#Customers are entitled and don't give a shit about me
i tell you what i cannot overstate how much. i fucking hate extreme couponers. if you’re an extreme couponer fuck you.
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wolferess · 3 years
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Beta’s don’t mate.
 Beats are normally by themselves, sometimes also called the lone wolf.
They don't mate alphas.
They don't mate omegas.
They don't mate.
Beta, Not lower than an omega but Not entirely higher than an Alpha, they are normal. Nothing really special about them. Some would say it sucks being a beta, some say they like being a beta.
A beta is not the type to mate long-life like Alphas and Omegas do, like I said their lone wolves.
That’s Y/n, a lone wolf. A normal child. Nothing special.
Her family were Alphas and omegas. No betas. I guess she broke the family line of being Alpha and Omegas. 
Omegas were meant to be with an Alpha in order to conceive their future pups, Omegas aren’t allowed to mate with betas or with another omega; it's illegal and the price for such an act is execution. Not something Y/n want to go through.
Highschool has always been tough despite not being the only beta there but they fact that her family is famous and known for having pure Alpha slash omega blood, not a single beta in the family, people made fun of her because of that though she never let  it get the best of her at least when she isn’t around anyone that would see her in her vulnerable state. She tried many times to appease her parents with good grades, running a charity doing noble things to get their attention but it never works, they always had their back turn towards her apparently all they care about was her second gender.
College, well lets just say it was calm for the while, Y/n never let her ‘friends’ got the better of her and she strived for what she could do best, she may not be the smartest in her family but she does have knowledge for what it will apply later to her the future. She graduated from college with a good degree. It was the happiest moment of her life but what she wished is for her parents to see how much she has achieved in the past eighteen years but as always they didn’t care but she never let that stop her from smiling.
Three years later
Working as a beta isn’t easy, despite getting a degree your status ruined for certain jobs but that didn’t stop you from applying for a job. After all, you have to pay for your bills and meals…
Working as a part-time barista at a club and at a coffee shop, coffee at day and club at night. You have seen some weird shit in the club, some to the point you don’t think bleach would help while at the coffee shop it's peaceful when there aren’t any ‘karen's’ asking for a refund but other than that the days are decent.
Every once n a while a gang of your old school friends would come in to torture you acting like entitles asses as if they own the place sometimes you hate the policy ‘Customer Is Always Right’. ‘Yeah right my ass’ you say in your head as you clean up the mess they made almost costing your job on the line for the umpteenth time but eventually you caught up to their schemes.
Nightfall arrives and you head off to the pub you work at, greeting your decent enough coworkers and you go behind the counter.
[AN; I don’t know much about drinks but I did a little research on drink names so excuse me for not knowing]
Hour Later
“Welcome to Thinks and drinks, what are you feeling for?” you said with a smile to the man in front of you, he looked to be in his early 25 with a stubble, small tea bags under his eyes, ashen hair that looked like hay, he had on a white shirt rolled up to his elbows with a tuxedo pants. He grunted “The Usual” his alpha aroma giving out a deadly scent of burning wood making omegas and occasionally alphas staying away from him but due to the scent reduction not many can smell it as strong as he wanted them to and you smiled “Coming up!” Yes you know this man by the name of Katski, unaware of his status.
Yes ‘The Usual’, he has been coming to this bar for no more than two weeks and he usually orders the same kind every time so it's no surprise but ju “Here’s your usual, White Russian with a little extra Vodka, just how you like” Sliding the drink to his direction with enough momentum so the drink won't fall but it will land straight into his hand and down it goes into his throat, his adam apple bobbing with every gulp of his drink. “Hit me with another” he uttered. Passing another you headed for the other customers serving their drinks.
Within two hours, Katsuki on his sixth glass started to get tipsy “Wow I think you wanna slow down your intake there buddy” you said, usually it's about four glasses before exiting the pub but I guess this time he’s really stressed out .
“Oh f*ck off, I know my intake” he slurred “Yeah I believe you” you responded sarcastically causing a ‘tch’ noise to escape his lips, “Listen here beta” his muscles flexed as he pointed a finger at you “I know what I can handle” his figure almost topping you, showing his dominance that He is the Alpha, he gets what he wants if he wanted, “Now be a good girl and past me another” he sat back down knocking the counter something customers normally do when needing another drink. Rolling your eyes you made his drink muttering ‘Asshole’.
“Your drink sir” you bellowed, he snatched it from top the counter and gulped it down as if it was water, rolling your eyes as you headed off to serve other people.
Another two hours had passed and he looked as if he was about to pass out right then and there and by the look of the amount of drinks he would have a bad hangover.
“Hey, do you have someone to take you home?” you poked his head causing him to lean back and he growled at you for almost tipping him out of his chair, with a sigh you told your coworkers that you're clocking in and you contemplate on where you should carry him. It's either a nearby affordable hotel or to your apartment.
