#Crying Wolf
thatsbelievable · 9 months
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edge-of-the-end · 1 year
little oblivions is the album, the only album ever actually, it and b-sides fuck so hard and are so under appreciated in the boygenius canon, like
oh, I miss when I was certain // about every little thing // so scared of forgetting // that I put it down in ink // used to call upon the spirit // now I think heaven lets it ring // wanted so bad to be good // but there's no such thing
swallow the truth // force the charcoal down my throat // when i finally come to // maybe i’ll have something to show
all my greatest fears turned out to be the gift of prophecy // all my nightmares coming true come do my outline in the street // while every night i re-enact the same recurring dream // i’m stuck inside a vision that repeats
how come it's so much easier // with anything less than human? // letting yourself be tender // well, you couldn't make me do it // it doesn't feel too bad, but it // doesn't feel too good, either // just like a nicotine patch, it // hardly works, then it's over
oh, i miss it high // how it dulled the terror and the beauty // now i see everything in startling intensity
i am not exaggerating when i say this album saved my life, it deserves so much more respect
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sinister-shark · 7 months
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drew some queens tbh
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Not someone pointing out the similarities between the Cool About It music video and the Crying Wolf song. My heart can't handle that 💔
Credits to Norah for pointing it out on Tiktok
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sexiestmgscharacter · 2 months
Sexiest Metal Gear Solid 4 character - Round 1
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barbwritesstuff · 10 months
I really enjoyed Crying Wolf (after about one page of being a bit scared cause the words "prison" and "romance" used together can be really...not good in the hands of other people lol) so i'll be buying any book you were to publish. :D
Story time.
Perhaps also rant time.
I don't know. We'll see where this takes us.
For those that don't know, Crying Wolf is a novel I wrote that was published in 2021. It's about twin brothers who get sent to prison for a crime only one of them committed. They're also werewolves.
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You can buy it here if you're interested.
Now for the drama.
Crying Wolf is not a romance. At least, I never intended it to be a romance when I wrote it. It was inspired by the Australian TV show Wentworth (which is a prison drama) and me wanting to explore werewolves in a world where their existence is not secret.
But, peeling back another layer, it was really about me missing my sibling who I'd previously been very close to who suddenly moved to the other side of the planet, and processing some feelings I had about being in intimidating environments.
Ali's romance with Morgan was not nearly as explicit or important to the story in the first draft, and Amir's relationship with Ben was much more queer platonic.
But, I was told very unambiguously by several people, that I needed to increase the romantic elements. A lot of early readers felt the drama between the brothers wasn't enough to hold their interest.
Which is fair enough. I made the romances a bigger part of the story, but they still aren't the story. The story is still the brothers surviving a very dangerous environment while learning to let each other go.
It was, even then, still not a romance.
I never once tried to sell it to publishers as a romance. I always said it was a family drama. I distinctly remember making a point about this because I didn't want publishers to be disappointed.
But family dramas set in prisons which also happen to be full of werewolves isn't really a marketable category. Gay paranormal prison romance is.
I think this is was even more true back in 2018 when I signed Crying Wolf's publishing contract.
I noticed during the editing process that my editors really wanted to increase the romantic elements of the story even more, but that didn't really bother me. I don't think I 100% realised they intended to market it as a romance until later.
And I don't hate that. I guess I can see why they did it. And, with the edits, there is very much a romantic feel to it now. But, I still don't think it fits well within the category.
The literal climax of the story is about the brothers calling out to each other and giving each other strength from a distance, even if they can't be together in person. It's not about the kissing.
I don't know how readers feel, but that's how I feel. Especially considering how dark prison romances can be, I just don't think it fits the label.
Ultimately, Crying Wolf did not sell very well. Sure, there are a few hundred copies floating around out there, but it doesn't pay any bills. A part of that, I think, is it came out at a weird time in a weird market. COVID changed a lot of things. However, I also think some people picked it up thinking it was a dark romance and were disappointed... while others who may have liked it didn't buy it because they thought it was a dark romance.
Or maybe it just isn't the sort of thing a ton of people would be interested in. I dunno.
I still really like it. I think I did a good job writing it and reread parts of it from time to time. But, personally, for me, it isn't a romance.
It's about twin werewolf brothers being bad at emotions in a very fucked up situation.
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Anyway, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and would buy other things I publish. I hope you'll get that opportunity and I hope this sort of cleared up the marketing weirdness with Crying Wolf. 💙
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ahordeofwasps · 1 month
Last Line Tag
I've been tagged by the awesome @chauceryfairytales and @winterandwords! I'll be sharing the last little bit I've worked on for Crying Wolf.
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @charlesjosephwrites, @loopyhoopywrites, @amewinterswriting, @space-writes, and open tag!
Now, onto Crying Wolf!
Then the birds descended upon him, their beaks stabbing into his flesh, their claws tearing into him. Teo screamed like a man being burned alive.
Crying Wolf taglist: @sarandipitywrites, @tabswrites
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candyfloss-esophagus · 2 months
Additional Crying Wolf Lore
as requested by @fiepige. i am so so sorry that this short piece has taken over half a year to write. why so long? well. lets jusr say. issues.
this lore focuses on my beloved D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiotes, what they are, what they're used for and what their effects are.
what are D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiotes?
