#Crossed wires
Crossed Wires 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: silverfox!Andy Barber, Cole Turner
Summary: you try to balance your work with your private life as your boss and a new client try to blur the lines. (short!reader)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The gravel mulches loudly under the tires of the truck. You grip the ridged wheel as the seat belt strains against your shoulder. You make yourself sit back, the seat slid up as far as it will go. Still, the bumper shortens your perspective.
You figured you’d get a call to the old Orson place when you heard it sold. That was months ago though and the new owner finally set down roots there. You haven’t seen them, you’ve only heard the whispers that accompany any happening in Hammer Ford; from a new recipe to the juiciest of scandals. You pay much attention to any of it.
You keep your hands at ten and two as you follow the long gravelly drive to the farmhouse facade. There’s a single car parked outside the garage. It’s a sleek white SUV, luxury by the looks of the hood ornament. It’s not what you expect around here. That paint job will be dusty in now time, if not scratched by errant pebbles.
You pull in and shut off the engine. You undo your seat belt and check your watch. Right on schedule. You open the door and step on the rusted step below the door, letting yourself down with a hop. Your tan work boots kick up dirt as you round to the passengers side and swing the door open to retrieve your heavy work bag.
You sling the thick strap over your shoulder and snap the door as you head towards the house. You rest your hand on the side of the bag as you near the steps, searching for any sign of life. The stairs creak as you climb onto the low porch.
“Can I help you?” The deep voice startles you. 
You blink and turn to face the man sitting on the wooden boards, bolts and screws around him along with metal parts and wooden boards. You hadn’t seen him through the tight slats of the railing.
You keep your usual vague stare as you sniff, “got a call about the breaker.”
He squints at you, a squiggle forming between his brows. He’s older. His grey hair has a single bolt of its former dirty blond just above his forehead. Despite the heat and the dirt sprinkled over the boards, he wears a pair of dark slacks and a button-up rolled to his elbows.
“You’re the electrician,” he states as he sets aside the small screwdriver in his hand. He stands with a grunt, grasping his knee before he straightens.
“Sure am,” you reply flatly.
“I spoke with a man,” he intones, hands going to his hips as he looks down at you.
“That’s would be my boss. Cole.”
“That’s his name,” he steps forward, wiping his hand on his shirt, staining the light gray fabric, “Andy.”
He offers his hand and you shake it curtly. All the farmers pride themselves on keeping a firm grip and you never faltered with them. He squeezes before he lets you go. He doesn’t have the typical callouses, you even have a few.
“How’d you get into this work?” he wonders.
“It’s work. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, I don’t– I don’t mean anything,” he stammers.
“Didn’t think you did,” you sniff, “so, what am I looking at?”
“Well, I don’t really know,” he reaches back to rub his neck. The power keeps… flickering.”
“Ah, been a while, probably just need to wait for it to stabilize. City worker came out months ago for the meters,” you explain.
“Right, well, I heard sizzling.”
“Show me where you heard it.”
He nods and gestures you towards the door. Before you can reach it, he pulls the wooden screen door back and waits for you to enter ahead of him. He tells you it’s just down the hall and stop you near the basement door. You peer down the stairs and flick the light switch. There’s a low buzz.
“I don’t think you need to worry about it,” you look up, “but I can have a look.”
“Oh, okay,” he utters, “I also had another question. You might know something about it.”
You look at him. He seems put off by your expressionless stare.
“I wanted to install an automatic opener in the garage…”
“I can do the wiring, sure, long as you buy the parts,” you answer. “I can give you recommendations, odds are, you’ll need a whole new door as well.”
“Sure,” he agrees uneasily.
“Can schedule an appointment when you decide,” you turn your palm out, “I’ll just go grab my ladder and have a look then.”
You go to step past him but he’s not quick enough. You nearly collide and find yourself moving back and forth with him, trying to get by. You stop and stare. He stills himself and turns sideways, waving you by. You pass and let out a slow breath through your nose.
You stalk back down the hall and onto the porch. You hear him following you. You come down the steps as he continues his close pursuit. You don’t exactly know what he’s doing but you won’t ask. Cole says you need to work on customer service and not tell people to get out of your way.
You go around the bed of the truck and open the back. You reach for the ladder but another arm stretches further and faster. He pulls the ladder out before you can and you step back with a grunt.
“Hey, I can get it,” you insist.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind helping.”
“So why am I here?” You ask curtly, immediately knowing you asked a bad question.
