#Cushion Checkerboard
inspiredlivingspaces · 11 months
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IG chinoiserieandchintz
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janineantulovstuff · 2 years
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dreamerwitches · 6 months
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Witch doppels part 3, the final part for the og witches
I was happy with Patricia really quickly. I love the circular silhouette. Her collar is part of the magi with the rest of her stemming from behind her neck. I suppose I could do a second go cause her body isn't particularly utilised. Hm
Roberta was easy for me to do but it could do with another go as well. I knew I wanted the magi to be pole dancing lol my magi for her is an adult (and she canonically aged to like 30-40) so this is fine. If I were to do a doppel for her younger form I'd probably have her on a swing in the bird cage. The chain would have gems in it as well as gems floating around. Perhaps I'd try a version including Gotz elements.
Walpurgisnacht had two goes since I thought the first was too tall. I definitely prefer the second as it's an improvement for sure. The magi has a veil to mimic Walpurgis' cut off head and she has mini shadow magical girls around her on the cog. The hands take from her concept art and have checkerboard nails.
I thought it was important to incorporate the whole of Itzli cause duh, she's awesome. The magi's body is below her brain, I definitely wanted her head incorporated with that part. I wanted her to be covered in clovers like she's rotting. The hands are from her attacks from SLOT 2 and I made the ball things eyes to suit with her theme of constantly observing.
Not 100% happy with Quitterie but it's good for a first go. I knew I wanted the magi to have the Kyubey head of her disguise. Quitterie's pin cushion has Kyubey eyes on it. I'd like to change this to incorporate Quitterie and the magi together more.
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theromanticscrooge · 2 months
A Few of my Favorite Scenes from Fics I've Written
This is pretty much more shameless advertising for fics I've written over the past month or so. Each of these will include the link, rating, and whether or not its finished if you're interested in checking out more.
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The World Beyond the Mouse Hole
Rating: Teen +
Synopsis: A short prequel one-shot about how Fink met Professor Venomous and her first childhood friend Eurydice.
Once he was back in his own apartment, Venomous dug a box of his neighbor’s bonbons out of a nearby drawer with a small smirk. Maybe he’d pay her back after he had a few bigger scores and actually moved out of this cheap, crappy apartment complex. He hit the creamy center of the chocolate and made a satisfied noise.
No, compared to the laundry list of other bigger scale crimes he did on the regular, sniping someone’s pricey candy was low on said list.
“Gimme one,” a squeaky voice demanded. She pushed his leg aside and reached up with deft little fingers to take one of the chocolates.
“Hey…” Venomous started to protest, but halfheartedly.
“Actually, I’ll take all of these.” She took the full box with a sassy swipe of her tail.
“What happened to being subtle, kid?” Venomous crossed his living room to his lumpy thrifted couch with a checkerboard pattern.
“I’m tired of hiding!” she complained, climbing up next to him. “I live here too. Why do I have to hide?”
“Have you heard what they’ve said about you…?” Venomous asked with a slight frown.
“Rita likes me.” The kid said with a cheeky grin. “We even have this fun game we play!”
Venomous fixed her with a skeptic glare as he crossed his legs.
“I finally have a place I like!” she cried, spreading her arms. “I just got everything set up the way I want it…”
“We were moving in a month anyway.” Venomous tapped his leg. “Things would have gone way more smoothly if you stayed in the apartment instead of making a tunnel system through the whole building.”
“That bed sucks. So does the couch.” She stuck her tongue out. “I want my own room and my own space. Not something you let me borrow.”
“You’re getting your own room. We just need to hold out a little longer.” Venomous settled back into the cushions with a huff. “What do I need to do to get you to stay put next time?”
She looked at him like he had a third head as she stuffed a huge handful of chocolate in her mouth. Glaring, Venomous plucked one of the remaining chocolates.
“There’s parks near one of the motels I’m looking at.” Venomous started chewing. “Some mascot pizza place. Toy store. Lots of stuff a kid like you should enjoy. And keep you preoccupied while Boss gets work done.”
“I don’t have any money…”
“That didn’t stop you before.”
“I was taking stuff people wouldn’t miss.” She huffed. “I take one thing that looks kinda cool or pretty. I can’t have one nice thing?”
“There’s plenty of cool, pretty stuff at these places.” Venomous took another chocolate. “You can have everything you want. We just need to get you out of here.”
“But I like it here.”
“We can’t stay here.” He sighed heavily. “Birdbrain was threatening to raid your nest and bring in a professional exterminator. And you pushed Rita’s buttons a bit too hard. There’s a finesse to that kind of thing. Spread out the pranks more and you could’ve milked that longer.”
“I wouldn’t have to if you’d let me come with you to work.” She gave him a pout. “I’m bored!”
“I have books-”
“Without pictures.”
“You have a little something called...imagination.”
“There’s a lot of big words I don’t get!” She complained further. “Yes, I looked them up in the dictionary. And those are the books that aren’t boring science stuff.”
“Hey, science is cool. That’s how I make a lot of my money…”
“It’s fun when you talk about it.” She frowned again. “I have more fun when you’re here.”
“Someone needs to keep a roof over our heads.” He pointed at the ceiling.
“I made my own roof.” She smiled sadly. “I can make a house.”
“What about the other stuff?” Venomous raised his brows.
“I’m. Bored.” She leaned forward. “You’re supposed to be my boss, right? Give me something to do…”
Venomous folded his arms and hummed. The longer he mulled things over, the higher the effectiveness when the kid looked at him with the most pathetic expression on her face. Finally, he slumped his shoulders and raised his hands.
“Okay…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Get all of the necessary stuff you want out of your nest. We’re moving tomorrow. That’s your first assignment.”
She started to pout but Venomous raised a finger in a “hold on” gesture.
“We get moved out. Then I’ll take you with me on an upcoming work trip.” He smiled slightly. “Think you can navigate vents?”
She gasped and started pumping her fists. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”
“It’s settled!” He nodded and slapped his legs. “I need to get Birdbrain off the scent. Leave Rita alone.”
“….I can’t say goodbye?” She frowned. “Rita’s the only one here I kinda like besides you, Boss.”
“Trust me. It’d be a better idea to leave her alone.” Venomous huffed. “Sometimes, it’s better to just leave. No matter how much you liked the person.”
“I already had to do that. Before I moved here.” She looked bitter. “I’m gonna find Eurydice again someday. I want to let her know I’m okay…”
“That’s your prerogative,” Venomous said while looking at the nearby wall.
She stared at him for a long moment, waiting for him to follow up or expand on his cryptic comment. It felt like there was something he wanted to say. Something important he was holding back and keeping to himself.
“...Have I told you about Eurydice?”
“No.” Venomous finally looked back at her. “This is the first time I’ve heard that name.”
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Not Quite an Elevator Pitch
Part of Chapter 4: The Man, The Myth, The Legend....Or "Just a Guy" Named Mr. Gar
Rating: Teen+
Synopsis: Professor Venomous is back in Lakewood Plaza Turbo and ready to get back to more 'mundane' villainy. It should have been as easy as return to Earth, move back into Boxmore, and start scheming again. Instead, he's still trying to figure out what he wants to do next as well as trying to find himself. Then he gets stuck in an elevator with the last person he expected but it's the reality check he absolutely needed.
PV jammed a hand in one of his pants pockets and whistled tunelessly as he punched the glowing ‘up’ button and waited. He was on autopilot when he strolled into the next available elevator. Then the doors slid closed and that’s when PV noticed the dark sunglasses, pink tie, and cop mustache in the mirror on the back wall.
His breath hitched slightly as he slowly turned his head. Yes, that was Mr. Gar standing next to him. The slightly taller man had his arms folded, stood with a rigid posture, appeared stoic and intimidating. Considering this was Boxman’s direct rival, among other ties to significant persons in PV’s life, he should have interacted with or seen more of Mr. Gar than he had. Yet, he only saw Mr. Gar from a distance entering the Bodega in the early morning, trading a few cornball flirts and banter with Carol during her lunchbreak, teaching K.O. how to safely shoot energy blasts on the Plaza roof. All of the direct fights had been with K.O. or his friends.
Did Mr. Gar even know that he’d entered….?
The slight view of Mr. Gar’s eyeballs behind the glasses lenses shifted slightly. Then his huge shoulders rose and fell. Venomous felt like he was caught in the crosshair of a sniper rifle.
He was blushing with intense embarrassment. He unhelpfully remembered the meek, nervous, and painfully geeky El Bow. Laserblast loved to wind up and fluster his squeamish teammate. “Silver and I have a date at the Starlight Theater tonight. I heard you’re a horror buff. Any good recommendations for what would scare someone to cuddles?” “You’ll catch flies if your mouth stays open like that. Want one of my suckers? It’s a pretty good way to train your tongue for...certain recreational activities.” “We should hang out sometime, El Bow! My girlfriend really talked you up.”
PV blew out a long breath as his shoulders slumped and he tried, desperately, to look anywhere but at Mr. Gar.