Neither sounds good cause
You barely know him
What if he tried to rob your belongings
Thinks you kidnapped him
Leaving him in a hotel will leave him startled and confused
Though the fourth option was tempting but you don't wanna pay for just a one-night stay at a hotel, rubbing your temple to ease the tension in your brain and without a second thought you carried him to your apartment. Yes this may be a stupid idea and you fear the consequences but you somewhat didn’t have a choice. 
“Alright big guy, lets go” you pulled him out of his chair and slipped your head and arm under his arm to stabilize for the long walk, “Where the f*ck are you taking me?” rolling your eyes you barked “My place” “Woah but I don’t even know you plus your a beta” You stopped you didn’t even think of it like that where was his mind even going!? “W-where’d you even get that idea. Look, you're drunk and I don’t know any of your friends or family members that could pick you up!” your protest fell onto deaf ears as he was already passed out, a sigh escaped your lips.
Carrying him was a challenge due to his big figure and height, he would unexpectedly , with every huff and puff and praying to who you believe to somehow make the trip shorter and as if your pray has been answered, there you were standing in front of your apartment building ow its just to get him in the elevator, thankfully, and up into your room.
《《Time skipped》》
Finally arriving at your apartment, grabbing the apartment keys and carrying him to your bed to rest up till morning or whenever his drunken state is over, yep it's best to wait till morning.
After almost being crushed when resting him onto your bed, you sat on the edge of the bed catching your breath and giving your back a break, by how painful your back felt he owes you a massage.
Getting off the bed you remove your clothing and other accessories on your body and face and changed into your nightwear and head off to the couch, putting on something to watch till you felt drowsy and knocked out on the couch.
Morning comes……
Bakugou POV
Waking up onto an unknown bed, with unknown sheets,  had him startled no doubt, seeing himself still in his clothes that was a breath of relief, he hadn’t been taken advantage of last night, but where was he?
Removing his legs on the ground and easily getting off the bed since a nasty hangover was taking over, growling with each step he took till he was at the bedroom door, slowly opening the door he saw a room that was conjoined with a kitchen and a body’s back facing him.
Slowly stoking up to the person that somewhat smells familiar to him but doesn’t at the same time. A slight scent that is a mixture of pine and something flowerey, maybe lily?
Turning slowly after feeling a lingering presence behind you, almost hitting him with the frying pan in your hand, your breath a sigh of relief, “Gosh you couldn’t be anymore silent” a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
He just scoffed, before putting a hand on his spiky hair and growling from the pain that had subdued for a little before hitting him back almost ten-fold, telling him to go sit down and you’ll give him an Advil for his hangover headache. Another reason why you don’t drink.
After gulping down the tablet and waiting for it to settle and do its magic, he watched as you headed to the oven to continue what seemed like breakfast, “Hey, would you like some pancakes or something else?” he heard you say despite the pounding headache that is slowly yet surely going away “Whatever’s fine idiot” he grumbled unaware that you just rolled your eyes. 
Within ten minutes the pancakes were ready and you both sat in silent eating and enjoying breakfast, the only noise that was made were the forks hitting against the plate.
“Do you have your phone to call someone to pick you up or do you need an Uber?” you intervene, using one of his hands to search through his pockets to find his phone only to realize that it's not there, “F*ck, I must’ve left it at that f*cking bar last night ``''Alright I’ll call an Uber for you then” and going back to continue with breakfast.
.. .. ..
After thirty minutes an Uber was in front of your apartment  building and after offering to pay he refused bickering saying that he could pay for himself, not wanting to continue you let him win.
Now that He’s gone time to repeat your day
Clean up.
Come home.
Bakugou POV
Being dropped off at his mansion and paying the Uber a decent amount and heading inside he saw a certain red-headed man that was secretly his best friend, Kirishima.
Shoving his hands in his pocket and walking to clean up himself as if Eijirou present isn’t even there before he felt a broad palm clamped onto his shoulder. “Where were you bro?, I’ve been calling your phone all night” his friend scold but he just brushed off his palm and said “None of your business Shitty hair”
“I’ve been saying this since high school days, my hair is not that different from yours but that's beside the point!”
Kirishima has a smell that is Persian Lime when in distress or anger or in rut the scent gets more sour. And it's sour in the moment we speak of.
“Wait, what's that scent on you?” “Is it an omega?” Bakugou stopped in his tracks, now realizing he faintly smelt like you, your faint warm scent rubbing on him every so gently.
“That’s none of your business, Shittyhair” he ignored his question and walked to get ready for his job.
It's been at least a week since that last encounter with him and you were starting to wonder if everything's alright.  Something in the pit of your stomach is churning in anxiousness, sadness and many other mixed emotions and pheromones.
You miss the way his hair looks, his fire eyes that you never got bored looking into, his palms that are twice the size of your hand, the way his muscles flex unintentionally when he gripped his drink- slapping your cheeks, trying to get his image out of your head and focus on your task at hand.
