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Ahoy hoy~ This one is a commission for "Radium" of their DnD OC Mirth. All those elaborate patterns took quite a while to draw, but I think she turned out pretty cute UwU Hope you like her too! Obligatory link to all my socials and other info: https://crescentia-fortuna.carrd.co/
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lazerinth · 3 months
My first time actually drawing these four together  ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
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( 💚Owen, 💖Nin, 🩵Crescentia, 💜Titania )
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crescent-bird · 1 year
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Introducing Tamiel
"What was with the shouting?? That's it! I'm coming in!" Both the Dreamer and Gabriel jump as that voice gives it's final warning, something on the other side turning the door knob.
Gabriel looks into the mirror and quickly shushes the alien figure in it. "Don't say anything, I don't want her to worry. Let ME do the talking." ... A moment later, the alien reflection vanishes and Gabriel's is left in it's place. At the same time, the whispers of strange thought quiet in his head.
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And when the door opens, a new figure walks in. A young girl about the robot boy's age. Where the boy wore a simple cap to hide most of his hair however, this one let her wiry but somehow full head of blonde hair, dressed in reds similar to the young man, and decked out in steam punk looking gear here and there as well.
"Pfft, what's taking so long lazy bum~?"
Gabe lets out a fond sigh. "Good Morning Tamiel."
Tamiel? .... Huh. And Gabriel. For whatever reason, the Dreamer was starting to pick up a theme here.
"It's Tammy, Gabby! Tammy!" The girl puffs out her cheeks, and the motion looks so fluid and so fleshy, that the dreamer briefly forgets, in spite of the copious amounts of evidence provided, that this girl is made of metal. "You really gotta stop using the full name thing. The only one 'round here who should be saying 'Gabriel' or 'Tamiel' should be dad." The robotic fem huffs and looks around. "BUT, more importantly, I heard shouting. Is everything alright?"
"OH UH THAT. UH... Let's see uh...." This poor kid starts to very clearly flounder, and it becomes apparent to the Dreamer that Gabriel has never lied even once in his entire life. There isn't even a single idea tinging up in his brain that could plausibly explain the shout.
... So that's when the Dreamer comes in, briefly taking control. "OH RIGHT! Meh, it wasn't anything too serious... Just uh.. Just somehow got grime in a place I didn't know I had." The excuse he fires out? It was clear the Dreamer had been INTENDING to imitate Gabe's voice with a simple impression... And yet it almost FEELS like he had briefly taken control of Gabriel's voice box a few times in there.
... He could TELL Gabe wanted to glare at him.
But Tamiel just titters. "Oh is THAT all~? Well I guess that'll teach you not to jump into Ole Mr. Grinder's dump again~."
Gabriel takes over from there, "I JUMPED IN TO GET BACK THAT PART YOU DROPPED!!" Ah, the exasperation of a flustered brother~. And the mischievous tittering of a younger sister. It was honestly cute~.
"Well WHATEVER Mr. gross~." Tammy continues giggling, fit to burst for a good few seconds before she regains control of herself. "Dad's ready if you are! He wants to give us both a check up before we rush out to do work around town!" With that said, she backs up to the door. "Don't keep us waiting anymore! You've already slept in by a lot!"
And with that? Tamiel takes her leave out the door, leaving Gabriel alone in his room.
".... How did you do that?" Gabriel shoots out in anger, though he also sounded terrified at even the POTENTIAL answers.
"... Well, honestly, I was just trying to do an impression of you to help you out... And for whatever reason it just... Came out as your voice-?" Gabriel turns to the mirror to give it a flat look.
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The young dreamer in the mirror just blushes a bit. "I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean to take over your voice box too~..."
... Gabriel just lets out a groan. "WHATEVER... Well, hopefully my Dad'll be able to make heads or tails of you." His smile becomes wide and victorious. "He's the smartest guy on the Spaceport and he knows everything! I'm sure he can make sense of it~!"
... Spaceport?
"Hold on... Gabriel right? Where... Exactly are we?"
That causes the robot to look confused. "Wait... You don't know? I thought you might've been some kind of ghost or somethin... But you don't even know that? Weird..." He grumbles as he walks to the window. "Well whatever. You're currently on-" Then he opens the window.
... And Words? Words do not even begin to describe the sight that awaits outside said window.
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-------------------------------------------------------- Title Card Reference: [ https://youtu.be/tWDv7ZQ9v8A?si=tzSedq2bRZ4OAOOv ]
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kingdomofwildwood · 2 years
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Some sims say shooting stars over Crescentia are an omen. Some say they're a warning of the Watcher's displeasure, or worse, of That Which Moves In Crooked Paths.