“Hey…” Mr. Gar said with as much awkwardness as PV felt. “Going up?”
“Yes,” PV said.
“Me too. Forgot there was...somewhere else I wanted to go…”
The elevator started moving. Now it was too late to punch the button and bail.
Thankfully, Mr. Gar let the conversation taper off and went quiet. It’d be just one more minute stuck in here. This was bearable. PV just had to stay in his former teammate and love rival’s presence until the elevator-
The elevator squawked.
The elevator creaked and came to a sudden halt.
A few seconds passed. Everything was quiet, the atmosphere felt heavy, and PV’s heart started hammering. He prayed to any divine entity, corn related or not, that the elevator would start moving again.
Instead the emergency light clicked on. A bored, automated voice announced: “A technician will come help you shortly.”
PV cursed. Loudly. A dry lump formed in his throat as he turned and looked at Mr. Gar again. The other man’s cool demeanor dropped. His brows were furrowed, he frowned, and he was nervously rubbing the back of his neck while simultaneously tugging at his tie. Both of those gestures were a common thing for El Bow but it was weird seeing Mr. Gar do this.
“Good thing I’m not on a time crunch…” Mr. Gar said with a shrug.
PV shrugged back in response. Any words or other sounds were stuck in his throat next to the lump of indeterminate origin.
After that, Mr. Gar leaned against the elevator wall and looked around at anything and everything that wasn’t his current unwanted company. For a moment, PV looked at him, then at the fancy light attached to the ceiling, then the buttons immediately next to the door. Nervous energy rattled from PV’s head to the toes of his boots.
He muttered another string of curses and walked up to the buttons display. He started tracing the outline of the metal and desperately rummaging through memories of all the times Fink talked his ear off about her lock picking pet projects and what tool was a good fit for what. But he was too flustered to pull anything useful from those thoughts. All he could tangibly keep in mind was that she was cute and he was happy she had a new interest she was so passionate about.
“I don’t think it’ll take the tech too long to get here,” Mr. Gar piped up.
Next PV started trying to remember if Boxman ever built something related to elevators, levers, pulleys. Or more specifically, if Boxman had injected a detailed description of an evil elevator into their pillow talk or late night conversations period. He ranted about planned obsolescence a surprising amount during their intimate moments together.
“If you can, take a big, deep breath,” Mr. Gar said.
“I’m not claustrophobic!” PV barked as he turned around.
“That’s good.” Mr. Gar took a deep breath himself. “I just wanted to make sure you’re...okay…..”
“No.” PV let out a sharp breath and looked down at the floor.
“If I punch a hole through the wall in just the right spot, we could jump out and get back to the mall that way,” Mr. Gar said with a short laugh. “I’d rather not do pointless property damage if I can help it though.”
“The mall would definitely be down an elevator if you did.” PV snorted. “Cosma owns this property. She’d probably just send us a bill, never repair it, and leave up a permanent ‘Out of Order’ sign.”
“I’ve noticed some of the...shabby repair work here,” Mr. Gar said. “I don’t come here unless I absolutely have to.”
“So it wouldn’t be that big a deal if we broke one more thing….” PV looked at Mr. Gar, then at the wall, and back again.
“What about customers that need the elevator for mobility reasons?” Mr. Gar fixed an incredulous look at PV. “There’s plenty of people that need these elevators, Cosma being irresponsible or not.”
“Ugh….” PV grunted. “Any smart person should avoid Cosma’s stores.”
Mr. Gar raised his brows. “I’m here. You’re here. And as I said, I try to avoid this mall. I’m here for something very specific that, unfortunately, I can’t find anywhere else. I can’t find it online either.”
“What are you looking for?” PV planted his fists on his hips. “I’m pretty good at finding niche and obscure things in town. Or figuring out where to find them if there isn’t a supplier in immediate Lakewood.”
“Well….” Mr. Gar started stroking his chin. “There’s an artisan here that sells these little sculptures of heroes and villains. Carol sent me a picture of a particular one with K.O., Rad, and Enid. I’m a really big proponent of supporting artists and small businesses. And I really want to surprise my so-treasured employee with that one. I don’t think this artisan has a shop front anywhere else.”
“Both Carol and K.O. strike me as sentimental types.” PV shifted weight from one leg to the other. “I think K.O. would be pretty thrilled with something you made yourself.”
“I’m terrible at crafts…” Mr. Gar muttered.
“It’d be a gift from his father,” PV sighed. “It could be a styrofoam cup with pipe cleaner arms and legs and a badly drawn face. He’d love it! I bet you’d cry your eyes out if K.O. made something like that for you.”
“Father? I’m his boss-”
“Right…” PV rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen him trying to mimic your moves. He has a pair of sunglasses just like yours. He wore your pink tie on Father’s Day.”
The sound of a boiling kettle started up.
“I just wanted to know if this artisan had another shop front!” Mr. Gar raised his hands. “This has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.”
“What’s the artisan’s name?” PV folded his arms.
“Terrance?” Mr. Gar tapped his chin in thought. “Quarterly? Maybe Sugar?”
“You just gave me three very different names.” PV huffed. “There’s a Quarterly and Funnco here. Funnco has figures, but they’re usually secondhand or mass produced. Quarterly makes a lot of custom figures but it’s a wide variety of things. Not just local heroes and villains.”
“It’s probably Quarterly!” Mr. Gar snapped his fingers.
“Quarterly only sells here,” PV said. “He’s in the process of setting up a website...”
“Sure thing.”
PV whistled and then dug his phone out of his pocket. After a few seconds of aimlessly swiping around on the screen, he regretted not taking Fink’s suggestion to emulate a few retro games on here or something. No new messages from anybody either. His inbox was probably full of lame attempts from Billiam to recruit him back to the Board and other clients wanting chemicals, viruses, whatever. Nothing he was itching to give immediate attention.
“How did you know about K.O. wearing my tie on Father’s Day?”
“I haven’t seen you around the Plaza, Professor. How did you know?”
“Boxman has at least one of the bots go undercover and patrol the shops at least once a day,” PV chuckled. “I don’t think your employees care unless they make a dramatic entrance in the box, right? Well, all of the bots have a pretty big soft spot for family bonding. Shannon told us about the tie and could barely keep herself together over how cute she thought it was.”
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Hot Coffee: A Joe Cuppa Love Story!
Part of Chapter 1: You Latte Me Crazy
Rating: General Audiences
Synopsis: It's up to Joe Cuppa, the movie star, renowned comedian, and now RnB singer, to write and perform the perfect mood-setting love song for Mr. Gar and Carol! Mr. Gar is finally popping the question. Along the way, Joe meets the gorgeous Cupid and volunteers to help Cupid's fight to stop his rival the Romance Scrooge from destroying Valentine's Day.
Rad’s antennae shook excitedly and he turned to Joe with a face-splitting grin. “I think this would be the perfect place to start the tour for your upcoming RnB album!”
“I agree.” Joe nodded. “I really like the little atmospheric touches. That’s exactly what I need for my slow ballads to hit with couples on date night.”
“Speaking of date nights…” Rad cleared his throat and started fiddling with his fingers. “Does the particular day and time I suggested work for a surprise appearance?”
“I see. Wanting to impress a special someone?” Joe wiggled his brows.
“No. No-not for me.” Rad raised his hands and flushed, embarrassed. “I’ll definitely keep in touch when I’m ready for that step. This is for my boss, Mr. Gar. He’s been hinting at popping the question to his girlfriend Carol for awhile now and I’m hoping this will finally give him that extra little push!”
“This isn’t an out of the blue proposal, is it?” Joe asked in a warning tone, resting his hands on his hips. “I’ve seen one too many of those go wrong at my previous shows. I want nothing to do with putting some unsuspecting dame on the spot!”
“No. They’ve talked about it.” Rad ran a hand through his curls. “She’s ready! They both have engagement rings picked out for each other. She said she wants to keep the ball in Mr. Gar’s court because it’d be a big ego boost if he gets to be the one to propose.”
“Ohhh…” Joe wagged a finger. “Now, that’s a pleasant surprise. I can get behind that!”
“Excellent!” Rad clapped.
“I’ll even write a song just for them.” Joe casually rested his fingers in his pants pockets and leaned back. “I already have a name picked out. It’ll be called… “You Latte Me Crazy.”
Rad chuckled appreciatively. “Carol loves a good pun! Perfect.”
“I’ll get started right away.” Joe pumped his fists. “Know anywhere with a tuned piano?”
“...my dad has a piano.”
“I’m not invading your personal space like that, kid.” Joe folded his arms.
“Hmm….I’m not sure.” Rad started rummaging in his pants pocket. “My riva-boyfriend might know. I’ll see if I can pick his brain real quick.”
“Invite him to my show!” Joe winked.
“A-ah….” Rad had already punched in the number and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Invite him!” Joe cheered. “I’ll give you free tickets. Heck, I’m feeling generous. I’ll nab some tickets for your other little friend and her girl too!”
