#Créme OC
cat-and-fox-hub · 5 months
[Drillet Doods #1] Hotspring Bath
Made by Researcher Serif, aka Cat
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Créme & Mousse got themselves quite dirty playing in mud. You decided to kill two birds with one stone and clean up with the drillets so you could all relax in the hot spring you found earlier. it certainly feels heavenly after getting a break from your other kids (read; your squadron).
This initially was supposed to be a simple doodle on how our resident human and the drillets were doin' but then the new update for Ovenbreak came out and welp, hot spring scene it is!
Anyhow, one thing's for sure; they're certainly doin' alright.
Hope u enjoy! _(˵^∇^˵ /) ͡ ゚☆
Also, here's a close up of Mousse bleping (˵σωσ˵)
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Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
[Read under cut for those that can't see the colored text]
Créme & Mousse got themselves quite dirty playing in mud. You decided to kill two birds with one stone and clean up with the drillets so you could all relax in the hot spring you found earlier. it certainly feels heavenly after getting a break from your other kids (read; your squadron).
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vineboom-sfx · 1 month
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I don’t care that it’s Wednesday
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floram00n · 10 months
Little drawing I did of Créme Rose as a mermaid!
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toxiccrybabyart · 9 months
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Créme my beloved baby
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motordyk · 2 years
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OC-Tober day 6 - as a child
ok i dont post about characters from this universe as much, but this gals a shapeshifter!! theyll start out as blobs that look like this and style their base form of whatever animal they like the most!!! the offspring of two shapeshifters will have some the characteristics of the parents' base forms! créme here, for example, has horns and wings, one from each of her parents! shapeshifters will also have a jelly-like quality to them and will jiggle if you shake them
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ducktbm · 2 years
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Revamped an older oc
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lastchancestardomm · 8 months
A Real Family
Mercenaries x Teen!Reader
Word Count - 2.5K
Warnings: Child Abuse. Swearing. Fluffy Found-Family Mercenaries. OC-insert. Written accents.
Status - Not Beta Read
A/N: Remember that post I made about the Mercs bullying Teufort citizens? That's how long this big boy was cooking. This is my brain slop served on a silver platter for all to see. This isn't a reader insert, just my 16-year-old TF2 oc Ana Ivanova (who was pushed out of a helicopter into Snakewater but shhh we don't talk about that). The translations for the Estonian words are in the replies of this post. As for Ana's lore this is just the tip of the iceberg lol.
The cool Estonian air poured into the room like a wave lapping on the shore of a beach. So sudden, yet so common. Ana flipped over in her bed, the créme-colored, thin fleece blankets hand-knitted by her late mother wrapped around her. Ana squinted through the dark, and saw the silhouette of her sister's grinning face in her doorway.
"Hei, sister! Today, it's your turn to help me string the nets and catch us some breakfast!! C'mon, get up and put on a smile, unekott!" Maria chimed, her voice falsely inviting.
Ana's stomach grumbled under her blankets at the mention of breakfast. Last night, Maria sent her to bed with no dinner because she gave her lip. Ana leaned up on her elbows, back popping as she squinted up at her smarmy sister. Maria rushed her, like a cat pouncing on its prey, her hands gripping Ana's arms, and Maria hauled Ana out of her safe and comfy bed.
"Hei! Mida-"
"Ei! No cuss words," Maria sternly reminded her, hooking arms with Ana and dragging her from her bedroom to the kitchen.
The two siblings skipped down the hall, as the oldest of them was in the kitchen brewing some hot tea. Little Olev was cradled in his arms, wrapped in another white fleece blanket that was hand-knitted by their mother.
"Tere, Alex!" Maria said in a sing-song voice, greeting her older brother.
She sighed. "Tere, Aleksander– tere, little Olev," Ana hastily greeted. Maria whacked the back of her head. Ana made a groan, as her brother's sweet-as-honey smile faltered slightly.
Maria kissed the top of Ana's head to ease Aleksander, and she skipped over to kiss her older brother on the cheek, as her littlest sibling made a tired noise of distaste. Twirling playfully, she yoinked a black, furry coat off the coat rack and began buttoning it. Ana simply stared at her display.
"Mida? You're fourteen, you can get the coat yourself. Now, hurry! Before I do it all and you'll get nothing to eat!" Maria benignly threatened in her sisterly voice. Ana flinched when Maria's hand raised to exaggerate the "nothing to eat".