That was a bust, he has never once not appeared in your head, ‘What’s going on with me!?’ ‘Am I falling for him? I can't, it's not possible!?’ This can’t be, do you know what this could do to you!? Well me neither but I don’t think you wanna find out.
‘Ok I think I can get over this ‘high-school girl crush’ right?....’
Back with the explosive blonde, just organizing paper works and going into business meetings to help uplift the business a bit and eventually make it the number 1 business.
“GET OUT!” he yelled at a poor omega, fleeing from his murderous gaze and busting into tears as she rushed past Kirishima almost knocking into his chest, “Come on Bakubro that's like the sixth one in this month!”, clicking his tongue at the red head who couldn’t help but let out a big sigh.
“Okay it seems that you need a beta as an assistant since you scare EVERY other omegas” emphasis on the every. “Do you know any betas?” Kirishima looked with curious eyes and that wide smile that looked like a thousand rays shining on. 
Slouching on his chair with arms crossed, vermillion eyes hidden behind his lids, a shadow casting under his hair and brows slightly knitted together. Who is a beta that he knows of. A memory flash of you, he hasn’t visited you down the bar in about a week.
Ducking his head lower to hide the blush that forms on his face, how could be thinking about you right now? He is in need of an assistant but you’re plaguing his mind “I think I got one…”  he broke the silence “Great who?” the red head questioned. “I’ll talk to her later” , “So it’s a girl huh?” Kirishima teased, causing a stapler to be flown in his direction as he fled for his life.
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Till next time ;3
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Fuck customers who hold up the whole goddamn line because they bought something a few days ago on one sale and now they want to return and re-buy the stuff to get today's sale (because it holds up the line, since returns and purchases are done at the same registers- no specific return department, plus it's always to save like, 2 dollars, which I WOULD be sympathetic to those on a budget....if these people weren't regularly dropping hundreds of dollars on craft supplies) and fuck management for allowing it even though 1. It's literally not allowed according to the terms and conditions of EVERY coupon ("Must be surrendered at time of transaction. *Offer excludes previous purchases; all gift cards..."). The new registers literally don't allow a coupon that has been previously used to be used again. An error message will pop up saying that the coupon was already redeemed. (I have to manually enter the discount)
But I'M the asshole for telling customers they can't do it. 🙄
Also the new registers don't allow exchanges either. I have to return the item, give the customer their money back, and THEN have them buy the new items (or in this case, same items, but new purchase) and EVERY. GODDAMN. CUSTOMER bitches about it even if they've pulled this shit a dozen times before and know that the new registers no longer do exchanges.
It's mostly the entitlement that irritates me. I wouldn't mind if customers who wanted to do this would wait until the line is down or be polite about asking to break the rules instead of demanding that I bend over backwards without even so much as a "please." But they always hold up the line and talk down to me the whole time. Plus I can't call for register backup because my work is being cheap and won't schedule multiple people on one shift. So now on top of all that, I have OTHER customers interrupting and complaining about the line like they didn't just watch me waste my time calling for backup that I know doesn't exist (just to get them to shut the fuck up)
Why yes, I am incredibly burnt out and desperately need to get a new job asap, except my personal life situation is preventing me, thank you for asking)
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Imo I really hate how everything in the hobby feels like it has to cater to the US side of the hobby. Even when talking to Euros they always give pricing in USD, and when it comes to shipping they always have to default to US shipping standards, aka they price their shipping so it focuses if you were to ship it worldwide instead of in-Europe, because many have experienced angry US shoppers complaining "Why do I have to pay 30usd to ship this to America, when someone from Europe only has to pay 10usd?!" I've looked at European listings, and they have the strangest Euro amounts, and then it turns out because they set their pricing based on USD, and just did a conversion to Euro.
I see US people constantly write "Only shipping within the US." and Euros get shit if anyone dares still ask, maybe because they didn't notice, because it's some times just a side-notice in the post. But when a US person sees a "Only ships within Europe" they still come and send DM's asking and guilting the seller about "Why can't you ship to the US???" There are literally a bunch of Euro sellers who pretend not to speak English, just to avoid US buyers, and US buyers STILL contact them asking for stuff. Or worse when the person LITERALLY doesn't speak English, but has a dealer who deals with international customers, and people still contact the seller, instead of going via the dealer specifically enlisted because they're able to communicate with foreigners.
You also get a lot more rudeness when it comes to accommodate, or even just talking about accommodating Euro-buyers, aka "can you lower the invoice on the parcel." and all that, and I'm totally fine with US people saying "No". because I totally get it. But then they would turn around and talk shit about Euros being "entitled" even when it was literally just a question. But meanwhile now US people are being belligerent about demanding F&F on paypal, and being rude about people being uncomfortable with that option. And the moment you make a remark about that in hobby spaces, you get US people freaking out about "How dare you, we're just trying to deal with our situation, and taxes on sold stuff is kicking our ass." Ok, I get that, but you literally didn't give a shit when Euros had that problem, and made fun of them, and now the boots on both feet, you still want special treatment, but you still don't wanna accommodate Euro-shoppers. I mean, you don't have to, but you're being hypocritical then turning around demanding people accommodate you.