“She’s not….” Rad bit his lip and let the thought linger. “Yeah. Thanks Joe!”
Before Joe could good-naturedly rib the young man any further, Rad’s boyfriend answered.
“Hey Raymond.” Rad tugged at his shirt collar. “Are you free next Friday…?”
There was a loud squeal on the other end of the line. The tips of Rad’s ears fluttered slightly and Joe lightly touched the mug handle on the side of his head to check for chips.
“Yeah.” Rad’s face was a cherry tomato as he nodded and his irises flitted about. “It’s for a Joe Cuppa RnB show at the Starlight Ballroom.” He nodded as a stream of excited chatter spilled from the other line. “Yeah, we can coordinate outfits. I don’t need you to treat me though.”
That last line elicited what sounded like angry chatter.
Rad’s face was a personalized fireworks show as his expression shifted at least six more different times. “I’m not….Is it so-Ugh….”
They sounded like a lightly bickering married couple.
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revelisms · 11 months
Excerpt: Business & Brunch
Silco and Sevika debrief before a meeting. A Councilor arrives.
Taken from 'webs of blood and gold,' a story on Sevika, Silco and Mel securing a political alliance (with some inklings of Melvika on the horizon). This takes place loosely in my scraps and doves series, somewhere between 'heron blue' and 'fire and thread'. Full story on AO3. CW: Themes around war, political disempowerment and social unrest; mentions of dysfunctional parental relationships; gaslighting, emotional manipulation.
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"She's late."
Idly, a gloved hand slithers between wool dark as raven's blood: twists free a glint of silver. "Only by some minutes."
"She has us drag our asses up here on a damn Sunday, and she's late."
The tick-ticking of his pocketwatch clips shut. "Plotting your vengeance, already?"
Sevika scoffs. Slumping into the booth's cushions, she cuts her eyes across the room. A gloss of checkerboard tile reflects countless-faced prisms and too-clean light, sugardust and fluffed eggs sweetening the air: a burst of warmth diced by raucous chatter. To her left, a window bleeds a nasty draft.
Winter had always been a damned nuisance—but never worse than here. For all the ails that came with the Gray, there was one thing it was good for: this season never dared to cross their streets. A thick cloak of fog trapped the heat far into the bowels of their city, each lane waxed with a layer of mugginess and grime, enough that the touch of dry air on one's skin felt all but alien.
This many levels above the Fissures, the chill was unbearable. Worse yet, it'd laid a personal vendetta against the arm that blue-headed hellspawn had augmented for her; she'd had an ache in her shoulder all morning, clear to each copper-tamped fingernail.
Sevika rolls out her wrist, tries to force heat back into her wired veins. "I'll be plotting something, if the royal bitch isn't prancing out of her carriage by the half-bell."
Canted across from her, Silco's mouth twitches. "Then let's hope, for her sake, that she does."
He smooths the crease of his pocket with a bird-boned hand. Behind his silhouette, past the warbled glass, a myriad of streetlamps bloom in a frosted haze. "Any butcher worth their salt knows which cuts to age," he rumbles, dryly, "and which to roast on a spit."
Metal fingers lay a sharp triplet over the varnish. "Didn't know we were working the meat business, now."
Sevika loosens her palm, crooks a quick-footed server over for a coffee. "Two," Silco amends. The boy takes off.
The noise of the café sits nauseatingly between them. For a breath, she wrangles with it, watches him think, click-ticking the gilded points of her claws upon the table. His stare sits on them like a blade playing pinfinger.
The air of it all is too still—too misfitted.
She needs a drink. Needs the burn of a cigar in her lungs. Needs to sever this frostbitten stump from her shoulder. Needs him to say something.
Mismatched eyes, cold as the arctic and burning as scorched earth, flit back to her.
"A delicacy," he prowls, elbow sliding in an easy hush over the leather at his back, "requires a refined taste." He flicks his wrist, studying the dome of glass that crests past their shoulders. "I expect you may lack the proper palate."
Something unpleasant knots up in Sevika's mouth. "Topside refineries weren't made for us," she gruffs: challenging, denying.
They were the supply. Never the intended demand.
Silently, the tapetum of his dead iris leers at her. Lingers. "Weren't they?"
Two coffees clack to the table. Sevika takes the distraction like the needed blessing it is. She knocks two spoonfuls of sugar and a splash of cream in hers, stirring it until the metal sings. Silco takes his black as the Pilt.
It's not the motor oil either of them prefer—but enough to make the morning bearable.
She shakes out her spoon, slowly, and keeps her eyes averted. He's left the conversation dangling on a hook, as always: waiting to see what else will make her bite. It's the guise she expects from him, most days. A black-finned beast dormant beneath the waves, stirring the shallows for unsuspecting prey.
At some point, though, that bathypelagic creature will slip back into its cave—traded for something more human; more imperfect.
This Councilor of theirs isn't here to play bait. They've fished the deal from her, already.
For now, they have a moment of respite: to plot, poison, provoke. Two predators yet to file their fangs, trapped between the walls of this marbled palace.
Her fingers itch for a smoke. She puffs out a phantom drag. "They won't give us a seat."
"We don't need one."
"Bold assumption."
Silco hums. "They've hedged their bets on those, for generations."
She sits on that, for a moment. Squeezes her cup by the rim, sliding the porcelain aside, to nest her arms in the space it clears. "New blood ain't gonna change that," she hushes. "They've tried to change it, before. They'll try to, again—and they'll fail."
"As the barons had?"
(Before he'd come along, like some spirit lifted from the gallows; strung every family on a tether and bought their loyalty in blood, upheaving all that the Undercity used to be—all the complacency that had shackled them, for decades—with profits no Sump-child could have dreamed, in a lifetime.)
Sevika drags her thumb against her knuckle. "Topside's a different beast."
The scarred line of his mouth ticks at one side. "Same animal," he gravels. His eyes shift. "Different cage."
Instinctively, she turns to follow the line of his sight. It doesn't take long to find their target.
Weaving through the maze of the café floor are two women, heels clacking off the tile, dressed head to oil-slick boot for a political runway. Unhurriedly, the spear of his stare unwavering, Silco reclines in his seat. Sevika feels his leg shift beneath the table: a sharp knee nudging into her own. She straightens, on command.
"Lesson one," he leaves her with. His hand turns to pick at one of his gloves, tugged clean finger by finger. The leather lazes to the varnish.
It's not long before their company has found their place at his table—their office for the day; one that, for every inch of public air and Topside frivolity surrounding it, stands eerily enough as his—and, by then, the second glove has been stripped: bared fingers laced, laid patiently upon the table's edge.
"Councilor Medarda," Silco greets.
The woman who stands front-and-center before them wears a flourish of navy and moonstone, vibrant as an ocean tide tressed over one's skin. She carries the taste of winter with her. It lays an odd contrast with the fragrance that ebbs sweetly off her wrists: the cool bite of melted frost encasing a desert flower.
Sevika takes her in, with a fine-toothed comb.
Not a strand of hair stands out of place, an elegant knot of gold-stamped locs. A brush of gloss shimmers at her eyes. Her lips are kissed with wine. She watches them form around her words, giving breath to a voice incense-smoked and ambered.
"Goodness, you've drinks already." Medarda lifts a thin hand, swiftly shedding her gloves. "I do apologize—I've left you waiting. A meeting ran over, I'm afraid."
Silco gives a thin smile. "No doubt the Council is in the throws of annual planning."
Medarda clicks through the clasps of her coat. "Horrendous time of the year," she sighs. "But, alas—it's a necessary one."
"I can empathize." He gestures to the empty chairs at their table: a command wrapped in silk-lined civility. "Please—take a seat."
Even in so few words, he has the attention of their Councilor wrapped around his finger—and the companion who gawks, blatantly, at her side.
Had she been spoon-fed a life of luxury, rather than survival; raised to view every interaction as a marker of prestige and self-deliverance, Sevika may have empathized with this skittish thing's wandering eyes.
The lot of them always had a morbid curiosity, when pulled to his table. Most up here knew him only as the hell-eyed Industrialist of the Underground; his heels were lined with a shitstain of Piltie superstition so thick it rivaled the cult fervidity that shadowed his every turn downtown.
Some let that curiosity get the best of them: flight instincts wrestled down to bask in a strange, offputting charm: like this dollfaced stranger, tressed in velvet and green, does now—and were Sevika anything like those foolish, naïve things, too brazen for their own good, she, too, may have eyed the directive sweep of his palm with more intrigue; may have found the serration of his demand a dark sort of thrill, rather than a dismissal tightly-leashed; may have took more time than she needed to watch him unlace the scarf at his neck, with a loose-wristed flippancy that did nothing to match the smoked cavern of his voice.
But Sevika's nothing of the sort—not for such surface-level contradictions as those.
(There were far more than that, beneath it all.)
Instead, she claims a front-row seat for the show, pitting a scoff under her tongue when the lift of his frigid stare sends the woman's own stumbling to her boots.
The fates must be on their side, today. The little sparrow gets stuck with the vacancy to his left.
