#Crystal McIntyre
A man with no experience running elections and who believes the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, the 9/11 attack was faked, and QAnon is real has been chosen by a county in Iowa to oversee its elections, including the critical 2024 presidential election.
David Whipple was appointed last week by the Warren County Board of Supervisors to serve as Interim Warren County Auditor, a position responsible for overseeing elections in the county. The appointment was made in a special meeting after former Warren County Auditor Traci Vanderlinden announced her retirement last month.
One of the board supervisors, Crystal McIntyre, acknowledged in the meeting that it “looks weird” to be appointing Whipple—who she admitted knowing personally—but they voted for him anyway.
Whipple’s belief in baseless conspiracy theories was not secret or hidden. Days after the 2020 election, Whipple was sharing baseless allegations of voter fraud, according to screenshots of the posts published by the Iowa Starting Line website. On the same day, Whipple wrote a post calling President Joe Biden a “crooked pedophile child sniffer” where he referenced QAnon conspiracies about the President.
Whipple continued to post disinformation about the election and Biden in the following weeks and months, as well as anti-vaxx disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccination. On Jan. 2, 2021 he shared a link to a video entitled Q: The Plan To Save The World, a 2018 video that has become one of the foundational texts of the QAnon conspiracy movement.
On January 6, 2021, as the insurrection was taking place, Whipple shared a link to a video about the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The video, entitled Nina Eleven, falsely claims the images broadcast on television of the planes slamming into the towers were computer generated.
All of these posts were freely accessible at the time of the Warren County board meeting on June 6, but have since been scrubbed.
Screenshots of the posts have been shared widely online, however, and have been used by the Warren County Iowa Democrats as part of their drive to obtain the 2,500 signatures necessary to call a special election to vote for a new auditor.
“If you don’t believe in elections how can you be in charge of elections?” Warren County Democratic Party Chair Jim Culbert said on local radio station KNIA-KRLS. “If you don’t think that they were fair and honest, how is that going to inform how you do the job? We just don’t know this guy, he came out of nowhere.”
The Warren County Board of Supervisors and Whipple did not immediately respond to VICE News’ request for comment on Whipple’s conspiratorial beliefs.
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 27 days
Content warning: mentions of berf and…..stuff
The baby is born meet A-Lexa Violet Henderson-Wells born on May 17th 2024
(I’m to lazy to draw crystal holding Baby A-lexa)
And when Violet(the godmother) Saw little A-Lexa violet started crying in happy tears
Sunny saw her little sister for the first time
Phineas,Ferb,and Trin got to meet the baby aswell
And Henry…..Well,Yknow what he says “Is this a…..Chimken?”
But it was also Henry’s Day on the Baby Pool(It’s where you get to pick the date to see what day the baby is born) and that’s when everyone realized that it was JORDAN’S BIRTHDAY but Jordan came in to see what’s going on and saw the little baby that Crystal is holding and Logan being right by her side and Donnie crying cause he has never seen a cute baby since Henry was Born (On his Birthday) and Jordan got permission to hold baby A-lexa and said to the baby “Hi, I think I’m your birthday twin my little Angel” and Josephine says “Dad I thought I was your little Angel” in which phineas says “Yeah yeah shut up and let your dad have his moment with Sunny’s little sister okay you big brat” and Henry says “Cousins am I right now Jon where’s my money cause I knew that the baby would be born on Jordan’s Birthday” everyone looked at jon “Fine here” and Jon gives Henry the money and violet tells Crystal “A-lexa looks just like you crystal” in which crystal cries saying thank you and London wasn’t even crying she was happy to meet a new edition to her family
And incase if you are wondering “Where’s Zach,Where’s Joey?” Well Zach was just being Zach and Joey was on his Back
No literally he actually was
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Violet belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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nevadawolfe · 1 year
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local disaster bisexual himbo warrior tanks the Crystal Tower raids one time and thinks he’s the Twelve’s gift to mankind
he’s my newest OC I made to get more comfortable with WAR and tanking in general, Othello Zayn, and I already love him a normal amount. His inspiration is basically what if your dream was becoming a pro wrestling legend inspired by the greats, but make it a young survivor of the calamity inspired by the WoL instead and I modeled/named him after both Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
The Crystal Star really was just “Vonda McIntyre shows she’s the only one who did the fucking homework here”, huh
there’s a good reason it’s not the one I point to when I wanna say “legends kinda sucks actually” (that’s the one with Space Fabio)
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dirtywrestling · 2 months
The Vampire at the Masquerade Ball - Drew McIntyre (18+)
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Commission: @thepalaceofmelanie
Pairing: Vampire!Drew Mcintyre x  Melanie
Summary: Going to a masquerade ball with your friend and running into a handsome man named Drew Mcintyre who has a secret.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Talking about ex boyfriends, Past relationships, Vampire x Female!Reader, Vampire!Drew Mcintyre, Foul Language, masquerade ball, Minors DNI
Word Count: 3,818
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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I looked at myself in the mirror, my black dress was a bit snug on me, but not in an uncomfortable way. My curled hair rested over my shoulders, my make up was freshly put on not long after doing my hair. Grabbing the silver glittery mask I placed it on my face, tying it behind my head. 
“Damn dude, you look good.” Peyton giggled, fiddling with her ear rings. “I’m sure you’ll forget about-”
“Please.” I interrupted her. “Please, don’t bring him up.” I begged. Truth be told, I didn’t even want to go to this masquerade ball, but Peyton’s father was throwing it for his business and she insisted that I attend it with her. I’ve been cooped up in my apartment ever since my ex dumped me for another girl. I found out that I was basically his side woman. He’s been talking to this other female half of our relationship over snapchat, they met on instagram I found out later on. We got this apartment to take our relationship to the next step but he left me with all of the bills. 
“Anyways, you look hot as hell. I’m sure you’ll meet someone at the ball.” Peyton smiled, handing me my black high heels.
“Or let’s hope that there’s an open bar so I can drink.” I murmured under my breath as I slipped into my heels. 