“Sorry, I was just… being nice,” he says.
“Right,” you try to soften your tone, “it’s just… it’s my job. I can carry the ladder.”
“I know you can,” he looks down at you and you feel even smaller. You don’t like it when they try to play gentleman, it’s condescending. You might be short but you’re strong enough. 
“Thanks,” you grab the ladder and yank it from his grasp.
He lets go and you continue past him. He huffs and follows a few paces back from the end of the ladder. You angle it up the steps.
“At least let me get the door,” he inches past you, “okay?”
“Thanks,” you repeat in the same even keel.
You enter and take the ladder down the hall. He hovers just down the hallway, watching as he shifts his weight between his feet. He’s the worst kind of customer, the kind that have to supervise. 
You step up the ladder and look past it. “Mind holding it?”
“You sure?” He gives a trite arch of his brow.
You blink and keep your eyes from rolling, “I’d appreciate it, sir.”
He comes forward and braces the ladder staunchly. You climb up and suppress a snarl. City folk think you’re all backwards out here but they can’t wrap their damn head around a woman with a brain.
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getawayfox · 3 months
Draco opened to him like it was nothing, like the continuation of all their conversations led to this, Draco's hand in his hair and Harry's tongue in his mouth. He kissed exactly how Harry had always imagined he would, like an absolutely filthy indulgence.
Quote from an immersive, funny, and hot fic with incredible UST Crossed Wires by @skeptiquewrites (drarry, E, 11k)
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skeptiquewrites · 8 months
WIP Snip
thank you for the tag @tackytigerfic and @wolfpants! this is a little ditty that i'm finally finishing ft disaster politician harry potter, and an overworked draco moonlighting as his press secretary.
“Well, what if he thinks you're holding a grudge, or you don't trust him? Not to bring up the war or anything, but you testified for him and never spoke to him again.” 
“That can't possibly be it.” 
“Imagine this. While you were in your hermitage—” 
“Godric’s Hollow is hardly a hermitage—”
“Being broody and tormented and glaring at the paparazzi—”
“Post traumatic stress is much less sexy than you're making it seem—”
“Selling knick knacks to villagers—” Penelope knew it was Quidditch supplies and was just trying to rile him at this point.
“I wish your constituents could hear you, Pen. You have lost it.” She grinned.
“Draco, similarly brooding and tormented, was here with Percy and the rest rebuilding this place brick by brick. And now he's working for you. Bit of an upset, no?” Penelope finished with a flourish. As if on cue, the voting bells started ringing. 
tagging @the-starryknight @nv-md @maesterchill @mintawasalreadytaken @saintgarbanzo @elskanellis but only if you'd like
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irisjaycomics · 10 months
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CROSSED WIRES vol. 1 now available in the COMICS FOR GAZA'S CHILDREN Itch bundle!
CROSSED WIRES vol. 1 is part of the COMICS FOR GAZA'S CHILDREN Itch bundle, organized by Adam Szym! This bundle features over 120 comics from dozens of creators, and all proceeds earned will go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. Go get it! ❤️💚🤍🖤 https://itch.io/b/2154/comics-for-gazas-children
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dancingtotuyo · 1 year
Crossed Wires Master List (Javier Pena)
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Loose Series, Rating: PG-13
Javier Peña X OFC
Summary: Javier went back to Colombia a different person. He was going to do things differently this time. He didn’t realize it would carry into his personal life too.
Order Posted
Chronological Order
*this is a loose series. Each part can stand alone.
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darkest-doe · 7 months
Beat me beyond recognition 🖤
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neon-prison · 2 years
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Rotbrain told me that I had to draw a teeny scene from my fanfic. TFW u realize ur AI buddy has never seen your face because ur Kiroshi scrambers have been on this whole time. 
Read it HERE.
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esposadejoyhuerta · 1 year
crossed wires (official??) playlist
so catalystwriter let me make a playlist for the series (see below) but the day that I sent it in, they deactivated their acc. I jus wanted to share this playlist anyways in order to honor their work + their amazing series. hope y’all listen n enjoy :’)
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ravenclawella · 1 year
Crossed wires master list (Sebastian x f!OC)
Current total wordcount: 20k Available on AO3 7th year students. Sebastian x f!OC (Mae)
Minors dni Angst. 18+ Indicated on the chapter(s) -Can contain: -smut -SA references -potion 'drugging'
Chapter 1: Too tired to know
Chapter 2: Time to spill the tea
Chapter 3: Potions Class
Chapter 4: Hogsmede date with Garreth
Chapter 5: Books hold all the answers. 18+
Chapter 6: Will you go to the ball with me?