This is just vent btw, I love my friends from the US as much as any of my European friends, but some times it's just super exhausting not being able to be honest about how tired it makes me to always feel like I gotta conform to the US standard of things. Or how I can't talk about my troubles in the hobby as a Euro, because my US friends "Don't get what the issues is" but expect me to always be wide awake and super empathic about what they go through in the hobby when dealing with European sellers, artists, or whatever.
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vaveyard · 3 years
Your posts about poor people "stealing" from rich authors have been making rounds again... And as someone who's poor and not from the US (so no libraries), I say with my whole heart: fuck you.
No one's stealing from you. You do get paid. By the publishing house. You get an advance. Which I bet is more money than the average person will see in a lifetime, since you're a popular white author.
Let's see: white, young, write generic YA with no polarizing or deep messages, aka easy to hype and market... I bet you don't make the industry average of 10k a year.
You've probably made 6 figures a year in the past.
And let's not even talk about official merch sales.
I read an article about your beautiful, designer home in the LA Times. Modern, 5 bedrooms, multi level, in Santa Monica...
Seeing someone who's bought a newly completed, big, most likely multimillion dollar house and completely renovated it with a top LA designer, in one of the most expensive cities in the world, who goes on holiday to amazing places in the middle of "work", get angry at poor people for not dishing out $$$ anytime her or an equally rich, privileged author puts a book out is... something.
(And yes, we know you had roommates in the past. But again, no one believes it's because you were poor. Not with your millionaire designer house, and not when in the article you only mention you not wanting to live alone as the motivator)
Like when CClare and MStief complained about poor people from other countries pirating their books... from their offices in their big, nice homes, as if they don't get outrageous advances anytime they have a new project and travel all over the country and the world and buy a plethora of expensive cars and shit.
Have you ever wondered why it's big name, rich white authors who complain about piracy the most? 1) entitlement, and 2) all the people I know avoid pirating from smaller authors (most of the time POC and queer) and I guess that's a general behavior. I'm sorry it hurts your pride and your rich, white person feelings.
No one's stealing from you. You do get paid for your work by your oublisher. You've made more money than most people see in a lifetime. For writing words in your designer office in your big home in Los Angeles.
"Don't call me a Silver! I don't come from old money!" so, what, you think you can only be a rich, privileged asshole if you come from old money? New money people can be just as oppressive to poor people. If you've wasted all your money on a big house and expensive lifestyle, it's not poor people's fault.
You have thousands of loyal fans who will buy whatever crap you serve them. I doubt poor people will be your downfall.
"If poor people don't buy my books I won't be an author anymore!" (lol sure)
So what if your advances drop? You'll have to get a common job like the rest of the world? Oh, no, the horror 🙄🙄🙄 truly the worst thing that could ever happen to a human! How can you survive without holidays to Hawai'i every year? Without a multimillion dollar home in a trendy, expensive city? 😩
You got used to the entitled rich asshole lifestyle real fast, uh?
You need a reality check ASAP.
Writing is not a divine right or holy work. It doesn't make you special. There are millions of published authors, I hope you don't honestly believe you are better or worth more than millions of people. Writing is a job like all others. If customers (aka readers) aren't happy with your job, it's not their duty to keep giving you their money, especially not after you got a hefty advance for repetitive, mediocre books. People want to get their money's worth, and for many people your books are not worth it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cry me a river, rich Karen
Before anything else, I truly hope you heal from whatever drove you to write this message. I realize you need an outlet for some kind of pain, and this is the outlet you've chosen.
I know you aren't in a place to listen to anything I have to say, as I don't register as human in your eyes. But I encourage you to educate yourself on the publishing industry and the reality of working as an author. I can name a handful of authors who are considered "safe" in their careers, and I'm not one of them. Fingers crossed I get there one day, but I work in an incredibly volatile and unstable industry. Maybe that's why you don't see marginalized or "smaller" authors commenting on more controversial topics, as they're far more at risk than I am?
I also hope you look into the reality of book piracy - particularly where it is mostly done, and by who.
This is an incredibly nuanced conversation. It's okay for artists to be sad when their livelihood, and the livelihood of their colleagues, is taken. And then to be further punished for that sadness? Come on. If you can extend empathy to fictional characters, you can show a little for us, and at least understand why we aren't champions of book piracy.
I did have a little chuckle at the idea of me making any money from "merch." Thanks for that.
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zakubabbles · 2 years
Hmm, there are two positions available at the craft store I worked at. Part-time team member and full-time inventory "manager".
Obviously, can't do inventory because it's full-time and my body just. can't.