Ana nearly tripped over her socked feet; drunkenly stumbling to the coat rack to grab the slick maroon coat. The soft, rabbit fur lining slipped over Ana's lanky arms. The shiny zipper cocooned Ana in her coat, and throwing on her boots she grabbed the ice drill and a cup of bait on the key stand. Maria smiled at Ana and pat her on the back, Ana recoiling from the action.
The sisters rushed outside into the snowy Estonian grass. It was near ethereal. The sky was silver, as frost twinkled on every blade of grass. Powder snow rained down like it always did in the morning, and Ana sped out after her sister for the frozen lake.
Stepping onto the ice, and seeing the imprint of her boots on the thin sheet of snow covering the lake, Ana smiled. Maria did a whistle for Ana to come near, and she stomped on a soft part of the ice where all the small fish were. It was never a lot, but it was enough to feed the four of them.
Ana set the drill down onto the heart of the crack Maria made by stomping on the ice, and slowly rotated the drill-tip in her hands. The ice was already pretty thin, so when Ana pressed the side button meant to punch a hole in the ice, she accidentally dropped the drill into the cold water.
"Mida kuradit?!" Maria screamed at her. That drill was hand-made by Aleksander and their father, back when Maria was little. Her papa always held the family drill in high value, and so Maria did too. To lose the drill felt like losing a 10,000 quid lottery.
"Ma- vabandust!" Ana pleaded. Maria grabbed Ana's dirty blonde hair, teeth gritted in contempt. Maria yanked on Ana's hair firmly, to twist her away; and Ana fumbled on her feet when she was spun, so she slipped and fell face-first onto the ice.
Maria fell with her, but she caught herself on her knees. Ana was laid out on the ice like a dead body, as her older sister glared down at her with empty eyes of hate. Ana's neck craned back, and her face was bashed against the ice.
Again and again, Maria continued to pound Ana's face into the ice 'till she bled. Her eyes were filling with blood from cuts on her forehead– her sister fading into the red, blurry void.
Eventually, the ice broke; Ana's face heading into the water below. She screamed, bubbles of air gurgling out of her mouth. Her head flew up, freed, and she was flashed with sunlight. Her achy arms lifted her up on silky, gray-brown sand. The sky was a gentle blue, and calm waters tickled her wrists. The rocky outcrops were rounded, warm, and soothing.
At least until the screaming came. Men, screaming. Explosions turned the once-gentle sky orange, and all the white puffy clouds in it dispersed into black smoke. A bullet bounced off a rock beside her, chipping it and turning it jagged. Then. The worst part of it all. Had to be Maria's laughter. It came from the loudspeakers. It made Ana's ears ring. Maria's fucking cackling.
Ana's hands rushed to cup her ears; to make the vexatious, awful laughter go away. It was deafening, and made Ana's head pound. She screamed, and she screamed and she screamed to make it go away.
As she screamed for Maria's stupid laughing to go away, people calling her name emerged, and it got louder and louder with the laughter too. "Ana! Ana! Ana!" it was like a bunch of different voices were speaking all at once. Her eyes squeezed shut against her will. This didn't feel nice. Make it stop. Make it quiet. Shut up. Stop it.
"Stop." she sorely, and quietly mustered at first. But the voices kept coming. "Stop!" she demanded, eyes now open and pouring unshed tears. But the voices continued to get more anxious. "Stop it!" she screamed. But they kept coming.
Ana's eyes fluttered open, and she wasn't on the hellish battlefield anymore; rather, on a couch. A red couch. A man in a white doctor's coat was level with her, on his knees; his icy blue eyes locked with Ana's turquoise ones.
A breathy, Estonian "Ah?" lazily left her lips in a yawn.
The hands on Ana's face were not hers, trying to block out the laughs; but rather the man's, whose soft thumbs were wiping away tears. Her world seemed fuzzy, but slowly, she could make up the words flying around her.
"Ana? Mein Kind, vake up," Medic was saying. An expression of worry was worn on his face. Others were also trying to coax her awake. She felt herself trembling on the couch, now aware of someone's arm wrapped around her.