D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiotes are a strain of the V.E.N.O.M symbiotes used by the e-138's government to control their population through a militarized police force made up of cops fused with these parasites. V.E.N.O.M are a very striking presence: not built for stealth, just to intimidate and kill. which they're very good at! they're just not good at integrating very well into the general population. D.O.R.M.A.N.T stands for Disabling Opposing Revolutionaries Methodically Aided via Non-violent Threats and are a new 'subspecies' of symbiote that makes it easier for a cop to remain around people without anyone sensing there is something 'off' about that cop. it's essentially a symbiote for an undercover cop, which makes them even more dangerous because no one knows they're there -- sometimes the host themself is not made aware of the symbiote's presence (hence the name DORMANT).
a D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiote needs much the same sort of things that a regular V.E.N.O.M does to survive, without the biologically compatible host. because D.O.R.M.A.N.Ts are nigh intangible, there isn't much that they need to fuse with inside a host's body, which means that they can survive for longer and can essentially control anyone they want to. diet is the same, mostly carnivorous. it also means they can simply eat the organs of their host before passing onto the next person if they decide they don't like the body they're inhabiting! ick!
D.O.R.M.A.N.Ts are a strain of symbiote worked on by the British government of e-138, so they take orders from no one but the person that deploys them.
how do you get rid of a D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiote?
in Crying Wolf, hobie's symbiote is purged using electrical currents. D.O.R.M.A.N.Ts are made up of a kind of modified electricity themselves and are not vulnerable to fire: instead, they're weak to electricity, as they can get absorbed back into it and die. this resulted in hobie being bathed in weaker electrical currents so they didn't accidentally kill him and sort of sloughing the symbiote off in tiny increments. the fun thing about D.O.R.M.A.N.Ts is that they're undetectable in a host's body once they've fused (which is how hobie let his guard down enough to be infected in the first place) so hobie just kind of had to take a gamble for when he was done getting rid of it, hoping that he wasn't walking out of the spider society about to cannibalise his boyfriend for a second time.
signs you might have a D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiote that's chosen you as a host!
if you suspect yourself of coming into contact with a D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiote, keep calm and contact your local hospital immediately for processing.
indicators that there might be one living inside you include, but are not limited to: migraines that can last for weeks, frequent nausea/vomiting, heavy emotional swings, anger bursts, hunger that feels as though it borders on starvation, intense cravings for meat, and extensive memory loss.
victims of the D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiotes have been recorded saying that they couldn't recognise their own family members after a week of the symbiote inhabiting them. loved ones of the test trials have gone on record stating that this strain is unethical and traumatising to not just the hosts themselves, but to the people around them. unfortunately, all of those records have been burned and those loved ones have disappeared. that fucking sucks doesn't it.
for any more questions regarding crying wolf or the D.O.R.M.A.N.T symbiotes, hit me up with an ask and i'll be happy to answer!
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echolesschamber · 1 year
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concept art by Yoji Shinkawa
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mgscon · 1 year
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rainbow-multishipper · 6 months
How about some Sheepdog kiddos?
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Yay! I get to do some doggies! My favourites!
Meet the THYME triplets! COLLIE, BOBTAIL, and FRIAAR, all named after their own respective breeds and supreme little cuties in their own rights!
Thanks for the suggestion! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Headcannon Requests and Ship Trials!
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rustandsky · 2 years
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Cry wolf
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Got my copy of Crying Wolf from the wonderfully talented and lovely @barbwritesstuff ! Super excited to meet the twins and see if Sergi has competition 😄 💕🐺
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sinister-shark · 5 months
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Jane is back, hi Jane! Say do you have no hobbies or something? Must be pretty funny to obsess over someone who can’t hurt you, who is not talking to you, is still in end of life care (which you denied) and you even made up theories of how a totally unrelated person is Ang, damn she really lives rent free in your head!
I also heard that xenocrat, whom you shared murder fantasies with, was your boyfriend! That he’s apparently from Ang’s circle is something i don’t really know about as I don’t remember Ang ever being involved with someone who would stick to a white racist woman, who uses her poor poor uwu victim status that’s completely made up to be transphobic and ableist!
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since @angvondrapedo aka Jane amber likes to lie about people “fabricating” evidence, let me just leave a link to an archive of this post. Can’t really fabricate archive entries now, right? So let me get this straight:
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to be racist, is allowed to make murder fantasies she sent to her then boyfriend Xenocrat and lie about Ang ever grooming her
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to use the n word multiple times as a white trans woman, is allowed to behave like a kiwi farms reject, is allowed to continuously obsess over someone who has never evidently gone after REAL CHILDREN but who you claim is a pedophile regardless over cartoons
And you stick up to your equally racist and weird friends, who make stalker comics about someone you hate, someone you’ve blocked and shouldn’t care about but nooo we continue to shed crocodile tears while living a lavish life, proudly calling herself murderer and crying about getting told to stop being a hobbyless child
because let’s face it, if you really cared about bringing justice, you’d actually involve the authorities. You have the money! You can show us all that your “harassers” are in the wrong! Except you somehow believe they’re not going to do anything, why? Because you’re trans?
more likely because you have no evidence! Not even your own pedobox “evidence” actually proves you were groomed and that people were worried! And only naive idiots who virtue signal how “righteous” and “pure” they are believe your lies and contribute to your scams so you can continue playing the victim!
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vile-violence · 1 month
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Fucked up I never see any of the puppy girls talk abt her she deserves more recognition; I love mecha that's reminiscent of animals n MGS4 was so ahead of its time with these designs Kojima truly cooked
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