bandtrees · 1 year
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those aus where mogami mentors mob
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necronatural · 1 year
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@bandtrees @sammisafetypin crowfic
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Man don't you hate it when you plan 20k words for a multi-chapter fic and end up writing 57k words of the most ridiculous mix of angst and crack
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
You: the smallest comment fans the flames
Me: ok guess i gotta open up the crowfic tab
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bandtrees · 1 year
“Never, ever, ever look at my brother again.”
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bandtrees · 7 months
🛒 tell me about ur themes ollie
I WOULD LOVE TO DO NOTHING MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. - im going to speak these words and you're going to think "HIGURASHI FAN", and you will be correct. generally speaking, a theme i am obsessed with, is perception vs reality. being neurodivergent, in my experience, is like being your own unreliable narrator, not even knowing you're unreliable - so it's a topic that's very near and dear to my heart.
in particular, i love getting into the nitty gritty of it: in particular, outside forces shaping how a person thinks, but they're not aware of it. tttaac mob and crowfic ritsu are biggest examples of this, so is tmtrainer eden, you feel protected isaac, and reanimation technician itadori - the feeling of when you're angry and don't know it's because you're hungry, or depressed but don't know it's because of stress you've been carrying for a long time? that there is my bread and butter.
(^it's also the reason i'm so into um... brain damage? just conceptually? i find it fascinating as someone who, albeit in a neurodivergent sense, has a lot of their perception of the world changed by physical nonsense in their noggin (like autism, adhd, anxiety). it's a specific thing to keep returning to, from my transformers fics to tttaac and beyond, but what can i say. i love the intrigue that comes with someone's entire being being shaped by a physical organ and what happens if you poke at that.)
i also, PREDICTABLY, love gory imagery, i think gore is a constant in my writing, whether it's actually happening or is just used as extended metaphor - cuz, and i tell this story often, i got my start with fanfiction (and writing in general) through grimfics and creepypastas, and one of my biggest fandoms ever, the one i have to thank for a lot both creatively and for the reason i even know my qpp and why i'm on this site at all, was warrior cats - where, to a kid, feeling cool and mature reading about death scenes and gore is awesome. so i'll always gravitate towards some manner of blood and guts, its my favorite
speaking of warriors, in my oc fic, spottedfur's pride... i need to learn to use nature imagery other than going off of what season it is, lol, but for characters living in a forest, it checks out. there's so much season imagery in spottedfur's pride. i put maybe a bit too much emphasis in the first arc on half-melted snow and muddy slush at the tail end of winter, but in my defense, i think it makes for cool visuals, and i'm still kind of struggling to write for characters i cant fall back on human traits, concepts, etc, to describe. so for now, have sooo much season imagery lol.
also i've been told my writing style is very "psychological/out of body introspection -> physical sensation -> psychological/out of body introspection -> so on and so forth" - not as a criticism, just something my friend cyn pointed out to me once, and.. i always notice that lol. it's because i think i'm very good at writing overarching thoughts and broad-strokes feelings and how they change over time (i'm a huge character study guy) but i struggle with scene-by-scene action-by-action Plot Progression(tm), so i cheat my way out of it by using paragraphs of internal monologuing as free timeskips. and granted i think i'm good enough at it lol
tysm!!! i love getting to ramble about my process... if you couldnt tell lolol.
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bandtrees · 1 year
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bandtrees · 7 months
yaaay, thank you caro! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - (not... quite the answer to this question but i don't think my writing style applies here so i'll just pick specific examples i like xP) i love interpersonal tension so much, i love writing all brands of it, from active arguments to awkward conversations to everything inbetween :'D but if i had to pick favorite "sad conversation"s, i love the serizawa scene at the end of act 1 of tttaac, i remember, as i wrote that part, considering it a mini few-act-tragedy all on its own, the awkward hesitance with mob, the texts from tome, the bits where he's alone with reigen and ritsu... very very fun. i love writing characters who have history and a lot of weight to when they interact with eachother, and you can tell in tttaac xD (on that note: the garage scene in tttaac, the argument between dimple and mob, was one of the first scenes fig and i ever came up with for this fic, one we wanted to write from the very beginning. not only is dimple fig's favorite character and mob mine, but we both love their relationship so much, it's very important to us both (both in a 'well written and beautiful character dynamic in a piece of fiction' way and a 'show of our friendship too' way) and a biiig crux of this fic. we loved destroying eachother emotionally with tttaac but especially with everything about dimple and mob - i wrote the garage scene and then fig got back at me by adding the videos. sniffles sadly)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh? - OH BOY. i love injecting little bits of silly into my mp100 fics in particular, because the show itself is very silly and it doesn't really feel like mp100 anymore if its not. in crowfic, sammi and i went back and forth figuring out increasingly sillier ways to describe teru's wig, and we also wanted banter between ritsu and mogami to feel appropriately lighthearted to show mogami wedging his fingers in. i also have to express. one of my favorite running gags in my and sammi's fics that i will never shut up about because i think it's entirely too funny. and i express it because i encourage everyone reading this to continue the bit: the baby episode the baby episode began as a joke in tttaac, a one-off line in the social media segment here (fun fact about this scene, the usernames are all pulled from usernames in various social media cutaways in canon):
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this was, out of universe, inspired by the fact that, to get a feel for "how subreddits for big longrunning reality tv talk shows talk", i went on the dr phil subreddit and found the only posts on it recently were a bot crossposting videos from the dr phil youtube channel and one guy asking about, quote, "the infantilism episode"
and i cracked myself up at my own joke. i don't know why i was so tickled by the string of words "supernatural detective baby episode", but i was. tttaac is a very heavy and miserable fic so we find spots of humor wherever we can, and i was just... so amused by the mental image of someone reading this fic and thinking, "what the fuck is the baby episode of supernatural detective" but of course our in-universe commenter does not elaborate. they know about the baby episode. this is a long-running subreddit for a show they're all superfans of, everyone knows about the baby episode. but you, the reader, seeing only a glimpse into these people's lives, do not. the conversation moves on. the fic moves on. the times a change. you cannot ask u/YUJIHAIZINOO what they mean by "the baby episode".
