#Cultural shock I guess
magicinverse · 11 months
I want to give a lil bit of Mexican insight!!!
Father and Mother are titles that are exclusive for the people who raised/birth us
It's kinda disrespectful to call someone that when they aren't your parent and your parents are present in your life
Step father is a title that it's really formal but important, a kid usually calls someone step father when they love and care for them, otherwise they are just the husband/wife of your mom/dad
Do people call their step father "dad"? Yes, sometimes when their bio dad isn't present and their step father acted like a dad for them, it happens
Now obviously this doesn't apply to all the families but it's the norm we go by
Roier wasn't wrong to say that Cellbit wasn't Bobby's dad and he was his step father, just like he always makes sure to clarify that Richas is his kid cause he married Cellbit
Doesn't mean they are not family and doesn't mean there is less love, doesn't mean that in their heart they aren't their kids
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny raises Superman au
So we all know that Superman touched down in Kansas and was adopted by the Kents and bla bla bla. But you know what state also has farms and is only like 600 miles away? Illinois.
So Danny is chilling in the countryside, enjoying his sweet, peaceful early retirement when an alien pod, that's a little a lot off course, suddenly crashes near his house. When he checks it out, there's a baby inside. Welp looks like he's a father now. No way is he risking the government getting their greedy little mits on this precious ray of sunshine.
Clark grows up with a father who teaches him early on how to control his powers and use them for good (They may or may not stop a robbery or two occasionally). He also gets two cool aunts. One is free spirited and always bringing him souvenirs from her travels. The other is very grounded and teaches him many techniques to deal with his conflicting emotions (his father is not happy when he uses said techniques on him).
Danny for his part is happy we his son develops a support system like he did. They can even actively help him beat up the villains! He's overjoyed at the man Clark becomes and even happier when he brings home an ace reporter who knows how shifty the government can be. He might be already saving up for their wedding but who can say?
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
Criticising korean fans when they do something actually dodgy is all fine and good, should go for anyone who does invasive or weird, shit but also the amount of times now I see (usually western) fans just being like. Blatantly xenophobic and racist. Pretty much being like Yuck korean fans.... ?????? You're obsessed with a KOREAN POP ACT? why are you saying Korea like it's a slur you weirdo
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moregraceful · 17 days
my east coast friends, when they came to visit me in california, would always be like oh my god, kas you live like this? when i drove them on our freeways. kas you know there's a better way to create a highway that isn't needlessly dangerous right?? six lanes wildly unsafe merges for three different highways?? OKAY??? AND??? I JUST PAID OHIO $21.25 TO DRIVE ACROSS THE STATE. TWENTY-ONE AMERICAN DOLLARS. I DROVE FROM CALIFORNIA TO IOWA PAYING ZERO DOLLARS AND NOW ILLINOIS, INDIANA, OHIO, AND PENNSYLVANIA WANT ME TO PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF DRIVING ON AN INTERSTATE? THAT'S A PUBLIC HIGHWAY. FUCK OFF. i think i paid over $40 in tolls across four states and for WHAT. my tempestuous assignation with the capricious i-80 comes to a catastrophic end. i yearn for the stress of a wyoming lightning storm. like bro what is that $21 even paying for?? the nicer rest stops sorry "service plazas"? what?? i don't WANT a clean bathroom and a dunkins, i want a suspect bathroom in a building that looks like it was made by laura ingalls wilder's dad, a beautiful scenic view, and a trucker looking at me appraisingly from across the median!! i want americana and human connection, i don't want a latte made by a teenager that will make my stomach hurt!! "ohhh kas bay area highways are a nightmare there is no reason for it to be this bad" WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR A PUBLIC HIGHWAY. NONE OF US HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS. THE PROBLEM IS USAMERICAN INFRASTRUCTURE!!
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forcebookish · 10 months
so today i have posted about akktheo, posted gifs of topmew, posted forcebook pics and shared a forcebook fic for beta'ing, and am currently writing guncher fanfic
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they've taken over my life so wholly and viscerally i don't know why i still act shocked at this point but oh my god
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bylertruther · 1 year
i don't like season three when viewing it as a continuation of seasons one and two, but i do very much like season three when viewing it as the prequel to seasons four and five... hmmmmm.