“Oh Melanie, of course there will be an open bar.” She teased. “But I don’t want to see you drinking your sorrows away, I want you to find a nice guy to dance with, exchange numbers and who knows, start a new life with?” Peyton thought out loudly.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” I looked at myself in the mirror one last time.
Peyton sighed, “If you insist, then fine.” She handed me my purse. “Let’s go, the limo is outside.” 
Locking up my apartment, Peyton and I took the elevator down to the lobby and headed towards the limo.
Sitting in the backseat of the limo, Peyton grabbed two crystal glasses and a bottle of champagne. “Something for us to get started on.” She wiggled her eyebrows. I couldn’t help but to give her a little smile. “There’s that smile, now,” She popped open the bottle, champagne quickly bubbled from the top and poured into the glasses. “Let’s party!” She handed me my glass and I took a sip of the rich alcohol. Finishing the drink in one gulp, I swayed the glass in front of her, wanting more.
“Okay, okay. I got the hint.” She rolled her eyes, pouring more of the creamy liquid. “Easy on this stuff, I don’t want you drunk before we get there.” Peyton put the bottle back in a bucket full of ice, letting it chill. 
Arriving at the building, the chofer parked the limo, climbed out and opened the door closest to the entrance. “You ladies have a wonderful night, Peyton just text me and I’ll come and get you two when you’re ready to be taken home.” 
“Thank’s Al, you’re the best.” She giggled, kissing the older gentleman’s cheek. A bright blush appeared on Al’s cheeks, clearing his throat he closed the door and got back into the driver’s seat. “Let’s party!” She squealed, rushing up towards the doors. 
“Let’s just get this over with.” I signed myself, following Peyton to the door security was there blocking it. 
“Name?” The tall security guard asked, his voice deep.
“Fuck you, that’s who.” Peyton spat, sticking out her tongue she walked past the two. 
My face heated up from Peyton’s behavior. “My apologies, she gets like this when alcohol is in her system.” 
“It’s okay ma’am, you and Peyton can go right in.” A smaller male opened the door for us. Walking through the doors, I looked over my shoulders, seeing the smaller security guard talking to the larger one, probably explaining who Peyton was and who her father is. 
Catching up to Peyton I panted softly, I forgot how hard it was to walk in heels. “Peyton, you can’t treat people like that.” I told her, but she of course wasn’t listening. She was lost, looking at the sea of people in front of us. “What? What is it?” I asked, adjusting the mask on my face. 
“Do you see all of this fresh meat here?” She was basically licking her lips.
“Don’t address them like that.” I said a bit weirdly at how her eyes dilated and how her mouth was basically watering over how many men were in one room. “Come on! Let’s go have some fun!” She giggled, wrapping my hand and rushed me towards the crowd. 
It felt like hours went by, Peyton introduced me to so many men in the building. Some weren’t interested, some were too interested and others were interested in Peyton. Now sitting on a bar stool sipping some fruity cocktail, I lost Peyton awhile ago, some guy she was trying to introduce to me got her attention and they ran off together in the crowded dance floor. 
Music played throughout the speakers, people came and others left with someone they met from here. “Hey Melanie!” Turning my head slightly I saw Peyton swaying, leaning up against a tall handsome male with a cute smile. “This is Jordan.” 
“It’s Jake.” The man named Jake arched his eyebrow, looking down at her. 
“Whatever, anyways, Jacky and I are leaving, you can get a ride home right?” She slurred her words, her breath smelt of alcohol. 
“Well, uh actually-”
“Great! Text me tomorrow, I want to know all the details from tonight when you hook up with that lucky man.” She giggled, leaning against the male named Jake. “Let’s go Jack.”
“It’s Jake.” He reminded her once again.
“I said let’s go!” She barked. 
With that, Jake basically carried her out of the building. Facing the bar again someone caught my eye, looking to my left I saw a male in a tight white button up shirt and a black mask that looked like it didn’t need any strings to be on his face, it fitted him perfectly, he had long dark hair that passed his shoulders. “To a night of partying.” I raised my glass to him and downed it. 
The handsome stranger gave me a sly smile, raising his glass of liquor and downed it in one gulp as well. Tearing my eyes away from him, I slid off of the stool and started to walk around, trying to find a bathroom. Finally spotting the bathroom signs, I started to make my way through the crowd, squeezing past people and apologizing. People kept dancing around, someone accidently pushed me into another person. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” I apologized quickly to the gentleman with the silver mask tied around his face. 
“Melaine? Is that you?” 
Turning to the stranger again my heart sank, I recognized those eyes anywhere. “Dean?” I wheezed, feeling very uncomfortable being around him. “What uh, what are you doing here?” I asked, looking around to see if he was with the girl he cheated on me with.
“I’m here with a few friends.” He shrugged. “Look, I just wanted to say… I’m sorry.” He swallowed, looking down and looking back up at me.
“What?” I blinked at him, I wasn’t expecting to run into him tonight, especially wasn’t expecting an apology. 
“She was uh… Catfish.” He murmured shamefully. “It was actually a fifty-four year old male who was using his friend’s nieces’ pictures.” 
There was an awkward pause, people around us kept dancing and drinking, music played through the big speakers. “Well, uh I’m sorry to hear that.” I fidgeted with my fingers, not sure if it was due to anxiety by him or if it was because I had to use the restroom.
“Take me back.” Dean grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. 
“What?” I couldn’t help but to laugh, he had the nerves to say that after what he did to me and not to mention I’m stuck in a lease for a whole year. “No.” I tried to pull my hand back, away from him.
“I know what I did was terrible but you need to understand-” His grip on my wrist became tighter as I winced from the strength. 
“I understand that you’re a pig, a man whore.” I spat, my blood pumping, it felt like fire was flowing through my veins. “Now let go!” I snapped, trying to push him away.
“Okay, I deserve that but please just listen to me.” He begged, trying to get me to calm down and talk to him.
“No Dean, you’re hurting me and you cheated even if you were getting catfished you still left me.” I clenched my fist, his nails digging into my flesh.