I already know how to do part-time employee team member things. Was one. Though I'm sure things have changed in the two years I've been gone. Whole bunch of new people. Practically everyone I used to work with is gone. I think it's still the same SM, but there's a new Asst SM and I've heard they're very difficult to work with. Like, the few remaining people that were still there left because of them.
Just thinking of having to deal with people again, customers, makes me feel even deader inside. People were already rude and entitled pre-pandemic and I know they've gotten worse.
Doubt there's any real safety and sanitation in place for employees too. Corprorate doesn't give a shit about anyone. No job position is secure with them. In the five/six years I worked I went through two presidents, two regional managers, two store managers, three assistant store managers, and also saw the entire management team fired. That was fun. Not having any actual bosses. Especially when we were just starting out at the new store. District manager who I knew was fired shortly after I quit.
I don't know if working somewhere I previously worked is better or worse.
I have anti-depressants now. Maybe I won't feel like crying every time I park the car before every shift at the store's parking lot?
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I know this sounds selfish as all hell... But I don't want to work. Like. Ever again. Not until minimum wage and living wage are one and the same. Not until entry level means "pluck em off the street easy." Not until the hiring process is actually effort from both sides. (I give you my application, I expect a call or an email. Yes or No, Not that hard. I shouldn't have to kiss your ass and beg for the bare minimum just to get to an interview that I may still get rejected at.) Not until my schedule is ultimately respected; if I'm not available weekends then I'm not working weekends. What I do is none of your business. I said I ain't working after 5PM then guess when I go home?
Sorry this was a long "'ask'" I'm not great at interactions. I just wanna feel justified in my lack of motivation to do anything useful. The pay and work is the same if not worse than before a fuckin pandemic. I don't have the energy to work, I'm making more on unemployment anyway.
First things first.
In America you are 100% entitled to be selfish about your needs. 100% in America your needs HAVE to be YOUR priority. Otherwise no one will give a shit.
In other countries it's a different story. In China if they think they might be sick, they wear a mask, even before the pandemic. In Japan they don't litter because they empathize with the people that have to clean it up.
America, though, is a very self-centered country. "I don't want to wear a mask because it makes ME uncomfortable." or "I don't want gay people getting married because it goes against MY religion." or even "Fat people shouldn't wear two-piece swimsuits because I don't want to see it."
But America is this country of the individual parading as a country of the people. America will say "You have to work during the pandemic because economy. Think of the people." But the moment the person that's forced to work is like "Okay, so if I end up in the hospital with COVID, can we make it affordable?" America will say, "LOL, No. Fuck you. Sucks to suck."
As long as this is a country where everyone puts themselves first, you NEED to do the same. You want to be unemployed because it's easier to put food on he table and keep a roof over your head? Then that's valid. You need to think about your need to not starve before anything else.
It's like what they say. "You get what you'd pay for." You want to pay your employees $7 an hour? You're going to get some REAL underenthusiastic employees. Just like if you get $10 shoes they're going to be really shitty shoes. You want good employees, they cost good money.
I posted a video about how Buckee's pays $15 an hour, with a 401k, 3 weeks paid vacation, and you work 40 hours a week (which means you get medical benefits).
Do you know what Buckee's is KNOWN for? Clean bathrooms. When I found out what they paid, I was like "Shit, for that kind of pay and benefits, I'd gladly work there. Shit, I'd even clean the bathrooms, and I'd be the happiest fucking toilet cleaner you've seen. Hell, I'd even be a people person, smiling at every customer if you paid me that well." (For context, I hate people. That's the whole reason why I went into programming. A job with no clients and no one has to recognize me for anything.)
But, damn. If you paid me like that AND I got benefits? I'd love people. I'd love cleaning toilets. I'd even be a damn morning person if we raised that to $19 an hour.
I don't understand why employers don't get that. Like, we'd probably enjoy working quite a bit if you just paid us.
Hell, you could probably even pay us enough to enjoy a shitty ass job.
Hope this validates how you feel.
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imeverywoman420 · 3 years
Lol sorry I was reading thru your blog but about your food service post.... its definitely worse than retail. Worst thing about retail is its boring but there is significantly less that can go wrong with selling clothes or groceries than food. I worked at w*lmart and the work I liked but the coworkers were fcking intolerable, worse than customers. Managers getting away with sexual harassment and shit, bullying no one would do anything about. I'm at a chain fast casual restaurant now and the coworkers are slightly better mostly cause they're all women lol but corporate is AWFUL, we're understaffed and normally people who get along are all tense at each other cause of it.... and the customers are FAR more entitled. Last night we literally had a guy take 30 minutes to decide what kind of cake he wanted, my manager was like are you sure, he said yes, came in and returned the cake not even 2 minutes later for another one! Wtf! Nobody reads the fckn menu. I got called rude because a woman felt "rushed" by me but she wouldn't answer if she was doing takeout or dine in. I upgraded a woman to a bowl of soup from a cup for free cause she complained about the price and she still complained about being disrespected??? I always give great customer service and people think I'm either the best or literally a demon. I don't get it. Yeah sorry to rant but unless I can start making big money there soon (the gm is easy to guilt trip and I might get a promotion) I'm probably gonna be out of the industry forever lolllll
Appreciate ur ranting… food service is an abominable industry. I should have known not to go after josh from work. Any 30 + year old happy to work in food service has something wrong with them. Very low empathy high emotional intelligence people.