"My assistant," Mel says, settling at Sevika's right. "Elora."
Late, Sevika thinks, and with unannounced guests.
Beneath the table, the point of a boot bruises into her calf, snapping any choice words at the neck.
"Sevika," Silco trades back—part introduction, part steel-lined warning. "My right-hand."
Medarda smiles, faultless a shield as any. "A pleasure." Her coat finds a home on an ornate carving, her gloves pocketed within it. Even reduced to her thinnest layers, she is no less armored. Blue cascades here, too: a seamless flow from the high neck of her collar down to the loop of fabric that cinches her sleeves at her fingers. On one, her familial crest glints in the light: a guiding star locked in a golden brace.
Sevika takes note of the ring—and of the silence.
The board has been set.
At one head of the table, a demon reigns in a fog of shadow: the streets at his back, winter's light a harsh carving through every edge: slicked hair, sloped shoulders, eyes glowing like sea-ice and cinder. At the other, a queen lays a barrier to the bustle of her people, the clamor of her commerce, bathed in crystalline light.
Their server returns, carefully polite in his Councilwoman's presence.
The game begins.
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Ok I was recommended this pattern to look at and see if I could work something out with this.
Right off the bat I'm seeing a problem [other than that frame around each round which would have to be removed somehow, likely replacing sc with ch and then stitching directly into 2 rows below like the original blanket pattern I'm trying to figure out].
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Each corner has one more unworked stitch, and if this pattern is followed beyond the original square's pattern, that's going to keep expanding. That's not going to work for this visual effect any better than those frames of sc do.
Those frames could be hidden a bit by either replacing sc with ch, or by fbdc through the lower dc only, but working something that's primarily fpdc like that would have a lot of texture which the original blanket is meant to avoid texture and rely on the gradients of the yarn for visual interest, so that would look ok, but not be what I'm trying to make.
It also would mess up the gradient to have a line of 3dc up the center of each wedge with all the other clusters being 2dc, though no more so than having the corners does.
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Art Deco Designs For Your Lounge
In the art world, styles go all through design constantly. A similar applies for art deco which read more here has been popular since the 20's and is as yet areas of strength for going.
At the point when you think of art deco you think smooth lines and comfortable, modern materials. Popular materials to browse incorporate aluminum, treated steel and lacquered wood with trim. Your varieties must be strong, particularly for the frill. Earth tones and neutrals would be perfect on the walls. Or on the other hand utilize metallic paints to give a smooth glossy completion. You might emphasize the wall corners close to the roof with a stencil or through cloth rolling, the technique generally utilized in the past times. Plans for stenciling include: surreys, ziggurats, lotus or scarab or on the other hand use backdrop with these plans as well as herbal patterns. Incorporate a ton of crisscross and mathematical subjects.
The tones related with this period were dark, silver, pink, green and red. Base tones might be beige or cream to permit the dynamic shades of your furnishings that might come in orange, mauve dark red and yellow. Use themes of nudes, foliage and stylized creatures.
Art deco style integrates retro furnishings and adornments with modern components. Your furniture will incorporate light-hued apparent woodwork and particular adjusted corners. Utilize an ornamental dark lacquered board for your room screen. Stack up highlight cushions on your red barrel-formed leather sofa with dark painted metal legs. Your chairs will be made of exceptionally lacquered wood frames, upholstered in glossy leather, which alongside velvet are exemplary craftsmanship deco fabrics. Exemplary craftsmanship deco style incorporates tub chairs and oriental curios like a Buddha.
Your floor might be exceptionally cleaned and lacquered. Or on the other hand select the exemplary tile plans in high contrast checkerboard patterns. Add a region carpet with striking mathematical shapes, differentiating borders and brilliant tones on your floor. You could likewise put one huge region floor covering in the room then, at that point, complement it with smaller region carpets around the room. A roundabout floor covering with target stripping or a panther skin mat would do too. Your region floor covering is important in light of the fact that its mix of varieties can give you the ideal variety conspire range until the end of the room.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on a piece titled "The JMF Chair," an homage to Jean-Michel Frank, by Forsyth Art, Saint Louis. Only $4,650 plus tax AND shipping and handling.
OVERVIEW: "The JMF Chair is inspired by and in homage to the lean, modern lines and silhouettes created by design icon Jean-Michel Frank. 1 and a quarter inch solid oak, richly stained, is handcrafted by our expert wood craftsman in a minimal box shape. The beautifully constructed chair, weighing 90 pounds, is a work of art, a sculpture for the living room. The seat and back is cushioned and covered in our signature wool and jute checkerboard. The JMF Chair looks amazing from all angles and could find a perfect home in the middle of a room, against a wall and next to a table in a hallway, or tucked up as a dining chair or desk chair."
-- FORSYTH ART, St. Louis, gallery and studio presenting design, art, and curated lifestyle objects
Source: www.forsythart.com/products/the-jmf-chair.
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lucesita01 · 24 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Vans Red Checkerboard.
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morefloor12 · 1 month
PVC Garage Flooring 
When it comes to changing your garage into a room that is both useful and elegant, PVC garage flooring is an ideal choice. Whether you’re a car fanatic, a DIY enthusiast, or simply seeking to update your garage, PVC garage flooring has a variety of advantages that appeal to every requirement. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll look at why PVC garage flooring is the best option for your garage, how to install it, and how it can improve the overall look and functioning of your area.
Why PVC Garage Flooring?
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) flooring is a synthetic material renowned for its toughness, adaptability, and resilience. When used in garages, PVC flooring can withstand enormous weights and wear and tear from automobiles, tools, and regular foot activity. Here’s why PVC flooring is a great choice for your garage.
1. Durability
Garages often experience more wear and tear than other parts of the house, as they are home to vehicles, tools, and heavy equipment. PVC garage flooring is designed to withstand high impact and resist damage from oil spills, chemicals, and abrasions. Unlike concrete, which can crack over time, or epoxy coatings that may wear out, PVC is incredibly resilient, making it a long-lasting option for your garage.
PVC tiles or rolls are resistant to most chemicals and stains, ensuring that any accidental oil drips or chemical spills won’t damage the floor. This resilience means that your garage floor will remain in top condition for years without requiring frequent maintenance.
2. Easy Installation
One of the most appealing aspects of PVC garage flooring is how easy it is to install. The interlocking tile design allows for a straightforward installation process that doesn’t require adhesives or extensive preparation. Even if you’re not a DIY expert, you can install PVC flooring with minimal tools and effort.
The modular nature of PVC tiles means you can customize your garage floor to fit your specific space and layout. You can also replace individual tiles if they become damaged, without having to redo the entire floor. This flexibility is a significant advantage for anyone looking to make quick upgrades or repairs.
3. Comfort and Insulation
Unlike cold, hard concrete, PVC garage flooring provides a more comfortable surface to stand and work on. The material offers a slight cushioning effect, reducing fatigue when spending long hours in the garage. This is especially beneficial if you use your garage for DIY projects or as a workshop.
In addition to comfort, PVC flooring also offers excellent insulation properties. It helps to regulate temperature, making your garage warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This insulation can also reduce noise levels, making your garage a quieter space to work in or enjoy your hobbies.
4. Aesthetics and Customization
PVC garage flooring comes in a variety of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing you to create a customized look that matches your personal style. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern design or a more industrial look, PVC tiles can be arranged in different configurations to achieve the desired effect.
From checkerboard patterns to bold, solid colors, PVC flooring offers endless possibilities for customization. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to make a statement with their garage design or to complement the overall aesthetic of their home.
5. Slip Resistance and Safety
Safety is a crucial factor in choosing garage flooring, especially in areas that may become wet or oily. PVC garage flooring is designed with slip-resistant surfaces, providing extra grip to prevent accidents. This is particularly important in garages where water, oil, or other liquids can create hazardous conditions.
Many PVC tiles come with textured surfaces that enhance traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls. This safety feature makes PVC flooring a preferred choice for households with children, elderly family members, or anyone who values a safer garage environment.
Different Types of PVC Garage Flooring
PVC garage flooring is available in various forms, including interlocking tiles, sheets, and rolls. Each type has its unique advantages, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and preferences.
1. Interlocking PVC Tiles
Interlocking PVC tiles are among the most popular choices for garage flooring due to their ease of installation and versatility. These tiles snap together like puzzle pieces, forming a secure and seamless floor covering. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for creative designs.
Advantages of Interlocking PVC Tiles:
Easy to Install: No adhesive is required, making it a perfect DIY project.
Customizable: Mix and match different colors to create unique patterns.
Portable: If you move, you can take the tiles with you and reinstall them in your new garage.
2. PVC Rolls
PVC rolls provide a more seamless look for your garage floor. These large sheets of PVC are rolled out and glued or taped down, covering a larger area without the need for seams between tiles. This option is great for those who prefer a clean, continuous look.
Advantages of PVC Rolls:
Seamless Appearance: No visible seams or joints, creating a sleek, uniform look.