Some sims point out, quite reasonably, that it's rare to have a night without a shooting star around Crescentia, and it'd probably be more worrying if they stopped.
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fujiwaranomokou2 · 1 year
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The fourth female YunokiRoom character of 2023 is here. Her name is Crescentia, AKA the she-who-must-not-be-named, who used to be a part of the Twelve Apostles of YunokiRoom, representing Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus in exchange for money according to the Gospel of Matthew. She is one of the former councilors for an emperor of a tyrannical government-in-exile trying to overthrow the monarchy of the Ark Kingdom to restore the island into its old days, at least prior to the Arcane-Ark War.
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crescentia-airport · 19 days
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Made a record shop outside of my Abel Sister’s!
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shadowsfell · 5 months
thinking crescentia thoughts … how she sits and talks to her owl for hours when she should be making friends with people, the loneliness of the road traveling as a silverstar, how she diverges from selûnite doctrine by refusing to hate shar and sharrans …
the depth of her love for mortalkind has made her so lonely. some days it hurts to get out of bed for the heaviness in her heart. she wants so badly for everyone to feel the love that she has been fortunate enough to feel; she wants everyone to have second, third, and fourth chances because people are innately good. people are good.
even when she gets robbed on her journeys or sees the worst of her fellow mortals, people are good; they’re just hurting.
as happy as her disposition is, i think the weight of her devotion to people is stifling and leaves her feeling incredibly empty and sad at times, from overextending her reach. she needs people in her life to remind her to be selfish and take care of her needs, otherwise she will run herself ragged.
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elvenpixiex · 3 months
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Nico and Hayden together🍦🍵 💖✨
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lazerinth · 4 months
Crescentia ( OC ) art from 2022 (・ω・ )
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crescent-bird · 1 year
When you really think about it. The moon is treasure planet confirmed.
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A Fierce Flash of Old
The Dreamer was expecting many things to happen when he and Gabriel were sent out on the town to look for parts from a certain store. More things then he was actually expecting his lacking mind and expectations to come up with. Most of them depicted difficulties getting said parts for one reason or another... He wonder what it said about himself and his memories that every single one of them depicted some kind of fight breaking out. "HYAAAAAH!! HRAGH HAH HAH~!!!" Tamiel was certainly giving it her best shot and bruising MANY of the big burly cretins trying to surround her... But the Dreamer could see it plainly. The men's tactic was to surround her, keep her from escaping and quickly overpower her once they grabbed her arms to keep her from fighting back- "H-HEY!! LET GO!!! YAAAH!!" Just like that, which only prompts the girl to start kicking viciously, nailing quite a few faces and sending the men sailing into walls. Her strength was prominent... But it wasn't enough.
"... Are we... Not going to jump in here?" The Dreamer's words cut through Gabriel like a knife as he watches the show fearfully, watching as his sister attempts to flip her grabber over her head but fails at almost every turn. She might have been a fighter, but she wasn't a particularly SKILLED fighter. More a brawler really. But even her minuscule experience with combat was more then he had. "I... I can't-!" The poor thing shrinks back, utterly fearful of what's to come. "Whenever she does this, she always comes back to the house roughed up and needing repairs from father!" He takes a step back. "But at least she knows how to fight-! M-Me? I'm a pacifist-! I hate fighting-!"
"Get off me!! LET GO!!!" A second later, a man walks up with a crowbar. "HEY NO FAIR USING A WEAPON YOU CHEATS-!!!" CLANK!!! "EEK-!!!!" "This'll teach you to stay out of grown up business ya lil' metal brat!!!" .....
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And then suddenly, the world around him vanishes. ---------------------------------------------------
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"What business of it is yours to interfere in Ursus affairs?"
The Dreamer doesn't know who this person is, all he knows for certain is that he's much bigger then he is. Towering over him to such an extent that at immediate eye level, all he can see is his decorative robes-
"Why interrupt their dispute? Why not let it play out? After all, if one were to die... It would mean less competition for you."
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And then... There was that thing. A menacing looking... Weapon-? Claw? Something-? All the boy knows is that an intense phantom pain shoots through his chest the moment he see's it.
"Hmph... But if you feel you deserve to be a judge... Then come. Let us see if a mere child has any business playing the adult."
-------------------------------------------------------- Back in reality, the man holding the crowbar reels it back, ready to use it to dent in Tamiel's face, the girl glaring at him defiantly. "Alright little brat! Time for you to learn y-" A hand suddenly takes his shoulder. "Excuse me." The dockhand turns, furious at being interrupted but curious as to wh- WHAM!!!!!!!! Only for a metal FIST to send him flying into a brick wall just past Tamiel and her current captor, the other adults turning to glare at the sudden new intruder. "HEY!! Mind your own business Aye?? This don't concern y-" The men then double take. Gabriel meanwhile is silently shouting and screaming in panic. And the Dreamer?