Chapter 7: Dance Practice & Distractions 18+
Chapter 8: Poppy's Revenge Chapter 9: Coming soon...
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Crossed Wires 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: silverfox!Andy Barber, Cole Turner
Summary: you try to balance your work with your private life as your boss and a new client try to blur the lines. (short!reader)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Cole sighs over his own insulated mug. You want to strangle him already. Does he have to moan with each sip? 
“Mm, coffee,” he pops his wet lips as he sits back, reaching to adjust the passenger seat, “medicine.” 
“Advil, that’s real medicine, there’s some in the compartment,” you say dully. 
“Oh shoot, you’re a life saver, Ma was all out.” 
He clunks the cup into the plastic holder by the console and unclasps the glove compartment. He shakes the bottle in triumph and your fingers tighten on the wheel. He’s like a kid sometimes, though you’ve heard a few compare him to a puppy. You don’t find the latter very apt; puppies are cute. 
“Odinson say what the problem was?” You ask. 
“The back up generator. He’s having some party but the old thing keeps clanking,” Cole explains, “he didn’t say too much about it. He was more into the shindig. Sounds like a good time.” 
You arch a brow. Shindig. 
You drive on. You know it’s going to be tedious job, especially with your boss around. You hate that he insisted. You can handle it on your own. He knows that. In fact, you’re better off without him. You’re only concern is that he gets his wires straight. 
The Odinson hotel greets you in all its resplendence. You park and finish the dregs of your lukewarm coffee. You hop out and grab your bag out of the back as Cole tangles his arm in the seatbelt trying to get out. Lord help you. 
You hike up your bag and take his, marching around to shove it against him. He thanks you and his hands brush yours as he accepts it. You refrain from shaking your head. 
“Come on, no time to waste.” 
You sidestep him and he lingers for a moment, as if he’d expected something more. He’s strange. You’re used to it but you still notice.  
He jogs to catch up with you and you approach the front doors together. He yelps as Thor bursts through them but you don’t flinch. As often as you’ve dealt with the boisterous man, you expect it. He’s loud and bold. If Cole is a puppy, he’s a full grown labrador. 
“There you are. And you brought the lady,” Thor nods in your direction, “excellent. Never bad to have an extra set of hands. Especially such pretty ones.” 
You could scoff. Your nails are cut short and neat, your fingers marred by callouses and cuts, and your skin to dry for comfort. You stare as Cole stutters awkward. 
“Uh, m-morning, Thor,” he greets. 
“Ah, still recovering?” Thor challenges and comes up next to Cole, clapping his back so he squeaks. “I told you not to challenge me.” 
“Huh, yeah, well...” 
You don’t ask. You don’t care. 
“We had a bit of a drinking contest last night, lady. You should have been there. Did he not mention that I valiantly carried him home?” 
You could snort. You don’t, but you could. You glance over. 
“Sounds irresponsible.” 
Thor laughs as he opens the door and beckons you both through. They let you ahead. You always hated that practice. You’re fine following them. 
“Ha, I like this one,” he declares, “she is honest.” 
“Heh, yeahhh,” Cole drags out the word nervously. “Very.” 
“Anyhow, I have much work to do. The party will be here before we know it,” Thor declares and goes ahead of you to lead you. 
You follow him down the narrow stairway near the rear of the hotel with Cole at your back. He’s closer than your like, just on the step behind you. Once more his hand brushes yours as he gets a bit too eager near the bottom and knocks into you from behind. You let out a growl. 
You pass the laundries where you previously rewired a few machines and carry on to the electric room. Thor flips on the crackling light, revealing a row of generators in varying condition. He steps up to the most ragged and taps it with his knuckles. 
“This one has been talking,” he explains. “Rather loudly. I think it is a cry for help.” 
You step forward without hesitation. Cole stands back as you reach into your bag and grab your multitool. You swiftly unscrew the control panel and look inside. Your examination is thorough as you slip behind to flash a light through the slatted venting there. 
“Ah, yes, she is small. She fits where you cannot,” Thor comments. 
“Uh, sure,” Cole agrees. 
“Anyhow, this party,” Thor intones, “are you coming? There will be lots of pretty girls.” 
“Oh, well...” Cole hesitates. You don’t know why. He’s a horrid flirt but brazen regardless. And a romantic to boot. He’s the type to bore you to death with his fairytale fantasies. “Maybe.” 