"Medic?" Ana asked quietly. He nodded, and Soldier and Pyro were now shushing the others. "Mis juhtus?" she asked looking around, accidentally slipping into her mother-tongue.
"Jou fell asleep betveen Heavy und I," Medic started, the arm around Ana belonging to Heavy. The large Russian was looking down at her, his worry also evident. "Jou started vhimpering und tvitching. Vhen jou started crying ve all tried vaking jou up," Ana was suddenly aware of all the eyes on her; every Merc staring her down with a concerned look.
"It was just a nightmare, I'm fine, really!" Ana said, trying to nonchalantly shrug it off. A shaky breath trailed her words.
"Kiddo, no one should be actin' like dat when sleepin'," Scout stated.
"Oui, Scout is right. What was zhe dream about, chérie?" Spy asked from his spot next to Sniper.
She shook her head, "It doesn't matter, I'm fine now," Ana said, attempting to reassure them. It seemed to only worsen their state, though. Medic took Ana's hands, holding them, opening his mouth to begin to speak when Engineer cut him off.
"Yah weren't dreamin' 'bout her again, were yah?" he asked. Ana's eyes guiltily fell to her hands, an obvious yes.
"Roo, yah left that sheila behind the day yuh fell into Snakewater," Sniper said, sighing. His head dipped low, solemnly, but he straightened back up when Ana spoke.
"My brother... he didn't even try to look for me," she said, feeling the salty tears drip down her face once more. "He didn't even try."
"Ana." Heavy stated suddenly. "Look at Heavy vhen he iz talking to you." She did as he told, meeting his eyes. Heavy's grip on her tightened. "It iz better dat he did not." he said. "You are happy vis us, да? Happier than you ever been?" Ana nodded at all his questions, taking her hand from Medic's to wipe away still-wet tears. "You should not care about her."
"She treated yah like crap! She was messin' with yer family so she could hurt yah wit'out no one questionin' it! Now tha' is no way tuh live," interjected Demoman, shaking his fist. Soldier patted Demo on the shoulder in agreement.
"Ana?" Scout, almost somberly, asked. Ana looked over at him; he was holding his hat in his hands, and his headset was around his neck with his short brown hair ruffled. "Did... did any of 'em evah tell yah dat they loved yah?" When she shook her head, a no, the temperature in the room seemed to increase.
Their combined anger could've rivaled Ana's late father. A lot of them were muttering curses under their breath. "But none of them needed to! Alex kept the roof over my head and Maria was keeping food on my plate; it was all just peachy!" Ana was shushed by Heavy.
"Ana. Zhose are her words, not yours," Spy said. "Zhat is not love. Zhat is what caretakers legally 'ave to do for you in this country,"
Ana frowned. "But Maria always told me-"
"Ana! She had lied to you about a lot of things!" Soldier said suddenly. "Hudda hudda!" Pyro added, probably agreeing with Soldier.
"Ana, listen to me." Medic said, drawing her eyes back to him. "Jour birzh parents, siblings, whoever- vill never love jou as much as ve do. Zhey do not compare to us; zhat may sound narcissistic, but it is true,"
Ana nearly froze. "You guys... love me?" It was a genuine question.
"I mean, yah kinda fell from the sky and took a tumble on 'dem rocks in Snakewatah, so Doc hadda heal yah, and we all wanted to keep yah at that point," Scout said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ve had to fight the Miss Pauling to keep you," Heavy added.
"Aye! Even after that we had to fight The Administrator!" Demoman chimed in.
"Darlin', we gave yah somethin' yer old parents never could." Engineer said. Ana rose her brow and he smiled at her. "A real family,"
"We love yah more than anythin' kiddo," Scout said.
"We'll foight for yah, even if that means we lose our jobs; yer way more important," Sniper stated, grinning. Though his grin was lost when Ana suddenly burst into tears.
"What is the matter, Cadet?" Soldier asked frantically.
Ana covered her face with her hands, attempting to wipe away the tsunami of warm tears dribbling down her face. Don't cry, please. "I- I'm just so happy!" she cried. "No one's ever- ever loved me before! Aitäh, aitäh!"
Medic sighed, a small grin on his lips. "Ana, I know, I fell in love zhe second I saw jou," he shrugged, "Even zhough jour head vas bleeding." Medic covered a part of his mouth with his hand, leaning closer to Ana. "But I know jou love me zhe most," he whispered, though he made sure the others could hear it.