Easy to Clean: The absence of seams makes cleaning and maintenance more straightforward.
Fast Installation: Rolls cover larger areas quickly, reducing installation time.
3. Raised Coin and Diamond Plate Textures
Many PVC garage flooring options come with textured surfaces, such as raised coin or diamond plate patterns. These textures not only add to the aesthetic appeal but also enhance slip resistance, making them a practical choice for busy garages.
Advantages of Textured PVC Flooring:
Slip Resistance: Textured surfaces provide additional grip, improving safety.
Unique Look: Raised patterns add a distinctive, industrial appearance to your garage.
Durability: The raised patterns are highly durable and resistant to wear and tear.
How to Install PVC Garage Flooring: A Step-by-Step Guide
Installing PVC garage flooring is a straightforward process, even for beginners. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve professional results:
1. Prepare the Surface
Before installing PVC flooring, ensure that your garage floor is clean, dry, and free of debris. Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any dirt, dust, or loose particles. If there are any cracks or holes in the concrete, fill them in with a suitable filler and allow them to dry completely.
2. Measure and Plan
Measure your garage floor to determine how much PVC flooring you’ll need. It’s essential to plan your layout before you start installing the tiles or rolls. If you’re using interlocking tiles, consider the pattern and color scheme you want to achieve. For PVC rolls, plan the placement to minimize seams.
3. Start Laying the Flooring
For interlocking tiles, start at one corner of the garage and work your way across the floor, snapping the tiles together as you go. Make sure the tiles are aligned properly to create a seamless look. If you’re using PVC rolls, unroll the sheets and lay them out across the floor. Use double-sided tape or adhesive to secure the edges and prevent shifting.
4. Trim and Finish
Once the flooring is in place, use a utility knife or a cutting tool to trim the edges around walls, doorways, or other obstacles. Take your time to ensure clean, precise cuts for a professional finish.
5. Seal (Optional)
While not always necessary, sealing the edges of your PVC flooring can provide additional protection against moisture and dirt. If you choose to seal the edges, use a suitable sealant or adhesive to create a watertight barrier.
Maintaining and Caring for Your PVC Garage Flooring
One of the major advantages of PVC garage flooring is its low maintenance requirements. However, a little care can go a long way in keeping your floor looking its best.
1. Regular Cleaning
Sweep or vacuum your PVC garage floor regularly to remove dirt, dust, and debris. For deeper cleaning, use a mop with a mild detergent and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the surface of the PVC.
2. Address Spills Quickly
Although PVC flooring is resistant to stains and chemicals, it’s still a good idea to clean up spills as soon as they happen. Use a cloth or mop to wipe up oil, grease, or other liquids to prevent them from spreading or causing slick spots on the floor.
3. Replace Damaged Tiles
If a tile becomes damaged, it’s easy to replace just that tile without disrupting the rest of the floor. Simply remove the damaged tile and snap a new one into place. This modularity is one of the key advantages of interlocking PVC tiles.
Why PVC Garage Flooring is the Best Choice for More Floor
For homeowners wishing to renovate their garage, PVC garage flooring provides the ideal balance of longevity, style, and simplicity of upkeep. It exceeds typical concrete and epoxy coatings in numerous important areas, making it the perfect option for anybody who wants a durable and visually beautiful garage floor.
At More Floor, we believe that your garage deserves the same attention to detail as the rest of your home. With PVC garage flooring, you can create a space that reflects your personal style, enhances the functionality of your garage, and stands up to the demands of daily use. Whether you’re looking to protect your garage floor, improve safety, or simply want a more comfortable space to work in, PVC garage flooring has you covered.
This blog provides a comprehensive guide to PVC garage flooring, highlighting its benefits, types, and installation process. It aims to inform and engage readers, helping them make an informed decision about upgrading their garage floors.
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ashish2345 · 2 months
The Evolution of Slip-On Shoes: From Classic to Contemporary
Slip-on shoes have undergone a fascinating evolution over the decades, transforming from simple, practical footwear into a versatile fashion statement. This journey from classic designs to contemporary styles highlights not only changes in aesthetics but also shifts in technology, culture, and functionality. Let’s delve into the history and development of slip-on shoes and explore how these beloved footwear items have evolved to meet the demands of modern life.
The Early Beginnings
Slip-on shoes can trace their origins back to ancient civilizations where they were first crafted from materials like leather and fabric. The simplicity of these early designs allowed for ease of wear, making them a practical choice for people across different cultures. For example, in ancient Egypt, slip-on shoes were crafted from woven reeds and leather, providing a straightforward solution for protection and comfort.
The Classic Era
The modern slip-on shoe began to take shape during the 19th century. Early iterations were primarily practical, designed to offer convenience and ease of use. One iconic design from this era is the loafer, which evolved from the Norwegian "Aurland" shoe—a hand-sewn slip-on style with a moccasin-like appearance. This classic design was characterized by its low heel and simple, comfortable fit, embodying the essence of slip-on shoes.
In the early 20th century, slip-on shoes gained popularity among both men and women. The penny loafer, introduced by the G.H. Bass company in 1936, became a staple of American fashion. Its distinctive strap and slot, which was originally intended to hold a penny for emergencies, made it both functional and stylish. This period saw slip-on shoes embraced as a symbol of preppy, collegiate style, further embedding them into mainstream fashion.
Mid-Century Innovations
The mid-20th century brought significant changes to the world of slip-on shoes. The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of casual slip-ons, particularly in the realm of youth culture. Brands like Vans popularized the slip-on sneaker, which featured a distinctive checkerboard pattern. This design quickly became associated with skate culture and rebellion, marking a departure from the more formal slip-ons of previous decades.
During the same period, the slip-on moccasin became a popular choice for casual wear. Designers began experimenting with different materials and embellishments, leading to a broader range of slip-on styles. This era was marked by innovation, as designers began to incorporate new materials such as synthetic fabrics and cushioned soles to enhance both comfort and durability.
Contemporary Transformations
As we entered the 21st century, slip-on shoes underwent a significant transformation. The emphasis on comfort and functionality continued to grow, leading to the development of advanced materials and technologies. Today’s slip-on shoes are not just about ease of wear; they also prioritize performance, sustainability, and style.
One notable development is the rise of slip-on athletic shoes. Brands like Skechers and Adidas have introduced slip-on designs featuring advanced cushioning, breathable fabrics, and ergonomic soles. These innovations cater to a wide range of activities, from casual strolls to intense workouts, blending the practicality of slip-on shoes with the demands of modern athletic performance.
Another significant trend is the emphasis on sustainability. With growing awareness of environmental issues, many brands have shifted towards eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes. Slip-on shoes made from recycled plastics, organic cotton, and other sustainable materials are becoming increasingly popular. This shift reflects a broader societal movement towards responsible consumption and eco-conscious fashion.
Slip-On Shoes in Fashion
The contemporary slip-on shoe has also become a fashion statement in its own right. High-fashion designers have embraced the slip-on style, incorporating it into their collections with luxurious materials and innovative designs. From sleek leather slip-ons to embellished versions with intricate detailing, these shoes have transcended their utilitarian origins to become a symbol of modern sophistication.
In addition to high fashion, slip-on shoes have found their place in everyday street style. They are a go-to choice for people seeking a balance between comfort and fashion. The versatility of slip-on shoes allows them to be paired with various outfits, from casual jeans and t-shirts to more polished ensembles. This adaptability has cemented their place as a staple in contemporary wardrobes.
The Future of Slip-On Shoes
Looking ahead, the evolution of slip-on shoes is likely to continue reflecting broader trends in fashion, technology, and sustainability. As technology advances, we may see even more innovative materials and designs, further enhancing the comfort and functionality of slip-on shoes. Additionally, the emphasis on eco-friendly practices is expected to grow, with more brands focusing on reducing their environmental impact.
In conclusion, slip-on shoes have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Their evolution from classic designs to contemporary styles showcases a rich history of innovation and adaptation. Today, slip-on shoes are not only a practical choice but also a versatile fashion statement that caters to a wide range of preferences and needs. As they continue to evolve, one thing remains certain: slip-on shoes will always hold a special place in the world of footwear.
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dsb8 · 3 months
Top Trends in Painting and Decorating in London for 2024
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Renowned for its rich heritage and diverse architectural styles, London is always at the forefront of interior design and home decor trends. As we enter 2024, London's painting and decorating scene is set to showcase a fascinating blend of contemporary innovation and nostalgic revivals. Whether planning a home renovation or simply refreshing your space, here are the top trends defining London's interior aesthetics this year.
Statement Pieces
Statement pieces are the cornerstone of 2024's decor trends. These bold, eye-catching elements serve as the focal point of a room, drawing attention and adding a touch of personality. Think oversized art, dramatic lighting fixtures, and unique furniture pieces. Incorporating a statement piece into your decor can transform a simple space into something spectacular.
New Neutrals
While neutrals have always been a safe choice, 2024 brings a fresh perspective with "new neutrals." These shades surpass the usual beiges and greys, incorporating softer, earthier tones like muted greens, warm taupes, and subtle blushes. These colours provide a versatile backdrop that can be easily paired with bolder hues and patterns.