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He is in complete control of Gabriel's body and is furious. "HEY. HOW ABOUT YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE?"
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Tamiel, meanwhile, is completely agape. "G-Gabe-?" ... The men all chuckle and the one holding Tamiel pulls her back so the others can get in the way... The Dreamer, to his credit, only picks up the dropped crowbar and prepares to jump into the fight. "Alright boy~. You wanna tussle? We'll give you a tussle~!!" "BUDDY. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A TUSSLE LOOKS LIKE." "I think I D-" The Last thing the grunt knows is the sight of the Crowbar flying at his head before he's sent flying catching quite a few guys off guard... And that was just the start of the chaos. ----------------------------------------------------
Information Defeat the Grunts and free Tamiel!
Theme Tune playing for fight; Go Hero Go! (Really, "Battle On!" the Random Encounter theme from Sea of Stars.)
[ Link - https://youtu.be/ogF2RIvHZ3g?si=wBsYwXyFSHbzSRUx ] ------------------------------------------------------
The Adults are completely taken by surprise by the blow, Tamiel even more so... And the boy makes them SUFFER for that hesitation, quickly SLAMMING the crowbar into one of the alien critter's knees. "-?!?! A-HAGH-!??! MY KNEECA-" He's shut up in seconds with a fist to the gut, winding the alien figure and causing him to crumble to the ground. However, the fighter doesn't slow down, quickly looking around for another angle to exploit.. And he finds one, via an entire collection of barrels nearby, collected and tied up nearby. Seeing it, he rushes over to the barrels and snaps the rope off with an effortless yank, before kicking all of the barrels at the crowd. The Sailors all shout as the barrels quickly slam into them, some of them even getting flattened onto the ground. Those that remain are fast to charge in, trying to grab the boy bot-. But no, he wasn't having it, the crowbar skillfully swings around with a twirl, catching three grunts faces with such force that they're sent flying across the alleyway. When one grabs him from behind, he STOMPS the man's foot so hard, he could feel a bone crunching under it, prompting him to let go- AND be PROMPTLY rewarded with a crowbar to the gut- STOMP!!! "AAAAGH!!! SWEET ETHER-!!!!" A motion Tamiel quickly copies and uses to break free. "Hah! Nice idea~! Come on~!! Let's finish this up!!" And now that she was free, she grips her fists and- WHAM-!!! WHOOOSH-BAM!! BIFF BIFF! KER-SLAM!!!! Well... She goes to work. And the dreamer in Gabriel's body? He's PROMPT in joining her, the pained groans quickly starting to echo throughout the alleyway and out into the town... ----------------------------------------------------- "Wha-... What's going on-? Why is this happening-? I... I don't-... I don't understand-..." ".... Hey, at least your sister is safe right?" ...... Yep. This guy DEFINITELY had to go.
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Crescentia was born on 20 October 1682 in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, Germany.
She spent her play time praying in the parish church, assisted those even poorer than herself, and had so mastered the truths of her religion that she was permitted to make her first Holy Communion at the then unusually early age of 7.
In their town, she was called “the little angel.”
As she grew older, she desired to enter the convent of the Tertiaries of Saint Francis.
However, the convent was poor, and because Crescentia had no dowry, the superiors refused her admission.
Her case was then pleaded by the Protestant mayor of the town to whom the convent owed a favor.
The community felt it was forced into receiving her, and her new life was made miserable.
She was considered a burden and assigned nothing other than menial tasks. Even her cheerful spirit was misinterpreted as flattery or hypocrisy.
Conditions improved four years later when a new superior was elected who realized her virtue.
Crescentia herself was appointed mistress of novices. She so won the love and respect of the sisters that, upon the death of the superior, Crescentia was unanimously elected to that position.
Under her guidance, the financial state of the convent improved and her reputation in spiritual matters spread.
She was soon being consulted by princes and princesses; bishops and cardinals also sought her advice.
And yet, a true daughter of Francis, she remained ever humble.
Bodily afflictions and pain were always with her. First, it was headaches and toothaches. Then she lost the ability to walk.
Her hands and feet gradually becoming so crippled that her body curled up into a fetal position.
In the spirit of Francis she cried out, “Oh, you bodily members, praise God that he has given you the capacity to suffer.”
Despite her sufferings, she was filled with peace and joy as she died on Easter Sunday on 5 April 1744.
She was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1900. He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 25 November 2001.
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legilimenace · 5 months
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WWTG - 8th of December, Archery Shooting
Orpheus' time at Winbourne had thus far been a bust. As much as he held affections for the Northmoors he did not endear to Amantha stepping on his toes during the welcome ball, and the croquet game went about as well for him as removing a niffler from a mountain of gold. But, fate seemed to smile on him and the rest of the Kenways as they glanced over at archery on the agenda. It seemed, at long last, he would be in his element.