"Now hold on a moment, tha's not true. Ana loves me the most," Demoman said, earning a shove from Soldier.
"Both of you are lying! We all know who Ana's favorite is and that's-"
"Me!" Before she knew it, Ana was swept up in Demoman's arms. He hugged her tightly as he kissed her cheek. Then Scout snatched her from him, holding her in almost a headlock by his waist; ruffling her hair as he "hugged" her.
"I want to hold Ana!" Soldier argued, grabbing her from Scout and hugging her to his body with only one arm, like she was a teddy bear.
Ana was used to this, surprisingly. She got a lot of amusement from this human tug-of-war. "Guys, there's plenty of me to go around," she joked, grinning.
"Yes, well now you are mine, and only mine," Soldier stated.
"Ohoho, is zhat a challenge?" Medic asked (more like teased), smirking. He grabbed Ana, engulfing her in a hug, and peppering the top of her head in small kisses. Heavy stood in front of Medic, effortlessly grabbing and holding Ana with one arm, and holding Medic back with the other.
"Aye! I had Ana first!" Demoman whined, trying to grab her back. With Heavy distracted, Pyro cut through the fray and grabbed Ana; sending Demo to the floor with a thud! as the Scotsman's weight slammed against the ground. Pyro held onto Ana as they spun her in a circle gleefully.
Spy got a hold of her next, but before he could vanish with Ana in tow, Sniper grabbed him. His left arm wrapped tightly around Spy's neck, while his right arm was draped over Ana's shoulders. Sniper slyly grinned up at the Frenchie.
"Let go of me Bushman!" Spy snapped, nearly elbowing Sniper in the throat.
Sniper chuckled and did as told, but he kept his grip on Ana. That left Engineer, who stood in front of Sniper with his arms crossed. "Wot are yah gonna do, shorty?" Sniper teased.
Engineer quirked a brow, flashed his wrench on his belt, and smirked up at Sniper. The kiwi gave off a nervous chuckle, politely shifting Ana to Engineer. Engineer looked around at the other men. And Pyro, who seemed to be getting closer to him, "Now fellas, why don't we just let Ana tell us who her favorite mercenary really is?"
"But I can't choose, I guess you're going to have to keep trying to win me over," she joked, grinning slyly from ear-to-ear.
"Well that'll be easy, I'm already winnin'!" Scout boasted.
"In your dreams, maggot!" Soldier retorted.
"Now look what'cha started Ana. We got a whole war startin' 'cause you're so damn lovable," Engineer said, laughing as the bickering began to grow. "Imma just start walkin' away, we both know Ah'm your real favorite anyway," he joked, turning on his heel and starting to walk back to his workshop.
"Vhere do jou zhink jou are going, Engi?" Medic called, the others now noticing him leaving, too. Next thing Ana knew, she was the one running. After all, she had nine mercenaries all trying to smother her with affection and attempting to become her favorite.
She was loving it though. How they were trying to show her how much they really loved and cared for her. This was something other than a competition between them. And as Ana was in her room, giggling up a storm as she heard the Mercs all playfully calling out her name like it was a game of Marco-Polo, she knew that Engineer was right; this was a real family.
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undeadvinyls · 23 days
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honestly i wanna post more sketches and wips here, so heres another cookie oc i got!!! this is bakestone cookie (she/her) a butch alumna of the créme knights and a buff tank paladin with heart as big as her muscles 💕💕💕
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republicsglory · 3 months
i keep forgetting i have this app. hurls a crk oc at you full speed maximum
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moonstone — she/they
astronomer witch who lives in the créme republic and is hated or feared by the Majority of its citizens, mostly due to superstitious suspicions as she practices witchcraft... originally from the city of wizards but fled. will be relevant to my update when i FINALLY FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
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My Créme de la Créme MCs -- Ethan & Celeste Dalton
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I played CLDC by @hpowellsmith and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I got a commission of my MCs from OyenPaws on IG <3
Spotify playlists:
More info under the cut!
Ethan Dalton and Celeste Dalton are siblings. However, they're total polar opposites. Celeste is bubbly, outgoing, flirty and dramatic. Meanwhile, Ethan is introverted, reclusive, quiet and stoic.
I added lots and lots of headcanons (sorry), so in my mind, their playthroughs happened parallel with each other.