#rewatching it bc i wanted to make another foreshadowing compilation post for myself regarding what will's actions will#likely be in season five re: vecna and lmao. so many things are just... it's like. it makes me laugh how In Your Face it is now#that we know all that we know. so many direct parallels both with dialogue and actions. mike/will/lucas/el foreshadowing their s4 roles.#the flaying of the holloways and the creels. the dormancy / activation shit. the building shit. the natural progression of their arcs.#the different ways that their characters approach problem solving and how we see tht reinforced by s4. it's so fascinating#genuinely i think idk it was just such a big culture shock i guess u could say from 1 and 2 that it was hard to digest on its own for me#but now that 4 is in the same vein it's like Oh. Okay. Yeah no. I get it now. That's cool. I'm forever bitter but I get it and respect it.#3 4 and 5 are a package deal considering they also said 4 was like part 1 of 5.#it also makes sense bc the point of 3 was that everyone was changing and building themselves in a new way and that#includes vecna so. just so fascinating how they link everything and how their vision is so consistent with certain plots and characters#like. the lucas max mike n will + el involvement is right there. the idea that they have to kill vecna and not just his puppets is right#there. that 2nd point starts in season two but three is where it really turns into an ''the end justifies the means'' situation#(especially for will which i think is something a lot of people overlook but—)#s3 is painful when considering their personal character arcs but fucking delicious when considering the overarching supernatural vecna plot#bc thts also when he starts his ''there is no stopping this'' shtick and actually enters the story#and he's fucking slimy lol. which i Love#anyway. omg first i defended mike in the rain fight and now i'm saying i kind of like season three who the FUCK am i!!!!!#crazy what feeling the need to defend a white boy's honor will do to you 😳
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diegohargreeves1989 · 2 years
Anyone else struggling to watch western media after nonstop consumption of thai BLs (and GLs) No? Just me? Okay.
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socrates2point0h · 2 months
What is youre favorite fact about Venezuela?
gotta be the dancing devils of yare. look at these absolute beasties
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who else is doing it like this
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inthecarpets · 2 months
Hey, as someone who was unschooled, please don’t say that parents “do not care” to teach their children. It has nothing to do with not caring, in fact in my experience, parents of unschooled children care far more than those of schooled children. Are there bad apples? Absolutely! But unschooling is not out of a lack of care. My parents did not put me in school because they thought I’d struggle there, and frankly I do not think I would have survived school. I am much happier with the way I was raised than any of my friends who were sent to school are.
I also know many, MANY people who were unschooled like me that have successful careers and lives. Please don’t fall for the “well they didn’t go to school so they’re failures as adults” thing.
I wrote those tags written quick without bigger thought, my bad i apologize.
That being said if you happened to watch the video i mentioned in the tags, you'd hear how the youtuber mentions how much parents care, mentions the safety of schools with the shootings, the state of US education, and however how much said care can also ruin child's life sometimes. There might be plenty of children who ended up successful but also plenty who ended not successful. There are even comments under the video. (once again, a video by Kasia Baba)
Everything in life is nuanced. But like, I never said anything about "well they didn’t go to school so they’re failures as adults" since literally homeschooling exists and people can get schooling in individualistic ways? And very specific cases exist aswell.
It's simply absolutely wild to me that it's legal to not even teach your children Basic Math or Reading in the US. Because stuff like that in my country is Illegal. It's illegal. It's simply illegal here so Yes i'm going to think it's Wild. Education was boiled really deep in us bc education meant a job for decades.
Teaching basic math and reading should be mandatory no matter what. That's also why homeschooling in my country requires some kind of tests every now and then.
Like honestly, every child is different but also there still needs to be some kind of system in place bc most of normie parents couldn't Ever handle something like "unschooling".
In my non american eyes It's a very special kind of upbringing which should be reserved Only to very individual cases. There are children who'll learn how to read on their own and count on their own. But it's not all of them. I know that if it were me? I'd be ruined as hell because i was a slow kid.