Dean stepped closer to me, now letting go of my wrist he wrapped his arm around my waist, trying to pull me closer to him. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to push him away and get out of his grip. “Stop fighting it, Melanie.” Dean hissed, “Dance with me, you’ll soon realize how much you’ve missed me.” His breath smelt of heavy liquor, he’s probably been drinking all night.
“Dean, you’re drunk. Let me go!” I demanded, using all of my strength to get my drunk ex off of me.
“I think she said she’s not interested anymore, mate.” A thick voice spoke. Dean and I both looked at the stranger. I smiled weakly seeing it was the male from the bar, I was surprised he had an accent so thick.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is any of your business.” Dean snarled towards my savior. 
“Listen, pal.” The mystery man straightened his back and squared up his shoulder, obviously appearing a lot taller than Dean. “You best bet, leave her alone or else.” His accent was a bit heavier in a much more serious tone. 
Dean looked back at me, his eyes a bit darker, his face red with anger that some guy interrupted his work on winning me back. “This isn’t over.” Dean huffed, turning his heel. Dean walked past the tall hero, making sure to roughly collide his shoulder into the stranger. The stranger didn’t budge from the rude force. 
Watching Dean walk away, I looked up at the tall stranger. “Thank you.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair.
“Drunk guy trying to hit on ya?” The male from the bar teased me.
A smile tugged at my lips, I looked down and shook my head. “Try ex-boyfriend wanting to get back together.” I rubbed my achy wrists where Dean grabbed me.
“Oh that’s even worse.” We both laughed. “But, you’re welcome. If I was your boyfriend I wouldn’t have let you get away.” His eyes landed on my wrist. “Is your wrist okay?”
My cheeks became hot, biting my lip and clearing my throat a bit. “Melanie.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake. “My wrist will be alright, thank you.”
“Drew.” He introduced himself, taking my hand in his. He placed a kiss on the top of my knuckles. His hand cool to the touch making me break out in goosebumps, but I paid no mind to it. “Melaine, would you care to dance?” 
I didn’t even realize it was a slow song until he said something, people around us were up against each other, swaying to the soft beat that was pouring out from the speakers. The bathroom wasn’t my priority anymore and plus I forgot. “I- I’d love to.” I smiled up at him.
Drew stepped closer to me, grabbing my hand and placing his free hand on my waist while my hand was on his shoulder. We swayed and spun around to the beat of the song that was playing. “So what was that at the bar?” He raised his eyebrow out of curiosity. 
A blush appeared on my cheeks. “I guess I was just feeling loose, I was a bit upset that my friend ditched me but I don’t really know. That was the alcohol talking, I’m sorry.”  
Drew let out a hearty laugh. “Don’t worry about it, I thought it was cute.”
Looking up at the Scottish man I thought about Peyton’s comment about finding a new man and settling down with, Drew could possibly be the man I was looking for. “You remind me of someone I lost a long time ago.” I watched his eyes trace my appearance. 
“Oh I’m sorry, did you lose a sister?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. It felt as if it was only him and I in the room. 
“My wife actually.” He frowned. “She was stabbed.” His hazel eyes traced over my face.
“I’m so sorry.” I looked up at him, his eyes becoming a bit glossy. 
“Don’t worry about it, it happened years ago.” He swallowed, pulling me closer to his toned body and twirled us around, passing other couples. 
“You’re a really great dancer.” I decided to change the subject so he wouldn’t be sad anymore.
“Years of practice.” He flashed a smile. Gasping I swore I saw his top two canine teeth sharper than before. 
“Your- Your teeth.” I blurted out, blinking. My heart hammered in my chest, I knew I wasn’t that drunk to be seeing things. 
Drew swallowed thickly, his body stiffer than before. “My teeth, what about them?” He laughed, my eyes darted back to his sharp pointers and they were back to normal. His eyes roamed my neck, licking his lips to see my vein throbbing in my neck. “Scared I’m going to bite, Melanie?” He chuckled, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my neck. 
“N- No.” I choked out, it must have been the alcohol I consumed earlier, making me see things. My eyes flutter shut as I tilted my head to the side, allowing him to nuzzle into my neck.
“Good girl.” He growled, his fangs growing, grazing against my skin. My eyes widened, I quickly placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him away, seeing his long canines attract back to their normal size.
“What- What the hell are you?” I quickly took a step back, nearly stepping into the couple dancing by us.
“Melanie, wait. Please let me explain.” He begged, reaching out for me.
“Don’t touch me, you monster.” I hissed, taking another step away. Drew frowned at that word. Everyone around us stopped dancing, staring in our direction.
Turning on the balls of my feet I quickly started to walk towards the exit, pushing past people the best I could. Stopping in my tracks to see Drew right next to the exit door, grabbing me and holding me tight.
“Get off! Let me go!” I cried out, about to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me into the nearest closet. It seemed like nobody noticed as everyone went on with the dance.
“Would you listen to me!” He snapped, his eyes darker than usual. “I’m not a monster, well, in other people’s eyes I am but I swear I’m not.” 
“Then what are you?” Silents broke out in the small room filled with extra items that they might need and cleaning supplies. “What are you-”
“A vampire, okay?” Drew finally spoke.
“A vampire?” I reassured. 
“Yes, a vampire.” He confirmed, letting go of me. 
“Like… Can’t go out in the sun, garlic kills you and wooden stakes-” I stopped talking. “Your wife?” I frowned. 
“Well, the whole garlic thing is a myth but wooden stakes, yes. That’s what killed my wife.” His hazel eyes now staring at the floor. 
“What are you doing here then?” Fixing my mask upon my face as it was slightly slipping.
“Honestly, trying to find a date.” He confessed, his fingers now fiddling with each other as if he was now shy or at least not comfortable about confronting why he was here tonight. “A buddy of mine told me to get out there again.” He scoffed. “And then I saw you at the bar.” He looked up at me, his eyes not as dark anymore, pushing a strand of my hair out of my eyes. He smiled softly. “You were so beautiful sitting there.” He breathed out, stepping closer.
“What’s going on with your fangs?” I asked, arching my eyebrow.