“You will come,” Thor insists, “I know you will. And lady,” Thor raises his voice, “of course the invitation extends to you as well.” 
“Mm, not much into parties,” you grumble as you poke your head out. “It smells like burning toast.” 
“Perhaps the kitchen...” Thor suggests. 
“You didn’t mention the burning smell. I need to shut this down, now. The switch will reroute to the others but the problem isn’t the back up. It’s this one. It needs a replacement.” 
“The others will hold?” 
“For a time,” you go back to the control panel and fiddle inside. “Tell the cleaner not to run the washers and dryers at the same time for now.” 
“Right,” Thor agrees grimly. “Can we have the new one by the party?” 
“Certainly can. Get Cole the money and I’ll pick up a generator today.” 
“Today?” They echo in unison. 
“They got an overstock place in the city. I’ll get one there,” you pause as the generator putters out as you shut it down. 
“Yeah, we’ll go get a new one and invoice you,” Cole adds. 
“We?” You screw the panel back on. 
“Yeah, it’ll be big, right?” He smiles. 
You look at him, “I have a dolly.” 
“I could use the drive. Clear out the cobwebs,” he turns to Thor and offers his hand, “I’ll send over the paperwork.” 
“You’re a fine man, Turner,” Thor shakes his hand. “But you leave all the behind for the party. It’s going to get wild.” 
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kisses-from-crows · 1 year
hey guys, i haven’t really been in a good headspace lately. i’m not dropping Crossed Wires completely i just haven’t had the energy to write. grief is kicking my ass y’all. i don’t wanna just slap something together that i don’t feel good about. i’ll try to post chapter 6 later this week
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cartoonistcoop · 1 year
Crossed Wires
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FORGET THE FUTURE. THIS IS THE CYBERPUNK PRESENT. In a world like our own but with slightly better graphics cards, ALAN, aka ULTRA DRAKKEN, is a wannabe virtual reality hacker with an oversize ego. When he runs afoul of *actual* elite hacker THERESA, alias VRRMN, he’s plunged into the seedy, chaotic world of freelance cybercrime. READ MORE
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skeptiquewrites · 1 year
Unfinished Friday
Tagged by @wolfpants to share an unfinished WIP. So many to choose from! I think about this fic often. It's the politics/workplace romance fic called Crossed Wires, where Harry is a politician, and Draco has been loaned from the Minister's office as his press secretary to get his act together. Therefore, cw: boss/employee romance for the snippet below. Going to tag @floydig @lqtraintracks @elskanellis @goblinmatriarch @kbrick @moonflower-rose to share if they'd like. Also if you particularly like being tagged, even if we've never spoken, please tell me I am always blanking on these.
Draco turned. Too close, too fast and did the one thing Harry hadn’t expected. Draco reached forward and kissed him. Tentative, then with more certainty than Harry expected, a kiss that lit up everything inside him.
The part of Harry that had come up with a reasonable explanation for every time Draco looked at him just a beat too long, for the way he felt around him, for the endless curiosity about anything that might be remotely personal, had gone silent. 
Draco opened to him like it was nothing, like the continuation of all their conversations led to this, Draco's hand in his hair and Harry's tongue in his mouth. He kissed exactly how Harry had always imagined he would, like an absolutely filthy indulgence.
When Draco stepped away, Harry felt the urge to put fingertips up to his lips to check he hadn’t slipped sideways into a daydream, that he hadn’t projected his wanting so much it became real. 
“That was a mistake,” Draco said, with some emotion Harry couldn’t pinpoint. “I shouldn’t have.”
“It didn’t feel like a mistake.”
“Harry. You’ve never called me Secretary before, no use in starting now.”
Someone knocked on the door, and Draco took the opportunity to flee with a curt ‘sir.’
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irisjaycomics · 2 months
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crossed wires 03.184
Hang onto something! Crossed Wires is BACK, with new comic pages live on https://crossedwires.irisjay.net and https://patreon.com/irisjay !
Posted using PostyBirb
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dancingtotuyo · 1 year
The people (literally 1 person) have spoken! And they are begging (a single comment asking) for a Part 3 to Crossed Wires. So of course my brain started going into overdrive.
Anyway, Part 3 to Crossed Wires coming your way probably sometime this week after literally 2 years.
You can thank @idontcareihavenoidea
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jhsharman · 4 months
Van Goof
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The first appearance of that microphone in this story.
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