Please note i'm seriously, Not American so it's natural such concepts would surprise.
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robot-reference · 1 year
the only thing i remember about the michel bay movie Jazz was Optimus cradling his dead body
i don’t even know when he died, how do you do that? i don’t even remember if he appeared in the movie before that but that might just be me
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In Canada currently and I keep getting blindsided when cashiers make small talk. Like I do not expect anything beyond "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" and "Goodbye" and then they start asking me how I‘m doing while I‘m trying to count my money
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m0e-ru · 4 months
closes tab after seeing three pages of erina and toshiro's tag like yeah they dont need any more soldiers. let;s go back to the gas station everybody
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cookinguptales · 1 year
seeing a lot of tags on that "pleasure to have in class" post like "I was a teacher's pet until I wasn't" and upon reflection, I guess that's true of me, too.
like 95% of my teachers loved me, wrote me rave letters for college, hung out with me outside of class, etc... but there was that one time that I... technically assaulted a teacher...
he never said a word about it because I had been pushed and I'm fairly sure he would have gotten in as much trouble as I did. so I guess it was kind of like mutually assured destruction...?
but statute of limitations has passed now, so I'll admit that I did quite literally throw the book at a very inappropriate and sexist teacher. um. a textbook, in fact.
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nysus-temple · 2 years
It's incredible, in the wrong way, that this needs to be said, but...
Wikipedia is not a primary source.
Look, I use it too, sometimes it can work, but you can't jump at anyone going “did you know that—” and then answering that you read it on Wikipedia. Most of the places where the info comes from are not primary sources, but secondary ( or even not true ), from later authors. And unless those authors list their actual primary sources for their works, then they're not reliable.
So, please, don't use the well-known “argument of the ignorant” to justify your facts you made up. For the ones who don't know, that argument consists in "if there are no sources saying that THIS didn't happen, then is possible it has happened and we don't know!" Those, dear, are theories, not sources nor arguments.
I know getting primary sources is hard, but that doesn't justify misinformation, sorry if that broke your heart into pieces, buddy.
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idkimnotreal · 9 months
the culture shock when you learn a word in english first (or it's more common in english) and then start using it in your own language is entirely different.
for example. i recently started renting an apartment to live on my own. i told my mother a few days back that i live in a suburb. there is such a word in portuguese (subúrbio. soo-boo-r-bee-oo. with either spanish, carioca or american r, depends on the town). i was thinking like the american suburbs - or just a general suburb, that is, a part of the city where well off families live and where it's usually calm and pleasant (although there are no american style suburbs in brazil and i live near a commercial centre in a building). but she was briefly shocked when i said i live in a suburb, blurted back "suburb?!?!?", and when i confirmed she let it go probably because she understood i didn't mean what she had, well, understood.
but that got me thinking and i knew just from her reaction that suburb in brazil is something else and probably linked to poverty. i had had no contact with the portuguese version of the word before save for maybe dubbed hollywood films. so everything i had to derive meaning from was my mom's reaction to me saying the word.
then i googled it and the actual meaning was the most brazilian thing possible. so suburb was used in contrast to the city centre, where wealthy families usually live. since brazil is famously one of the most unequal countries in wealth distribution on earth, parts of the city that are not the city centre could only mean one thing - where poor people live. because you have rich people in brazil and then poor people. so if you're not rich... you're poor. hence suburbs are poor neighbourhoods.
i don't think that's true anymore. we've become a middle income country in the last decades with considerable progress (that has stalled nonetheless). i don't think i live in the city centre, i live near enough, but not in it. but i also don't live in a poor neighbourhood. the only word left is suburb. a well off neighbourhood that's not the city centre or immediately next to it.
but this was an interesting one. a word with different meanings in english and portuguese whose portuguese meaning is loaded with vital context about brazil. it obviously couldn't be any different and I'm surprised that i failed to intuit that on my own.
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(Though tbh I feel like this difference in attitudes towards...being understood and audience-oriented is one that exists between English-speaking academia and German-speaking academia as a whole. Though that's just a very generalised impression.)
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