He sighed. “I can hear your heart pounding. It was pounding so fast when you were arguing with your ex I thought it was going to explode.” He chuckled. “I can smell your blood pumping in your veins, too.” Drew swallowed thickly, looking away. “Sorry, I shouldn’t talk about this.”
“If it makes you feel any better my friend dragged me here to look for someone too. Maybe… It’s meant to be?” My eyes looked over at him, hoping he felt the same.
He scoffed at my words, which made me feel so little all of a sudden. “You want to be with a vampire?” 
“What’s wrong with that?” I asked, offended that he didn’t like the idea I suggested.
“You really want to just sleep all day, only go out on dates during nights and never have garlic on pizza?” He teased the myth of what people think vampires were al about.
“I already sleep all day, I work nights and I’m allergic to garlic.” I scrunched up my nose remembering the time I was rushed to the hospital after eating a food with garlic cooked inside.
“You really wouldn’t mind?” Drew asked, his face becoming softer yet confusion still written on it. “You do realize I feed on blood, right?” 
“So you kill people? That’s hot.” I wiggled my eyebrows of course in a teasing manner.
He blushed, scratching the back of his head. “Well, not really. Animal blood.” 
“That’s what I thought.” I giggled, patting his scruffy cheek. “You aren’t a big bad vampire like you say you are.” 
Drew smirked slightly, stalking towards me. “Oh honey, you don’t know what you’re in for.” Drew grabbed at my wrists and pinned them against the wall. A small whimper left my lips as my back collided with the wall, if I could truly focus I slightly heard the music playing on the other side. 
“Then why don’t you show me?” My voice slightly lower and sultry, pushing my hips up against his growing loin, a low groan escaped his lips. 
Drew growled lowly at my actions, planting his lips against mine. Clenching my fists, I tried to get out of his strong grip. Moaning against his lips, I parted my mouth slightly letting his tongue explore my mouth. “Hmm fuck, Drew.” 
“Fuck, my cock is so hard for you alrready, baby.” He groaned. Drew unbuckled his pants, pulling the black leather from the loop holes he wrapped the leather strap around my wrists. “You’re going to behave for me, aren’t you?” He tightened the belt around my hands. Drew ripped his white shirt open, tossing it somewhere in the small room.
“Yes.” I panted, licking my lips. Drew pushed his black slacks down his muscular legs along with his tight boxers. His cock sprung up, hitting his toned lower stomach. Drew picked me up with ease, my back still pinned against the wall. He pulled my dress upwards. Wrapping my legs around his waist I felt his bare cock head rubbing against my clothed pussy, my panties becoming more damp from the friction.
“You ready baby?” He smirked, peppering kisses all over my neck.
“Yes.” I spoke breathlessly. Drew reached in between us, pushing my panties to the side while guiding his cock against my entrance and slowly pushed the tip of his cock in between my folds. “H- Holy fuck.” I squealed, his length stretched me out in the process. My hands gripping onto his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight.” Drew grunted, kissing my jaw line, trying to get me to relax against him. “Are you alright?” His words were in a low murmur.
“Please, just fuck me.” I begged, arching my back off of the wall, trying to push myself against his toned body and pushing my hips against him to get his cock further.
A sly smirk appeared on Drew’s lips as he shoved the rest of his cock into my pussy with one swift thrust. A scream escaped my throat as he started to thrust into me at a fast pace. Drew dug his nails into my waist as he slammed his cock faster into me. Loud thumps echoed throughout the small room as my hips hit up against the wall. 
“Oh my god, Drew.” I moaned out, my welldone hair for the evening now becoming a mess and out of place.
“Fuck, Melanie.” A low moan came out of Drew’s mouth, looking at my facial expression. His jaw dropped slightly, gritting his teeth. “You want to be mine?” He grunted, skin slapping against skin rang through my ears with each pumping thrust.
“Yes!” I blurted out, my eyes rolling in the back of my head before fluttering shut.
“Say it.” Drew’s voice became more gravellier, it wasn’t until this moment I realized he had a Scottish accent. 
“I want to be yours!” I screamed, trying to break free from the restraints around my wrist. “Please, Drew, I want to be yours!” 
Drew leaned forward, his teeth grazing against my neck, his teeth sinking into my flesh. A cry left from my throat as he marked me. “I’m going to come!” I warned him, my walls fluttered tightly around his cock. 
“Come on my cock baby, let me feel your juices.” Drew slammed his cock harder into my pussy, rubbing against my g-spot. 
“Gah! Fuck!” My body shook and stomach tightened as I reached my climax, gushing on Drew’s cock. Drew panted heavily, shooting his come inside my creamy pussy. 
“Oh fuck, Melanie.” Drew slowly pulled out, his cock covered in the clear coating. “Fuck.” He chuckled at how much of a mess we made. 
“Sorry, it’s uh, it’s been awhile.” I smiled weakly. “Uh, did you bite me?” I swallowed. Drew helped take the belt off around my wrists.
“Yeah, but I didn’t change you.” He chuckled. “I don’t think you’re ready for that.” He started to get dressed, tucking his white button up shirt into his black pants. Drew picked up my phone, unlocking it and typed away. Handing me back my device he smirked. “Text me some time, yeah?” 
With that Drew walked out of the small sex smelled closet we fucked in. My heart was pounding, fixing my hair and my mask I put my shoes back on and wobbled out of the closet, leaning against the closed door I looked down the hallway, trying to find Drew. 
If he fucks like that, I don’t think I’ll ever leave.
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Drew McIntyre's Masterlist
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
As Fate Would Have It- (Ch.1/7) (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Drew McIntyre/OFC
Summary: Fate can't stand Drew. But as they say, there's a very thin line between love and hate. Could that be the case with these two?
Tags: 18+, hate to love, one night stand.
Total Word Count: 8,006
''Why do I feel like you want my head on a stake?'' The Scotsman chuckled teasingly as he sprawled onto the seat next to Fate, making her roll her eyes in irritation.
'Because you're an insufferable prick, maybe? I dunno.'' She replied, keeping her eyes on the papers on the desk in front of her.
