot of the things you were used to, didn't sound very pleasant at all. Camping seemed like it could be added to your growing list of strange human activities and customs.
"Okay, that settles it!" Courtney said. "We're going camping and showing you what it's all about."
Over a week later, she kept that promise. The tents were set up and the supplies secured, and after sunset, Courtney started up a fire with help from Cosmo. The plan was to spend the weekend there, unless some supervillain decided to wreak havoc and put an end to the trip.
The team surrounded the crackling fire, marshmallows roasting on metal skewers. Yolanda was in the process of making a s'more while Beth and Rick got cozy with one another, and Mike and Jakeem bickered about how the perfect marshmallow should be. Courtney attempted to tell a scary story, but it quickly became apparent that storytelling was not her strong suit.
You were in the process of roasting your second marshmallow, and your eyes were stuck on the stars. They weren't visible in Civic City, at least no more than a handful of the brightest. If you looked hard enough, you may have been able to point out the general location of your home planet. You pushed that sad thought away, choosing to focus on the natural light, the fresh air, the sound of wind through the leaves...
"You okay?" Yolanda asked, gently nudging your side.
You turned your attention from the sky and over to her. "Yes, I just...I guess I get it now."
Why you had doubted your friends, you didn't know. Ever since you first arrived on Earth a few years before, a veritable fish out of water, they hadn't steered you wrong. They were more your family than the one light years away, and the comfortable scene around the fire that night made that fact even more clear to you.
"Maybe we could make this a new tradition," Beth added, her head resting on Rick's shoulder. "A yearly JSA camping trip."
Unlike when you had first heard about it, you looked forward to the possibility of getting to do this with your friends again someday.
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opalimagines · 2 years
🥰❣️ for Courtney please. Ilysm
🥰 How often do they stare lovingly at their s/o?
If Yolanda had nickel for every time she's uttered the words "Earth to Court" or waved her hand in front of Courtney's face, she'd be rich. Courtney's heart eyed as you sit at the table and talk to Beth, and when you play video games with Mike, and in so many other situations. She doesn't even realize she's doing it until it's pointed out to her, nor that you also do it right back.
❣️ What makes them blush/gets their heart pounding?
At first, since she likely doesn't have much experience with romance, just about everything. It's the most noticeable when you're very close to her, whether you're just sitting there casually or you're actively showing her affection. Hold her hand or brush a piece of hair behind her ear and she turns bright red.
Send me a character and 1-2 emojis
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Can you do a Star girl X green arrow reader were they are told to stop flirting during a fight
Star Girl: nice technique Y/N
Y/N: trust me you haven’t seen my best
Star Girl: get me behind a closed door and we’ll-
Flash: stop flirting, start fighting
Star Girl: kill joy
Y/N gives her a kiss on the nose…
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lesbianwhowrites · 2 years
Prompt: Having a huge crush on Artemis and her finally asking you out.
Requested: No
Characters: Artemis Crock x NB Reader, Courtney Whitmore x Bio-sibling!Reader, New JSA x NB Reader
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Let's just say after finding out your step-sister was a whole ass superhero, your life changed a bit. For the better who knows. But it was definitely different, having to watch the friends you made when first arriving at Blue Valley, and realizing they were the product of ISA members.
Unfortunately there happened to be a small predicament a certain football player had caught your attention; and you to them. Now as things started to slowly calm down and no villans were in sight, you took it upon yourself to go to e.v.e.r.y single football game artemis involved herself in.
Now unfortunately since her parents were thrown into jail you were now unbeknownst to you; her support system and the only person keeping her pumped for these games.
Artemis took in a deep breath as she focused on the football in her hands and giving herself motivation. Before she could think about her next movements a faint Go Artemis!!!" Could be heard for the one and only Y/N, her crush.
As everyone knew Artemis was a strong headed women, and most like her parents will go straight for it. But she couldn't do that with you. She had nerves she hadn't felt before. It annoyed her to say the least.
Artemis gave a faint smile and threw the football landing them a win. You looked down towards the female and smiled cheering on with the rest of the Blue Valley side. Now for any other football player they would think of this as normal, while Artemis felt goosebumps along her body as she saw you jumping up and down for her.
*Time Skip*
You walked down the halls, everyone loudly talking, while you headed towards the locker with your friends. You turn your head and say goodbye to your fellow friends, and sister. You quickly look down and bump into a very muscular figure. Before even needing to look up your had realized that it was none other than Artemis Crock.
"Oh shit! Im sorry!" Artemis shook it off with a faint blush. "It's fine just watch where your going next time." You nodded and head towards the direction you were heading.
Before you could make it 6 inches a hand fell on your shoulder stopping you. "Hey, I have to ask you something Y/N." You turn around and look at the female who's face started turning a faint pink. "Was just wondering if you wanted to hang out at some point around town. Me and you." Artemis tried keeping her face in a cool state and hide any nerves she had. Even if she felt like her stomach was doing flips. You look up at artemid and give her a blushing red smile, "I would love to." Artemis just nods, "Great, bye." She quickly heads off leaving you still a blushing mess.