Ethan is very academic and studious. He stays in his own lane, does his own thing, unbothered. Celeste is popular and is involved with everything and everyone. She's a flirt, for sure. Florin Kraemer, eat your heart out.
Ethan decided to pursue higher education at a prestigious university, while Celeste decided to have fun with an art gallery apprenticeship. Her end goal is to become a fashion designer and start her own haute couture house.
In both playthroughs, Gallatin won. None of them ended up married. Lady Renaldt got exposed, and the good Dalton family name was restored.
Ethan got thrown in the mines (yikes!) while Celeste was busy fooling around with her boytoys. You'd think that she'd notice her brother being gone, but it's kind of hard when there are so many guys fighting for your attention :/
I scoured the author's blog to find any clues about the fashion in CLDC. I didn't want to put them in their school uniforms (which would've just been easier honestly), and since the zeitgeist of the CLDC universe is actually... not THAT set in stone (I even looked at other people's MC to make sense of what the fashion should look like) I just ended up taking inspo from dark/light academia, old money and coquette aesthetics. Can you tell that Celeste is very Lana Del Rey coded? :)
Their parents accidentally supported a corrupt political candidate.
Celeste is incredibly arrogant, vain and bold. For better or for worse. Ethan also has a tendency to look down on people he deems to be less intellectual than him.
Celeste had a hate-love thing with Blaise. Ethan wondered why she needed two snarky dark-haired dudes in her life. He pretty much avoided everyone, and the closest thing he had to romance was with Prince Rosario of all people!? So much for trying to be low-profile.
Ethan has to constantly drag Celeste out of dumb situations of her own making. Celeste has to constantly remind Ethan that people, even him, need human interaction.
Honestly the only reason why they managed to save the family's reputation is because Ethan was working behind the scenes and cleaned up Celeste's love scandals.
They're part east/southeast asian, part middle eastern and part european.
Ethan loves birds, especially corvids. He spends more time with birds than he does with people. His earring is supposed to resemble a raven.
Celeste is part of the Prefect Committee. Ethan is a member of the Birchmeier Society.
Ethan is 5'11, Celeste is 5'5.
Their mom is another OC of mine, Darcy Angelis <3
Had to restart the playthrough because of this, but in Celeste's playthrough, she decided to dance with Auguste at the ball. After that chapter ended, it triggered multiple consecutive scenes, one after another, where literally ALL of the characters had the "what are we???" talk with her. Can't believe the harem found out.
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swap-conetriocrk · 2 months
Swap!ConeTrio AU: Info
There will be some pretty major things that get changed in the AU, mainly the trio’s personalities (changed as they live in different environments and get treated differently than before.)
I mostly only have Capsaicin Cookie in this au planned as hes the reason i started it,, (i wanted an excuse to draw him in armor.) So now we have the Swap!Au.
Schools that the trio belong to now!
Capsaicin: Créme Knights.
Prune Juice: Scovillia
Kouign-Amann: Parfaedia
(Them being in the schools as that one official art piece with the swapped clothes was a COMPLETE accident 😭)
I’ll get into the personalities a bit more later, as i just started this idea today.
(ALSO!!: QUICK NOTE, polychampions will NOT be present in this au, it will be Prune Juice x Capsaicin, or how my partner has declared, Vodka.)
I hope yall have fun with this silly au of mine that im obsessed with :3
(Another thing: you guys might ask, “Why is Burning Spice set as your pfp? Did you know that isn’t capsaicin?” I’m fully aware, he plays a major role in the au. 𝗆𝖺𝗃𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖢𝖺𝗉𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖼𝗂𝗇..)
S!Capsaicin Cookie:
Character Design
Lore art
S!Prune Juice Cookie:
Character Design
Lore art
S!Kouign-Amann Cookie:
Character Design
Lore art
Extra Info:
Pronouns, Sexualities and Conditions
(nothing here yet..)
ship art..:
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heres a capsaicin concept for the au
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cat-and-fox-hub · 9 days
[Drillet Doods #3] Chubby Bbys
Made by Cat, aka AW/Researcher Serif
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If you thought the twins were chubby now, Dole gestures that the twins were pretty chubby back then too. And while normally, one would lose the baby fat as they grew up, they never seemed to lose it due to you hunting and feeding so much (him included). Flustered, you punched him. Can't a guy want someone to eat well?