She thought her snappish tone would deter him from keeping the conversation going, but she was horribly, horribly wrong.
Instead, his entire body shook with uncontrollable laughter, only fueling Fate’s irritation further.
''I'm a prick, hm? How'd ya come to that conclusion?'' He asked Fate, his eyes shining with mirth.
She made the mistake of looking at his handsome features but quickly went back to her work.
Fate chastised herself mentally for the way her thighs clenched underneath her desk at the view, and she knew he caught her reaction when his smirk widened and he leaned in closer.
What's the matter, princess?'' He whispered huskily.
''Don't have anything smart to say? That's strange..''
When all Fate did was glare at him with the intensity of grumpy kitten and turned back to her work, Drew released another husky and knowing chuckle that made her body tingle from head to toe.
Even though she mentally cussed at him in English and Spanish, Fate’s body had other ideas..
''Look, is there something you need? There's like two hours before the show and I need to put the match card together. So whatever it is, spit it out,'' She replied, not bothering to hide her irritation.
He only chuckled again and relaxed further into the seat next to her.
‘'Nothing, really. Just..wanted to stop by and say 'hello','' he said with his sultry smirk intact.
Fate then focused back on the task at hand, trying to ignore how sinful he looked sprawled out in the seat, and answered him in the most casual tone she could muster.
''Well, you said hello so..now you can leave.''
Thinking that the conversation was over, Fate grabbed the papers from her desk, leaning back into her seat to look through the list of possible feuds she had come up with.
She wasn't counting on Drew slowly moving the papers away from her face so he could talk to her properly.
Fate kept waiting for the tingling that assaulted her body every time her brown eyes locked with his crystal blue ones to stop, but it never did.
But despite that, Fate tried desperately to focus on the words he was speaking.
Something about the business being stressful, and about ''helping each other out''…She didn't know.
Fate’s brain only put two and two together when he slid a piece of paper with a hotel name, a phone number and room number scribbled on it across the desk in front of me.
Her eyes no longer looked into his but down at the scrap of paper as he spoke again in a much different... gentler tone than he's spoken to her before.
''Look, uh..I know I can come off like a bit of a jerk. Truth be told I enjoy messin with ya.'' He chuckled softly.
''Mostly because you dish it right back... you don't have to come to my room tonight if it's not something you wanna do. Come by and we can have some fun, blow off some steam... or don't and we can just be friends. Or just coworkers. You pick.''
(Next Chapter)
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F/O Catalogue!
This is the f/o list I've been dreading making because it truly is just too damn long. Item order is f/o; s/i; relationship; ship tag; fandom tag; source media. I might forget to say something if/when I update it, sorry about that!
Allison Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blakes Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Amber Sweet; Drew Larsen; Romantic; See Past The Pretty Face; Repo! The Toxic Love Story; Repo! The Genetic Opera
April Ludgate; Barb Sawwheel; Romantic; For The Love of Goth (Girls); It's A Walk In The Park; Parks And Recreation
Argyle; Henri Rose; Romantic; Roseweed; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
👿🧂; Romantic; You're Not Beyond Repair; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 💟🍷)
🐝🌅; Romantic; Your Love Is My Drug; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 💥🌕)
😈🔪; Romantic; You Could Set My Broken Bones And I Know CPR; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 📚🌌)
Chrissy Cunningham; Rory McIntyre; Romantic; She's Cheer Captain And We Kiss Under The Bleachers; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
🟡🐕; Romantic; Best Friends To The End//Better Off As Lovers; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🔵🐩)
Diego Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Don E; Gemini Moss; Romantic; Lov E Dov E; s/iZombie; iZombie
Dustin Henderson; Dan Henderson; Familial; Nerds of a Feather Fight Monsters Together; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Emily (Corpse Bride); Adolphine; Romantic; She May Be Dead But Love Is Alive; Give It Up For My Corpse Bride
Emma Swan; Chava; Romantic; Swan's Eve; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
F. Tony Scarapiducci; Eddie Autumn; Romantic; Lovely Autumn Leaves; Give Me Space (Force); Space Force (Netflix)
Five Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
💚🤡; Romantic; I Feel Something Deep Inside I Never Felt Before; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🐔💞)
Graverobber; Zasha; Romantic; Dumpster-Diving Dumpster-Dweling Dumpster-Dating; Repo! The Toxic Love Story; Repo! The Genetic Opera
Grelle Sutcliffe; Velvela Adolphine; Romantic; Come On Baby Don't Fear The Reaper; Black Butler
Harry Hook; Gavrila Gothel; Romantic; Lost Children/Stolen Childhood; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Jane Margolis; Eli McGill; Romantic; Poppy Seeds And Asphodel; Break Bad and Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein; Simone Sawwheel; Romantic; Sapersawyer; It's A Walk In The Park; Parks And Recreation
Jesse Pinkman; Eli McGill; Romantic; A Love That Shines Like Crystal; Break Bad And Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman/Gene Takovic; Eli McGill; Familial; Better Call My Dad Saul; Break Bad And Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Killian Jones; Chava; Romantic; Smooth Sailing From Here On; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants;
Klaus Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Romantic; Immortal Tolerance; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy)
Liv Moore; Kennedy O'Leary; Romantic; Liv Laugh Love; s/iZombie; iZombie
💥🌕; Romantic; Love-Starved Puppy Dog; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🐝🌅)
Loni/Lani; Margo DunBroch; Romantic; Break Rules/Change Fate; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Luther Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Madison Montgomery; Davey Greene; Romantic; That Witch Sates You; Homemade American Horror Stories; American Horror Story
Mal; Amit Tremaine; Romantic; We Could Be A Better Boyfriend; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Movie!Betelgeuse/Keatlejuice; Poe Reeve; Romantic; Reeving Mad About Her; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (Movie)