You look over feeling someone looking over at you to only notice the whole JSA + your sister looking at you. Courtney walked up to you, "Y/N what are you doing! She's a crock!" You look over at her and shrug, "So? She's hot court." Courtney rolls her eyes and sighs.
Eh villans are hot anyway, you would pick srtemis over anyone anyday!
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opalimagines · 2 years
Request: 🦸🏼‍♀️ 🔥 with Courtney. Like she has a mission but rushes home just in time but she’s still amped from the mission so it gets heated. Pls ilysm
Requested by anonymous
Warning: Smut (MINORS DNI), oral, all characters are over 18
Reader: Neutral
🦸‍♀️ - one or both are in costume
🔥 - they have Valentine's Day sex
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When a JSA mission interrupted your planned Valentine's Day date, you and Courtney were both disappointed, but you understood. Your girlfriend was a superhero who saved lives on a near daily basis and you were nothing but proud of her. As long as she came home safe, you didn't mind the occasional missed date.
You were hanging out at your apartment and waiting for her when she appeared from the bedroom with Cosmo in tow, having entered through the window. You stood up to meet her, subtly scanning her for any injuries, but luckily she seemed just fine. "Hey, babe. It's a little too late now to go out for dinner, but I went and bought some things to ma-"
Before you could finish, Courtney practically threw herself into you and grabbed your face so she could kiss you. It was welcome of course, but you nearly fell over from the surprise and the impact of her body. You wrapped your arms around her waist and she smiled against your lips.
Courtney had been waiting to get home all night, watching the clock and getting more antsy the later it got. She loved being Stargirl and kicking supervillain ass, but all she wanted while on that mission was to finish up and have her date with you. Only the fighting had gotten her amped up, which meant she had more in mind than a romantic dinner.
She barely pulled her lips far enough away to speak. "Missed you."
"I can tell. I missed you too."
Courtney kissed you again, making it completely clear that she fully intended to leave the idea of dinner for later. You were no stranger to nights like this, since she often came home full of extra energy to burn off. You led her back towards the bedroom and laid her down, her blonde locks fanning out on the pillows.
You undid her belt and tugged down her shorts and underwear, not even bothering to pull off any other piece of her costume. Most of the time you were both too impatient for that anyway. Courtney laid a gloved hand on your head as you kissed her soft thighs and teased her a bit before diving in.
You held Courtney's legs open and lapped away at her sweet wetness, working her clit with your tongue. Tasting her, hearing her moan, and feeling her squirm turned you on like nothing else, but you didn't care about that. In that moment it was all about her and making her feel good.
As Courtney came on your tongue and cried out your name, you realized that even though things hadn't gone as planned, this Valentine's Day was more than perfect.
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opalimagines · 2 years
Request: Civilian!R gets a surprise birthday party from everyone.
Requested by @zhellas
Reader: Neutral
(Reader is a civilian but is friends with the team and has a support role like Barbara or Mike)
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It's a given with this crew that you'll have some kind of celebration for your birthday, but you don't expect a full party even though nearly everyone else on the team has gotten one so far. A group dinner or something equally small sure, just not a party.
Depending on your home or family situation, you may expect your birthday not to be acknowledged at all. This makes your friends even more willing to do this for you (Yolanda and Rick in particular because they get it) and they know you would do (or have done) the same for their birthdays.
Beth and Courtney both focus more on the planning while Yolanda and Rick follow their lead. They find cute decorations in your favorite colors so they can deck Courtney's house out with them. Beth bakes a special cake for you as well, your favorite flavor and everything.
If there's school that day, Yolanda has the idea to bring you something small like a cupcake so you'll be extra surprised by the real party. It works, and you happily blow out the candle on your cupcake while you sit with your friends at the lunch table.
Rick is assigned to distract you and get you to Courtney's house without tipping you off about the party. He's not a huge talker so he has way less risk of saying anything that will make you suspect a party. He just takes you to the movies or something then makes up some kind of JSA meeting at Courtney's house once Beth gives him the go ahead. Meanwhile everyone else is getting the party set up for your arrival.
When Barbara lets you and Rick into the house, everyone is there, not just Courtney's family and the core team. You see Jakeem, Jennie, The Crocks, and even Cindy (because even though she won't admit it, she actually thinks you're alright). You have a totally shocked look on your face as you're met with "SURPRISE!"
There are fun little party games courtesy of Beth and good food. You're thoroughly enjoying yourself spending time with your friends like this, because maybe it's been a while, or it's the first time you've had something like this.
You're already happy and a little overwhelmed, so when it's time to blow out the candles on your cake, you can't stop smiling. And even though you were very much content with only a party, Beth, Courtney, Yolanda, and Rick went in on a gift for you, which they give you after the cake and it makes you a little emotional.
Basically JSA birthday parties and holidays are the best because you've become one large, somewhat strange found family.
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