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Just read one of your answers about a FEW of the times Jared has doxxed and insulted people on twitter. I remember when he took a picture of that older gentleman in Las Vegas looking at Jared in the reflection was something else. I was worried that the man would be harrassed and what if it was just Jared not getting his way? We have all been witnesses to his entitlement. As a service worker we are told to not tell customers our last name for our safety. Imagine a picture with your name and where you work blasted out from a man with millions of followers. Thank you for this blog as a person in the fandom a long time I would see people get dogpiled by "friends" if said anything critical about a man they don't even know. Then some would backtrack because they didn't want to lose their "friend group" like leaving a cult and you have a space where everyone can say things they have always thought and see others feel the same.
Jared doesn’t take consequences into consideration. Even when people bring those consequences and call him out for causing potential harassment and harm to someone, he brushes it off like it’s okay that he does it because he’s ~human~ and entitled to be a prick. 
I’m not saying that no one should speak up about bad service, we’ve all done it. I am saying that you should handle those things PRIVATELY and not publicly blast someone to your rabid followers who have no grasp on reality, just because you’re not getting your way. 
Now if he had horrendous service, talked with a manager and tried to resolve things only to get shit on or something, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tweeted “Hey, watch out for this company.” But only if you’ve tried to resolve things privately and without putting someone in harm’s way. 
He acts so entitled and while I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he was just acting like a jackass or was “inconvenienced” and threw a fit. We’ve seen how he handles things.
You are very welcome! Thank you for reading and supporting! It’s silly to attack people for having a different view on something or someone. The SPN fandom can be super cult-like, that’s for sure! 
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brxken-arrxw · 2 years
//Ooohhh man, here comes a rant....
Our latest fill in pharmacist.
Not only is he very awkward, but he has me questioning how competent he is....
We had a customer we needed to get an ID file for a specific type of medication because state law.
So he questions us as to why we are doing that and we simply tell him it's required by the state. His response,
"Well, I've worked at [insert big chain pharmacy here] and we never required that."
He proceeds to throw a huge fit about how it's rude and shit in front the customer and how he hates it.
I mean, excuse me? But you're a fucking pharmacist, number one! Shouldn't you know about the goddamned laws of this state and how we would get shut down if we don't follow them?! Two, you say it's "flat out rude", guess what? The fucking government does not give two shits about your "Oh, so rude" opinion. It's still not going to change the laws. We are not [insert big box pharmacy here]. We can't just eat a fine and be done with it. We are not going to break the law just because it's "rude".
Finally three, maybe you're from another state or somewhere that didn't require it. Unfortunately for you, you picked the wrong the state if you're looking for not so strict laws. If you don't like it that badly, go somewhere else! Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, but don't fucking throw a tantrum about it in front of a new customer in a store that you are not technical employed at!
God damn.... I sincerely hope this guy does not come back...
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bytedykes · 4 years
Any particular reason you don't like Jace? No judgement I just live for hearing people's takes
i’d like to preface this by saying i don’t rlly have a problem with people who do like jace as long as they aren’t weird abt it, and that sometimes i do enjoy some portrayals of jace, none of them canon or widespread fanon.
in s1 jace is a selfish asshole who throws his bond with alec aside in favor of clary with absolutely no hesitation. he 1) refuses to listen to anyone unless they agree with him, 2) refuses to respect alec who is not only his parabatai and brother, but also the (acting) head of the institute jace is stationed at, aka his superior, 3) is just generally really shitty to alec (bringing up alec’s feelings for him and throwing them back in his face, “maybe your mother was right and your best just isn’t good enough,” yelling at alec when he ‘lost’ clary despite clary running away herself and alec not being at fault for that, etc) while alec does his best to protect him and help him with his halfbrained plan to get back clary’s mom. also i hate d*m sherwood lmao
he’s just a very self-centered person with no regard for consequences in s1, he mistreats the parabatai bond, and he betrays alec at some point. ik it sounds like i’m being biased as someone who likes alec but that’s not just it lol, there’s def more to it hfkjsh
(although i definitely am mad on alec’s (and magnus’) behalf too don’t get me wrong)
jace invites himself into magnus’ home with no prior notice and just announces he’s gonna be living there for a while?? he and clary are like, the sole cause of at least half the season’s problems, and i’m willing to cut clary some slack because she’s completely new to this and doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing. i have issues with her in s1 too but her behaviour is more justifiable imo. still shitty but i can see where she’s coming from and what her motives are. jace on the other hand should KNOW BETTER! he’s been in the shadowworld since BIRTH, he knows all the laws and customs and he just doesn’t give a shit!! he steals the goddamn mortal cup, convinces magnus to steal from alec, and in generally just behaves like a clown 🤡🤡🤡
i guess he’s less irritating (too mild of a term but w/e) in s2, but still incredibly frustrating at times, and i haven’t rlly seen s3 so idk what he’s like there but from what i know he’s still an entitled dick a lot of the time.