Murray Bauman; Teddie Oslov-Bauman; Familial; Theories Held Together By Yarn and Spite; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Musical!Beetlejuice; Loten Burke; Romantic; Creepy Old Guy And Cute Young Bride; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (Musical)
Nacho Varga; Di Lyman; Romantic; To Di For; Break Bad and Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Nancy Wheeler; Gerrie Sawyer; Romantic; The Priss and The Pauper; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Nicky Nichols; Reggie Heron; Romantic; Let My Love Be Your Drug; Orange S/I The New Black; Orange Is The New Black
🐔💞; Romantic; As I'm Getting Ruined (Like Really Trashed) I Only Wanna Look In Your Eyes; Secret F/Os; (Poly With 💚🤡)
Peter B. Parker; Kit Herringbone; Romantic; Cat And Spider Game; Into The S/Iverse; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Poussey Washington; Rivka Haza; Romantic; Love Is Stored In The Library; Orange S/I The New Black; Orange Is The New Black
Reagan Lucas; Rye Buckson; Romantic; Love We Did Our Best And We Will Again; New Girl In Town; New Girl
Red/Ruby; Ambrose; Romantic; The Wolf And The Living Dead; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
🔵🐩; Romantic; This Is A Love Song In My Own Way; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🟡🐕)
Rita DuClark; Berry; Romantic; That's Rich Coming From You; s/iZombie; iZombie
Robin Buckley; Dan Henderson; Romantic; Deranged Rebel; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Sam Carpenter; Brianna Macher; Romantic; Like Fathers Like Daughters; Scream Your Name; Scream Franchise
Guide; Shprintze; Romantic; Tale As Old Or Older Than Time; Who We Do In The Shadows; What We Do In The Shadows (TV)
Steve Harrington; Teddie Oslov-Bauman; Romantic; Turn My World Upside-Down; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
📚🌌; Romantic; Could You Be Seen With Me And Still Act Proud; Secret F/Os; (Poly With 😈🔪)
Teddy Lobo; Daya Daytona; Romantic; A Little Too... Familiar; My Unhinged Renfield/What We Do In The Shadows Crossover; Renfield
Toonjuice; Vera Snow; Romantic; Our Love Is Vera-fied; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (All Media Types)
Uma; Rivka Fitzherbert; Romantic; Tower & Ship; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Vampire Steve; Indigo Loomis; Romantic; Indigo Vampire; s/iZombie; iZombie
💟🍷; Romantic; Hope You'd Miss Me//Wish You'd Kiss Me; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 👿🧂)
Viktor Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
William Afton (movie ver.); Leveret Raglan; Romantic; Springlocked And Loaded; Five Nights At The Furry's
And for the F/Os I don't have ship names, S/Is or stories with yet, we have the Crush List (item order is character; relationship; source media)
Bolin; Romantic; Avatar: Legend of Korra
Hobie Brown; Romantic; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Iroh II; Romantic; Avatar: Legend of Korra
James Patrick March; Romantic; AHS
Jimmy Darling; Romantic; AHS
Mei, Ting-Ting & Su; Romantic; Mulan II
Peter Parker/Spider-Noir; Romantic; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Ramona Royale; Romantic; AHS
The Countess/Elizabeth March; Romantic; AHS
Yao, Ling & Chen-Po; Romantic; Mulan/Mulan II
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gayfour · 1 year
Tag people you want to know better!
I believe i was tagged for this by @crystal-mouse, @reffitt-blog1 and @gay-spock I think...
Currently reading: Novelisation of star trek IV the voyage home by Vonda N. McIntyre the one with the whales <3
Favourite colour: yellow :) particularly light and warm yellows
Hang on i forgot what the other things im supposed to put on this are... Okay its last song, last movie, sweet/spicy/savory, and currently working on.
Last song: that would be Come On Up To Our House - Bon Jovi
Last movie: i think its probably gonna be The One With The Whales <3
Sweet/spicy/savory: im gonna say sweet or savory but im not particularly against spice, if its not too much
Currently working on: this is not a very specific question.... I'm doing a degree, and I've got several portraits of Data that I'm very slowly trying to finish, and some writing that im probably never going to post anywhere...
I do not have the energy to tag people at the moment :( if you see this and want to do it then you can do it as though i had tagged you :)
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mystacoceti · 2 years
Daylight filtered into the crevasse. Snake lay as she had fallen, one hand flung out before her. Frost silvered the ragged edges of her sleeve. A thick white coat of ice crystals covered the tumbled rock fragments of the floor and crept up the side of the crevasse. Fascinated by the lacy pattern, Snake let her mind drift among the delicate fronds. As she gazed at them they became three-dimensional. She was in a prehistoric forest of moss and ferns, all black and white.
Here and there wet trails cut the traceries, throwing them abruptly back into two-dimensionality, forming a second, harsher pattern. The stone-dark lines looked like the tracks of dreamsnakes, but Snake knew better than to expect any of the serpents to be active in this temperature, active enough to slide over ice-covered ground. Perhaps North, to safeguard them, had taken them to a warmer place. 
While she was hoping that was true, she heard the quiet rustle of scales on stone. One of the creatures, at least, had been left behind. That gave her comfort, for it meant that she was not entirely alone.
This one must be a hardy beast, she thought.
It might be the big one that had bitten her, one large enough to produce and conserve some body heat. Opening her eyes, she tried to reach out toward the sound. Before her hand could move, if it would move, she saw the serpents.
Because many more than one remained. Two, no, three dreamsnakes twined themselves around each other only an arm’s length away. None was the huge one; none was much larger than Grass had been. They writhed and coiled together, marking the frost with dark hieroglyphics that Snake could not read. The symbols had a meaning, of that she was sure, if she could only decipher them. Only part of the message lay within her view, so, slowly and stiffly, she turned her head to follow the connecting tracks. The dreamsnakes remained at the edge of her sight, rubbing against each other, their bodies forming triple-stranded helices.
The serpents were freezing and dying, that must be it, and somehow she had to call North and make him save them. Snake pushed herself up on her elbows, but she could move no farther. She struggled, trying to speak, but a wave of nausea overcame her. North and his creatures: Snake retched dryly, but there was nothing in her stomach to come up and help purge her of her revulsion. She was still under the effects of the venom.