Ruffles are making a comeback, adding a touch of elegance and femininity to home decor in london.This trend can be seen in soft furnishings like cushions, bedspreads, and curtains. Ruffles add texture and a sense of movement, making them perfect for creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere.
The One-Wall Kitchen
The one-wall kitchen is gaining popularity for its sleek and efficient design. This layout features all kitchen appliances and cabinetry along a single wall, freeing up space for a more open and airy feel. It's ideal for small apartments and homes where space is essential.
L-shaped and Chaise Sofas
L-shaped and chaise sofas combine comfort and style House Refurbishment In London
. These pieces offer ample seating and create a defined lounge area within open-plan living spaces. Their versatility makes them a popular choice for both modern and traditional interiors.
The New Utility
Utility spaces are being reimagined with a focus on both functionality and aesthetics. The new utility room is not just a hidden nook for laundry; it's a well-designed space that can include stylish cabinetry, innovative storage solutions, and even a pop of colour or pattern to make daily chores more enjoyable.
The Updated Sofa Silhouette
Sofas in 2024 will adopt updated silhouettes with cleaner lines and more refined shapes. This trend favours sleek designs that combine comfort with a minimalist aesthetic. Look for sofas with thin legs, tailored upholstery, and modular configurations that adapt to various room layouts.
Illustrated Tiles
Tiles are no longer just for floors and walls; they are becoming works of art. Illustrated tiles featuring intricate designs and vibrant colours are a key trend, adding a touch of whimsy and creativity to kitchens, bathrooms, and even living spaces.
New Ways with Boucle
Boucle fabric, known for its textured and looped yarns, is used innovatively. This cosy material is now found on sofas, chairs, and accent pieces like ottomans and cushions. Its tactile appeal makes it perfect for creating warm and inviting interiors.
Checkerboard patterns are back in vogue, bringing a sense of playfulness and retro charm. This bold pattern can be used on floors, walls, and even furniture, creating a striking visual impact that is both classic and contemporary.
A Seventies Revival
The 1970s are making a comeback with a modern twist. Expect to see earthy colour palettes, bold geometric patterns, and a mix of natural materials like wood and rattan. This trend combines nostalgia with contemporary design, creating stylish and comfortable spaces.
The bathroom trend transforms your bathroom into a spa-like retreat. Think luxurious materials, calming colour schemes, and thoughtful details like underfloor heating and rain showers. This trend emphasizes relaxation and self-care, turning the bathroom into a personal sanctuary.
Chrome finishes are resurgent, adding a sleek and modern touch to interiors. This reflective material works well in small and large doses, from statement lighting fixtures to hardware and decor accents.
Innovation in Tiles
Tiles see a wave of innovation with new materials, shapes, and patterns. The options are endless, from 3D tiles that add depth to walls to tiles that mimic natural materials like wood and stone. These innovative tiles can create unique and eye-catching designs in any room.
Vintage and Antiques
Vintage and antique pieces are incorporated into modern interiors, adding character and a sense of history. Mixing old and new elements creates a curated look that is both timeless and trendy. This trend encourages sustainable practices by reusing and repurposing older items.
Curtains are making a strong comeback as a critical element in home decor. Whether it's luxurious velvet drapes or light and airy sheers, curtains add texture, colour, and a sense of softness to any room. They also offer practical benefits like privacy and light control.
Pop Art-Inspired Florals
Bold, graphic florals inspired by pop art are set to make a statement in 2024. These vibrant patterns can be found on wallpaper, upholstery, and artwork, adding a burst of colour and playful touch to interiors.
Candy Cane Stripes
With their cheerful and dynamic appeal, candy cane stripes are a fun addition to home decor. This pattern can be used in various ways, from accent walls to soft furnishings, bringing a sense of whimsy and joy to any space.
Fluted Wall Panelling
Fluted wall panelling is gaining popularity for its elegant and textural look. These vertical grooves add depth and dimension to walls, making them a perfect choice for feature walls or to enhance architectural details.
Heritage-inspired decor pays homage to traditional craftsmanship and historical design elements. This trend celebrates the beauty of artisanal techniques, vintage fabrics, and classic patterns, creating interiors that are rich in history and charm.
3D Shapes
Three-dimensional shapes are being used to add a sculptural element to interiors. From furniture with curved forms to wall art that pops out, these 3D elements create visual interest and a sense of depth in any room.
Lacquered finishes are making a bold statement in 2024. This glossy, high-shine look can be applied to furniture, cabinetry, and even walls, adding a touch of glamour and sophistication to interiors.
Post-Barbiecore Pink
Following the Barbiecore trend, a softer, more sophisticated shade of pink is emerging. This post-Barbiecore pink is perfect for adding a feminine touch without being overwhelming. It works well in modern and traditional settings, offering versatility and a fresh pop of colour.
Bringing the Trends Home
Incorporating these trends into your home doesn't require a complete overhaul. Here are some tips for seamlessly integrating the latest painting and decorating trends into your existing decor:
Start Small: Begin with minor updates like new cushions, throws, or artwork that reflect the latest trends. This allows you to experiment with different styles without a significant commitment.
Mix and Match: Combine contemporary trends with pieces you already own. Mixing old and new can create a unique, personalized look that feels fresh and familiar.
Focus on Key Areas: Choose specific areas of your home to update, such as the living room, kitchen, or bathroom. Concentrating your efforts on one space at a time can make the process more manageable and enjoyable.
Personalize It: Ultimately, your home should reflect your style and preferences. Be bold and adapt trends to suit your taste, creating a space uniquely yours.
As we move into 2024, London's painting and decorating trends offer an exciting mix of innovation, nostalgia, and individuality. Whether you're drawn to bold statement pieces, the charm of vintage and antiques, or the sleek look of new neutrals and chrome finishes, there's a trend to suit every style. By thoughtfully incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a trendy and timeless space, reflecting the dynamic spirit of London itself.
 What are "statement pieces" and how can I incorporate them into my home decor?
Statement pieces are bold, eye-catching elements that serve as the focal point of a room. They can be oversized art, dramatic lighting fixtures, or unique furniture pieces. To incorporate them into your home decor, start by selecting a piece that speaks to your style and complements your existing decor. Place it in a prominent location, such as above a fireplace, in the center of a living room, or as the main feature of an entryway. Balance the statement piece with simpler, more understated elements to ensure it stands out without overwhelming the space.
How can I use "new neutrals" to refresh my home without making it look dull?
New neutrals" go beyond traditional beiges and greys, incorporating softer, earthier tones like muted greens, warm taupes, and subtle blushes. To use these colors effectively, consider painting your walls in a new neutral shade and complementing it with furniture and accessories in similar tones. Add interest and depth with textures and patterns in pillows, throws, and rugs. Layering different shades of new neutrals can create a serene and sophisticated look that is anything but dull.
What is the "one-wall kitchen" trend and what are its benefits?
The "one-wall kitchen" trend involves arranging all kitchen appliances and cabinetry along a single wall, creating a streamlined and efficient layout. This design is ideal for small apartments or homes with limited space, as it opens up the room and allows for a more open and airy feel. Benefits of the one-wall kitchen include easier workflow, reduced construction costs, and a modern, minimalist aesthetic. It also provides flexibility for additional dining or living space in open-plan designs.
What are some innovative ways to use boucle fabric in home decor?
Boucle fabric, known for its textured and looped yarns, is being used in various innovative ways in 2024. You can incorporate boucle in your home decor by choosing sofas, chairs, or ottomans upholstered in this cozy material. Boucle cushions and throws can add a touch of warmth and texture to your living room or bedroom. For a bolder statement, consider boucle wall hangings or even a boucle-covered accent wall. The tactile appeal of boucle makes it perfect for creating inviting and comfortable spaces.
How can I create a "spathroom" in my home to achieve a spa-like retreat?
Creating a "spathroom" involves transforming your bathroom into a luxurious, spa-like retreat. Start by selecting calming color schemes, such as soft blues, greens, or neutrals, to create a serene atmosphere. Invest in high-quality materials like marble, natural stone, or polished tiles. Incorporate features like a rain shower, freestanding bathtub, and underfloor heating for added comfort. Add thoughtful details like plush towels, aromatic candles, and greenery to enhance the spa experience. The goal is to create a space that promotes relaxation and self-care, making your bathroom a personal sanctuary.
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jewellerycompare · 4 months
Green Amethyst 9kt White Gold Drop Earrings
These earrings are incredibly elegant, complementing any outfit perfectly. Green amethyst 9 carat white gold drop earrings. Each cushion checkerboard ... http://dlvr.it/T7xgN8
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itsbulkgemstones · 4 months
"Unlocking Nature's Mysterious Palette: Bumble Bee Jasper Unveiled"
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"Mastering the Art of Gem Cutting: A Comprehensive Guide to Gem Cuts and Styles"
Gemstones, nature's most exquisite creations, captivate with their brilliant shine, magnificent colors, and perfect gem shapes. However, their divine appearance is not entirely natural. When mined from the heart of Mother Nature, gemstones are typically covered with impurities and possess irregular shapes. To enhance their physical beauty, gemstones undergo a meticulous process of cutting and polishing, transforming them into the stunning gems we admire.