ofc he has his decent human being moments, but those are. hm. not as common as they should be for me to be able to enjoy his character asdlfkjkfd. that’s my reasons abt my issues with jace’s canonical self, but also i just generally don’t like him lol. like there are reasons (see above) but i also don’t need them to dislike him if ykwim.
i also dislike a lot of his fanon portrayal because most ppl who stan him (and i mean stan like hardcore stan, not just enjoy him normally btw; ppl who just like him and think critically abt him are ok i have nothing against them) excuse away all of his behaviour and flaws and refuse to think critically about his actions in favor of acting like he’s the best, morally righteous character around. (presumably because he’s a cishet white “bad boy” character which u know ppl go crazy for loll.) also, j@lecs. i wont get into that but j@lecs have highkey ruined jace even further for me.
this isn’t to say that i completely hate jace, i actually think that his character had the potential to be rlly interesting and at least semi-likeable, but he just. isn’t. i hate his canon character, and the way the majority of the fandom writes him. obvs u can like jace if u want idrc as long as u don’t try to convince me he’s actually a good character/person (in canon).
tl;dr: he’s an entitled asshole without regard for rules or other ppl’s feelings.
so yeah, there’s that. hope this was a take u liked hearing anon! hfkjshd<3
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givengoddess · 3 years
Had to download Facebook and make an account for a thing, but now that I have it I hate it so much. I don't use it but like, they seem so entitled. Like, excuuuse me facebook, who said you could design your own custom notifications to make my curiosity dial up every five minutes? Who said it was ok to give notifications about specific posts, but when I click on them they just go the normal feed so I have to scroll to find it?
No. Just no. Fuck off with your manipulatory shit. No
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fuck-customers · 3 years
Don't even get me started on the lowkey stalk and rape jokes that were delivered to me, I wanna talk about why customers do this:
OTG: rings
Me and coworker, in the middle of cleaning: bro, what? After a rush? Good thing its On The Go, I can finish stocking before-
Drive-thru: rings
Me, the order taker: How can I help you today!?
Customer: i put in a pick up order five minutes ago? The name is [redacted].
Coworker goes to check OTG ticket... its the one that just printed out.
We have timestamps on your order tickets. And putting in your order seconds before you drive up doesn't not work as fast as you want it to. You're still sitting in my window for as long as it takes to make the drink AND your food. And also, don't lie and say it was five minutes ago when you JUST put it your order. Not only do you look dumb but it also makes us think you believe WE'RE THE DUMB ONES.
I had SO many "mistakes" yesterday from people who asked for one thing and completely changed their minds when they reach my window and act like IM the one who fucked up. I asked you three times if you wanted swirl and you just repeated the drink over and over still leaving out the info I needed and you think IM the idiot!?
And most of it stems from the simple fact that all of the customers are entitled aged and all the workers are high school age, children who just got the job and are still learning and these older customers shit on them and give them a hard time just because! They don't even realize I may look 16-19 but I'm actually turning 25 in April this year and this definitely isn't my first or second rodeo and I can tell they're being assholes because they think they can. Honestly, what the absolute fuck, old people? Full On, Fuck You, Gertrude and Alan.
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dawnbutterfly · 3 years
You don't know me but I saw your reply on a post about working retail and my gosh it felt like looking in a mirror. I'm still in, though, but I'm scared of leaving. My boss and fellow supervisors and coworkers are wonderful and inclusive and respect my pronouns and identity. The customers are shit (entitled screaming assholes that verbally and emotionally and sometimes even physically assault us) but I'm so deathly afraid of taking that leap to leave because how many people can genuinely say they like and get along with their boss and most of their coworkers? But at the same time I am so physically messed up from being on my feet on concrete floors 10-12 hours a day and having a two hour commute time. My knees give out at random times, I have back pain that renders me physically unable to move for a bit, and I'm only 24. It's killing me or at least crippling me and yet I still can't find the courage to just leave because, as you said, it is somehow worse to be in a good retail environment. Had the boss and coworkers sucked I definitely would've been out by now. Idk theres not really a point to this ramble, sorry, I guess reading your reply just really resonated with me. I hope you're doing better with your mental health and holding a position doing a job you enjoy that isn't so harmful <3
No need to apologize. I honestly never thought anyone would take the time to reply to my own rambles about this sort of thing, but I'm glad you found some solidarity in it nevertheless, and I thank you for your well wishes. ^^
I do wish I could say that I am working a job that I like and doesn't destroy me or something else inspiring like that, but the truth is I don't really work anymore. ^^; In the time since that job, I was fortunate enough to find love, and am more or less a housewife to a wonderful polycule of 4 (including myself), which suits me just perfectly.