As the guests headed over toward the arranged targets, Orpheus was flanked on either side by Charis and his sister. It seemed that he had been alone in his discomfort as both ladies and the rest of their combined family members had been nearly jubilant since the ball.
"Well I'm sure your spirits have now been lifted," Crescentia smiled as she looped her arm around his, the poinsettia red skirt of her dress gently swishing with each step taken to match his pace. "Dear Charis has told me you've been absolutely miserable. I admit I did notice your maudlin gaze in the gazebo...I was almost inclined to slip a potion in your glass, you know. There's a charming little legend I'd heard from the lady of the house about the magic of midnight proposals..." she chuckled and shared a side glance with Charis who rolled her eyes.
"You're carrying around love potions? Here??" Orpheus uttered in shock. His sister, ever the calculated risk-taker, would surely not dare to do something so bold and unconscionable. Not while they were here. Not when their father would've cautioned her against carrying her concealed stash with her for the weekend.
Crescentia feigned a guilty look, hovering her hand over her mouth with a wide-eyed stare. "Oh, did I say that aloud?" Callous yet amused, she let out a short gasp when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Orpheus is right, do try to be respectable," Charis added. "We don't need our hosts questioning a spiked cocktail."
"That's true, but they may instead question why it is that this one is such a great marksman after seeing his dreadful work with the mallet." Too hard, then too soft, and a few bumps in the terrain later that paved the way to disaster, and Orpheus had resigned from the game of croquet, earning a pat on the back from Oswin and Charis' father.
"Kenways don't play croquet," Orpheus grumbled. The two women laughed.
"That's a new one. Did you divine that from the runes?"
"I could've divined that from his playing," Charis grinned. "But I'm counting on your win this time. Planning on putting your hereditary 'gift' to the test, cousin?" Kenways had very few claims to fame, but an affinity with a bow was one that had persisted thanks to the work of one of their ancestors: a spell to make arrows fly straight. It had served them well across the years for discretion in the absence of wands, though many family members became accustomed to the item regardless, and Orpheus didn't take too kindly to the suggestion that he would have to cheat to succeed.
"I don't need any gift to hit a target, Charis. I think I can manage."
"I know you can. Go on, then. Earn your legacy; impress our hosts," she said, pointing to where Malcolm and Primrose stood not so far off.
With a gentle pat on the shoulder and a troublesome smirk, Crescentia retreated to her elder brother's side who had opted to sit on the sidelines for the competition. "Shame the family gift doesn't work on croquet balls," she whispered over her shoulder to Oswin. Although he didn't respond with more than a twitch of the mouth, their thoughts were aligned in a moment of sibling understanding. Even if it had, he wouldn't have used it.
Charis had taken it upon herself to converse with Primrose and Malcom as Orpheus readied himself with a bow. He had previously displayed himself as rather awkward throughout his time at Winbourne, but the moment his stance has shifted into a confident alignment and his gaze was solidly focused on the target. His back heel nestled into the snow as he nocked an arrow, an air of calm proceeding his aim. And then....whoosh! The arrow was set loose and swiftly buried itself along the outer rim of the center circle.
"He may not look it, but Orpheus is rather grand at archery," Charis praised, gently applauding the shot with gloved hands. Perhaps, she considered, some damage control was necessary after he had fumbled to truly promote himself in an acceptable manner. "Fancies himself a bit of a hunter but doesn't like to say it all too much. A shame, is it not?" She continued to watch as he then landed a bullseye. It seemed things were going both their ways, and she couldn't wait to receive her betted galleons from Crescentia...
Credit to @endlessly-cursed for the event (+ mentions of Primrose) & @gaygryffindorgal for Malcolm
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littlejadecrystal · 11 months
Very happy to hear that you enjoy my Tibarn works that much ^w^
aaaaa! I am so happy for this message! I am such a long fan of yours! Since I was a young Teenager? I looove your art, especially of Tibarn! Keep up with the good work! ;o; Thank you so much!
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crescentia-airport · 11 months
Wanted to show off my island a little. It’s the only one I’ve ever had, I just really love it and I’m so proud of how it’s turned out after all these years.
Welcome to Crescentia
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More details below the cut 🍉✨
We also have a few stalls that sell a variety of popsicles and ice cream to help beat the summer heat! There is also a fishing booth for all of your fishing and diving needs.
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Cool off in the shade or take a stroll through the neighborhoods and farmland. Crescentia is here to bring you good vibes.
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Stop by for a visit if you’ve got a few minutes to spare, we’re happy to have you.
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