Tumbling and Polishing: The simplest and earliest method of enhancing a gemstone's quality involves tumbling and polishing. In this process, a gemstone is placed in a tumbling machine that moves it in a circular motion. This grit motion, carried out over days or weeks, smooths the edges and surfaces, resulting in a polished round gem.
Why is a Gemstone Cut? Cutting a gemstone serves multiple purposes beyond shaping. One primary reason is to enhance the stone's shine by creating multiple flat planes, or facets, on its surface. These facets reflect light, producing the sparkling effect that adds to the gemstone's allure. Cutting also ensures that the gem retains its chemical integrity while showcasing its unique characteristics. Perfect gem cuts significantly increase a gemstone's value by enhancing its brilliance and overall quality.
What is Gem Cutting? Gem cutting, or lapidary, is the art of cutting and polishing gemstones to enhance their color and sparkle. After being mined in their crude form, gemstones are covered with unwanted particles and appear dull. The cutting process transforms these raw crystals into visually appealing gems, ideal for jewelry making.
Gemstone Cuts: Different styles and cuts are used to shape gemstones, each with unique characteristics and demands.
Cabochon: One of the oldest gemstone cuts, the cabochon involves tumbling and polishing to achieve a smooth, shiny finish without facets. This cut is commonly used for opals, moonstones, turquoise, onyx, and agate.
Old Mine Cut: Similar to the Mogul and old European cuts, this vintage style aims for maximum brilliance, with larger facets and a taller profile due to historical tool limitations.
Step Cut: This cut features horizontal layers resembling steps, highlighting the gemstone's vibrant colors and clarity.
Brilliant Cut: A complex cut with multiple facets at various angles, designed to maximize sparkle. Variations depend on the stone's size and shape.
Barion Cut: Combining the brilliant and step cuts, this style creates a cross-shaped pattern in the center of the stone, varying with the gem's shape.
Rose Cut: Featuring a round cabochon base with a faceted top in a triangular pattern, this cut has
remained popular since its introduction in the 1520s.
Divine Cut: A modern variation of the brilliant cut, the divine cut aims to enhance brilliance and light refraction. The gem acquires a parachute-like shape with a flat, smaller top surface compared to the brilliant cut.
Checkerboard Cut: This cut gives the stone a checkerboard appearance with square-shaped facets. It pairs well with cushion-shaped gemstones and translucent stones, showcasing intricate details.
Eight Cut: A simplified version of the brilliant cut, featuring only eight facets centered on the stone cuts.
Ceylon Cut: A mixed cut style where the sides of the stone are cut similarly to the brilliant cut, creating step-like facets ascending to the center.
Gemstone Cutting Tools: With technological advancements, gem-cutting tools have evolved to achieve greater sophistication and precision. The quality of a gemstone cutting tool is determined by its ability to enhance a gemstone's clarity and intricacy without compromising its innate traits. Modern tools, often incorporating LASER technology, have revolutionized gem cutting while maintaining the principles of traditional methods.
Key features of a good gem-cutting tool include:
A polishing pad
A grinder or lapping plate
An angle scale for precise cutting tips
A setting pin to hold the stone in place during cutting
Speed and depth control mechanisms
A single needle tip made of diamond or silicon carbide
Proper illumination for cutting
Choosing the Right Gem Cutting Machine: Selecting the right gem-cutting tool is crucial for achieving magnificent crystals. Important factors to consider include:
Repeatability: Consistent results over time.
Speed: Faster cutting speeds are preferable, provided they align with accuracy.
Accuracy: Precision in cutting is essential for high-quality gems.
Reliability: A durable machine that maintains accuracy over time.
Types of Gem Cutting Machines:
The Jam Peg Machine: Traditional and fast but less accurate, requiring a longer mastery period.
The Mast Machine: Technologically advanced with high accuracy, commonly used in developed countries but slower in speed.
The Hand Piece Machine: A balanced tool combining speed and accuracy, easier to use and maintain, offering reliable long-term results.
In conclusion, the art of gem cutting transforms raw gemstones into breathtaking jewels. Each cut style and tool plays a vital role in enhancing a gemstone's natural beauty, ensuring it sparkles with unparalleled brilliance and vibrant hues. Whether it's the simplicity of the cabochon or the complexity of the brilliant cut, mastering gem cutting unlocks the full potential of these precious creations from nature.
For More Information Visit Our Site
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hometown-haunting-sos · 5 months
I Moved Back to my Hometown to Take Care of my Sick Mom… and I Think I Encountered a Ghost.
I (M24) recently moved back in with my mom (F57) to care for her full time. She has small cell lung cancer. Doctors said we were lucky they caught it early, so treatment could start immediately. That doesn’t mean they can cure her or anything. It just means that what would normally be six months of needles, tests, hospital visits, and the suffocating dread of imminent doom will be sixteen months of needles, tests, hospital visits, and the suffocating dread of imminent doom. Lucky.
So anyways, my mom’s choking to death on her own blood and lung tissue, and nursing homes are expensive. That’s where I come in. The prodigal son. The one who escaped, who made it out. The bright eyed and bushy tailed little boy with stars in his eyes and a dream in his heart that struck out to go to school in the big city… and immediately crashed and burned after graduation. (A degree in journalism sounded way cooler before I had to actually rely on it for anything substantial)
But I didn’t quit. No. I didn’t go back. I could never. See, the minute I set foot in New York, I promised myself that there was NO looking back. My home was in the city now, and that little podunk meth town that I grew up in would stay in the rear view. And I kept that promise. For better or for worse, not once did I EVER consider going back. Until my mom got sick.
All of a sudden, staying in the city was no longer an option. I had to go back. I had to abandon the life I had only just started and run back to the one that I left. Even though I knew it wasn’t the case, I couldn’t help but feel like I was walking back with my tail between my legs. I felt like a failure.
But it’s fine, ‘cause I have a bunk bed now. Or, again. I have a bunk bed again. The room I sleep in now is just my childhood bedroom, plus a couple boxes of junk and a family of opossums I’m pretty sure. Oh, and a ghost. I almost forgot about the ghost.
So this all started the first night I arrived. It was, like, 2 A.M. when I pulled off the I-81 into Coeburg. I was starving, and the last thing I wanted to do was deal with my mother on an empty stomach. So I pulled into the only place in this town that’s open past 9 P.M., the Yellow Submarine 24 hour diner.
Walking into the charming old building, I was immediately thrown into a world of deja vu. Bittersweet nostalgia washed over my body in thick waves. My ears were greeted by the familiar sound of the Beatles’ song “Yesterday” rattling the speakers of the ancient jukebox in the far corner of the dining area, and my nose was filled with the greasy aroma of Carol Rigby’s signature 24-hour fries. I’d forgotten how much I missed the taste of those crispy cholesterol bombs. The diner looked almost identical to when I last saw it, save for the piece of plywood covering one of the windows on the diner’s back wall. The cracked, neon yellow pleather barstools and baby blue cushioned booths all sat, empty, exactly as I remembered them. The yellow and white checkerboard tile floor and stainless steel tabletops seemed like a photograph taken straight from my memory, but faded, slightly, over time. Everything was just like it should’ve been, save for one thing. One person was missing.
In spite of the stress and chaos that plagued me in my everyday life, in that moment, that instant when my foot crossed into the Yellow Submarine, my mind was taken back to a simpler, less depressing time. Suddenly, everything was alright.
Overwhelmed by nostalgia, I let my instincts take over, and made my way to the bar. I hopped up onto my stool, the second one from the right, and rested my elbows on the countertop, hunching forward and letting all the stress of the real world roll right off my shoulders.
“Hoooo-leee shit,” a familiar chain smoker’s rasp, that could only belong to old Carol Rigby, came from within the kitchen, “If it ain’t Mister Big City!”
I looked up from the countertop, where I’d been observing my baggy eyed reflection, and greeted the old battleax in an apron with a smile, “Miss Rigby! God, it’s been ages.”
“You can say that again. Welcome back, kid. It’s good to see ya down in our neck of the woods after all this time.”
There was a split second of uncomfortable silence when Carol’s gaze landed on the empty stool next to me, then made its way back to meet mine. Her eyes were soft, and filled with a sort of hesitant pity. I could tell she was debating whether or not she wanted to say something.
Before she could make up her mind, though, a softer voice emerged from the back room, “I thought I smelled something funky.”
A young woman, about my age, walked out next to Carol. Her arms were crossed and her head was tilted sideways. A smirk and cocked eyebrow added an air of sarcasm to her next words.
“Thought the raccoons had come back around. I was fixing to get the broom from the back.”