Even so, I hope someday soon your situation will change, and you'll either be given a reprieve from the stress of your job, or find the opportunity to work a new, healthier one without it destroying you emotionally. Best of fortunes be with you. ^^
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retail-hell · 5 years
So we got a new Store Manager at work, and it's been ROUGH!!!
Here's some shit he's done:
Works on shipment during our high-traffic days/hours, instead of focusing on customers.
Forces us to put away the shipment he sensors, because he doesn't know where anything goes.
Doesn't recover the store AT ALL.
Wrote me up for forgetting to fill out the deposit log one time I closed, and when I explained I didn't know that was something I could get written up for, and didn't understand why I wasn't being given a verbal warning, he shrugged me off and gave me attitude about it.
Has apparently done 3 things he should be written up for, in the span of like 2 days.
He's sexually harassed our other male employee, and this employee in particular is a VERY sexual person, and has hit on all of the adults there before (excluding the new boss), which is saying something about how uncomfortable that made him.
Told this employee he sexually harassed that he will be getting more hours than me (a manager), and one of the other managers because he "likes working" with him. He has also given this male employee extended shifts, so he can take a lunch (which said employee has atated before he doesn't like doing), and given him extra hours, rather than give them to the managers.
Clearly doesn't like me, or my favorite coworker, and shows it by scheduling her when he's not working, and ignoring my request off for my birthday.
Actively joked about not fitting in at our store, which isn't a good thing, because of how tight-knit we are. I've said countless times to my coworkers, he doesn't seem to care about us the way we care about each other, and he also seems to be trying to insight competition between us, which isn't how our store runs. Our store runs best when we all work together as a cohesive group, that takes care of one another.
Literally told that male employee to spend a 5 hour shift today, the first day of Hot Cash renewel, working on shipment and to quote him directly, "If anyone has a fucking problem with it, they can text me."
When I texted the manager groupchat this morning asking for someone to cover my opening shift for me, due to a family emergency (my grandmother had emergency surgery to save her life today), he responded with, "Call (manager w/the same position as me that he also doesn't seem to care for much), or (my favorite coworker)." When I didn't respond, due to the stress of the situation, and trying to rush from the hospital, to my house to change out of my pajamas before heading to work, he said, "I'm heading to the store. You're good." Like? SORRY TO INCONVENIENCE YOU AND ASK YOU TO OPEN YOUR OWN STORE BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE AT THE HOSPITAL WITH MY MOM IN CASE MY GRANDMA DIED ON THE OPERATING TABLE. I KNOW I'M NOT YOUR FAVORITE EMPLOYEE BUT GOD DAMN.
After he said this, I thanked him graciously anyways, cause mama didn't raise no entitled bitch, and then tried to relay important information regarding the store and stuff, and he just sends me a "👍". FINE THEN ZACH. I GUESS YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE CONFERENCE CALL OR HOW TO REDEEM HOTCASH. GUESS NEXT TIME I'LL JUST LEAVE YOU TO CRASH AND BURN, FUCKO.
Anyways, here's hoping the DM does something about him after being informed about all his bullshit. And here's hoping my grandma gets better soon!!!!
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Grocery Cashier Experience
*i'm the self serve attendant, early in the morning, one cashier, all self serve machines open, one women in line*
Me: Excuse me, ma'am, would you like to use the self serve?
Woman: Unless you're going to give me a discount for doing YOUR job for you, I'll wait for the cashier.
Me, internally: Excuse me? Bitch, I don't just scan groceries for your stupid ass. I pack them properly so your stuff doesn't get wrecked, memorise the produce codes you can't be bothered to think about, keep my area clean, do paperwork for all the shit you return, keep the area clean so you don't complain about mess, move heavy ass baskets to the entrance every hour so again you don't complain, clean said baskets, clean the washrooms, and put the carts away when people like you are too lazy to walk six feet to the cart area. And when I'm the self serve operator, I have to monitor four machines at the same time, fix them when they inevitably break down, deal with morons who try to scan fruit, deal with people getting mad at the machines when they're the ones fucking up, teach perfectly able bodied adults how to scan a loaf of bread, correct all the stupid mistakes you make and blame me for, keep accurate records of all my cleaning, print and organize receipts, show customers where things are, direct calls to managers, and be the punching bag for all the shitty assholes like you who feel the need to take out their petty rage out on me. I do this all while I'm on my feet almost nonstop because I'm not allowed to sit unless I'm on my shitty unpaid half hour meal break. You think you're doing my job for me? You don't even know what half my job is, you entitled classist scum.
Me: That's fine. Have a good day :)
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