The stabbing pain had faded to a deep, throbbing ache. She forced it back, forced herself to feel it less and less, but she could not maintain the necessary energy. Overwhelmed, she fainted again.
from Dreamsnake, Vonda N. McIntyre
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docrotten · 6 months
RETURN TO HORROR HIGH (1987) – Episode 247 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Well, would you care to walk around in the scene with your schlong hanging out? Only in your case, darling, it would be a ‘schlort.’” Who says this movie isn’t funny? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr – as they try to decipher the movie within the movie depicted in Return to Horror High (1987).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 247 – Return to Horror High (1987)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1980s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
In the early 1980s, a series of gruesome murders occurred at Crippen High School. A few years later, a film crew uses the now-abandoned Crippen High as the set for a film, but an uninvited guest makes an appearance on the set.
  Director: Bill Froehlich
Writers: Bill Froehlich (as Bill Froelich), Mark Lisson, Dana Escalante, Greg H. Sims
Selected Cast:
Lori Lethin as Callie Cassidy / Sarah Walker / Susan
Brendan Hughes as Steven Blake
Alex Rocco as Harry Sleerik
Scott Jacoby as Josh Forbes
Andy Romano as Principal Kastleman
Richard Brestoff as Arthur Lyman Kastleman
Al Fann as Amos
Pepper Martin as Chief Deyner
Maureen McCormick as Officer Tyler
Vince Edwards as Richard Birnbaum
Philip McKeon as Richard Farley
Panchito Gómez as Choo Choo
Michael Eric Kramer as Donny Porter
Marvin J. McIntyre as Robbie Rice (as Marvin McIntyre)
George Clooney as Oliver
Remy O’Neill as Esther Molvania
Darcy DeMoss as Sheri Haines
Cliff Emmich as Dillon
Willie Etra as Mangled Face / Hatchet Face (as Will Etra)
George Fisher as Masked Figure
Dexter Hamlett as Freddie
Joy Heston as Becky
Frank Kniest as Camera Assistant
John Mueller as Jimmy
Alison Noble as Jeanine
Kristi Somers as Ginny McCall
Larry Spinak as Peter
It’s time to head back to horror school with Return to Horror High (1987), a spooky spoof on slasher films. What is this film about? Well, that’d be telling, wouldn’t it? The bizarre narrative and goofy hijinks have the Grue-Crew scratching their heads with its ‘mayta’ and ‘paradig’em’ references. (Go, Bill!) Regardless of all the shenanigans, the results are fun if often confusing.
At the time of this writing, Return to Horror High is available for streaming from Hoopla and Tubi, and as PPV from multiple sources. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Puppet Master (1989), the first of Charles Band’s still-growing franchise.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 1 month
S2 Ep22: Company Car
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In this episode we found out that nori knows who has the evil crystal and we found out that Jordan has the crystal and his plan for the use is to destroy seabrook once and for all and Josephine(Phineas’ Cousin) Makes her first appearance and Marissa finds out about Jordan and The crystal cause she thought that Harley had the crystal but Harley was telling the truth(guys don’t worry we all love Bubba Harley) and Laurie McIntyre talks to Trin about moving back in with her(Laurie) But Trin doesn’t wanna go near her own mother who’s been lying about her own father for years(Thank god we all love Danny)
Nori belongs to @caityrayeraye
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moocowmoocow · 1 year
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Shohreh Aghdashloo attends the Women In Film 2018 Crystal + Lucy Awards presented by Max Mara, Lancôme and Lexus at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on June 13, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. (June 12, 2018 - Source: Emma McIntyre/Getty Images North America)      
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
A Garden of Charms and Spells
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YDJFgMe
by minx4572
Lexa Woods has always been peculiar, and the house she lives in and the garden she grows are even more curious. The residents of TonDC might even go so far as to say Lexa and her house are magical, for how else could her cupcakes with crystalized flowers on top get unruly children at a party to settle down? Or her garlic soup make people fall in love? It all makes no sense to the residents, but everyone knows if Lexa Woods is catering your event, you'll get exactly what you desire.
For seven years, Lexa has grown her business, but she has never truly been happy because for seven years there has been a gaping hole in her heart, and it can only be filled by Clarke Griffin, only now, Lexa isn't sure if that is what she wants.
This story is about what happens when Clarke Griffin comes back to town to try and fill that hole.
Words: 3396, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100, clexa - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Raven Reyes (The 100), Anya (The 100), Jake Griffin, Abby Griffin, Jasper Jordan, Monty Monogram, Harper McIntyre, Finn Collins, Madi (The 100), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Clexa - Relationship, Raven Reyes/Anya
Additional Tags: Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Lexa's house is magical, Lexa might be magical too, Clarke has cherry red hair but not for long, Madi is a damned cute kid
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YDJFgMe
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romangoldendreams · 3 years
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The King´s Daughter (2017)
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I do love My Women of Music, Country and Other Genres Too!
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
It’s Just Training… Right (18+ One Shot)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Drew McIntyre/Fem. Reader
Summary: Not super original but, everyone loves a good ole training session that leads to hot sex... right?
Tags: 18+, unprotected sex, Dom/Sub dynamic, light choking, light hair pulling... and a lil size kink because, well, it's me.)
‘’Did you watch the matches I sent you?’’ Drew asked me as he casually leaned against the ropes of his at-home wrestling ring.
It was a blessed day off after a grueling tour and we were happy to just be able to veg out and relax.
But in a couple more days we would be back at it, and I would have a number one contender’s match for the WWE Championship against Bobby.
Yeah… Bobby.
Plenty of people in the locker room didn’t bother hiding the fact that they thought that I had a literal death when I agreed to this match, what with our different sizes and gender.
And I almost hated myself because the closer the match got, the louder their comments became in my head.
So, naturally, I thought it would be a good idea to ask someone for advice.
Someone who had already been in the ring with Bobby and had beaten him…
Ignoring the fact that between Drew and me there was also a massive difference, I thought it still couldn’t hurt.
My eyes couldn’t help but roam hungrily over the rippling muscles in his arms as he balanced himself on the ropes.
I think this was a bad idea.
It took me a couple seconds to register Drew’s question and embarrassingly I blurted out.