i don't remember how this part came to be, but as time went on, the baby episode became an injoke with my friends, and when sammi and i wrote ch4 of crowfic (which was published before tttaac but written long after the baby episode bit), we (sammi, specifically, who wrote this part,) decided to continue the gag. a piece of our cinematic universe
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now, this creates a world of implications. for starters, tttaac takes place in 2022-2023, and crowfic takes place in 2012. the baby episode has now been also described as "weird", existing in 2012, and, most importantly, potentially being lost media.
i don't know why this stupid gag has affected us so much but it has. and i beseech everyone reading this who writes mob psycho fanfiction: somehow, someway, please insert the supernatural detective baby episode into your text. please reference it in some manner no matter how small. i want the bit to go on. i need it to grow, like a wound. i want to eventually convince people reading mob psycho fanfiction that this is a canon event they just forgot about.
the rules to the supernatural detective baby episode go as follows: you cannot describe its contents in any way, shape, or form, you can only allude to its existence and optionally that it is, quote, "weird". it may or may not be lost media, as it's possible reigen is misremembering. it exists in 2012 and is likely even older than that.
Now go forth. Spread the Supernatural Detective baby episode wide and far.
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Expect crowfic update on Thursday
Snipet (Tommy meets Chat):
Phil opens the window.
Oh shit, Phil opens the window!
Tommy throws himself onto the chest and climbs the sill in a matter of seconds with his heart pounding madly against his ribs. This is his chance. If he can get past Phil before he shuts the window, he might have a chance of an escape.
“Freedom!” he cries out, ducking under Phil’s arm and –
“CAW!” a ball of black feathers slumps onto the sill, startling Tommy and almost making him fall over to the floor. His unbound wing shoots out for balance, claws digging into wood as he lets out a manly screech of terror.
What is this?
Well, he can quiet clearly see that is a fat crow. Look – Tommy is not trying to body shame, but the crow seems like a giant next to him, and that is just straight up illegal. He can’t help but fluff up his feathers to try and appear at least a tad bit more threatening. Which doesn’t mean he is afraid. It totally doesn’t.
Just as Tommy stops screaming, two more black birds land onto the sill, and now there are three ugly feathered fuckers staring at him, completely blocking out the window with their bodies.
Hostile territory takeover? Organized gang attack? Not on Tommy's watch.
“Die!” he launches himself at the nearest crow, only for something to catch him mid-air, his claws slicing air an inch away from the enemy’s face.
“That’s not very nice of you.” Phil scruffs Tommy like a misbehaving cat as he frantically beats his wings and tries to whirl around to peck the avian’s hand.
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Chapter 5 of crowfic is coming
“I was talking with Sam. Dream – Dream beat him to death.” 
 Tommy’s heart skips a bit. In the silence that settles afterwards, he tries to get a good look at everyone’s reactions. Niki is leaning forward on the table, and her eyes twitch, borderline hysterical, but the lack of sadness in her expression doesn’t hit as hard as the mostly neutral-sounding, acknowledging hum that leaves Phil’s lips.
 And Techno… the boar skull hides Technos’s expressions. His face would probably have that shitty flat look on It, anyway. Techno is stingy with emotions, so his mood is largely hidden in his gestures and body language and tone.
 Tommy allows the tiniest pang of hope to flare within him when he notices that Techno is looking down on his own palms resting on top of the table. Surely, he will say something. Surely, Techno won’t just let it slide by.
 “That’s a pog,” Techno says. “Moving on. Hated that guy anyway.” 
 Something shatters deep inside of Tommy.
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Crowfic update pog!
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Chapter 6 of the crowfic is out
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
The comments on the new crowfic chapter are so awesome. I'm reading them rn and I can't stop grinning. Guys you are too nice to me please -
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Crowfic update pog
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tuesday-teyz · 3 years
Sorry, guys, I won't be able to update crowfic today
I will try to compensate to that by updating it earlier tomorrow (Friday) though, so stay tuned!
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