Someone sent pics of cute sausage kibbies found in her backyard or adjacent so I drew my own versions! Two week old chubby drillets at your service!
They're Dole's pride and joy and the only difference between back then and now is the twins switching who blepped and that they've matured into toddlers. Their shape stays the same lol.
Think i did a bit better with colors, yellow might blend but eh. Good enough! Hope you enjoy!
(Enjoy some bonus Bbys an sum tiny lore!)
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"And here's my kids! They were pretty round back then too not gonna lie... Macaroon was a pretty sleepy pup, always napping and Tart was as energetic as ever. Bit of a nipper though. And unfortunately still is... Meringue was even smaller than he was as a lil blob, had to carry him in my sweater majority of the time. Loved kneading my stomach, the goober. Cheesecake was all down fluff and curious chirps. My head was a favored spot and they copied everything─" [The next four hours were spent rambling with many mementos shown.]
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
[Read under cut for those that can't see the image text or colored text]
[Drillet Art Description]
If you thought the twins were chubby now, Dole gestures that the twins were pretty chubby back then too. And while normally, one would lose the baby fat as they grew up, they never seemed to lose it due to you hunting and feeding so much (him included). Flustered, you punched him. Can't a guy want someone to eat well?
[Drillet Art]
(Left): Mousse (Right): Créme (Very Top): *A week old
You: "So cute~!"
[Bonus Art]
(Blue Text): Macaroon *A month old Tart
(Violet Text): Meringue
(Violet-Red Text): *3 weeks old
(Red Text): Cheesecake
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foodmyheart · 1 year
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[OC] London fog créme brulée doughnuts! Source: https://reddit.com/r/foodporn
http://foodmyheart.tumblr.com | https://campsite.bio/foodmyheart
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floram00n · 1 year
Happy Birthday Meringue!!!
Créme Rose has a gift for you!
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Close up of the gift she made for Meri
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A box with a flower as the lid
Créme Rose belongs to me
Meringue belongs to @minecraftninjerkid
Also as I was drawing this, this song was all I could think about
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artsthet1c · 1 year
I've barely posted in this blog specifically but I've been getting into cookie run kingdom ocs lately, and another specific idea I really like so I have posted this in celebration to pride month ( I wish to revive this blog aswell )
clotted cream cookie's wives meeting from different universes ✨✨
here I present : butternut squash cookie ( mine ! ) and the famous lil meringue cookie ( from @minecraftninjerkid , a favorite writer of mine ! )
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I got lazy with the bottom flowers so I apologize for that -
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the créme republic's attorney x an ancient god's daughter ( ? )
I just think they're neat together
( follow my writing account @toyama-writes ! I am more active there ! )
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dj-c00k13 · 6 months
This includes my OC Nanaimo
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SO SO SO BASICALLY You have Rocky Road, the top watcher for Dark Cacao You have Chocolate Icing a newer guy because his father was born in the Créme Republic
They have three kids: Semisweet Chocolate, Nanaimo, and Swirl Fudge
Nanaimo was 8 Swirl Fudge was 6
Fire! Killing! Nanaimo ran, Swirl Fudge was trapped in the fire yet somehow survived (not without scarring)
Nanaimo lives in the Cacao Kingdom, stealing rations and barely making it day by day, got mauled by a bear once and nearly died also lost their leg, at 15 they moved to the Vanilla Kingdom and now work as a model for Pumpkin Tea
Swirl Fudge became Flood Cake, a fake name they went with when they ended up in the hospital. They lost a good amount of their body that day. This led Flood Cake to get deep into electronics. On the side Flood Cake decided to do concert band and theater throughout middle school. They loved performing, it made them feel free from life itself. Flood Cake especially feel in love with the lighting and technology side of theater, going completely head over heels for it.
It was like second nature to them when they tried to figure out a stage name. DJ Cookie had a nice ring. They made music under this name and had partied for days on end. Despite everything, they somehow were able to make it far. DJ hid their face from the world, no one could know who they were, they were mysterious, as they should be. DJ Cookie was happy. They achieved their dreams.
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DJ 👍
This is all mostly because of how secretive DJ is, completely hiding who they are like irl techno/DJ/rave/EDM music artists are...
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