‘’Yes, Si- I did.’’ I stuttered, my face heating up in embarrassment at what I almost called him.
I could tell that Drew hadn’t missed it and suddenly I couldn’t meet his eyes.
‘’Stand right here.’’ Drew suddenly said, positioning me with my back facing him.
‘’Let’s see if you paid attention.’’ He muttered in my ear, and unless I was imagining things, his voice sounded a little… husky. His Scottish accent a little thicker.
Well, fuck.
Trying to ignore the sudden flame of arousal burning between my legs, I tried to brace myself for what was coming next.
In a matter of seconds, Drew had me in Bobby’s ‘’Hurt Lock’’ and I was practically flopping around like a fish until I successfully got myself out of it.
‘’Nice!’’ Drew praised, and I couldn’t help but smile wide in response.
Coming from him, any kind of positive feedback meant a lot to me.
‘’Told ya! I do pay attention.’’ I replied, my tone getting lower as I realized how close he was standing.
‘’You’re definitely a great student,’’ Drew chuckled, looking down at me with those beautiful, crystal-blue eyes of his.
‘’Well, that’s only because I have a great teacher!’’ I quipped back a little breathlessly.
Almost as if I hadn’t noticed before, I gawked slightly at how he towered over me like the sexiest tree I had ever seen.
The sight alone had me hyperaware of the developing heat between my legs once again.
I was now backed up against the ring ropes as Drew turned us, both of us still panting softly after our small scuffle just a few seconds earlier.
Before we could question the sudden shift in the room, and as if we read each other’s minds, we brought our lips together into a hungry kiss.
Feeling his bulging muscles underneath my fingertips and his tongue against mine, I suddenly couldn’t even think anymore.
And when he gathered my hair into his fist and pulled at it lightly, as if testing the waters, I was gone completely.
‘’What was it that you were going to call me, love?’’ Drew asked between kissing along my neck and cupping one of my breasts in his free hand.
‘’S-Sir?’’ I replied in a timid voice.
I thought of lying to him and playing dumb but, I figured if the opportunity was presenting itself, I wouldn’t dare waste it.
Apparently, I had made the right call because I heard him let out a low growl of approval from deep within his chest and I honest to God had no idea how the hell I was still standing.
My knees threatened to buckle at the sound before I quickly caught myself with one hand against the ropes.
‘’Keep calling me that, yeah?’’ Drew replied in a hoarse voice bathed in primal need.
I let out an embarrassingly high-pitched whine, but it only seemed to encourage him.
‘’Yes, Sir.’’ I replied.
Once our clothes were discarded haphazardly, Drew ordered me to jump, wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto the rope behind me.
I didn’t know what he had in mind until he used his brute strength to lift my legs onto his shoulders and he began to lap at my wet center.
Letting out a harsh curse at the sudden pleasure that overtook my body, I felt my arms beginning to shake, but I held on.
Drew kept a firm hold on me as his tongue continued its lazy strokes over my wet folds, alternating between them and my clit.
My hips began to swivel on their own accord, but he didn’t scold me for it.
I kept my eyes on him through it all, even as a powerful orgasm ripped through my body like a tumultuous wave.
All throughout my orgasm, his mouth never wavered, licking, and sucking at my most sensitive areas almost bringing tears to my eyes.
Deciding to give my arms a break, Drew moved us onto the mat, spreading me out over it and looking over my glistening body with hungry eyes.
I happily let his hands roam my body, arching into his touch when he paid special attention to my breasts, kneading them in his hands before pinching my sensitive nipples.
‘’Fuck me, Sir…’’ I moaned, this time without an ounce of embarrassment.
I wanted him inside me, and I wanted it now.
I was done being patient.
‘’Are you asking me or…’’ Drew trailed off and there was a harsh glint in his eye, almost as if he were warning me.
I was slightly confused until I got the hint…
‘’I’m sorry, Sir... will you please fuck me, Sir?’’ I amended, looking at him through my lashes.
Drew smiled, stroking my thighs almost lovingly.
‘’That’s better, love.’’ He praised.
And then he asked me something that made me freeze.
‘’Do you like being restrained?’’ he asked, tilting his head as I processed his question.
‘’Yes, Sir. I love it, actually.’’ I replied, the corners of my mouth lifting in a slight smirk.
‘’I figured as much,’’ Drew said, alluding to our earlier training session.
I clearly wasn’t hiding my attraction him as well as I thought I had, and he clearly got a kick out of it.
‘’Are you making fun of me, Sir?’’ I asked Drew in faux outrage, but he just grinned before his tongue traced lazy circles along one of my hardened nipples, rendering my thoughts into an incoherent mess again.
I felt Drew hum around my nipple before he pinned it between his teeth, making me gasp and arch into him.
He gave my other nipple the same treatment and then he pinned my hands above my head, keeping them in place with just one of his.
‘’I would never make fun of you, my darling,’’ Drew replied, but his eyes sparkled with mirth.
The feeling of lying there underneath him at his mercy, with only his large hand holding me in place, was euphoric.
There was no other way to put it.
The overwhelming feeling was only amplified the second he parted my legs and slowly entered me.
I shut my eyes tightly at the sensation and began to move my hips to speed things up.
‘’Is that okay?’’ Drew asked me, concern lacing his voice.
‘’I’m not- it’s good. So good. Faster, please Sir.’’ I moaned, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth.
Pleased with my manners, Drew granted my request, burying himself to the hilt inside of me before he pulled out and slammed back in again with a grunt.
My eyes fluttered shut again as he seemed to lose himself as much as I was.
‘’Look at me… What else do you enjoy?’’ Drew asked, letting out a curse as my walls gripped him.
I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
‘’I love being choked, Sir,’’ I replied, looking him right in the eyes and seeing an almost pained expression cross over them.
I expected this to be a dealbreaker, but I was pleasantly surprised when his free slowly slid over my quivering body and came to rest lightly over my throat, again as if he were testing the waters.
It was his turn to give me a smirk as the rhythm of his hips turned into something more powerful and he had me seeing stars.
And I knew I wasn’t even halfway done telling him all of the things I enjoyed…
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