I remembered her now. She looked so different from how I remembered her, so much more mature. The creases in the corners of her eyes and lines between her eyebrows were new. They looked so out of place on the face of someone so young. They were signs of stress, doubtless caused by the weight of adult responsibility and loss.
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a broom to beat away this city rat, Val” piped up Carol. She laughed at her own joke, her deep guffaw sounded like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park with the black lung.
“I missed that humor of yours, Miss Rigby. Glad you’ve still got it.”
“You’re a grown man now, honey. It’s Carol. Now, what’ll you be having?”
“Lemme guess,” interjected Val, a mischievous, knowing look in her eyes, “your usual?”
“And that is?” I implored.
“Cheeseburger. Hold the mayo and mustard, extra pickles, cooked just long enough to get charred on the outside, but so the inside is still pink.”
“Double side of fries.”
I was floored, “Damn. Didn’t realize I was that predictable.”
“I always remember the regulars,” Val said with a proud grin and her chin held high.
“I’m hardly a regular. It’s been six years, V.”
“Time doesn’t move the same round here, hun,” Carol assured me, resting a wrinkly hand on my forearm, “as long as you’re right here with us, you might as well have never left.”
I enjoyed my meal, and the company that came with it. While I ate, Val and I caught up. We talked about what we’d done after graduation, what lockdown was like in our respective communities, what it was like being an adult, how different things are, how different we are.
In many ways, everything in Coeburg was exactly as it was in my memory, but in one, very important way, nothing was the same. After I left the diner, and navigated the narrow, winding roads that lead me back to my childhood home, my nostalgia began to fade away. The temporary rose tinted fog that had filled my mind had cleared, allowing me to, once again, see the town for the place that it was. The place that drove me away so long ago. The place that I thought I had, finally, managed to escape.
The front door of my mother’s house was wide open, and the only thing that sat between her and the outside world was an old, dented screen door. I reached out my hand to grab the handle, and slowly pulled it open. The hinges screeched aggressively, cutting through the silence of the sleepy neighborhood like a greasy chainsaw through jell-o. Suddenly, I became very aware of the fact that it was four o’clock in the morning.
I did my best to creep in the house as quietly as I could, praying that the door hadn’t completely blown my cover.
“Boy, where the fuck have you been?” My mother’s raspy voice, emerging from the darkness, nearly made me jump out of my skin, “Last message you sent me said you just pulled off I-81, and I know for fucking certain it don’t take no two hours to get here off the interstate.”
“Good to see you, too, Ma.”
“That wasn’t an answer.”
“I was hungry,” I rolled my eyes and dropped my backpack on the floor next to me, “So I stopped at the Yellow Submarine. I saw Carol and Val there, and we lost track of time catching up.”
“And you didn’t get me anything?”
“I didn’t know you’d be up. You’re supposed to be getting rest, right? Isn’t that what Doctor Phillips said?”
“I didn’t know I was too good for a to-go box,” my mother continued, “I can reheat things, y’know. Just ‘cause you’re a big city boy now don’t mean we’re in the stone ages back here. Father Michaels gave me an airfryer for Christmas last year, and I’ll tell ya what, it changed my life.”
I nodded my head toward my mother and started to make my way down the hall to my room, “Alright, Mom, goodnight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning.”
“You’re gonna have to sleep on the top bunk, by the way. I’m using the bottom for storage.”
I sighed and rested my forehead on my bedroom door, taking a moment to beg all in the world that’s holy to put me out of my misery quickly. After taking an appropriate amount of time to be dramatic, I turned the handle, and swung my door open.
It was too late, or, early at this point, to take time to wax nostalgic and reminisce about the good old days. Instead, I kicked off my shoes and climbed up into the top bunk, plopping myself down on top of the blankets, still wearing my clothes. There was no time for comfort. Just sleep. And that was what I planned to do.
But I was interrupted. Because of course I was.
Just as my eyelids, heavy with the stress of a long day’s travel, began to shut, and my body, stiff and sore from ten hours on the road, began to fall limp, and my mind, so full of pain and nostalgia and trudged up memories, began to shut itself off, something happened.
My arm hair stood on end and the skin all around my body prickled up. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing got faster. I felt someone. A presence I couldn’t deny.
Before I had the chance to think, my body shot into an upright position, and immediately, I locked eyes with it. Him. I think it was a him. I can’t quite describe it in a way that 100% makes sense. There wasn’t a ball of light or a floating sheet. It didn’t look like a person, either, because it really didn’t look like anything at all. It looked like… nothing.
When I say I saw him, I really mean I saw nothing in the shape of something. But with no shape at all. The shape of this thing— this ghost. It has to be a ghost— can only he described as the uncanny, jarring absence of a person where a person should be. Like a gap in my perception of reality. Like my eyes wouldn’t see— or maybe my brain wouldn’t process— what every other part of me knew was right in front of me. I wanted to reach out to it. To understand it. To ask it, or him, a question. I could tell it wanted to talk to me, too. I felt it. I felt the absence getting closer like an arm reaching out to me, trying to take hold. Trying to communicate.
Before I could process anything— before I could cower away or reach back— I woke up.
The sun was up, its burning rays shining down through the curtainless window onto my body, which was now drenched in a cold sweat. I was disoriented. Just a moment before, I’d sat, face to face, with a presence that I was— and am— absolutely certain came from a world beyond our own. But in the blink of an eye, I was back in my bedroom.
I didn’t know what to do, so I started writing. And now I’m here, with my story, asking you all if you can tell me something— anything— about what I saw last night. It had to be a ghost, right? I saw a spirit in my home, and I don’t know how to move forward from that, or if moving forward is even an option.
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rimaakter45 · 6 months
Nostalgic Timepieces: Rediscovering Retro Watch Models
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In the fast-paced world of horology, where innovation and modernity often reign supreme, there's a growing appreciation for the charm and character of retro watch models. These timepieces, inspired by designs from past decades, evoke a sense of nostalgia and vintage style that resonates with collectors and enthusiasts alike. Let's embark on a journey through time, exploring the allure of Retro watch models and the enduring appeal they hold in today's watch market.
Embracing Vintage Aesthetics:
Retro watch models draw inspiration from the iconic designs of the 20th century, paying homage to the bold styles and distinctive aesthetics of bygone eras. From the sleek lines of Art Deco watches to the colorful dials of the 1970s, each retro timepiece captures the essence of its respective decade, offering a nostalgic glimpse into the past. These watches often feature vintage-inspired details such as domed crystals, cushion-shaped cases, and retro fonts, adding to their old-school charm and appeal.
Iconic Designs Reimagined:
Retro watch models often reimagine and reinterpret classic designs from watchmaking history, breathing new life into timeless favorites. Brands may revive discontinued models or update vintage-inspired collections with modern materials and technologies, creating a fusion of past and present. Whether it's the revival of a cult-classic dive watch or the reinterpretation of a beloved dress watch, retro models pay homage to the heritage and legacy of iconic timepieces while catering to contemporary tastes.
Vintage-Inspired Materials and Finishes:
In keeping with their retro aesthetics, many watchmakers use vintage-inspired materials and finishes to evoke the look and feel of classic timepieces. Stainless steel cases with brushed or polished finishes, acrylic crystals, and aged leather straps are common features of retro watch designs, adding authenticity and character to these timepieces. Some brands even offer limited-edition models with faux patina dials and vintage-style lume, creating a sense of nostalgia for the aged aesthetics of vintage watches.
Nostalgic Color Palettes:
Retro watch models often embrace nostalgic color palettes that reflect the trends and styles of past decades. From vibrant hues of orange, blue, and green to earthy tones of brown and beige, these watches evoke a sense of nostalgia for the bold and vibrant colors of the 1960s and 1970s. Dial designs may feature retro-inspired patterns such as sunburst, racing stripes, or checkerboard motifs, adding to the vintage vibe of these timepieces.
Heritage and Legacy:
Retro watch models celebrate the rich heritage and legacy of watchmaking, paying homage to the craftsmanship and innovation of past decades. Whether it's the revival of a historic brand or the reinterpretation of a classic design, these timepieces honor the traditions and achievements of the watchmaking industry. Collectors and enthusiasts are drawn to retro models not only for their nostalgic appeal but also for the stories they tell and the legacy they represent.
Timeless Appeal:
Despite their vintage-inspired designs, retro watch models possess a timeless appeal that transcends trends and fads. Their classic aesthetics, quality craftsmanship, and historical significance make them enduring favorites among collectors and enthusiasts. Whether worn as a statement accessory or cherished as a collector's item, retro watches offer a timeless elegance and charm that never goes out of style.
In conclusion, retro watch models offer a nostalgic journey through time, celebrating the iconic designs and styles of past decades. From their vintage-inspired aesthetics and materials to their nostalgic color palettes and heritage-inspired details, these timepieces capture the essence of bygone eras while catering to contemporary tastes. For collectors and enthusiasts, retro watches are more than just timepieces; they are symbols of nostalgia, heritage, and timeless style that continue to captivate and inspire.
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